path: root/theories7/NArith/Pnat.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories7/NArith/Pnat.v')
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Pnat.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:31 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+Require BinPos.
+(** Properties of the injection from binary positive numbers to Peano
+ natural numbers *)
+(** Original development by Pierre Crégut, CNET, Lannion, France *)
+Require Le.
+Require Lt.
+Require Gt.
+Require Plus.
+Require Mult.
+Require Minus.
+(** [nat_of_P] is a morphism for addition *)
+Lemma convert_add_un :
+ (x:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat (add_un x) m) = (plus m (positive_to_nat x m)).
+Intro x; NewInduction x as [p IHp|p IHp|]; Simpl; Auto; Intro m; Rewrite IHp;
+Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial.
+Lemma cvt_add_un :
+ (p:positive) (convert (add_un p)) = (S (convert p)).
+ Intro; Change (S (convert p)) with (plus (S O) (convert p));
+ Unfold convert; Apply convert_add_un.
+Theorem convert_add_carry :
+ (x,y:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat (add_carry x y) m) =
+ (plus m (positive_to_nat (add x y) m)).
+Intro x; NewInduction x as [p IHp|p IHp|];
+ Intro y; NewDestruct y; Simpl; Auto with arith; Intro m; [
+ Rewrite IHp; Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial with arith
+| Rewrite IHp; Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial with arith
+| Rewrite convert_add_un; Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Trivial with arith
+| Rewrite convert_add_un; Apply plus_assoc_r ].
+Theorem cvt_carry :
+ (x,y:positive)(convert (add_carry x y)) = (S (convert (add x y))).
+Intros;Unfold convert; Rewrite convert_add_carry; Simpl; Trivial with arith.
+Theorem add_verif :
+ (x,y:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat (add x y) m) =
+ (plus (positive_to_nat x m) (positive_to_nat y m)).
+Intro x; NewInduction x as [p IHp|p IHp|];
+ Intro y; NewDestruct y;Simpl;Auto with arith; [
+ Intros m;Rewrite convert_add_carry; Rewrite IHp;
+ Rewrite plus_assoc_r; Rewrite plus_assoc_r;
+ Rewrite (plus_permute m (positive_to_nat p (plus m m))); Trivial with arith
+| Intros m; Rewrite IHp; Apply plus_assoc_l
+| Intros m; Rewrite convert_add_un;
+ Rewrite (plus_sym (plus m (positive_to_nat p (plus m m))));
+ Apply plus_assoc_r
+| Intros m; Rewrite IHp; Apply plus_permute
+| Intros m; Rewrite convert_add_un; Apply plus_assoc_r ].
+Theorem convert_add:
+ (x,y:positive) (convert (add x y)) = (plus (convert x) (convert y)).
+Intros x y; Exact (add_verif x y (S O)).
+(** [Pmult_nat] is a morphism for addition *)
+Lemma ZL2:
+ (y:positive)(m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat y (plus m m)) =
+ (plus (positive_to_nat y m) (positive_to_nat y m)).
+Intro y; NewInduction y as [p H|p H|]; Intro m; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite H; Rewrite plus_assoc_r;
+ Rewrite (plus_permute m (positive_to_nat p (plus m m)));
+ Rewrite plus_assoc_r; Auto with arith
+| Simpl; Rewrite H; Auto with arith
+| Simpl; Trivial with arith ].
+Lemma ZL6:
+ (p:positive) (positive_to_nat p (S (S O))) = (plus (convert p) (convert p)).
+Intro p;Change (2) with (plus (S O) (S O)); Rewrite ZL2; Trivial.
+(** [nat_of_P] is a morphism for multiplication *)
+Theorem times_convert :
+ (x,y:positive) (convert (times x y)) = (mult (convert x) (convert y)).
+Intros x y; NewInduction x as [ x' H | x' H | ]; [
+ Change (times (xI x') y) with (add y (xO (times x' y))); Rewrite convert_add;
+ Unfold 2 3 convert; Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite ZL6; Rewrite H;
+ Rewrite -> mult_plus_distr; Reflexivity
+| Unfold 1 2 convert; Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Rewrite H; Rewrite mult_plus_distr; Reflexivity
+| Simpl; Rewrite <- plus_n_O; Reflexivity ].
+V7only [
+ Comments "Compatibility with the old version of times and times_convert".
+ Syntactic Definition times1 :=
+ [x:positive;_:positive->positive;y:positive](times x y).
+ Syntactic Definition times1_convert :=
+ [x,y:positive;_:positive->positive](times_convert x y).
+(** [nat_of_P] maps to the strictly positive subset of [nat] *)
+Lemma ZL4: (y:positive) (EX h:nat |(convert y)=(S h)).
+Intro y; NewInduction y as [p H|p H|]; [
+ NewDestruct H as [x H1]; Exists (plus (S x) (S x));
+ Unfold convert ;Simpl; Change (2) with (plus (1) (1)); Rewrite ZL2; Unfold convert in H1;
+ Rewrite H1; Auto with arith
+| NewDestruct H as [x H2]; Exists (plus x (S x)); Unfold convert;
+ Simpl; Change (2) with (plus (1) (1)); Rewrite ZL2;Unfold convert in H2; Rewrite H2; Auto with arith
+| Exists O ;Auto with arith ].
+(** Extra lemmas on [lt] on Peano natural numbers *)
+Lemma ZL7:
+ (m,n:nat) (lt m n) -> (lt (plus m m) (plus n n)).
+Intros m n H; Apply lt_trans with m:=(plus m n); [
+ Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H
+| Rewrite (plus_sym m n); Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H ].
+Lemma ZL8:
+ (m,n:nat) (lt m n) -> (lt (S (plus m m)) (plus n n)).
+Intros m n H; Apply le_lt_trans with m:=(plus m n); [
+ Change (lt (plus m m) (plus m n)) ; Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H
+| Rewrite (plus_sym m n); Apply lt_reg_l with 1:=H ].
+(** [nat_of_P] is a morphism from [positive] to [nat] for [lt] (expressed
+ from [compare] on [positive])
+ Part 1: [lt] on [positive] is finer than [lt] on [nat]
+Lemma compare_convert_INFERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL) = INFERIEUR ->
+ (lt (convert x) (convert y)).
+Intro x; NewInduction x as [p H|p H|];Intro y; NewDestruct y as [q|q|];
+ Intro H2; [
+ Unfold convert ;Simpl; Apply lt_n_S;
+ Do 2 Rewrite ZL6; Apply ZL7; Apply H; Simpl in H2; Assumption
+| Unfold convert ;Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL8; Apply H;Simpl in H2; Apply ZLSI;Assumption
+| Simpl; Discriminate H2
+| Simpl; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Elim (ZLII p q H2); [
+ Intros H3;Apply lt_S;Apply ZL7; Apply H;Apply H3
+ | Intros E;Rewrite E;Apply lt_n_Sn]
+| Simpl; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL7;Apply H;Assumption
+| Simpl; Discriminate H2
+| Unfold convert ;Simpl; Apply lt_n_S; Rewrite ZL6;
+ Elim (ZL4 q);Intros h H3; Rewrite H3;Simpl; Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL6; Elim (ZL4 q);Intros h H3;
+ Rewrite H3; Simpl; Rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; Apply lt_n_S; Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Simpl; Discriminate H2 ].
+(** [nat_of_P] is a morphism from [positive] to [nat] for [gt] (expressed
+ from [compare] on [positive])
+ Part 1: [gt] on [positive] is finer than [gt] on [nat]
+Lemma compare_convert_SUPERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL)=SUPERIEUR -> (gt (convert x) (convert y)).
+Unfold gt; Intro x; NewInduction x as [p H|p H|];
+ Intro y; NewDestruct y as [q|q|]; Intro H2; [
+ Simpl; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply lt_n_S; Apply ZL7; Apply H;Assumption
+| Simpl; Unfold convert ;Simpl; Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Elim (ZLSS p q H2); [
+ Intros H3;Apply lt_S;Apply ZL7;Apply H;Assumption
+ | Intros E;Rewrite E;Apply lt_n_Sn]
+| Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL6;Elim (ZL4 p);
+ Intros h H3;Rewrite H3;Simpl; Apply lt_n_S; Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Simpl;Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL8; Apply H; Apply ZLIS; Assumption
+| Simpl; Unfold convert ;Simpl;Do 2 Rewrite ZL6;
+ Apply ZL7;Apply H;Assumption
+| Unfold convert ;Simpl; Rewrite ZL6; Elim (ZL4 p);
+ Intros h H3;Rewrite H3;Simpl; Rewrite <- plus_n_Sm;Apply lt_n_S;
+ Apply lt_O_Sn
+| Simpl; Discriminate H2
+| Simpl; Discriminate H2
+| Simpl; Discriminate H2 ].
+(** [nat_of_P] is a morphism from [positive] to [nat] for [lt] (expressed
+ from [compare] on [positive])
+ Part 2: [lt] on [nat] is finer than [lt] on [positive]
+Lemma convert_compare_INFERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive)(lt (convert x) (convert y)) -> (compare x y EGAL) = INFERIEUR.
+Intros x y; Unfold gt; Elim (Dcompare (compare x y EGAL)); [
+ Intros E; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL x y E);
+ Intros H;Absurd (lt (convert y) (convert y)); [ Apply lt_n_n | Assumption ]
+| Intros H;Elim H; [
+ Auto
+ | Intros H1 H2; Absurd (lt (convert x) (convert y)); [
+ Apply lt_not_sym; Change (gt (convert x) (convert y));
+ Apply compare_convert_SUPERIEUR; Assumption
+ | Assumption ]]].
+(** [nat_of_P] is a morphism from [positive] to [nat] for [gt] (expressed
+ from [compare] on [positive])
+ Part 2: [gt] on [nat] is finer than [gt] on [positive]
+Lemma convert_compare_SUPERIEUR :
+ (x,y:positive)(gt (convert x) (convert y)) -> (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR.
+Intros x y; Unfold gt; Elim (Dcompare (compare x y EGAL)); [
+ Intros E; Rewrite (compare_convert_EGAL x y E);
+ Intros H;Absurd (lt (convert y) (convert y)); [ Apply lt_n_n | Assumption ]
+| Intros H;Elim H; [
+ Intros H1 H2; Absurd (lt (convert y) (convert x)); [
+ Apply lt_not_sym; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR; Assumption
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Auto]].
+(** [nat_of_P] is strictly positive *)
+Lemma compare_positive_to_nat_O :
+ (p:positive)(m:nat)(le m (positive_to_nat p m)).
+NewInduction p; Simpl; Auto with arith.
+Intro m; Apply le_trans with (plus m m); Auto with arith.
+Lemma compare_convert_O : (p:positive)(lt O (convert p)).
+Intro; Unfold convert; Apply lt_le_trans with (S O); Auto with arith.
+Apply compare_positive_to_nat_O.
+(** Pmult_nat permutes with multiplication *)
+Lemma positive_to_nat_mult : (p:positive) (n,m:nat)
+ (positive_to_nat p (mult m n))=(mult m (positive_to_nat p n)).
+ Induction p. Intros. Simpl. Rewrite mult_plus_distr_r. Rewrite <- (mult_plus_distr_r m n n).
+ Rewrite (H (plus n n) m). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl. Rewrite <- (mult_plus_distr_r m n n). Apply H.
+ Trivial.
+Lemma positive_to_nat_2 : (p:positive)
+ (positive_to_nat p (2))=(mult (2) (positive_to_nat p (1))).
+ Intros. Rewrite <- positive_to_nat_mult. Reflexivity.
+Lemma positive_to_nat_4 : (p:positive)
+ (positive_to_nat p (4))=(mult (2) (positive_to_nat p (2))).
+ Intros. Rewrite <- positive_to_nat_mult. Reflexivity.
+(** Mapping of xH, xO and xI through [nat_of_P] *)
+Lemma convert_xH : (convert xH)=(1).
+ Reflexivity.
+Lemma convert_xO : (p:positive) (convert (xO p))=(mult (2) (convert p)).
+ Induction p. Unfold convert. Simpl. Intros. Rewrite positive_to_nat_2.
+ Rewrite positive_to_nat_4. Rewrite H. Simpl. Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm. Reflexivity.
+ Unfold convert. Simpl. Intros. Rewrite positive_to_nat_2. Rewrite positive_to_nat_4.
+ Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Reflexivity.
+Lemma convert_xI : (p:positive) (convert (xI p))=(S (mult (2) (convert p))).
+ Induction p. Unfold convert. Simpl. Intro p0. Intro. Rewrite positive_to_nat_2.
+ Rewrite positive_to_nat_4; Injection H; Intro H1; Rewrite H1; Rewrite <- plus_Snm_nSm; Reflexivity.
+ Unfold convert. Simpl. Intros. Rewrite positive_to_nat_2. Rewrite positive_to_nat_4.
+ Injection H; Intro H1; Rewrite H1; Reflexivity.
+ Reflexivity.
+(** Properties of the shifted injection from Peano natural numbers to
+ binary positive numbers *)
+(** Composition of [P_of_succ_nat] and [nat_of_P] is successor on [nat] *)
+Theorem bij1 : (m:nat) (convert (anti_convert m)) = (S m).
+Intro m; NewInduction m as [|n H]; [
+ Reflexivity
+| Simpl; Rewrite cvt_add_un; Rewrite H; Auto ].
+(** Miscellaneous lemmas on [P_of_succ_nat] *)
+Lemma ZL3: (x:nat) (add_un (anti_convert (plus x x))) = (xO (anti_convert x)).
+Intro x; NewInduction x as [|n H]; [
+ Simpl; Auto with arith
+| Simpl; Rewrite plus_sym; Simpl; Rewrite H; Rewrite ZL1;Auto with arith].
+Lemma ZL5: (x:nat) (anti_convert (plus (S x) (S x))) = (xI (anti_convert x)).
+Intro x; NewInduction x as [|n H];Simpl; [
+ Auto with arith
+| Rewrite <- plus_n_Sm; Simpl; Simpl in H; Rewrite H; Auto with arith].
+(** Composition of [nat_of_P] and [P_of_succ_nat] is successor on [positive] *)
+Theorem bij2 : (x:positive) (anti_convert (convert x)) = (add_un x).
+Intro x; NewInduction x as [p H|p H|]; [
+ Simpl; Rewrite <- H; Change (2) with (plus (1) (1));
+ Rewrite ZL2; Elim (ZL4 p);
+ Unfold convert; Intros n H1;Rewrite H1; Rewrite ZL3; Auto with arith
+| Unfold convert ;Simpl; Change (2) with (plus (1) (1));
+ Rewrite ZL2;
+ Rewrite <- (sub_add_one
+ (anti_convert
+ (plus (positive_to_nat p (S O)) (positive_to_nat p (S O)))));
+ Rewrite <- (sub_add_one (xI p));
+ Simpl;Rewrite <- H;Elim (ZL4 p); Unfold convert ;Intros n H1;Rewrite H1;
+ Rewrite ZL5; Simpl; Trivial with arith
+| Unfold convert; Simpl; Auto with arith ].
+(** Composition of [nat_of_P], [P_of_succ_nat] and [Ppred] is identity
+ on [positive] *)
+Theorem bij3: (x:positive)(sub_un (anti_convert (convert x))) = x.
+Intros x; Rewrite bij2; Rewrite sub_add_one; Trivial with arith.
+(** Extra properties of the injection from binary positive numbers to Peano
+ natural numbers *)
+(** [nat_of_P] is a morphism for subtraction on positive numbers *)
+Theorem true_sub_convert:
+ (x,y:positive) (compare x y EGAL) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (convert (true_sub x y)) = (minus (convert x) (convert y)).
+Intros x y H; Apply plus_reg_l with (convert y);
+Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite <- convert_add; Rewrite sub_add; Auto with arith
+| Apply lt_le_weak; Exact (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR x y H)].
+(** [nat_of_P] is injective *)
+Lemma convert_intro : (x,y:positive)(convert x)=(convert y) -> x=y.
+Intros x y H;Rewrite <- (bij3 x);Rewrite <- (bij3 y); Rewrite H; Trivial with arith.
+Lemma ZL16: (p,q:positive)(lt (minus (convert p) (convert q)) (convert p)).
+Intros p q; Elim (ZL4 p);Elim (ZL4 q); Intros h H1 i H2;
+Rewrite H1;Rewrite H2; Simpl;Unfold lt; Apply le_n_S; Apply le_minus.
+Lemma ZL17: (p,q:positive)(lt (convert p) (convert (add p q))).
+Intros p q; Rewrite convert_add;Unfold lt;Elim (ZL4 q); Intros k H;Rewrite H;
+Rewrite plus_sym;Simpl; Apply le_n_S; Apply le_plus_r.
+(** Comparison and subtraction *)
+Lemma compare_true_sub_right :
+ (p,q,z:positive)
+ (compare q p EGAL)=INFERIEUR->
+ (compare z p EGAL)=SUPERIEUR->
+ (compare z q EGAL)=SUPERIEUR->
+ (compare (true_sub z p) (true_sub z q) EGAL)=INFERIEUR.
+Intros; Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR; Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert q); Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite plus_sym; Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert p);
+ Rewrite plus_assoc_l; Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite (plus_sym (convert p)); Apply lt_reg_l;
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR; Assumption
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;
+ Apply ZC1; Assumption ]
+ | Apply lt_le_weak;Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;
+ Apply ZC1; Assumption ]
+ | Assumption ]
+ | Assumption ].
+Lemma compare_true_sub_left :
+ (p,q,z:positive)
+ (compare q p EGAL)=INFERIEUR->
+ (compare p z EGAL)=SUPERIEUR->
+ (compare q z EGAL)=SUPERIEUR->
+ (compare (true_sub q z) (true_sub p z) EGAL)=INFERIEUR.
+Intros p q z; Intros;
+ Apply convert_compare_INFERIEUR; Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Unfold gt; Apply simpl_lt_plus_l with p:=(convert z);
+ Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Rewrite le_plus_minus_r; [
+ Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Assumption
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1;Assumption]
+ | Apply lt_le_weak; Apply compare_convert_INFERIEUR;Apply ZC1; Assumption]
+ | Assumption]
+| Assumption].
+(** Distributivity of multiplication over subtraction *)
+Theorem times_true_sub_distr:
+ (x,y,z:positive) (compare y z EGAL) = SUPERIEUR ->
+ (times x (true_sub y z)) = (true_sub (times x y) (times x z)).
+Intros x y z H; Apply convert_intro;
+Rewrite times_convert; Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Rewrite true_sub_convert; [
+ Do 2 Rewrite times_convert;
+ Do 3 Rewrite (mult_sym (convert x));Apply mult_minus_distr
+ | Apply convert_compare_SUPERIEUR; Do 2 Rewrite times_convert;
+ Unfold gt; Elim (ZL4 x);Intros h H1;Rewrite H1; Apply lt_mult_left;
+ Exact (compare_convert_SUPERIEUR y z H) ]
+| Assumption ].