path: root/toplevel/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1171 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d74573..00000000
--- a/toplevel/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1171 +0,0 @@
-open Printf
-open Globnames
-open Libobject
-open Entries
-open Decl_kinds
-open Declare
- - Get types of existentials ;
- - Flatten dependency tree (prefix order) ;
- - Replace existentials by De Bruijn indices in term, applied to the right arguments ;
- - Apply term prefixed by quantification on "existentials".
-open Term
-open Vars
-open Names
-open Evd
-open Pp
-open CErrors
-open Util
-let declare_fix_ref = ref (fun ?opaque _ _ _ _ _ _ -> assert false)
-let declare_definition_ref = ref (fun _ _ _ _ _ -> assert false)
-let succfix (depth, fixrels) =
- (succ depth, succ fixrels)
-let check_evars env evm =
- Evar.Map.iter
- (fun key evi ->
- let (loc,k) = evar_source key evm in
- match k with
- | Evar_kinds.QuestionMark _
- | Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (_,_,false) -> ()
- | _ ->
- Pretype_errors.error_unsolvable_implicit loc env evm key None)
- (Evd.undefined_map evm)
-type oblinfo =
- { ev_name: int * Id.t;
- ev_hyps: Context.Named.t;
- ev_status: bool * Evar_kinds.obligation_definition_status;
- ev_chop: int option;
- ev_src: Evar_kinds.t Loc.located;
- ev_typ: types;
- ev_tac: unit Proofview.tactic option;
- ev_deps: Int.Set.t }
-(** Substitute evar references in t using De Bruijn indices,
- where n binders were passed through. *)
-let subst_evar_constr evs n idf t =
- let open Context.Named.Declaration in
- let seen = ref Int.Set.empty in
- let transparent = ref Id.Set.empty in
- let evar_info id = List.assoc_f Evar.equal id evs in
- let rec substrec (depth, fixrels) c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Evar (k, args) ->
- let { ev_name = (id, idstr) ;
- ev_hyps = hyps ; ev_chop = chop } =
- try evar_info k
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly ~label:"eterm" (Pp.str "existential variable " ++ int (Evar.repr k) ++ str " not found")
- in
- seen := Int.Set.add id !seen;
- (* Evar arguments are created in inverse order,
- and we must not apply to defined ones (i.e. LetIn's)
- *)
- let args =
- let n = match chop with None -> 0 | Some c -> c in
- let (l, r) = List.chop n (List.rev (Array.to_list args)) in
- List.rev r
- in
- let args =
- let rec aux hyps args acc =
- match hyps, args with
- (LocalAssum _ :: tlh), (c :: tla) ->
- aux tlh tla ((substrec (depth, fixrels) c) :: acc)
- | (LocalDef _ :: tlh), (_ :: tla) ->
- aux tlh tla acc
- | [], [] -> acc
- | _, _ -> acc (*failwith "subst_evars: invalid argument"*)
- in aux hyps args []
- in
- if List.exists
- (fun x -> match kind_of_term x with
- | Rel n -> Int.List.mem n fixrels
- | _ -> false) args
- then
- transparent := Id.Set.add idstr !transparent;
- mkApp (idf idstr, Array.of_list args)
- | Fix _ ->
- map_constr_with_binders succfix substrec (depth, 1 :: fixrels) c
- | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succfix substrec (depth, fixrels) c
- in
- let t' = substrec (0, []) t in
- t', !seen, !transparent
-(** Substitute variable references in t using De Bruijn indices,
- where n binders were passed through. *)
-let subst_vars acc n t =
- let var_index id = Util.List.index Id.equal id acc in
- let rec substrec depth c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Var v -> (try mkRel (depth + (var_index v)) with Not_found -> c)
- | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ substrec depth c
- in
- substrec 0 t
-(** Rewrite type of an evar ([ H1 : t1, ... Hn : tn |- concl ])
- to a product : forall H1 : t1, ..., forall Hn : tn, concl.
- Changes evars and hypothesis references to variable references.
-let etype_of_evar evs hyps concl =
- let open Context.Named.Declaration in
- let rec aux acc n = function
- decl :: tl ->
- let t', s, trans = subst_evar_constr evs n mkVar (get_type decl) in
- let t'' = subst_vars acc 0 t' in
- let rest, s', trans' = aux (get_id decl :: acc) (succ n) tl in
- let s' = Int.Set.union s s' in
- let trans' = Id.Set.union trans trans' in
- (match decl with
- | LocalDef (id,c,_) ->
- let c', s'', trans'' = subst_evar_constr evs n mkVar c in
- let c' = subst_vars acc 0 c' in
- mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (LocalDef (id, c', t'')) rest,
- Int.Set.union s'' s',
- Id.Set.union trans'' trans'
- | LocalAssum (id,_) ->
- mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (LocalAssum (id, t'')) rest, s', trans')
- | [] ->
- let t', s, trans = subst_evar_constr evs n mkVar concl in
- subst_vars acc 0 t', s, trans
- in aux [] 0 (List.rev hyps)
-let trunc_named_context n ctx =
- let len = List.length ctx in
- List.firstn (len - n) ctx
-let rec chop_product n t =
- if Int.equal n 0 then Some t
- else
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Prod (_, _, b) -> if noccurn 1 b then chop_product (pred n) (Termops.pop b) else None
- | _ -> None
-let evar_dependencies evm oev =
- let one_step deps =
- Evar.Set.fold (fun ev s ->
- let evi = Evd.find evm ev in
- let deps' = evars_of_filtered_evar_info evi in
- if Evar.Set.mem oev deps' then
- invalid_arg ("Ill-formed evar map: cycle detected for evar " ^ string_of_existential oev)
- else Evar.Set.union deps' s)
- deps deps
- in
- let rec aux deps =
- let deps' = one_step deps in
- if Evar.Set.equal deps deps' then deps
- else aux deps'
- in aux (Evar.Set.singleton oev)
-let move_after (id, ev, deps as obl) l =
- let rec aux restdeps = function
- | (id', _, _) as obl' :: tl ->
- let restdeps' = Evar.Set.remove id' restdeps in
- if Evar.Set.is_empty restdeps' then
- obl' :: obl :: tl
- else obl' :: aux restdeps' tl
- | [] -> [obl]
- in aux (Evar.Set.remove id deps) l
-let sort_dependencies evl =
- let rec aux l found list =
- match l with
- | (id, ev, deps) as obl :: tl ->
- let found' = Evar.Set.union found (Evar.Set.singleton id) in
- if Evar.Set.subset deps found' then
- aux tl found' (obl :: list)
- else aux (move_after obl tl) found list
- | [] -> List.rev list
- in aux evl Evar.Set.empty []
-open Environ
-let eterm_obligations env name evm fs ?status t ty =
- (* 'Serialize' the evars *)
- let nc = Environ.named_context env in
- let nc_len = Context.Named.length nc in
- let evm = Evarutil.nf_evar_map_undefined evm in
- let evl = Evarutil.non_instantiated evm in
- let evl = Evar.Map.bindings evl in
- let evl = (fun (id, ev) -> (id, ev, evar_dependencies evm id)) evl in
- let sevl = sort_dependencies evl in
- let evl = (fun (id, ev, _) -> id, ev) sevl in
- let evn =
- let i = ref (-1) in
- List.rev_map (fun (id, ev) -> incr i;
- (id, (!i, Id.of_string
- (Id.to_string name ^ "_obligation_" ^ string_of_int (succ !i))),
- ev)) evl
- in
- let evts =
- (* Remove existential variables in types and build the corresponding products *)
- List.fold_right
- (fun (id, (n, nstr), ev) l ->
- let hyps = Evd.evar_filtered_context ev in
- let hyps = trunc_named_context nc_len hyps in
- let evtyp, deps, transp = etype_of_evar l hyps ev.evar_concl in
- let evtyp, hyps, chop =
- match chop_product fs evtyp with
- | Some t -> t, trunc_named_context fs hyps, fs
- | None -> evtyp, hyps, 0
- in
- let loc, k = evar_source id evm in
- let status = match k with
- | Evar_kinds.QuestionMark o -> o
- | _ -> match status with
- | Some o -> o
- | None -> Evar_kinds.Define (not (Program.get_proofs_transparency ()))
- in
- let force_status, status, chop = match status with
- | Evar_kinds.Define true as stat ->
- if not (Int.equal chop fs) then true, Evar_kinds.Define false, None
- else false, stat, Some chop
- | s -> false, s, None
- in
- let info = { ev_name = (n, nstr);
- ev_hyps = hyps; ev_status = force_status, status; ev_chop = chop;
- ev_src = loc, k; ev_typ = evtyp ; ev_deps = deps; ev_tac = None }
- in (id, info) :: l)
- evn []
- in
- let t', _, transparent = (* Substitute evar refs in the term by variables *)
- subst_evar_constr evts 0 mkVar t
- in
- let ty, _, _ = subst_evar_constr evts 0 mkVar ty in
- let evars =
- (fun (ev, info) ->
- let { ev_name = (_, name); ev_status = force_status, status;
- ev_src = src; ev_typ = typ; ev_deps = deps; ev_tac = tac } = info
- in
- let force_status, status = match status with
- | Evar_kinds.Define true when Id.Set.mem name transparent ->
- true, Evar_kinds.Define false
- | _ -> force_status, status
- in name, typ, src, (force_status, status), deps, tac) evts
- in
- let evnames = (fun (ev, info) -> ev, snd info.ev_name) evts in
- let evmap f c = pi1 (subst_evar_constr evts 0 f c) in
- Array.of_list (List.rev evars), (evnames, evmap), t', ty
-let tactics_module = ["Program";"Tactics"]
-let safe_init_constant md name () =
- Coqlib.check_required_library ("Coq"::md);
- Coqlib.gen_constant "Obligations" md name
-let hide_obligation = safe_init_constant tactics_module "obligation"
-let pperror cmd = CErrors.errorlabstrm "Program" cmd
-let error s = pperror (str s)
-let reduce c =
- Reductionops.clos_norm_flags CClosure.betaiota (Global.env ()) Evd.empty c
-exception NoObligations of Id.t option
-let explain_no_obligations = function
- Some ident -> str "No obligations for program " ++ Id.print ident
- | None -> str "No obligations remaining"
-type obligation_info =
- (Names.Id.t * Term.types * Evar_kinds.t Loc.located *
- (bool * Evar_kinds.obligation_definition_status)
- * Int.Set.t * unit Proofview.tactic option) array
-type 'a obligation_body =
- | DefinedObl of 'a
- | TermObl of constr
-type obligation =
- { obl_name : Id.t;
- obl_type : types;
- obl_location : Evar_kinds.t Loc.located;
- obl_body : constant obligation_body option;
- obl_status : bool * Evar_kinds.obligation_definition_status;
- obl_deps : Int.Set.t;
- obl_tac : unit Proofview.tactic option;
- }
-type obligations = (obligation array * int)
-type fixpoint_kind =
- | IsFixpoint of (Id.t Loc.located option * Constrexpr.recursion_order_expr) list
- | IsCoFixpoint
-type notations = (Vernacexpr.lstring * Constrexpr.constr_expr * Notation_term.scope_name option) list
-type program_info_aux = {
- prg_name: Id.t;
- prg_body: constr;
- prg_type: constr;
- prg_ctx: Evd.evar_universe_context;
- prg_pl: Id.t Loc.located list option;
- prg_obligations: obligations;
- prg_deps : Id.t list;
- prg_fixkind : fixpoint_kind option ;
- prg_implicits : (Constrexpr.explicitation * (bool * bool * bool)) list;
- prg_notations : notations ;
- prg_kind : definition_kind;
- prg_reduce : constr -> constr;
- prg_hook : (Evd.evar_universe_context -> unit) Lemmas.declaration_hook;
- prg_opaque : bool;
- prg_sign: named_context_val;
-type program_info = program_info_aux CEphemeron.key
-let get_info x =
- try CEphemeron.get x
- with CEphemeron.InvalidKey ->
- CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "Program obligation can't be accessed by a worker")
-let assumption_message = Declare.assumption_message
-let default_tactic = ref (Proofview.tclUNIT ())
-(* true = hide obligations *)
-let hide_obligations = ref false
-let set_hide_obligations = (:=) hide_obligations
-let get_hide_obligations () = !hide_obligations
-open Goptions
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optsync = true;
- optdepr = false;
- optname = "Hidding of Program obligations";
- optkey = ["Hide";"Obligations"];
- optread = get_hide_obligations;
- optwrite = set_hide_obligations; }
-let shrink_obligations = ref true
-let set_shrink_obligations = (:=) shrink_obligations
-let get_shrink_obligations () = !shrink_obligations
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optsync = true;
- optdepr = true;
- optname = "Shrinking of Program obligations";
- optkey = ["Shrink";"Obligations"];
- optread = get_shrink_obligations;
- optwrite = set_shrink_obligations; }
-let evar_of_obligation o = make_evar (Global.named_context_val ()) o.obl_type
-let get_body obl =
- match obl.obl_body with
- | None -> None
- | Some (DefinedObl c) ->
- let ctx = Environ.constant_context (Global.env ()) c in
- let pc = (c, Univ.UContext.instance ctx) in
- Some (DefinedObl pc)
- | Some (TermObl c) ->
- Some (TermObl c)
-let get_obligation_body expand obl =
- match get_body obl with
- | None -> None
- | Some c ->
- if expand && snd obl.obl_status == Evar_kinds.Expand then
- match c with
- | DefinedObl pc -> Some (constant_value_in (Global.env ()) pc)
- | TermObl c -> Some c
- else (match c with
- | DefinedObl pc -> Some (mkConstU pc)
- | TermObl c -> Some c)
-let obl_substitution expand obls deps =
- Int.Set.fold
- (fun x acc ->
- let xobl = obls.(x) in
- match get_obligation_body expand xobl with
- | None -> acc
- | Some oblb -> (xobl.obl_name, (xobl.obl_type, oblb)) :: acc)
- deps []
-let subst_deps expand obls deps t =
- let osubst = obl_substitution expand obls deps in
- (Vars.replace_vars ( (fun (n, (_, b)) -> n, b) osubst) t)
-let rec prod_app t n =
- match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t) with
- | Prod (_,_,b) -> subst1 n b
- | LetIn (_, b, t, b') -> prod_app (subst1 b b') n
- | _ ->
- errorlabstrm "prod_app"
- (str"Needed a product, but didn't find one" ++ fnl ())
-(* prod_appvect T [| a1 ; ... ; an |] -> (T a1 ... an) *)
-let prod_applist t nL = List.fold_left prod_app t nL
-let replace_appvars subst =
- let rec aux c =
- let f, l = decompose_app c in
- if isVar f then
- try
- let c' = (map_constr aux) l in
- let (t, b) = Id.List.assoc (destVar f) subst in
- mkApp (delayed_force hide_obligation,
- [| prod_applist t c'; applistc b c' |])
- with Not_found -> map_constr aux c
- else map_constr aux c
- in map_constr aux
-let subst_prog expand obls ints prg =
- let subst = obl_substitution expand obls ints in
- if get_hide_obligations () then
- (replace_appvars subst prg.prg_body,
- replace_appvars subst ((* Termops.refresh_universes *) prg.prg_type))
- else
- let subst' = (fun (n, (_, b)) -> n, b) subst in
- (Vars.replace_vars subst' prg.prg_body,
- Vars.replace_vars subst' ((* Termops.refresh_universes *) prg.prg_type))
-let subst_deps_obl obls obl =
- let t' = subst_deps true obls obl.obl_deps obl.obl_type in
- { obl with obl_type = t' }
-module ProgMap = Id.Map
-let map_replace k v m = ProgMap.add k (CEphemeron.create v) (ProgMap.remove k m)
-let map_keys m = ProgMap.fold (fun k _ l -> k :: l) m []
-let from_prg : program_info ProgMap.t ref =
- Summary.ref ProgMap.empty ~name:"program-tcc-table"
-let close sec =
- if not (ProgMap.is_empty !from_prg) then
- let keys = map_keys !from_prg in
- errorlabstrm "Program"
- (str "Unsolved obligations when closing " ++ str sec ++ str":" ++ spc () ++
- prlist_with_sep spc (fun x -> Nameops.pr_id x) keys ++
- (str (if Int.equal (List.length keys) 1 then " has " else " have ") ++
- str "unsolved obligations"))
-let input : program_info ProgMap.t -> obj =
- declare_object
- { (default_object "Program state") with
- cache_function = (fun (na, pi) -> from_prg := pi);
- load_function = (fun _ (_, pi) -> from_prg := pi);
- discharge_function = (fun _ -> close "section"; None);
- classify_function = (fun _ -> close "module"; Dispose) }
-open Evd
-let progmap_remove prg =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input (ProgMap.remove prg.prg_name !from_prg))
-let progmap_add n prg =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input (ProgMap.add n prg !from_prg))
-let progmap_replace prg' =
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (input (map_replace prg'.prg_name prg' !from_prg))
-let rec intset_to = function
- -1 -> Int.Set.empty
- | n -> Int.Set.add n (intset_to (pred n))
-let subst_body expand prg =
- let obls, _ = prg.prg_obligations in
- let ints = intset_to (pred (Array.length obls)) in
- subst_prog expand obls ints prg
-let declare_definition prg =
- let body, typ = subst_body true prg in
- let nf = Universes.nf_evars_and_universes_opt_subst (fun x -> None)
- (Evd.evar_universe_context_subst prg.prg_ctx) in
- let opaque = prg.prg_opaque in
- let fix_exn = Stm.get_fix_exn () in
- let pl, ctx =
- Evd.universe_context ?names:prg.prg_pl (Evd.from_ctx prg.prg_ctx) in
- let ce =
- definition_entry ~fix_exn
- ~opaque ~types:(nf typ) ~poly:(pi2 prg.prg_kind)
- ~univs:(Evd.evar_context_universe_context prg.prg_ctx) (nf body)
- in
- let () = progmap_remove prg in
- let cst =
- !declare_definition_ref prg.prg_name
- prg.prg_kind ce prg.prg_implicits
- (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun l r -> Lemmas.call_hook fix_exn prg.prg_hook l r prg.prg_ctx; r))
- in
- Universes.register_universe_binders cst pl;
- cst
-open Pp
-let rec lam_index n t acc =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Lambda (Name n', _, _) when Id.equal n n' ->
- acc
- | Lambda (_, _, b) ->
- lam_index n b (succ acc)
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let compute_possible_guardness_evidences (n,_) fixbody fixtype =
- match n with
- | Some (loc, n) -> [lam_index n fixbody 0]
- | None ->
- (* If recursive argument was not given by user, we try all args.
- An earlier approach was to look only for inductive arguments,
- but doing it properly involves delta-reduction, and it finally
- doesn't seem to worth the effort (except for huge mutual
- fixpoints ?) *)
- let m = Termops.nb_prod fixtype in
- let ctx = fst (decompose_prod_n_assum m fixtype) in
- List.map_i (fun i _ -> i) 0 ctx
-let mk_proof c = ((c, Univ.ContextSet.empty), Safe_typing.empty_private_constants)
-let declare_mutual_definition l =
- let len = List.length l in
- let first = List.hd l in
- let fixdefs, fixtypes, fiximps =
- List.split3
- ( (fun x ->
- let subs, typ = (subst_body true x) in
- let term = snd (Reductionops.splay_lam_n (Global.env ()) Evd.empty len subs) in
- let typ = snd (Reductionops.splay_prod_n (Global.env ()) Evd.empty len typ) in
- x.prg_reduce term, x.prg_reduce typ, x.prg_implicits) l)
- in
-(* let fixdefs = reduce_fix fixdefs in *)
- let fixkind = Option.get first.prg_fixkind in
- let arrrec, recvec = Array.of_list fixtypes, Array.of_list fixdefs in
- let fixdecls = (Array.of_list ( (fun x -> Name x.prg_name) l), arrrec, recvec) in
- let (local,poly,kind) = first.prg_kind in
- let fixnames = first.prg_deps in
- let opaque = first.prg_opaque in
- let kind = if fixkind != IsCoFixpoint then Fixpoint else CoFixpoint in
- let indexes, fixdecls =
- match fixkind with
- | IsFixpoint wfl ->
- let possible_indexes =
- List.map3 compute_possible_guardness_evidences
- wfl fixdefs fixtypes in
- let indexes =
- Pretyping.search_guard
- Loc.ghost (Global.env())
- possible_indexes fixdecls in
- Some indexes,
- List.map_i (fun i _ ->
- mk_proof (mkFix ((indexes,i),fixdecls))) 0 l
- | IsCoFixpoint ->
- None,
- List.map_i (fun i _ ->
- mk_proof (mkCoFix (i,fixdecls))) 0 l
- in
- (* Declare the recursive definitions *)
- let ctx = Evd.evar_context_universe_context first.prg_ctx in
- let fix_exn = Stm.get_fix_exn () in
- let kns = List.map4 (!declare_fix_ref ~opaque (local, poly, kind) ctx)
- fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps in
- (* Declare notations *)
- List.iter Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation first.prg_notations;
- Declare.recursive_message (fixkind != IsCoFixpoint) indexes fixnames;
- let gr = List.hd kns in
- let kn = match gr with ConstRef kn -> kn | _ -> assert false in
- Lemmas.call_hook fix_exn first.prg_hook local gr first.prg_ctx;
- List.iter progmap_remove l; kn
-let decompose_lam_prod c ty =
- let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
- let rec aux ctx c ty =
- match kind_of_term c, kind_of_term ty with
- | LetIn (x, b, t, c), LetIn (x', b', t', ty)
- when eq_constr b b' && eq_constr t t' ->
- let ctx' = Context.Rel.add (LocalDef (x,b',t')) ctx in
- aux ctx' c ty
- | _, LetIn (x', b', t', ty) ->
- let ctx' = Context.Rel.add (LocalDef (x',b',t')) ctx in
- aux ctx' (lift 1 c) ty
- | LetIn (x, b, t, c), _ ->
- let ctx' = Context.Rel.add (LocalDef (x,b,t)) ctx in
- aux ctx' c (lift 1 ty)
- | Lambda (x, b, t), Prod (x', b', t')
- (* By invariant, must be convertible *) ->
- let ctx' = Context.Rel.add (LocalAssum (x,b')) ctx in
- aux ctx' t t'
- | Cast (c, _, _), _ -> aux ctx c ty
- | _, _ -> ctx, c, ty
- in aux Context.Rel.empty c ty
-let shrink_body c ty =
- let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
- let ctx, b, ty =
- match ty with
- | None ->
- let ctx, b = decompose_lam_assum c in
- ctx, b, None
- | Some ty ->
- let ctx, b, ty = decompose_lam_prod c ty in
- ctx, b, Some ty
- in
- let b', ty', n, args =
- List.fold_left (fun (b, ty, i, args) decl ->
- if noccurn 1 b && Option.cata (noccurn 1) true ty then
- subst1 mkProp b, (subst1 mkProp) ty, succ i, args
- else
- let args = if is_local_assum decl then mkRel i :: args else args in
- mkLambda_or_LetIn decl b, (mkProd_or_LetIn decl) ty,
- succ i, args)
- (b, ty, 1, []) ctx
- in ctx, b', ty', Array.of_list args
-let unfold_entry cst = Hints.HintsUnfoldEntry [EvalConstRef cst]
-let add_hint local prg cst =
- Hints.add_hints local [Id.to_string prg.prg_name] (unfold_entry cst)
-let declare_obligation prg obl body ty uctx =
- let body = prg.prg_reduce body in
- let ty = prg.prg_reduce ty in
- match obl.obl_status with
- | _, Evar_kinds.Expand -> false, { obl with obl_body = Some (TermObl body) }
- | force, Evar_kinds.Define opaque ->
- let opaque = not force && opaque in
- let poly = pi2 prg.prg_kind in
- let ctx, body, ty, args =
- if get_shrink_obligations () && not poly then
- shrink_body body ty else [], body, ty, [||]
- in
- let body = ((body,Univ.ContextSet.empty),Safe_typing.empty_private_constants) in
- let ce =
- { const_entry_body = Future.from_val ~fix_exn:(fun x -> x) body;
- const_entry_secctx = None;
- const_entry_type = ty;
- const_entry_polymorphic = poly;
- const_entry_universes = uctx;
- const_entry_opaque = opaque;
- const_entry_inline_code = false;
- const_entry_feedback = None;
- } in
- (** ppedrot: seems legit to have obligations as local *)
- let constant = Declare.declare_constant obl.obl_name ~local:true
- (DefinitionEntry ce,IsProof Property)
- in
- if not opaque then add_hint false prg constant;
- definition_message obl.obl_name;
- true, { obl with obl_body =
- if poly then
- Some (DefinedObl constant)
- else
- Some (TermObl (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkApp (mkConst constant, args)) ctx)) }
-let init_prog_info ?(opaque = false) sign n pl b t ctx deps fixkind
- notations obls impls kind reduce hook =
- let obls', b =
- match b with
- | None ->
- assert(Int.equal (Array.length obls) 0);
- let n = Nameops.add_suffix n "_obligation" in
- [| { obl_name = n; obl_body = None;
- obl_location = Loc.ghost, Evar_kinds.InternalHole; obl_type = t;
- obl_status = false, Evar_kinds.Expand; obl_deps = Int.Set.empty;
- obl_tac = None } |],
- mkVar n
- | Some b ->
- Array.mapi
- (fun i (n, t, l, o, d, tac) ->
- { obl_name = n ; obl_body = None;
- obl_location = l; obl_type = t; obl_status = o;
- obl_deps = d; obl_tac = tac })
- obls, b
- in
- { prg_name = n ; prg_body = b; prg_type = reduce t;
- prg_ctx = ctx; prg_pl = pl;
- prg_obligations = (obls', Array.length obls');
- prg_deps = deps; prg_fixkind = fixkind ; prg_notations = notations ;
- prg_implicits = impls; prg_kind = kind; prg_reduce = reduce;
- prg_hook = hook; prg_opaque = opaque;
- prg_sign = sign }
-let map_cardinal m =
- let i = ref 0 in
- ProgMap.iter (fun _ v ->
- if snd (CEphemeron.get v).prg_obligations > 0 then incr i) m;
- !i
-exception Found of program_info
-let map_first m =
- try
- ProgMap.iter (fun _ v ->
- if snd (CEphemeron.get v).prg_obligations > 0 then
- raise (Found v)) m;
- assert(false)
- with Found x -> x
-let get_prog name =
- let prg_infos = !from_prg in
- match name with
- Some n ->
- (try get_info (ProgMap.find n prg_infos)
- with Not_found -> raise (NoObligations (Some n)))
- | None ->
- (let n = map_cardinal prg_infos in
- match n with
- 0 -> raise (NoObligations None)
- | 1 -> get_info (map_first prg_infos)
- | _ ->
- let progs = Id.Set.elements (ProgMap.domain prg_infos) in
- let prog = List.hd progs in
- let progs = prlist_with_sep pr_comma Nameops.pr_id progs in
- errorlabstrm ""
- (str "More than one program with unsolved obligations: " ++ progs
- ++ str "; use the \"of\" clause to specify, as in \"Obligation 1 of " ++ Nameops.pr_id prog ++ str "\""))
-let get_any_prog () =
- let prg_infos = !from_prg in
- let n = map_cardinal prg_infos in
- if n > 0 then get_info (map_first prg_infos)
- else raise (NoObligations None)
-let get_prog_err n =
- try get_prog n with NoObligations id -> pperror (explain_no_obligations id)
-let get_any_prog_err () =
- try get_any_prog () with NoObligations id -> pperror (explain_no_obligations id)
-let obligations_solved prg = Int.equal (snd prg.prg_obligations) 0
-let all_programs () =
- ProgMap.fold (fun k p l -> p :: l) !from_prg []
-type progress =
- | Remain of int
- | Dependent
- | Defined of global_reference
-let obligations_message rem =
- if rem > 0 then
- if Int.equal rem 1 then
- Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (int rem ++ str " obligation remaining")
- else
- Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (int rem ++ str " obligations remaining")
- else
- Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (str "No more obligations remaining")
-let update_obls prg obls rem =
- let prg' = { prg with prg_obligations = (obls, rem) } in
- progmap_replace prg';
- obligations_message rem;
- if rem > 0 then Remain rem
- else (
- match prg'.prg_deps with
- | [] ->
- let kn = declare_definition prg' in
- progmap_remove prg';
- Defined kn
- | l ->
- let progs = (fun x -> get_info (ProgMap.find x !from_prg)) prg'.prg_deps in
- if List.for_all (fun x -> obligations_solved x) progs then
- let kn = declare_mutual_definition progs in
- Defined (ConstRef kn)
- else Dependent)
-let is_defined obls x = not (Option.is_empty obls.(x).obl_body)
-let deps_remaining obls deps =
- Int.Set.fold
- (fun x acc ->
- if is_defined obls x then acc
- else x :: acc)
- deps []
-let dependencies obls n =
- let res = ref Int.Set.empty in
- Array.iteri
- (fun i obl ->
- if not (Int.equal i n) && Int.Set.mem n obl.obl_deps then
- res := Int.Set.add i !res)
- obls;
- !res
-let goal_kind poly = Decl_kinds.Local, poly, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody Decl_kinds.Definition
-let goal_proof_kind poly = Decl_kinds.Local, poly, Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Lemma
-let kind_of_obligation poly o =
- match o with
- | Evar_kinds.Define false | Evar_kinds.Expand -> goal_kind poly
- | _ -> goal_proof_kind poly
-let not_transp_msg =
- str "Obligation should be transparent but was declared opaque." ++ spc () ++
- str"Use 'Defined' instead."
-let err_not_transp () = pperror not_transp_msg
-let rec string_of_list sep f = function
- [] -> ""
- | x :: [] -> f x
- | x :: ((y :: _) as tl) -> f x ^ sep ^ string_of_list sep f tl
-(* Solve an obligation using tactics, return the corresponding proof term *)
-let solve_by_tac name evi t poly ctx =
- let id = name in
- let concl = evi.evar_concl in
- (* spiwack: the status is dropped. *)
- let (entry,_,ctx') = Pfedit.build_constant_by_tactic
- id ~goal_kind:(goal_kind poly) ctx evi.evar_hyps concl (Tacticals.New.tclCOMPLETE t) in
- let env = Global.env () in
- let entry = Safe_typing.inline_private_constants_in_definition_entry env entry in
- let body, eff = Future.force entry.const_entry_body in
- assert(Safe_typing.empty_private_constants = eff);
- let ctx' = Evd.merge_context_set ~sideff:true Evd.univ_rigid (Evd.from_ctx ctx') (snd body) in
- Inductiveops.control_only_guard (Global.env ()) (fst body);
- (fst body), entry.const_entry_type, Evd.evar_universe_context ctx'
-let obligation_terminator name num guard hook auto pf =
- let open Proof_global in
- let term = Lemmas.universe_proof_terminator guard hook in
- match pf with
- | Admitted _ -> apply_terminator term pf
- | Proved (opq, id, proof) ->
- if not !shrink_obligations then apply_terminator term pf
- else
- let (_, (entry, uctx, _)) = Pfedit.cook_this_proof proof in
- let env = Global.env () in
- let entry = Safe_typing.inline_private_constants_in_definition_entry env entry in
- let ty = entry.Entries.const_entry_type in
- let (body, cstr), eff = Future.force entry.Entries.const_entry_body in
- assert(Safe_typing.empty_private_constants = eff);
- let sigma = Evd.from_ctx (fst uctx) in
- let sigma = Evd.merge_context_set ~sideff:true Evd.univ_rigid sigma cstr in
- Inductiveops.control_only_guard (Global.env ()) body;
- (** Declare the obligation ourselves and drop the hook *)
- let prg = get_info (ProgMap.find name !from_prg) in
- let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context sigma in
- let prg = { prg with prg_ctx = ctx } in
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let obl = obls.(num) in
- let status =
- match obl.obl_status, opq with
- | (_, Evar_kinds.Expand), Vernacexpr.Opaque _ -> err_not_transp ()
- | (true, _), Vernacexpr.Opaque _ -> err_not_transp ()
- | (false, _), Vernacexpr.Opaque _ -> Evar_kinds.Define true
- | (_, Evar_kinds.Define true), Vernacexpr.Transparent -> Evar_kinds.Define false
- | (_, status), Vernacexpr.Transparent -> status
- in
- let obl = { obl with obl_status = false, status } in
- let uctx = Evd.evar_context_universe_context ctx in
- let (_, obl) = declare_obligation prg obl body ty uctx in
- let obls = Array.copy obls in
- let _ = obls.(num) <- obl in
- try
- ignore (update_obls prg obls (pred rem));
- if pred rem > 0 then
- begin
- let deps = dependencies obls num in
- if not (Int.Set.is_empty deps) then
- ignore (auto (Some name) None deps)
- end
- with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
- let e = CErrors.push e in
- pperror (CErrors.iprint (ExplainErr.process_vernac_interp_error e))
-let obligation_hook prg obl num auto ctx' _ gr =
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let cst = match gr with ConstRef cst -> cst | _ -> assert false in
- let transparent = evaluable_constant cst (Global.env ()) in
- let () = match obl.obl_status with
- (true, Evar_kinds.Expand)
- | (true, Evar_kinds.Define true) ->
- if not transparent then err_not_transp ()
- | _ -> ()
- let obl = { obl with obl_body = Some (DefinedObl cst) } in
- let () = if transparent then add_hint true prg cst in
- let obls = Array.copy obls in
- let _ = obls.(num) <- obl in
- let ctx' = match ctx' with None -> prg.prg_ctx | Some ctx' -> ctx' in
- let ctx' =
- if not (pi2 prg.prg_kind) (* Not polymorphic *) then
- (* The universe context was declared globally, we continue
- from the new global environment. *)
- let evd = Evd.from_env (Global.env ()) in
- let ctx' = Evd.merge_universe_subst evd (Evd.universe_subst (Evd.from_ctx ctx')) in
- Evd.evar_universe_context ctx'
- else ctx'
- in
- let prg = { prg with prg_ctx = ctx' } in
- let () =
- try ignore (update_obls prg obls (pred rem))
- with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
- let e = CErrors.push e in
- pperror (CErrors.iprint (ExplainErr.process_vernac_interp_error e))
- in
- if pred rem > 0 then begin
- let deps = dependencies obls num in
- if not (Int.Set.is_empty deps) then
- ignore (auto (Some prg.prg_name) None deps)
- end
-let rec solve_obligation prg num tac =
- let user_num = succ num in
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let obl = obls.(num) in
- let remaining = deps_remaining obls obl.obl_deps in
- let () =
- if not (Option.is_empty obl.obl_body) then
- pperror (str "Obligation" ++ spc () ++ int user_num ++ str "already" ++ spc() ++ str "solved.");
- if not (List.is_empty remaining) then
- pperror (str "Obligation " ++ int user_num ++ str " depends on obligation(s) "
- ++ str (string_of_list ", " (fun x -> string_of_int (succ x)) remaining));
- in
- let obl = subst_deps_obl obls obl in
- let kind = kind_of_obligation (pi2 prg.prg_kind) (snd obl.obl_status) in
- let evd = Evd.from_ctx prg.prg_ctx in
- let evd = Evd.update_sigma_env evd (Global.env ()) in
- let auto n tac oblset = auto_solve_obligations n ~oblset tac in
- let terminator guard hook =
- Proof_global.make_terminator
- (obligation_terminator prg.prg_name num guard hook auto) in
- let hook ctx = Lemmas.mk_hook (obligation_hook prg obl num auto ctx) in
- let () = Lemmas.start_proof_univs ~sign:prg.prg_sign obl.obl_name kind evd obl.obl_type ~terminator hook in
- let _ = !default_tactic in
- Option.iter (fun tac -> Pfedit.set_end_tac tac) tac
-and obligation (user_num, name, typ) tac =
- let num = pred user_num in
- let prg = get_prog_err name in
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- if num < Array.length obls then
- let obl = obls.(num) in
- match obl.obl_body with
- None -> solve_obligation prg num tac
- | Some r -> error "Obligation already solved"
- else error (sprintf "Unknown obligation number %i" (succ num))
-and solve_obligation_by_tac prg obls i tac =
- let obl = obls.(i) in
- match obl.obl_body with
- | Some _ -> None
- | None ->
- try
- if List.is_empty (deps_remaining obls obl.obl_deps) then
- let obl = subst_deps_obl obls obl in
- let tac =
- match tac with
- | Some t -> t
- | None ->
- match obl.obl_tac with
- | Some t -> t
- | None -> !default_tactic
- in
- let evd = Evd.from_ctx prg.prg_ctx in
- let evd = Evd.update_sigma_env evd (Global.env ()) in
- let t, ty, ctx =
- solve_by_tac obl.obl_name (evar_of_obligation obl) tac
- (pi2 prg.prg_kind) (Evd.evar_universe_context evd)
- in
- let uctx = Evd.evar_context_universe_context ctx in
- let prg = {prg with prg_ctx = ctx} in
- let def, obl' = declare_obligation prg obl t ty uctx in
- obls.(i) <- obl';
- if def && not (pi2 prg.prg_kind) then (
- (* Declare the term constraints with the first obligation only *)
- let evd = Evd.from_env (Global.env ()) in
- let evd = Evd.merge_universe_subst evd (Evd.universe_subst (Evd.from_ctx ctx)) in
- let ctx' = Evd.evar_universe_context evd in
- Some {prg with prg_ctx = ctx'})
- else Some prg
- else None
- with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
- let (e, _) = CErrors.push e in
- match e with
- | Refiner.FailError (_, s) ->
- user_err_loc (fst obl.obl_location, "solve_obligation", Lazy.force s)
- | e -> None (* FIXME really ? *)
-and solve_prg_obligations prg ?oblset tac =
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let rem = ref rem in
- let obls' = Array.copy obls in
- let set = ref Int.Set.empty in
- let p = match oblset with
- | None -> (fun _ -> true)
- | Some s -> set := s;
- (fun i -> Int.Set.mem i !set)
- in
- let prgref = ref prg in
- let _ =
- Array.iteri (fun i x ->
- if p i then
- match solve_obligation_by_tac !prgref obls' i tac with
- | None -> ()
- | Some prg' ->
- prgref := prg';
- let deps = dependencies obls i in
- (set := Int.Set.union !set deps;
- decr rem))
- obls'
- in
- update_obls !prgref obls' !rem
-and solve_obligations n tac =
- let prg = get_prog_err n in
- solve_prg_obligations prg tac
-and solve_all_obligations tac =
- ProgMap.iter (fun k v -> ignore(solve_prg_obligations (get_info v) tac)) !from_prg
-and try_solve_obligation n prg tac =
- let prg = get_prog prg in
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let obls' = Array.copy obls in
- match solve_obligation_by_tac prg obls' n tac with
- | Some prg' -> ignore(update_obls prg' obls' (pred rem))
- | None -> ()
-and try_solve_obligations n tac =
- try ignore (solve_obligations n tac) with NoObligations _ -> ()
-and auto_solve_obligations n ?oblset tac : progress =
- Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (str "Solving obligations automatically...");
- try solve_prg_obligations (get_prog_err n) ?oblset tac with NoObligations _ -> Dependent
-open Pp
-let show_obligations_of_prg ?(msg=true) prg =
- let n = prg.prg_name in
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let showed = ref 5 in
- if msg then Feedback.msg_info (int rem ++ str " obligation(s) remaining: ");
- Array.iteri (fun i x ->
- match x.obl_body with
- | None ->
- if !showed > 0 then (
- decr showed;
- let x = subst_deps_obl obls x in
- Feedback.msg_info (str "Obligation" ++ spc() ++ int (succ i) ++ spc () ++
- str "of" ++ spc() ++ Id.print n ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
- hov 1 (Printer.pr_constr_env (Global.env ()) Evd.empty x.obl_type ++
- str "." ++ fnl ())))
- | Some _ -> ())
- obls
-let show_obligations ?(msg=true) n =
- let progs = match n with
- | None -> all_programs ()
- | Some n ->
- try [ProgMap.find n !from_prg]
- with Not_found -> raise (NoObligations (Some n))
- in List.iter (fun x -> show_obligations_of_prg ~msg (get_info x)) progs
-let show_term n =
- let prg = get_prog_err n in
- let n = prg.prg_name in
- (Id.print n ++ spc () ++ str":" ++ spc () ++
- Printer.pr_constr_env (Global.env ()) Evd.empty prg.prg_type ++ spc () ++ str ":=" ++ fnl ()
- ++ Printer.pr_constr_env (Global.env ()) Evd.empty prg.prg_body)
-let add_definition n ?term t ctx ?pl ?(implicits=[]) ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?tactic
- ?(reduce=reduce) ?(hook=Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ _ -> ())) ?(opaque = false) obls =
- let sign = Decls.initialize_named_context_for_proof () in
- let info = Id.print n ++ str " has type-checked" in
- let prg = init_prog_info sign ~opaque n pl term t ctx [] None [] obls implicits kind reduce hook in
- let obls,_ = prg.prg_obligations in
- if Int.equal (Array.length obls) 0 then (
- Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (info ++ str ".");
- let cst = declare_definition prg in
- Defined cst)
- else (
- let len = Array.length obls in
- let _ = Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (info ++ str ", generating " ++ int len ++ str " obligation(s)") in
- progmap_add n (CEphemeron.create prg);
- let res = auto_solve_obligations (Some n) tactic in
- match res with
- | Remain rem -> Flags.if_verbose (fun () -> show_obligations ~msg:false (Some n)) (); res
- | _ -> res)
-let add_mutual_definitions l ctx ?pl ?tactic ?(kind=Global,false,Definition) ?(reduce=reduce)
- ?(hook=Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ _ -> ())) ?(opaque = false) notations fixkind =
- let sign = Decls.initialize_named_context_for_proof () in
- let deps = (fun (n, b, t, imps, obls) -> n) l in
- List.iter
- (fun (n, b, t, imps, obls) ->
- let prg = init_prog_info sign ~opaque n pl (Some b) t ctx deps (Some fixkind)
- notations obls imps kind reduce hook
- in progmap_add n (CEphemeron.create prg)) l;
- let _defined =
- List.fold_left (fun finished x ->
- if finished then finished
- else
- let res = auto_solve_obligations (Some x) tactic in
- match res with
- | Defined _ ->
- (* If one definition is turned into a constant,
- the whole block is defined. *) true
- | _ -> false)
- false deps
- in ()
-let admit_prog prg =
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let obls = Array.copy obls in
- Array.iteri
- (fun i x ->
- match x.obl_body with
- | None ->
- let x = subst_deps_obl obls x in
- let ctx = Evd.evar_context_universe_context prg.prg_ctx in
- let kn = Declare.declare_constant x.obl_name ~local:true
- (ParameterEntry (None,false,(x.obl_type,ctx),None), IsAssumption Conjectural)
- in
- assumption_message x.obl_name;
- obls.(i) <- { x with obl_body = Some (DefinedObl kn) }
- | Some _ -> ())
- obls;
- ignore(update_obls prg obls 0)
-let rec admit_all_obligations () =
- let prg = try Some (get_any_prog ()) with NoObligations _ -> None in
- match prg with
- | None -> ()
- | Some prg ->
- admit_prog prg;
- admit_all_obligations ()
-let admit_obligations n =
- match n with
- | None -> admit_all_obligations ()
- | Some _ ->
- let prg = get_prog_err n in
- admit_prog prg
-let next_obligation n tac =
- let prg = match n with
- | None -> get_any_prog_err ()
- | Some _ -> get_prog_err n
- in
- let obls, rem = prg.prg_obligations in
- let is_open _ x = Option.is_empty x.obl_body && List.is_empty (deps_remaining obls x.obl_deps) in
- let i = match Array.findi is_open obls with
- | Some i -> i
- | None -> anomaly (Pp.str "Could not find a solvable obligation.")
- in
- solve_obligation prg i tac
-let init_program () =
- Coqlib.check_required_library Coqlib.datatypes_module_name;
- Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"Init";"Specif"];
- Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"Program";"Tactics"]
-let set_program_mode c =
- if c then
- if !Flags.program_mode then ()
- else begin
- init_program ();
- Flags.program_mode := true;
- end