path: root/pretyping/
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1 files changed, 106 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index e4bde925..fabe24ef 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 9217 2006-10-05 17:31:23Z notin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ let abstract_list_all env sigma typ c l =
with UserError _ ->
raise (PretypeError (env,CannotGeneralize typ))
+let solve_pattern_eqn_array env f l c (metasubst,evarsubst) =
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Meta k ->
+ (k,solve_pattern_eqn env (Array.to_list l) c)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ | Evar ev ->
+ (* Currently unused: incompatible with eauto/eassumption backtracking *)
+ metasubst,(f,solve_pattern_eqn env (Array.to_list l) c)::evarsubst
+ | _ -> assert false
@@ -70,58 +80,77 @@ let sort_eqns = unify_r2l
let unify_0 env sigma cv_pb mod_delta m n =
let trivial_unify pb substn m n =
- if (not(occur_meta m)) && (if mod_delta then is_fconv pb env sigma m n else eq_constr m n) then substn
+ if (not(occur_meta m)) &&
+ (if mod_delta then is_fconv pb env sigma m n else eq_constr m n)
+ then substn
else error_cannot_unify env sigma (m,n) in
- let rec unirec_rec pb ((metasubst,evarsubst) as substn) m n =
- let cM = Evarutil.whd_castappevar sigma m
- and cN = Evarutil.whd_castappevar sigma n in
- match (kind_of_term cM,kind_of_term cN) with
- | Meta k1, Meta k2 ->
- if k1 < k2 then (k1,cN)::metasubst,evarsubst
- else if k1 = k2 then substn
- else (k2,cM)::metasubst,evarsubst
- | Meta k, _ -> (k,cN)::metasubst,evarsubst
- | _, Meta k -> (k,cM)::metasubst,evarsubst
- | Evar _, _ -> metasubst,((cM,cN)::evarsubst)
- | _, Evar _ -> metasubst,((cN,cM)::evarsubst)
- | Lambda (_,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) ->
- unirec_rec CONV (unirec_rec CONV substn t1 t2) c1 c2
- | Prod (_,t1,c1), Prod (_,t2,c2) ->
- unirec_rec pb (unirec_rec CONV substn t1 t2) c1 c2
- | LetIn (_,b,_,c), _ -> unirec_rec pb substn (subst1 b c) cN
- | _, LetIn (_,b,_,c) -> unirec_rec pb substn cM (subst1 b c)
- | App (f1,l1), App (f2,l2) ->
- let len1 = Array.length l1
- and len2 = Array.length l2 in
- let (f1,l1,f2,l2) =
- if len1 = len2 then (f1,l1,f2,l2)
- else if len1 < len2 then
- let extras,restl2 = array_chop (len2-len1) l2 in
- (f1, l1, appvect (f2,extras), restl2)
- else
- let extras,restl1 = array_chop (len1-len2) l1 in
- (appvect (f1,extras), restl1, f2, l2) in
- (try
- array_fold_left2 (unirec_rec CONV)
- (unirec_rec CONV substn f1 f2) l1 l2
- with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
- trivial_unify pb substn cM cN)
- | Case (_,p1,c1,cl1), Case (_,p2,c2,cl2) ->
- array_fold_left2 (unirec_rec CONV)
- (unirec_rec CONV (unirec_rec CONV substn p1 p2) c1 c2) cl1 cl2
- | _ -> trivial_unify pb substn cM cN
+ let rec unirec_rec curenv pb ((metasubst,evarsubst) as substn) curm curn =
+ let cM = Evarutil.whd_castappevar sigma curm
+ and cN = Evarutil.whd_castappevar sigma curn in
+ match (kind_of_term cM,kind_of_term cN) with
+ | Meta k1, Meta k2 ->
+ if k1 < k2
+ then (k1,cN)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ else if k1 = k2 then substn else (k2,cM)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ | Meta k, _ ->
+ (* Here we check that [cN] does not contain any local variables *)
+ if (closedn (nb_rel env) cN)
+ then (k,cN)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ else error_cannot_unify_local curenv sigma (curenv,m,n,cN)
+ | _, Meta k ->
+ (* Here we check that [cM] does not contain any local variables *)
+ if (closedn (nb_rel env) cM)
+ then (k,cM)::metasubst,evarsubst
+ else error_cannot_unify_local curenv sigma (curenv,m,n,cM)
+ | Evar _, _ -> metasubst,((cM,cN)::evarsubst)
+ | _, Evar _ -> metasubst,((cN,cM)::evarsubst)
+ | Lambda (na,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) ->
+ unirec_rec (push_rel_assum (na,t1) curenv) CONV
+ (unirec_rec curenv CONV substn t1 t2) c1 c2
+ | Prod (na,t1,c1), Prod (_,t2,c2) ->
+ unirec_rec (push_rel_assum (na,t1) curenv) pb
+ (unirec_rec curenv CONV substn t1 t2) c1 c2
+ | LetIn (_,b,_,c), _ -> unirec_rec curenv pb substn (subst1 b c) cN
+ | _, LetIn (_,b,_,c) -> unirec_rec curenv pb substn cM (subst1 b c)
+ | App (f1,l1), App (f2,l2) ->
+ if
+ isMeta f1 & is_unification_pattern f1 l1 & not (dependent f1 cN)
+ then
+ solve_pattern_eqn_array curenv f1 l1 cN substn
+ else if
+ isMeta f2 & is_unification_pattern f2 l2 & not (dependent f2 cM)
+ then
+ solve_pattern_eqn_array curenv f2 l2 cM substn
+ else
+ let len1 = Array.length l1
+ and len2 = Array.length l2 in
+ let (f1,l1,f2,l2) =
+ if len1 = len2 then (f1,l1,f2,l2)
+ else if len1 < len2 then
+ let extras,restl2 = array_chop (len2-len1) l2 in
+ (f1, l1, appvect (f2,extras), restl2)
+ else
+ let extras,restl1 = array_chop (len1-len2) l1 in
+ (appvect (f1,extras), restl1, f2, l2) in
+ (try
+ array_fold_left2 (unirec_rec curenv CONV)
+ (unirec_rec curenv CONV substn f1 f2) l1 l2
+ with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
+ trivial_unify pb substn cM cN)
+ | Case (_,p1,c1,cl1), Case (_,p2,c2,cl2) ->
+ array_fold_left2 (unirec_rec curenv CONV)
+ (unirec_rec curenv CONV
+ (unirec_rec curenv CONV substn p1 p2) c1 c2) cl1 cl2
+ | _ -> trivial_unify pb substn cM cN
- if (not(occur_meta m)) &&
- (if mod_delta then is_fconv cv_pb env sigma m n else eq_constr m n)
- then
- ([],[])
- else
- let (mc,ec) = unirec_rec cv_pb ([],[]) m n in
- ((*sort_eqns*) mc, (*sort_eqns*) ec)
+ if (not(occur_meta m)) &&
+ (if mod_delta then is_fconv cv_pb env sigma m n else eq_constr m n)
+ then
+ ([],[])
+ else
+ let (mc,ec) = unirec_rec env cv_pb ([],[]) m n in
+ ((*sort_eqns*) mc, (*sort_eqns*) ec)
(* Unification
@@ -442,30 +471,30 @@ let w_unify2 env mod_delta allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 evd =
let w_unify allow_K env cv_pb ?(mod_delta=true) ty1 ty2 evd =
let hd1,l1 = whd_stack ty1 in
let hd2,l2 = whd_stack ty2 in
- match kind_of_term hd1, l1<>[], kind_of_term hd2, l2<>[] with
- (* Pattern case *)
- | (Meta _, true, Lambda _, _ | Lambda _, _, Meta _, true)
- when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
- (try
- w_typed_unify env cv_pb mod_delta ty1 ty2 evd
- with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
- try
- w_unify2 env mod_delta allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 evd
- with PretypeError (env,NoOccurrenceFound c) as e -> raise e
- | ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
- error "Cannot solve a second-order unification problem")
- (* Second order case *)
- | (Meta _, true, _, _ | _, _, Meta _, true) ->
- (try
- w_unify2 env mod_delta allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 evd
- with PretypeError (env,NoOccurrenceFound c) as e -> raise e
- | ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
- try
- w_typed_unify env cv_pb mod_delta ty1 ty2 evd
- with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
- error "Cannot solve a second-order unification problem")
- (* General case: try first order *)
- | _ -> w_unify_0 env cv_pb mod_delta ty1 ty2 evd
+ match kind_of_term hd1, l1<>[], kind_of_term hd2, l2<>[] with
+ (* Pattern case *)
+ | (Meta _, true, Lambda _, _ | Lambda _, _, Meta _, true)
+ when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
+ (try
+ w_typed_unify env cv_pb mod_delta ty1 ty2 evd
+ with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
+ try
+ w_unify2 env mod_delta allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 evd
+ with PretypeError (env,NoOccurrenceFound c) as e -> raise e
+ | ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
+ error "Cannot solve a second-order unification problem")
+ (* Second order case *)
+ | (Meta _, true, _, _ | _, _, Meta _, true) ->
+ (try
+ w_unify2 env mod_delta allow_K cv_pb ty1 ty2 evd
+ with PretypeError (env,NoOccurrenceFound c) as e -> raise e
+ | ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
+ try
+ w_typed_unify env cv_pb mod_delta ty1 ty2 evd
+ with ex when precatchable_exception ex ->
+ error "Cannot solve a second-order unification problem")
+ (* General case: try first order *)
+ | _ -> w_unify_0 env cv_pb mod_delta ty1 ty2 evd