path: root/test-suite/bugs/closed/5161.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/bugs/closed/5161.v')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/bugs/closed/5161.v b/test-suite/bugs/closed/5161.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d28303b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/bugs/closed/5161.v
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(* Check that the presence of binders with type annotation do not
+ prevent the recursive binder part to be found *)
+From Coq Require Import Utf8.
+Delimit Scope C_scope with C.
+Global Open Scope C_scope.
+Delimit Scope uPred_scope with I.
+Definition FORALL {T : Type} (f : T → Prop) : Prop := ∀ x, f x.
+Notation "∀ x .. y , P" :=
+ (FORALL (λ x, .. (FORALL (λ y, P)) ..)%I)
+ (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : uPred_scope.
+Infix "∧" := and : uPred_scope.
+(* The next command fails with
+ In recursive notation with binders, Φ is expected to come without type.
+ I would expect this notation to work fine, since the ∀ does support
+ type annotation.
+Notation "'{{{' P } } } e {{{ x .. y ; pat , Q } } }" :=
+ (∀ Φ : _ → _,
+ (∀ x, .. (∀ y, Q ∧ Φ pat) .. ))%I
+ (at level 20, x closed binder, y closed binder,
+ format "{{{ P } } } e {{{ x .. y ; pat , Q } } }") : uPred_scope.