path: root/pretyping/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping/')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index f97f6fbc..25931869 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Errors
+open CErrors
open Pp
open Util
open Names
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ open Evd
open Reduction
open Reductionops
open Evarutil
+open Evardefine
open Evarsolve
open Pretype_errors
open Retyping
@@ -27,6 +28,8 @@ open Recordops
open Locus
open Locusops
open Find_subterm
+open Sigma.Notations
+open Context.Named.Declaration
let keyed_unification = ref (false)
let _ = Goptions.declare_bool_option {
@@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ let occur_meta_or_undefined_evar evd c =
| Evar_defined c ->
occrec c; Array.iter occrec args
| Evar_empty -> raise Occur)
- | _ -> iter_constr occrec c
+ | _ -> Constr.iter occrec c
in try occrec c; false with Occur | Not_found -> true
let occur_meta_evd sigma mv c =
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ let occur_meta_evd sigma mv c =
let c = whd_evar sigma (whd_meta sigma c) in
match kind_of_term c with
| Meta mv' when Int.equal mv mv' -> raise Occur
- | _ -> iter_constr occrec c
+ | _ -> Constr.iter occrec c
in try occrec c; false with Occur -> true
(* if lname_typ is [xn,An;..;x1,A1] and l is a list of terms,
@@ -74,7 +77,10 @@ let occur_meta_evd sigma mv c =
let abstract_scheme env evd c l lname_typ =
- (fun (t,evd) (locc,a) (na,_,ta) ->
+ (fun (t,evd) (locc,a) decl ->
+ let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
+ let na = get_name decl in
+ let ta = get_type decl in
let na = match kind_of_term a with Var id -> Name id | _ -> na in
(* [occur_meta ta] test removed for support of eelim/ecase but consequences
are unclear...
@@ -107,7 +113,9 @@ let set_occurrences_of_last_arg args =
Some AllOccurrences :: (Array.map_to_list (fun _ -> None) args)
let abstract_list_all_with_dependencies env evd typ c l =
- let evd,ev = new_evar env evd typ in
+ let evd = Sigma.Unsafe.of_evar_map evd in
+ let Sigma (ev, evd, _) = new_evar env evd typ in
+ let evd = Sigma.to_evar_map evd in
let evd,ev' = evar_absorb_arguments env evd (destEvar ev) l in
let n = List.length l in
let argoccs = set_occurrences_of_last_arg (Array.sub (snd ev') 0 n) in
@@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ let rec subst_meta_instances bl c =
| Meta i ->
let select (j,_,_) = Int.equal i j in
(try pi2 (List.find select bl) with Not_found -> c)
- | _ -> map_constr (subst_meta_instances bl) c
+ | _ -> (subst_meta_instances bl) c
(** [env] should be the context in which the metas live *)
@@ -161,7 +169,7 @@ let pose_all_metas_as_evars env evd t =
evdref := meta_assign mv (ev,(Conv,TypeNotProcessed)) !evdref;
| _ ->
- map_constr aux t in
+ aux t in
let c = aux t in
(* side-effect *)
(!evdref, c)
@@ -356,6 +364,22 @@ let set_no_delta_flags flags = {
resolve_evars = flags.resolve_evars
+(* For the first phase of keyed unification, restrict
+ to conversion (including beta-iota) only on closed terms *)
+let set_no_delta_open_core_flags flags = { flags with
+ modulo_delta = empty_transparent_state;
+ modulo_betaiota = false;
+let set_no_delta_open_flags flags = {
+ core_unify_flags = set_no_delta_open_core_flags flags.core_unify_flags;
+ merge_unify_flags = set_no_delta_open_core_flags flags.merge_unify_flags;
+ subterm_unify_flags = set_no_delta_open_core_flags flags.subterm_unify_flags;
+ allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification =
+ flags.allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification;
+ resolve_evars = flags.resolve_evars
(* Default flag for the "simple apply" version of unification of a *)
(* type against a type (e.g. apply) *)
(* We set only the flags available at the time the new "apply" extended *)
@@ -436,7 +460,7 @@ let use_metas_pattern_unification flags nb l =
Array.for_all (fun c -> isRel c && destRel c <= nb) l
type key =
- | IsKey of Closure.table_key
+ | IsKey of CClosure.table_key
| IsProj of projection * constr
let expand_table_key env = function
@@ -455,8 +479,8 @@ let unfold_projection env p stk =
let expand_key ts env sigma = function
| Some (IsKey k) -> expand_table_key env k
| Some (IsProj (p, c)) ->
- let red = (fst (whd_betaiota_deltazeta_for_iota_state ts env sigma
- Cst_stack.empty (c, unfold_projection env p [])))
+ let red = (fst (whd_betaiota_deltazeta_for_iota_state ts env sigma
+ Cst_stack.empty (c, unfold_projection env p [])))
in if Term.eq_constr (mkProj (p, c)) red then None else Some red
| None -> None
@@ -481,7 +505,8 @@ let key_of env b flags f =
Id.Pred.mem id (fst flags.modulo_delta) ->
Some (IsKey (VarKey id))
| Proj (p, c) when Projection.unfolded p
- || Cpred.mem (Projection.constant p) (snd flags.modulo_delta) ->
+ || (is_transparent env (ConstKey (Projection.constant p)) &&
+ (Cpred.mem (Projection.constant p) (snd flags.modulo_delta))) ->
Some (IsProj (p, c))
| _ -> None
@@ -547,7 +572,8 @@ let constr_cmp pb sigma flags t u =
else sigma, b
let do_reduce ts (env, nb) sigma c =
- (fst (whd_betaiota_deltazeta_for_iota_state ts env sigma Cst_stack.empty (c, Stack.empty)))
+ (fst (whd_betaiota_deltazeta_for_iota_state
+ ts env sigma Cst_stack.empty (c, Stack.empty)))
let use_full_betaiota flags =
flags.modulo_betaiota && Flags.version_strictly_greater Flags.V8_3
@@ -556,6 +582,19 @@ let isAllowedEvar flags c = match kind_of_term c with
| Evar (evk,_) -> not (Evar.Set.mem evk flags.frozen_evars)
| _ -> false
+let subst_defined_metas_evars (bl,el) c =
+ let rec substrec c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Meta i ->
+ let select (j,_,_) = Int.equal i j in
+ substrec (pi2 (List.find select bl))
+ | Evar (evk,args) ->
+ let select (_,(evk',args'),_) = Evar.equal evk evk' && Array.equal Constr.equal args args' in
+ (try substrec (pi3 (List.find select el))
+ with Not_found -> substrec c)
+ | _ -> substrec c
+ in try Some (substrec c) with Not_found -> None
let check_compatibility env pbty flags (sigma,metasubst,evarsubst) tyM tyN =
match subst_defined_metas_evars (metasubst,[]) tyM with
| None -> sigma
@@ -592,7 +631,7 @@ let is_eta_constructor_app env ts f l1 term =
| Construct (((_, i as ind), j), u) when i == 0 && j == 1 ->
let mib = lookup_mind (fst ind) env in
(match mib.Declarations.mind_record with
- | Some (Some (_,exp,projs)) when mib.Declarations.mind_finite <> Decl_kinds.CoFinite &&
+ | Some (Some (_,exp,projs)) when mib.Declarations.mind_finite == Decl_kinds.BiFinite &&
Array.length projs == Array.length l1 - mib.Declarations.mind_nparams ->
(** Check that the other term is neutral *)
is_neutral env ts term
@@ -619,7 +658,7 @@ let rec unify_0_with_initial_metas (sigma,ms,es as subst) conv_at_top env cv_pb
and cN = Evarutil.whd_head_evar sigma curn in
let () =
if !debug_unification then
- msg_debug (Termops.print_constr_env curenv cM ++ str" ~= " ++ Termops.print_constr_env curenv cN)
+ Feedback.msg_debug (Termops.print_constr_env curenv cM ++ str" ~= " ++ Termops.print_constr_env curenv cN)
match (kind_of_term cM,kind_of_term cN) with
| Meta k1, Meta k2 ->
@@ -704,7 +743,7 @@ let rec unify_0_with_initial_metas (sigma,ms,es as subst) conv_at_top env cv_pb
then Evd.set_leq_sort curenv sigma s1 s2
else Evd.set_eq_sort curenv sigma s1 s2
in (sigma', metasubst, evarsubst)
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
error_cannot_unify curenv sigma (m,n))
| Lambda (na,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) ->
@@ -1016,12 +1055,14 @@ let rec unify_0_with_initial_metas (sigma,ms,es as subst) conv_at_top env cv_pb
else error_cannot_unify (fst curenvnb) sigma (cM,cN)
- if !debug_unification then msg_debug (str "Starting unification");
+ if !debug_unification then Feedback.msg_debug (str "Starting unification");
let opt = { at_top = conv_at_top; with_types = false; with_cs = true } in
let res =
- if occur_meta_or_undefined_evar sigma m || occur_meta_or_undefined_evar sigma n
- || subterm_restriction opt flags then None
+ if subterm_restriction opt flags ||
+ occur_meta_or_undefined_evar sigma m || occur_meta_or_undefined_evar sigma n
+ then
+ None
let sigma, b = match flags.modulo_conv_on_closed_terms with
| Some convflags -> infer_conv ~pb:cv_pb ~ts:convflags env sigma m n
@@ -1037,11 +1078,12 @@ let rec unify_0_with_initial_metas (sigma,ms,es as subst) conv_at_top env cv_pb
let a = match res with
| Some sigma -> sigma, ms, es
| None -> unirec_rec (env,0) cv_pb opt subst m n in
- if !debug_unification then msg_debug (str "Leaving unification with success");
+ if !debug_unification then Feedback.msg_debug (str "Leaving unification with success");
with e ->
- if !debug_unification then msg_debug (str "Leaving unification with failure");
- raise e
+ let e = CErrors.push e in
+ if !debug_unification then Feedback.msg_debug (str "Leaving unification with failure");
+ iraise e
let unify_0 env sigma = unify_0_with_initial_metas (sigma,[],[]) true env
@@ -1050,7 +1092,7 @@ let left = true
let right = false
let rec unify_with_eta keptside flags env sigma c1 c2 =
-(* Question: try whd_betadeltaiota on ci if not two lambdas? *)
+(* Question: try whd_all on ci if not two lambdas? *)
match kind_of_term c1, kind_of_term c2 with
| (Lambda (na,t1,c1'), Lambda (_,t2,c2')) ->
let env' = push_rel_assum (na,t1) env in
@@ -1098,11 +1140,11 @@ let merge_instances env sigma flags st1 st2 c1 c2 =
else (right, st2, res)
| (IsSuperType,IsSubType) ->
(try (left, IsSubType, unify_0 env sigma CUMUL flags c2 c1)
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
(right, IsSubType, unify_0 env sigma CUMUL flags c1 c2))
| (IsSubType,IsSuperType) ->
(try (left, IsSuperType, unify_0 env sigma CUMUL flags c1 c2)
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
(right, IsSuperType, unify_0 env sigma CUMUL flags c2 c1))
(* Unification
@@ -1154,31 +1196,31 @@ let merge_instances env sigma flags st1 st2 c1 c2 =
* close it off. But this might not always work,
* since other metavars might also need to be resolved. *)
-let applyHead env evd n c =
- let rec apprec n c cty evd =
+let applyHead env (type r) (evd : r Sigma.t) n c =
+ let rec apprec : type s. _ -> _ -> _ -> (r, s) Sigma.le -> s Sigma.t -> (constr, r) Sigma.sigma =
+ fun n c cty p evd ->
if Int.equal n 0 then
- (evd, c)
+ Sigma (c, evd, p)
- match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env evd cty) with
+ match kind_of_term (whd_all env (Sigma.to_evar_map evd) cty) with
| Prod (_,c1,c2) ->
- let (evd',evar) =
- Evarutil.new_evar env evd ~src:(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.GoalEvar) c1 in
- apprec (n-1) (mkApp(c,[|evar|])) (subst1 evar c2) evd'
+ let Sigma (evar, evd', q) = Evarutil.new_evar env evd ~src:(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.GoalEvar) c1 in
+ apprec (n-1) (mkApp(c,[|evar|])) (subst1 evar c2) (p +> q) evd'
| _ -> error "Apply_Head_Then"
- apprec n c (Typing.unsafe_type_of env evd c) evd
+ apprec n c (Typing.unsafe_type_of env (Sigma.to_evar_map evd) c) Sigma.refl evd
let is_mimick_head ts f =
match kind_of_term f with
- | Const (c,u) -> not (Closure.is_transparent_constant ts c)
- | Var id -> not (Closure.is_transparent_variable ts id)
+ | Const (c,u) -> not (CClosure.is_transparent_constant ts c)
+ | Var id -> not (CClosure.is_transparent_variable ts id)
| (Rel _|Construct _|Ind _) -> true
| _ -> false
let try_to_coerce env evd c cty tycon =
let j = make_judge c cty in
let (evd',j') = inh_conv_coerce_rigid_to true Loc.ghost env evd j tycon in
- let evd' = Evarconv.consider_remaining_unif_problems env evd' in
+ let evd' = Evarconv.solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env evd' in
let evd' = Evd.map_metas_fvalue (nf_evar evd') evd' in
@@ -1228,7 +1270,11 @@ let solve_simple_evar_eqn ts env evd ev rhs =
| UnifFailure (evd,reason) ->
error_cannot_unify env evd ~reason (mkEvar ev,rhs);
| Success evd ->
- Evarconv.consider_remaining_unif_problems env evd
+ if Flags.version_less_or_equal Flags.V8_5 then
+ (* We used to force solving unrelated problems at arbitrary times *)
+ Evarconv.solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env evd
+ else (* solve_simple_eqn calls reconsider_unif_constraints itself *)
+ evd
(* [w_merge env sigma b metas evars] merges common instances in metas
or in evars, possibly generating new unification problems; if [b]
@@ -1255,7 +1301,6 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (evd,metas,evars) =
if is_mimick_head flags.modulo_delta f then
let evd' =
mimick_undefined_evar evd flags f (Array.length cl) evk in
- (* let evd' = Evarconv.consider_remaining_unif_problems env evd' in *)
w_merge_rec evd' metas evars eqns
let evd' =
@@ -1303,7 +1348,7 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (evd,metas,evars) =
let evd' =
if occur_meta_evd evd mv c then
- if isMetaOf mv (whd_betadeltaiota env evd c) then evd
+ if isMetaOf mv (whd_all env evd c) then evd
else error_cannot_unify env evd (mkMeta mv,c)
meta_assign mv (c,(status,TypeProcessed)) evd in
@@ -1313,7 +1358,7 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (evd,metas,evars) =
let rec process_eqns failures = function
| (mv,status,c)::eqns ->
(match (try Inl (unify_type env evd flags mv status c)
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> Inr e)
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> Inr e)
| Inr e -> process_eqns (((mv,status,c),e)::failures) eqns
| Inl (evd,metas,evars) ->
@@ -1327,7 +1372,9 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (evd,metas,evars) =
and mimick_undefined_evar evd flags hdc nargs sp =
let ev = Evd.find_undefined evd sp in
let sp_env = Global.env_of_context ev.evar_hyps in
- let (evd', c) = applyHead sp_env evd nargs hdc in
+ let evd = Sigma.Unsafe.of_evar_map evd in
+ let Sigma (c, evd', _) = applyHead sp_env evd nargs hdc in
+ let evd' = Sigma.to_evar_map evd' in
let (evd'',mc,ec) =
unify_0 sp_env evd' CUMUL flags
(get_type_of sp_env evd' c) ev.evar_concl in
@@ -1345,10 +1392,11 @@ let w_merge env with_types flags (evd,metas,evars) =
in w_merge_rec evd [] [] eqns
let res = (* merge constraints *)
- w_merge_rec evd (order_metas metas) (List.rev evars) []
+ w_merge_rec evd (order_metas metas)
+ (* Assign evars in the order of assignments during unification *)
+ (List.rev evars) []
- if with_types then check_types res
- else res
+ if with_types then check_types res else res
let w_unify_meta_types env ?(flags=default_unify_flags ()) evd =
let metas,evd = retract_coercible_metas evd in
@@ -1406,7 +1454,7 @@ let w_typed_unify_array env evd flags f1 l1 f2 l2 =
let subst = Array.fold_left2 fold_subst subst l1 l2 in
let evd = w_merge env true flags.merge_unify_flags subst in
try_resolve_typeclasses env evd flags.resolve_evars
- (mkApp(f1,l1)) (mkApp(f2,l2))
+ (mkApp(f1,l1)) (mkApp(f2,l2))
(* takes a substitution s, an open term op and a closed term cl
try to find a subterm of cl which matches op, if op is just a Meta
@@ -1430,15 +1478,16 @@ let indirectly_dependent c d decls =
it is needed otherwise, as e.g. when abstracting over "2" in
"forall H:0=2, H=H:>(0=1+1) -> 0=2." where there is now obvious
way to see that the second hypothesis depends indirectly over 2 *)
- List.exists (fun (id,_,_) -> dependent_in_decl (mkVar id) d) decls
+ List.exists (fun d' -> dependent_in_decl (mkVar (get_id d')) d) decls
let indirect_dependency d decls =
- pi1 (List.hd (List.filter (fun (id,_,_) -> dependent_in_decl (mkVar id) d) decls))
+ decls |> List.filter (fun d' -> dependent_in_decl (mkVar (get_id d')) d) |> List.hd |> get_id
let finish_evar_resolution ?(flags=Pretyping.all_and_fail_flags) env current_sigma (pending,c) =
+ let current_sigma = Sigma.to_evar_map current_sigma in
let sigma = Pretyping.solve_remaining_evars flags env current_sigma pending in
let sigma, subst = nf_univ_variables sigma in
- sigma, subst_univs_constr subst (nf_evar sigma c)
+ Sigma.Unsafe.of_pair (subst_univs_constr subst (nf_evar sigma c), sigma)
let default_matching_core_flags sigma =
let ts = Names.full_transparent_state in {
@@ -1450,9 +1499,7 @@ let default_matching_core_flags sigma =
check_applied_meta_types = true;
use_pattern_unification = false;
use_meta_bound_pattern_unification = false;
- frozen_evars =
- fold_undefined (fun evk _ evars -> Evar.Set.add evk evars)
- sigma Evar.Set.empty;
+ frozen_evars = Evar.Map.domain (Evd.undefined_map sigma);
restrict_conv_on_strict_subterms = false;
modulo_betaiota = false;
modulo_eta = false;
@@ -1514,11 +1561,12 @@ let make_pattern_test from_prefix_of_ind is_correct_type env sigma (pending,c) =
| PretypeError (_,_,CannotUnify (c1,c2,Some e)) ->
raise (NotUnifiable (Some (c1,c2,e)))
(** MS: This is pretty bad, it catches Not_found for example *)
- | e when Errors.noncritical e -> raise (NotUnifiable None) in
+ | e when CErrors.noncritical e -> raise (NotUnifiable None) in
let merge_fun c1 c2 =
match c1, c2 with
- | Some (evd,c1,_) as x, Some (_,c2,_) ->
- if is_conv env sigma c1 c2 then x else raise (NotUnifiable None)
+ | Some (evd,c1,x), Some (_,c2,_) ->
+ let (evd,b) = infer_conv ~pb:CONV env evd c1 c2 in
+ if b then Some (evd, c1, x) else raise (NotUnifiable None)
| Some _, None -> c1
| None, Some _ -> c2
| None, None -> None in
@@ -1543,7 +1591,7 @@ let make_abstraction_core name (test,out) env sigma c ty occs check_occs concl =
let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) t name in
let ids = ids_of_named_context (named_context env) in
if name == Anonymous then next_ident_away_in_goal x ids else
- if mem_named_context x (named_context env) then
+ if mem_named_context_val x (named_context_val env) then
errorlabstrm "Unification.make_abstraction_core"
(str "The variable " ++ Nameops.pr_id x ++ str " is already declared.")
@@ -1551,21 +1599,15 @@ let make_abstraction_core name (test,out) env sigma c ty occs check_occs concl =
let likefirst = clause_with_generic_occurrences occs in
let mkvarid () = mkVar id in
- let compute_dependency _ (hyp,_,_ as d) (sign,depdecls) =
+ let compute_dependency _ d (sign,depdecls) =
+ let hyp = get_id d in
match occurrences_of_hyp hyp occs with
| NoOccurrences, InHyp ->
- if indirectly_dependent c d depdecls then
- (* Told explicitly not to abstract over [d], but it is dependent *)
- let id' = indirect_dependency d depdecls in
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot abstract over " ++ Nameops.pr_id id'
- ++ str " without also abstracting or erasing " ++ Nameops.pr_id hyp
- ++ str ".")
- else
- (push_named_context_val d sign,depdecls)
+ (push_named_context_val d sign,depdecls)
| AllOccurrences, InHyp as occ ->
let occ = if likefirst then LikeFirst else AtOccs occ in
let newdecl = replace_term_occ_decl_modulo occ test mkvarid d in
- if Context.eq_named_declaration d newdecl
+ if Context.Named.Declaration.equal d newdecl
&& not (indirectly_dependent c d depdecls)
if check_occs && not (in_every_hyp occs)
@@ -1588,8 +1630,12 @@ let make_abstraction_core name (test,out) env sigma c ty occs check_occs concl =
replace_term_occ_modulo occ test mkvarid concl
let lastlhyp =
- if List.is_empty depdecls then None else Some (pi1(List.last depdecls)) in
- (id,sign,depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl,out test)
+ if List.is_empty depdecls then None else Some (get_id (List.last depdecls)) in
+ let res = match out test with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (sigma, c) -> Some (Sigma.Unsafe.of_pair (c, sigma))
+ in
+ (id,sign,depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl,res)
SubtermUnificationError e ->
raise (PretypeError (env,sigma,CannotUnifyOccurrences e))
@@ -1611,12 +1657,13 @@ type abstraction_request =
| AbstractPattern of prefix_of_inductive_support_flag * (types -> bool) * Name.t * pending_constr * clause * bool
| AbstractExact of Name.t * constr * types option * clause * bool
-type abstraction_result =
+type 'r abstraction_result =
Names.Id.t * named_context_val *
- Context.named_declaration list * Names.Id.t option *
- types * (Evd.evar_map * constr) option
+ Context.Named.Declaration.t list * Names.Id.t option *
+ types * (constr, 'r) Sigma.sigma option
let make_abstraction env evd ccl abs =
+ let evd = Sigma.to_evar_map evd in
match abs with
| AbstractPattern (from_prefix,check,name,c,occs,check_occs) ->
make_abstraction_core name
@@ -1791,17 +1838,25 @@ let w_unify_to_subterm_list env evd flags hdmeta oplist t =
let allow_K = flags.allow_K_in_toplevel_higher_order_unification in
let flags =
if occur_meta_or_existential op || !keyed_unification then
+ (* This is up to delta for subterms w/o metas ... *)
(* up to Nov 2014, unification was bypassed on evar/meta-free terms;
now it is called in a minimalistic way, at least to possibly
unify pre-existing non frozen evars of the goal or of the
pattern *)
- set_no_delta_flags flags in
+ set_no_delta_flags flags in
+ let t' = (strip_outer_cast op,t) in
let (evd',cl) =
- (* This is up to delta for subterms w/o metas ... *)
- w_unify_to_subterm env evd ~flags (strip_outer_cast op,t)
+ if is_keyed_unification () then
+ try (* First try finding a subterm w/o conversion on open terms *)
+ let flags = set_no_delta_open_flags flags in
+ w_unify_to_subterm env evd ~flags t'
+ with e ->
+ (* If this fails, try with full conversion *)
+ w_unify_to_subterm env evd ~flags t'
+ else w_unify_to_subterm env evd ~flags t'
with PretypeError (env,_,NoOccurrenceFound _) when
allow_K ||
(* w_unify_to_subterm does not go through evars, so
@@ -1828,21 +1883,14 @@ let secondOrderAbstraction env evd flags typ (p, oplist) =
error_wrong_abstraction_type env evd'
(Evd.meta_name evd p) pred typp predtyp;
w_merge env false flags.merge_unify_flags
- (evd',[p,pred,(Conv,TypeProcessed)],[])
- (* let evd',metas,evars = *)
- (* try unify_0 env evd' CUMUL flags predtyp typp *)
- (* with NotConvertible -> *)
- (* error_wrong_abstraction_type env evd *)
- (* (Evd.meta_name evd p) pred typp predtyp *)
- (* in *)
- (* w_merge env false flags (evd',(p,pred,(Conv,TypeProcessed))::metas,evars) *)
+ (evd',[p,pred,(Conv,TypeProcessed)],[])
let secondOrderDependentAbstraction env evd flags typ (p, oplist) =
let typp = Typing.meta_type evd p in
let evd, pred = abstract_list_all_with_dependencies env evd typp typ oplist in
w_merge env false flags.merge_unify_flags
- (evd,[p,pred,(Conv,TypeProcessed)],[])
+ (evd,[p,pred,(Conv,TypeProcessed)],[])
let secondOrderAbstractionAlgo dep =
if dep then secondOrderDependentAbstraction else secondOrderAbstraction