path: root/pretyping
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34 files changed, 721 insertions, 640 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index a32aaf45..b0fe83a3 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8693 2006-04-10 12:05:05Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8875 2006-05-29 19:59:11Z msozeau $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -66,13 +66,10 @@ let error_needs_inversion env x t =
module type S = sig
val compile_cases :
loc ->
- (type_constraint -> env -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment) *
+ (type_constraint -> env -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment) *
Evd.evar_defs ref ->
type_constraint ->
- env ->
- rawconstr option *
- (rawconstr * (name * (loc * inductive * name list) option)) list *
- (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list ->
+ env -> rawconstr option * tomatch_tuple * cases_clauses ->
@@ -138,14 +135,9 @@ type 'a lifted = int * 'a
let insert_lifted a = (0,a);;
-(* The pattern variables for [it] are in [user_ids] and the variables
- to avoid are in [other_ids].
type rhs =
{ rhs_env : env;
- other_ids : identifier list;
- user_ids : identifier list;
+ avoid_ids : identifier list;
rhs_lift : int;
it : rawconstr }
@@ -321,16 +313,21 @@ let rec find_row_ind = function
| PatCstr(loc,c,_,_) :: _ -> Some (loc,c)
let inductive_template isevars env tmloc ind =
- let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- let (ntys,_) = splay_prod env (Evd.evars_of !isevars) mip.mind_nf_arity in
+ let arsign = get_full_arity_sign env ind in
let hole_source = match tmloc with
| Some loc -> fun i -> (loc, Evd.TomatchTypeParameter (ind,i))
| None -> fun _ -> (dummy_loc, Evd.InternalHole) in
- let (evarl,_) =
+ let (_,evarl,_) =
- (fun (na,ty) (evl,n) ->
- (e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(hole_source n) (substl evl ty))::evl,n+1)
- ntys ([],1) in
+ (fun (na,b,ty) (subst,evarl,n) ->
+ match b with
+ | None ->
+ let ty' = substl subst ty in
+ let e = e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(hole_source n) ty' in
+ (e::subst,e::evarl,n+1)
+ | Some b ->
+ (b::subst,evarl,n+1))
+ arsign ([],[],1) in
applist (mkInd ind,List.rev evarl)
let inh_coerce_to_ind isevars env ty tyi =
@@ -349,7 +346,7 @@ let unify_tomatch_with_patterns isevars env typ tm =
let find_tomatch_tycon isevars env loc = function
(* Try first if some 'in I ...' is present and can be used as a constraint *)
- | Some (_,ind,_),_
+ | Some (_,ind,_,_),_
(* Otherwise try to get constraints from (the 1st) constructor in clauses *)
| None, Some (_,(ind,_)) ->
mk_tycon (inductive_template isevars env loc ind)
@@ -434,7 +431,7 @@ let mkDeclTomatch na = function
let map_tomatch_type f = function
| IsInd (t,ind) -> IsInd (f t,map_inductive_type f ind)
- | NotInd (c,t) -> NotInd (option_app f c, f t)
+ | NotInd (c,t) -> NotInd (option_map f c, f t)
let liftn_tomatch_type n depth = map_tomatch_type (liftn n depth)
let lift_tomatch_type n = liftn_tomatch_type n 1
@@ -701,7 +698,7 @@ let get_names env sign eqns =
(* Otherwise, we take names from the parameters of the constructor but
avoiding conflicts with user ids *)
let allvars =
- List.fold_left (fun l (_,eqn) -> list_union l eqn.rhs.other_ids) [] eqns in
+ List.fold_left (fun l (_,eqn) -> list_union l eqn.rhs.avoid_ids) [] eqns in
let names4,_ =
(fun (l,avoid) d na ->
@@ -793,7 +790,7 @@ let prepare_unif_pb typ cs =
let typ' =
if noccur_between_without_evar 1 n typ then lift (-n) typ
else (* TODO4-1 *)
- error "Inference of annotation not yet implemented in this case" in
+ error "Unable to infer return clause of this pattern-matching problem" in
let args = extended_rel_list (-n) cs.cs_args in
let ci = applist (mkConstruct cs.cs_cstr, cs.cs_params@args) in
@@ -1172,7 +1169,7 @@ let rec generalize_problem pb current = function
let tomatch = regeneralize_index_tomatch (i+1) tomatch in
{ pb with
tomatch = Abstract d :: tomatch;
- pred = option_app (generalize_predicate current i d) pb'.pred }
+ pred = option_map (generalize_predicate current i d) pb'.pred }
(* No more patterns: typing the right-hand-side of equations *)
let build_leaf pb =
@@ -1187,7 +1184,7 @@ let build_leaf pb =
let shift_problem (current,t) pb =
{pb with
tomatch = Alias (current,current,NonDepAlias,type_of_tomatch t)::pb.tomatch;
- pred = option_app (specialize_predicate_var (current,t)) pb.pred;
+ pred = option_map (specialize_predicate_var (current,t)) pb.pred;
history = push_history_pattern 0 AliasLeaf pb.history;
mat = remove_current_pattern pb.mat }
@@ -1257,7 +1254,7 @@ let build_branch current deps pb eqns const_info =
{ pb with
env = push_rels sign pb.env;
tomatch = List.rev_append currents tomatch;
- pred = option_app (specialize_predicate (List.rev typs') dep_sign const_info) pb.pred;
+ pred = option_map (specialize_predicate (List.rev typs') dep_sign const_info) pb.pred;
history = history;
mat = (push_rels_eqn_with_names sign) submat }
@@ -1329,7 +1326,7 @@ and compile_generalization pb d rest =
{ pb with
env = push_rel d pb.env;
tomatch = rest;
- pred = option_app ungeneralize_predicate pb.pred;
+ pred = option_map ungeneralize_predicate pb.pred;
mat = (push_rels_eqn [d]) pb.mat } in
let patstat,j = compile pb in
@@ -1355,7 +1352,7 @@ and compile_alias pb (deppat,nondeppat,d,t) rest =
{pb with
env = newenv;
tomatch = tomatch;
- pred = option_app (lift_predicate n) pb.pred;
+ pred = option_map (lift_predicate n) pb.pred;
history = history;
mat = mat } in
let patstat,j = compile pb in
@@ -1368,78 +1365,16 @@ substituer apr�s par les initiaux *)
(* Preparation of the pattern-matching problem *)
-(* Qu'est-ce qui faut pas faire pour traiter les alias ... *)
-(* On ne veut pas ajouter de primitive � Environ et le probl�me, c'est
- donc de faire un renommage en se contraignant � parcourir l'env
- dans le sens croissant. Ici, subst renomme des variables rep�r�es
- par leur num�ro et seen_ids collecte celles dont on sait que les
- variables de subst annule le scope *)
-let rename_env subst env =
- let n = ref (rel_context_length (rel_context env)) in
- let seen_ids = ref [] in
- process_rel_context
- (fun (na,c,t as d) env ->
- let d =
- try
- let id = List.assoc !n subst in
- seen_ids := id :: !seen_ids;
- (Name id,c,t)
- with Not_found ->
- match na with
- | Name id when List.mem id !seen_ids -> (Anonymous,c,t)
- | _ -> d in
- decr n;
- push_rel d env) env
-let is_dependent_indtype = function
- | NotInd _ -> false
- | IsInd (_, IndType(_,realargs)) -> realargs <> []
-let prepare_initial_alias_eqn isdep tomatchl eqn =
- let (subst, pats) =
- List.fold_right2
- (fun pat (tm,tmtyp) (subst, stripped_pats) ->
- match alias_of_pat pat with
- | Anonymous -> (subst, pat::stripped_pats)
- | Name idpat ->
- match kind_of_term tm with
- | Rel n when not (is_dependent_indtype tmtyp) & not isdep
- -> (n, idpat)::subst, (unalias_pat pat::stripped_pats)
- | _ -> (subst, pat::stripped_pats))
- eqn.patterns tomatchl ([], []) in
- let env = rename_env subst eqn.rhs.rhs_env in
- { eqn with patterns = pats; rhs = { eqn.rhs with rhs_env = env } }
-let prepare_initial_aliases isdep tomatchl mat = mat
-(* (prepare_initial_alias_eqn isdep tomatchl) mat*)
-let prepare_initial_alias lpat tomatchl rhs =
- List.fold_right2
- (fun pat tm (stripped_pats, rhs) ->
- match alias_of_pat pat with
- | Anonymous -> (pat::stripped_pats, rhs)
- | Name _ as na ->
- match tm with
- | RVar _ ->
- (unalias_pat pat::stripped_pats,
- RLetIn (dummy_loc, na, tm, rhs))
- | _ -> (pat::stripped_pats, rhs))
- lpat tomatchl ([], rhs)
(* builds the matrix of equations testing that each eqn has n patterns
* and linearizing the _ patterns.
* Syntactic correctness has already been done in astterm *)
let matx_of_eqns env tomatchl eqns =
let build_eqn (loc,ids,lpat,rhs) =
-(* let initial_lpat,initial_rhs = prepare_initial_alias lpat tomatchl rhs in*)
let initial_lpat,initial_rhs = lpat,rhs in
let initial_rhs = rhs in
let rhs =
{ rhs_env = env;
- other_ids = ids@(ids_of_named_context (named_context env));
- user_ids = ids;
+ avoid_ids = ids@(ids_of_named_context (named_context env));
rhs_lift = 0;
it = initial_rhs } in
{ dependencies = [];
@@ -1547,7 +1482,7 @@ let set_arity_signature dep n arsign tomatchl pred x =
decomp_block [] pred (tomatchl,arsign)
-let prepare_predicate_from_tycon loc dep env isevars tomatchs c =
+let prepare_predicate_from_tycon loc dep env isevars tomatchs sign c =
let cook (n, l, env, signs) = function
| c,IsInd (_,IndType(indf,realargs)) ->
let indf' = lift_inductive_family n indf in
@@ -1605,8 +1540,8 @@ let extract_arity_signature env0 tomatchl tmsign =
match tm with
| NotInd (bo,typ) ->
(match t with
- | None -> [na,option_app (lift n) bo,lift n typ]
- | Some (loc,_,_) ->
+ | None -> [na,option_map (lift n) bo,lift n typ]
+ | Some (loc,_,_,_) ->
user_err_loc (loc,"",
str "Unexpected type annotation for a term of non inductive type"))
| IsInd (_,IndType(indf,realargs)) ->
@@ -1615,18 +1550,12 @@ let extract_arity_signature env0 tomatchl tmsign =
let nrealargs = List.length realargs in
let realnal =
match t with
- | Some (loc,ind',nal) ->
- let nparams = List.length params in
+ | Some (loc,ind',nparams,realnal) ->
if ind <> ind' then
user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Wrong inductive type");
- let nindargs = nparams + nrealargs in
- (* Normally done at interning time *)
- if List.length nal <> nindargs then
- error_wrong_numarg_inductive_loc loc env0 ind' nindargs;
- let parnal,realnal = list_chop nparams nal in
- if List.exists ((<>) Anonymous) parnal then
- user_err_loc (loc,"",
- str "The parameters of inductive type must be implicit");
+ if List.length params <> nparams
+ or nrealargs <> List.length realnal then
+ anomaly "Ill-formed 'in' clause in cases";
List.rev realnal
| None -> list_tabulate (fun _ -> Anonymous) nrealargs in
let arsign = fst (get_arity env0 indf') in
@@ -1665,7 +1594,7 @@ let prepare_predicate loc typing_fun isevars env tomatchs sign tycon = function
(match tycon with
| Some (None, t) ->
let names,pred =
- prepare_predicate_from_tycon loc false env isevars tomatchs t
+ prepare_predicate_from_tycon loc false env isevars tomatchs sign t
in Some (build_initial_predicate false names pred)
| _ -> None)
@@ -1677,8 +1606,9 @@ let prepare_predicate loc typing_fun isevars env tomatchs sign tycon = function
let allnames = List.rev ( ( pi1) arsign) in
let predcclj = typing_fun (mk_tycon (new_Type ())) env rtntyp in
let _ =
- option_app (fun tycon ->
- isevars := Coercion.inh_conv_coerces_to loc env !isevars predcclj.uj_val tycon)
+ option_map (fun tycon ->
+ isevars := Coercion.inh_conv_coerces_to loc env !isevars predcclj.uj_val
+ (lift_tycon_type (List.length arsign) tycon))
let predccl = (j_nf_isevar !isevars predcclj).uj_val in
@@ -1701,9 +1631,6 @@ let compile_cases loc (typing_fun, isevars) (tycon : Evarutil.type_constraint) e
let tmsign = snd tomatchl in
let pred = prepare_predicate loc typing_fun isevars env tomatchs tmsign tycon predopt in
- (* We deal with initial aliases *)
- let matx = prepare_initial_aliases (known_dependent pred) tomatchs matx in
(* We push the initial terms to match and push their alias to rhs' envs *)
(* names of aliases will be recovered from patterns (hence Anonymous here) *)
let initial_pushed = (fun tm -> Pushed (tm,[])) tomatchs in
diff --git a/pretyping/cases.mli b/pretyping/cases.mli
index 5919c42a..9e902126 100644
--- a/pretyping/cases.mli
+++ b/pretyping/cases.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: cases.mli 8654 2006-03-22 15:36:58Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id: cases.mli 8741 2006-04-26 22:30:32Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
@@ -41,13 +41,9 @@ val error_wrong_numarg_inductive_loc : loc -> env -> inductive -> int -> 'a
module type S = sig
val compile_cases :
loc ->
- (type_constraint -> env -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment) *
- evar_defs ref ->
+ (type_constraint -> env -> rawconstr -> unsafe_judgment) * evar_defs ref ->
type_constraint ->
- env ->
- rawconstr option *
- (rawconstr * (name * (loc * inductive * name list) option)) list *
- (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list ->
+ env -> rawconstr option * tomatch_tuple * cases_clauses ->
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 33166ba8..2a01e901 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7639 2005-12-02 10:01:15Z gregoire $ *)
+(* $Id: 8802 2006-05-10 20:47:28Z barras $ *)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ open Esubst
type cbv_value =
| VAL of int * constr
- | LAM of name * constr * constr * cbv_value subs
- | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list
- | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list
- | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value list
+ | LAM of int * (name * constr) list * constr * cbv_value subs
+ | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array
+ | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array
+ | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value array
(* les vars pourraient etre des constr,
cela permet de retarder les lift: utile ?? *)
@@ -58,14 +58,15 @@ type cbv_value =
let rec shift_value n = function
| VAL (k,v) -> VAL ((k+n),v)
- | LAM (x,a,b,s) -> LAM (x,a,b,subs_shft (n,s))
+ | LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,s) -> LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,subs_shft (n,s))
| FIXP (fix,s,args) ->
- FIXP (fix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
+ FIXP (fix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
| COFIXP (cofix,s,args) ->
- COFIXP (cofix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
+ COFIXP (cofix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
| CONSTR (c,args) ->
- CONSTR (c, (shift_value n) args)
+ CONSTR (c, (shift_value n) args)
+let shift_value n v =
+ if n = 0 then v else shift_value n v
(* Contracts a fixpoint: given a fixpoint and a bindings,
* returns the corresponding fixpoint body, and the bindings in which
@@ -74,22 +75,14 @@ let rec shift_value n = function
* -> (S. [S]F0 . [S]F1 ... . [S]Fn-1, Ti)
let contract_fixp env ((reci,i),(_,_,bds as bodies)) =
- let make_body j = FIXP(((reci,j),bodies), env, []) in
+ let make_body j = FIXP(((reci,j),bodies), env, [||]) in
let n = Array.length bds in
- let rec subst_bodies_from_i i subs =
- if i=n then subs
- else subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, subs))
- in
- subst_bodies_from_i 0 env, bds.(i)
+ subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i)
let contract_cofixp env (i,(_,_,bds as bodies)) =
- let make_body j = COFIXP((j,bodies), env, []) in
+ let make_body j = COFIXP((j,bodies), env, [||]) in
let n = Array.length bds in
- let rec subst_bodies_from_i i subs =
- if i=n then subs
- else subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, subs))
- in
- subst_bodies_from_i 0 env, bds.(i)
+ subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i)
let make_constr_ref n = function
| RelKey p -> mkRel (n+p)
@@ -99,9 +92,11 @@ let make_constr_ref n = function
(* type of terms with a hole. This hole can appear only under App or Case.
* TOP means the term is considered without context
- * APP(l,stk) means the term is applied to l, and then we have the context st
+ * APP(v,stk) means the term is applied to v, and then the context stk
+ * (v.0 is the first argument).
* this corresponds to the application stack of the KAM.
- * The members of l are values: we evaluate arguments before the function.
+ * The members of l are values: we evaluate arguments before
+ calling the function.
* CASE(t,br,pat,S,stk) means the term is in a case (which is himself in stk
* t is the type of the case and br are the branches, all of them under
* the subs S, pat is information on the patterns of the Case
@@ -114,15 +109,15 @@ let make_constr_ref n = function
type cbv_stack =
- | APP of cbv_value list * cbv_stack
+ | APP of cbv_value array * cbv_stack
| CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * cbv_stack
(* Adds an application list. Collapse APPs! *)
let stack_app appl stack =
- match (appl, stack) with
- | ([], _) -> stack
- | (_, APP(args,stk)) -> APP(appl@args,stk)
- | _ -> APP(appl, stack)
+ if Array.length appl = 0 then stack else
+ match stack with
+ | APP(args,stk) -> APP(Array.append appl args,stk)
+ | _ -> APP(appl, stack)
open RedFlags
@@ -137,23 +132,21 @@ let red_set_ref flags = function
let strip_appl head stack =
match head with
- | FIXP (fix,env,app) -> (FIXP(fix,env,[]), stack_app app stack)
- | COFIXP (cofix,env,app) -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[]), stack_app app stack)
- | CONSTR (c,app) -> (CONSTR(c,[]), stack_app app stack)
+ | FIXP (fix,env,app) -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack)
+ | COFIXP (cofix,env,app) -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack)
+ | CONSTR (c,app) -> (CONSTR(c,[||]), stack_app app stack)
| _ -> (head, stack)
-(* Tests if fixpoint reduction is possible. A reduction function is given as
- argument *)
-let rec check_app_constr = function
- | ([], _) -> false
- | ((CONSTR _)::_, 0) -> true
- | (_::l, n) -> check_app_constr (l,(pred n))
+(* Tests if fixpoint reduction is possible. *)
let fixp_reducible flgs ((reci,i),_) stk =
if red_set flgs fIOTA then
- match stk with (* !!! for Acc_rec: reci.(i) = -2 *)
- | APP(appl,_) -> reci.(i) >=0 & check_app_constr (appl, reci.(i))
+ match stk with
+ | APP(appl,_) ->
+ Array.length appl > reci.(i) &&
+ (match appl.(reci.(i)) with
+ CONSTR _ -> true
+ | _ -> false)
| _ -> false
@@ -166,6 +159,7 @@ let cofixp_reducible flgs _ stk =
(* The main recursive functions
* Go under applications and cases (pushed in the stack), expand head
@@ -184,7 +178,7 @@ let rec norm_head info env t stack =
| App (head,args) -> (* Applied terms are normalized immediately;
they could be computed when getting out of the stack *)
let nargs = (cbv_stack_term info TOP env) args in
- norm_head info env head (stack_app (Array.to_list nargs) stack)
+ norm_head info env head (stack_app nargs stack)
| Case (ci,p,c,v) -> norm_head info env c (CASE(p,v,ci,env,stack))
| Cast (ct,_,_) -> norm_head info env ct stack
@@ -212,7 +206,7 @@ let rec norm_head info env t stack =
or red_set (info_flags info) fDELTA
- subs_cons (cbv_stack_term info TOP env b,env)
+ subs_cons ([|cbv_stack_term info TOP env b|],env)
subs_lift env in
if zeta then
@@ -225,10 +219,12 @@ let rec norm_head info env t stack =
(VAL(0,normt), stack) (* Consid�rer une coupure commutative ? *)
(* non-neutral cases *)
- | Lambda (x,a,b) -> (LAM(x,a,b,env), stack)
- | Fix fix -> (FIXP(fix,env,[]), stack)
- | CoFix cofix -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[]), stack)
- | Construct c -> (CONSTR(c, []), stack)
+ | Lambda _ ->
+ let ctxt,b = decompose_lam t in
+ (LAM(List.length ctxt, List.rev ctxt,b,env), stack)
+ | Fix fix -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack)
+ | CoFix cofix -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack)
+ | Construct c -> (CONSTR(c, [||]), stack)
(* neutral cases *)
| (Sort _ | Meta _ | Ind _|Evar _) -> (VAL(0, t), stack)
@@ -253,10 +249,18 @@ and norm_head_ref k info env stack normt =
and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
match norm_head info env t stack with
(* a lambda meets an application -> BETA *)
- | (LAM (x,a,b,env), APP (arg::args, stk))
+ | (LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,env), APP (args, stk))
when red_set (info_flags info) fBETA ->
- let subs = subs_cons (arg,env) in
- cbv_stack_term info (stack_app args stk) subs b
+ let nargs = Array.length args in
+ if nargs == nlams then
+ cbv_stack_term info stk (subs_cons(args,env)) b
+ else if nlams < nargs then
+ let env' = subs_cons(Array.sub args 0 nlams, env) in
+ let eargs = Array.sub args nlams (nargs-nlams) in
+ cbv_stack_term info (APP(eargs,stk)) env' b
+ else
+ let ctxt' = list_skipn nargs ctxt in
+ LAM(nlams-nargs,ctxt', b, subs_cons(args,env))
(* a Fix applied enough -> IOTA *)
| (FIXP(fix,env,_), stk)
@@ -273,8 +277,9 @@ and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
(* constructor in a Case -> IOTA *)
| (CONSTR((sp,n),_), APP(args,CASE(_,br,ci,env,stk)))
when red_set (info_flags info) fIOTA ->
- let real_args = list_skipn ci.ci_npar args in
- cbv_stack_term info (stack_app real_args stk) env br.(n-1)
+ let cargs =
+ Array.sub args ci.ci_npar (Array.length args - ci.ci_npar) in
+ cbv_stack_term info (stack_app cargs stk) env br.(n-1)
(* constructor of arity 0 in a Case -> IOTA *)
| (CONSTR((_,n),_), CASE(_,br,_,env,stk))
@@ -287,6 +292,9 @@ and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
| (COFIXP(cofix,env,_), APP(appl,TOP)) -> COFIXP(cofix,env,appl)
| (CONSTR(c,_), APP(appl,TOP)) -> CONSTR(c,appl)
+ (* absurd cases (ill-typed) *)
+ | (LAM _, CASE _) -> assert false
(* definitely a value *)
| (head,stk) -> VAL(0,apply_stack info (cbv_norm_value info head) stk)
@@ -298,7 +306,7 @@ and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
and apply_stack info t = function
| TOP -> t
| APP (args,st) ->
- apply_stack info (applistc t ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)) st
+ apply_stack info (mkApp(t, (cbv_norm_value info) args)) st
| CASE (ty,br,ci,env,st) ->
apply_stack info
(mkCase (ci, cbv_norm_term info env ty, t,
@@ -314,28 +322,28 @@ and cbv_norm_term info env t =
(* reduction of a cbv_value to a constr *)
and cbv_norm_value info = function (* reduction under binders *)
| VAL (n,v) -> lift n v
- | LAM (x,a,b,env) ->
- mkLambda (x, cbv_norm_term info env a,
- cbv_norm_term info (subs_lift env) b)
+ | LAM (n,ctxt,b,env) ->
+ let nctxt =
+ list_map_i (fun i (x,ty) ->
+ (x,cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn i env) ty)) 0 ctxt in
+ compose_lam (List.rev nctxt) (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn n env) b)
| FIXP ((lij,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) ->
- applistc
+ mkApp
(mkFix (lij,
(names, (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, (cbv_norm_term info
- (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)))
- ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)
+ (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)),
+ (cbv_norm_value info) args)
| COFIXP ((j,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) ->
- applistc
+ mkApp
(mkCoFix (j,
(names, (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, (cbv_norm_term info
- (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)))
- ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)
+ (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)),
+ (cbv_norm_value info) args)
| CONSTR (c,args) ->
- applistc
- (mkConstruct c)
- ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)
+ mkApp(mkConstruct c, (cbv_norm_value info) args)
(* with profiling *)
let cbv_norm infos constr =
diff --git a/pretyping/cbv.mli b/pretyping/cbv.mli
index dfdf12dd..8c969e2c 100644
--- a/pretyping/cbv.mli
+++ b/pretyping/cbv.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: cbv.mli 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: cbv.mli 8799 2006-05-09 21:15:07Z barras $ i*)
open Names
@@ -29,19 +29,19 @@ val cbv_norm : cbv_infos -> constr -> constr
(*i This is for cbv debug *)
type cbv_value =
| VAL of int * constr
- | LAM of name * constr * constr * cbv_value subs
- | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list
- | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list
- | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value list
+ | LAM of int * (name * constr) list * constr * cbv_value subs
+ | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array
+ | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array
+ | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value array
val shift_value : int -> cbv_value -> cbv_value
type cbv_stack =
- | APP of cbv_value list * cbv_stack
+ | APP of cbv_value array * cbv_stack
| CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * cbv_stack
-val stack_app : cbv_value list -> cbv_stack -> cbv_stack
+val stack_app : cbv_value array -> cbv_stack -> cbv_stack
val strip_appl : cbv_value -> cbv_stack -> cbv_value * cbv_stack
(* recursive functions... *)
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 0b88b14b..6113ec2d 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ let clenv_environments evd bound c =
let dep = dependent (mkRel 1) c2 in
let na' = if dep then na else Anonymous in
let e' = meta_declare mv c1 ~name:na' e in
- clrec (e', (mkMeta mv)::metas) (option_app ((+) (-1)) n)
+ clrec (e', (mkMeta mv)::metas) (option_map ((+) (-1)) n)
(if dep then (subst1 (mkMeta mv) c2) else c2)
| (n, LetIn (na,b,_,c)) ->
- clrec (e,metas) (option_app ((+) (-1)) n) (subst1 b c)
+ clrec (e,metas) (option_map ((+) (-1)) n) (subst1 b c)
| (n, _) -> (e, List.rev metas, c)
clrec (evd,[]) bound c
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ let clenv_environments_evars env evd bound c =
| (n, Prod (na,c1,c2)) ->
let e',constr = Evarutil.new_evar e env c1 in
let dep = dependent (mkRel 1) c2 in
- clrec (e', constr::ts) (option_app ((+) (-1)) n)
+ clrec (e', constr::ts) (option_map ((+) (-1)) n)
(if dep then (subst1 constr c2) else c2)
| (n, LetIn (na,b,_,c)) ->
- clrec (e,ts) (option_app ((+) (-1)) n) (subst1 b c)
+ clrec (e,ts) (option_map ((+) (-1)) n) (subst1 b c)
| (n, _) -> (e, List.rev ts, c)
clrec (evd,[]) bound c
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index e01dac47..d0ee913f 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8695 2006-04-10 16:33:52Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8875 2006-05-29 19:59:11Z msozeau $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ module type S = sig
type a sort; it fails if no coercion is applicable *)
val inh_coerce_to_sort : loc ->
env -> evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> evar_defs * unsafe_type_judgment
+ (* [inh_coerce_to_base env isevars j] coerces [j] to its base type; i.e. it
+ inserts a coercion into [j], if needed, in such a way it gets as
+ type its base type (the notion depends on the coercion system) *)
+ val inh_coerce_to_base : loc ->
+ env -> evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> evar_defs * unsafe_judgment
(* [inh_conv_coerce_to loc env isevars j t] coerces [j] to an object of type
[t]; i.e. it inserts a coercion into [j], if needed, in such a way [t] and
@@ -143,6 +149,8 @@ module Default = struct
| _ ->
inh_tosort_force loc env isevars j
+ let inh_coerce_to_base loc env isevars j = (isevars, j)
let inh_coerce_to_fail env isevars c1 v t =
let v', t' =
@@ -168,7 +176,7 @@ module Default = struct
(match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars) t),
kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars) c1) with
| Prod (_,t1,t2), Prod (name,u1,u2) ->
- let v' = option_app (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars)) v in
+ let v' = option_map (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars)) v in
let (evd',b) =
match v' with
Some v' ->
@@ -184,7 +192,7 @@ module Default = struct
let env1 = push_rel (x,None,v1) env in
let (evd'', v2', t2') = inh_conv_coerce_to_fail loc env1 evd'
(Some v2) t2 u2 in
- (evd'', option_app (fun v2' -> mkLambda (x, v1, v2')) v2',
+ (evd'', option_map (fun v2' -> mkLambda (x, v1, v2')) v2',
mkProd (x, v1, t2'))
| None ->
(* Mismatch on t1 and u1 or not a lambda: we eta-expand *)
@@ -201,7 +209,7 @@ module Default = struct
let (evd'', v2', t2') =
let v2 =
match v with
- Some v -> option_app (fun v1' -> mkApp (lift 1 v, [|v1'|])) v1'
+ Some v -> option_map (fun v1' -> mkApp (lift 1 v, [|v1'|])) v1'
| None -> None
and evd', t2 =
match v1' with
@@ -212,7 +220,7 @@ module Default = struct
inh_conv_coerce_to_fail loc env1 evd' v2 t2 u2
- (evd'', option_app (fun v2' -> mkLambda (name, u1, v2')) v2',
+ (evd'', option_map (fun v2' -> mkLambda (name, u1, v2')) v2',
mkProd (name, u1, t2')))
| _ -> raise NoCoercion))
diff --git a/pretyping/coercion.mli b/pretyping/coercion.mli
index f675beff..42ce27fd 100644
--- a/pretyping/coercion.mli
+++ b/pretyping/coercion.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: coercion.mli 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id: coercion.mli 8875 2006-05-29 19:59:11Z msozeau $ i*)
open Util
@@ -33,13 +33,19 @@ module type S = sig
type a sort; it fails if no coercion is applicable *)
val inh_coerce_to_sort : loc ->
env -> evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> evar_defs * unsafe_type_judgment
+ (* [inh_coerce_to_base env isevars j] coerces [j] to its base type; i.e. it
+ inserts a coercion into [j], if needed, in such a way it gets as
+ type its base type (the notion depends on the coercion system) *)
+ val inh_coerce_to_base : loc ->
+ env -> evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> evar_defs * unsafe_judgment
(* [inh_conv_coerce_to loc env isevars j t] coerces [j] to an object of type
[t]; i.e. it inserts a coercion into [j], if needed, in such a way [t] and
[j.uj_type] are convertible; it fails if no coercion is applicable *)
val inh_conv_coerce_to : loc ->
env -> evar_defs -> unsafe_judgment -> type_constraint_type -> evar_defs * unsafe_judgment
(* [inh_conv_coerces_to loc env isevars t t'] checks if an object of type [t]
is coercible to an object of type [t'] adding evar constraints if needed;
it fails if no coercion exists *)
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 3f2aed34..7a170bcf 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8624 2006-03-13 17:38:17Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8875 2006-05-29 19:59:11Z msozeau $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -277,6 +277,25 @@ let extract_nondep_branches test c b n =
| _ -> assert false in
if test c n then Some (strip n b) else None
+let it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names n c =
+ let rec aux n nal c =
+ if n=0 then (List.rev nal,c) else match c with
+ | RLambda (_,na,_,c) -> aux (n-1) (na::nal) c
+ | RLetIn (_,na,_,c) -> aux (n-1) (na::nal) c
+ | _ ->
+ (* eta-expansion *)
+ let rec next l =
+ let x = Nameops.next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") l in
+ (* Not efficient but unusual and no function to get free rawvars *)
+ if occur_rawconstr x c then next (x::l) else x in
+ let x = next [] in
+ let a = RVar (dl,x) in
+ aux (n-1) (Name x :: nal)
+ (match c with
+ | RApp (loc,p,l) -> RApp (loc,c,l@[a])
+ | _ -> (RApp (dl,c,[a])))
+ in aux n [] c
let detype_case computable detype detype_eqns testdep avoid data p c bl =
let (indsp,st,nparams,consnargsl,k) = data in
let synth_type = synthetize_type () in
@@ -286,32 +305,16 @@ let detype_case computable detype detype_eqns testdep avoid data p c bl =
Anonymous, None, None
- match option_app detype p with
+ match option_map detype p with
| None -> Anonymous, None, None
| Some p ->
- let decompose_lam k c =
- let rec lamdec_rec l avoid k c =
- if k = 0 then List.rev l,c else match c with
- | RLambda (_,x,t,c) ->
- lamdec_rec (x::l) (name_cons x avoid) (k-1) c
- | c ->
- let x = next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") avoid in
- lamdec_rec ((Name x)::l) (x::avoid) (k-1)
- (let a = RVar (dl,x) in
- match c with
- | RApp (loc,p,l) -> RApp (loc,p,l@[a])
- | _ -> (RApp (dl,c,[a])))
- in
- lamdec_rec [] [] k c in
- let nl,typ = decompose_lam k p in
+ let nl,typ = it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names k p in
let n,typ = match typ with
| RLambda (_,x,t,c) -> x, c
| _ -> Anonymous, typ in
let aliastyp =
if List.for_all ((=) Anonymous) nl then None
- else
- let pars = list_tabulate (fun _ -> Anonymous) nparams in
- Some (dl,indsp,pars@nl) in
+ else Some (dl,indsp,nparams,nl) in
n, aliastyp, Some typ
let constructs = Array.init (Array.length bl) (fun i -> (indsp,i+1)) in
@@ -331,22 +334,7 @@ let detype_case computable detype detype_eqns testdep avoid data p c bl =
match tag with
| LetStyle when aliastyp = None ->
let bl' = detype bl in
- let rec decomp_lam_force n avoid l p =
- if n = 0 then (List.rev l,p) else
- match p with
- | RLambda (_,na,_,c) ->
- decomp_lam_force (n-1) (name_cons na avoid) (na::l) c
- | RLetIn (_,na,_,c) ->
- decomp_lam_force (n-1) (name_cons na avoid) (na::l) c
- | _ ->
- let x = Nameops.next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") avoid in
- decomp_lam_force (n-1) (x::avoid) (Name x :: l)
- (* eta-expansion *)
- (let a = RVar (dl,x) in
- match p with
- | RApp (loc,p,l) -> RApp (loc,p,l@[a])
- | _ -> (RApp (dl,p,[a]))) in
- let (nal,d) = decomp_lam_force consnargsl.(0) avoid [] bl'.(0) in
+ let (nal,d) = it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names consnargsl.(0) bl'.(0) in
RLetTuple (dl,nal,(alias,pred),tomatch,d)
| IfStyle when aliastyp = None ->
let bl' = detype bl in
@@ -360,6 +348,10 @@ let detype_case computable detype detype_eqns testdep avoid data p c bl =
| _ ->
RCases (dl,pred,[tomatch,(alias,aliastyp)],eqnl)
+let detype_sort = function
+ | Prop c -> RProp c
+ | Type u -> RType (Some u)
(* Main detyping function *)
@@ -380,10 +372,9 @@ let rec detype isgoal avoid env t =
let _ = Global.lookup_named id in RRef (dl, VarRef id)
with _ ->
RVar (dl, id))
- | Sort (Prop c) -> RSort (dl,RProp c)
- | Sort (Type u) -> RSort (dl,RType (Some u))
+ | Sort s -> RSort (dl,detype_sort s)
| Cast (c1,k,c2) ->
- RCast(dl,detype isgoal avoid env c1, k,
+ RCast(dl,detype isgoal avoid env c1, CastConv k,
detype isgoal avoid env c2)
| Prod (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder isgoal BProd avoid env na ty c
| Lambda (na,ty,c) -> detype_binder isgoal BLambda avoid env na ty c
@@ -421,7 +412,7 @@ and detype_fix isgoal avoid env (vn,_ as nvn) (names,tys,bodies) =
let v = array_map3
(fun c t i -> share_names isgoal (i+1) [] def_avoid def_env c (lift n t))
bodies tys vn in
- RRec(dl,RFix ( (fun i -> i, RStructRec) (fst nvn), snd nvn),Array.of_list (List.rev lfi),
+ RRec(dl,RFix ( (fun i -> Some i, RStructRec) (fst nvn), snd nvn),Array.of_list (List.rev lfi), (fun (bl,_,_) -> bl) v, (fun (_,_,ty) -> ty) v, (fun (_,bd,_) -> bd) v)
@@ -587,9 +578,9 @@ let rec subst_rawconstr subst raw =
let a' = subst_rawconstr subst a in
let (n,topt) = x in
let topt' = option_smartmap
- (fun (loc,(sp,i),x as t) ->
+ (fun (loc,(sp,i),x,y as t) ->
let sp' = subst_kn subst sp in
- if sp == sp' then t else (loc,(sp',i),x)) topt in
+ if sp == sp' then t else (loc,(sp',i),x,y)) topt in
if a == a' && topt == topt' then y else (a',(n,topt'))) rl
and branches' = list_smartmap
(fun (loc,idl,cpl,r as branch) ->
@@ -645,3 +636,18 @@ let rec subst_rawconstr subst raw =
RCast (loc,r1',k,r2')
| RDynamic _ -> raw
+(* Utilities to transform kernel cases to simple pattern-matching problem *)
+let simple_cases_matrix_of_branches ind brns brs =
+ list_map2_i (fun i n b ->
+ let nal,c = it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names n b in
+ let mkPatVar na = PatVar (dummy_loc,na) in
+ let p = PatCstr (dummy_loc,(ind,i+1), mkPatVar nal,Anonymous) in
+ let ids = map_succeed Nameops.out_name nal in
+ (dummy_loc,ids,[p],c))
+ 0 brns brs
+let return_type_of_predicate ind nparams n pred =
+ let nal,p = it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names (n+1) pred in
+ (List.hd nal, Some (dummy_loc, ind, nparams, nal)), Some p
diff --git a/pretyping/detyping.mli b/pretyping/detyping.mli
index 0b35728c..bbe2fcc9 100644
--- a/pretyping/detyping.mli
+++ b/pretyping/detyping.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: detyping.mli 7881 2006-01-16 14:03:05Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: detyping.mli 8831 2006-05-19 09:29:54Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ val detype_case :
identifier list -> inductive * case_style * int * int array * int ->
'a option -> 'a -> 'a array -> rawconstr
+val detype_sort : sorts -> rawsort
(* look for the index of a named var or a nondep var as it is renamed *)
val lookup_name_as_renamed : env -> constr -> identifier -> int option
val lookup_index_as_renamed : env -> constr -> int -> int option
@@ -47,3 +49,12 @@ val force_wildcard : unit -> bool
val synthetize_type : unit -> bool
val force_if : case_info -> bool
val force_let : case_info -> bool
+(* Utilities to transform kernel cases to simple pattern-matching problem *)
+val it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names : int -> rawconstr -> name list * rawconstr
+val simple_cases_matrix_of_branches :
+ inductive -> int list -> rawconstr list -> cases_clauses
+val return_type_of_predicate :
+ inductive -> int -> int -> rawconstr -> predicate_pattern * rawconstr option
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 2b04b693..458f5bd3 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8111 2006-03-02 17:23:41Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8793 2006-05-05 17:41:41Z barras $ *)
open Util
open Names
open Term
+open Closure
open Reduction
open Reductionops
-open Closure
open Environ
open Typing
open Classops
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ let eval_flexible_term env c =
match kind_of_term c with
| Const c -> constant_opt_value env c
| Rel n ->
- (try let (_,v,_) = lookup_rel n env in option_app (lift n) v
+ (try let (_,v,_) = lookup_rel n env in option_map (lift n) v
with Not_found -> None)
| Var id ->
(try let (_,v,_) = lookup_named id env in v with Not_found -> None)
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index aeaaefef..506cd03f 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8695 2006-04-10 16:33:52Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ exception Uninstantiated_evar of existential_key
let rec whd_ise sigma c =
match kind_of_term c with
- | Evar (ev,args) when Evd.in_dom sigma ev ->
+ | Evar (ev,args) when Evd.mem sigma ev ->
if Evd.is_defined sigma ev then
whd_ise sigma (existential_value sigma (ev,args))
else raise (Uninstantiated_evar ev)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ let rec whd_ise sigma c =
let whd_castappevar_stack sigma c =
let rec whrec (c, l as s) =
match kind_of_term c with
- | Evar (ev,args) when Evd.in_dom sigma ev & Evd.is_defined sigma ev ->
+ | Evar (ev,args) when Evd.mem sigma ev & Evd.is_defined sigma ev ->
whrec (existential_value sigma (ev,args), l)
| Cast (c,_,_) -> whrec (c, l)
| App (f,args) -> whrec (f, Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) args l)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ let collect_evars emap c =
let rec collrec acc c =
match kind_of_term c with
| Evar (k,_) ->
- if Evd.in_dom emap k & not (Evd.is_defined emap k) then k::acc
+ if Evd.mem emap k & not (Evd.is_defined emap k) then k::acc
else (* No recursion on the evar instantiation *) acc
| _ ->
fold_constr collrec acc c in
@@ -103,13 +103,14 @@ let push_dependent_evars sigma emap =
Evd.fold (fun ev {evar_concl = ccl} (sigma',emap') ->
(fun (sigma',emap') ev ->
- (Evd.add sigma' ev ( emap' ev),Evd.rmv emap' ev))
+ (Evd.add sigma' ev (Evd.find emap' ev),Evd.remove emap' ev))
(sigma',emap') (collect_evars emap' ccl))
emap (sigma,emap)
(* replaces a mapping of existentials into a mapping of metas.
Problem if an evar appears in the type of another one (pops anomaly) *)
let evars_to_metas sigma (emap, c) =
+ let emap = nf_evars emap in
let sigma',emap' = push_dependent_evars sigma emap in
let change_exist evar =
let ty = nf_betaiota (nf_evar emap (existential_type emap evar)) in
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ let evars_to_metas sigma (emap, c) =
mkCast (mkMeta n, DEFAULTcast, ty) in
let rec replace c =
match kind_of_term c with
- Evar (k,_ as ev) when Evd.in_dom emap' k -> change_exist ev
+ Evar (k,_ as ev) when Evd.mem emap' k -> change_exist ev
| _ -> map_constr replace c in
(sigma', replace c)
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ let push_rel_context_to_named_context env =
let id = next_name_away na avoid in
((mkVar id)::subst,
- push_named (id,option_app (substl subst) c,
+ push_named (id,option_map (substl subst) c,
type_app (substl subst) t)
(rel_context env) ~init:([],ids_of_named_context (named_context env),env)
@@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ let is_defined_equation env evd (ev,inst) rhs =
is_pattern inst &&
not (occur_evar ev rhs) &&
- let evi = (evars_of evd) ev in
+ let evi = Evd.find (evars_of evd) ev in
let (evd',body) = inverse_instance env evd ev evi inst rhs in
evar_well_typed_body evd' ev evi body
with Failure _ -> false
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ let is_defined_equation env evd (ev,inst) rhs =
let do_restrict_hyps evd ev args =
let args = Array.to_list args in
- let evi = (evars_of !evd) ev in
+ let evi = Evd.find (evars_of !evd) ev in
let env = evar_env evi in
let hyps = evar_context evi in
let (sign,ncargs) = list_filter2 (fun _ a -> closed0 a) (hyps,args) in
@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ let evar_define env (ev,argsv) rhs isevars =
if occur_evar ev rhs
then error_occur_check env (evars_of isevars) ev rhs;
let args = Array.to_list argsv in
- let evi = (evars_of isevars) ev in
+ let evi = Evd.find (evars_of isevars) ev in
(* the bindings to invert *)
let worklist = make_subst (evar_env evi) args in
let (isevars',body) = real_clean env isevars ev evi worklist rhs in
@@ -502,7 +503,7 @@ let status_changed lev (pbty,t1,t2) =
let solve_refl conv_algo env isevars ev argsv1 argsv2 =
if argsv1 = argsv2 then (isevars,[]) else
- let evd = (evars_of isevars) ev in
+ let evd = Evd.find (evars_of isevars) ev in
let hyps = evar_context evd in
let (isevars',_,rsign) =
@@ -599,7 +600,7 @@ let mk_valcon c = Some c
cumulativity now includes Prop and Set in Type...
It is, but that's not too bad *)
let define_evar_as_abstraction abs evd (ev,args) =
- let evi = (evars_of evd) ev in
+ let evi = Evd.find (evars_of evd) ev in
let evenv = evar_env evi in
let (evd1,dom) = new_evar evd evenv (new_Type()) in
let nvar =
@@ -679,7 +680,7 @@ let lift_abstr_tycon_type n (abs, t) =
else (Some (init, abs'), t)
let lift_tycon_type n (abs, t) = (abs, lift n t)
-let lift_tycon n = option_app (lift_tycon_type n)
+let lift_tycon n = option_map (lift_tycon_type n)
let pr_tycon_type env (abs, t) =
match abs with
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index c9f771c9..33f88ebd 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -48,17 +48,16 @@ let empty = Evarmap.empty
let to_list evc = Evarmap.fold (fun ev x acc -> (ev,x)::acc) evc []
let dom evc = Evarmap.fold (fun ev _ acc -> ev::acc) evc []
-let map evc k = Evarmap.find k evc
-let rmv evc k = Evarmap.remove k evc
-let remap evc k i = Evarmap.add k i evc
-let in_dom evc k = Evarmap.mem k evc
+let find evc k = Evarmap.find k evc
+let remove evc k = Evarmap.remove k evc
+let mem evc k = Evarmap.mem k evc
let fold = Evarmap.fold
let add evd ev newinfo = Evarmap.add ev newinfo evd
let define evd ev body =
let oldinfo =
- try map evd ev
+ try find evd ev
with Not_found -> error "Evd.define: cannot define undeclared evar" in
let newinfo =
{ evar_concl = oldinfo.evar_concl;
@@ -68,10 +67,10 @@ let define evd ev body =
| Evar_empty -> Evarmap.add ev newinfo evd
| _ -> anomaly "Evd.define: cannot define an isevar twice"
-let is_evar sigma ev = in_dom sigma ev
+let is_evar sigma ev = mem sigma ev
let is_defined sigma ev =
- let info = map sigma ev in
+ let info = find sigma ev in
not (info.evar_body = Evar_empty)
let evar_body ev = ev.evar_body
@@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ let instantiate_evar sign c args =
let existential_type sigma (n,args) =
let info =
- try map sigma n
+ try find sigma n
with Not_found ->
anomaly ("Evar "^(string_of_existential n)^" was not declared") in
let hyps = evar_context info in
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ let existential_type sigma (n,args) =
exception NotInstantiatedEvar
let existential_value sigma (n,args) =
- let info = map sigma n in
+ let info = find sigma n in
let hyps = evar_context info in
match evar_body info with
| Evar_defined c ->
@@ -270,10 +269,9 @@ type evar_map = evar_map1 * sort_constraints
let empty = empty, UniverseMap.empty
let add (sigma,sm) k v = (add sigma k v, sm)
let dom (sigma,_) = dom sigma
-let map (sigma,_) = map sigma
-let rmv (sigma,sm) k = (rmv sigma k, sm)
-let remap (sigma,sm) k v = (remap sigma k v, sm)
-let in_dom (sigma,_) = in_dom sigma
+let find (sigma,_) = find sigma
+let remove (sigma,sm) k = (remove sigma k, sm)
+let mem (sigma,_) = mem sigma
let to_list (sigma,_) = to_list sigma
let fold f (sigma,_) = fold f sigma
let define (sigma,sm) k v = (define sigma k v, sm)
diff --git a/pretyping/evd.mli b/pretyping/evd.mli
index 40ecce6e..cbc96b04 100644
--- a/pretyping/evd.mli
+++ b/pretyping/evd.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: evd.mli 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id: evd.mli 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
@@ -43,10 +43,9 @@ val empty : evar_map
val add : evar_map -> evar -> evar_info -> evar_map
val dom : evar_map -> evar list
-val map : evar_map -> evar -> evar_info
-val rmv : evar_map -> evar -> evar_map
-val remap : evar_map -> evar -> evar_info -> evar_map
-val in_dom : evar_map -> evar -> bool
+val find : evar_map -> evar -> evar_info
+val remove : evar_map -> evar -> evar_map
+val mem : evar_map -> evar -> bool
val to_list : evar_map -> (evar * evar_info) list
val fold : (evar -> evar_info -> 'a -> 'a) -> evar_map -> 'a -> 'a
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index a587dd20..07ca5d83 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7662 2005-12-17 22:03:35Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8845 2006-05-23 07:41:58Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ let mkLambda_string s t c = mkLambda (Name (id_of_string s), t, c)
lift_constructor et lift_inductive_family qui ne se contentent pas de
lifter les param�tres globaux *)
-let mis_make_case_com depopt env sigma (ind,mib,mip) kind =
+let mis_make_case_com depopt env sigma ind (mib,mip as specif) kind =
let lnamespar = mib.mind_params_ctxt in
let dep = match depopt with
- | None -> mip.mind_sort <> (Prop Null)
+ | None -> inductive_sort_family mip <> InProp
| Some d -> d
- if not (List.exists ((=) kind) mip.mind_kelim) then
+ if not (List.mem kind (elim_sorts specif)) then
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ let mis_make_indrec env sigma listdepkind mib =
it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env (put_arity env' 0 listdepkind)
- mis_make_case_com (Some dep) env sigma (indi,mibi,mipi) kind
+ mis_make_case_com (Some dep) env sigma indi (mibi,mipi) kind
(* Body of mis_make_indrec *)
list_tabulate make_one_rec nrec
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ let mis_make_indrec env sigma listdepkind mib =
let make_case_com depopt env sigma ity kind =
let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ity in
- mis_make_case_com depopt env sigma (ity,mib,mip) kind
+ mis_make_case_com depopt env sigma ity (mib,mip) kind
let make_case_dep env = make_case_com (Some true) env
let make_case_nodep env = make_case_com (Some false) env
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ let check_arities listdepkind =
let _ = List.fold_left
(fun ln ((_,ni),mibi,mipi,dep,kind) ->
let id = mipi.mind_typename in
- let kelim = mipi.mind_kelim in
+ let kelim = elim_sorts (mibi,mipi) in
if not (List.exists ((=) kind) kelim) then raise
(RecursionSchemeError (BadInduction (dep,id,new_sort_in_family kind)))
else if List.mem ni ln then raise
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ let build_mutual_indrec env sigma = function
let build_indrec env sigma ind =
let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- let kind = family_of_sort mip.mind_sort in
+ let kind = inductive_sort_family mip in
let dep = kind <> InProp in
List.hd (mis_make_indrec env sigma [(ind,mib,mip,dep,kind)] mib)
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ let lookup_eliminator ind_sp s =
pr_id id ++ spc () ++
str "The elimination of the inductive definition " ++
pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str "on sort " ++
- spc () ++ print_sort_family s ++
+ spc () ++ pr_sort_family s ++
str " is probably not allowed")
@@ -617,6 +617,6 @@ let lookup_eliminator ind_sp s =
pr_id id ++ spc () ++
str "The elimination of the inductive definition " ++
pr_id base ++ spc () ++ str "on sort " ++
- spc () ++ print_sort_family s ++
+ spc () ++ pr_sort_family s ++
str " is probably not allowed")
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 57d966f1..e0cdeeee 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8653 2006-03-22 09:41:17Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8845 2006-05-23 07:41:58Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -116,11 +116,15 @@ let constructor_nrealhyps env (ind,j) =
let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+let get_full_arity_sign env ind =
+ let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ mip.mind_arity_ctxt
(* Length of arity (w/o local defs) *)
let inductive_nargs env ind =
let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- mip.mind_nrealargs + rel_context_nhyps mib.mind_params_ctxt
+ mib.mind_nparams, mip.mind_nrealargs
(* Annotation for cases *)
let make_case_info env ind style pats_source =
@@ -196,10 +200,40 @@ let rec instantiate args c = match kind_of_term c, args with
| _, [] -> c
| _ -> anomaly "too short arity"
+(* substitution in a signature *)
+let substnl_rel_context subst n sign =
+ let rec aux n = function
+ | d::sign -> substnl_decl subst n d :: aux (n+1) sign
+ | [] -> []
+ in List.rev (aux n (List.rev sign))
+let substl_rel_context subst = substnl_rel_context subst 0
+let rec instantiate_context sign args =
+ let rec aux subst = function
+ | (_,None,_)::sign, a::args -> aux (a::subst) (sign,args)
+ | (_,Some b,_)::sign, args -> aux (substl subst b::subst) (sign,args)
+ | [], [] -> subst
+ | _ -> anomaly "Signature/instance mismatch in inductive family"
+ in aux [] (List.rev sign,args)
let get_arity env (ind,params) =
let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- let arity = mip.mind_nf_arity in
- destArity (instantiate params arity)
+ let parsign =
+ (* Dynamically detect if called with an instance of recursively
+ uniform parameter only or also of non recursively uniform
+ parameters *)
+ let parsign = mib.mind_params_ctxt in
+ let nnonrecparams = mib.mind_nparams - mib.mind_nparams_rec in
+ if List.length params = rel_context_nhyps parsign - nnonrecparams then
+ snd (list_chop nnonrecparams mib.mind_params_ctxt)
+ else
+ parsign in
+ let arproperlength = List.length mip.mind_arity_ctxt - List.length parsign in
+ let arsign,_ = list_chop arproperlength mip.mind_arity_ctxt in
+ let subst = instantiate_context parsign params in
+ (substl_rel_context subst arsign, Inductive.inductive_sort_family mip)
(* Functions to build standard types related to inductive *)
let build_dependent_constructor cs =
@@ -284,12 +318,12 @@ let find_coinductive env sigma c =
(* find appropriate names for pattern variables. Useful in the Case
and Inversion (case_then_using et case_nodep_then_using) tactics. *)
-let is_predicate_explicitly_dep env pred nodep_ar =
- let rec srec env pval nodep_ar =
+let is_predicate_explicitly_dep env pred arsign =
+ let rec srec env pval arsign =
let pv' = whd_betadeltaiota env Evd.empty pval in
- match kind_of_term pv', kind_of_term nodep_ar with
- | Lambda (na,t,b), Prod (_,_,a') ->
- srec (push_rel_assum (na,t) env) b a'
+ match kind_of_term pv', arsign with
+ | Lambda (na,t,b), (_,None,_)::arsign ->
+ srec (push_rel_assum (na,t) env) b arsign
| Lambda (na,_,_), _ ->
(* The following code has impact on the introduction names
@@ -317,12 +351,11 @@ let is_predicate_explicitly_dep env pred nodep_ar =
| _ -> anomaly "Non eta-expanded dep-expanded \"match\" predicate"
- srec env pred nodep_ar
+ srec env pred arsign
let is_elim_predicate_explicitly_dependent env pred indf =
- let arsign,s = get_arity env indf in
- let glob_t = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort s) arsign in
- is_predicate_explicitly_dep env pred glob_t
+ let arsign,_ = get_arity env indf in
+ is_predicate_explicitly_dep env pred arsign
let set_names env n brty =
let (ctxt,cl) = decompose_prod_n_assum n brty in
diff --git a/pretyping/inductiveops.mli b/pretyping/inductiveops.mli
index 2993eed3..dcd86716 100644
--- a/pretyping/inductiveops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/inductiveops.mli
@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: inductiveops.mli 7955 2006-01-30 22:56:15Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: inductiveops.mli 8845 2006-05-23 07:41:58Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
open Term
open Declarations
open Environ
open Evd
+open Sign
(* The following three functions are similar to the ones defined in
Inductive, but they expect an env *)
@@ -42,8 +43,7 @@ val dest_ind_type : inductive_type -> inductive_family * constr list
val map_inductive_type : (constr -> constr) -> inductive_type -> inductive_type
val liftn_inductive_type : int -> int -> inductive_type -> inductive_type
val lift_inductive_type : int -> inductive_type -> inductive_type
-val substnl_ind_type :
- constr list -> int -> inductive_type -> inductive_type
+val substnl_ind_type : constr list -> int -> inductive_type -> inductive_type
val mkAppliedInd : inductive_type -> constr
val mis_is_recursive_subset : int list -> wf_paths -> bool
@@ -51,16 +51,22 @@ val mis_is_recursive :
inductive * mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body -> bool
val mis_nf_constructor_type :
inductive * mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body -> int -> constr
-val mis_constr_nargs : inductive -> int array
+(* Extract information from an inductive name *)
+val mis_constr_nargs : inductive -> int array
val mis_constr_nargs_env : env -> inductive -> int array
-val mis_constructor_nargs_env : env -> constructor -> int
+(* Return number of expected parameters and of expected real arguments *)
+val inductive_nargs : env -> inductive -> int * int
+val mis_constructor_nargs_env : env -> constructor -> int
val constructor_nrealargs : env -> constructor -> int
val constructor_nrealhyps : env -> constructor -> int
-val inductive_nargs : env -> inductive -> int
+val get_full_arity_sign : env -> inductive -> rel_context
+(* Extract information from an inductive family *)
type constructor_summary = {
cs_cstr : constructor;
@@ -68,17 +74,16 @@ type constructor_summary = {
cs_nargs : int;
cs_args : Sign.rel_context;
cs_concl_realargs : constr array;
val lift_constructor : int -> constructor_summary -> constructor_summary
val get_constructor :
inductive * mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body * constr list ->
int -> constructor_summary
-val get_arity : env -> inductive_family -> Sign.arity
+val get_arity : env -> inductive_family -> rel_context * sorts_family
val get_constructors : env -> inductive_family -> constructor_summary array
val build_dependent_constructor : constructor_summary -> constr
val build_dependent_inductive : env -> inductive_family -> constr
-val make_arity_signature :
- env -> bool -> inductive_family -> Sign.rel_context
+val make_arity_signature : env -> bool -> inductive_family -> Sign.rel_context
val make_arity : env -> bool -> inductive_family -> sorts -> types
val build_branch_type : env -> bool -> constr -> constructor_summary -> types
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 5ee245b5..12c1ea33 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7970 2006-02-01 15:09:07Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8827 2006-05-17 15:15:34Z jforest $ *)
open Util
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ open Termops
open Reductionops
open Term
open Rawterm
+open Sign
open Environ
open Pattern
@@ -70,6 +71,11 @@ let memb_metavars m n =
let eq_context ctxt1 ctxt2 = array_for_all2 eq_constr ctxt1 ctxt2
+let same_case_structure (_,cs1,ind,_) ci2 br1 br2 =
+ match ind with
+ | Some ind -> ind = ci2.ci_ind
+ | None -> cs1 = ci2.ci_cstr_nargs
let matches_core convert allow_partial_app pat c =
let rec sorec stk sigma p t =
let cT = strip_outer_cast t in
@@ -79,7 +85,7 @@ let matches_core convert allow_partial_app pat c =
| PRel n -> n
- | _ -> error "Only bound indices are currently allowed in second order pattern matching")
+ | _ -> error "Only bound indices allowed in second order pattern matching")
args in
let frels = Intset.elements (free_rels cT) in
if list_subset frels relargs then
@@ -150,15 +156,27 @@ let matches_core convert allow_partial_app pat c =
if is_conv env evars c cT then sigma
else raise PatternMatchingFailure
- | PCase (_,_,a1,br1), Case (_,_,a2,br2) ->
- (* On ne teste pas le pr�dicat *)
- if (Array.length br1) = (Array.length br2) then
- array_fold_left2 (sorec stk) (sorec stk sigma a1 a2) br1 br2
+ | PIf (a1,b1,b1'), Case (ci,_,a2,[|b2;b2'|]) ->
+ let ctx,b2 = decompose_lam_n_assum ci.ci_cstr_nargs.(0) b2 in
+ let ctx',b2' = decompose_lam_n_assum ci.ci_cstr_nargs.(1) b2' in
+ let n = List.length ctx and n' = List.length ctx' in
+ if noccur_between 1 n b2 & noccur_between 1 n' b2' then
+ let s = List.fold_left (fun l (na,_,t) -> (na,t)::l) stk ctx in
+ let s' = List.fold_left (fun l (na,_,t) -> (na,t)::l) stk ctx' in
+ let b1 = lift_pattern n b1 and b1' = lift_pattern n' b1' in
+ sorec s' (sorec s (sorec stk sigma a1 a2) b1 b2) b1' b2'
raise PatternMatchingFailure
- (* � faire *)
- | PFix f0, Fix f1 when f0 = f1 -> sigma
- | PCoFix c0, CoFix c1 when c0 = c1 -> sigma
+ | PCase (ci1,p1,a1,br1), Case (ci2,p2,a2,br2) ->
+ if same_case_structure ci1 ci2 br1 br2 then
+ array_fold_left2 (sorec stk)
+ (sorec stk (sorec stk sigma a1 a2) p1 p2) br1 br2
+ else
+ raise PatternMatchingFailure
+ | PFix c1, Fix _ when eq_constr (mkFix c1) cT -> sigma
+ | PCoFix c1, CoFix _ when eq_constr (mkCoFix c1) cT -> sigma
| _ -> raise PatternMatchingFailure
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 390b884c..ef97250a 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7732 2005-12-26 13:51:24Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8755 2006-04-27 22:22:15Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ type constr_pattern =
| PLetIn of name * constr_pattern * constr_pattern
| PSort of rawsort
| PMeta of patvar option
- | PCase of (inductive option * case_style)
- * constr_pattern option * constr_pattern * constr_pattern array
+ | PIf of constr_pattern * constr_pattern * constr_pattern
+ | PCase of (case_style * int array * inductive option * (int * int) option)
+ * constr_pattern * constr_pattern * constr_pattern array
| PFix of fixpoint
| PCoFix of cofixpoint
@@ -49,9 +50,10 @@ let rec occur_meta_pattern = function
| PLambda (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) or (occur_meta_pattern c)
| PProd (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) or (occur_meta_pattern c)
| PLetIn (na,t,c) -> (occur_meta_pattern t) or (occur_meta_pattern c)
- | PCase(_,None,c,br) ->
- (occur_meta_pattern c) or (array_exists occur_meta_pattern br)
- | PCase(_,Some p,c,br) ->
+ | PIf (c,c1,c2) ->
+ (occur_meta_pattern c) or
+ (occur_meta_pattern c1) or (occur_meta_pattern c2)
+ | PCase(_,p,c,br) ->
(occur_meta_pattern p) or
(occur_meta_pattern c) or (array_exists occur_meta_pattern br)
| PMeta _ | PSoApp _ -> true
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ let rec head_pattern_bound t =
| PProd (_,_,b) -> head_pattern_bound b
| PLetIn (_,_,b) -> head_pattern_bound b
| PApp (c,args) -> head_pattern_bound c
+ | PIf (c,_,_) -> head_pattern_bound c
| PCase (_,p,c,br) -> head_pattern_bound c
| PRef r -> r
| PVar id -> VarRef id
@@ -103,28 +106,43 @@ let rec pattern_of_constr t =
| Construct sp -> PRef (ConstructRef sp)
| Evar (n,ctxt) -> PEvar (n, pattern_of_constr ctxt)
| Case (ci,p,a,br) ->
- PCase ((Some ci.ci_ind,,
- Some (pattern_of_constr p),pattern_of_constr a,
+ let cip = ci.ci_pp_info in
+ let no = Some (ci.ci_npar,cip.ind_nargs) in
+ PCase ((,ci.ci_cstr_nargs,Some ci.ci_ind,no),
+ pattern_of_constr p,pattern_of_constr a, pattern_of_constr br)
| Fix f -> PFix f
| CoFix f -> PCoFix f
(* To process patterns, we need a translation without typing at all. *)
-let rec inst lvar = function
- | PVar id as x -> (try List.assoc id lvar with Not_found -> x)
- | PApp (p,pl) -> PApp (inst lvar p, (inst lvar) pl)
- | PSoApp (n,pl) -> PSoApp (n, (inst lvar) pl)
- | PLambda (n,a,b) -> PLambda (n,inst lvar a,inst lvar b)
- | PProd (n,a,b) -> PProd (n,inst lvar a,inst lvar b)
- | PLetIn (n,a,b) -> PLetIn (n,inst lvar a,inst lvar b)
- | PCase (ci,po,p,pl) ->
- PCase (ci,option_app (inst lvar) po,inst lvar p, (inst lvar) pl)
+let map_pattern_with_binders g f l = function
+ | PApp (p,pl) -> PApp (f l p, (f l) pl)
+ | PSoApp (n,pl) -> PSoApp (n, (f l) pl)
+ | PLambda (n,a,b) -> PLambda (n,f l a,f (g l) b)
+ | PProd (n,a,b) -> PProd (n,f l a,f (g l) b)
+ | PLetIn (n,a,b) -> PLetIn (n,f l a,f (g l) b)
+ | PIf (c,b1,b2) -> PIf (f l c,f l b1,f l b2)
+ | PCase (ci,po,p,pl) -> PCase (ci,f l po,f l p, (f l) pl)
(* Non recursive *)
- | (PEvar _ | PRel _ | PRef _ | PSort _ | PMeta _ as x) -> x
+ | (PVar _ | PEvar _ | PRel _ | PRef _ | PSort _ | PMeta _
(* Bound to terms *)
- | (PFix _ | PCoFix _) ->
- error ("Not instantiable pattern")
+ | PFix _ | PCoFix _ as x) -> x
+let map_pattern f = map_pattern_with_binders (fun () -> ()) (fun () -> f) ()
+let rec instantiate_pattern lvar = function
+ | PVar id as x -> (try List.assoc id lvar with Not_found -> x)
+ | (PFix _ | PCoFix _) -> error ("Not instantiable pattern")
+ | c -> map_pattern (instantiate_pattern lvar) c
+let rec liftn_pattern k n = function
+ | PRel i as x -> if i >= n then PRel (i+k) else x
+ | PFix x -> PFix (destFix (liftn k n (mkFix x)))
+ | PCoFix x -> PCoFix (destCoFix (liftn k n (mkCoFix x)))
+ | c -> map_pattern_with_binders succ (liftn_pattern k) n c
+let lift_pattern k = liftn_pattern k 1
let rec subst_pattern subst pat = match pat with
| PRef ref ->
@@ -160,12 +178,20 @@ let rec subst_pattern subst pat = match pat with
PLetIn (name,c1',c2')
| PSort _
| PMeta _ -> pat
- | PCase (cs,typ, c, branches) ->
- let typ' = option_smartmap (subst_pattern subst) typ in
+ | PIf (c,c1,c2) ->
+ let c' = subst_pattern subst c in
+ let c1' = subst_pattern subst c1 in
+ let c2' = subst_pattern subst c2 in
+ if c' == c && c1' == c1 && c2' == c2 then pat else
+ PIf (c',c1',c2')
+ | PCase ((a,b,ind,n as cs),typ,c,branches) ->
+ let ind' = option_smartmap (Inductiveops.subst_inductive subst) ind in
+ let typ' = subst_pattern subst typ in
let c' = subst_pattern subst c in
let branches' = array_smartmap (subst_pattern subst) branches in
+ let cs' = if ind == ind' then cs else (a,b,ind',n) in
if typ' == typ && c' == c && branches' == branches then pat else
- PCase(cs,typ', c', branches')
+ PCase(cs',typ', c', branches')
| PFix fixpoint ->
let cstr = mkFix fixpoint in
let fixpoint' = destFix (subst_mps subst cstr) in
@@ -177,8 +203,8 @@ let rec subst_pattern subst pat = match pat with
if cofixpoint' == cofixpoint then pat else
PCoFix cofixpoint'
-let instantiate_pattern = inst
+let mkPLambda na b = PLambda(na,PMeta None,b)
+let rev_it_mkPLambda = List.fold_right mkPLambda
let rec pat_of_raw metas vars = function
| RVar (_,id) ->
@@ -212,17 +238,30 @@ let rec pat_of_raw metas vars = function
Pp.warning "Cast not taken into account in constr pattern";
pat_of_raw metas vars c
| RIf (_,c,(_,None),b1,b2) ->
- PCase ((None,IfStyle),None, pat_of_raw metas vars c,
- [|pat_of_raw metas vars b1; pat_of_raw metas vars b2|])
- | RCases (loc,None,[c,_],brs) ->
- let sp =
+ PIf (pat_of_raw metas vars c,
+ pat_of_raw metas vars b1,pat_of_raw metas vars b2)
+ | RLetTuple (loc,nal,(_,None),b,c) ->
+ let mkRLambda c na = RLambda (loc,na,RHole (loc,Evd.InternalHole),c) in
+ let c = List.fold_left mkRLambda c nal in
+ PCase ((LetStyle,[|1|],None,None),PMeta None,pat_of_raw metas vars b,
+ [|pat_of_raw metas vars c|])
+ | RCases (loc,p,[c,(na,indnames)],brs) ->
+ let pred,ind_nargs, ind = match p,indnames with
+ | Some p, Some (_,ind,n,nal) ->
+ rev_it_mkPLambda nal (mkPLambda na (pat_of_raw metas vars p)),
+ Some (n,List.length nal),Some ind
+ | _ -> PMeta None, None, None in
+ let ind = match ind with Some _ -> ind | None ->
match brs with
| (_,_,[PatCstr(_,(ind,_),_,_)],_)::_ -> Some ind
| _ -> None in
- PCase ((sp,Term.RegularStyle),None,
- pat_of_raw metas vars c,
- Array.init (List.length brs)
- (pat_of_raw_branch loc metas vars sp brs))
+ let cbrs =
+ Array.init (List.length brs) (pat_of_raw_branch loc metas vars ind brs)
+ in
+ let cstr_nargs,brs = ( fst cbrs, snd cbrs) in
+ PCase ((RegularStyle,cstr_nargs,ind,ind_nargs), pred,
+ pat_of_raw metas vars c, brs)
| r ->
let loc = loc_of_rawconstr r in
user_err_loc (loc,"pattern_of_rawconstr", Pp.str "Pattern not supported")
@@ -230,12 +269,12 @@ let rec pat_of_raw metas vars = function
and pat_of_raw_branch loc metas vars ind brs i =
let bri = List.filter
- (_,_,[PatCstr(_,c,lv,_)],_) -> snd c = i+1
+ (_,_,[PatCstr(_,c,lv,Anonymous)],_) -> snd c = i+1
| (loc,_,_,_) ->
user_err_loc (loc,"pattern_of_rawconstr",
Pp.str "Not supported pattern")) brs in
match bri with
- [(_,_,[PatCstr(_,(indsp,_),lv,_)],br)] ->
+ | [(_,_,[PatCstr(_,(indsp,_),lv,_)],br)] ->
if ind <> None & ind <> Some indsp then
user_err_loc (loc,"pattern_of_rawconstr",
Pp.str "All constructors must be in the same inductive type");
@@ -246,8 +285,7 @@ and pat_of_raw_branch loc metas vars ind brs i =
user_err_loc (loc,"pattern_of_rawconstr",
Pp.str "Not supported pattern")) lv in
let vars' = List.rev lna @ vars in
- List.fold_right (fun na b -> PLambda(na,PMeta None,b)) lna
- (pat_of_raw metas vars' br)
+ List.length lv, rev_it_mkPLambda lna (pat_of_raw metas vars' br)
| _ -> user_err_loc (loc,"pattern_of_rawconstr",
str "No unique branch for " ++ int (i+1) ++
str"-th constructor")
diff --git a/pretyping/pattern.mli b/pretyping/pattern.mli
index 25a57ed2..1637fc5f 100644
--- a/pretyping/pattern.mli
+++ b/pretyping/pattern.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: pattern.mli 7732 2005-12-26 13:51:24Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: pattern.mli 8755 2006-04-27 22:22:15Z herbelin $ i*)
open Pp
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ type constr_pattern =
| PLetIn of name * constr_pattern * constr_pattern
| PSort of rawsort
| PMeta of patvar option
- | PCase of (inductive option * case_style)
- * constr_pattern option * constr_pattern * constr_pattern array
+ | PIf of constr_pattern * constr_pattern * constr_pattern
+ | PCase of (case_style * int array * inductive option * (int * int) option)
+ * constr_pattern * constr_pattern * constr_pattern array
| PFix of fixpoint
| PCoFix of cofixpoint
@@ -76,3 +77,5 @@ val pattern_of_rawconstr : rawconstr ->
val instantiate_pattern :
(identifier * constr_pattern) list -> constr_pattern -> constr_pattern
+val lift_pattern : int -> constr_pattern -> constr_pattern
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 48295c92..f5a81659 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Stdpp
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let env_ise sigma env =
(fun (na,b,ty) e ->
- (na, option_app (nf_evar sigma) b, nf_evar sigma ty)
+ (na, option_map (nf_evar sigma) b, nf_evar sigma ty)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ let contract env lc =
| _ ->
let t' = substl !l t in
- let c' = option_app (substl !l) c in
+ let c' = option_map (substl !l) c in
let na' = named_hd env t' na in
l := (mkRel 1) :: (lift 1) !l;
push_rel (na',c',t') env in
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 2d1e297f..ca797f97 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8695 2006-04-10 16:33:52Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8875 2006-05-29 19:59:11Z msozeau $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ module Pretyping_F (Coercion : Coercion.S) = struct
| REvar (loc, ev, instopt) ->
(* Ne faudrait-il pas s'assurer que hyps est bien un
sous-contexte du contexte courant, et qu'il n'y a pas de Rel "cach�" *)
- let hyps = evar_context ( (evars_of !isevars) ev) in
+ let hyps = evar_context (Evd.find (evars_of !isevars) ev) in
let args = match instopt with
| None -> instance_from_named_context hyps
| Some inst -> failwith "Evar subtitutions not implemented" in
@@ -329,34 +329,43 @@ module Pretyping_F (Coercion : Coercion.S) = struct
{ uj_val = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn j.uj_val ctxt;
uj_type = it_mkProd_or_LetIn j.uj_type ctxt })
ctxtv vdef in
- evar_type_fixpoint loc env isevars names ftys vdefj;
- let fixj =
- match fixkind with
- | RFix (vn,i) ->
- let fix = (( fst vn, i),(names,ftys, j_val vdefj)) in
- (try check_fix env fix with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e);
- make_judge (mkFix fix) ftys.(i)
- | RCoFix i ->
- let cofix = (i,(names,ftys, j_val vdefj)) in
- (try check_cofix env cofix with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e);
- make_judge (mkCoFix cofix) ftys.(i) in
- inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars fixj tycon
+ evar_type_fixpoint loc env isevars names ftys vdefj;
+ let fixj = match fixkind with
+ | RFix (vn,i) ->
+ let guard_indexes = Array.mapi
+ (fun i (n,_) -> match n with
+ | Some n -> n
+ | None ->
+ (* Recursive argument was not given by the user : We
+ check that there is only one inductive argument *)
+ let ctx = ctxtv.(i) in
+ let isIndApp t =
+ isInd (fst (decompose_app (strip_head_cast t))) in
+ (* This could be more precise (e.g. do some delta) *)
+ let lb = List.rev_map (fun (_,_,t) -> isIndApp t) ctx in
+ try (list_unique_index true lb) - 1
+ with Not_found ->
+ Util.user_err_loc
+ (loc,"pretype",
+ Pp.str "cannot guess decreasing argument of fix"))
+ vn
+ in
+ let fix = ((guard_indexes, i),(names,ftys, j_val vdefj)) in
+ (try check_fix env fix with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e);
+ make_judge (mkFix fix) ftys.(i)
+ | RCoFix i ->
+ let cofix = (i,(names,ftys, j_val vdefj)) in
+ (try check_cofix env cofix with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e);
+ make_judge (mkCoFix cofix) ftys.(i) in
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars fixj tycon
| RSort (loc,s) ->
inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars (pretype_sort s) tycon
| RApp (loc,f,args) ->
- let length = List.length args in
- let ftycon =
- match tycon with
- None -> None
- | Some (None, ty) -> mk_abstr_tycon length ty
- | Some (Some (init, cur), ty) ->
- Some (Some (length + init, length + cur), ty)
- in
let fj = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar f in
let floc = loc_of_rawconstr f in
- let rec apply_rec env n resj tycon = function
+ let rec apply_rec env n resj = function
| [] -> resj
| c::rest ->
let argloc = loc_of_rawconstr c in
@@ -367,38 +376,22 @@ module Pretyping_F (Coercion : Coercion.S) = struct
let hj = pretype (mk_tycon c1) env isevars lvar c in
let value, typ = applist (j_val resj, [j_val hj]), subst1 hj.uj_val c2 in
let typ' = nf_isevar !isevars typ in
- let tycon =
- option_app
- (fun (abs, ty) ->
- match abs with
- None ->
- isevars := Coercion.inh_conv_coerces_to loc env !isevars typ'
- (abs, ty);
- (abs, ty)
- | Some (init, cur) ->
- isevars := Coercion.inh_conv_coerces_to loc env !isevars typ'
- (abs, ty);
- (Some (init, pred cur), ty))
- tycon
- in
apply_rec env (n+1)
{ uj_val = nf_isevar !isevars value;
- uj_type = nf_isevar !isevars typ' }
- (option_app (fun (abs, c) -> abs, nf_isevar !isevars c) tycon) rest
+ uj_type = typ' }
+ rest
| _ ->
let hj = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c in
(join_loc floc argloc) env (evars_of !isevars)
resj [hj]
- let ftycon = option_app (lift_abstr_tycon_type (-1)) ftycon in
- let resj = j_nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) (apply_rec env 1 fj ftycon args) in
+ let resj = j_nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) (apply_rec env 1 fj args) in
let resj =
match kind_of_term resj.uj_val with
| App (f,args) when isInd f ->
let sigma = evars_of !isevars in
- let t = Retyping.type_of_applied_inductive env sigma (destInd f) args in
+ let t = Retyping.type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env sigma (destInd f) args in
let s = snd (splay_arity env sigma t) in
on_judgment_type (set_inductive_level env s) resj
(* Rem: no need to send sigma: no head evar, it's an arity *)
@@ -573,12 +566,19 @@ module Pretyping_F (Coercion : Coercion.S) = struct
tycon env (* loc *) (po,tml,eqns)
| RCast(loc,c,k,t) ->
- let tj = pretype_type empty_valcon env isevars lvar t in
- let cj = pretype (mk_tycon tj.utj_val) env isevars lvar c in
- (* User Casts are for helping pretyping, experimentally not to be kept*)
- (* ... except for Correctness *)
- let v = mkCast (cj.uj_val, k, tj.utj_val) in
- let cj = { uj_val = v; uj_type = tj.utj_val } in
+ let cj =
+ match k with
+ CastCoerce ->
+ let cj = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c in
+ evd_comb1 (Coercion.inh_coerce_to_base loc env) isevars cj
+ | CastConv k ->
+ let tj = pretype_type empty_valcon env isevars lvar t in
+ let cj = pretype (mk_tycon tj.utj_val) env isevars lvar c in
+ (* User Casts are for helping pretyping, experimentally not to be kept*)
+ (* ... except for Correctness *)
+ let v = mkCast (cj.uj_val, k, tj.utj_val) in
+ { uj_val = v; uj_type = tj.utj_val }
+ in
inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars cj tycon
| RDynamic (loc,d) ->
@@ -640,8 +640,8 @@ module Pretyping_F (Coercion : Coercion.S) = struct
let rec proc_rec c =
match kind_of_term c with
| Evar (ev,args) ->
- assert (Evd.in_dom sigma ev);
- if not (Evd.in_dom initial_sigma ev) then
+ assert (Evd.mem sigma ev);
+ if not (Evd.mem initial_sigma ev) then
let (loc,k) = evar_source ev !isevars in
error_unsolvable_implicit loc env sigma k
| _ -> iter_constr proc_rec c
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 5d177326..e61bf2c3 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8624 2006-03-13 17:38:17Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8878 2006-05-30 16:44:25Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ type 'a bindings =
type 'a with_bindings = 'a * 'a bindings
+type cast_type =
+ | CastConv of cast_kind
+ | CastCoerce (* Cast to a base type (eg, an underlying inductive type) *)
type rawconstr =
| RRef of (loc * global_reference)
| RVar of (loc * identifier)
@@ -56,9 +60,7 @@ type rawconstr =
| RLambda of loc * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
| RProd of loc * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
| RLetIn of loc * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
- | RCases of loc * rawconstr option *
- (rawconstr * (name * (loc * inductive * name list) option)) list *
- (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list
+ | RCases of loc * rawconstr option * tomatch_tuple * cases_clauses
| RLetTuple of loc * name list * (name * rawconstr option) *
rawconstr * rawconstr
| RIf of loc * rawconstr * (name * rawconstr option) * rawconstr * rawconstr
@@ -66,19 +68,29 @@ type rawconstr =
rawconstr array * rawconstr array
| RSort of loc * rawsort
| RHole of (loc * hole_kind)
- | RCast of loc * rawconstr * cast_kind * rawconstr
+ | RCast of loc * rawconstr * cast_type * rawconstr
| RDynamic of loc * Dyn.t
and rawdecl = name * rawconstr option * rawconstr
and fix_recursion_order = RStructRec | RWfRec of rawconstr
-and fix_kind = RFix of ((int * fix_recursion_order) array * int) | RCoFix of int
+and fix_kind =
+ | RFix of ((int option * fix_recursion_order) array * int)
+ | RCoFix of int
+and predicate_pattern =
+ name * (loc * inductive * int * name list) option
+and tomatch_tuple = (rawconstr * predicate_pattern) list
+and cases_clauses =
+ (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list
let cases_predicate_names tml =
List.flatten ( (function
| (tm,(na,None)) -> [na]
- | (tm,(na,Some (_,_,nal))) -> na::nal) tml)
+ | (tm,(na,Some (_,_,_,nal))) -> na::nal) tml)
(*i - if PRec (_, names, arities, bodies) is in env then arities are
typed in env too and bodies are typed in env enriched by the
@@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ let cases_predicate_names tml =
- boolean in POldCase means it is recursive
-let map_rawdecl f (na,obd,ty) = (na,option_app f obd,f ty)
+let map_rawdecl f (na,obd,ty) = (na,option_map f obd,f ty)
let map_rawconstr f = function
| RVar (loc,id) -> RVar (loc,id)
@@ -98,13 +110,13 @@ let map_rawconstr f = function
| RProd (loc,na,ty,c) -> RProd (loc,na,f ty,f c)
| RLetIn (loc,na,b,c) -> RLetIn (loc,na,f b,f c)
| RCases (loc,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
- RCases (loc,option_app f rtntypopt,
+ RCases (loc,option_map f rtntypopt, (fun (tm,x) -> (f tm,x)) tml, (fun (loc,idl,p,c) -> (loc,idl,p,f c)) pl)
| RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
- RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,option_app f po),f b,f c)
+ RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,option_map f po),f b,f c)
| RIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
- RIf (loc,f c,(na,option_app f po),f b1,f b2)
+ RIf (loc,f c,(na,option_map f po),f b1,f b2)
| RRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
RRec (loc,fk,idl, ( (map_rawdecl f)) bl, f tyl, f bv)
@@ -137,7 +149,7 @@ let map_rawconstr_with_binders_loc loc g f e = function
let g' id e = snd (g id e) in
let h (_,idl,p,c) = (loc,idl,p,f (List.fold_right g' idl e) c) in
- (loc,option_app (f e) tyopt, (f e) tml, h pl)
+ (loc,option_map (f e) tyopt, (f e) tml, h pl)
| RRec (_,fk,idl,tyl,bv) ->
let idl',e' = fold_ident g idl e in
RRec (loc,fk,idl', (f e) tyl, (f e') bv)
@@ -251,22 +263,24 @@ type 'a raw_red_flag = {
let all_flags =
{rBeta = true; rIota = true; rZeta = true; rDelta = true; rConst = []}
-type 'a occurrences = int list * 'a
+type 'a or_var = ArgArg of 'a | ArgVar of identifier located
+type 'a with_occurrences = int or_var list * 'a
type ('a,'b) red_expr_gen =
| Red of bool
| Hnf
- | Simpl of 'a occurrences option
+ | Simpl of 'a with_occurrences option
| Cbv of 'b raw_red_flag
| Lazy of 'b raw_red_flag
- | Unfold of 'b occurrences list
+ | Unfold of 'b with_occurrences list
| Fold of 'a list
- | Pattern of 'a occurrences list
+ | Pattern of 'a with_occurrences list
| ExtraRedExpr of string
| CbvVm
type ('a,'b) may_eval =
| ConstrTerm of 'a
- | ConstrEval of ('a, 'b) red_expr_gen * 'a
+ | ConstrEval of ('a,'b) red_expr_gen * 'a
| ConstrContext of (loc * identifier) * 'a
| ConstrTypeOf of 'a
diff --git a/pretyping/rawterm.mli b/pretyping/rawterm.mli
index 22317b5f..b29cc7b6 100644
--- a/pretyping/rawterm.mli
+++ b/pretyping/rawterm.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: rawterm.mli 8624 2006-03-13 17:38:17Z msozeau $ i*)
+(*i $Id: rawterm.mli 8878 2006-05-30 16:44:25Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ type 'a bindings =
type 'a with_bindings = 'a * 'a bindings
+type cast_type =
+ | CastConv of cast_kind
+ | CastCoerce (* Cast to a base type (eg, an underlying inductive type) *)
type rawconstr =
| RRef of (loc * global_reference)
| RVar of (loc * identifier)
@@ -53,9 +57,7 @@ type rawconstr =
| RLambda of loc * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
| RProd of loc * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
| RLetIn of loc * name * rawconstr * rawconstr
- | RCases of loc * rawconstr option *
- (rawconstr * (name * (loc * inductive * name list) option)) list *
- (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list
+ | RCases of loc * rawconstr option * tomatch_tuple * cases_clauses
| RLetTuple of loc * name list * (name * rawconstr option) *
rawconstr * rawconstr
| RIf of loc * rawconstr * (name * rawconstr option) * rawconstr * rawconstr
@@ -63,17 +65,26 @@ type rawconstr =
rawconstr array * rawconstr array
| RSort of loc * rawsort
| RHole of (loc * Evd.hole_kind)
- | RCast of loc * rawconstr * cast_kind * rawconstr
+ | RCast of loc * rawconstr * cast_type * rawconstr
| RDynamic of loc * Dyn.t
and rawdecl = name * rawconstr option * rawconstr
and fix_recursion_order = RStructRec | RWfRec of rawconstr
-and fix_kind = RFix of ((int * fix_recursion_order) array * int) | RCoFix of int
+and fix_kind =
+ | RFix of ((int option * fix_recursion_order) array * int)
+ | RCoFix of int
+and predicate_pattern =
+ name * (loc * inductive * int * name list) option
+and tomatch_tuple = (rawconstr * predicate_pattern) list
-val cases_predicate_names :
- (rawconstr * (name * (loc * inductive * name list) option)) list -> name list
+and cases_clauses =
+ (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list
+val cases_predicate_names : tomatch_tuple -> name list
(*i - if PRec (_, names, arities, bodies) is in env then arities are
typed in env too and bodies are typed in env enriched by the
@@ -121,22 +132,24 @@ type 'a raw_red_flag = {
val all_flags : 'a raw_red_flag
-type 'a occurrences = int list * 'a
+type 'a or_var = ArgArg of 'a | ArgVar of identifier located
+type 'a with_occurrences = int or_var list * 'a
type ('a,'b) red_expr_gen =
| Red of bool
| Hnf
- | Simpl of 'a occurrences option
+ | Simpl of 'a with_occurrences option
| Cbv of 'b raw_red_flag
| Lazy of 'b raw_red_flag
- | Unfold of 'b occurrences list
+ | Unfold of 'b with_occurrences list
| Fold of 'a list
- | Pattern of 'a occurrences list
+ | Pattern of 'a with_occurrences list
| ExtraRedExpr of string
| CbvVm
type ('a,'b) may_eval =
| ConstrTerm of 'a
- | ConstrEval of ('a, 'b) red_expr_gen * 'a
+ | ConstrEval of ('a,'b) red_expr_gen * 'a
| ConstrContext of (loc * identifier) * 'a
| ConstrTypeOf of 'a
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 87997d99..5d38f52c 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8642 2006-03-17 10:09:02Z notin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ let subst_structure (_,subst,((kn,i),id,kl,projs as obj)) =
let discharge_structure (_,(ind,id,kl,projs)) =
Some (Lib.discharge_inductive ind, id, kl,
- (option_app Lib.discharge_con) projs)
+ (option_map Lib.discharge_con) projs)
let (inStruc,outStruc) =
declare_object {(default_object "STRUCTURE") with
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index b590f743..82cc1b7d 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8708 2006-04-14 08:13:02Z jforest $ *)
+(* $Id: 8845 2006-05-23 07:41:58Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -23,6 +23,91 @@ open Reduction
exception Elimconst
+(* The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
+type 'a stack_member =
+ | Zapp of 'a list
+ | Zcase of case_info * 'a * 'a array
+ | Zfix of 'a * 'a stack
+ | Zshift of int
+ | Zupdate of 'a
+and 'a stack = 'a stack_member list
+let empty_stack = []
+let append_stack_list = function
+ | ([],s) -> s
+ | (l1, Zapp l :: s) -> Zapp (l1@l) :: s
+ | (l1, s) -> Zapp l1 :: s
+let append_stack v s = append_stack_list (Array.to_list v, s)
+(* Collapse the shifts in the stack *)
+let zshift n s =
+ match (n,s) with
+ (0,_) -> s
+ | (_,Zshift(k)::s) -> Zshift(n+k)::s
+ | _ -> Zshift(n)::s
+let rec stack_args_size = function
+ | Zapp l::s -> List.length l + stack_args_size s
+ | Zshift(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
+ | Zupdate(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
+ | _ -> 0
+(* When used as an argument stack (only Zapp can appear) *)
+let rec decomp_stack = function
+ | Zapp[v]::s -> Some (v, s)
+ | Zapp(v::l)::s -> Some (v, (Zapp l :: s))
+ | Zapp [] :: s -> decomp_stack s
+ | _ -> None
+let rec decomp_stackn = function
+ | Zapp [] :: s -> decomp_stackn s
+ | Zapp l :: s -> (Array.of_list l, s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let array_of_stack s =
+ let rec stackrec = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Zapp args :: s -> args :: (stackrec s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in Array.of_list (List.concat (stackrec s))
+let rec list_of_stack = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Zapp args :: s -> args @ (list_of_stack s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec app_stack = function
+ | f, [] -> f
+ | f, (Zapp [] :: s) -> app_stack (f, s)
+ | f, (Zapp args :: s) ->
+ app_stack (applist (f, args), s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec stack_assign s p c = match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if p >= q then
+ Zapp args :: stack_assign s (p-q) c
+ else
+ (match list_chop p args with
+ (bef, _::aft) -> Zapp (bef@c::aft) :: s
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> s
+let rec stack_tail p s =
+ if p = 0 then s else
+ match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if p >= q then stack_tail (p-q) s
+ else Zapp (list_skipn p args) :: s
+ | _ -> failwith "stack_tail"
+let rec stack_nth s p = match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if p >= q then stack_nth s (p-q)
+ else List.nth args p
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
(* The type of (machine) states (= lambda-bar-calculus' cuts) *)
type state = constr * constr stack
@@ -428,13 +513,13 @@ let whd_betadeltaiota_nolet env sigma x =
let rec whd_evar sigma c =
match kind_of_term c with
| Evar (ev,args)
- when Evd.in_dom sigma ev & Evd.is_defined sigma ev ->
+ when Evd.mem sigma ev & Evd.is_defined sigma ev ->
whd_evar sigma (Evd.existential_value sigma (ev,args))
| Sort s when is_sort_variable sigma s -> whd_sort_variable sigma c
| _ -> collapse_appl c
-let nf_evar evd =
- local_strong (whd_evar evd)
+let nf_evar sigma =
+ local_strong (whd_evar sigma)
(* lazy reduction functions. The infos must be created for each term *)
let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t =
@@ -451,113 +536,49 @@ let nf_betadeltaiota env sigma =
du type checking :
(fun x => x + x) M
-let nf_betaiotaevar_preserving_vm_cast env sigma t =
- let push decl (env,subst) =
- (Environ.push_rel decl env, Esubst.subs_lift subst) in
- let cons decl v (env, subst) = (push_rel decl env, Esubst.subs_cons (v,subst)) in
- let app_stack t (f, stack) =
- let t' = app_stack (f,stack) in
- match kind_of_term t, kind_of_term t' with
- | App(f,args), App(f',args') when f == f' && array_for_all2 (==) args args' -> t
- | _ -> t'
- in
- let rec whrec (env, subst as es) (t, stack as s) =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Rel i ->
- let t' =
- match Esubst.expand_rel i subst with
- | Inl (k,e) -> lift k e
- | Inr (k,None) -> mkRel k
- | Inr (k, Some p) -> lift (k-p) (mkRel p) (*??????? == mkRel k ! Julien *)
- (* Est correct ??? *)
- in
- if t = t' then s else t', stack
- | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ -> s
- | Evar (e,al) ->
- let al' = (norm es) al in
- begin match existential_opt_value sigma (e,al') with
- | Some body -> whrec (env,Esubst.ESID 0) (body, stack) (**** ????? ****)
- | None ->
- if array_for_all2 (==) al al' then s else (mkEvar (e, al'), stack)
- end
- | Cast (c,VMcast,t) ->
- let c' = norm es c in
- let t' = norm es t in
- if c == c' && t == t' then s
- else (mkCast(c',VMcast,t'),stack)
- | Cast (c,DEFAULTcast,_) ->
- whrec es (c, stack)
- | Prod (na,t,c) ->
- let t' = norm es t in
- let c' = norm (push (na, None, t') es) c in
- if t==t' && c==c' then s else (mkProd (na, t', c'), stack)
- | Lambda (na,t,c) ->
- begin match decomp_stack stack with
- | Some (a,m) ->
- begin match kind_of_term a with
- | Rel i when not (evaluable_rel i env) ->
- whrec (cons (na,None,t) a es) (c, m)
- | Var id when not (evaluable_named id env)->
- whrec (cons (na,None,t) a es) (c, m)
- | _ ->
- let t' = norm es t in
- let c' = norm (push (na, None, t') es) c in
- if t == t' && c == c' then s
- else mkLambda (na, t', c'), stack
- end
- | _ ->
- let t' = norm es t in
- let c' = norm (push (na, None, t') es) c in
- if t == t' && c == c' then s
- else mkLambda(na,t',c'),stack
- end
- | LetIn (na,b,t,c) ->
- let b' = norm es b in
- let t' = norm es t in
- let c' = norm (push (na, Some b', t') es) c in
- if b==b' && t==t' && c==c' then s
- else mkLetIn (na, b', t', c'), stack
- | App (f,cl) ->
- let cl' = (norm es) cl in
- whrec es (f, append_stack cl' stack)
- | Case (ci,p,d,lf) ->
- let (c,cargs) = whrec es (d, empty_stack) in
- if reducible_mind_case c then
- whrec es (reduce_mind_case
- {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=list_of_stack cargs;
- mci=ci; mlf=lf}, stack)
- else
- let p' = norm es p in
- let d' = app_stack d (c,cargs) in
- let lf' = (norm es) lf in
- if p==p' && d==d' && array_for_all2 (==) lf lf' then s
- else (mkCase (ci, p', d', lf'), stack)
- | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
- let tl' = (norm es) tl in
- let es' =
- array_fold_left2 (fun es na t -> push (na,None,t) es) es lna tl' in
- let bl' = (norm es') bl in
- if array_for_all2 (==) tl tl' && array_for_all2 (==) bl bl'
- then s
- else (mkFix (ln,(lna,tl',bl')), stack)
- | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
- let tl' = (norm es) tl in
- let es' =
- array_fold_left2 (fun es na t -> push (na,None,t) es) es lna tl in
- let bl' = (norm es') bl in
- if array_for_all2 (==) tl tl' && array_for_all2 (==) bl bl'
- then s
- else (mkCoFix (ln,(lna,tl',bl')), stack)
- and norm es t = app_stack t (whrec es (t,empty_stack)) in
- norm (env, Esubst.ESID 0) t
+let rec whd_betaiotaevar_preserving_vm_cast env sigma t =
+ let rec stacklam_var subst t stack =
+ match (decomp_stack stack,kind_of_term t) with
+ | Some (h,stacktl), Lambda (_,_,c) ->
+ begin match kind_of_term h with
+ | Rel i when not (evaluable_rel i env) ->
+ stacklam_var (h::subst) c stacktl
+ | Var id when not (evaluable_named id env)->
+ stacklam_var (h::subst) c stacktl
+ | _ -> whrec (substl subst t, stack)
+ end
+ | _ -> whrec (substl subst t, stack)
+ and whrec (x, stack as s) =
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | Evar ev ->
+ (match existential_opt_value sigma ev with
+ | Some body -> whrec (body, stack)
+ | None -> s)
+ | Cast (c,VMcast,t) ->
+ let c = app_stack (whrec (c,empty_stack)) in
+ let t = app_stack (whrec (t,empty_stack)) in
+ (mkCast(c,VMcast,t),stack)
+ | Cast (c,DEFAULTcast,_) ->
+ whrec (c, stack)
+ | App (f,cl) -> whrec (f, append_stack cl stack)
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) ->
+ (match decomp_stack stack with
+ | Some (a,m) -> stacklam_var [a] c m
+ | _ -> s)
+ | Case (ci,p,d,lf) ->
+ let (c,cargs) = whrec (d, empty_stack) in
+ if reducible_mind_case c then
+ whrec (reduce_mind_case
+ {mP=p; mconstr=c; mcargs=list_of_stack cargs;
+ mci=ci; mlf=lf}, stack)
+ else
+ (mkCase (ci, p, app_stack (c,cargs), lf), stack)
+ | x -> s
+ in
+ app_stack (whrec (t,empty_stack))
+let nf_betaiotaevar_preserving_vm_cast =
+ strong whd_betaiotaevar_preserving_vm_cast
(* lazy weak head reduction functions *)
let whd_flags flgs env sigma t =
@@ -825,26 +846,6 @@ let is_arity env sigma c =
match find_conclusion env sigma c with
| Sort _ -> true
| _ -> false
-let info_arity env sigma c =
- match find_conclusion env sigma c with
- | Sort (Prop Null) -> false
- | Sort (Prop Pos) -> true
- | _ -> raise IsType
-let is_info_arity env sigma c =
- try (info_arity env sigma c) with IsType -> true
-let is_type_arity env sigma c =
- match find_conclusion env sigma c with
- | Sort (Type _) -> true
- | _ -> false
-let is_info_type env sigma t =
- let s = t.utj_type in
- (s = Prop Pos) ||
- (s <> Prop Null &&
- try info_arity env sigma t.utj_val with IsType -> true)
(* Metas *)
diff --git a/pretyping/reductionops.mli b/pretyping/reductionops.mli
index ff55cc0e..78afd22b 100644
--- a/pretyping/reductionops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/reductionops.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: reductionops.mli 8708 2006-04-14 08:13:02Z jforest $ i*)
+(*i $Id: reductionops.mli 8812 2006-05-13 11:46:02Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
@@ -21,6 +21,34 @@ open Closure
exception Elimconst
+(*s A [stack] is a context of arguments, arguments are pushed by
+ [append_stack] one array at a time but popped with [decomp_stack]
+ one by one *)
+type 'a stack_member =
+ | Zapp of 'a list
+ | Zcase of case_info * 'a * 'a array
+ | Zfix of 'a * 'a stack
+ | Zshift of int
+ | Zupdate of 'a
+and 'a stack = 'a stack_member list
+val empty_stack : 'a stack
+val append_stack : 'a array -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
+val decomp_stack : 'a stack -> ('a * 'a stack) option
+val list_of_stack : 'a stack -> 'a list
+val array_of_stack : 'a stack -> 'a array
+val stack_assign : 'a stack -> int -> 'a -> 'a stack
+val stack_args_size : 'a stack -> int
+val app_stack : constr * constr stack -> constr
+val stack_tail : int -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
+val stack_nth : 'a stack -> int -> 'a
type state = constr * constr stack
type contextual_reduction_function = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
@@ -147,13 +175,6 @@ val reduce_mind_case : constr miota_args -> constr
val find_conclusion : env -> evar_map -> constr -> (constr,constr) kind_of_term
val is_arity : env -> evar_map -> constr -> bool
-val is_info_type : env -> evar_map -> unsafe_type_judgment -> bool
-val is_info_arity : env -> evar_map -> constr -> bool
-(*i Pour l'extraction
-val is_type_arity : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> bool
-val is_info_cast_type : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> bool
-val contents_of_cast_type : env -> 'a evar_map -> constr -> contents
val whd_programs : reduction_function
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 32da4cea..428a7306 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8673 2006-03-29 21:21:52Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8871 2006-05-28 16:46:48Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Term
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let typeur sigma metamap =
| Fix ((_,i),(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i)
| CoFix (i,(_,tys,_)) -> tys.(i)
| App(f,args) when isInd f ->
- let t = type_of_applied_inductive env (destInd f) args in
+ let t = type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env (destInd f) args in
strip_outer_cast (subst_type env sigma t (Array.to_list args))
| App(f,args) ->
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ let typeur sigma metamap =
| Prop Null, (Type _ as s) -> s
| Type u1, Type u2 -> Type (Univ.sup u1 u2))
| App(f,args) when isInd f ->
- let t = type_of_applied_inductive env (destInd f) args in
+ let t = type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env (destInd f) args in
sort_of_atomic_type env sigma t args
| App(f,args) -> sort_of_atomic_type env sigma (type_of env f) args
| Lambda _ | Fix _ | Construct _ ->
@@ -117,25 +117,17 @@ let typeur sigma metamap =
anomaly "sort_of: Not a type (1)"
| _ -> family_of_sort (decomp_sort env sigma (type_of env t))
- and type_of_applied_inductive env ind args =
- let specif = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- let t = Inductive.type_of_inductive specif in
- if is_small_inductive specif then
- (* No polymorphism *)
- t
- else
- (* Retyping constructor with the actual arguments *)
- let env',llc,ls0 = constructor_instances env specif ind args in
- let lls = ( (sort_of env')) llc in
- let ls = max_inductive_sort lls in
- set_inductive_level env (find_inductive_level env specif ind ls0 ls) t
+ and type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env ind args =
+ let (_,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let argtyps = (fun c -> nf_evar sigma (type_of env c)) args in
+ Inductive.type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env mip argtyps
- in type_of, sort_of, sort_family_of, type_of_applied_inductive
+ in type_of, sort_of, sort_family_of, type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters
let get_type_of env sigma c = let f,_,_,_ = typeur sigma [] in f env c
let get_sort_of env sigma t = let _,f,_,_ = typeur sigma [] in f env t
let get_sort_family_of env sigma c = let _,_,f,_ = typeur sigma [] in f env c
-let type_of_applied_inductive env sigma ind args =
+let type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env sigma ind args =
let _,_,_,f = typeur sigma [] in f env ind args
let get_type_of_with_meta env sigma metamap =
diff --git a/pretyping/retyping.mli b/pretyping/retyping.mli
index 7adec66b..923123c5 100644
--- a/pretyping/retyping.mli
+++ b/pretyping/retyping.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: retyping.mli 8673 2006-03-29 21:21:52Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: retyping.mli 8871 2006-05-28 16:46:48Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ val get_assumption_of : env -> evar_map -> constr -> types
(* Makes an unsafe judgment from a constr *)
val get_judgment_of : env -> evar_map -> constr -> unsafe_judgment
-val type_of_applied_inductive : env -> evar_map -> inductive ->
+val type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters : env -> evar_map -> inductive ->
constr array -> types
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 88af6290..006e14b3 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8003 2006-02-07 22:11:50Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8793 2006-05-05 17:41:41Z barras $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ open Termops
open Declarations
open Inductive
open Environ
-open Reductionops
open Closure
+open Reductionops
open Cbv
open Rawterm
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ let reference_opt_value sigma env = function
| EvalRel n ->
let (_,v,_) = lookup_rel n env in
- option_app (lift n) v
+ option_map (lift n) v
| EvalEvar ev -> Evd.existential_opt_value sigma ev
exception NotEvaluable
diff --git a/pretyping/tacred.mli b/pretyping/tacred.mli
index a5468435..691fdf01 100644
--- a/pretyping/tacred.mli
+++ b/pretyping/tacred.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: tacred.mli 8003 2006-02-07 22:11:50Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: tacred.mli 8878 2006-05-30 16:44:25Z herbelin $ i*)
open Names
@@ -77,5 +77,5 @@ val reduce_to_quantified_ref :
val reduce_to_atomic_ref :
env -> evar_map -> Libnames.global_reference -> types -> types
-val contextually : bool -> constr occurrences -> reduction_function
+val contextually : bool -> int list * constr -> reduction_function
-> reduction_function
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 89de5537..823da969 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8003 2006-02-07 22:11:50Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8845 2006-05-23 07:41:58Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ let print_sort = function
| Prop Null -> (str "Prop")
| Type u -> (str "Type(" ++ Univ.pr_uni u ++ str ")")
-let print_sort_family = function
+let pr_sort_family = function
| InSet -> (str "Set")
| InProp -> (str "Prop")
| InType -> (str "Type")
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ let assums_of_rel_context sign =
let lift_rel_context n sign =
let rec liftrec k = function
| (na,c,t)::sign ->
- (na,option_app (liftn n k) c,type_app (liftn n k) t)
+ (na,option_map (liftn n k) c,type_app (liftn n k) t)
::(liftrec (k-1) sign)
| [] -> []
diff --git a/pretyping/termops.mli b/pretyping/termops.mli
index 5f8b5376..49de4838 100644
--- a/pretyping/termops.mli
+++ b/pretyping/termops.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: termops.mli 8003 2006-02-07 22:11:50Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: termops.mli 8845 2006-05-23 07:41:58Z herbelin $ i*)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ val refresh_universes : types -> types
(* printers *)
val print_sort : sorts -> std_ppcmds
-val print_sort_family : sorts_family -> std_ppcmds
+val pr_sort_family : sorts_family -> std_ppcmds
(* debug printer: do not use to display terms to the casual user... *)
val set_print_constr : (env -> constr -> std_ppcmds) -> unit
val print_constr : constr -> std_ppcmds
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index be922c7d..78902a7d 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8673 2006-03-29 21:21:52Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8871 2006-05-28 16:46:48Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -88,14 +88,16 @@ let rec execute env evd cstr =
judge_of_type u
| App (f,args) ->
- let j = execute env evd f in
let jl = execute_array env evd args in
- let (j,_) = judge_of_apply env j jl in
+ let j =
if isInd f then
(* Sort-polymorphism of inductive types *)
- adjust_inductive_level env evd (destInd f) args j
+ judge_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env (destInd f)
+ (jv_nf_evar (evars_of evd) jl)
- j
+ execute env evd f
+ in
+ fst (judge_of_apply env j jl)
| Lambda (name,c1,c2) ->
let j = execute env evd c1 in
@@ -141,25 +143,6 @@ and execute_array env evd = (execute env evd)
and execute_list env evd = (execute env evd)
-and adjust_inductive_level env evd ind args j =
- let specif = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- if is_small_inductive specif then
- (* No polymorphism *)
- j
- else
- (* Retyping constructor with the actual arguments *)
- let env',llc,ls0 = constructor_instances env specif ind args in
- let llj = (execute_array env' evd) llc in
- let ls =
- (fun lj ->
- let ls =
- (fun c -> decomp_sort env (evars_of evd) c.uj_type) lj
- in
- max_inductive_sort ls) llj
- in
- let s = find_inductive_level env specif ind ls0 ls in
- on_judgment_type (set_inductive_level env s) j
let mcheck env evd c t =
let sigma = Evd.evars_of evd in
let j = execute env evd (nf_evar sigma c) in
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index e51f5e0e..e4bde925 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7113 2005-06-05 17:13:06Z barras $ *)
+(* $Id: 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ let w_merge env with_types mod_delta metas evars evd =
and mimick_evar evd mod_delta hdc nargs sp =
- let ev = (evars_of evd) sp in
+ let ev = Evd.find (evars_of evd) sp in
let sp_env = Global.env_of_context ev.evar_hyps in
let (evd', c) = applyHead sp_env evd nargs hdc in
let (mc,ec) =