path: root/theories7/IntMap/Adist.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Adist.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:27 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+Require Bool.
+Require ZArith.
+Require Arith.
+Require Min.
+Require Addr.
+Fixpoint ad_plength_1 [p:positive] : nat :=
+ Cases p of
+ xH => O
+ | (xI _) => O
+ | (xO p') => (S (ad_plength_1 p'))
+ end.
+Inductive natinf : Set :=
+ infty : natinf
+ | ni : nat -> natinf.
+Definition ad_plength := [a:ad]
+ Cases a of
+ ad_z => infty
+ | (ad_x p) => (ni (ad_plength_1 p))
+ end.
+Lemma ad_plength_infty : (a:ad) (ad_plength a)=infty -> a=ad_z.
+ Induction a; Trivial.
+ Unfold ad_plength; Intros; Discriminate H.
+Lemma ad_plength_zeros : (a:ad) (n:nat) (ad_plength a)=(ni n) ->
+ (k:nat) (lt k n) -> (ad_bit a k)=false.
+ Induction a; Trivial.
+ Induction p. Induction n. Intros. Inversion H1.
+ Induction k. Simpl in H1. Discriminate H1.
+ Intros. Simpl in H1. Discriminate H1.
+ Induction k. Trivial.
+ Generalize H0. Case n. Intros. Inversion H3.
+ Intros. Simpl. Unfold ad_bit in H. Apply (H n0). Simpl in H1. Inversion H1. Reflexivity.
+ Exact (lt_S_n n1 n0 H3).
+ Simpl. Intros n H. Inversion H. Intros. Inversion H0.
+Lemma ad_plength_one : (a:ad) (n:nat) (ad_plength a)=(ni n) -> (ad_bit a n)=true.
+ Induction a. Intros. Inversion H.
+ Induction p. Intros. Simpl in H0. Inversion H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl in H0. Inversion H0. Simpl. Unfold ad_bit in H. Apply H. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Simpl in H. Inversion H. Reflexivity.
+Lemma ad_plength_first_one : (a:ad) (n:nat)
+ ((k:nat) (lt k n) -> (ad_bit a k)=false) -> (ad_bit a n)=true ->
+ (ad_plength a)=(ni n).
+ Induction a. Intros. Simpl in H0. Discriminate H0.
+ Induction p. Intros. Generalize H0. Case n. Intros. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Absurd (ad_bit (ad_x (xI p0)) O)=false. Trivial with bool.
+ Auto with bool arith.
+ Intros. Generalize H0 H1. Case n. Intros. Simpl in H3. Discriminate H3.
+ Intros. Simpl. Unfold ad_plength in H.
+ Cut (ni (ad_plength_1 p0))=(ni n0). Intro. Inversion H4. Reflexivity.
+ Apply H. Intros. Change (ad_bit (ad_x (xO p0)) (S k))=false. Apply H2. Apply lt_n_S. Exact H4.
+ Exact H3.
+ Intro. Case n. Trivial.
+ Intros. Simpl in H0. Discriminate H0.
+Definition ni_min := [d,d':natinf]
+ Cases d of
+ infty => d'
+ | (ni n) => Cases d' of
+ infty => d
+ | (ni n') => (ni (min n n'))
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma ni_min_idemp : (d:natinf) (ni_min d d)=d.
+ Induction d; Trivial.
+ Unfold ni_min.
+ Induction n; Trivial.
+ Intros.
+ Simpl.
+ Inversion H.
+ Rewrite H1.
+ Rewrite H1.
+ Reflexivity.
+Lemma ni_min_comm : (d,d':natinf) (ni_min d d')=(ni_min d' d).
+ Induction d. Induction d'; Trivial.
+ Induction d'; Trivial. Elim n. Induction n0; Trivial.
+ Intros. Elim n1; Trivial. Intros. Unfold ni_min in H. Cut (min n0 n2)=(min n2 n0).
+ Intro. Unfold ni_min. Simpl. Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+ Cut (ni (min n0 n2))=(ni (min n2 n0)). Intros.
+ Inversion H1; Trivial.
+ Exact (H n2).
+Lemma ni_min_assoc : (d,d',d'':natinf) (ni_min (ni_min d d') d'')=(ni_min d (ni_min d' d'')).
+ Induction d; Trivial. Induction d'; Trivial.
+ Induction d''; Trivial.
+ Unfold ni_min. Intro. Cut (min (min n n0) n1)=(min n (min n0 n1)).
+ Intro. Rewrite H. Reflexivity.
+ Generalize n0 n1. Elim n; Trivial.
+ Induction n3; Trivial. Induction n5; Trivial.
+ Intros. Simpl. Auto.
+Lemma ni_min_O_l : (d:natinf) (ni_min (ni O) d)=(ni O).
+ Induction d; Trivial.
+Lemma ni_min_O_r : (d:natinf) (ni_min d (ni O))=(ni O).
+ Intros. Rewrite ni_min_comm. Apply ni_min_O_l.
+Lemma ni_min_inf_l : (d:natinf) (ni_min infty d)=d.
+ Trivial.
+Lemma ni_min_inf_r : (d:natinf) (ni_min d infty)=d.
+ Induction d; Trivial.
+Definition ni_le := [d,d':natinf] (ni_min d d')=d.
+Lemma ni_le_refl : (d:natinf) (ni_le d d).
+ Exact ni_min_idemp.
+Lemma ni_le_antisym : (d,d':natinf) (ni_le d d') -> (ni_le d' d) -> d=d'.
+ Unfold ni_le. Intros d d'. Rewrite ni_min_comm. Intro H. Rewrite H. Trivial.
+Lemma ni_le_trans : (d,d',d'':natinf) (ni_le d d') -> (ni_le d' d'') -> (ni_le d d'').
+ Unfold ni_le. Intros. Rewrite <- H. Rewrite ni_min_assoc. Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+Lemma ni_le_min_1 : (d,d':natinf) (ni_le (ni_min d d') d).
+ Unfold ni_le. Intros. Rewrite (ni_min_comm d d'). Rewrite ni_min_assoc.
+ Rewrite ni_min_idemp. Reflexivity.
+Lemma ni_le_min_2 : (d,d':natinf) (ni_le (ni_min d d') d').
+ Unfold ni_le. Intros. Rewrite ni_min_assoc. Rewrite ni_min_idemp. Reflexivity.
+Lemma ni_min_case : (d,d':natinf) (ni_min d d')=d \/ (ni_min d d')=d'.
+ Induction d. Intro. Right . Exact (ni_min_inf_l d').
+ Induction d'. Left . Exact (ni_min_inf_r (ni n)).
+ Unfold ni_min. Cut (n0:nat)(min n n0)=n\/(min n n0)=n0.
+ Intros. Case (H n0). Intro. Left . Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Intro. Right . Rewrite H0. Reflexivity.
+ Elim n. Intro. Left . Reflexivity.
+ Induction n1. Right . Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Case (H n2). Intro. Left . Simpl. Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+ Intro. Right . Simpl. Rewrite H1. Reflexivity.
+Lemma ni_le_total : (d,d':natinf) (ni_le d d') \/ (ni_le d' d).
+ Unfold ni_le. Intros. Rewrite (ni_min_comm d' d). Apply ni_min_case.
+Lemma ni_le_min_induc : (d,d',dm:natinf) (ni_le dm d) -> (ni_le dm d') ->
+ ((d'':natinf) (ni_le d'' d) -> (ni_le d'' d') -> (ni_le d'' dm)) ->
+ (ni_min d d')=dm.
+ Intros. Case (ni_min_case d d'). Intro. Rewrite H2.
+ Apply ni_le_antisym. Apply H1. Apply ni_le_refl.
+ Exact H2.
+ Exact H.
+ Intro. Rewrite H2. Apply ni_le_antisym. Apply H1. Unfold ni_le. Rewrite ni_min_comm. Exact H2.
+ Apply ni_le_refl.
+ Exact H0.
+Lemma le_ni_le : (m,n:nat) (le m n) -> (ni_le (ni m) (ni n)).
+ Cut (m,n:nat)(le m n)->(min m n)=m.
+ Intros. Unfold ni_le ni_min. Rewrite (H m n H0). Reflexivity.
+ Induction m. Trivial.
+ Induction n0. Intro. Inversion H0.
+ Intros. Simpl. Rewrite (H n1 (le_S_n n n1 H1)). Reflexivity.
+Lemma ni_le_le : (m,n:nat) (ni_le (ni m) (ni n)) -> (le m n).
+ Unfold ni_le. Unfold ni_min. Intros. Inversion H. Apply le_min_r.
+Lemma ad_plength_lb : (a:ad) (n:nat) ((k:nat) (lt k n) -> (ad_bit a k)=false) ->
+ (ni_le (ni n) (ad_plength a)).
+ Induction a. Intros. Exact (ni_min_inf_r (ni n)).
+ Intros. Unfold ad_plength. Apply le_ni_le. Case (le_or_lt n (ad_plength_1 p)). Trivial.
+ Intro. Absurd (ad_bit (ad_x p) (ad_plength_1 p))=false.
+ Rewrite (ad_plength_one (ad_x p) (ad_plength_1 p)
+ (refl_equal natinf (ad_plength (ad_x p)))).
+ Discriminate.
+ Apply H. Exact H0.
+Lemma ad_plength_ub : (a:ad) (n:nat) (ad_bit a n)=true ->
+ (ni_le (ad_plength a) (ni n)).
+ Induction a. Intros. Discriminate H.
+ Intros. Unfold ad_plength. Apply le_ni_le. Case (le_or_lt (ad_plength_1 p) n). Trivial.
+ Intro. Absurd (ad_bit (ad_x p) n)=true.
+ Rewrite (ad_plength_zeros (ad_x p) (ad_plength_1 p)
+ (refl_equal natinf (ad_plength (ad_x p))) n H0).
+ Discriminate.
+ Exact H.
+(** We define an ultrametric distance between addresses:
+ $d(a,a')=1/2^pd(a,a')$,
+ where $pd(a,a')$ is the number of identical bits at the beginning
+ of $a$ and $a'$ (infinity if $a=a'$).
+ Instead of working with $d$, we work with $pd$, namely
+ [ad_pdist]: *)
+Definition ad_pdist := [a,a':ad] (ad_plength (ad_xor a a')).
+(** d is a distance, so $d(a,a')=0$ iff $a=a'$; this means that
+ $pd(a,a')=infty$ iff $a=a'$: *)
+Lemma ad_pdist_eq_1 : (a:ad) (ad_pdist a a)=infty.
+ Intros. Unfold ad_pdist. Rewrite ad_xor_nilpotent. Reflexivity.
+Lemma ad_pdist_eq_2 : (a,a':ad) (ad_pdist a a')=infty -> a=a'.
+ Intros. Apply ad_xor_eq. Apply ad_plength_infty. Exact H.
+(** $d$ is a distance, so $d(a,a')=d(a',a)$: *)
+Lemma ad_pdist_comm : (a,a':ad) (ad_pdist a a')=(ad_pdist a' a).
+ Unfold ad_pdist. Intros. Rewrite ad_xor_comm. Reflexivity.
+(** $d$ is an ultrametric distance, that is, not only $d(a,a')\leq
+ d(a,a'')+d(a'',a')$,
+ but in fact $d(a,a')\leq max(d(a,a''),d(a'',a'))$.
+ This means that $min(pd(a,a''),pd(a'',a'))<=pd(a,a')$ (lemma [ad_pdist_ultra] below).
+ This follows from the fact that $a ~Ra~|a| = 1/2^{\texttt{ad\_plength}}(a))$
+ is an ultrametric norm, i.e. that $|a-a'| \leq max (|a-a''|, |a''-a'|)$,
+ or equivalently that $|a+b|<=max(|a|,|b|)$, i.e. that
+ min $(\texttt{ad\_plength}(a), \texttt{ad\_plength}(b)) \leq
+ \texttt{ad\_plength} (a~\texttt{xor}~ b)$
+ (lemma [ad_plength_ultra]).
+Lemma ad_plength_ultra_1 : (a,a':ad)
+ (ni_le (ad_plength a) (ad_plength a')) ->
+ (ni_le (ad_plength a) (ad_plength (ad_xor a a'))).
+ Induction a. Intros. Unfold ni_le in H. Unfold 1 3 ad_plength in H.
+ Rewrite (ni_min_inf_l (ad_plength a')) in H.
+ Rewrite (ad_plength_infty a' H). Simpl. Apply ni_le_refl.
+ Intros. Unfold 1 ad_plength. Apply ad_plength_lb. Intros.
+ Cut (a'':ad)(ad_xor (ad_x p) a')=a''->(ad_bit a'' k)=false.
+ Intros. Apply H1. Reflexivity.
+ Intro a''. Case a''. Intro. Reflexivity.
+ Intros. Rewrite <- H1. Rewrite (ad_xor_semantics (ad_x p) a' k). Unfold adf_xor.
+ Rewrite (ad_plength_zeros (ad_x p) (ad_plength_1 p)
+ (refl_equal natinf (ad_plength (ad_x p))) k H0).
+ Generalize H. Case a'. Trivial.
+ Intros. Cut (ad_bit (ad_x p1) k)=false. Intros. Rewrite H3. Reflexivity.
+ Apply ad_plength_zeros with n:=(ad_plength_1 p1). Reflexivity.
+ Apply (lt_le_trans k (ad_plength_1 p) (ad_plength_1 p1)). Exact H0.
+ Apply ni_le_le. Exact H2.
+Lemma ad_plength_ultra : (a,a':ad)
+ (ni_le (ni_min (ad_plength a) (ad_plength a')) (ad_plength (ad_xor a a'))).
+ Intros. Case (ni_le_total (ad_plength a) (ad_plength a')). Intro.
+ Cut (ni_min (ad_plength a) (ad_plength a'))=(ad_plength a).
+ Intro. Rewrite H0. Apply ad_plength_ultra_1. Exact H.
+ Exact H.
+ Intro. Cut (ni_min (ad_plength a) (ad_plength a'))=(ad_plength a').
+ Intro. Rewrite H0. Rewrite ad_xor_comm. Apply ad_plength_ultra_1. Exact H.
+ Rewrite ni_min_comm. Exact H.
+Lemma ad_pdist_ultra : (a,a',a'':ad)
+ (ni_le (ni_min (ad_pdist a a'') (ad_pdist a'' a')) (ad_pdist a a')).
+ Intros. Unfold ad_pdist. Cut (ad_xor (ad_xor a a'') (ad_xor a'' a'))=(ad_xor a a').
+ Intro. Rewrite <- H. Apply ad_plength_ultra.
+ Rewrite ad_xor_assoc. Rewrite <- (ad_xor_assoc a'' a'' a'). Rewrite ad_xor_nilpotent.
+ Rewrite ad_xor_neutral_left. Reflexivity.