path: root/proofs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/ b/proofs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f66e9657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Names
+open Environ
+open Util
+open Vernacexpr
+let to_string = function
+ | SsAll -> "All"
+ | SsType -> "Type"
+ | SsExpr(SsSet l)-> String.concat " " ( Id.to_string ( snd l))
+ | SsExpr e ->
+ let rec aux = function
+ | SsSet [] -> "( )"
+ | SsSet [_,x] -> Id.to_string x
+ | SsSet l ->
+ "(" ^ String.concat " " ( Id.to_string ( snd l)) ^ ")"
+ | SsCompl e -> "-" ^ aux e^""
+ | SsUnion(e1,e2) -> "("^aux e1 ^" + "^ aux e2^")"
+ | SsSubstr(e1,e2) -> "("^aux e1 ^" - "^ aux e2^")"
+ in aux e
+let known_names = Summary.ref [] ~name:"proofusing-nameset"
+let in_nameset =
+ let open Libobject in
+ declare_object { (default_object "proofusing-nameset") with
+ cache_function = (fun (_,x) -> known_names := x :: !known_names);
+ classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose);
+ discharge_function = (fun _ -> None)
+ }
+let rec process_expr env e ty =
+ match e with
+ | SsAll ->
+ List.fold_right Id.Set.add ( pi1 (named_context env)) Id.Set.empty
+ | SsExpr e ->
+ let rec aux = function
+ | SsSet l -> set_of_list env ( snd l)
+ | SsUnion(e1,e2) -> Id.Set.union (aux e1) (aux e2)
+ | SsSubstr(e1,e2) -> Id.Set.diff (aux e1) (aux e2)
+ | SsCompl e -> Id.Set.diff (full_set env) (aux e)
+ in
+ aux e
+ | SsType ->
+ List.fold_left (fun acc ty ->
+ Id.Set.union (global_vars_set env ty) acc)
+ Id.Set.empty ty
+and set_of_list env = function
+ | [x] when CList.mem_assoc_f Id.equal x !known_names ->
+ process_expr env (CList.assoc_f Id.equal x !known_names) []
+ | l -> List.fold_right Id.Set.add l Id.Set.empty
+and full_set env = set_of_list env ( pi1 (named_context env))
+let process_expr env e ty =
+ let s = Id.Set.union (process_expr env SsType ty) (process_expr env e []) in
+ Id.Set.elements s
+let name_set id expr = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_nameset (id,expr))
+let minimize_hyps env ids =
+ let rec aux ids =
+ let ids' =
+ Id.Set.fold (fun id alive ->
+ let impl_by_id =
+ Id.Set.remove id (really_needed env (Id.Set.singleton id)) in
+ if Id.Set.is_empty impl_by_id then alive
+ else Id.Set.diff alive impl_by_id)
+ ids ids in
+ if Id.Set.equal ids ids' then ids else aux ids'
+ in
+ aux ids
+let minimize_unused_hyps env ids =
+ let all_ids = pi1 (named_context env) in
+ let deps_of =
+ let cache =
+ (fun id -> id,really_needed env (Id.Set.singleton id)) all_ids in
+ fun id -> List.assoc id cache in
+ let inv_dep_of =
+ let cache_sum cache id stuff =
+ try Id.Map.add id (Id.Set.add stuff (Id.Map.find id cache)) cache
+ with Not_found -> Id.Map.add id (Id.Set.singleton stuff) cache in
+ let cache =
+ List.fold_left (fun cache id ->
+ Id.Set.fold (fun d cache -> cache_sum cache d id)
+ (Id.Set.remove id (deps_of id)) cache)
+ Id.Map.empty all_ids in
+ fun id -> try Id.Map.find id cache with Not_found -> Id.Set.empty in
+ let rec aux s =
+ let s' =
+ Id.Set.fold (fun id s ->
+ if Id.Set.subset (inv_dep_of id) s then Id.Set.diff s (inv_dep_of id)
+ else s)
+ s s in
+ if Id.Set.equal s s' then s else aux s' in
+ aux ids
+let suggest_Proof_using kn env vars ids_typ context_ids =
+ let module S = Id.Set in
+ let open Pp in
+ let used = S.union vars ids_typ in
+ let needed = minimize_hyps env used in
+ let all_needed = really_needed env needed in
+ let all = List.fold_right S.add context_ids S.empty in
+ let unneeded = minimize_unused_hyps env (S.diff all needed) in
+ let pr_set s =
+ let wrap ppcmds =
+ if S.cardinal s > 1 || S.equal s (S.singleton (Id.of_string "All"))
+ then str "(" ++ ppcmds ++ str ")"
+ else ppcmds in
+ wrap (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str" ") Id.print (S.elements s)) in
+ if !Flags.debug then begin
+ prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds (str "All " ++ pr_set all));
+ prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds (str "Type" ++ pr_set ids_typ));
+ prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds (str "needed " ++ pr_set needed));
+ prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds (str "unneeded " ++ pr_set unneeded));
+ end;
+ msg_info (
+ str"The proof of "++
+ Names.Constant.print kn ++ spc() ++ str "should start with:"++spc()++
+ str"Proof using " ++
+ if S.is_empty needed then str "."
+ else if S.subset needed ids_typ then str "Type."
+ else if S.equal all all_needed then str "All."
+ else
+ let s1 = string_of_ppcmds (str "-" ++ pr_set unneeded ++ str".") in
+ let s2 = string_of_ppcmds (pr_set needed ++ str".") in
+ if String.length s1 < String.length s2 then str s1 else str s2)
+let value = ref false
+let _ =
+ Goptions.declare_bool_option
+ { Goptions.optsync = true;
+ Goptions.optdepr = false;
+ Goptions.optname = "suggest Proof using";
+ Goptions.optkey = ["Suggest";"Proof";"Using"];
+ Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !value);
+ Goptions.optwrite = (fun b ->
+ value := b;
+ if b then Term_typing.set_suggest_proof_using suggest_Proof_using
+ else Term_typing.set_suggest_proof_using (fun _ _ _ _ _ -> ())
+ ) }
+let value = ref "_unset_"
+let _ =
+ Goptions.declare_string_option
+ { Goptions.optsync = true;
+ Goptions.optdepr = false;
+ Goptions.optname = "default value for Proof using";
+ Goptions.optkey = ["Default";"Proof";"Using"];
+ Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !value);
+ Goptions.optwrite = (fun b -> value := b;) }
+let get_default_proof_using () =
+ if !value = "_unset_" then None
+ else Some !value