path: root/tactics/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics/')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..215713d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Pattern
+open Misctypes
+open Genarg
+open Stdarg
+open Constrarg
+exception CannotCoerceTo of string
+let (wit_constr_context : (Empty.t, Empty.t, constr) Genarg.genarg_type) =
+ Genarg.create_arg None "constr_context"
+(* includes idents known to be bound and references *)
+let (wit_constr_under_binders : (Empty.t, Empty.t, constr_under_binders) Genarg.genarg_type) =
+ Genarg.create_arg None "constr_under_binders"
+module Value =
+type t = tlevel generic_argument
+let rec normalize v =
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_genarg) then
+ normalize (out_gen (topwit wit_genarg) v)
+ else v
+let of_constr c = in_gen (topwit wit_constr) c
+let to_constr v =
+ let v = normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_constr) then
+ let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr) v in
+ Some c
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) then
+ let vars, c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) v in
+ match vars with [] -> Some c | _ -> None
+ else None
+let of_uconstr c = in_gen (topwit wit_uconstr) c
+let to_uconstr v =
+ let v = normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_uconstr) then
+ Some (out_gen (topwit wit_uconstr) v)
+ else None
+let of_int i = in_gen (topwit wit_int) i
+let to_int v =
+ let v = normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
+ Some (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v)
+ else None
+let to_list v =
+ let v = normalize v in
+ let list_unpacker wit l = (fun v -> in_gen (topwit wit) v) (top l) in
+ try Some (list_unpack { list_unpacker } v)
+ with Failure _ -> None
+let is_variable env id =
+ Id.List.mem id (Termops.ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env))
+(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails with Not_found *)
+let constr_of_id env id =
+ Term.mkVar (let _ = Environ.lookup_named id env in id)
+(* Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr_context tactic_arg *)
+let coerce_to_constr_context v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_context) then
+ out_gen (topwit wit_constr_context) v
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term context")
+(* Interprets an identifier which must be fresh *)
+let coerce_to_ident fresh env v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "a fresh identifier") in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
+ match out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v with
+ | _, IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) -> id
+ | _ -> fail ()
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
+ out_gen (topwit wit_var) v
+ else match Value.to_constr v with
+ | None -> fail ()
+ | Some c ->
+ (* We need it fresh for intro e.g. in "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
+ if isVar c && not (fresh && is_variable env (destVar c)) then
+ destVar c
+ else fail ()
+let coerce_to_intro_pattern env v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
+ snd (out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v)
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
+ let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
+ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id)
+ else match Value.to_constr v with
+ | Some c when isVar c ->
+ (* This happens e.g. in definitions like "Tac H = clear H; intro H" *)
+ (* but also in "destruct H as (H,H')" *)
+ IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier (destVar c))
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an introduction pattern")
+let coerce_to_intro_pattern_naming env v =
+ match coerce_to_intro_pattern env v with
+ | IntroNaming pat -> pat
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a naming introduction pattern")
+let coerce_to_hint_base v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
+ match out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v with
+ | _, IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) -> Id.to_string id
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a hint base name")
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "a hint base name")
+let coerce_to_int v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
+ out_gen (topwit wit_int) v
+ else raise (CannotCoerceTo "an integer")
+let coerce_to_constr env v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term") in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
+ match out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v with
+ | _, IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) ->
+ (try ([], constr_of_id env id) with Not_found -> fail ())
+ | _ -> fail ()
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr) then
+ let c = out_gen (topwit wit_constr) v in
+ ([], c)
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) then
+ out_gen (topwit wit_constr_under_binders) v
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
+ let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
+ (try [], constr_of_id env id with Not_found -> fail ())
+ else fail ()
+let coerce_to_uconstr env v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_uconstr) then
+ out_gen (topwit wit_uconstr) v
+ else
+ raise (CannotCoerceTo "an untyped term")
+let coerce_to_closed_constr env v =
+ let ids,c = coerce_to_constr env v in
+ let () = if not (List.is_empty ids) then raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term") in
+ c
+let coerce_to_evaluable_ref env v =
+ let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "an evaluable reference") in
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
+ match out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v with
+ | _, IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) when is_variable env id -> EvalVarRef id
+ | _ -> fail ()
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
+ let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
+ if Id.List.mem id (Termops.ids_of_context env) then EvalVarRef id
+ else fail ()
+ else
+ let ev = match Value.to_constr v with
+ | Some c when isConst c -> EvalConstRef (Univ.out_punivs (destConst c))
+ | Some c when isVar c -> EvalVarRef (destVar c)
+ | _ -> fail ()
+ in
+ if Tacred.is_evaluable env ev then ev else fail ()
+let coerce_to_constr_list env v =
+ let v = Value.to_list v in
+ match v with
+ | Some l ->
+ let map v = coerce_to_closed_constr env v in
+ map l
+ | None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a term list")
+let coerce_to_intro_pattern_list loc env v =
+ match Value.to_list v with
+ | None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an intro pattern list")
+ | Some l ->
+ let map v = (loc, coerce_to_intro_pattern env v) in
+ map l
+let coerce_to_hyp env v =
+ let fail () = raise (CannotCoerceTo "a variable") in
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
+ match out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v with
+ | _, IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) when is_variable env id -> id
+ | _ -> fail ()
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
+ let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
+ if is_variable env id then id else fail ()
+ else match Value.to_constr v with
+ | Some c when isVar c -> destVar c
+ | _ -> fail ()
+let coerce_to_hyp_list env v =
+ let v = Value.to_list v in
+ match v with
+ | Some l ->
+ let map n = coerce_to_hyp env n in
+ map l
+ | None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a variable list")
+(* Interprets a qualified name *)
+let coerce_to_reference env v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ match Value.to_constr v with
+ | Some c ->
+ begin
+ try Globnames.global_of_constr c
+ with Not_found -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
+ end
+ | None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a reference")
+(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
+(* (as in Inversion) *)
+let coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_intro_pattern) then
+ let v = out_gen (topwit wit_intro_pattern) v in
+ match v with
+ | _, IntroNaming (IntroIdentifier id) -> NamedHyp id
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a quantified hypothesis")
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_var) then
+ let id = out_gen (topwit wit_var) v in
+ NamedHyp id
+ else if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
+ AnonHyp (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v)
+ else match Value.to_constr v with
+ | Some c when isVar c -> NamedHyp (destVar c)
+ | _ -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "a quantified hypothesis")
+(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
+(* (as in Inversion) *)
+let coerce_to_decl_or_quant_hyp env v =
+ let v = Value.normalize v in
+ if has_type v (topwit wit_int) then
+ AnonHyp (out_gen (topwit wit_int) v)
+ else
+ try coerce_to_quantified_hypothesis v
+ with CannotCoerceTo _ ->
+ raise (CannotCoerceTo "a declared or quantified hypothesis")
+let coerce_to_int_or_var_list v =
+ match Value.to_list v with
+ | None -> raise (CannotCoerceTo "an int list")
+ | Some l ->
+ let map n = ArgArg (coerce_to_int n) in
+ map l