path: root/test-suite/output/Cases.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/output/Cases.v')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/output/Cases.v b/test-suite/output/Cases.v
index 4116a5eb..40748964 100644
--- a/test-suite/output/Cases.v
+++ b/test-suite/output/Cases.v
@@ -66,14 +66,43 @@ Print foo'.
(* Was bug #3293 (eta-expansion at "match" printing time was failing because
of let-in's interpreted as being part of the expansion) *)
-Variable b : bool.
-Variable P : bool -> Prop.
+Axiom b : bool.
+Axiom P : bool -> Prop.
Inductive B : Prop := AC : P b -> B.
Definition f : B -> True.
-intros [].
-destruct b as [|] ; intros _ ; exact Logic.I.
+intros [x].
+destruct b as [|] ; exact Logic.I.
Print f.
+(* Was enhancement request #5142 (error message reported on the most
+ general return clause heuristic) *)
+Inductive gadt : Type -> Type :=
+| gadtNat : nat -> gadt nat
+| gadtTy : forall T, T -> gadt T.
+Fail Definition gadt_id T (x: gadt T) : gadt T :=
+ match x with
+ | gadtNat n => gadtNat n
+ end.
+(* A variant of #5142 (see Satrajit Roy's example on coq-club (Oct 17, 2016)) *)
+Inductive type:Set:=Nat.
+Inductive tbinop:type->type->type->Set:= TPlus : tbinop Nat Nat Nat.
+Inductive texp:type->Set:=
+ |TNConst:nat->texp Nat
+ |TBinop:forall t1 t2 t, tbinop t1 t2 t->texp t1->texp t2->texp t.
+Definition typeDenote(t:type):Set:= match t with Nat => nat end.
+(* We expect a failure on TBinop *)
+Fail Fixpoint texpDenote t (e:texp t):typeDenote t:=
+ match e with
+ | TNConst n => n
+ | TBinop t1 t2 _ b e1 e2 => O
+ end.