path: root/tactics
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Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
58 files changed, 3118 insertions, 4609 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 6a9ced3e..93ca89f4 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ open Matching
open Tacmach
open Proof_type
open Pfedit
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Evar_refiner
open Tacred
open Tactics
@@ -48,23 +46,43 @@ open Mod_subst
(* The Type of Constructions Autotactic Hints *)
-type auto_tactic =
- | Res_pf of constr * clausenv (* Hint Apply *)
- | ERes_pf of constr * clausenv (* Hint EApply *)
+type 'a auto_tactic =
+ | Res_pf of constr * 'a (* Hint Apply *)
+ | ERes_pf of constr * 'a (* Hint EApply *)
| Give_exact of constr
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of constr * clausenv (* Hint Immediate *)
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of constr * 'a (* Hint Immediate *)
| Unfold_nth of evaluable_global_reference (* Hint Unfold *)
| Extern of glob_tactic_expr (* Hint Extern *)
-type pri_auto_tactic = {
- pri : int; (* A number between 0 and 4, 4 = lower priority *)
+type hints_path_atom =
+ | PathHints of global_reference list
+ | PathAny
+type hints_path =
+ | PathAtom of hints_path_atom
+ | PathStar of hints_path
+ | PathSeq of hints_path * hints_path
+ | PathOr of hints_path * hints_path
+ | PathEmpty
+ | PathEpsilon
+type 'a gen_auto_tactic = {
+ pri : int; (* A number lower is higher priority *)
pat : constr_pattern option; (* A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
- code : auto_tactic (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
+ name : hints_path_atom; (* A potential name to refer to the hint *)
+ code : 'a auto_tactic (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
-type hint_entry = global_reference option * pri_auto_tactic
+type pri_auto_tactic = clausenv gen_auto_tactic
-let pri_order {pri=pri1} {pri=pri2} = pri1 <= pri2
+type hint_entry = global_reference option * types gen_auto_tactic
+let pri_order_int (id1, {pri=pri1}) (id2, {pri=pri2}) =
+ let d = pri1 - pri2 in
+ if d == 0 then id2 - id1
+ else d
+let pri_order t1 t2 = pri_order_int t1 t2 <= 0
let insert v l =
let rec insrec = function
@@ -74,32 +92,45 @@ let insert v l =
insrec l
(* Nov 98 -- Papageno *)
-(* Les Hints sont ré-organisés en plusieurs databases.
+(* Les Hints sont ré-organisés en plusieurs databases.
- La table impérative "searchtable", de type "hint_db_table",
- associe une database (hint_db) à chaque nom.
+ La table impérative "searchtable", de type "hint_db_table",
+ associe une database (hint_db) à chaque nom.
Une hint_db est une table d'association fonctionelle constr -> search_entry
- Le constr correspond à la constante de tête de la conclusion.
+ Le constr correspond à la constante de tête de la conclusion.
Une search_entry est un triplet comprenant :
- - la liste des tactiques qui n'ont pas de pattern associé
+ - la liste des tactiques qui n'ont pas de pattern associé
- la liste des tactiques qui ont un pattern
- - un discrimination net borné (Btermdn.t) constitué de tous les
+ - un discrimination net borné (Btermdn.t) constitué de tous les
patterns de la seconde liste de tactiques *)
-type stored_data = pri_auto_tactic
+type stored_data = int * pri_auto_tactic
+ (* First component is the index of insertion in the table, to keep most recent first semantics. *)
+let auto_tactic_ord code1 code2 =
+ match code1, code2 with
+ | Res_pf (c1, _), Res_pf (c2, _)
+ | ERes_pf (c1, _), ERes_pf (c2, _)
+ | Give_exact c1, Give_exact c2
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c1, _), Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c2, _) -> constr_ord c1 c2
+ | Unfold_nth (EvalVarRef i1), Unfold_nth (EvalVarRef i2) -> i1 i2
+ | Unfold_nth (EvalConstRef c1), Unfold_nth (EvalConstRef c2) ->
+ kn_ord (canonical_con c1) (canonical_con c2)
+ | Extern t1, Extern t2 -> t1 t2
+ | _ -> code1 code2
module Bounded_net = Btermdn.Make(struct
type t = stored_data
- let compare =
+ let compare = pri_order_int
type search_entry = stored_data list * stored_data list * Bounded_net.t
let empty_se = ([],[],Bounded_net.create ())
-let eq_pri_auto_tactic x y =
+let eq_pri_auto_tactic (_, x) (_, y) =
if x.pri = y.pri && x.pat = y.pat then
match x.code,y.code with
| Res_pf(cstr,_),Res_pf(cstr1,_) ->
@@ -118,15 +149,18 @@ let eq_pri_auto_tactic x y =
let add_tac pat t st (l,l',dn) =
match pat with
| None -> if not (List.exists (eq_pri_auto_tactic t) l) then (insert t l, l', dn) else (l, l', dn)
- | Some pat -> if not (List.exists (eq_pri_auto_tactic t) l') then (l, insert t l', Bounded_net.add st dn (pat,t)) else (l, l', dn)
+ | Some pat ->
+ if not (List.exists (eq_pri_auto_tactic t) l')
+ then (l, insert t l', Bounded_net.add st dn (pat,t)) else (l, l', dn)
-let rebuild_dn st (l,l',dn) =
- (l, l', List.fold_left (fun dn t -> Bounded_net.add (Some st) dn (Option.get t.pat, t))
+let rebuild_dn st ((l,l',dn) : search_entry) =
+ (l, l', List.fold_left (fun dn (id, t) -> Bounded_net.add (Some st) dn (Option.get t.pat, (id, t)))
(Bounded_net.create ()) l')
let lookup_tacs (hdc,c) st (l,l',dn) =
let l' = snd (Bounded_net.lookup st dn c) in
- let sl' = Sort.list pri_order l' in
+ let sl' = List.stable_sort pri_order_int l' in
Sort.merge pri_order l sl'
module Constr_map = Map.Make(RefOrdered)
@@ -136,11 +170,138 @@ let is_transparent_gr (ids, csts) = function
| ConstRef cst -> Cpred.mem cst csts
| IndRef _ | ConstructRef _ -> false
+let dummy_goal = Goal.V82.dummy_goal
+let translate_hint (go,p) =
+ let mk_clenv (c,t) =
+ let cl = mk_clenv_from dummy_goal (c,t) in {cl with env = empty_env }
+ in
+ let code = match p.code with
+ | Res_pf (c,t) -> Res_pf (c, mk_clenv (c,t))
+ | ERes_pf (c,t) -> ERes_pf (c, mk_clenv (c,t))
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,t) ->
+ Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c, mk_clenv (c,t))
+ | Give_exact c -> Give_exact c
+ | Unfold_nth e -> Unfold_nth e
+ | Extern t -> Extern t
+ in
+ (go,{ p with code = code })
+let path_matches hp hints =
+ let rec aux hp hints k =
+ match hp, hints with
+ | PathAtom _, [] -> false
+ | PathAtom PathAny, (_ :: hints') -> k hints'
+ | PathAtom p, (h :: hints') ->
+ if p = h then k hints' else false
+ | PathStar hp', hints ->
+ k hints || aux hp' hints (fun hints' -> aux hp hints' k)
+ | PathSeq (hp, hp'), hints ->
+ aux hp hints (fun hints' -> aux hp' hints' k)
+ | PathOr (hp, hp'), hints ->
+ aux hp hints k || aux hp' hints k
+ | PathEmpty, _ -> false
+ | PathEpsilon, hints -> k hints
+ in aux hp hints (fun hints' -> true)
+let rec matches_epsilon = function
+ | PathAtom _ -> false
+ | PathStar _ -> true
+ | PathSeq (p, p') -> matches_epsilon p && matches_epsilon p'
+ | PathOr (p, p') -> matches_epsilon p || matches_epsilon p'
+ | PathEmpty -> false
+ | PathEpsilon -> true
+let rec is_empty = function
+ | PathAtom _ -> false
+ | PathStar _ -> false
+ | PathSeq (p, p') -> is_empty p || is_empty p'
+ | PathOr (p, p') -> matches_epsilon p && matches_epsilon p'
+ | PathEmpty -> true
+ | PathEpsilon -> false
+let rec path_derivate hp hint =
+ let rec derivate_atoms hints hints' =
+ match hints, hints' with
+ | gr :: grs, gr' :: grs' when gr = gr' -> derivate_atoms grs grs'
+ | [], [] -> PathEpsilon
+ | [], hints -> PathEmpty
+ | grs, [] -> PathAtom (PathHints grs)
+ | _, _ -> PathEmpty
+ in
+ match hp with
+ | PathAtom PathAny -> PathEpsilon
+ | PathAtom (PathHints grs) ->
+ (match grs, hint with
+ | h :: hints, PathAny -> PathEmpty
+ | hints, PathHints hints' -> derivate_atoms hints hints'
+ | _, _ -> assert false)
+ | PathStar p -> if path_matches p [hint] then hp else PathEpsilon
+ | PathSeq (hp, hp') ->
+ let hpder = path_derivate hp hint in
+ if matches_epsilon hp then
+ PathOr (PathSeq (hpder, hp'), path_derivate hp' hint)
+ else if is_empty hpder then PathEmpty
+ else PathSeq (hpder, hp')
+ | PathOr (hp, hp') ->
+ PathOr (path_derivate hp hint, path_derivate hp' hint)
+ | PathEmpty -> PathEmpty
+ | PathEpsilon -> PathEmpty
+let rec normalize_path h =
+ match h with
+ | PathStar PathEpsilon -> PathEpsilon
+ | PathSeq (PathEmpty, _) | PathSeq (_, PathEmpty) -> PathEmpty
+ | PathSeq (PathEpsilon, p) | PathSeq (p, PathEpsilon) -> normalize_path p
+ | PathOr (PathEmpty, p) | PathOr (p, PathEmpty) -> normalize_path p
+ | PathOr (p, q) ->
+ let p', q' = normalize_path p, normalize_path q in
+ if p = p' && q = q' then h
+ else normalize_path (PathOr (p', q'))
+ | PathSeq (p, q) ->
+ let p', q' = normalize_path p, normalize_path q in
+ if p = p' && q = q' then h
+ else normalize_path (PathSeq (p', q'))
+ | _ -> h
+let path_derivate hp hint = normalize_path (path_derivate hp hint)
+let rec pp_hints_path = function
+ | PathAtom (PathAny) -> str"."
+ | PathAtom (PathHints grs) -> prlist_with_sep pr_spc pr_global grs
+ | PathStar p -> str "(" ++ pp_hints_path p ++ str")*"
+ | PathSeq (p, p') -> pp_hints_path p ++ str" ; " ++ pp_hints_path p'
+ | PathOr (p, p') ->
+ str "(" ++ pp_hints_path p ++ spc () ++ str"|" ++ spc () ++ pp_hints_path p' ++ str ")"
+ | PathEmpty -> str"Ø"
+ | PathEpsilon -> str"ε"
+let rec subst_hints_path subst hp =
+ match hp with
+ | PathAtom PathAny -> hp
+ | PathAtom (PathHints grs) ->
+ let gr' gr = fst (subst_global subst gr) in
+ let grs' = list_smartmap gr' grs in
+ if grs' == grs then hp else PathAtom (PathHints grs')
+ | PathStar p -> let p' = subst_hints_path subst p in
+ if p' == p then hp else PathStar p'
+ | PathSeq (p, q) ->
+ let p' = subst_hints_path subst p in
+ let q' = subst_hints_path subst q in
+ if p' == p && q' == q then hp else PathSeq (p', q')
+ | PathOr (p, q) ->
+ let p' = subst_hints_path subst p in
+ let q' = subst_hints_path subst q in
+ if p' == p && q' == q then hp else PathOr (p', q')
+ | _ -> hp
module Hint_db = struct
type t = {
hintdb_state : Names.transparent_state;
+ hintdb_cut : hints_path;
hintdb_unfolds : Idset.t * Cset.t;
+ mutable hintdb_max_id : int;
use_dn : bool;
hintdb_map : search_entry Constr_map.t;
(* A list of unindexed entries starting with an unfoldable constant
@@ -148,8 +309,13 @@ module Hint_db = struct
hintdb_nopat : (global_reference option * stored_data) list
+ let next_hint_id t =
+ let h = t.hintdb_max_id in t.hintdb_max_id <- succ t.hintdb_max_id; h
let empty st use_dn = { hintdb_state = st;
+ hintdb_cut = PathEmpty;
hintdb_unfolds = (Idset.empty, Cset.empty);
+ hintdb_max_id = 0;
use_dn = use_dn;
hintdb_map = Constr_map.empty;
hintdb_nopat = [] }
@@ -157,47 +323,54 @@ module Hint_db = struct
let find key db =
try Constr_map.find key db.hintdb_map
with Not_found -> empty_se
let map_none db =
- Sort.merge pri_order ( snd db.hintdb_nopat) []
+ snd (Sort.merge pri_order ( snd db.hintdb_nopat) [])
let map_all k db =
let (l,l',_) = find k db in
- Sort.merge pri_order ( snd db.hintdb_nopat @ l) l'
+ snd (Sort.merge pri_order ( snd db.hintdb_nopat @ l) l')
let map_auto (k,c) db =
let st = if db.use_dn then Some db.hintdb_state else None in
let l' = lookup_tacs (k,c) st (find k db) in
- Sort.merge pri_order ( snd db.hintdb_nopat) l'
+ snd (Sort.merge pri_order ( snd db.hintdb_nopat) l')
let is_exact = function
| Give_exact _ -> true
| _ -> false
- let addkv gr v db =
+ let is_unfold = function
+ | Unfold_nth _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let addkv gr id v db =
+ let idv = id, v in
let k = match gr with
- | Some gr -> if db.use_dn && is_transparent_gr db.hintdb_state gr then None else Some gr
+ | Some gr -> if db.use_dn && is_transparent_gr db.hintdb_state gr &&
+ is_unfold v.code then None else Some gr
| None -> None
let dnst = if db.use_dn then Some db.hintdb_state else None in
let pat = if not db.use_dn && is_exact v.code then None else v.pat in
match k with
| None ->
- if not (List.exists (fun (_, v') -> v = v') db.hintdb_nopat) then
- { db with hintdb_nopat = (gr,v) :: db.hintdb_nopat }
+ if not (List.exists (fun (_, (_, v')) -> v = v') db.hintdb_nopat) then
+ { db with hintdb_nopat = (gr,idv) :: db.hintdb_nopat }
else db
| Some gr ->
let oval = find gr db in
- { db with hintdb_map = Constr_map.add gr (add_tac pat v dnst oval) db.hintdb_map }
+ { db with hintdb_map = Constr_map.add gr (add_tac pat idv dnst oval) db.hintdb_map }
let rebuild_db st' db =
let db' =
{ db with hintdb_map = (rebuild_dn st') db.hintdb_map;
hintdb_state = st'; hintdb_nopat = [] }
- List.fold_left (fun db (gr,v) -> addkv gr v db) db' db.hintdb_nopat
+ List.fold_left (fun db (gr,(id,v)) -> addkv gr id v db) db' db.hintdb_nopat
- let add_one (k,v) db =
+ let add_one kv db =
+ let (k,v) = translate_hint kv in
let st',db,rebuild =
match v.code with
| Unfold_nth egr ->
@@ -211,13 +384,27 @@ module Hint_db = struct
| _ -> db.hintdb_state, db, false
let db = if db.use_dn && rebuild then rebuild_db st' db else db
- in addkv k v db
+ in addkv k (next_hint_id db) v db
let add_list l db = List.fold_right add_one l db
+ let remove_sdl p sdl = list_smartfilter p sdl
+ let remove_he st p (sl1, sl2, dn as he) =
+ let sl1' = remove_sdl p sl1 and sl2' = remove_sdl p sl2 in
+ if sl1' == sl1 && sl2' == sl2 then he
+ else rebuild_dn st (sl1', sl2', dn)
+ let remove_list grs db =
+ let filter (_, h) = match with PathHints [gr] -> not (List.mem gr grs) | _ -> true in
+ let hintmap = (remove_he db.hintdb_state filter) db.hintdb_map in
+ let hintnopat = list_smartfilter (fun (ge, sd) -> filter sd) db.hintdb_nopat in
+ { db with hintdb_map = hintmap; hintdb_nopat = hintnopat }
+ let remove_one gr db = remove_list [gr] db
let iter f db =
- f None ( snd db.hintdb_nopat);
- Constr_map.iter (fun k (l,l',_) -> f (Some k) (l@l')) db.hintdb_map
+ f None ( (fun x -> snd (snd x)) db.hintdb_nopat);
+ Constr_map.iter (fun k (l,l',_) -> f (Some k) ( snd (l@l'))) db.hintdb_map
let transparent_state db = db.hintdb_state
@@ -225,6 +412,11 @@ module Hint_db = struct
if db.use_dn then rebuild_db st db
else { db with hintdb_state = st }
+ let add_cut path db =
+ { db with hintdb_cut = normalize_path (PathOr (db.hintdb_cut, path)) }
+ let cut db = db.hintdb_cut
let unfolds db = db.hintdb_unfolds
let use_dn db = db.use_dn
@@ -255,6 +447,9 @@ let current_db_names () =
let auto_init : (unit -> unit) ref = ref (fun () -> ())
+let add_auto_init f =
+ let init = !auto_init in
+ auto_init := (fun () -> init (); f ())
let init () = searchtable := Hintdbmap.empty; !auto_init ()
let freeze () = !searchtable
@@ -280,47 +475,51 @@ let try_head_pattern c =
try head_pattern_bound c
with BoundPattern -> error "Bound head variable."
-let dummy_goal =
- {it = make_evar empty_named_context_val mkProp;
- sigma = empty}
+let name_of_constr c = try Some (global_of_constr c) with Not_found -> None
-let make_exact_entry sigma pri (c,cty) =
+let make_exact_entry sigma pri ?(name=PathAny) (c,cty) =
let cty = strip_outer_cast cty in
match kind_of_term cty with
| Prod _ -> failwith "make_exact_entry"
| _ ->
let pat = snd (Pattern.pattern_of_constr sigma cty) in
- let head =
- try head_of_constr_reference (fst (head_constr cty))
- with _ -> failwith "make_exact_entry"
+ let hd =
+ try head_pattern_bound pat
+ with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_exact_entry"
- (Some head,
- { pri=(match pri with Some pri -> pri | None -> 0); pat=Some pat; code=Give_exact c })
+ (Some hd,
+ { pri = (match pri with None -> 0 | Some p -> p);
+ pat = Some pat;
+ name = name;
+ code = Give_exact c })
-let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri (c,cty) =
+let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri ?(name=PathAny) (c,cty) =
let cty = if hnf then hnf_constr env sigma cty else cty in
match kind_of_term cty with
| Prod _ ->
let ce = mk_clenv_from dummy_goal (c,cty) in
let c' = clenv_type (* ~reduce:false *) ce in
let pat = snd (Pattern.pattern_of_constr sigma c') in
- let hd = (try head_pattern_bound pat
- with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_apply_entry") in
+ let hd =
+ try head_pattern_bound pat
+ with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_apply_entry" in
let nmiss = List.length (clenv_missing ce) in
if nmiss = 0 then
(Some hd,
{ pri = (match pri with None -> nb_hyp cty | Some p -> p);
pat = Some pat;
- code = Res_pf(c,{ce with env=empty_env}) })
+ name = name;
+ code = Res_pf(c,cty) })
else begin
if not eapply then failwith "make_apply_entry";
if verbose then
warn (str "the hint: eapply " ++ pr_lconstr c ++
str " will only be used by eauto");
(Some hd,
- { pri = (match pri with None -> nb_hyp cty + nmiss | Some p -> p);
- pat = Some pat;
- code = ERes_pf(c,{ce with env=empty_env}) })
+ { pri = (match pri with None -> nb_hyp cty + nmiss | Some p -> p);
+ pat = Some pat;
+ name = name;
+ code = ERes_pf(c,cty) })
| _ -> failwith "make_apply_entry"
@@ -328,12 +527,12 @@ let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri (c,cty) =
c is a constr
cty is the type of constr *)
-let make_resolves env sigma flags pri c =
- let cty = type_of env sigma c in
+let make_resolves env sigma flags pri ?name c =
+ let cty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
let ents =
(fun f -> f (c,cty))
- [make_exact_entry sigma pri; make_apply_entry env sigma flags pri]
+ [make_exact_entry sigma pri ?name; make_apply_entry env sigma flags pri ?name]
if ents = [] then
errorlabstrm "Hint"
@@ -345,7 +544,8 @@ let make_resolves env sigma flags pri c =
(* used to add an hypothesis to the local hint database *)
let make_resolve_hyp env sigma (hname,_,htyp) =
- [make_apply_entry env sigma (true, true, false) None
+ [make_apply_entry env sigma (true, true, false) None
+ ~name:(PathHints [VarRef hname])
(mkVar hname, htyp)]
| Failure _ -> []
@@ -353,26 +553,30 @@ let make_resolve_hyp env sigma (hname,_,htyp) =
(* REM : in most cases hintname = id *)
let make_unfold eref =
- (Some (global_of_evaluable_reference eref),
+ let g = global_of_evaluable_reference eref in
+ (Some g,
{ pri = 4;
pat = None;
+ name = PathHints [g];
code = Unfold_nth eref })
let make_extern pri pat tacast =
let hdconstr = try_head_pattern pat in
- { pri=pri;
+ { pri = pri;
pat = pat;
- code= Extern tacast })
+ name = PathAny;
+ code = Extern tacast })
-let make_trivial env sigma c =
+let make_trivial env sigma ?(name=PathAny) c =
let t = hnf_constr env sigma (type_of env sigma c) in
let hd = head_of_constr_reference (fst (head_constr t)) in
let ce = mk_clenv_from dummy_goal (c,t) in
(Some hd, { pri=1;
- pat = Some (snd (Pattern.pattern_of_constr sigma (clenv_type ce)));
- code=Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail(c,{ce with env=empty_env}) })
+ pat = Some (snd (Pattern.pattern_of_constr sigma (clenv_type ce)));
+ name = name;
+ code=Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail(c,t) })
open Vernacexpr
@@ -402,23 +606,39 @@ let add_transparency dbname grs b =
st grs
in searchtable_add (dbname, Hint_db.set_transparent_state db st')
-type hint_action = | CreateDB of bool * transparent_state
- | AddTransparency of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
- | AddTactic of (global_reference option * pri_auto_tactic) list
+let remove_hint dbname grs =
+ let db = get_db dbname in
+ let db' = Hint_db.remove_list grs db in
+ searchtable_add (dbname, db')
+type hint_action =
+ | CreateDB of bool * transparent_state
+ | AddTransparency of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
+ | AddHints of hint_entry list
+ | RemoveHints of global_reference list
+ | AddCut of hints_path
+let add_cut dbname path =
+ let db = get_db dbname in
+ let db' = Hint_db.add_cut path db in
+ searchtable_add (dbname, db')
+type hint_obj = bool * string * hint_action (* locality, name, action *)
let cache_autohint (_,(local,name,hints)) =
match hints with
| CreateDB (b, st) -> searchtable_add (name, Hint_db.empty st b)
| AddTransparency (grs, b) -> add_transparency name grs b
- | AddTactic hints -> add_hint name hints
+ | AddHints hints -> add_hint name hints
+ | RemoveHints grs -> remove_hint name grs
+ | AddCut path -> add_cut name path
let forward_subst_tactic =
ref (fun _ -> failwith "subst_tactic is not installed for auto")
let set_extern_subst_tactic f = forward_subst_tactic := f
-let subst_autohint (subst,(local,name,hintlist as obj)) =
- let trans_clenv clenv = Clenv.subst_clenv subst clenv in
+let subst_autohint (subst,(local,name,hintlist as obj)) =
let subst_key gr =
let (lab'', elab') = subst_global subst gr in
let gr' =
@@ -428,90 +648,72 @@ let subst_autohint (subst,(local,name,hintlist as obj)) =
let subst_hint (k,data as hint) =
let k' = Option.smartmap subst_key k in
- let data' = match data.code with
- | Res_pf (c, clenv) ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let clenv' = trans_clenv clenv in
- let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
- if c==c' && clenv'==clenv && pat'==data.pat then data else
- {data with
- pat=pat';
- code=Res_pf (c', clenv')}
- | ERes_pf (c, clenv) ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let clenv' = trans_clenv clenv in
- let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
- if c==c' && clenv'==clenv && pat'==data.pat then data else
- {data with
- pat=pat';
- code=ERes_pf (c', clenv')}
+ let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
+ let code' = match data.code with
+ | Res_pf (c,t) ->
+ let c' = subst_mps subst c in
+ let t' = subst_mps subst t in
+ if c==c' && t'==t then data.code else Res_pf (c', t')
+ | ERes_pf (c,t) ->
+ let c' = subst_mps subst c in
+ let t' = subst_mps subst t in
+ if c==c' && t'==t then data.code else ERes_pf (c',t')
| Give_exact c ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
- if c==c' && pat'==data.pat then data else
- {data with
- pat=pat';
- code=(Give_exact c')}
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c, clenv) ->
- let c' = subst_mps subst c in
- let clenv' = trans_clenv clenv in
- let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
- if c==c' && clenv'==clenv && pat'==data.pat then data else
- {data with
- pat=pat';
- code=Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c',clenv')}
+ let c' = subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then data.code else Give_exact c'
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,t) ->
+ let c' = subst_mps subst c in
+ let t' = subst_mps subst t in
+ if c==c' && t==t' then data.code else Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c',t')
| Unfold_nth ref ->
let ref' = subst_evaluable_reference subst ref in
- let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
- if ref==ref' && pat'==data.pat then data else
- {data with
- pat=pat';
- code=(Unfold_nth ref')}
+ if ref==ref' then data.code else Unfold_nth ref'
| Extern tac ->
let tac' = !forward_subst_tactic subst tac in
- let pat' = Option.smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat in
- if tac==tac' && pat'==data.pat then data else
- {data with
- pat=pat';
- code=(Extern tac')}
+ if tac==tac' then data.code else Extern tac'
- if k' == k && data' == data then hint else
- (k',data')
+ let data' =
+ if data.pat==pat' && data.code==code' then data
+ else { data with pat = pat'; code = code' }
+ in
+ if k' == k && data' == data then hint else (k',data')
match hintlist with
| CreateDB _ -> obj
| AddTransparency (grs, b) ->
let grs' = list_smartmap (subst_evaluable_reference subst) grs in
if grs==grs' then obj else (local, name, AddTransparency (grs', b))
- | AddTactic hintlist ->
+ | AddHints hintlist ->
let hintlist' = list_smartmap subst_hint hintlist in
if hintlist' == hintlist then obj else
- (local,name,AddTactic hintlist')
+ (local,name,AddHints hintlist')
+ | RemoveHints grs ->
+ let grs' = list_smartmap (fun x -> fst (subst_global subst x)) grs in
+ if grs==grs' then obj else (local, name, RemoveHints grs')
+ | AddCut path ->
+ let path' = subst_hints_path subst path in
+ if path' == path then obj else (local, name, AddCut path')
let classify_autohint ((local,name,hintlist) as obj) =
- if local or hintlist = (AddTactic []) then Dispose else Substitute obj
+ if local or hintlist = (AddHints []) then Dispose else Substitute obj
-let discharge_autohint (_,(local,name,hintlist as obj)) =
- if local then None else
- match hintlist with
- | CreateDB _ ->
- (* We assume that the transparent state is either empty or full *)
- Some obj
- | AddTransparency _ | AddTactic _ ->
- (* Needs the adequate code here to support Global Hints in sections *)
- None
-let (inAutoHint,_) =
+let inAutoHint : hint_obj -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "AUTOHINT") with
cache_function = cache_autohint;
load_function = (fun _ -> cache_autohint);
subst_function = subst_autohint;
- classify_function = classify_autohint }
+ classify_function = classify_autohint; }
let create_hint_db l n st b =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint (l,n,CreateDB (b, st)))
+let remove_hints local dbnames grs =
+ let dbnames = if dbnames = [] then ["core"] else dbnames in
+ List.iter
+ (fun dbname ->
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inAutoHint(local, dbname, RemoveHints grs)))
+ dbnames
(* The "Hint" vernacular command *)
@@ -520,16 +722,21 @@ let add_resolves env sigma clist local dbnames =
(fun dbname ->
- (local,dbname, AddTactic
- (List.flatten ( (fun (x, hnf, y) ->
- make_resolves env sigma (true,hnf,Flags.is_verbose()) x y) clist)))))
+ (local,dbname, AddHints
+ (List.flatten ( (fun (x, hnf, path, y) ->
+ make_resolves env sigma (true,hnf,Flags.is_verbose()) x ~name:path y) clist)))))
let add_unfolds l local dbnames =
(fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
- (inAutoHint (local,dbname, AddTactic ( make_unfold l))))
+ (inAutoHint (local,dbname, AddHints ( make_unfold l))))
+ dbnames
+let add_cuts l local dbnames =
+ List.iter
+ (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (inAutoHint (local,dbname, AddCut l)))
let add_transparency l b local dbnames =
@@ -550,10 +757,10 @@ let add_extern pri pat tacast local dbname =
(str "The meta-variable ?" ++ Ppconstr.pr_patvar i ++ str" is not bound.")
| [] ->
- (inAutoHint(local,dbname, AddTactic [make_extern pri (Some pat) tacast])))
+ (inAutoHint(local,dbname, AddHints [make_extern pri (Some pat) tacast])))
| None ->
- (inAutoHint(local,dbname, AddTactic [make_extern pri None tacast]))
+ (inAutoHint(local,dbname, AddHints [make_extern pri None tacast]))
let add_externs pri pat tacast local dbnames =
List.iter (add_extern pri pat tacast local) dbnames
@@ -562,7 +769,8 @@ let add_trivials env sigma l local dbnames =
(fun dbname ->
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (
- inAutoHint(local,dbname, AddTactic ( (make_trivial env sigma) l))))
+ inAutoHint(local,dbname,
+ AddHints ( (fun (name, c) -> make_trivial env sigma ~name c) l))))
let forward_intern_tac =
@@ -571,8 +779,9 @@ let forward_intern_tac =
let set_extern_intern_tac f = forward_intern_tac := f
type hints_entry =
- | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * constr) list
- | HintsImmediateEntry of constr list
+ | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * hints_path_atom * constr) list
+ | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * constr) list
+ | HintsCutEntry of hints_path
| HintsUnfoldEntry of evaluable_global_reference list
| HintsTransparencyEntry of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
| HintsExternEntry of
@@ -580,24 +789,69 @@ type hints_entry =
| HintsDestructEntry of identifier * int * (bool,unit) location *
(patvar list * constr_pattern) * glob_tactic_expr
+let h = id_of_string "H"
+exception Found of constr * types
+let prepare_hint env (sigma,c) =
+ let sigma = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:false env sigma in
+ (* We re-abstract over uninstantiated evars.
+ It is actually a bit stupid to generalize over evars since the first
+ thing make_resolves will do is to re-instantiate the products *)
+ let c = drop_extra_implicit_args (Evarutil.nf_evar sigma c) in
+ let vars = ref (collect_vars c) in
+ let subst = ref [] in
+ let rec find_next_evar c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (evk,args as ev) ->
+ (* We skip the test whether args is the identity or not *)
+ let t = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma (existential_type sigma ev) in
+ let t = List.fold_right (fun (e,id) c -> replace_term e id c) !subst t in
+ if free_rels t <> Intset.empty then
+ error "Hints with holes dependent on a bound variable not supported.";
+ if occur_existential t then
+ (* Not clever enough to construct dependency graph of evars *)
+ error "Not clever enough to deal with evars dependent in other evars.";
+ raise (Found (c,t))
+ | _ -> iter_constr find_next_evar c in
+ let rec iter c =
+ try find_next_evar c; c
+ with Found (evar,t) ->
+ let id = next_ident_away_from h (fun id -> Idset.mem id !vars) in
+ vars := Idset.add id !vars;
+ subst := (evar,mkVar id)::!subst;
+ mkNamedLambda id t (iter (replace_term evar (mkVar id) c)) in
+ iter c
+let path_of_constr_expr c =
+ match c with
+ | Topconstr.CRef r -> (try PathHints [global r] with _ -> PathAny)
+ | _ -> PathAny
let interp_hints h =
- let f = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) in
+ let f c =
+ let evd,c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c in
+ let c = prepare_hint (Global.env()) (evd,c) in
+ Evarutil.check_evars (Global.env()) Evd.empty evd c;
+ c in
let fr r =
let gr = global_with_alias r in
let r' = evaluable_of_global_reference (Global.env()) gr in
Dumpglob.add_glob (loc_of_reference r) gr;
r' in
+ let fres (o, b, c) = (o, b, path_of_constr_expr c, f c) in
+ let fi c = path_of_constr_expr c, f c in
let fp = Constrintern.intern_constr_pattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) in
match h with
- | HintsResolve lhints -> HintsResolveEntry ( (on_pi3 f) lhints)
- | HintsImmediate lhints -> HintsImmediateEntry ( f lhints)
+ | HintsResolve lhints -> HintsResolveEntry ( fres lhints)
+ | HintsImmediate lhints -> HintsImmediateEntry ( fi lhints)
| HintsUnfold lhints -> HintsUnfoldEntry ( fr lhints)
| HintsTransparency (lhints, b) ->
HintsTransparencyEntry ( fr lhints, b)
| HintsConstructors lqid ->
let constr_hints_of_ind qid =
let ind = global_inductive_with_alias qid in
- list_tabulate (fun i -> None, true, mkConstruct (ind,i+1))
+ list_tabulate (fun i -> let c = (ind,i+1) in
+ None, true, PathHints [ConstructRef c], mkConstruct c)
(nconstructors ind) in
HintsResolveEntry (List.flatten ( constr_hints_of_ind lqid))
| HintsExtern (pri, patcom, tacexp) ->
@@ -609,11 +863,14 @@ let interp_hints h =
HintsDestructEntry (na,pri,loc,pat,!forward_intern_tac l code)
let add_hints local dbnames0 h =
+ if List.mem "nocore" dbnames0 then
+ error "The hint database \"nocore\" is meant to stay empty.";
let dbnames = if dbnames0 = [] then ["core"] else dbnames0 in
let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
match h with
| HintsResolveEntry lhints -> add_resolves env sigma lhints local dbnames
| HintsImmediateEntry lhints -> add_trivials env sigma lhints local dbnames
+ | HintsCutEntry lhints -> add_cuts lhints local dbnames
| HintsUnfoldEntry lhints -> add_unfolds lhints local dbnames
| HintsTransparencyEntry (lhints, b) ->
add_transparency lhints b local dbnames
@@ -639,8 +896,8 @@ let pr_autotactic =
| Extern tac ->
(str "(external) " ++ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env()) tac)
-let pr_hint v =
- (pr_autotactic v.code ++ str"(" ++ int v.pri ++ str")" ++ spc ())
+let pr_hint (id, v) =
+ (pr_autotactic v.code ++ str"(level " ++ int v.pri ++ str", id " ++ int id ++ str ")" ++ spc ())
let pr_hint_list hintlist =
(str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist pr_hint hintlist) ++ fnl ())
@@ -655,7 +912,7 @@ let pr_hint_list_for_head c =
let dbs = Hintdbmap.to_list !searchtable in
let valid_dbs =
- (fun (name,db) -> (name,db,Hint_db.map_all c db))
+ (fun (name,db) -> (name,db, (fun v -> 0, v) (Hint_db.map_all c db)))
if valid_dbs = [] then
@@ -682,6 +939,7 @@ let pr_hint_term cl =
else Hint_db.map_auto (hd, applist (hdc,args))
with Bound -> Hint_db.map_none
+ let fn db = (fun x -> 0, x) (fn db) in
map_succeed (fun (name, db) -> (name, db, fn db)) dbs
if valid_dbs = [] then
@@ -700,8 +958,12 @@ let print_hint_term cl = ppnl (pr_hint_term cl)
(* print all hints that apply to the concl of the current goal *)
let print_applicable_hint () =
let pts = get_pftreestate () in
- let gl = nth_goal_of_pftreestate 1 pts in
- print_hint_term (pf_concl gl)
+ let glss = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in
+ match with
+ | [] -> Util.error "No focused goal."
+ | g::_ ->
+ let gl = { = g; sigma = glss.Evd.sigma } in
+ print_hint_term (pf_concl gl)
(* displays the whole hint database db *)
let print_hint_db db =
@@ -711,17 +973,18 @@ let print_hint_db db =
else str"Non-discriminated database")));
msgnl (hov 2 (str"Unfoldable variable definitions: " ++ pr_idpred ids));
msgnl (hov 2 (str"Unfoldable constant definitions: " ++ pr_cpred csts));
+ msgnl (hov 2 (str"Cut: " ++ pp_hints_path (Hint_db.cut db)));
(fun head hintlist ->
match head with
| Some head ->
msg (hov 0
(str "For " ++ pr_global head ++ str " -> " ++
- pr_hint_list hintlist))
+ pr_hint_list ( (fun x -> (0,x)) hintlist)))
| None ->
msg (hov 0
(str "For any goal -> " ++
- pr_hint_list hintlist)))
+ pr_hint_list ( (fun x -> (0, x)) hintlist))))
let print_hint_db_by_name dbname =
@@ -746,7 +1009,7 @@ let print_searchtable () =
(* tactics with a trace mechanism for automatic search *)
-let priority l = List.filter (fun (_,hint) -> hint.pri = 0) l
+let priority l = List.filter (fun (_, hint) -> hint.pri = 0) l
(* tell auto not to reuse already instantiated metas in unification (for
compatibility, since otherwise, apply succeeds oftener) *)
@@ -755,10 +1018,18 @@ open Unification
let auto_unif_flags = {
modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some full_transparent_state;
- use_metas_eagerly = false;
+ use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = false;
modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
+ modulo_delta_types = full_transparent_state;
+ check_applied_meta_types = false;
resolve_evars = true;
- use_evars_pattern_unification = false;
+ use_pattern_unification = false;
+ use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
+ frozen_evars = ExistentialSet.empty;
+ restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false; (* Compat *)
+ modulo_betaiota = false;
+ modulo_eta = true;
+ allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = false
(* Try unification with the precompiled clause, then use registered Apply *)
@@ -769,12 +1040,12 @@ let h_clenv_refine ev c clenv =
let unify_resolve_nodelta (c,clenv) gl =
let clenv' = connect_clenv gl clenv in
- let clenv'' = clenv_unique_resolver false ~flags:auto_unif_flags clenv' gl in
+ let clenv'' = clenv_unique_resolver ~flags:auto_unif_flags clenv' gl in
h_clenv_refine false c clenv'' gl
let unify_resolve flags (c,clenv) gl =
let clenv' = connect_clenv gl clenv in
- let clenv'' = clenv_unique_resolver false ~flags clenv' gl in
+ let clenv'' = clenv_unique_resolver ~flags clenv' gl in
h_clenv_refine false c clenv'' gl
let unify_resolve_gen = function
@@ -783,40 +1054,44 @@ let unify_resolve_gen = function
(* Util *)
-let expand_constructor_hints lems =
- list_map_append (fun lem ->
+let expand_constructor_hints env lems =
+ list_map_append (fun (sigma,lem) ->
match kind_of_term lem with
| Ind ind ->
list_tabulate (fun i -> mkConstruct (ind,i+1)) (nconstructors ind)
| _ ->
- [lem]) lems
+ [prepare_hint env (sigma,lem)]) lems
(* builds a hint database from a constr signature *)
(* typically used with (lid, ltyp) = pf_hyps_types <some goal> *)
let add_hint_lemmas eapply lems hint_db gl =
- let lems = expand_constructor_hints lems in
+ let lems = expand_constructor_hints (pf_env gl) lems in
let hintlist' =
list_map_append (pf_apply make_resolves gl (eapply,true,false) None) lems in
Hint_db.add_list hintlist' hint_db
-let make_local_hint_db eapply lems gl =
+let make_local_hint_db ?ts eapply lems gl =
let sign = pf_hyps gl in
+ let ts = match ts with
+ | None -> Hint_db.transparent_state (searchtable_map "core")
+ | Some ts -> ts
+ in
let hintlist = list_map_append (pf_apply make_resolve_hyp gl) sign in
add_hint_lemmas eapply lems
- (Hint_db.add_list hintlist (Hint_db.empty empty_transparent_state false)) gl
+ (Hint_db.add_list hintlist (Hint_db.empty ts false)) gl
(* Serait-ce possible de compiler d'abord la tactique puis de faire la
- substitution sans passer par bdize dont l'objectif est de préparer un
+ substitution sans passer par bdize dont l'objectif est de préparer un
terme pour l'affichage ? (HH) *)
-(* Si on enlève le dernier argument (gl) conclPattern est calculé une
+(* Si on enlève le dernier argument (gl) conclPattern est calculé une
fois pour toutes : en particulier si Pattern.somatch produit une UserError
-Ce qui fait que si la conclusion ne matche pas le pattern, Auto échoue, même
-si après Intros la conclusion matche le pattern.
+Ce qui fait que si la conclusion ne matche pas le pattern, Auto échoue, même
+si après Intros la conclusion matche le pattern.
-(* conclPattern doit échouer avec error car il est rattraper par tclFIRST *)
+(* conclPattern doit échouer avec error car il est rattraper par tclFIRST *)
let forward_interp_tactic =
ref (fun _ -> failwith "interp_tactic is not installed for auto")
@@ -837,8 +1112,8 @@ let conclPattern concl pat tac gl =
(* local_db is a Hint database containing the hypotheses of current goal *)
-(* Papageno : cette fonction a été pas mal simplifiée depuis que la base
- de Hint impérative a été remplacée par plusieurs bases fonctionnelles *)
+(* Papageno : cette fonction a été pas mal simplifiée depuis que la base
+ de Hint impérative a été remplacée par plusieurs bases fonctionnelles *)
let flags_of_state st =
{auto_unif_flags with
@@ -864,7 +1139,7 @@ let rec trivial_fail_db mod_delta db_list local_db gl =
+ ( (fun tac -> tclCOMPLETE tac)
(trivial_resolve mod_delta db_list local_db (pf_concl gl)))) gl
and my_find_search_nodelta db_list local_db hdc concl =
@@ -876,7 +1151,7 @@ and my_find_search mod_delta =
else my_find_search_nodelta
and my_find_search_delta db_list local_db hdc concl =
- let flags = {auto_unif_flags with use_metas_eagerly = true} in
+ let flags = {auto_unif_flags with use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true} in
let f = hintmap_of hdc concl in
if occur_existential concl then
@@ -906,20 +1181,23 @@ and my_find_search_delta db_list local_db hdc concl =
in (fun x -> (Some flags,x)) l)
-and tac_of_hint db_list local_db concl (flags, {pat=p; code=t}) =
- match t with
- | Res_pf (term,cl) -> unify_resolve_gen flags (term,cl)
- | ERes_pf (_,c) -> (fun gl -> error "eres_pf")
- | Give_exact c -> exact_check c
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) ->
+and tac_of_hint db_list local_db concl (flags, ({pat=p; code=t})) =
+ let tactic =
+ match t with
+ | Res_pf (c,cl) -> unify_resolve_gen flags (c,cl)
+ | ERes_pf _ -> (fun gl -> error "eres_pf")
+ | Give_exact c -> exact_check c
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,cl) ->
- (unify_resolve_gen flags (term,cl))
+ (unify_resolve_gen flags (c,cl))
(trivial_fail_db (flags <> None) db_list local_db)
- | Unfold_nth c -> (fun gl ->
- if exists_evaluable_reference (pf_env gl) c then
- tclPROGRESS (h_reduce (Unfold [all_occurrences_expr,c]) onConcl) gl
- else tclFAIL 0 (str"Unbound reference") gl)
- | Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl p tacast
+ | Unfold_nth c ->
+ (fun gl ->
+ if exists_evaluable_reference (pf_env gl) c then
+ tclPROGRESS (h_reduce (Unfold [all_occurrences_expr,c]) onConcl) gl
+ else tclFAIL 0 (str"Unbound reference") gl)
+ | Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl p tacast
+ in tactic
and trivial_resolve mod_delta db_list local_db cl =
@@ -933,21 +1211,25 @@ and trivial_resolve mod_delta db_list local_db cl =
(my_find_search mod_delta db_list local_db head cl))
with Not_found -> []
-let trivial lems dbnames gl =
- let db_list =
- (fun x ->
- try
- searchtable_map x
- with Not_found ->
- error_no_such_hint_database x)
- ("core"::dbnames)
+(** The use of the "core" database can be de-activated by passing
+ "nocore" amongst the databases. *)
+let make_db_list dbnames =
+ let use_core = not (List.mem "nocore" dbnames) in
+ let dbnames = list_remove "nocore" dbnames in
+ let dbnames = if use_core then "core"::dbnames else dbnames in
+ let lookup db =
+ try searchtable_map db with Not_found -> error_no_such_hint_database db
+ lookup dbnames
+let trivial lems dbnames gl =
+ let db_list = make_db_list dbnames in
tclTRY (trivial_fail_db false db_list (make_local_hint_db false lems gl)) gl
let full_trivial lems gl =
let dbnames = Hintdbmap.dom !searchtable in
- let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
+ let dbnames = list_remove "v62" dbnames in
let db_list = (fun x -> searchtable_map x) dbnames in
tclTRY (trivial_fail_db false db_list (make_local_hint_db false lems gl)) gl
@@ -955,10 +1237,8 @@ let gen_trivial lems = function
| None -> full_trivial lems
| Some l -> trivial lems l
-let inj_open c = (Evd.empty,c)
let h_trivial lems l =
- Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacTrivial (lems,l))
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacTrivial ( snd lems,l))
(gen_trivial lems l)
@@ -1051,15 +1331,7 @@ let search = search_gen 0
let default_search_depth = ref 5
let delta_auto mod_delta n lems dbnames gl =
- let db_list =
- (fun x ->
- try
- searchtable_map x
- with Not_found ->
- error_no_such_hint_database x)
- ("core"::dbnames)
- in
+ let db_list = make_db_list dbnames in
tclTRY (search n mod_delta db_list (make_local_hint_db false lems gl)) gl
let auto = delta_auto false
@@ -1070,7 +1342,7 @@ let default_auto = auto !default_search_depth [] []
let delta_full_auto mod_delta n lems gl =
let dbnames = Hintdbmap.dom !searchtable in
- let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
+ let dbnames = list_remove "v62" dbnames in
let db_list = (fun x -> searchtable_map x) dbnames in
tclTRY (search n mod_delta db_list (make_local_hint_db false lems gl)) gl
@@ -1088,7 +1360,7 @@ let gen_auto n lems dbnames =
let inj_or_var = (fun n -> ArgArg n)
let h_auto n lems l =
- Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacAuto (inj_or_var n,lems,l))
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacAuto (inj_or_var n, snd lems,l))
(gen_auto n lems l)
@@ -1117,7 +1389,7 @@ let dauto (n,p) lems =
let default_dauto = dauto (None,None) []
let h_dauto (n,p) lems =
- Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDAuto (inj_or_var n,p,lems))
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDAuto (inj_or_var n,p, snd lems))
(dauto (n,p) lems)
diff --git a/tactics/auto.mli b/tactics/auto.mli
index eef6a0ee..521c5ed2 100644
--- a/tactics/auto.mli
+++ b/tactics/auto.mli
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: auto.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
open Names
open Term
@@ -22,31 +19,52 @@ open Evd
open Libnames
open Vernacexpr
open Mod_subst
-type auto_tactic =
- | Res_pf of constr * clausenv (* Hint Apply *)
- | ERes_pf of constr * clausenv (* Hint EApply *)
+(** Auto and related automation tactics *)
+type 'a auto_tactic =
+ | Res_pf of constr * 'a (** Hint Apply *)
+ | ERes_pf of constr * 'a (** Hint EApply *)
| Give_exact of constr
- | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of constr * clausenv (* Hint Immediate *)
- | Unfold_nth of evaluable_global_reference (* Hint Unfold *)
- | Extern of Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr (* Hint Extern *)
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of constr * 'a (** Hint Immediate *)
+ | Unfold_nth of evaluable_global_reference (** Hint Unfold *)
+ | Extern of Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr (** Hint Extern *)
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
-type pri_auto_tactic = {
- pri : int; (* A number between 0 and 4, 4 = lower priority *)
- pat : constr_pattern option; (* A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
- code : auto_tactic; (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
+type hints_path_atom =
+ | PathHints of global_reference list
+ | PathAny
+type 'a gen_auto_tactic = {
+ pri : int; (** A number between 0 and 4, 4 = lower priority *)
+ pat : constr_pattern option; (** A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
+ name : hints_path_atom; (** A potential name to refer to the hint *)
+ code : 'a auto_tactic; (** the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
-type stored_data = pri_auto_tactic
+type pri_auto_tactic = clausenv gen_auto_tactic
+type stored_data = int * clausenv gen_auto_tactic
type search_entry
-(* The head may not be bound. *)
+(** The head may not be bound. *)
-type hint_entry = global_reference option * pri_auto_tactic
+type hint_entry = global_reference option * types gen_auto_tactic
+type hints_path =
+ | PathAtom of hints_path_atom
+ | PathStar of hints_path
+ | PathSeq of hints_path * hints_path
+ | PathOr of hints_path * hints_path
+ | PathEmpty
+ | PathEpsilon
+val normalize_path : hints_path -> hints_path
+val path_matches : hints_path -> hints_path_atom list -> bool
+val path_derivate : hints_path -> hints_path_atom -> hints_path
+val pp_hints_path : hints_path -> Pp.std_ppcmds
module Hint_db :
@@ -58,12 +76,17 @@ module Hint_db :
val map_auto : global_reference * constr -> t -> pri_auto_tactic list
val add_one : hint_entry -> t -> t
val add_list : (hint_entry) list -> t -> t
- val iter : (global_reference option -> stored_data list -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val remove_one : global_reference -> t -> t
+ val remove_list : global_reference list -> t -> t
+ val iter : (global_reference option -> pri_auto_tactic list -> unit) -> t -> unit
val use_dn : t -> bool
val transparent_state : t -> transparent_state
val set_transparent_state : t -> transparent_state -> t
+ val add_cut : hints_path -> t -> t
+ val cut : t -> hints_path
val unfolds : t -> Idset.t * Cset.t
@@ -72,8 +95,9 @@ type hint_db_name = string
type hint_db = Hint_db.t
type hints_entry =
- | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * constr) list
- | HintsImmediateEntry of constr list
+ | HintsResolveEntry of (int option * bool * hints_path_atom * constr) list
+ | HintsImmediateEntry of (hints_path_atom * constr) list
+ | HintsCutEntry of hints_path
| HintsUnfoldEntry of evaluable_global_reference list
| HintsTransparencyEntry of evaluable_global_reference list * bool
| HintsExternEntry of
@@ -85,19 +109,23 @@ val searchtable_map : hint_db_name -> hint_db
val searchtable_add : (hint_db_name * hint_db) -> unit
-(* [create_hint_db local name st use_dn].
+(** [create_hint_db local name st use_dn].
[st] is a transparency state for unification using this db
[use_dn] switches the use of the discrimination net for all hints
and patterns. *)
val create_hint_db : bool -> hint_db_name -> transparent_state -> bool -> unit
+val remove_hints : bool -> hint_db_name list -> global_reference list -> unit
val current_db_names : unit -> hint_db_name list
val interp_hints : hints_expr -> hints_entry
val add_hints : locality_flag -> hint_db_name list -> hints_entry -> unit
+val prepare_hint : env -> open_constr -> constr
val print_searchtable : unit -> unit
val print_applicable_hint : unit -> unit
@@ -108,13 +136,13 @@ val print_hint_db_by_name : hint_db_name -> unit
val print_hint_db : Hint_db.t -> unit
-(* [make_exact_entry pri (c, ctyp)].
+(** [make_exact_entry pri (c, ctyp)].
[c] is the term given as an exact proof to solve the goal;
[ctyp] is the type of [c]. *)
-val make_exact_entry : evar_map -> int option -> constr * constr -> hint_entry
+val make_exact_entry : evar_map -> int option -> ?name:hints_path_atom -> constr * constr -> hint_entry
-(* [make_apply_entry (eapply,verbose) pri (c,cty)].
+(** [make_apply_entry (eapply,hnf,verbose) pri (c,cty)].
[eapply] is true if this hint will be used only with EApply;
[hnf] should be true if we should expand the head of cty before searching for
@@ -122,21 +150,21 @@ val make_exact_entry : evar_map -> int option -> constr * constr -> hint_entry
[cty] is the type of [c]. *)
val make_apply_entry :
- env -> evar_map -> bool * bool * bool -> int option -> constr * constr
- -> hint_entry
+ env -> evar_map -> bool * bool * bool -> int option -> ?name:hints_path_atom ->
+ constr * constr -> hint_entry
-(* A constr which is Hint'ed will be:
- (1) used as an Exact, if it does not start with a product
- (2) used as an Apply, if its HNF starts with a product, and
- has no missing arguments.
- (3) used as an EApply, if its HNF starts with a product, and
- has missing arguments. *)
+(** A constr which is Hint'ed will be:
+ - (1) used as an Exact, if it does not start with a product
+ - (2) used as an Apply, if its HNF starts with a product, and
+ has no missing arguments.
+ - (3) used as an EApply, if its HNF starts with a product, and
+ has missing arguments. *)
val make_resolves :
- env -> evar_map -> bool * bool * bool -> int option -> constr ->
- hint_entry list
+ env -> evar_map -> bool * bool * bool -> int option -> ?name:hints_path_atom ->
+ constr -> hint_entry list
-(* [make_resolve_hyp hname htyp].
+(** [make_resolve_hyp hname htyp].
used to add an hypothesis to the local hint database;
Never raises a user exception;
If the hyp cannot be used as a Hint, the empty list is returned. *)
@@ -144,7 +172,7 @@ val make_resolves :
val make_resolve_hyp :
env -> evar_map -> named_declaration -> hint_entry list
-(* [make_extern pri pattern tactic_expr] *)
+(** [make_extern pri pattern tactic_expr] *)
val make_extern :
int -> constr_pattern option -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr
@@ -161,11 +189,11 @@ val set_extern_subst_tactic :
(substitution -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr)
-> unit
-(* Create a Hint database from the pairs (name, constr).
+(** Create a Hint database from the pairs (name, constr).
Useful to take the current goal hypotheses as hints;
Boolean tells if lemmas with evars are allowed *)
-val make_local_hint_db : bool -> constr list -> goal sigma -> hint_db
+val make_local_hint_db : ?ts:transparent_state -> bool -> open_constr list -> goal sigma -> hint_db
val priority : ('a * pri_auto_tactic) list -> ('a * pri_auto_tactic) list
@@ -173,63 +201,69 @@ val default_search_depth : int ref
val auto_unif_flags : Unification.unify_flags
-(* Try unification with the precompiled clause, then use registered Apply *)
+(** Try unification with the precompiled clause, then use registered Apply *)
val unify_resolve_nodelta : (constr * clausenv) -> tactic
val unify_resolve : Unification.unify_flags -> (constr * clausenv) -> tactic
-(* [ConclPattern concl pat tacast]:
+(** [ConclPattern concl pat tacast]:
if the term concl matches the pattern pat, (in sense of
[Pattern.somatches], then replace [?1] [?2] metavars in tacast by the
right values to build a tactic *)
val conclPattern : constr -> constr_pattern option -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> tactic
-(* The Auto tactic *)
+(** The Auto tactic *)
-val auto : int -> constr list -> hint_db_name list -> tactic
+(** The use of the "core" database can be de-activated by passing
+ "nocore" amongst the databases. *)
-(* Auto with more delta. *)
+val make_db_list : hint_db_name list -> hint_db list
-val new_auto : int -> constr list -> hint_db_name list -> tactic
+val auto : int -> open_constr list -> hint_db_name list -> tactic
-(* auto with default search depth and with the hint database "core" *)
+(** Auto with more delta. *)
+val new_auto : int -> open_constr list -> hint_db_name list -> tactic
+(** auto with default search depth and with the hint database "core" *)
val default_auto : tactic
-(* auto with all hint databases except the "v62" compatibility database *)
-val full_auto : int -> constr list -> tactic
+(** auto with all hint databases except the "v62" compatibility database *)
+val full_auto : int -> open_constr list -> tactic
-(* auto with all hint databases except the "v62" compatibility database
+(** auto with all hint databases except the "v62" compatibility database
and doing delta *)
-val new_full_auto : int -> constr list -> tactic
+val new_full_auto : int -> open_constr list -> tactic
-(* auto with default search depth and with all hint databases
+(** auto with default search depth and with all hint databases
except the "v62" compatibility database *)
val default_full_auto : tactic
-(* The generic form of auto (second arg [None] means all bases) *)
-val gen_auto : int option -> constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+(** The generic form of auto (second arg [None] means all bases) *)
+val gen_auto : int option -> open_constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
-(* The hidden version of auto *)
-val h_auto : int option -> constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+(** The hidden version of auto *)
+val h_auto : int option -> open_constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
-(* Trivial *)
-val trivial : constr list -> hint_db_name list -> tactic
-val gen_trivial : constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
-val full_trivial : constr list -> tactic
-val h_trivial : constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+(** Trivial *)
+val trivial : open_constr list -> hint_db_name list -> tactic
+val gen_trivial : open_constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+val full_trivial : open_constr list -> tactic
+val h_trivial : open_constr list -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
-val pr_autotactic : auto_tactic -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_autotactic : 'a auto_tactic -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-(*s The following is not yet up to date -- Papageno. *)
+(** {6 The following is not yet up to date -- Papageno. } *)
-(* DAuto *)
-val dauto : int option * int option -> constr list -> tactic
+(** DAuto *)
+val dauto : int option * int option -> open_constr list -> tactic
val default_search_decomp : int ref
val default_dauto : tactic
-val h_dauto : int option * int option -> constr list -> tactic
-(* SuperAuto *)
+val h_dauto : int option * int option -> open_constr list -> tactic
+(** SuperAuto *)
type autoArguments =
| UsingTDB
@@ -241,4 +275,4 @@ val superauto : int -> (identifier * constr) list -> autoArguments list -> tacti
val h_superauto : int option -> reference list -> bool -> bool -> tactic
-val auto_init : (unit -> unit) ref
+val add_auto_init : (unit -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 2a41a8e5..a974c76a 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Equality
open Hipattern
open Names
@@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ open Tactics
open Term
open Termops
open Util
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Vernacinterp
open Tacexpr
open Mod_subst
@@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ let subst_hint subst hint =
let typ' = subst_mps subst hint.rew_type in
let pat' = subst_mps subst hint.rew_pat in
let t' = Tacinterp.subst_tactic subst hint.rew_tac in
- if hint.rew_lemma == cst' && hint.rew_tac == t' then hint else
+ if hint.rew_lemma == cst' && hint.rew_type == typ' && hint.rew_tac == t' then hint else
{ hint with
rew_lemma = cst'; rew_type = typ';
rew_pat = pat'; rew_tac = t' }
@@ -119,7 +117,7 @@ let autorewrite ?(conds=Naive) tac_main lbas =
tclTHEN tac
(one_base (fun dir c tac ->
let tac = tac, conds in
- general_rewrite dir all_occurrences false ~tac c)
+ general_rewrite dir all_occurrences true false ~tac c)
tac_main bas))
tclIDTAC lbas))
@@ -132,16 +130,16 @@ let autorewrite_multi_in ?(conds=Naive) idl tac_main lbas : tactic =
let to_be_cleared = ref false in
fun dir cstr tac gl ->
let last_hyp_id =
- match (Environ.named_context_of_val with
+ match Tacmach.pf_hyps gl with
(last_hyp_id,_,_)::_ -> last_hyp_id
| _ -> (* even the hypothesis id is missing *)
error ("No such hypothesis: " ^ (string_of_id !id) ^".")
- let gl' = general_rewrite_in dir all_occurrences ~tac:(tac, conds) false !id cstr false gl in
- let gls = (fst gl') in
+ let gl' = general_rewrite_in dir all_occurrences true ~tac:(tac, conds) false !id cstr false gl in
+ let gls = gl' in
match gls with
g::_ ->
- (match Environ.named_context_of_val g.Evd.evar_hyps with
+ (match Environ.named_context_of_val (Goal.V82.hyps gl'.Evd.sigma g) with
(lastid,_,_)::_ ->
if last_hyp_id <> lastid then
@@ -225,7 +223,7 @@ let classify_hintrewrite x = Libobject.Substitute x
(* Declaration of the Hint Rewrite library object *)
-let (inHintRewrite,_)=
+let inHintRewrite : string * HintDN.t -> Libobject.obj =
Libobject.declare_object {(Libobject.default_object "HINT_REWRITE") with
Libobject.cache_function = cache_hintrewrite;
Libobject.load_function = (fun _ -> cache_hintrewrite);
@@ -248,7 +246,7 @@ type hypinfo = {
let evd_convertible env evd x y =
- ignore(Unification.w_unify true env Reduction.CONV x y evd); true
+ ignore(Unification.w_unify ~flags:Unification.elim_flags env evd Reduction.CONV x y); true
(* try ignore(Evarconv.the_conv_x env x y evd); true *)
with _ -> false
diff --git a/tactics/autorewrite.mli b/tactics/autorewrite.mli
index ec285500..3205b041 100644
--- a/tactics/autorewrite.mli
+++ b/tactics/autorewrite.mli
@@ -1,34 +1,30 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: autorewrite.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Term
open Tacexpr
open Tacmach
open Equality
-(* Rewriting rules before tactic interpretation *)
+(** Rewriting rules before tactic interpretation *)
type raw_rew_rule = Util.loc * Term.constr * bool * Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr
-(* To add rewriting rules to a base *)
+(** To add rewriting rules to a base *)
val add_rew_rules : string -> raw_rew_rule list -> unit
-(* The AutoRewrite tactic.
+(** The AutoRewrite tactic.
The optional conditions tell rewrite how to handle matching and side-condition solving.
Default is Naive: first match in the clause, don't look at the side-conditions to
tell if the rewrite succeeded. *)
val autorewrite : ?conds:conditions -> tactic -> string list -> tactic
val autorewrite_in : ?conds:conditions -> Names.identifier -> tactic -> string list -> tactic
-(* Rewriting rules *)
+(** Rewriting rules *)
type rew_rule = { rew_lemma: constr;
rew_type: types;
rew_pat: constr;
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 119d8398..c13136b9 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Term
open Names
open Termdn
diff --git a/tactics/btermdn.mli b/tactics/btermdn.mli
index 22d3c3a2..55826df5 100644
--- a/tactics/btermdn.mli
+++ b/tactics/btermdn.mli
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: btermdn.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Term
open Pattern
open Names
-(* Discrimination nets with bounded depth. *)
+(** Discrimination nets with bounded depth. *)
module Make :
functor (Z : Map.OrderedType) ->
diff --git a/tactics/class_tactics.ml4 b/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
index 465d1d80..42df244d 100644
--- a/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
+++ b/tactics/class_tactics.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: class_tactics.ml4 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -19,7 +17,6 @@ open Termops
open Sign
open Reduction
open Proof_type
-open Proof_trees
open Declarations
open Tacticals
open Tacmach
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@ open Tactics
open Pattern
open Clenv
open Auto
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Hiddentac
open Typeclasses
open Typeclasses_errors
@@ -38,77 +35,57 @@ open Pfedit
open Command
open Libnames
open Evd
+open Compat
-let default_eauto_depth = 100
let typeclasses_db = "typeclass_instances"
+let typeclasses_debug = ref false
+let typeclasses_depth = ref None
-let _ = Auto.auto_init := (fun () ->
- Auto.create_hint_db false typeclasses_db full_transparent_state true)
+let _ =
+ Auto.add_auto_init
+ (fun () -> Auto.create_hint_db false typeclasses_db full_transparent_state true)
exception Found of evar_map
-let is_dependent ev evm =
- Evd.fold (fun ev' evi dep ->
- if ev = ev' then dep
- else dep || occur_evar ev evi.evar_concl)
- evm false
-let valid goals p res_sigma l =
- let evm =
- List.fold_left2
- (fun sigma (ev, evi) prf ->
- let cstr, obls = Refiner.extract_open_proof !res_sigma prf in
- if not (Evd.is_defined sigma ev) then
- Evd.define ev cstr sigma
- else sigma)
- !res_sigma goals l
- in raise (Found evm)
-let evar_filter evi =
- let hyps' = evar_filtered_context evi in
- { evi with
- evar_hyps = Environ.val_of_named_context hyps';
- evar_filter = (fun _ -> true) hyps' }
+(** We transform the evars that are concerned by this resolution
+ (according to predicate p) into goals.
+ Invariant: function p only manipulates undefined evars *)
let evars_to_goals p evm =
let goals, evm' =
- Evd.fold
+ Evd.fold_undefined
(fun ev evi (gls, evm') ->
- if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
- let evi', goal = p evm ev evi in
- if goal then
- ((ev, evi') :: gls, Evd.add evm' ev evi')
- else (gls, Evd.add evm' ev evi')
- else (gls, Evd.add evm' ev evi))
- evm ([], Evd.empty)
+ let evi', goal = p evm ev evi in
+ let gls' = if goal then (ev, ev) :: gls else gls in
+ (gls', Evd.add evm' ev evi'))
+ evm ([], Evd.defined_evars evm)
- if goals = [] then None
- else
- let goals = List.rev goals in
- let evm' = evars_reset_evd ~with_conv_pbs:false evm' evm in
- Some (goals, evm')
+ if goals = [] then None else Some (List.rev goals, evm')
(** Typeclasses instance search tactic / eauto *)
-let intersects s t =
- Intset.exists (fun el -> Intset.mem el t) s
open Auto
let e_give_exact flags c gl =
let t1 = (pf_type_of gl c) in
tclTHEN (Clenvtac.unify ~flags t1) (exact_no_check c) gl
-let assumption flags id = e_give_exact flags (mkVar id)
open Unification
let auto_unif_flags = {
modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some full_transparent_state;
- use_metas_eagerly = true;
+ use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true;
modulo_delta = var_full_transparent_state;
+ modulo_delta_types = full_transparent_state;
+ check_applied_meta_types = false;
resolve_evars = false;
- use_evars_pattern_unification = true;
+ use_pattern_unification = true;
+ use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
+ frozen_evars = ExistentialSet.empty;
+ restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false; (* ? *)
+ modulo_betaiota = true;
+ modulo_eta = true;
+ allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = false
let rec eq_constr_mod_evars x y =
@@ -126,18 +103,18 @@ let progress_evars t gl =
in tclTHEN t check gl
TACTIC EXTEND progress_evars
- [ "progress_evars" tactic(t) ] -> [ progress_evars (snd t) ]
+ [ "progress_evars" tactic(t) ] -> [ progress_evars (Tacinterp.eval_tactic t) ]
let unify_e_resolve flags (c,clenv) gls =
let clenv' = connect_clenv gls clenv in
- let clenv' = clenv_unique_resolver false ~flags clenv' gls in
- tclPROGRESS (Clenvtac.clenv_refine true ~with_classes:false clenv') gls
+ let clenv' = clenv_unique_resolver ~flags clenv' gls in
+ Clenvtac.clenv_refine true ~with_classes:false clenv' gls
let unify_resolve flags (c,clenv) gls =
let clenv' = connect_clenv gls clenv in
- let clenv' = clenv_unique_resolver false ~flags clenv' gls in
- tclPROGRESS (Clenvtac.clenv_refine false ~with_classes:false clenv') gls
+ let clenv' = clenv_unique_resolver ~flags clenv' gls in
+ Clenvtac.clenv_refine false ~with_classes:false clenv' gls
let clenv_of_prods nprods (c, clenv) gls =
if nprods = 0 then Some clenv
@@ -157,7 +134,9 @@ let with_prods nprods (c, clenv) f gls =
let flags_of_state st =
{auto_unif_flags with
- modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some st; modulo_delta = st}
+ modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some st; modulo_delta = st;
+ modulo_delta_types = st;
+ modulo_eta = false}
let rec e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db goal =
let tacl =
@@ -168,11 +147,11 @@ let rec e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db goal =
let hintl = make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') d in
(e_trivial_fail_db db_list
(Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) g'))) ::
- ( (fun (x,_,_,_) -> x) (e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal)))
+ ( (fun (x,_,_,_,_) -> x) (e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal)))
tclFIRST ( tclCOMPLETE tacl) goal
-and e_my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl =
+and e_my_find_search db_list local_db hdc complete concl =
let hdc = head_of_constr_reference hdc in
let prods, concl = decompose_prod_assum concl in
let nprods = List.length prods in
@@ -188,7 +167,7 @@ and e_my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl =
let tac_of_hint =
- fun (flags, {pri=b; pat = p; code=t}) ->
+ fun (flags, {pri = b; pat = p; code = t; name = name}) ->
let tac =
match t with
| Res_pf (term,cl) -> with_prods nprods (term,cl) (unify_resolve flags)
@@ -196,66 +175,55 @@ and e_my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl =
| Give_exact (c) -> e_give_exact flags c
| Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) ->
tclTHEN (with_prods nprods (term,cl) (unify_e_resolve flags))
- (e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db)
+ (if complete then tclIDTAC else e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db)
| Unfold_nth c -> tclWEAK_PROGRESS (unfold_in_concl [all_occurrences,c])
- | Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl p tacast
+ | Extern tacast ->
+(* tclTHEN *)
+(* (fun gl -> Refiner.tclEVARS (mark_unresolvables (project gl)) gl) *)
+ (conclPattern concl p tacast)
+ let tac = if complete then tclCOMPLETE tac else tac in
match t with
- | Extern _ -> (tac,b,true,lazy (pr_autotactic t))
- | _ -> (tac,b,false,lazy (pr_autotactic t))
+ | Extern _ -> (tac,b,true, name, lazy (pr_autotactic t))
+ | _ ->
+(* let tac gl = with_pattern (pf_env gl) (project gl) flags p concl tac gl in *)
+ (tac,b,false, name, lazy (pr_autotactic t))
in tac_of_hint hintl
and e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db gl =
e_my_find_search db_list local_db
- (fst (head_constr_bound gl)) gl
+ (fst (head_constr_bound gl)) true gl
with Bound | Not_found -> []
let e_possible_resolve db_list local_db gl =
e_my_find_search db_list local_db
- (fst (head_constr_bound gl)) gl
+ (fst (head_constr_bound gl)) false gl
with Bound | Not_found -> []
let rec catchable = function
| Refiner.FailError _ -> true
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (_, e) -> catchable e
+ | Loc.Exc_located (_, e) -> catchable e
| e -> Logic.catchable_exception e
-let is_dep gl gls =
- let evs = Evarutil.evars_of_term gl.evar_concl in
- if evs = Intset.empty then false
- else
- List.fold_left
- (fun b gl ->
- if b then b
- else
- let evs' = Evarutil.evars_of_term gl.evar_concl in
- intersects evs evs')
- false gls
-let is_ground gl =
- Evarutil.is_ground_term (project gl) (pf_concl gl)
let nb_empty_evars s =
- Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then succ acc else acc) s 0
+ Evd.fold_undefined (fun ev evi acc -> succ acc) s 0
-let pr_ev evs ev = Printer.pr_constr_env (Evd.evar_env ev) (Evarutil.nf_evar evs ev.Evd.evar_concl)
-let typeclasses_debug = ref false
-type validation = evar_map -> proof_tree list -> proof_tree
+let pr_ev evs ev = Printer.pr_constr_env (Goal.V82.env evs ev) (Evarutil.nf_evar evs (Goal.V82.concl evs ev))
let pr_depth l = prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str ".") pr_int (List.rev l)
type autoinfo = { hints : Auto.hint_db; is_evar: existential_key option;
- only_classes: bool; auto_depth: int list; auto_last_tac: std_ppcmds Lazy.t}
+ only_classes: bool; auto_depth: int list; auto_last_tac: std_ppcmds Lazy.t;
+ auto_path : global_reference option list;
+ auto_cut : hints_path }
type autogoal = goal * autoinfo
type 'ans fk = unit -> 'ans
type ('a,'ans) sk = 'a -> 'ans fk -> 'ans
type 'a tac = { skft : 'ans. ('a,'ans) sk -> 'ans fk -> autogoal sigma -> 'ans }
-type auto_result = autogoal list sigma * validation
+type auto_result = autogoal list sigma
type atac = auto_result tac
@@ -272,26 +240,67 @@ let make_resolve_hyp env sigma st flags only_classes pri (id, _, cty) =
if not (eq_constr ty' ar) then iscl env' ty'
else false
- let keep = not only_classes || iscl env cty in
- if keep then let c = mkVar id in
- map_succeed
- (fun f -> try f (c,cty) with UserError _ -> failwith "")
- [make_exact_entry sigma pri; make_apply_entry env sigma flags pri]
+ let is_class = iscl env cty in
+ let keep = not only_classes || is_class in
+ if keep then
+ let c = mkVar id in
+ let name = PathHints [VarRef id] in
+ let hints =
+ if is_class then
+ let hints = build_subclasses ~check:false env sigma (VarRef id) None in
+ (list_map_append
+ (fun (pri, c) -> make_resolves env sigma
+ (true,false,Flags.is_verbose()) pri c)
+ hints)
+ else []
+ in
+ (hints @ map_succeed
+ (fun f -> try f (c,cty) with UserError _ -> failwith "")
+ [make_exact_entry ~name sigma pri; make_apply_entry ~name env sigma flags pri])
else []
let pf_filtered_hyps gls =
- evar_filtered_context (sig_it gls)
+ Goal.V82.hyps gls.Evd.sigma (sig_it gls)
+let make_hints g st only_classes sign =
+ let paths, hintlist =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (paths, hints) hyp ->
+ if is_section_variable (pi1 hyp) then (paths, hints)
+ else
+ let path, hint =
+ PathEmpty, pf_apply make_resolve_hyp g st (true,false,false) only_classes None hyp
+ in
+ (PathOr (paths, path), hint @ hints))
+ (PathEmpty, []) sign
+ in Hint_db.add_list hintlist (Hint_db.empty st true)
+let autogoal_hints_cache : (Environ.named_context_val * hint_db) option ref = ref None
+let freeze () = !autogoal_hints_cache
+let unfreeze v = autogoal_hints_cache := v
+let init () = autogoal_hints_cache := None
+let _ = init ()
-let make_autogoal_hints only_classes ?(st=full_transparent_state) g =
- let sign = pf_filtered_hyps g in
- let hintlist = list_map_append (pf_apply make_resolve_hyp g st (true,false,false) only_classes None) sign in
- Hint_db.add_list hintlist (Hint_db.empty st true)
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "autogoal-hints-cache"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init }
+let make_autogoal_hints =
+ fun only_classes ?(st=full_transparent_state) g ->
+ let sign = pf_filtered_hyps g in
+ match freeze () with
+ | Some (sign', hints) when Environ.eq_named_context_val sign sign' -> hints
+ | _ -> let hints = make_hints g st only_classes (Environ.named_context_of_val sign) in
+ unfreeze (Some (sign, hints)); hints
let lift_tactic tac (f : goal list sigma -> autoinfo -> autogoal list sigma) : 'a tac =
{ skft = fun sk fk {it = gl,hints; sigma=s} ->
let res = try Some (tac {it=gl; sigma=s}) with e when catchable e -> None in
match res with
- | Some (gls,v) -> sk (f gls hints, fun _ -> v) fk
+ | Some gls -> sk (f gls hints) fk
| None -> fk () }
let intro_tac : atac =
@@ -299,28 +308,22 @@ let intro_tac : atac =
(fun {it = gls; sigma = s} info ->
let gls' = (fun g' ->
- let env = evar_env g' in
+ let env = Goal.V82.env s g' in
+ let context = Environ.named_context_of_val (Goal.V82.hyps s g') in
let hint = make_resolve_hyp env s (Hint_db.transparent_state info.hints)
- (true,false,false) info.only_classes None (List.hd (evar_context g')) in
+ (true,false,false) info.only_classes None (List.hd context) in
let ldb = Hint_db.add_list hint info.hints in
(g', { info with is_evar = None; hints = ldb; auto_last_tac = lazy (str"intro") })) gls
in {it = gls'; sigma = s})
let normevars_tac : atac =
- lift_tactic tclNORMEVAR
- (fun {it = gls; sigma = s} info ->
- let gls' =
- (fun g' ->
- (g', { info with auto_last_tac = lazy (str"NORMEVAR") })) gls
- in {it = gls'; sigma = s})
-let id_tac : atac =
- { skft = fun sk fk {it = gl; sigma = s} ->
- sk ({it = [gl]; sigma = s}, fun _ pfs -> List.hd pfs) fk }
+ { skft = fun sk fk {it = (gl, info); sigma = s} ->
+ let gl', sigma' = Goal.V82.nf_evar s gl in
+ let info' = { info with auto_last_tac = lazy (str"normevars") } in
+ sk {it = [gl', info']; sigma = sigma'} fk }
(* Ordering of states is lexicographic on the number of remaining goals. *)
-let compare (pri, _, _, (res, _)) (pri', _, _, (res', _)) =
+let compare (pri, _, _, res) (pri', _, _, res') =
let nbgoals s =
List.length (sig_it s) + nb_empty_evars (sig_sig s)
@@ -331,131 +334,104 @@ let compare (pri, _, _, (res, _)) (pri', _, _, (res', _)) =
let or_tac (x : 'a tac) (y : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
{ skft = fun sk fk gls -> x.skft sk (fun () -> y.skft sk fk gls) gls }
-let solve_tac (x : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
- { skft = fun sk fk gls -> x.skft (fun ({it = gls},_ as res) fk ->
- if gls = [] then sk res fk else fk ()) fk gls }
-let solve_unif_tac : atac =
- { skft = fun sk fk {it = gl; sigma = s} ->
- try let s' = Evarconv.consider_remaining_unif_problems (Global.env ()) s in
- normevars_tac.skft sk fk ({it=gl; sigma=s'})
- with _ -> fk () }
let hints_tac hints =
{ skft = fun sk fk {it = gl,info; sigma = s} ->
- let possible_resolve ((lgls,v) as res, pri, b, pp) =
- (pri, pp, b, res)
- in
- let tacs =
- let concl = gl.evar_concl in
+ let concl = Goal.V82.concl s gl in
+ let tacgl = {it = gl; sigma = s} in
let poss = e_possible_resolve hints info.hints concl in
- let l =
- let tacgl = {it = gl; sigma = s} in
- Util.list_map_append (fun (tac, pri, b, pptac) ->
- try [tac tacgl, pri, b, pptac] with e when catchable e -> [])
- poss
- in
- if l = [] && !typeclasses_debug then
- msgnl (pr_depth info.auto_depth ++ str": no match for " ++
- Printer.pr_constr_env (Evd.evar_env gl) concl ++
- spc () ++ int (List.length poss) ++ str" possibilities");
- possible_resolve l
- in
- let tacs = List.sort compare tacs in
- let rec aux i = function
- | (_, pp, b, ({it = gls; sigma = s}, v)) :: tl ->
- if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (pr_depth (i :: info.auto_depth) ++ str": " ++ Lazy.force pp
- ++ str" on" ++ spc () ++ pr_ev s gl);
- let fk =
- (fun () -> (* if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (str"backtracked after " ++ pp); *)
- aux (succ i) tl)
+ let rec aux i foundone = function
+ | (tac, _, b, name, pp) :: tl ->
+ let derivs = path_derivate info.auto_cut name in
+ let res =
+ try
+ if path_matches derivs [] then None else Some (tac tacgl)
+ with e when catchable e -> None
- let sgls = evars_to_goals (fun evm ev evi ->
- if Typeclasses.is_resolvable evi &&
- (not info.only_classes || Typeclasses.is_class_evar evm evi) then
- Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, true
- else evi, false) s
- in
- let nbgls, newgls, s' =
- let gls' = (fun g -> (None, g)) gls in
- match sgls with
- | None -> List.length gls', gls', s
- | Some (evgls, s') ->
- (List.length gls', gls' @ (fun (ev, x) -> (Some ev, x)) evgls, s')
- in
- let gls' = list_map_i (fun j (evar, g) ->
- let info =
- { info with auto_depth = j :: i :: info.auto_depth; auto_last_tac = pp;
- is_evar = evar;
- hints =
- if b && g.evar_hyps <> gl.evar_hyps
- then make_autogoal_hints info.only_classes
- ~st:(Hint_db.transparent_state info.hints) {it = g; sigma = s'}
- else info.hints }
- in g, info) 1 newgls in
- let glsv = {it = gls'; sigma = s'}, (fun _ pfl -> v (list_firstn nbgls pfl)) in
- sk glsv fk
- | [] -> fk ()
- in aux 1 tacs }
-let evars_of_term c =
- let rec evrec acc c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Evar (n, _) -> Intset.add n acc
- | _ -> fold_constr evrec acc c
- in evrec Intset.empty c
-exception Found_evar of int
-let occur_evars evars c =
- try
- let rec evrec c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Evar (n, _) -> if Intset.mem n evars then raise (Found_evar n) else ()
- | _ -> iter_constr evrec c
- in evrec c; false
- with Found_evar _ -> true
-let dependent only_classes evd oev concl =
- let concl_evars = Intset.union (evars_of_term concl)
- (Option.cata Intset.singleton Intset.empty oev)
- in not (Intset.is_empty concl_evars)
+ (match res with
+ | None -> aux i foundone tl
+ | Some {it = gls; sigma = s'} ->
+ if !typeclasses_debug then
+ msgnl (pr_depth (i :: info.auto_depth) ++ str": " ++ Lazy.force pp
+ ++ str" on" ++ spc () ++ pr_ev s gl);
+ let fk =
+ (fun () -> if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (str"backtracked after " ++ Lazy.force pp);
+ aux (succ i) true tl)
+ in
+ let sgls =
+ evars_to_goals
+ (fun evm ev evi ->
+ if Typeclasses.is_resolvable evi &&
+ (not info.only_classes || Typeclasses.is_class_evar evm evi)
+ then Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, true
+ else evi, false) s'
+ in
+ let newgls, s' =
+ let gls' = (fun g -> (None, g)) gls in
+ match sgls with
+ | None -> gls', s'
+ | Some (evgls, s') ->
+ (* Reorder with dependent subgoals. *)
+ (gls' @ (fun (ev, x) -> Some ev, x) evgls, s')
+ in
+ let gls' = list_map_i
+ (fun j (evar, g) ->
+ let info =
+ { info with auto_depth = j :: i :: info.auto_depth; auto_last_tac = pp;
+ is_evar = evar;
+ hints =
+ if b && not (Environ.eq_named_context_val (Goal.V82.hyps s' g) (Goal.V82.hyps s' gl))
+ then make_autogoal_hints info.only_classes
+ ~st:(Hint_db.transparent_state info.hints) {it = g; sigma = s'}
+ else info.hints;
+ auto_cut = derivs }
+ in g, info) 1 newgls in
+ let glsv = {it = gls'; sigma = s'} in
+ sk glsv fk)
+ | [] ->
+ if not foundone && !typeclasses_debug then
+ msgnl (pr_depth info.auto_depth ++ str": no match for " ++
+ Printer.pr_constr_env (Goal.V82.env s gl) concl ++
+ spc () ++ int (List.length poss) ++ str" possibilities");
+ fk ()
+ in aux 1 false poss }
+let isProp env sigma concl =
+ let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma concl in
+ kind_of_term ty = Sort (Prop Null)
+let needs_backtrack only_classes env evd oev concl =
+ if oev = None || isProp env evd concl then
+ not (Intset.is_empty (Evarutil.evars_of_term concl))
+ else true
let then_list (second : atac) (sk : (auto_result, 'a) sk) : (auto_result, 'a) sk =
- let rec aux s (acc : (autogoal list * validation) list) fk = function
+ let rec aux s (acc : autogoal list list) fk = function
| (gl,info) :: gls ->
- second.skft (fun ({it=gls';sigma=s'},v') fk' ->
- let s', needs_backtrack =
- if gls' = [] then
- match info.is_evar with
- | Some ev ->
- let s' =
- if Evd.is_defined s' ev then s'
- else
- let prf = v' s' [] in
- let term, _ = Refiner.extract_open_proof s' prf in
- Evd.define ev term s'
- in s', dependent info.only_classes s' (Some ev) gl.evar_concl
- | None -> s', dependent info.only_classes s' None gl.evar_concl
- else s', true
- in
- let fk'' = if not needs_backtrack then
- (if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (str"no backtrack on " ++ pr_ev s gl); fk) else fk'
- in aux s' ((gls',v')::acc) fk'' gls)
- fk {it = (gl,info); sigma = s}
+ (match info.is_evar with
+ | Some ev when Evd.is_defined s ev -> aux s acc fk gls
+ | _ ->
+ second.skft
+ (fun {it=gls';sigma=s'} fk' ->
+ let needs_backtrack =
+ if gls' = [] then
+ needs_backtrack info.only_classes
+ (Goal.V82.env s gl) s' info.is_evar (Goal.V82.concl s gl)
+ else true
+ in
+ let fk'' =
+ if not needs_backtrack then
+ (if !typeclasses_debug then msgnl (str"no backtrack on " ++ pr_ev s gl ++
+ str " after " ++ Lazy.force info.auto_last_tac); fk)
+ else fk'
+ in aux s' (gls'::acc) fk'' gls)
+ fk {it = (gl,info); sigma = s})
| [] -> Some (List.rev acc, s, fk)
- in fun ({it = gls; sigma = s},v) fk ->
+ in fun {it = gls; sigma = s} fk ->
let rec aux' = function
| None -> fk ()
| Some (res, s', fk') ->
- let goals' = List.concat ( (fun (gls,v) -> gls) res) in
- let v' s' pfs' : proof_tree =
- let (newpfs, rest) = List.fold_left (fun (newpfs,pfs') (gls,v) ->
- let before, after = list_split_at (List.length gls) pfs' in
- (v s' before :: newpfs, after))
- ([], pfs') res
- in assert(rest = []); v s' (List.rev newpfs)
- in sk ({it = goals'; sigma = s'}, v') (fun () -> aux' (fk' ()))
+ let goals' = List.concat res in
+ sk {it = goals'; sigma = s'} (fun () -> aux' (fk' ()))
in aux' (aux s [] (fun () -> None) gls)
let then_tac (first : atac) (second : atac) : atac =
@@ -468,52 +444,68 @@ type run_list_res = (auto_result * run_list_res fk) option
let run_list_tac (t : 'a tac) p goals (gl : autogoal list sigma) : run_list_res =
(then_list t (fun x fk -> Some (x, fk)))
- (gl, fun s pfs -> valid goals p (ref s) pfs)
+ gl
(fun _ -> None)
+let fail_tac : atac =
+ { skft = fun sk fk _ -> fk () }
let rec fix (t : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
then_tac t { skft = fun sk fk -> (fix t).skft sk fk }
-let make_autogoal ?(only_classes=true) ?(st=full_transparent_state) ev g =
+let rec fix_limit limit (t : 'a tac) : 'a tac =
+ if limit = 0 then fail_tac
+ else then_tac t { skft = fun sk fk -> (fix_limit (pred limit) t).skft sk fk }
+let make_autogoal ?(only_classes=true) ?(st=full_transparent_state) cut ev g =
let hints = make_autogoal_hints only_classes ~st g in
(, { hints = hints ; is_evar = ev;
- only_classes = only_classes; auto_depth = []; auto_last_tac = lazy (mt()) })
+ only_classes = only_classes; auto_depth = []; auto_last_tac = lazy (str"none");
+ auto_path = []; auto_cut = cut })
-let make_autogoals ?(only_classes=true) ?(st=full_transparent_state) gs evm' =
+let cut_of_hints h =
+ List.fold_left (fun cut db -> PathOr (Hint_db.cut db, cut)) PathEmpty h
+let make_autogoals ?(only_classes=true) ?(st=full_transparent_state) hints gs evm' =
+ let cut = cut_of_hints hints in
{ it = list_map_i (fun i g ->
- let (gl, auto) = make_autogoal ~only_classes ~st (Some (fst g)) {it = snd g; sigma = evm'} in
+ let (gl, auto) = make_autogoal ~only_classes ~st cut (Some (fst g)) {it = snd g; sigma = evm'} in
(gl, { auto with auto_depth = [i]})) 1 gs; sigma = evm' }
let get_result r =
match r with
| None -> None
- | Some ((gls, v), fk) ->
- try ignore(v (sig_sig gls) []); assert(false)
- with Found evm' -> Some (evm', fk)
-let run_on_evars ?(only_classes=true) ?(st=full_transparent_state) p evm tac =
+ | Some (gls, fk) -> Some (gls.sigma,fk)
+let run_on_evars ?(only_classes=true) ?(st=full_transparent_state) p evm hints tac =
match evars_to_goals p evm with
| None -> None (* This happens only because there's no evar having p *)
| Some (goals, evm') ->
- let res = run_list_tac tac p goals (make_autogoals ~only_classes ~st goals evm') in
+ let res = run_list_tac tac p goals (make_autogoals ~only_classes ~st hints goals evm') in
match get_result res with
| None -> raise Not_found
- | Some (evm', fk) -> Some (evars_reset_evd evm' evm, fk)
+ | Some (evm', fk) -> Some (evars_reset_evd ~with_conv_pbs:true evm' evm, fk)
let eauto_tac hints =
- fix (or_tac (then_tac normevars_tac (hints_tac hints)) intro_tac)
-let eauto ?(only_classes=true) ?st hints g =
- let gl = { it = make_autogoal ~only_classes ?st None g; sigma = project g } in
- match run_tac (eauto_tac hints) gl with
+ then_tac normevars_tac (or_tac (hints_tac hints) intro_tac)
+let eauto_tac ?limit hints =
+ match limit with
+ | None -> fix (eauto_tac hints)
+ | Some limit -> fix_limit limit (eauto_tac hints)
+let eauto ?(only_classes=true) ?st ?limit hints g =
+ let gl = { it = make_autogoal ~only_classes ?st (cut_of_hints hints) None g; sigma = project g } in
+ match run_tac (eauto_tac ?limit hints) gl with
| None -> raise Not_found
- | Some ({it = goals; sigma = s}, valid) ->
- {it = fst goals; sigma = s}, valid s
+ | Some {it = goals; sigma = s} ->
+ {it = fst goals; sigma = s}
-let real_eauto st hints p evd =
+let real_eauto st ?limit hints p evd =
let rec aux evd fails =
let res, fails =
- try run_on_evars ~st p evd (eauto_tac hints), fails
+ try run_on_evars ~st p evd hints (eauto_tac ?limit hints), fails
with Not_found ->
List.fold_right (fun fk (res, fails) ->
match res with
@@ -526,162 +518,209 @@ let real_eauto st hints p evd =
| Some (evd', fk) -> aux evd' (fk :: fails)
in aux evd []
-let resolve_all_evars_once debug (mode, depth) p evd =
+let resolve_all_evars_once debug limit p evd =
let db = searchtable_map typeclasses_db in
- real_eauto (Hint_db.transparent_state db) [db] p evd
+ real_eauto ?limit (Hint_db.transparent_state db) [db] p evd
+(** We compute dependencies via a union-find algorithm.
+ Beware of the imperative effects on the partition structure,
+ it should not be shared, but only used locally. *)
+module Intpart = Unionfind.Make(Intset)(Intmap)
-exception FoundTerm of constr
+let deps_of_constraints cstrs evm p =
+ List.iter (fun (_, _, x, y) ->
+ let evx = Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_term evm x in
+ let evy = Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_term evm y in
+ Intpart.union_set (Intset.union evx evy) p)
+ cstrs
+let evar_dependencies evm p =
+ Evd.fold_undefined
+ (fun ev evi _ ->
+ let evars = Intset.add ev (Evarutil.undefined_evars_of_evar_info evm evi)
+ in Intpart.union_set evars p)
+ evm ()
let resolve_one_typeclass env ?(sigma=Evd.empty) gl =
- let gls = { it = Evd.make_evar (Environ.named_context_val env) gl; sigma = sigma } in
+ let nc, gl, subst, _ = Evarutil.push_rel_context_to_named_context env gl in
+ let (gl,t,sigma) =
+ Goal.V82.mk_goal sigma nc gl Store.empty in
+ let gls = { it = gl ; sigma = sigma } in
let hints = searchtable_map typeclasses_db in
- let gls', v = eauto ~st:(Hint_db.transparent_state hints) [hints] gls in
- let term = v [] in
+ let gls' = eauto ?limit:!typeclasses_depth ~st:(Hint_db.transparent_state hints) [hints] gls in
let evd = sig_sig gls' in
- let term = fst (Refiner.extract_open_proof evd term) in
- let term = Evarutil.nf_evar evd term in
+ let t' = let (ev, inst) = destEvar t in
+ mkEvar (ev, Array.of_list subst)
+ in
+ let term = Evarutil.nf_evar evd t' in
evd, term
let _ =
Typeclasses.solve_instanciation_problem := (fun x y z -> resolve_one_typeclass x ~sigma:y z)
-let has_undefined p oevd evd =
- Evd.fold (fun ev evi has -> has ||
- (evi.evar_body = Evar_empty && snd (p oevd ev evi)))
- evd false
-let rec merge_deps deps = function
- | [] -> [deps]
- | hd :: tl ->
- if intersects deps hd then
- merge_deps (Intset.union deps hd) tl
- else hd :: merge_deps deps tl
-let evars_of_evi evi =
- Intset.union (evars_of_term evi.evar_concl)
- (Intset.union
- (match evi.evar_body with
- | Evar_empty -> Intset.empty
- | Evar_defined b -> evars_of_term b)
- (Evarutil.evars_of_named_context (evar_filtered_context evi)))
-let deps_of_constraints cstrs deps =
- List.fold_right (fun (_, _, x, y) deps ->
- let evs = Intset.union (evars_of_term x) (evars_of_term y) in
- merge_deps evs deps)
- cstrs deps
-let evar_dependencies evm =
- Evd.fold
- (fun ev evi acc ->
- merge_deps (Intset.union (Intset.singleton ev)
- (evars_of_evi evi)) acc)
- evm []
+(** [split_evars] returns groups of undefined evars according to dependencies *)
let split_evars evm =
- let _, cstrs = extract_all_conv_pbs evm in
- let evmdeps = evar_dependencies evm in
- let deps = deps_of_constraints cstrs evmdeps in
- List.sort deps
+ let p = Intpart.create () in
+ evar_dependencies evm p;
+ deps_of_constraints (snd (extract_all_conv_pbs evm)) evm p;
+ Intpart.partition p
+(** [evars_in_comp] filters an [evar_map], keeping only evars
+ that belongs to a certain component *)
-let select_evars evs evm =
- Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc ->
- if Intset.mem ev evs then Evd.add acc ev evi else acc)
- evm Evd.empty
+let evars_in_comp comp evm =
+ try
+ evars_reset_evd
+ (Intset.fold (fun ev acc -> Evd.add acc ev (Evd.find_undefined evm ev))
+ comp Evd.empty) evm
+ with Not_found -> assert false
-let is_inference_forced p ev evd =
+let is_inference_forced p evd ev =
- let evi = Evd.find evd ev in
- if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
- if Typeclasses.is_resolvable evi
- && snd (p ev evi)
- then
- let (loc, k) = evar_source ev evd in
- match k with
- | ImplicitArg (_, _, b) -> b
- | QuestionMark _ -> false
- | _ -> true
- else true
- else false
- with Not_found -> true
-let is_optional p comp evd =
- Intset.fold (fun ev acc ->
- acc && not (is_inference_forced p ev evd))
- comp true
+ let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd ev in
+ if Typeclasses.is_resolvable evi && snd (p ev evi)
+ then
+ let (loc, k) = evar_source ev evd in
+ match k with
+ | ImplicitArg (_, _, b) -> b
+ | QuestionMark _ -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ else true
+ with Not_found -> assert false
+let is_mandatory p comp evd =
+ Intset.exists (is_inference_forced p evd) comp
+(** In case of unsatisfiable constraints, build a nice error message *)
+let error_unresolvable env comp do_split evd =
+ let evd = Evarutil.nf_evar_map_undefined evd in
+ let evm = if do_split then evars_in_comp comp evd else evd in
+ let _, ev = Evd.fold_undefined
+ (fun ev evi (b,acc) ->
+ (* focus on one instance if only one was searched for *)
+ if class_of_constr evi.evar_concl <> None then
+ if not b (* || do_split *) then
+ true, Some ev
+ else b, None
+ else b, acc) evm (false, None)
+ in
+ Typeclasses_errors.unsatisfiable_constraints
+ (Evarutil.nf_env_evar evm env) evm ev
+(** Check if an evar is concerned by the current resolution attempt,
+ (and in particular is in the current component), and also update
+ its evar_info.
+ Invariant : this should only be applied to undefined evars,
+ and return undefined evar_info *)
+let select_and_update_evars p oevd in_comp evd ev evi =
+ assert (evi.evar_body = Evar_empty);
+ try
+ let oevi = Evd.find_undefined oevd ev in
+ if Typeclasses.is_resolvable oevi then
+ Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi,
+ (in_comp ev && p evd ev evi)
+ else evi, false
+ with Not_found ->
+ Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, p evd ev evi
+(** Do we still have unresolved evars that should be resolved ? *)
+let has_undefined p oevd evd =
+ Evd.fold_undefined (fun ev evi has -> has ||
+ snd (p oevd ev evi))
+ evd false
+(** If [do_split] is [true], we try to separate the problem in
+ several components and then solve them separately *)
+exception Unresolved
let resolve_all_evars debug m env p oevd do_split fail =
let split = if do_split then split_evars oevd else [Intset.empty] in
- let p = if do_split then
- fun comp evd ev evi ->
- if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
- (try let oevi = Evd.find oevd ev in
- if Typeclasses.is_resolvable oevi then
- Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, (Intset.mem ev comp &&
- p evd ev evi)
- else evi, false
- with Not_found ->
- Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, p evd ev evi)
- else evi, false
- else fun _ evd ev evi ->
- if evi.evar_body = Evar_empty then
- try let oevi = Evd.find oevd ev in
- if Typeclasses.is_resolvable oevi then
- Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, p evd ev evi
- else evi, false
- with Not_found ->
- Typeclasses.mark_unresolvable evi, p evd ev evi
- else evi, false
- in
- let rec aux p evd =
- let evd' = resolve_all_evars_once debug m p evd in
- if has_undefined p oevd evd' then None
- else Some evd'
+ let in_comp comp ev = if do_split then Intset.mem ev comp else true
let rec docomp evd = function
| [] -> evd
| comp :: comps ->
- let res = try aux (p comp) evd with Not_found -> None in
- match res with
- | None ->
- if fail && (not do_split || not (is_optional (p comp evd) comp evd)) then
- (* Unable to satisfy the constraints. *)
- let evd = Evarutil.nf_evars evd in
- let evm = if do_split then select_evars comp evd else evd in
- let _, ev = Evd.fold
- (fun ev evi (b,acc) ->
- (* focus on one instance if only one was searched for *)
- if class_of_constr evi.evar_concl <> None then
- if not b (* || do_split *) then
- true, Some ev
- else b, None
- else b, acc) evm (false, None)
- in
- Typeclasses_errors.unsatisfiable_constraints (Evarutil.nf_env_evar evm env) evm ev
- else (* Best effort: do nothing *) oevd
- | Some evd' -> docomp evd' comps
+ let p = select_and_update_evars p oevd (in_comp comp) in
+ try
+ let evd' = resolve_all_evars_once debug m p evd in
+ if has_undefined p oevd evd' then raise Unresolved;
+ docomp evd' comps
+ with Unresolved | Not_found ->
+ if fail && (not do_split || is_mandatory (p evd) comp evd)
+ then (* Unable to satisfy the constraints. *)
+ error_unresolvable env comp do_split evd
+ else (* Best effort: do nothing on this component *)
+ docomp evd comps
in docomp oevd split
-let resolve_typeclass_evars d p env evd onlyargs split fail =
- let pred =
- if onlyargs then
- (fun evd ev evi -> Typeclasses.is_implicit_arg (snd (Evd.evar_source ev evd)) &&
- Typeclasses.is_class_evar evd evi)
- else (fun evd ev evi -> Typeclasses.is_class_evar evd evi)
- in resolve_all_evars d p env pred evd split fail
+let initial_select_evars onlyargs =
+ if onlyargs then
+ (fun evd ev evi ->
+ Typeclasses.is_implicit_arg (snd (Evd.evar_source ev evd))
+ && Typeclasses.is_class_evar evd evi)
+ else
+ (fun evd ev evi -> Typeclasses.is_class_evar evd evi)
+let resolve_typeclass_evars debug m env evd onlyargs split fail =
+ let evd =
+ try Evarconv.consider_remaining_unif_problems
+ ~ts:(Typeclasses.classes_transparent_state ()) env evd
+ with _ -> evd
+ in
+ resolve_all_evars debug m env (initial_select_evars onlyargs) evd split fail
-let solve_inst debug mode depth env evd onlyargs split fail =
- resolve_typeclass_evars debug (mode, depth) env evd onlyargs split fail
+let solve_inst debug depth env evd onlyargs split fail =
+ resolve_typeclass_evars debug depth env evd onlyargs split fail
let _ =
Typeclasses.solve_instanciations_problem :=
- solve_inst false true default_eauto_depth
+ solve_inst false !typeclasses_depth
+(** Options: depth, debug and transparency settings. *)
+open Goptions
+let set_typeclasses_debug d = (:=) typeclasses_debug d;
+ Typeclasses.solve_instanciations_problem := solve_inst d !typeclasses_depth
+let get_typeclasses_debug () = !typeclasses_debug
+let set_typeclasses_debug =
+ declare_bool_option
+ { optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
+ optname = "debug output for typeclasses proof search";
+ optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Debug"];
+ optread = get_typeclasses_debug;
+ optwrite = set_typeclasses_debug; }
+let set_typeclasses_depth d = (:=) typeclasses_depth d;
+ Typeclasses.solve_instanciations_problem := solve_inst !typeclasses_debug !typeclasses_depth
+let get_typeclasses_depth () = !typeclasses_depth
+let set_typeclasses_depth =
+ declare_int_option
+ { optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
+ optname = "depth for typeclasses proof search";
+ optkey = ["Typeclasses";"Depth"];
+ optread = get_typeclasses_depth;
+ optwrite = set_typeclasses_depth; }
let set_transparency cl b =
List.iter (fun r ->
let gr = Smartlocate.global_with_alias r in
let ev = Tacred.evaluable_of_global_reference (Global.env ()) gr in
- Classes.set_typeclass_transparency ev b) cl
+ Classes.set_typeclass_transparency ev false b) cl
VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Typeclasses_Unfold_Settings
| [ "Typeclasses" "Transparent" reference_list(cl) ] -> [
@@ -704,18 +743,6 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND debug TYPED AS bool PRINTED BY pr_debug
| [ ] -> [ false ]
-let pr_mode _prc _prlc _prt m =
- match m with
- Some b ->
- if b then Pp.str "depth-first" else Pp.str "breadth-fist"
- | None ->
-ARGUMENT EXTEND search_mode TYPED AS bool option PRINTED BY pr_mode
-| [ "dfs" ] -> [ Some true ]
-| [ "bfs" ] -> [ Some false ]
-| [] -> [ None ]
let pr_depth _prc _prlc _prt = function
Some i -> Util.pr_int i
| None ->
@@ -724,13 +751,12 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND depth TYPED AS int option PRINTED BY pr_depth
| [ int_or_var_opt(v) ] -> [ match v with Some (ArgArg i) -> Some i | _ -> None ]
+(* true = All transparent, false = Opaque if possible *)
VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Typeclasses_Settings
- | [ "Typeclasses" "eauto" ":=" debug(d) search_mode(s) depth(depth) ] -> [
- typeclasses_debug := d;
- let mode = match s with Some t -> t | None -> true in
- let depth = match depth with Some i -> i | None -> default_eauto_depth in
- Typeclasses.solve_instanciations_problem :=
- solve_inst d mode depth
+ | [ "Typeclasses" "eauto" ":=" debug(d) depth(depth) ] -> [
+ set_typeclasses_debug d;
+ set_typeclasses_depth depth
@@ -738,8 +764,8 @@ let typeclasses_eauto ?(only_classes=false) ?(st=full_transparent_state) dbs gl
let dbs = list_map_filter (fun db -> try Some (Auto.searchtable_map db) with _ -> None) dbs in
let st = match dbs with x :: _ -> Hint_db.transparent_state x | _ -> st in
- eauto ~only_classes ~st dbs gl
- with Not_found -> tclFAIL 0 (str" typeclasses eauto failed") gl
+ eauto ?limit:!typeclasses_depth ~only_classes ~st dbs gl
+ with Not_found -> tclFAIL 0 (str" typeclasses eauto failed on: " ++ Printer.pr_goal gl) gl
TACTIC EXTEND typeclasses_eauto
| [ "typeclasses" "eauto" "with" ne_preident_list(l) ] -> [ typeclasses_eauto l ]
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index f459a3dd..a3d43623 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Term
open Proof_type
@@ -17,7 +15,7 @@ open Tacticals
open Tactics
open Coqlib
open Reductionops
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
(* Absurd *)
diff --git a/tactics/contradiction.mli b/tactics/contradiction.mli
index bd2138d5..b77b2721 100644
--- a/tactics/contradiction.mli
+++ b/tactics/contradiction.mli
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: contradiction.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
open Term
open Proof_type
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Genarg
val absurd : constr -> tactic
val contradiction : constr with_bindings option -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4cff4d7..00000000
--- a/tactics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 14677 2011-11-17 22:19:38Z herbelin $ i*)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Topconstr
-open Tacinterp
-open Tacmach
-open Decl_expr
-open Decl_mode
-open Pretyping.Default
-open Rawterm
-open Term
-open Pp
-(* INTERN *)
-let raw_app (loc,hd,args) = if args =[] then hd else RApp(loc,hd,args)
-let intern_justification_items globs =
- ( (intern_constr globs))
-let intern_justification_method globs =
- (intern_pure_tactic globs)
-let intern_statement intern_it globs st =
- {st_label=st.st_label;
- st_it=intern_it globs st.st_it}
-let intern_no_bind intern_it globs x =
- globs,intern_it globs x
-let intern_constr_or_thesis globs = function
- Thesis n -> Thesis n
- | This c -> This (intern_constr globs c)
-let add_var id globs=
- let l1,l2=globs.ltacvars in
- {globs with ltacvars= (id::l1),(id::l2)}
-let add_name nam globs=
- match nam with
- Anonymous -> globs
- | Name id -> add_var id globs
-let intern_hyp iconstr globs = function
- Hvar (loc,(id,topt)) -> add_var id globs,
- Hvar (loc,(id, (intern_constr globs) topt))
- | Hprop st -> add_name st.st_label globs,
- Hprop (intern_statement iconstr globs st)
-let intern_hyps iconstr globs hyps =
- snd (list_fold_map (intern_hyp iconstr) globs hyps)
-let intern_cut intern_it globs cut=
- let nglobs,nstat=intern_it globs cut.cut_stat in
- {cut_stat=nstat;
- cut_by=intern_justification_items nglobs cut.cut_by;
- cut_using=intern_justification_method nglobs cut.cut_using}
-let intern_casee globs = function
- Real c -> Real (intern_constr globs c)
- | Virtual cut -> Virtual
- (intern_cut (intern_no_bind (intern_statement intern_constr)) globs cut)
-let intern_hyp_list args globs =
- let intern_one globs (loc,(id,opttyp)) =
- (add_var id globs),
- (loc,(id, (intern_constr globs) opttyp)) in
- list_fold_map intern_one globs args
-let intern_suffices_clause globs (hyps,c) =
- let nglobs,nhyps = list_fold_map (intern_hyp intern_constr) globs hyps in
- nglobs,(nhyps,intern_constr_or_thesis nglobs c)
-let intern_fundecl args body globs=
- let nglobs,nargs = intern_hyp_list args globs in
- nargs,intern_constr nglobs body
-let rec add_vars_of_simple_pattern globs = function
- CPatAlias (loc,p,id) ->
- add_vars_of_simple_pattern (add_var id globs) p
-(* Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("simple_pattern",str "\"as\" is not allowed here"))*)
- | CPatOr (loc, _)->
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
- (UserError ("simple_pattern",str "\"(_ | _)\" is not allowed here"))
- | CPatDelimiters (_,_,p) ->
- add_vars_of_simple_pattern globs p
- | CPatCstr (_,_,pl) ->
- List.fold_left add_vars_of_simple_pattern globs pl
- | CPatNotation(_,_,(pl,pll)) ->
- List.fold_left add_vars_of_simple_pattern globs (List.flatten (pl::pll))
- | CPatAtom (_,Some (Libnames.Ident (_,id))) -> add_var id globs
- | _ -> globs
-let rec intern_bare_proof_instr globs = function
- Pthus i -> Pthus (intern_bare_proof_instr globs i)
- | Pthen i -> Pthen (intern_bare_proof_instr globs i)
- | Phence i -> Phence (intern_bare_proof_instr globs i)
- | Pcut c -> Pcut
- (intern_cut
- (intern_no_bind (intern_statement intern_constr_or_thesis)) globs c)
- | Psuffices c ->
- Psuffices (intern_cut intern_suffices_clause globs c)
- | Prew (s,c) -> Prew
- (s,intern_cut
- (intern_no_bind (intern_statement intern_constr)) globs c)
- | Psuppose hyps -> Psuppose (intern_hyps intern_constr globs hyps)
- | Pcase (params,pat,hyps) ->
- let nglobs,nparams = intern_hyp_list params globs in
- let nnglobs= add_vars_of_simple_pattern nglobs pat in
- let nhyps = intern_hyps intern_constr_or_thesis nnglobs hyps in
- Pcase (nparams,pat,nhyps)
- | Ptake witl -> Ptake ( (intern_constr globs) witl)
- | Pconsider (c,hyps) -> Pconsider (intern_constr globs c,
- intern_hyps intern_constr globs hyps)
- | Pper (et,c) -> Pper (et,intern_casee globs c)
- | Pend bt -> Pend bt
- | Pescape -> Pescape
- | Passume hyps -> Passume (intern_hyps intern_constr globs hyps)
- | Pgiven hyps -> Pgiven (intern_hyps intern_constr globs hyps)
- | Plet hyps -> Plet (intern_hyps intern_constr globs hyps)
- | Pclaim st -> Pclaim (intern_statement intern_constr globs st)
- | Pfocus st -> Pfocus (intern_statement intern_constr globs st)
- | Pdefine (id,args,body) ->
- let nargs,nbody = intern_fundecl args body globs in
- Pdefine (id,nargs,nbody)
- | Pcast (id,typ) ->
- Pcast (id,intern_constr globs typ)
-let rec intern_proof_instr globs instr=
- {emph = instr.emph;
- instr = intern_bare_proof_instr globs instr.instr}
-(* INTERP *)
-let interp_justification_items sigma env =
- ( (fun c ->understand sigma env (fst c)))
-let interp_constr check_sort sigma env c =
- if check_sort then
- understand_type sigma env (fst c)
- else
- understand sigma env (fst c)
-let special_whd env =
- let infos=Closure.create_clos_infos Closure.betadeltaiota env in
- (fun t -> Closure.whd_val infos (Closure.inject t))
-let _eq = Libnames.constr_of_global (Coqlib.glob_eq)
-let decompose_eq env id =
- let typ = Environ.named_type id env in
- let whd = special_whd env typ in
- match kind_of_term whd with
- App (f,args)->
- if eq_constr f _eq && (Array.length args)=3
- then args.(0)
- else error "Previous step is not an equality."
- | _ -> error "Previous step is not an equality."
-let get_eq_typ info env =
- let typ = decompose_eq env (get_last env) in
- typ
-let interp_constr_in_type typ sigma env c =
- understand sigma env (fst c) ~expected_type:typ
-let interp_statement interp_it sigma env st =
- {st_label=st.st_label;
- st_it=interp_it sigma env st.st_it}
-let interp_constr_or_thesis check_sort sigma env = function
- Thesis n -> Thesis n
- | This c -> This (interp_constr check_sort sigma env c)
-let abstract_one_hyp inject h raw =
- match h with
- Hvar (loc,(id,None)) ->
- RProd (dummy_loc,Name id, Explicit, RHole (loc,Evd.BinderType (Name id)), raw)
- | Hvar (loc,(id,Some typ)) ->
- RProd (dummy_loc,Name id, Explicit, fst typ, raw)
- | Hprop st ->
- RProd (dummy_loc,st.st_label, Explicit, inject st.st_it, raw)
-let rawconstr_of_hyps inject hyps head =
- List.fold_right (abstract_one_hyp inject) hyps head
-let raw_prop = RSort (dummy_loc,RProp Null)
-let rec match_hyps blend names constr = function
- [] -> [],substl names constr
- | hyp::q ->
- let (name,typ,body)=destProd constr in
- let st= {st_label=name;st_it=substl names typ} in
- let qnames=
- match name with
- Anonymous -> mkMeta 0 :: names
- | Name id -> mkVar id :: names in
- let qhyp = match hyp with
- Hprop st' -> Hprop (blend st st')
- | Hvar _ -> Hvar st in
- let rhyps,head = match_hyps blend qnames body q in
- qhyp::rhyps,head
-let interp_hyps_gen inject blend sigma env hyps head =
- let constr=understand sigma env (rawconstr_of_hyps inject hyps head) in
- match_hyps blend [] constr hyps
-let interp_hyps sigma env hyps = fst (interp_hyps_gen fst (fun x _ -> x) sigma env hyps raw_prop)
-let dummy_prefix= id_of_string "__"
-let rec deanonymize ids =
- function
- PatVar (loc,Anonymous) ->
- let (found,known) = !ids in
- let new_id=Namegen.next_ident_away dummy_prefix known in
- let _= ids:= (loc,new_id) :: found , new_id :: known in
- PatVar (loc,Name new_id)
- | PatVar (loc,Name id) as pat ->
- let (found,known) = !ids in
- let _= ids:= (loc,id) :: found , known in
- pat
- | PatCstr(loc,cstr,lpat,nam) ->
- PatCstr(loc,cstr, (deanonymize ids) lpat,nam)
-let rec raw_of_pat =
- function
- PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> anomaly "Anonymous pattern variable"
- | PatVar (loc,Name id) ->
- RVar (loc,id)
- | PatCstr(loc,((ind,_) as cstr),lpat,_) ->
- let mind= fst (Global.lookup_inductive ind) in
- let rec add_params n q =
- if n<=0 then q else
- add_params (pred n) (RHole(dummy_loc,
- Evd.TomatchTypeParameter(ind,n))::q) in
- let args = raw_of_pat lpat in
- raw_app(loc,RRef(dummy_loc,Libnames.ConstructRef cstr),
- add_params mind.Declarations.mind_nparams args)
-let prod_one_hyp = function
- (loc,(id,None)) ->
- (fun raw ->
- RProd (dummy_loc,Name id, Explicit,
- RHole (loc,Evd.BinderType (Name id)), raw))
- | (loc,(id,Some typ)) ->
- (fun raw ->
- RProd (dummy_loc,Name id, Explicit, fst typ, raw))
-let prod_one_id (loc,id) raw =
- RProd (dummy_loc,Name id, Explicit,
- RHole (loc,Evd.BinderType (Name id)), raw)
-let let_in_one_alias (id,pat) raw =
- RLetIn (dummy_loc,Name id, raw_of_pat pat, raw)
-let rec bind_primary_aliases map pat =
- match pat with
- PatVar (_,_) -> map
- | PatCstr(loc,_,lpat,nam) ->
- let map1 =
- match nam with
- Anonymous -> map
- | Name id -> (id,pat)::map
- in
- List.fold_left bind_primary_aliases map1 lpat
-let bind_secondary_aliases map subst =
- List.fold_left (fun map (ids,idp) -> (ids,List.assoc idp map)::map) map subst
-let bind_aliases patvars subst patt =
- let map = bind_primary_aliases [] patt in
- let map1 = bind_secondary_aliases map subst in
- List.rev map1
-let interp_pattern env pat_expr =
- let patvars,pats = Constrintern.intern_pattern env pat_expr in
- match pats with
- [] -> anomaly "empty pattern list"
- | [subst,patt] ->
- (patvars,bind_aliases patvars subst patt,patt)
- | _ -> anomaly "undetected disjunctive pattern"
-let rec match_args dest names constr = function
- [] -> [],names,substl names constr
- | _::q ->
- let (name,typ,body)=dest constr in
- let st={st_label=name;st_it=substl names typ} in
- let qnames=
- match name with
- Anonymous -> assert false
- | Name id -> mkVar id :: names in
- let args,bnames,body = match_args dest qnames body q in
- st::args,bnames,body
-let rec match_aliases names constr = function
- [] -> [],names,substl names constr
- | _::q ->
- let (name,c,typ,body)=destLetIn constr in
- let st={st_label=name;st_it=(substl names c,substl names typ)} in
- let qnames=
- match name with
- Anonymous -> assert false
- | Name id -> mkVar id :: names in
- let args,bnames,body = match_aliases qnames body q in
- st::args,bnames,body
-let detype_ground c = Detyping.detype false [] [] c
-let interp_cases info sigma env params (pat:cases_pattern_expr) hyps =
- let et,pinfo =
- match info.pm_stack with
- Per(et,pi,_,_)::_ -> et,pi
- | _ -> error "No proof per cases/induction/inversion in progress." in
- let mib,oib=Global.lookup_inductive pinfo.per_ind in
- let num_params = pinfo.per_nparams in
- let _ =
- let expected = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams - num_params in
- if List.length params <> expected then
- errorlabstrm "suppose it is"
- (str "Wrong number of extra arguments: " ++
- (if expected = 0 then str "none" else int expected) ++ spc () ++
- str "expected.") in
- let app_ind =
- let rind = RRef (dummy_loc,Libnames.IndRef pinfo.per_ind) in
- let rparams = detype_ground pinfo.per_params in
- let rparams_rec =
- (fun (loc,(id,_)) ->
- RVar (loc,id)) params in
- let dum_args=
- list_tabulate (fun _ -> RHole (dummy_loc,Evd.QuestionMark (Evd.Define false)))
- oib.Declarations.mind_nrealargs in
- raw_app(dummy_loc,rind,rparams@rparams_rec@dum_args) in
- let pat_vars,aliases,patt = interp_pattern env pat in
- let inject = function
- Thesis (Plain) -> Rawterm.RSort(dummy_loc,RProp Null)
- | Thesis (For rec_occ) ->
- if not (List.mem rec_occ pat_vars) then
- errorlabstrm "suppose it is"
- (str "Variable " ++ Nameops.pr_id rec_occ ++
- str " does not occur in pattern.");
- Rawterm.RSort(dummy_loc,RProp Null)
- | This (c,_) -> c in
- let term1 = rawconstr_of_hyps inject hyps raw_prop in
- let loc_ids,npatt =
- let rids=ref ([],pat_vars) in
- let npatt= deanonymize rids patt in
- List.rev (fst !rids),npatt in
- let term2 =
- RLetIn(dummy_loc,Anonymous,
- RCast(dummy_loc,raw_of_pat npatt,
- CastConv (DEFAULTcast,app_ind)),term1) in
- let term3=List.fold_right let_in_one_alias aliases term2 in
- let term4=List.fold_right prod_one_id loc_ids term3 in
- let term5=List.fold_right prod_one_hyp params term4 in
- let constr = understand sigma env term5 in
- let tparams,nam4,rest4 = match_args destProd [] constr params in
- let tpatvars,nam3,rest3 = match_args destProd nam4 rest4 loc_ids in
- let taliases,nam2,rest2 = match_aliases nam3 rest3 aliases in
- let (_,pat_pat,pat_typ,rest1) = destLetIn rest2 in
- let blend st st' =
- match st'.st_it with
- Thesis nam -> {st_it=Thesis nam;st_label=st'.st_label}
- | This _ -> {st_it = This st.st_it;st_label=st.st_label} in
- let thyps = fst (match_hyps blend nam2 (Termops.pop rest1) hyps) in
- tparams,{pat_vars=tpatvars;
- pat_aliases=taliases;
- pat_constr=pat_pat;
- pat_typ=pat_typ;
- pat_pat=patt;
- pat_expr=pat},thyps
-let interp_cut interp_it sigma env cut=
- let nenv,nstat = interp_it sigma env cut.cut_stat in
- {cut with
- cut_stat=nstat;
- cut_by=interp_justification_items sigma nenv cut.cut_by}
-let interp_no_bind interp_it sigma env x =
- env,interp_it sigma env x
-let interp_suffices_clause sigma env (hyps,cot)=
- let (locvars,_) as res =
- match cot with
- This (c,_) ->
- let nhyps,nc = interp_hyps_gen fst (fun x _ -> x) sigma env hyps c in
- nhyps,This nc
- | Thesis Plain as th -> interp_hyps sigma env hyps,th
- | Thesis (For n) -> error "\"thesis for\" is not applicable here." in
- let push_one hyp env0 =
- match hyp with
- (Hprop st | Hvar st) ->
- match st.st_label with
- Name id -> Environ.push_named (id,None,st.st_it) env0
- | _ -> env in
- let nenv = List.fold_right push_one locvars env in
- nenv,res
-let interp_casee sigma env = function
- Real c -> Real (understand sigma env (fst c))
- | Virtual cut -> Virtual (interp_cut (interp_no_bind (interp_statement (interp_constr true))) sigma env cut)
-let abstract_one_arg = function
- (loc,(id,None)) ->
- (fun raw ->
- RLambda (dummy_loc,Name id, Explicit,
- RHole (loc,Evd.BinderType (Name id)), raw))
- | (loc,(id,Some typ)) ->
- (fun raw ->
- RLambda (dummy_loc,Name id, Explicit, fst typ, raw))
-let rawconstr_of_fun args body =
- List.fold_right abstract_one_arg args (fst body)
-let interp_fun sigma env args body =
- let constr=understand sigma env (rawconstr_of_fun args body) in
- match_args destLambda [] constr args
-let rec interp_bare_proof_instr info (sigma:Evd.evar_map) (env:Environ.env) = function
- Pthus i -> Pthus (interp_bare_proof_instr info sigma env i)
- | Pthen i -> Pthen (interp_bare_proof_instr info sigma env i)
- | Phence i -> Phence (interp_bare_proof_instr info sigma env i)
- | Pcut c -> Pcut (interp_cut
- (interp_no_bind (interp_statement
- (interp_constr_or_thesis true)))
- sigma env c)
- | Psuffices c ->
- Psuffices (interp_cut interp_suffices_clause sigma env c)
- | Prew (s,c) -> Prew (s,interp_cut
- (interp_no_bind (interp_statement
- (interp_constr_in_type (get_eq_typ info env))))
- sigma env c)
- | Psuppose hyps -> Psuppose (interp_hyps sigma env hyps)
- | Pcase (params,pat,hyps) ->
- let tparams,tpat,thyps = interp_cases info sigma env params pat hyps in
- Pcase (tparams,tpat,thyps)
- | Ptake witl ->
- Ptake ( (fun c -> understand sigma env (fst c)) witl)
- | Pconsider (c,hyps) -> Pconsider (interp_constr false sigma env c,
- interp_hyps sigma env hyps)
- | Pper (et,c) -> Pper (et,interp_casee sigma env c)
- | Pend bt -> Pend bt
- | Pescape -> Pescape
- | Passume hyps -> Passume (interp_hyps sigma env hyps)
- | Pgiven hyps -> Pgiven (interp_hyps sigma env hyps)
- | Plet hyps -> Plet (interp_hyps sigma env hyps)
- | Pclaim st -> Pclaim (interp_statement (interp_constr true) sigma env st)
- | Pfocus st -> Pfocus (interp_statement (interp_constr true) sigma env st)
- | Pdefine (id,args,body) ->
- let nargs,_,nbody = interp_fun sigma env args body in
- Pdefine (id,nargs,nbody)
- | Pcast (id,typ) ->
- Pcast(id,interp_constr true sigma env typ)
-let rec interp_proof_instr info sigma env instr=
- {emph = instr.emph;
- instr = interp_bare_proof_instr info sigma env instr.instr}
diff --git a/tactics/decl_interp.mli b/tactics/decl_interp.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c1e531..00000000
--- a/tactics/decl_interp.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: decl_interp.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
-open Tacinterp
-open Decl_expr
-open Mod_subst
-val intern_proof_instr : glob_sign -> raw_proof_instr -> glob_proof_instr
-val interp_proof_instr : Decl_mode.pm_info ->
- Evd.evar_map -> Environ.env -> glob_proof_instr -> proof_instr
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a89e859..00000000
--- a/tactics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1518 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
-open Util
-open Pp
-open Evd
-open Refiner
-open Proof_type
-open Proof_trees
-open Tacmach
-open Tacinterp
-open Decl_expr
-open Decl_mode
-open Decl_interp
-open Rawterm
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Declarations
-open Tactics
-open Tacticals
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Namegen
-open Reductionops
-open Goptions
-(* Strictness option *)
-let get_its_info gls = get_info
-let get_strictness,set_strictness =
- let strictness = ref false in
- (fun () -> (!strictness)),(fun b -> strictness:=b)
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optsync = true;
- optname = "strict mode";
- optkey = ["Strict";"Proofs"];
- optread = get_strictness;
- optwrite = set_strictness }
-let tcl_change_info_gen info_gen =
- (fun gls ->
- let gl =sig_it gls in
- {it=[{gl with evar_extra=info_gen}];sigma=sig_sig gls},
- function
- [pftree] ->
- {pftree with
- goal=gl;
- ref=Some (Prim Change_evars,[pftree])}
- | _ -> anomaly "change_info : Wrong number of subtrees")
-let tcl_change_info info gls = tcl_change_info_gen (Some (pm_in info)) gls
-let tcl_erase_info gls = tcl_change_info_gen None gls
-let special_whd gl=
- let infos=Closure.create_clos_infos Closure.betadeltaiota (pf_env gl) in
- (fun t -> Closure.whd_val infos (Closure.inject t))
-let special_nf gl=
- let infos=Closure.create_clos_infos Closure.betaiotazeta (pf_env gl) in
- (fun t -> Closure.norm_val infos (Closure.inject t))
-let is_good_inductive env ind =
- let mib,oib = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- oib.mind_nrealargs = 0 && not (Inductiveops.mis_is_recursive (ind,mib,oib))
-let check_not_per pts =
- if not (Proof_trees.is_complete_proof (proof_of_pftreestate pts)) then
- match get_stack pts with
- Per (_,_,_,_)::_ ->
- error "You are inside a proof per cases/induction.\n\
-Please \"suppose\" something or \"end\" it now."
- | _ -> ()
-let mk_evd metalist gls =
- let evd0= create_goal_evar_defs (sig_sig gls) in
- let add_one (meta,typ) evd =
- meta_declare meta typ evd in
- List.fold_right add_one metalist evd0
-let is_tmp id = (string_of_id id).[0] = '_'
-let tmp_ids gls =
- let ctx = pf_hyps gls in
- match ctx with
- [] -> []
- | _::q -> List.filter is_tmp (ids_of_named_context q)
-let clean_tmp gls =
- let clean_id id0 gls0 =
- tclTRY (clear [id0]) gls0 in
- let rec clean_all = function
- [] -> tclIDTAC
- | id :: rest -> tclTHEN (clean_id id) (clean_all rest)
- in
- clean_all (tmp_ids gls) gls
-let assert_postpone id t =
- assert_tac (Name id) t
-(* start a proof *)
-let start_proof_tac gls=
- let gl=sig_it gls in
- let info={pm_stack=[]} in
- {it=[{gl with evar_extra=Some (pm_in info)}];sigma=sig_sig gls},
- function
- [pftree] ->
- {pftree with
- goal=gl;
- ref=Some (Decl_proof true,[pftree])}
- | _ -> anomaly "Dem : Wrong number of subtrees"
-let go_to_proof_mode () =
- Pfedit.mutate
- (fun pts -> nth_unproven 1 (solve_pftreestate start_proof_tac pts))
-(* closing gaps *)
-let daimon_tac gls =
- set_daimon_flag ();
- ({it=[];sigma=sig_sig gls},
- function
- [] ->
- {open_subgoals=0;
- goal=sig_it gls;
- ref=Some (Daimon,[])}
- | _ -> anomaly "Daimon: Wrong number of subtrees")
-let daimon _ pftree =
- set_daimon_flag ();
- {pftree with
- open_subgoals=0;
- ref=Some (Daimon,[])}
-let daimon_subtree = map_pftreestate (fun _ -> frontier_mapi daimon )
-(* marking closed blocks *)
-let rec is_focussing_instr = function
- Pthus i | Pthen i | Phence i -> is_focussing_instr i
- | Pescape | Pper _ | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _
- | Psuppose _ | Pcase (_,_,_) -> true
- | _ -> false
-let mark_rule_as_done = function
- Decl_proof true -> Decl_proof false
- | Decl_proof false ->
- anomaly "already marked as done"
- | Nested(Proof_instr (lock_focus,instr),spfl) ->
- if lock_focus then
- Nested(Proof_instr (false,instr),spfl)
- else
- anomaly "already marked as done"
- | _ -> anomaly "mark_rule_as_done"
-let mark_proof_tree_as_done pt =
- match pt.ref with
- None -> anomaly "mark_proof_tree_as_done"
- | Some (r,spfl) ->
- {pt with ref= Some (mark_rule_as_done r,spfl)}
-let mark_as_done pts =
- map_pftreestate
- (fun _ -> mark_proof_tree_as_done)
- (up_to_matching_rule is_focussing_command pts)
-(* post-instruction focus management *)
-let goto_current_focus pts = up_until_matching_rule is_focussing_command pts
-let goto_current_focus_or_top pts =
- try
- up_until_matching_rule is_focussing_command pts
- with Not_found -> top_of_tree pts
-(* return *)
-let close_tactic_mode pts =
- let pts1=
- try goto_current_focus pts
- with Not_found ->
- error "\"return\" cannot be used outside of Declarative Proof Mode." in
- let pts2 = daimon_subtree pts1 in
- let pts3 = mark_as_done pts2 in
- goto_current_focus pts3
-let return_from_tactic_mode () = Pfedit.mutate close_tactic_mode
-(* end proof/claim *)
-let close_block bt pts =
- let stack =
- if Proof_trees.is_complete_proof (proof_of_pftreestate pts) then
- get_top_stack pts
- else
- get_stack pts in
- match bt,stack with
- B_claim, Claim::_ | B_focus, Focus_claim::_ | B_proof, [] ->
- daimon_subtree (goto_current_focus pts)
- | _, Claim::_ ->
- error "\"end claim\" expected."
- | _, Focus_claim::_ ->
- error "\"end focus\" expected."
- | _, [] ->
- error "\"end proof\" expected."
- | _, (Per (et,_,_,_)::_|Suppose_case::Per (et,_,_,_)::_) ->
- begin
- match et with
- ET_Case_analysis -> error "\"end cases\" expected."
- | ET_Induction -> error "\"end induction\" expected."
- end
- | _,_ -> anomaly "Lonely suppose on stack."
-(* utility for suppose / suppose it is *)
-let close_previous_case pts =
- if
- Proof_trees.is_complete_proof (proof_of_pftreestate pts)
- then
- match get_top_stack pts with
- Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> anomaly "Weird case occured ..."
- | Suppose_case :: Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ ->
- goto_current_focus (mark_as_done pts)
- | _ -> error "Not inside a proof per cases or induction."
- else
- match get_stack pts with
- Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ -> pts
- | Suppose_case :: Per (et,_,_,_) :: _ ->
- goto_current_focus (mark_as_done (daimon_subtree pts))
- | _ -> error "Not inside a proof per cases or induction."
-(* Proof instructions *)
-(* automation *)
-let filter_hyps f gls =
- let filter_aux (id,_,_) =
- if f id then
- tclIDTAC
- else
- tclTRY (clear [id]) in
- tclMAP filter_aux (Environ.named_context_of_val gls
-let local_hyp_prefix = id_of_string "___"
-let add_justification_hyps keep items gls =
- let add_aux c gls=
- match kind_of_term c with
- Var id ->
- keep:=Idset.add id !keep;
- tclIDTAC gls
- | _ ->
- let id=pf_get_new_id local_hyp_prefix gls in
- keep:=Idset.add id !keep;
- tclTHEN (letin_tac None (Names.Name id) c None Tacexpr.nowhere)
- (thin_body [id]) gls in
- tclMAP add_aux items gls
-let prepare_goal items gls =
- let tokeep = ref Idset.empty in
- let auxres = add_justification_hyps tokeep items gls in
- [ (fun _ -> auxres);
- filter_hyps (let keep = !tokeep in fun id -> Idset.mem id keep)] gls
-let my_automation_tac = ref
- (fun gls -> anomaly "No automation registered")
-let register_automation_tac tac = my_automation_tac:= tac
-let automation_tac gls = !my_automation_tac gls
-let justification tac gls=
- (tclSOLVE [tclTHEN tac assumption])
- (fun gls ->
- if get_strictness () then
- error "Insufficient justification."
- else
- begin
- msg_warning (str "Insufficient justification.");
- daimon_tac gls
- end) gls
-let default_justification elems gls=
- justification (tclTHEN (prepare_goal elems) automation_tac) gls
-(* code for conclusion refining *)
-let constant dir s = lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant "Declarative" dir s)
-let _and = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and"
-let _and_rect = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "and_rect"
-let _prod = constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "prod"
-let _prod_rect = constant ["Init";"Datatypes"] "prod_rect"
-let _ex = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "ex"
-let _ex_ind = constant ["Init";"Logic"] "ex_ind"
-let _sig = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sig"
-let _sig_rect = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sig_rect"
-let _sigT = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sigT"
-let _sigT_rect = constant ["Init";"Specif"] "sigT_rect"
-type stackd_elt =
- se_type:types;
- se_last_meta:metavariable;
- se_meta_list:(metavariable*types) list;
- se_evd: evar_map}
-let rec replace_in_list m l = function
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | c::q -> if m=fst c then l@q else c::replace_in_list m l q
-let enstack_subsubgoals env se stack gls=
- let hd,params = decompose_app (special_whd gls se.se_type) in
- match kind_of_term hd with
- Ind ind when is_good_inductive env ind ->
- let mib,oib=
- Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- let gentypes=
- Inductive.arities_of_constructors ind (mib,oib) in
- let process i gentyp =
- let constructor = mkConstruct(ind,succ i)
- (* constructors numbering*) in
- let appterm = applist (constructor,params) in
- let apptype = Term.prod_applist gentyp params in
- let rc,_ = Reduction.dest_prod env apptype in
- let rec meta_aux last lenv = function
- [] -> (last,lenv,[])
- | (nam,_,typ)::q ->
- let nlast=succ last in
- let (llast,holes,metas) =
- meta_aux nlast (mkMeta nlast :: lenv) q in
- (llast,holes,(nlast,special_nf gls (substl lenv typ))::metas) in
- let (nlast,holes,nmetas) =
- meta_aux se.se_last_meta [] (List.rev rc) in
- let refiner = applist (appterm,List.rev holes) in
- let evd = meta_assign se.se_meta
- (refiner,(ConvUpToEta 0,TypeProcessed (* ? *))) se.se_evd in
- let ncreated = replace_in_list
- se.se_meta nmetas se.se_meta_list in
- let evd0 = List.fold_left
- (fun evd (m,typ) -> meta_declare m typ evd) evd nmetas in
- List.iter (fun (m,typ) ->
- Stack.push
- {se_meta=m;
- se_type=typ;
- se_evd=evd0;
- se_meta_list=ncreated;
- se_last_meta=nlast} stack) (List.rev nmetas)
- in
- Array.iteri process gentypes
- | _ -> ()
-let rec nf_list evd =
- function
- [] -> []
- | (m,typ)::others ->
- if meta_defined evd m then
- nf_list evd others
- else
- (m,nf_meta evd typ)::nf_list evd others
-let find_subsubgoal c ctyp skip submetas gls =
- let env= pf_env gls in
- let concl = pf_concl gls in
- let evd = mk_evd ((0,concl)::submetas) gls in
- let stack = Stack.create () in
- let max_meta =
- List.fold_left (fun a (m,_) -> max a m) 0 submetas in
- let _ = Stack.push
- {se_meta=0;
- se_type=concl;
- se_last_meta=max_meta;
- se_meta_list=[0,concl];
- se_evd=evd} stack in
- let rec dfs n =
- let se = Stack.pop stack in
- try
- let unifier =
- Unification.w_unify true env Reduction.CUMUL
- ctyp se.se_type se.se_evd in
- if n <= 0 then
- {se with
- se_evd=meta_assign se.se_meta
- (c,(ConvUpToEta 0,TypeNotProcessed (* ?? *))) unifier;
- se_meta_list=replace_in_list
- se.se_meta submetas se.se_meta_list}
- else
- dfs (pred n)
- with _ ->
- begin
- enstack_subsubgoals env se stack gls;
- dfs n
- end in
- let nse= try dfs skip with Stack.Empty -> raise Not_found in
- nf_list nse.se_evd nse.se_meta_list,nf_meta nse.se_evd (mkMeta 0)
-let concl_refiner metas body gls =
- let concl = pf_concl gls in
- let evd = sig_sig gls in
- let env = pf_env gls in
- let sort = family_of_sort (Typing.sort_of env evd concl) in
- let rec aux env avoid subst = function
- [] -> anomaly "concl_refiner: cannot happen"
- | (n,typ)::rest ->
- let _A = subst_meta subst typ in
- let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar env _A Anonymous in
- let _x = fresh_id avoid x gls in
- let nenv = Environ.push_named (_x,None,_A) env in
- let asort = family_of_sort (Typing.sort_of nenv evd _A) in
- let nsubst = (n,mkVar _x)::subst in
- if rest = [] then
- asort,_A,mkNamedLambda _x _A (subst_meta nsubst body)
- else
- let bsort,_B,nbody =
- aux nenv (_x::avoid) ((n,mkVar _x)::subst) rest in
- let body = mkNamedLambda _x _A nbody in
- if occur_term (mkVar _x) _B then
- begin
- let _P = mkNamedLambda _x _A _B in
- match bsort,sort with
- InProp,InProp ->
- let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _ex,[|_A;_P|]) in
- InProp,_AxB,
- mkApp(Lazy.force _ex_ind,[|_A;_P;concl;body|])
- | InProp,_ ->
- let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _sig,[|_A;_P|]) in
- let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in
- InType,_AxB,
- mkApp(Lazy.force _sig_rect,[|_A;_P;_P0;body|])
- | _,_ ->
- let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _sigT,[|_A;_P|]) in
- let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in
- InType,_AxB,
- mkApp(Lazy.force _sigT_rect,[|_A;_P;_P0;body|])
- end
- else
- begin
- match asort,bsort with
- InProp,InProp ->
- let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _and,[|_A;_B|]) in
- InProp,_AxB,
- mkApp(Lazy.force _and_rect,[|_A;_B;concl;body|])
- |_,_ ->
- let _AxB = mkApp(Lazy.force _prod,[|_A;_B|]) in
- let _P0 = mkLambda(Anonymous,_AxB,concl) in
- InType,_AxB,
- mkApp(Lazy.force _prod_rect,[|_A;_B;_P0;body|])
- end
- in
- let (_,_,prf) = aux env [] [] metas in
- mkApp(prf,[|mkMeta 1|])
-let thus_tac c ctyp submetas gls =
- let list,proof =
- try
- find_subsubgoal c ctyp 0 submetas gls
- with Not_found ->
- error "I could not relate this statement to the thesis." in
- if list = [] then
- exact_check proof gls
- else
- let refiner = concl_refiner list proof gls in
- Tactics.refine refiner gls
-(* general forward step *)
-let mk_stat_or_thesis info gls = function
- This c -> c
- | Thesis (For _ ) ->
- error "\"thesis for ...\" is not applicable here."
- | Thesis Plain -> pf_concl gls
-let just_tac _then cut info gls0 =
- let items_tac gls =
- match cut.cut_by with
- None -> tclIDTAC gls
- | Some items ->
- let items_ =
- if _then then
- let last_id = get_last (pf_env gls) in
- (mkVar last_id)::items
- else items
- in prepare_goal items_ gls in
- let method_tac gls =
- match cut.cut_using with
- None ->
- automation_tac gls
- | Some tac ->
- (Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac) gls in
- justification (tclTHEN items_tac method_tac) gls0
-let instr_cut mkstat _thus _then cut gls0 =
- let info = get_its_info gls0 in
- let stat = cut.cut_stat in
- let (c_id,_) = match stat.st_label with
- Anonymous ->
- pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_fact") gls0,false
- | Name id -> id,true in
- let c_stat = mkstat info gls0 stat.st_it in
- let thus_tac gls=
- if _thus then
- thus_tac (mkVar c_id) c_stat [] gls
- else tclIDTAC gls in
- tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id c_stat)
- [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info (just_tac _then cut info);
- thus_tac] gls0
-(* iterated equality *)
-let _eq = Libnames.constr_of_global (Coqlib.glob_eq)
-let decompose_eq id gls =
- let typ = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
- let whd = (special_whd gls typ) in
- match kind_of_term whd with
- App (f,args)->
- if eq_constr f _eq && (Array.length args)=3
- then (args.(0),
- args.(1),
- args.(2))
- else error "Previous step is not an equality."
- | _ -> error "Previous step is not an equality."
-let instr_rew _thus rew_side cut gls0 =
- let last_id =
- try get_last (pf_env gls0) with _ -> error "No previous equality." in
- let typ,lhs,rhs = decompose_eq last_id gls0 in
- let items_tac gls =
- match cut.cut_by with
- None -> tclIDTAC gls
- | Some items -> prepare_goal items gls in
- let method_tac gls =
- match cut.cut_using with
- None ->
- automation_tac gls
- | Some tac ->
- (Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac) gls in
- let just_tac gls =
- justification (tclTHEN items_tac method_tac) gls in
- let (c_id,_) = match cut.cut_stat.st_label with
- Anonymous ->
- pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_eq") gls0,false
- | Name id -> id,true in
- let thus_tac new_eq gls=
- if _thus then
- thus_tac (mkVar c_id) new_eq [] gls
- else tclIDTAC gls in
- match rew_side with
- Lhs ->
- let new_eq = mkApp(_eq,[|typ;cut.cut_stat.st_it;rhs|]) in
- tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id new_eq)
- [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info
- (tclTHENS (transitivity lhs)
- [just_tac;exact_check (mkVar last_id)]);
- thus_tac new_eq] gls0
- | Rhs ->
- let new_eq = mkApp(_eq,[|typ;lhs;cut.cut_stat.st_it|]) in
- tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id new_eq)
- [tclTHEN tcl_erase_info
- (tclTHENS (transitivity rhs)
- [exact_check (mkVar last_id);just_tac]);
- thus_tac new_eq] gls0
-(* tactics for claim/focus *)
-let instr_claim _thus st gls0 =
- let info = get_its_info gls0 in
- let (id,_) = match st.st_label with
- Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_claim") gls0,false
- | Name id -> id,true in
- let thus_tac gls=
- if _thus then
- thus_tac (mkVar id) st.st_it [] gls
- else tclIDTAC gls in
- let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=
- (if _thus then Focus_claim else Claim)::info.pm_stack} in
- tclTHENS (assert_postpone id st.st_it)
- [tcl_change_info ninfo1;
- thus_tac] gls0
-(* tactics for assume *)
-let push_intro_tac coerce nam gls =
- let (hid,_) =
- match nam with
- Anonymous -> pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_hyp") gls,false
- | Name id -> id,true in
- [intro_mustbe_force hid;
- coerce hid]
- gls
-let assume_tac hyps gls =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (Hvar st | Hprop st) ->
- tclTHEN
- (push_intro_tac
- (fun id ->
- convert_hyp (id,None,st.st_it)) st.st_label))
- hyps tclIDTAC gls
-let assume_hyps_or_theses hyps gls =
- List.fold_right
- (function
- (Hvar {st_label=nam;st_it=c} | Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=This c}) ->
- tclTHEN
- (push_intro_tac
- (fun id ->
- convert_hyp (id,None,c)) nam)
- | Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=Thesis (tk)} ->
- tclTHEN
- (push_intro_tac
- (fun id -> tclIDTAC) nam))
- hyps tclIDTAC gls
-let assume_st hyps gls =
- List.fold_right
- (fun st ->
- tclTHEN
- (push_intro_tac
- (fun id -> convert_hyp (id,None,st.st_it)) st.st_label))
- hyps tclIDTAC gls
-let assume_st_letin hyps gls =
- List.fold_right
- (fun st ->
- tclTHEN
- (push_intro_tac
- (fun id ->
- convert_hyp (id,Some (fst st.st_it),snd st.st_it)) st.st_label))
- hyps tclIDTAC gls
-(* suffices *)
-let rec metas_from n hyps =
- match hyps with
- _ :: q -> n :: metas_from (succ n) q
- | [] -> []
-let rec build_product args body =
- match args with
- (Hprop st| Hvar st )::rest ->
- let pprod= lift 1 (build_product rest body) in
- let lbody =
- match st.st_label with
- Anonymous -> pprod
- | Name id -> subst_term (mkVar id) pprod in
- mkProd (st.st_label, st.st_it, lbody)
- | [] -> body
-let rec build_applist prod = function
- [] -> [],prod
- | n::q ->
- let (_,typ,_) = destProd prod in
- let ctx,head = build_applist (Term.prod_applist prod [mkMeta n]) q in
- (n,typ)::ctx,head
-let instr_suffices _then cut gls0 =
- let info = get_its_info gls0 in
- let c_id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_cofact") gls0 in
- let ctx,hd = cut.cut_stat in
- let c_stat = build_product ctx (mk_stat_or_thesis info gls0 hd) in
- let metas = metas_from 1 ctx in
- let c_ctx,c_head = build_applist c_stat metas in
- let c_term = applist (mkVar c_id, mkMeta metas) in
- let thus_tac gls=
- thus_tac c_term c_head c_ctx gls in
- tclTHENS (assert_postpone c_id c_stat)
- [ assume_tac ctx;
- tcl_erase_info;
- just_tac _then cut info];
- thus_tac] gls0
-(* tactics for consider/given *)
-let conjunction_arity id gls =
- let typ = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
- let hd,params = decompose_app (special_whd gls typ) in
- let env =pf_env gls in
- match kind_of_term hd with
- Ind ind when is_good_inductive env ind ->
- let mib,oib=
- Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- let gentypes=
- Inductive.arities_of_constructors ind (mib,oib) in
- let _ = if Array.length gentypes <> 1 then raise Not_found in
- let apptype = Term.prod_applist gentypes.(0) params in
- let rc,_ = Reduction.dest_prod env apptype in
- List.length rc
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let rec intron_then n ids ltac gls =
- if n<=0 then
- ltac ids gls
- else
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_tmp") gls in
- tclTHEN
- (intro_mustbe_force id)
- (intron_then (pred n) (id::ids) ltac) gls
-let rec consider_match may_intro introduced available expected gls =
- match available,expected with
- [],[] ->
- tclIDTAC gls
- | _,[] -> error "Last statements do not match a complete hypothesis."
- (* should tell which ones *)
- | [],hyps ->
- if may_intro then
- begin
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_tmp") gls in
- (intro_mustbe_force id)
- (consider_match true [] [id] hyps)
- (fun _ ->
- error "Not enough sub-hypotheses to match statements.")
- gls
- end
- else
- error "Not enough sub-hypotheses to match statements."
- (* should tell which ones *)
- | id::rest_ids,(Hvar st | Hprop st)::rest ->
- tclIFTHENELSE (convert_hyp (id,None,st.st_it))
- begin
- match st.st_label with
- Anonymous ->
- consider_match may_intro ((id,false)::introduced) rest_ids rest
- | Name hid ->
- [rename_hyp [id,hid];
- consider_match may_intro ((hid,true)::introduced) rest_ids rest]
- end
- begin
- (fun gls ->
- let nhyps =
- try conjunction_arity id gls with
- Not_found -> error "Matching hypothesis not found." in
- [general_case_analysis false (mkVar id,NoBindings);
- intron_then nhyps []
- (fun l -> consider_match may_intro introduced
- (List.rev_append l rest_ids) expected)] gls)
- end
- gls
-let consider_tac c hyps gls =
- match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c) with
- Var id ->
- consider_match false [] [id] hyps gls
- | _ ->
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_tmp") gls in
- tclTHEN
- (forward None (Some (dummy_loc, Genarg.IntroIdentifier id)) c)
- (consider_match false [] [id] hyps) gls
-let given_tac hyps gls =
- consider_match true [] [] hyps gls
-(* tactics for take *)
-let rec take_tac wits gls =
- match wits with
- [] -> tclIDTAC gls
- | wit::rest ->
- let typ = pf_type_of gls wit in
- tclTHEN (thus_tac wit typ []) (take_tac rest) gls
-(* tactics for define *)
-let rec build_function args body =
- match args with
- st::rest ->
- let pfun= lift 1 (build_function rest body) in
- let id = match st.st_label with
- Anonymous -> assert false
- | Name id -> id in
- mkLambda (Name id, st.st_it, subst_term (mkVar id) pfun)
- | [] -> body
-let define_tac id args body gls =
- let t = build_function args body in
- letin_tac None (Name id) t None Tacexpr.nowhere gls
-(* tactics for reconsider *)
-let cast_tac id_or_thesis typ gls =
- match id_or_thesis with
- This id ->
- let (_,body,_) = pf_get_hyp gls id in
- convert_hyp (id,body,typ) gls
- | Thesis (For _ ) ->
- error "\"thesis for ...\" is not applicable here."
- | Thesis Plain ->
- convert_concl typ DEFAULTcast gls
-(* per cases *)
-let is_rec_pos (main_ind,wft) =
- match main_ind with
- None -> false
- | Some index ->
- match fst (Rtree.dest_node wft) with
- Mrec i when i = index -> true
- | _ -> false
-let rec constr_trees (main_ind,wft) ind =
- match Rtree.dest_node wft with
- Norec,_ ->
- let itree =
- (snd (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).mind_recargs in
- constr_trees (None,itree) ind
- | _,constrs -> main_ind,constrs
-let ind_args rp ind =
- let main_ind,constrs = constr_trees rp ind in
- let args ctree =
- (fun t -> main_ind,t) (snd (Rtree.dest_node ctree)) in
- args constrs
-let init_tree ids ind rp nexti =
- let indargs = ind_args rp ind in
- let do_i i arp = ( is_rec_pos arp),nexti i arp in
- Split_patt (ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i indargs)
-let map_tree_rp rp id_fun mapi = function
- Split_patt (ids,ind,branches) ->
- let indargs = ind_args rp ind in
- let do_i i (recargs,bri) = recargs,mapi i indargs.(i) bri in
- Split_patt (id_fun ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i branches)
- | _ -> failwith "map_tree_rp: not a splitting node"
-let map_tree id_fun mapi = function
- Split_patt (ids,ind,branches) ->
- let do_i i (recargs,bri) = recargs,mapi i bri in
- Split_patt (id_fun ids,ind,Array.mapi do_i branches)
- | _ -> failwith "map_tree: not a splitting node"
-let start_tree env ind rp =
- init_tree Idset.empty ind rp (fun _ _ -> None)
-let build_per_info etype casee gls =
- let concl=pf_concl gls in
- let env=pf_env gls in
- let ctyp=pf_type_of gls casee in
- let is_dep = dependent casee concl in
- let hd,args = decompose_app (special_whd gls ctyp) in
- let ind =
- try
- destInd hd
- with _ ->
- error "Case analysis must be done on an inductive object." in
- let mind,oind = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- let nparams,index =
- match etype with
- ET_Induction -> mind.mind_nparams_rec,Some (snd ind)
- | _ -> mind.mind_nparams,None in
- let params,real_args = list_chop nparams args in
- let abstract_obj c body =
- let typ=pf_type_of gls c in
- lambda_create env (typ,subst_term c body) in
- let pred= List.fold_right abstract_obj
- real_args (lambda_create env (ctyp,subst_term casee concl)) in
- is_dep,
- {per_casee=casee;
- per_ctype=ctyp;
- per_ind=ind;
- per_pred=pred;
- per_args=real_args;
- per_params=params;
- per_nparams=nparams;
- per_wf=index,oind.mind_recargs}
-let per_tac etype casee gls=
- let env=pf_env gls in
- let info = get_its_info gls in
- match casee with
- Real c ->
- let is_dep,per_info = build_per_info etype c gls in
- let ek =
- if is_dep then
- EK_dep (start_tree env per_info.per_ind per_info.per_wf)
- else EK_unknown in
- tcl_change_info
- {pm_stack=
- Per(etype,per_info,ek,[])::info.pm_stack} gls
- | Virtual cut ->
- assert (cut.cut_stat.st_label=Anonymous);
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "anonymous_matched") gls in
- let c = mkVar id in
- let modified_cut =
- {cut with cut_stat={cut.cut_stat with st_label=Name id}} in
- tclTHEN
- (instr_cut (fun _ _ c -> c) false false modified_cut)
- (fun gls0 ->
- let is_dep,per_info = build_per_info etype c gls0 in
- assert (not is_dep);
- tcl_change_info
- {pm_stack=
- Per(etype,per_info,EK_unknown,[])::info.pm_stack} gls0)
- gls
-(* suppose *)
-let register_nodep_subcase id= function
- Per(et,pi,ek,clauses)::s ->
- begin
- match ek with
- EK_unknown -> clauses,Per(et,pi,EK_nodep,id::clauses)::s
- | EK_nodep -> clauses,Per(et,pi,EK_nodep,id::clauses)::s
- | EK_dep _ -> error "Do not mix \"suppose\" with \"suppose it is\"."
- end
- | _ -> anomaly "wrong stack state"
-let suppose_tac hyps gls0 =
- let info = get_its_info gls0 in
- let thesis = pf_concl gls0 in
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "subcase_") gls0 in
- let clause = build_product hyps thesis in
- let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=Suppose_case::info.pm_stack} in
- let old_clauses,stack = register_nodep_subcase id info.pm_stack in
- let ninfo2 = {pm_stack=stack} in
- tclTHENS (assert_postpone id clause)
- [tclTHENLIST [tcl_change_info ninfo1;
- assume_tac hyps;
- clear old_clauses];
- tcl_change_info ninfo2] gls0
-(* suppose it is ... *)
-(* pattern matching compiling *)
-let rec skip_args rest ids n =
- if n <= 0 then
- Close_patt rest
- else
- Skip_patt (ids,skip_args rest ids (pred n))
-let rec tree_of_pats ((id,_) as cpl) pats =
- match pats with
- [] -> End_patt cpl
- | args::stack ->
- match args with
- [] -> Close_patt (tree_of_pats cpl stack)
- | (patt,rp) :: rest_args ->
- match patt with
- PatVar (_,v) ->
- Skip_patt (Idset.singleton id,
- tree_of_pats cpl (rest_args::stack))
- | PatCstr (_,(ind,cnum),args,nam) ->
- let nexti i ati =
- if i = pred cnum then
- let nargs =
- list_map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in
- Some (Idset.singleton id,
- tree_of_pats cpl (nargs::rest_args::stack))
- else None
- in init_tree Idset.empty ind rp nexti
-let rec add_branch ((id,_) as cpl) pats tree=
- match pats with
- [] ->
- begin
- match tree with
- End_patt cpl0 -> End_patt cpl0
- (* this ensures precedence for overlapping patterns *)
- | _ -> anomaly "tree is expected to end here"
- end
- | args::stack ->
- match args with
- [] ->
- begin
- match tree with
- Close_patt t ->
- Close_patt (add_branch cpl stack t)
- | _ -> anomaly "we should pop here"
- end
- | (patt,rp) :: rest_args ->
- match patt with
- PatVar (_,v) ->
- begin
- match tree with
- Skip_patt (ids,t) ->
- Skip_patt (Idset.add id ids,
- add_branch cpl (rest_args::stack) t)
- | Split_patt (_,_,_) ->
- map_tree (Idset.add id)
- (fun i bri ->
- append_branch cpl 1 (rest_args::stack) bri)
- tree
- | _ -> anomaly "No pop/stop expected here"
- end
- | PatCstr (_,(ind,cnum),args,nam) ->
- match tree with
- Skip_patt (ids,t) ->
- let nexti i ati =
- if i = pred cnum then
- let nargs =
- list_map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in
- Some (Idset.add id ids,
- add_branch cpl (nargs::rest_args::stack)
- (skip_args t ids (Array.length ati)))
- else
- Some (ids,
- skip_args t ids (Array.length ati))
- in init_tree ids ind rp nexti
- | Split_patt (_,ind0,_) ->
- if (ind <> ind0) then error
- (* this can happen with coercions *)
- "Case pattern belongs to wrong inductive type.";
- let mapi i ati bri =
- if i = pred cnum then
- let nargs =
- list_map_i (fun j a -> (a,ati.(j))) 0 args in
- append_branch cpl 0
- (nargs::rest_args::stack) bri
- else bri in
- map_tree_rp rp (fun ids -> ids) mapi tree
- | _ -> anomaly "No pop/stop expected here"
-and append_branch ((id,_) as cpl) depth pats = function
- Some (ids,tree) ->
- Some (Idset.add id ids,append_tree cpl depth pats tree)
- | None ->
- Some (Idset.singleton id,tree_of_pats cpl pats)
-and append_tree ((id,_) as cpl) depth pats tree =
- if depth<=0 then add_branch cpl pats tree
- else match tree with
- Close_patt t ->
- Close_patt (append_tree cpl (pred depth) pats t)
- | Skip_patt (ids,t) ->
- Skip_patt (Idset.add id ids,append_tree cpl depth pats t)
- | End_patt _ -> anomaly "Premature end of branch"
- | Split_patt (_,_,_) ->
- map_tree (Idset.add id)
- (fun i bri -> append_branch cpl (succ depth) pats bri) tree
-(* suppose it is *)
-let rec st_assoc id = function
- [] -> raise Not_found
- | st::_ when st.st_label = id -> st.st_it
- | _ :: rest -> st_assoc id rest
-let thesis_for obj typ per_info env=
- let rc,hd1=decompose_prod typ in
- let cind,all_args=decompose_app typ in
- let ind = destInd cind in
- let _ = if ind <> per_info.per_ind then
- errorlabstrm "thesis_for"
- ((Printer.pr_constr_env env obj) ++ spc () ++
- str"cannot give an induction hypothesis (wrong inductive type).") in
- let params,args = list_chop per_info.per_nparams all_args in
- let _ = if not (List.for_all2 eq_constr params per_info.per_params) then
- errorlabstrm "thesis_for"
- ((Printer.pr_constr_env env obj) ++ spc () ++
- str "cannot give an induction hypothesis (wrong parameters).") in
- let hd2 = (applist ((lift (List.length rc) per_info.per_pred),args@[obj])) in
- compose_prod rc (whd_beta Evd.empty hd2)
-let rec build_product_dep pat_info per_info args body gls =
- match args with
- (Hprop {st_label=nam;st_it=This c}
- | Hvar {st_label=nam;st_it=c})::rest ->
- let pprod=
- lift 1 (build_product_dep pat_info per_info rest body gls) in
- let lbody =
- match nam with
- Anonymous -> body
- | Name id -> subst_var id pprod in
- mkProd (nam,c,lbody)
- | Hprop ({st_it=Thesis tk} as st)::rest ->
- let pprod=
- lift 1 (build_product_dep pat_info per_info rest body gls) in
- let lbody =
- match st.st_label with
- Anonymous -> body
- | Name id -> subst_var id pprod in
- let ptyp =
- match tk with
- For id ->
- let obj = mkVar id in
- let typ =
- try st_assoc (Name id) pat_info.pat_vars
- with Not_found ->
- snd (st_assoc (Name id) pat_info.pat_aliases) in
- thesis_for obj typ per_info (pf_env gls)
- | Plain -> pf_concl gls in
- mkProd (st.st_label,ptyp,lbody)
- | [] -> body
-let build_dep_clause params pat_info per_info hyps gls =
- let concl=
- thesis_for pat_info.pat_constr pat_info.pat_typ per_info (pf_env gls) in
- let open_clause =
- build_product_dep pat_info per_info hyps concl gls in
- let prod_one st body =
- match st.st_label with
- Anonymous -> mkProd(Anonymous,st.st_it,lift 1 body)
- | Name id -> mkNamedProd id st.st_it (lift 1 body) in
- let let_one_in st body =
- match st.st_label with
- Anonymous -> mkLetIn(Anonymous,fst st.st_it,snd st.st_it,lift 1 body)
- | Name id ->
- mkNamedLetIn id (fst st.st_it) (snd st.st_it) (lift 1 body) in
- let aliased_clause =
- List.fold_right let_one_in pat_info.pat_aliases open_clause in
- List.fold_right prod_one (params@pat_info.pat_vars) aliased_clause
-let rec register_dep_subcase id env per_info pat = function
- EK_nodep -> error "Only \"suppose it is\" can be used here."
- | EK_unknown ->
- register_dep_subcase id env per_info pat
- (EK_dep (start_tree env per_info.per_ind per_info.per_wf))
- | EK_dep tree -> EK_dep (add_branch id [[pat,per_info.per_wf]] tree)
-let case_tac params pat_info hyps gls0 =
- let info = get_its_info gls0 in
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "subcase_") gls0 in
- let et,per_info,ek,old_clauses,rest =
- match info.pm_stack with
- Per (et,pi,ek,old_clauses)::rest -> (et,pi,ek,old_clauses,rest)
- | _ -> anomaly "wrong place for cases" in
- let clause = build_dep_clause params pat_info per_info hyps gls0 in
- let ninfo1 = {pm_stack=Suppose_case::info.pm_stack} in
- let nek =
- register_dep_subcase (id,(List.length params,List.length hyps))
- (pf_env gls0) per_info pat_info.pat_pat ek in
- let ninfo2 = {pm_stack=Per(et,per_info,nek,id::old_clauses)::rest} in
- tclTHENS (assert_postpone id clause)
- [tcl_change_info ninfo1;
- assume_st (params@pat_info.pat_vars);
- assume_st_letin pat_info.pat_aliases;
- assume_hyps_or_theses hyps;
- clear old_clauses];
- tcl_change_info ninfo2] gls0
-(* end cases *)
-type instance_stack =
- (constr option*(constr list) list) list
-let initial_instance_stack ids =
- (fun id -> id,[None,[]]) ids
-let push_one_arg arg = function
- [] -> anomaly "impossible"
- | (head,args) :: ctx ->
- ((head,(arg::args)) :: ctx)
-let push_arg arg stacks =
- (fun (id,stack) -> (id,push_one_arg arg stack)) stacks
-let push_one_head c ids (id,stack) =
- let head = if Idset.mem id ids then Some c else None in
- id,(head,[]) :: stack
-let push_head c ids stacks =
- (push_one_head c ids) stacks
-let pop_one (id,stack) =
- let nstack=
- match stack with
- [] -> anomaly "impossible"
- | [c] as l -> l
- | (Some head,args)::(head0,args0)::ctx ->
- let arg = applist (head,(List.rev args)) in
- (head0,(arg::args0))::ctx
- | (None,args)::(head0,args0)::ctx ->
- (head0,(args@args0))::ctx
- in id,nstack
-let pop_stacks stacks =
- pop_one stacks
-let hrec_for fix_id per_info gls obj_id =
- let obj=mkVar obj_id in
- let typ=pf_get_hyp_typ gls obj_id in
- let rc,hd1=decompose_prod typ in
- let cind,all_args=decompose_app typ in
- let ind = destInd cind in assert (ind=per_info.per_ind);
- let params,args= list_chop per_info.per_nparams all_args in
- assert begin
- try List.for_all2 eq_constr params per_info.per_params with
- Invalid_argument _ -> false end;
- let hd2 = applist (mkVar fix_id,args@[obj]) in
- compose_lam rc (whd_beta gls.sigma hd2)
-let rec execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args objs nhrec tree gls =
- match tree, objs with
- Close_patt t,_ ->
- let args0 = pop_stacks args in
- execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args0 objs nhrec t gls
- | Skip_patt (_,t),skipped::next_objs ->
- let args0 = push_arg skipped args in
- execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext args0 next_objs nhrec t gls
- | End_patt (id,(nparams,nhyps)),[] ->
- begin
- match List.assoc id args with
- [None,br_args] ->
- let all_metas =
- list_tabulate (fun n -> mkMeta (succ n)) (nparams + nhyps) in
- let param_metas,hyp_metas = list_chop nparams all_metas in
- tclTHEN
- (tclDO nhrec introf)
- (tacnext
- (applist (mkVar id,
- List.append param_metas
- (List.rev_append br_args hyp_metas)))) gls
- | _ -> anomaly "wrong stack size"
- end
- | Split_patt (ids,ind,br), casee::next_objs ->
- let (mind,oind) as spec = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- let nparams = mind.mind_nparams in
- let concl=pf_concl gls in
- let env=pf_env gls in
- let ctyp=pf_type_of gls casee in
- let hd,all_args = decompose_app (special_whd gls ctyp) in
- let _ = assert (destInd hd = ind) in (* just in case *)
- let params,real_args = list_chop nparams all_args in
- let abstract_obj c body =
- let typ=pf_type_of gls c in
- lambda_create env (typ,subst_term c body) in
- let elim_pred = List.fold_right abstract_obj
- real_args (lambda_create env (ctyp,subst_term casee concl)) in
- let case_info = Inductiveops.make_case_info env ind RegularStyle in
- let gen_arities = Inductive.arities_of_constructors ind spec in
- let f_ids typ =
- let sign =
- (prod_assum (Term.prod_applist typ params)) in
- find_intro_names sign gls in
- let constr_args_ids = f_ids gen_arities in
- let case_term =
- mkCase(case_info,elim_pred,casee,
- Array.mapi (fun i _ -> mkMeta (succ i)) constr_args_ids) in
- let branch_tac i (recargs,bro) gls0 =
- let args_ids = constr_args_ids.(i) in
- let rec aux n = function
- [] ->
- assert (n=Array.length recargs);
- next_objs,[],nhrec
- | id :: q ->
- let objs,recs,nrec = aux (succ n) q in
- if recargs.(n)
- then (mkVar id::objs),(id::recs),succ nrec
- else (mkVar id::objs),recs,nrec in
- let objs,recs,nhrec = aux 0 args_ids in
- [tclMAP intro_mustbe_force args_ids;
- begin
- fun gls1 ->
- let hrecs =
- (fun id ->
- hrec_for (out_name fix_name) per_info gls1 id)
- recs in
- generalize hrecs gls1
- end;
- match bro with
- None ->
- msg_warning (str "missing case");
- tacnext (mkMeta 1)
- | Some (sub_ids,tree) ->
- let br_args =
- List.filter
- (fun (id,_) -> Idset.mem id sub_ids) args in
- let construct =
- applist (mkConstruct(ind,succ i),params) in
- let p_args =
- push_head construct ids br_args in
- execute_cases fix_name per_info tacnext
- p_args objs nhrec tree] gls0 in
- (refine case_term)
- (Array.mapi branch_tac br) gls
- | Split_patt (_, _, _) , [] ->
- anomaly "execute_cases : Nothing to split"
- | Skip_patt _ , [] ->
- anomaly "execute_cases : Nothing to skip"
- | End_patt (_,_) , _ :: _ ->
- anomaly "execute_cases : End of branch with garbage left"
-let understand_my_constr c gls =
- let env = pf_env gls in
- let nc = names_of_rel_context env in
- let rawc = Detyping.detype false [] nc c in
- let rec frob = function REvar _ -> RHole (dummy_loc,QuestionMark Expand) | rc -> map_rawconstr frob rc in
- Pretyping.Default.understand_tcc (sig_sig gls) env ~expected_type:(pf_concl gls) (frob rawc)
-let set_refine,my_refine =
-let refine = ref (fun (_:open_constr) -> (assert false : tactic) ) in
-((fun tac -> refine:= tac),
-(fun c gls ->
- let oc = understand_my_constr c gls in
- !refine oc gls))
-(* end focus/claim *)
-let end_tac et2 gls =
- let info = get_its_info gls in
- let et1,pi,ek,clauses =
- match info.pm_stack with
- Suppose_case::_ ->
- anomaly "This case should already be trapped"
- | Claim::_ ->
- error "\"end claim\" expected."
- | Focus_claim::_ ->
- error "\"end focus\" expected."
- | Per(et',pi,ek,clauses)::_ -> (et',pi,ek,clauses)
- | [] ->
- anomaly "This case should already be trapped" in
- let et =
- if et1 <> et2 then
- match et1 with
- ET_Case_analysis ->
- error "\"end cases\" expected."
- | ET_Induction ->
- error "\"end induction\" expected."
- else et1 in
- tclTHEN
- tcl_erase_info
- begin
- match et,ek with
- _,EK_unknown ->
- tclSOLVE [simplest_elim pi.per_casee]
- | ET_Case_analysis,EK_nodep ->
- tclTHEN
- (general_case_analysis false (pi.per_casee,NoBindings))
- (default_justification ( mkVar clauses))
- | ET_Induction,EK_nodep ->
- [generalize (pi.per_args@[pi.per_casee]);
- simple_induct (AnonHyp (succ (List.length pi.per_args)));
- default_justification ( mkVar clauses)]
- | ET_Case_analysis,EK_dep tree ->
- execute_cases Anonymous pi
- (fun c -> tclTHENLIST
- [my_refine c;
- clear clauses;
- justification assumption])
- (initial_instance_stack clauses) [pi.per_casee] 0 tree
- | ET_Induction,EK_dep tree ->
- let nargs = (List.length pi.per_args) in
- tclTHEN (generalize (pi.per_args@[pi.per_casee]))
- begin
- fun gls0 ->
- let fix_id =
- pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_fix") gls0 in
- let c_id =
- pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "_main_arg") gls0 in
- [fix (Some fix_id) (succ nargs);
- tclDO nargs introf;
- intro_mustbe_force c_id;
- execute_cases (Name fix_id) pi
- (fun c ->
- [clear [fix_id];
- my_refine c;
- clear clauses;
- justification assumption])
- (initial_instance_stack clauses)
- [mkVar c_id] 0 tree] gls0
- end
- end gls
-(* escape *)
-let escape_tac gls = tcl_erase_info gls
-(* General instruction engine *)
-let rec do_proof_instr_gen _thus _then instr =
- match instr with
- Pthus i ->
- assert (not _thus);
- do_proof_instr_gen true _then i
- | Pthen i ->
- assert (not _then);
- do_proof_instr_gen _thus true i
- | Phence i ->
- assert (not (_then || _thus));
- do_proof_instr_gen true true i
- | Pcut c ->
- instr_cut mk_stat_or_thesis _thus _then c
- | Psuffices c ->
- instr_suffices _then c
- | Prew (s,c) ->
- assert (not _then);
- instr_rew _thus s c
- | Pconsider (c,hyps) -> consider_tac c hyps
- | Pgiven hyps -> given_tac hyps
- | Passume hyps -> assume_tac hyps
- | Plet hyps -> assume_tac hyps
- | Pclaim st -> instr_claim false st
- | Pfocus st -> instr_claim true st
- | Ptake witl -> take_tac witl
- | Pdefine (id,args,body) -> define_tac id args body
- | Pcast (id,typ) -> cast_tac id typ
- | Pper (et,cs) -> per_tac et cs
- | Psuppose hyps -> suppose_tac hyps
- | Pcase (params,pat_info,hyps) -> case_tac params pat_info hyps
- | Pend (B_elim et) -> end_tac et
- | Pend _ -> anomaly "Not applicable"
- | Pescape -> escape_tac
-let eval_instr {instr=instr} =
- do_proof_instr_gen false false instr
-let rec preprocess pts instr =
- match instr with
- Phence i |Pthus i | Pthen i -> preprocess pts i
- | Psuffices _ | Pcut _ | Passume _ | Plet _ | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _
- | Pconsider (_,_) | Pcast (_,_) | Pgiven _ | Ptake _
- | Pdefine (_,_,_) | Pper _ | Prew _ ->
- check_not_per pts;
- true,pts
- | Pescape ->
- check_not_per pts;
- true,pts
- | Pcase _ | Psuppose _ | Pend (B_elim _) ->
- true,close_previous_case pts
- | Pend bt ->
- false,close_block bt pts
-let rec postprocess pts instr =
- match instr with
- Phence i | Pthus i | Pthen i -> postprocess pts i
- | Pcut _ | Psuffices _ | Passume _ | Plet _ | Pconsider (_,_) | Pcast (_,_)
- | Pgiven _ | Ptake _ | Pdefine (_,_,_) | Prew (_,_) -> pts
- | Pclaim _ | Pfocus _ | Psuppose _ | Pcase _ | Pper _
- | Pescape -> nth_unproven 1 pts
- | Pend (B_elim ET_Induction) ->
- begin
- let pf = proof_of_pftreestate pts in
- let (pfterm,_) = extract_open_pftreestate pts in
- let env = Evd.evar_env (goal_of_proof pf) in
- try
- Inductiveops.control_only_guard env pfterm;
- goto_current_focus_or_top (mark_as_done pts)
- with
- Type_errors.TypeError(env,
- Type_errors.IllFormedRecBody(_,_,_,_,_)) ->
- anomaly "\"end induction\" generated an ill-formed fixpoint"
- end
- | Pend _ ->
- goto_current_focus_or_top (mark_as_done pts)
-let do_instr raw_instr pts =
- let has_tactic,pts1 = preprocess pts raw_instr.instr in
- let pts2 =
- if has_tactic then
- let gl = nth_goal_of_pftreestate 1 pts1 in
- let env= pf_env gl in
- let sigma= project gl in
- let ist = {ltacvars = ([],[]); ltacrecvars = [];
- gsigma = sigma; genv = env} in
- let glob_instr = intern_proof_instr ist raw_instr in
- let instr =
- interp_proof_instr (get_its_info gl) sigma env glob_instr in
- let lock_focus = is_focussing_instr instr.instr in
- let marker= Proof_instr (lock_focus,instr) in
- solve_nth_pftreestate 1
- (abstract_operation marker (tclTHEN (eval_instr instr) clean_tmp)) pts1
- else pts1 in
- postprocess pts2 raw_instr.instr
-let proof_instr raw_instr =
- Pfedit.mutate (do_instr raw_instr)
-let decompose_bin_app t=
- let hd,args = destApp
-let identify_transitivity_lemma c =
- let varx,tx,c1 = destProd c in
- let vary,ty,c2 = destProd (pop c1) in
- let varz,tz,c3 = destProd (pop c2) in
- let _,p1,c4 = destProd (pop c3) in
- let _,lp2,lp3 = destProd (pop c4) in
- let p2=pop lp2 in
- let p3=pop lp3 in
diff --git a/tactics/decl_proof_instr.mli b/tactics/decl_proof_instr.mli
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index 5af60a1b..00000000
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: decl_proof_instr.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
-open Refiner
-open Names
-open Term
-open Tacmach
-open Decl_mode
-val go_to_proof_mode: unit -> unit
-val return_from_tactic_mode: unit -> unit
-val register_automation_tac: tactic -> unit
-val automation_tac : tactic
-val daimon_subtree: pftreestate -> pftreestate
-val concl_refiner:
- Termops.meta_type_map -> constr -> Proof_type.goal sigma -> constr
-val do_instr: Decl_expr.raw_proof_instr -> pftreestate -> pftreestate
-val proof_instr: Decl_expr.raw_proof_instr -> unit
-val tcl_change_info : Decl_mode.pm_info -> tactic
-val mark_proof_tree_as_done : Proof_type.proof_tree -> Proof_type.proof_tree
-val mark_as_done : pftreestate -> pftreestate
-val execute_cases :
- ->
- Decl_mode.per_info ->
- (Term.constr -> Proof_type.tactic) ->
- (Names.Idset.elt * (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
- Term.constr list -> int -> Decl_mode.split_tree -> Proof_type.tactic
-val tree_of_pats :
- identifier * (int * int) -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
- split_tree
-val add_branch :
- identifier * (int * int) -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
- split_tree -> split_tree
-val append_branch :
- identifier *(int * int) -> int -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
- (Names.Idset.t * Decl_mode.split_tree) option ->
- (Names.Idset.t * Decl_mode.split_tree) option
-val append_tree :
- identifier * (int * int) -> int -> (Rawterm.cases_pattern*recpath) list list ->
- split_tree -> split_tree
-val build_dep_clause : Term.types Decl_expr.statement list ->
- Decl_expr.proof_pattern ->
- Decl_mode.per_info ->
- (Term.types Decl_expr.statement, Term.types Decl_expr.or_thesis)
- Decl_expr.hyp list -> Proof_type.goal Tacmach.sigma -> Term.types
-val register_dep_subcase :
- Names.identifier * (int * int) ->
- Environ.env ->
- Decl_mode.per_info ->
- Rawterm.cases_pattern -> Decl_mode.elim_kind -> Decl_mode.elim_kind
-val thesis_for : Term.constr ->
- Term.constr -> Decl_mode.per_info -> Environ.env -> Term.constr
-val close_previous_case : pftreestate -> pftreestate
-val pop_stacks :
- (Names.identifier *
- (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
- (Names.identifier *
- (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list
-val push_head : Term.constr ->
- Names.Idset.t ->
- (Names.identifier *
- (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
- (Names.identifier *
- (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list
-val push_arg : Term.constr ->
- (Names.identifier *
- (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list ->
- (Names.identifier *
- (Term.constr option * Term.constr list) list) list
-val hrec_for:
- Names.identifier ->
- Decl_mode.per_info -> Proof_type.goal Tacmach.sigma ->
- Names.identifier -> Term.constr
-val consider_match :
- bool ->
- (Names.Idset.elt*bool) list ->
- Names.Idset.elt list ->
- (Term.types Decl_expr.statement, Term.types) Decl_expr.hyp list ->
- Proof_type.tactic
-val init_tree:
- Names.Idset.t ->
- Names.inductive ->
- int option * Declarations.wf_paths ->
- (int ->
- (int option * Declarations.recarg Rtree.t) array ->
- (Names.Idset.t * Decl_mode.split_tree) option) ->
- Decl_mode.split_tree
-val set_refine : (Evd.open_constr -> Proof_type.tactic) -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 041e58df..fd924707 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
(* Chet's comments about this tactic :
Programmable destruction of hypotheses and conclusions.
@@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ open Term
open Environ
open Reduction
open Proof_type
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Tacmach
open Refiner
open Tactics
@@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ let subst_dd (subst,(local,na,dd)) =
d_pri = dd.d_pri;
d_code = !forward_subst_tactic subst dd.d_code })
-let (inDD,_) =
+let inDD : bool * identifier * destructor_data -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "DESTRUCT-HYP-CONCL-DATA") with
cache_function = cache_dd;
open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_dd o);
@@ -292,7 +290,7 @@ let applyDestructor cls discard dd gls =
match cl, dd.d_code with
| Some id, (Some x, tac) ->
let arg =
- ConstrMayEval(ConstrTerm (RRef(dummy_loc,VarRef id),None)) in
+ ConstrMayEval(ConstrTerm (GRef(dummy_loc,VarRef id),None)) in
TacLetIn (false, [(dummy_loc, x), arg], tac)
| None, (None, tac) -> tac
| _, (Some _,_) -> error "Destructor expects an hypothesis."
diff --git a/tactics/dhyp.mli b/tactics/dhyp.mli
index 4cde3b49..1bdeed6a 100644
--- a/tactics/dhyp.mli
+++ b/tactics/dhyp.mli
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: dhyp.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
open Tacmach
open Tacexpr
-(* Programmable destruction of hypotheses and conclusions. *)
+(** Programmable destruction of hypotheses and conclusions. *)
val set_extern_interp : (glob_tactic_expr -> tactic) -> unit
@@ -28,5 +24,5 @@ val h_auto_tdb : int option -> tactic
val add_destructor_hint :
Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> identifier -> (bool,unit) Tacexpr.location ->
- Rawterm.patvar list * Pattern.constr_pattern -> int ->
+ Glob_term.patvar list * Pattern.constr_pattern -> int ->
glob_tactic_expr -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/dn.mli b/tactics/dn.mli
index 3cb52a56..662ac19a 100644
--- a/tactics/dn.mli
+++ b/tactics/dn.mli
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ sig
val create : unit -> t
- (* [add t f (tree,inf)] adds a structured object [tree] together with
+ (** [add t f (tree,inf)] adds a structured object [tree] together with
the associated information [inf] to the table [t]; the function
[f] is used to translated [tree] into its prefix decomposition: [f]
must decompose any tree into a label characterizing its root node and
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ sig
type 'tree lookup_fun = 'tree -> (Y.t * 'tree list) lookup_res
-(* [lookup t f tree] looks for trees (and their associated
+(** [lookup t f tree] looks for trees (and their associated
information) in table [t] such that the structured object [tree]
matches against them; [f] is used to translated [tree] into its
prefix decomposition: [f] must decompose any tree into a label
diff --git a/tactics/eauto.ml4 b/tactics/eauto.ml4
index e0cdbcfa..9966fb77 100644
--- a/tactics/eauto.ml4
+++ b/tactics/eauto.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: eauto.ml4 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -19,7 +17,6 @@ open Termops
open Sign
open Reduction
open Proof_type
-open Proof_trees
open Declarations
open Tacticals
open Tacmach
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@ open Tactics
open Pattern
open Clenv
open Auto
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Hiddentac
let eauto_unif_flags = { auto_unif_flags with Unification.modulo_delta = full_transparent_state }
@@ -71,6 +68,7 @@ let rec prolog l n gl =
(tclFIRST ( (fun t -> (tclTHEN t prol)) (one_step l gl))) gl
let prolog_tac l n gl =
+ let l = (prepare_hint (pf_env gl)) l in
let n =
match n with
| ArgArg n -> n
@@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ let prolog_tac l n gl =
errorlabstrm "Prolog.prolog" (str "Prolog failed.")
-| [ "prolog" "[" constr_list(l) "]" int_or_var(n) ] -> [ prolog_tac l n ]
+| [ "prolog" "[" open_constr_list(l) "]" int_or_var(n) ] -> [ prolog_tac l n ]
open Auto
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ let priority l = snd (List.filter (fun (pr,_) -> pr = 0) l)
let unify_e_resolve flags (c,clenv) gls =
let clenv' = connect_clenv gls clenv in
- let _ = clenv_unique_resolver false ~flags clenv' gls in
+ let _ = clenv_unique_resolver ~flags clenv' gls in
h_simplest_eapply c gls
let rec e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db goal =
@@ -170,7 +168,7 @@ let find_first_goal gls =
type search_state = {
depth : int; (*r depth of search before failing *)
- tacres : goal list sigma * validation;
+ tacres : goal list sigma;
last_tactic : std_ppcmds Lazy.t;
dblist : Auto.hint_db list;
localdb : Auto.hint_db list }
@@ -179,15 +177,15 @@ module SearchProblem = struct
type state = search_state
- let success s = (sig_it (fst s.tacres)) = []
+ let success s = (sig_it s.tacres) = []
let pr_ev evs ev = Printer.pr_constr_env (Evd.evar_env ev) (Evarutil.nf_evar evs ev.Evd.evar_concl)
let pr_goals gls =
- let evars = Evarutil.nf_evars (Refiner.project gls) in
+ let evars = Evarutil.nf_evar_map (Refiner.project gls) in
prlist (pr_ev evars) (sig_it gls)
- let filter_tactics (glls,v) l =
+ let filter_tactics glls l =
(* let _ = Proof_trees.db_pr_goal (List.hd (sig_it glls)) in *)
(* let evars = Evarutil.nf_evars (Refiner.project glls) in *)
(* msg (str"Goal:" ++ pr_ev evars (List.hd (sig_it glls)) ++ str"\n"); *)
@@ -195,11 +193,10 @@ module SearchProblem = struct
| [] -> []
| (tac,pptac) :: tacl ->
- let (lgls,ptl) = apply_tac_list tac glls in
- let v' p = v (ptl p) in
+ let lgls = apply_tac_list tac glls in
(* let gl = Proof_trees.db_pr_goal (List.hd (sig_it glls)) in *)
(* msg (hov 1 (pptac ++ str" gives: \n" ++ pr_goals lgls ++ str"\n")); *)
- ((lgls,v'),pptac) :: aux tacl
+ (lgls,pptac) :: aux tacl
with e -> Refiner.catch_failerror e; aux tacl
in aux l
@@ -207,14 +204,14 @@ module SearchProblem = struct
number of remaining goals. *)
let compare s s' =
let d = s'.depth - s.depth in
- let nbgoals s = List.length (sig_it (fst s.tacres)) in
+ let nbgoals s = List.length (sig_it s.tacres) in
if d <> 0 then d else nbgoals s - nbgoals s'
let branching s =
if s.depth = 0 then
- let lg = fst s.tacres in
+ let lg = s.tacres in
let nbgl = List.length (sig_it lg) in
assert (nbgl > 0);
let g = find_first_goal lg in
@@ -232,7 +229,7 @@ module SearchProblem = struct
let intro_tac =
- (fun ((lgls,_) as res,pp) ->
+ (fun (lgls as res,pp) ->
let g' = first_goal lgls in
let hintl =
make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') (pf_last_hyp g')
@@ -248,7 +245,7 @@ module SearchProblem = struct
filter_tactics s.tacres (e_possible_resolve s.dblist (List.hd s.localdb) (pf_concl g))
- (fun ((lgls,_) as res, pp) ->
+ (fun (lgls as res, pp) ->
let nbgl' = List.length (sig_it lgls) in
if nbgl' < nbgl then
{ depth = s.depth; tacres = res; last_tactic = pp;
@@ -294,7 +291,7 @@ let e_breadth_search debug n db_list local_db gl =
with Not_found -> error "eauto: breadth first search failed."
let e_search_auto debug (in_depth,p) lems db_list gl =
- let local_db = make_local_hint_db true lems gl in
+ let local_db = make_local_hint_db ~ts:full_transparent_state true lems gl in
if in_depth then
e_depth_search debug p db_list local_db gl
@@ -306,18 +303,12 @@ let eauto_with_bases debug np lems db_list =
tclTRY (e_search_auto debug np lems db_list)
let eauto debug np lems dbnames =
- let db_list =
- (fun x ->
- try searchtable_map x
- with Not_found -> error ("No such Hint database: "^x^"."))
- ("core"::dbnames)
- in
+ let db_list = make_db_list dbnames in
tclTRY (e_search_auto debug np lems db_list)
let full_eauto debug n lems gl =
let dbnames = current_db_names () in
- let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
+ let dbnames = list_remove "v62" dbnames in
let db_list = searchtable_map dbnames in
tclTRY (e_search_auto debug n lems db_list) gl
@@ -349,19 +340,20 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND hintbases
| [ ] -> [ Some [] ]
-let pr_constr_coma_sequence prc _ _ = prlist_with_sep pr_comma prc
+let pr_constr_coma_sequence prc _ _ =
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (fun (_,c) -> prc c)
ARGUMENT EXTEND constr_coma_sequence
- TYPED AS constr_list
+ TYPED AS open_constr_list
PRINTED BY pr_constr_coma_sequence
-| [ constr(c) "," constr_coma_sequence(l) ] -> [ c::l ]
-| [ constr(c) ] -> [ [c] ]
+| [ open_constr(c) "," constr_coma_sequence(l) ] -> [ c::l ]
+| [ open_constr(c) ] -> [ [c] ]
-let pr_auto_using prc _prlc _prt = Pptactic.pr_auto_using prc
+let pr_auto_using prc _prlc _prt = Pptactic.pr_auto_using (fun (_,c) -> prc c)
- TYPED AS constr_list
+ TYPED AS open_constr_list
PRINTED BY pr_auto_using
| [ "using" constr_coma_sequence(l) ] -> [ l ]
| [ ] -> [ [] ]
@@ -414,19 +406,6 @@ let autounfold db cls gl =
| OnConcl occs -> tac occs None)
cls gl
-let autosimpl db cl =
- let unfold_of_elts constr (b, elts) =
- if not b then
- (fun c -> all_occurrences, constr c) elts
- else []
- in
- let unfolds = List.concat ( (fun dbname ->
- let db = searchtable_map dbname in
- let (ids, csts) = Hint_db.transparent_state db in
- unfold_of_elts (fun x -> EvalConstRef x) (Cpred.elements csts) @
- unfold_of_elts (fun x -> EvalVarRef x) (Idpred.elements ids)) db)
- in unfold_option unfolds cl
open Extraargs
TACTIC EXTEND autounfold
@@ -520,3 +499,55 @@ END
TACTIC EXTEND convert_concl_no_check
| ["convert_concl_no_check" constr(x) ] -> [ convert_concl_no_check x DEFAULTcast ]
+let pr_hints_path_atom prc _ _ a =
+ match a with
+ | PathAny -> str"."
+ | PathHints grs ->
+ prlist_with_sep pr_spc Printer.pr_global grs
+ARGUMENT EXTEND hints_path_atom
+ TYPED AS hints_path_atom
+ PRINTED BY pr_hints_path_atom
+| [ global_list(g) ] -> [ PathHints ( g) ]
+| [ "*" ] -> [ PathAny ]
+let pr_hints_path prc prx pry c =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | PathAtom a -> pr_hints_path_atom prc prx pry a
+ | PathStar p -> str"(" ++ aux p ++ str")*"
+ | PathSeq (p, p') -> aux p ++ spc () ++ aux p'
+ | PathOr (p, p') -> str "(" ++ aux p ++ str"|" ++ aux p' ++ str")"
+ | PathEmpty -> str"ø"
+ | PathEpsilon -> str"ε"
+ in aux c
+ TYPED AS hints_path
+ PRINTED BY pr_hints_path
+| [ "(" hints_path(p) ")" ] -> [ p ]
+| [ "!" hints_path(p) ] -> [ PathStar p ]
+| [ "emp" ] -> [ PathEmpty ]
+| [ "eps" ] -> [ PathEpsilon ]
+| [ hints_path_atom(a) ] -> [ PathAtom a ]
+| [ hints_path(p) "|" hints_path(q) ] -> [ PathOr (p, q) ]
+| [ hints_path(p) ";" hints_path(q) ] -> [ PathSeq (p, q) ]
+let pr_hintbases _prc _prlc _prt = Pptactic.pr_hintbases
+ TYPED AS preident_list_opt
+ PRINTED BY pr_hintbases
+| [ ":" ne_preident_list(l) ] -> [ Some l ]
+| [ ] -> [ None ]
+| [ "Hint" "Cut" "[" hints_path(p) "]" opthints(dbnames) ] -> [
+ let entry = HintsCutEntry p in
+ Auto.add_hints (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())
+ (match dbnames with None -> ["core"] | Some l -> l) entry ]
diff --git a/tactics/eauto.mli b/tactics/eauto.mli
index b40261b6..68ec42f4 100644
--- a/tactics/eauto.mli
+++ b/tactics/eauto.mli
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
open Term
open Proof_type
open Tacexpr
@@ -15,13 +14,12 @@ open Topconstr
open Evd
open Environ
open Explore
-val hintbases : hint_db_name list option Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val hintbases : hint_db_name list option Pcoq.Gram.entry
val wit_hintbases : hint_db_name list option typed_abstract_argument_type
val rawwit_hintbases : hint_db_name list option raw_abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_auto_using : constr_expr list raw_abstract_argument_type
+val rawwit_auto_using : Genarg.open_constr_expr list raw_abstract_argument_type
val e_assumption : tactic
@@ -29,13 +27,12 @@ val registered_e_assumption : tactic
val e_give_exact : ?flags:Unification.unify_flags -> constr -> tactic
-val gen_eauto : bool -> bool * int -> constr list ->
+val gen_eauto : bool -> bool * int -> open_constr list ->
hint_db_name list option -> tactic
val eauto_with_bases :
bool ->
bool * int ->
- Term.constr list -> Auto.hint_db list -> Proof_type.tactic
+ open_constr list -> Auto.hint_db list -> Proof_type.tactic
val autounfold : hint_db_name list -> Tacticals.clause -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index f3517ea6..1ff8800f 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -111,12 +109,6 @@ let head_in gls indl t =
in List.mem ity indl
with Not_found -> false
-let inductive_of = function
- | IndRef ity -> ity
- | r ->
- errorlabstrm "Decompose"
- (Printer.pr_global r ++ str " is not an inductive type.")
let decompose_these c l gls =
let indl = (* inductive_of*) l in
general_decompose (fun (_,t) -> head_in gls indl t) c gls
@@ -136,8 +128,6 @@ let decompose_or c gls =
(fun (_,t) -> is_disjunction t)
c gls
-let inj_open c = (Evd.empty,c)
let h_decompose l c =
Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDecompose (l,c)) (decompose_these c l)
diff --git a/tactics/elim.mli b/tactics/elim.mli
index c6aecad7..48a7ca68 100644
--- a/tactics/elim.mli
+++ b/tactics/elim.mli
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: elim.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
open Term
open Proof_type
open Tacmach
open Genarg
open Tacticals
-(* Eliminations tactics. *)
+(** Eliminations tactics. *)
val introElimAssumsThen :
(branch_assumptions -> tactic) -> branch_args -> tactic
@@ -34,5 +30,5 @@ val h_decompose : inductive list -> constr -> tactic
val h_decompose_or : constr -> tactic
val h_decompose_and : constr -> tactic
-val double_ind : Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis -> Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
-val h_double_induction : Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis -> Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis->tactic
+val double_ind : Glob_term.quantified_hypothesis -> Glob_term.quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val h_double_induction : Glob_term.quantified_hypothesis -> Glob_term.quantified_hypothesis->tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index c60938ed..fbf36c1c 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
(* Created by Hugo Herbelin from contents related to inductive schemes
initially developed by Christine Paulin (induction schemes), Vincent
Siles (decidable equality and boolean equality) and Matthieu Sozeau
diff --git a/tactics/elimschemes.mli b/tactics/elimschemes.mli
index ab01a5fa..06d44550 100644
--- a/tactics/elimschemes.mli
+++ b/tactics/elimschemes.mli
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: elimschemes.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Ind_tables
-(* Induction/recursion schemes *)
+(** Induction/recursion schemes *)
val rect_scheme_kind_from_prop : individual scheme_kind
val ind_scheme_kind_from_prop : individual scheme_kind
@@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ val ind_dep_scheme_kind_from_type : individual scheme_kind
val rec_dep_scheme_kind_from_type : individual scheme_kind
-(* Case analysis schemes *)
+(** Case analysis schemes *)
val case_scheme_kind_from_type : individual scheme_kind
val case_scheme_kind_from_prop : individual scheme_kind
diff --git a/tactics/eqdecide.ml4 b/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
index a16e99bb..6d40b2da 100644
--- a/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
+++ b/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: eqdecide.ml4 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
open Namegen
@@ -29,7 +27,6 @@ open Auto
open Pattern
open Matching
open Hipattern
-open Proof_trees
open Proof_type
open Tacmach
open Coqlib
@@ -163,8 +160,7 @@ let decideGralEquality g =
let decideEqualityGoal = tclTHEN intros decideGralEquality
-let decideEquality c1 c2 g =
- let rectype = (pf_type_of g c1) in
+let decideEquality rectype g =
let decide = mkGenDecideEqGoal rectype g in
(tclTHENS (cut decide) [default_auto;decideEqualityGoal]) g
@@ -178,13 +174,12 @@ let compare c1 c2 g =
[(tclTHEN intro
(tclTHEN (onLastHyp simplest_case)
- decideEquality c1 c2]) g
+ decideEquality (pf_type_of g c1)]) g
(* User syntax *)
TACTIC EXTEND decide_equality
- [ "decide" "equality" constr(c1) constr(c2) ] -> [ decideEquality c1 c2 ]
| [ "decide" "equality" ] -> [ decideEqualityGoal ]
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 88931415..779fe265 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
(* File created by Hugo Herbelin, Nov 2009 *)
(* This file builds schemes related to equality inductive types,
@@ -70,8 +68,8 @@ let build_dependent_inductive ind (mib,mip) =
extended_rel_list mip.mind_nrealargs_ctxt mib.mind_params_ctxt
@ extended_rel_list 0 realargs)
-let my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn s c = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ~init:c s
-let my_it_mkProd_or_LetIn s c = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:c s
+let my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn s c = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn c s
+let my_it_mkProd_or_LetIn s c = it_mkProd_or_LetIn c s
let my_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name s c =
it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name (Global.env()) c s
@@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ let get_sym_eq_data env ind =
let _,params2 = list_chop (mib.mind_nparams-mip.mind_nrealargs) params in
let paramsctxt1,_ =
list_chop (mib.mind_nparams-mip.mind_nrealargs) mib.mind_params_ctxt in
- if params2 <> constrargs then
+ if not (list_equal eq_constr params2 constrargs) then
error "Constructors arguments must repeat the parameters.";
(* nrealargs_ctxt and nrealargs are the same here *)
@@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ let build_sym_scheme env ind =
[|cstr (nrealargs+1)|]))))
let sym_scheme_kind =
- declare_individual_scheme_object "_sym"
+ declare_individual_scheme_object "_sym_internal"
(fun ind -> build_sym_scheme (Global.env() (* side-effect! *)) ind)
@@ -635,27 +633,14 @@ let rew_l2r_forward_dep_scheme_kind =
(* Non-dependent rewrite from either left-to-right in conclusion or *)
(* right-to-left in hypotheses: both l2r_rew and r2l_forward_rew are *)
-(* potential candidates. However r2l_forward_rew introduces a blocked *)
-(* beta-expansion that blocks in turn the guard condition if this *)
-(* one does not support commutative cuts while l2r_rew does not *)
-(* support non symmetrical equalities, so... *)
-(* ... we use l2r_rew for the symmetrical case: *)
+(* potential candidates. Since l2r_rew needs a symmetrical equality, *)
+(* we adopt r2l_forward_rew (this one introduces a blocked beta- *)
+(* expansion but since the guard condition supports commutative cuts *)
+(* this is not a problem; we need though a fix to adjust it to the *)
+(* standard form of schemes in Coq) *)
let rew_l2r_scheme_kind =
declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew_r"
- (fun ind -> build_l2r_rew_scheme false (Global.env()) ind InType)
-(* ... and r2l_forward_rew for the non-symmetrical case, even though *)
-(* it may break the guard condition. Moreover, its standard form *)
-(* needs the inductive hypothesis not in last position what breaks *)
-(* the order of goals and need a fix: *)
-let rew_asym_scheme_kind =
- declare_individual_scheme_object "_rew_r_asym"
(fun ind -> fix_r2l_forward_rew_scheme
(build_r2l_forward_rew_scheme false (Global.env()) ind InType))
diff --git a/tactics/eqschemes.mli b/tactics/eqschemes.mli
index 08b3b05c..870ca6b6 100644
--- a/tactics/eqschemes.mli
+++ b/tactics/eqschemes.mli
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: eqschemes.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
-(* This file builds schemes relative to equality inductive types *)
+(** This file builds schemes relative to equality inductive types *)
open Names
open Term
open Environ
open Ind_tables
-(* Builds a left-to-right rewriting scheme for an equality type *)
+(** Builds a left-to-right rewriting scheme for an equality type *)
val rew_l2r_dep_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
val rew_l2r_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
@@ -23,7 +21,6 @@ val rew_r2l_forward_dep_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
val rew_l2r_forward_dep_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
val rew_r2l_dep_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
val rew_r2l_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
-val rew_asym_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
val build_r2l_rew_scheme : bool -> env -> inductive -> sorts_family -> constr
val build_l2r_rew_scheme : bool -> env -> inductive -> sorts_family -> constr
@@ -32,7 +29,7 @@ val build_r2l_forward_rew_scheme :
val build_l2r_forward_rew_scheme :
bool -> env -> inductive -> sorts_family -> constr
-(* Builds a symmetry scheme for a symmetrical equality type *)
+(** Builds a symmetry scheme for a symmetrical equality type *)
val build_sym_scheme : env -> inductive -> constr
val sym_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
@@ -40,7 +37,7 @@ val sym_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
val build_sym_involutive_scheme : env -> inductive -> constr
val sym_involutive_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
-(* Builds a congruence scheme for an equality type *)
+(** Builds a congruence scheme for an equality type *)
val congr_scheme_kind : individual scheme_kind
val build_congr : env -> constr * constr -> inductive -> constr
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index a25f88e3..10fd0fef 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ open Tacexpr
open Tacticals
open Tactics
open Tacred
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Coqlib
open Vernacexpr
open Declarations
@@ -58,6 +56,7 @@ open Goptions
let _ =
{ optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
optname = "automatic introduction of hypotheses by discriminate";
optkey = ["Discriminate";"Introduction"];
optread = (fun () -> !discriminate_introduction);
@@ -66,6 +65,7 @@ let _ =
(* Rewriting tactics *)
type dep_proof_flag = bool (* true = support rewriting dependent proofs *)
+type freeze_evars_flag = bool (* true = don't instantiate existing evars *)
type orientation = bool
@@ -84,18 +84,42 @@ type conditions =
let rewrite_unif_flags = {
Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = None;
- Unification.use_metas_eagerly = true;
+ Unification.use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true;
Unification.modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
+ Unification.modulo_delta_types = empty_transparent_state;
+ Unification.check_applied_meta_types = true;
Unification.resolve_evars = true;
- Unification.use_evars_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.use_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.frozen_evars = ExistentialSet.empty;
+ Unification.restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false;
+ Unification.modulo_betaiota = false;
+ Unification.modulo_eta = true;
+ Unification.allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = false
+ (* allow_K does not matter in practice because calls w_typed_unify *)
+let freeze_initial_evars sigma flags clause =
+ (* We take evars of the type: this may include old evars! For excluding *)
+ (* all old evars, including the ones occurring in the rewriting lemma, *)
+ (* we would have to take the clenv_value *)
+ let newevars = Evd.collect_evars (clenv_type clause) in
+ let evars =
+ fold_undefined (fun evk _ evars ->
+ if ExistentialSet.mem evk newevars then evars
+ else ExistentialSet.add evk evars)
+ sigma ExistentialSet.empty in
+ { flags with Unification.frozen_evars = evars }
+let make_flags frzevars sigma flags clause =
+ if frzevars then freeze_initial_evars sigma flags clause else flags
let side_tac tac sidetac =
match sidetac with
| None -> tac
| Some sidetac -> tclTHENSFIRSTn tac [|tclIDTAC|] sidetac
-let instantiate_lemma_all env sigma gl c ty l l2r concl =
+let instantiate_lemma_all frzevars env sigma gl c ty l l2r concl =
let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding { gl with sigma = sigma } (c,ty) l in
let (equiv, args) = decompose_app (Clenv.clenv_type eqclause) in
let rec split_last_two = function
@@ -105,13 +129,12 @@ let instantiate_lemma_all env sigma gl c ty l l2r concl =
| _ -> error "The term provided is not an applied relation." in
let others,(c1,c2) = split_last_two args in
let try_occ (evd', c') =
- let cl' = {eqclause with evd = evd'} in
- let mvs = clenv_dependent false cl' in
- clenv_pose_metas_as_evars cl' mvs
+ clenv_pose_dependent_evars true {eqclause with evd = evd'}
+ let flags = make_flags frzevars sigma rewrite_unif_flags eqclause in
let occs =
- Unification.w_unify_to_subterm_all ~flags:rewrite_unif_flags env
- ((if l2r then c1 else c2),concl) eqclause.evd
+ Unification.w_unify_to_subterm_all ~flags env eqclause.evd
+ ((if l2r then c1 else c2),concl)
in try_occ occs
let instantiate_lemma env sigma gl c ty l l2r concl =
@@ -121,28 +144,61 @@ let instantiate_lemma env sigma gl c ty l l2r concl =
let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding gl (c,t) l in
-let rewrite_elim with_evars c e ?(allow_K=true) =
- general_elim_clause_gen (elimination_clause_scheme with_evars allow_K) c e
+let rewrite_conv_closed_unif_flags = {
+ Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some full_transparent_state;
+ (* We have this flag for historical reasons, it has e.g. the consequence *)
+ (* to rewrite "?x+2" in "y+(1+1)=0" or to rewrite "?x+?x" in "2+(1+1)=0" *)
+ Unification.use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true;
+ (* Combined with modulo_conv_on_closed_terms, this flag allows since 8.2 *)
+ (* to rewrite e.g. "?x+(2+?x)" in "1+(1+2)=0" *)
+ Unification.modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
+ Unification.modulo_delta_types = full_transparent_state;
+ Unification.check_applied_meta_types = true;
+ Unification.resolve_evars = false;
+ Unification.use_pattern_unification = true;
+ (* To rewrite "?n x y" in "y+x=0" when ?n is *)
+ (* a preexisting evar of the goal*)
+ Unification.use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.frozen_evars = ExistentialSet.empty;
+ (* This is set dynamically *)
+ Unification.restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false;
+ Unification.modulo_betaiota = false;
+ Unification.modulo_eta = true;
+ Unification.allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = false
+let rewrite_elim with_evars frzevars c e gl =
+ let flags =
+ make_flags frzevars (project gl) rewrite_conv_closed_unif_flags c in
+ general_elim_clause_gen (elimination_clause_scheme with_evars ~flags) c e gl
-let rewrite_elim_in with_evars id c e =
- general_elim_clause_gen (elimination_in_clause_scheme with_evars id) c e
+let rewrite_elim_in with_evars frzevars id c e gl =
+ let flags =
+ make_flags frzevars (project gl) rewrite_conv_closed_unif_flags c in
+ general_elim_clause_gen
+ (elimination_in_clause_scheme with_evars ~flags id) c e gl
(* Ad hoc asymmetric general_elim_clause *)
-let general_elim_clause with_evars cls rew elim =
+let general_elim_clause with_evars frzevars cls rew elim =
(match cls with
| None ->
(* was tclWEAK_PROGRESS which only fails for tactics generating one
subgoal and did not fail for useless conditional rewritings generating
an extra condition *)
- tclNOTSAMEGOAL (rewrite_elim with_evars rew elim ~allow_K:false)
- | Some id -> rewrite_elim_in with_evars id rew elim)
- with Pretype_errors.PretypeError (env,
- (Pretype_errors.NoOccurrenceFound (c', _))) ->
+ tclNOTSAMEGOAL (rewrite_elim with_evars frzevars rew elim)
+ | Some id -> rewrite_elim_in with_evars frzevars id rew elim)
+ with Pretype_errors.PretypeError (env,evd,
+ Pretype_errors.NoOccurrenceFound (c', _)) ->
raise (Pretype_errors.PretypeError
- (env, (Pretype_errors.NoOccurrenceFound (c', cls))))
+ (env,evd,Pretype_errors.NoOccurrenceFound (c', cls)))
-let general_elim_clause with_evars tac cls sigma c t l l2r elim gl =
+let general_elim_clause with_evars frzevars tac cls sigma c t l l2r elim gl =
let all, firstonly, tac =
match tac with
| None -> false, false, None
@@ -151,12 +207,15 @@ let general_elim_clause with_evars tac cls sigma c t l l2r elim gl =
| Some (tac, AllMatches) -> true, false, Some (tclCOMPLETE tac)
let cs =
- (if not all then instantiate_lemma else instantiate_lemma_all)
+ (if not all then instantiate_lemma else instantiate_lemma_all frzevars)
(pf_env gl) sigma gl c t l l2r
(match cls with None -> pf_concl gl | Some id -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id)
let try_clause c =
- side_tac (tclTHEN (Refiner.tclEVARS c.evd) (general_elim_clause with_evars cls c elim)) tac
+ side_tac
+ (tclTHEN
+ (Refiner.tclEVARS c.evd)
+ (general_elim_clause with_evars frzevars cls c elim)) tac
if firstonly then
tclFIRST ( try_clause cs) gl
@@ -180,8 +239,8 @@ let register_is_applied_rewrite_relation = (:=) is_applied_rewrite_relation
let find_elim hdcncl lft2rgt dep cls args gl =
let inccl = (cls = None) in
- if (hdcncl = constr_of_reference (Coqlib.glob_eq) ||
- hdcncl = constr_of_reference (Coqlib.glob_jmeq) &&
+ if (eq_constr hdcncl (constr_of_reference (Coqlib.glob_eq)) ||
+ eq_constr hdcncl (constr_of_reference (Coqlib.glob_jmeq)) &&
pf_conv_x gl (List.nth args 0) (List.nth args 2)) && not dep
|| Flags.version_less_or_equal Flags.V8_2
@@ -195,7 +254,7 @@ let find_elim hdcncl lft2rgt dep cls args gl =
let c1 = destConst pr1 in
let mp,dp,l = repr_con (constant_of_kn (canonical_con c1)) in
let l' = label_of_id (add_suffix (id_of_label l) "_r") in
- let c1' = Global.constant_of_delta (make_con mp dp l') in
+ let c1' = Global.constant_of_delta_kn (make_kn mp dp l') in
let _ = Global.lookup_constant c1' in
@@ -211,20 +270,16 @@ let find_elim hdcncl lft2rgt dep cls args gl =
assert false
let scheme_name = match dep, lft2rgt, inccl with
- (* Non dependent case with symmetric equality *)
- | false, Some true, true | false, Some false, false -> rew_l2r_scheme_kind
- | false, Some false, true | false, Some true, false -> rew_r2l_scheme_kind
- (* Dependent case with symmetric equality *)
+ (* Non dependent case *)
+ | false, Some true, true -> rew_l2r_scheme_kind
+ | false, Some true, false -> rew_r2l_scheme_kind
+ | false, _, false -> rew_l2r_scheme_kind
+ | false, _, true -> rew_r2l_scheme_kind
+ (* Dependent case *)
| true, Some true, true -> rew_l2r_dep_scheme_kind
| true, Some true, false -> rew_l2r_forward_dep_scheme_kind
- | true, Some false, true -> rew_r2l_dep_scheme_kind
- | true, Some false, false -> rew_r2l_forward_dep_scheme_kind
- (* Non dependent case with non-symmetric rewriting lemma *)
- | false, None, true -> rew_r2l_scheme_kind
- | false, None, false -> rew_asym_scheme_kind
- (* Dependent case with non-symmetric rewriting lemma *)
- | true, None, true -> rew_r2l_dep_scheme_kind
- | true, None, false -> rew_r2l_forward_dep_scheme_kind
+ | true, _, true -> rew_r2l_dep_scheme_kind
+ | true, _, false -> rew_r2l_forward_dep_scheme_kind
match kind_of_term hdcncl with
| Ind ind -> mkConst (find_scheme scheme_name ind)
@@ -234,12 +289,12 @@ let type_of_clause gl = function
| None -> pf_concl gl
| Some id -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id
-let leibniz_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt tac sigma c t l with_evars dep_proof_ok gl hdcncl =
+let leibniz_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt tac sigma c t l with_evars frzevars dep_proof_ok gl hdcncl =
let isatomic = isProd (whd_zeta hdcncl) in
let dep_fun = if isatomic then dependent else dependent_no_evar in
let dep = dep_proof_ok && dep_fun c (type_of_clause gl cls) in
let elim = find_elim hdcncl lft2rgt dep cls (snd (decompose_app t)) gl in
- general_elim_clause with_evars tac cls sigma c t l
+ general_elim_clause with_evars frzevars tac cls sigma c t l
(match lft2rgt with None -> false | Some b -> b)
{elimindex = None; elimbody = (elim,NoBindings)} gl
@@ -259,7 +314,7 @@ let rewrite_side_tac tac sidetac = side_tac tac ( fst sidetac)
(* Main function for dispatching which kind of rewriting it is about *)
-let general_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt occs dep_proof_ok ?tac
+let general_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt occs frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac
((c,l) : constr with_bindings) with_evars gl =
if occs <> all_occurrences then (
rewrite_side_tac (!general_rewrite_clause cls lft2rgt occs (c,l) ~new_goals:[]) tac gl)
@@ -272,7 +327,7 @@ let general_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt occs dep_proof_ok ?tac
| Some (hdcncl,args) -> (* Fast path: direct leibniz-like rewrite *)
let lft2rgt = adjust_rewriting_direction args lft2rgt in
leibniz_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt tac sigma c (it_mkProd_or_LetIn t rels)
- l with_evars dep_proof_ok gl hdcncl
+ l with_evars frzevars dep_proof_ok gl hdcncl
| None ->
rewrite_side_tac (!general_rewrite_clause cls
@@ -284,27 +339,31 @@ let general_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt occs dep_proof_ok ?tac
| Some (hdcncl,args) ->
let lft2rgt = adjust_rewriting_direction args lft2rgt in
leibniz_rewrite_ebindings_clause cls lft2rgt tac sigma c
- (it_mkProd_or_LetIn t' (rels' @ rels)) l with_evars dep_proof_ok gl hdcncl
+ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn t' (rels' @ rels)) l with_evars frzevars dep_proof_ok gl hdcncl
| None -> raise e
(* error "The provided term does not end with an equality or a declared rewrite relation." *)
let general_rewrite_ebindings =
general_rewrite_ebindings_clause None
-let general_rewrite_bindings l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,bl) =
- general_rewrite_ebindings_clause None l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,bl)
+let general_rewrite_bindings l2r occs frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,bl) =
+ general_rewrite_ebindings_clause None l2r occs
+ frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,bl)
-let general_rewrite l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac c =
- general_rewrite_bindings l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,NoBindings) false
+let general_rewrite l2r occs frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac c =
+ general_rewrite_bindings l2r occs
+ frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,NoBindings) false
-let general_rewrite_ebindings_in l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac id =
- general_rewrite_ebindings_clause (Some id) l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac
+let general_rewrite_ebindings_in l2r occs frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac id =
+ general_rewrite_ebindings_clause (Some id) l2r occs frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac
-let general_rewrite_bindings_in l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac id (c,bl) =
- general_rewrite_ebindings_clause (Some id) l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,bl)
+let general_rewrite_bindings_in l2r occs frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac id (c,bl) =
+ general_rewrite_ebindings_clause (Some id) l2r occs
+ frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,bl)
-let general_rewrite_in l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac id c =
- general_rewrite_ebindings_clause (Some id) l2r occs dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,NoBindings)
+let general_rewrite_in l2r occs frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac id c =
+ general_rewrite_ebindings_clause (Some id) l2r occs
+ frzevars dep_proof_ok ?tac (c,NoBindings)
let general_multi_rewrite l2r with_evars ?tac c cl =
let occs_of = on_snd (List.fold_left
@@ -320,12 +379,12 @@ let general_multi_rewrite l2r with_evars ?tac c cl =
| [] -> tclIDTAC
| ((occs,id),_) :: l ->
- (general_rewrite_ebindings_in l2r (occs_of occs) true ?tac id c with_evars)
+ (general_rewrite_ebindings_in l2r (occs_of occs) false true ?tac id c with_evars)
(do_hyps l)
if cl.concl_occs = no_occurrences_expr then do_hyps l else
- (general_rewrite_ebindings l2r (occs_of cl.concl_occs) true ?tac c with_evars)
+ (general_rewrite_ebindings l2r (occs_of cl.concl_occs) false true ?tac c with_evars)
(do_hyps l)
| None ->
(* Otherwise, if we are told to rewrite in all hypothesis via the
@@ -334,7 +393,7 @@ let general_multi_rewrite l2r with_evars ?tac c cl =
| [] -> (fun gl -> error "Nothing to rewrite.")
| id :: l ->
- (general_rewrite_ebindings_in l2r all_occurrences true ?tac id c with_evars)
+ (general_rewrite_ebindings_in l2r all_occurrences false true ?tac id c with_evars)
(do_hyps_atleastonce l)
let do_hyps gl =
@@ -346,7 +405,7 @@ let general_multi_rewrite l2r with_evars ?tac c cl =
if cl.concl_occs = no_occurrences_expr then do_hyps else
- (general_rewrite_ebindings l2r (occs_of cl.concl_occs) true ?tac c with_evars)
+ (general_rewrite_ebindings l2r (occs_of cl.concl_occs) false true ?tac c with_evars)
type delayed_open_constr_with_bindings =
@@ -371,8 +430,8 @@ let general_multi_multi_rewrite with_evars l cl tac =
| (l2r,m,c)::l -> tclTHENFIRST (doN l2r c m) (loop l)
in loop l
-let rewriteLR = general_rewrite true all_occurrences true
-let rewriteRL = general_rewrite false all_occurrences true
+let rewriteLR = general_rewrite true all_occurrences true true
+let rewriteRL = general_rewrite false all_occurrences true true
(* Replacing tactics *)
@@ -512,7 +571,7 @@ let discriminable env sigma t1 t2 =
let injectable env sigma t1 t2 =
match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
- | Inl _ | Inr [] -> false
+ | Inl _ | Inr [] | Inr [([],_,_)] -> false
| Inr _ -> true
@@ -631,7 +690,7 @@ let construct_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort =
CP : changed assert false in a more informative error
errorlabstrm "Equality.construct_discriminator"
- (str "Cannot discriminate on inductive constructors with
+ (str "Cannot discriminate on inductive constructors with \
dependent types.") in
let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
@@ -682,14 +741,13 @@ let gen_absurdity id gl =
let ind_scheme_of_eq lbeq =
- let ind = destInd lbeq.eq in
- let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive (destInd lbeq.eq) in
let kind = inductive_sort_family mip in
(* use ind rather than case by compatibility *)
let kind =
if kind = InProp then Elimschemes.ind_scheme_kind_from_prop
else Elimschemes.ind_scheme_kind_from_type in
- mkConst (find_scheme kind ind)
+ mkConst (find_scheme kind (destInd lbeq.eq))
let discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq =
@@ -894,8 +952,8 @@ let sig_clausal_form env sigma sort_of_ty siglen ty dflt =
let rty = beta_applist(p_i_minus_1,[ev]) in
let tuple_tail = sigrec_clausal_form (siglen-1) rty in
- Evd.existential_opt_value !evdref
- (destEvar ev)
+ Evd.existential_opt_value !evdref
+ (destEvar ev)
| Some w ->
let w_type = type_of env sigma w in
@@ -1057,6 +1115,8 @@ let injEq ipats (eq,_,(t,t1,t2) as u) eq_clause =
| Inr [] ->
errorlabstrm "Equality.inj"
(str"Nothing to do, it is an equality between convertible terms.")
+ | Inr [([],_,_)] when Flags.version_strictly_greater Flags.V8_3 ->
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.inj" (str"Nothing to inject.")
| Inr posns ->
(* Est-ce utile à partir du moment où les arguments projetés subissent "nf" ?
let t1 = try_delta_expand env sigma t1 in
@@ -1186,26 +1246,37 @@ let bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2) gls =
let decomp_tuple_term env c t =
let rec decomprec inner_code ex exty =
+ let iterated_decomp =
let {proj1=p1; proj2=p2},(a,p,car,cdr) = find_sigma_data_decompose ex in
let car_code = applist (p1,[a;p;inner_code])
and cdr_code = applist (p2,[a;p;inner_code]) in
let cdrtyp = beta_applist (p,[car]) in
- ((car,a),car_code)::(decomprec cdr_code cdr cdrtyp)
+ (fun l -> ((car,a),car_code)::l) (decomprec cdr_code cdr cdrtyp)
with PatternMatchingFailure ->
- [((ex,exty),inner_code)]
+ []
+ in
+ [((ex,exty),inner_code)]::iterated_decomp
- List.split (decomprec (mkRel 1) c t)
+ decomprec (mkRel 1) c t
let subst_tuple_term env sigma dep_pair1 dep_pair2 b =
let typ = get_type_of env sigma dep_pair1 in
+ (* We find all possible decompositions *)
+ let decomps1 = decomp_tuple_term env dep_pair1 typ in
+ let decomps2 = decomp_tuple_term env dep_pair2 typ in
+ (* We adjust to the shortest decomposition *)
+ let n = min (List.length decomps1) (List.length decomps2) in
+ let decomp1 = List.nth decomps1 (n-1) in
+ let decomp2 = List.nth decomps2 (n-1) in
(* We rewrite dep_pair1 ... *)
- let e1_list,proj_list = decomp_tuple_term env dep_pair1 typ in
+ let e1_list,proj_list = List.split decomp1 in
+ (* ... and use dep_pair2 to compute the expected goal *)
+ let e2_list,_ = List.split decomp2 in
+ (* We build the expected goal *)
let abst_B =
(fun (e,t) body -> lambda_create env (t,subst_term e body)) e1_list b in
- (* ... and use dep_pair2 to compute the expected goal *)
- let e2_list,_ = decomp_tuple_term env dep_pair2 typ in
let pred_body = beta_applist(abst_B,proj_list) in
let expected_goal = beta_applist (abst_B, fst e2_list) in
(* Simulate now the normalisation treatment made by Logic.mk_refgoals *)
@@ -1330,34 +1401,21 @@ exception FoundHyp of (identifier * constr * bool)
let is_eq_x gl x (id,_,c) =
let (_,lhs,rhs) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose gl c) in
- if (x = lhs) && not (occur_term x rhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,rhs,true));
- if (x = rhs) && not (occur_term x lhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,lhs,false))
+ if (eq_constr x lhs) && not (occur_term x rhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,rhs,true));
+ if (eq_constr x rhs) && not (occur_term x lhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,lhs,false))
with PatternMatchingFailure ->
-let subst_one dep_proof_ok x gl =
- let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
- let (_,xval,_) = pf_get_hyp gl x in
- (* If x has a body, simply replace x with body and clear x *)
- if xval <> None then tclTHEN (unfold_body x) (clear [x]) gl else
- (* x is a variable: *)
- let varx = mkVar x in
- (* Find a non-recursive definition for x *)
- let (hyp,rhs,dir) =
- try
- let test hyp _ = is_eq_x gl varx hyp in
- Sign.fold_named_context test ~init:() hyps;
- errorlabstrm "Subst"
- (str "Cannot find any non-recursive equality over " ++ pr_id x ++
- str".")
- with FoundHyp res -> res
- in
+(* Rewrite "hyp:x=rhs" or "hyp:rhs=x" (if dir=false) everywhere and
+ erase hyp and x; proceed by generalizing all dep hyps *)
+let subst_one dep_proof_ok x (hyp,rhs,dir) gl =
(* The set of hypotheses using x *)
let depdecls =
let test (id,_,c as dcl) =
if id <> hyp && occur_var_in_decl (pf_env gl) x dcl then dcl
else failwith "caught" in
- List.rev (map_succeed test hyps) in
+ List.rev (map_succeed test (pf_hyps gl)) in
let dephyps = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) depdecls in
(* Decides if x appears in conclusion *)
let depconcl = occur_var (pf_env gl) x (pf_concl gl) in
@@ -1373,23 +1431,47 @@ let subst_one dep_proof_ok x gl =
(id,None,_) -> intro_using id
| (id,Some hval,htyp) ->
letin_tac None (Name id)
- (replace_term varx rhs hval)
- (Some (replace_term varx rhs htyp)) nowhere
+ (replace_term (mkVar x) rhs hval)
+ (Some (replace_term (mkVar x) rhs htyp)) nowhere
let need_rewrite = dephyps <> [] || depconcl in
((if need_rewrite then
[generalize abshyps;
- general_rewrite dir all_occurrences dep_proof_ok (mkVar hyp);
+ general_rewrite dir all_occurrences true dep_proof_ok (mkVar hyp);
thin dephyps;
tclMAP introtac depdecls]
- else
- [thin dephyps;
- tclMAP introtac depdecls]) @
+ else
+ [tclIDTAC]) @
[tclTRY (clear [x;hyp])]) gl
+(* Look for an hypothesis hyp of the form "x=rhs" or "rhs=x", rewrite
+ it everywhere, and erase hyp and x; proceed by generalizing all dep hyps *)
+let subst_one_var dep_proof_ok x gl =
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ let (_,xval,_) = pf_get_hyp gl x in
+ (* If x has a body, simply replace x with body and clear x *)
+ if xval <> None then tclTHEN (unfold_body x) (clear [x]) gl else
+ (* x is a variable: *)
+ let varx = mkVar x in
+ (* Find a non-recursive definition for x *)
+ let (hyp,rhs,dir) =
+ try
+ let test hyp _ = is_eq_x gl varx hyp in
+ Sign.fold_named_context test ~init:() hyps;
+ errorlabstrm "Subst"
+ (str "Cannot find any non-recursive equality over " ++ pr_id x ++
+ str".")
+ with FoundHyp res -> res in
+ subst_one dep_proof_ok x (hyp,rhs,dir) gl
let subst_gen dep_proof_ok ids =
- tclTHEN tclNORMEVAR (tclMAP (subst_one dep_proof_ok) ids)
+ tclTHEN tclNORMEVAR (tclMAP (subst_one_var dep_proof_ok) ids)
+(* For every x, look for an hypothesis hyp of the form "x=rhs" or "rhs=x",
+ rewrite it everywhere, and erase hyp and x; proceed by generalizing
+ all dep hyps *)
let subst = subst_gen true
@@ -1466,3 +1548,5 @@ let replace_multi_term dir_opt c =
let _ = Tactics.register_general_multi_rewrite
(fun b evars t cls -> general_multi_rewrite b evars t cls)
+let _ = Tactics.register_subst_one (fun b -> subst_one b)
diff --git a/tactics/equality.mli b/tactics/equality.mli
index 0c2d8942..79059469 100644
--- a/tactics/equality.mli
+++ b/tactics/equality.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: equality.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
open Names
@@ -23,12 +21,13 @@ open Tacticals
open Tactics
open Tacexpr
open Termops
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Genarg
open Ind_tables
type dep_proof_flag = bool (* true = support rewriting dependent proofs *)
+type freeze_evars_flag = bool (* true = don't instantiate existing evars *)
type orientation = bool
@@ -38,10 +37,10 @@ type conditions =
| AllMatches (* Rewrite all matches whose side-conditions are solved *)
val general_rewrite_bindings :
- orientation -> occurrences -> dep_proof_flag ->
+ orientation -> occurrences -> freeze_evars_flag -> dep_proof_flag ->
?tac:(tactic * conditions) -> constr with_bindings -> evars_flag -> tactic
val general_rewrite :
- orientation -> occurrences -> dep_proof_flag ->
+ orientation -> occurrences -> freeze_evars_flag -> dep_proof_flag ->
?tac:(tactic * conditions) -> constr -> tactic
(* Equivalent to [general_rewrite l2r] *)
@@ -56,15 +55,16 @@ val register_general_rewrite_clause :
val register_is_applied_rewrite_relation : (env -> evar_map -> rel_context -> constr -> constr option) -> unit
val general_rewrite_ebindings_clause : identifier option ->
- orientation -> occurrences -> dep_proof_flag -> ?tac:(tactic * conditions) ->
- constr with_bindings -> evars_flag -> tactic
+ orientation -> occurrences -> freeze_evars_flag -> dep_proof_flag ->
+ ?tac:(tactic * conditions) -> constr with_bindings -> evars_flag -> tactic
val general_rewrite_bindings_in :
- orientation -> occurrences -> dep_proof_flag -> ?tac:(tactic * conditions) ->
+ orientation -> occurrences -> freeze_evars_flag -> dep_proof_flag ->
+ ?tac:(tactic * conditions) ->
identifier -> constr with_bindings -> evars_flag -> tactic
val general_rewrite_in :
- orientation -> occurrences -> dep_proof_flag -> ?tac:(tactic * conditions) ->
- identifier -> constr -> evars_flag -> tactic
+ orientation -> occurrences -> freeze_evars_flag -> dep_proof_flag ->
+ ?tac:(tactic * conditions) -> identifier -> constr -> evars_flag -> tactic
val general_multi_rewrite :
orientation -> evars_flag -> ?tac:(tactic * conditions) -> constr with_bindings -> clause -> tactic
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ type delayed_open_constr_with_bindings =
env -> evar_map -> evar_map * constr with_bindings
val general_multi_multi_rewrite :
- evars_flag -> (bool * multi * delayed_open_constr_with_bindings) list ->
+ evars_flag -> (bool * multi * delayed_open_constr_with_bindings) list ->
clause -> (tactic * conditions) option -> tactic
val replace_in_clause_maybe_by : constr -> constr -> clause -> tactic option -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 9f7c0a54..992fdc91 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Term
open Util
open Evar_refiner
@@ -25,9 +23,9 @@ let instantiate n (ist,rawc) ido gl =
let sigma = gl.sigma in
let evl =
match ido with
- ConclLocation () -> evar_list sigma
+ ConclLocation () -> evar_list sigma (pf_concl gl)
| HypLocation (id,hloc) ->
- let decl = Environ.lookup_named_val id in
+ let decl = Environ.lookup_named_val id (Goal.V82.hyps sigma (sig_it gl)) in
match hloc with
InHyp ->
(match decl with
@@ -57,4 +55,3 @@ let let_evar name typ gls =
let sigma',evar = Evarutil.new_evar gls.sigma (pf_env gls) ~src typ in
Refiner.tclTHEN (Refiner.tclEVARS sigma')
(Tactics.letin_tac None name evar None nowhere) gls
diff --git a/tactics/evar_tactics.mli b/tactics/evar_tactics.mli
index f54f6a4c..882cf3ce 100644
--- a/tactics/evar_tactics.mli
+++ b/tactics/evar_tactics.mli
@@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: evar_tactics.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Tacmach
open Names
open Tacexpr
open Termops
-val instantiate : int -> Tacinterp.interp_sign * Rawterm.rawconstr ->
+val instantiate : int -> Tacinterp.interp_sign * Glob_term.glob_constr ->
(identifier * hyp_location_flag, unit) location -> tactic
-val instantiate_tac : tactic_arg list -> tactic
val let_evar : name -> Term.types -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/extraargs.ml4 b/tactics/extraargs.ml4
index 310423d2..6a13ac2a 100644
--- a/tactics/extraargs.ml4
+++ b/tactics/extraargs.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: extraargs.ml4 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Pcoq
open Genarg
@@ -27,35 +25,37 @@ let pr_orient _prc _prlc _prt = function
| true -> ()
| false -> Pp.str " <-"
| [ "->" ] -> [ true ]
| [ "<-" ] -> [ false ]
| [ ] -> [ true ]
-let pr_int_list _prc _prlc _prt l =
+let pr_orient = pr_orient () () ()
+let pr_int_list_full _prc _prlc _prt l =
let rec aux = function
| i :: l -> i ++ Pp.spc () ++ aux l
| [] ->
in aux l
- TYPED AS int list
- PRINTED BY pr_int_list
+ PRINTED BY pr_int_list_full
RAW_TYPED AS int list
- RAW_PRINTED BY pr_int_list
+ RAW_PRINTED BY pr_int_list_full
GLOB_TYPED AS int list
- GLOB_PRINTED BY pr_int_list
+ GLOB_PRINTED BY pr_int_list_full
| [ integer(x) int_nelist(l) ] -> [x::l]
| [ integer(x) ] -> [ [x] ]
-open Rawterm
+let pr_int_list = pr_int_list_full () () ()
+open Glob_term
let pr_occurrences _prc _prlc _prt l =
match l with
- | ArgArg x -> pr_int_list _prc _prlc _prt x
+ | ArgArg x -> pr_int_list x
| ArgVar (loc, id) -> Nameops.pr_id id
let coerce_to_int = function
@@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ type occurrences_or_var = int list or_var
type occurrences = int list
- TYPED AS occurrences
- PRINTED BY pr_int_list
+ PRINTED BY pr_int_list_full
INTERPRETED BY interp_occs
@@ -98,32 +97,34 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND occurrences
| [ var(id) ] -> [ ArgVar id ]
+let pr_occurrences = pr_occurrences () () ()
let pr_gen prc _prlc _prtac c = prc c
-let pr_rawc _prc _prlc _prtac (_,raw) = Printer.pr_rawconstr raw
+let pr_globc _prc _prlc _prtac (_,glob) = Printer.pr_glob_constr glob
-let interp_raw ist gl (t,_) = (ist,t)
+let interp_glob ist gl (t,_) = (ist,t)
-let glob_raw = Tacinterp.intern_constr
+let glob_glob = Tacinterp.intern_constr
-let subst_raw = Tacinterp.subst_rawconstr_and_expr
+let subst_glob = Tacinterp.subst_glob_constr_and_expr
- TYPED AS rawconstr
- PRINTED BY pr_rawc
+ PRINTED BY pr_globc
- INTERPRETED BY interp_raw
- GLOBALIZED BY glob_raw
- SUBSTITUTED BY subst_raw
+ INTERPRETED BY interp_glob
+ GLOBALIZED BY glob_glob
+ SUBSTITUTED BY subst_glob
RAW_TYPED AS constr_expr
- GLOB_TYPED AS rawconstr_and_expr
+ GLOB_TYPED AS glob_constr_and_expr
[ lconstr(c) ] -> [ c ]
type 'id gen_place= ('id * hyp_location_flag,unit) location
type loc_place = identifier Util.located gen_place
@@ -139,6 +140,7 @@ let pr_gen_place pr_id = function
let pr_loc_place _ _ _ = pr_gen_place (fun (_,id) -> Nameops.pr_id id)
let pr_place _ _ _ = pr_gen_place Nameops.pr_id
+let pr_hloc = pr_loc_place () () ()
let intern_place ist = function
ConclLocation () -> ConclLocation ()
@@ -151,7 +153,6 @@ let interp_place ist gl = function
let subst_place subst pl = pl
- TYPED AS place
PRINTED BY pr_place
INTERPRETED BY interp_place
GLOBALIZED BY intern_place
@@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND by_arg_tac
| [ ] -> [ None ]
+let pr_by_arg_tac prtac opt_c = pr_by_arg_tac () () prtac opt_c
let pr_in_hyp pr_id (lo,concl) : Pp.std_ppcmds =
match lo,concl with
@@ -220,7 +222,6 @@ let pr_var_list _ _ _ = pr_var_list_gen (fun (_,id) -> Ppconstr.pr_id id)
ARGUMENT EXTEND comma_var_lne
- TYPED AS var list
PRINTED BY pr_var_list_typed
RAW_TYPED AS var list
RAW_PRINTED BY pr_var_list
@@ -231,7 +232,6 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND comma_var_lne
- TYPED AS var list
PRINTED BY pr_var_list_typed
RAW_TYPED AS var list
RAW_PRINTED BY pr_var_list
@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@ END
- TYPED AS var list option * bool
PRINTED BY pr_in_arg_hyp_typed
RAW_TYPED AS var list option * bool
RAW_PRINTED BY pr_in_arg_hyp
@@ -267,6 +266,7 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND in_arg_hyp
| [ ] -> [ (Some [],true) ]
+let pr_in_arg_hyp = pr_in_arg_hyp_typed () () ()
let gen_in_arg_hyp_to_clause trad_id (hyps ,concl) : Tacticals.clause =
diff --git a/tactics/extraargs.mli b/tactics/extraargs.mli
index a3f27fde..2abca40e 100644
--- a/tactics/extraargs.mli
+++ b/tactics/extraargs.mli
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: extraargs.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Tacexpr
open Term
open Names
open Proof_type
open Topconstr
open Termops
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
val rawwit_orient : bool raw_abstract_argument_type
val wit_orient : bool typed_abstract_argument_type
-val orient : bool Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val orient : bool Pcoq.Gram.entry
+val pr_orient : bool -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val occurrences : (int list or_var) Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val occurrences : (int list or_var) Pcoq.Gram.entry
val rawwit_occurrences : (int list or_var) raw_abstract_argument_type
val wit_occurrences : (int list) typed_abstract_argument_type
+val pr_occurrences : int list Glob_term.or_var -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val rawwit_raw : constr_expr raw_abstract_argument_type
-val wit_raw : (Tacinterp.interp_sign * rawconstr) typed_abstract_argument_type
-val raw : constr_expr Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val rawwit_glob : constr_expr raw_abstract_argument_type
+val wit_glob : (Tacinterp.interp_sign * glob_constr) typed_abstract_argument_type
+val glob : constr_expr Pcoq.Gram.entry
type 'id gen_place= ('id * hyp_location_flag,unit) location
@@ -35,24 +35,26 @@ type place = identifier gen_place
val rawwit_hloc : loc_place raw_abstract_argument_type
val wit_hloc : place typed_abstract_argument_type
-val hloc : loc_place Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val hloc : loc_place Pcoq.Gram.entry
+val pr_hloc : loc_place -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val in_arg_hyp: (Names.identifier Util.located list option * bool) Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val in_arg_hyp: (Names.identifier Util.located list option * bool) Pcoq.Gram.entry
val rawwit_in_arg_hyp : (Names.identifier Util.located list option * bool) raw_abstract_argument_type
val wit_in_arg_hyp : (Names.identifier list option * bool) typed_abstract_argument_type
val raw_in_arg_hyp_to_clause : (Names.identifier Util.located list option * bool) -> Tacticals.clause
val glob_in_arg_hyp_to_clause : (Names.identifier list option * bool) -> Tacticals.clause
+val pr_in_arg_hyp : (Names.identifier list option * bool) -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val by_arg_tac : Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr option Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val by_arg_tac : Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr option Pcoq.Gram.entry
val rawwit_by_arg_tac : raw_tactic_expr option raw_abstract_argument_type
val wit_by_arg_tac : glob_tactic_expr option typed_abstract_argument_type
+val pr_by_arg_tac :
+ (int * Ppextend.parenRelation -> raw_tactic_expr -> Pp.std_ppcmds) ->
+ raw_tactic_expr option -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** Spiwack: Primitive for retroknowledge registration *)
-(* Spiwack: Primitive for retroknowledge registration *)
-val retroknowledge_field : Retroknowledge.field Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
+val retroknowledge_field : Retroknowledge.field Pcoq.Gram.entry
val rawwit_retroknowledge_field : Retroknowledge.field raw_abstract_argument_type
val wit_retroknowledge_field : Retroknowledge.field typed_abstract_argument_type
diff --git a/tactics/extratactics.ml4 b/tactics/extratactics.ml4
index c4a2ef44..da35edbe 100644
--- a/tactics/extratactics.ml4
+++ b/tactics/extratactics.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: extratactics.ml4 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Pcoq
open Genarg
@@ -17,12 +15,12 @@ open Extraargs
open Mod_subst
open Names
open Tacexpr
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Tactics
open Util
-open Termops
open Evd
open Equality
+open Compat
(* replace, discriminate, injection, simplify_eq *)
@@ -189,13 +187,24 @@ END
open Autorewrite
+let pr_orient _prc _prlc _prt = function
+ | true -> ()
+ | false -> Pp.str " <-"
+let pr_orient_string _prc _prlc _prt (orient, s) =
+ pr_orient _prc _prlc _prt orient ++ Pp.spc () ++ Pp.str s
+ARGUMENT EXTEND orient_string TYPED AS (bool * string) PRINTED BY pr_orient_string
+| [ orient(r) preident(i) ] -> [ r, i ]
TACTIC EXTEND autorewrite
| [ "autorewrite" "with" ne_preident_list(l) in_arg_hyp(cl) ] ->
[ auto_multi_rewrite l (glob_in_arg_hyp_to_clause cl) ]
| [ "autorewrite" "with" ne_preident_list(l) in_arg_hyp(cl) "using" tactic(t) ] ->
let cl = glob_in_arg_hyp_to_clause cl in
- auto_multi_rewrite_with (snd t) l cl
+ auto_multi_rewrite_with (Tacinterp.eval_tactic t) l cl
@@ -205,7 +214,7 @@ TACTIC EXTEND autorewrite_star
[ auto_multi_rewrite ~conds:AllMatches l (glob_in_arg_hyp_to_clause cl) ]
| [ "autorewrite" "*" "with" ne_preident_list(l) in_arg_hyp(cl) "using" tactic(t) ] ->
[ let cl = glob_in_arg_hyp_to_clause cl in
- auto_multi_rewrite_with ~conds:AllMatches (snd t) l cl ]
+ auto_multi_rewrite_with ~conds:AllMatches (Tacinterp.eval_tactic t) l cl ]
@@ -214,7 +223,7 @@ END
let rewrite_star clause orient occs (sigma,c) (tac : glob_tactic_expr option) =
let tac' = (fun t -> Tacinterp.eval_tactic t, FirstSolved) tac in
Refiner. tclWITHHOLES false
- (general_rewrite_ebindings_clause clause orient occs ?tac:tac' true (c,NoBindings)) sigma true
+ (general_rewrite_ebindings_clause clause orient occs ?tac:tac' true true (c,NoBindings)) sigma true
let occurrences_of = function
| n::_ as nl when n < 0 -> (false, abs nl)
@@ -229,11 +238,11 @@ TACTIC EXTEND rewrite_star
| [ "rewrite" "*" orient(o) open_constr(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id) by_arg_tac(tac) ] ->
[ rewrite_star (Some id) o (occurrences_of occ) c tac ]
| [ "rewrite" "*" orient(o) open_constr(c) "in" hyp(id) by_arg_tac(tac) ] ->
- [ rewrite_star (Some id) o all_occurrences c tac ]
+ [ rewrite_star (Some id) o Termops.all_occurrences c tac ]
| [ "rewrite" "*" orient(o) open_constr(c) "at" occurrences(occ) by_arg_tac(tac) ] ->
[ rewrite_star None o (occurrences_of occ) c tac ]
| [ "rewrite" "*" orient(o) open_constr(c) by_arg_tac(tac) ] ->
- [ rewrite_star None o all_occurrences c tac ]
+ [ rewrite_star None o Termops.all_occurrences c tac ]
@@ -277,7 +286,7 @@ let project_hint pri l2r c =
let c = Reductionops.whd_beta Evd.empty (mkApp (c,Termops.extended_rel_vect 0 sign)) in
let c = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
(mkApp (p,[|mkArrow a (lift 1 b);mkArrow b (lift 1 a);c|])) sign in
- (pri,true,c)
+ (pri,true,Auto.PathAny,c)
let add_hints_iff l2r lc n bl =
Auto.add_hints true bl
@@ -326,18 +335,18 @@ VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeriveInversionClear
-> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s false inv_clear_tac ]
| [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) "with" constr(c) ]
- -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (Rawterm.RProp Term.Null) false inv_clear_tac ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (Glob_term.GProp Term.Null) false inv_clear_tac ]
open Term
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
| [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ]
-> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s false inv_tac ]
| [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) ]
- -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (RProp Null) false inv_tac ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (GProp Null) false inv_tac ]
| [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) hyp(id) ]
-> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal 1 na id Term.prop_sort false inv_tac ]
@@ -385,7 +394,7 @@ open Tacexpr
open Tacticals
TACTIC EXTEND instantiate
- [ "instantiate" "(" integer(i) ":=" raw(c) ")" hloc(hl) ] ->
+ [ "instantiate" "(" integer(i) ":=" glob(c) ")" hloc(hl) ] ->
[instantiate i c hl ]
| [ "instantiate" ] -> [ tclNORMEVAR ]
@@ -397,7 +406,7 @@ END
open Tactics
open Tactics
open Libnames
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Summary
open Libobject
open Lib
@@ -433,7 +442,7 @@ let cache_transitivity_lemma (_,(left,lem)) =
let subst_transitivity_lemma (subst,(b,ref)) = (b,subst_mps subst ref)
-let (inTransitivity,_) =
+let inTransitivity : bool * constr -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "TRANSITIVITY-STEPS") with
cache_function = cache_transitivity_lemma;
open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_transitivity_lemma o);
@@ -467,12 +476,12 @@ let add_transitivity_lemma left lem =
(* Vernacular syntax *)
-| ["stepl" constr(c) "by" tactic(tac) ] -> [ step true c (snd tac) ]
+| ["stepl" constr(c) "by" tactic(tac) ] -> [ step true c (Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac) ]
| ["stepl" constr(c) ] -> [ step true c tclIDTAC ]
-| ["stepr" constr(c) "by" tactic(tac) ] -> [ step false c (snd tac) ]
+| ["stepr" constr(c) "by" tactic(tac) ] -> [ step false c (Tacinterp.eval_tactic tac) ]
| ["stepr" constr(c) ] -> [ step false c tclIDTAC ]
@@ -488,7 +497,7 @@ END
| [ "Declare" "Implicit" "Tactic" tactic(tac) ] ->
- [ Tacinterp.declare_implicit_tactic (Tacinterp.interp tac) ]
+ [ Pfedit.declare_implicit_tactic (Tacinterp.interp tac) ]
@@ -539,27 +548,27 @@ END
let subst_var_with_hole occ tid t =
- let occref = if occ > 0 then ref occ else error_invalid_occurrence [occ] in
+ let occref = if occ > 0 then ref occ else Termops.error_invalid_occurrence [occ] in
let locref = ref 0 in
let rec substrec = function
- | RVar (_,id) as x ->
+ | GVar (_,id) as x ->
if id = tid
then (decr occref; if !occref = 0 then x
- else (incr locref; RHole (make_loc (!locref,0),Evd.QuestionMark(Evd.Define true))))
+ else (incr locref; GHole (make_loc (!locref,0),Evd.QuestionMark(Evd.Define true))))
else x
- | c -> map_rawconstr_left_to_right substrec c in
+ | c -> map_glob_constr_left_to_right substrec c in
let t' = substrec t
- if !occref > 0 then error_invalid_occurrence [occ] else t'
+ if !occref > 0 then Termops.error_invalid_occurrence [occ] else t'
let subst_hole_with_term occ tc t =
let locref = ref 0 in
let occref = ref occ in
let rec substrec = function
- | RHole (_,Evd.QuestionMark(Evd.Define true)) ->
+ | GHole (_,Evd.QuestionMark(Evd.Define true)) ->
decr occref; if !occref = 0 then tc
- else (incr locref; RHole (make_loc (!locref,0),Evd.QuestionMark(Evd.Define true)))
- | c -> map_rawconstr_left_to_right substrec c
+ else (incr locref; GHole (make_loc (!locref,0),Evd.QuestionMark(Evd.Define true)))
+ | c -> map_glob_constr_left_to_right substrec c
substrec t
@@ -571,16 +580,16 @@ let out_arg = function
let hResolve id c occ t gl =
let sigma = project gl in
- let env = clear_named_body id (pf_env gl) in
- let env_ids = ids_of_context env in
- let env_names = names_of_rel_context env in
+ let env = Termops.clear_named_body id (pf_env gl) in
+ let env_ids = Termops.ids_of_context env in
+ let env_names = Termops.names_of_rel_context env in
let c_raw = Detyping.detype true env_ids env_names c in
let t_raw = Detyping.detype true env_ids env_names t in
let rec resolve_hole t_hole =
Pretyping.Default.understand sigma env t_hole
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,Pretype_errors.PretypeError (_, Pretype_errors.UnsolvableImplicit _)) ->
+ | Loc.Exc_located (loc,Pretype_errors.PretypeError (_,_,Pretype_errors.UnsolvableImplicit _)) ->
resolve_hole (subst_hole_with_term (fst (unloc loc)) c_raw t_hole)
let t_constr = resolve_hole (subst_var_with_hole occ id t_raw) in
@@ -625,8 +634,91 @@ END
+(* A tactic that reduces one match t with ... by doing destruct t. *)
+(* if t is not a variable, the tactic does *)
+(* case_eq t;intros ... heq;rewrite heq in *|-. (but heq itself is *)
+(* preserved). *)
+(* Contributed by Julien Forest and Pierre Courtieu (july 2010) *)
+exception Found of tactic
+let rewrite_except h g =
+ tclMAP (fun id -> if id = h then tclIDTAC else
+ tclTRY (Equality.general_rewrite_in true Termops.all_occurrences true true id (mkVar h) false))
+ (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g) g
+let refl_equal =
+ let coq_base_constant s =
+ Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "RecursiveDefinition"
+ (Coqlib.init_modules @ [["Coq";"Arith";"Le"];["Coq";"Arith";"Lt"]]) s in
+ function () -> (coq_base_constant "eq_refl")
+(* This is simply an implementation of the case_eq tactic. this code
+ should be replaced by a call to the tactic but I don't know how to
+ call it before it is defined. *)
+let mkCaseEq a : tactic =
+ (fun g ->
+ let type_of_a = Tacmach.pf_type_of g a in
+ [Hiddentac.h_generalize [mkApp(delayed_force refl_equal, [| type_of_a; a|])];
+ (fun g2 ->
+ change_in_concl None
+ (Tacred.pattern_occs [((false,[1]), a)] (Tacmach.pf_env g2) Evd.empty (Tacmach.pf_concl g2))
+ g2);
+ simplest_case a] g);;
+let case_eq_intros_rewrite x g =
+ let n = nb_prod (Tacmach.pf_concl g) in
+ Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr x);
+ mkCaseEq x;
+ (fun g ->
+ let n' = nb_prod (Tacmach.pf_concl g) in
+ let h = fresh_id (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g) (id_of_string "heq") g in
+ tclTHENLIST [ (tclDO (n'-n-1) intro);
+ Tacmach.introduction h;
+ rewrite_except h] g
+ )
+ ] g
+let rec find_a_destructable_match t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Case (_,_,x,_) when closed0 x ->
+ if isVar x then
+ (* TODO check there is no rel n. *)
+ raise (Found (Tacinterp.eval_tactic(<:tactic<destruct x>>)))
+ else
+ let _ = Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr x) in
+ raise (Found (case_eq_intros_rewrite x))
+ | _ -> iter_constr find_a_destructable_match t
+let destauto t =
+ try find_a_destructable_match t;
+ error "No destructable match found"
+ with Found tac -> tac
+let destauto_in id g =
+ let ctype = Tacmach.pf_type_of g (mkVar id) in
+ Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr (mkVar id));
+ Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr (ctype));
+ destauto ctype g
+| [ "destauto" ] -> [ (fun g -> destauto (Tacmach.pf_concl g) g) ]
+| [ "destauto" "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ destauto_in id ]
+(* ********************************************************************* *)
-| [ "constr_eq" constr(x) constr(y) ] -> [
+| [ "constr_eq" constr(x) constr(y) ] -> [
if eq_constr x y then tclIDTAC else tclFAIL 0 (str "Not equal") ]
diff --git a/tactics/extratactics.mli b/tactics/extratactics.mli
index ecad939c..66f46722 100644
--- a/tactics/extratactics.mli
+++ b/tactics/extratactics.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: extratactics.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Proof_type
val h_discrHyp : Names.identifier -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 018bf815..fafc681a 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Term
open Proof_type
open Tacmach
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Refiner
open Genarg
open Tacexpr
@@ -66,6 +64,10 @@ let h_generalize_dep c =
let h_let_tac b na c cl =
let with_eq = if b then None else Some (true,(dummy_loc,IntroAnonymous)) in
abstract_tactic (TacLetTac (na,c,cl,b)) (letin_tac with_eq na c None cl)
+let h_let_pat_tac b na c cl =
+ let with_eq = if b then None else Some (true,(dummy_loc,IntroAnonymous)) in
+ abstract_tactic (TacLetTac (na,snd c,cl,b))
+ (letin_pat_tac with_eq na c None cl)
(* Derived basic tactics *)
let h_simple_induction_destruct isrec h =
@@ -74,10 +76,17 @@ let h_simple_induction_destruct isrec h =
let h_simple_induction = h_simple_induction_destruct true
let h_simple_destruct = h_simple_induction_destruct false
+let out_indarg = function
+ | ElimOnConstr (_,c) -> ElimOnConstr c
+ | ElimOnIdent id -> ElimOnIdent id
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n -> ElimOnAnonHyp n
let h_induction_destruct isrec ev lcl =
- abstract_tactic (TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,lcl))
+ let lcl' = on_fst ( (fun (a,b,c) ->( out_indarg a,b,c))) lcl in
+ abstract_tactic (TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,lcl'))
(induction_destruct isrec ev lcl)
-let h_new_induction ev c e idl cl = h_induction_destruct true ev ([c,e,idl],cl)
+let h_new_induction ev c e idl cl =
+ h_induction_destruct true ev ([c,e,idl],cl)
let h_new_destruct ev c e idl cl = h_induction_destruct false ev ([c,e,idl],cl)
let h_specialize n d = abstract_tactic (TacSpecialize (n,d)) (specialize n d)
@@ -102,9 +111,9 @@ let h_any_constructor t =
abstract_tactic (TacAnyConstructor t) (any_constructor t)
let h_constructor ev n l =
- abstract_tactic (TacConstructor(ev,AI n,l))(constructor_tac ev None n l)
+ abstract_tactic (TacConstructor(ev,ArgArg n,l))(constructor_tac ev None n l)
let h_one_constructor n =
- abstract_tactic (TacConstructor(false,AI n,NoBindings)) (one_constructor n NoBindings)
+ abstract_tactic (TacConstructor(false,ArgArg n,NoBindings)) (one_constructor n NoBindings)
let h_simplest_left = h_left false NoBindings
let h_simplest_right = h_right false NoBindings
diff --git a/tactics/hiddentac.mli b/tactics/hiddentac.mli
index 31484cc0..96e7e3f0 100644
--- a/tactics/hiddentac.mli
+++ b/tactics/hiddentac.mli
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: hiddentac.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
open Util
open Term
@@ -16,16 +13,15 @@ open Proof_type
open Tacmach
open Genarg
open Tacexpr
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Evd
open Clenv
open Termops
-(* Tactics for the interpreter. They left a trace in the proof tree
+(** Tactics for the interpreter. They left a trace in the proof tree
when they are called. *)
-(* Basic tactics *)
+(** Basic tactics *)
val h_intro_move : identifier option -> identifier move_location -> tactic
val h_intro : identifier -> tactic
@@ -61,39 +57,44 @@ val h_generalize_gen : (constr with_occurrences * name) list -> tactic
val h_generalize_dep : constr -> tactic
val h_let_tac : letin_flag -> name -> constr ->
Tacticals.clause -> tactic
+val h_let_pat_tac : letin_flag -> name -> evar_map * constr ->
+ Tacticals.clause -> tactic
-(* Derived basic tactics *)
+(** Derived basic tactics *)
val h_simple_induction : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
val h_simple_destruct : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
val h_simple_induction_destruct : rec_flag -> quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
val h_new_induction : evars_flag ->
- constr with_bindings induction_arg list -> constr with_bindings option ->
+ (evar_map * constr with_bindings) induction_arg list ->
+ constr with_bindings option ->
intro_pattern_expr located option * intro_pattern_expr located option ->
Tacticals.clause option -> tactic
val h_new_destruct : evars_flag ->
- constr with_bindings induction_arg list -> constr with_bindings option ->
+ (evar_map * constr with_bindings) induction_arg list ->
+ constr with_bindings option ->
intro_pattern_expr located option * intro_pattern_expr located option ->
Tacticals.clause option -> tactic
val h_induction_destruct : rec_flag -> evars_flag ->
- (constr with_bindings induction_arg list * constr with_bindings option *
+ ((evar_map * constr with_bindings) induction_arg list *
+ constr with_bindings option *
(intro_pattern_expr located option * intro_pattern_expr located option)) list
* Tacticals.clause option -> tactic
val h_specialize : int option -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
val h_lapply : constr -> tactic
-(* Automation tactic : see Auto *)
+(** Automation tactic : see Auto *)
-(* Context management *)
+(** Context management *)
val h_clear : bool -> identifier list -> tactic
val h_clear_body : identifier list -> tactic
val h_move : bool -> identifier -> identifier move_location -> tactic
val h_rename : (identifier*identifier) list -> tactic
val h_revert : identifier list -> tactic
-(* Constructors *)
+(** Constructors *)
val h_constructor : evars_flag -> int -> constr bindings -> tactic
val h_left : evars_flag -> constr bindings -> tactic
val h_right : evars_flag -> constr bindings -> tactic
@@ -104,12 +105,12 @@ val h_simplest_left : tactic
val h_simplest_right : tactic
-(* Conversion *)
+(** Conversion *)
val h_reduce : Redexpr.red_expr -> Tacticals.clause -> tactic
val h_change :
Pattern.constr_pattern option -> constr -> Tacticals.clause -> tactic
-(* Equivalence relations *)
+(** Equivalence relations *)
val h_reflexivity : tactic
val h_symmetry : Tacticals.clause -> tactic
val h_transitivity : constr option -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/hipattern.ml4 b/tactics/hipattern.ml4
index 08bcf65a..9057c60d 100644
--- a/tactics/hipattern.ml4
+++ b/tactics/hipattern.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma parsing/q_constr.cmo" i*)
-(* $Id: hipattern.ml4 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -21,7 +19,6 @@ open Reductionops
open Inductiveops
open Evd
open Environ
-open Proof_trees
open Clenv
open Pattern
open Matching
@@ -98,7 +95,7 @@ let match_with_one_constructor style allow_rec t =
(decompose_prod_n_assum mib.mind_nparams mip.mind_nf_lc.(0)))) in
- (fun (_,b,c) -> b=None && c = mkRel mib.mind_nparams) ctx
+ (fun (_,b,c) -> b=None && isRel c && destRel c = mib.mind_nparams) ctx
Some (hdapp,args)
else None
@@ -145,7 +142,7 @@ let is_tuple t =
let test_strict_disjunction n lc =
array_for_all_i (fun i c ->
match (prod_assum (snd (decompose_prod_n_assum n c))) with
- | [_,None,c] -> c = mkRel (n - i)
+ | [_,None,c] -> isRel c && destRel c = (n - i)
| _ -> false) 0 lc
let match_with_disjunction ?(strict=false) t =
@@ -426,6 +423,7 @@ let dest_nf_eq gls eqn =
(* Patterns "(existS ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)" and "(existT ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)" *)
let coq_ex_pattern_gen ex = lazy PATTERN [ %ex ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ]
let coq_existT_pattern = coq_ex_pattern_gen coq_existT_ref
+let coq_exist_pattern = coq_ex_pattern_gen coq_exist_ref
let match_sigma ex ex_pat =
match matches (Lazy.force ex_pat) ex with
@@ -437,7 +435,8 @@ let match_sigma ex ex_pat =
let find_sigma_data_decompose ex = (* fails with PatternMatchingFailure *)
first_match (match_sigma ex)
- [coq_existT_pattern, build_sigma_type]
+ [coq_existT_pattern, build_sigma_type;
+ coq_exist_pattern, build_sigma]
(* Pattern "(sig ?1 ?2)" *)
let coq_sig_pattern = lazy PATTERN [ %coq_sig_ref ?X1 ?X2 ]
diff --git a/tactics/hipattern.mli b/tactics/hipattern.mli
index 15d7bfc6..aa386364 100644
--- a/tactics/hipattern.mli
+++ b/tactics/hipattern.mli
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: hipattern.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
open Names
open Term
open Sign
open Evd
open Pattern
-open Proof_trees
open Coqlib
-(*s Given a term with second-order variables in it,
+(** High-order patterns *)
+(** Given a term with second-order variables in it,
represented by Meta's, and possibly applied using SoApp
terms, this function will perform second-order, binding-preserving,
matching, in the case where the pattern is a pattern in the sense
@@ -38,7 +35,7 @@ open Coqlib
intersection of the free-rels of the term and the current stack be
contained in the arguments of the application *)
-(*s I implemented the following functions which test whether a term [t]
+(** I implemented the following functions which test whether a term [t]
is an inductive but non-recursive type, a general conjuction, a
general disjunction, or a type with no constructors.
@@ -53,36 +50,36 @@ type testing_function = constr -> bool
val match_with_non_recursive_type : (constr * constr list) matching_function
val is_non_recursive_type : testing_function
-(* Non recursive type with no indices and exactly one argument for each
+(** Non recursive type with no indices and exactly one argument for each
constructor; canonical definition of n-ary disjunction if strict *)
val match_with_disjunction : ?strict:bool -> (constr * constr list) matching_function
val is_disjunction : ?strict:bool -> testing_function
-(* Non recursive tuple (one constructor and no indices) with no inner
+(** Non recursive tuple (one constructor and no indices) with no inner
dependencies; canonical definition of n-ary conjunction if strict *)
val match_with_conjunction : ?strict:bool -> (constr * constr list) matching_function
val is_conjunction : ?strict:bool -> testing_function
-(* Non recursive tuple, possibly with inner dependencies *)
+(** Non recursive tuple, possibly with inner dependencies *)
val match_with_record : (constr * constr list) matching_function
val is_record : testing_function
-(* Like record but supports and tells if recursive (e.g. Acc) *)
+(** Like record but supports and tells if recursive (e.g. Acc) *)
val match_with_tuple : (constr * constr list * bool) matching_function
val is_tuple : testing_function
-(* No constructor, possibly with indices *)
+(** No constructor, possibly with indices *)
val match_with_empty_type : constr matching_function
val is_empty_type : testing_function
-(* type with only one constructor and no arguments, possibly with indices *)
+(** type with only one constructor and no arguments, possibly with indices *)
val match_with_unit_or_eq_type : constr matching_function
val is_unit_or_eq_type : testing_function
-(* type with only one constructor and no arguments, no indices *)
+(** type with only one constructor and no arguments, no indices *)
val is_unit_type : testing_function
-(* type with only one constructor, no arguments and at least one dependency *)
+(** type with only one constructor, no arguments and at least one dependency *)
val is_inductive_equality : inductive -> bool
val match_with_equality_type : (constr * constr list) matching_function
val is_equality_type : testing_function
@@ -96,7 +93,7 @@ val is_forall_term : testing_function
val match_with_imp_term : (constr * constr) matching_function
val is_imp_term : testing_function
-(* I added these functions to test whether a type contains dependent
+(** I added these functions to test whether a type contains dependent
products or not, and if an inductive has constructors with dependent types
(excluding parameters). this is useful to check whether a conjunction is a
real conjunction and not a dependent tuple. (Pierre Corbineau, 13/5/2002) *)
@@ -110,7 +107,7 @@ val is_nodep_ind : testing_function
val match_with_sigma_type : (constr * constr list) matching_function
val is_sigma_type : testing_function
-(* Recongnize inductive relation defined by reflexivity *)
+(** Recongnize inductive relation defined by reflexivity *)
type equation_kind =
| MonomorphicLeibnizEq of constr * constr
@@ -124,37 +121,37 @@ val match_with_equation:
(***** Destructing patterns bound to some theory *)
-(* Match terms [eq A t u], [identity A t u] or [JMeq A t A u] *)
-(* Returns associated lemmas and [A,t,u] or fails PatternMatchingFailure *)
+(** Match terms [eq A t u], [identity A t u] or [JMeq A t A u]
+ Returns associated lemmas and [A,t,u] or fails PatternMatchingFailure *)
val find_eq_data_decompose : Proof_type.goal sigma -> constr ->
coq_eq_data * (types * constr * constr)
-(* Idem but fails with an error message instead of PatternMatchingFailure *)
+(** Idem but fails with an error message instead of PatternMatchingFailure *)
val find_this_eq_data_decompose : Proof_type.goal sigma -> constr ->
coq_eq_data * (types * constr * constr)
-(* A variant that returns more informative structure on the equality found *)
+(** A variant that returns more informative structure on the equality found *)
val find_eq_data : constr -> coq_eq_data * equation_kind
-(* Match a term of the form [(existT A P t p)] *)
-(* Returns associated lemmas and [A,P,t,p] *)
+(** Match a term of the form [(existT A P t p)]
+ Returns associated lemmas and [A,P,t,p] *)
val find_sigma_data_decompose : constr ->
coq_sigma_data * (constr * constr * constr * constr)
-(* Match a term of the form [{x:A|P}], returns [A] and [P] *)
+(** Match a term of the form [{x:A|P}], returns [A] and [P] *)
val match_sigma : constr -> constr * constr
val is_matching_sigma : constr -> bool
-(* Match a decidable equality judgement (e.g [{t=u:>T}+{~t=u}]), returns
+(** Match a decidable equality judgement (e.g [{t=u:>T}+{~t=u}]), returns
[t,u,T] and a boolean telling if equality is on the left side *)
val match_eqdec : constr -> bool * constr * constr * constr * constr
-(* Match an equality up to conversion; returns [(eq,t1,t2)] in normal form *)
+(** Match an equality up to conversion; returns [(eq,t1,t2)] in normal form *)
open Proof_type
open Tacmach
val dest_nf_eq : goal sigma -> constr -> (constr * constr * constr)
-(* Match a negation *)
+(** Match a negation *)
val is_matching_not : constr -> bool
val is_matching_imp_False : constr -> bool
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 37142f30..2ae4e22e 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ open Equality
open Typing
open Pattern
open Matching
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Genarg
open Tacexpr
@@ -333,7 +331,9 @@ let projectAndApply thin id eqname names depids gls =
(* If no immediate variable in the equation, try to decompose it *)
(* and apply a trailer which again try to substitute *)
- (fun id -> dEqThen false (deq_trailer id) (Some (ElimOnIdent (dummy_loc,id))))
+ (fun id ->
+ dEqThen false (deq_trailer id)
+ (Some (ElimOnConstr (mkVar id,NoBindings))))
diff --git a/tactics/inv.mli b/tactics/inv.mli
index 43e2a8de..ef828d88 100644
--- a/tactics/inv.mli
+++ b/tactics/inv.mli
@@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: inv.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
open Names
open Term
open Tacmach
open Genarg
open Tacexpr
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
type inversion_status = Dep of constr option | NoDep
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 2544a4be..1697c146 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -24,7 +22,6 @@ open Entries
open Inductiveops
open Environ
open Tacmach
-open Proof_trees
open Proof_type
open Pfedit
open Evar_refiner
@@ -37,8 +34,6 @@ open Vernacexpr
open Safe_typing
open Decl_kinds
-let not_work_message = "tactic fails to build the inversion lemma, may be because the predicate has arguments that depend on other arguments"
let no_inductive_inconstr env constr =
(str "Cannot recognize an inductive predicate in " ++
pr_lconstr_env env constr ++
@@ -89,18 +84,6 @@ let no_inductive_inconstr env constr =
-let thin_ids env (hyps,vars) =
- fst
- (List.fold_left
- (fun ((ids,globs) as sofar) (id,c,a) ->
- if List.mem id globs then
- match c with
- | None -> (id::ids,(global_vars env a)@globs)
- | Some body ->
- (id::ids,(global_vars env body)@(global_vars env a)@globs)
- else sofar)
- ([],vars) hyps)
(* returns the sub_signature of sign corresponding to those identifiers that
* are not global. *)
@@ -192,10 +175,6 @@ let compute_first_inversion_scheme env sigma ind sort dep_option =
let extenv = push_named (p,None,npty) env in
extenv, goal
-let whd_meta_from_map metamap c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Meta p -> (try List.assoc p metamap with Not_found -> c)
- | _ -> c
(* [inversion_scheme sign I]
Given a local signature, [sign], and an instance of an inductive
@@ -221,29 +200,32 @@ let inversion_scheme env sigma t sort dep_option inv_op =
errorlabstrm "lemma_inversion"
(str"Computed inversion goal was not closed in initial signature.");
- let invSign = named_context_val invEnv in
- let pfs = mk_pftreestate (mk_goal invSign invGoal None) in
- let pfs = solve_pftreestate (tclTHEN intro (onLastHypId inv_op)) pfs in
- let (pfterm,meta_types) = extract_open_pftreestate pfs in
+ let pf = Proof.start [invEnv,invGoal] in
+ Proof.run_tactic env (Proofview.V82.tactic (tclTHEN intro (onLastHypId inv_op))) pf;
+ let pfterm = List.hd (Proof.partial_proof pf) in
let global_named_context = Global.named_context () in
- let ownSign =
+ let ownSign = ref begin
(fun env (id,_,_ as d) sign ->
if mem_named_context id global_named_context then sign
else add_named_decl d sign)
invEnv ~init:empty_named_context
+ end in
+ let avoid = ref [] in
+ let { sigma=sigma } = Proof.V82.subgoals pf in
+ let rec fill_holes c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (e,args) ->
+ let h = next_ident_away (id_of_string "H") !avoid in
+ let ty,inst = Evarutil.generalize_evar_over_rels sigma (e,args) in
+ avoid := h::!avoid;
+ ownSign := add_named_decl (h,None,ty) !ownSign;
+ applist (mkVar h, inst)
+ | _ -> map_constr fill_holes c
- let (_,ownSign,mvb) =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (avoid,sign,mvb) (mv,mvty) ->
- let h = next_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
- (h::avoid, add_named_decl (h,None,mvty) sign, (mv,mkVar h)::mvb))
- (ids_of_context invEnv, ownSign, [])
- meta_types
- in
- let invProof =
- it_mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn
- (local_strong (fun _ -> whd_meta_from_map mvb) Evd.empty pfterm) ownSign
+ let c = fill_holes pfterm in
+ (* warning: side-effect on ownSign *)
+ let invProof = it_mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn c !ownSign
@@ -253,32 +235,23 @@ let add_inversion_lemma name env sigma t sort dep inv_op =
declare_constant name
{ const_entry_body = invProof;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
const_entry_type = None;
- const_entry_opaque = false;
- const_entry_boxed = true && (Flags.boxed_definitions())},
+ const_entry_opaque = false },
IsProof Lemma)
in ()
-(* open Pfedit *)
(* inv_op = Inv (derives de complete inv. lemma)
* inv_op = InvNoThining (derives de semi inversion lemma) *)
let inversion_lemma_from_goal n na (loc,id) sort dep_option inv_op =
let pts = get_pftreestate() in
- let gl = nth_goal_of_pftreestate n pts in
+ let { it=gls ; sigma=sigma } = Proof.V82.subgoals pts in
+ let gl = { it = List.nth gls (n-1) ; sigma=sigma } in
let t =
try pf_get_hyp_typ gl id
with Not_found -> Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id in
let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in
-(* Pourquoi ???
- let fv = global_vars env t in
- let thin_ids = thin_ids (hyps,fv) in
- if not(list_subset thin_ids fv) then
- errorlabstrm "lemma_inversion"
- (str"Cannot compute lemma inversion when there are" ++ spc () ++
- str"free variables in the types of an inductive" ++ spc () ++
- str"which are not free in its instance."); *)
add_inversion_lemma na env sigma t sort dep_option inv_op
let add_inversion_lemma_exn na com comsort bool tac =
@@ -296,11 +269,10 @@ let add_inversion_lemma_exn na com comsort bool tac =
(* ================================= *)
let lemInv id c gls =
- ignore (pf_get_hyp gls id); (* ensure id exists *)
let clause = mk_clenv_type_of gls c in
let clause = clenv_constrain_last_binding (mkVar id) clause in
- Clenvtac.res_pf clause ~allow_K:true gls
+ Clenvtac.res_pf clause ~flags:Unification.elim_flags gls
| NoSuchBinding ->
errorlabstrm ""
diff --git a/tactics/leminv.mli b/tactics/leminv.mli
index b4b5737b..233aeba3 100644
--- a/tactics/leminv.mli
+++ b/tactics/leminv.mli
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
open Util
open Names
open Term
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Proof_type
open Topconstr
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ val inversion_lemma_from_goal :
int -> identifier -> identifier located -> sorts -> bool ->
(identifier -> tactic) -> unit
val add_inversion_lemma_exn :
- identifier -> constr_expr -> rawsort -> bool -> (identifier -> tactic) ->
+ identifier -> constr_expr -> glob_sort -> bool -> (identifier -> tactic) ->
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 19df4ff1..4e34fae8 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
open Term
diff --git a/tactics/nbtermdn.mli b/tactics/nbtermdn.mli
index e655b6e3..652ff4f4 100644
--- a/tactics/nbtermdn.mli
+++ b/tactics/nbtermdn.mli
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: nbtermdn.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Term
open Pattern
open Libnames
-(* Named, bounded-depth, term-discrimination nets. *)
+(** Named, bounded-depth, term-discrimination nets. *)
module Make :
functor (Y:Map.OrderedType) ->
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index c1b1fe9d..e7f3998a 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
(* JCF -- 6 janvier 1998 EXPERIMENTAL *)
@@ -114,8 +112,6 @@ let replace_by_meta env sigma = function
| _ -> invalid_arg "Tcc.replace_by_meta (TO DO)"
- if occur_meta ty then
- error "Unable to manage a dependent metavariable of higher-order type.";
mkCast (m,DEFAULTcast, ty),[n,ty],[Some th]
exception NoMeta
@@ -197,8 +193,6 @@ let rec compute_metamap env sigma c = match kind_of_term c with
| Case (ci,p,cc,v) ->
- if occur_meta p then
- error "Unable to manage a metavariable in the return clause of a match.";
(* bof... *)
let nbr = Array.length v in
let v = Array.append [|p;cc|] v in
@@ -401,5 +395,3 @@ let refine (evd,c) gl =
complicated to update meta types when passing through a binder *)
let th = compute_metamap (pf_env gl) evd c in
tclTHEN (Refiner.tclEVARS evd) (tcc_aux [] th) gl
-let _ = Decl_proof_instr.set_refine refine (* dirty trick to solve circular dependency *)
diff --git a/tactics/refine.mli b/tactics/refine.mli
index 15491616..a96f47ba 100644
--- a/tactics/refine.mli
+++ b/tactics/refine.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: refine.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Tacmach
val refine : Evd.open_constr -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/rewrite.ml4 b/tactics/rewrite.ml4
index fd3eeeb2..d297969d 100644
--- a/tactics/rewrite.ml4
+++ b/tactics/rewrite.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
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(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: rewrite.ml4 11981 2009-03-16 08:18:53Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -20,7 +18,6 @@ open Termops
open Sign
open Reduction
open Proof_type
-open Proof_trees
open Declarations
open Tacticals
open Tacmach
@@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ open Tactics
open Pattern
open Clenv
open Auto
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Hiddentac
open Typeclasses
open Typeclasses_errors
@@ -39,21 +36,16 @@ open Pfedit
open Command
open Libnames
open Evd
+open Compat
(** Typeclass-based generalized rewriting. *)
-let check_required_library d =
- let d' = id_of_string d in
- let dir = make_dirpath (List.rev d') in
- if not (Library.library_is_loaded dir) then
- error ("Library "^(list_last d)^" has to be required first.")
let classes_dirpath =
make_dirpath ( id_of_string ["Classes";"Coq"])
let init_setoid () =
if is_dirpath_prefix_of classes_dirpath (Lib.cwd ()) then ()
- else check_required_library ["Coq";"Setoids";"Setoid"]
+ else Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"Setoids";"Setoid"]
let proper_class =
lazy (class_info ( (Qualid (dummy_loc, qualid_of_string "Coq.Classes.Morphisms.Proper"))))
@@ -61,7 +53,7 @@ let proper_class =
let proper_proxy_class =
lazy (class_info ( (Qualid (dummy_loc, qualid_of_string "Coq.Classes.Morphisms.ProperProxy"))))
-let proper_proj = lazy (mkConst (Option.get (snd (List.hd (Lazy.force proper_class).cl_projs))))
+let proper_proj = lazy (mkConst (Option.get (pi3 (List.hd (Lazy.force proper_class).cl_projs))))
let make_dir l = make_dirpath ( id_of_string (List.rev l))
@@ -73,28 +65,21 @@ let try_find_reference dir s =
constr_of_global (try_find_global_reference dir s)
let gen_constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "rewrite" dir s
-let coq_proj1 = lazy(gen_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "proj1")
-let coq_proj2 = lazy(gen_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "proj2")
let coq_eq = lazy(gen_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq")
-let coq_eq_rect = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "eq_rect")
let coq_f_equal = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "f_equal")
-let iff = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "iff")
let coq_all = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Logic"] "all")
+let coq_forall = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "Morphisms"] "forall_def")
let impl = lazy (gen_constant ["Program"; "Basics"] "impl")
let arrow = lazy (gen_constant ["Program"; "Basics"] "arrow")
-let coq_id = lazy (gen_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "id")
let reflexive_type = lazy (try_find_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "Reflexive")
-let reflexive_proof_global = lazy (try_find_global_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "reflexivity")
let reflexive_proof = lazy (try_find_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "reflexivity")
let symmetric_type = lazy (try_find_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "Symmetric")
let symmetric_proof = lazy (try_find_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "symmetry")
-let symmetric_proof_global = lazy (try_find_global_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "symmetry")
let transitive_type = lazy (try_find_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "Transitive")
let transitive_proof = lazy (try_find_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "transitivity")
-let transitive_proof_global = lazy (try_find_global_reference ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "transitivity")
let coq_inverse = lazy (gen_constant (* ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "inverse" *)
["Program"; "Basics"] "flip")
@@ -102,18 +87,14 @@ let coq_inverse = lazy (gen_constant (* ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "inverse"
let inverse car rel = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inverse, [| car ; car; mkProp; rel |])
(* let inverse car rel = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inverse, [| car ; car; new_Type (); rel |]) *)
-let complement = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "complement")
let forall_relation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "Morphisms"] "forall_relation")
let pointwise_relation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "Morphisms"] "pointwise_relation")
-let respectful_dep = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "Morphisms"] "respectful_dep")
let respectful = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "Morphisms"] "respectful")
-let equivalence = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "Equivalence")
let default_relation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "SetoidTactics"] "DefaultRelation")
let subrelation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "subrelation")
-let is_subrelation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "is_subrelation")
let do_subrelation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "Morphisms"] "do_subrelation")
let apply_subrelation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "Morphisms"] "apply_subrelation")
@@ -121,25 +102,13 @@ let coq_relation = lazy (gen_constant ["Relations";"Relation_Definitions"] "rela
let mk_relation a = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_relation, [| a |])
(* let mk_relation a = mkProd (Anonymous, a, mkProd (Anonymous, a, new_Type ())) *)
-let coq_relationT = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes";"Relations"] "relationT")
-let setoid_refl_proj = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "SetoidClass"] "Equivalence_Reflexive")
-let setoid_equiv = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "SetoidClass"] "equiv")
-let setoid_proper = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "SetoidClass"] "setoid_proper")
-let setoid_refl_proj = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "SetoidClass"] "Equivalence_Reflexive")
let rewrite_relation_class = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "RewriteRelation")
-let rewrite_relation = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "rewrite_relation")
let arrow_morphism a b =
if isprop a && isprop b then
Lazy.force impl
else Lazy.force arrow
-let setoid_refl pars x =
- applistc (Lazy.force setoid_refl_proj) (pars @ [x])
let proper_type = lazy (constr_of_global (Lazy.force proper_class).cl_impl)
let proper_proxy_type = lazy (constr_of_global (Lazy.force proper_proxy_class).cl_impl)
@@ -167,14 +136,14 @@ let split_head = function
hd :: tl -> hd, tl
| [] -> assert(false)
-let new_goal_evar (goal,cstr) env t =
- let goal', t = Evarutil.new_evar goal env t in
- (goal', cstr), t
let new_cstr_evar (goal,cstr) env t =
let cstr', t = Evarutil.new_evar cstr env t in
(goal, cstr'), t
+let new_goal_evar (goal,cstr) env t =
+ let goal', t = Evarutil.new_evar goal env t in
+ (goal', cstr), t
let build_signature evars env m (cstrs : (types * types option) option list)
(finalcstr : (types * types option) option) =
let new_evar evars env t =
@@ -220,11 +189,17 @@ let proper_proof env evars carrier relation x =
let goal = mkApp (Lazy.force proper_proxy_type, [| carrier ; relation; x |])
in new_cstr_evar evars env goal
+let extends_undefined evars evars' =
+ let f ev evi found = found || not (Evd.mem evars ev)
+ in fold_undefined f evars' false
let find_class_proof proof_type proof_method env evars carrier relation =
let goal = mkApp (Lazy.force proof_type, [| carrier ; relation |]) in
- let evars, c = Typeclasses.resolve_one_typeclass env evars goal in
- mkApp (Lazy.force proof_method, [| carrier; relation; c |])
+ let evars', c = Typeclasses.resolve_one_typeclass env evars goal in
+ if extends_undefined evars evars' then raise Not_found
+ else mkApp (Lazy.force proof_method, [| carrier; relation; c |])
with e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> raise Not_found
let get_reflexive_proof env = find_class_proof reflexive_type reflexive_proof env
@@ -247,10 +222,14 @@ type hypinfo = {
l2r : bool;
c1 : constr;
c2 : constr;
- c : constr with_bindings option;
+ c : (Tacinterp.interp_sign * Genarg.glob_constr_and_expr with_bindings) option;
abs : (constr * types) option;
+ flags : Unification.unify_flags;
+let goalevars evars = fst evars
+let cstrevars evars = snd evars
let evd_convertible env evd x y =
try ignore(Evarconv.the_conv_x env x y evd); true
with _ -> false
@@ -270,10 +249,14 @@ let rec decompose_app_rel env evd t =
in (f'', args)
| _ -> error "The term provided is not an applied relation."
-let decompose_applied_relation env sigma (c,l) left2right =
- let ctype = Typing.type_of env sigma c in
+(* let nc, c', cl = push_rel_context_to_named_context env c in *)
+(* let env' = reset_with_named_context nc env in *)
+let decompose_applied_relation env sigma flags orig (c,l) left2right =
+ let c' = c in
+ let ctype = Typing.type_of env sigma c' in
let find_rel ty =
- let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding_env_apply env sigma None (c,ty) l in
+ let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding_env_apply env sigma None (c',ty) l in
let (equiv, args) = decompose_app_rel env sigma (Clenv.clenv_type eqclause) in
let c1 = args.(0) and c2 = args.(1) in
let ty1, ty2 =
@@ -283,7 +266,8 @@ let decompose_applied_relation env sigma (c,l) left2right =
Some { cl=eqclause; prf=(Clenv.clenv_value eqclause);
car=ty1; rel = equiv;
- l2r=left2right; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=Some (c,l); abs=None }
+ l2r=left2right; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=orig; abs=None;
+ flags = flags }
match find_rel ctype with
| Some c -> c
@@ -293,44 +277,81 @@ let decompose_applied_relation env sigma (c,l) left2right =
| Some c -> c
| None -> error "The term does not end with an applied homogeneous relation."
-let rewrite_unif_flags = {
- Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = None;
- Unification.use_metas_eagerly = true;
- Unification.modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
- Unification.resolve_evars = true;
- Unification.use_evars_pattern_unification = true;
+open Tacinterp
+let decompose_applied_relation_expr env sigma flags (is, (c,l)) left2right =
+ let sigma, cbl = Tacinterp.interp_open_constr_with_bindings is env sigma (c,l) in
+ decompose_applied_relation env sigma flags (Some (is, (c,l))) cbl left2right
+let rewrite_db = "rewrite"
let conv_transparent_state = (Idpred.empty, Cpred.full)
-let rewrite2_unif_flags = {
- Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some conv_transparent_state;
- Unification.use_metas_eagerly = true;
+let _ =
+ Auto.add_auto_init
+ (fun () ->
+ Auto.create_hint_db false rewrite_db conv_transparent_state true)
+let rewrite_transparent_state () =
+ Auto.Hint_db.transparent_state (Auto.searchtable_map rewrite_db)
+let rewrite_unif_flags = {
+ Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = None;
+ Unification.use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true;
Unification.modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
+ Unification.modulo_delta_types = full_transparent_state;
+ Unification.check_applied_meta_types = true;
Unification.resolve_evars = true;
- Unification.use_evars_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.use_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.frozen_evars = ExistentialSet.empty;
+ Unification.restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false;
+ Unification.modulo_betaiota = false;
+ Unification.modulo_eta = true;
+ Unification.allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = true
-let setoid_rewrite_unif_flags = {
- Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some conv_transparent_state;
- Unification.use_metas_eagerly = true;
- Unification.modulo_delta = conv_transparent_state;
- Unification.resolve_evars = true;
- Unification.use_evars_pattern_unification = true;
+let rewrite2_unif_flags =
+ { Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some conv_transparent_state;
+ Unification.use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true;
+ Unification.modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
+ Unification.modulo_delta_types = conv_transparent_state;
+ Unification.check_applied_meta_types = true;
+ Unification.resolve_evars = true;
+ Unification.use_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.frozen_evars = ExistentialSet.empty;
+ Unification.restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false;
+ Unification.modulo_betaiota = true;
+ Unification.modulo_eta = true;
+ Unification.allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = true
+ }
+let general_rewrite_unif_flags () =
+ let ts = rewrite_transparent_state () in
+ { Unification.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some ts;
+ Unification.use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = true;
+ Unification.modulo_delta = ts;
+ Unification.modulo_delta_types = ts;
+ Unification.check_applied_meta_types = true;
+ Unification.resolve_evars = true;
+ Unification.use_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = true;
+ Unification.frozen_evars = ExistentialSet.empty;
+ Unification.restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false;
+ Unification.modulo_betaiota = true;
+ Unification.modulo_eta = true;
+ Unification.allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = true }
let convertible env evd x y =
Reductionops.is_conv env evd x y
-let allowK = true
let refresh_hypinfo env sigma hypinfo =
if hypinfo.abs = None then
- let {l2r=l2r; c=c;cl=cl} = hypinfo in
+ let {l2r=l2r; c=c;cl=cl;flags=flags} = hypinfo in
match c with
| Some c ->
(* Refresh the clausenv to not get the same meta twice in the goal. *)
- decompose_applied_relation env cl.evd c l2r;
+ decompose_applied_relation_expr env sigma flags c l2r;
| _ -> hypinfo
else hypinfo
@@ -342,19 +363,13 @@ let unify_eqn env sigma hypinfo t =
let env', prf, c1, c2, car, rel =
match abs with
| Some (absprf, absprfty) ->
- let env' = clenv_unify allowK ~flags:rewrite_unif_flags CONV left t cl in
+ let env' = clenv_unify ~flags:rewrite_unif_flags CONV left t cl in
env', prf, c1, c2, car, rel
| None ->
- let env' =
- try clenv_unify allowK ~flags:rewrite_unif_flags CONV left t cl
- with Pretype_errors.PretypeError _ ->
- (* For Ring essentially, only when doing setoid_rewrite *)
- clenv_unify allowK ~flags:rewrite2_unif_flags CONV left t cl
- in
- let env' =
- let mvs = clenv_dependent false env' in
- clenv_pose_metas_as_evars env' mvs
+ let env' = clenv_unify ~flags:!hypinfo.flags CONV left t cl
+ let env' = Clenvtac.clenv_pose_dependent_evars true env' in
+(* let env' = Clenv.clenv_pose_metas_as_evars env' (Evd.undefined_metas env'.evd) in *)
let evd' = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:true env'.env env'.evd in
let env' = { env' with evd = evd' } in
let nf c = Evarutil.nf_evar evd' (Clenv.clenv_nf_meta env' c) in
@@ -365,34 +380,83 @@ let unify_eqn env sigma hypinfo t =
and ty2 = Typing.type_of env'.env env'.evd c2
if convertible env env'.evd ty1 ty2 then (
- if occur_meta prf then
- hypinfo := refresh_hypinfo env sigma !hypinfo;
+ if occur_meta_or_existential prf then
+ hypinfo := refresh_hypinfo env env'.evd !hypinfo;
env', prf, c1, c2, car, rel)
else raise Reduction.NotConvertible
let res =
if l2r then (prf, (car, rel, c1, c2))
- try (mkApp (get_symmetric_proof env Evd.empty car rel,
+ try (mkApp (get_symmetric_proof env env'.evd car rel,
[| c1 ; c2 ; prf |]),
(car, rel, c2, c1))
with Not_found ->
(prf, (car, inverse car rel, c2, c1))
- in Some (env', res)
+ in Some (env'.evd, res)
with e when Class_tactics.catchable e -> None
+(* let unify_eqn env sigma hypinfo t = *)
+(* if isEvar t then None *)
+(* else try *)
+(* let {cl=cl; prf=prf; car=car; rel=rel; l2r=l2r; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=c; abs=abs} = !hypinfo in *)
+(* let left = if l2r then c1 else c2 in *)
+(* let evd', prf, c1, c2, car, rel = *)
+(* match abs with *)
+(* | Some (absprf, absprfty) -> *)
+(* let env' = clenv_unify allowK ~flags:rewrite_unif_flags CONV left t cl in *)
+(* env'.evd, prf, c1, c2, car, rel *)
+(* | None -> *)
+(* let cl' = Clenv.clenv_pose_metas_as_evars cl (Evd.undefined_metas cl.evd) in *)
+(* let sigma = cl'.evd in *)
+(* let c1 = Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' c1 *)
+(* and c2 = Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' c2 *)
+(* and prf = Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' prf *)
+(* and car = Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' car *)
+(* and rel = Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' rel *)
+(* in *)
+(* let sigma' = *)
+(* try Evarconv.the_conv_x ~ts:empty_transparent_state env t c1 sigma *)
+(* with Reduction.NotConvertible _ -> *)
+(* Evarconv.the_conv_x ~ts:conv_transparent_state env t c1 sigma *)
+(* in *)
+(* let sigma' = Evarconv.consider_remaining_unif_problems ~ts:conv_transparent_state env sigma' in *)
+(* let evd' = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:true env sigma' in *)
+(* let nf c = Evarutil.nf_evar evd' c in *)
+(* let c1 = nf c1 and c2 = nf c2 *)
+(* and car = nf car and rel = nf rel *)
+(* and prf' = nf prf in *)
+(* if occur_meta_or_existential prf then *)
+(* hypinfo := refresh_hypinfo env evd' !hypinfo; *)
+(* evd', prf', c1, c2, car, rel *)
+(* in *)
+(* let res = *)
+(* if l2r then (prf, (car, rel, c1, c2)) *)
+(* else *)
+(* try (mkApp (get_symmetric_proof env Evd.empty car rel, *)
+(* [| c1 ; c2 ; prf |]), *)
+(* (car, rel, c2, c1)) *)
+(* with Not_found -> *)
+(* (prf, (car, inverse car rel, c2, c1)) *)
+(* in Some (evd', res) *)
+(* with Reduction.NotConvertible -> None *)
+(* | e when Class_tactics.catchable e -> None *)
let unfold_impl t =
match kind_of_term t with
| App (arrow, [| a; b |])(* when eq_constr arrow (Lazy.force impl) *) ->
mkProd (Anonymous, a, lift 1 b)
| _ -> assert false
-let unfold_id t =
+let unfold_all t =
match kind_of_term t with
- | App (id, [| a; b |]) (* when eq_constr id (Lazy.force coq_id) *) -> b
+ | App (id, [| a; b |]) (* when eq_constr id (Lazy.force coq_all) *) ->
+ (match kind_of_term b with
+ | Lambda (n, ty, b) -> mkProd (n, ty, b)
+ | _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false
-let unfold_all t =
+let unfold_forall t =
match kind_of_term t with
| App (id, [| a; b |]) (* when eq_constr id (Lazy.force coq_all) *) ->
(match kind_of_term b with
@@ -400,9 +464,6 @@ let unfold_all t =
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false
-let decomp_prod env evm n c =
- snd (Reductionops.splay_prod_n env evm n c)
let rec decomp_pointwise n c =
if n = 0 then c
@@ -430,31 +491,35 @@ let pointwise_or_dep_relation n t car rel =
mkApp (Lazy.force forall_relation,
[| t; mkLambda (n, t, car); mkLambda (n, t, rel) |])
-let lift_cstr env sigma evars (args : constr list) ty cstr =
+let lift_cstr env sigma evars (args : constr list) c ty cstr =
let start env car =
match cstr with
| None | Some (_, None) ->
Evarutil.e_new_evar evars env (mk_relation car)
| Some (ty, Some rel) -> rel
- let rec aux env prod n args =
- if n = 0 then Some (start env prod)
+ let rec aux env prod n =
+ if n = 0 then start env prod
match kind_of_term (Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env prod) with
| Prod (na, ty, b) ->
if noccurn 1 b then
let b' = lift (-1) b in
- let rb = aux env b' (pred n) ( args) in
- (fun rb -> mkApp (Lazy.force pointwise_relation, [| ty; b'; rb |]))
- rb
+ let rb = aux env b' (pred n) in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force pointwise_relation, [| ty; b'; rb |])
- let rb = aux (Environ.push_rel (na, None, ty) env) b (pred n) ( args) in
- (fun rb -> mkApp (Lazy.force forall_relation,
- [| ty; mkLambda (na, ty, b); mkLambda (na, ty, rb) |]))
- rb
- | _ -> None
- in (fun rel -> (ty, rel)) (aux env ty (List.length args) args)
+ let rb = aux (Environ.push_rel (na, None, ty) env) b (pred n) in
+ mkApp (Lazy.force forall_relation,
+ [| ty; mkLambda (na, ty, b); mkLambda (na, ty, rb) |])
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ let rec find env c ty = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | arg :: args ->
+ try Some (aux env ty (succ (List.length args)), c, ty, arg :: args)
+ with Not_found ->
+ find env (mkApp (c, [| arg |])) (prod_applist ty [arg]) args
+ in find env c ty args
let unlift_cstr env sigma = function
| None -> None
@@ -470,7 +535,7 @@ type rewrite_proof =
| RewPrf of constr * constr
| RewCast of cast_kind
-let get_rew_rel = function RewPrf (rel, prf) -> Some rel | _ -> None
+let get_opt_rew_rel = function RewPrf (rel, prf) -> Some rel | _ -> None
type rewrite_result_info = {
rew_car : constr;
@@ -482,16 +547,21 @@ type rewrite_result_info = {
type rewrite_result = rewrite_result_info option
-type strategy = Environ.env -> evar_map -> constr -> types ->
+type strategy = Environ.env -> identifier list -> constr -> types ->
constr option -> evars -> rewrite_result option
+let get_rew_rel r = match r.rew_prf with
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) -> rel
+ | RewCast c -> mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq (), [| r.rew_car; r.rew_from; r.rew_to |])
let get_rew_prf r = match r.rew_prf with
- | RewPrf (rel, prf) -> prf
+ | RewPrf (rel, prf) -> rel, prf
| RewCast c ->
- mkCast (mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq_refl (), [| r.rew_car; r.rew_from |]),
- c, mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq (), [| r.rew_car; r.rew_from; r.rew_to |]))
+ let rel = mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq (), [| r.rew_car |]) in
+ rel, mkCast (mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq_refl (), [| r.rew_car; r.rew_from |]),
+ c, mkApp (rel, [| r.rew_from; r.rew_to |]))
-let resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel prf rel' res =
+let resolve_subrelation env avoid car rel prf rel' res =
if eq_constr rel rel' then res
(* try let evd' = Evarconv.the_conv_x env rel rel' res.rew_evars in *)
@@ -504,15 +574,15 @@ let resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel prf rel' res =
rew_prf = RewPrf (rel', appsub);
rew_evars = evars }
-let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars =
+let resolve_morphism env avoid oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars =
let evars, morph_instance, proj, sigargs, m', args, args' =
let first = try (array_find args' (fun i b -> b <> None))
with Not_found -> raise (Invalid_argument "resolve_morphism") in
let morphargs, morphobjs = array_chop first args in
let morphargs', morphobjs' = array_chop first args' in
let appm = mkApp(m, morphargs) in
- let appmtype = Typing.type_of env sigma appm in
- let cstrs = ( (fun r -> r.rew_car, get_rew_rel r.rew_prf)) (Array.to_list morphobjs') in
+ let appmtype = Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) appm in
+ let cstrs = ( (fun r -> r.rew_car, get_opt_rew_rel r.rew_prf)) (Array.to_list morphobjs') in
(* Desired signature *)
let evars, appmtype', signature, sigargs =
build_signature evars env appmtype cstrs cstr
@@ -540,7 +610,7 @@ let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars
let evars, proof = proper_proof env evars carrier relation x in
[ proof ; x ; x ] @ acc, subst, evars, sigargs, x :: typeargs'
| Some r ->
- [ get_rew_prf r; r.rew_to; x ] @ acc, subst, evars, sigargs, r.rew_to :: typeargs')
+ [ snd (get_rew_prf r); r.rew_to; x ] @ acc, subst, evars, sigargs, r.rew_to :: typeargs')
| None ->
if y <> None then error "Cannot rewrite the argument of a dependent function";
x :: acc, x :: subst, evars, sigargs, x :: typeargs')
@@ -552,10 +622,10 @@ let resolve_morphism env sigma oldt m ?(fnewt=fun x -> x) args args' cstr evars
[ a, Some r ] -> evars, proof, a, r, oldt, fnewt newt
| _ -> assert(false)
-let apply_constraint env sigma car rel prf cstr res =
+let apply_constraint env avoid car rel prf cstr res =
match cstr with
| None -> res
- | Some r -> resolve_subrelation env sigma car rel prf r res
+ | Some r -> resolve_subrelation env avoid car rel prf r res
let eq_env x y = x == y
@@ -564,29 +634,27 @@ let apply_rule hypinfo loccs : strategy =
let is_occ occ =
if nowhere_except_in then List.mem occ occs else not (List.mem occ occs) in
let occ = ref 0 in
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
- if not (eq_env ! env) then hypinfo := refresh_hypinfo env sigma !hypinfo;
- let unif = unify_eqn env sigma hypinfo t in
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ if not (eq_env ! env) then
+ hypinfo := refresh_hypinfo env (goalevars evars) !hypinfo;
+ let unif = unify_eqn env (goalevars evars) hypinfo t in
if unif <> None then incr occ;
match unif with
- | Some (env', (prf, (car, rel, c1, c2))) when is_occ !occ ->
+ | Some (evd', (prf, (car, rel, c1, c2))) when is_occ !occ ->
if eq_constr t c2 then Some None
- let goalevars = Evd.evar_merge (fst evars)
- (Evd.undefined_evars (Evarutil.nf_evar_map env'.evd))
- in
let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_from = c1;
- rew_to = c2; rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, prf); rew_evars = goalevars, snd evars }
- in Some (Some (apply_constraint env sigma car rel prf cstr res))
+ rew_to = c2; rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, prf);
+ rew_evars = evd', cstrevars evars }
+ in Some (Some (apply_constraint env avoid car rel prf cstr res))
| _ -> None
-let apply_lemma (evm,c) left2right loccs : strategy =
- fun env sigma ->
- let evars = Evd.merge sigma evm in
- let hypinfo = ref (decompose_applied_relation env evars c left2right) in
- apply_rule hypinfo loccs env sigma
+let apply_lemma flags (evm,c) left2right loccs : strategy =
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ let hypinfo = ref (decompose_applied_relation env (goalevars evars) flags None c left2right) in
+ apply_rule hypinfo loccs env avoid t ty cstr evars
let make_leibniz_proof c ty r =
let prf =
@@ -658,9 +726,15 @@ let unfold_match env sigma sk app =
let v = Environ.constant_value (Global.env ()) sk in
Reductionops.whd_beta sigma (mkApp (v, args))
| _ -> app
+let is_rew_cast = function RewCast _ -> true | _ -> false
+let coerce env avoid cstr res =
+ let rel, prf = get_rew_prf res in
+ apply_constraint env avoid res.rew_car rel prf cstr res
let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
- let rec aux env sigma t ty cstr evars =
+ let rec aux env avoid t ty cstr evars =
let cstr' = (fun c -> (ty, Some c)) cstr in
match kind_of_term t with
| App (m, args) ->
@@ -670,7 +744,7 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
(fun (acc, evars, progress) arg ->
if progress <> None && not all then (None :: acc, evars, progress)
- let res = s env sigma arg (Typing.type_of env sigma arg) None evars in
+ let res = s env avoid arg (Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) arg) None evars in
match res with
| Some None -> (None :: acc, evars, if progress = None then Some false else progress)
| Some (Some r) -> (Some r :: acc, r.rew_evars, Some true)
@@ -682,19 +756,38 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
| Some false -> Some None
| Some true ->
let args' = Array.of_list (List.rev args') in
- let evars', prf, car, rel, c1, c2 = resolve_morphism env sigma t m args args' cstr' evars' in
- let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_from = c1;
- rew_to = c2; rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, prf);
- rew_evars = evars' }
- in
- Some (Some res)
+ if array_exists
+ (function
+ | None -> false
+ | Some r -> not (is_rew_cast r.rew_prf)) args'
+ then
+ let evars', prf, car, rel, c1, c2 = resolve_morphism env avoid t m args args' cstr' evars' in
+ let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_from = c1;
+ rew_to = c2; rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, prf);
+ rew_evars = evars' }
+ in Some (Some res)
+ else
+ let args' = array_map2
+ (fun aorig anew ->
+ match anew with None -> aorig
+ | Some r -> r.rew_to) args args'
+ in
+ let res = { rew_car = ty; rew_from = t;
+ rew_to = mkApp (m, args'); rew_prf = RewCast DEFAULTcast;
+ rew_evars = evars' }
+ in Some (Some res)
if flags.on_morphisms then
let evarsref = ref (snd evars) in
- let mty = Typing.type_of env sigma m in
- let argsl = Array.to_list args in
- let cstr' = lift_cstr env sigma evarsref argsl mty None in
- let m' = s env sigma m mty ( snd cstr') (fst evars, !evarsref) in
+ let mty = Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) m in
+ let cstr', m, mty, argsl, args =
+ let argsl = Array.to_list args in
+ match lift_cstr env (goalevars evars) evarsref argsl m mty None with
+ | Some (cstr', m, mty, args) -> Some cstr', m, mty, args, Array.of_list args
+ | None -> None, m, mty, argsl, args
+ in
+ let m' = s env avoid m mty cstr' (fst evars, !evarsref) in
match m' with
| None -> rewrite_args None (* Standard path, try rewrite on arguments *)
| Some None -> rewrite_args (Some false)
@@ -714,14 +807,14 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
match prf with
| RewPrf (rel, prf) ->
- Some (Some (apply_constraint env sigma res.rew_car rel prf cstr res))
+ Some (Some (apply_constraint env avoid res.rew_car rel prf cstr res))
| _ -> Some (Some res)
else rewrite_args None
| Prod (n, x, b) when noccurn 1 b ->
let b = subst1 mkProp b in
- let tx = Typing.type_of env sigma x and tb = Typing.type_of env sigma b in
- let res = aux env sigma (mkApp (arrow_morphism tx tb, [| x; b |])) ty cstr evars in
+ let tx = Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) x and tb = Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) b in
+ let res = aux env avoid (mkApp (arrow_morphism tx tb, [| x; b |])) ty cstr evars in
(match res with
| Some (Some r) -> Some (Some { r with rew_to = unfold_impl r.rew_to })
| _ -> res)
@@ -740,22 +833,28 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
(* in res, occ *)
(* else *)
- | Prod (n, dom, codom) when eq_constr ty mkProp ->
+ | Prod (n, dom, codom) ->
let lam = mkLambda (n, dom, codom) in
- let res = aux env sigma (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_all, [| dom; lam |])) ty cstr evars in
+ let app, unfold =
+ if eq_constr ty mkProp then
+ mkApp (Lazy.force coq_all, [| dom; lam |]), unfold_all
+ else mkApp (Lazy.force coq_forall, [| dom; lam |]), unfold_forall
+ in
+ let res = aux env avoid app ty cstr evars in
(match res with
- | Some (Some r) -> Some (Some { r with rew_to = unfold_all r.rew_to })
- | _ -> res)
+ | Some (Some r) -> Some (Some { r with rew_to = unfold r.rew_to })
+ | _ -> res)
| Lambda (n, t, b) when flags.under_lambdas ->
- let env' = Environ.push_rel (n, None, t) env in
- let b' = s env' sigma b (Typing.type_of env' sigma b) (unlift_cstr env sigma cstr) evars in
+ let n' = name_app (fun id -> Tactics.fresh_id_in_env avoid id env) n in
+ let env' = Environ.push_rel (n', None, t) env in
+ let b' = s env' avoid b (Typing.type_of env' (goalevars evars) b) (unlift_cstr env (goalevars evars) cstr) evars in
(match b' with
| Some (Some r) ->
let prf = match r.rew_prf with
| RewPrf (rel, prf) ->
- let rel = pointwise_or_dep_relation n t r.rew_car rel in
- let prf = mkLambda (n, t, prf) in
+ let rel = pointwise_or_dep_relation n' t r.rew_car rel in
+ let prf = mkLambda (n', t, prf) in
RewPrf (rel, prf)
| x -> x
@@ -767,38 +866,47 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
| _ -> b')
| Case (ci, p, c, brs) ->
- let cty = Typing.type_of env sigma c in
+ let cty = Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) c in
let cstr' = Some (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| cty |])) in
- let c' = s env sigma c cty cstr' evars in
- (match c' with
+ let c' = s env avoid c cty cstr' evars in
+ let res =
+ match c' with
| Some (Some r) ->
- Some (Some (make_leibniz_proof (mkCase (ci, lift 1 p, mkRel 1, (lift 1) brs)) ty r))
+ let res = make_leibniz_proof (mkCase (ci, lift 1 p, mkRel 1, (lift 1) brs)) ty r in
+ Some (Some (coerce env avoid cstr res))
| x ->
- if array_for_all ((=) 0) ci.ci_cstr_nargs then
- let cstr = Some (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| ty |])) in
- let found, brs' = Array.fold_left (fun (found, acc) br ->
- if found <> None then (found, fun x -> lift 1 br :: acc x)
- else
- match s env sigma br ty cstr evars with
- | Some (Some r) -> (Some r, fun x -> mkRel 1 :: acc x)
- | _ -> (None, fun x -> lift 1 br :: acc x))
- (None, fun x -> []) brs
- in
- match found with
- | Some r ->
- let ctxc = mkCase (ci, lift 1 p, lift 1 c, Array.of_list (List.rev (brs' x))) in
- Some (Some (make_leibniz_proof ctxc ty r))
- | None -> x
- else
- match try Some (fold_match env sigma t) with Not_found -> None with
+ if array_for_all ((=) 0) ci.ci_cstr_ndecls then
+ let cstr = Some (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| ty |])) in
+ let found, brs' = Array.fold_left
+ (fun (found, acc) br ->
+ if found <> None then (found, fun x -> lift 1 br :: acc x)
+ else
+ match s env avoid br ty cstr evars with
+ | Some (Some r) -> (Some r, fun x -> mkRel 1 :: acc x)
+ | _ -> (None, fun x -> lift 1 br :: acc x))
+ (None, fun x -> []) brs
+ in
+ match found with
+ | Some r ->
+ let ctxc = mkCase (ci, lift 1 p, lift 1 c, Array.of_list (List.rev (brs' x))) in
+ Some (Some (make_leibniz_proof ctxc ty r))
| None -> x
- | Some (cst, _, t') ->
- match aux env sigma t' ty cstr evars with
- | Some (Some prf) -> Some (Some { prf with
- rew_from = t; rew_to = unfold_match env sigma cst prf.rew_to })
- | x' -> x)
- | _ -> if all then Some None else None
+ else
+ match try Some (fold_match env (goalevars evars) t) with Not_found -> None with
+ | None -> x
+ | Some (cst, _, t') ->
+ match aux env avoid t' ty cstr evars with
+ | Some (Some prf) ->
+ Some (Some { prf with
+ rew_from = t; rew_to = unfold_match env (goalevars evars) cst prf.rew_to })
+ | x' -> x
+ in
+ (match res with
+ | Some (Some r) ->
+ let rel, prf = get_rew_prf r in
+ Some (Some (apply_constraint env avoid r.rew_car rel prf cstr r))
+ | x -> x)
+ | _ -> None
in aux
let all_subterms = subterm true default_flags
@@ -807,8 +915,8 @@ let one_subterm = subterm false default_flags
(** Requires transitivity of the rewrite step, if not a reduction.
Not tail-recursive. *)
-let transitivity env sigma (res : rewrite_result_info) (next : strategy) : rewrite_result option =
- match next env sigma res.rew_to res.rew_car (get_rew_rel res.rew_prf) res.rew_evars with
+let transitivity env avoid (res : rewrite_result_info) (next : strategy) : rewrite_result option =
+ match next env avoid res.rew_to res.rew_car (get_opt_rew_rel res.rew_prf) res.rew_evars with
| None -> None
| Some None -> Some (Some res)
| Some (Some res') ->
@@ -835,13 +943,13 @@ module Strategies =
let fail : strategy =
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars -> None
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars -> None
let id : strategy =
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars -> Some None
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars -> Some None
let refl : strategy =
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
let evars, rel = match cstr with
| None -> new_cstr_evar evars env (mk_relation ty)
| Some r -> evars, r
@@ -854,23 +962,23 @@ module Strategies =
rew_prf = RewPrf (rel, proof); rew_evars = evars })
let progress (s : strategy) : strategy =
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
- match s env sigma t ty cstr evars with
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ match s env avoid t ty cstr evars with
| None -> None
| Some None -> None
| r -> r
let seq fst snd : strategy =
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
- match fst env sigma t ty cstr evars with
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ match fst env avoid t ty cstr evars with
| None -> None
- | Some None -> snd env sigma t ty cstr evars
- | Some (Some res) -> transitivity env sigma res snd
+ | Some None -> snd env avoid t ty cstr evars
+ | Some (Some res) -> transitivity env avoid res snd
let choice fst snd : strategy =
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
- match fst env sigma t ty cstr evars with
- | None -> snd env sigma t ty cstr evars
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ match fst env avoid t ty cstr evars with
+ | None -> snd env avoid t ty cstr evars
| res -> res
let try_ str : strategy = choice str id
@@ -896,33 +1004,51 @@ module Strategies =
let outermost (s : strategy) : strategy =
fix (fun out -> choice s (one_subterm out))
- let lemmas cs : strategy =
+ let lemmas flags cs : strategy =
List.fold_left (fun tac (l,l2r) ->
- choice tac (apply_lemma l l2r (false,[])))
+ choice tac (apply_lemma flags l l2r (false,[])))
fail cs
let inj_open c = (Evd.empty,c)
let old_hints (db : string) : strategy =
let rules = Autorewrite.find_rewrites db in
- lemmas ( (fun hint -> (inj_open (hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, NoBindings), hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r)) rules)
+ lemmas rewrite_unif_flags
+ ( (fun hint -> (inj_open (hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, NoBindings), hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r)) rules)
let hints (db : string) : strategy =
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
let rules = Autorewrite.find_matches db t in
- lemmas ( (fun hint -> (inj_open (hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, NoBindings), hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r)) rules)
- env sigma t ty cstr evars
+ let lemma hint = (inj_open (hint.Autorewrite.rew_lemma, NoBindings), hint.Autorewrite.rew_l2r) in
+ let lems = lemma rules in
+ lemmas rewrite_unif_flags lems env avoid t ty cstr evars
let reduce (r : Redexpr.red_expr) : strategy =
let rfn, ckind = Redexpr.reduction_of_red_expr r in
- fun env sigma t ty cstr evars ->
- let t' = rfn env sigma t in
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ let t' = rfn env (goalevars evars) t in
if eq_constr t' t then
Some None
Some (Some { rew_car = ty; rew_from = t; rew_to = t';
rew_prf = RewCast ckind; rew_evars = evars })
+ let fold c : strategy =
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+(* let sigma, (c,_) = Tacinterp.interp_open_constr_with_bindings is env (goalevars evars) c in *)
+ let sigma, c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr (goalevars evars) env c in
+ let unfolded =
+ try Tacred.try_red_product env sigma c
+ with _ -> error "fold: the term is not unfoldable !"
+ in
+ try
+ let sigma = Unification.w_unify env sigma CONV ~flags:Unification.elim_flags unfolded t in
+ let c' = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma c in
+ Some (Some { rew_car = ty; rew_from = t; rew_to = c';
+ rew_prf = RewCast DEFAULTcast;
+ rew_evars = sigma, cstrevars evars })
+ with _ -> None
@@ -934,49 +1060,34 @@ let rewrite_strat flags occs hyp =
Strategies.choice app (subterm true flags (fun env -> aux () env))
in aux ()
-let rewrite_with {it = c; sigma = evm} left2right loccs : strategy =
- fun env sigma ->
- let evars = Evd.merge sigma evm in
- let hypinfo = ref (decompose_applied_relation env evars c left2right) in
- rewrite_strat default_flags loccs hypinfo env sigma
+let get_hypinfo_ids {c = opt} =
+ match opt with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (is, gc) -> fst is.lfun @ is.avoid_ids
-let apply_strategy (s : strategy) env sigma concl cstr evars =
+let rewrite_with flags c left2right loccs : strategy =
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ let gevars = goalevars evars in
+ let hypinfo = ref (decompose_applied_relation_expr env gevars flags c left2right) in
+ let avoid = get_hypinfo_ids !hypinfo @ avoid in
+ rewrite_strat default_flags loccs hypinfo env avoid t ty cstr (gevars, cstrevars evars)
+let apply_strategy (s : strategy) env avoid concl cstr evars =
let res =
- s env sigma concl (Typing.type_of env sigma concl)
- ( snd cstr) !evars
+ s env avoid
+ concl (Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) concl)
+ ( snd cstr) evars
match res with
| None -> None
| Some None -> Some None
| Some (Some res) ->
- evars := res.rew_evars;
- Some (Some (res.rew_prf, (res.rew_car, res.rew_from, res.rew_to)))
-let split_evars_once sigma evd =
- Evd.fold (fun ev evi deps ->
- if Intset.mem ev deps then
- Intset.union (Class_tactics.evars_of_evi evi) deps
- else deps) evd sigma
-let existentials_of_evd evd =
- Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> Intset.add ev acc) evd Intset.empty
-let evd_of_existentials evd exs =
- Intset.fold (fun i acc ->
- let evi = Evd.find evd i in
- Evd.add acc i evi) exs Evd.empty
-let split_evars sigma evd =
- let rec aux deps =
- let deps' = split_evars_once deps evd in
- if Intset.equal deps' deps then
- evd_of_existentials evd deps
- else aux deps'
- in aux (existentials_of_evd sigma)
+ Some (Some (res.rew_prf, res.rew_evars, res.rew_car, res.rew_from, res.rew_to))
let merge_evars (goal,cstr) = Evd.merge goal cstr
let solve_constraints env evars =
- Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses env ~split:false ~fail:true (merge_evars evars)
+ Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses env ~split:false ~fail:true
+ (merge_evars evars)
let nf_zeta =
Reductionops.clos_norm_flags (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
@@ -987,12 +1098,9 @@ let map_rewprf f = function
exception RewriteFailure
-let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat goal_meta clause gl =
- let concl, is_hyp =
- match clause with
- Some id -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id, Some id
- | None -> pf_concl gl, None
- in
+type result = (evar_map * constr option * types) option option
+let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat env avoid sigma concl is_hyp : result =
let cstr =
let sort = mkProp in
let impl = Lazy.force impl in
@@ -1000,82 +1108,205 @@ let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat goal_meta clause gl =
| None -> (sort, inverse sort impl)
| Some _ -> (sort, impl)
- let sigma = project gl in
- let evars = ref (Evd.create_evar_defs sigma, Evd.empty) in
- let env = pf_env gl in
- let eq = apply_strategy strat env sigma concl (Some cstr) evars in
+ let evars = (sigma, Evd.empty) in
+ let eq = apply_strategy strat env avoid concl (Some cstr) evars in
match eq with
- | Some (Some (p, (car, oldt, newt))) ->
- (try
- let cstrevars = !evars in
- let evars = solve_constraints env cstrevars in
- let p = map_rewprf
- (fun p -> nf_zeta env evars (Evarutil.nf_evar evars p))
- p
- in
- let newt = Evarutil.nf_evar evars newt in
- let abs = (fun (x, y) ->
- Evarutil.nf_evar evars x, Evarutil.nf_evar evars y) abs in
- let undef = split_evars (fst cstrevars) evars in
- let rewtac =
- match is_hyp with
- | Some id ->
- (match p with
- | RewPrf (rel, p) ->
- let term =
- match abs with
- | None -> p
- | Some (t, ty) ->
- mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty, p), [| t |])
- in
- cut_replacing id newt
- (Tacmach.refine_no_check (mkApp (term, [| mkVar id |])))
- | RewCast c ->
- change_in_hyp None newt (id, InHypTypeOnly))
- | None ->
- (match p with
- | RewPrf (rel, p) ->
- (match abs with
- | None ->
- let name = next_name_away_with_default "H" Anonymous (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
- (Tacmach.internal_cut_no_check false name newt)
- (tclTHEN (Tactics.revert [name]) (Tacmach.refine_no_check p))
- | Some (t, ty) ->
- Tacmach.refine_no_check
- (mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "newt"), newt,
- mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty,
- mkApp (p, [| mkRel 2 |]))),
- [| mkMeta goal_meta; t |])))
- | RewCast c ->
- change_in_concl None newt)
- in
- let evartac =
- if not (undef = Evd.empty) then
- Refiner.tclEVARS undef
- else tclIDTAC
- in tclTHENLIST [evartac; rewtac] gl
- with
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (_, TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)))
- | TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)) ->
- Refiner.tclFAIL_lazy 0
- (lazy (str"setoid rewrite failed: unable to satisfy the rewriting constraints."
- ++ fnl () ++ Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env e)) gl)
+ | Some (Some (p, evars, car, oldt, newt)) ->
+ let evars' = solve_constraints env evars in
+ let p = map_rewprf (fun p -> nf_zeta env evars' (Evarutil.nf_evar evars' p)) p in
+ let newt = Evarutil.nf_evar evars' newt in
+ let abs = (fun (x, y) ->
+ Evarutil.nf_evar evars' x, Evarutil.nf_evar evars' y) abs in
+ let evars = (* Keep only original evars (potentially instantiated) and goal evars,
+ the rest has been defined and substituted already. *)
+(* let cstrs = cstrevars evars in *)
+ (* cstrs is small *)
+ let gevars = goalevars evars in
+ Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc ->
+ if Evd.mem gevars ev then Evd.add acc ev evi
+ else acc) evars' Evd.empty
+(* Evd.fold (fun ev evi acc -> Evd.remove acc ev) cstrs evars' *)
+ in
+ let res =
+ match is_hyp with
+ | Some id ->
+ (match p with
+ | RewPrf (rel, p) ->
+ let term =
+ match abs with
+ | None -> p
+ | Some (t, ty) ->
+ mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty, p), [| t |])
+ in
+ Some (evars, Some (mkApp (term, [| mkVar id |])), newt)
+ | RewCast c ->
+ Some (evars, None, newt))
+ | None ->
+ (match p with
+ | RewPrf (rel, p) ->
+ (match abs with
+ | None -> Some (evars, Some p, newt)
+ | Some (t, ty) ->
+ let proof = mkApp (mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "lemma"), ty, p), [| t |]) in
+ Some (evars, Some proof, newt))
+ | RewCast c -> Some (evars, None, newt))
+ in Some res
+ | Some None -> Some None
+ | None -> None
+let rewrite_refine (evd,c) =
+ Tacmach.refine c
+let cl_rewrite_clause_tac ?abs strat meta clause gl =
+ let evartac evd = Refiner.tclEVARS evd in
+ let treat res =
+ match res with
+ | None -> raise RewriteFailure
| Some None ->
- tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: no progress made") gl
+ tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: no progress made")
+ | Some (Some (undef, p, newt)) ->
+ let tac =
+ match clause, p with
+ | Some id, Some p ->
+ cut_replacing id newt (Tacmach.refine p)
+ | Some id, None ->
+ change_in_hyp None newt (id, InHypTypeOnly)
+ | None, Some p ->
+ let name = next_name_away_with_default "H" Anonymous (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
+ (Tacmach.internal_cut_no_check false name newt)
+ (tclTHEN (Tactics.revert [name]) (Tacmach.refine p))
+ | None, None -> change_in_concl None newt
+ in tclTHEN (evartac undef) tac
+ in
+ let tac =
+ try
+ let concl, is_hyp =
+ match clause with
+ | Some id -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id, Some id
+ | None -> pf_concl gl, None
+ in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let concl = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma concl in
+ let res = cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?abs strat (pf_env gl) [] sigma concl is_hyp in
+ treat res
+ with
+ | Loc.Exc_located (_, TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)))
+ | TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)) ->
+ Refiner.tclFAIL_lazy 0
+ (lazy (str"setoid rewrite failed: unable to satisfy the rewriting constraints."
+ ++ fnl () ++ Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env e))
+ in tac gl
+open Goal
+open Environ
+let bind_gl_info f =
+ bind concl (fun c -> bind env (fun v -> bind defs (fun ev -> f c v ev)))
+let fail l s =
+ raise (Refiner.FailError (l, lazy s))
+let new_refine c : Goal.subgoals Goal.sensitive =
+ let refable = Goal.Refinable.make
+ (fun handle -> Goal.Refinable.constr_of_open_constr handle true c)
+ in Goal.bind refable Goal.refine
+let assert_replacing id newt tac =
+ let sens = bind_gl_info
+ (fun concl env sigma ->
+ let nc' =
+ Environ.fold_named_context
+ (fun _ (n, b, t as decl) nc' ->
+ if n = id then (n, b, newt) :: nc'
+ else decl :: nc')
+ env ~init:[]
+ in
+ let reft = Refinable.make
+ (fun h ->
+ Goal.bind (Refinable.mkEvar h
+ (Environ.reset_with_named_context (val_of_named_context nc') env) concl)
+ (fun ev ->
+ Goal.bind (Refinable.mkEvar h env newt)
+ (fun ev' ->
+ let inst =
+ fold_named_context
+ (fun _ (n, b, t) inst ->
+ if n = id then ev' :: inst
+ else if b = None then mkVar n :: inst else inst)
+ env ~init:[]
+ in
+ let (e, args) = destEvar ev in
+ Goal.return (mkEvar (e, Array.of_list inst)))))
+ in Goal.bind reft Goal.refine)
+ in Proofview.tclTHEN (Proofview.tclSENSITIVE sens)
+ (Proofview.tclFOCUS 2 2 tac)
+let cl_rewrite_clause_newtac ?abs strat clause =
+ let treat (res, is_hyp) =
+ match res with
| None -> raise RewriteFailure
-let cl_rewrite_clause_strat strat clause gl =
+ | Some None ->
+ fail 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: no progress made")
+ | Some (Some res) ->
+ match is_hyp, res with
+ | Some id, (undef, Some p, newt) ->
+ assert_replacing id newt (Proofview.tclSENSITIVE (new_refine (undef, p)))
+ | Some id, (undef, None, newt) ->
+ Proofview.tclSENSITIVE (Goal.convert_hyp false (id, None, newt))
+ | None, (undef, Some p, newt) ->
+ let refable = Goal.Refinable.make
+ (fun handle ->
+ Goal.bind env
+ (fun env -> Goal.bind (Refinable.mkEvar handle env newt)
+ (fun ev ->
+ Goal.Refinable.constr_of_open_constr handle true
+ (undef, mkApp (p, [| ev |])))))
+ in
+ Proofview.tclSENSITIVE (Goal.bind refable Goal.refine)
+ | None, (undef, None, newt) ->
+ Proofview.tclSENSITIVE (Goal.convert_concl false newt)
+ in
+ let info =
+ bind_gl_info
+ (fun concl env sigma ->
+ let ty, is_hyp =
+ match clause with
+ | Some id -> Environ.named_type id env, Some id
+ | None -> concl, None
+ in
+ let res =
+ try cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?abs strat env [] sigma ty is_hyp
+ with
+ | Loc.Exc_located (_, TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)))
+ | TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)) ->
+ fail 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: unable to satisfy the rewriting constraints."
+ ++ fnl () ++ Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env e)
+ in return (res, is_hyp))
+ in Proofview.tclGOALBINDU info (fun i -> treat i)
+let cl_rewrite_clause_new_strat ?abs strat clause =
init_setoid ();
- let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
- let gl = { gl with sigma = Typeclasses.mark_unresolvables gl.sigma } in
- try cl_rewrite_clause_aux strat meta clause gl
+ try cl_rewrite_clause_newtac ?abs strat clause
with RewriteFailure ->
- tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: strategy failed") gl
+ fail 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: strategy failed")
+let cl_rewrite_clause_newtac' l left2right occs clause =
+ Proof_global.run_tactic
+ (Proofview.tclFOCUS 1 1
+ (cl_rewrite_clause_new_strat (rewrite_with rewrite_unif_flags l left2right occs) clause))
+let cl_rewrite_clause_strat strat clause gl =
+ init_setoid ();
+ let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
+(* let gl = { gl with sigma = Typeclasses.mark_unresolvables gl.sigma } in *)
+ try cl_rewrite_clause_tac strat (mkMeta meta) clause gl
+ with RewriteFailure ->
+ tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: strategy failed") gl
let cl_rewrite_clause l left2right occs clause gl =
- cl_rewrite_clause_strat (rewrite_with l left2right occs) clause gl
+ cl_rewrite_clause_strat (rewrite_with (general_rewrite_unif_flags ()) l left2right occs) clause gl
open Pp
open Pcoq
@@ -1093,18 +1324,10 @@ let occurrences_of = function
error "Illegal negative occurrence number.";
-let pr_gen_strategy pr_id = ()
-let pr_loc_strategy _ _ _ = ()
-let pr_strategy _ _ _ (s : strategy) = Pp.str "<strategy>"
-let intern_strategy ist gl c = c
-let interp_strategy ist gl c = c
-let glob_strategy ist l = l
-let subst_strategy evm l = l
-let apply_constr_expr c l2r occs = fun env sigma ->
- let evd, c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr sigma env c in
- apply_lemma (evd, (c, NoBindings)) l2r occs env sigma
+let apply_constr_expr c l2r occs = fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ let evd, c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr (goalevars evars) env c in
+ apply_lemma (general_rewrite_unif_flags ()) (evd, (c, NoBindings))
+ l2r occs env avoid t ty cstr (evd, cstrevars evars)
let interp_constr_list env sigma = (fun c ->
@@ -1113,13 +1336,49 @@ let interp_constr_list env sigma =
open Pcoq
-let (wit_strategy, globwit_strategy, rawwit_strategy) =
+type constr_expr_with_bindings = constr_expr with_bindings
+type glob_constr_with_bindings = glob_constr_and_expr with_bindings
+type glob_constr_with_bindings_sign = interp_sign * glob_constr_and_expr with_bindings
+let pr_glob_constr_with_bindings_sign _ _ _ (ge : glob_constr_with_bindings_sign) = Printer.pr_glob_constr (fst (fst (snd ge)))
+let pr_glob_constr_with_bindings _ _ _ (ge : glob_constr_with_bindings) = Printer.pr_glob_constr (fst (fst ge))
+let pr_constr_expr_with_bindings prc _ _ (ge : constr_expr_with_bindings) = prc (fst ge)
+let interp_glob_constr_with_bindings ist gl c = (ist, c)
+let glob_glob_constr_with_bindings ist l = Tacinterp.intern_constr_with_bindings ist l
+let subst_glob_constr_with_bindings s c = subst_glob_with_bindings s c
+ARGUMENT EXTEND glob_constr_with_bindings
+ PRINTED BY pr_glob_constr_with_bindings_sign
+ INTERPRETED BY interp_glob_constr_with_bindings
+ GLOBALIZED BY glob_glob_constr_with_bindings
+ SUBSTITUTED BY subst_glob_constr_with_bindings
+ RAW_TYPED AS constr_expr_with_bindings
+ RAW_PRINTED BY pr_constr_expr_with_bindings
+ GLOB_TYPED AS glob_constr_with_bindings
+ GLOB_PRINTED BY pr_glob_constr_with_bindings
+ [ constr_with_bindings(bl) ] -> [ bl ]
+let _ =
(Genarg.create_arg "strategy" :
((strategy, Genarg.tlevel) Genarg.abstract_argument_type *
(strategy, Genarg.glevel) Genarg.abstract_argument_type *
(strategy, Genarg.rlevel) Genarg.abstract_argument_type))
+let pr_strategy _ _ _ (s : strategy) = Pp.str "<strategy>"
+let interp_strategy ist gl c = c
+let glob_strategy ist l = l
+let subst_strategy evm l = l
ARGUMENT EXTEND rewstrategy TYPED AS strategy
PRINTED BY pr_strategy
INTERPRETED BY interp_strategy
@@ -1146,57 +1405,62 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND rewstrategy TYPED AS strategy
| [ "choice" rewstrategy(h) rewstrategy(h') ] -> [ Strategies.choice h h' ]
| [ "old_hints" preident(h) ] -> [ Strategies.old_hints h ]
| [ "hints" preident(h) ] -> [ Strategies.hints h ]
- | [ "terms" constr_list(h) ] -> [ fun env sigma ->
- Strategies.lemmas (interp_constr_list env sigma h) env sigma ]
- | [ "eval" red_expr(r) ] -> [ fun env sigma ->
- Strategies.reduce (Tacinterp.interp_redexp env sigma r) env sigma ]
+ | [ "terms" constr_list(h) ] -> [ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ Strategies.lemmas rewrite_unif_flags (interp_constr_list env (goalevars evars) h) env avoid t ty cstr evars ]
+ | [ "eval" red_expr(r) ] -> [ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ Strategies.reduce (Tacinterp.interp_redexp env (goalevars evars) r) env avoid t ty cstr evars ]
+ | [ "fold" constr(c) ] -> [ Strategies.fold c ]
-TACTIC EXTEND class_rewrite
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences (Some id) ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) None ]
-| [ "clrewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences None ]
-TACTIC EXTEND class_rewrite_strat
-| [ "clrewrite_strat" rewstrategy(s) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_strat s None ]
-(* | [ "clrewrite_strat" strategy(s) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_strat s (Some id) ] *)
+TACTIC EXTEND rewrite_strat
+| [ "rewrite_strat" rewstrategy(s) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_strat s (Some id) ]
+| [ "rewrite_strat" rewstrategy(s) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_strat s None ]
let clsubstitute o c =
- let is_tac id = match kind_of_term (fst with Var id' when id' = id -> true | _ -> false in
+ let is_tac id = match fst (fst (snd c)) with GVar (_, id') when id' = id -> true | _ -> false in
(fun cl ->
match cl with
| Some id when is_tac id -> tclIDTAC
- | _ -> tclTRY (cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences cl))
+ | _ -> cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences cl)
TACTIC EXTEND substitute
-| [ "substitute" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ clsubstitute o c ]
+| [ "substitute" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ clsubstitute o c ]
(* Compatibility with old Setoids *)
TACTIC EXTEND setoid_rewrite
- [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) ]
+ [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) ]
-> [ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences None ]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) ] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) ] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o all_occurrences (Some id)]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) None]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id)] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id)] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id)]
- | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ)] ->
+ | [ "setoid_rewrite" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ)] ->
[ cl_rewrite_clause c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id)]
-(* let solve_obligation lemma = *)
-(* tclTHEN (Tacinterp.interp (Tacexpr.TacAtom (dummy_loc, Tacexpr.TacAnyConstructor None))) *)
-(* (eapply_with_bindings (Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) lemma, NoBindings)) *)
+let cl_rewrite_clause_newtac_tac c o occ cl gl =
+ cl_rewrite_clause_newtac' c o occ cl;
+ tclIDTAC gl
+| [ "rew" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) "at" occurrences(occ) ] ->
+ [ cl_rewrite_clause_newtac_tac c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
+| [ "rew" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) "in" hyp(id) ] ->
+ [ cl_rewrite_clause_newtac_tac c o (occurrences_of occ) (Some id) ]
+| [ "rew" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(id) ] ->
+ [ cl_rewrite_clause_newtac_tac c o all_occurrences (Some id) ]
+| [ "rew" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) "at" occurrences(occ) ] ->
+ [ cl_rewrite_clause_newtac_tac c o (occurrences_of occ) None ]
+| [ "rew" orient(o) glob_constr_with_bindings(c) ] ->
+ [ cl_rewrite_clause_newtac_tac c o all_occurrences None ]
let mkappc s l = CAppExpl (dummy_loc,(None,(Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string s))),l)
@@ -1207,78 +1471,75 @@ let declare_an_instance n s args =
let declare_instance a aeq n s = declare_an_instance n s [a;aeq]
-let anew_instance binders instance fields =
- new_instance binders instance (CRecord (dummy_loc,None,fields)) ~generalize:false None
+let anew_instance global binders instance fields =
+ new_instance binders instance (Some (CRecord (dummy_loc,None,fields)))
+ ~global:(not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())) ~generalize:false None
-let require_library dirpath =
- let qualid = (dummy_loc, Libnames.qualid_of_dirpath (Libnames.dirpath_of_string dirpath)) in
- Library.require_library [qualid] (Some false)
-let declare_instance_refl binders a aeq n lemma =
+let declare_instance_refl global binders a aeq n lemma =
let instance = declare_instance a aeq (add_suffix n "_Reflexive") "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.Reflexive"
- in anew_instance binders instance
+ in anew_instance global binders instance
[(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "reflexivity"),lemma)]
-let declare_instance_sym binders a aeq n lemma =
+let declare_instance_sym global binders a aeq n lemma =
let instance = declare_instance a aeq (add_suffix n "_Symmetric") "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.Symmetric"
- in anew_instance binders instance
+ in anew_instance global binders instance
[(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "symmetry"),lemma)]
-let declare_instance_trans binders a aeq n lemma =
+let declare_instance_trans global binders a aeq n lemma =
let instance = declare_instance a aeq (add_suffix n "_Transitive") "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.Transitive"
- in anew_instance binders instance
+ in anew_instance global binders instance
[(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "transitivity"),lemma)]
-let constr_tac = Tacinterp.interp (Tacexpr.TacAtom (dummy_loc, Tacexpr.TacAnyConstructor (false,None)))
let declare_relation ?(binders=[]) a aeq n refl symm trans =
init_setoid ();
+ let global = not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ()) in
let instance = declare_instance a aeq (add_suffix n "_relation") "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.RewriteRelation"
- in ignore(anew_instance binders instance []);
+ in ignore(anew_instance global binders instance []);
match (refl,symm,trans) with
(None, None, None) -> ()
| (Some lemma1, None, None) ->
- ignore (declare_instance_refl binders a aeq n lemma1)
+ ignore (declare_instance_refl global binders a aeq n lemma1)
| (None, Some lemma2, None) ->
- ignore (declare_instance_sym binders a aeq n lemma2)
+ ignore (declare_instance_sym global binders a aeq n lemma2)
| (None, None, Some lemma3) ->
- ignore (declare_instance_trans binders a aeq n lemma3)
+ ignore (declare_instance_trans global binders a aeq n lemma3)
| (Some lemma1, Some lemma2, None) ->
- ignore (declare_instance_refl binders a aeq n lemma1);
- ignore (declare_instance_sym binders a aeq n lemma2)
+ ignore (declare_instance_refl global binders a aeq n lemma1);
+ ignore (declare_instance_sym global binders a aeq n lemma2)
| (Some lemma1, None, Some lemma3) ->
- let _lemma_refl = declare_instance_refl binders a aeq n lemma1 in
- let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans binders a aeq n lemma3 in
+ let _lemma_refl = declare_instance_refl global binders a aeq n lemma1 in
+ let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans global binders a aeq n lemma3 in
let instance = declare_instance a aeq n "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.PreOrder"
in ignore(
- anew_instance binders instance
+ anew_instance global binders instance
[(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "PreOrder_Reflexive"), lemma1);
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "PreOrder_Transitive"),lemma3)])
| (None, Some lemma2, Some lemma3) ->
- let _lemma_sym = declare_instance_sym binders a aeq n lemma2 in
- let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans binders a aeq n lemma3 in
+ let _lemma_sym = declare_instance_sym global binders a aeq n lemma2 in
+ let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans global binders a aeq n lemma3 in
let instance = declare_instance a aeq n "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.PER"
in ignore(
- anew_instance binders instance
+ anew_instance global binders instance
[(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "PER_Symmetric"), lemma2);
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "PER_Transitive"),lemma3)])
| (Some lemma1, Some lemma2, Some lemma3) ->
- let _lemma_refl = declare_instance_refl binders a aeq n lemma1 in
- let _lemma_sym = declare_instance_sym binders a aeq n lemma2 in
- let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans binders a aeq n lemma3 in
+ let _lemma_refl = declare_instance_refl global binders a aeq n lemma1 in
+ let _lemma_sym = declare_instance_sym global binders a aeq n lemma2 in
+ let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans global binders a aeq n lemma3 in
let instance = declare_instance a aeq n "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.Equivalence"
in ignore(
- anew_instance binders instance
+ anew_instance global binders instance
[(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Reflexive"), lemma1);
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Symmetric"), lemma2);
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Transitive"), lemma3)])
type 'a binders_argtype = (local_binder list, 'a) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
-let (wit_binders : Genarg.tlevel binders_argtype),
- (globwit_binders : Genarg.glevel binders_argtype),
- (rawwit_binders : Genarg.rlevel binders_argtype) =
- Genarg.create_arg "binders"
+let _, _, rawwit_binders =
+ (Genarg.create_arg "binders" :
+ Genarg.tlevel binders_argtype *
+ Genarg.glevel binders_argtype *
+ Genarg.rlevel binders_argtype)
open Pcoq.Constr
@@ -1349,9 +1610,6 @@ VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND AddParametricRelation3
[ declare_relation ~binders:b a aeq n None None (Some lemma3) ]
-let mk_qualid s =
- Libnames.Qualid (dummy_loc, Libnames.qualid_of_string s)
let cHole = CHole (dummy_loc, None)
open Entries
@@ -1392,9 +1650,9 @@ let declare_projection n instance_id r =
let typ = it_mkProd_or_LetIn typ ctx in
let cst =
{ const_entry_body = term;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
const_entry_type = Some typ;
- const_entry_opaque = false;
- const_entry_boxed = false }
+ const_entry_opaque = false }
ignore(Declare.declare_constant n (Entries.DefinitionEntry cst, Decl_kinds.IsDefinition Decl_kinds.Definition))
@@ -1441,14 +1699,14 @@ let default_morphism sign m =
let evars, mor = resolve_one_typeclass env (merge_evars evars) morph in
mor, proper_projection mor morph
-let add_setoid binders a aeq t n =
+let add_setoid global binders a aeq t n =
init_setoid ();
- let _lemma_refl = declare_instance_refl binders a aeq n (mkappc "Seq_refl" [a;aeq;t]) in
- let _lemma_sym = declare_instance_sym binders a aeq n (mkappc "Seq_sym" [a;aeq;t]) in
- let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans binders a aeq n (mkappc "Seq_trans" [a;aeq;t]) in
+ let _lemma_refl = declare_instance_refl global binders a aeq n (mkappc "Seq_refl" [a;aeq;t]) in
+ let _lemma_sym = declare_instance_sym global binders a aeq n (mkappc "Seq_sym" [a;aeq;t]) in
+ let _lemma_trans = declare_instance_trans global binders a aeq n (mkappc "Seq_trans" [a;aeq;t]) in
let instance = declare_instance a aeq n "Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.Equivalence"
in ignore(
- anew_instance binders instance
+ anew_instance global binders instance
[(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Reflexive"), mkappc "Seq_refl" [a;aeq;t]);
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Symmetric"), mkappc "Seq_sym" [a;aeq;t]);
(Ident (dummy_loc,id_of_string "Equivalence_Transitive"), mkappc "Seq_trans" [a;aeq;t])])
@@ -1458,8 +1716,8 @@ let add_morphism_infer glob m n =
let instance_id = add_suffix n "_Proper" in
let instance = build_morphism_signature m in
if Lib.is_modtype () then
- let cst = Declare.declare_internal_constant instance_id
- (Entries.ParameterEntry (instance,false), Decl_kinds.IsAssumption Decl_kinds.Logical)
+ let cst = Declare.declare_constant ~internal:Declare.KernelSilent instance_id
+ (Entries.ParameterEntry (None,instance,None), Decl_kinds.IsAssumption Decl_kinds.Logical)
add_instance (Typeclasses.new_instance (Lazy.force proper_class) None glob (ConstRef cst));
declare_projection n instance_id (ConstRef cst)
@@ -1487,14 +1745,14 @@ let add_morphism glob binders m s n =
[cHole; s; m]))
let tac = Tacinterp.interp <:tactic<add_morphism_tactic>> in
- ignore(new_instance ~global:glob binders instance (CRecord (dummy_loc,None,[]))
+ ignore(new_instance ~global:glob binders instance (Some (CRecord (dummy_loc,None,[])))
~generalize:false ~tac ~hook:(declare_projection n instance_id) None)
[ "Add" "Setoid" constr(a) constr(aeq) constr(t) "as" ident(n) ] ->
- [ add_setoid [] a aeq t n ]
+ [ add_setoid (not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())) [] a aeq t n ]
| [ "Add" "Parametric" "Setoid" binders(binders) ":" constr(a) constr(aeq) constr(t) "as" ident(n) ] ->
- [ add_setoid binders a aeq t n ]
+ [ add_setoid (not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())) binders a aeq t n ]
| [ "Add" "Morphism" constr(m) ":" ident(n) ] ->
[ add_morphism_infer (not (Vernacexpr.use_section_locality ())) m n ]
| [ "Add" "Morphism" constr(m) "with" "signature" lconstr(s) "as" ident(n) ] ->
@@ -1529,40 +1787,43 @@ let check_evar_map_of_evars_defs evd =
check_freemetas_is_empty rebus2 freemetas2
) metas
-let unification_rewrite l2r c1 c2 cl car rel but gl =
+let unification_rewrite flags l2r c1 c2 cl car rel but gl =
let env = pf_env gl in
let (evd',c') =
(* ~flags:(false,true) to allow to mark occurrences that must not be
rewritten simply by replacing them with let-defined definitions
in the context *)
- Unification.w_unify_to_subterm ~flags:rewrite_unif_flags env ((if l2r then c1 else c2),but) cl.evd
+ Unification.w_unify_to_subterm ~flags:rewrite_unif_flags env cl.evd ((if l2r then c1 else c2),but)
Pretype_errors.PretypeError _ ->
(* ~flags:(true,true) to make Ring work (since it really
exploits conversion) *)
- Unification.w_unify_to_subterm ~flags:rewrite2_unif_flags
- env ((if l2r then c1 else c2),but) cl.evd
+ Unification.w_unify_to_subterm ~flags:flags
+ env cl.evd ((if l2r then c1 else c2),but)
let evd' = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:false env evd' in
let cl' = {cl with evd = evd'} in
- let cl' =
- let mvs = clenv_dependent false cl' in
- clenv_pose_metas_as_evars cl' mvs
- in
- let nf c = Evarutil.nf_evar ( cl'.evd) (Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' c) in
+ let cl' = Clenvtac.clenv_pose_dependent_evars true cl' in
+ let nf c = Evarutil.nf_evar cl'.evd (Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' c) in
let c1 = if l2r then nf c' else nf c1
and c2 = if l2r then nf c2 else nf c'
and car = nf car and rel = nf rel in
check_evar_map_of_evars_defs cl'.evd;
let prf = nf (Clenv.clenv_value cl') and prfty = nf (Clenv.clenv_type cl') in
let cl' = { cl' with templval = mk_freelisted prf ; templtyp = mk_freelisted prfty } in
- {cl=cl'; prf=(mkRel 1); car=car; rel=rel; l2r=l2r; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=None; abs=Some (prf, prfty)}
+ {cl=cl'; prf=(mkRel 1); car=car; rel=rel; l2r=l2r; c1=c1; c2=c2; c=None; abs=Some (prf, prfty);
+ flags = flags}
let get_hyp gl evars (c,l) clause l2r =
- let hi = decompose_applied_relation (pf_env gl) evars (c,l) l2r in
- let but = match clause with Some id -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id | None -> pf_concl gl in
- unification_rewrite hi.l2r hi.c1 hi.c2 hi.rel but gl
+ let flags = rewrite2_unif_flags in
+ let hi = decompose_applied_relation (pf_env gl) evars flags None (c,l) l2r in
+ let but = match clause with
+ | Some id -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id
+ | None -> Evarutil.nf_evar evars (pf_concl gl)
+ in
+ { unification_rewrite flags hi.l2r hi.c1 hi.c2 hi.rel but gl with
+ flags = rewrite_unif_flags }
let general_rewrite_flags = { under_lambdas = false; on_morphisms = true }
@@ -1578,13 +1839,14 @@ let general_s_rewrite cl l2r occs (c,l) ~new_goals gl =
let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
let hypinfo, strat = apply_lemma gl (c,l) cl l2r occs in
- tclTHEN
- (Refiner.tclEVARS
- (cl_rewrite_clause_aux ~abs:hypinfo.abs strat meta cl) gl
+ (tclTHEN
+ (Refiner.tclEVARS
+ (cl_rewrite_clause_tac ~abs:hypinfo.abs strat (mkMeta meta) cl)) gl
with RewriteFailure ->
let {l2r=l2r; c1=x; c2=y} = hypinfo in
raise (Pretype_errors.PretypeError
- (pf_env gl,
+ (pf_env gl,project gl,
Pretype_errors.NoOccurrenceFound ((if l2r then x else y), cl)))
let general_s_rewrite_clause x =
@@ -1595,15 +1857,6 @@ let general_s_rewrite_clause x =
let _ = Equality.register_general_rewrite_clause general_s_rewrite_clause
-let is_loaded d =
- let d' = id_of_string d in
- let dir = make_dirpath (List.rev d') in
- Library.library_is_loaded dir
-let try_loaded f gl =
- if is_loaded ["Coq";"Classes";"RelationClasses"] then f gl
- else tclFAIL 0 (str"You need to require Coq.Classes.RelationClasses first") gl
(** [setoid_]{reflexivity,symmetry,transitivity} tactics *)
let not_declared env ty rel =
@@ -1641,7 +1894,7 @@ let setoid_transitivity c gl =
let proof = get_transitive_proof env evm car rel in
match c with
| None -> eapply proof
- | Some c -> apply_with_bindings (proof,Rawterm.ImplicitBindings [ c ]))
+ | Some c -> apply_with_bindings (proof,Glob_term.ImplicitBindings [ c ]))
(transitivity_red true c)
let setoid_symmetry_in id gl =
@@ -1721,3 +1974,35 @@ TACTIC EXTEND fold_matches
let c' = fold_matches (pf_env gl) (project gl) c in
change (Some (snd (pattern_of_constr (project gl) c))) c' onConcl gl ]
+| [ "myapply" global(id) constr_list(l) ] -> [
+ fun gl ->
+ let gr = id in
+ let _, impls = List.hd (Impargs.implicits_of_global gr) in
+ let ty = Global.type_of_global gr in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let evars = ref (project gl) in
+ let app =
+ let rec aux ty impls args args' =
+ match impls, kind_of_term ty with
+ | Some (_, _, (_, _)) :: impls, Prod (n, t, t') ->
+ let arg = Evarutil.e_new_evar evars env t in
+ aux (subst1 arg t') impls args (arg :: args')
+ | None :: impls, Prod (n, t, t') ->
+ (match args with
+ | [] ->
+ if dependent (mkRel 1) t' then
+ let arg = Evarutil.e_new_evar evars env t in
+ aux (subst1 arg t') impls args (arg :: args')
+ else
+ let arg = Evarutil.mk_new_meta () in
+ evars := meta_declare (destMeta arg) t !evars;
+ aux (subst1 arg t') impls args (arg :: args')
+ | arg :: args ->
+ aux (subst1 arg t') impls args (arg :: args'))
+ | _, _ -> mkApp (constr_of_global gr, Array.of_list (List.rev args'))
+ in aux ty impls l []
+ in
+ tclTHEN (Refiner.tclEVARS !evars) (apply app) gl ]
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 6a11384b..a41cd6e7 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14677 2011-11-17 22:19:38Z herbelin $ *)
open Constrintern
open Closure
open RedFlags
@@ -17,7 +15,7 @@ open Libobject
open Pattern
open Matching
open Pp
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Sign
open Tacred
open Util
@@ -48,6 +46,8 @@ open Pretyping
open Pretyping.Default
open Extrawit
open Pcoq
+open Compat
+open Evd
let safe_msgnl s =
try msgnl s with e ->
@@ -60,20 +60,18 @@ let error_syntactic_metavariables_not_allowed loc =
str "Syntactic metavariables allowed only in quotations.")
+let error_tactic_expected loc =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Tactic expected.")
let error_global_not_found_loc (loc,qid) = error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
let skip_metaid = function
| AI x -> x
| MetaId (loc,_) -> error_syntactic_metavariables_not_allowed loc
-type ltac_type =
- | LtacFun of ltac_type
- | LtacBasic
- | LtacTactic
(* Values for interpretation *)
type value =
- | VRTactic of (goal list sigma * validation) (* For Match results *)
+ | VRTactic of (goal list sigma) (* For Match results *)
(* Not a true value *)
| VFun of ltac_trace * (identifier*value) list *
identifier option list * glob_tactic_expr
@@ -93,15 +91,15 @@ let dloc = dummy_loc
let catch_error call_trace tac g =
if call_trace = [] then tac g else try tac g with
| LtacLocated _ as e -> raise e
- | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,LtacLocated _) as e -> raise e
+ | Loc.Exc_located (_,LtacLocated _) as e -> raise e
| e ->
let (nrep,loc',c),tail = list_sep_last call_trace in
- let loc,e' = match e with Stdpp.Exc_located(loc,e) -> loc,e | _ ->dloc,e in
+ let loc,e' = match e with Loc.Exc_located(loc,e) -> loc,e | _ ->dloc,e in
if tail = [] then
let loc = if loc = dloc then loc' else loc in
- raise (Stdpp.Exc_located(loc,e'))
+ raise (Loc.Exc_located(loc,e'))
- raise (Stdpp.Exc_located(loc',LtacLocated((nrep,c,tail,loc),e')))
+ raise (Loc.Exc_located(loc',LtacLocated((nrep,c,tail,loc),e')))
(* Signature for interpretation: val_interp and interpretation functions *)
type interp_sign =
@@ -137,9 +135,9 @@ let rec pr_value env = function
| VList (a::_) ->
str "a list (first element is " ++ pr_value env a ++ str")"
-(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails *)
+(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails with Not_found *)
let constr_of_id env id =
- construct_reference (Environ.named_context env) id
+ Term.mkVar (let _ = Environ.lookup_named id env in id)
(* To embed tactics *)
let ((tactic_in : (interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr) -> Dyn.t),
@@ -159,25 +157,6 @@ let valueOut = function
| ast ->
anomalylabstrm "valueOut" (str "Not a Dynamic ast: ")
-(* To embed constr *)
-let constrIn t = CDynamic (dummy_loc,constr_in t)
-let constrOut = function
- | CDynamic (_,d) ->
- if (Dyn.tag d) = "constr" then
- constr_out d
- else
- anomalylabstrm "constrOut" (str "Dynamic tag should be constr")
- | ast ->
- anomalylabstrm "constrOut" (str "Not a Dynamic ast")
-(* Globalizes the identifier *)
-let find_reference env qid =
- (* We first look for a variable of the current proof *)
- match repr_qualid qid with
- | (d,id) when repr_dirpath d = [] & List.mem id (ids_of_context env)
- -> VarRef id
- | _ -> Nametab.locate qid
(* Table of "pervasives" macros tactics (e.g. auto, simpl, etc.) *)
let atomic_mactab = ref Idmap.empty
let add_primitive_tactic s tac =
@@ -213,7 +192,7 @@ let _ =
(fun (s,t) -> add_primitive_tactic s t)
[ "idtac",TacId [];
"fail", TacFail(ArgArg 0,[]);
- "fresh", TacArg(TacFreshId [])
+ "fresh", TacArg(dloc,TacFreshId [])
let lookup_atomic id = Idmap.find id !atomic_mactab
@@ -347,15 +326,6 @@ let intern_name l ist = function
| Anonymous -> Anonymous
| Name id -> Name (intern_ident l ist id)
-let vars_of_ist (lfun,_,_,env) =
- List.fold_left (fun s id -> Idset.add id s)
- (vars_of_env env) lfun
-let get_current_context () =
- try Pfedit.get_current_goal_context ()
- with e when Logic.catchable_exception e ->
- (Evd.empty, Global.env())
let strict_check = ref false
let adjust_loc loc = if !strict_check then dloc else loc
@@ -402,12 +372,12 @@ let intern_ltac_variable ist = function
let intern_constr_reference strict ist = function
| Ident (_,id) as r when not strict & find_hyp id ist ->
- RVar (dloc,id), Some (CRef r)
+ GVar (dloc,id), Some (CRef r)
| Ident (_,id) as r when find_ctxvar id ist ->
- RVar (dloc,id), if strict then None else Some (CRef r)
+ GVar (dloc,id), if strict then None else Some (CRef r)
| r ->
let loc,_ as lqid = qualid_of_reference r in
- RRef (loc,locate_global_with_alias lqid), if strict then None else Some (CRef r)
+ GRef (loc,locate_global_with_alias lqid), if strict then None else Some (CRef r)
let intern_move_location ist = function
| MoveAfter id -> MoveAfter (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id)
@@ -525,12 +495,6 @@ let intern_bindings ist = function
let intern_constr_with_bindings ist (c,bl) =
(intern_constr ist c, intern_bindings ist bl)
-let intern_clause_pattern ist (l,occl) =
- let rec check = function
- | (hyp,l) :: rest -> (intern_hyp ist (skip_metaid hyp),l)::(check rest)
- | [] -> []
- in (l,check occl)
(* TODO: catch ltac vars *)
let intern_induction_arg ist = function
| ElimOnConstr c -> ElimOnConstr (intern_constr_with_bindings ist c)
@@ -539,7 +503,7 @@ let intern_induction_arg ist = function
if !strict_check then
(* If in a defined tactic, no intros-until *)
match intern_constr ist (CRef (Ident (dloc,id))) with
- | RVar (loc,id),_ -> ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
+ | GVar (loc,id),_ -> ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
| c -> ElimOnConstr (c,NoBindings)
ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
@@ -592,7 +556,7 @@ let intern_typed_pattern ist p =
let dummy_pat = PRel 0 in
(* we cannot ensure in non strict mode that the pattern is closed *)
(* keeping a constr_expr copy is too complicated and we want anyway to *)
- (* type it, so we remember the pattern as a rawconstr only *)
+ (* type it, so we remember the pattern as a glob_constr only *)
(intern_constr_gen true false ist p,dummy_pat)
let intern_typed_pattern_with_occurrences ist (l,p) =
@@ -735,7 +699,7 @@ let rec intern_atomic lf ist x =
TacMutualCofix (b,intern_ident lf ist id, f l)
| TacCut c -> TacCut (intern_type ist c)
| TacAssert (otac,ipat,c) ->
- TacAssert ( (intern_tactic ist) otac,
+ TacAssert ( (intern_pure_tactic ist) otac, (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ipat,
intern_constr_gen false (otac<>None) ist c)
| TacGeneralize cl ->
@@ -797,8 +761,8 @@ let rec intern_atomic lf ist x =
| TacLeft (ev,bl) -> TacLeft (ev,intern_bindings ist bl)
| TacRight (ev,bl) -> TacRight (ev,intern_bindings ist bl)
| TacSplit (ev,b,bll) -> TacSplit (ev,b, (intern_bindings ist) bll)
- | TacAnyConstructor (ev,t) -> TacAnyConstructor (ev, (intern_tactic ist) t)
- | TacConstructor (ev,n,bl) -> TacConstructor (ev,n,intern_bindings ist bl)
+ | TacAnyConstructor (ev,t) -> TacAnyConstructor (ev, (intern_pure_tactic ist) t)
+ | TacConstructor (ev,n,bl) -> TacConstructor (ev,intern_or_var ist n,intern_bindings ist bl)
(* Conversion *)
| TacReduce (r,cl) ->
@@ -826,7 +790,7 @@ let rec intern_atomic lf ist x =
(ev, (fun (b,m,c) -> (b,m,intern_constr_with_bindings ist c)) l,
clause_app (intern_hyp_location ist) cl,
- (intern_tactic ist) by)
+ (intern_pure_tactic ist) by)
| TacInversion (inv,hyp) ->
TacInversion (intern_inversion_strength lf ist inv,
intern_quantified_hypothesis ist hyp)
@@ -839,9 +803,9 @@ let rec intern_atomic lf ist x =
let l = (fun (id,a) -> (id,intern_genarg ist a)) l in
TacAlias (loc,s,l,(dir,body))
-and intern_tactic ist tac = (snd (intern_tactic_seq ist tac) : glob_tactic_expr)
+and intern_tactic onlytac ist tac = snd (intern_tactic_seq onlytac ist tac)
-and intern_tactic_seq ist = function
+and intern_tactic_seq onlytac ist = function
| TacAtom (loc,t) ->
let lf = ref ist.ltacvars in
let t = intern_atomic lf ist t in
@@ -851,50 +815,68 @@ and intern_tactic_seq ist = function
let (l1,l2) = ist.ltacvars in
let ist' = { ist with ltacvars = (extract_let_names l @ l1, l2) } in
let l = (fun (n,b) ->
- (n,intern_tacarg !strict_check (if isrec then ist' else ist) b)) l in
- ist.ltacvars, TacLetIn (isrec,l,intern_tactic ist' u)
+ (n,intern_tacarg !strict_check false (if isrec then ist' else ist) b)) l in
+ ist.ltacvars, TacLetIn (isrec,l,intern_tactic onlytac ist' u)
| TacMatchGoal (lz,lr,lmr) ->
- ist.ltacvars, TacMatchGoal(lz,lr, intern_match_rule ist lmr)
+ ist.ltacvars, TacMatchGoal(lz,lr, intern_match_rule onlytac ist lmr)
| TacMatch (lz,c,lmr) ->
- ist.ltacvars, TacMatch (lz,intern_tactic ist c,intern_match_rule ist lmr)
+ ist.ltacvars,
+ TacMatch (lz,intern_tactic_or_tacarg ist c,intern_match_rule onlytac ist lmr)
| TacId l -> ist.ltacvars, TacId (intern_message ist l)
| TacFail (n,l) ->
ist.ltacvars, TacFail (intern_or_var ist n,intern_message ist l)
- | TacProgress tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacProgress (intern_tactic ist tac)
- | TacAbstract (tac,s) -> ist.ltacvars, TacAbstract (intern_tactic ist tac,s)
+ | TacProgress tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacProgress (intern_pure_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacAbstract (tac,s) ->
+ ist.ltacvars, TacAbstract (intern_pure_tactic ist tac,s)
| TacThen (t1,[||],t2,[||]) ->
- let lfun', t1 = intern_tactic_seq ist t1 in
- let lfun'', t2 = intern_tactic_seq { ist with ltacvars = lfun' } t2 in
+ let lfun', t1 = intern_tactic_seq onlytac ist t1 in
+ let lfun'', t2 = intern_tactic_seq onlytac { ist with ltacvars = lfun' } t2 in
lfun'', TacThen (t1,[||],t2,[||])
| TacThen (t1,tf,t2,tl) ->
- let lfun', t1 = intern_tactic_seq ist t1 in
+ let lfun', t1 = intern_tactic_seq onlytac ist t1 in
let ist' = { ist with ltacvars = lfun' } in
(* Que faire en cas de (tac complexe avec Match et Thens; tac2) ?? *)
- lfun', TacThen (t1, (intern_tactic ist') tf,intern_tactic ist' t2,
- (intern_tactic ist') tl)
+ lfun', TacThen (t1, (intern_pure_tactic ist') tf,intern_pure_tactic ist' t2,
+ (intern_pure_tactic ist') tl)
| TacThens (t,tl) ->
- let lfun', t = intern_tactic_seq ist t in
+ let lfun', t = intern_tactic_seq true ist t in
let ist' = { ist with ltacvars = lfun' } in
(* Que faire en cas de (tac complexe avec Match et Thens; tac2) ?? *)
- lfun', TacThens (t, (intern_tactic ist') tl)
+ lfun', TacThens (t, (intern_pure_tactic ist') tl)
| TacDo (n,tac) ->
- ist.ltacvars, TacDo (intern_or_var ist n,intern_tactic ist tac)
- | TacTry tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacTry (intern_tactic ist tac)
- | TacInfo tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacInfo (intern_tactic ist tac)
- | TacRepeat tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacRepeat (intern_tactic ist tac)
+ ist.ltacvars, TacDo (intern_or_var ist n,intern_pure_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacTry tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacTry (intern_pure_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacInfo tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacInfo (intern_pure_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacRepeat tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacRepeat (intern_pure_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacTimeout (n,tac) ->
+ ist.ltacvars, TacTimeout (intern_or_var ist n,intern_tactic onlytac ist tac)
| TacOrelse (tac1,tac2) ->
- ist.ltacvars, TacOrelse (intern_tactic ist tac1,intern_tactic ist tac2)
- | TacFirst l -> ist.ltacvars, TacFirst ( (intern_tactic ist) l)
- | TacSolve l -> ist.ltacvars, TacSolve ( (intern_tactic ist) l)
- | TacComplete tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacComplete (intern_tactic ist tac)
- | TacArg a -> ist.ltacvars, TacArg (intern_tacarg true ist a)
+ ist.ltacvars, TacOrelse (intern_pure_tactic ist tac1,intern_pure_tactic ist tac2)
+ | TacFirst l -> ist.ltacvars, TacFirst ( (intern_pure_tactic ist) l)
+ | TacSolve l -> ist.ltacvars, TacSolve ( (intern_pure_tactic ist) l)
+ | TacComplete tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacComplete (intern_pure_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacArg (loc,a) -> ist.ltacvars, intern_tactic_as_arg loc onlytac ist a
+and intern_tactic_as_arg loc onlytac ist a =
+ match intern_tacarg !strict_check onlytac ist a with
+ | TacCall _ | TacExternal _ | Reference _ | TacDynamic _ as a -> TacArg (loc,a)
+ | Tacexp a -> a
+ | TacVoid | IntroPattern _ | Integer _
+ | ConstrMayEval _ | TacFreshId _ as a ->
+ if onlytac then error_tactic_expected loc else TacArg (loc,a)
+ | MetaIdArg _ -> assert false
+and intern_tactic_or_tacarg ist = intern_tactic false ist
+and intern_pure_tactic ist = intern_tactic true ist
and intern_tactic_fun ist (var,body) =
let (l1,l2) = ist.ltacvars in
let lfun' = List.rev_append (Option.List.flatten var) l1 in
- (var,intern_tactic { ist with ltacvars = (lfun',l2) } body)
+ (var,intern_tactic_or_tacarg { ist with ltacvars = (lfun',l2) } body)
-and intern_tacarg strict ist = function
+and intern_tacarg strict onlytac ist = function
| TacVoid -> TacVoid
| Reference r -> intern_non_tactic_reference strict ist r
| IntroPattern ipat ->
@@ -907,34 +889,35 @@ and intern_tacarg strict ist = function
let id = id_of_string s in
if find_ltacvar id ist then
if istac then Reference (ArgVar (adjust_loc loc,id))
- else ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm (RVar (adjust_loc loc,id), None))
+ else ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm (GVar (adjust_loc loc,id), None))
else error_syntactic_metavariables_not_allowed loc
| TacCall (loc,f,[]) -> intern_isolated_tactic_reference strict ist f
| TacCall (loc,f,l) ->
TacCall (loc,
intern_applied_tactic_reference ist f,
- (intern_tacarg !strict_check ist) l)
+ (intern_tacarg !strict_check false ist) l)
| TacExternal (loc,com,req,la) ->
- TacExternal (loc,com,req, (intern_tacarg !strict_check ist) la)
+ TacExternal (loc,com,req, (intern_tacarg !strict_check false ist) la)
| TacFreshId x -> TacFreshId ( (intern_or_var ist) x)
- | Tacexp t -> Tacexp (intern_tactic ist t)
+ | Tacexp t -> Tacexp (intern_tactic onlytac ist t)
| TacDynamic(loc,t) as x ->
(match Dyn.tag t with
- | "tactic" | "value" | "constr" -> x
+ | "tactic" | "value" -> x
+ | "constr" -> if onlytac then error_tactic_expected loc else x
| s -> anomaly_loc (loc, "",
str "Unknown dynamic: <" ++ str s ++ str ">"))
(* Reads the rules of a Match Context or a Match *)
-and intern_match_rule ist = function
+and intern_match_rule onlytac ist = function
| (All tc)::tl ->
- All (intern_tactic ist tc) :: (intern_match_rule ist tl)
+ All (intern_tactic onlytac ist tc) :: (intern_match_rule onlytac ist tl)
| (Pat (rl,mp,tc))::tl ->
let {ltacvars=(lfun,l2); gsigma=sigma; genv=env} = ist in
let lfun',metas1,hyps = intern_match_goal_hyps ist lfun rl in
let ido,metas2,pat = intern_pattern ist lfun mp in
let metas = list_uniquize (metas1@metas2) in
let ist' = { ist with ltacvars = (metas@(Option.List.cons ido lfun'),l2) } in
- Pat (hyps,pat,intern_tactic ist' tc) :: (intern_match_rule ist tl)
+ Pat (hyps,pat,intern_tactic onlytac ist' tc) :: (intern_match_rule onlytac ist tl)
| [] -> []
and intern_genarg ist x =
@@ -990,30 +973,16 @@ and intern_genarg ist x =
match tactic_genarg_level s with
| Some n ->
(* Special treatment of tactic arguments *)
- in_gen (globwit_tactic n) (intern_tactic ist
+ in_gen (globwit_tactic n) (intern_tactic_or_tacarg ist
(out_gen (rawwit_tactic n) x))
| None ->
lookup_genarg_glob s ist x
-let intern_pure_tactic ist a =
- match intern_tactic ist a with
- | TacArg (TacCall _ | TacExternal _ | Reference _ | TacDynamic _ | Tacexp _) as a -> a
- | TacArg _ | TacFun _ -> error "Tactic expected."
- | a -> a
(************* End globalization ************)
(* Evaluation/interpretation *)
-let constr_to_id loc = function
- | VConstr ([],c) when isVar c -> destVar c
- | _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc, "Not an identifier")
-let constr_to_qid loc c =
- try shortest_qualid_of_global Idset.empty (global_of_constr c)
- with _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc, "Not a global reference")
let is_variable env id =
List.mem id (ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env))
@@ -1053,7 +1022,7 @@ let try_interp_ltac_var coerce ist env (loc,id) =
let interp_ltac_var coerce ist env locid =
try try_interp_ltac_var coerce ist env locid
- with Not_found -> anomaly "Detected as ltac var at interning time"
+ with Not_found -> anomaly ("Detected '" ^ (string_of_id (snd locid)) ^ "' as ltac var at interning time")
(* Interprets an identifier which must be fresh *)
let coerce_to_ident fresh env = function
@@ -1161,16 +1130,6 @@ let interp_hyp_list_as_list ist gl (loc,id as x) =
let interp_hyp_list ist gl l =
List.flatten ( (interp_hyp_list_as_list ist gl) l)
-let interp_clause_pattern ist gl (l,occl) =
- let rec check acc = function
- | (hyp,l) :: rest ->
- let hyp = interp_hyp ist gl hyp in
- if List.mem hyp acc then
- error ("Hypothesis "^(string_of_id hyp)^" occurs twice.");
- (hyp,l)::(check (hyp::acc) rest)
- | [] -> []
- in (l,check [] occl)
let interp_move_location ist gl = function
| MoveAfter id -> MoveAfter (interp_hyp ist gl id)
| MoveBefore id -> MoveBefore (interp_hyp ist gl id)
@@ -1284,58 +1243,6 @@ let interp_fresh_id ist env l =
let pf_interp_fresh_id ist gl = interp_fresh_id ist (pf_env gl)
-let implicit_tactic = ref None
-let declare_implicit_tactic tac = implicit_tactic := Some tac
-open Evd
-let solvable_by_tactic env evi (ev,args) src =
- match (!implicit_tactic, src) with
- | Some tac, (ImplicitArg _ | QuestionMark _)
- when
- Environ.named_context_of_val evi.evar_hyps =
- Environ.named_context env ->
- let id = id_of_string "H" in
- start_proof id (Local,Proof Lemma) evi.evar_hyps evi.evar_concl
- (fun _ _ -> ());
- begin
- try
- by (tclCOMPLETE tac);
- let _,(const,_,_,_) = cook_proof ignore in
- delete_current_proof (); const.const_entry_body
- with e when Logic.catchable_exception e ->
- delete_current_proof();
- raise Exit
- end
- | _ -> raise Exit
-let solve_remaining_evars fail_evar use_classes env initial_sigma evd c =
- let evdref =
- if use_classes then ref (Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses ~fail:true env evd)
- else ref evd in
- let rec proc_rec c =
- let c = Reductionops.whd_evar !evdref c in
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Evar (ev,args as k) when not (Evd.mem initial_sigma ev) ->
- let (loc,src) = evar_source ev !evdref in
- let sigma = !evdref in
- let evi = Evd.find sigma ev in
- (try
- let c = solvable_by_tactic env evi k src in
- evdref := Evd.define ev c !evdref;
- c
- with Exit ->
- if fail_evar then
- Pretype_errors.error_unsolvable_implicit loc env sigma evi src None
- else
- c)
- | _ -> map_constr proc_rec c
- in
- let c = proc_rec c in
- (* Side-effect *)
- !evdref,c
let interp_gen kind ist allow_patvar expand_evar fail_evar use_classes env sigma (c,ce) =
let (ltacvars,unbndltacvars as vars) = extract_ltac_constr_values ist env in
let c = match ce with
@@ -1348,13 +1255,14 @@ let interp_gen kind ist allow_patvar expand_evar fail_evar use_classes env sigma
intern_gen (kind = IsType) ~allow_patvar ~ltacvars:ltacdata sigma env c
let trace = push_trace (dloc,LtacConstrInterp (c,vars)) ist.trace in
- let evd,c =
+ let evdc =
catch_error trace (understand_ltac expand_evar sigma env vars kind) c in
- let evd,c =
+ let (evd,c) =
if expand_evar then
- solve_remaining_evars fail_evar use_classes env sigma evd c
+ solve_remaining_evars fail_evar use_classes
+ solve_by_implicit_tactic env sigma evdc
- evd,c in
+ evdc in
db_constr ist.debug env c;
@@ -1373,6 +1281,9 @@ let interp_open_constr_gen kind ist =
let interp_open_constr ccl =
interp_open_constr_gen (OfType ccl)
+let interp_pure_open_constr ist =
+ interp_gen (OfType None) ist false false false false
let interp_typed_pattern ist env sigma (c,_) =
let sigma, c =
interp_gen (OfType None) ist true false false false env sigma c in
@@ -1393,7 +1304,7 @@ let constr_list_of_VList env = function
let interp_constr_in_compound_list inj_fun dest_fun interp_fun ist env sigma l =
let try_expand_ltac_var sigma x =
try match dest_fun x with
- | RVar (_,id), _ ->
+ | GVar (_,id), _ ->
sigma, inj_fun (constr_list_of_VList env (List.assoc id ist.lfun))
| _ ->
@@ -1408,12 +1319,14 @@ let interp_constr_in_compound_list inj_fun dest_fun interp_fun ist env sigma l =
let interp_constr_list ist env sigma c =
snd (interp_constr_in_compound_list (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x) (fun ist env sigma c -> (Evd.empty, interp_constr ist env sigma c)) ist env sigma c)
-let inj_open c = (Evd.empty,c)
let interp_open_constr_list =
interp_constr_in_compound_list (fun x -> x) (fun x -> x)
(interp_open_constr None)
+let interp_auto_lemmas ist env sigma lems =
+ let local_sigma, lems = interp_open_constr_list ist env sigma lems in
+ (fun lem -> (local_sigma,lem)) lems
(* Interprets a type expression *)
let pf_interp_type ist gl =
interp_type ist (pf_env gl) (project gl)
@@ -1476,7 +1389,7 @@ let interp_may_eval f ist gl = function
f ist gl c
with e ->
debugging_exception_step ist false e (fun () ->
- str"interpretation of term " ++ pr_rawconstr_env (pf_env gl) (fst c));
+ str"interpretation of term " ++ pr_glob_constr_env (pf_env gl) (fst c));
raise e
(* Interprets a constr expression possibly to first evaluate *)
@@ -1612,41 +1525,48 @@ let interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma (c,bl) =
let loc_of_bindings = function
| NoBindings -> dummy_loc
-| ImplicitBindings l -> loc_of_rawconstr (fst (list_last l))
+| ImplicitBindings l -> loc_of_glob_constr (fst (list_last l))
| ExplicitBindings l -> pi1 (list_last l)
let interp_open_constr_with_bindings_loc ist env sigma ((c,_),bl as cb) =
- let loc1 = loc_of_rawconstr c in
+ let loc1 = loc_of_glob_constr c in
let loc2 = loc_of_bindings bl in
let loc = if loc2 = dummy_loc then loc1 else join_loc loc1 loc2 in
let sigma, cb = interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma cb in
sigma, (loc,cb)
-let interp_induction_arg ist gl sigma arg =
- let env = pf_env gl in
+let interp_induction_arg ist gl arg =
+ let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in
match arg with
| ElimOnConstr c ->
- let sigma', (c,b) = interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma c in
- let sigma, c = solve_remaining_evars false true env sigma sigma' c in
- sigma, ElimOnConstr (c,b)
- | ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> sigma, x
+ ElimOnConstr (interp_constr_with_bindings ist env sigma c)
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
| ElimOnIdent (loc,id) ->
- sigma,
match List.assoc id ist.lfun with
- | VInteger n -> ElimOnAnonHyp n
- | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
- | VConstr ([],c) -> ElimOnConstr (c,NoBindings)
+ | VInteger n ->
+ ElimOnAnonHyp n
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id') ->
+ if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id' gl
+ then ElimOnIdent (loc,id')
+ else
+ (try ElimOnConstr (sigma,(constr_of_id env id',NoBindings))
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ pr_id id ++ strbrk " binds to " ++ pr_id id' ++ strbrk " which is neither a declared or a quantified hypothesis."))
+ | VConstr ([],c) ->
+ ElimOnConstr (sigma,(c,NoBindings))
| _ -> user_err_loc (loc,"",
strbrk "Cannot coerce " ++ pr_id id ++
strbrk " neither to a quantified hypothesis nor to a term.")
with Not_found ->
- (* Interactive mode *)
+ (* We were in non strict (interactive) mode *)
if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id gl then
- sigma, ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
+ ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
- let c = interp_constr ist env sigma (RVar (loc,id),Some (CRef (Ident (loc,id)))) in
- sigma, ElimOnConstr (c,NoBindings)
+ let c = (GVar (loc,id),Some (CRef (Ident (loc,id)))) in
+ let c = interp_constr ist env sigma c in
+ ElimOnConstr (sigma,(c,NoBindings))
(* Associates variables with values and gives the remaining variables and
values *)
@@ -1811,11 +1731,11 @@ let mk_int_or_var_value ist c = VInteger (interp_int_or_var ist c)
let pack_sigma (sigma,c) = {it=c;sigma=sigma}
-let extend_gl_hyps gl sign =
- { gl with
- it = { with
- evar_hyps =
- List.fold_right Environ.push_named_context_val sign } }
+let extend_gl_hyps { it=gl ; sigma=sigma } sign =
+ let hyps = Goal.V82.hyps sigma gl in
+ let new_hyps = List.fold_right Environ.push_named_context_val sign hyps in
+ (* spiwack: (2010/01/13) if a bug was reintroduced in [change] in is probably here *)
+ Goal.V82.new_goal_with sigma gl new_hyps
(* Interprets an l-tac expression into a value *)
let rec val_interp ist gl (tac:glob_tactic_expr) =
@@ -1827,7 +1747,7 @@ let rec val_interp ist gl (tac:glob_tactic_expr) =
| TacLetIn (false,l,u) -> interp_letin ist gl l u
| TacMatchGoal (lz,lr,lmr) -> interp_match_goal ist gl lz lr lmr
| TacMatch (lz,c,lmr) -> interp_match ist gl lz c lmr
- | TacArg a -> interp_tacarg ist gl a
+ | TacArg (loc,a) -> interp_tacarg ist gl a
(* Delayed evaluation *)
| t -> VFun (ist.trace,ist.lfun,[],t)
@@ -1860,6 +1780,7 @@ and eval_tactic ist = function
( (interp_tactic ist) tf) (interp_tactic ist t) ( (interp_tactic ist) tl)
| TacThens (t1,tl) -> tclTHENS (interp_tactic ist t1) ( (interp_tactic ist) tl)
| TacDo (n,tac) -> tclDO (interp_int_or_var ist n) (interp_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacTimeout (n,tac) -> tclTIMEOUT (interp_int_or_var ist n) (interp_tactic ist tac)
| TacTry tac -> tclTRY (interp_tactic ist tac)
| TacInfo tac ->
let t = (interp_tactic ist tac) in
@@ -1867,7 +1788,7 @@ and eval_tactic ist = function
match tac with
TacAtom (_,_) -> t
- | _ -> abstract_tactic_expr (TacArg (Tacexp tac)) t
+ | _ -> abstract_tactic_expr (TacArg (dloc,Tacexp tac)) t
| TacRepeat tac -> tclREPEAT (interp_tactic ist tac)
| TacOrelse (tac1,tac2) ->
@@ -1979,19 +1900,19 @@ and eval_with_fail ist is_lazy goal tac =
VRTactic (catch_error trace tac goal)
| a -> a)
- | FailError (0,s) | Stdpp.Exc_located(_, FailError (0,s))
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(_,LtacLocated (_,FailError (0,s))) ->
+ | FailError (0,s) | Loc.Exc_located(_, FailError (0,s))
+ | Loc.Exc_located(_,LtacLocated (_,FailError (0,s))) ->
raise (Eval_fail (Lazy.force s))
| FailError (lvl,s) -> raise (FailError (lvl - 1, s))
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(s,FailError (lvl,s')) ->
- raise (Stdpp.Exc_located(s,FailError (lvl - 1, s')))
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(s,LtacLocated (s'',FailError (lvl,s'))) ->
- raise (Stdpp.Exc_located(s,LtacLocated (s'',FailError (lvl - 1, s'))))
+ | Loc.Exc_located(s,FailError (lvl,s')) ->
+ raise (Loc.Exc_located(s,FailError (lvl - 1, s')))
+ | Loc.Exc_located(s,LtacLocated (s'',FailError (lvl,s'))) ->
+ raise (Loc.Exc_located(s,LtacLocated (s'',FailError (lvl - 1, s'))))
(* Interprets the clauses of a recursive LetIn *)
and interp_letrec ist gl llc u =
let lref = ref ist.lfun in
- let lve = list_map_left (fun ((_,id),b) -> (id,VRec (lref,TacArg b))) llc in
+ let lve = list_map_left (fun ((_,id),b) -> (id,VRec (lref,TacArg (dloc,b)))) llc in
lref := lve@ist.lfun;
let ist = { ist with lfun = lve@ist.lfun } in
val_interp ist gl u
@@ -2005,6 +1926,8 @@ and interp_letin ist gl llc u =
(* Interprets the Match Context expressions *)
and interp_match_goal ist goal lz lr lmr =
+ let (gl,sigma) = Goal.V82.nf_evar (project goal) (sig_it goal) in
+ let goal = { it = gl ; sigma = sigma } in
let hyps = pf_hyps goal in
let hyps = if lr then List.rev hyps else hyps in
let concl = pf_concl goal in
@@ -2116,7 +2039,7 @@ and interp_genarg ist gl x =
in_gen wit_sort
(pf_interp_constr ist gl
- (RSort (dloc,out_gen globwit_sort x), None)))
+ (GSort (dloc,out_gen globwit_sort x), None)))
| ConstrArgType ->
in_gen wit_constr (pf_interp_constr ist gl (out_gen globwit_constr x))
| ConstrMayEvalArgType ->
@@ -2152,7 +2075,7 @@ and interp_genarg ist gl x =
| Some n ->
(* Special treatment of tactic arguments *)
in_gen (wit_tactic n)
- (TacArg(valueIn(VFun(ist.trace,ist.lfun,[],
+ (TacArg(dloc,valueIn(VFun(ist.trace,ist.lfun,[],
out_gen (globwit_tactic n) x))))
| None ->
lookup_interp_genarg s ist gl x
@@ -2189,9 +2112,9 @@ and interp_match ist g lz constr lmr =
match_next_pattern find_next' () in
match_next_pattern (fun () -> match_subterm_gen app c csr) () in
let rec apply_match ist csr = function
- | (All t)::_ ->
+ | (All t)::tl ->
(try eval_with_fail ist lz g t
- with e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr [])
+ with e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr tl)
| (Pat ([],Term c,mt))::tl ->
let lmatch =
@@ -2337,23 +2260,31 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl tac =
| TacGeneralizeDep c -> h_generalize_dep (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
| TacLetTac (na,c,clp,b) ->
let clp = interp_clause ist gl clp in
- h_let_tac b (interp_fresh_name ist env na) (pf_interp_constr ist gl c) clp
+ if clp = nowhere then
+ (* We try to fully-typechect the term *)
+ h_let_tac b (interp_fresh_name ist env na)
+ (pf_interp_constr ist gl c) clp
+ else
+ (* We try to keep the pattern structure as much as possible *)
+ h_let_pat_tac b (interp_fresh_name ist env na)
+ (interp_pure_open_constr ist env sigma c) clp
(* Automation tactics *)
| TacTrivial (lems,l) ->
- Auto.h_trivial (interp_constr_list ist env sigma lems)
+ Auto.h_trivial
+ (interp_auto_lemmas ist env sigma lems)
( ( (interp_hint_base ist)) l)
| TacAuto (n,lems,l) ->
Auto.h_auto ( (interp_int_or_var ist) n)
- (interp_constr_list ist env sigma lems)
- ( ( (interp_hint_base ist)) l)
+ (interp_auto_lemmas ist env sigma lems)
+ ( ( (interp_hint_base ist)) l)
| TacAutoTDB n -> Dhyp.h_auto_tdb n
| TacDestructHyp (b,id) -> Dhyp.h_destructHyp b (interp_hyp ist gl id)
| TacDestructConcl -> Dhyp.h_destructConcl
| TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2) -> Auto.h_superauto n l b1 b2
| TacDAuto (n,p,lems) ->
Auto.h_dauto ( (interp_int_or_var ist) n,p)
- (interp_constr_list ist env sigma lems)
+ (interp_auto_lemmas ist env sigma lems)
(* Derived basic tactics *)
| TacSimpleInductionDestruct (isrec,h) ->
@@ -2361,8 +2292,7 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl tac =
| TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,(l,cls)) ->
let sigma, l =
list_fold_map (fun sigma (lc,cbo,(ipato,ipats)) ->
- let sigma,lc =
- list_fold_map (interp_induction_arg ist gl) sigma lc in
+ let lc = (interp_induction_arg ist gl) lc in
let sigma,cbo =
Option.fold_map (interp_constr_with_bindings ist env) sigma cbo in
@@ -2410,7 +2340,7 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl tac =
(Tactics.any_constructor ev ( (interp_tactic ist) t))
| TacConstructor (ev,n,bl) ->
let sigma, bl = interp_bindings ist env sigma bl in
- tclWITHHOLES ev (h_constructor ev (skip_metaid n)) sigma bl
+ tclWITHHOLES ev (h_constructor ev (interp_int_or_var ist n)) sigma bl
(* Conversion *)
| TacReduce (r,cl) ->
@@ -2553,7 +2483,7 @@ let make_empty_glob_sign () =
(* Initial call for interpretation *)
let interp_tac_gen lfun avoid_ids debug t gl =
interp_tactic { lfun=lfun; avoid_ids=avoid_ids; debug=debug; trace=[] }
- (intern_tactic {
+ (intern_tactic true {
ltacvars = ( fst lfun, []); ltacrecvars = [];
gsigma = project gl; genv = pf_env gl } t) gl
@@ -2566,18 +2496,18 @@ let interp t = interp_tac_gen [] [] (get_debug()) t
let eval_ltac_constr gl t =
{ lfun=[]; avoid_ids=[]; debug=get_debug(); trace=[] } gl
- (intern_tactic (make_empty_glob_sign ()) t )
+ (intern_tactic_or_tacarg (make_empty_glob_sign ()) t )
(* Hides interpretation for pretty-print *)
let hide_interp t ot gl =
let ist = { ltacvars = ([],[]); ltacrecvars = [];
gsigma = project gl; genv = pf_env gl } in
- let te = intern_tactic ist t in
+ let te = intern_tactic true ist t in
let t = eval_tactic te in
match ot with
- | None -> abstract_tactic_expr (TacArg (Tacexp te)) t gl
+ | None -> abstract_tactic_expr (TacArg (dloc,Tacexp te)) t gl
| Some t' ->
- abstract_tactic_expr ~dflt:true (TacArg (Tacexp te)) (tclTHEN t t') gl
+ abstract_tactic_expr ~dflt:true (TacArg (dloc,Tacexp te)) (tclTHEN t t') gl
(* Substitution at module closing time *)
@@ -2586,25 +2516,25 @@ let subst_quantified_hypothesis _ x = x
let subst_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis _ x = x
-let subst_rawconstr_and_expr subst (c,e) =
+let subst_glob_constr_and_expr subst (c,e) =
assert (e=None); (* e<>None only for toplevel tactics *)
- (Detyping.subst_rawconstr subst c,None)
+ (Detyping.subst_glob_constr subst c,None)
-let subst_rawconstr = subst_rawconstr_and_expr (* shortening *)
+let subst_glob_constr = subst_glob_constr_and_expr (* shortening *)
let subst_binding subst (loc,b,c) =
- (loc,subst_quantified_hypothesis subst b,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ (loc,subst_quantified_hypothesis subst b,subst_glob_constr subst c)
let subst_bindings subst = function
| NoBindings -> NoBindings
- | ImplicitBindings l -> ImplicitBindings ( (subst_rawconstr subst) l)
+ | ImplicitBindings l -> ImplicitBindings ( (subst_glob_constr subst) l)
| ExplicitBindings l -> ExplicitBindings ( (subst_binding subst) l)
-let subst_raw_with_bindings subst (c,bl) =
- (subst_rawconstr subst c, subst_bindings subst bl)
+let subst_glob_with_bindings subst (c,bl) =
+ (subst_glob_constr subst c, subst_bindings subst bl)
let subst_induction_arg subst = function
- | ElimOnConstr c -> ElimOnConstr (subst_raw_with_bindings subst c)
+ | ElimOnConstr c -> ElimOnConstr (subst_glob_with_bindings subst c)
| ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
| ElimOnIdent id as x -> x
@@ -2645,17 +2575,17 @@ let subst_unfold subst (l,e) =
let subst_flag subst red =
{ red with rConst = (subst_evaluable subst) red.rConst }
-let subst_constr_with_occurrences subst (l,c) = (l,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+let subst_constr_with_occurrences subst (l,c) = (l,subst_glob_constr subst c)
-let subst_rawconstr_or_pattern subst (c,p) =
- (subst_rawconstr subst c,subst_pattern subst p)
+let subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst (c,p) =
+ (subst_glob_constr subst c,subst_pattern subst p)
let subst_pattern_with_occurrences subst (l,p) =
- (l,subst_rawconstr_or_pattern subst p)
+ (l,subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst p)
let subst_redexp subst = function
| Unfold l -> Unfold ( (subst_unfold subst) l)
- | Fold l -> Fold ( (subst_rawconstr subst) l)
+ | Fold l -> Fold ( (subst_glob_constr subst) l)
| Cbv f -> Cbv (subst_flag subst f)
| Lazy f -> Lazy (subst_flag subst f)
| Pattern l -> Pattern ( (subst_constr_with_occurrences subst) l)
@@ -2663,14 +2593,14 @@ let subst_redexp subst = function
| (Red _ | Hnf | ExtraRedExpr _ | CbvVm as r) -> r
let subst_raw_may_eval subst = function
- | ConstrEval (r,c) -> ConstrEval (subst_redexp subst r,subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | ConstrContext (locid,c) -> ConstrContext (locid,subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | ConstrTypeOf c -> ConstrTypeOf (subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | ConstrTerm c -> ConstrTerm (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | ConstrEval (r,c) -> ConstrEval (subst_redexp subst r,subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | ConstrContext (locid,c) -> ConstrContext (locid,subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | ConstrTypeOf c -> ConstrTypeOf (subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | ConstrTerm c -> ConstrTerm (subst_glob_constr subst c)
let subst_match_pattern subst = function
- | Subterm (b,ido,pc) -> Subterm (b,ido,(subst_rawconstr_or_pattern subst pc))
- | Term pc -> Term (subst_rawconstr_or_pattern subst pc)
+ | Subterm (b,ido,pc) -> Subterm (b,ido,(subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst pc))
+ | Term pc -> Term (subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst pc)
let rec subst_match_goal_hyps subst = function
| Hyp (locs,mp) :: tl ->
@@ -2685,54 +2615,54 @@ let rec subst_atomic subst (t:glob_atomic_tactic_expr) = match t with
(* Basic tactics *)
| TacIntroPattern _ | TacIntrosUntil _ | TacIntroMove _ as x -> x
| TacAssumption as x -> x
- | TacExact c -> TacExact (subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | TacExactNoCheck c -> TacExactNoCheck (subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | TacVmCastNoCheck c -> TacVmCastNoCheck (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacExact c -> TacExact (subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | TacExactNoCheck c -> TacExactNoCheck (subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | TacVmCastNoCheck c -> TacVmCastNoCheck (subst_glob_constr subst c)
| TacApply (a,ev,cb,cl) ->
- TacApply (a,ev, (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cb,cl)
+ TacApply (a,ev, (subst_glob_with_bindings subst) cb,cl)
| TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
- TacElim (ev,subst_raw_with_bindings subst cb,
- (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cbo)
- | TacElimType c -> TacElimType (subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | TacCase (ev,cb) -> TacCase (ev,subst_raw_with_bindings subst cb)
- | TacCaseType c -> TacCaseType (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ TacElim (ev,subst_glob_with_bindings subst cb,
+ (subst_glob_with_bindings subst) cbo)
+ | TacElimType c -> TacElimType (subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | TacCase (ev,cb) -> TacCase (ev,subst_glob_with_bindings subst cb)
+ | TacCaseType c -> TacCaseType (subst_glob_constr subst c)
| TacFix (idopt,n) as x -> x
| TacMutualFix (b,id,n,l) ->
- TacMutualFix(b,id,n, (fun (id,n,c) -> (id,n,subst_rawconstr subst c)) l)
+ TacMutualFix(b,id,n, (fun (id,n,c) -> (id,n,subst_glob_constr subst c)) l)
| TacCofix idopt as x -> x
| TacMutualCofix (b,id,l) ->
- TacMutualCofix (b,id, (fun (id,c) -> (id,subst_rawconstr subst c)) l)
- | TacCut c -> TacCut (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ TacMutualCofix (b,id, (fun (id,c) -> (id,subst_glob_constr subst c)) l)
+ | TacCut c -> TacCut (subst_glob_constr subst c)
| TacAssert (b,na,c) ->
- TacAssert ( (subst_tactic subst) b,na,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ TacAssert ( (subst_tactic subst) b,na,subst_glob_constr subst c)
| TacGeneralize cl ->
TacGeneralize ( (on_fst (subst_constr_with_occurrences subst))cl)
- | TacGeneralizeDep c -> TacGeneralizeDep (subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | TacLetTac (id,c,clp,b) -> TacLetTac (id,subst_rawconstr subst c,clp,b)
+ | TacGeneralizeDep c -> TacGeneralizeDep (subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | TacLetTac (id,c,clp,b) -> TacLetTac (id,subst_glob_constr subst c,clp,b)
(* Automation tactics *)
- | TacTrivial (lems,l) -> TacTrivial ( (subst_rawconstr subst) lems,l)
- | TacAuto (n,lems,l) -> TacAuto (n, (subst_rawconstr subst) lems,l)
+ | TacTrivial (lems,l) -> TacTrivial ( (subst_glob_constr subst) lems,l)
+ | TacAuto (n,lems,l) -> TacAuto (n, (subst_glob_constr subst) lems,l)
| TacAutoTDB n -> TacAutoTDB n
| TacDestructHyp (b,id) -> TacDestructHyp(b,id)
| TacDestructConcl -> TacDestructConcl
| TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2) -> TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2)
- | TacDAuto (n,p,lems) -> TacDAuto (n,p, (subst_rawconstr subst) lems)
+ | TacDAuto (n,p,lems) -> TacDAuto (n,p, (subst_glob_constr subst) lems)
(* Derived basic tactics *)
| TacSimpleInductionDestruct (isrec,h) as x -> x
| TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,(l,cls)) ->
TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,( (fun (lc,cbo,ids) -> (subst_induction_arg subst) lc,
- (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cbo, ids) l, cls))
+ (subst_glob_with_bindings subst) cbo, ids) l, cls))
| TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) as x -> x
- | TacDecomposeAnd c -> TacDecomposeAnd (subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | TacDecomposeOr c -> TacDecomposeOr (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacDecomposeAnd c -> TacDecomposeAnd (subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | TacDecomposeOr c -> TacDecomposeOr (subst_glob_constr subst c)
| TacDecompose (l,c) ->
let l = (subst_or_var (subst_inductive subst)) l in
- TacDecompose (l,subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | TacSpecialize (n,l) -> TacSpecialize (n,subst_raw_with_bindings subst l)
- | TacLApply c -> TacLApply (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ TacDecompose (l,subst_glob_constr subst c)
+ | TacSpecialize (n,l) -> TacSpecialize (n,subst_glob_with_bindings subst l)
+ | TacLApply c -> TacLApply (subst_glob_constr subst c)
(* Context management *)
| TacClear _ as x -> x
@@ -2751,24 +2681,24 @@ let rec subst_atomic subst (t:glob_atomic_tactic_expr) = match t with
(* Conversion *)
| TacReduce (r,cl) -> TacReduce (subst_redexp subst r, cl)
| TacChange (op,c,cl) ->
- TacChange ( (subst_rawconstr_or_pattern subst) op,
- subst_rawconstr subst c, cl)
+ TacChange ( (subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst) op,
+ subst_glob_constr subst c, cl)
(* Equivalence relations *)
| TacReflexivity | TacSymmetry _ as x -> x
- | TacTransitivity c -> TacTransitivity ( (subst_rawconstr subst) c)
+ | TacTransitivity c -> TacTransitivity ( (subst_glob_constr subst) c)
(* Equality and inversion *)
| TacRewrite (ev,l,cl,by) ->
TacRewrite (ev, (fun (b,m,c) ->
- b,m,subst_raw_with_bindings subst c) l,
+ b,m,subst_glob_with_bindings subst c) l,
cl, (subst_tactic subst) by)
| TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,l),hyp) ->
- TacInversion (DepInversion (k, (subst_rawconstr subst) c,l),hyp)
+ TacInversion (DepInversion (k, (subst_glob_constr subst) c,l),hyp)
| TacInversion (NonDepInversion _,_) as x -> x
| TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl),hyp) ->
- TacInversion (InversionUsing (subst_rawconstr subst c,cl),hyp)
+ TacInversion (InversionUsing (subst_glob_constr subst c,cl),hyp)
(* For extensions *)
| TacExtend (_loc,opn,l) ->
@@ -2796,6 +2726,7 @@ and subst_tactic subst (t:glob_tactic_expr) = match t with
| TacThens (t,tl) ->
TacThens (subst_tactic subst t, (subst_tactic subst) tl)
| TacDo (n,tac) -> TacDo (n,subst_tactic subst tac)
+ | TacTimeout (n,tac) -> TacTimeout (n,subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacTry tac -> TacTry (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacInfo tac -> TacInfo (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacRepeat tac -> TacRepeat (subst_tactic subst tac)
@@ -2804,7 +2735,7 @@ and subst_tactic subst (t:glob_tactic_expr) = match t with
| TacFirst l -> TacFirst ( (subst_tactic subst) l)
| TacSolve l -> TacSolve ( (subst_tactic subst) l)
| TacComplete tac -> TacComplete (subst_tactic subst tac)
- | TacArg a -> TacArg (subst_tacarg subst a)
+ | TacArg (_,a) -> TacArg (dloc,subst_tacarg subst a)
and subst_tactic_fun subst (var,body) = (var,subst_tactic subst body)
@@ -2855,7 +2786,7 @@ and subst_genarg subst (x:glob_generic_argument) =
| SortArgType ->
in_gen globwit_sort (out_gen globwit_sort x)
| ConstrArgType ->
- in_gen globwit_constr (subst_rawconstr subst (out_gen globwit_constr x))
+ in_gen globwit_constr (subst_glob_constr subst (out_gen globwit_constr x))
| ConstrMayEvalArgType ->
in_gen globwit_constr_may_eval (subst_raw_may_eval subst (out_gen globwit_constr_may_eval x))
| QuantHypArgType ->
@@ -2866,10 +2797,10 @@ and subst_genarg subst (x:glob_generic_argument) =
in_gen globwit_red_expr (subst_redexp subst (out_gen globwit_red_expr x))
| OpenConstrArgType b ->
in_gen (globwit_open_constr_gen b)
- ((),subst_rawconstr subst (snd (out_gen (globwit_open_constr_gen b) x)))
+ ((),subst_glob_constr subst (snd (out_gen (globwit_open_constr_gen b) x)))
| ConstrWithBindingsArgType ->
in_gen globwit_constr_with_bindings
- (subst_raw_with_bindings subst (out_gen globwit_constr_with_bindings x))
+ (subst_glob_with_bindings subst (out_gen globwit_constr_with_bindings x))
| BindingsArgType ->
in_gen globwit_bindings
(subst_bindings subst (out_gen globwit_bindings x))
@@ -2889,11 +2820,6 @@ and subst_genarg subst (x:glob_generic_argument) =
(* Tactic registration *)
-(* For bad tactic calls *)
-let bad_tactic_args s =
- anomalylabstrm s
- (str "Tactic " ++ str s ++ str " called with bad arguments")
(* Declaration of the TAC-DEFINITION object *)
let add (kn,td) = mactab := Gmap.add kn td !mactab
let replace (kn,td) = mactab := Gmap.add kn td (Gmap.remove kn !mactab)
@@ -2938,7 +2864,7 @@ let subst_md (subst,(local,defs)) =
let classify_md (local,defs as o) =
if local then Dispose else Substitute o
-let (inMD,outMD) =
+let inMD : bool * (tacdef_kind * glob_tactic_expr) list -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "TAC-DEFINITION") with
cache_function = cache_md;
load_function = load_md;
@@ -2946,12 +2872,22 @@ let (inMD,outMD) =
subst_function = subst_md;
classify_function = classify_md}
+let rec split_ltac_fun = function
+ | TacFun (l,t) -> (l,t)
+ | t -> ([],t)
+let pr_ltac_fun_arg = function
+ | None -> spc () ++ str "_"
+ | Some id -> spc () ++ pr_id id
let print_ltac id =
let kn = Nametab.locate_tactic id in
- let t = lookup kn in
- str "Ltac" ++ spc() ++ pr_qualid id ++ str " :=" ++ spc() ++
- Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env ()) t
+ let l,t = split_ltac_fun (lookup kn) in
+ hv 2 (
+ hov 2 (str "Ltac" ++ spc() ++ pr_qualid id ++
+ prlist pr_ltac_fun_arg l ++ spc () ++ str ":=")
+ ++ spc() ++ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env ()) t)
Not_found ->
errorlabstrm "print_ltac"
@@ -2991,7 +2927,7 @@ let add_tacdef local isrec tacl =
let gtacl =
List.map2 (fun (_,b,def) (id, qid) ->
let k = if b then UpdateTac qid else NewTac (Option.get id) in
- let t = Flags.with_option strict_check (intern_tactic ist) def in
+ let t = Flags.with_option strict_check (intern_tactic_or_tacarg ist) def in
(k, t))
tacl rfun in
let id0 = fst (List.hd rfun) in
@@ -3009,11 +2945,11 @@ let add_tacdef local isrec tacl =
(* Other entry points *)
let glob_tactic x =
- Flags.with_option strict_check (intern_tactic (make_empty_glob_sign ())) x
+ Flags.with_option strict_check (intern_tactic true (make_empty_glob_sign ())) x
let glob_tactic_env l env x =
Flags.with_option strict_check
- (intern_tactic
+ (intern_pure_tactic
{ ltacvars = (l,[]); ltacrecvars = []; gsigma = Evd.empty; genv = env })
@@ -3025,14 +2961,16 @@ let interp_redexp env sigma r =
(* Embed tactics in raw or glob tactic expr *)
-let globTacticIn t = TacArg (TacDynamic (dummy_loc,tactic_in t))
+let globTacticIn t = TacArg (dloc,TacDynamic (dloc,tactic_in t))
let tacticIn t =
globTacticIn (fun ist ->
try glob_tactic (t ist)
- with e -> raise (AnomalyOnError ("Incorrect tactic expression", e)))
+ with e -> anomalylabstrm "tacticIn"
+ (str "Incorrect tactic expression. Received exception is:" ++
+ Errors.print e))
let tacticOut = function
- | TacArg (TacDynamic (_,d)) ->
+ | TacArg (_,TacDynamic (_,d)) ->
if (Dyn.tag d) = "tactic" then
tactic_out d
@@ -3051,6 +2989,6 @@ let _ = Auto.set_extern_interp
let _ = Auto.set_extern_intern_tac
(fun l ->
Flags.with_option strict_check
- (intern_tactic {(make_empty_glob_sign()) with ltacvars=(l,[])}))
+ (intern_pure_tactic {(make_empty_glob_sign()) with ltacvars=(l,[])}))
let _ = Auto.set_extern_subst_tactic subst_tactic
let _ = Dhyp.set_extern_interp eval_tactic
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.mli b/tactics/tacinterp.mli
index 8f585781..d9dc8094 100644
--- a/tactics/tacinterp.mli
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.mli
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: tacinterp.mli 14677 2011-11-17 22:19:38Z herbelin $ i*)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -21,11 +18,10 @@ open Genarg
open Topconstr
open Mod_subst
open Redexpr
-(* Values for interpretation *)
+(** Values for interpretation *)
type value =
- | VRTactic of (goal list sigma * validation)
+ | VRTactic of (goal list sigma)
| VFun of ltac_trace * (identifier*value) list *
identifier option list * glob_tactic_expr
| VVoid
@@ -36,7 +32,7 @@ type value =
| VList of value list
| VRec of (identifier*value) list ref * glob_tactic_expr
-(* Signature for interpretation: val\_interp and interpretation functions *)
+(** Signature for interpretation: val\_interp and interpretation functions *)
and interp_sign =
{ lfun : (identifier * value) list;
avoid_ids : identifier list;
@@ -46,31 +42,27 @@ and interp_sign =
val extract_ltac_constr_values : interp_sign -> Environ.env ->
-(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible *)
-val constr_of_id : Environ.env -> identifier -> constr
-(* To embed several objects in Coqast.t *)
+(** To embed several objects in Coqast.t *)
val tactic_in : (interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr) -> Dyn.t
val tactic_out : Dyn.t -> (interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr)
val tacticIn : (interp_sign -> raw_tactic_expr) -> raw_tactic_expr
val globTacticIn : (interp_sign -> glob_tactic_expr) -> raw_tactic_expr
val valueIn : value -> raw_tactic_arg
-val constrIn : constr -> constr_expr
-(* Sets the debugger mode *)
+(** Sets the debugger mode *)
val set_debug : debug_info -> unit
-(* Gives the state of debug *)
+(** Gives the state of debug *)
val get_debug : unit -> debug_info
-(* Adds a definition for tactics in the table *)
+(** Adds a definition for tactics in the table *)
val add_tacdef :
Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> bool ->
(Libnames.reference * bool * raw_tactic_expr) list -> unit
val add_primitive_tactic : string -> glob_tactic_expr -> unit
-(* Tactic extensions *)
+(** Tactic extensions *)
val add_tactic :
string -> (typed_generic_argument list -> tactic) -> unit
val overwriting_add_tactic :
@@ -78,7 +70,7 @@ val overwriting_add_tactic :
val lookup_tactic :
string -> (typed_generic_argument list) -> tactic
-(* Adds an interpretation function for extra generic arguments *)
+(** Adds an interpretation function for extra generic arguments *)
type glob_sign = {
ltacvars : identifier list * identifier list;
ltacrecvars : (identifier * Nametab.ltac_constant) list;
@@ -99,18 +91,15 @@ val interp_genarg :
val intern_genarg :
glob_sign -> raw_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument
-val intern_tactic :
- glob_sign -> raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
val intern_pure_tactic :
glob_sign -> raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
val intern_constr :
- glob_sign -> constr_expr -> rawconstr_and_expr
+ glob_sign -> constr_expr -> glob_constr_and_expr
val intern_constr_with_bindings :
- glob_sign -> constr_expr * constr_expr Rawterm.bindings ->
- rawconstr_and_expr * rawconstr_and_expr Rawterm.bindings
+ glob_sign -> constr_expr * constr_expr Glob_term.bindings ->
+ glob_constr_and_expr * glob_constr_and_expr Glob_term.bindings
val intern_hyp :
glob_sign -> identifier Util.located -> identifier Util.located
@@ -118,28 +107,34 @@ val intern_hyp :
val subst_genarg :
substitution -> glob_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument
-val subst_rawconstr_and_expr :
- substitution -> rawconstr_and_expr -> rawconstr_and_expr
+val subst_glob_constr_and_expr :
+ substitution -> glob_constr_and_expr -> glob_constr_and_expr
-(* Interprets any expression *)
+val subst_glob_with_bindings :
+ substitution -> glob_constr_and_expr Glob_term.with_bindings -> glob_constr_and_expr Glob_term.with_bindings
+(** Interprets any expression *)
val val_interp : interp_sign -> goal sigma -> glob_tactic_expr -> value
-(* Interprets an expression that evaluates to a constr *)
+(** Interprets an expression that evaluates to a constr *)
val interp_ltac_constr : interp_sign -> goal sigma -> glob_tactic_expr ->
-(* Interprets redexp arguments *)
+(** Interprets redexp arguments *)
val interp_redexp : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> raw_red_expr -> red_expr
-(* Interprets tactic expressions *)
+(** Interprets tactic expressions *)
val interp_tac_gen : (identifier * value) list -> identifier list ->
debug_info -> raw_tactic_expr -> tactic
val interp_hyp : interp_sign -> goal sigma -> identifier located -> identifier
-val interp_bindings : interp_sign -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> rawconstr_and_expr Rawterm.bindings -> Evd.evar_map * constr Rawterm.bindings
+val interp_bindings : interp_sign -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> glob_constr_and_expr Glob_term.bindings -> Evd.evar_map * constr Glob_term.bindings
+val interp_open_constr_with_bindings : interp_sign -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map ->
+ glob_constr_and_expr Glob_term.with_bindings -> Evd.evar_map * constr Glob_term.with_bindings
-(* Initial call for interpretation *)
+(** Initial call for interpretation *)
val glob_tactic : raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
val glob_tactic_env : identifier list -> Environ.env -> raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
@@ -152,21 +147,18 @@ val eval_ltac_constr : goal sigma -> raw_tactic_expr -> constr
val subst_tactic : substitution -> glob_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
-(* Hides interpretation for pretty-print *)
+(** Hides interpretation for pretty-print *)
val hide_interp : raw_tactic_expr -> tactic option -> tactic
-(* Declare the default tactic to fill implicit arguments *)
-val declare_implicit_tactic : tactic -> unit
-(* Declare the xml printer *)
+(** Declare the xml printer *)
val declare_xml_printer :
(out_channel -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> unit) -> unit
-(* printing *)
+(** printing *)
val print_ltac : Libnames.qualid -> std_ppcmds
-(* Internals that can be useful for syntax extensions. *)
+(** Internals that can be useful for syntax extensions. *)
exception CannotCoerceTo of string
@@ -175,4 +167,3 @@ val interp_ltac_var : (value -> 'a) -> interp_sign -> Environ.env option -> iden
val interp_int : interp_sign -> identifier located -> int
val error_ltac_variable : loc -> identifier -> Environ.env option -> value -> string -> 'a
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index df5a3283..57b8c540 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 12623 2010-01-04 17:50:38Z letouzey $ *)
open Libobject
open Proof_type
open Pp
@@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ let declare_tactic_option ?(default=Tacexpr.TacId []) name =
let subst (s, (local, tac)) =
(local, Tacinterp.subst_tactic s tac)
- let input, _output =
+ let input : bool * Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> obj =
{ (default_object name) with
cache_function = cache;
diff --git a/tactics/tactic_option.mli b/tactics/tactic_option.mli
index 890ba98e..8388738a 100644
--- a/tactics/tactic_option.mli
+++ b/tactics/tactic_option.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 12623 2010-01-04 17:50:38Z letouzey $ *)
open Proof_type
open Tacexpr
open Vernacexpr
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index f0d4dc51..11625cbd 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -23,7 +21,7 @@ open Refiner
open Tacmach
open Clenv
open Clenvtac
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Pattern
open Matching
open Genarg
@@ -61,8 +59,9 @@ let tclAT_LEAST_ONCE = Refiner.tclAT_LEAST_ONCE
let tclFAIL = Refiner.tclFAIL
let tclFAIL_lazy = Refiner.tclFAIL_lazy
let tclDO = Refiner.tclDO
-let tclPROGRESS = Refiner.tclPROGRESS
+let tclTIMEOUT = Refiner.tclTIMEOUT
+let tclPROGRESS = Refiner.tclPROGRESS
let tclTHENTRY = Refiner.tclTHENTRY
@@ -173,12 +172,9 @@ let fullGoal gl = None :: Option.make (pf_ids_of_hyps gl)
let onAllHyps tac gl = tclMAP tac (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) gl
let onAllHypsAndConcl tac gl = tclMAP tac (fullGoal gl) gl
-let onAllHypsAndConclLR tac gl = tclMAP tac (List.rev (fullGoal gl)) gl
let tryAllHyps tac gl = tclFIRST_PROGRESS_ON tac (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) gl
let tryAllHypsAndConcl tac gl = tclFIRST_PROGRESS_ON tac (fullGoal gl) gl
-let tryAllHypsAndConclLR tac gl =
- tclFIRST_PROGRESS_ON tac (List.rev (fullGoal gl)) gl
let onClause tac cl gls = tclMAP tac (simple_clause_of cl gls) gls
let onClauseLR tac cl gls = tclMAP tac (List.rev (simple_clause_of cl gls)) gls
@@ -292,7 +288,7 @@ let compute_construtor_signatures isrec (_,k as ity) =
| Prod (_,_,c), recarg::rest ->
let b = match dest_recarg recarg with
| Norec | Imbr _ -> false
- | Mrec j -> isrec & j=k
+ | Mrec (_,j) -> isrec & j=k
in b :: (analrec c rest)
| LetIn (_,_,_,c), rest -> false :: (analrec c rest)
| _, [] -> []
@@ -367,7 +363,8 @@ let general_elim_then_using mk_elim
match predicate with
| None -> elimclause'
| Some p ->
- clenv_unify true Reduction.CONV (mkMeta pmv) p elimclause'
+ clenv_unify ~flags:Unification.elim_flags
+ Reduction.CONV (mkMeta pmv) p elimclause'
elim_res_pf_THEN_i elimclause' branchtacs gl
diff --git a/tactics/tacticals.mli b/tactics/tacticals.mli
index 6466ab78..db9ab0c9 100644
--- a/tactics/tacticals.mli
+++ b/tactics/tacticals.mli
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: tacticals.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -22,10 +19,9 @@ open Pattern
open Genarg
open Tacexpr
open Termops
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
-(* Tacticals i.e. functions from tactics to tactics. *)
+(** Tacticals i.e. functions from tactics to tactics. *)
val tclNORMEVAR : tactic
val tclIDTAC : tactic
@@ -55,8 +51,8 @@ val tclAT_LEAST_ONCE : tactic -> tactic
val tclFAIL : int -> std_ppcmds -> tactic
val tclFAIL_lazy : int -> std_ppcmds Lazy.t -> tactic
val tclDO : int -> tactic -> tactic
-val tclPROGRESS : tactic -> tactic
val tclWEAK_PROGRESS : tactic -> tactic
+val tclPROGRESS : tactic -> tactic
val tclNOTSAMEGOAL : tactic -> tactic
val tclTHENTRY : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
val tclMAP : ('a -> tactic) -> 'a list -> tactic
@@ -68,7 +64,7 @@ val tclIFTHENTRYELSEMUST : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
val tclFIRST_PROGRESS_ON : ('a -> tactic) -> 'a list -> tactic
-(*s Tacticals applying to hypotheses *)
+(** {6 Tacticals applying to hypotheses } *)
val onNthHypId : int -> (identifier -> tactic) -> tactic
val onNthHyp : int -> (constr -> tactic) -> tactic
@@ -96,14 +92,14 @@ val ifOnHyp : (identifier * types -> bool) ->
val onHyps : (goal sigma -> named_context) ->
(named_context -> tactic) -> tactic
-(*s Tacticals applying to goal components *)
+(** {6 Tacticals applying to goal components } *)
-(* A [simple_clause] is a set of hypotheses, possibly extended with
+(** A [simple_clause] is a set of hypotheses, possibly extended with
the conclusion (conclusion is represented by None) *)
type simple_clause = identifier option list
-(* A [clause] denotes occurrences and hypotheses in a
+(** A [clause] denotes occurrences and hypotheses in a
goal; in particular, it can abstractly refer to the set of
hypotheses independently of the effective contents of the current goal *)
@@ -121,26 +117,25 @@ val tryAllHypsAndConcl : (identifier option -> tactic) -> tactic
val onAllHyps : (identifier -> tactic) -> tactic
val onAllHypsAndConcl : (identifier option -> tactic) -> tactic
-val onAllHypsAndConclLR : (identifier option -> tactic) -> tactic
val onClause : (identifier option -> tactic) -> clause -> tactic
val onClauseLR : (identifier option -> tactic) -> clause -> tactic
-(*s An intermediate form of occurrence clause with no mention of occurrences *)
+(** {6 An intermediate form of occurrence clause with no mention of occurrences } *)
-(* A [hyp_location] is an hypothesis together with a position, in
+(** A [hyp_location] is an hypothesis together with a position, in
body if any, in type or in both *)
type hyp_location = identifier * hyp_location_flag
-(* A [goal_location] is either an hypothesis (together with a position, in
+(** A [goal_location] is either an hypothesis (together with a position, in
body if any, in type or in both) or the goal *)
type goal_location = hyp_location option
-(*s A concrete view of occurrence clauses *)
+(** {6 A concrete view of occurrence clauses } *)
-(* [clause_atom] refers either to an hypothesis location (i.e. an
+(** [clause_atom] refers either to an hypothesis location (i.e. an
hypothesis with occurrences and a position, in body if any, in type
or in both) or to some occurrences of the conclusion *)
@@ -148,40 +143,40 @@ type clause_atom =
| OnHyp of identifier * occurrences_expr * hyp_location_flag
| OnConcl of occurrences_expr
-(* A [concrete_clause] is an effective collection of
+(** A [concrete_clause] is an effective collection of
occurrences in the hypotheses and the conclusion *)
type concrete_clause = clause_atom list
-(* This interprets an [clause] in a given [goal] context *)
+(** This interprets an [clause] in a given [goal] context *)
val concrete_clause_of : clause -> goal sigma -> concrete_clause
-(*s Elimination tacticals. *)
+(** {6 Elimination tacticals. } *)
type branch_args = {
- ity : inductive; (* the type we were eliminating on *)
- largs : constr list; (* its arguments *)
- branchnum : int; (* the branch number *)
- pred : constr; (* the predicate we used *)
- nassums : int; (* the number of assumptions to be introduced *)
- branchsign : bool list; (* the signature of the branch.
+ ity : inductive; (** the type we were eliminating on *)
+ largs : constr list; (** its arguments *)
+ branchnum : int; (** the branch number *)
+ pred : constr; (** the predicate we used *)
+ nassums : int; (** the number of assumptions to be introduced *)
+ branchsign : bool list; (** the signature of the branch.
true=recursive argument, false=constant *)
branchnames : intro_pattern_expr located list}
type branch_assumptions = {
- ba : branch_args; (* the branch args *)
- assums : named_context} (* the list of assumptions introduced *)
+ ba : branch_args; (** the branch args *)
+ assums : named_context} (** the list of assumptions introduced *)
-(* [check_disjunctive_pattern_size loc pats n] returns an appropriate *)
-(* error message if |pats| <> n *)
+(** [check_disjunctive_pattern_size loc pats n] returns an appropriate
+ error message if |pats| <> n *)
val check_or_and_pattern_size :
Util.loc -> or_and_intro_pattern_expr -> int -> unit
-(* Tolerate "[]" to mean a disjunctive pattern of any length *)
+(** Tolerate "[]" to mean a disjunctive pattern of any length *)
val fix_empty_or_and_pattern : int -> or_and_intro_pattern_expr ->
-(* Useful for [as intro_pattern] modifier *)
+(** Useful for [as intro_pattern] modifier *)
val compute_induction_names :
int -> intro_pattern_expr located option ->
intro_pattern_expr located list array
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 186b5c48..988d9f53 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
+open Compat
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -25,9 +24,8 @@ open Libnames
open Evd
open Pfedit
open Tacred
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Tacmach
-open Proof_trees
open Proof_type
open Logic
open Evar_refiner
@@ -61,6 +59,8 @@ let inj_with_occurrences e = (all_occurrences_expr,e)
let dloc = dummy_loc
+let typ_of = Retyping.get_type_of
(* Option for 8.2 compatibility *)
open Goptions
let dependent_propositions_elimination = ref true
@@ -72,25 +72,15 @@ let use_dependent_propositions_elimination () =
let _ =
{ optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
optname = "dependent-propositions-elimination tactic";
optkey = ["Dependent";"Propositions";"Elimination"];
optread = (fun () -> !dependent_propositions_elimination) ;
optwrite = (fun b -> dependent_propositions_elimination := b) }
-let apply_in_side_conditions_come_first = ref true
-let use_apply_in_side_conditions_come_first () =
- !apply_in_side_conditions_come_first
- && Flags.version_strictly_greater Flags.V8_2
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optsync = true;
- optname = "apply-in side-conditions coming first";
- optkey = ["Side";"Conditions";"First";"For";"apply";"in"];
- optread = (fun () -> !dependent_propositions_elimination) ;
- optwrite = (fun b -> dependent_propositions_elimination := b) }
+let finish_evar_resolution env initial_sigma c =
+ snd (Pretyping.solve_remaining_evars true true solve_by_implicit_tactic
+ env initial_sigma c)
(* Tactics *)
@@ -165,7 +155,6 @@ let internal_cut_rev_replace = internal_cut_rev_gen true
(* Moving hypotheses *)
let move_hyp = Tacmach.move_hyp
-let order_hyps = Tacmach.order_hyps
(* Renaming hypotheses *)
let rename_hyp = Tacmach.rename_hyp
@@ -285,9 +274,12 @@ let reduct_in_hyp redfun (id,where) gl =
(pf_reduce_decl redfun where (pf_get_hyp gl id) gl) gl
+let revert_cast (redfun,kind as r) =
+ if kind = DEFAULTcast then (redfun,REVERTcast) else r
let reduct_option redfun = function
| Some id -> reduct_in_hyp (fst redfun) id
- | None -> reduct_in_concl redfun
+ | None -> reduct_in_concl (revert_cast redfun)
(* Now we introduce different instances of the previous tacticals *)
let change_and_check cv_pb t env sigma c =
@@ -323,35 +315,25 @@ let change chg c cls gl =
cls gl
(* Pour usage interne (le niveau User est pris en compte par reduce) *)
-let try_red_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (try_red_product,DEFAULTcast)
-let red_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (red_product,DEFAULTcast)
+let try_red_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (try_red_product,REVERTcast)
+let red_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (red_product,REVERTcast)
let red_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp red_product
-let red_option = reduct_option (red_product,DEFAULTcast)
-let hnf_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (hnf_constr,DEFAULTcast)
+let red_option = reduct_option (red_product,REVERTcast)
+let hnf_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (hnf_constr,REVERTcast)
let hnf_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp hnf_constr
-let hnf_option = reduct_option (hnf_constr,DEFAULTcast)
-let simpl_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (simpl,DEFAULTcast)
+let hnf_option = reduct_option (hnf_constr,REVERTcast)
+let simpl_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (simpl,REVERTcast)
let simpl_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp simpl
-let simpl_option = reduct_option (simpl,DEFAULTcast)
-let normalise_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (compute,DEFAULTcast)
+let simpl_option = reduct_option (simpl,REVERTcast)
+let normalise_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (compute,REVERTcast)
let normalise_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp compute
-let normalise_option = reduct_option (compute,DEFAULTcast)
+let normalise_option = reduct_option (compute,REVERTcast)
let normalise_vm_in_concl = reduct_in_concl (Redexpr.cbv_vm,VMcast)
-let unfold_in_concl loccname = reduct_in_concl (unfoldn loccname,DEFAULTcast)
+let unfold_in_concl loccname = reduct_in_concl (unfoldn loccname,REVERTcast)
let unfold_in_hyp loccname = reduct_in_hyp (unfoldn loccname)
let unfold_option loccname = reduct_option (unfoldn loccname,DEFAULTcast)
let pattern_option l = reduct_option (pattern_occs l,DEFAULTcast)
-(* A function which reduces accordingly to a reduction expression,
- as the command Eval does. *)
-let checking_fun = function
- (* Expansion is not necessarily well-typed: e.g. expansion of t into x is
- not well-typed in [H:(P t); x:=t |- G] because x is defined after H *)
- | Fold _ -> with_check
- | Pattern _ -> with_check
- | _ -> (fun x -> x)
(* The main reduction function *)
let reduction_clause redexp cl =
@@ -433,31 +415,34 @@ let find_intro_names ctxt gl =
ctxt (pf_env gl , []) in
List.rev res
-let build_intro_tac id = function
- | MoveToEnd true -> introduction id
- | dest -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (move_hyp true id dest)
+let build_intro_tac id dest tac = match dest with
+ | MoveToEnd true -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (tac id)
+ | dest -> tclTHENLIST [introduction id; move_hyp true id dest; tac id]
-let rec intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag dep_flag gl =
+let rec intro_then_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag dep_flag tac gl =
match kind_of_term (pf_concl gl) with
| Prod (name,t,u) when not dep_flag or (dependent (mkRel 1) u) ->
- build_intro_tac (find_name loc (name,None,t) gl name_flag) move_flag gl
+ build_intro_tac (find_name loc (name,None,t) gl name_flag) move_flag tac gl
| LetIn (name,b,t,u) when not dep_flag or (dependent (mkRel 1) u) ->
- build_intro_tac (find_name loc (name,Some b,t) gl name_flag) move_flag
+ build_intro_tac (find_name loc (name,Some b,t) gl name_flag) move_flag tac
| _ ->
if not force_flag then raise (RefinerError IntroNeedsProduct);
tclTHEN try_red_in_concl
- (intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag dep_flag) gl
+ (intro_then_gen loc name_flag move_flag force_flag dep_flag tac) gl
with Redelimination ->
user_err_loc(loc,"Intro",str "No product even after head-reduction.")
+let intro_gen loc n m f d = intro_then_gen loc n m f d (fun _ -> tclIDTAC)
let intro_mustbe_force id = intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) no_move true false
let intro_using id = intro_gen dloc (IntroBasedOn (id,[])) no_move false false
+let intro_then = intro_then_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) no_move false false
let intro = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) no_move false false
let introf = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) no_move true false
let intro_avoiding l = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid l) no_move false false
-let introf_move_name destopt = intro_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) destopt true false
+let intro_then_force = intro_then_gen dloc (IntroAvoid []) no_move true false
(**** Multiple introduction tactics ****)
@@ -469,8 +454,13 @@ let intros = tclREPEAT intro
let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id)
-let intro_forthcoming_gen loc name_flag move_flag dep_flag =
- tclREPEAT (intro_gen loc name_flag move_flag false dep_flag)
+let intro_forthcoming_then_gen loc name_flag move_flag dep_flag tac =
+ let rec aux ids =
+ tclORELSE0
+ (intro_then_gen loc name_flag move_flag false dep_flag
+ (fun id -> aux (id::ids)))
+ (tac ids) in
+ aux []
let rec get_next_hyp_position id = function
| [] -> error ("No such hypothesis: " ^ string_of_id id)
@@ -517,8 +507,8 @@ let intro_move idopt hto = match idopt with
| Some id -> intro_gen dloc (IntroMustBe id) hto true false
let pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed env ccl = function
- | AnonHyp n -> pf_lookup_index_as_renamed env ccl n
- | NamedHyp id -> pf_lookup_name_as_displayed env ccl id
+ | AnonHyp n -> Detyping.lookup_index_as_renamed env ccl n
+ | NamedHyp id -> Detyping.lookup_name_as_displayed env ccl id
let pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed_gen red h gl =
let env = pf_env gl in
@@ -565,8 +555,13 @@ let intros_until = intros_until_gen true
let intros_until_n = intros_until_n_gen true
let intros_until_n_wored = intros_until_n_gen false
+let tclCHECKVAR id gl = ignore (pf_get_hyp gl id); tclIDTAC gl
+let try_intros_until_id_check id =
+ tclORELSE (intros_until_id id) (tclCHECKVAR id)
let try_intros_until tac = function
- | NamedHyp id -> tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id)) (tac id)
+ | NamedHyp id -> tclTHEN (try_intros_until_id_check id) (tac id)
| AnonHyp n -> tclTHEN (intros_until_n n) (onLastHypId tac)
let rec intros_move = function
@@ -583,17 +578,32 @@ let dependent_in_decl a (_,c,t) =
(* Apply a tactic on a quantified hypothesis, an hypothesis in context
or a term with bindings *)
+let onOpenInductionArg tac = function
+ | ElimOnConstr cbl ->
+ tac cbl
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (intros_until_n n)
+ (onLastHyp (fun c -> tac (Evd.empty,(c,NoBindings))))
+ | ElimOnIdent (_,id) ->
+ (* A quantified hypothesis *)
+ tclTHEN
+ (try_intros_until_id_check id)
+ (tac (Evd.empty,(mkVar id,NoBindings)))
let onInductionArg tac = function
- | ElimOnConstr (c,lbindc as cbl) ->
- if isVar c & lbindc = NoBindings then
- tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id (destVar c))) (tac cbl)
- else
- tac cbl
+ | ElimOnConstr cbl ->
+ tac cbl
| ElimOnAnonHyp n ->
tclTHEN (intros_until_n n) (onLastHyp (fun c -> tac (c,NoBindings)))
| ElimOnIdent (_,id) ->
- (*Identifier apart because id can be quantified in goal and not typable*)
- tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id)) (tac (mkVar id,NoBindings))
+ (* A quantified hypothesis *)
+ tclTHEN (try_intros_until_id_check id) (tac (mkVar id,NoBindings))
+let map_induction_arg f = function
+ | ElimOnConstr (sigma,(c,bl)) -> ElimOnConstr (f (sigma,c),bl)
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n -> ElimOnAnonHyp n
+ | ElimOnIdent id -> ElimOnIdent id
(* Refinement tactics *)
@@ -615,9 +625,9 @@ let bring_hyps hyps =
let resolve_classes gl =
let env = pf_env gl and evd = project gl in
- if evd = Evd.empty then tclIDTAC gl
+ if Evd.is_empty evd then tclIDTAC gl
- let evd' = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses env (Evd.create_evar_defs evd) in
+ let evd' = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses env evd in
(tclTHEN (tclEVARS evd') tclNORMEVAR) gl
@@ -723,24 +733,15 @@ let index_of_ind_arg t =
| None -> error "Could not find inductive argument of elimination scheme."
in aux None 0 t
-let elim_flags = {
- modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some full_transparent_state;
- use_metas_eagerly = true;
- modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
- resolve_evars = false;
- use_evars_pattern_unification = true;
-let elimination_clause_scheme with_evars allow_K i elimclause indclause gl =
+let elimination_clause_scheme with_evars ?(flags=elim_flags) i elimclause indclause gl =
let indmv =
(match kind_of_term (nth_arg i elimclause.templval.rebus) with
| Meta mv -> mv
| _ -> errorlabstrm "elimination_clause"
(str "The type of elimination clause is not well-formed."))
- let elimclause' = clenv_fchain ~flags:elim_flags indmv elimclause indclause in
- res_pf elimclause' ~with_evars:with_evars ~allow_K:allow_K ~flags:elim_flags
- gl
+ let elimclause' = clenv_fchain ~flags indmv elimclause indclause in
+ res_pf elimclause' ~with_evars:with_evars ~flags gl
* Elimination tactic with bindings and using an arbitrary
@@ -769,8 +770,8 @@ let general_elim_clause elimtac (c,lbindc) elim gl =
let indclause = make_clenv_binding gl (c,t) lbindc in
general_elim_clause_gen elimtac indclause elim gl
-let general_elim with_evars c e ?(allow_K=true) =
- general_elim_clause (elimination_clause_scheme with_evars allow_K) c e
+let general_elim with_evars c e =
+ general_elim_clause (elimination_clause_scheme with_evars) c e
(* Elimination tactic with bindings but using the default elimination
* constant associated with the type. *)
@@ -786,15 +787,15 @@ let default_elim with_evars (c,_ as cx) gl =
let elim_in_context with_evars c = function
| Some elim ->
general_elim with_evars c {elimindex = Some (-1); elimbody = elim}
- ~allow_K:true
| None -> default_elim with_evars c
let elim with_evars (c,lbindc as cx) elim =
match kind_of_term c with
| Var id when lbindc = NoBindings ->
- tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id))
+ tclTHEN (try_intros_until_id_check id)
(elim_in_context with_evars cx elim)
- | _ -> elim_in_context with_evars cx elim
+ | _ ->
+ elim_in_context with_evars cx elim
(* The simplest elimination tactic, with no substitutions at all. *)
@@ -810,13 +811,13 @@ let simplest_elim c = default_elim false (c,NoBindings)
(e.g. it could replace id:A->B->C by id:C, knowing A/\B)
-let clenv_fchain_in id elim_flags mv elimclause hypclause =
- try clenv_fchain ~allow_K:false ~flags:elim_flags mv elimclause hypclause
- with PretypeError (env,NoOccurrenceFound (op,_)) ->
+let clenv_fchain_in id ?(flags=elim_flags) mv elimclause hypclause =
+ try clenv_fchain ~flags mv elimclause hypclause
+ with PretypeError (env,evd,NoOccurrenceFound (op,_)) ->
(* Set the hypothesis name in the message *)
- raise (PretypeError (env,NoOccurrenceFound (op,Some id)))
+ raise (PretypeError (env,evd,NoOccurrenceFound (op,Some id)))
-let elimination_in_clause_scheme with_evars id i elimclause indclause gl =
+let elimination_in_clause_scheme with_evars ?(flags=elim_flags) id i elimclause indclause gl =
let indmv = destMeta (nth_arg i elimclause.templval.rebus) in
let hypmv =
try match list_remove indmv (clenv_independent elimclause) with
@@ -824,12 +825,11 @@ let elimination_in_clause_scheme with_evars id i elimclause indclause gl =
| _ -> failwith ""
with Failure _ -> errorlabstrm "elimination_clause"
(str "The type of elimination clause is not well-formed.") in
- let elimclause' = clenv_fchain indmv elimclause indclause in
+ let elimclause' = clenv_fchain ~flags indmv elimclause indclause in
let hyp = mkVar id in
let hyp_typ = pf_type_of gl hyp in
let hypclause = mk_clenv_from_n gl (Some 0) (hyp, hyp_typ) in
- let elimclause'' =
- clenv_fchain_in id elim_flags hypmv elimclause' hypclause in
+ let elimclause'' = clenv_fchain_in id ~flags hypmv elimclause' hypclause in
let new_hyp_typ = clenv_type elimclause'' in
if eq_constr hyp_typ new_hyp_typ then
errorlabstrm "general_rewrite_in"
@@ -855,8 +855,8 @@ let general_case_analysis_in_context with_evars (c,lbindc) gl =
let general_case_analysis with_evars (c,lbindc as cx) =
match kind_of_term c with
| Var id when lbindc = NoBindings ->
- tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id))
- (general_case_analysis_in_context with_evars cx)
+ tclTHEN (try_intros_until_id_check id)
+ (general_case_analysis_in_context with_evars cx)
| _ ->
general_case_analysis_in_context with_evars cx
@@ -871,6 +871,7 @@ type conjunction_status =
let make_projection sigma params cstr sign elim i n c =
let elim = match elim with
| NotADefinedRecordUseScheme elim ->
+ (* bugs: goes from right to left when i increases! *)
let (na,b,t) = List.nth cstr.cs_args i in
let b = match b with None -> mkRel (i+1) | Some b -> b in
let branch = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn b cstr.cs_args in
@@ -885,6 +886,7 @@ let make_projection sigma params cstr sign elim i n c =
| DefinedRecord l ->
+ (* goes from left to right when i increases! *)
match List.nth l i with
| Some proj ->
let t = Typeops.type_of_constant (Global.env()) proj in
@@ -919,7 +921,7 @@ let descend_in_conjunctions tac exit c gl =
| Some (p,pt) ->
(internal_cut id pt)
- [refine_no_check p;
+ [refine p; (* Might be ill-typed due to forbidden elimination. *)
tclTHEN (tac (not isrec) (mkVar id)) (thin [id])] gl) n)
| None ->
@@ -961,9 +963,9 @@ let general_apply with_delta with_destruct with_evars (loc,(c,lbind)) gl0 =
with PretypeError _|RefinerError _|UserError _|Failure _|Exit ->
if with_destruct then
- try_main_apply (fun _ -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc exn) c gl
+ try_main_apply (fun _ -> Loc.raise loc exn) c gl
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc exn
+ Loc.raise loc exn
in try_red_apply thm_ty0
try_main_apply with_destruct c gl0
@@ -1023,8 +1025,7 @@ let apply_in_once_main flags innerclause (d,lbind) gl =
let apply_in_once sidecond_first with_delta with_destruct with_evars id
(loc,(d,lbind)) gl0 =
- let flags =
- if with_delta then default_unify_flags else default_no_delta_unify_flags in
+ let flags = if with_delta then elim_flags else elim_no_delta_flags in
let t' = pf_get_hyp_typ gl0 id in
let innerclause = mk_clenv_from_n gl0 (Some 0) (mkVar id,t') in
let rec aux with_destruct c gl =
@@ -1119,7 +1120,7 @@ let clear_wildcards ids =
try with_check (Tacmach.thin_no_check [id]) gl
with ClearDependencyError (id,err) ->
(* Intercept standard [thin] error message *)
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc
+ Loc.raise loc
(error_clear_dependency (pf_env gl) (id_of_string "_") err))
@@ -1137,11 +1138,14 @@ let rec intros_clearing = function
(* Modifying/Adding an hypothesis *)
let specialize mopt (c,lbind) g =
- let term =
- if lbind = NoBindings then c
+ let tac, term =
+ if lbind = NoBindings then
+ let evd = Typeclasses.resolve_typeclasses (pf_env g) (project g) in
+ tclEVARS evd, nf_evar evd c
let clause = make_clenv_binding g (c,pf_type_of g c) lbind in
- let clause = clenv_unify_meta_types clause in
+ let flags = { default_unify_flags with resolve_evars = true } in
+ let clause = clenv_unify_meta_types ~flags clause in
let (thd,tstack) = whd_stack clause.evd (clenv_value clause) in
let nargs = List.length tstack in
let tstack = match mopt with
@@ -1158,16 +1162,18 @@ let specialize mopt (c,lbind) g =
errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot infer an instance for " ++
pr_name (meta_name clause.evd (List.hd (collect_metas term))) ++
str ".");
- term
+ tclEVARS clause.evd, term
match kind_of_term (fst(decompose_app (snd(decompose_lam_assum c)))) with
| Var id when List.mem id (pf_ids_of_hyps g) ->
+ tclTHEN tac
(fun g -> internal_cut_replace id (pf_type_of g term) g)
- (exact_no_check term) g
- | _ -> tclTHENLAST
- (fun g -> cut (pf_type_of g term) g)
- (exact_no_check term) g
+ (exact_no_check term)) g
+ | _ -> tclTHEN tac
+ (fun g -> cut (pf_type_of g term) g)
+ (exact_no_check term)) g
(* Keeping only a few hypotheses *)
@@ -1245,12 +1251,20 @@ let simplest_split = split NoBindings
(* Decomposing introductions *)
+(* Rewriting function for rewriting one hypothesis at the time *)
let forward_general_multi_rewrite =
ref (fun _ -> failwith "general_multi_rewrite undefined")
+(* Rewriting function for substitution (x=t) everywhere at the same time *)
+let forward_subst_one =
+ ref (fun _ -> failwith "subst_one undefined")
let register_general_multi_rewrite f =
forward_general_multi_rewrite := f
+let register_subst_one f =
+ forward_subst_one := f
let error_unexpected_extra_pattern loc nb pat =
let s1,s2,s3 = match pat with
| IntroIdentifier _ -> "name", (plural nb " introduction pattern"), "no"
@@ -1284,6 +1298,8 @@ let intro_or_and_pattern loc b ll l' tac id gl =
let rewrite_hyp l2r id gl =
let rew_on l2r =
!forward_general_multi_rewrite l2r false (mkVar id,NoBindings) in
+ let subst_on l2r x rhs =
+ !forward_subst_one true x (id,rhs,l2r) in
let clear_var_and_eq c =
tclTRY (tclTHEN (clear [id]) (tclTRY (clear [destVar c]))) in
let t = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl (pf_type_of gl (mkVar id)) in
@@ -1291,9 +1307,9 @@ let rewrite_hyp l2r id gl =
match match_with_equality_type t with
| Some (hdcncl,[_;lhs;rhs]) ->
if l2r & isVar lhs & not (occur_var (pf_env gl) (destVar lhs) rhs) then
- tclTHEN (rew_on l2r allHypsAndConcl) (clear_var_and_eq lhs) gl
+ subst_on l2r (destVar lhs) rhs gl
else if not l2r & isVar rhs & not (occur_var (pf_env gl) (destVar rhs) lhs) then
- tclTHEN (rew_on l2r allHypsAndConcl) (clear_var_and_eq rhs) gl
+ subst_on l2r (destVar rhs) lhs gl
tclTHEN (rew_on l2r onConcl) (tclTRY (clear [id])) gl
| Some (hdcncl,[c]) ->
@@ -1315,57 +1331,65 @@ let rec explicit_intro_names = function
| [] ->
+let wild_id = id_of_string "_tmp"
+let rec list_mem_assoc_right id = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | (x,id')::l -> id = id' || list_mem_assoc_right id l
+let check_thin_clash_then id thin avoid tac =
+ if list_mem_assoc_right id thin then
+ let newid = next_ident_away (add_suffix id "'") avoid in
+ let thin =
+ (on_snd (fun id' -> if id = id' then newid else id')) thin in
+ tclTHEN (rename_hyp [id,newid]) (tac thin)
+ else
+ tac thin
(* We delay thinning until the completion of the whole intros tactic
to ensure that dependent hypotheses are cleared in the right
dependency order (see bug #1000); we use fresh names, not used in
the tactic, for the hyps to clear *)
-let rec intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt = function
+let rec intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac = function
| (loc, IntroWildcard) :: l ->
- tclTHEN
- (intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- no_move true false)
- (onLastHypId (fun id ->
- (tclTHEN (clear [id]) (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l))
- (intros_patterns b avoid ((loc,id)::thin) destopt l)))
+ intro_then_gen loc (IntroBasedOn(wild_id,avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ no_move true false
+ (fun id -> intros_patterns b avoid ids ((loc,id)::thin) destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroIdentifier id) :: l ->
- tclTHEN
- (intro_gen loc (IntroMustBe id) destopt true false)
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
+ check_thin_clash_then id thin avoid (fun thin ->
+ intro_then_gen loc (IntroMustBe id) destopt true false
+ (fun id -> intros_patterns b avoid (id::ids) thin destopt tac l))
| (loc, IntroAnonymous) :: l ->
- tclTHEN
- (intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- destopt true false)
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
+ intro_then_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ destopt true false
+ (fun id -> intros_patterns b avoid (id::ids) thin destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroFresh id) :: l ->
- tclTHEN
- (intro_gen loc (IntroBasedOn (id, avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- destopt true false)
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
+ (* todo: avoid thinned names to interfere with generation of fresh name *)
+ intro_then_gen loc (IntroBasedOn (id, avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ destopt true false
+ (fun id -> intros_patterns b avoid (id::ids) thin destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroForthcoming onlydeps) :: l ->
- tclTHEN
- (intro_forthcoming_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- destopt onlydeps)
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)
+ intro_forthcoming_then_gen loc (IntroAvoid (avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ destopt onlydeps
+ (fun ids -> intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac l)
| (loc, IntroOrAndPattern ll) :: l' ->
- tclTHEN
- introf
- (onLastHypId
- (intro_or_and_pattern loc b ll l'
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt)))
+ intro_then_force
+ (intro_or_and_pattern loc b ll l'
+ (intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac))
| (loc, IntroRewrite l2r) :: l ->
- tclTHEN
- (intro_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
- no_move true false)
- (onLastHypId (fun id ->
+ intro_then_gen loc (IntroAvoid(avoid@explicit_intro_names l))
+ no_move true false
+ (fun id ->
tclTHENLAST (* Skip the side conditions of the rewriting step *)
(rewrite_hyp l2r id)
- (intros_patterns b avoid thin destopt l)))
- | [] -> clear_wildcards thin
+ (intros_patterns b avoid ids thin destopt tac l))
+ | [] -> tac ids thin
-let intros_pattern = intros_patterns false [] []
+let intros_pattern destopt =
+ intros_patterns false [] [] [] destopt (fun _ -> clear_wildcards)
-let intro_pattern destopt pat = intros_patterns false [] [] destopt [dloc,pat]
+let intro_pattern destopt pat =
+ intros_pattern destopt [dloc,pat]
let intro_patterns = function
| [] -> tclREPEAT intro
@@ -1390,7 +1414,7 @@ let prepare_intros s ipat gl = match ipat with
| IntroOrAndPattern ll -> make_id s gl,
(intro_or_and_pattern loc true ll []
- (intros_patterns true [] [] no_move))
+ (intros_patterns true [] [] [] no_move (fun _ -> clear_wildcards)))
| IntroForthcoming _ -> user_err_loc
(loc,"",str "Introduction pattern for one hypothesis expected")
@@ -1400,7 +1424,8 @@ let ipat_of_name = function
let allow_replace c gl = function (* A rather arbitrary condition... *)
| Some (_, IntroIdentifier id) ->
- fst (decompose_app ((strip_lam_assum c))) = mkVar id
+ let c = fst (decompose_app ((strip_lam_assum c))) in
+ isVar c && destVar c = id
| _ ->
@@ -1422,7 +1447,8 @@ let as_tac id ipat = match ipat with
| Some (loc,IntroRewrite l2r) ->
!forward_general_multi_rewrite l2r false (mkVar id,NoBindings) allHypsAndConcl
| Some (loc,IntroOrAndPattern ll) ->
- intro_or_and_pattern loc true ll [] (intros_patterns true [] [] no_move)
+ intro_or_and_pattern loc true ll []
+ (intros_patterns true [] [] [] no_move (fun _ -> clear_wildcards))
| Some (loc,
(IntroIdentifier _ | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ |
@@ -1484,7 +1510,7 @@ let generalize_goal gl i ((occs,c,b),na) cl =
let decls,cl = decompose_prod_n_assum i cl in
let dummy_prod = it_mkProd_or_LetIn mkProp decls in
let newdecls,_ = decompose_prod_n_assum i (subst_term c dummy_prod) in
- let cl' = subst_term_occ occs c (it_mkProd_or_LetIn cl newdecls) in
+ let cl' = subst_closed_term_occ occs c (it_mkProd_or_LetIn cl newdecls) in
let na = generalized_name c t (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) cl' na in
mkProd_or_LetIn (na,b,t) cl'
@@ -1659,14 +1685,48 @@ let letin_tac with_eq name c occs gl =
(* Implementation without generalisation: abbrev will be lost in hyps in *)
(* in the extracted proof *)
-let letin_abstract id c (occs,check_occs) gl =
+let default_matching_flags sigma = {
+ modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some empty_transparent_state;
+ use_metas_eagerly_in_conv_on_closed_terms = false;
+ modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
+ modulo_delta_types = full_transparent_state;
+ check_applied_meta_types = true;
+ resolve_evars = false;
+ use_pattern_unification = false;
+ use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = false;
+ frozen_evars =
+ fold_undefined (fun evk _ evars -> ExistentialSet.add evk evars)
+ sigma ExistentialSet.empty;
+ restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false;
+ modulo_betaiota = false;
+ modulo_eta = false;
+ allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification = false
+let make_pattern_test env sigma0 (sigma,c) =
+ let flags = default_matching_flags sigma0 in
+ let matching_fun t =
+ try let sigma = w_unify env sigma Reduction.CONV ~flags c t in Some(sigma,t)
+ with _ -> raise NotUnifiable in
+ let merge_fun c1 c2 =
+ match c1, c2 with
+ | Some (_,c1), Some (_,c2) when not (is_fconv Reduction.CONV env sigma0 c1 c2) ->
+ raise NotUnifiable
+ | _ -> c1 in
+ { match_fun = matching_fun; merge_fun = merge_fun;
+ testing_state = None; last_found = None },
+ (fun test -> match test.testing_state with
+ | None -> finish_evar_resolution env sigma0 (sigma,c)
+ | Some (sigma,_) -> nf_evar sigma c)
+let letin_abstract id c (test,out) (occs,check_occs) gl =
let env = pf_env gl in
let compute_dependency _ (hyp,_,_ as d) depdecls =
match occurrences_of_hyp hyp occs with
| None -> depdecls
| Some occ ->
- let newdecl = subst_term_occ_decl occ c d in
- if occ = (all_occurrences,InHyp) & d = newdecl then
+ let newdecl = subst_closed_term_occ_decl_modulo occ test d in
+ if occ = (all_occurrences,InHyp) & eq_named_declaration d newdecl then
if check_occs & not (in_every_hyp occs)
then raise (RefinerError (DoesNotOccurIn (c,hyp)))
else depdecls
@@ -1675,19 +1735,21 @@ let letin_abstract id c (occs,check_occs) gl =
let depdecls = fold_named_context compute_dependency env ~init:[] in
let ccl = match occurrences_of_goal occs with
| None -> pf_concl gl
- | Some occ -> subst1 (mkVar id) (subst_term_occ occ c (pf_concl gl)) in
+ | Some occ ->
+ subst1 (mkVar id) (subst_closed_term_occ_modulo occ test None (pf_concl gl)) in
let lastlhyp =
if depdecls = [] then no_move else MoveAfter(pi1(list_last depdecls)) in
- (depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl)
+ (depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl,out test)
-let letin_tac_gen with_eq name c ty occs gl =
+let letin_tac_gen with_eq name (sigmac,c) test ty occs gl =
let id =
- let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c) name in
+ let t = match ty with Some t -> t | None -> typ_of (pf_env gl) sigmac c in
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) t name in
if name = Anonymous then fresh_id [] x gl else
if not (mem_named_context x (pf_hyps gl)) then x else
error ("The variable "^(string_of_id x)^" is already declared.") in
- let (depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl)= letin_abstract id c occs gl in
- let t = match ty with Some t -> t | None -> pf_type_of gl c in
+ let (depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl,c) = letin_abstract id c test occs gl in
+ let t = match ty with Some t -> t | None -> pf_apply typ_of gl c in
let newcl,eq_tac = match with_eq with
| Some (lr,(loc,ido)) ->
let heq = match ido with
@@ -1711,8 +1773,15 @@ let letin_tac_gen with_eq name c ty occs gl =
tclMAP convert_hyp_no_check depdecls;
eq_tac ] gl
-let letin_tac with_eq name c ty occs =
- letin_tac_gen with_eq name c ty (occs,true)
+let make_eq_test c = (make_eq_test c,fun _ -> c)
+let letin_tac with_eq name c ty occs gl =
+ letin_tac_gen with_eq name (project gl,c) (make_eq_test c) ty (occs,true) gl
+let letin_pat_tac with_eq name c ty occs gl =
+ letin_tac_gen with_eq name c
+ (make_pattern_test (pf_env gl) (project gl) c)
+ ty (occs,true) gl
(* Tactics "pose proof" (usetac=None) and "assert" (otherwise) *)
let forward usetac ipat c gl =
@@ -1755,6 +1824,9 @@ let unfold_all x gl =
if xval <> None then tclTHEN (unfold_body x) (clear [x]) gl
else tclIDTAC gl
+(* Either unfold and clear if defined or simply clear if not a definition *)
+let expand_hyp id = tclTHEN (tclTRY (unfold_body id)) (clear [id])
(* High-level induction *)
@@ -1797,16 +1869,6 @@ let check_unused_names names =
(str"Unused introduction " ++ str (plural (List.length names) "pattern")
++ str": " ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_intro_pattern names)
-let rec first_name_buggy avoid gl (loc,pat) = match pat with
- | IntroOrAndPattern [] -> no_move
- | IntroOrAndPattern ([]::l) ->
- first_name_buggy avoid gl (loc,IntroOrAndPattern l)
- | IntroOrAndPattern ((p::_)::_) -> first_name_buggy avoid gl p
- | IntroWildcard -> no_move
- | IntroRewrite _ -> no_move
- | IntroIdentifier id -> MoveAfter id
- | IntroAnonymous | IntroFresh _ | IntroForthcoming _ -> (* buggy *) no_move
let rec consume_pattern avoid id isdep gl = function
| [] -> ((dloc, IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id gl)), [])
| (loc,IntroAnonymous)::names ->
@@ -1822,7 +1884,8 @@ let rec consume_pattern avoid id isdep gl = function
((loc,IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid id' gl)), names)
| pat::names -> (pat,names)
-let re_intro_dependent_hypotheses (lstatus,rstatus) tophyp =
+let re_intro_dependent_hypotheses (lstatus,rstatus) (_,tophyp) =
+ let tophyp = match tophyp with None -> MoveToEnd true | Some hyp -> MoveAfter hyp in
let newlstatus = (* if some IH has taken place at the top of hyps *) (function (hyp,MoveToEnd true) -> (hyp,tophyp) | x -> x) lstatus
@@ -1832,20 +1895,46 @@ let re_intro_dependent_hypotheses (lstatus,rstatus) tophyp =
let update destopt tophyp = if destopt = no_move then tophyp else destopt
-let safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid dest pat gl =
- try intros_patterns true avoid [] dest pat gl
+let safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest pat tac gl =
+ try intros_patterns true avoid [] thin dest tac pat gl
with UserError ("move_hyp",_) ->
- (* May happen if the lemma has dependent arguments that has resolved
- only after cook_sign is called, e.g. as in
+ (* May happen if the lemma has dependent arguments that are resolved
+ only after cook_sign is called, e.g. as in "destruct dec" in context
"dec:forall x, {x=0}+{x<>0}; a:A |- if dec a then True else False"
- for argument a of dec which will be found only lately *)
- intros_patterns true avoid [] no_move pat gl
+ where argument a of dec will be found only lately *)
+ intros_patterns true avoid [] [] no_move tac pat gl
type elim_arg_kind = RecArg | IndArg | OtherArg
-let induct_discharge destopt avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names gl =
+type recarg_position =
+ | AfterFixedPosition of identifier option (* None = top of context *)
+let update_dest (recargdests,tophyp as dests) = function
+ | [] -> dests
+ | hyp::_ ->
+ (match recargdests with
+ | AfterFixedPosition None -> AfterFixedPosition (Some hyp)
+ | x -> x),
+ (match tophyp with None -> Some hyp | x -> x)
+let get_recarg_dest (recargdests,tophyp) =
+ match recargdests with
+ | AfterFixedPosition None -> MoveToEnd true
+ | AfterFixedPosition (Some id) -> MoveAfter id
+(* Current policy re-introduces recursive arguments of destructed
+ variable at the place of the original variable while induction
+ hypothesese are introduced at the top of the context. Since in the
+ general case of an inductive scheme, the induction hypotheses can
+ arrive just after the recursive arguments (e.g. as in "forall
+ t1:tree, P t1 -> forall t2:tree, P t2 -> P (node t1 t2)", we need
+ to update the position for t2 after "P t1" is introduced if ever t2
+ had to be introduced at the top of the context).
+let induct_discharge dests avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names gl =
let avoid = avoid @ avoid' in
- let rec peel_tac ra names tophyp gl =
+ let rec peel_tac ra dests names thin gl =
match ra with
| (RecArg,deprec,recvarname) ::
(IndArg,depind,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
@@ -1855,37 +1944,33 @@ let induct_discharge destopt avoid' tac (avoid,ra) names gl =
(pat, [dloc, IntroIdentifier id'])
| _ -> consume_pattern avoid recvarname deprec gl names in
let hyprec,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname depind gl names in
- (* IH stays at top: we need to update tophyp *)
- (* This is buggy for intro-or-patterns with different first hypnames *)
- (* Would need to pass peel_tac as a continuation of intros_patterns *)
- (* (or to have hypotheses classified by blocks...) *)
- let newtophyp =
- if tophyp=no_move then first_name_buggy avoid gl hyprec else tophyp
- in
- [ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid (update destopt tophyp) [recpat];
- safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid no_move [hyprec];
- peel_tac ra' names newtophyp] gl
+ let dest = get_recarg_dest dests in
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest [recpat] (fun ids thin ->
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin no_move [hyprec] (fun ids' thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' (update_dest dests ids') names thin))
+ gl
| (IndArg,dep,hyprecname) :: ra' ->
(* Rem: does not happen in Coq schemes, only in user-defined schemes *)
let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid hyprecname dep gl names in
- tclTHEN (safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid (update destopt tophyp) [pat])
- (peel_tac ra' names tophyp) gl
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin no_move [pat] (fun ids thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' (update_dest dests ids) names thin) gl
| (RecArg,dep,recvarname) :: ra' ->
let pat,names = consume_pattern avoid recvarname dep gl names in
- tclTHEN (safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid (update destopt tophyp) [pat])
- (peel_tac ra' names tophyp) gl
+ let dest = get_recarg_dest dests in
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest [pat] (fun ids thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' dests names thin) gl
| (OtherArg,_,_) :: ra' ->
let pat,names = match names with
| [] -> (dloc, IntroAnonymous), []
| pat::names -> pat,names in
- tclTHEN (safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid (update destopt tophyp) [pat])
- (peel_tac ra' names tophyp) gl
+ let dest = get_recarg_dest dests in
+ safe_dest_intros_patterns avoid thin dest [pat] (fun ids thin ->
+ peel_tac ra' dests names thin) gl
| [] ->
check_unused_names names;
- tac tophyp gl
+ tclTHEN (clear_wildcards thin) (tac dests) gl
- peel_tac ra names no_move gl
+ peel_tac ra dests names [] gl
(* - le recalcul de indtyp à chaque itération de atomize_one est pour ne pas
s'embêter à regarder si un letin_tac ne fait pas des
@@ -2063,8 +2148,13 @@ let cook_sign hyp0_opt indvars env =
fold_named_context_reverse compute_lstatus ~init:(MoveToEnd true) env in
raise (Shunt (MoveToEnd true)) (* ?? FIXME *)
with Shunt lhyp0 ->
+ let lhyp0 = match lhyp0 with
+ | MoveToEnd true -> None
+ | MoveAfter hyp -> Some hyp
+ | _ -> assert false in
let statuslists = (!lstatus,List.rev !rstatus) in
- (statuslists, (if hyp0_opt=None then MoveToEnd true else lhyp0),
+ let recargdests = AfterFixedPosition (if hyp0_opt=None then None else lhyp0) in
+ (statuslists, (recargdests,None),
!indhyps, !decldeps)
@@ -2167,23 +2257,6 @@ let make_up_names n ind_opt cname =
else avoid in
id_of_string base, hyprecname, avoid
-let is_indhyp p n t =
- let l, c = decompose_prod t in
- let c,_ = decompose_app c in
- let p = p + List.length l in
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Rel k when p < k & k <= p + n -> true
- | _ -> false
-let chop_context n l =
- let rec chop_aux acc = function
- | n, (_,Some _,_ as h :: t) -> chop_aux (h::acc) (n, t)
- | 0, l2 -> (List.rev acc, l2)
- | n, (h::t) -> chop_aux (h::acc) (n-1, t)
- | _, [] -> anomaly "chop_context"
- in
- chop_aux [] (n,l)
let error_ind_scheme s =
let s = if s <> "" then s^" " else s in
error ("Cannot recognize "^s^"an induction scheme.")
@@ -2194,8 +2267,6 @@ let coq_eq_refl = lazy ((Coqlib.build_coq_eq_data ()).Coqlib.refl)
let coq_heq = lazy (Coqlib.coq_constant "mkHEq" ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq")
let coq_heq_refl = lazy (Coqlib.coq_constant "mkHEq" ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq_refl")
-let coq_block = lazy (Coqlib.coq_constant "tactics" ["Program";"Equality"] "block")
let mkEq t x y =
mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| refresh_universes_strict t; x; y |])
@@ -2218,8 +2289,6 @@ let lift_togethern n l =
l ([], n)
in l'
-let lift_together l = lift_togethern 0 l
let lift_list l = (lift 1) l
let ids_of_constr ?(all=false) vars c =
@@ -2267,11 +2336,11 @@ let make_abstract_generalize gl id concl dep ctx body c eqs args refls =
(* Abstract by equalitites *)
let eqs = lift_togethern 1 eqs in (* lift together and past genarg *)
- let abseqs = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:(lift eqslen abshypeq) ( (fun x -> (Anonymous, None, x)) eqs) in
+ let abseqs = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (lift eqslen abshypeq) ( (fun x -> (Anonymous, None, x)) eqs) in
(* Abstract by the "generalized" hypothesis. *)
let genarg = mkProd_or_LetIn (Name id, body, c) abseqs in
(* Abstract by the extension of the context *)
- let genctyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:genarg ctx in
+ let genctyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn genarg ctx in
(* The goal will become this product. *)
let genc = mkCast (mkMeta meta, DEFAULTcast, genctyp) in
(* Apply the old arguments giving the proper instantiation of the hyp *)
@@ -2282,17 +2351,6 @@ let make_abstract_generalize gl id concl dep ctx body c eqs args refls =
let appeqs = mkApp (instc, Array.of_list refls) in
(* Finaly, apply the reflexivity proof for the original hyp, to get a term of type gl again. *)
mkApp (appeqs, abshypt)
-let deps_of_var id env =
- Environ.fold_named_context
- (fun _ (n,b,t) (acc : Idset.t) ->
- if Option.cata (occur_var env id) false b || occur_var env id t then
- Idset.add n acc
- else acc)
- env ~init:Idset.empty
-let idset_of_list =
- List.fold_left (fun s x -> Idset.add x s) Idset.empty
let hyps_of_vars env sign nogen hyps =
if Idset.is_empty hyps then []
@@ -2311,6 +2369,23 @@ let hyps_of_vars env sign nogen hyps =
in lh
+exception Seen
+let linear vars args =
+ let seen = ref vars in
+ try
+ Array.iter (fun i ->
+ let rels = ids_of_constr ~all:true Idset.empty i in
+ let seen' =
+ Idset.fold (fun id acc ->
+ if Idset.mem id acc then raise Seen
+ else Idset.add id acc)
+ rels !seen
+ in seen := seen')
+ args;
+ true
+ with Seen -> false
let is_defined_variable env id =
pi2 (lookup_named id env) <> None
@@ -2337,6 +2412,7 @@ let abstract_args gl generalize_vars dep id defined f args =
let argty = pf_type_of gl arg in
let argty = refresh_universes_strict argty in
+ let ty = refresh_universes_strict ty in
let lenctx = List.length ctx in
let liftargty = lift lenctx argty in
let leq = constr_cmp Reduction.CUMUL liftargty ty in
@@ -2364,23 +2440,19 @@ let abstract_args gl generalize_vars dep id defined f args =
nongenvars, Idset.union argvars vars, env)
let f', args' = decompose_indapp f args in
- let parvars = ids_of_constr ~all:true Idset.empty f' in
- let seen = ref parvars in
let dogen, f', args' =
- let find i x = not (isVar x) ||
- let v = destVar x in
- if is_defined_variable env v || Idset.mem v !seen then true
- else (seen := Idset.add v !seen; false)
- in
- match array_find_i find args' with
- | None -> false, f', args'
- | Some nonvar ->
- let before, after = array_chop nonvar args' in
- true, mkApp (f', before), after
+ let parvars = ids_of_constr ~all:true Idset.empty f' in
+ if not (linear parvars args') then true, f, args
+ else
+ match array_find_i (fun i x -> not (isVar x) || is_defined_variable env (destVar x)) args' with
+ | None -> false, f', args'
+ | Some nonvar ->
+ let before, after = array_chop nonvar args' in
+ true, mkApp (f', before), after
if dogen then
- let arity, ctx, ctxenv, c', args, eqs, refls, nogen, vars, env =
- Array.fold_left aux (pf_type_of gl f',[],env,f',[],[],[],!seen,Idset.empty,env) args'
+ let arity, ctx, ctxenv, c', args, eqs, refls, nogen, vars, env =
+ Array.fold_left aux (pf_type_of gl f',[],env,f',[],[],[],Idset.empty,Idset.empty,env) args'
let args, refls = List.rev args, List.rev refls in
let vars =
@@ -2389,7 +2461,7 @@ let abstract_args gl generalize_vars dep id defined f args =
hyps_of_vars (pf_env gl) (pf_hyps gl) nogen vars
else []
- let body, c' = if defined then Some c', Retyping.get_type_of ctxenv Evd.empty c' else None, c' in
+ let body, c' = if defined then Some c', typ_of ctxenv Evd.empty c' else None, c' in
Some (make_abstract_generalize gl id concl dep ctx body c' eqs args refls,
dep, succ (List.length ctx), vars)
else None
@@ -2429,20 +2501,20 @@ let abstract_generalize ?(generalize_vars=true) ?(force_dep=false) id gl =
let specialize_eqs id gl =
let env = pf_env gl in
let ty = pf_get_hyp_typ gl id in
- let evars = ref (create_evar_defs (project gl)) in
+ let evars = ref (project gl) in
let unif env evars c1 c2 = Evarconv.e_conv env evars c2 c1 in
let rec aux in_eqs ctx acc ty =
match kind_of_term ty with
| Prod (na, t, b) ->
(match kind_of_term t with
- | App (eq, [| eqty; x; y |]) when in_eqs && eq_constr eq (Lazy.force coq_eq) ->
+ | App (eq, [| eqty; x; y |]) when eq_constr eq (Lazy.force coq_eq) ->
let c = if noccur_between 1 (List.length ctx) x then y else x in
let pt = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq, [| eqty; c; c |]) in
let p = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq_refl, [| eqty; c |]) in
if unif (push_rel_context ctx env) evars pt t then
aux true ctx (mkApp (acc, [| p |])) (subst1 p b)
else acc, in_eqs, ctx, ty
- | App (heq, [| eqty; x; eqty'; y |]) when in_eqs && eq_constr heq (Lazy.force coq_heq) ->
+ | App (heq, [| eqty; x; eqty'; y |]) when eq_constr heq (Lazy.force coq_heq) ->
let eqt, c = if noccur_between 1 (List.length ctx) x then eqty', y else eqty, x in
let pt = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_heq, [| eqt; c; eqt; c |]) in
let p = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_heq_refl, [| eqt; c |]) in
@@ -2454,10 +2526,8 @@ let specialize_eqs id gl =
let e = e_new_evar evars (push_rel_context ctx env) t in
aux false ((na, Some e, t) :: ctx) (mkApp (lift 1 acc, [| mkRel 1 |])) b)
- | App (f, args) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force coq_block) && not in_eqs ->
- aux true ctx acc args.(1)
| t -> acc, in_eqs, ctx, ty
- in
+ in
let acc, worked, ctx, ty = aux false [] (mkVar id) ty in
let ctx' = nf_rel_context_evar !evars ctx in
let ctx'' = (fun (n,b,t as decl) ->
@@ -2485,33 +2555,6 @@ let occur_rel n c =
let res = not (noccurn n c) in
-let list_filter_firsts f l =
- let rec list_filter_firsts_aux f acc l =
- match l with
- | e::l' when f e -> list_filter_firsts_aux f (acc@[e]) l'
- | _ -> acc,l
- in
- list_filter_firsts_aux f [] l
-let count_rels_from n c =
- let rels = free_rels c in
- let cpt,rg = ref 0, ref n in
- while Intset.mem !rg rels do
- cpt:= !cpt+1; rg:= !rg+1;
- done;
- !cpt
-let count_nonfree_rels_from n c =
- let rels = free_rels c in
- if Intset.exists (fun x -> x >= n) rels then
- let cpt,rg = ref 0, ref n in
- while not (Intset.mem !rg rels) do
- cpt:= !cpt+1; rg:= !rg+1;
- done;
- !cpt
- else raise Not_found
(* cuts a list in two parts, first of size n. Size must be greater than n *)
let cut_list n l =
let rec cut_list_aux acc n l =
@@ -2671,83 +2714,62 @@ let compute_elim_sig ?elimc elimt =
let compute_scheme_signature scheme names_info ind_type_guess =
let f,l = decompose_app scheme.concl in
(* Vérifier que les arguments de Qi sont bien les xi. *)
- match scheme.indarg with
- | Some (_,Some _,_) -> error "Strange letin, cannot recognize an induction scheme."
- | None -> (* Non standard scheme *)
- let is_pred n c =
- let hd = fst (decompose_app c) in match kind_of_term hd with
- | Rel q when n < q & q <= n+scheme.npredicates -> IndArg
- | _ when hd = ind_type_guess & not scheme.farg_in_concl -> RecArg
- | _ -> OtherArg in
- let rec check_branch p c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Prod (_,t,c) ->
- (is_pred p t, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
- | LetIn (_,_,_,c) ->
- (OtherArg, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
- | _ when is_pred p c = IndArg -> []
- | _ -> raise Exit in
- let rec find_branches p lbrch =
- match lbrch with
- | (_,None,t)::brs ->
- (try
- let lchck_brch = check_branch p t in
- let n = List.fold_left
- (fun n (b,_) -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
- let recvarname, hyprecname, avoid =
- make_up_names n scheme.indref names_info in
- let namesign =
- (fun (b,dep) ->
- (b,dep,if b=IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
- lchck_brch in
- (avoid,namesign) :: find_branches (p+1) brs
- with Exit-> error_ind_scheme "the branches of")
- | (_,Some _,_)::_ -> error_ind_scheme "the branches of"
- | [] -> [] in
- Array.of_list (find_branches 0 (List.rev scheme.branches))
- | Some ( _,None,ind) -> (* Standard scheme from an inductive type *)
- let indhd,indargs = decompose_app ind in
- let is_pred n c =
- let hd = fst (decompose_app c) in match kind_of_term hd with
- | Rel q when n < q & q <= n+scheme.npredicates -> IndArg
- | _ when hd = indhd -> RecArg
- | _ -> OtherArg in
- let rec check_branch p c = match kind_of_term c with
- | Prod (_,t,c) ->
- (is_pred p t, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
- | LetIn (_,_,_,c) ->
- (OtherArg, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
- | _ when is_pred p c = IndArg -> []
- | _ -> raise Exit in
- let rec find_branches p lbrch =
- match lbrch with
- | (_,None,t)::brs ->
- (try
- let lchck_brch = check_branch p t in
- let n = List.fold_left
- (fun n (b,_) -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
- let recvarname, hyprecname, avoid =
- make_up_names n scheme.indref names_info in
- let namesign =
- (fun (b,dep) ->
- (b,dep,if b=IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
- lchck_brch in
- (avoid,namesign) :: find_branches (p+1) brs
- with Exit -> error_ind_scheme "the branches of")
- | (_,Some _,_)::_ -> error_ind_scheme "the branches of"
- | [] ->
- (* Check again conclusion *)
- let ccl_arg_ok = is_pred (p + scheme.nargs + 1) f = IndArg in
- let ind_is_ok =
- list_lastn scheme.nargs indargs
- = extended_rel_list 0 scheme.args in
- if not (ccl_arg_ok & ind_is_ok) then
- error_ind_scheme "the conclusion of";
- []
- in
- Array.of_list (find_branches 0 (List.rev scheme.branches))
+ let cond, check_concl =
+ match scheme.indarg with
+ | Some (_,Some _,_) ->
+ error "Strange letin, cannot recognize an induction scheme."
+ | None -> (* Non standard scheme *)
+ let cond hd = eq_constr hd ind_type_guess && not scheme.farg_in_concl
+ in (cond, fun _ _ -> ())
+ | Some ( _,None,ind) -> (* Standard scheme from an inductive type *)
+ let indhd,indargs = decompose_app ind in
+ let cond hd = eq_constr hd indhd in
+ let check_concl is_pred p =
+ (* Check again conclusion *)
+ let ccl_arg_ok = is_pred (p + scheme.nargs + 1) f = IndArg in
+ let ind_is_ok =
+ list_equal eq_constr
+ (list_lastn scheme.nargs indargs)
+ (extended_rel_list 0 scheme.args) in
+ if not (ccl_arg_ok & ind_is_ok) then
+ error_ind_scheme "the conclusion of"
+ in (cond, check_concl)
+ in
+ let is_pred n c =
+ let hd = fst (decompose_app c) in
+ match kind_of_term hd with
+ | Rel q when n < q & q <= n+scheme.npredicates -> IndArg
+ | _ when cond hd -> RecArg
+ | _ -> OtherArg
+ in
+ let rec check_branch p c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (_,t,c) ->
+ (is_pred p t, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ | LetIn (_,_,_,c) ->
+ (OtherArg, dependent (mkRel 1) c) :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ | _ when is_pred p c = IndArg -> []
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ in
+ let rec find_branches p lbrch =
+ match lbrch with
+ | (_,None,t)::brs ->
+ (try
+ let lchck_brch = check_branch p t in
+ let n = List.fold_left
+ (fun n (b,_) -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 lchck_brch in
+ let recvarname, hyprecname, avoid =
+ make_up_names n scheme.indref names_info in
+ let namesign =
+ (fun (b,dep) ->
+ (b,dep,if b=IndArg then hyprecname else recvarname))
+ lchck_brch in
+ (avoid,namesign) :: find_branches (p+1) brs
+ with Exit-> error_ind_scheme "the branches of")
+ | (_,Some _,_)::_ -> error_ind_scheme "the branches of"
+ | [] -> check_concl is_pred p; []
+ in
+ Array.of_list (find_branches 0 (List.rev scheme.branches))
(* Check that the elimination scheme has a form similar to the
elimination schemes built by Coq. Schemes may have the standard
@@ -2885,7 +2907,7 @@ let induction_tac_felim with_evars indvars nparams elim gl =
(* elimclause' is built from elimclause by instanciating all args and params. *)
let elimclause' = recolle_clenv nparams indvars elimclause gl in
(* one last resolution (useless?) *)
- let resolved = clenv_unique_resolver true elimclause' gl in
+ let resolved = clenv_unique_resolver ~flags:elim_flags elimclause' gl in
clenv_refine with_evars resolved gl
(* Apply induction "in place" replacing the hypothesis on which
@@ -2895,7 +2917,9 @@ let apply_induction_with_discharge induct_tac elim indhyps destopt avoid names t
let isrec, elim, indsign = get_eliminator elim gl in
let names = compute_induction_names (Array.length indsign) names in
(if isrec then tclTHENFIRSTn else tclTHENLASTn)
- (tclTHEN (induct_tac elim) (tclTRY (thin indhyps)))
+ (tclTHEN
+ (induct_tac elim)
+ (tclMAP (fun id -> tclTRY (expand_hyp id)) (List.rev indhyps)))
(array_map2 (induct_discharge destopt avoid tac) indsign names) gl
(* Apply induction "in place" taking into account dependent
@@ -2979,7 +3003,7 @@ let induction_tac with_evars elim (varname,lbind) typ gl =
let elimclause =
make_clenv_binding gl
(mkCast (elimc,DEFAULTcast,elimt),elimt) lbindelimc in
- elimination_clause_scheme with_evars true i elimclause indclause gl
+ elimination_clause_scheme with_evars i elimclause indclause gl
let induction_from_context isrec with_evars (indref,nparams,elim) (hyp0,lbind) names
inhyps gl =
@@ -3017,14 +3041,6 @@ let induction_without_atomization isrec with_evars elim names lid gl =
then error "Not the right number of induction arguments."
else induction_from_context_l with_evars elim_info lid names gl
-let enforce_eq_name id gl = function
- | (b,(loc,IntroAnonymous)) ->
- (b,(loc,IntroIdentifier (fresh_id [id] (add_prefix "Heq" id) gl)))
- | (b,(loc,IntroFresh heq_base)) ->
- (b,(loc,IntroIdentifier (fresh_id [id] heq_base gl)))
- | x ->
- x
let has_selected_occurrences = function
| None -> false
| Some cls ->
@@ -3054,7 +3070,7 @@ let clear_unselected_context id inhyps cls gl =
thin ids gl
| None -> tclIDTAC gl
-let new_induct_gen isrec with_evars elim (eqname,names) (c,lbind) cls gl =
+let new_induct_gen isrec with_evars elim (eqname,names) (sigma,(c,lbind)) cls gl =
let inhyps = match cls with
| Some {onhyps=Some hyps} -> (fun ((_,id),_) -> id) hyps
| _ -> [] in
@@ -3067,14 +3083,17 @@ let new_induct_gen isrec with_evars elim (eqname,names) (c,lbind) cls gl =
isrec with_evars elim names (id,lbind) inhyps) gl
| _ ->
- let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c)
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (typ_of (pf_env gl) sigma c)
Anonymous in
let id = fresh_id [] x gl in
(* We need the equality name now *)
let with_eq = (fun eq -> (false,eq)) eqname in
(* TODO: if ind has predicate parameters, use JMeq instead of eq *)
- (letin_tac_gen with_eq (Name id) c None (Option.default allHypsAndConcl cls,false))
+ (* Warning: letin is buggy when c is not of inductive type *)
+ (letin_tac_gen with_eq (Name id) (sigma,c)
+ (make_pattern_test (pf_env gl) (project gl) (sigma,c))
+ None (Option.default allHypsAndConcl cls,false))
isrec with_evars elim names (id,lbind) inhyps) gl
@@ -3131,7 +3150,7 @@ let induct_destruct isrec with_evars (lc,elim,names,cls) gl =
assert (List.length lc > 0); (* ensured by syntax, but if called inside caml? *)
if List.length lc = 1 && not (is_functional_induction elim gl) then
(* standard induction *)
- onInductionArg
+ onOpenInductionArg
(fun c -> new_induct_gen isrec with_evars elim names c cls)
(List.hd lc) gl
else begin
@@ -3143,6 +3162,8 @@ let induct_destruct isrec with_evars (lc,elim,names,cls) gl =
str "Example: induction x1 x2 x3 using my_scheme.");
if cls <> None then
error "'in' clause not supported here.";
+ let lc =
+ (map_induction_arg (pf_apply finish_evar_resolution gl)) lc in
if List.length lc = 1 then
(* Hook to recover standard induction on non-standard induction schemes *)
(* will be removable when is_functional_induction will be more clever *)
@@ -3150,8 +3171,7 @@ let induct_destruct isrec with_evars (lc,elim,names,cls) gl =
(fun (c,lbind) ->
if lbind <> NoBindings then
error "'with' clause not supported here.";
- new_induct_gen_l isrec with_evars elim names [c])
- (List.hd lc) gl
+ new_induct_gen_l isrec with_evars elim names [c]) (List.hd lc) gl
let newlc = (fun x ->
@@ -3179,11 +3199,8 @@ let new_destruct ev lc e idl cls = induct_destruct false ev (lc,e,idl,cls)
(* Induction tactics *)
(* This was Induction before 6.3 (induction only in quantified premisses) *)
-let raw_induct s = tclTHEN (intros_until_id s) (onLastHyp simplest_elim)
-let raw_induct_nodep n = tclTHEN (intros_until_n n) (onLastHyp simplest_elim)
-let simple_induct_id hyp = raw_induct hyp
-let simple_induct_nodep = raw_induct_nodep
+let simple_induct_id s = tclTHEN (intros_until_id s) (onLastHyp simplest_elim)
+let simple_induct_nodep n = tclTHEN (intros_until_n n) (onLastHyp simplest_elim)
let simple_induct = function
| NamedHyp id -> simple_induct_id id
@@ -3213,9 +3230,9 @@ let elim_scheme_type elim t gl =
| Meta mv ->
let clause' =
(* t is inductive, then CUMUL or CONV is irrelevant *)
- clenv_unify true Reduction.CUMUL t
+ clenv_unify ~flags:elim_flags Reduction.CUMUL t
(clenv_meta_type clause mv) clause in
- res_pf clause' ~allow_K:true gl
+ res_pf clause' ~flags:elim_flags gl
| _ -> anomaly "elim_scheme_type"
let elim_type t gl =
@@ -3472,7 +3489,7 @@ let abstract_subproof id tac gl =
let const = Pfedit.build_constant_by_tactic id secsign concl
(tclCOMPLETE (tclTHEN (tclDO (List.length sign) intro) tac)) in
let cd = Entries.DefinitionEntry const in
- let lem = mkConst (Declare.declare_internal_constant id (cd,IsProof Lemma)) in
+ let lem = mkConst (Declare.declare_constant ~internal:Declare.KernelSilent id (cd,IsProof Lemma)) in
(applist (lem,List.rev (Array.to_list (instance_from_named_context sign))))
@@ -3501,8 +3518,9 @@ let admit_as_an_axiom gl =
let concl = it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (pf_concl gl) sign in
if occur_existential concl then error"\"admit\" cannot handle existentials.";
let axiom =
- let cd = Entries.ParameterEntry (concl,false) in
- let con = Declare.declare_internal_constant na (cd,IsAssumption Logical) in
+ let cd =
+ Entries.ParameterEntry (Pfedit.get_used_variables(),concl,None) in
+ let con = Declare.declare_constant ~internal:Declare.KernelSilent na (cd,IsAssumption Logical) in
constr_of_global (ConstRef con)
@@ -3517,7 +3535,6 @@ let unify ?(state=full_transparent_state) x y gl =
modulo_delta = state;
modulo_conv_on_closed_terms = Some state}
- let evd = w_unify false (pf_env gl) Reduction.CONV
- ~flags x y (Evd.create_evar_defs (project gl))
+ let evd = w_unify (pf_env gl) (project gl) Reduction.CONV ~flags x y
in tclEVARS evd gl
with _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str"Not unifiable") gl
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.mli b/tactics/tactics.mli
index 5ceade1f..f8f32b79 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.mli
+++ b/tactics/tactics.mli
@@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: tactics.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
open Names
open Term
@@ -26,14 +23,14 @@ open Libnames
open Genarg
open Tacexpr
open Nametab
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Pattern
open Termops
+open Unification
-(* Main tactics. *)
+(** Main tactics. *)
-(*s General functions. *)
+(** {6 General functions. } *)
val string_of_inductive : constr -> string
val head_constr : constr -> constr * constr list
@@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ val is_quantified_hypothesis : identifier -> goal sigma -> bool
exception Bound
-(*s Primitive tactics. *)
+(** {6 Primitive tactics. } *)
val introduction : identifier -> tactic
val refine : constr -> tactic
@@ -55,7 +52,7 @@ val fix : identifier option -> int -> tactic
val mutual_cofix : identifier -> (identifier * constr) list -> int -> tactic
val cofix : identifier option -> tactic
-(*s Introduction tactics. *)
+(** {6 Introduction tactics. } *)
val fresh_id_in_env : identifier list -> identifier -> env -> identifier
val fresh_id : identifier list -> identifier -> goal sigma -> identifier
@@ -65,20 +62,21 @@ val intro : tactic
val introf : tactic
val intro_move : identifier option -> identifier move_location -> tactic
- (* [intro_avoiding idl] acts as intro but prevents the new identifier
+ (** [intro_avoiding idl] acts as intro but prevents the new identifier
to belong to [idl] *)
val intro_avoiding : identifier list -> tactic
val intro_replacing : identifier -> tactic
val intro_using : identifier -> tactic
val intro_mustbe_force : identifier -> tactic
+val intro_then : (identifier -> tactic) -> tactic
val intros_using : identifier list -> tactic
val intro_erasing : identifier -> tactic
val intros_replacing : identifier list -> tactic
val intros : tactic
-(* [depth_of_quantified_hypothesis b h g] returns the index of [h] in
+(** [depth_of_quantified_hypothesis b h g] returns the index of [h] in
the conclusion of goal [g], up to head-reduction if [b] is [true] *)
val depth_of_quantified_hypothesis :
bool -> quantified_hypothesis -> goal sigma -> int
@@ -88,7 +86,7 @@ val intros_until : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
val intros_clearing : bool list -> tactic
-(* Assuming a tactic [tac] depending on an hypothesis identifier,
+(** Assuming a tactic [tac] depending on an hypothesis identifier,
[try_intros_until tac arg] first assumes that arg denotes a
quantified hypothesis (denoted by name or by index) and try to
introduce it in context before to apply [tac], otherwise assume the
@@ -97,21 +95,21 @@ val intros_clearing : bool list -> tactic
val try_intros_until :
(identifier -> tactic) -> quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
-(* Apply a tactic on a quantified hypothesis, an hypothesis in context
+(** Apply a tactic on a quantified hypothesis, an hypothesis in context
or a term with bindings *)
val onInductionArg :
(constr with_bindings -> tactic) ->
constr with_bindings induction_arg -> tactic
-(*s Introduction tactics with eliminations. *)
+(** {6 Introduction tactics with eliminations. } *)
val intro_pattern : identifier move_location -> intro_pattern_expr -> tactic
val intro_patterns : intro_pattern_expr located list -> tactic
val intros_pattern :
identifier move_location -> intro_pattern_expr located list -> tactic
-(*s Exact tactics. *)
+(** {6 Exact tactics. } *)
val assumption : tactic
val exact_no_check : constr -> tactic
@@ -119,7 +117,7 @@ val vm_cast_no_check : constr -> tactic
val exact_check : constr -> tactic
val exact_proof : Topconstr.constr_expr -> tactic
-(*s Reduction tactics. *)
+(** {6 Reduction tactics. } *)
type tactic_reduction = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
@@ -156,7 +154,7 @@ val pattern_option :
val reduce : red_expr -> clause -> tactic
val unfold_constr : global_reference -> tactic
-(*s Modification of the local context. *)
+(** {6 Modification of the local context. } *)
val clear : identifier list -> tactic
val clear_body : identifier list -> tactic
@@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ val rename_hyp : (identifier * identifier) list -> tactic
val revert : identifier list -> tactic
-(*s Resolution tactics. *)
+(** {6 Resolution tactics. } *)
val apply_type : constr -> constr list -> tactic
val apply_term : constr -> constr list -> tactic
@@ -193,7 +191,7 @@ val apply_in :
val simple_apply_in : identifier -> constr -> tactic
-(*s Elimination tactics. *)
+(** {6 Elimination tactics. } *)
@@ -219,52 +217,52 @@ val simple_apply_in : identifier -> constr -> tactic
Principles taken from functional induction have the final (f...).
-(* [rel_contexts] and [rel_declaration] actually contain triples, and
+(** [rel_contexts] and [rel_declaration] actually contain triples, and
lists are actually in reverse order to fit [compose_prod]. *)
type elim_scheme = {
elimc: constr with_bindings option;
elimt: types;
indref: global_reference option;
- index: int; (* index of the elimination type in the scheme *)
- params: rel_context; (* (prm1,tprm1);(prm2,tprm2)...(prmp,tprmp) *)
- nparams: int; (* number of parameters *)
- predicates: rel_context; (* (Qq, (Tq_1 -> Tq_2 ->...-> Tq_nq)), (Q1,...) *)
- npredicates: int; (* Number of predicates *)
- branches: rel_context; (* branchr,...,branch1 *)
- nbranches: int; (* Number of branches *)
- args: rel_context; (* (xni, Ti_ni) ... (x1, Ti_1) *)
- nargs: int; (* number of arguments *)
- indarg: rel_declaration option; (* Some (H,I prm1..prmp x1...xni)
+ index: int; (** index of the elimination type in the scheme *)
+ params: rel_context; (** (prm1,tprm1);(prm2,tprm2)...(prmp,tprmp) *)
+ nparams: int; (** number of parameters *)
+ predicates: rel_context; (** (Qq, (Tq_1 -> Tq_2 ->...-> Tq_nq)), (Q1,...) *)
+ npredicates: int; (** Number of predicates *)
+ branches: rel_context; (** branchr,...,branch1 *)
+ nbranches: int; (** Number of branches *)
+ args: rel_context; (** (xni, Ti_ni) ... (x1, Ti_1) *)
+ nargs: int; (** number of arguments *)
+ indarg: rel_declaration option; (** Some (H,I prm1..prmp x1...xni)
if HI is in premisses, None otherwise *)
- concl: types; (* Qi x1...xni HI (f...), HI and (f...)
+ concl: types; (** Qi x1...xni HI (f...), HI and (f...)
are optional and mutually exclusive *)
- indarg_in_concl: bool; (* true if HI appears at the end of conclusion *)
- farg_in_concl: bool; (* true if (f...) appears at the end of conclusion *)
+ indarg_in_concl: bool; (** true if HI appears at the end of conclusion *)
+ farg_in_concl: bool; (** true if (f...) appears at the end of conclusion *)
val compute_elim_sig : ?elimc: constr with_bindings -> types -> elim_scheme
val rebuild_elimtype_from_scheme: elim_scheme -> types
-(* elim principle with the index of its inductive arg *)
+(** elim principle with the index of its inductive arg *)
type eliminator = {
- elimindex : int option; (* None = find it automatically *)
+ elimindex : int option; (** None = find it automatically *)
elimbody : constr with_bindings
-val elimination_clause_scheme : evars_flag ->
- bool -> int -> clausenv -> clausenv -> tactic
+val elimination_clause_scheme : evars_flag -> ?flags:unify_flags ->
+ int -> clausenv -> clausenv -> tactic
-val elimination_in_clause_scheme : evars_flag -> identifier -> int ->
- clausenv -> clausenv -> tactic
+val elimination_in_clause_scheme : evars_flag -> ?flags:unify_flags ->
+ identifier -> int -> clausenv -> clausenv -> tactic
val general_elim_clause_gen : (int -> Clenv.clausenv -> 'a -> tactic) ->
'a -> eliminator -> tactic
val general_elim : evars_flag ->
- constr with_bindings -> eliminator -> ?allow_K:bool -> tactic
-val general_elim_in : evars_flag ->
- identifier -> constr with_bindings -> eliminator -> tactic
+ constr with_bindings -> eliminator -> tactic
+val general_elim_in : evars_flag -> identifier ->
+ constr with_bindings -> eliminator -> tactic
val default_elim : evars_flag -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
val simplest_elim : constr -> tactic
@@ -273,37 +271,39 @@ val elim :
val simple_induct : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
-val new_induct : evars_flag -> constr with_bindings induction_arg list ->
+val new_induct : evars_flag ->
+ (evar_map * constr with_bindings) induction_arg list ->
constr with_bindings option ->
intro_pattern_expr located option * intro_pattern_expr located option ->
clause option -> tactic
-(*s Case analysis tactics. *)
+(** {6 Case analysis tactics. } *)
val general_case_analysis : evars_flag -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
val simplest_case : constr -> tactic
val simple_destruct : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
-val new_destruct : evars_flag -> constr with_bindings induction_arg list ->
+val new_destruct : evars_flag ->
+ (evar_map * constr with_bindings) induction_arg list ->
constr with_bindings option ->
intro_pattern_expr located option * intro_pattern_expr located option ->
clause option -> tactic
-(*s Generic case analysis / induction tactics. *)
+(** {6 Generic case analysis / induction tactics. } *)
val induction_destruct : rec_flag -> evars_flag ->
- (constr with_bindings induction_arg list *
+ ((evar_map * constr with_bindings) induction_arg list *
constr with_bindings option *
(intro_pattern_expr located option * intro_pattern_expr located option))
list *
clause option -> tactic
-(*s Eliminations giving the type instead of the proof. *)
+(** {6 Eliminations giving the type instead of the proof. } *)
val case_type : constr -> tactic
val elim_type : constr -> tactic
-(*s Some eliminations which are frequently used. *)
+(** {6 Some eliminations which are frequently used. } *)
val impE : identifier -> tactic
val andE : identifier -> tactic
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ val dAnd : clause -> tactic
val dorE : bool -> clause ->tactic
-(*s Introduction tactics. *)
+(** {6 Introduction tactics. } *)
val constructor_tac : evars_flag -> int option -> int ->
constr bindings -> tactic
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ val simplest_left : tactic
val simplest_right : tactic
val simplest_split : tactic
-(*s Logical connective tactics. *)
+(** {6 Logical connective tactics. } *)
val register_setoid_reflexivity : tactic -> unit
val reflexivity_red : bool -> tactic
@@ -362,13 +362,15 @@ val assert_as : bool -> intro_pattern_expr located option -> constr -> tactic
val forward : tactic option -> intro_pattern_expr located option -> constr -> tactic
val letin_tac : (bool * intro_pattern_expr located) option -> name ->
constr -> types option -> clause -> tactic
+val letin_pat_tac : (bool * intro_pattern_expr located) option -> name ->
+ evar_map * constr -> types option -> clause -> tactic
val assert_tac : name -> types -> tactic
val assert_by : name -> types -> tactic -> tactic
val pose_proof : name -> constr -> tactic
val generalize : constr list -> tactic
val generalize_gen : ((occurrences * constr) * name) list -> tactic
-val generalize_dep : ?with_let:bool (* Don't lose let bindings *) -> constr -> tactic
+val generalize_dep : ?with_let:bool (** Don't lose let bindings *) -> constr -> tactic
val unify : ?state:Names.transparent_state -> constr -> constr -> tactic
val resolve_classes : tactic
@@ -382,3 +384,6 @@ val specialize_eqs : identifier -> tactic
val register_general_multi_rewrite :
(bool -> evars_flag -> constr with_bindings -> clause -> tactic) -> unit
+val register_subst_one :
+ (bool -> identifier -> identifier * constr * bool -> tactic) -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.mllib b/tactics/tactics.mllib
index b885b152..333d6a3a 100644
--- a/tactics/tactics.mllib
+++ b/tactics/tactics.mllib
@@ -19,6 +19,4 @@ Leminv
diff --git a/tactics/tauto.ml4 b/tactics/tauto.ml4
index a17aba76..b7a58be4 100644
--- a/tactics/tauto.ml4
+++ b/tactics/tauto.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(*i $Id: tauto.ml4 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Term
open Hipattern
open Names
@@ -55,6 +53,7 @@ open Goptions
let _ =
{ optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
optname = "unfolding of iff and not in intuition";
optkey = ["Intuition";"Iff";"Unfolding"];
optread = (fun () -> !iff_unfolding);
@@ -154,10 +153,12 @@ let flatten_contravariant_disj ist =
let hyp = valueIn (VConstr ([],hyp)) in
iter_tac (list_map_i (fun i arg ->
let typ = valueIn (VConstr ([],mkArrow arg c)) in
+ let i = Tacexpr.Integer i in
let typ := $typ in
let hyp := $hyp in
- assert typ by (intro; apply hyp; constructor $i; assumption)
+ let i := $i in
+ assert typ by (intro; apply hyp; constructor i; assumption)
>>) 1 args) <:tactic< let hyp := $hyp in clear hyp >>
@@ -268,8 +269,6 @@ let t_reduction_not = tacticIn reduction_not
let intuition_gen tac =
interp (tacticIn (tauto_intuit t_reduction_not tac))
-let simplif_gen = interp (tacticIn simplif)
let tauto_intuitionistic g =
try intuition_gen <:tactic<fail>> g
@@ -301,5 +300,5 @@ END
| [ "intuition" ] -> [ intuition_gen default_intuition_tac ]
-| [ "intuition" tactic(t) ] -> [ intuition_gen (fst t) ]
+| [ "intuition" tactic(t) ] -> [ intuition_gen t ]
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 17329b6f..443acc6f 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
open Nameops
open Term
open Pattern
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Libnames
open Nametab
diff --git a/tactics/termdn.mli b/tactics/termdn.mli
index ccfa91a9..c4e747be 100644
--- a/tactics/termdn.mli
+++ b/tactics/termdn.mli
@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: termdn.mli 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
open Term
open Pattern
open Libnames
open Names
-(* Discrimination nets of terms. *)
+(** Discrimination nets of terms. *)
-(* This module registers actions (typically tactics) mapped to patterns *)
+(** This module registers actions (typically tactics) mapped to patterns *)
-(* Patterns are stocked linearly as the list of its node in prefix
+(** Patterns are stocked linearly as the list of its node in prefix
order in such a way patterns having the same prefix have this common
prefix shared and the seek for the action associated to the patterns
that a term matches are found in time proportional to the maximal
@@ -38,21 +34,21 @@ sig
val create : unit -> t
- (* [add t (c,a)] adds to table [t] pattern [c] associated to action [act] *)
+ (** [add t (c,a)] adds to table [t] pattern [c] associated to action [act] *)
val add : t -> transparent_state -> (constr_pattern * Z.t) -> t
val rmv : t -> transparent_state -> (constr_pattern * Z.t) -> t
- (* [lookup t c] looks for patterns (with their action) matching term [c] *)
+ (** [lookup t c] looks for patterns (with their action) matching term [c] *)
val lookup : t -> transparent_state -> constr -> (constr_pattern * Z.t) list
val app : ((constr_pattern * Z.t) -> unit) -> t -> unit
- (*i*)
- (* These are for Nbtermdn *)
+ (**/**)
+ (** These are for Nbtermdn *)
type term_label =
| GRLabel of global_reference
@@ -68,5 +64,5 @@ sig
val constr_pat_discr : constr_pattern -> (term_label * constr_pattern list) option
val constr_val_discr : constr -> (term_label * constr list) lookup_res
+ (**/**)