path: root/pretyping/
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1 files changed, 73 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
index 33166ba8..2a01e901 100644
--- a/pretyping/
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7639 2005-12-02 10:01:15Z gregoire $ *)
+(* $Id: 8802 2006-05-10 20:47:28Z barras $ *)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ open Esubst
type cbv_value =
| VAL of int * constr
- | LAM of name * constr * constr * cbv_value subs
- | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list
- | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value list
- | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value list
+ | LAM of int * (name * constr) list * constr * cbv_value subs
+ | FIXP of fixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array
+ | COFIXP of cofixpoint * cbv_value subs * cbv_value array
+ | CONSTR of constructor * cbv_value array
(* les vars pourraient etre des constr,
cela permet de retarder les lift: utile ?? *)
@@ -58,14 +58,15 @@ type cbv_value =
let rec shift_value n = function
| VAL (k,v) -> VAL ((k+n),v)
- | LAM (x,a,b,s) -> LAM (x,a,b,subs_shft (n,s))
+ | LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,s) -> LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,subs_shft (n,s))
| FIXP (fix,s,args) ->
- FIXP (fix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
+ FIXP (fix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
| COFIXP (cofix,s,args) ->
- COFIXP (cofix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
+ COFIXP (cofix,subs_shft (n,s), (shift_value n) args)
| CONSTR (c,args) ->
- CONSTR (c, (shift_value n) args)
+ CONSTR (c, (shift_value n) args)
+let shift_value n v =
+ if n = 0 then v else shift_value n v
(* Contracts a fixpoint: given a fixpoint and a bindings,
* returns the corresponding fixpoint body, and the bindings in which
@@ -74,22 +75,14 @@ let rec shift_value n = function
* -> (S. [S]F0 . [S]F1 ... . [S]Fn-1, Ti)
let contract_fixp env ((reci,i),(_,_,bds as bodies)) =
- let make_body j = FIXP(((reci,j),bodies), env, []) in
+ let make_body j = FIXP(((reci,j),bodies), env, [||]) in
let n = Array.length bds in
- let rec subst_bodies_from_i i subs =
- if i=n then subs
- else subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, subs))
- in
- subst_bodies_from_i 0 env, bds.(i)
+ subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i)
let contract_cofixp env (i,(_,_,bds as bodies)) =
- let make_body j = COFIXP((j,bodies), env, []) in
+ let make_body j = COFIXP((j,bodies), env, [||]) in
let n = Array.length bds in
- let rec subst_bodies_from_i i subs =
- if i=n then subs
- else subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, subs))
- in
- subst_bodies_from_i 0 env, bds.(i)
+ subs_cons(Array.init n make_body, env), bds.(i)
let make_constr_ref n = function
| RelKey p -> mkRel (n+p)
@@ -99,9 +92,11 @@ let make_constr_ref n = function
(* type of terms with a hole. This hole can appear only under App or Case.
* TOP means the term is considered without context
- * APP(l,stk) means the term is applied to l, and then we have the context st
+ * APP(v,stk) means the term is applied to v, and then the context stk
+ * (v.0 is the first argument).
* this corresponds to the application stack of the KAM.
- * The members of l are values: we evaluate arguments before the function.
+ * The members of l are values: we evaluate arguments before
+ calling the function.
* CASE(t,br,pat,S,stk) means the term is in a case (which is himself in stk
* t is the type of the case and br are the branches, all of them under
* the subs S, pat is information on the patterns of the Case
@@ -114,15 +109,15 @@ let make_constr_ref n = function
type cbv_stack =
- | APP of cbv_value list * cbv_stack
+ | APP of cbv_value array * cbv_stack
| CASE of constr * constr array * case_info * cbv_value subs * cbv_stack
(* Adds an application list. Collapse APPs! *)
let stack_app appl stack =
- match (appl, stack) with
- | ([], _) -> stack
- | (_, APP(args,stk)) -> APP(appl@args,stk)
- | _ -> APP(appl, stack)
+ if Array.length appl = 0 then stack else
+ match stack with
+ | APP(args,stk) -> APP(Array.append appl args,stk)
+ | _ -> APP(appl, stack)
open RedFlags
@@ -137,23 +132,21 @@ let red_set_ref flags = function
let strip_appl head stack =
match head with
- | FIXP (fix,env,app) -> (FIXP(fix,env,[]), stack_app app stack)
- | COFIXP (cofix,env,app) -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[]), stack_app app stack)
- | CONSTR (c,app) -> (CONSTR(c,[]), stack_app app stack)
+ | FIXP (fix,env,app) -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack)
+ | COFIXP (cofix,env,app) -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack_app app stack)
+ | CONSTR (c,app) -> (CONSTR(c,[||]), stack_app app stack)
| _ -> (head, stack)
-(* Tests if fixpoint reduction is possible. A reduction function is given as
- argument *)
-let rec check_app_constr = function
- | ([], _) -> false
- | ((CONSTR _)::_, 0) -> true
- | (_::l, n) -> check_app_constr (l,(pred n))
+(* Tests if fixpoint reduction is possible. *)
let fixp_reducible flgs ((reci,i),_) stk =
if red_set flgs fIOTA then
- match stk with (* !!! for Acc_rec: reci.(i) = -2 *)
- | APP(appl,_) -> reci.(i) >=0 & check_app_constr (appl, reci.(i))
+ match stk with
+ | APP(appl,_) ->
+ Array.length appl > reci.(i) &&
+ (match appl.(reci.(i)) with
+ CONSTR _ -> true
+ | _ -> false)
| _ -> false
@@ -166,6 +159,7 @@ let cofixp_reducible flgs _ stk =
(* The main recursive functions
* Go under applications and cases (pushed in the stack), expand head
@@ -184,7 +178,7 @@ let rec norm_head info env t stack =
| App (head,args) -> (* Applied terms are normalized immediately;
they could be computed when getting out of the stack *)
let nargs = (cbv_stack_term info TOP env) args in
- norm_head info env head (stack_app (Array.to_list nargs) stack)
+ norm_head info env head (stack_app nargs stack)
| Case (ci,p,c,v) -> norm_head info env c (CASE(p,v,ci,env,stack))
| Cast (ct,_,_) -> norm_head info env ct stack
@@ -212,7 +206,7 @@ let rec norm_head info env t stack =
or red_set (info_flags info) fDELTA
- subs_cons (cbv_stack_term info TOP env b,env)
+ subs_cons ([|cbv_stack_term info TOP env b|],env)
subs_lift env in
if zeta then
@@ -225,10 +219,12 @@ let rec norm_head info env t stack =
(VAL(0,normt), stack) (* Considérer une coupure commutative ? *)
(* non-neutral cases *)
- | Lambda (x,a,b) -> (LAM(x,a,b,env), stack)
- | Fix fix -> (FIXP(fix,env,[]), stack)
- | CoFix cofix -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[]), stack)
- | Construct c -> (CONSTR(c, []), stack)
+ | Lambda _ ->
+ let ctxt,b = decompose_lam t in
+ (LAM(List.length ctxt, List.rev ctxt,b,env), stack)
+ | Fix fix -> (FIXP(fix,env,[||]), stack)
+ | CoFix cofix -> (COFIXP(cofix,env,[||]), stack)
+ | Construct c -> (CONSTR(c, [||]), stack)
(* neutral cases *)
| (Sort _ | Meta _ | Ind _|Evar _) -> (VAL(0, t), stack)
@@ -253,10 +249,18 @@ and norm_head_ref k info env stack normt =
and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
match norm_head info env t stack with
(* a lambda meets an application -> BETA *)
- | (LAM (x,a,b,env), APP (arg::args, stk))
+ | (LAM (nlams,ctxt,b,env), APP (args, stk))
when red_set (info_flags info) fBETA ->
- let subs = subs_cons (arg,env) in
- cbv_stack_term info (stack_app args stk) subs b
+ let nargs = Array.length args in
+ if nargs == nlams then
+ cbv_stack_term info stk (subs_cons(args,env)) b
+ else if nlams < nargs then
+ let env' = subs_cons(Array.sub args 0 nlams, env) in
+ let eargs = Array.sub args nlams (nargs-nlams) in
+ cbv_stack_term info (APP(eargs,stk)) env' b
+ else
+ let ctxt' = list_skipn nargs ctxt in
+ LAM(nlams-nargs,ctxt', b, subs_cons(args,env))
(* a Fix applied enough -> IOTA *)
| (FIXP(fix,env,_), stk)
@@ -273,8 +277,9 @@ and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
(* constructor in a Case -> IOTA *)
| (CONSTR((sp,n),_), APP(args,CASE(_,br,ci,env,stk)))
when red_set (info_flags info) fIOTA ->
- let real_args = list_skipn ci.ci_npar args in
- cbv_stack_term info (stack_app real_args stk) env br.(n-1)
+ let cargs =
+ Array.sub args ci.ci_npar (Array.length args - ci.ci_npar) in
+ cbv_stack_term info (stack_app cargs stk) env br.(n-1)
(* constructor of arity 0 in a Case -> IOTA *)
| (CONSTR((_,n),_), CASE(_,br,_,env,stk))
@@ -287,6 +292,9 @@ and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
| (COFIXP(cofix,env,_), APP(appl,TOP)) -> COFIXP(cofix,env,appl)
| (CONSTR(c,_), APP(appl,TOP)) -> CONSTR(c,appl)
+ (* absurd cases (ill-typed) *)
+ | (LAM _, CASE _) -> assert false
(* definitely a value *)
| (head,stk) -> VAL(0,apply_stack info (cbv_norm_value info head) stk)
@@ -298,7 +306,7 @@ and cbv_stack_term info stack env t =
and apply_stack info t = function
| TOP -> t
| APP (args,st) ->
- apply_stack info (applistc t ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)) st
+ apply_stack info (mkApp(t, (cbv_norm_value info) args)) st
| CASE (ty,br,ci,env,st) ->
apply_stack info
(mkCase (ci, cbv_norm_term info env ty, t,
@@ -314,28 +322,28 @@ and cbv_norm_term info env t =
(* reduction of a cbv_value to a constr *)
and cbv_norm_value info = function (* reduction under binders *)
| VAL (n,v) -> lift n v
- | LAM (x,a,b,env) ->
- mkLambda (x, cbv_norm_term info env a,
- cbv_norm_term info (subs_lift env) b)
+ | LAM (n,ctxt,b,env) ->
+ let nctxt =
+ list_map_i (fun i (x,ty) ->
+ (x,cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn i env) ty)) 0 ctxt in
+ compose_lam (List.rev nctxt) (cbv_norm_term info (subs_liftn n env) b)
| FIXP ((lij,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) ->
- applistc
+ mkApp
(mkFix (lij,
(names, (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, (cbv_norm_term info
- (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)))
- ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)
+ (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)),
+ (cbv_norm_value info) args)
| COFIXP ((j,(names,lty,bds)),env,args) ->
- applistc
+ mkApp
(mkCoFix (j,
(names, (cbv_norm_term info env) lty, (cbv_norm_term info
- (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)))
- ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)
+ (subs_liftn (Array.length lty) env)) bds)),
+ (cbv_norm_value info) args)
| CONSTR (c,args) ->
- applistc
- (mkConstruct c)
- ( (cbv_norm_value info) args)
+ mkApp(mkConstruct c, (cbv_norm_value info) args)
(* with profiling *)
let cbv_norm infos constr =