path: root/toplevel/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 508 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
deleted file mode 100644
index 02e3eec1..00000000
--- a/toplevel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Compat
-open Util
-open Names
-open Tacexpr
-open Extend
-open Genarg
-open Topconstr
-open Decl_kinds
-open Ppextend
-open Declaremods
-(* Toplevel control exceptions *)
-exception Drop
-exception Quit
-open Libnames
-open Nametab
-type lident = identifier located
-type lname = name located
-type lstring = string located
-type lreference = reference
-type class_rawexpr = FunClass | SortClass | RefClass of reference or_by_notation
-type goal_identifier = string
-type goal_reference =
- | OpenSubgoals
- | NthGoal of int
- | GoalId of goal_identifier
-type printable =
- | PrintTables
- | PrintFullContext
- | PrintSectionContext of reference
- | PrintInspect of int
- | PrintGrammar of string
- | PrintLoadPath of dir_path option
- | PrintModules
- | PrintModule of reference
- | PrintModuleType of reference
- | PrintMLLoadPath
- | PrintMLModules
- | PrintName of reference or_by_notation
- | PrintGraph
- | PrintClasses
- | PrintTypeClasses
- | PrintInstances of reference or_by_notation
- | PrintLtac of reference
- | PrintCoercions
- | PrintCoercionPaths of class_rawexpr * class_rawexpr
- | PrintCanonicalConversions
- | PrintUniverses of bool * string option
- | PrintHint of reference or_by_notation
- | PrintHintGoal
- | PrintHintDbName of string
- | PrintRewriteHintDbName of string
- | PrintHintDb
- | PrintScopes
- | PrintScope of string
- | PrintVisibility of string option
- | PrintAbout of reference or_by_notation
- | PrintImplicit of reference or_by_notation
- | PrintAssumptions of bool * reference or_by_notation
-type search_about_item =
- | SearchSubPattern of constr_pattern_expr
- | SearchString of string * scope_name option
-type searchable =
- | SearchPattern of constr_pattern_expr
- | SearchRewrite of constr_pattern_expr
- | SearchHead of constr_pattern_expr
- | SearchAbout of (bool * search_about_item) list
-type locatable =
- | LocateTerm of reference or_by_notation
- | LocateLibrary of reference
- | LocateModule of reference
- | LocateTactic of reference
- | LocateFile of string
-type showable =
- | ShowGoal of goal_reference
- | ShowGoalImplicitly of int option
- | ShowProof
- | ShowNode
- | ShowScript
- | ShowExistentials
- | ShowTree
- | ShowProofNames
- | ShowIntros of bool
- | ShowMatch of lident
- | ShowThesis
-type comment =
- | CommentConstr of constr_expr
- | CommentString of string
- | CommentInt of int
-type hints_expr =
- | HintsResolve of (int option * bool * constr_expr) list
- | HintsImmediate of constr_expr list
- | HintsUnfold of reference list
- | HintsTransparency of reference list * bool
- | HintsConstructors of reference list
- | HintsExtern of int * constr_expr option * raw_tactic_expr
-type search_restriction =
- | SearchInside of reference list
- | SearchOutside of reference list
-type rec_flag = bool (* true = Rec; false = NoRec *)
-type verbose_flag = bool (* true = Verbose; false = Silent *)
-type opacity_flag = bool (* true = Opaque; false = Transparent *)
-type locality_flag = bool (* true = Local; false = Global *)
-type coercion_flag = bool (* true = AddCoercion false = NoCoercion *)
-type instance_flag = bool option (* Some true = Backward instance; Some false = Forward instance, None = NoInstance *)
-type export_flag = bool (* true = Export; false = Import *)
-type specif_flag = bool (* true = Specification; false = Implementation *)
-type inductive_flag = Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind
-type infer_flag = bool (* true = try to Infer record; false = nothing *)
-type full_locality_flag = bool option (* true = Local; false = Global *)
-type onlyparsing_flag = Flags.compat_version option
- (* Some v = Parse only; None = Print also.
- If v<>Current, it contains the name of the coq version
- which this notation is trying to be compatible with *)
-type option_value = Goptionstyp.option_value =
- | BoolValue of bool
- | IntValue of int option
- | StringValue of string
-type option_ref_value =
- | StringRefValue of string
- | QualidRefValue of reference
-type sort_expr = Glob_term.glob_sort
-type definition_expr =
- | ProveBody of local_binder list * constr_expr
- | DefineBody of local_binder list * raw_red_expr option * constr_expr
- * constr_expr option
-type fixpoint_expr =
- identifier located * (identifier located option * recursion_order_expr) * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr option
-type cofixpoint_expr =
- identifier located * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr option
-type local_decl_expr =
- | AssumExpr of lname * constr_expr
- | DefExpr of lname * constr_expr * constr_expr option
-type inductive_kind = Inductive_kw | CoInductive | Record | Structure | Class of bool (* true = definitional, false = inductive *)
-type decl_notation = lstring * constr_expr * scope_name option
-type simple_binder = lident list * constr_expr
-type class_binder = lident * constr_expr list
-type 'a with_coercion = coercion_flag * 'a
-type 'a with_instance = instance_flag * 'a
-type 'a with_notation = 'a * decl_notation list
-type 'a with_priority = 'a * int option
-type constructor_expr = (lident * constr_expr) with_coercion
-type constructor_list_or_record_decl_expr =
- | Constructors of constructor_expr list
- | RecordDecl of lident option * local_decl_expr with_instance with_priority with_notation list
-type inductive_expr =
- lident with_coercion * local_binder list * constr_expr option * inductive_kind *
- constructor_list_or_record_decl_expr
-type one_inductive_expr =
- lident * local_binder list * constr_expr option * constructor_expr list
-type module_ast_inl = module_ast annotated
-type module_binder = bool option * lident list * module_ast_inl
-type grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr =
- | TacTerm of string
- | TacNonTerm of loc * string * (Names.identifier * string) option
-type syntax_modifier =
- | SetItemLevel of string list * production_level
- | SetLevel of int
- | SetAssoc of gram_assoc
- | SetEntryType of string * simple_constr_prod_entry_key
- | SetOnlyParsing of Flags.compat_version
- | SetFormat of string located
-type proof_end =
- | Admitted
- | Proved of opacity_flag * (lident * theorem_kind option) option
-type scheme =
- | InductionScheme of bool * reference or_by_notation * sort_expr
- | CaseScheme of bool * reference or_by_notation * sort_expr
- | EqualityScheme of reference or_by_notation
-type inline = int option (* inlining level, none for no inlining *)
-type bullet =
- | Dash
- | Star
- | Plus
-type vernac_expr =
- (* Control *)
- | VernacList of located_vernac_expr list
- | VernacLoad of verbose_flag * string
- | VernacTime of vernac_expr
- | VernacTimeout of int * vernac_expr
- | VernacFail of vernac_expr
- (* Syntax *)
- | VernacTacticNotation of int * grammar_tactic_prod_item_expr list * raw_tactic_expr
- | VernacSyntaxExtension of locality_flag * (lstring * syntax_modifier list)
- | VernacOpenCloseScope of (locality_flag * bool * scope_name)
- | VernacDelimiters of scope_name * string
- | VernacBindScope of scope_name * class_rawexpr list
- | VernacInfix of locality_flag * (lstring * syntax_modifier list) *
- constr_expr * scope_name option
- | VernacNotation of
- locality_flag * constr_expr * (lstring * syntax_modifier list) *
- scope_name option
- (* Gallina *)
- | VernacDefinition of definition_kind * lident * definition_expr *
- declaration_hook
- | VernacStartTheoremProof of theorem_kind *
- (lident option * (local_binder list * constr_expr * (lident option * recursion_order_expr) option)) list *
- bool * declaration_hook
- | VernacEndProof of proof_end
- | VernacExactProof of constr_expr
- | VernacAssumption of assumption_kind * inline * simple_binder with_coercion list
- | VernacInductive of inductive_flag * infer_flag * (inductive_expr * decl_notation list) list
- | VernacFixpoint of (fixpoint_expr * decl_notation list) list
- | VernacCoFixpoint of (cofixpoint_expr * decl_notation list) list
- | VernacScheme of (lident option * scheme) list
- | VernacCombinedScheme of lident * lident list
- (* Gallina extensions *)
- | VernacBeginSection of lident
- | VernacEndSegment of lident
- | VernacRequire of
- export_flag option * specif_flag option * lreference list
- | VernacImport of export_flag * lreference list
- | VernacCanonical of reference or_by_notation
- | VernacCoercion of locality * reference or_by_notation *
- class_rawexpr * class_rawexpr
- | VernacIdentityCoercion of locality * lident *
- class_rawexpr * class_rawexpr
- (* Type classes *)
- | VernacInstance of
- bool * (* abstract instance *)
- bool * (* global *)
- local_binder list * (* super *)
- typeclass_constraint * (* instance name, class name, params *)
- constr_expr option * (* props *)
- int option (* Priority *)
- | VernacContext of local_binder list
- | VernacDeclareInstances of
- bool (* global *) * reference list (* instance names *)
- | VernacDeclareClass of reference (* inductive or definition name *)
- (* Modules and Module Types *)
- | VernacDeclareModule of bool option * lident *
- module_binder list * module_ast_inl
- | VernacDefineModule of bool option * lident *
- module_binder list * module_ast_inl module_signature * module_ast_inl list
- | VernacDeclareModuleType of lident *
- module_binder list * module_ast_inl list * module_ast_inl list
- | VernacInclude of module_ast_inl list
- (* Solving *)
- | VernacSolve of int * raw_tactic_expr * bool
- | VernacSolveExistential of int * constr_expr
- (* Auxiliary file and library management *)
- | VernacRequireFrom of export_flag option * specif_flag option * string
- | VernacAddLoadPath of rec_flag * string * dir_path option
- | VernacRemoveLoadPath of string
- | VernacAddMLPath of rec_flag * string
- | VernacDeclareMLModule of locality_flag * string list
- | VernacChdir of string option
- (* State management *)
- | VernacWriteState of string
- | VernacRestoreState of string
- (* Resetting *)
- | VernacResetName of lident
- | VernacResetInitial
- | VernacBack of int
- | VernacBackTo of int
- (* Commands *)
- | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition of
- (locality_flag * rec_flag * (reference * bool * raw_tactic_expr) list)
- | VernacCreateHintDb of locality_flag * string * bool
- | VernacRemoveHints of locality_flag * string list * reference list
- | VernacHints of locality_flag * string list * hints_expr
- | VernacSyntacticDefinition of identifier located * (identifier list * constr_expr) *
- locality_flag * onlyparsing_flag
- | VernacDeclareImplicits of locality_flag * reference or_by_notation *
- (explicitation * bool * bool) list list
- | VernacArguments of locality_flag * reference or_by_notation *
- ((name * bool * (loc * string) option * bool * bool) list) list *
- int * [ `SimplDontExposeCase | `SimplNeverUnfold | `Rename | `ExtraScopes
- | `ClearImplicits | `ClearScopes | `DefaultImplicits ] list
- | VernacArgumentsScope of locality_flag * reference or_by_notation *
- scope_name option list
- | VernacReserve of simple_binder list
- | VernacGeneralizable of locality_flag * (lident list) option
- | VernacSetOpacity of
- locality_flag * (Conv_oracle.level * reference or_by_notation list) list
- | VernacUnsetOption of full_locality_flag * Goptions.option_name
- | VernacSetOption of full_locality_flag * Goptions.option_name * option_value
- | VernacAddOption of Goptions.option_name * option_ref_value list
- | VernacRemoveOption of Goptions.option_name * option_ref_value list
- | VernacMemOption of Goptions.option_name * option_ref_value list
- | VernacPrintOption of Goptions.option_name
- | VernacCheckMayEval of raw_red_expr option * int option * constr_expr
- | VernacGlobalCheck of constr_expr
- | VernacDeclareReduction of locality_flag * string * raw_red_expr
- | VernacPrint of printable
- | VernacSearch of searchable * search_restriction
- | VernacLocate of locatable
- | VernacComments of comment list
- | VernacNop
- (* Proof management *)
- | VernacGoal of constr_expr
- | VernacAbort of lident option
- | VernacAbortAll
- | VernacRestart
- | VernacUndo of int
- | VernacUndoTo of int
- | VernacBacktrack of int*int*int
- | VernacFocus of int option
- | VernacUnfocus
- | VernacUnfocused
- | VernacBullet of bullet
- | VernacSubproof of int option
- | VernacEndSubproof
- | VernacShow of showable
- | VernacCheckGuard
- | VernacProof of raw_tactic_expr option * lident list option
- | VernacProofMode of string
- (* Toplevel control *)
- | VernacToplevelControl of exn
- (* For extension *)
- | VernacExtend of string * raw_generic_argument list
-and located_vernac_expr = loc * vernac_expr
-(** Categories of [vernac_expr] *)
-let rec strip_vernac = function
- | VernacTime c | VernacTimeout(_,c) | VernacFail c -> strip_vernac c
- | c -> c (* TODO: what about VernacList ? *)
-let rec is_navigation_vernac = function
- | VernacResetInitial
- | VernacResetName _
- | VernacBacktrack _
- | VernacBackTo _
- | VernacBack _ -> true
- | VernacTime c -> is_navigation_vernac c (* Time Back* is harmless *)
- | c -> is_deep_navigation_vernac c
-and is_deep_navigation_vernac = function
- | VernacTimeout (_,c) | VernacFail c -> is_navigation_vernac c
- | VernacList l -> List.exists (fun (_,c) -> is_navigation_vernac c) l
- | _ -> false
-(* NB: Reset is now allowed again as asked by A. Chlipala *)
-let is_reset = function
- | VernacResetInitial | VernacResetName _ -> true
- | _ -> false
-(* Locating errors raised just after the dot is parsed but before the
- interpretation phase *)
-let syntax_checking_error loc s = user_err_loc (loc,"",Pp.str s)
-(* Managing locality *)
-let locality_flag = ref None
-let local_of_bool = function true -> Local | false -> Global
-let check_locality () =
- match !locality_flag with
- | Some (loc,true) ->
- syntax_checking_error loc
- "This command does not support the \"Local\" prefix.";
- | Some (loc,false) ->
- syntax_checking_error loc
- "This command does not support the \"Global\" prefix."
- | None -> ()
-(** Extracting the locality flag *)
-(* Commands which supported an inlined Local flag *)
-let enforce_locality_full local =
- let local =
- match !locality_flag with
- | Some (_,false) when local ->
- error "Cannot be simultaneously Local and Global."
- | Some (_,true) when local ->
- error "Use only prefix \"Local\"."
- | None ->
- if local then begin
- Flags.if_warn
- Pp.msg_warning (Pp.str"Obsolete syntax: use \"Local\" as a prefix.");
- Some true
- end else
- None
- | Some (_,b) -> Some b in
- locality_flag := None;
- local
-(* Commands which did not supported an inlined Local flag (synonym of
- [enforce_locality_full false]) *)
-let use_locality_full () =
- let r = snd !locality_flag in
- locality_flag := None;
- r
-(** Positioning locality for commands supporting discharging and export
- outside of modules *)
-(* For commands whose default is to discharge and export:
- Global is the default and is neutral;
- Local in a section deactivates discharge,
- Local not in a section deactivates export *)
-let make_locality = function Some true -> true | _ -> false
-let use_locality () = make_locality (use_locality_full ())
-let use_locality_exp () = local_of_bool (use_locality ())
-let enforce_locality local = make_locality (enforce_locality_full local)
-let enforce_locality_exp local = local_of_bool (enforce_locality local)
-(* For commands whose default is not to discharge and not to export:
- Global forces discharge and export;
- Local is the default and is neutral *)
-let use_non_locality () =
- match use_locality_full () with Some false -> false | _ -> true
-(* For commands whose default is to not discharge but to export:
- Global in sections forces discharge, Global not in section is the default;
- Local in sections is the default, Local not in section forces non-export *)
-let make_section_locality =
- function Some b -> b | None -> Lib.sections_are_opened ()
-let use_section_locality () =
- make_section_locality (use_locality_full ())
-let enforce_section_locality local =
- make_section_locality (enforce_locality_full local)
-(** Positioning locality for commands supporting export but not discharge *)
-(* For commands whose default is to export (if not in section):
- Global in sections is forbidden, Global not in section is neutral;
- Local in sections is the default, Local not in section forces non-export *)
-let make_module_locality = function
- | Some false ->
- if Lib.sections_are_opened () then
- error "This command does not support the Global option in sections.";
- false
- | Some true -> true
- | None -> false
-let use_module_locality () =
- make_module_locality (use_locality_full ())
-let enforce_module_locality local =
- make_module_locality (enforce_locality_full local)