path: root/theories7/ZArith/Zcomplements.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories7/ZArith/Zcomplements.v')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/theories7/ZArith/Zcomplements.v b/theories7/ZArith/Zcomplements.v
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index 00000000..72d837b6
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+++ b/theories7/ZArith/Zcomplements.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Zcomplements.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:43 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+Require ZArithRing.
+Require ZArith_base.
+Require Omega.
+Require Wf_nat.
+V7only [Import Z_scope.].
+Open Local Scope Z_scope.
+V7only [Set Implicit Arguments.].
+(** About parity *)
+Lemma two_or_two_plus_one : (x:Z) { y:Z | `x = 2*y`}+{ y:Z | `x = 2*y+1`}.
+Intro x; NewDestruct x.
+Left ; Split with ZERO; Reflexivity.
+NewDestruct p.
+Right ; Split with (POS p); Reflexivity.
+Left ; Split with (POS p); Reflexivity.
+Right ; Split with ZERO; Reflexivity.
+NewDestruct p.
+Right ; Split with (NEG (add xH p)).
+Rewrite NEG_xI.
+Rewrite NEG_add.
+Left ; Split with (NEG p); Reflexivity.
+Right ; Split with `-1`; Reflexivity.
+(** The biggest power of 2 that is stricly less than [a]
+ Easy to compute: replace all "1" of the binary representation by
+ "0", except the first "1" (or the first one :-) *)
+Fixpoint floor_pos [a : positive] : positive :=
+ Cases a of
+ | xH => xH
+ | (xO a') => (xO (floor_pos a'))
+ | (xI b') => (xO (floor_pos b'))
+ end.
+Definition floor := [a:positive](POS (floor_pos a)).
+Lemma floor_gt0 : (x:positive) `(floor x) > 0`.
+Lemma floor_ok : (a:positive)
+ `(floor a) <= (POS a) < 2*(floor a)`.
+Unfold floor.
+Intro a; NewInduction a as [p|p|].
+Repeat Rewrite POS_xI.
+Rewrite (POS_xO (xO (floor_pos p))).
+Rewrite (POS_xO (floor_pos p)).
+Repeat Rewrite POS_xI.
+Rewrite (POS_xO (xO (floor_pos p))).
+Rewrite (POS_xO (floor_pos p)).
+Rewrite (POS_xO p).
+Simpl; Omega.
+(** Two more induction principles over [Z]. *)
+Theorem Z_lt_abs_rec : (P: Z -> Set)
+ ((n: Z) ((m: Z) `|m|<|n|` -> (P m)) -> (P n)) -> (p: Z) (P p).
+Intros P HP p.
+LetTac Q:=[z]`0<=z`->(P z)*(P `-z`).
+Cut (Q `|p|`);[Intros|Apply (Z_lt_rec Q);Auto with zarith].
+Elim (Zabs_dec p);Intro eq;Rewrite eq;Elim H;Auto with zarith.
+Unfold Q;Clear Q;Intros.
+Apply pair;Apply HP.
+Rewrite Zabs_eq;Auto;Intros.
+Elim (H `|m|`);Intros;Auto with zarith.
+Elim (Zabs_dec m);Intro eq;Rewrite eq;Trivial.
+Rewrite Zabs_non_eq;Auto with zarith.
+Rewrite Zopp_Zopp;Intros.
+Elim (H `|m|`);Intros;Auto with zarith.
+Elim (Zabs_dec m);Intro eq;Rewrite eq;Trivial.
+Theorem Z_lt_abs_induction : (P: Z -> Prop)
+ ((n: Z) ((m: Z) `|m|<|n|` -> (P m)) -> (P n)) -> (p: Z) (P p).
+Intros P HP p.
+LetTac Q:=[z]`0<=z`->(P z) /\ (P `-z`).
+Cut (Q `|p|`);[Intros|Apply (Z_lt_induction Q);Auto with zarith].
+Elim (Zabs_dec p);Intro eq;Rewrite eq;Elim H;Auto with zarith.
+Unfold Q;Clear Q;Intros.
+Split;Apply HP.
+Rewrite Zabs_eq;Auto;Intros.
+Elim (H `|m|`);Intros;Auto with zarith.
+Elim (Zabs_dec m);Intro eq;Rewrite eq;Trivial.
+Rewrite Zabs_non_eq;Auto with zarith.
+Rewrite Zopp_Zopp;Intros.
+Elim (H `|m|`);Intros;Auto with zarith.
+Elim (Zabs_dec m);Intro eq;Rewrite eq;Trivial.
+V7only [Unset Implicit Arguments.].
+(** To do case analysis over the sign of [z] *)
+Lemma Zcase_sign : (x:Z)(P:Prop)
+ (`x=0` -> P) ->
+ (`x>0` -> P) ->
+ (`x<0` -> P) -> P.
+Intros x P Hzero Hpos Hneg.
+Induction x.
+Apply Hzero; Trivial.
+Apply Hpos; Apply POS_gt_ZERO.
+Apply Hneg; Apply NEG_lt_ZERO.
+Lemma sqr_pos : (x:Z)`x*x >= 0`.
+Intro x.
+Apply (Zcase_sign x `x*x >= 0`).
+Intros H; Rewrite H; Omega.
+Intros H; Replace `0` with `0*0`.
+Apply Zge_Zmult_pos_compat; Omega.
+Intros H; Replace `0` with `0*0`.
+Replace `x*x` with `(-x)*(-x)`.
+Apply Zge_Zmult_pos_compat; Omega.
+(** A list length in Z, tail recursive. *)
+Require PolyList.
+Fixpoint Zlength_aux [acc: Z; A:Set; l:(list A)] : Z := Cases l of
+ nil => acc
+ | (cons _ l) => (Zlength_aux (Zs acc) A l)
+Definition Zlength := (Zlength_aux 0).
+Implicits Zlength [1].
+Section Zlength_properties.
+Variable A:Set.
+Implicit Variable Type l:(list A).
+Lemma Zlength_correct : (l:(list A))(Zlength l)=(inject_nat (length l)).
+Assert (l:(list A))(acc:Z)(Zlength_aux acc A l)=acc+(inject_nat (length l)).
+Induction l.
+Simpl; Auto with zarith.
+Intros; Simpl (length (cons a l0)); Rewrite inj_S.
+Simpl; Rewrite H; Auto with zarith.
+Unfold Zlength; Intros; Rewrite H; Auto.
+Lemma Zlength_nil : (Zlength 1!A (nil A))=0.
+Lemma Zlength_cons : (x:A)(l:(list A))(Zlength (cons x l))=(Zs (Zlength l)).
+Intros; Do 2 Rewrite Zlength_correct.
+Simpl (length (cons x l)); Rewrite inj_S; Auto.
+Lemma Zlength_nil_inv : (l:(list A))(Zlength l)=0 -> l=(nil ?).
+Intro l; Rewrite Zlength_correct.
+Case l; Auto.
+Intros x l'; Simpl (length (cons x l')).
+Rewrite inj_S.
+Intros; ElimType False; Generalize (ZERO_le_inj (length l')); Omega.
+End Zlength_properties.
+Implicits Zlength_correct [1].
+Implicits Zlength_cons [1].
+Implicits Zlength_nil_inv [1].