path: root/theories7/Logic
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diff --git a/theories7/Logic/Berardi.v b/theories7/Logic/Berardi.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Berardi.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** This file formalizes Berardi's paradox which says that in
- the calculus of constructions, excluded middle (EM) and axiom of
- choice (AC) implie proof irrelevenace (PI).
- Here, the axiom of choice is not necessary because of the use
- of inductive types.
- author = {F. Barbanera and S. Berardi},
- title = {Proof-irrelevance out of Excluded-middle and Choice
- in the Calculus of Constructions},
- journal = {Journal of Functional Programming},
- year = {1996},
- volume = {6},
- number = {3},
- pages = {519-525}
->> *)
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Section Berardis_paradox.
-(** Excluded middle *)
-Hypothesis EM : (P:Prop) P \/ ~P.
-(** Conditional on any proposition. *)
-Definition IFProp := [P,B:Prop][e1,e2:P]
- Cases (EM B) of
- (or_introl _) => e1
- | (or_intror _) => e2
- end.
-(** Axiom of choice applied to disjunction.
- Provable in Coq because of dependent elimination. *)
-Lemma AC_IF : (P,B:Prop)(e1,e2:P)(Q:P->Prop)
- ( B -> (Q e1))->
- (~B -> (Q e2))->
- (Q (IFProp B e1 e2)).
-Intros P B e1 e2 Q p1 p2.
-Unfold IFProp.
-Case (EM B); Assumption.
-(** We assume a type with two elements. They play the role of booleans.
- The main theorem under the current assumptions is that [T=F] *)
-Variable Bool: Prop.
-Variable T: Bool.
-Variable F: Bool.
-(** The powerset operator *)
-Definition pow [P:Prop] :=P->Bool.
-(** A piece of theory about retracts *)
-Section Retracts.
-Variable A,B: Prop.
-Record retract : Prop := {
- i: A->B;
- j: B->A;
- inv: (a:A)(j (i a))==a
- }.
-Record retract_cond : Prop := {
- i2: A->B;
- j2: B->A;
- inv2: retract -> (a:A)(j2 (i2 a))==a
- }.
-(** The dependent elimination above implies the axiom of choice: *)
-Lemma AC: (r:retract_cond) retract -> (a:A)((j2 r) ((i2 r) a))==a.
-Intros r.
-Case r; Simpl.
-End Retracts.
-(** This lemma is basically a commutation of implication and existential
- quantification: (EX x | A -> P(x)) <=> (A -> EX x | P(x))
- which is provable in classical logic ( => is already provable in
- intuitionnistic logic). *)
-Lemma L1 : (A,B:Prop)(retract_cond (pow A) (pow B)).
-Intros A B.
-Elim (EM (retract (pow A) (pow B))).
-Intros (f0, g0, e).
-Exists f0 g0.
-Intros hf.
-Exists ([x:(pow A); y:B]F) ([x:(pow B); y:A]F).
-Intros; Elim hf; Auto.
-(** The paradoxical set *)
-Definition U := (P:Prop)(pow P).
-(** Bijection between [U] and [(pow U)] *)
-Definition f : U -> (pow U) :=
- [u](u U).
-Definition g : (pow U) -> U :=
- [h,X]
- let lX = (j2 (L1 X U)) in
- let rU = (i2 (L1 U U)) in
- (lX (rU h)).
-(** We deduce that the powerset of [U] is a retract of [U].
- This lemma is stated in Berardi's article, but is not used
- afterwards. *)
-Lemma retract_pow_U_U : (retract (pow U) U).
-Exists g f.
-Intro a.
-Unfold f g; Simpl.
-Apply AC.
-Exists ([x:(pow U)]x) ([x:(pow U)]x).
-(** Encoding of Russel's paradox *)
-(** The boolean negation. *)
-Definition Not_b := [b:Bool](IFProp b==T F T).
-(** the set of elements not belonging to itself *)
-Definition R : U := (g ([u:U](Not_b (u U u)))).
-Lemma not_has_fixpoint : (R R)==(Not_b (R R)).
-Unfold 1 R.
-Unfold g.
-Rewrite AC with r:=(L1 U U) a:=[u:U](Not_b (u U u)).
-Exists ([x:(pow U)]x) ([x:(pow U)]x); Trivial.
-Theorem classical_proof_irrelevence : T==F.
-Generalize not_has_fixpoint.
-Unfold Not_b.
-Apply AC_IF.
-Intros is_true is_false.
-Elim is_true; Elim is_false; Trivial.
-Intros not_true is_true.
-Elim not_true; Trivial.
-End Berardis_paradox.
diff --git a/theories7/Logic/ChoiceFacts.v b/theories7/Logic/ChoiceFacts.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: ChoiceFacts.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(* We show that the functional formulation of the axiom of Choice
- (usual formulation in type theory) is equivalent to its relational
- formulation (only formulation of set theory) + the axiom of
- (parametric) definite description (aka axiom of unique choice) *)
-(* This shows that the axiom of choice can be assumed (under its
- relational formulation) without known inconsistency with classical logic,
- though definite description conflicts with classical logic *)
-Definition RelationalChoice :=
- (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)))
- -> (EXT R':A->B->Prop |
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)/\(R' x y)/\ ((y':B) (R' x y') -> y=y')))).
-Definition FunctionalChoice :=
- (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y))) -> (EX f:A->B | (x:A)(R x (f x))).
-Definition ParamDefiniteDescription :=
- (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)/\ ((y':B)(R x y') -> y=y')))
- -> (EX f:A->B | (x:A)(R x (f x))).
-Lemma description_rel_choice_imp_funct_choice :
- ParamDefiniteDescription->RelationalChoice->FunctionalChoice.
-Intros Descr RelCh.
-Red; Intros A B R H.
-NewDestruct (RelCh A B R H) as [R' H0].
-NewDestruct (Descr A B R') as [f H1].
-Intro x.
-Elim (H0 x); Intros y [H2 [H3 H4]]; Exists y; Split; [Exact H3 | Exact H4].
-Exists f; Intro x.
-Elim (H0 x); Intros y [H2 [H3 H4]].
-Rewrite <- (H4 (f x) (H1 x)).
-Exact H2.
-Lemma funct_choice_imp_rel_choice :
- FunctionalChoice->RelationalChoice.
-Intros FunCh.
-Red; Intros A B R H.
-NewDestruct (FunCh A B R H) as [f H0].
-Exists [x,y]y=(f x).
-Intro x; Exists (f x);
-Split; [Apply H0| Split;[Reflexivity| Intros y H1; Symmetry; Exact H1]].
-Lemma funct_choice_imp_description :
- FunctionalChoice->ParamDefiniteDescription.
-Intros FunCh.
-Red; Intros A B R H.
-NewDestruct (FunCh A B R) as [f H0].
-(* 1 *)
-Intro x.
-Elim (H x); Intros y [H0 H1].
-Exists y; Exact H0.
-(* 2 *)
-Exists f; Exact H0.
-Theorem FunChoice_Equiv_RelChoice_and_ParamDefinDescr :
- FunctionalChoice <-> RelationalChoice /\ ParamDefiniteDescription.
-Intro H; Split; [
- Exact (funct_choice_imp_rel_choice H)
- | Exact (funct_choice_imp_description H)].
-Intros [H H0]; Exact (description_rel_choice_imp_funct_choice H0 H).
-(* We show that the guarded relational formulation of the axiom of Choice
- comes from the non guarded formulation in presence either of the
- independance of premises or proof-irrelevance *)
-Definition GuardedRelationalChoice :=
- (A:Type;B:Type;P:A->Prop;R: A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)))
- -> (EXT R':A->B->Prop |
- ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)/\(R' x y)/\ ((y':B) (R' x y') -> y=y')))).
-Definition ProofIrrelevance := (A:Prop)(a1,a2:A) a1==a2.
-Lemma rel_choice_and_proof_irrel_imp_guarded_rel_choice :
- RelationalChoice -> ProofIrrelevance -> GuardedRelationalChoice.
-Intros rel_choice proof_irrel.
-Red; Intros A B P R H.
-NewDestruct (rel_choice ? ? [x:(sigT ? P);y:B](R (projT1 ? ? x) y)) as [R' H0].
-Intros [x HPx].
-NewDestruct (H x HPx) as [y HRxy].
-Exists y; Exact HRxy.
-Pose R'':=[x:A;y:B](EXT H:(P x) | (R' (existT ? P x H) y)).
-Exists R''; Intros x HPx.
-NewDestruct (H0 (existT ? P x HPx)) as [y [HRxy [HR'xy Huniq]]].
-Exists y. Split.
- Exact HRxy.
- Split.
- Red; Exists HPx; Exact HR'xy.
- Intros y' HR''xy'.
- Apply Huniq.
- Unfold R'' in HR''xy'.
- NewDestruct HR''xy' as [H'Px HR'xy'].
- Rewrite proof_irrel with a1:=HPx a2:=H'Px.
- Exact HR'xy'.
-Definition IndependenceOfPremises :=
- (A:Type)(P:A->Prop)(Q:Prop)(Q->(EXT x|(P x)))->(EXT x|Q->(P x)).
-Lemma rel_choice_indep_of_premises_imp_guarded_rel_choice :
- RelationalChoice -> IndependenceOfPremises -> GuardedRelationalChoice.
-Intros RelCh IndPrem.
-Red; Intros A B P R H.
-NewDestruct (RelCh A B [x,y](P x)->(R x y)) as [R' H0].
- Intro x. Apply IndPrem.
- Apply H.
- Exists R'.
- Intros x HPx.
- NewDestruct (H0 x) as [y [H1 H2]].
- Exists y. Split.
- Apply (H1 HPx).
- Exact H2.
diff --git a/theories7/Logic/Classical.v b/theories7/Logic/Classical.v
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index 8d7fe1d1..00000000
--- a/theories7/Logic/Classical.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Classical.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Classical Logic *)
-Require Export Classical_Prop.
-Require Export Classical_Pred_Type.
diff --git a/theories7/Logic/ClassicalChoice.v b/theories7/Logic/ClassicalChoice.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: ClassicalChoice.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** This file provides classical logic and functional choice *)
-(** This file extends ClassicalDescription.v with the axiom of choice.
- As ClassicalDescription.v, it implies the double-negation of
- excluded-middle in Set and implies a strongly classical
- world. Especially it conflicts with impredicativity of Set, knowing
- that true<>false in Set.
-Require Export ClassicalDescription.
-Require Export RelationalChoice.
-Require ChoiceFacts.
-Theorem choice :
- (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y))) -> (EX f:A->B | (x:A)(R x (f x))).
-Apply description_rel_choice_imp_funct_choice.
-Exact description.
-Exact relational_choice.
diff --git a/theories7/Logic/ClassicalDescription.v b/theories7/Logic/ClassicalDescription.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: ClassicalDescription.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** This file provides classical logic and definite description *)
-(** Classical logic and definite description, as shown in [1],
- implies the double-negation of excluded-middle in Set, hence it
- implies a strongly classical world. Especially it conflicts with
- impredicativity of Set, knowing that true<>false in Set.
- [1] Laurent Chicli, Lo�c Pottier, Carlos Simpson, Mathematical
- Quotients and Quotient Types in Coq, Proceedings of TYPES 2002,
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2646, Springer Verlag.
-Require Export Classical.
-Axiom dependent_description :
- (A:Type;B:A->Type;R: (x:A)(B x)->Prop)
- ((x:A)(EX y:(B x)|(R x y)/\ ((y':(B x))(R x y') -> y=y')))
- -> (EX f:(x:A)(B x) | (x:A)(R x (f x))).
-(** Principle of definite descriptions (aka axiom of unique choice) *)
-Theorem description :
- (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)/\ ((y':B)(R x y') -> y=y')))
- -> (EX f:A->B | (x:A)(R x (f x))).
-Intros A B.
-Apply (dependent_description A [_]B).
-(** The followig proof comes from [1] *)
-Theorem classic_set : (((P:Prop){P}+{~P}) -> False) -> False.
-Intro HnotEM.
-Pose R:=[A,b]A/\true=b \/ ~A/\false=b.
-Assert H:(EX f:Prop->bool|(A:Prop)(R A (f A))).
-Apply description.
-Intro A.
-NewDestruct (classic A) as [Ha|Hnota].
- Exists true; Split.
- Left; Split; [Assumption|Reflexivity].
- Intros y [[_ Hy]|[Hna _]].
- Assumption.
- Contradiction.
- Exists false; Split.
- Right; Split; [Assumption|Reflexivity].
- Intros y [[Ha _]|[_ Hy]].
- Contradiction.
- Assumption.
-NewDestruct H as [f Hf].
-Apply HnotEM.
-Intro P.
-Assert HfP := (Hf P).
-(* Elimination from Hf to Set is not allowed but from f to Set yes ! *)
-NewDestruct (f P).
- Left.
- NewDestruct HfP as [[Ha _]|[_ Hfalse]].
- Assumption.
- Discriminate.
- Right.
- NewDestruct HfP as [[_ Hfalse]|[Hna _]].
- Discriminate.
- Assumption.
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: ClassicalFacts.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Some facts and definitions about classical logic *)
-(** [prop_degeneracy] (also referred as propositional completeness) *)
-(* asserts (up to consistency) that there are only two distinct formulas *)
-Definition prop_degeneracy := (A:Prop) A==True \/ A==False.
-(** [prop_extensionality] asserts equivalent formulas are equal *)
-Definition prop_extensionality := (A,B:Prop) (A<->B) -> A==B.
-(** [excluded_middle] asserts we can reason by case on the truth *)
-(* or falsity of any formula *)
-Definition excluded_middle := (A:Prop) A \/ ~A.
-(** [proof_irrelevance] asserts equality of all proofs of a given formula *)
-Definition proof_irrelevance := (A:Prop)(a1,a2:A) a1==a2.
-(** We show [prop_degeneracy <-> (prop_extensionality /\ excluded_middle)] *)
-Lemma prop_degen_ext : prop_degeneracy -> prop_extensionality.
-Intros H A B (Hab,Hba).
-NewDestruct (H A); NewDestruct (H B).
- Rewrite H1; Exact H0.
- Absurd B.
- Rewrite H1; Exact [H]H.
- Apply Hab; Rewrite H0; Exact I.
- Absurd A.
- Rewrite H0; Exact [H]H.
- Apply Hba; Rewrite H1; Exact I.
- Rewrite H1; Exact H0.
-Lemma prop_degen_em : prop_degeneracy -> excluded_middle.
-Intros H A.
-NewDestruct (H A).
- Left; Rewrite H0; Exact I.
- Right; Rewrite H0; Exact [x]x.
-Lemma prop_ext_em_degen :
- prop_extensionality -> excluded_middle -> prop_degeneracy.
-Intros Ext EM A.
-NewDestruct (EM A).
- Left; Apply (Ext A True); Split; [Exact [_]I | Exact [_]H].
- Right; Apply (Ext A False); Split; [Exact H | Apply False_ind].
-(** We successively show that:
- [prop_extensionality]
- implies equality of [A] and [A->A] for inhabited [A], which
- implies the existence of a (trivial) retract from [A->A] to [A]
- (just take the identity), which
- implies the existence of a fixpoint operator in [A]
- (e.g. take the Y combinator of lambda-calculus)
-Definition inhabited [A:Prop] := A.
-Lemma prop_ext_A_eq_A_imp_A :
- prop_extensionality->(A:Prop)(inhabited A)->(A->A)==A.
-Intros Ext A a.
-Apply (Ext A->A A); Split; [ Exact [_]a | Exact [_;_]a ].
-Record retract [A,B:Prop] : Prop := {
- f1: A->B;
- f2: B->A;
- f1_o_f2: (x:B)(f1 (f2 x))==x
-Lemma prop_ext_retract_A_A_imp_A :
- prop_extensionality->(A:Prop)(inhabited A)->(retract A A->A).
-Intros Ext A a.
-Rewrite -> (prop_ext_A_eq_A_imp_A Ext A a).
-Exists [x:A]x [x:A]x.
-Record has_fixpoint [A:Prop] : Prop := {
- F : (A->A)->A;
- fix : (f:A->A)(F f)==(f (F f))
-Lemma ext_prop_fixpoint :
- prop_extensionality->(A:Prop)(inhabited A)->(has_fixpoint A).
-Intros Ext A a.
-Case (prop_ext_retract_A_A_imp_A Ext A a); Intros g1 g2 g1_o_g2.
-Exists [f]([x:A](f (g1 x x)) (g2 [x](f (g1 x x)))).
-Intro f.
-Pattern 1 (g1 (g2 [x:A](f (g1 x x)))).
-Rewrite (g1_o_g2 [x:A](f (g1 x x))).
-(** Assume we have booleans with the property that there is at most 2
- booleans (which is equivalent to dependent case analysis). Consider
- the fixpoint of the negation function: it is either true or false by
- dependent case analysis, but also the opposite by fixpoint. Hence
- proof-irrelevance.
- We then map bool proof-irrelevance to all propositions.
-Section Proof_irrelevance_gen.
-Variable bool : Prop.
-Variable true : bool.
-Variable false : bool.
-Hypothesis bool_elim : (C:Prop)C->C->bool->C.
-Hypothesis bool_elim_redl : (C:Prop)(c1,c2:C)c1==(bool_elim C c1 c2 true).
-Hypothesis bool_elim_redr : (C:Prop)(c1,c2:C)c2==(bool_elim C c1 c2 false).
-Local bool_dep_induction := (P:bool->Prop)(P true)->(P false)->(b:bool)(P b).
-Lemma aux : prop_extensionality -> bool_dep_induction -> true==false.
-Intros Ext Ind.
-Case (ext_prop_fixpoint Ext bool true); Intros G Gfix.
-Pose neg := [b:bool](bool_elim bool false true b).
-Generalize (refl_eqT ? (G neg)).
-Pattern 1 (G neg).
-Apply Ind with b:=(G neg); Intro Heq.
-Rewrite (bool_elim_redl bool false true).
-Change true==(neg true); Rewrite -> Heq; Apply Gfix.
-Rewrite (bool_elim_redr bool false true).
-Change (neg false)==false; Rewrite -> Heq; Symmetry; Apply Gfix.
-Lemma ext_prop_dep_proof_irrel_gen :
- prop_extensionality -> bool_dep_induction -> proof_irrelevance.
-Intros Ext Ind A a1 a2.
-Pose f := [b:bool](bool_elim A a1 a2 b).
-Rewrite (bool_elim_redl A a1 a2).
-Change (f true)==a2.
-Rewrite (bool_elim_redr A a1 a2).
-Change (f true)==(f false).
-Rewrite (aux Ext Ind).
-End Proof_irrelevance_gen.
-(** In the pure Calculus of Constructions, we can define the boolean
- proposition bool = (C:Prop)C->C->C but we cannot prove that it has at
- most 2 elements.
-Section Proof_irrelevance_CC.
-Definition BoolP := (C:Prop)C->C->C.
-Definition TrueP := [C][c1,c2]c1 : BoolP.
-Definition FalseP := [C][c1,c2]c2 : BoolP.
-Definition BoolP_elim := [C][c1,c2][b:BoolP](b C c1 c2).
-Definition BoolP_elim_redl : (C:Prop)(c1,c2:C)c1==(BoolP_elim C c1 c2 TrueP)
- := [C;c1,c2](refl_eqT C c1).
-Definition BoolP_elim_redr : (C:Prop)(c1,c2:C)c2==(BoolP_elim C c1 c2 FalseP)
- := [C;c1,c2](refl_eqT C c2).
-Definition BoolP_dep_induction :=
- (P:BoolP->Prop)(P TrueP)->(P FalseP)->(b:BoolP)(P b).
-Lemma ext_prop_dep_proof_irrel_cc :
- prop_extensionality -> BoolP_dep_induction -> proof_irrelevance.
-Proof (ext_prop_dep_proof_irrel_gen BoolP TrueP FalseP BoolP_elim
- BoolP_elim_redl BoolP_elim_redr).
-End Proof_irrelevance_CC.
-(** In the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, inductively defined booleans
- enjoy dependent case analysis, hence directly proof-irrelevance from
- propositional extensionality.
-Section Proof_irrelevance_CIC.
-Inductive boolP : Prop := trueP : boolP | falseP : boolP.
-Definition boolP_elim_redl : (C:Prop)(c1,c2:C)c1==(boolP_ind C c1 c2 trueP)
- := [C;c1,c2](refl_eqT C c1).
-Definition boolP_elim_redr : (C:Prop)(c1,c2:C)c2==(boolP_ind C c1 c2 falseP)
- := [C;c1,c2](refl_eqT C c2).
-Scheme boolP_indd := Induction for boolP Sort Prop.
-Lemma ext_prop_dep_proof_irrel_cic : prop_extensionality -> proof_irrelevance.
-Proof [pe](ext_prop_dep_proof_irrel_gen boolP trueP falseP boolP_ind
- boolP_elim_redl boolP_elim_redr pe boolP_indd).
-End Proof_irrelevance_CIC.
-(** Can we state proof irrelevance from propositional degeneracy
- (i.e. propositional extensionality + excluded middle) without
- dependent case analysis ?
- Conjecture: it seems possible to build a model of CC interpreting
- all non-empty types by the set of all lambda-terms. Such a model would
- satisfy propositional degeneracy without satisfying proof-irrelevance
- (nor dependent case analysis). This would imply that the previous
- results cannot be refined.
diff --git a/theories7/Logic/Classical_Pred_Set.v b/theories7/Logic/Classical_Pred_Set.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Classical_Pred_Set.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Classical Predicate Logic on Set*)
-Require Classical_Prop.
-Section Generic.
-Variable U: Set.
-(** de Morgan laws for quantifiers *)
-Lemma not_all_ex_not : (P:U->Prop)(~(n:U)(P n)) -> (EX n:U | ~(P n)).
-Unfold not; Intros P notall.
-Apply NNPP; Unfold not.
-Intro abs.
-Cut ((n:U)(P n)); Auto.
-Intro n; Apply NNPP.
-Unfold not; Intros.
-Apply abs; Exists n; Trivial.
-Lemma not_all_not_ex : (P:U->Prop)(~(n:U)~(P n)) -> (EX n:U |(P n)).
-Intros P H.
-Elim (not_all_ex_not [n:U]~(P n) H); Intros n Pn; Exists n.
-Apply NNPP; Trivial.
-Lemma not_ex_all_not : (P:U->Prop) (~(EX n:U |(P n))) -> (n:U)~(P n).
-Unfold not; Intros P notex n abs.
-Apply notex.
-Exists n; Trivial.
-Lemma not_ex_not_all : (P:U->Prop)(~(EX n:U | ~(P n))) -> (n:U)(P n).
-Intros P H n.
-Apply NNPP.
-Red; Intro K; Apply H; Exists n; Trivial.
-Lemma ex_not_not_all : (P:U->Prop) (EX n:U | ~(P n)) -> ~(n:U)(P n).
-Unfold not; Intros P exnot allP.
-Elim exnot; Auto.
-Lemma all_not_not_ex : (P:U->Prop) ((n:U)~(P n)) -> ~(EX n:U |(P n)).
-Unfold not; Intros P allnot exP; Elim exP; Intros n p.
-Apply allnot with n; Auto.
-End Generic.
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Classical_Pred_Type.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Classical Predicate Logic on Type *)
-Require Classical_Prop.
-Section Generic.
-Variable U: Type.
-(** de Morgan laws for quantifiers *)
-Lemma not_all_ex_not : (P:U->Prop)(~(n:U)(P n)) -> (EXT n:U | ~(P n)).
-Unfold not; Intros P notall.
-Apply NNPP; Unfold not.
-Intro abs.
-Cut ((n:U)(P n)); Auto.
-Intro n; Apply NNPP.
-Unfold not; Intros.
-Apply abs; Exists n; Trivial.
-Lemma not_all_not_ex : (P:U->Prop)(~(n:U)~(P n)) -> (EXT n:U | (P n)).
-Intros P H.
-Elim (not_all_ex_not [n:U]~(P n) H); Intros n Pn; Exists n.
-Apply NNPP; Trivial.
-Lemma not_ex_all_not : (P:U->Prop)(~(EXT n:U | (P n))) -> (n:U)~(P n).
-Unfold not; Intros P notex n abs.
-Apply notex.
-Exists n; Trivial.
-Lemma not_ex_not_all : (P:U->Prop)(~(EXT n:U | ~(P n))) -> (n:U)(P n).
-Intros P H n.
-Apply NNPP.
-Red; Intro K; Apply H; Exists n; Trivial.
-Lemma ex_not_not_all : (P:U->Prop) (EXT n:U | ~(P n)) -> ~(n:U)(P n).
-Unfold not; Intros P exnot allP.
-Elim exnot; Auto.
-Lemma all_not_not_ex : (P:U->Prop) ((n:U)~(P n)) -> ~(EXT n:U | (P n)).
-Unfold not; Intros P allnot exP; Elim exP; Intros n p.
-Apply allnot with n; Auto.
-End Generic.
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-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Classical_Prop.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Classical Propositional Logic *)
-Require ProofIrrelevance.
-Hints Unfold not : core.
-Axiom classic: (P:Prop)(P \/ ~(P)).
-Lemma NNPP : (p:Prop)~(~(p))->p.
-Unfold not; Intros; Elim (classic p); Auto.
-Intro NP; Elim (H NP).
-Lemma not_imply_elim : (P,Q:Prop)~(P->Q)->P.
-Intros; Apply NNPP; Red.
-Intro; Apply H; Intro; Absurd P; Trivial.
-Lemma not_imply_elim2 : (P,Q:Prop)~(P->Q) -> ~Q.
-Intros; Elim (classic Q); Auto.
-Lemma imply_to_or : (P,Q:Prop)(P->Q) -> ~P \/ Q.
-Intros; Elim (classic P); Auto.
-Lemma imply_to_and : (P,Q:Prop)~(P->Q) -> P /\ ~Q.
-Intros; Split.
-Apply not_imply_elim with Q; Trivial.
-Apply not_imply_elim2 with P; Trivial.
-Lemma or_to_imply : (P,Q:Prop)(~P \/ Q) -> P->Q.
-Induction 1; Auto.
-Intros H1 H2; Elim (H1 H2).
-Lemma not_and_or : (P,Q:Prop)~(P/\Q)-> ~P \/ ~Q.
-Intros; Elim (classic P); Auto.
-Lemma or_not_and : (P,Q:Prop)(~P \/ ~Q) -> ~(P/\Q).
-Induction 1; Red; Induction 2; Auto.
-Lemma not_or_and : (P,Q:Prop)~(P\/Q)-> ~P /\ ~Q.
-Intros; Elim (classic P); Auto.
-Lemma and_not_or : (P,Q:Prop)(~P /\ ~Q) -> ~(P\/Q).
-Induction 1; Red; Induction 3; Trivial.
-Lemma imply_and_or: (P,Q:Prop)(P->Q) -> P \/ Q -> Q.
-Induction 2; Trivial.
-Lemma imply_and_or2: (P,Q,R:Prop)(P->Q) -> P \/ R -> Q \/ R.
-Induction 2; Auto.
-Lemma proof_irrelevance: (P:Prop)(p1,p2:P)p1==p2.
-Proof (proof_irrelevance_cci classic).
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(*i $Id: Classical_Type.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Classical Logic for Type *)
-Require Export Classical_Prop.
-Require Export Classical_Pred_Type.
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-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Decidable.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Properties of decidable propositions *)
-Definition decidable := [P:Prop] P \/ ~P.
-Theorem dec_not_not : (P:Prop)(decidable P) -> (~P -> False) -> P.
-Unfold decidable; Tauto.
-Theorem dec_True: (decidable True).
-Unfold decidable; Auto.
-Theorem dec_False: (decidable False).
-Unfold decidable not; Auto.
-Theorem dec_or: (A,B:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable B) -> (decidable (A\/B)).
-Unfold decidable; Tauto.
-Theorem dec_and: (A,B:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable B) ->(decidable (A/\B)).
-Unfold decidable; Tauto.
-Theorem dec_not: (A:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable ~A).
-Unfold decidable; Tauto.
-Theorem dec_imp: (A,B:Prop)(decidable A) -> (decidable B) ->(decidable (A->B)).
-Unfold decidable; Tauto.
-Theorem not_not : (P:Prop)(decidable P) -> (~(~P)) -> P.
-Unfold decidable; Tauto. Qed.
-Theorem not_or : (A,B:Prop) ~(A\/B) -> ~A /\ ~B.
-Tauto. Qed.
-Theorem not_and : (A,B:Prop) (decidable A) -> ~(A/\B) -> ~A \/ ~B.
-Unfold decidable; Tauto. Qed.
-Theorem not_imp : (A,B:Prop) (decidable A) -> ~(A -> B) -> A /\ ~B.
-Unfold decidable;Tauto.
-Theorem imp_simp : (A,B:Prop) (decidable A) -> (A -> B) -> ~A \/ B.
-Unfold decidable; Tauto.
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-(*i $Id: Diaconescu.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(* R. Diaconescu [Diaconescu] showed that the Axiom of Choice in Set Theory
- entails Excluded-Middle; S. Lacas and B. Werner [LacasWerner]
- adapted the proof to show that the axiom of choice in equivalence
- classes entails Excluded-Middle in Type Theory.
- This is an adaptatation of the proof by Hugo Herbelin to show that
- the relational form of the Axiom of Choice + Extensionality for
- predicates entails Excluded-Middle
- [Diaconescu] R. Diaconescu, Axiom of Choice and Complementation, in
- Proceedings of AMS, vol 51, pp 176-178, 1975.
- [LacasWerner] S. Lacas, B Werner, Which Choices imply the excluded middle?,
- preprint, 1999.
-Section PredExt_GuardRelChoice_imp_EM.
-(* The axiom of extensionality for predicates *)
-Definition PredicateExtensionality :=
- (P,Q:bool->Prop)((b:bool)(P b)<->(Q b))->P==Q.
-(* From predicate extensionality we get propositional extensionality
- hence proof-irrelevance *)
-Require ClassicalFacts.
-Variable pred_extensionality : PredicateExtensionality.
-Lemma prop_ext : (A,B:Prop) (A<->B) -> A==B.
- Intros A B H.
- Change ([_]A true)==([_]B true).
- Rewrite pred_extensionality with P:=[_:bool]A Q:=[_:bool]B.
- Reflexivity.
- Intros _; Exact H.
-Lemma proof_irrel : (A:Prop)(a1,a2:A) a1==a2.
- Apply (ext_prop_dep_proof_irrel_cic prop_ext).
-(* From proof-irrelevance and relational choice, we get guarded
- relational choice *)
-Require ChoiceFacts.
-Variable rel_choice : RelationalChoice.
-Lemma guarded_rel_choice :
- (A:Type)(B:Type)(P:A->Prop)(R:A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)))->
- (EXT R':A->B->Prop |
- ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)/\(R' x y)/\ ((y':B)(R' x y') -> y=y')))).
- Exact
- (rel_choice_and_proof_irrel_imp_guarded_rel_choice rel_choice proof_irrel).
-(* The form of choice we need: there is a functional relation which chooses
- an element in any non empty subset of bool *)
-Require Bool.
-Lemma AC :
- (EXT R:(bool->Prop)->bool->Prop |
- (P:bool->Prop)(EX b : bool | (P b))->
- (EX b : bool | (P b) /\ (R P b) /\ ((b':bool)(R P b')->b=b'))).
- Apply guarded_rel_choice with
- P:= [Q:bool->Prop](EX y | (Q y)) R:=[Q:bool->Prop;y:bool](Q y).
- Exact [_;H]H.
-(* The proof of the excluded middle *)
-(* Remark: P could have been in Set or Type *)
-Theorem pred_ext_and_rel_choice_imp_EM : (P:Prop)P\/~P.
-Intro P.
-(* first we exhibit the choice functional relation R *)
-NewDestruct AC as [R H].
-Pose class_of_true := [b]b=true\/P.
-Pose class_of_false := [b]b=false\/P.
-(* the actual "decision": is (R class_of_true) = true or false? *)
-NewDestruct (H class_of_true) as [b0 [H0 [H0' H0'']]].
-Exists true; Left; Reflexivity.
-NewDestruct H0.
-(* the actual "decision": is (R class_of_false) = true or false? *)
-NewDestruct (H class_of_false) as [b1 [H1 [H1' H1'']]].
-Exists false; Left; Reflexivity.
-NewDestruct H1.
-(* case where P is false: (R class_of_true)=true /\ (R class_of_false)=false *)
-Intro HP.
-Assert Hequiv:(b:bool)(class_of_true b)<->(class_of_false b).
-Intro b; Split.
-Unfold class_of_false; Right; Assumption.
-Unfold class_of_true; Right; Assumption.
-Assert Heq:class_of_true==class_of_false.
-Apply pred_extensionality with 1:=Hequiv.
-Apply diff_true_false.
-Rewrite <- H0.
-Rewrite <- H1.
-Rewrite <- H0''. Reflexivity.
-Rewrite Heq.
-(* cases where P is true *)
-Left; Assumption.
-Left; Assumption.
-End PredExt_GuardRelChoice_imp_EM.
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-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Eqdep.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** This file defines dependent equality and shows its equivalence with
- equality on dependent pairs (inhabiting sigma-types). It axiomatizes
- the invariance by substitution of reflexive equality proofs and
- shows the equivalence between the 4 following statements
- - Invariance by Substitution of Reflexive Equality Proofs.
- - Injectivity of Dependent Equality
- - Uniqueness of Identity Proofs
- - Uniqueness of Reflexive Identity Proofs
- - Streicher's Axiom K
- These statements are independent of the calculus of constructions [2].
- References:
- [1] T. Streicher, Semantical Investigations into Intensional Type Theory,
- Habilitationsschrift, LMU M�nchen, 1993.
- [2] M. Hofmann, T. Streicher, The groupoid interpretation of type theory,
- Proceedings of the meeting Twenty-five years of constructive
- type theory, Venice, Oxford University Press, 1998
-Section Dependent_Equality.
-Variable U : Type.
-Variable P : U->Type.
-(** Dependent equality *)
-Inductive eq_dep [p:U;x:(P p)] : (q:U)(P q)->Prop :=
- eq_dep_intro : (eq_dep p x p x).
-Hint constr_eq_dep : core v62 := Constructors eq_dep.
-Lemma eq_dep_sym : (p,q:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q))(eq_dep p x q y)->(eq_dep q y p x).
-NewDestruct 1; Auto.
-Hints Immediate eq_dep_sym : core v62.
-Lemma eq_dep_trans : (p,q,r:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q))(z:(P r))
- (eq_dep p x q y)->(eq_dep q y r z)->(eq_dep p x r z).
-NewDestruct 1; Auto.
-Inductive eq_dep1 [p:U;x:(P p);q:U;y:(P q)] : Prop :=
- eq_dep1_intro : (h:q=p)
- (x=(eq_rect U q P y p h))->(eq_dep1 p x q y).
-Scheme eq_indd := Induction for eq Sort Prop.
-Lemma eq_dep1_dep :
- (p:U)(x:(P p))(q:U)(y:(P q))(eq_dep1 p x q y)->(eq_dep p x q y).
-NewDestruct 1 as [eq_qp H].
-NewDestruct eq_qp using eq_indd.
-Rewrite H.
-Apply eq_dep_intro.
-Lemma eq_dep_dep1 :
- (p,q:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q))(eq_dep p x q y)->(eq_dep1 p x q y).
-NewDestruct 1.
-Apply eq_dep1_intro with (refl_equal U p).
-Simpl; Trivial.
-(** Invariance by Substitution of Reflexive Equality Proofs *)
-Axiom eq_rect_eq : (p:U)(Q:U->Type)(x:(Q p))(h:p=p)
- x=(eq_rect U p Q x p h).
-(** Injectivity of Dependent Equality is a consequence of *)
-(** Invariance by Substitution of Reflexive Equality Proof *)
-Lemma eq_dep1_eq : (p:U)(x,y:(P p))(eq_dep1 p x p y)->x=y.
-Destruct 1; Intro.
-Rewrite <- eq_rect_eq; Auto.
-Lemma eq_dep_eq : (p:U)(x,y:(P p))(eq_dep p x p y)->x=y.
-Intros; Apply eq_dep1_eq; Apply eq_dep_dep1; Trivial.
-End Dependent_Equality.
-(** Uniqueness of Identity Proofs (UIP) is a consequence of *)
-(** Injectivity of Dependent Equality *)
-Lemma UIP : (U:Type)(x,y:U)(p1,p2:x=y)p1=p2.
-Intros; Apply eq_dep_eq with P:=[y]x=y.
-Elim p2 using eq_indd.
-Elim p1 using eq_indd.
-Apply eq_dep_intro.
-(** Uniqueness of Reflexive Identity Proofs is a direct instance of UIP *)
-Lemma UIP_refl : (U:Type)(x:U)(p:x=x)p=(refl_equal U x).
-Intros; Apply UIP.
-(** Streicher axiom K is a direct consequence of Uniqueness of
- Reflexive Identity Proofs *)
-Lemma Streicher_K : (U:Type)(x:U)(P:x=x->Prop)
- (P (refl_equal ? x))->(p:x=x)(P p).
-Intros; Rewrite UIP_refl; Assumption.
-(** We finally recover eq_rec_eq (alternatively eq_rect_eq) from K *)
-Lemma eq_rec_eq : (U:Type)(P:U->Set)(p:U)(x:(P p))(h:p=p)
- x=(eq_rec U p P x p h).
-Apply Streicher_K with p:=h.
-(** Dependent equality is equivalent to equality on dependent pairs *)
-Lemma equiv_eqex_eqdep : (U:Set)(P:U->Set)(p,q:U)(x:(P p))(y:(P q))
- (existS U P p x)=(existS U P q y) <-> (eq_dep U P p x q y).
-(* -> *)
-Intro H.
-Change p with (projS1 U P (existS U P p x)).
-Change 2 x with (projS2 U P (existS U P p x)).
-Rewrite H.
-Apply eq_dep_intro.
-(* <- *)
-NewDestruct 1; Reflexivity.
-(** UIP implies the injectivity of equality on dependent pairs *)
-Lemma inj_pair2: (U:Set)(P:U->Set)(p:U)(x,y:(P p))
- (existS U P p x)=(existS U P p y)-> x=y.
-Apply (eq_dep_eq U P).
-Generalize (equiv_eqex_eqdep U P p p x y) .
-Induction 1.
-(** UIP implies the injectivity of equality on dependent pairs *)
-Lemma inj_pairT2: (U:Type)(P:U->Type)(p:U)(x,y:(P p))
- (existT U P p x)=(existT U P p y)-> x=y.
-Apply (eq_dep_eq U P).
-Change 1 p with (projT1 U P (existT U P p x)).
-Change 2 x with (projT2 U P (existT U P p x)).
-Rewrite H.
-Apply eq_dep_intro.
-(** The main results to be exported *)
-Hints Resolve eq_dep_intro eq_dep_eq : core v62.
-Hints Immediate eq_dep_sym : core v62.
-Hints Resolve inj_pair2 inj_pairT2 : core.
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-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Eqdep_dec.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** We prove that there is only one proof of [x=x], i.e [(refl_equal ? x)].
- This holds if the equality upon the set of [x] is decidable.
- A corollary of this theorem is the equality of the right projections
- of two equal dependent pairs.
- Author: Thomas Kleymann |<>| in Lego
- adapted to Coq by B. Barras
- Credit: Proofs up to [K_dec] follows an outline by Michael Hedberg
-(** We need some dependent elimination schemes *)
-Set Implicit Arguments.
- (** Bijection between [eq] and [eqT] *)
- Definition eq2eqT: (A:Set)(x,y:A)x=y->x==y :=
- [A,x,_,eqxy]<[y:A]x==y>Cases eqxy of refl_equal => (refl_eqT ? x) end.
- Definition eqT2eq: (A:Set)(x,y:A)x==y->x=y :=
- [A,x,_,eqTxy]<[y:A]x=y>Cases eqTxy of refl_eqT => (refl_equal ? x) end.
- Lemma eq_eqT_bij: (A:Set)(x,y:A)(p:x=y)p==(eqT2eq (eq2eqT p)).
-Case p; Reflexivity.
- Lemma eqT_eq_bij: (A:Set)(x,y:A)(p:x==y)p==(eq2eqT (eqT2eq p)).
-Case p; Reflexivity.
-Section DecidableEqDep.
- Variable A: Type.
- Local comp [x,y,y':A]: x==y->x==y'->y==y' :=
- [eq1,eq2](eqT_ind ? ? [a]a==y' eq2 ? eq1).
- Remark trans_sym_eqT: (x,y:A)(u:x==y)(comp u u)==(refl_eqT ? y).
-Case u; Trivial.
- Variable eq_dec: (x,y:A) x==y \/ ~x==y.
- Variable x: A.
- Local nu [y:A]: x==y->x==y :=
- [u]Cases (eq_dec x y) of
- (or_introl eqxy) => eqxy
- | (or_intror neqxy) => (False_ind ? (neqxy u))
- end.
- Local nu_constant : (y:A)(u,v:x==y) (nu u)==(nu v).
-Unfold nu.
-Case (eq_dec x y); Intros.
-Case n; Trivial.
- Local nu_inv [y:A]: x==y->x==y := [v](comp (nu (refl_eqT ? x)) v).
- Remark nu_left_inv : (y:A)(u:x==y) (nu_inv (nu u))==u.
-Case u; Unfold nu_inv.
-Apply trans_sym_eqT.
- Theorem eq_proofs_unicity: (y:A)(p1,p2:x==y) p1==p2.
-Elim nu_left_inv with u:=p1.
-Elim nu_left_inv with u:=p2.
-Elim nu_constant with y p1 p2.
- Theorem K_dec: (P:x==x->Prop)(P (refl_eqT ? x)) -> (p:x==x)(P p).
-Elim eq_proofs_unicity with x (refl_eqT ? x) p.
- (** The corollary *)
- Local proj: (P:A->Prop)(ExT P)->(P x)->(P x) :=
- [P,exP,def]Cases exP of
- (exT_intro x' prf) =>
- Cases (eq_dec x' x) of
- (or_introl eqprf) => (eqT_ind ? x' P prf x eqprf)
- | _ => def
- end
- end.
- Theorem inj_right_pair: (P:A->Prop)(y,y':(P x))
- (exT_intro ? P x y)==(exT_intro ? P x y') -> y==y'.
-Cut (proj (exT_intro A P x y) y)==(proj (exT_intro A P x y') y).
-Case (eq_dec x x).
-Intro e.
-Elim e using K_dec; Trivial.
-Case n; Trivial.
-Case H.
-End DecidableEqDep.
- (** We deduce the [K] axiom for (decidable) Set *)
- Theorem K_dec_set: (A:Set)((x,y:A){x=y}+{~x=y})
- ->(x:A)(P: x=x->Prop)(P (refl_equal ? x))
- ->(p:x=x)(P p).
-Rewrite eq_eqT_bij.
-Elim (eq2eqT p) using K_dec.
-Case (H x0 y); Intros.
-Elim e; Left ; Reflexivity.
-Right ; Red; Intro neq; Apply n; Elim neq; Reflexivity.
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Hurkens.v *)
-(** This is Hurkens paradox [Hurkens] in system U-, adapted by Herman
- Geuvers [Geuvers] to show the inconsistency in the pure calculus of
- constructions of a retract from Prop into a small type.
- References:
- - [Hurkens] A. J. Hurkens, "A simplification of Girard's paradox",
- Proceedings of the 2nd international conference Typed Lambda-Calculi
- and Applications (TLCA'95), 1995.
- - [Geuvers] "Inconsistency of Classical Logic in Type Theory", 2001
- (see
-Section Paradox.
-Variable bool : Prop.
-Variable p2b : Prop -> bool.
-Variable b2p : bool -> Prop.
-Hypothesis p2p1 : (A:Prop)(b2p (p2b A))->A.
-Hypothesis p2p2 : (A:Prop)A->(b2p (p2b A)).
-Variable B:Prop.
-Definition V := (A:Prop)((A->bool)->(A->bool))->(A->bool).
-Definition U := V->bool.
-Definition sb : V -> V := [z][A;r;a](r (z A r) a).
-Definition le : (U->bool)->(U->bool) := [i][x](x [A;r;a](i [v](sb v A r a))).
-Definition induct : (U->bool)->Prop := [i](x:U)(b2p (le i x))->(b2p (i x)).
-Definition WF : U := [z](p2b (induct (z U le))).
-Definition I : U->Prop :=
- [x]((i:U->bool)(b2p (le i x))->(b2p (i [v](sb v U le x))))->B.
-Lemma Omega : (i:U->bool)(induct i)->(b2p (i WF)).
-Intros i y.
-Apply y.
-Unfold le WF induct.
-Apply p2p2.
-Intros x H0.
-Apply y.
-Exact H0.
-Lemma lemma1 : (induct [u](p2b (I u))).
-Unfold induct.
-Intros x p.
-Apply (p2p2 (I x)).
-Intro q.
-Apply (p2p1 (I [v:V](sb v U le x)) (q [u](p2b (I u)) p)).
-Intro i.
-Apply q with i:=[y:?](i [v:V](sb v U le y)).
-Lemma lemma2 : ((i:U->bool)(induct i)->(b2p (i WF)))->B.
-Intro x.
-Apply (p2p1 (I WF) (x [u](p2b (I u)) lemma1)).
-Intros i H0.
-Apply (x [y](i [v](sb v U le y))).
-Apply (p2p1 ? H0).
-Theorem paradox : B.
-Exact (lemma2 Omega).
-End Paradox.
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-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: JMeq.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** John Major's Equality as proposed by C. Mc Bride *)
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Inductive JMeq [A:Set;x:A] : (B:Set)B->Prop :=
- JMeq_refl : (JMeq x x).
-Reset JMeq_ind.
-Hints Resolve JMeq_refl.
-Lemma sym_JMeq : (A,B:Set)(x:A)(y:B)(JMeq x y)->(JMeq y x).
-NewDestruct 1; Trivial.
-Hints Immediate sym_JMeq.
-Lemma trans_JMeq : (A,B,C:Set)(x:A)(y:B)(z:C)
- (JMeq x y)->(JMeq y z)->(JMeq x z).
-NewDestruct 1; Trivial.
-Axiom JMeq_eq : (A:Set)(x,y:A)(JMeq x y)->(x=y).
-Lemma JMeq_ind : (A:Set)(x,y:A)(P:A->Prop)(P x)->(JMeq x y)->(P y).
-Intros A x y P H H'; Case JMeq_eq with 1:=H'; Trivial.
-Lemma JMeq_rec : (A:Set)(x,y:A)(P:A->Set)(P x)->(JMeq x y)->(P y).
-Intros A x y P H H'; Case JMeq_eq with 1:=H'; Trivial.
-Lemma JMeq_ind_r : (A:Set)(x,y:A)(P:A->Prop)(P y)->(JMeq x y)->(P x).
-Intros A x y P H H'; Case JMeq_eq with 1:=(sym_JMeq H'); Trivial.
-Lemma JMeq_rec_r : (A:Set)(x,y:A)(P:A->Set)(P y)->(JMeq x y)->(P x).
-Intros A x y P H H'; Case JMeq_eq with 1:=(sym_JMeq H'); Trivial.
-(** [JMeq] is equivalent to [(eq_dep Set [X]X)] *)
-Require Eqdep.
-Lemma JMeq_eq_dep : (A,B:Set)(x:A)(y:B)(JMeq x y)->(eq_dep Set [X]X A x B y).
-NewDestruct 1.
-Apply eq_dep_intro.
-Lemma eq_dep_JMeq : (A,B:Set)(x:A)(y:B)(eq_dep Set [X]X A x B y)->(JMeq x y).
-NewDestruct 1.
-Apply JMeq_refl.
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-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
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-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(** This is a proof in the pure Calculus of Construction that
- classical logic in Prop + dependent elimination of disjunction entails
- proof-irrelevance.
- Since, dependent elimination is derivable in the Calculus of
- Inductive Constructions (CCI), we get proof-irrelevance from classical
- logic in the CCI.
- Reference:
- - [Coquand] T. Coquand, "Metamathematical Investigations of a
- Calculus of Constructions", Proceedings of Logic in Computer Science
- (LICS'90), 1990.
- Proof skeleton: classical logic + dependent elimination of
- disjunction + discrimination of proofs implies the existence of a
- retract from Prop into bool, hence inconsistency by encoding any
- paradox of system U- (e.g. Hurkens' paradox).
-Require Hurkens.
-Section Proof_irrelevance_CC.
-Variable or : Prop -> Prop -> Prop.
-Variable or_introl : (A,B:Prop)A->(or A B).
-Variable or_intror : (A,B:Prop)B->(or A B).
-Hypothesis or_elim : (A,B:Prop)(C:Prop)(A->C)->(B->C)->(or A B)->C.
-Hypothesis or_elim_redl :
- (A,B:Prop)(C:Prop)(f:A->C)(g:B->C)(a:A)
- (f a)==(or_elim A B C f g (or_introl A B a)).
-Hypothesis or_elim_redr :
- (A,B:Prop)(C:Prop)(f:A->C)(g:B->C)(b:B)
- (g b)==(or_elim A B C f g (or_intror A B b)).
-Hypothesis or_dep_elim :
- (A,B:Prop)(P:(or A B)->Prop)
- ((a:A)(P (or_introl A B a))) ->
- ((b:B)(P (or_intror A B b))) -> (b:(or A B))(P b).
-Hypothesis em : (A:Prop)(or A ~A).
-Variable B : Prop.
-Variable b1,b2 : B.
-(** [p2b] and [b2p] form a retract if [~b1==b2] *)
-Definition p2b [A] := (or_elim A ~A B [_]b1 [_]b2 (em A)).
-Definition b2p [b] := b1==b.
-Lemma p2p1 : (A:Prop) A -> (b2p (p2b A)).
- Unfold p2b; Intro A; Apply or_dep_elim with b:=(em A); Unfold b2p; Intros.
- Apply (or_elim_redl A ~A B [_]b1 [_]b2).
- NewDestruct (b H).
-Lemma p2p2 : ~b1==b2->(A:Prop) (b2p (p2b A)) -> A.
- Intro not_eq_b1_b2.
- Unfold p2b; Intro A; Apply or_dep_elim with b:=(em A); Unfold b2p; Intros.
- Assumption.
- NewDestruct not_eq_b1_b2.
- Rewrite <- (or_elim_redr A ~A B [_]b1 [_]b2) in H.
- Assumption.
-(** Using excluded-middle a second time, we get proof-irrelevance *)
-Theorem proof_irrelevance_cc : b1==b2.
- Refine (or_elim ? ? ? ? ? (em b1==b2));Intro H.
- Trivial.
- Apply (paradox B p2b b2p (p2p2 H) p2p1).
-End Proof_irrelevance_CC.
-(** The Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CCI) enjoys dependent
- elimination, hence classical logic in CCI entails proof-irrelevance.
-Section Proof_irrelevance_CCI.
-Hypothesis em : (A:Prop) A \/ ~A.
-Definition or_elim_redl :
- (A,B:Prop)(C:Prop)(f:A->C)(g:B->C)(a:A)
- (f a)==(or_ind A B C f g (or_introl A B a))
- := [A,B,C;f;g;a](refl_eqT C (f a)).
-Definition or_elim_redr :
- (A,B:Prop)(C:Prop)(f:A->C)(g:B->C)(b:B)
- (g b)==(or_ind A B C f g (or_intror A B b))
- := [A,B,C;f;g;b](refl_eqT C (g b)).
-Scheme or_indd := Induction for or Sort Prop.
-Theorem proof_irrelevance_cci : (B:Prop)(b1,b2:B)b1==b2.
- (proof_irrelevance_cc or or_introl or_intror or_ind
- or_elim_redl or_elim_redr or_indd em).
-End Proof_irrelevance_CCI.
-(** Remark: in CCI, [bool] can be taken in [Set] as well in the
- paradox and since [~true=false] for [true] and [false] in
- [bool], we get the inconsistency of [em : (A:Prop){A}+{~A}] in CCI
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-(*i $Id: RelationalChoice.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(* This file axiomatizes the relational form of the axiom of choice *)
-Axiom relational_choice :
- (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)))
- -> (EXT R':A->B->Prop |
- ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)/\(R' x y)/\ ((y':B) (R' x y') -> y=y')))).