path: root/tactics/
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1 files changed, 202 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
index 3f8eb0ca..d9026a6d 100644
--- a/tactics/
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11309 2008-08-06 10:30:35Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 11745 2009-01-04 18:43:08Z herbelin $ *)
open Constrintern
open Closure
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ let catch_error call_trace tac g =
let (loc',c),tail = list_sep_last call_trace in
let loc,e' = match e with Stdpp.Exc_located(loc,e) -> loc,e | _ ->dloc,e in
if tail = [] then
- let loc = if loc' = dloc then loc else loc' in
+ let loc = if loc = dloc then loc' else loc in
raise (Stdpp.Exc_located(loc,e'))
raise (Stdpp.Exc_located(loc',LtacLocated((c,tail,loc),e')))
@@ -135,9 +135,6 @@ let rec pr_value env = function
| VList (a::_) ->
str "a list (first element is " ++ pr_value env a ++ str")"
-(* Transforms a named_context into a (string * constr) list *)
-let make_hyps = (fun (id,_,typ) -> (id, typ))
(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails *)
let constr_of_id env id =
construct_reference (Environ.named_context env) id
@@ -375,15 +372,15 @@ let intern_or_var ist = function
let loc_of_by_notation f = function
| AN c -> f c
- | ByNotation (loc,s) -> loc
+ | ByNotation (loc,s,_) -> loc
let destIndRef = function IndRef ind -> ind | _ -> failwith "destIndRef"
let intern_inductive_or_by_notation = function
| AN r -> Nametab.inductive_of_reference r
- | ByNotation (loc,ntn) ->
+ | ByNotation (loc,ntn,sc) ->
destIndRef (Notation.interp_notation_as_global_reference loc
- (function IndRef ind -> true | _ -> false) ntn)
+ (function IndRef ind -> true | _ -> false) ntn sc)
let intern_inductive ist = function
| AN (Ident (loc,id)) when find_var id ist -> ArgVar (loc,id)
@@ -565,10 +562,10 @@ let interp_global_reference r =
let intern_evaluable_reference_or_by_notation = function
| AN r -> evaluable_of_global_reference (interp_global_reference r)
- | ByNotation (loc,ntn) ->
+ | ByNotation (loc,ntn,sc) ->
(Notation.interp_notation_as_global_reference loc
- (function ConstRef _ | VarRef _ -> true | _ -> false) ntn)
+ (function ConstRef _ | VarRef _ -> true | _ -> false) ntn sc)
(* Globalizes a reduction expression *)
let intern_evaluable ist = function
@@ -597,33 +594,34 @@ let intern_red_expr ist = function
| Simpl o -> Simpl ( (intern_constr_with_occurrences ist) o)
| (Red _ | Hnf | ExtraRedExpr _ | CbvVm as r ) -> r
+let intern_in_hyp_as ist lf (id,ipat) =
+ (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id, (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ipat)
+let intern_hyp_list ist = (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist)
let intern_inversion_strength lf ist = function
| NonDepInversion (k,idl,ids) ->
- NonDepInversion (k, (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist) idl,
+ NonDepInversion (k,intern_hyp_list ist idl, (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ids)
| DepInversion (k,copt,ids) ->
DepInversion (k, (intern_constr ist) copt, (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ids)
| InversionUsing (c,idl) ->
- InversionUsing (intern_constr ist c, (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist) idl)
+ InversionUsing (intern_constr ist c, intern_hyp_list ist idl)
(* Interprets an hypothesis name *)
let intern_hyp_location ist (((b,occs),id),hl) =
- (((b, (intern_or_var ist) occs),intern_hyp ist (skip_metaid id)), hl)
-let interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env ?(as_type=false) ltacvar c =
- let c = intern_gen as_type ~allow_patvar:true ~ltacvars:(ltacvar,[])
- sigma env c in
- pattern_of_rawconstr c
+ (((b, (intern_or_var ist) occs),intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id), hl)
(* Reads a pattern *)
let intern_pattern sigma env ?(as_type=false) lfun = function
- | Subterm (ido,pc) ->
- let (metas,pat) = interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env lfun pc in
- ido, metas, Subterm (ido,pat)
+ | Subterm (b,ido,pc) ->
+ let ltacvars = (lfun,[]) in
+ let (metas,pat) = intern_constr_pattern sigma env ~ltacvars pc in
+ ido, metas, Subterm (b,ido,pat)
| Term pc ->
- let (metas,pat) = interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env ~as_type lfun pc in
+ let ltacvars = (lfun,[]) in
+ let (metas,pat) = intern_constr_pattern sigma env ~as_type ~ltacvars pc in
None, metas, Term pat
let intern_constr_may_eval ist = function
@@ -658,6 +656,12 @@ let rec intern_match_goal_hyps sigma env lfun = function
let lfun, metas2, hyps = intern_match_goal_hyps sigma env lfun tl in
let lfun' = name_cons na (Option.List.cons ido lfun) in
lfun', metas1@metas2, Hyp (locna,pat)::hyps
+ | (Def ((_,na) as locna,mv,mp))::tl ->
+ let ido, metas1, patv = intern_pattern sigma env ~as_type:false lfun mv in
+ let ido', metas2, patt = intern_pattern sigma env ~as_type:true lfun mp in
+ let lfun, metas3, hyps = intern_match_goal_hyps sigma env lfun tl in
+ let lfun' = name_cons na (Option.List.cons ido' (Option.List.cons ido lfun)) in
+ lfun', metas1@metas2@metas3, Def (locna,patv,patt)::hyps
| [] -> lfun, [], []
(* Utilities *)
@@ -690,8 +694,9 @@ let rec intern_atomic lf ist x =
| TacExact c -> TacExact (intern_constr ist c)
| TacExactNoCheck c -> TacExactNoCheck (intern_constr ist c)
| TacVmCastNoCheck c -> TacVmCastNoCheck (intern_constr ist c)
- | TacApply (a,ev,cb) ->
- TacApply (a,ev, (intern_constr_with_bindings ist) cb)
+ | TacApply (a,ev,cb,inhyp) ->
+ TacApply (a,ev, (intern_constr_with_bindings ist) cb,
+ (intern_in_hyp_as ist lf) inhyp)
| TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
TacElim (ev,intern_constr_with_bindings ist cb, (intern_constr_with_bindings ist) cbo)
@@ -709,7 +714,7 @@ let rec intern_atomic lf ist x =
| TacCut c -> TacCut (intern_type ist c)
| TacAssert (otac,ipat,c) ->
TacAssert ( (intern_tactic ist) otac,
- intern_intro_pattern lf ist ipat,
+ (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ipat,
intern_constr_gen (otac<>None) ist c)
| TacGeneralize cl ->
TacGeneralize ( (fun (c,na) ->
@@ -923,9 +928,10 @@ and intern_genarg ist x =
(* how to know which names are bound by the intropattern *)
in_gen globwit_intro_pattern
(intern_intro_pattern lf ist (out_gen rawwit_intro_pattern x))
- | IdentArgType ->
+ | IdentArgType b ->
let lf = ref ([],[]) in
- in_gen globwit_ident(intern_ident lf ist (out_gen rawwit_ident x))
+ in_gen (globwit_ident_gen b)
+ (intern_ident lf ist (out_gen (rawwit_ident_gen b) x))
| VarArgType ->
in_gen globwit_var (intern_hyp ist (out_gen rawwit_var x))
| RefArgType ->
@@ -994,9 +1000,18 @@ let eval_pattern lfun c =
instantiate_pattern lvar c
let read_pattern lfun = function
- | Subterm (ido,pc) -> Subterm (ido,eval_pattern lfun pc)
+ | Subterm (b,ido,pc) -> Subterm (b,ido,eval_pattern lfun pc)
| Term pc -> Term (eval_pattern lfun pc)
+let value_of_ident id = VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id)
+let extend_values_with_bindings (ln,lm) lfun =
+ let lnames = (fun (id,id') ->(id,value_of_ident id')) ln in
+ let lmatch = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lm in
+ (* For compatibility, bound variables are visible only if no other
+ binding of the same name exists *)
+ lmatch@lfun@lnames
(* Reads the hypotheses of a Match Context rule *)
let cons_and_check_name id l =
if List.mem id l then
@@ -1010,6 +1025,10 @@ let rec read_match_goal_hyps lfun lidh = function
let lidh' = name_fold cons_and_check_name na lidh in
Hyp (locna,read_pattern lfun mp)::
(read_match_goal_hyps lfun lidh' tl)
+ | (Def ((loc,na) as locna,mv,mp))::tl ->
+ let lidh' = name_fold cons_and_check_name na lidh in
+ Def (locna,read_pattern lfun mv, read_pattern lfun mp)::
+ (read_match_goal_hyps lfun lidh' tl)
| [] -> []
(* Reads the rules of a Match Context or a Match *)
@@ -1029,45 +1048,79 @@ let is_match_catchable = function
| e -> Logic.catchable_exception e
(* Verifies if the matched list is coherent with respect to lcm *)
-let rec verify_metas_coherence gl lcm = function
+(* While non-linear matching is modulo eq_constr in matches, merge of *)
+(* different instances of the same metavars is here modulo conversion... *)
+let verify_metas_coherence gl (ln1,lcm) (ln,lm) =
+ let rec aux = function
| (num,csr)::tl ->
if (List.for_all (fun (a,b) -> a<>num or pf_conv_x gl b csr) lcm) then
- (num,csr)::(verify_metas_coherence gl lcm tl)
+ (num,csr)::aux tl
raise Not_coherent_metas
- | [] -> []
+ | [] -> lcm in
+ (ln@ln1,aux lm)
(* Tries to match one hypothesis pattern with a list of hypotheses *)
-let apply_one_mhyp_context ist env gl lmatch (hypname,pat) (lhyps,nocc) =
+let apply_one_mhyp_context ist env gl lmatch (hypname,patv,pat) lhyps =
let get_id_couple id = function
| Name idpat -> [idpat,VConstr (mkVar id)]
| Anonymous -> [] in
- let rec apply_one_mhyp_context_rec nocc = function
- | (id,hyp)::tl as hyps ->
- (match pat with
- | Term t ->
- (try
- let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch (matches t hyp) in
- (get_id_couple id hypname,lmeta,(id,hyp),(tl,0))
- with
- | PatternMatchingFailure | Not_coherent_metas ->
- apply_one_mhyp_context_rec 0 tl)
- | Subterm (ic,t) ->
+ let match_pat lmatch hyp pat =
+ match pat with
+ | Term t ->
+ let lmeta = extended_matches t hyp in
- let (lm,ctxt) = match_subterm nocc t hyp in
- let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch lm in
- ((get_id_couple id hypname)@(give_context ctxt ic),
- lmeta,(id,hyp),(hyps,nocc + 1))
- with
- | PatternMatchingFailure ->
- apply_one_mhyp_context_rec 0 tl
- | Not_coherent_metas ->
- apply_one_mhyp_context_rec (nocc + 1) hyps))
+ let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch lmeta in
+ ([],lmeta,(fun () -> raise PatternMatchingFailure))
+ with
+ | Not_coherent_metas -> raise PatternMatchingFailure);
+ | Subterm (b,ic,t) ->
+ let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
+ let (lmeta,ctxt,find_next') = find_next () in
+ try
+ let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch lmeta in
+ (give_context ctxt ic,lmeta,match_next_pattern find_next')
+ with
+ | Not_coherent_metas -> match_next_pattern find_next' () in
+ match_next_pattern(fun () -> match_subterm_gen b t hyp) () in
+ let rec apply_one_mhyp_context_rec = function
+ | (id,b,hyp as hd)::tl ->
+ (match patv with
+ | None ->
+ let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
+ try
+ let (ids, lmeta, find_next') = find_next () in
+ (get_id_couple id hypname@ids, lmeta, hd,
+ match_next_pattern find_next')
+ with
+ | PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl in
+ match_next_pattern (fun () -> match_pat lmatch hyp pat) ()
+ | Some patv ->
+ match b with
+ | Some body ->
+ let rec match_next_pattern_in_body next_in_body () =
+ try
+ let (ids,lmeta,next_in_body') = next_in_body() in
+ let rec match_next_pattern_in_typ next_in_typ () =
+ try
+ let (ids',lmeta',next_in_typ') = next_in_typ() in
+ (get_id_couple id hypname@ids@ids', lmeta', hd,
+ match_next_pattern_in_typ next_in_typ')
+ with
+ | PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ match_next_pattern_in_body next_in_body' () in
+ match_next_pattern_in_typ
+ (fun () -> match_pat lmeta hyp pat) ()
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl
+ in
+ match_next_pattern_in_body
+ (fun () -> match_pat lmatch body patv) ()
+ | None -> apply_one_mhyp_context_rec tl)
| [] ->
db_hyp_pattern_failure ist.debug env (hypname,pat);
raise PatternMatchingFailure
- in
- apply_one_mhyp_context_rec nocc lhyps
+ in
+ apply_one_mhyp_context_rec lhyps
let constr_to_id loc = function
| VConstr c when isVar c -> destVar c
@@ -1361,7 +1414,7 @@ let solvable_by_tactic env evi (ev,args) src =
by (tclCOMPLETE tac);
- let _,(const,_,_) = cook_proof ignore in
+ let _,(const,_,_,_) = cook_proof ignore in
delete_current_proof (); const.const_entry_body
with e when Logic.catchable_exception e ->
@@ -1385,7 +1438,7 @@ let solve_remaining_evars env initial_sigma evd c =
Pretype_errors.error_unsolvable_implicit loc env sigma evi src None)
| _ -> map_constr proc_rec c
- proc_rec c
+ proc_rec (Evarutil.nf_isevar !evdref c)
let interp_gen kind ist sigma env (c,ce) =
let (ltacvars,unbndltacvars as vars) = constr_list ist env in
@@ -1413,6 +1466,10 @@ let interp_open_constr ccl ist sigma env cc =
let evd,c = interp_gen (OfType ccl) ist sigma env cc in
(evars_of evd,c)
+let interp_open_type ccl ist sigma env cc =
+ let evd,c = interp_gen IsType ist sigma env cc in
+ (evars_of evd,c)
let interp_constr = interp_econstr (OfType None)
let interp_type = interp_econstr IsType
@@ -1600,6 +1657,9 @@ let rec interp_intro_pattern ist gl = function
and interp_or_and_intro_pattern ist gl = ( (interp_intro_pattern ist gl))
+let interp_in_hyp_as ist gl (id,ipat) =
+ (interp_hyp ist gl id, (interp_intro_pattern ist gl) ipat)
(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
(* (as in Inversion) *)
let coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis = function
@@ -1840,13 +1900,18 @@ and interp_letin ist gl llc u =
val_interp ist gl u
(* Interprets the Match Context expressions *)
-and interp_match_goal ist g lz lr lmr =
- let rec apply_goal_sub ist env goal nocc (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps =
- let (lgoal,ctxt) = match_subterm nocc c csr in
- let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
+and interp_match_goal ist goal lz lr lmr =
+ let hyps = pf_hyps goal in
+ let hyps = if lr then List.rev hyps else hyps in
+ let concl = pf_concl goal in
+ let env = pf_env goal in
+ let rec apply_goal_sub app ist (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps =
+ let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
+ let (lgoal,ctxt,find_next') = find_next () in
+ let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
try apply_hyps_context ist env lz goal mt lctxt lgoal mhyps hyps
- with e when is_match_catchable e ->
- apply_goal_sub ist env goal (nocc + 1) (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps in
+ with e when is_match_catchable e -> match_next_pattern find_next' () in
+ match_next_pattern (fun () -> match_subterm_gen app c csr) () in
let rec apply_match_goal ist env goal nrs lex lpt =
if lex<>[] then db_pattern_rule ist.debug nrs (List.hd lex);
@@ -1859,27 +1924,24 @@ and interp_match_goal ist g lz lr lmr =
apply_match_goal ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl
| (Pat (mhyps,mgoal,mt))::tl ->
- let hyps = make_hyps (pf_hyps goal) in
- let hyps = if lr then List.rev hyps else hyps in
- let mhyps = List.rev mhyps (* Sens naturel *) in
- let concl = pf_concl goal in
- (match mgoal with
- | Term mg ->
- (try
- let lgoal = matches mg concl in
- db_matched_concl ist.debug (pf_env goal) concl;
- apply_hyps_context ist env lz goal mt [] lgoal mhyps hyps
- with e when is_match_catchable e ->
- (match e with
- | PatternMatchingFailure -> db_matching_failure ist.debug
- | Eval_fail s -> db_eval_failure ist.debug s
- | _ -> db_logic_failure ist.debug e);
- apply_match_goal ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl)
- | Subterm (id,mg) ->
- (try apply_goal_sub ist env goal 0 (id,mg) concl mt mhyps hyps
- with
- | PatternMatchingFailure ->
- apply_match_goal ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl))
+ let mhyps = List.rev mhyps (* Sens naturel *) in
+ (match mgoal with
+ | Term mg ->
+ (try
+ let lmatch = extended_matches mg concl in
+ db_matched_concl ist.debug env concl;
+ apply_hyps_context ist env lz goal mt [] lmatch mhyps hyps
+ with e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ (match e with
+ | PatternMatchingFailure -> db_matching_failure ist.debug
+ | Eval_fail s -> db_eval_failure ist.debug s
+ | _ -> db_logic_failure ist.debug e);
+ apply_match_goal ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl)
+ | Subterm (b,id,mg) ->
+ (try apply_goal_sub b ist (id,mg) concl mt mhyps hyps
+ with
+ | PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ apply_match_goal ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl))
| _ ->
errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.apply_match_goal"
(v 0 (str "No matching clauses for match goal" ++
@@ -1887,31 +1949,36 @@ and interp_match_goal ist g lz lr lmr =
fnl() ++ str "(use \"Set Ltac Debug\" for more info)"
else mt()) ++ str"."))
end in
- let env = pf_env g in
- apply_match_goal ist env g 0 lmr
+ apply_match_goal ist env goal 0 lmr
(read_match_rule (fst (constr_list ist env)) lmr)
(* Tries to match the hypotheses in a Match Context *)
and apply_hyps_context ist env lz goal mt lctxt lgmatch mhyps hyps =
- let rec apply_hyps_context_rec lfun lmatch lhyps_rest current = function
- | Hyp ((_,hypname),mhyp)::tl as mhyps ->
- let (lids,lm,hyp_match,next) =
- apply_one_mhyp_context ist env goal lmatch (hypname,mhyp) current in
- db_matched_hyp ist.debug (pf_env goal) hyp_match hypname;
- begin
+ let rec apply_hyps_context_rec lfun lmatch lhyps_rest = function
+ | hyp_pat::tl ->
+ let (hypname, _, _ as hyp_pat) =
+ match hyp_pat with
+ | Hyp ((_,hypname),mhyp) -> hypname, None, mhyp
+ | Def ((_,hypname),mbod,mhyp) -> hypname, Some mbod, mhyp
+ in
+ let rec match_next_pattern find_next =
+ let (lids,lm,hyp_match,find_next') = find_next () in
+ db_matched_hyp ist.debug (pf_env goal) hyp_match hypname;
- let nextlhyps = list_except hyp_match lhyps_rest in
- apply_hyps_context_rec (lfun@lids) (lmatch@lm) nextlhyps
- (nextlhyps,0) tl
+ let id_match = pi1 hyp_match in
+ let nextlhyps = list_remove_assoc_in_triple id_match lhyps_rest in
+ apply_hyps_context_rec (lfun@lids) lm nextlhyps tl
with e when is_match_catchable e ->
- apply_hyps_context_rec lfun lmatch lhyps_rest next mhyps
- end
+ match_next_pattern find_next' in
+ let init_match_pattern () =
+ apply_one_mhyp_context ist env goal lmatch hyp_pat lhyps_rest in
+ match_next_pattern init_match_pattern
| [] ->
- let lmatch = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lmatch in
+ let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings lmatch (lfun@ist.lfun) in
db_mc_pattern_success ist.debug;
- eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lmatch@lfun@ist.lfun} lz goal mt
+ eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lfun} lz goal mt
- apply_hyps_context_rec lctxt lgmatch hyps (hyps,0) mhyps
+ apply_hyps_context_rec lctxt lgmatch hyps mhyps
and interp_external loc ist gl com req la =
let f ch = extern_request ch req gl la in
@@ -1933,9 +2000,9 @@ and interp_genarg ist gl x =
| IntroPatternArgType ->
in_gen wit_intro_pattern
(interp_intro_pattern ist gl (out_gen globwit_intro_pattern x))
- | IdentArgType ->
- in_gen wit_ident
- (interp_fresh_ident ist gl (out_gen globwit_ident x))
+ | IdentArgType b ->
+ in_gen (wit_ident_gen b)
+ (interp_fresh_ident ist gl (out_gen (globwit_ident_gen b) x))
| VarArgType ->
in_gen wit_var (interp_hyp ist gl (out_gen globwit_var x))
| RefArgType ->
@@ -2003,30 +2070,31 @@ and interp_genarg_var_list1 ist gl x =
(* Interprets the Match expressions *)
and interp_match ist g lz constr lmr =
- let rec apply_match_subterm ist nocc (id,c) csr mt =
- let (lm,ctxt) = match_subterm nocc c csr in
- let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
- let lm = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lm in
- try eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lm@lctxt@ist.lfun} lz g mt
- with e when is_match_catchable e ->
- apply_match_subterm ist (nocc + 1) (id,c) csr mt
- in
+ let rec apply_match_subterm app ist (id,c) csr mt =
+ let rec match_next_pattern find_next () =
+ let (lmatch,ctxt,find_next') = find_next () in
+ let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
+ let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings lmatch (lctxt@ist.lfun) in
+ try eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lfun} lz g mt
+ with e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ match_next_pattern find_next' () in
+ match_next_pattern (fun () -> match_subterm_gen app c csr) () in
let rec apply_match ist csr = function
| (All t)::_ ->
(try eval_with_fail ist lz g t
with e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr [])
| (Pat ([],Term c,mt))::tl ->
- let lm =
- try matches c csr
+ let lmatch =
+ try extended_matches c csr
with e ->
debugging_exception_step ist false e (fun () ->
str "matching with pattern" ++ fnl () ++
pr_constr_pattern_env (pf_env g) c);
raise e in
- let lm = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lm in
- eval_with_fail { ist with lfun=lm@ist.lfun } lz g mt
+ let lfun = extend_values_with_bindings lmatch ist.lfun in
+ eval_with_fail { ist with lfun=lfun } lz g mt
with e ->
debugging_exception_step ist false e (fun () ->
str "rule body for pattern" ++
@@ -2036,8 +2104,8 @@ and interp_match ist g lz constr lmr =
debugging_step ist (fun () -> str "switching to the next rule");
apply_match ist csr tl)
- | (Pat ([],Subterm (id,c),mt))::tl ->
- (try apply_match_subterm ist 0 (id,c) csr mt
+ | (Pat ([],Subterm (b,id,c),mt))::tl ->
+ (try apply_match_subterm b ist (id,c) csr mt
with PatternMatchingFailure -> apply_match ist csr tl)
| _ ->
errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.apply_match" (str
@@ -2119,8 +2187,11 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl = function
| TacExact c -> h_exact (pf_interp_casted_constr ist gl c)
| TacExactNoCheck c -> h_exact_no_check (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
| TacVmCastNoCheck c -> h_vm_cast_no_check (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
- | TacApply (a,ev,cb) ->
- h_apply a ev ( (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl) cb)
+ | TacApply (a,ev,cb,None) ->
+ h_apply a ev ( (interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist gl) cb)
+ | TacApply (a,ev,cb,Some cl) ->
+ h_apply_in a ev ( (interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist gl) cb)
+ (interp_in_hyp_as ist gl cl)
| TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
h_elim ev (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl cb)
( (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl) cbo)
@@ -2137,10 +2208,10 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl = function
h_mutual_cofix b (interp_fresh_ident ist gl id) ( f l)
| TacCut c -> h_cut (pf_interp_type ist gl c)
| TacAssert (t,ipat,c) ->
- let c = (if t=None then pf_interp_constr else pf_interp_type) ist gl c in
+ let c = (if t=None then interp_constr else interp_type) ist (project gl) (pf_env gl) c in
abstract_tactic (TacAssert (t,ipat,inj_open c))
(Tactics.forward ( (interp_tactic ist) t)
- (interp_intro_pattern ist gl ipat) c)
+ ( (interp_intro_pattern ist gl) ipat) c)
| TacGeneralize cl ->
(pf_interp_constr_with_occurrences_and_name_as_list ist gl cl)
@@ -2230,7 +2301,7 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl = function
(* Equality and inversion *)
| TacRewrite (ev,l,cl,by) ->
Equality.general_multi_multi_rewrite ev
- ( (fun (b,m,c) -> (b,m,interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl c)) l)
+ ( (fun (b,m,c) -> (b,m,interp_open_constr_with_bindings ist gl c)) l)
(interp_clause ist gl cl)
( (interp_tactic ist) by)
| TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,ids),hyp) ->
@@ -2263,10 +2334,10 @@ and interp_atomic ist gl = function
| IntroPatternArgType ->
(snd (interp_intro_pattern ist gl (out_gen globwit_intro_pattern x)))
- | IdentArgType ->
+ | IdentArgType b ->
- (interp_fresh_ident ist gl (out_gen globwit_ident x)))
+ (interp_fresh_ident ist gl (out_gen (globwit_ident_gen b) x)))
| VarArgType ->
mk_hyp_value ist gl (out_gen globwit_var x)
| RefArgType ->
@@ -2437,13 +2508,16 @@ let subst_raw_may_eval subst = function
| ConstrTerm c -> ConstrTerm (subst_rawconstr subst c)
let subst_match_pattern subst = function
- | Subterm (ido,pc) -> Subterm (ido,subst_pattern subst pc)
+ | Subterm (b,ido,pc) -> Subterm (b,ido,subst_pattern subst pc)
| Term pc -> Term (subst_pattern subst pc)
let rec subst_match_goal_hyps subst = function
| Hyp (locs,mp) :: tl ->
Hyp (locs,subst_match_pattern subst mp)
:: subst_match_goal_hyps subst tl
+ | Def (locs,mv,mp) :: tl ->
+ Def (locs,subst_match_pattern subst mv, subst_match_pattern subst mp)
+ :: subst_match_goal_hyps subst tl
| [] -> []
let rec subst_atomic subst (t:glob_atomic_tactic_expr) = match t with
@@ -2453,8 +2527,8 @@ let rec subst_atomic subst (t:glob_atomic_tactic_expr) = match t with
| TacExact c -> TacExact (subst_rawconstr subst c)
| TacExactNoCheck c -> TacExactNoCheck (subst_rawconstr subst c)
| TacVmCastNoCheck c -> TacVmCastNoCheck (subst_rawconstr subst c)
- | TacApply (a,ev,cb) ->
- TacApply (a,ev, (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cb)
+ | TacApply (a,ev,cb,cl) ->
+ TacApply (a,ev, (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cb,cl)
| TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
TacElim (ev,subst_raw_with_bindings subst cb, (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cbo)
@@ -2611,7 +2685,8 @@ and subst_genarg subst (x:glob_generic_argument) =
| PreIdentArgType -> in_gen globwit_pre_ident (out_gen globwit_pre_ident x)
| IntroPatternArgType ->
in_gen globwit_intro_pattern (out_gen globwit_intro_pattern x)
- | IdentArgType -> in_gen globwit_ident (out_gen globwit_ident x)
+ | IdentArgType b ->
+ in_gen (globwit_ident_gen b) (out_gen (globwit_ident_gen b) x)
| VarArgType -> in_gen globwit_var (out_gen globwit_var x)
| RefArgType ->
in_gen globwit_ref (subst_global_reference subst