path: root/proofs/
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1 files changed, 61 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/ b/proofs/
index a25683bf..6f626341 100644
--- a/proofs/
+++ b/proofs/
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@ let unfocus c sp =
succeed). Another benefit is that it is possible to write tactics
that can be executed even if there are no focused goals.
- Tactics form a monad ['a tactic], in a sense a tactic can be
- seens as a function (without argument) which returns a value of
- type 'a and modifies the environement (in our case: the view).
+ seen as a function (without argument) which returns a value of
+ type 'a and modifies the environment (in our case: the view).
Tactics of course have arguments, but these are given at the
meta-level as OCaml functions. Most tactics in the sense we are
used to return [()], that is no really interesting values. But
@@ -719,22 +719,72 @@ let give_up =
(** {7 Control primitives} *)
-(** Equality function on goals *)
-let goal_equal evars1 gl1 evars2 gl2 =
- let evi1 = Evd.find evars1 gl1 in
- let evi2 = Evd.find evars2 gl2 in
- Evd.eq_evar_info evars2 evi1 evi2
+module Progress = struct
+ (** equality function up to evar instantiation in heterogeneous
+ contexts. *)
+ (* spiwack (2015-02-19): In the previous version of progress an
+ equality which considers two universes equal when it is consistent
+ tu unify them ([Evd.eq_constr_univs_test]) was used. Maybe this
+ behaviour has to be restored as well. This has to be established by
+ practice. *)
+ let rec eq_constr sigma1 sigma2 t1 t2 =
+ Constr.equal_with
+ (fun t -> Evarutil.kind_of_term_upto sigma1 t)
+ (fun t -> Evarutil.kind_of_term_upto sigma2 t)
+ t1 t2
+ (** equality function on hypothesis contexts *)
+ let eq_named_context_val sigma1 sigma2 ctx1 ctx2 =
+ let open Environ in
+ let c1 = named_context_of_val ctx1 and c2 = named_context_of_val ctx2 in
+ let eq_named_declaration (i1, c1, t1) (i2, c2, t2) =
+ Names.Id.equal i1 i2 && Option.equal (eq_constr sigma1 sigma2) c1 c2
+ && (eq_constr sigma1 sigma2) t1 t2
+ in List.equal eq_named_declaration c1 c2
+ let eq_evar_body sigma1 sigma2 b1 b2 =
+ let open Evd in
+ match b1, b2 with
+ | Evar_empty, Evar_empty -> true
+ | Evar_defined t1, Evar_defined t2 -> eq_constr sigma1 sigma2 t1 t2
+ | _ -> false
+ let eq_evar_info sigma1 sigma2 ei1 ei2 =
+ let open Evd in
+ eq_constr sigma1 sigma2 ei1.evar_concl ei2.evar_concl &&
+ eq_named_context_val sigma1 sigma2 (ei1.evar_hyps) (ei2.evar_hyps) &&
+ eq_evar_body sigma1 sigma2 ei1.evar_body ei2.evar_body
+ (** Equality function on goals *)
+ let goal_equal evars1 gl1 evars2 gl2 =
+ let evi1 = Evd.find evars1 gl1 in
+ let evi2 = Evd.find evars2 gl2 in
+ eq_evar_info evars1 evars2 evi1 evi2
let tclPROGRESS t =
let open Proof in
Pv.get >>= fun initial ->
t >>= fun res ->
Pv.get >>= fun final ->
+ (* [*_test] test absence of progress. [quick_test] is approximate
+ whereas [exhaustive_test] is complete. *)
+ let quick_test =
+ initial.solution == final.solution && initial.comb == final.comb
+ in
+ let exhaustive_test =
+ Util.List.for_all2eq begin fun i f ->
+ Progress.goal_equal initial.solution i final.solution f
+ end initial.comb final.comb
+ in
let test =
- Evd.progress_evar_map initial.solution final.solution &&
- not (Util.List.for_all2eq (fun i f -> goal_equal initial.solution i final.solution f) initial.comb final.comb)
+ quick_test || exhaustive_test
- if test then
+ if not test then
tclUNIT res
tclZERO (Errors.UserError ("Proofview.tclPROGRESS" , Pp.str"Failed to progress."))
@@ -1126,7 +1176,7 @@ module V82 = struct
(* Returns the open goals of the proofview together with the evar_map to
- interprete them. *)
+ interpret them. *)
let goals { comb = comb ; solution = solution; } =
{ = comb ; sigma = solution }