path: root/tactics/rewrite.ml4
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1 files changed, 174 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/rewrite.ml4 b/tactics/rewrite.ml4
index 120a76ae..dbe61817 100644
--- a/tactics/rewrite.ml4
+++ b/tactics/rewrite.ml4
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -104,11 +104,6 @@ let mk_relation a = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_relation, [| a |])
let rewrite_relation_class = lazy (gen_constant ["Classes"; "RelationClasses"] "RewriteRelation")
-let arrow_morphism a b =
- if isprop a && isprop b then
- Lazy.force impl
- else Lazy.force arrow
let proper_type = lazy (constr_of_global (Lazy.force proper_class).cl_impl)
let proper_proxy_type = lazy (constr_of_global (Lazy.force proper_proxy_class).cl_impl)
@@ -464,6 +459,16 @@ let unfold_forall t =
| _ -> assert false)
| _ -> assert false
+let arrow_morphism ta tb a b =
+ let ap = is_Prop ta and bp = is_Prop tb in
+ if ap && bp then mkApp (Lazy.force impl, [| a; b |]), unfold_impl
+ else if ap then (* Domain in Prop, CoDomain in Type *)
+ mkProd (Anonymous, a, b), (fun x -> x)
+ else if bp then (* Dummy forall *)
+ mkApp (Lazy.force coq_all, [| a; mkLambda (Anonymous, a, b) |]), unfold_forall
+ else (* None in Prop, use arrow *)
+ mkApp (Lazy.force arrow, [| a; b |]), unfold_impl
let rec decomp_pointwise n c =
if n = 0 then c
@@ -814,9 +819,10 @@ let subterm all flags (s : strategy) : strategy =
| Prod (n, x, b) when noccurn 1 b ->
let b = subst1 mkProp b in
let tx = Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) x and tb = Typing.type_of env (goalevars evars) b in
- let res = aux env avoid (mkApp (arrow_morphism tx tb, [| x; b |])) ty cstr evars in
+ let mor, unfold = arrow_morphism tx tb x b in
+ let res = aux env avoid mor ty cstr evars in
(match res with
- | Some (Some r) -> Some (Some { r with rew_to = unfold_impl r.rew_to })
+ | Some (Some r) -> Some (Some { r with rew_to = unfold r.rew_to })
| _ -> res)
(* if x' = None && flags.under_lambdas then *)
@@ -1048,6 +1054,22 @@ module Strategies =
rew_prf = RewCast DEFAULTcast;
rew_evars = sigma, cstrevars evars })
with _ -> None
+ let fold_glob c : strategy =
+ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+(* let sigma, (c,_) = Tacinterp.interp_open_constr_with_bindings is env (goalevars evars) c in *)
+ let sigma, c = Pretyping.Default.understand_tcc (goalevars evars) env c in
+ let unfolded =
+ try Tacred.try_red_product env sigma c
+ with _ -> error "fold: the term is not unfoldable !"
+ in
+ try
+ let sigma = Unification.w_unify env sigma CONV ~flags:Unification.elim_flags unfolded t in
+ let c' = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma c in
+ Some (Some { rew_car = ty; rew_from = t; rew_to = c';
+ rew_prf = RewCast DEFAULTcast;
+ rew_evars = sigma, cstrevars evars })
+ with _ -> None
@@ -1096,8 +1118,6 @@ let map_rewprf f = function
| RewPrf (rel, prf) -> RewPrf (f rel, f prf)
| RewCast c -> RewCast c
-exception RewriteFailure
type result = (evar_map * constr option * types) option option
let cl_rewrite_clause_aux ?(abs=None) strat env avoid sigma concl is_hyp : result =
@@ -1162,9 +1182,9 @@ let cl_rewrite_clause_tac ?abs strat meta clause gl =
let evartac evd = Refiner.tclEVARS evd in
let treat res =
match res with
- | None -> raise RewriteFailure
+ | None -> tclFAIL 0 (str "Nothing to rewrite")
| Some None ->
- tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: no progress made")
+ tclFAIL 0 (str"No progress made")
| Some (Some (undef, p, newt)) ->
let tac =
match clause, p with
@@ -1195,7 +1215,7 @@ let cl_rewrite_clause_tac ?abs strat meta clause gl =
| Loc.Exc_located (_, TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)))
| TypeClassError (env, (UnsatisfiableConstraints _ as e)) ->
Refiner.tclFAIL_lazy 0
- (lazy (str"setoid rewrite failed: unable to satisfy the rewriting constraints."
+ (lazy (str"Unable to satisfy the rewriting constraints."
++ fnl () ++ Himsg.explain_typeclass_error env e))
in tac gl
@@ -1243,12 +1263,15 @@ let assert_replacing id newt tac =
in Proofview.tclTHEN (Proofview.tclSENSITIVE sens)
(Proofview.tclFOCUS 2 2 tac)
+let newfail n s =
+ Proofview.tclZERO (Refiner.FailError (n, lazy s))
let cl_rewrite_clause_newtac ?abs strat clause =
let treat (res, is_hyp) =
match res with
- | None -> raise RewriteFailure
+ | None -> newfail 0 (str "Nothing to rewrite")
| Some None ->
- fail 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: no progress made")
+ newfail 0 (str"No progress made")
| Some (Some res) ->
match is_hyp, res with
| Some id, (undef, Some p, newt) ->
@@ -1288,22 +1311,25 @@ let cl_rewrite_clause_newtac ?abs strat clause =
let cl_rewrite_clause_new_strat ?abs strat clause =
init_setoid ();
- try cl_rewrite_clause_newtac ?abs strat clause
- with RewriteFailure ->
- fail 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: strategy failed")
+ cl_rewrite_clause_newtac ?abs strat clause
let cl_rewrite_clause_newtac' l left2right occs clause =
(Proofview.tclFOCUS 1 1
(cl_rewrite_clause_new_strat (rewrite_with rewrite_unif_flags l left2right occs) clause))
-let cl_rewrite_clause_strat strat clause gl =
- init_setoid ();
- let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
-(* let gl = { gl with sigma = Typeclasses.mark_unresolvables gl.sigma } in *)
+let tactic_init_setoid () =
+ init_setoid (); tclIDTAC
+let cl_rewrite_clause_strat strat clause =
+ tclTHEN (tactic_init_setoid ())
+ (fun gl ->
+ let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
try cl_rewrite_clause_tac strat (mkMeta meta) clause gl
- with RewriteFailure ->
- tclFAIL 0 (str"setoid rewrite failed: strategy failed") gl
+ with
+ | Refiner.FailError (n, pp) ->
+ tclFAIL n (str"setoid rewrite failed: " ++ Lazy.force pp) gl)
let cl_rewrite_clause l left2right occs clause gl =
cl_rewrite_clause_strat (rewrite_with (general_rewrite_unif_flags ()) l left2right occs) clause gl
@@ -1329,13 +1355,25 @@ let apply_constr_expr c l2r occs = fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
apply_lemma (general_rewrite_unif_flags ()) (evd, (c, NoBindings))
l2r occs env avoid t ty cstr (evd, cstrevars evars)
+let apply_glob_constr c l2r occs = fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ let evd, c = (Pretyping.Default.understand_tcc (goalevars evars) env c) in
+ apply_lemma (general_rewrite_unif_flags ()) (evd, (c, NoBindings))
+ l2r occs env avoid t ty cstr (evd, cstrevars evars)
let interp_constr_list env sigma = (fun c ->
let evd, c = Constrintern.interp_open_constr sigma env c in
(evd, (c, NoBindings)), true)
+let interp_glob_constr_list env sigma =
+ (fun c ->
+ let evd, c = Pretyping.Default.understand_tcc sigma env c in
+ (evd, (c, NoBindings)), true)
open Pcoq
+(* Syntax for rewriting with strategies *)
type constr_expr_with_bindings = constr_expr with_bindings
type glob_constr_with_bindings = glob_constr_and_expr with_bindings
type glob_constr_with_bindings_sign = interp_sign * glob_constr_and_expr with_bindings
@@ -1364,58 +1402,127 @@ ARGUMENT EXTEND glob_constr_with_bindings
[ constr_with_bindings(bl) ] -> [ bl ]
-let _ =
- (Genarg.create_arg None "strategy" :
- ((strategy, Genarg.tlevel) Genarg.abstract_argument_type *
- (strategy, Genarg.glevel) Genarg.abstract_argument_type *
- (strategy, Genarg.rlevel) Genarg.abstract_argument_type))
+type ('constr,'redexpr) strategy_ast =
+ | StratId | StratFail | StratRefl
+ | StratUnary of string * ('constr,'redexpr) strategy_ast
+ | StratBinary of string * ('constr,'redexpr) strategy_ast * ('constr,'redexpr) strategy_ast
+ | StratConstr of 'constr * bool
+ | StratTerms of 'constr list
+ | StratHints of bool * string
+ | StratEval of 'redexpr
+ | StratFold of 'constr
+let rec map_strategy (f : 'a -> 'a2) (g : 'b -> 'b2) : ('a,'b) strategy_ast -> ('a2,'b2) strategy_ast = function
+ | StratId | StratFail | StratRefl as s -> s
+ | StratUnary (s, str) -> StratUnary (s, map_strategy f g str)
+ | StratBinary (s, str, str') -> StratBinary (s, map_strategy f g str, map_strategy f g str')
+ | StratConstr (c, b) -> StratConstr (f c, b)
+ | StratTerms l -> StratTerms ( f l)
+ | StratHints (b, id) -> StratHints (b, id)
+ | StratEval r -> StratEval (g r)
+ | StratFold c -> StratFold (f c)
+let rec strategy_of_ast = function
+ | StratId ->
+ | StratFail ->
+ | StratRefl -> Strategies.refl
+ | StratUnary (f, s) ->
+ let s' = strategy_of_ast s in
+ let f' = match f with
+ | "subterms" -> all_subterms
+ | "subterm" -> one_subterm
+ | "innermost" -> Strategies.innermost
+ | "outermost" -> Strategies.outermost
+ | "bottomup" -> Strategies.bu
+ | "topdown" ->
+ | "progress" -> Strategies.progress
+ | "try" -> Strategies.try_
+ | "any" -> Strategies.any
+ | "repeat" -> Strategies.repeat
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "strategy_of_ast" (str"Unkwnon strategy: " ++ str f)
+ in f' s'
+ | StratBinary (f, s, t) ->
+ let s' = strategy_of_ast s in
+ let t' = strategy_of_ast t in
+ let f' = match f with
+ | "compose" -> Strategies.seq
+ | "choice" -> Strategies.choice
+ | _ -> anomalylabstrm "strategy_of_ast" (str"Unkwnon strategy: " ++ str f)
+ in f' s' t'
+ | StratConstr (c, b) -> apply_glob_constr (fst c) b all_occurrences
+ | StratHints (old, id) -> if old then Strategies.old_hints id else Strategies.hints id
+ | StratTerms l ->
+ (fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ let l' = interp_glob_constr_list env (goalevars evars) ( fst l) in
+ Strategies.lemmas rewrite_unif_flags l' env avoid t ty cstr evars)
+ | StratEval r ->
+ (fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
+ let (sigma,r_interp) = Tacinterp.interp_redexp env (goalevars evars) r in
+ Strategies.reduce r_interp env avoid t ty cstr (sigma,cstrevars evars))
+ | StratFold c -> Strategies.fold_glob (fst c)
+type raw_strategy = (constr_expr, Tacexpr.raw_red_expr) strategy_ast
+type glob_strategy = (glob_constr_and_expr, Tacexpr.raw_red_expr) strategy_ast
+let interp_strategy ist gl s =
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ sigma, strategy_of_ast s
+let glob_strategy ist s = map_strategy (Tacinterp.intern_constr ist) (fun c -> c) s
+let subst_strategy s str = str
let pr_strategy _ _ _ (s : strategy) = Pp.str "<strategy>"
+let pr_raw_strategy _ _ _ (s : raw_strategy) = Pp.str "<strategy>"
+let pr_glob_strategy _ _ _ (s : glob_strategy) = Pp.str "<strategy>"
-let interp_strategy ist gl c = project gl , c
-let glob_strategy ist l = l
-let subst_strategy evm l = l
-ARGUMENT EXTEND rewstrategy TYPED AS strategy
+ARGUMENT EXTEND rewstrategy
PRINTED BY pr_strategy
INTERPRETED BY interp_strategy
GLOBALIZED BY glob_strategy
SUBSTITUTED BY subst_strategy
- [ constr(c) ] -> [ apply_constr_expr c true all_occurrences ]
- | [ "<-" constr(c) ] -> [ apply_constr_expr c false all_occurrences ]
- | [ "subterms" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ all_subterms h ]
- | [ "subterm" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ one_subterm h ]
- | [ "innermost" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ Strategies.innermost h ]
- | [ "outermost" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ Strategies.outermost h ]
- | [ "bottomup" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ Strategies.bu h ]
- | [ "topdown" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ h ]
- | [ "id" ] -> [ ]
- | [ "refl" ] -> [ Strategies.refl ]
- | [ "progress" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ Strategies.progress h ]
- | [ "fail" ] -> [ ]
- | [ "try" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ Strategies.try_ h ]
- | [ "any" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ Strategies.any h ]
- | [ "repeat" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ Strategies.repeat h ]
- | [ rewstrategy(h) ";" rewstrategy(h') ] -> [ Strategies.seq h h' ]
+ RAW_TYPED AS raw_strategy
+ RAW_PRINTED BY pr_raw_strategy
+ GLOB_TYPED AS glob_strategy
+ GLOB_PRINTED BY pr_glob_strategy
+ [ glob(c) ] -> [ StratConstr (c, true) ]
+ | [ "<-" constr(c) ] -> [ StratConstr (c, false) ]
+ | [ "subterms" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary ("all_subterms", h) ]
+ | [ "subterm" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary ("one_subterm", h) ]
+ | [ "innermost" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary("innermost", h) ]
+ | [ "outermost" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary("outermost", h) ]
+ | [ "bottomup" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary("bottomup", h) ]
+ | [ "topdown" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary("topdown", h) ]
+ | [ "id" ] -> [ StratId ]
+ | [ "fail" ] -> [ StratFail ]
+ | [ "refl" ] -> [ StratRefl ]
+ | [ "progress" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary ("progress", h) ]
+ | [ "try" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary ("try", h) ]
+ | [ "any" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary ("any", h) ]
+ | [ "repeat" rewstrategy(h) ] -> [ StratUnary ("repeat", h) ]
+ | [ rewstrategy(h) ";" rewstrategy(h') ] -> [ StratBinary ("compose", h, h') ]
| [ "(" rewstrategy(h) ")" ] -> [ h ]
- | [ "choice" rewstrategy(h) rewstrategy(h') ] -> [ Strategies.choice h h' ]
- | [ "old_hints" preident(h) ] -> [ Strategies.old_hints h ]
- | [ "hints" preident(h) ] -> [ Strategies.hints h ]
- | [ "terms" constr_list(h) ] -> [ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
- Strategies.lemmas rewrite_unif_flags (interp_constr_list env (goalevars evars) h) env avoid t ty cstr evars ]
- | [ "eval" red_expr(r) ] -> [ fun env avoid t ty cstr evars ->
- let (sigma,r_interp) = Tacinterp.interp_redexp env (goalevars evars) r in
- Strategies.reduce r_interp env avoid t ty cstr (sigma,cstrevars evars) ]
- | [ "fold" constr(c) ] -> [ Strategies.fold c ]
+ | [ "choice" rewstrategy(h) rewstrategy(h') ] -> [ StratBinary ("choice", h, h') ]
+ | [ "old_hints" preident(h) ] -> [ StratHints (true, h) ]
+ | [ "hints" preident(h) ] -> [ StratHints (false, h) ]
+ | [ "terms" constr_list(h) ] -> [ StratTerms h ]
+ | [ "eval" red_expr(r) ] -> [ StratEval r ]
+ | [ "fold" constr(c) ] -> [ StratFold c ]
+(* By default the strategy for "rewrite_db" is top-down *)
+let db_strat db = (Strategies.hints db)
+let cl_rewrite_clause_db db cl = cl_rewrite_clause_strat (db_strat db) cl
TACTIC EXTEND rewrite_strat
| [ "rewrite_strat" rewstrategy(s) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_strat s (Some id) ]
| [ "rewrite_strat" rewstrategy(s) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_strat s None ]
+| [ "rewrite_db" preident(db) "in" hyp(id) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_db db (Some id) ]
+| [ "rewrite_db" preident(db) ] -> [ cl_rewrite_clause_db db None ]
let clsubstitute o c =
@@ -1841,16 +1948,10 @@ let apply_lemma gl (c,l) cl l2r occs =
let general_s_rewrite cl l2r occs (c,l) ~new_goals gl =
let meta = Evarutil.new_meta() in
let hypinfo, strat = apply_lemma gl (c,l) cl l2r occs in
- try
- (tclTHEN
- (Refiner.tclEVARS
- (cl_rewrite_clause_tac ~abs:hypinfo.abs strat (mkMeta meta) cl)) gl
- with RewriteFailure ->
- let {l2r=l2r; c1=x; c2=y} = hypinfo in
- raise (Pretype_errors.PretypeError
- (pf_env gl,project gl,
- Pretype_errors.NoOccurrenceFound ((if l2r then x else y), cl)))
+ (tclTHEN
+ (Refiner.tclEVARS
+ (cl_rewrite_clause_tac ~abs:hypinfo.abs strat (mkMeta meta) cl)) gl
let general_s_rewrite_clause x =
init_setoid ();
@@ -1948,7 +2049,7 @@ let implify id gl =
let sigma = project gl in
let tyhd = Typing.type_of env sigma ty
and tyconcl = Typing.type_of (Environ.push_rel hd env) sigma concl in
- let app = mkApp (arrow_morphism tyhd (subst1 mkProp tyconcl), [| ty; (subst1 mkProp concl) |]) in
+ let app, unfold = arrow_morphism tyhd (subst1 mkProp tyconcl) ty (subst1 mkProp concl) in
it_mkProd_or_LetIn app tl
| _ -> ctype
in convert_hyp_no_check (id, b, ctype') gl