path: root/test-suite/success/simpl_tuning.v
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1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/success/simpl_tuning.v b/test-suite/success/simpl_tuning.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d4191b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/success/simpl_tuning.v
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+(* as it is dynamically inferred by simpl *)
+Arguments minus !n / m.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - S y = 0.
+match goal with |- (match y with O => S x | S _ => _ end = 0) => idtac end.
+(* we avoid exposing a match *)
+Arguments minus n m : simpl nomatch.
+Lemma foo x : minus 0 x = 0.
+match goal with |- (0 = 0) => idtac end.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - S y = 0.
+match goal with |- (S x - y = 0) => idtac end.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - (S (match y with O => O | S z => S z end)) = 0.
+match goal with |-(S x - (match y with O => _ | S _ => _ end) = 0) => idtac end.
+(* we unfold as soon as we have 1 args, but we avoid exposing a match *)
+Arguments minus n / m : simpl nomatch.
+Lemma foo : minus 0 = fun x => 0.
+match goal with |- minus 0 = _ => idtac end.
+(* This does not work as one may expect. The point is that simpl is implemented
+ as "strong (whd_simpl_state)" and after unfolding minus you have
+ (fun m => match 0 => 0 | S n => ...) that is already in whd and exposes
+ a match, that of course "strong" would reduce away but at that stage
+ we don't know, and reducing by hand under the lambda is against whd *)
+(* extra tuning for the usual heuristic *)
+Arguments minus !n / m : simpl nomatch.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - S y = 0.
+match goal with |- (S x - y = 0) => idtac end.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - (S (match y with O => O | S z => S z end)) = 0.
+match goal with |-(S x - (match y with O => _ | S _ => _ end) = 0) => idtac end.
+(* full control *)
+Arguments minus !n !m /.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - S y = 0.
+match goal with |- (S x - y = 0) => idtac end.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - (S (match y with O => O | S z => S z end)) = 0.
+match goal with |-(S x - (match y with O => _ | S _ => _ end) = 0) => idtac end.
+(* omitting /, that being immediately after the last ! is irrelevant *)
+Arguments minus !n !m.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - S y = 0.
+match goal with |- (S x - y = 0) => idtac end.
+Lemma foo x y : S (S x) - (S (match y with O => O | S z => S z end)) = 0.
+match goal with |-(S x - (match y with O => _ | S _ => _ end) = 0) => idtac end.
+Definition pf (D1 C1 : Type) (f : D1 -> C1) (D2 C2 : Type) (g : D2 -> C2) :=
+ fun x => (f (fst x), g (snd x)).
+Delimit Scope foo_scope with F.
+Notation "@@" := nat (only parsing) : foo_scope.
+Notation "@@" := (fun x => x) (only parsing).
+Arguments pf {D1%F C1%type} f [D2 C2] g x : simpl never.
+Lemma foo x : @pf @@ nat @@ nat nat @@ x = pf @@ @@ x.
+Definition fcomp A B C f (g : A -> B) (x : A) : C := f (g x).
+(* fcomp is unfolded if applied to 6 args *)
+Arguments fcomp {A B C}%type f g x /.
+Notation "f \o g" := (fcomp f g) (at level 50).
+Lemma foo (f g h : nat -> nat) x : pf (f \o g) h x = pf f h (g (fst x), snd x).
+match goal with |- (pf (f \o g) h x = _) => idtac end.
+case x; intros x1 x2.
+match goal with |- (pf (f \o g) h _ = pf f h _) => idtac end.
+unfold pf; simpl.
+match goal with |- (f (g x1), h x2) = (f (g x1), h x2) => idtac end.
+Definition volatile := fun x : nat => x.
+Arguments volatile /.
+Lemma foo : volatile = volatile.
+match goal with |- (fun _ => _) = _ => idtac end.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Section S1.
+Variable T1 : Type.
+Section S2.
+Variable T2 : Type.
+Fixpoint f (x : T1) (y : T2) n (v : unit) m {struct n} : nat :=
+ match n, m with
+ | 0,_ => 0
+ | S _, 0 => n
+ | S n', S m' => f x y n' v m' end.
+Global Arguments f x y !n !v !m.
+Lemma foo x y n m : f x y (S n) tt m = f x y (S n) tt (S m).
+match goal with |- (f _ _ _ _ _ = f _ _ _ _ _) => idtac end.
+End S2.
+Lemma foo T x y n m : @f T x y (S n) tt m = @f T x y (S n) tt (S m).
+match goal with |- (f _ _ _ _ _ = f _ _ _ _ _) => idtac end.
+End S1.
+Arguments f : clear implicits and scopes.