path: root/theories7/Logic/ChoiceFacts.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: ChoiceFacts.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:29 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* We show that the functional formulation of the axiom of Choice
+ (usual formulation in type theory) is equivalent to its relational
+ formulation (only formulation of set theory) + the axiom of
+ (parametric) definite description (aka axiom of unique choice) *)
+(* This shows that the axiom of choice can be assumed (under its
+ relational formulation) without known inconsistency with classical logic,
+ though definite description conflicts with classical logic *)
+Definition RelationalChoice :=
+ (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
+ ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)))
+ -> (EXT R':A->B->Prop |
+ ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)/\(R' x y)/\ ((y':B) (R' x y') -> y=y')))).
+Definition FunctionalChoice :=
+ (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
+ ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y))) -> (EX f:A->B | (x:A)(R x (f x))).
+Definition ParamDefiniteDescription :=
+ (A:Type;B:Type;R: A->B->Prop)
+ ((x:A)(EX y:B|(R x y)/\ ((y':B)(R x y') -> y=y')))
+ -> (EX f:A->B | (x:A)(R x (f x))).
+Lemma description_rel_choice_imp_funct_choice :
+ ParamDefiniteDescription->RelationalChoice->FunctionalChoice.
+Intros Descr RelCh.
+Red; Intros A B R H.
+NewDestruct (RelCh A B R H) as [R' H0].
+NewDestruct (Descr A B R') as [f H1].
+Intro x.
+Elim (H0 x); Intros y [H2 [H3 H4]]; Exists y; Split; [Exact H3 | Exact H4].
+Exists f; Intro x.
+Elim (H0 x); Intros y [H2 [H3 H4]].
+Rewrite <- (H4 (f x) (H1 x)).
+Exact H2.
+Lemma funct_choice_imp_rel_choice :
+ FunctionalChoice->RelationalChoice.
+Intros FunCh.
+Red; Intros A B R H.
+NewDestruct (FunCh A B R H) as [f H0].
+Exists [x,y]y=(f x).
+Intro x; Exists (f x);
+Split; [Apply H0| Split;[Reflexivity| Intros y H1; Symmetry; Exact H1]].
+Lemma funct_choice_imp_description :
+ FunctionalChoice->ParamDefiniteDescription.
+Intros FunCh.
+Red; Intros A B R H.
+NewDestruct (FunCh A B R) as [f H0].
+(* 1 *)
+Intro x.
+Elim (H x); Intros y [H0 H1].
+Exists y; Exact H0.
+(* 2 *)
+Exists f; Exact H0.
+Theorem FunChoice_Equiv_RelChoice_and_ParamDefinDescr :
+ FunctionalChoice <-> RelationalChoice /\ ParamDefiniteDescription.
+Intro H; Split; [
+ Exact (funct_choice_imp_rel_choice H)
+ | Exact (funct_choice_imp_description H)].
+Intros [H H0]; Exact (description_rel_choice_imp_funct_choice H0 H).
+(* We show that the guarded relational formulation of the axiom of Choice
+ comes from the non guarded formulation in presence either of the
+ independance of premises or proof-irrelevance *)
+Definition GuardedRelationalChoice :=
+ (A:Type;B:Type;P:A->Prop;R: A->B->Prop)
+ ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)))
+ -> (EXT R':A->B->Prop |
+ ((x:A)(P x)->(EX y:B|(R x y)/\(R' x y)/\ ((y':B) (R' x y') -> y=y')))).
+Definition ProofIrrelevance := (A:Prop)(a1,a2:A) a1==a2.
+Lemma rel_choice_and_proof_irrel_imp_guarded_rel_choice :
+ RelationalChoice -> ProofIrrelevance -> GuardedRelationalChoice.
+Intros rel_choice proof_irrel.
+Red; Intros A B P R H.
+NewDestruct (rel_choice ? ? [x:(sigT ? P);y:B](R (projT1 ? ? x) y)) as [R' H0].
+Intros [x HPx].
+NewDestruct (H x HPx) as [y HRxy].
+Exists y; Exact HRxy.
+Pose R'':=[x:A;y:B](EXT H:(P x) | (R' (existT ? P x H) y)).
+Exists R''; Intros x HPx.
+NewDestruct (H0 (existT ? P x HPx)) as [y [HRxy [HR'xy Huniq]]].
+Exists y. Split.
+ Exact HRxy.
+ Split.
+ Red; Exists HPx; Exact HR'xy.
+ Intros y' HR''xy'.
+ Apply Huniq.
+ Unfold R'' in HR''xy'.
+ NewDestruct HR''xy' as [H'Px HR'xy'].
+ Rewrite proof_irrel with a1:=HPx a2:=H'Px.
+ Exact HR'xy'.
+Definition IndependenceOfPremises :=
+ (A:Type)(P:A->Prop)(Q:Prop)(Q->(EXT x|(P x)))->(EXT x|Q->(P x)).
+Lemma rel_choice_indep_of_premises_imp_guarded_rel_choice :
+ RelationalChoice -> IndependenceOfPremises -> GuardedRelationalChoice.
+Intros RelCh IndPrem.
+Red; Intros A B P R H.
+NewDestruct (RelCh A B [x,y](P x)->(R x y)) as [R' H0].
+ Intro x. Apply IndPrem.
+ Apply H.
+ Exists R'.
+ Intros x HPx.
+ NewDestruct (H0 x) as [y [H1 H2]].
+ Exists y. Split.
+ Apply (H1 HPx).
+ Exact H2.