path: root/test-suite/success/CasesDep.v
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1 files changed, 54 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/success/CasesDep.v b/test-suite/success/CasesDep.v
index 0477377e..49bd77fc 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/CasesDep.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/CasesDep.v
@@ -71,13 +71,9 @@ Inductive Setoid : Type :=
Definition elem (A : Setoid) := let (S, R, e) := A in S.
-(* <Warning> : Grammar is replaced by Notation *)
Definition equal (A : Setoid) :=
let (S, R, e) as s return (Relation (elem s)) := A in R.
-(* <Warning> : Grammar is replaced by Notation *)
Axiom prf_equiv : forall A : Setoid, Equivalence (elem A) (equal A).
Axiom prf_refl : forall A : Setoid, Reflexive (elem A) (equal A).
@@ -430,3 +426,57 @@ Definition f0 (F : False) (ty : bool) : bProp ty :=
| _, false => F
| _, true => I
+(* Simplification of bug/wish #1671 *)
+Inductive I : unit -> Type :=
+| C : forall a, I a -> I tt.
+Definition F (l:I tt) : l = l :=
+match l return l = l with
+| C tt (C _ l') => refl_equal (C tt (C _ l'))
+one would expect that the compilation of F (this involves
+some kind of pattern-unification) would produce:
+Definition F (l:I tt) : l = l :=
+match l return l = l with
+| C tt l' => match l' return C _ l' = C _ l' with C _ l'' => refl_equal (C tt (C _ l'')) end
+Inductive J : nat -> Type :=
+| D : forall a, J (S a) -> J a.
+Definition G (l:J O) : l = l :=
+match l return l = l with
+| D O (D 1 l') => refl_equal (D O (D 1 l'))
+| D _ _ => refl_equal _
+one would expect that the compilation of G (this involves inversion)
+would produce:
+Definition G (l:J O) : l = l :=
+match l return l = l with
+| D 0 l'' =>
+ match l'' as _l'' in J n return
+ match n return forall l:J n, Prop with
+ | O => fun _ => l = l
+ | S p => fun l'' => D p l'' = D p l''
+ end _l'' with
+ | D 1 l' => refl_equal (D O (D 1 l'))
+ | _ => refl_equal _
+ end
+| _ => refl_equal _
+Fixpoint app {A} {n m} (v : listn A n) (w : listn A m) : listn A (n + m) :=
+ match v with
+ | niln => w
+ | consn a n' v' => consn _ a _ (app v' w)
+ end.