path: root/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v
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diff --git a/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v b/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v
index 4a402c61..09131043 100644
--- a/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v
+++ b/theories/ZArith/Zeven.v
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Zeven.v 10291 2007-11-06 02:18:53Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
Require Import BinInt.
@@ -96,32 +96,32 @@ Qed.
Lemma Zeven_Sn : forall n:Z, Zodd n -> Zeven (Zsucc n).
intro z; destruct z; unfold Zsucc in |- *;
- [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
- trivial.
+ [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
+ trivial.
unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.
Lemma Zodd_Sn : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> Zodd (Zsucc n).
intro z; destruct z; unfold Zsucc in |- *;
- [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
- trivial.
+ [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
+ trivial.
unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.
Lemma Zeven_pred : forall n:Z, Zodd n -> Zeven (Zpred n).
intro z; destruct z; unfold Zpred in |- *;
- [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
- trivial.
+ [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
+ trivial.
unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.
Lemma Zodd_pred : forall n:Z, Zeven n -> Zodd (Zpred n).
intro z; destruct z; unfold Zpred in |- *;
- [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
- trivial.
+ [ idtac | destruct p | destruct p ]; simpl in |- *;
+ trivial.
unfold Pdouble_minus_one in |- *; case p; simpl in |- *; auto.
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Hint Unfold Zeven Zodd: zarith.
(** * Definition of [Zdiv2] and properties wrt [Zeven] and [Zodd] *)
(** [Zdiv2] is defined on all [Z], but notice that for odd negative
- integers it is not the euclidean quotient: in that case we have
+ integers it is not the euclidean quotient: in that case we have
[n = 2*(n/2)-1] *)
Definition Zdiv2 (z:Z) :=
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Proof.
intros x.
elim (Z_modulo_2 x); intros [y Hy]; rewrite Zmult_comm in Hy;
rewrite <- Zplus_diag_eq_mult_2 in Hy.
- exists (y, y); split.
+ exists (y, y); split.
left; reflexivity.
exists (y, (y + 1)%Z); split.
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ Proof.
destruct p; simpl; auto.
-Theorem Zeven_plus_Zodd: forall a b,
+Theorem Zeven_plus_Zodd: forall a b,
Zeven a -> Zodd b -> Zodd (a + b).
intros a b H1 H2; case Zeven_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
@@ -257,13 +257,13 @@ Proof.
apply Zmult_plus_distr_r; auto.
-Theorem Zodd_plus_Zeven: forall a b,
+Theorem Zodd_plus_Zeven: forall a b,
Zodd a -> Zeven b -> Zodd (a + b).
intros a b H1 H2; rewrite Zplus_comm; apply Zeven_plus_Zodd; auto.
-Theorem Zodd_plus_Zodd: forall a b,
+Theorem Zodd_plus_Zodd: forall a b,
Zodd a -> Zodd b -> Zeven (a + b).
intros a b H1 H2; case Zodd_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Proof.
repeat rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; auto.
-Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_l: forall a b,
+Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_l: forall a b,
Zeven a -> Zeven (a * b).
intros a b H1; case Zeven_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Proof.
apply Zmult_assoc.
-Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_r: forall a b,
+Theorem Zeven_mult_Zeven_r: forall a b,
Zeven b -> Zeven (a * b).
intros a b H1; case Zeven_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
@@ -296,10 +296,10 @@ Proof.
rewrite (Zmult_comm 2 a); auto.
-Hint Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r Zmult_plus_distr_l
+Hint Rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r Zmult_plus_distr_l
Zplus_assoc Zmult_1_r Zmult_1_l : Zexpand.
-Theorem Zodd_mult_Zodd: forall a b,
+Theorem Zodd_mult_Zodd: forall a b,
Zodd a -> Zodd b -> Zodd (a * b).
intros a b H1 H2; case Zodd_ex with (1 := H1); intros x H3; try rewrite H3; auto.
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Proof.
(* ring part *)
autorewrite with Zexpand; f_equal.
repeat rewrite <- Zplus_assoc; f_equal.
- repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
+ repeat rewrite <- Zmult_assoc; f_equal.
repeat rewrite Zmult_assoc; f_equal; apply Zmult_comm.