path: root/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d1cc206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:50 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Afin de rendre Coq plus portable, ce programme Caml remplace le script
+ coqc.
+ Ici, on trie la ligne de commande pour en extraire les fichiers à compiler,
+ puis on les compile un par un en passant le reste de la ligne de commande
+ à un process "coqtop -batch -load-vernac-source <fichier>".
+ On essaye au maximum d'utiliser les modules Sys et Filename pour que la
+ portabilité soit maximale, mais il reste encore des appels à des fonctions
+ du module Unix. Ceux-ci sont préfixés par "Unix."
+(* environment *)
+let environment = Unix.environment ()
+let bindir = ref Coq_config.bindir
+let binary = ref ("coqtop." ^
+let image = ref ""
+(* the $COQBIN environment variable has priority over the Coq_config value *)
+let _ =
+ try
+ let c = Sys.getenv "COQBIN" in
+ if c <> "" then bindir := c
+ with Not_found -> ()
+(* coqc options *)
+let specification = ref false
+let keep = ref false
+let verbose = ref false
+(* Verifies that a string starts by a letter and do not contain
+ others caracters than letters, digits, or `_` *)
+let check_module_name s =
+ let err c =
+ output_string stderr "Invalid module name: ";
+ output_string stderr s;
+ output_string stderr " character ";
+ if c = '\'' then
+ output_string stderr "\"'\""
+ else
+ (output_string stderr"'"; output_char stderr c; output_string stderr"'");
+ output_string stderr " is not allowed in module names\n";
+ exit 1
+ in
+ match String.get s 0 with
+ | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' ->
+ for i = 1 to (String.length s)-1 do
+ match String.get s i with
+ | 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' -> ()
+ | c -> err c
+ done
+ | c -> err c
+let rec make_compilation_args = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | file :: fl ->
+ let dirname = Filename.dirname file in
+ let basename = Filename.basename file in
+ let modulename =
+ if Filename.check_suffix basename ".v" then
+ Filename.chop_suffix basename ".v"
+ else
+ basename
+ in
+ check_module_name modulename;
+ let file = Filename.concat dirname modulename in
+ (if !verbose then "-compile-verbose" else "-compile")
+ :: file :: (make_compilation_args fl)
+(* compilation of files [files] with command [command] and args [args] *)
+let compile command args files =
+ let args' = command :: args @ (make_compilation_args files) in
+ match Sys.os_type with
+ | "Win32" ->
+ let pid =
+ Unix.create_process_env command (Array.of_list args') environment
+ Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
+ in
+ ignore (Unix.waitpid [] pid)
+ | _ ->
+ Unix.execvpe command (Array.of_list args') environment
+(* parsing of the command line
+ *
+ * special treatment for -bindir and -i.
+ * other options are passed to coqtop *)
+let usage () =
+ Usage.print_usage_coqc () ;
+ flush stderr ;
+ exit 1
+let parse_args () =
+ let rec parse (cfiles,args) = function
+ | [] ->
+ List.rev cfiles, List.rev args
+ | "-i" :: rem ->
+ specification := true ; parse (cfiles,args) rem
+ | "-t" :: rem ->
+ keep := true ; parse (cfiles,args) rem
+ | ("-verbose" | "--verbose") :: rem ->
+ verbose := true ; parse (cfiles,args) rem
+ | "-boot" :: rem ->
+ bindir:= Filename.concat Coq_config.coqtop "bin";
+ parse (cfiles, "-boot"::args) rem
+ | "-bindir" :: d :: rem ->
+ bindir := d ; parse (cfiles,args) rem
+ | "-bindir" :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | "-byte" :: rem ->
+ binary := "coqtop.byte"; parse (cfiles,args) rem
+ | "-opt" :: rem ->
+ binary := "coqtop.opt"; parse (cfiles,args) rem
+ | "-image" :: f :: rem ->
+ image := f; parse (cfiles,args) rem
+ | "-image" :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-?"|"-h"|"-H"|"-help"|"--help") :: _ -> usage ()
+ | ("-libdir"|"-I"|"-include"|"-outputstate"
+ |"-inputstate"|"-is"|"-load-vernac-source"|"-l"|"-load-vernac-object"
+ |"-load-ml-source"|"-require"|"-load-ml-object"|"-user"
+ |"-init-file"|"-dump-glob" as o) :: rem ->
+ begin
+ match rem with
+ | s :: rem' -> parse (cfiles,s::o::args) rem'
+ | [] -> usage ()
+ end
+ | "-R" as o :: s :: t :: rem -> parse (cfiles,t::s::o::args) rem
+ | ("-notactics"|"-debug"|"-db"|"-debugger"|"-nolib"|"-batch"|"-nois"
+ |"-q"|"-full"|"-profile"|"-just-parsing"|"-echo" |"-unsafe"|"-quiet"
+ |"-silent"|"-m"|"-xml"|"-v7"|"-v8"|"-translate"|"-strict-implicit"
+ |"-dont-load-proofs"|"-impredicative-set" as o) :: rem ->
+ parse (cfiles,o::args) rem
+ | ("-v"|"--version") :: _ ->
+ Usage.version ()
+ | "-where" :: _ ->
+ print_endline Coq_config.coqlib; exit 0
+ | f :: rem ->
+ if Sys.file_exists f then
+ parse (f::cfiles,args) rem
+ else
+ let fv = f ^ ".v" in
+ if Sys.file_exists fv then
+ parse (fv::cfiles,args) rem
+ else begin
+ prerr_endline ("coqc: "^f^": no such file or directory") ;
+ exit 1
+ end
+ in
+ parse ([],[]) ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))
+(* main: we parse the command line, define the command to compile files
+ * and then call the compilation on each file *)
+let main () =
+ let cfiles, args = parse_args () in
+ if cfiles = [] then begin
+ prerr_endline "coqc: too few arguments" ;
+ usage ()
+ end;
+ let coqtopname =
+ if !image <> "" then !image else Filename.concat !bindir (!binary ^ Coq_config.exec_extension)
+ in
+(* List.iter (compile coqtopname args) cfiles*)
+ Unix.handle_unix_error (compile coqtopname args) cfiles
+let _ = Printexc.print main (); exit 0