path: root/theories7/Arith/Plus.v
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/theories7/Arith/Plus.v b/theories7/Arith/Plus.v
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index 23488b4c..00000000
--- a/theories7/Arith/Plus.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Plus.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:25 herbelin Exp $ i*)
-(** Properties of addition *)
-Require Le.
-Require Lt.
-V7only [Import nat_scope.].
-Open Local Scope nat_scope.
-Implicit Variables Type m,n,p,q:nat.
-(** Zero is neutral *)
-Lemma plus_0_l : (n:nat) (O+n)=n.
-Lemma plus_0_r : (n:nat) (n+O)=n.
-Intro; Symmetry; Apply plus_n_O.
-(** Commutativity *)
-Lemma plus_sym : (n,m:nat)(n+m)=(m+n).
-Intros n m ; Elim n ; Simpl ; Auto with arith.
-Intros y H ; Elim (plus_n_Sm m y) ; Auto with arith.
-Hints Immediate plus_sym : arith v62.
-(** Associativity *)
-Lemma plus_Snm_nSm : (n,m:nat)((S n)+m)=(n+(S m)).
-Rewrite -> (plus_sym n m).
-Rewrite -> (plus_sym n (S m)).
-Trivial with arith.
-Lemma plus_assoc_l : (n,m,p:nat)((n+(m+p))=((n+m)+p)).
-Intros n m p; Elim n; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve plus_assoc_l : arith v62.
-Lemma plus_permute : (n,m,p:nat) ((n+(m+p))=(m+(n+p))).
-Intros; Rewrite (plus_assoc_l m n p); Rewrite (plus_sym m n); Auto with arith.
-Lemma plus_assoc_r : (n,m,p:nat)(((n+m)+p)=(n+(m+p))).
-Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve plus_assoc_r : arith v62.
-(** Simplification *)
-Lemma plus_reg_l : (m,p,n:nat)((n+m)=(n+p))->(m=p).
-Intros m p n; NewInduction n ; Simpl ; Auto with arith.
-V7only [
-(* Compatibility order of arguments *)
-Notation "'simpl_plus_l' c" := [a,b:nat](plus_reg_l a b c)
- (at level 10, c at next level).
-Notation "'simpl_plus_l' c a" := [b:nat](plus_reg_l a b c)
- (at level 10, a, c at next level).
-Notation "'simpl_plus_l' c a b" := (plus_reg_l a b c)
- (at level 10, a, b, c at next level).
-Notation simpl_plus_l := plus_reg_l.
-Lemma plus_le_reg_l : (n,m,p:nat)((p+n)<=(p+m))->(n<=m).
-NewInduction p; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-V7only [
-(* Compatibility order of arguments *)
-Notation "'simpl_le_plus_l' c" := [a,b:nat](plus_le_reg_l a b c)
- (at level 10, c at next level).
-Notation "'simpl_le_plus_l' c a" := [b:nat](plus_le_reg_l a b c)
- (at level 10, a, c at next level).
-Notation "'simpl_le_plus_l' c a b" := (plus_le_reg_l a b c)
- (at level 10, a, b, c at next level).
-Notation simpl_le_plus_l := [p,n,m:nat](plus_le_reg_l n m p).
-Lemma simpl_lt_plus_l : (n,m,p:nat) (p+n)<(p+m) -> n<m.
-NewInduction p; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-(** Compatibility with order *)
-Lemma le_reg_l : (n,m,p:nat) n<=m -> (p+n)<=(p+m).
-NewInduction p; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve le_reg_l : arith v62.
-Lemma le_reg_r : (a,b,c:nat) a<=b -> (a+c)<=(b+c).
-NewInduction 1 ; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve le_reg_r : arith v62.
-Lemma le_plus_l : (n,m:nat) n<=(n+m).
-NewInduction n; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve le_plus_l : arith v62.
-Lemma le_plus_r : (n,m:nat) m<=(n+m).
-Intros n m; Elim n; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve le_plus_r : arith v62.
-Theorem le_plus_trans : (n,m,p:nat) n<=m -> n<=(m+p).
-Intros; Apply le_trans with m:=m; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve le_plus_trans : arith v62.
-Theorem lt_plus_trans : (n,m,p:nat) n<m -> n<(m+p).
-Intros; Apply lt_le_trans with m:=m; Auto with arith.
-Hints Immediate lt_plus_trans : arith v62.
-Lemma lt_reg_l : (n,m,p:nat) n<m -> (p+n)<(p+m).
-NewInduction p; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve lt_reg_l : arith v62.
-Lemma lt_reg_r : (n,m,p:nat) n<m -> (n+p)<(m+p).
-Intros n m p H ; Rewrite (plus_sym n p) ; Rewrite (plus_sym m p).
-Elim p; Auto with arith.
-Hints Resolve lt_reg_r : arith v62.
-Lemma le_plus_plus : (n,m,p,q:nat) n<=m -> p<=q -> (n+p)<=(m+q).
-Intros n m p q H H0.
-Elim H; Simpl; Auto with arith.
-Lemma le_lt_plus_plus : (n,m,p,q:nat) n<=m -> p<q -> (n+p)<(m+q).
- Unfold lt. Intros. Change ((S n)+p)<=(m+q). Rewrite plus_Snm_nSm.
- Apply le_plus_plus; Assumption.
-Lemma lt_le_plus_plus : (n,m,p,q:nat) n<m -> p<=q -> (n+p)<(m+q).
- Unfold lt. Intros. Change ((S n)+p)<=(m+q). Apply le_plus_plus; Assumption.
-Lemma lt_plus_plus : (n,m,p,q:nat) n<m -> p<q -> (n+p)<(m+q).
- Intros. Apply lt_le_plus_plus. Assumption.
- Apply lt_le_weak. Assumption.
-(** Inversion lemmas *)
-Lemma plus_is_O : (m,n:nat) (m+n)=O -> m=O /\ n=O.
- Intro m; NewDestruct m; Auto.
- Intros. Discriminate H.
-Definition plus_is_one :
- (m,n:nat) (m+n)=(S O) -> {m=O /\ n=(S O)}+{m=(S O) /\ n=O}.
- Intro m; NewDestruct m; Auto.
- NewDestruct n; Auto.
- Intros.
- Simpl in H. Discriminate H.
-(** Derived properties *)
-Lemma plus_permute_2_in_4 : (m,n,p,q:nat) ((m+n)+(p+q))=((m+p)+(n+q)).
- Intros m n p q.
- Rewrite <- (plus_assoc_l m n (p+q)). Rewrite (plus_assoc_l n p q).
- Rewrite (plus_sym n p). Rewrite <- (plus_assoc_l p n q). Apply plus_assoc_l.
-(** Tail-recursive plus *)
-(** [tail_plus] is an alternative definition for [plus] which is
- tail-recursive, whereas [plus] is not. This can be useful
- when extracting programs. *)
-Fixpoint plus_acc [q,n:nat] : nat :=
- Cases n of
- O => q
- | (S p) => (plus_acc (S q) p)
- end.
-Definition tail_plus := [n,m:nat](plus_acc m n).
-Lemma plus_tail_plus : (n,m:nat)(n+m)=(tail_plus n m).
-Unfold tail_plus; NewInduction n as [|n IHn]; Simpl; Auto.
-Intro m; Rewrite <- IHn; Simpl; Auto.