path: root/proofs/proof.mli
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1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/proof.mli b/proofs/proof.mli
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index 00000000..12af18f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/proof.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Module defining the last essential tiles of interactive proofs.
+ The features of the Proof module are undoing and focusing.
+ A proof is a mutable object, it contains a proofview, and some information
+ to be able to undo actions, and to unfocus the current view. All three
+ of these being meant to evolve.
+ - Proofview: a proof is primarily the data of the current view.
+ That which is shown to the user (as a remainder, a proofview
+ is mainly the logical state of the proof, together with the
+ currently focused goals).
+ - Focus: a proof has a focus stack: the top of the stack contains
+ the context in which to unfocus the current view to a view focused
+ with the rest of the stack.
+ In addition, this contains, for each of the focus context, a
+ "focus kind" and a "focus condition" (in practice, and for modularity,
+ the focus kind is actually stored inside the condition). To unfocus, one
+ needs to know the focus kind, and the condition (for instance "no condition" or
+ the proof under focused must be complete) must be met.
+ - Undo: since proofviews and focus stacks are immutable objects,
+ it could suffice to hold the previous states, to allow to return to the past.
+ However, we also allow other modules to do actions that can be undone.
+ Therefore the undo stack stores action to be ran to undo.
+open Term
+(* Type of a proof. *)
+type proof
+(*** General proof functions ***)
+val start : (Environ.env * Term.types) list -> proof
+(* Returns [true] if the considered proof is completed, that is if no goal remain
+ to be considered (this does not require that all evars have been solved). *)
+val is_done : proof -> bool
+(* Returns the list of partial proofs to initial goals. *)
+val partial_proof : proof -> Term.constr list
+(* Returns the proofs (with their type) of the initial goals.
+ Raises [UnfinishedProof] is some goals remain to be considered.
+ Raises [HasUnresolvedEvar] if some evars have been left undefined. *)
+exception UnfinishedProof
+exception HasUnresolvedEvar
+val return : proof -> (Term.constr * Term.types) list
+(* Interpretes the Undo command. Raises [EmptyUndoStack] if
+ the undo stack is empty. *)
+exception EmptyUndoStack
+val undo : proof -> unit
+(* Adds an undo effect to the undo stack. Use it with care, errors here might result
+ in inconsistent states.
+ An undo effect is meant to undo an effect on a proof (a canonical example
+ of which is {!Proofglobal.set_proof_mode} which changes the current parser for
+ tactics). Make sure it will work even if the effects have been only partially
+ applied at the time of failure. *)
+val add_undo : (unit -> unit) -> proof -> unit
+(*** Focusing actions ***)
+(* ['a focus_kind] is the type used by focusing and unfocusing
+ commands to synchronise. Focusing and unfocusing commands use
+ a particular ['a focus_kind], and if they don't match, the unfocusing command
+ will fail.
+ When focusing with an ['a focus_kind], an information of type ['a] is
+ stored at the focusing point. An example use is the "induction" tactic
+ of the declarative mode where sub-tactics must be aware of the current
+ induction argument. *)
+type 'a focus_kind
+val new_focus_kind : unit -> 'a focus_kind
+(* To be authorized to unfocus one must meet the condition prescribed by
+ the action which focused.
+ Conditions always carry a focus kind, and inherit their type parameter
+ from it.*)
+type 'a focus_condition
+(* [no_cond] only checks that the unfocusing command uses the right
+ [focus_kind].
+ If [loose_end] (default [false]) is [true], then if the [focus_kind]
+ doesn't match, then unfocusing can occur, provided it unfocuses
+ an earlier focus.
+ For instance bullets can be unfocused in the following situation
+ [{- solve_goal. }] because they use a loose-end condition. *)
+val no_cond : ?loose_end:bool -> 'a focus_kind -> 'a focus_condition
+(* [done_cond] checks that the unfocusing command uses the right [focus_kind]
+ and that the focused proofview is complete.
+ If [loose_end] (default [false]) is [true], then if the [focus_kind]
+ doesn't match, then unfocusing can occur, provided it unfocuses
+ an earlier focus.
+ For instance bullets can be unfocused in the following situation
+ [{ - solve_goal. }] because they use a loose-end condition. *)
+val done_cond : ?loose_end:bool -> 'a focus_kind -> 'a focus_condition
+(* focus command (focuses on the [i]th subgoal) *)
+(* spiwack: there could also, easily be a focus-on-a-range tactic, is there
+ a need for it? *)
+val focus : 'a focus_condition -> 'a -> int -> proof -> unit
+exception FullyUnfocused
+exception CannotUnfocusThisWay
+(* Unfocusing command.
+ Raises [FullyUnfocused] if the proof is not focused.
+ Raises [CannotUnfocusThisWay] if the proof the unfocusing condition
+ is not met. *)
+val unfocus : 'a focus_kind -> proof -> unit
+(* [get_at_focus k] gets the information stored at the closest focus point
+ of kind [k].
+ Raises [NoSuchFocus] if there is no focus point of kind [k]. *)
+exception NoSuchFocus
+val get_at_focus : 'a focus_kind -> proof -> 'a
+(* returns [true] if there is no goal under focus. *)
+val no_focused_goal : proof -> bool
+(*** Function manipulation proof extra informations ***)
+val get_proof_info : proof -> Store.t
+val set_proof_info : Store.t -> proof -> unit
+(* Sets the section variables assumed by the proof *)
+val set_used_variables : Sign.section_context -> proof -> unit
+val get_used_variables : proof -> Sign.section_context option
+(*** Endline tactic ***)
+(* Sets the tactic to be used when a tactic line is closed with [...] *)
+val set_endline_tactic : unit Proofview.tactic -> proof -> unit
+val with_end_tac : proof -> unit Proofview.tactic -> unit Proofview.tactic
+(*** Tactics ***)
+val run_tactic : Environ.env -> unit Proofview.tactic -> proof -> unit
+(*** Transactions ***)
+(* A transaction chains several commands into a single one. For instance,
+ a focusing command and a tactic. Transactions are such that if
+ any of the atomic action fails, the whole transaction fails.
+ During a transaction, the undo visible undo stack is constituted only
+ of the actions performed done during the transaction.
+ [transaction p f] can be called on an [f] using, itself, [transaction p].*)
+val transaction : proof -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+(*** Commands ***)
+val in_proof : proof -> (Evd.evar_map -> 'a) -> 'a
+(*** Compatibility layer with <=v8.2 ***)
+module V82 : sig
+ val subgoals : proof -> Goal.goal list Evd.sigma
+ (* All the subgoals of the proof, including those which are not focused. *)
+ val background_subgoals : proof -> Goal.goal list Evd.sigma
+ val get_initial_conclusions : proof -> Term.types list
+ val depth : proof -> int
+ val top_goal : proof -> Goal.goal Evd.sigma
+ (* returns the existential variable used to start the proof *)
+ val top_evars : proof -> Evd.evar list
+ (* Implements the Existential command *)
+ val instantiate_evar : int -> Topconstr.constr_expr -> proof -> unit