path: root/pretyping/
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1 files changed, 1548 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
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index 00000000..5aa72c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -0,0 +1,1548 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
+open Errors
+open Names
+open Term
+open Vars
+open Context
+open Environ
+open Termops
+open Evd
+open Namegen
+open Retyping
+open Reductionops
+open Evarutil
+open Pretype_errors
+let normalize_evar evd ev =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_evar evd (mkEvar ev)) with
+ | Evar (evk,args) -> (evk,args)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let get_polymorphic_positions f =
+ let open Declarations in
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Ind (ind, u) | Construct ((ind, _), u) ->
+ let mib,oib = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ (match oib.mind_arity with
+ | RegularArity _ -> assert false
+ | TemplateArity templ -> templ.template_param_levels)
+ | Const (cst, u) ->
+ let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in
+ (match cb.const_type with
+ | RegularArity _ -> assert false
+ | TemplateArity (_, templ) ->
+ templ.template_param_levels)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ forall A (l : list A) -> typeof A = Type i <= Datatypes.j -> i not refreshed
+ hd ?A (l : list t) -> A = t
+let refresh_universes ?(inferred=false) ?(onlyalg=false) pbty env evd t =
+ let evdref = ref evd in
+ let modified = ref false in
+ let rec refresh dir t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Sort (Type u as s) when
+ (match Univ.universe_level u with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some l -> not onlyalg && Option.is_empty (Evd.is_sort_variable evd s)) ->
+ let status = if inferred then Evd.univ_flexible_alg else Evd.univ_flexible in
+ let s' = evd_comb0 (new_sort_variable status) evdref in
+ let evd =
+ if dir then set_leq_sort env !evdref s' s
+ else set_leq_sort env !evdref s s'
+ in
+ modified := true; evdref := evd; mkSort s'
+ | Prod (na,u,v) ->
+ mkProd (na,u,refresh dir v)
+ | _ -> t
+ (** Refresh the types of evars under template polymorphic references *)
+ and refresh_term_evars onevars t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App (f, args) when is_template_polymorphic env f ->
+ let pos = get_polymorphic_positions f in
+ refresh_polymorphic_positions args pos
+ | Evar (ev, a) when onevars ->
+ let evi = Evd.find !evdref ev in
+ let ty' = refresh true evi.evar_concl in
+ if !modified then
+ evdref := Evd.add !evdref ev {evi with evar_concl = ty'}
+ else ()
+ | _ -> iter_constr (refresh_term_evars onevars) t
+ and refresh_polymorphic_positions args pos =
+ let rec aux i = function
+ | Some l :: ls ->
+ if i < Array.length args then
+ ignore(refresh_term_evars true args.(i));
+ aux (succ i) ls
+ | None :: ls ->
+ if i < Array.length args then
+ ignore(refresh_term_evars false args.(i));
+ aux (succ i) ls
+ | [] -> ()
+ in aux 0 pos
+ in
+ let t' =
+ if isArity t then
+ (match pbty with
+ | None -> t
+ | Some dir -> refresh dir t)
+ else (refresh_term_evars false t; t)
+ in
+ if !modified then !evdref, t' else !evdref, t
+let get_type_of_refresh ?(polyprop=true) ?(lax=false) env sigma c =
+ let ty = Retyping.get_type_of ~polyprop ~lax env sigma c in
+ refresh_universes (Some false) env sigma ty
+(* Unification results *)
+type unification_result =
+ | Success of evar_map
+ | UnifFailure of evar_map * unification_error
+let is_success = function Success _ -> true | UnifFailure _ -> false
+let test_success conv_algo env evd c c' rhs =
+ is_success (conv_algo env evd c c' rhs)
+let add_conv_oriented_pb (pbty,env,t1,t2) evd =
+ match pbty with
+ | Some true -> add_conv_pb (Reduction.CUMUL,env,t1,t2) evd
+ | Some false -> add_conv_pb (Reduction.CUMUL,env,t2,t1) evd
+ | None -> add_conv_pb (Reduction.CONV,env,t1,t2) evd
+ * Restricting existing evars *
+ *------------------------------------*)
+type 'a update =
+| UpdateWith of 'a
+| NoUpdate
+let inst_of_vars sign = Array.map_of_list (fun (id,_,_) -> mkVar id) sign
+let restrict_evar_key evd evk filter candidates =
+ match filter, candidates with
+ | None, NoUpdate -> evd, evk
+ | _ ->
+ let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd evk in
+ let oldfilter = evar_filter evi in
+ begin match filter, candidates with
+ | Some filter, NoUpdate when Filter.equal oldfilter filter ->
+ evd, evk
+ | _ ->
+ let filter = match filter with
+ | None -> evar_filter evi
+ | Some filter -> filter in
+ let candidates = match candidates with
+ | NoUpdate -> evi.evar_candidates
+ | UpdateWith c -> Some c in
+ restrict_evar evd evk filter candidates
+ end
+(* Restrict an applied evar and returns its restriction in the same context *)
+let restrict_applied_evar evd (evk,argsv) filter candidates =
+ let evd,newevk = restrict_evar_key evd evk filter candidates in
+ let newargsv = match filter with
+ | None -> (* optim *) argsv
+ | Some filter ->
+ let evi = Evd.find evd evk in
+ let subfilter = Filter.compose (evar_filter evi) filter in
+ Filter.filter_array subfilter argsv in
+ evd,(newevk,newargsv)
+(* Restrict an evar in the current evar_map *)
+let restrict_evar evd evk filter candidates =
+ fst (restrict_evar_key evd evk filter candidates)
+(* Restrict an evar in the current evar_map *)
+let restrict_instance evd evk filter argsv =
+ match filter with None -> argsv | Some filter ->
+ let evi = Evd.find evd evk in
+ Filter.filter_array (Filter.compose (evar_filter evi) filter) argsv
+let noccur_evar env evd evk c =
+ let rec occur_rec k c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (evk',args' as ev') ->
+ (match safe_evar_value evd ev' with
+ | Some c -> occur_rec k c
+ | None ->
+ if Evar.equal evk evk' then raise Occur
+ else Array.iter (occur_rec k) args')
+ | Rel i when i > k ->
+ (match pi2 (Environ.lookup_rel (i-k) env) with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some b -> occur_rec k (lift i b))
+ | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec k c
+ in
+ try occur_rec 0 c; true with Occur -> false
+(* Managing chains of local definitons *)
+(* Expand rels and vars that are bound to other rels or vars so that
+ dependencies in variables are canonically associated to the most ancient
+ variable in its family of aliased variables *)
+let compute_var_aliases sign =
+ List.fold_right (fun (id,b,c) aliases ->
+ match b with
+ | Some t ->
+ (match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id' ->
+ let aliases_of_id =
+ try Id.Map.find id' aliases with Not_found -> [] in
+ Id.Map.add id (aliases_of_id@[t]) aliases
+ | _ ->
+ Id.Map.add id [t] aliases)
+ | None -> aliases)
+ sign Id.Map.empty
+let compute_rel_aliases var_aliases rels =
+ snd (List.fold_right (fun (_,b,t) (n,aliases) ->
+ (n-1,
+ match b with
+ | Some t ->
+ (match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id' ->
+ let aliases_of_n =
+ try Id.Map.find id' var_aliases with Not_found -> [] in
+ Int.Map.add n (aliases_of_n@[t]) aliases
+ | Rel p ->
+ let aliases_of_n =
+ try Int.Map.find (p+n) aliases with Not_found -> [] in
+ Int.Map.add n (aliases_of_n@[mkRel (p+n)]) aliases
+ | _ ->
+ Int.Map.add n [lift n t] aliases)
+ | None -> aliases))
+ rels (List.length rels,Int.Map.empty))
+let make_alias_map env =
+ (* We compute the chain of aliases for each var and rel *)
+ let var_aliases = compute_var_aliases (named_context env) in
+ let rel_aliases = compute_rel_aliases var_aliases (rel_context env) in
+ (var_aliases,rel_aliases)
+let lift_aliases n (var_aliases,rel_aliases as aliases) =
+ if Int.equal n 0 then aliases else
+ (var_aliases,
+ Int.Map.fold (fun p l -> Int.Map.add (p+n) ( (lift n) l))
+ rel_aliases Int.Map.empty)
+let get_alias_chain_of aliases x = match kind_of_term x with
+ | Rel n -> (try Int.Map.find n (snd aliases) with Not_found -> [])
+ | Var id -> (try Id.Map.find id (fst aliases) with Not_found -> [])
+ | _ -> []
+let normalize_alias_opt aliases x =
+ match get_alias_chain_of aliases x with
+ | [] -> None
+ | a::_ when isRel a || isVar a -> Some a
+ | [_] -> None
+ | _::a::_ -> Some a
+let normalize_alias aliases x =
+ match normalize_alias_opt aliases x with
+ | Some a -> a
+ | None -> x
+let normalize_alias_var var_aliases id =
+ destVar (normalize_alias (var_aliases,Int.Map.empty) (mkVar id))
+let extend_alias (_,b,_) (var_aliases,rel_aliases) =
+ let rel_aliases =
+ Int.Map.fold (fun n l -> Int.Map.add (n+1) ( (lift 1) l))
+ rel_aliases Int.Map.empty in
+ let rel_aliases =
+ match b with
+ | Some t ->
+ (match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id' ->
+ let aliases_of_binder =
+ try Id.Map.find id' var_aliases with Not_found -> [] in
+ Int.Map.add 1 (aliases_of_binder@[t]) rel_aliases
+ | Rel p ->
+ let aliases_of_binder =
+ try Int.Map.find (p+1) rel_aliases with Not_found -> [] in
+ Int.Map.add 1 (aliases_of_binder@[mkRel (p+1)]) rel_aliases
+ | _ ->
+ Int.Map.add 1 [lift 1 t] rel_aliases)
+ | None -> rel_aliases in
+ (var_aliases, rel_aliases)
+let expand_alias_once aliases x =
+ match get_alias_chain_of aliases x with
+ | [] -> None
+ | l -> Some (List.last l)
+let expansions_of_var aliases x =
+ match get_alias_chain_of aliases x with
+ | [] -> [x]
+ | a::_ as l when isRel a || isVar a -> x :: List.rev l
+ | _::l -> x :: List.rev l
+let expansion_of_var aliases x =
+ match get_alias_chain_of aliases x with
+ | [] -> x
+ | a::_ -> a
+let rec expand_vars_in_term_using aliases t = match kind_of_term t with
+ | Rel _ | Var _ ->
+ normalize_alias aliases t
+ | _ ->
+ map_constr_with_full_binders
+ extend_alias expand_vars_in_term_using aliases t
+let expand_vars_in_term env = expand_vars_in_term_using (make_alias_map env)
+let free_vars_and_rels_up_alias_expansion aliases c =
+ let acc1 = ref Int.Set.empty and acc2 = ref Id.Set.empty in
+ let cache_rel = ref Int.Set.empty and cache_var = ref Id.Set.empty in
+ let is_in_cache depth = function
+ | Rel n -> Int.Set.mem (n-depth) !cache_rel
+ | Var s -> Id.Set.mem s !cache_var
+ | _ -> false in
+ let put_in_cache depth = function
+ | Rel n -> cache_rel := Int.Set.add (n-depth) !cache_rel
+ | Var s -> cache_var := Id.Set.add s !cache_var
+ | _ -> () in
+ let rec frec (aliases,depth) c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel _ | Var _ as ck ->
+ if is_in_cache depth ck then () else begin
+ put_in_cache depth ck;
+ let c = expansion_of_var aliases c in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id -> acc2 := Id.Set.add id !acc2
+ | Rel n -> if n >= depth+1 then acc1 := Int.Set.add (n-depth) !acc1
+ | _ -> frec (aliases,depth) c end
+ | Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ ->
+ acc2 := Id.Set.union (vars_of_global (Global.env()) c) !acc2
+ | _ ->
+ iter_constr_with_full_binders
+ (fun d (aliases,depth) -> (extend_alias d aliases,depth+1))
+ frec (aliases,depth) c
+ in
+ frec (aliases,0) c;
+ (!acc1,!acc2)
+(* Managing pattern-unification *)
+let rec expand_and_check_vars aliases = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | a::l when isRel a || isVar a ->
+ let a = expansion_of_var aliases a in
+ if isRel a || isVar a then a :: expand_and_check_vars aliases l
+ else raise Exit
+ | _ ->
+ raise Exit
+module Constrhash = Hashtbl.Make
+ (struct type t = constr
+ let equal = Term.eq_constr
+ let hash = hash_constr
+ end)
+let constr_list_distinct l =
+ let visited = Constrhash.create 23 in
+ let rec loop = function
+ | h::t ->
+ if Constrhash.mem visited h then false
+ else (Constrhash.add visited h h; loop t)
+ | [] -> true
+ in loop l
+let get_actual_deps aliases l t =
+ if occur_meta_or_existential t then
+ (* Probably no restrictions on allowed vars in presence of evars *)
+ l
+ else
+ (* Probably strong restrictions coming from t being evar-closed *)
+ let (fv_rels,fv_ids) = free_vars_and_rels_up_alias_expansion aliases t in
+ List.filter (fun c ->
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id -> Id.Set.mem id fv_ids
+ | Rel n -> Int.Set.mem n fv_rels
+ | _ -> assert false) l
+let remove_instance_local_defs evd evk args =
+ let evi = Evd.find evd evk in
+ let len = Array.length args in
+ let rec aux sign i = match sign with
+ | [] ->
+ let () = assert (i = len) in []
+ | (_, None, _) :: sign ->
+ let () = assert (i < len) in
+ (Array.unsafe_get args i) :: aux sign (succ i)
+ | (_, Some _, _) :: sign ->
+ aux sign (succ i)
+ in
+ aux (evar_filtered_context evi) 0
+(* Check if an applied evar "?X[args] l" is a Miller's pattern *)
+let find_unification_pattern_args env l t =
+ if List.for_all (fun x -> isRel x || isVar x) l (* common failure case *) then
+ let aliases = make_alias_map env in
+ match (try Some (expand_and_check_vars aliases l) with Exit -> None) with
+ | Some l as x when constr_list_distinct (get_actual_deps aliases l t) -> x
+ | _ -> None
+ else
+ None
+let is_unification_pattern_meta env nb m l t =
+ (* Variables from context and rels > nb are implicitly all there *)
+ (* so we need to be a rel <= nb *)
+ if List.for_all (fun x -> isRel x && destRel x <= nb) l then
+ match find_unification_pattern_args env l t with
+ | Some _ as x when not (dependent (mkMeta m) t) -> x
+ | _ -> None
+ else
+ None
+let is_unification_pattern_evar env evd (evk,args) l t =
+ if List.for_all (fun x -> isRel x || isVar x) l
+ && noccur_evar env evd evk t
+ then
+ let args = remove_instance_local_defs evd evk args in
+ let n = List.length args in
+ match find_unification_pattern_args env (args @ l) t with
+ | Some l -> Some (List.skipn n l)
+ | _ -> None
+ else None
+let is_unification_pattern_pure_evar env evd (evk,args) t =
+ let is_ev = is_unification_pattern_evar env evd (evk,args) [] t in
+ match is_ev with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some _ -> true
+let is_unification_pattern (env,nb) evd f l t =
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Meta m -> is_unification_pattern_meta env nb m l t
+ | Evar ev -> is_unification_pattern_evar env evd ev l t
+ | _ -> None
+(* From a unification problem "?X l = c", build "\x1...xn.(term1 l2)"
+ (pattern unification). It is assumed that l is made of rel's that
+ are distinct and not bound to aliases. *)
+(* It is also assumed that c does not contain metas because metas
+ *implicitly* depend on Vars but lambda abstraction will not reflect this
+ dependency: ?X x = ?1 (?1 is a meta) will return \_.?1 while it should
+ return \y. ?1{x\y} (non constant function if ?1 depends on x) (BB) *)
+let solve_pattern_eqn env l c =
+ let c' = List.fold_right (fun a c ->
+ let c' = subst_term (lift 1 a) (lift 1 c) in
+ match kind_of_term a with
+ (* Rem: if [a] links to a let-in, do as if it were an assumption *)
+ | Rel n ->
+ let d = map_rel_declaration (lift n) (lookup_rel n env) in
+ mkLambda_or_LetIn d c'
+ | Var id ->
+ let d = lookup_named id env in mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn d c'
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ l c in
+ (* Warning: we may miss some opportunity to eta-reduce more since c'
+ is not in normal form *)
+ whd_eta c'
+(* Refining/solving unification problems *)
+(* Knowing that [Gamma |- ev : T] and that [ev] is applied to [args],
+ * [make_projectable_subst ev args] builds the substitution [Gamma:=args].
+ * If a variable and an alias of it are bound to the same instance, we skip
+ * the alias (we just use eq_constr -- instead of conv --, since anyway,
+ * only instances that are variables -- or evars -- are later considered;
+ * morever, we can bet that similar instances came at some time from
+ * the very same substitution. The removal of aliased duplicates is
+ * useful to ensure the uniqueness of a projection.
+let make_projectable_subst aliases sigma evi args =
+ let sign = evar_filtered_context evi in
+ let evar_aliases = compute_var_aliases sign in
+ let (_,full_subst,cstr_subst) =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,b,c) (args,all,cstrs) ->
+ match b,args with
+ | None, a::rest ->
+ let a = whd_evar sigma a in
+ let cstrs =
+ let a',args = decompose_app_vect a in
+ match kind_of_term a' with
+ | Construct cstr ->
+ let l = try Constrmap.find (fst cstr) cstrs with Not_found -> [] in
+ Constrmap.add (fst cstr) ((args,id)::l) cstrs
+ | _ -> cstrs in
+ (rest,Id.Map.add id [a,normalize_alias_opt aliases a,id] all,cstrs)
+ | Some c, a::rest ->
+ let a = whd_evar sigma a in
+ (match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id' ->
+ let idc = normalize_alias_var evar_aliases id' in
+ let sub = try Id.Map.find idc all with Not_found -> [] in
+ if List.exists (fun (c,_,_) -> Term.eq_constr a c) sub then
+ (rest,all,cstrs)
+ else
+ (rest,
+ Id.Map.add idc ((a,normalize_alias_opt aliases a,id)::sub) all,
+ cstrs)
+ | _ ->
+ (rest,Id.Map.add id [a,normalize_alias_opt aliases a,id] all,cstrs))
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Instance does not match its signature"))
+ sign (Array.rev_to_list args,Id.Map.empty,Constrmap.empty) in
+ (full_subst,cstr_subst)
+ * operations on the evar constraints *
+ *------------------------------------*)
+(* We have a unification problem Σ; Γ |- ?e[u1..uq] = t : s where ?e is not yet
+ * declared in Σ but yet known to be declarable in some context x1:T1..xq:Tq.
+ * [define_evar_from_virtual_equation ... Γ Σ t (x1:T1..xq:Tq) .. (u1..uq) (x1..xq)]
+ * declares x1:T1..xq:Tq |- ?e : s such that ?e[u1..uq] = t holds.
+ *)
+let define_evar_from_virtual_equation define_fun env evd src t_in_env ty_t_in_sign sign filter inst_in_env =
+ let evd,evar_in_env = new_evar_instance sign evd ty_t_in_sign ~filter ~src inst_in_env in
+ let t_in_env = whd_evar evd t_in_env in
+ let evd = define_fun env evd None (destEvar evar_in_env) t_in_env in
+ let ctxt = named_context_of_val sign in
+ let inst_in_sign = inst_of_vars (Filter.filter_list filter ctxt) in
+ let evar_in_sign = mkEvar (fst (destEvar evar_in_env), inst_in_sign) in
+ (evd,whd_evar evd evar_in_sign)
+(* We have x1..xq |- ?e1 : τ and had to solve something like
+ * Σ; Γ |- ?e1[u1..uq] = (...\y1 ... \yk ... c), where c is typically some
+ * ?e2[], hence flexible. We had to go through k binders and now
+ * virtually have x1..xq, y1'..yk' | ?e1' : τ' and the equation
+ * Γ, y1..yk |- ?e1'[u1..uq y1..yk] = c.
+ * [materialize_evar Γ evd k (?e1[u1..uq]) τ'] extends Σ with the declaration
+ * of ?e1' and returns both its instance ?e1'[x1..xq y1..yk] in an extension
+ * of the context of e1 so that e1 can be instantiated by
+ * (...\y1' ... \yk' ... ?e1'[x1..xq y1'..yk']),
+ * and the instance ?e1'[u1..uq y1..yk] so that the remaining equation
+ * ?e1'[u1..uq y1..yk] = c can be registered
+ *
+ * Note that, because invert_definition does not check types, we need to
+ * guess the types of y1'..yn' by inverting the types of y1..yn along the
+ * substitution u1..uq.
+ *)
+let materialize_evar define_fun env evd k (evk1,args1) ty_in_env =
+ let evi1 = Evd.find_undefined evd evk1 in
+ let env1,rel_sign = env_rel_context_chop k env in
+ let sign1 = evar_hyps evi1 in
+ let filter1 = evar_filter evi1 in
+ let src = subterm_source evk1 evi1.evar_source in
+ let ids1 = pi1 (named_context_of_val sign1) in
+ let inst_in_sign = mkVar (Filter.filter_list filter1 ids1) in
+ let (sign2,filter2,inst2_in_env,inst2_in_sign,_,evd,_) =
+ List.fold_right (fun (na,b,t_in_env as d) (sign,filter,inst_in_env,inst_in_sign,env,evd,avoid) ->
+ let id = next_name_away na avoid in
+ let evd,t_in_sign =
+ let s = Retyping.get_sort_of env evd t_in_env in
+ let evd,ty_t_in_sign = refresh_universes ~inferred:true (Some false) env evd (mkSort s) in
+ define_evar_from_virtual_equation define_fun env evd src t_in_env
+ ty_t_in_sign sign filter inst_in_env in
+ let evd,b_in_sign = match b with
+ | None -> evd,None
+ | Some b ->
+ let evd,b = define_evar_from_virtual_equation define_fun env evd src b
+ t_in_sign sign filter inst_in_env in
+ evd,Some b in
+ (push_named_context_val (id,b_in_sign,t_in_sign) sign, Filter.extend 1 filter,
+ (mkRel 1)::( (lift 1) inst_in_env),
+ (mkRel 1)::( (lift 1) inst_in_sign),
+ push_rel d env,evd,id::avoid))
+ rel_sign
+ (sign1,filter1,Array.to_list args1,inst_in_sign,env1,evd,ids1)
+ in
+ let evd,ev2ty_in_sign =
+ let s = Retyping.get_sort_of env evd ty_in_env in
+ let evd,ty_t_in_sign = refresh_universes ~inferred:true (Some false) env evd (mkSort s) in
+ define_evar_from_virtual_equation define_fun env evd src ty_in_env
+ ty_t_in_sign sign2 filter2 inst2_in_env in
+ let evd,ev2_in_sign =
+ new_evar_instance sign2 evd ev2ty_in_sign ~filter:filter2 ~src inst2_in_sign in
+ let ev2_in_env = (fst (destEvar ev2_in_sign), Array.of_list inst2_in_env) in
+ (evd, ev2_in_sign, ev2_in_env)
+let restrict_upon_filter evd evk p args =
+ let oldfullfilter = evar_filter (Evd.find_undefined evd evk) in
+ let len = Array.length args in
+ Filter.restrict_upon oldfullfilter len (fun i -> p (Array.unsafe_get args i))
+(* Unification *)
+(* Inverting constructors in instances (common when inferring type of match) *)
+let find_projectable_constructor env evd cstr k args cstr_subst =
+ try
+ let l = Constrmap.find cstr cstr_subst in
+ let args = (lift (-k)) args in
+ let l =
+ List.filter (fun (args',id) ->
+ (* is_conv is maybe too strong (and source of useless computation) *)
+ (* (at least expansion of aliases is needed) *)
+ Array.for_all2 (is_conv env evd) args args') l in
+ snd l
+ with Not_found ->
+ []
+(* [find_projectable_vars env sigma y subst] finds all vars of [subst]
+ * that project on [y]. It is able to find solutions to the following
+ * two kinds of problems:
+ *
+ * - ?n[...;x:=y;...] = y
+ * - ?n[...;x:=?m[args];...] = y with ?m[args] = y recursively solvable
+ *
+ * (see test-suite/success/Fixpoint.v for an example of application of
+ * the second kind of problem).
+ *
+ * The seek for [y] is up to variable aliasing. In case of solutions that
+ * differ only up to aliasing, the binding that requires the less
+ * steps of alias reduction is kept. At the end, only one solution up
+ * to aliasing is kept.
+ *
+ * [find_projectable_vars] also unifies against evars that themselves mention
+ * [y] and recursively.
+ *
+ * In short, the following situations give the following solutions:
+ *
+ * problem evar ctxt soluce remark
+ * z1; z2:=z1 |- ?ev[z1;z2] = z1 y1:A; y2:=y1 y1 \ thanks to defs kept in
+ * z1; z2:=z1 |- ?ev[z1;z2] = z2 y1:A; y2:=y1 y2 / subst and preferring =
+ * z1; z2:=z1 |- ?ev[z1] = z2 y1:A y1 thanks to expand_var
+ * z1; z2:=z1 |- ?ev[z2] = z1 y1:A y1 thanks to expand_var
+ * z3 |- ?ev[z3;z3] = z3 y1:A; y2:=y1 y2 see make_projectable_subst
+ *
+ * Remark: [find_projectable_vars] assumes that identical instances of
+ * variables in the same set of aliased variables are already removed (see
+ * [make_projectable_subst])
+ *)
+type evar_projection =
+| ProjectVar
+| ProjectEvar of existential * evar_info * Id.t * evar_projection
+exception NotUnique
+exception NotUniqueInType of (Id.t * evar_projection) list
+let rec assoc_up_to_alias sigma aliases y yc = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (c,cc,id)::l ->
+ let c' = whd_evar sigma c in
+ if Term.eq_constr y c' then id
+ else
+ match l with
+ | _ :: _ -> assoc_up_to_alias sigma aliases y yc l
+ | [] ->
+ (* Last chance, we reason up to alias conversion *)
+ match (if c == c' then cc else normalize_alias_opt aliases c') with
+ | Some cc when Term.eq_constr yc cc -> id
+ | _ -> if Term.eq_constr yc c then id else raise Not_found
+let rec find_projectable_vars with_evars aliases sigma y subst =
+ let yc = normalize_alias aliases y in
+ let is_projectable idc idcl subst' =
+ (* First test if some [id] aliased to [idc] is bound to [y] in [subst] *)
+ try
+ let id = assoc_up_to_alias sigma aliases y yc idcl in
+ (id,ProjectVar)::subst'
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Then test if [idc] is (indirectly) bound in [subst] to some evar *)
+ (* projectable on [y] *)
+ if with_evars then
+ let idcl' = List.filter (fun (c,_,id) -> isEvar c) idcl in
+ match idcl' with
+ | [c,_,id] ->
+ begin
+ let (evk,argsv as t) = destEvar c in
+ let evi = Evd.find sigma evk in
+ let subst,_ = make_projectable_subst aliases sigma evi argsv in
+ let l = find_projectable_vars with_evars aliases sigma y subst in
+ match l with
+ | [id',p] -> (id,ProjectEvar (t,evi,id',p))::subst'
+ | _ -> subst'
+ end
+ | [] -> subst'
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "More than one non var in aliases class of evar instance")
+ else
+ subst' in
+ Id.Map.fold is_projectable subst []
+(* [filter_solution] checks if one and only one possible projection exists
+ * among a set of solutions to a projection problem *)
+let filter_solution = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (id,p)::_::_ -> raise NotUnique
+ | [id,p] -> (mkVar id, p)
+let project_with_effects aliases sigma effects t subst =
+ let c, p =
+ filter_solution (find_projectable_vars false aliases sigma t subst) in
+ effects := p :: !effects;
+ c
+let rec find_solution_type evarenv = function
+ | (id,ProjectVar)::l -> pi3 (lookup_named id evarenv)
+ | [id,ProjectEvar _] -> (* bugged *) pi3 (lookup_named id evarenv)
+ | (id,ProjectEvar _)::l -> find_solution_type evarenv l
+ | [] -> assert false
+(* In case the solution to a projection problem requires the instantiation of
+ * subsidiary evars, [do_projection_effects] performs them; it
+ * also try to instantiate the type of those subsidiary evars if their
+ * type is an evar too.
+ *
+ * Note: typing creates new evar problems, which induces a recursive dependency
+ * with [define]. To avoid a too large set of recursive functions, we
+ * pass [define] to [do_projection_effects] as a parameter.
+ *)
+let rec do_projection_effects define_fun env ty evd = function
+ | ProjectVar -> evd
+ | ProjectEvar ((evk,argsv),evi,id,p) ->
+ let evd = Evd.define evk (mkVar id) evd in
+ (* TODO: simplify constraints involving evk *)
+ let evd = do_projection_effects define_fun env ty evd p in
+ let ty = whd_betadeltaiota env evd (Lazy.force ty) in
+ if not (isSort ty) then
+ (* Don't try to instantiate if a sort because if evar_concl is an
+ evar it may commit to a univ level which is not the right
+ one (however, regarding coercions, because t is obtained by
+ unif, we know that no coercion can be inserted) *)
+ let subst = make_pure_subst evi argsv in
+ let ty' = replace_vars subst evi.evar_concl in
+ let ty' = whd_evar evd ty' in
+ if isEvar ty' then define_fun env evd (Some false) (destEvar ty') ty else evd
+ else
+ evd
+(* Assuming Σ; Γ, y1..yk |- c, [invert_arg_from_subst Γ k Σ [x1:=u1..xn:=un] c]
+ * tries to return φ(x1..xn) such that equation φ(u1..un) = c is valid.
+ * The strategy is to imitate the structure of c and then to invert
+ * the variables of c (i.e. rels or vars of Γ) using the algorithm
+ * implemented by project_with_effects/find_projectable_vars.
+ * It returns either a unique solution or says whether 0 or more than
+ * 1 solutions is found.
+ *
+ * Precondition: Σ; Γ, y1..yk |- c /\ Σ; Γ |- u1..un
+ * Postcondition: if φ(x1..xn) is returned then
+ * Σ; Γ, y1..yk |- φ(u1..un) = c /\ x1..xn |- φ(x1..xn)
+ *
+ * The effects correspond to evars instantiated while trying to project.
+ *
+ * [invert_arg_from_subst] is used on instances of evars. Since the
+ * evars are flexible, these instances are potentially erasable. This
+ * is why we don't investigate whether evars in the instances of evars
+ * are unifiable, to the contrary of [invert_definition].
+ *)
+type projectibility_kind =
+ | NoUniqueProjection
+ | UniqueProjection of constr * evar_projection list
+type projectibility_status =
+ | CannotInvert
+ | Invertible of projectibility_kind
+let invert_arg_from_subst evd aliases k0 subst_in_env_extended_with_k_binders c_in_env_extended_with_k_binders =
+ let effects = ref [] in
+ let rec aux k t =
+ let t = whd_evar evd t in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Rel i when i>k0+k -> aux' k (mkRel (i-k))
+ | Var id -> aux' k t
+ | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ aux k t
+ and aux' k t =
+ try project_with_effects aliases evd effects t subst_in_env_extended_with_k_binders
+ with Not_found ->
+ match expand_alias_once aliases t with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some c -> aux k c in
+ try
+ let c = aux 0 c_in_env_extended_with_k_binders in
+ Invertible (UniqueProjection (c,!effects))
+ with
+ | Not_found -> CannotInvert
+ | NotUnique -> Invertible NoUniqueProjection
+let invert_arg fullenv evd aliases k evk subst_in_env_extended_with_k_binders c_in_env_extended_with_k_binders =
+ let res = invert_arg_from_subst evd aliases k subst_in_env_extended_with_k_binders c_in_env_extended_with_k_binders in
+ match res with
+ | Invertible (UniqueProjection (c,_)) when not (noccur_evar fullenv evd evk c)
+ ->
+ CannotInvert
+ | _ ->
+ res
+exception NotEnoughInformationToInvert
+let extract_unique_projection = function
+| Invertible (UniqueProjection (c,_)) -> c
+| _ ->
+ (* For instance, there are evars with non-invertible arguments and *)
+ (* we cannot arbitrarily restrict these evars before knowing if there *)
+ (* will really be used; it can also be due to some argument *)
+ (* (typically a rel) that is not inversible and that cannot be *)
+ (* inverted either because it is needed for typing the conclusion *)
+ (* of the evar to project *)
+ raise NotEnoughInformationToInvert
+let extract_candidates sols =
+ try
+ UpdateWith
+ ( (function (id,ProjectVar) -> mkVar id | _ -> raise Exit) sols)
+ with Exit ->
+ NoUpdate
+let invert_invertible_arg fullenv evd aliases k (evk,argsv) args' =
+ let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd evk in
+ let subst,_ = make_projectable_subst aliases evd evi argsv in
+ let invert arg =
+ let p = invert_arg fullenv evd aliases k evk subst arg in
+ extract_unique_projection p
+ in
+ invert args'
+(* Redefines an evar with a smaller context (i.e. it may depend on less
+ * variables) such that c becomes closed.
+ * Example: in "fun (x:?1) (y:list ?2[x]) => x = y :> ?3[x,y] /\ x = nil bool"
+ * ?3 <-- ?1 no pb: env of ?3 is larger than ?1's
+ * ?1 <-- list ?2 pb: ?2 may depend on x, but not ?1.
+ * What we do is that ?2 is defined by a new evar ?4 whose context will be
+ * a prefix of ?2's env, included in ?1's env.
+ *
+ * If "hyps |- ?e : T" and "filter" selects a subset hyps' of hyps then
+ * [do_restrict_hyps evd ?e filter] sets ?e:=?e'[hyps'] and returns ?e'
+ * such that "hyps' |- ?e : T"
+ *)
+let set_of_evctx l =
+ List.fold_left (fun s (id,_,_) -> Id.Set.add id s) Id.Set.empty l
+let filter_effective_candidates evi filter candidates =
+ match filter with
+ | None -> candidates
+ | Some filter ->
+ let ids = set_of_evctx (Filter.filter_list filter (evar_context evi)) in
+ List.filter (fun a -> Id.Set.subset (collect_vars a) ids) candidates
+let filter_candidates evd evk filter candidates_update =
+ let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd evk in
+ let candidates = match candidates_update with
+ | NoUpdate -> evi.evar_candidates
+ | UpdateWith c -> Some c
+ in
+ match candidates with
+ | None -> NoUpdate
+ | Some l ->
+ let l' = filter_effective_candidates evi filter l in
+ if List.length l = List.length l' && candidates_update = NoUpdate then
+ NoUpdate
+ else
+ UpdateWith l'
+let closure_of_filter evd evk = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some filter ->
+ let evi = Evd.find_undefined evd evk in
+ let vars = collect_vars (Evarutil.nf_evar evd (evar_concl evi)) in
+ let test b (id,c,_) = b || Idset.mem id vars || match c with None -> false | Some c -> not (isRel c || isVar c) in
+ let newfilter = Filter.map_along test filter (evar_context evi) in
+ if Filter.equal newfilter (evar_filter evi) then None else Some newfilter
+let restrict_hyps evd evk filter candidates =
+ (* What to do with dependencies?
+ Assume we have x:A, y:B(x), z:C(x,y) |- ?e:T(x,y,z) and restrict on y.
+ - If y is in a non-erasable position in C(x,y) (i.e. it is not below an
+ occurrence of x in the hnf of C), then z should be removed too.
+ - If y is in a non-erasable position in T(x,y,z) then the problem is
+ unsolvable.
+ Computing whether y is erasable or not may be costly and the
+ interest for this early detection in practice is not obvious. We let
+ it for future work. In any case, thanks to the use of filters, the whole
+ (unrestricted) context remains consistent. *)
+ let candidates = filter_candidates evd evk (Some filter) candidates in
+ let typablefilter = closure_of_filter evd evk (Some filter) in
+ (typablefilter,candidates)
+exception EvarSolvedWhileRestricting of evar_map * constr
+let do_restrict_hyps evd (evk,args as ev) filter candidates =
+ let filter,candidates = match filter with
+ | None -> None,candidates
+ | Some filter -> restrict_hyps evd evk filter candidates in
+ match candidates,filter with
+ | UpdateWith [], _ -> error "Not solvable."
+ | UpdateWith [nc],_ ->
+ let evd = Evd.define evk nc evd in
+ raise (EvarSolvedWhileRestricting (evd,whd_evar evd (mkEvar ev)))
+ | NoUpdate, None -> evd,ev
+ | _ -> restrict_applied_evar evd ev filter candidates
+(* [postpone_non_unique_projection] postpones equation of the form ?e[?] = c *)
+(* ?e is assumed to have no candidates *)
+let postpone_non_unique_projection env evd pbty (evk,argsv as ev) sols rhs =
+ let rhs = expand_vars_in_term env rhs in
+ let filter =
+ restrict_upon_filter evd evk
+ (* Keep only variables that occur in rhs *)
+ (* This is not safe: is the variable is a local def, its body *)
+ (* may contain references to variables that are removed, leading to *)
+ (* an ill-formed context. We would actually need a notion of filter *)
+ (* that says that the body is hidden. Note that expand_vars_in_term *)
+ (* expands only rels and vars aliases, not rels or vars bound to an *)
+ (* arbitrary complex term *)
+ (fun a -> not (isRel a || isVar a)
+ || dependent a rhs || List.exists (fun (id,_) -> isVarId id a) sols)
+ argsv in
+ let filter = closure_of_filter evd evk filter in
+ let candidates = extract_candidates sols in
+ match candidates with
+ | NoUpdate ->
+ (* We made an approximation by not expanding a local definition *)
+ let evd,ev = restrict_applied_evar evd ev filter NoUpdate in
+ let pb = (pbty,env,mkEvar ev,rhs) in
+ add_conv_oriented_pb pb evd
+ | UpdateWith c ->
+ restrict_evar evd evk filter (UpdateWith c)
+(* [solve_evar_evar f Γ Σ ?e1[u1..un] ?e2[v1..vp]] applies an heuristic
+ * to solve the equation Σ; Γ ⊢ ?e1[u1..un] = ?e2[v1..vp]:
+ * - if there are at most one φj for each vj s.t. vj = φj(u1..un),
+ * we first restrict ?e2 to the subset v_k1..v_kq of the vj that are
+ * inversible and we set ?e1[x1..xn] := ?e2[φk1(x1..xn)..φkp(x1..xn)]
+ * (this is a case of pattern-unification)
+ * - symmetrically if there are at most one ψj for each uj s.t.
+ * uj = ψj(v1..vp),
+ * - otherwise, each position i s.t. ui does not occur in v1..vp has to
+ * be restricted and similarly for the vi, and we leave the equation
+ * as an open equation (performed by [postpone_evar])
+ *
+ * Warning: the notion of unique φj is relative to some given class
+ * of unification problems
+ *
+ * Note: argument f is the function used to instantiate evars.
+ *)
+let are_canonical_instances args1 args2 env =
+ let n1 = Array.length args1 in
+ let n2 = Array.length args2 in
+ let rec aux n = function
+ | (id,_,c)::sign
+ when n < n1 && isVarId id args1.(n) && isVarId id args2.(n) ->
+ aux (n+1) sign
+ | [] ->
+ let rec aux2 n =
+ Int.equal n n1 ||
+ (isRelN (n1-n) args1.(n) && isRelN (n1-n) args2.(n) && aux2 (n+1))
+ in aux2 n
+ | _ -> false in
+ Int.equal n1 n2 && aux 0 (named_context env)
+let filter_compatible_candidates conv_algo env evd evi args rhs c =
+ let c' = instantiate_evar_array evi c args in
+ match conv_algo env evd Reduction.CONV rhs c' with
+ | Success evd -> Some (c,evd)
+ | UnifFailure _ -> None
+(* [restrict_candidates ... filter ev1 ev2] restricts the candidates
+ of ev1, removing those not compatible with the filter, as well as
+ those not convertible to some candidate of ev2 *)
+exception DoesNotPreserveCandidateRestriction
+let restrict_candidates conv_algo env evd filter1 (evk1,argsv1) (evk2,argsv2) =
+ let evi1 = Evd.find evd evk1 in
+ let evi2 = Evd.find evd evk2 in
+ match evi1.evar_candidates, evi2.evar_candidates with
+ | _, None -> filter_candidates evd evk1 filter1 NoUpdate
+ | None, Some _ -> raise DoesNotPreserveCandidateRestriction
+ | Some l1, Some l2 ->
+ let l1 = filter_effective_candidates evi1 filter1 l1 in
+ let l1' = List.filter (fun c1 ->
+ let c1' = instantiate_evar_array evi1 c1 argsv1 in
+ let filter c2 =
+ let compatibility = filter_compatible_candidates conv_algo env evd evi2 argsv2 c1' c2 in
+ match compatibility with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some _ -> true
+ in
+ let filtered = List.filter filter l2 in
+ match filtered with [] -> false | _ -> true) l1 in
+ if Int.equal (List.length l1) (List.length l1') then NoUpdate
+ else UpdateWith l1'
+exception CannotProject of evar_map * existential
+(* Assume that FV(?n[x1:=t1..xn:=tn]) belongs to some set U.
+ Can ?n be instantiated by a term u depending essentially on xi such that the
+ FV(u[x1:=t1..xn:=tn]) are in the set U?
+ - If ti is a variable, it has to be in U.
+ - If ti is a constructor, its parameters cannot be erased even if u
+ matches on it, so we have to discard ti if the parameters
+ contain variables not in U.
+ - If ti is rigid, we have to discard it if it contains variables in U.
+ Note: when restricting as part of an equation ?n[x1:=t1..xn:=tn] = ?m[...]
+ then, occurrences of ?m in the ti can be seen, like variables, as occurrences
+ of subterms to eventually discard so as to be allowed to keep ti.
+let rec is_constrainable_in top k (ev,(fv_rels,fv_ids) as g) t =
+ let f,args = decompose_app_vect t in
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Construct ((ind,_),u) ->
+ let n = Inductiveops.inductive_nparams ind in
+ if n > Array.length args then true (* We don't try to be more clever *)
+ else
+ let params = fst (Array.chop n args) in
+ Array.for_all (is_constrainable_in false k g) params
+ | Ind _ -> Array.for_all (is_constrainable_in false k g) args
+ | Prod (_,t1,t2) -> is_constrainable_in false k g t1 && is_constrainable_in false k g t2
+ | Evar (ev',_) -> top || not (Evar.equal ev' ev) (*If ev' needed, one may also try to restrict it*)
+ | Var id -> Id.Set.mem id fv_ids
+ | Rel n -> n <= k || Int.Set.mem n fv_rels
+ | Sort _ -> true
+ | _ -> (* We don't try to be more clever *) true
+let has_constrainable_free_vars evd aliases k ev (fv_rels,fv_ids as fvs) t =
+ let t = expansion_of_var aliases t in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id -> Id.Set.mem id fv_ids
+ | Rel n -> n <= k || Int.Set.mem n fv_rels
+ | _ -> is_constrainable_in true k (ev,fvs) t
+let ensure_evar_independent g env evd (evk1,argsv1 as ev1) (evk2,argsv2 as ev2)=
+ let filter1 =
+ restrict_upon_filter evd evk1 (noccur_evar env evd evk2) argsv1
+ in
+ let candidates1 = restrict_candidates g env evd filter1 ev1 ev2 in
+ let evd,(evk1,_ as ev1) = do_restrict_hyps evd ev1 filter1 candidates1 in
+ let filter2 =
+ restrict_upon_filter evd evk2 (noccur_evar env evd evk1) argsv2
+ in
+ let candidates2 = restrict_candidates g env evd filter2 ev2 ev1 in
+ let evd,ev2 = do_restrict_hyps evd ev2 filter2 candidates2 in
+ evd,ev1,ev2
+exception EvarSolvedOnTheFly of evar_map * constr
+(* Try to project evk1[argsv1] on evk2[argsv2], if [ev1] is a pattern on
+ the common domain of definition *)
+let project_evar_on_evar g env evd aliases k2 pbty (evk1,argsv1 as ev1) (evk2,argsv2 as ev2) =
+ (* Apply filtering on ev1 so that fvs(ev1) are in fvs(ev2). *)
+ let fvs2 = free_vars_and_rels_up_alias_expansion aliases (mkEvar ev2) in
+ let filter1 = restrict_upon_filter evd evk1
+ (has_constrainable_free_vars evd aliases k2 evk2 fvs2)
+ argsv1 in
+ let candidates1 =
+ try restrict_candidates g env evd filter1 ev1 ev2
+ with DoesNotPreserveCandidateRestriction ->
+ let evd,ev1' = do_restrict_hyps evd ev1 filter1 NoUpdate in
+ raise (CannotProject (evd,ev1')) in
+ let evd,(evk1',args1 as ev1') =
+ try do_restrict_hyps evd ev1 filter1 candidates1
+ with EvarSolvedWhileRestricting (evd,ev1) ->
+ raise (EvarSolvedOnTheFly (evd,ev1)) in
+ (* Only try pruning on variable substitutions, postpone otherwise. *)
+ (* Rules out non-linear instances. *)
+ if Option.is_empty pbty && is_unification_pattern_pure_evar env evd ev2 (mkEvar ev1) then
+ try
+ evd,mkEvar (evk1',invert_invertible_arg env evd aliases k2 ev2 args1)
+ with NotEnoughInformationToInvert ->
+ raise (CannotProject (evd,ev1'))
+ else
+ raise (CannotProject (evd,ev1'))
+exception IllTypedInstance of env * types * types
+let check_evar_instance evd evk1 body conv_algo =
+ let evi = Evd.find evd evk1 in
+ let evenv = evar_env evi in
+ (* FIXME: The body might be ill-typed when this is called from w_merge *)
+ (* This happens in practice, cf MathClasses build failure on 2013-3-15 *)
+ let ty =
+ try Retyping.get_type_of ~lax:true evenv evd body
+ with Retyping.RetypeError _ -> error "Ill-typed evar instance"
+ in
+ match conv_algo evenv evd Reduction.CUMUL ty evi.evar_concl with
+ | Success evd -> evd
+ | UnifFailure _ -> raise (IllTypedInstance (evenv,ty,evi.evar_concl))
+let solve_evar_evar_l2r f g env evd aliases pbty ev1 (evk2,_ as ev2) =
+ try
+ let evd,body = project_evar_on_evar g env evd aliases 0 pbty ev1 ev2 in
+ let evd' = Evd.define evk2 body evd in
+ check_evar_instance evd' evk2 body g
+ with EvarSolvedOnTheFly (evd,c) ->
+ f env evd pbty ev2 c
+let opp_problem = function None -> None | Some b -> Some (not b)
+let preferred_orientation evd evk1 evk2 =
+ let _,src1 = (Evd.find_undefined evd evk1).evar_source in
+ let _,src2 = (Evd.find_undefined evd evk2).evar_source in
+ (* This is a heuristic useful for program to work *)
+ match src1,src2 with
+ | Evar_kinds.QuestionMark _, _ -> true
+ | _,Evar_kinds.QuestionMark _ -> false
+ | _ -> true
+let solve_evar_evar_aux f g env evd pbty (evk1,args1 as ev1) (evk2,args2 as ev2) =
+ let aliases = make_alias_map env in
+ if preferred_orientation evd evk1 evk2 then
+ try solve_evar_evar_l2r f g env evd aliases (opp_problem pbty) ev2 ev1
+ with CannotProject (evd,ev2) ->
+ try solve_evar_evar_l2r f g env evd aliases pbty ev1 ev2
+ with CannotProject (evd,ev1) ->
+ add_conv_oriented_pb (pbty,env,mkEvar ev1,mkEvar ev2) evd
+ else
+ try solve_evar_evar_l2r f g env evd aliases pbty ev1 ev2
+ with CannotProject (evd,ev1) ->
+ try solve_evar_evar_l2r f g env evd aliases (opp_problem pbty) ev2 ev1
+ with CannotProject (evd,ev2) ->
+ add_conv_oriented_pb (pbty,env,mkEvar ev1,mkEvar ev2) evd
+let solve_evar_evar ?(force=false) f g env evd pbty ev1 ev2 =
+ let (evd,(evk1,args1 as ev1),(evk2,args2 as ev2)),pbty =
+ (* If an evar occurs in the instance of the other evar and the
+ use of an heuristic is forced, we restrict *)
+ if force then ensure_evar_independent g env evd ev1 ev2, None
+ else (evd,ev1,ev2),pbty in
+ let evi = Evd.find evd evk1 in
+ let evd =
+ try
+ (* ?X : Π Δ. Type i = ?Y : Π Δ'. Type j.
+ The body of ?X and ?Y just has to be of type Π Δ. Type k for some k <= i, j. *)
+ let evienv = Evd.evar_env evi in
+ let ctx1, i = Reduction.dest_arity evienv evi.evar_concl in
+ let evi2 = Evd.find evd evk2 in
+ let evi2env = Evd.evar_env evi2 in
+ let ctx2, j = Reduction.dest_arity evi2env evi2.evar_concl in
+ let ui, uj = univ_of_sort i, univ_of_sort j in
+ if i == j || Evd.check_eq evd ui uj
+ then (* Shortcut, i = j *)
+ evd
+ else if Evd.check_leq evd ui uj then
+ let t2 = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort i) ctx2 in
+ downcast evk2 t2 evd
+ else if Evd.check_leq evd uj ui then
+ let t1 = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort j) ctx1 in
+ downcast evk1 t1 evd
+ else
+ let evd, k = Evd.new_sort_variable univ_flexible_alg evd in
+ let t1 = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort k) ctx1 in
+ let t2 = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort k) ctx2 in
+ let evd = Evd.set_leq_sort env (Evd.set_leq_sort env evd k i) k j in
+ downcast evk2 t2 (downcast evk1 t1 evd)
+ with Reduction.NotArity ->
+ evd in
+ solve_evar_evar_aux f g env evd pbty ev1 ev2
+type conv_fun =
+ env -> evar_map -> conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> unification_result
+type conv_fun_bool =
+ env -> evar_map -> conv_pb -> constr -> constr -> bool
+(* Solve pbs ?e[] = ?e[u1..un] which arise often in fixpoint
+ * definitions. We try to unify the ti with the ui pairwise. The pairs
+ * that don't unify are discarded (i.e. ?e is redefined so that it does not
+ * depend on these args). *)
+let solve_refl ?(can_drop=false) conv_algo env evd pbty evk argsv1 argsv2 =
+ let evdref = ref evd in
+ if Array.equal (e_eq_constr_univs evdref) argsv1 argsv2 then !evdref else
+ (* Filter and restrict if needed *)
+ let args = Array.map2 (fun a1 a2 -> (a1, a2)) argsv1 argsv2 in
+ let untypedfilter =
+ restrict_upon_filter evd evk
+ (fun (a1,a2) -> conv_algo env evd Reduction.CONV a1 a2) args in
+ let candidates = filter_candidates evd evk untypedfilter NoUpdate in
+ let filter = closure_of_filter evd evk untypedfilter in
+ let evd,ev1 = restrict_applied_evar evd (evk,argsv1) filter candidates in
+ if Evar.equal (fst ev1) evk && can_drop then (* No refinement *) evd else
+ (* either progress, or not allowed to drop, e.g. to preserve possibly *)
+ (* informative equations such as ?e[x:=?y]=?e[x:=?y'] where we don't know *)
+ (* if e can depend on x until ?y is not resolved, or, conversely, we *)
+ (* don't know if ?y has to be unified with ?y, until e is resolved *)
+ let argsv2 = restrict_instance evd evk filter argsv2 in
+ let ev2 = (fst ev1,argsv2) in
+ (* Leave a unification problem *)
+ add_conv_oriented_pb (pbty,env,mkEvar ev1,mkEvar ev2) evd
+(* If the evar can be instantiated by a finite set of candidates known
+ in advance, we check which of them apply *)
+exception NoCandidates
+exception IncompatibleCandidates
+let solve_candidates conv_algo env evd (evk,argsv) rhs =
+ let evi = Evd.find evd evk in
+ match evi.evar_candidates with
+ | None -> raise NoCandidates
+ | Some l ->
+ let l' =
+ List.map_filter
+ (filter_compatible_candidates conv_algo env evd evi argsv rhs) l in
+ match l' with
+ | [] -> raise IncompatibleCandidates
+ | [c,evd] ->
+ (* solve_candidates might have been called recursively in the mean *)
+ (* time and the evar been solved by the filtering process *)
+ if Evd.is_undefined evd evk then Evd.define evk c evd else evd
+ | l when List.length l < List.length l' ->
+ let candidates = fst l in
+ restrict_evar evd evk None (UpdateWith candidates)
+ | l -> evd
+(* We try to instantiate the evar assuming the body won't depend
+ * on arguments that are not Rels or Vars, or appearing several times
+ * (i.e. we tackle a generalization of Miller-Pfenning patterns unification)
+ *
+ * 1) Let "env |- ?ev[hyps:=args] = rhs" be the unification problem
+ * 2) We limit it to a patterns unification problem "env |- ev[subst] = rhs"
+ * where only Rel's and Var's are relevant in subst
+ * 3) We recur on rhs, "imitating" the term, and failing if some Rel/Var is
+ * not in the scope of ?ev. For instance, the problem
+ * "y:nat |- ?x[] = y" where "|- ?1:nat" is not satisfiable because
+ * ?1 would be instantiated by y which is not in the scope of ?1.
+ * 4) We try to "project" the term if the process of imitation fails
+ * and that only one projection is possible
+ *
+ * Note: we don't assume rhs in normal form, it may fail while it would
+ * have succeeded after some reductions.
+ *
+ * This is the work of [invert_definition Γ Σ ?ev[hyps:=args] c]
+ * Precondition: Σ; Γ, y1..yk |- c /\ Σ; Γ |- u1..un
+ * Postcondition: if φ(x1..xn) is returned then
+ * Σ; Γ, y1..yk |- φ(u1..un) = c /\ x1..xn |- φ(x1..xn)
+ *)
+exception NotInvertibleUsingOurAlgorithm of constr
+exception NotEnoughInformationToProgress of (Id.t * evar_projection) list
+exception NotEnoughInformationEvarEvar of constr
+exception OccurCheckIn of evar_map * constr
+exception MetaOccurInBodyInternal
+let rec invert_definition conv_algo choose env evd pbty (evk,argsv as ev) rhs =
+ let aliases = make_alias_map env in
+ let evdref = ref evd in
+ let progress = ref false in
+ let evi = Evd.find evd evk in
+ let subst,cstr_subst = make_projectable_subst aliases evd evi argsv in
+ (* Projection *)
+ let project_variable t =
+ (* Evar/Var problem: unifiable iff variable projectable from ev subst *)
+ try
+ let sols = find_projectable_vars true aliases !evdref t subst in
+ let c, p = match sols with
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | [id,p] -> (mkVar id, p)
+ | (id,p)::_::_ ->
+ if choose then (mkVar id, p) else raise (NotUniqueInType sols)
+ in
+ let ty = lazy (Retyping.get_type_of env !evdref t) in
+ let evd = do_projection_effects (evar_define conv_algo ~choose) env ty !evdref p in
+ evdref := evd;
+ c
+ with
+ | Not_found -> raise (NotInvertibleUsingOurAlgorithm t)
+ | NotUniqueInType sols ->
+ if not !progress then
+ raise (NotEnoughInformationToProgress sols);
+ (* No unique projection but still restrict to where it is possible *)
+ (* materializing is necessary, but is restricting useful? *)
+ let ty = find_solution_type (evar_filtered_env evi) sols in
+ let ty' = instantiate_evar_array evi ty argsv in
+ let (evd,evar,(evk',argsv' as ev')) =
+ materialize_evar (evar_define conv_algo ~choose) env !evdref 0 ev ty' in
+ let ts = expansions_of_var aliases t in
+ let test c = isEvar c || List.mem_f Constr.equal c ts in
+ let filter = restrict_upon_filter evd evk test argsv' in
+ let filter = closure_of_filter evd evk' filter in
+ let candidates = extract_candidates sols in
+ let evd = match candidates with
+ | NoUpdate ->
+ let evd, ev'' = restrict_applied_evar evd ev' filter NoUpdate in
+ Evd.add_conv_pb (Reduction.CONV,env,mkEvar ev'',t) evd
+ | UpdateWith _ ->
+ restrict_evar evd evk' filter candidates
+ in
+ evdref := evd;
+ evar in
+ let rec imitate (env',k as envk) t =
+ let t = whd_evar !evdref t in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Rel i when i>k ->
+ (match pi2 (Environ.lookup_rel (i-k) env') with
+ | None -> project_variable (mkRel (i-k))
+ | Some b ->
+ try project_variable (mkRel (i-k))
+ with NotInvertibleUsingOurAlgorithm _ -> imitate envk (lift i b))
+ | Var id ->
+ (match pi2 (Environ.lookup_named id env') with
+ | None -> project_variable t
+ | Some b ->
+ try project_variable t
+ with NotInvertibleUsingOurAlgorithm _ -> imitate envk b)
+ | LetIn (na,b,u,c) ->
+ imitate envk (subst1 b c)
+ | Evar (evk',args' as ev') ->
+ if Evar.equal evk evk' then raise (OccurCheckIn (evd,rhs));
+ (* Evar/Evar problem (but left evar is virtual) *)
+ let aliases = lift_aliases k aliases in
+ (try
+ let ev = (evk, (lift k) argsv) in
+ let evd,body = project_evar_on_evar conv_algo env' !evdref aliases k None ev' ev in
+ evdref := evd;
+ body
+ with
+ | EvarSolvedOnTheFly (evd,t) -> evdref:=evd; imitate envk t
+ | CannotProject (evd,ev') ->
+ if not !progress then
+ raise (NotEnoughInformationEvarEvar t);
+ (* Make the virtual left evar real *)
+ let ty = get_type_of env' evd t in
+ let (evd,evar'',ev'') =
+ materialize_evar (evar_define conv_algo ~choose) env' evd k ev ty in
+ (* materialize_evar may instantiate ev' by another evar; adjust it *)
+ let (evk',args' as ev') = normalize_evar evd ev' in
+ let evd =
+ (* Try to project (a restriction of) the left evar ... *)
+ try
+ let evd,body = project_evar_on_evar conv_algo env' evd aliases 0 None ev'' ev' in
+ let evd = Evd.define evk' body evd in
+ check_evar_instance evd evk' body conv_algo
+ with
+ | EvarSolvedOnTheFly _ -> assert false (* ev has no candidates *)
+ | CannotProject (evd,ev'') ->
+ (* ... or postpone the problem *)
+ add_conv_oriented_pb (None,env',mkEvar ev'',mkEvar ev') evd in
+ evdref := evd;
+ evar'')
+ | _ ->
+ progress := true;
+ match
+ let c,args = decompose_app_vect t in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Construct (cstr,u) when noccur_between 1 k t ->
+ (* This is common case when inferring the return clause of match *)
+ (* (currently rudimentary: we do not treat the case of multiple *)
+ (* possible inversions; we do not treat overlap with a possible *)
+ (* alternative inversion of the subterms of the constructor, etc)*)
+ (match find_projectable_constructor env evd cstr k args cstr_subst with
+ | _::_ as l -> Some ( mkVar l)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+ with
+ | Some l ->
+ let ty = get_type_of env' !evdref t in
+ let candidates =
+ try
+ let t =
+ map_constr_with_full_binders (fun d (env,k) -> push_rel d env, k+1)
+ imitate envk t in
+ t::l
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e -> l in
+ (match candidates with
+ | [x] -> x
+ | _ ->
+ let (evd,evar'',ev'') =
+ materialize_evar (evar_define conv_algo ~choose) env' !evdref k ev ty in
+ evdref := restrict_evar evd (fst ev'') None (UpdateWith candidates);
+ evar'')
+ | None ->
+ (* Evar/Rigid problem (or assimilated if not normal): we "imitate" *)
+ map_constr_with_full_binders (fun d (env,k) -> push_rel d env, k+1)
+ imitate envk t in
+ let _fast rhs =
+ let filter_ctxt = evar_filtered_context evi in
+ let names = ref Idset.empty in
+ let rec is_id_subst ctxt s =
+ match ctxt, s with
+ | ((id, _, _) :: ctxt'), (c :: s') ->
+ names := Idset.add id !names;
+ isVarId id c && is_id_subst ctxt' s'
+ | [], [] -> true
+ | _ -> false in
+ is_id_subst filter_ctxt (Array.to_list argsv) &&
+ closed0 rhs &&
+ Idset.subset (collect_vars rhs) !names in
+ let rhs = whd_beta evd rhs (* heuristic *) in
+ let fast rhs =
+ let filter_ctxt = evar_filtered_context evi in
+ let names = ref Idset.empty in
+ let rec is_id_subst ctxt s =
+ match ctxt, s with
+ | ((id, _, _) :: ctxt'), (c :: s') ->
+ names := Idset.add id !names;
+ isVarId id c && is_id_subst ctxt' s'
+ | [], [] -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ is_id_subst filter_ctxt (Array.to_list argsv) &&
+ closed0 rhs &&
+ Idset.subset (collect_vars rhs) !names
+ in
+ let body =
+ if fast rhs then nf_evar evd rhs
+ else imitate (env,0) rhs
+ in (!evdref,body)
+(* [define] tries to solve the problem "?ev[args] = rhs" when "?ev" is
+ * an (uninstantiated) evar such that "hyps |- ?ev : typ". Otherwise said,
+ * [define] tries to find an instance lhs such that
+ * "lhs [hyps:=args]" unifies to rhs. The term "lhs" must be closed in
+ * context "hyps" and not referring to itself.
+ *)
+and evar_define conv_algo ?(choose=false) env evd pbty (evk,argsv as ev) rhs =
+ match kind_of_term rhs with
+ | Evar (evk2,argsv2 as ev2) ->
+ if Evar.equal evk evk2 then
+ solve_refl ~can_drop:choose
+ (test_success conv_algo) env evd pbty evk argsv argsv2
+ else
+ solve_evar_evar ~force:choose
+ (evar_define conv_algo) conv_algo env evd pbty ev ev2
+ | _ ->
+ try solve_candidates conv_algo env evd ev rhs
+ with NoCandidates ->
+ try
+ let (evd',body) = invert_definition conv_algo choose env evd pbty ev rhs in
+ if occur_meta body then raise MetaOccurInBodyInternal;
+ (* invert_definition may have instantiate some evars of rhs with evk *)
+ (* so we recheck acyclicity *)
+ if occur_evar evk body then raise (OccurCheckIn (evd',body));
+ (* needed only if an inferred type *)
+ let evd', body = refresh_universes pbty env evd' body in
+(* Cannot strictly type instantiations since the unification algorithm
+ * does not unify applications from left to right.
+ * e.g problem f x == g y yields x==y and f==g (in that order)
+ * Another problem is that type variables are evars of type Type
+ let _ =
+ try
+ let env = evar_filtered_env evi in
+ let ty = evi.evar_concl in
+ Typing.check env evd' body ty
+ with e ->
+ msg_info
+ (str "Ill-typed evar instantiation: " ++ fnl() ++
+ pr_evar_map evd' ++ fnl() ++
+ str "----> " ++ int ev ++ str " := " ++
+ print_constr body);
+ raise e in*)
+ let evd' = check_evar_instance evd' evk body conv_algo in
+ Evd.define evk body evd'
+ with
+ | NotEnoughInformationToProgress sols ->
+ postpone_non_unique_projection env evd pbty ev sols rhs
+ | NotEnoughInformationEvarEvar t ->
+ add_conv_oriented_pb (pbty,env,mkEvar ev,t) evd
+ | NotInvertibleUsingOurAlgorithm _ | MetaOccurInBodyInternal as e ->
+ raise e
+ | OccurCheckIn (evd,rhs) ->
+ (* last chance: rhs actually reduces to ev *)
+ let c = whd_betadeltaiota env evd rhs in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (evk',argsv2) when Evar.equal evk evk' ->
+ solve_refl (fun env sigma pb c c' -> is_fconv pb env sigma c c')
+ env evd pbty evk argsv argsv2
+ | _ ->
+ raise (OccurCheckIn (evd,rhs))
+(* This code (i.e. solve_pb, etc.) takes a unification
+ * problem, and tries to solve it. If it solves it, then it removes
+ * all the conversion problems, and re-runs conversion on each one, in
+ * the hopes that the new solution will aid in solving them.
+ *
+ * The kinds of problems it knows how to solve are those in which
+ * the usable arguments of an existential var are all themselves
+ * universal variables.
+ * The solution to this problem is to do renaming for the Var's,
+ * to make them match up with the Var's which are found in the
+ * hyps of the existential, to do a "pop" for each Rel which is
+ * not an argument of the existential, and a subst1 for each which
+ * is, again, with the corresponding variable. This is done by
+ * define
+ *
+ * Thus, we take the arguments of the existential which we are about
+ * to assign, and zip them with the identifiers in the hypotheses.
+ * Then, we process all the Var's in the arguments, and sort the
+ * Rel's into ascending order. Then, we just march up, doing
+ * subst1's and pop's.
+ *
+ * NOTE: We can do this more efficiently for the relative arguments,
+ * by building a long substituend by hand, but this is a pain in the
+ * ass.
+ *)
+let status_changed lev (pbty,_,t1,t2) =
+ (try Evar.Set.mem (head_evar t1) lev with NoHeadEvar -> false) ||
+ (try Evar.Set.mem (head_evar t2) lev with NoHeadEvar -> false)
+let reconsider_conv_pbs conv_algo evd =
+ let (evd,pbs) = extract_changed_conv_pbs evd status_changed in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun p (pbty,env,t1,t2 as x) ->
+ match p with
+ | Success evd ->
+ (match conv_algo env evd pbty t1 t2 with
+ | Success _ as x -> x
+ | UnifFailure (i,e) -> UnifFailure (i,CannotSolveConstraint (x,e)))
+ | UnifFailure _ as x -> x)
+ (Success evd)
+ pbs
+(* Tries to solve problem t1 = t2.
+ * Precondition: t1 is an uninstantiated evar
+ * Returns an optional list of evars that were instantiated, or None
+ * if the problem couldn't be solved. *)
+(* Rq: uncomplete algorithm if pbty = CONV_X_LEQ ! *)
+let solve_simple_eqn conv_algo ?(choose=false) env evd (pbty,(evk1,args1 as ev1),t2) =
+ try
+ let t2 = whd_betaiota evd t2 in (* includes whd_evar *)
+ let evd = evar_define conv_algo ~choose env evd pbty ev1 t2 in
+ reconsider_conv_pbs conv_algo evd
+ with
+ | NotInvertibleUsingOurAlgorithm t ->
+ UnifFailure (evd,NotClean (ev1,env,t))
+ | OccurCheckIn (evd,rhs) ->
+ UnifFailure (evd,OccurCheck (evk1,rhs))
+ | MetaOccurInBodyInternal ->
+ UnifFailure (evd,MetaOccurInBody evk1)
+ | IllTypedInstance (env,t,u) ->
+ UnifFailure (evd,InstanceNotSameType (evk1,env,t,u))
+ | IncompatibleCandidates ->
+ UnifFailure (evd,ConversionFailed (env,mkEvar ev1,t2))