path: root/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
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1 files changed, 101 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v b/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
index fde9f470..518d22e9 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/Nsatz.v
@@ -1,4 +1,74 @@
-Require Import NsatzR ZArith Reals List Ring_polynom.
+Require Import Nsatz ZArith Reals List Ring_polynom.
+(* Example with a generic domain *)
+Variable A: Type.
+Variable Ad: Domain A.
+Definition Ari : Ring A:= (@domain_ring A Ad).
+Existing Instance Ari.
+Existing Instance ring_setoid.
+Existing Instance ring_plus_comp.
+Existing Instance ring_mult_comp.
+Existing Instance ring_sub_comp.
+Existing Instance ring_opp_comp.
+Add Ring Ar: (@ring_ring A (@domain_ring A Ad)).
+Instance zero_ring2 : Zero A := {zero := ring0}.
+Instance one_ring2 : One A := {one := ring1}.
+Instance addition_ring2 : Addition A := {addition x y := ring_plus x y}.
+Instance multiplication_ring2 : Multiplication A := {multiplication x y := ring_mult x y}.
+Instance subtraction_ring2 : Subtraction A := {subtraction x y := ring_sub x y}.
+Instance opposite_ring2 : Opposite A := {opposite x := ring_opp x}.
+Infix "==" := ring_eq (at level 70, no associativity).
+Ltac nsatzA := simpl; unfold Ari; nsatz_domain.
+Goal forall x y:A, x == y -> x+0 == y*1+0.
+Lemma example3 : forall x y z,
+ x+y+z==0 ->
+ x*y+x*z+y*z==0->
+ x*y*z==0 -> x*x*x==0.
+Time nsatzA.
+Lemma example4 : forall x y z u,
+ x+y+z+u==0 ->
+ x*y+x*z+x*u+y*z+y*u+z*u==0->
+ x*y*z+x*y*u+x*z*u+y*z*u==0->
+ x*y*z*u==0 -> x*x*x*x==0.
+Time nsatzA.
+Lemma example5 : forall x y z u v,
+ x+y+z+u+v==0 ->
+ x*y+x*z+x*u+x*v+y*z+y*u+y*v+z*u+z*v+u*v==0->
+ x*y*z+x*y*u+x*y*v+x*z*u+x*z*v+x*u*v+y*z*u+y*z*v+y*u*v+z*u*v==0->
+ x*y*z*u+y*z*u*v+z*u*v*x+u*v*x*y+v*x*y*z==0 ->
+ x*y*z*u*v==0 -> x*x*x*x*x ==0.
+Time nsatzA.
+Goal forall x y:Z, x = y -> (x+0)%Z = (y*1+0)%Z.
+Goal forall x y:R, x = y -> (x+0)%R = (y*1+0)%R.
+Goal forall a b c x:R, a = b -> b = c -> (a*a)%R = (c*c)%R.
Section Examples.
@@ -16,12 +86,12 @@ Lemma example1 : forall x y,
x*y=0 ->
- nsatzR.
+ nsatz.
Lemma example2 : forall x, x^2=0 -> x=0.
- nsatzR.
+ nsatz.
@@ -29,12 +99,12 @@ Notation X := (PEX Z 3).
Notation Y := (PEX Z 2).
Notation Z_ := (PEX Z 1).
-Lemma example3 : forall x y z,
+Lemma example3b : forall x y z,
x+y+z=0 ->
x*y*z=0 -> x^3=0.
-Time nsatzR.
+Time nsatz.
@@ -43,13 +113,13 @@ Notation Y := (PEX Z 3).
Notation Z_ := (PEX Z 2).
Notation U := (PEX Z 1).
-Lemma example4 : forall x y z u,
+Lemma example4b : forall x y z u,
x+y+z+u=0 ->
x*y*z*u=0 -> x^4=0.
-Time nsatzR.
+Time nsatz.
@@ -64,20 +134,20 @@ Notation "x :: y" := ( x y)
(at level 60, right associativity, format "x :: y").
-Lemma example5 : forall x y z u v,
+Lemma example5b : forall x y z u v,
x+y+z+u+v=0 ->
x*y*z*u+y*z*u*v+z*u*v*x+u*v*x*y+v*x*y*z=0 ->
x*y*z*u*v=0 -> x^5=0.
-Time nsatzR.
+Time nsatz.
End Examples.
Section Geometry.
-Require Export Reals NsatzR.
Open Scope R_scope.
Record point:Type:={
@@ -169,6 +239,7 @@ Ltac geo_begin:=
(* Examples *)
Lemma Thales: forall O A B C D:point,
collinear O A C -> collinear O B D ->
parallel A B C D ->
@@ -176,26 +247,7 @@ Lemma Thales: forall O A B C D:point,
/\ distance2 O B * distance2 C D = distance2 O D * distance2 A B)
\/ collinear O A B.
repeat geo_begin.
Time nsatz.
-Time nsatz without sugar.
-Time nsatz with lexico sugar.
-Time nsatz with lexico.
-Time nsatzRpv 1%N 1%Z (@nil R) (@nil R). (* revlex, sugar, no div *)
-(*Finished transaction in 1. secs (0.479927u,0.s)*)
-Time nsatzRpv 1%N 0%Z (@nil R) (@nil R). (* revlex, no sugar, no div *)
-(*Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.543917u,0.s)*)
-Time nsatzRpv 1%N 2%Z (@nil R) (@nil R). (* lex, no sugar, no div *)
-(*Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.586911u,0.s)*)
-Time nsatzRpv 1%N 3%Z (@nil R) (@nil R). (* lex, sugar, no div *)
-(*Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.481927u,0.s)*)
-Time nsatzRpv 1%N 5%Z (@nil R) (@nil R). (* revlex, sugar, div *)
-(*Finished transaction in 1. secs (0.601909u,0.s)*)
Time nsatz.
@@ -209,8 +261,26 @@ Lemma hauteurs:forall A B C A1 B1 C1 H:point,
\/ collinear A B C.
-Time nsatz.
-(*Finished transaction in 3. secs (2.43263u,0.010998s)*)
+(* Time nsatzRpv 2%N 1%Z (@nil R) (@nil R).*)
+(*Finished transaction in 3. secs (2.363641u,0.s)*)
+(*Time nsatz_domainR. trop long! *)
+ let lv := constr:(Y A1
+ :: X A1
+ :: Y B1
+ :: X B1
+ :: Y A0
+ :: Y B
+ :: X B
+ :: X A0
+ :: X H
+ :: Y C
+ :: Y C1 :: Y H :: X C1 :: X C :: (@Datatypes.nil R)) in
+ nsatz_domainpv ltac:pretacR 2%N 1%Z (@Datatypes.nil R) lv ltac:simplR Rdi;
+ discrR.
+(* Finished transaction in 6. secs (5.579152u,0.001s) *)
End Geometry.