path: root/theories/MSets/MSetGenTree.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
+(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** * MSetGenTree : sets via generic trees
+ This module factorizes common parts in implementations
+ of finite sets as AVL trees and as Red-Black trees. The nodes
+ of the trees defined here include an generic information
+ parameter, that will be the heigth in AVL trees and the color
+ in Red-Black trees. Without more details here about these
+ information parameters, trees here are not known to be
+ well-balanced, but simply binary-search-trees.
+ The operations we could define and prove correct here are the
+ one that do not build non-empty trees, but only analyze them :
+ - empty is_empty
+ - mem
+ - compare equal subset
+ - fold cardinal elements
+ - for_all exists_
+ - min_elt max_elt choose
+Require Import Orders OrdersFacts MSetInterface NPeano.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+Local Open Scope lazy_bool_scope.
+(* For nicer extraction, we create induction principles
+ only when needed *)
+Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
+Local Unset Case Analysis Schemes.
+Module Type InfoTyp.
+ Parameter t : Set.
+End InfoTyp.
+(** * Ops : the pure functions *)
+Module Type Ops (X:OrderedType)(Info:InfoTyp).
+Definition elt := X.t.
+Hint Transparent elt.
+Inductive tree : Type :=
+| Leaf : tree
+| Node : Info.t -> tree -> X.t -> tree -> tree.
+(** ** The empty set and emptyness test *)
+Definition empty := Leaf.
+Definition is_empty t :=
+ match t with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+(** ** Membership test *)
+(** The [mem] function is deciding membership. It exploits the
+ binary search tree invariant to achieve logarithmic complexity. *)
+Fixpoint mem x t :=
+ match t with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node _ l k r =>
+ match x k with
+ | Lt => mem x l
+ | Eq => true
+ | Gt => mem x r
+ end
+ end.
+(** ** Minimal, maximal, arbitrary elements *)
+Fixpoint min_elt (t : tree) : option elt :=
+ match t with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node _ Leaf x r => Some x
+ | Node _ l x r => min_elt l
+ end.
+Fixpoint max_elt (t : tree) : option elt :=
+ match t with
+ | Leaf => None
+ | Node _ l x Leaf => Some x
+ | Node _ l x r => max_elt r
+ end.
+Definition choose := min_elt.
+(** ** Iteration on elements *)
+Fixpoint fold {A: Type} (f: elt -> A -> A) (t: tree) (base: A) : A :=
+ match t with
+ | Leaf => base
+ | Node _ l x r => fold f r (f x (fold f l base))
+ end.
+Fixpoint elements_aux acc s :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => acc
+ | Node _ l x r => elements_aux (x :: elements_aux acc r) l
+ end.
+Definition elements := elements_aux nil.
+Fixpoint rev_elements_aux acc s :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => acc
+ | Node _ l x r => rev_elements_aux (x :: rev_elements_aux acc l) r
+ end.
+Definition rev_elements := rev_elements_aux nil.
+Fixpoint cardinal (s : tree) : nat :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => 0
+ | Node _ l _ r => S (cardinal l + cardinal r)
+ end.
+Fixpoint maxdepth s :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => 0
+ | Node _ l _ r => S (max (maxdepth l) (maxdepth r))
+ end.
+Fixpoint mindepth s :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => 0
+ | Node _ l _ r => S (min (mindepth l) (mindepth r))
+ end.
+(** ** Testing universal or existential properties. *)
+(** We do not use the standard boolean operators of Coq,
+ but lazy ones. *)
+Fixpoint for_all (f:elt->bool) s := match s with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | Node _ l x r => f x &&& for_all f l &&& for_all f r
+Fixpoint exists_ (f:elt->bool) s := match s with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node _ l x r => f x ||| exists_ f l ||| exists_ f r
+(** ** Comparison of trees *)
+(** The algorithm here has been suggested by Xavier Leroy,
+ and transformed into c.p.s. by Benjamin Grégoire.
+ The original ocaml code (with non-structural recursive calls)
+ has also been formalized (thanks to Function+measure), see
+ [ocaml_compare] in [MSetFullAVL]. The following code with
+ continuations computes dramatically faster in Coq, and
+ should be almost as efficient after extraction.
+(** Enumeration of the elements of a tree. This corresponds
+ to the "samefringe" notion in the litterature. *)
+Inductive enumeration :=
+ | End : enumeration
+ | More : elt -> tree -> enumeration -> enumeration.
+(** [cons t e] adds the elements of tree [t] on the head of
+ enumeration [e]. *)
+Fixpoint cons s e : enumeration :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => e
+ | Node _ l x r => cons l (More x r e)
+ end.
+(** One step of comparison of elements *)
+Definition compare_more x1 (cont:enumeration->comparison) e2 :=
+ match e2 with
+ | End => Gt
+ | More x2 r2 e2 =>
+ match x1 x2 with
+ | Eq => cont (cons r2 e2)
+ | Lt => Lt
+ | Gt => Gt
+ end
+ end.
+(** Comparison of left tree, middle element, then right tree *)
+Fixpoint compare_cont s1 (cont:enumeration->comparison) e2 :=
+ match s1 with
+ | Leaf => cont e2
+ | Node _ l1 x1 r1 =>
+ compare_cont l1 (compare_more x1 (compare_cont r1 cont)) e2
+ end.
+(** Initial continuation *)
+Definition compare_end e2 :=
+ match e2 with End => Eq | _ => Lt end.
+(** The complete comparison *)
+Definition compare s1 s2 := compare_cont s1 compare_end (cons s2 End).
+Definition equal s1 s2 :=
+ match compare s1 s2 with Eq => true | _ => false end.
+(** ** Subset test *)
+(** In ocaml, recursive calls are made on "half-trees" such as
+ (Node _ l1 x1 Leaf) and (Node _ Leaf x1 r1). Instead of these
+ non-structural calls, we propose here two specialized functions
+ for these situations. This version should be almost as efficient
+ as the one of ocaml (closures as arguments may slow things a bit),
+ it is simply less compact. The exact ocaml version has also been
+ formalized (thanks to Function+measure), see [ocaml_subset] in
+ [MSetFullAVL].
+Fixpoint subsetl (subset_l1 : tree -> bool) x1 s2 : bool :=
+ match s2 with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node _ l2 x2 r2 =>
+ match x1 x2 with
+ | Eq => subset_l1 l2
+ | Lt => subsetl subset_l1 x1 l2
+ | Gt => mem x1 r2 &&& subset_l1 s2
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint subsetr (subset_r1 : tree -> bool) x1 s2 : bool :=
+ match s2 with
+ | Leaf => false
+ | Node _ l2 x2 r2 =>
+ match x1 x2 with
+ | Eq => subset_r1 r2
+ | Lt => mem x1 l2 &&& subset_r1 s2
+ | Gt => subsetr subset_r1 x1 r2
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint subset s1 s2 : bool := match s1, s2 with
+ | Leaf, _ => true
+ | Node _ _ _ _, Leaf => false
+ | Node _ l1 x1 r1, Node _ l2 x2 r2 =>
+ match x1 x2 with
+ | Eq => subset l1 l2 &&& subset r1 r2
+ | Lt => subsetl (subset l1) x1 l2 &&& subset r1 s2
+ | Gt => subsetr (subset r1) x1 r2 &&& subset l1 s2
+ end
+ end.
+End Ops.
+(** * Props : correctness proofs of these generic operations *)
+Module Type Props (X:OrderedType)(Info:InfoTyp)(Import M:Ops X Info).
+(** ** Occurrence in a tree *)
+Inductive InT (x : elt) : tree -> Prop :=
+ | IsRoot : forall c l r y, X.eq x y -> InT x (Node c l y r)
+ | InLeft : forall c l r y, InT x l -> InT x (Node c l y r)
+ | InRight : forall c l r y, InT x r -> InT x (Node c l y r).
+Definition In := InT.
+(** ** Some shortcuts *)
+Definition Equal s s' := forall a : elt, InT a s <-> InT a s'.
+Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, InT a s -> InT a s'.
+Definition Empty s := forall a : elt, ~ InT a s.
+Definition For_all (P : elt -> Prop) s := forall x, InT x s -> P x.
+Definition Exists (P : elt -> Prop) s := exists x, InT x s /\ P x.
+(** ** Binary search trees *)
+(** [lt_tree x s]: all elements in [s] are smaller than [x]
+ (resp. greater for [gt_tree]) *)
+Definition lt_tree x s := forall y, InT y s -> y x.
+Definition gt_tree x s := forall y, InT y s -> x y.
+(** [bst t] : [t] is a binary search tree *)
+Inductive bst : tree -> Prop :=
+ | BSLeaf : bst Leaf
+ | BSNode : forall c x l r, bst l -> bst r ->
+ lt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> bst (Node c l x r).
+(** [bst] is the (decidable) invariant our trees will have to satisfy. *)
+Definition IsOk := bst.
+Class Ok (s:tree) : Prop := ok : bst s.
+Instance bst_Ok s (Hs : bst s) : Ok s := { ok := Hs }.
+Fixpoint ltb_tree x s :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | Node _ l y r =>
+ match x y with
+ | Gt => ltb_tree x l && ltb_tree x r
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint gtb_tree x s :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | Node _ l y r =>
+ match x y with
+ | Lt => gtb_tree x l && gtb_tree x r
+ | _ => false
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint isok s :=
+ match s with
+ | Leaf => true
+ | Node _ l x r => isok l && isok r && ltb_tree x l && gtb_tree x r
+ end.
+(** ** Known facts about ordered types *)
+Module Import MX := OrderedTypeFacts X.
+(** ** Automation and dedicated tactics *)
+Scheme tree_ind := Induction for tree Sort Prop.
+Scheme bst_ind := Induction for bst Sort Prop.
+Local Hint Resolve MX.eq_refl MX.eq_trans MX.lt_trans @ok.
+Local Hint Immediate MX.eq_sym.
+Local Hint Unfold In lt_tree gt_tree.
+Local Hint Constructors InT bst.
+Local Hint Unfold Ok.
+(** Automatic treatment of [Ok] hypothesis *)
+Ltac clear_inversion H := inversion H; clear H; subst.
+Ltac inv_ok := match goal with
+ | H:Ok (Node _ _ _ _) |- _ => clear_inversion H; inv_ok
+ | H:Ok Leaf |- _ => clear H; inv_ok
+ | H:bst ?x |- _ => change (Ok x) in H; inv_ok
+ | _ => idtac
+(** A tactic to repeat [inversion_clear] on all hyps of the
+ form [(f (Node _ _ _ _))] *)
+Ltac is_tree_constr c :=
+ match c with
+ | Leaf => idtac
+ | Node _ _ _ _ => idtac
+ | _ => fail
+ end.
+Ltac invtree f :=
+ match goal with
+ | H:f ?s |- _ => is_tree_constr s; clear_inversion H; invtree f
+ | H:f _ ?s |- _ => is_tree_constr s; clear_inversion H; invtree f
+ | H:f _ _ ?s |- _ => is_tree_constr s; clear_inversion H; invtree f
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac inv := inv_ok; invtree InT.
+Ltac intuition_in := repeat progress (intuition; inv).
+(** Helper tactic concerning order of elements. *)
+Ltac order := match goal with
+ | U: lt_tree _ ?s, V: InT _ ?s |- _ => generalize (U _ V); clear U; order
+ | U: gt_tree _ ?s, V: InT _ ?s |- _ => generalize (U _ V); clear U; order
+ | _ => MX.order
+(** [isok] is indeed a decision procedure for [Ok] *)
+Lemma ltb_tree_iff : forall x s, lt_tree x s <-> ltb_tree x s = true.
+ induction s as [|c l IHl y r IHr]; simpl.
+ unfold lt_tree; intuition_in.
+ elim_compare x y.
+ split; intros; try discriminate. assert ( y x) by auto. order.
+ split; intros; try discriminate. assert ( y x) by auto. order.
+ rewrite !andb_true_iff, <-IHl, <-IHr.
+ unfold lt_tree; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma gtb_tree_iff : forall x s, gt_tree x s <-> gtb_tree x s = true.
+ induction s as [|c l IHl y r IHr]; simpl.
+ unfold gt_tree; intuition_in.
+ elim_compare x y.
+ split; intros; try discriminate. assert ( x y) by auto. order.
+ rewrite !andb_true_iff, <-IHl, <-IHr.
+ unfold gt_tree; intuition_in; order.
+ split; intros; try discriminate. assert ( x y) by auto. order.
+Lemma isok_iff : forall s, Ok s <-> isok s = true.
+ induction s as [|c l IHl y r IHr]; simpl.
+ intuition_in.
+ rewrite !andb_true_iff, <- IHl, <-IHr, <- ltb_tree_iff, <- gtb_tree_iff.
+ intuition_in.
+Instance isok_Ok s : isok s = true -> Ok s | 10.
+Proof. intros; apply <- isok_iff; auto. Qed.
+(** ** Basic results about [In] *)
+Lemma In_1 :
+ forall s x y, X.eq x y -> InT x s -> InT y s.
+ induction s; simpl; intuition_in; eauto.
+Local Hint Immediate In_1.
+Instance In_compat : Proper (X.eq==>eq==>iff) InT.
+apply proper_sym_impl_iff_2; auto with *.
+repeat red; intros; subst. apply In_1 with x; auto.
+Lemma In_node_iff :
+ forall c l x r y,
+ InT y (Node c l x r) <-> InT y l \/ X.eq y x \/ InT y r.
+ intuition_in.
+Lemma In_leaf_iff : forall x, InT x Leaf <-> False.
+ intuition_in.
+(** Results about [lt_tree] and [gt_tree] *)
+Lemma lt_leaf : forall x : elt, lt_tree x Leaf.
+ red; inversion 1.
+Lemma gt_leaf : forall x : elt, gt_tree x Leaf.
+ red; inversion 1.
+Lemma lt_tree_node :
+ forall (x y : elt) (l r : tree) (i : Info.t),
+ lt_tree x l -> lt_tree x r -> y x -> lt_tree x (Node i l y r).
+ unfold lt_tree; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma gt_tree_node :
+ forall (x y : elt) (l r : tree) (i : Info.t),
+ gt_tree x l -> gt_tree x r -> x y -> gt_tree x (Node i l y r).
+ unfold gt_tree; intuition_in; order.
+Local Hint Resolve lt_leaf gt_leaf lt_tree_node gt_tree_node.
+Lemma lt_tree_not_in :
+ forall (x : elt) (t : tree), lt_tree x t -> ~ InT x t.
+ intros; intro; order.
+Lemma lt_tree_trans :
+ forall x y, x y -> forall t, lt_tree x t -> lt_tree y t.
+ eauto.
+Lemma gt_tree_not_in :
+ forall (x : elt) (t : tree), gt_tree x t -> ~ InT x t.
+ intros; intro; order.
+Lemma gt_tree_trans :
+ forall x y, y x -> forall t, gt_tree x t -> gt_tree y t.
+ eauto.
+Instance lt_tree_compat : Proper (X.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) lt_tree.
+ apply proper_sym_impl_iff_2; auto.
+ intros x x' Hx s s' Hs H y Hy. subst. setoid_rewrite <- Hx; auto.
+Instance gt_tree_compat : Proper (X.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) gt_tree.
+ apply proper_sym_impl_iff_2; auto.
+ intros x x' Hx s s' Hs H y Hy. subst. setoid_rewrite <- Hx; auto.
+Local Hint Resolve lt_tree_not_in lt_tree_trans gt_tree_not_in gt_tree_trans.
+Ltac induct s x :=
+ induction s as [|i l IHl x' r IHr]; simpl; intros;
+ [|elim_compare x x'; intros; inv].
+Ltac auto_tc := auto with typeclass_instances.
+Ltac ok :=
+ inv; change bst with Ok in *;
+ match goal with
+ | |- Ok (Node _ _ _ _) => constructor; auto_tc; ok
+ | |- lt_tree _ (Node _ _ _ _) => apply lt_tree_node; ok
+ | |- gt_tree _ (Node _ _ _ _) => apply gt_tree_node; ok
+ | _ => eauto with typeclass_instances
+ end.
+(** ** Empty set *)
+Lemma empty_spec : Empty empty.
+ intros x H. inversion H.
+Instance empty_ok : Ok empty.
+ auto.
+(** ** Emptyness test *)
+Lemma is_empty_spec : forall s, is_empty s = true <-> Empty s.
+ destruct s as [|c r x l]; simpl; auto.
+ - split; auto. intros _ x H. inv.
+ - split; auto. try discriminate. intro H; elim (H x); auto.
+(** ** Membership *)
+Lemma mem_spec : forall s x `{Ok s}, mem x s = true <-> InT x s.
+ split.
+ - induct s x; now auto.
+ - induct s x; intuition_in; order.
+(** ** Minimal and maximal elements *)
+Functional Scheme min_elt_ind := Induction for min_elt Sort Prop.
+Functional Scheme max_elt_ind := Induction for max_elt Sort Prop.
+Lemma min_elt_spec1 s x : min_elt s = Some x -> InT x s.
+ functional induction (min_elt s); auto; inversion 1; auto.
+Lemma min_elt_spec2 s x y `{Ok s} :
+ min_elt s = Some x -> InT y s -> ~ y x.
+ revert y.
+ functional induction (min_elt s);
+ try rename _x0 into r; try rename _x2 into l1, _x3 into x1, _x4 into r1.
+ - discriminate.
+ - intros y V W.
+ inversion V; clear V; subst.
+ inv; order.
+ - intros; inv; auto.
+ * assert ( x x0) by (apply H8; apply min_elt_spec1; auto).
+ order.
+ * assert ( x1 x0) by auto.
+ assert ( x1 x) by auto.
+ order.
+Lemma min_elt_spec3 s : min_elt s = None -> Empty s.
+ functional induction (min_elt s).
+ red; red; inversion 2.
+ inversion 1.
+ intro H0.
+ destruct (IHo H0 _x3); auto.
+Lemma max_elt_spec1 s x : max_elt s = Some x -> InT x s.
+ functional induction (max_elt s); auto; inversion 1; auto.
+Lemma max_elt_spec2 s x y `{Ok s} :
+ max_elt s = Some x -> InT y s -> ~ x y.
+ revert y.
+ functional induction (max_elt s);
+ try rename _x0 into r; try rename _x2 into l1, _x3 into x1, _x4 into r1.
+ - discriminate.
+ - intros y V W.
+ inversion V; clear V; subst.
+ inv; order.
+ - intros; inv; auto.
+ * assert ( x0 x) by (apply H9; apply max_elt_spec1; auto).
+ order.
+ * assert ( x0 x1) by auto.
+ assert ( x x1) by auto.
+ order.
+Lemma max_elt_spec3 s : max_elt s = None -> Empty s.
+ functional induction (max_elt s).
+ red; red; inversion 2.
+ inversion 1.
+ intro H0.
+ destruct (IHo H0 _x3); auto.
+Lemma choose_spec1 : forall s x, choose s = Some x -> InT x s.
+ exact min_elt_spec1.
+Lemma choose_spec2 : forall s, choose s = None -> Empty s.
+ exact min_elt_spec3.
+Lemma choose_spec3 : forall s s' x x' `{Ok s, Ok s'},
+ choose s = Some x -> choose s' = Some x' ->
+ Equal s s' -> X.eq x x'.
+ unfold choose, Equal; intros s s' x x' Hb Hb' Hx Hx' H.
+ assert ( x x').
+ apply min_elt_spec2 with s'; auto.
+ rewrite <-H; auto using min_elt_spec1.
+ assert ( x' x).
+ apply min_elt_spec2 with s; auto.
+ rewrite H; auto using min_elt_spec1.
+ elim_compare x x'; intuition.
+(** ** Elements *)
+Lemma elements_spec1' : forall s acc x,
+ InA X.eq x (elements_aux acc s) <-> InT x s \/ InA X.eq x acc.
+ induction s as [ | c l Hl x r Hr ]; simpl; auto.
+ intuition.
+ inversion H0.
+ intros.
+ rewrite Hl.
+ destruct (Hr acc x0); clear Hl Hr.
+ intuition; inversion_clear H3; intuition.
+Lemma elements_spec1 : forall s x, InA X.eq x (elements s) <-> InT x s.
+ intros; generalize (elements_spec1' s nil x); intuition.
+ inversion_clear H0.
+Lemma elements_spec2' : forall s acc `{Ok s}, sort acc ->
+ (forall x y : elt, InA X.eq x acc -> InT y s -> y x) ->
+ sort (elements_aux acc s).
+ induction s as [ | c l Hl y r Hr]; simpl; intuition.
+ inv.
+ apply Hl; auto.
+ constructor.
+ apply Hr; auto.
+ eapply InA_InfA; eauto with *.
+ intros.
+ destruct (elements_spec1' r acc y0); intuition.
+ intros.
+ inversion_clear H.
+ order.
+ destruct (elements_spec1' r acc x); intuition eauto.
+Lemma elements_spec2 : forall s `(Ok s), sort (elements s).
+ intros; unfold elements; apply elements_spec2'; auto.
+ intros; inversion H0.
+Local Hint Resolve elements_spec2.
+Lemma elements_spec2w : forall s `(Ok s), NoDupA X.eq (elements s).
+ intros. eapply SortA_NoDupA; eauto with *.
+Lemma elements_aux_cardinal :
+ forall s acc, (length acc + cardinal s)%nat = length (elements_aux acc s).
+ simple induction s; simpl; intuition.
+ rewrite <- H.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite <- H0. rewrite (Nat.add_comm (cardinal t0)).
+ now rewrite <- Nat.add_succ_r, Nat.add_assoc.
+Lemma elements_cardinal : forall s : tree, cardinal s = length (elements s).
+ exact (fun s => elements_aux_cardinal s nil).
+Definition cardinal_spec (s:tree)(Hs:Ok s) := elements_cardinal s.
+Lemma elements_app :
+ forall s acc, elements_aux acc s = elements s ++ acc.
+ induction s; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite IHs1, IHs2.
+ unfold elements; simpl.
+ rewrite 2 IHs1, IHs2, !app_nil_r, !app_ass; auto.
+Lemma elements_node c l x r :
+ elements (Node c l x r) = elements l ++ x :: elements r.
+ unfold elements; simpl.
+ now rewrite !elements_app, !app_nil_r.
+Lemma rev_elements_app :
+ forall s acc, rev_elements_aux acc s = rev_elements s ++ acc.
+ induction s; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite IHs1, IHs2.
+ unfold rev_elements; simpl.
+ rewrite IHs1, 2 IHs2, !app_nil_r, !app_ass; auto.
+Lemma rev_elements_node c l x r :
+ rev_elements (Node c l x r) = rev_elements r ++ x :: rev_elements l.
+ unfold rev_elements; simpl.
+ now rewrite !rev_elements_app, !app_nil_r.
+Lemma rev_elements_rev s : rev_elements s = rev (elements s).
+ induction s as [|c l IHl x r IHr]; trivial.
+ rewrite elements_node, rev_elements_node, IHl, IHr, rev_app_distr.
+ simpl. now rewrite !app_ass.
+(** The converse of [elements_spec2], used in MSetRBT *)
+Lemma sorted_app_inv l1 l2 :
+ sort (l1++l2) ->
+ sort l1 /\ sort l2 /\
+ forall x1 x2, InA X.eq x1 l1 -> InA X.eq x2 l2 -> x1 x2.
+ induction l1 as [|a1 l1 IHl1].
+ - simpl; repeat split; auto.
+ intros. now rewrite InA_nil in *.
+ - simpl. inversion_clear 1 as [ | ? ? Hs Hhd ].
+ destruct (IHl1 Hs) as (H1 & H2 & H3).
+ repeat split.
+ * constructor; auto.
+ destruct l1; simpl in *; auto; inversion_clear Hhd; auto.
+ * trivial.
+ * intros x1 x2 Hx1 Hx2. rewrite InA_cons in Hx1. destruct Hx1.
+ + rewrite H.
+ apply SortA_InfA_InA with (eqA:=X.eq)(l:=l1++l2); auto_tc.
+ rewrite InA_app_iff; auto_tc.
+ + auto.
+Lemma elements_sort_ok s : sort (elements s) -> Ok s.
+ induction s as [|c l IHl x r IHr].
+ - auto.
+ - rewrite elements_node.
+ intros H. destruct (sorted_app_inv _ _ H) as (H1 & H2 & H3).
+ inversion_clear H2.
+ constructor; ok.
+ * intros y Hy. apply H3.
+ + now rewrite elements_spec1.
+ + rewrite InA_cons. now left.
+ * intros y Hy.
+ apply SortA_InfA_InA with (eqA:=X.eq)(l:=elements r); auto_tc.
+ now rewrite elements_spec1.
+(** ** [for_all] and [exists] *)
+Lemma for_all_spec s f : Proper (X.eq==>eq) f ->
+ (for_all f s = true <-> For_all (fun x => f x = true) s).
+ intros Hf; unfold For_all.
+ induction s as [|i l IHl x r IHr]; simpl; auto.
+ - split; intros; inv; auto.
+ - rewrite <- !andb_lazy_alt, !andb_true_iff, IHl, IHr. clear IHl IHr.
+ intuition_in. eauto.
+Lemma exists_spec s f : Proper (X.eq==>eq) f ->
+ (exists_ f s = true <-> Exists (fun x => f x = true) s).
+ intros Hf; unfold Exists.
+ induction s as [|i l IHl x r IHr]; simpl; auto.
+ - split.
+ * discriminate.
+ * intros (y,(H,_)); inv.
+ - rewrite <- !orb_lazy_alt, !orb_true_iff, IHl, IHr. clear IHl IHr.
+ split; [intros [[H|(y,(H,H'))]|(y,(H,H'))]|intros (y,(H,H'))].
+ * exists x; auto.
+ * exists y; auto.
+ * exists y; auto.
+ * inv; [left;left|left;right|right]; try (exists y); eauto.
+(** ** Fold *)
+Lemma fold_spec' {A} (f : elt -> A -> A) (s : tree) (i : A) (acc : list elt) :
+ fold_left (flip f) (elements_aux acc s) i = fold_left (flip f) acc (fold f s i).
+ revert i acc.
+ induction s as [|c l IHl x r IHr]; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite IHl.
+ simpl. unfold flip at 2.
+ apply IHr.
+Lemma fold_spec (s:tree) {A} (i : A) (f : elt -> A -> A) :
+ fold f s i = fold_left (flip f) (elements s) i.
+ revert i. unfold elements.
+ induction s as [|c l IHl x r IHr]; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite fold_spec'.
+ rewrite IHr.
+ simpl; auto.
+(** ** Subset *)
+Lemma subsetl_spec : forall subset_l1 l1 x1 c1 s2
+ `{Ok (Node c1 l1 x1 Leaf), Ok s2},
+ (forall s `{Ok s}, (subset_l1 s = true <-> Subset l1 s)) ->
+ (subsetl subset_l1 x1 s2 = true <-> Subset (Node c1 l1 x1 Leaf) s2 ).
+ induction s2 as [|c2 l2 IHl2 x2 r2 IHr2]; simpl; intros.
+ unfold Subset; intuition; try discriminate.
+ assert (H': InT x1 Leaf) by auto; inversion H'.
+ specialize (IHl2 H).
+ specialize (IHr2 H).
+ inv.
+ elim_compare x1 x2.
+ rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1 IHl2 IHr2.
+ unfold Subset. intuition_in.
+ assert (X.eq a x2) by order; intuition_in.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite IHl2 by auto; clear H1 IHl2 IHr2.
+ unfold Subset. intuition_in.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite <-andb_lazy_alt, andb_true_iff, H1 by auto; clear H1 IHl2 IHr2.
+ unfold Subset. intuition_in.
+ constructor 3. setoid_replace a with x1; auto. rewrite <- mem_spec; auto.
+ rewrite mem_spec; auto.
+ assert (InT x1 (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma subsetr_spec : forall subset_r1 r1 x1 c1 s2,
+ bst (Node c1 Leaf x1 r1) -> bst s2 ->
+ (forall s, bst s -> (subset_r1 s = true <-> Subset r1 s)) ->
+ (subsetr subset_r1 x1 s2 = true <-> Subset (Node c1 Leaf x1 r1) s2).
+ induction s2 as [|c2 l2 IHl2 x2 r2 IHr2]; simpl; intros.
+ unfold Subset; intuition; try discriminate.
+ assert (H': InT x1 Leaf) by auto; inversion H'.
+ specialize (IHl2 H).
+ specialize (IHr2 H).
+ inv.
+ elim_compare x1 x2.
+ rewrite H1 by auto; clear H1 IHl2 IHr2.
+ unfold Subset. intuition_in.
+ assert (X.eq a x2) by order; intuition_in.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite <-andb_lazy_alt, andb_true_iff, H1 by auto; clear H1 IHl2 IHr2.
+ unfold Subset. intuition_in.
+ constructor 2. setoid_replace a with x1; auto. rewrite <- mem_spec; auto.
+ rewrite mem_spec; auto.
+ assert (InT x1 (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite IHr2 by auto; clear H1 IHl2 IHr2.
+ unfold Subset. intuition_in.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+Lemma subset_spec : forall s1 s2 `{Ok s1, Ok s2},
+ (subset s1 s2 = true <-> Subset s1 s2).
+ induction s1 as [|c1 l1 IHl1 x1 r1 IHr1]; simpl; intros.
+ unfold Subset; intuition_in.
+ destruct s2 as [|c2 l2 x2 r2]; simpl; intros.
+ unfold Subset; intuition_in; try discriminate.
+ assert (H': InT x1 Leaf) by auto; inversion H'.
+ inv.
+ elim_compare x1 x2.
+ rewrite <-andb_lazy_alt, andb_true_iff, IHl1, IHr1 by auto.
+ clear IHl1 IHr1.
+ unfold Subset; intuition_in.
+ assert (X.eq a x2) by order; intuition_in.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite <-andb_lazy_alt, andb_true_iff, IHr1 by auto.
+ rewrite (@subsetl_spec (subset l1) l1 x1 c1) by auto.
+ clear IHl1 IHr1.
+ unfold Subset; intuition_in.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ rewrite <-andb_lazy_alt, andb_true_iff, IHl1 by auto.
+ rewrite (@subsetr_spec (subset r1) r1 x1 c1) by auto.
+ clear IHl1 IHr1.
+ unfold Subset; intuition_in.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+ assert (InT a (Node c2 l2 x2 r2)) by auto; intuition_in; order.
+(** ** Comparison *)
+(** Relations [eq] and [lt] over trees *)
+Module L := MSetInterface.MakeListOrdering X.
+Definition eq := Equal.
+Instance eq_equiv : Equivalence eq.
+Proof. firstorder. Qed.
+Lemma eq_Leq : forall s s', eq s s' <-> L.eq (elements s) (elements s').
+ unfold eq, Equal, L.eq; intros.
+ setoid_rewrite elements_spec1; firstorder.
+Definition lt (s1 s2 : tree) : Prop :=
+ exists s1' s2', Ok s1' /\ Ok s2' /\ eq s1 s1' /\ eq s2 s2'
+ /\ (elements s1') (elements s2').
+Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
+ split.
+ intros s (s1 & s2 & B1 & B2 & E1 & E2 & L).
+ assert (eqlistA X.eq (elements s1) (elements s2)).
+ apply SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA with (; auto with *.
+ rewrite <- eq_Leq. transitivity s; auto. symmetry; auto.
+ rewrite H in L.
+ apply (StrictOrder_Irreflexive (elements s2)); auto.
+ intros s1 s2 s3 (s1' & s2' & B1 & B2 & E1 & E2 & L12)
+ (s2'' & s3' & B2' & B3 & E2' & E3 & L23).
+ exists s1', s3'; do 4 (split; trivial).
+ assert (eqlistA X.eq (elements s2') (elements s2'')).
+ apply SortA_equivlistA_eqlistA with (; auto with *.
+ rewrite <- eq_Leq. transitivity s2; auto. symmetry; auto.
+ transitivity (elements s2'); auto.
+ rewrite H; auto.
+Instance lt_compat : Proper (eq==>eq==>iff) lt.
+ intros s1 s2 E12 s3 s4 E34. split.
+ intros (s1' & s3' & B1 & B3 & E1 & E3 & LT).
+ exists s1', s3'; do 2 (split; trivial).
+ split. transitivity s1; auto. symmetry; auto.
+ split; auto. transitivity s3; auto. symmetry; auto.
+ intros (s1' & s3' & B1 & B3 & E1 & E3 & LT).
+ exists s1', s3'; do 2 (split; trivial).
+ split. transitivity s2; auto.
+ split; auto. transitivity s4; auto.
+(** Proof of the comparison algorithm *)
+(** [flatten_e e] returns the list of elements of [e] i.e. the list
+ of elements actually compared *)
+Fixpoint flatten_e (e : enumeration) : list elt := match e with
+ | End => nil
+ | More x t r => x :: elements t ++ flatten_e r
+ end.
+Lemma flatten_e_elements :
+ forall l x r c e,
+ elements l ++ flatten_e (More x r e) = elements (Node c l x r) ++ flatten_e e.
+ intros; simpl. now rewrite elements_node, app_ass.
+Lemma cons_1 : forall s e,
+ flatten_e (cons s e) = elements s ++ flatten_e e.
+ induction s; simpl; auto; intros.
+ rewrite IHs1; apply flatten_e_elements.
+(** Correctness of this comparison *)
+Definition Cmp c x y := CompSpec L.eq x y c.
+Local Hint Unfold Cmp flip.
+Lemma compare_end_Cmp :
+ forall e2, Cmp (compare_end e2) nil (flatten_e e2).
+ destruct e2; simpl; constructor; auto. reflexivity.
+Lemma compare_more_Cmp : forall x1 cont x2 r2 e2 l,
+ Cmp (cont (cons r2 e2)) l (elements r2 ++ flatten_e e2) ->
+ Cmp (compare_more x1 cont (More x2 r2 e2)) (x1::l)
+ (flatten_e (More x2 r2 e2)).
+ simpl; intros; elim_compare x1 x2; simpl; red; auto.
+Lemma compare_cont_Cmp : forall s1 cont e2 l,
+ (forall e, Cmp (cont e) l (flatten_e e)) ->
+ Cmp (compare_cont s1 cont e2) (elements s1 ++ l) (flatten_e e2).
+ induction s1 as [|c1 l1 Hl1 x1 r1 Hr1]; simpl; intros; auto.
+ rewrite elements_node, app_ass; simpl.
+ apply Hl1; auto. clear e2. intros [|x2 r2 e2].
+ simpl; auto.
+ apply compare_more_Cmp.
+ rewrite <- cons_1; auto.
+Lemma compare_Cmp : forall s1 s2,
+ Cmp (compare s1 s2) (elements s1) (elements s2).
+ intros; unfold compare.
+ rewrite (app_nil_end (elements s1)).
+ replace (elements s2) with (flatten_e (cons s2 End)) by
+ (rewrite cons_1; simpl; rewrite <- app_nil_end; auto).
+ apply compare_cont_Cmp; auto.
+ intros.
+ apply compare_end_Cmp; auto.
+Lemma compare_spec : forall s1 s2 `{Ok s1, Ok s2},
+ CompSpec eq lt s1 s2 (compare s1 s2).
+ intros.
+ destruct (compare_Cmp s1 s2); constructor.
+ rewrite eq_Leq; auto.
+ intros; exists s1, s2; repeat split; auto.
+ intros; exists s2, s1; repeat split; auto.
+(** ** Equality test *)
+Lemma equal_spec : forall s1 s2 `{Ok s1, Ok s2},
+ equal s1 s2 = true <-> eq s1 s2.
+unfold equal; intros s1 s2 B1 B2.
+destruct (@compare_spec s1 s2 B1 B2) as [H|H|H];
+ split; intros H'; auto; try discriminate.
+rewrite H' in H. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive s2); auto.
+rewrite H' in H. elim (StrictOrder_Irreflexive s2); auto.
+(** ** A few results about [mindepth] and [maxdepth] *)
+Lemma mindepth_maxdepth s : mindepth s <= maxdepth s.
+ induction s; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite <- Nat.succ_le_mono.
+ transitivity (mindepth s1). apply Nat.le_min_l.
+ transitivity (maxdepth s1). trivial. apply Nat.le_max_l.
+Lemma maxdepth_cardinal s : cardinal s < 2^(maxdepth s).
+ unfold
+ induction s as [|c l IHl x r IHr].
+ - auto.
+ - simpl. rewrite <- Nat.add_succ_r, <- Nat.add_succ_l, Nat.add_0_r.
+ apply Nat.add_le_mono; etransitivity;
+ try apply IHl; try apply IHr; apply Nat.pow_le_mono; auto.
+ * apply Nat.le_max_l.
+ * apply Nat.le_max_r.
+Lemma mindepth_cardinal s : 2^(mindepth s) <= S (cardinal s).
+ unfold
+ induction s as [|c l IHl x r IHr].
+ - auto.
+ - simpl. rewrite <- Nat.add_succ_r, <- Nat.add_succ_l, Nat.add_0_r.
+ apply Nat.add_le_mono; etransitivity;
+ try apply IHl; try apply IHr; apply Nat.pow_le_mono; auto.
+ * apply Nat.le_min_l.
+ * apply Nat.le_min_r.
+Lemma maxdepth_log_cardinal s : s <> Leaf ->
+ log2 (cardinal s) < maxdepth s.
+ intros H.
+ apply Nat.log2_lt_pow2. destruct s; simpl; intuition.
+ apply maxdepth_cardinal.
+Lemma mindepth_log_cardinal s : mindepth s <= log2 (S (cardinal s)).
+ apply Nat.log2_le_pow2. auto with arith.
+ apply mindepth_cardinal.
+End Props. \ No newline at end of file