path: root/theories7/Reals/Rfunctions.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories7/Reals/Rfunctions.v')
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diff --git a/theories7/Reals/Rfunctions.v b/theories7/Reals/Rfunctions.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Rfunctions.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:34 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*i Some properties about pow and sum have been made with John Harrison i*)
+(*i Some Lemmas (about pow and powerRZ) have been done by Laurent Thery i*)
+(** Definition of the sum functions *)
+(* *)
+Require Rbase.
+Require Export R_Ifp.
+Require Export Rbasic_fun.
+Require Export R_sqr.
+Require Export SplitAbsolu.
+Require Export SplitRmult.
+Require Export ArithProp.
+Require Omega.
+Require Zpower.
+V7only [ Import nat_scope. Import Z_scope. Import R_scope. ].
+Open Local Scope nat_scope.
+Open Local Scope R_scope.
+(** Lemmas about factorial *)
+Lemma INR_fact_neq_0:(n:nat)~(INR (fact n))==R0.
+Intro;Red;Intro;Apply (not_O_INR (fact n) (fact_neq_0 n));Assumption.
+Lemma fact_simpl : (n:nat) (fact (S n))=(mult (S n) (fact n)).
+Intro; Reflexivity.
+Lemma simpl_fact:(n:nat)(Rmult (Rinv (INR (fact (S n))))
+ (Rinv (Rinv (INR (fact n)))))==
+ (Rinv (INR (S n))).
+Intro;Rewrite (Rinv_Rinv (INR (fact n)) (INR_fact_neq_0 n));
+ Unfold 1 fact;Cbv Beta Iota;Fold fact;
+ Rewrite (mult_INR (S n) (fact n));
+ Rewrite (Rinv_Rmult (INR (S n)) (INR (fact n))).
+Rewrite (Rmult_assoc (Rinv (INR (S n))) (Rinv (INR (fact n)))
+ (INR (fact n)));Rewrite (Rinv_l (INR (fact n)) (INR_fact_neq_0 n));
+ Apply (let (H1,H2)=(Rmult_ne (Rinv (INR (S n)))) in H1).
+Apply not_O_INR;Auto.
+Apply INR_fact_neq_0.
+(* Power *)
+Fixpoint pow [r:R;n:nat]:R:=
+ Cases n of
+ O => R1
+ |(S n) => (Rmult r (pow r n))
+ end.
+V8Infix "^" pow : R_scope.
+Lemma pow_O: (x : R) (pow x O) == R1.
+Lemma pow_1: (x : R) (pow x (1)) == x.
+Simpl; Auto with real.
+Lemma pow_add:
+ (x : R) (n, m : nat) (pow x (plus n m)) == (Rmult (pow x n) (pow x m)).
+Intros x n; Elim n; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros n0 H' m; Rewrite H'; Auto with real.
+Lemma pow_nonzero:
+ (x:R) (n:nat) ~(x==R0) -> ~((pow x n)==R0).
+Intro; Induction n; Simpl.
+Intro; Red;Intro;Apply R1_neq_R0;Assumption.
+Intros;Red; Intro;Elim (without_div_Od x (pow x n0) H1).
+Intro; Auto.
+Apply H;Assumption.
+Hints Resolve pow_O pow_1 pow_add pow_nonzero:real.
+Lemma pow_RN_plus:
+ (x : R)
+ (n, m : nat)
+ ~ x == R0 -> (pow x n) == (Rmult (pow x (plus n m)) (Rinv (pow x m))).
+Intros x n; Elim n; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros n0 H' m H'0.
+Rewrite Rmult_assoc; Rewrite <- H'; Auto.
+Lemma pow_lt: (x : R) (n : nat) (Rlt R0 x) -> (Rlt R0 (pow x n)).
+Intros x n; Elim n; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros n0 H' H'0; Replace R0 with (Rmult x R0); Auto with real.
+Hints Resolve pow_lt :real.
+Lemma Rlt_pow_R1:
+ (x : R) (n : nat) (Rlt R1 x) -> (lt O n) -> (Rlt R1 (pow x n)).
+Intros x n; Elim n; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros H' H'0; ElimType False; Omega.
+Intros n0; Case n0.
+Simpl; Rewrite Rmult_1r; Auto.
+Intros n1 H' H'0 H'1.
+Replace R1 with (Rmult R1 R1); Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_trans with r2 := (Rmult x R1); Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_monotony; Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_trans with r2 := R1; Auto with real.
+Apply H'; Auto with arith.
+Hints Resolve Rlt_pow_R1 :real.
+Lemma Rlt_pow:
+ (x : R) (n, m : nat) (Rlt R1 x) -> (lt n m) -> (Rlt (pow x n) (pow x m)).
+Intros x n m H' H'0; Replace m with (plus (minus m n) n).
+Rewrite pow_add.
+Pattern 1 (pow x n); Replace (pow x n) with (Rmult R1 (pow x n));
+ Auto with real.
+Apply Rminus_lt.
+Repeat Rewrite [y : R] (Rmult_sym y (pow x n)); Rewrite <- Rminus_distr.
+Replace R0 with (Rmult (pow x n) R0); Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_monotony; Auto with real.
+Apply pow_lt; Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_trans with r2 := R1; Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_minus; Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_pow_R1; Auto with arith.
+Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p := n; Auto with arith.
+Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; Auto with arith; Rewrite <- plus_n_O; Auto.
+Rewrite plus_sym; Auto with arith.
+Hints Resolve Rlt_pow :real.
+Lemma tech_pow_Rmult:(x:R)(n:nat)(Rmult x (pow x n))==(pow x (S n)).
+Induction n; Simpl; Trivial.
+Lemma tech_pow_Rplus:(x:R)(a,n:nat)
+ (Rplus (pow x a) (Rmult (INR n) (pow x a)))==
+ (Rmult (INR (S n)) (pow x a)).
+Intros; Pattern 1 (pow x a);
+ Rewrite <-(let (H1,H2)=(Rmult_ne (pow x a)) in H1);
+ Rewrite (Rmult_sym (INR n) (pow x a));
+ Rewrite <- (Rmult_Rplus_distr (pow x a) R1 (INR n));
+ Rewrite (Rplus_sym R1 (INR n)); Rewrite <-(S_INR n);
+ Apply Rmult_sym.
+Lemma poly: (n:nat)(x:R)(Rlt R0 x)->
+ (Rle (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR n) x)) (pow (Rplus R1 x) n)).
+Intros;Elim n.
+Simpl;Cut (Rplus R1 (Rmult R0 x))==R1.
+Intro;Rewrite H0;Unfold Rle;Right; Reflexivity.
+Intros;Unfold pow; Fold pow;
+ Apply (Rle_trans (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR (S n0)) x))
+ (Rmult (Rplus R1 x) (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR n0) x)))
+ (Rmult (Rplus R1 x) (pow (Rplus R1 x) n0))).
+Cut (Rmult (Rplus R1 x) (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR n0) x)))==
+ (Rplus (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR (S n0)) x))
+ (Rmult (INR n0) (Rmult x x))).
+Intro;Rewrite H1;Pattern 1 (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR (S n0)) x));
+ Rewrite <-(let (H1,H2)=
+ (Rplus_ne (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR (S n0)) x))) in H1);
+ Apply Rle_compatibility;Elim n0;Intros.
+Simpl;Rewrite Rmult_Ol;Unfold Rle;Right;Auto.
+Unfold Rle;Left;Generalize Rmult_gt;Unfold Rgt;Intro;
+ Fold (Rsqr x);Apply (H3 (INR (S n1)) (Rsqr x)
+ (lt_INR_0 (S n1) (lt_O_Sn n1)));Fold (Rgt x R0) in H;
+ Apply (pos_Rsqr1 x (imp_not_Req x R0
+ (or_intror (Rlt x R0) (Rgt x R0) H))).
+Rewrite (S_INR n0);Ring.
+Unfold Rle in H0;Elim H0;Intro.
+Unfold Rle;Left;Apply Rlt_monotony.
+Rewrite Rplus_sym;
+ Apply (Rlt_r_plus_R1 x (Rlt_le R0 x H)).
+Rewrite H1;Unfold Rle;Right;Trivial.
+Lemma Power_monotonic:
+ (x:R) (m,n:nat) (Rgt (Rabsolu x) R1)
+ -> (le m n)
+ -> (Rle (Rabsolu (pow x m)) (Rabsolu (pow x n))).
+Intros x m n H;Induction n;Intros;Inversion H0.
+Unfold Rle; Right; Reflexivity.
+Unfold Rle; Right; Reflexivity.
+Apply (Rle_trans (Rabsolu (pow x m))
+ (Rabsolu (pow x n))
+ (Rabsolu (pow x (S n)))).
+Apply Hrecn; Assumption.
+Simpl;Rewrite Rabsolu_mult.
+Pattern 1 (Rabsolu (pow x n)).
+Rewrite <-Rmult_1r.
+Rewrite (Rmult_sym (Rabsolu x) (Rabsolu (pow x n))).
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply Rabsolu_pos.
+Unfold Rgt in H.
+Apply Rlt_le; Assumption.
+Lemma Pow_Rabsolu: (x:R) (n:nat)
+ (pow (Rabsolu x) n)==(Rabsolu (pow x n)).
+Intro;Induction n;Simpl.
+Apply sym_eqT;Apply Rabsolu_pos_eq;Apply Rlt_le;Apply Rlt_R0_R1.
+Intros; Rewrite H;Apply sym_eqT;Apply Rabsolu_mult.
+Lemma Pow_x_infinity:
+ (x:R) (Rgt (Rabsolu x) R1)
+ -> (b:R) (Ex [N:nat] ((n:nat) (ge n N)
+ -> (Rge (Rabsolu (pow x n)) b ))).
+Intros;Elim (archimed (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1))));Intros;
+ Clear H1;
+ Cut (Ex[N:nat] (Rge (INR N) (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1))))).
+Intro; Elim H1;Clear H1;Intros;Exists x0;Intros;
+ Apply (Rge_trans (Rabsolu (pow x n)) (Rabsolu (pow x x0)) b).
+Apply Rle_sym1;Apply Power_monotonic;Assumption.
+Rewrite <- Pow_Rabsolu;Cut (Rabsolu x)==(Rplus R1 (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)).
+Intro; Rewrite H3;
+ Apply (Rge_trans (pow (Rplus R1 (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)) x0)
+ (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR x0)
+ (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))
+ b).
+Apply Rle_sym1;Apply poly;Fold (Rgt (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1) R0);
+ Apply Rgt_minus;Assumption.
+Apply (Rge_trans
+ (Rplus R1 (Rmult (INR x0) (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))
+ (Rmult (INR x0) (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1))
+ b).
+Apply Rle_sym1; Apply Rlt_le;Rewrite (Rplus_sym R1
+ (Rmult (INR x0) (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)));
+ Pattern 1 (Rmult (INR x0) (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1));
+ Rewrite <- (let (H1,H2) = (Rplus_ne
+ (Rmult (INR x0) (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1))) in
+ H1);
+ Apply Rlt_compatibility;
+ Apply Rlt_R0_R1.
+Cut b==(Rmult (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))
+ (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)).
+Intros; Rewrite H4;Apply Rge_monotony.
+Apply Rge_minus;Unfold Rge; Left; Assumption.
+Rewrite Rmult_assoc;Rewrite Rinv_l.
+Apply imp_not_Req; Right;Apply Rgt_minus;Assumption.
+Cut `0<= (up (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1))))`\/
+ `(up (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))) <= 0`.
+Intros;Elim H1;Intro.
+Elim (IZN (up (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))) H2);Intros;Exists x0;
+ Apply (Rge_trans
+ (INR x0)
+ (IZR (up (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))))
+ (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))).
+Rewrite INR_IZR_INZ;Apply IZR_ge;Omega.
+Unfold Rge; Left; Assumption.
+Exists O;Apply (Rge_trans (INR (0))
+ (IZR (up (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))))
+ (Rmult b (Rinv (Rminus (Rabsolu x) R1)))).
+Rewrite INR_IZR_INZ;Apply IZR_ge;Simpl;Omega.
+Unfold Rge; Left; Assumption.
+Lemma pow_ne_zero:
+ (n:nat) ~(n=(0))-> (pow R0 n) == R0.
+Induction n.
+Intros;Elim H;Reflexivity.
+Intros; Simpl;Apply Rmult_Ol.
+Lemma Rinv_pow:
+ (x:R) (n:nat) ~(x==R0) -> (Rinv (pow x n))==(pow (Rinv x) n).
+Intros; Elim n; Simpl.
+Apply Rinv_R1.
+Intro m;Intro;Rewrite Rinv_Rmult.
+Rewrite H0; Reflexivity;Assumption.
+Apply pow_nonzero;Assumption.
+Lemma pow_lt_1_zero:
+ (x:R) (Rlt (Rabsolu x) R1)
+ -> (y:R) (Rlt R0 y)
+ -> (Ex[N:nat] (n:nat) (ge n N)
+ -> (Rlt (Rabsolu (pow x n)) y)).
+Intros;Elim (Req_EM x R0);Intro.
+Exists (1);Rewrite H1;Intros n GE;Rewrite pow_ne_zero.
+Rewrite Rabsolu_R0;Assumption.
+Inversion GE;Auto.
+Cut (Rgt (Rabsolu (Rinv x)) R1).
+Intros;Elim (Pow_x_infinity (Rinv x) H2 (Rplus (Rinv y) R1));Intros N.
+Exists N;Intros;Rewrite <- (Rinv_Rinv y).
+Rewrite <- (Rinv_Rinv (Rabsolu (pow x n))).
+Apply Rinv_lt.
+Apply Rmult_lt_pos.
+Apply Rlt_Rinv.
+Apply Rlt_Rinv.
+Apply Rabsolu_pos_lt.
+Apply pow_nonzero.
+Rewrite <- Rabsolu_Rinv.
+Rewrite Rinv_pow.
+Apply (Rlt_le_trans (Rinv y)
+ (Rplus (Rinv y) R1)
+ (Rabsolu (pow (Rinv x) n))).
+Pattern 1 (Rinv y).
+Rewrite <- (let (H1,H2) =
+ (Rplus_ne (Rinv y)) in H1).
+Apply Rlt_compatibility.
+Apply Rlt_R0_R1.
+Apply Rle_sym2.
+Apply H3.
+Apply pow_nonzero.
+Apply Rabsolu_no_R0.
+Apply pow_nonzero.
+Apply imp_not_Req.
+Right; Unfold Rgt; Assumption.
+Rewrite <- (Rinv_Rinv R1).
+Rewrite Rabsolu_Rinv.
+Unfold Rgt; Apply Rinv_lt.
+Apply Rmult_lt_pos.
+Apply Rabsolu_pos_lt.
+Rewrite Rinv_R1; Apply Rlt_R0_R1.
+Rewrite Rinv_R1; Assumption.
+Red;Intro; Apply R1_neq_R0;Assumption.
+Lemma pow_R1:
+ (r : R) (n : nat) (pow r n) == R1 -> (Rabsolu r) == R1 \/ n = O.
+Intros r n H'.
+Case (Req_EM (Rabsolu r) R1); Auto; Intros H'1.
+Case (not_Req ? ? H'1); Intros H'2.
+Generalize H'; Case n; Auto.
+Intros n0 H'0.
+Cut ~ r == R0; [Intros Eq1 | Idtac].
+Cut ~ (Rabsolu r) == R0; [Intros Eq2 | Apply Rabsolu_no_R0]; Auto.
+Absurd (Rlt (pow (Rabsolu (Rinv r)) O) (pow (Rabsolu (Rinv r)) (S n0))); Auto.
+Replace (pow (Rabsolu (Rinv r)) (S n0)) with R1.
+Simpl; Apply Rlt_antirefl; Auto.
+Rewrite Rabsolu_Rinv; Auto.
+Rewrite <- Rinv_pow; Auto.
+Rewrite Pow_Rabsolu; Auto.
+Rewrite H'0; Rewrite Rabsolu_right; Auto with real.
+Apply Rle_ge; Auto with real.
+Apply Rlt_pow; Auto with arith.
+Rewrite Rabsolu_Rinv; Auto.
+Apply Rlt_monotony_contra with z := (Rabsolu r).
+Case (Rabsolu_pos r); Auto.
+Intros H'3; Case Eq2; Auto.
+Rewrite Rmult_1r; Rewrite Rinv_r; Auto with real.
+Red;Intro;Absurd ``(pow r (S n0)) == 1``;Auto.
+Simpl; Rewrite H; Rewrite Rmult_Ol; Auto with real.
+Generalize H'; Case n; Auto.
+Intros n0 H'0.
+Cut ~ r == R0; [Intros Eq1 | Auto with real].
+Cut ~ (Rabsolu r) == R0; [Intros Eq2 | Apply Rabsolu_no_R0]; Auto.
+Absurd (Rlt (pow (Rabsolu r) O) (pow (Rabsolu r) (S n0)));
+ Auto with real arith.
+Repeat Rewrite Pow_Rabsolu; Rewrite H'0; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Red;Intro;Absurd ``(pow r (S n0)) == 1``;Auto.
+Simpl; Rewrite H; Rewrite Rmult_Ol; Auto with real.
+Lemma pow_Rsqr : (x:R;n:nat) (pow x (mult (2) n))==(pow (Rsqr x) n).
+Intros; Induction n.
+Replace (mult (2) (S n)) with (S (S (mult (2) n))).
+Replace (pow x (S (S (mult (2) n)))) with ``x*x*(pow x (mult (S (S O)) n))``.
+Rewrite Hrecn; Reflexivity.
+Simpl; Ring.
+Apply INR_eq; Do 2 Rewrite S_INR; Do 2 Rewrite mult_INR; Repeat Rewrite S_INR; Ring.
+Lemma pow_le : (a:R;n:nat) ``0<=a`` -> ``0<=(pow a n)``.
+Intros; Induction n.
+Simpl; Left; Apply Rlt_R0_R1.
+Simpl; Apply Rmult_le_pos; Assumption.
+Lemma pow_1_even : (n:nat) ``(pow (-1) (mult (S (S O)) n))==1``.
+Intro; Induction n.
+Replace (mult (2) (S n)) with (plus (2) (mult (2) n)).
+Rewrite pow_add; Rewrite Hrecn; Simpl; Ring.
+Replace (S n) with (plus n (1)); [Ring | Ring].
+Lemma pow_1_odd : (n:nat) ``(pow (-1) (S (mult (S (S O)) n)))==-1``.
+Intro; Replace (S (mult (2) n)) with (plus (mult (2) n) (1)); [Idtac | Ring].
+Rewrite pow_add; Rewrite pow_1_even; Simpl; Ring.
+Lemma pow_1_abs : (n:nat) ``(Rabsolu (pow (-1) n))==1``.
+Intro; Induction n.
+Simpl; Apply Rabsolu_R1.
+Replace (S n) with (plus n (1)); [Rewrite pow_add | Ring].
+Rewrite Rabsolu_mult.
+Rewrite Hrecn; Rewrite Rmult_1l; Simpl; Rewrite Rmult_1r; Rewrite Rabsolu_Ropp; Apply Rabsolu_R1.
+Lemma pow_mult : (x:R;n1,n2:nat) (pow x (mult n1 n2))==(pow (pow x n1) n2).
+Intros; Induction n2.
+Simpl; Replace (mult n1 O) with O; [Reflexivity | Ring].
+Replace (mult n1 (S n2)) with (plus (mult n1 n2) n1).
+Replace (S n2) with (plus n2 (1)); [Idtac | Ring].
+Do 2 Rewrite pow_add.
+Rewrite Hrecn2.
+Apply INR_eq; Rewrite plus_INR; Do 2 Rewrite mult_INR; Rewrite S_INR; Ring.
+Lemma pow_incr : (x,y:R;n:nat) ``0<=x<=y`` -> ``(pow x n)<=(pow y n)``.
+Induction n.
+Right; Reflexivity.
+Elim H; Intros.
+Apply Rle_trans with ``y*(pow x n)``.
+Do 2 Rewrite <- (Rmult_sym (pow x n)).
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply pow_le; Assumption.
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply Rle_trans with x; Assumption.
+Apply Hrecn.
+Lemma pow_R1_Rle : (x:R;k:nat) ``1<=x`` -> ``1<=(pow x k)``.
+Induction k.
+Right; Reflexivity.
+Apply Rle_trans with ``x*1``.
+Rewrite Rmult_1r; Assumption.
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Left; Apply Rlt_le_trans with R1; [Apply Rlt_R0_R1 | Assumption].
+Exact Hreck.
+Lemma Rle_pow : (x:R;m,n:nat) ``1<=x`` -> (le m n) -> ``(pow x m)<=(pow x n)``.
+Replace n with (plus (minus n m) m).
+Rewrite pow_add.
+Rewrite Rmult_sym.
+Pattern 1 (pow x m); Rewrite <- Rmult_1r.
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply pow_le; Left; Apply Rlt_le_trans with R1; [Apply Rlt_R0_R1 | Assumption].
+Apply pow_R1_Rle; Assumption.
+Rewrite plus_sym.
+Symmetry; Apply le_plus_minus; Assumption.
+Lemma pow1 : (n:nat) (pow R1 n)==R1.
+Intro; Induction n.
+Simpl; Rewrite Hrecn; Rewrite Rmult_1r; Reflexivity.
+Lemma pow_Rabs : (x:R;n:nat) ``(pow x n)<=(pow (Rabsolu x) n)``.
+Intros; Induction n.
+Right; Reflexivity.
+Simpl; Case (case_Rabsolu x); Intro.
+Apply Rle_trans with (Rabsolu ``x*(pow x n)``).
+Apply Rle_Rabsolu.
+Rewrite Rabsolu_mult.
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply Rabsolu_pos.
+Right; Symmetry; Apply Pow_Rabsolu.
+Pattern 1 (Rabsolu x); Rewrite (Rabsolu_right x r); Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply Rle_sym2; Exact r.
+Apply Hrecn.
+Lemma pow_maj_Rabs : (x,y:R;n:nat) ``(Rabsolu y)<=x`` -> ``(pow y n)<=(pow x n)``.
+Intros; Cut ``0<=x``.
+Intro; Apply Rle_trans with (pow (Rabsolu y) n).
+Apply pow_Rabs.
+Induction n.
+Right; Reflexivity.
+Simpl; Apply Rle_trans with ``x*(pow (Rabsolu y) n)``.
+Do 2 Rewrite <- (Rmult_sym (pow (Rabsolu y) n)).
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply pow_le; Apply Rabsolu_pos.
+Apply Rle_monotony.
+Apply H0.
+Apply Hrecn.
+Apply Rle_trans with (Rabsolu y); [Apply Rabsolu_pos | Exact H].
+(** PowerRZ *)
+(*i Due to L.Thery i*)
+Tactic Definition CaseEqk name :=
+Generalize (refl_equal ? name); Pattern -1 name; Case name.
+Definition powerRZ :=
+ [x : R] [n : Z] Cases n of
+ ZERO => R1
+ | (POS p) => (pow x (convert p))
+ | (NEG p) => (Rinv (pow x (convert p)))
+ end.
+Infix Local "^Z" powerRZ (at level 2, left associativity) : R_scope.
+Lemma Zpower_NR0:
+ (x : Z) (n : nat) (Zle ZERO x) -> (Zle ZERO (Zpower_nat x n)).
+NewInduction n; Unfold Zpower_nat; Simpl; Auto with zarith.
+Lemma powerRZ_O: (x : R) (powerRZ x ZERO) == R1.
+Lemma powerRZ_1: (x : R) (powerRZ x (Zs ZERO)) == x.
+Simpl; Auto with real.
+Lemma powerRZ_NOR: (x : R) (z : Z) ~ x == R0 -> ~ (powerRZ x z) == R0.
+NewDestruct z; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Lemma powerRZ_add:
+ (x : R)
+ (n, m : Z)
+ ~ x == R0 -> (powerRZ x (Zplus n m)) == (Rmult (powerRZ x n) (powerRZ x m)).
+Intro x; NewDestruct n as [|n1|n1]; NewDestruct m as [|m1|m1]; Simpl;
+ Auto with real.
+(* POS/POS *)
+Rewrite convert_add; Auto with real.
+(* POS/NEG *)
+(CaseEqk '(compare n1 m1 EGAL)); Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros H' H'0; Rewrite compare_convert_EGAL with 1 := H'; Auto with real.
+Intros H' H'0; Rewrite (true_sub_convert m1 n1); Auto with real.
+Rewrite (pow_RN_plus x (minus (convert m1) (convert n1)) (convert n1));
+ Auto with real.
+Rewrite plus_sym; Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; Auto with real.
+Rewrite Rinv_Rmult; Auto with real.
+Rewrite Rinv_Rinv; Auto with real.
+Apply lt_le_weak.
+Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR; Auto.
+Apply ZC2; Auto.
+Intros H' H'0; Rewrite (true_sub_convert n1 m1); Auto with real.
+Rewrite (pow_RN_plus x (minus (convert n1) (convert m1)) (convert m1));
+ Auto with real.
+Rewrite plus_sym; Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; Auto with real.
+Apply lt_le_weak.
+Change (gt (convert n1) (convert m1)).
+Apply compare_convert_SUPERIEUR; Auto.
+(* NEG/POS *)
+(CaseEqk '(compare n1 m1 EGAL)); Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros H' H'0; Rewrite compare_convert_EGAL with 1 := H'; Auto with real.
+Intros H' H'0; Rewrite (true_sub_convert m1 n1); Auto with real.
+Rewrite (pow_RN_plus x (minus (convert m1) (convert n1)) (convert n1));
+ Auto with real.
+Rewrite plus_sym; Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; Auto with real.
+Apply lt_le_weak.
+Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR; Auto.
+Apply ZC2; Auto.
+Intros H' H'0; Rewrite (true_sub_convert n1 m1); Auto with real.
+Rewrite (pow_RN_plus x (minus (convert n1) (convert m1)) (convert m1));
+ Auto with real.
+Rewrite plus_sym; Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; Auto with real.
+Rewrite Rinv_Rmult; Auto with real.
+Apply lt_le_weak.
+Change (gt (convert n1) (convert m1)).
+Apply compare_convert_SUPERIEUR; Auto.
+(* NEG/NEG *)
+Rewrite convert_add; Auto with real.
+Intros H'; Rewrite pow_add; Auto with real.
+Apply Rinv_Rmult; Auto.
+Apply pow_nonzero; Auto.
+Apply pow_nonzero; Auto.
+Hints Resolve powerRZ_O powerRZ_1 powerRZ_NOR powerRZ_add :real.
+Lemma Zpower_nat_powerRZ:
+ (n, m : nat)
+ (IZR (Zpower_nat (inject_nat n) m)) == (powerRZ (INR n) (inject_nat m)).
+Intros n m; Elim m; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros m1 H'; Rewrite bij1; Simpl.
+Replace (Zpower_nat (inject_nat n) (S m1))
+ with (Zmult (inject_nat n) (Zpower_nat (inject_nat n) m1)).
+Rewrite mult_IZR; Auto with real.
+Repeat Rewrite <- INR_IZR_INZ; Simpl.
+Rewrite H'; Simpl.
+Case m1; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Intros m2; Rewrite bij1; Auto.
+Unfold Zpower_nat; Auto.
+Lemma powerRZ_lt: (x : R) (z : Z) (Rlt R0 x) -> (Rlt R0 (powerRZ x z)).
+Intros x z; Case z; Simpl; Auto with real.
+Hints Resolve powerRZ_lt :real.
+Lemma powerRZ_le: (x : R) (z : Z) (Rlt R0 x) -> (Rle R0 (powerRZ x z)).
+Intros x z H'; Apply Rlt_le; Auto with real.
+Hints Resolve powerRZ_le :real.
+Lemma Zpower_nat_powerRZ_absolu:
+ (n, m : Z)
+ (Zle ZERO m) -> (IZR (Zpower_nat n (absolu m))) == (powerRZ (IZR n) m).
+Intros n m; Case m; Simpl; Auto with zarith.
+Intros p H'; Elim (convert p); Simpl; Auto with zarith.
+Intros n0 H'0; Rewrite <- H'0; Simpl; Auto with zarith.
+Rewrite <- mult_IZR; Auto.
+Intros p H'; Absurd `0 <= (NEG p)`;Auto with zarith.
+Lemma powerRZ_R1: (n : Z) (powerRZ R1 n) == R1.
+Intros n; Case n; Simpl; Auto.
+Intros p; Elim (convert p); Simpl; Auto; Intros n0 H'; Rewrite H'; Ring.
+Intros p; Elim (convert p); Simpl.
+Exact Rinv_R1.
+Intros n1 H'; Rewrite Rinv_Rmult; Try Rewrite Rinv_R1; Try Rewrite H';
+ Auto with real.
+(** Sum of n first naturals *)
+Fixpoint sum_nat_f_O [f:nat->nat;n:nat]:nat:=
+ Cases n of
+ O => (f O)
+ |(S n') => (plus (sum_nat_f_O f n') (f (S n')))
+ end.
+Definition sum_nat_f [s,n:nat;f:nat->nat]:nat:=
+ (sum_nat_f_O [x:nat](f (plus x s)) (minus n s)).
+Definition sum_nat_O [n:nat]:nat:=
+ (sum_nat_f_O [x:nat]x n).
+Definition sum_nat [s,n:nat]:nat:=
+ (sum_nat_f s n [x:nat]x).
+(** Sum *)
+Fixpoint sum_f_R0 [f:nat->R;N:nat]:R:=
+ Cases N of
+ O => (f O)
+ |(S i) => (Rplus (sum_f_R0 f i) (f (S i)))
+ end.
+Definition sum_f [s,n:nat;f:nat->R]:R:=
+ (sum_f_R0 [x:nat](f (plus x s)) (minus n s)).
+Lemma GP_finite:
+ (x:R) (n:nat) (Rmult (sum_f_R0 [n:nat] (pow x n) n)
+ (Rminus x R1)) ==
+ (Rminus (pow x (plus n (1))) R1).
+Intros; Induction n; Simpl.
+Rewrite Rmult_Rplus_distrl;Rewrite Hrecn;Cut (plus n (1))=(S n).
+Intro H;Rewrite H;Simpl;Ring.
+Lemma sum_f_R0_triangle:
+ (x:nat->R)(n:nat) (Rle (Rabsolu (sum_f_R0 x n))
+ (sum_f_R0 [i:nat] (Rabsolu (x i)) n)).
+Intro; Induction n; Simpl.
+Unfold Rle; Right; Reflexivity.
+Intro m; Intro;Apply (Rle_trans
+ (Rabsolu (Rplus (sum_f_R0 x m) (x (S m))))
+ (Rplus (Rabsolu (sum_f_R0 x m))
+ (Rabsolu (x (S m))))
+ (Rplus (sum_f_R0 [i:nat](Rabsolu (x i)) m)
+ (Rabsolu (x (S m))))).
+Apply Rabsolu_triang.
+Rewrite Rplus_sym;Rewrite (Rplus_sym
+ (sum_f_R0 [i:nat](Rabsolu (x i)) m) (Rabsolu (x (S m))));
+ Apply Rle_compatibility;Assumption.
+(* Distance in R *)
+Definition R_dist:R->R->R:=[x,y:R](Rabsolu (Rminus x y)).
+Lemma R_dist_pos:(x,y:R)(Rge (R_dist x y) R0).
+Intros;Unfold R_dist;Unfold Rabsolu;Case (case_Rabsolu (Rminus x y));Intro l.
+Unfold Rge;Left;Apply (Rlt_RoppO (Rminus x y) l).
+Lemma R_dist_sym:(x,y:R)(R_dist x y)==(R_dist y x).
+Unfold R_dist;Intros;SplitAbsolu;Ring.
+Generalize (Rlt_RoppO (Rminus y x) r); Intro;
+ Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 y x) in H;
+ Generalize (Rlt_antisym (Rminus x y) R0 r0); Intro;Unfold Rgt in H;
+ ElimType False; Auto.
+Generalize (minus_Rge y x r); Intro;
+ Generalize (minus_Rge x y r0); Intro;
+ Generalize (Rge_ge_eq x y H0 H); Intro;Rewrite H1;Ring.
+Lemma R_dist_refl:(x,y:R)((R_dist x y)==R0<->x==y).
+Unfold R_dist;Intros;SplitAbsolu;Split;Intros.
+Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 x y) in H;Apply sym_eqT;
+ Apply (Rminus_eq y x H).
+Rewrite (Ropp_distr2 x y);Generalize (sym_eqT R x y H);Intro;
+ Apply (eq_Rminus y x H0).
+Apply (Rminus_eq x y H).
+Apply (eq_Rminus x y H).
+Lemma R_dist_eq:(x:R)(R_dist x x)==R0.
+Unfold R_dist;Intros;SplitAbsolu;Intros;Ring.
+Lemma R_dist_tri:(x,y,z:R)(Rle (R_dist x y)
+ (Rplus (R_dist x z) (R_dist z y))).
+Intros;Unfold R_dist; Replace ``x-y`` with ``(x-z)+(z-y)``;
+ [Apply (Rabsolu_triang ``x-z`` ``z-y``)|Ring].
+Lemma R_dist_plus: (a,b,c,d:R)(Rle (R_dist (Rplus a c) (Rplus b d))
+ (Rplus (R_dist a b) (R_dist c d))).
+Intros;Unfold R_dist;
+ Replace (Rminus (Rplus a c) (Rplus b d))
+ with (Rplus (Rminus a b) (Rminus c d)).
+Exact (Rabsolu_triang (Rminus a b) (Rminus c d)).
+(** Infinit Sum *)
+Definition infinit_sum:(nat->R)->R->Prop:=[s:nat->R;l:R]
+ (eps:R)(Rgt eps R0)->
+ (Ex[N:nat](n:nat)(ge n N)->(Rlt (R_dist (sum_f_R0 s n) l) eps)).