path: root/proofs/goal.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/goal.mli')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/goal.mli b/proofs/goal.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9d23065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proofs/goal.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* This module implements the abstract interface to goals *)
+type goal
+(* spiwack: this primitive is not extremely brilliant. It may be a good
+ idea to define goals and proof views in the same file to avoid this
+ sort of communication pipes. But I find it heavy. *)
+val build : Evd.evar -> goal
+(* Gives a unique identifier to each goal. The identifier is
+ guaranteed to contain no space. *)
+val uid : goal -> string
+(* Returns the goal (even if it has been partially solved)
+ corresponding to a unique identifier obtained by {!uid}. *)
+val get_by_uid : string -> goal
+(* Debugging help *)
+val pr_goal : goal -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(* [advance sigma g] returns [Some g'] if [g'] is undefined and
+ is the current avatar of [g] (for instance [g] was changed by [clear]
+ into [g']). It returns [None] if [g] has been (partially) solved. *)
+open Store.Field
+val advance : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> goal option
+(*** Goal tactics ***)
+(* Goal tactics are [subgoal sensitive]-s *)
+type subgoals = private { subgoals: goal list }
+(* Goal sensitive values *)
+type +'a sensitive
+(* evaluates a goal sensitive value in a given goal (knowing the current evar_map). *)
+val eval : 'a sensitive -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> goal -> 'a * Evd.evar_map
+(* monadic bind on sensitive expressions *)
+val bind : 'a sensitive -> ('a -> 'b sensitive) -> 'b sensitive
+(* monadic return on sensitive expressions *)
+val return : 'a -> 'a sensitive
+(* interpretation of "open" constr *)
+(* spiwack: it is a wrapper around [Constrintern.interp_open_constr].
+ In an ideal world, this could/should be the other way round.
+ As of now, though, it seems at least quite useful to build tactics. *)
+val interp_constr : Topconstr.constr_expr -> Term.constr sensitive
+(* Type of constr with holes used by refine. *)
+type refinable
+module Refinable : sig
+ type t = refinable
+ type handle
+ val make : (handle -> Term.constr sensitive) -> refinable sensitive
+ val make_with : (handle -> (Term.constr*'a) sensitive) -> (refinable*'a) sensitive
+ val mkEvar : handle -> Environ.env -> Term.types -> Term.constr sensitive
+ (* [with_type c typ] constrains term [c] to have type [typ]. *)
+ val with_type : Term.constr -> Term.types -> Term.constr sensitive
+ val resolve_typeclasses : ?onlyargs:bool -> ?split:bool -> ?fail:bool -> unit -> unit sensitive
+ (* [constr_of_raw h check_type resolve_classes] is a pretyping function.
+ The [check_type] argument asks whether the term should have the same
+ type as the conclusion. [resolve_classes] is a flag on pretyping functions
+ which, if set to true, calls the typeclass resolver.
+ The principal argument is a [glob_constr] which is then pretyped in the
+ context of a term, the remaining evars are registered to the handle.
+ It is the main component of the toplevel refine tactic.*)
+ val constr_of_raw :
+ handle -> bool -> bool -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Term.constr sensitive
+ (* [constr_of_open_constr h check_type] transforms an open constr into a
+ goal-sensitive constr, adding the undefined variables to the set of subgoals.
+ If [check_type] is true, the term is coerced to the conclusion of the goal.
+ It allows to do refinement with already-built terms with holes.
+ *)
+ val constr_of_open_constr : handle -> bool -> Evd.open_constr -> Term.constr sensitive
+(* [refine t] takes a refinable term and use it as a partial proof for current
+ goal. *)
+val refine : refinable -> subgoals sensitive
+(*** Cleaning goals ***)
+(* Implements the [clear] tactic *)
+val clear : Names.identifier list -> subgoals sensitive
+(* Implements the [clearbody] tactic *)
+val clear_body : Names.identifier list -> subgoals sensitive
+(*** Conversion in goals ***)
+(* Changes an hypothesis of the goal with a convertible type and body.
+ Checks convertibility if the boolean argument is true. *)
+val convert_hyp : bool -> Term.named_declaration -> subgoals sensitive
+(* Changes the conclusion of the goal with a convertible type and body.
+ Checks convertibility if the boolean argument is true. *)
+val convert_concl : bool -> Term.constr -> subgoals sensitive
+(*** Bureaucracy in hypotheses ***)
+(* Renames a hypothesis. *)
+val rename_hyp : Names.identifier -> Names.identifier -> subgoals sensitive
+(*** Sensitive primitives ***)
+(* [concl] is the conclusion of the current goal *)
+val concl : Term.constr sensitive
+(* [hyps] is the [named_context_val] representing the hypotheses
+ of the current goal *)
+val hyps : Environ.named_context_val sensitive
+(* [env] is the current [Environ.env] containing both the
+ environment in which the proof is ran, and the goal hypotheses *)
+val env : Environ.env sensitive
+(* [defs] is the [Evd.evar_map] at the current evaluation point *)
+val defs : Evd.evar_map sensitive
+(* These four functions serve as foundation for the goal sensitive part
+ of the tactic monad (see Proofview).
+ [here] is a special sort of [return]: [here g a] is the value [a], but
+ does not have any value (it raises an exception) if evaluated in
+ any other goal than [g].
+ [here_list] is the same, except with a list of goals rather than a single one.
+ [plus a b] is the same as [a] if [a] is defined in the current goal, otherwise
+ it is [b]. Effectively it's defined in the goals where [a] and [b] are defined.
+ [null] is defined in no goal. (it is a neutral element for [plus]). *)
+(* spiwack: these primitives are a bit hackish, but I couldn't find another way
+ to pass information between goals, like for an intro tactic which gives to
+ each goal the name of the variable it introduce.
+ In pratice, in my experience, the primitives given in Proofview (in terms of
+ [here] and [plus]) are sufficient to define any tactics, hence these might
+ be another example of communication primitives between Goal and Proofview.
+ Still, I can't see a way to prevent using the Proofview primitive to read
+ a goal sensitive value out of its valid context. *)
+val null : 'a sensitive
+val plus : 'a sensitive -> 'a sensitive -> 'a sensitive
+val here : goal -> 'a -> 'a sensitive
+val here_list : goal list -> 'a -> 'a sensitive
+(*** Additional functions ***)
+(* emulates for functions of type
+ [Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> 'b * Evd.evar_map] on lists of type 'a, by propagating
+ new evar_map to next definition *)
+val list_map : (Evd.evar_map -> 'a -> 'b * Evd.evar_map) ->
+ 'a list ->
+ Evd.evar_map ->
+ 'b list *Evd.evar_map
+(* Layer to implement v8.2 tactic engine ontop of the new architecture.
+ Types are different from what they used to be due to a change of the
+ internal types. *)
+module V82 : sig
+ (* Old style env primitive *)
+ val env : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Environ.env
+ (* For printing *)
+ val unfiltered_env : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Environ.env
+ (* Old style hyps primitive *)
+ val hyps : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Environ.named_context_val
+ (* Access to ".evar_concl" *)
+ val concl : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Term.constr
+ (* Access to ".evar_extra" *)
+ val extra : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Store.t
+ (* Old style filtered_context primitive *)
+ val filtered_context : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Sign.named_context
+ (* Old style mk_goal primitive, returns a new goal with corresponding
+ hypotheses and conclusion, together with a term which is precisely
+ the evar corresponding to the goal, and an updated evar_map. *)
+ val mk_goal : Evd.evar_map ->
+ Environ.named_context_val ->
+ Term.constr ->
+ Store.t ->
+ goal * Term.constr * Evd.evar_map
+ (* Equality function on goals *)
+ val equal : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> goal -> bool
+ (* Creates a dummy [goal sigma] for use in auto *)
+ val dummy_goal : goal Evd.sigma
+ (* Makes a goal out of an evar *)
+ (* spiwack: used by [Proofview.init], not entirely clean probably, but it is
+ the only way I could think of to preserve compatibility with previous Coq
+ stuff. *)
+ val build : Evd.evar -> goal
+ (* Instantiates a goal with an open term *)
+ val partial_solution : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Term.constr -> Evd.evar_map
+ (* Principal part of the weak-progress tactical *)
+ val weak_progress : goal list Evd.sigma -> goal Evd.sigma -> bool
+ (* Principal part of the progress tactical *)
+ val progress : goal list Evd.sigma -> goal Evd.sigma -> bool
+ (* Principal part of tclNOTSAMEGOAL *)
+ val same_goal : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Evd.evar_map -> goal -> bool
+ (* Used for congruence closure *)
+ val new_goal_with : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Environ.named_context_val -> goal Evd.sigma
+ (* Used by the typeclasses *)
+ val nf_evar : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> goal * Evd.evar_map
+ (* Goal represented as a type, doesn't take into account section variables *)
+ val abstract_type : Evd.evar_map -> goal -> Term.types