path: root/theories/Lists/ListTactics.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Lists/ListTactics.v')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Lists/ListTactics.v b/theories/Lists/ListTactics.v
index 515ed138..0a21a9e2 100644
--- a/theories/Lists/ListTactics.v
+++ b/theories/Lists/ListTactics.v
@@ -6,40 +6,44 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: ListTactics.v 9427 2006-12-11 18:46:35Z bgregoir $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
Require Import BinPos.
Require Import List.
Ltac list_fold_right fcons fnil l :=
match l with
- | (cons ?x ?tl) => fcons x ltac:(list_fold_right fcons fnil tl)
+ | ?x :: ?tl => fcons x ltac:(list_fold_right fcons fnil tl)
| nil => fnil
+(* A variant of list_fold_right, to prevent the match of list_fold_right
+ from catching errors raised by fcons. *)
Ltac lazy_list_fold_right fcons fnil l :=
- match l with
- | (cons ?x ?tl) =>
- let cont := lazy_list_fold_right fcons fnil in
- fcons x cont tl
- | nil => fnil
- end.
+ let f :=
+ match l with
+ | ?x :: ?tl =>
+ fun _ =>
+ fcons x ltac:(fun _ => lazy_list_fold_right fcons fnil tl)
+ | nil => fun _ => fnil()
+ end in
+ f().
Ltac list_fold_left fcons fnil l :=
match l with
- | (cons ?x ?tl) => list_fold_left fcons ltac:(fcons x fnil) tl
+ | ?x :: ?tl => list_fold_left fcons ltac:(fcons x fnil) tl
| nil => fnil
Ltac list_iter f l :=
match l with
- | (cons ?x ?tl) => f x; list_iter f tl
+ | ?x :: ?tl => f x; list_iter f tl
| nil => idtac
Ltac list_iter_gen seq f l :=
match l with
- | (cons ?x ?tl) =>
+ | ?x :: ?tl =>
let t1 _ := f x in
let t2 _ := list_iter_gen seq f tl in
seq t1 t2
@@ -48,30 +52,30 @@ Ltac list_iter_gen seq f l :=
Ltac AddFvTail a l :=
match l with
- | nil => constr:(cons a l)
- | (cons a _) => l
- | (cons ?x ?l) => let l' := AddFvTail a l in constr:(cons x l')
+ | nil => constr:(a::nil)
+ | a :: _ => l
+ | ?x :: ?l => let l' := AddFvTail a l in constr:(x::l')
Ltac Find_at a l :=
let rec find n l :=
match l with
- | nil => fail 100 "anomaly: Find_at"
- | (cons a _) => eval compute in n
- | (cons _ ?l) => find (Psucc n) l
+ | nil => fail 100 "anomaly: Find_at"
+ | a :: _ => eval compute in n
+ | _ :: ?l => find (Psucc n) l
in find 1%positive l.
Ltac check_is_list t :=
match t with
- | cons _ ?l => check_is_list l
- | nil => idtac
- | _ => fail 100 "anomaly: failed to build a canonical list"
+ | _ :: ?l => check_is_list l
+ | nil => idtac
+ | _ => fail 100 "anomaly: failed to build a canonical list"
Ltac check_fv l :=
check_is_list l;
- match type of l with
+ match type of l with
| list _ => idtac
- | _ => fail 100 "anomaly: built an ill-typed list"
+ | _ => fail 100 "anomaly: built an ill-typed list"