path: root/theories7/IntMap/Mapfold.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Mapfold.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:28 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+Require Bool.
+Require Sumbool.
+Require ZArith.
+Require Addr.
+Require Adist.
+Require Addec.
+Require Map.
+Require Fset.
+Require Mapaxioms.
+Require Mapiter.
+Require Lsort.
+Require Mapsubset.
+Require PolyList.
+Section MapFoldResults.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Variable M : Set.
+ Variable neutral : M.
+ Variable op : M -> M -> M.
+ Variable nleft : (a:M) (op neutral a)=a.
+ Variable nright : (a:M) (op a neutral)=a.
+ Variable assoc : (a,b,c:M) (op (op a b) c)=(op a (op b c)).
+ Lemma MapFold_ext : (f:ad->A->M) (m,m':(Map A)) (eqmap A m m') ->
+ (MapFold ? ? neutral op f m)=(MapFold ? ? neutral op f m').
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite (MapFold_as_fold A M neutral op assoc nleft nright f m).
+ Rewrite (MapFold_as_fold A M neutral op assoc nleft nright f m').
+ Cut (alist_of_Map A m)=(alist_of_Map A m'). Intro. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Apply alist_canonical. Unfold eqmap in H. Apply eqm_trans with f':=(MapGet A m).
+ Apply eqm_sym. Apply alist_of_Map_semantics.
+ Apply eqm_trans with f':=(MapGet A m'). Assumption.
+ Apply alist_of_Map_semantics.
+ Apply alist_of_Map_sorts2.
+ Apply alist_of_Map_sorts2.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_ext_f_1 : (m:(Map A)) (f,g:ad->A->M) (pf:ad->ad)
+ ((a:ad) (y:A) (MapGet ? m a)=(SOME ? y) -> (f (pf a) y)=(g (pf a) y)) ->
+ (MapFold1 ? ? neutral op f pf m)=(MapFold1 ? ? neutral op g pf m).
+ Proof.
+ Induction m. Trivial.
+ Simpl. Intros. Apply H. Rewrite (ad_eq_correct a). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl. Rewrite (H f g [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0))).
+ Rewrite (H0 f g [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0))). Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Apply H1. Rewrite MapGet_M2_bit_0_1. Rewrite ad_double_plus_un_div_2. Assumption.
+ Apply ad_double_plus_un_bit_0.
+ Intros. Apply H1. Rewrite MapGet_M2_bit_0_0. Rewrite ad_double_div_2. Assumption.
+ Apply ad_double_bit_0.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_ext_f : (f,g:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A))
+ ((a:ad) (y:A) (MapGet ? m a)=(SOME ? y) -> (f a y)=(g a y)) ->
+ (MapFold ? ? neutral op f m)=(MapFold ? ? neutral op g m).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (MapFold_ext_f_1 m f g [a0:ad]a0 H).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold1_as_Fold_1 : (m:(Map A)) (f,f':ad->A->M) (pf, pf':ad->ad)
+ ((a:ad) (y:A) (f (pf a) y)=(f' (pf' a) y)) ->
+ (MapFold1 ? ? neutral op f pf m)=(MapFold1 ? ? neutral op f' pf' m).
+ Proof.
+ Induction m. Trivial.
+ Intros. Simpl. Apply H.
+ Intros. Simpl.
+ Rewrite (H f f' [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0)) [a0:ad](pf' (ad_double a0))).
+ Rewrite (H0 f f' [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0)) [a0:ad](pf' (ad_double_plus_un a0))).
+ Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Apply H1.
+ Intros. Apply H1.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold1_as_Fold : (f:ad->A->M) (pf:ad->ad) (m:(Map A))
+ (MapFold1 ? ? neutral op f pf m)=(MapFold ? ? neutral op [a:ad][y:A] (f (pf a) y) m).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Unfold MapFold. Apply MapFold1_as_Fold_1. Trivial.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold1_ext : (f:ad->A->M) (m,m':(Map A)) (eqmap A m m') -> (pf:ad->ad)
+ (MapFold1 ? ? neutral op f pf m)=(MapFold1 ? ? neutral op f pf m').
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Rewrite MapFold1_as_Fold. Rewrite MapFold1_as_Fold. Apply MapFold_ext. Assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Variable comm : (a,b:M) (op a b)=(op b a).
+ Lemma MapFold_Put_disjoint_1 : (p:positive)
+ (f:ad->A->M) (pf:ad->ad) (a1,a2:ad) (y1,y2:A)
+ (ad_xor a1 a2)=(ad_x p) ->
+ (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf (MapPut1 A a1 y1 a2 y2 p))=
+ (op (f (pf a1) y1) (f (pf a2) y2)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction p. Intros. Simpl. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_bit_0 a1)). Intro H1. Rewrite H1.
+ Simpl. Rewrite ad_div_2_double_plus_un. Rewrite ad_div_2_double. Apply comm.
+ Change (ad_bit_0 a2)=(negb true). Rewrite <- H1. Rewrite (ad_neg_bit_0_2 ? ? ? H0).
+ Rewrite negb_elim. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Simpl. Rewrite ad_div_2_double. Rewrite ad_div_2_double_plus_un.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Change (ad_bit_0 a2)=(negb false). Rewrite <- H1. Rewrite (ad_neg_bit_0_2 ? ? ? H0).
+ Rewrite negb_elim. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Simpl. Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_bit_0 a1)). Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Simpl.
+ Rewrite nleft.
+ Rewrite (H f [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0)) (ad_div_2 a1) (ad_div_2 a2) y1 y2).
+ Rewrite ad_div_2_double_plus_un. Rewrite ad_div_2_double_plus_un. Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_same_bit_0 ? ? ? H0). Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Rewrite <- ad_xor_div_2. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H1. Rewrite H1. Simpl. Rewrite nright.
+ Rewrite (H f [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0)) (ad_div_2 a1) (ad_div_2 a2) y1 y2).
+ Rewrite ad_div_2_double. Rewrite ad_div_2_double. Reflexivity.
+ Rewrite <- (ad_same_bit_0 ? ? ? H0). Assumption.
+ Assumption.
+ Rewrite <- ad_xor_div_2. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_bit_0 a1)). Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Simpl.
+ Rewrite ad_div_2_double. Rewrite ad_div_2_double_plus_un. Apply comm.
+ Assumption.
+ Change (ad_bit_0 a2)=(negb true). Rewrite <- H0. Rewrite (ad_neg_bit_0_1 ? ? H).
+ Rewrite negb_elim. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H0. Rewrite H0. Simpl. Rewrite ad_div_2_double. Rewrite ad_div_2_double_plus_un.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Change (ad_bit_0 a2)=(negb false). Rewrite <- H0. Rewrite (ad_neg_bit_0_1 ? ? H).
+ Rewrite negb_elim. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_Put_disjoint_2 :
+ (f:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A)) (a:ad) (y:A) (pf:ad->ad)
+ (MapGet A m a)=(NONE A) ->
+ (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf (MapPut A m a y))=
+ (op (f (pf a) y) (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf m)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction m. Intros. Simpl. Rewrite (nright (f (pf a) y)). Reflexivity.
+ Intros a1 y1 a2 y2 pf H. Simpl. Elim (ad_sum (ad_xor a1 a2)). Intro H0. Elim H0.
+ Intros p H1. Rewrite H1. Rewrite comm. Exact (MapFold_Put_disjoint_1 p f pf a1 a2 y1 y2 H1).
+ Intro H0. Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? (ad_xor_eq_true ? ? H0)) in H.
+ Rewrite (M1_semantics_1 A a2 y1) in H. Discriminate H.
+ Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_bit_0 a)). Intro H2.
+ Cut (MapPut A (M2 A m0 m1) a y)=(M2 A m0 (MapPut A m1 (ad_div_2 a) y)). Intro.
+ Rewrite H3. Simpl. Rewrite (H0 (ad_div_2 a) y [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0))).
+ Rewrite ad_div_2_double_plus_un. Rewrite <- assoc.
+ Rewrite (comm (MapFold1 A M neutral op f [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0)) m0) (f (pf a) y)).
+ Rewrite assoc. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Rewrite (MapGet_M2_bit_0_1 A a H2 m0 m1) in H1. Assumption.
+ Simpl. Elim (ad_sum a). Intro H3. Elim H3. Intro p. Elim p. Intros p0 H4 H5. Rewrite H5.
+ Reflexivity.
+ Intros p0 H4 H5. Rewrite H5 in H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3 in H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Intro H2. Cut (MapPut A (M2 A m0 m1) a y)=(M2 A (MapPut A m0 (ad_div_2 a) y) m1).
+ Intro. Rewrite H3. Simpl. Rewrite (H (ad_div_2 a) y [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0))).
+ Rewrite ad_div_2_double. Rewrite <- assoc. Reflexivity.
+ Assumption.
+ Rewrite (MapGet_M2_bit_0_0 A a H2 m0 m1) in H1. Assumption.
+ Simpl. Elim (ad_sum a). Intro H3. Elim H3. Intro p. Elim p. Intros p0 H4 H5. Rewrite H5 in H2.
+ Discriminate H2.
+ Intros p0 H4 H5. Rewrite H5. Reflexivity.
+ Intro H4. Rewrite H4 in H2. Discriminate H2.
+ Intro H3. Rewrite H3. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_Put_disjoint :
+ (f:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A)) (a:ad) (y:A)
+ (MapGet A m a)=(NONE A) ->
+ (MapFold A M neutral op f (MapPut A m a y))=
+ (op (f a y) (MapFold A M neutral op f m)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (MapFold_Put_disjoint_2 f m a y [a0:ad]a0 H).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_Put_behind_disjoint_2 :
+ (f:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A)) (a:ad) (y:A) (pf:ad->ad)
+ (MapGet A m a)=(NONE A) ->
+ (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf (MapPut_behind A m a y))=
+ (op (f (pf a) y) (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf m)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Cut (eqmap A (MapPut_behind A m a y) (MapPut A m a y)). Intro.
+ Rewrite (MapFold1_ext f ? ? H0 pf). Apply MapFold_Put_disjoint_2. Assumption.
+ Apply eqmap_trans with m':=(MapMerge A (M1 A a y) m). Apply MapPut_behind_as_Merge.
+ Apply eqmap_trans with m':=(MapMerge A m (M1 A a y)).
+ Apply eqmap_trans with m':=(MapDelta A (M1 A a y) m). Apply eqmap_sym. Apply MapDelta_disjoint.
+ Unfold MapDisjoint. Unfold in_dom. Simpl. Intros. Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq a a0)).
+ Intro H2. Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H2) in H. Rewrite H in H1. Discriminate H1.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Apply eqmap_trans with m':=(MapDelta A m (M1 A a y)). Apply MapDelta_sym.
+ Apply MapDelta_disjoint. Unfold MapDisjoint. Unfold in_dom. Simpl. Intros.
+ Elim (sumbool_of_bool (ad_eq a a0)). Intro H2. Rewrite (ad_eq_complete ? ? H2) in H.
+ Rewrite H in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Intro H2. Rewrite H2 in H1. Discriminate H1.
+ Apply eqmap_sym. Apply MapPut_as_Merge.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_Put_behind_disjoint :
+ (f:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A)) (a:ad) (y:A)
+ (MapGet A m a)=(NONE A) ->
+ (MapFold A M neutral op f (MapPut_behind A m a y))
+ =(op (f a y) (MapFold A M neutral op f m)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (MapFold_Put_behind_disjoint_2 f m a y [a0:ad]a0 H).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_Merge_disjoint_1 :
+ (f:ad->A->M) (m1,m2:(Map A)) (pf:ad->ad)
+ (MapDisjoint A A m1 m2) ->
+ (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf (MapMerge A m1 m2))=
+ (op (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf m1) (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf m2)).
+ Proof.
+ Induction m1. Simpl. Intros. Rewrite nleft. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Unfold MapMerge. Apply (MapFold_Put_behind_disjoint_2 f m2 a a0 pf).
+ Apply in_dom_none. Exact (MapDisjoint_M1_l ? ? m2 a a0 H).
+ Induction m2. Intros. Simpl. Rewrite nright. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Unfold MapMerge. Rewrite (MapFold_Put_disjoint_2 f (M2 A m m0) a a0 pf). Apply comm.
+ Apply in_dom_none. Exact (MapDisjoint_M1_r ? ? (M2 A m m0) a a0 H1).
+ Intros. Simpl. Rewrite (H m3 [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0))).
+ Rewrite (H0 m4 [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0))).
+ Cut (a,b,c,d:M)(op (op a b) (op c d))=(op (op a c) (op b d)). Intro. Apply H4.
+ Intros. Rewrite assoc. Rewrite <- (assoc b c d). Rewrite (comm b c). Rewrite (assoc c b d).
+ Rewrite assoc. Reflexivity.
+ Exact (MapDisjoint_M2_r ? ? ? ? ? ? H3).
+ Exact (MapDisjoint_M2_l ? ? ? ? ? ? H3).
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_Merge_disjoint :
+ (f:ad->A->M) (m1,m2:(Map A))
+ (MapDisjoint A A m1 m2) ->
+ (MapFold A M neutral op f (MapMerge A m1 m2))=
+ (op (MapFold A M neutral op f m1) (MapFold A M neutral op f m2)).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (MapFold_Merge_disjoint_1 f m1 m2 [a0:ad]a0 H).
+ Qed.
+End MapFoldResults.
+Section MapFoldDistr.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Variable M : Set.
+ Variable neutral : M.
+ Variable op : M -> M -> M.
+ Variable M' : Set.
+ Variable neutral' : M'.
+ Variable op' : M' -> M' -> M'.
+ Variable N : Set.
+ Variable times : M -> N -> M'.
+ Variable absorb : (c:N)(times neutral c)=neutral'.
+ Variable distr : (a,b:M) (c:N) (times (op a b) c) = (op' (times a c) (times b c)).
+ Lemma MapFold_distr_r_1 : (f:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A)) (c:N) (pf:ad->ad)
+ (times (MapFold1 A M neutral op f pf m) c)=
+ (MapFold1 A M' neutral' op' [a:ad][y:A] (times (f a y) c) pf m).
+ Proof.
+ Induction m. Intros. Exact (absorb c).
+ Trivial.
+ Intros. Simpl. Rewrite distr. Rewrite H. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_distr_r : (f:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A)) (c:N)
+ (times (MapFold A M neutral op f m) c)=
+ (MapFold A M' neutral' op' [a:ad][y:A] (times (f a y) c) m).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (MapFold_distr_r_1 f m c [a:ad]a).
+ Qed.
+End MapFoldDistr.
+Section MapFoldDistrL.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Variable M : Set.
+ Variable neutral : M.
+ Variable op : M -> M -> M.
+ Variable M' : Set.
+ Variable neutral' : M'.
+ Variable op' : M' -> M' -> M'.
+ Variable N : Set.
+ Variable times : N -> M -> M'.
+ Variable absorb : (c:N)(times c neutral)=neutral'.
+ Variable distr : (a,b:M) (c:N) (times c (op a b)) = (op' (times c a) (times c b)).
+ Lemma MapFold_distr_l : (f:ad->A->M) (m:(Map A)) (c:N)
+ (times c (MapFold A M neutral op f m))=
+ (MapFold A M' neutral' op' [a:ad][y:A] (times c (f a y)) m).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Apply MapFold_distr_r with times:=[a:M][b:N](times b a); Assumption.
+ Qed.
+End MapFoldDistrL.
+Section MapFoldExists.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Lemma MapFold_orb_1 : (f:ad->A->bool) (m:(Map A)) (pf:ad->ad)
+ (MapFold1 A bool false orb f pf m)=
+ (Cases (MapSweep1 A f pf m) of
+ (SOME _) => true
+ | _ => false
+ end).
+ Proof.
+ Induction m. Trivial.
+ Intros a y pf. Simpl. Unfold MapSweep2. (Case (f (pf a) y); Reflexivity).
+ Intros. Simpl. Rewrite (H [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0))).
+ Rewrite (H0 [a0:ad](pf (ad_double_plus_un a0))).
+ Case (MapSweep1 A f [a0:ad](pf (ad_double a0)) m0); Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma MapFold_orb : (f:ad->A->bool) (m:(Map A)) (MapFold A bool false orb f m)=
+ (Cases (MapSweep A f m) of
+ (SOME _) => true
+ | _ => false
+ end).
+ Proof.
+ Intros. Exact (MapFold_orb_1 f m [a:ad]a).
+ Qed.
+End MapFoldExists.
+Section DMergeDef.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Definition DMerge := (MapFold (Map A) (Map A) (M0 A) (MapMerge A) [_:ad][m:(Map A)] m).
+ Lemma in_dom_DMerge_1 : (m:(Map (Map A))) (a:ad) (in_dom A a (DMerge m))=
+ (Cases (MapSweep ? [_:ad][m0:(Map A)] (in_dom A a m0) m) of
+ (SOME _) => true
+ | _ => false
+ end).
+ Proof.
+ Unfold DMerge. Intros.
+ Rewrite (MapFold_distr_l (Map A) (Map A) (M0 A) (MapMerge A) bool false
+ orb ad (in_dom A) [c:ad](refl_equal ? ?) (in_dom_merge A)).
+ Apply MapFold_orb.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_dom_DMerge_2 : (m:(Map (Map A))) (a:ad) (in_dom A a (DMerge m))=true ->
+ {b:ad & {m0:(Map A) | (MapGet ? m b)=(SOME ? m0) /\
+ (in_dom A a m0)=true}}.
+ Proof.
+ Intros m a. Rewrite in_dom_DMerge_1.
+ Elim (option_sum ? (MapSweep (Map A) [_:ad][m0:(Map A)](in_dom A a m0) m)).
+ Intro H. Elim H. Intro r. Elim r. Intros b m0 H0. Intro. Split with b. Split with m0.
+ Split. Exact (MapSweep_semantics_2 ? ? ? ? ? H0).
+ Exact (MapSweep_semantics_1 ? ? ? ? ? H0).
+ Intro H. Rewrite H. Intro. Discriminate H0.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma in_dom_DMerge_3 : (m:(Map (Map A))) (a,b:ad) (m0:(Map A))
+ (MapGet ? m a)=(SOME ? m0) -> (in_dom A b m0)=true ->
+ (in_dom A b (DMerge m))=true.
+ Proof.
+ Intros m a b m0 H H0. Rewrite in_dom_DMerge_1.
+ Elim (MapSweep_semantics_4 ? [_:ad][m'0:(Map A)](in_dom A b m'0) ? ? ? H H0).
+ Intros a' H1. Elim H1. Intros m'0 H2. Rewrite H2. Reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+End DMergeDef.