path: root/pretyping/
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1 files changed, 89 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 04f86e70..fa45f6fb 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ let rec evar_conv_x ts env evd pbty term1 term2 =
evar_eqappr_x ts env evd pbty
(decompose_app term1) (decompose_app term2)
-and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_stuck_proj = false)
+and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false)
ts env evd pbty (term1,l1 as appr1) (term2,l2 as appr2) =
(* Evar must be undefined since we have flushed evars *)
match (flex_kind_of_term term1 l1, flex_kind_of_term term2 l2) with
@@ -324,13 +324,25 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_stuck_proj = false)
(* heuristic: unfold second argument first, exception made
if the first argument is a beta-redex (expand a constant
only if necessary) or the second argument is potentially
- usable as a canonical projection *)
- let rhs_is_stuck_proj =
- rhs_is_stuck_proj || is_open_canonical_projection env i appr2 in
- if isLambda flex1 || rhs_is_stuck_proj then
+ usable as a canonical projection or canonical value *)
+ let rec is_unnamed (hd, args) = match kind_of_term hd with
+ | (Var _|Construct _|Ind _|Const _|Prod _|Sort _) -> false
+ | (Case _|Fix _|CoFix _|Meta _|Rel _)-> true
+ | Evar _ -> false (* immediate solution without Canon Struct *)
+ | Lambda _ -> assert(args = []); true
+ | LetIn (_,b,_,c) ->
+ is_unnamed (evar_apprec ts env i args (subst1 b c))
+ | App _| Cast _ -> assert false in
+ let rhs_is_stuck_and_unnamed () =
+ match eval_flexible_term ts env flex2 with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some v2 -> is_unnamed (evar_apprec ts env i l2 v2) in
+ let rhs_is_already_stuck =
+ rhs_is_already_stuck || rhs_is_stuck_and_unnamed () in
+ if isLambda flex1 || rhs_is_already_stuck then
match eval_flexible_term ts env flex1 with
| Some v1 ->
- evar_eqappr_x ~rhs_is_stuck_proj
+ evar_eqappr_x ~rhs_is_already_stuck
ts env i pbty (evar_apprec ts env i l1 v1) appr2
| None ->
match eval_flexible_term ts env flex2 with
@@ -544,7 +556,7 @@ and conv_record trs env evd (c,bs,(params,params1),(us,us2),(ts,ts1),c1,(n,t2))
(fun i -> evar_conv_x trs env i CONV c1 (applist (c,(List.rev ks))));
(fun i -> ise_list2 i (fun i -> evar_conv_x trs env i CONV) ts ts1)]
-(* getting rid of the optional argument rhs_is_stuck_proj *)
+(* getting rid of the optional argument rhs_is_already_stuck *)
let evar_eqappr_x ts env evd pbty appr1 appr2 =
evar_eqappr_x ts env evd pbty appr1 appr2
@@ -582,17 +594,19 @@ let apply_on_subterm f c t =
applyrec (0,c) t
-let filter_possible_projections c args =
+let filter_possible_projections c ty ctxt args =
let fv1 = free_rels c in
let fv2 = collect_vars c in
- (fun a ->
+ let tyvars = collect_vars ty in
+ List.map2 (fun (id,_,_) a ->
a == c ||
(* Here we make an approximation, for instance, we could also be *)
(* interested in finding a term u convertible to c such that a occurs *)
(* in u *)
isRel a && Intset.mem (destRel a) fv1 ||
- isVar a && Idset.mem (destVar a) fv2)
- args
+ isVar a && Idset.mem (destVar a) fv2 ||
+ Idset.mem id tyvars)
+ ctxt args
let initial_evar_data evi =
let ids = pi1 (evar_context evi) in
@@ -629,16 +643,17 @@ let second_order_matching ts env_rhs evd (evk,args) argoccs rhs =
let instance = mkVar ( pi1 ctxt) in
let rec make_subst = function
- | (id,_,t)::ctxt, c::l, occs::occsl when isVarId id c ->
+ | (id,_,t)::ctxt', c::l, occs::occsl when isVarId id c ->
if occs<>None then
error "Cannot force abstraction on identity instance."
- make_subst (ctxt,l,occsl)
- | (id,_,t)::ctxt, c::l, occs::occsl ->
+ make_subst (ctxt',l,occsl)
+ | (id,_,t)::ctxt', c::l, occs::occsl ->
let evs = ref [] in
- let filter = List.map2 (&&) filter (filter_possible_projections c args) in
let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env_rhs evd c in
- (id,t,c,ty,evs,filter,occs) :: make_subst (ctxt,l,occsl)
+ let filter' = filter_possible_projections c ty ctxt args in
+ let filter = List.map2 (&&) filter filter' in
+ (id,t,c,ty,evs,filter,occs) :: make_subst (ctxt',l,occsl)
| [], [], [] -> []
| _ -> anomaly "Signature, instance and occurrences list do not match" in
@@ -724,6 +739,12 @@ let apply_conversion_problem_heuristic ts env evd pbty t1 t2 =
(* The typical kind of constraint coming from pattern-matching return
type inference *)
choose_less_dependent_instance evk2 evd term1 args2, true
+ | Evar (evk1,args1), Evar (evk2,args2) when evk1 = evk2 ->
+ let f env evd pbty x y = (evd,is_trans_fconv pbty ts env evd x y) in
+ solve_refl ~can_drop:true f env evd evk1 args1 args2, true
+ | Evar ev1, Evar ev2 ->
+ solve_evar_evar ~force:true
+ (evar_define (evar_conv_x ts)) (evar_conv_x ts) env evd ev1 ev2, true
| Evar ev1,_ when List.length l1 <= List.length l2 ->
(* On "?n t1 .. tn = u u1 .. u(n+p)", try first-order unification *)
(* and otherwise second-order matching *)
@@ -753,7 +774,52 @@ let check_problems_are_solved env evd =
| (pbty,env,t1,t2)::_ -> Pretype_errors.error_cannot_unify env evd (t1, t2)
| _ -> ()
+let max_undefined_with_candidates evd =
+ (* If evar were ordered with highest index first, fold_undefined
+ would be going decreasingly and we could use fold_undefined to
+ find the undefined evar of maximum index (alternatively,
+ max_bindings from ocaml 3.12 could be used); instead we traverse
+ the whole map *)
+ let l = Evd.fold_undefined
+ (fun evk ev_info evars ->
+ match ev_info.evar_candidates with
+ | None -> evars
+ | Some l -> (evk,ev_info,l)::evars) evd [] in
+ match l with
+ | [] -> None
+ | a::l -> Some (list_last (a::l))
+let rec solve_unconstrained_evars_with_canditates evd =
+ (* max_undefined is supposed to return the most recent, hence
+ possibly most dependent evar *)
+ match max_undefined_with_candidates evd with
+ | None -> evd
+ | Some (evk,ev_info,l) ->
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> error "Unsolvable existential variables."
+ | a::l ->
+ try
+ let conv_algo = evar_conv_x full_transparent_state in
+ let evd = check_evar_instance evd evk a conv_algo in
+ let evd = Evd.define evk a evd in
+ let evd,b = reconsider_conv_pbs conv_algo evd in
+ if b then solve_unconstrained_evars_with_canditates evd
+ else aux l
+ with e when Pretype_errors.precatchable_exception e ->
+ aux l in
+ (* List.rev is there to favor most dependent solutions *)
+ (* and favor progress when used with the refine tactics *)
+ let evd = aux (List.rev l) in
+ solve_unconstrained_evars_with_canditates evd
+let solve_unconstrained_impossible_cases evd =
+ Evd.fold_undefined (fun evk ev_info evd' ->
+ match ev_info.evar_source with
+ | _,ImpossibleCase -> Evd.define evk (j_type (coq_unit_judge ())) evd'
+ | _ -> evd') evd evd
let consider_remaining_unif_problems ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env evd =
+ let evd = solve_unconstrained_evars_with_canditates evd in
let (evd,pbs) = extract_all_conv_pbs evd in
let heuristic_solved_evd = List.fold_left
(fun evd (pbty,env,t1,t2) ->
@@ -761,14 +827,7 @@ let consider_remaining_unif_problems ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env evd =
if b then evd' else Pretype_errors.error_cannot_unify env evd (t1, t2))
evd pbs in
check_problems_are_solved env heuristic_solved_evd;
- Evd.fold_undefined (fun ev ev_info evd' -> match ev_info.evar_source with
- |_,ImpossibleCase ->
- Evd.define ev (j_type (coq_unit_judge ())) evd'
- |_ ->
- match ev_info.evar_candidates with
- | Some (a::l) -> Evd.define ev a evd'
- | Some [] -> error "Unsolvable existential variables"
- | None -> evd') heuristic_solved_evd heuristic_solved_evd
+ solve_unconstrained_impossible_cases heuristic_solved_evd
(* Main entry points *)
@@ -782,12 +841,12 @@ let the_conv_x_leq ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env t1 t2 evd =
(evd', true) -> evd'
| _ -> raise Reduction.NotConvertible
-let e_conv ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env evd t1 t2 =
- match evar_conv_x ts env !evd CONV t1 t2 with
- (evd',true) -> evd := evd'; true
+let e_conv ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env evdref t1 t2 =
+ match evar_conv_x ts env !evdref CONV t1 t2 with
+ (evd',true) -> evdref := evd'; true
| _ -> false
-let e_cumul ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env evd t1 t2 =
- match evar_conv_x ts env !evd CUMUL t1 t2 with
- (evd',true) -> evd := evd'; true
+let e_cumul ?(ts=full_transparent_state) env evdref t1 t2 =
+ match evar_conv_x ts env !evdref CUMUL t1 t2 with
+ (evd',true) -> evdref := evd'; true
| _ -> false