path: root/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeAlt.v
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diff --git a/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeAlt.v b/theories/FSets/OrderedTypeAlt.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA-Rocquencourt & LRI-CNRS-Orsay *)
-(* \VV/ *************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Finite sets library.
- * Authors: Pierre Letouzey and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
- * Institution: LRI, CNRS UMR 8623 - Université Paris Sud
- * 91405 Orsay, France *)
-(* $Id: OrderedTypeAlt.v 11699 2008-12-18 11:49:08Z letouzey $ *)
-Require Import OrderedType.
-(** * An alternative (but equivalent) presentation for an Ordered Type
- inferface. *)
-(** NB: [comparison], defined in [Datatypes.v] is [Eq|Lt|Gt]
-whereas [compare], defined in [OrderedType.v] is [EQ _ | LT _ | GT _ ]
-Module Type OrderedTypeAlt.
- Parameter t : Type.
- Parameter compare : t -> t -> comparison.
- Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity).
- Parameter compare_sym :
- forall x y, (y?=x) = CompOpp (x?=y).
- Parameter compare_trans :
- forall c x y z, (x?=y) = c -> (y?=z) = c -> (x?=z) = c.
-End OrderedTypeAlt.
-(** From this new presentation to the original one. *)
-Module OrderedType_from_Alt (O:OrderedTypeAlt) <: OrderedType.
- Import O.
- Definition t := t.
- Definition eq x y := (x?=y) = Eq.
- Definition lt x y := (x?=y) = Lt.
- Lemma eq_refl : forall x, eq x x.
- Proof.
- intro x.
- unfold eq.
- assert (H:=compare_sym x x).
- destruct (x ?= x); simpl in *; try discriminate; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma eq_sym : forall x y, eq x y -> eq y x.
- Proof.
- unfold eq; intros.
- rewrite compare_sym.
- rewrite H; simpl; auto.
- Qed.
- Definition eq_trans := (compare_trans Eq).
- Definition lt_trans := (compare_trans Lt).
- Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y, lt x y -> ~eq x y.
- Proof.
- unfold eq, lt; intros.
- rewrite H; discriminate.
- Qed.
- Definition compare : forall x y, Compare lt eq x y.
- Proof.
- intros.
- case_eq (x ?= y); intros.
- apply EQ; auto.
- apply LT; auto.
- apply GT; red.
- rewrite compare_sym; rewrite H; auto.
- Defined.
- Definition eq_dec : forall x y, { eq x y } + { ~ eq x y }.
- Proof.
- intros; unfold eq.
- case (x ?= y); [ left | right | right ]; auto; discriminate.
- Defined.
-End OrderedType_from_Alt.
-(** From the original presentation to this alternative one. *)
-Module OrderedType_to_Alt (O:OrderedType) <: OrderedTypeAlt.
- Import O.
- Module MO:=OrderedTypeFacts(O).
- Import MO.
- Definition t := t.
- Definition compare x y := match compare x y with
- | LT _ => Lt
- | EQ _ => Eq
- | GT _ => Gt
- end.
- Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity).
- Lemma compare_sym :
- forall x y, (y?=x) = CompOpp (x?=y).
- Proof.
- intros x y; unfold compare.
- destruct; elim_comp; simpl; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma compare_trans :
- forall c x y z, (x?=y) = c -> (y?=z) = c -> (x?=z) = c.
- Proof.
- intros c x y z.
- destruct c; unfold compare;
- do 2 (destruct; intros; try discriminate);
- elim_comp; auto.
- Qed.
-End OrderedType_to_Alt.