path: root/plugins/ring/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ring/')
1 files changed, 924 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ring/ b/plugins/ring/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e3765da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ring/
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* ML part of the Ring tactic *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Flags
+open Term
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Reductionops
+open Tacticals
+open Tacexpr
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_trees
+open Printer
+open Equality
+open Vernacinterp
+open Vernacexpr
+open Libobject
+open Closure
+open Tacred
+open Tactics
+open Pattern
+open Hiddentac
+open Nametab
+open Quote
+open Mod_subst
+let mt_evd = Evd.empty
+let constr_of c = Constrintern.interp_constr mt_evd (Global.env()) c
+let ring_dir = ["Coq";"ring"]
+let setoids_dir = ["Coq";"Setoids"]
+let ring_constant = Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "Ring"
+ [ring_dir@["LegacyRing_theory"];
+ ring_dir@["Setoid_ring_theory"];
+ ring_dir@["Ring_normalize"];
+ ring_dir@["Ring_abstract"];
+ setoids_dir@["Setoid"];
+ ring_dir@["Setoid_ring_normalize"]]
+(* Ring theory *)
+let coq_Ring_Theory = lazy (ring_constant "Ring_Theory")
+let coq_Semi_Ring_Theory = lazy (ring_constant "Semi_Ring_Theory")
+(* Setoid ring theory *)
+let coq_Setoid_Ring_Theory = lazy (ring_constant "Setoid_Ring_Theory")
+let coq_Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory = lazy(ring_constant "Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory")
+(* Ring normalize *)
+let coq_SPplus = lazy (ring_constant "SPplus")
+let coq_SPmult = lazy (ring_constant "SPmult")
+let coq_SPvar = lazy (ring_constant "SPvar")
+let coq_SPconst = lazy (ring_constant "SPconst")
+let coq_Pplus = lazy (ring_constant "Pplus")
+let coq_Pmult = lazy (ring_constant "Pmult")
+let coq_Pvar = lazy (ring_constant "Pvar")
+let coq_Pconst = lazy (ring_constant "Pconst")
+let coq_Popp = lazy (ring_constant "Popp")
+let coq_interp_sp = lazy (ring_constant "interp_sp")
+let coq_interp_p = lazy (ring_constant "interp_p")
+let coq_interp_cs = lazy (ring_constant "interp_cs")
+let coq_spolynomial_simplify = lazy (ring_constant "spolynomial_simplify")
+let coq_polynomial_simplify = lazy (ring_constant "polynomial_simplify")
+let coq_spolynomial_simplify_ok = lazy(ring_constant "spolynomial_simplify_ok")
+let coq_polynomial_simplify_ok = lazy (ring_constant "polynomial_simplify_ok")
+(* Setoid theory *)
+let coq_Setoid_Theory = lazy(ring_constant "Setoid_Theory")
+let coq_seq_refl = lazy(ring_constant "Seq_refl")
+let coq_seq_sym = lazy(ring_constant "Seq_sym")
+let coq_seq_trans = lazy(ring_constant "Seq_trans")
+(* Setoid Ring normalize *)
+let coq_SetSPplus = lazy (ring_constant "SetSPplus")
+let coq_SetSPmult = lazy (ring_constant "SetSPmult")
+let coq_SetSPvar = lazy (ring_constant "SetSPvar")
+let coq_SetSPconst = lazy (ring_constant "SetSPconst")
+let coq_SetPplus = lazy (ring_constant "SetPplus")
+let coq_SetPmult = lazy (ring_constant "SetPmult")
+let coq_SetPvar = lazy (ring_constant "SetPvar")
+let coq_SetPconst = lazy (ring_constant "SetPconst")
+let coq_SetPopp = lazy (ring_constant "SetPopp")
+let coq_interp_setsp = lazy (ring_constant "interp_setsp")
+let coq_interp_setp = lazy (ring_constant "interp_setp")
+let coq_interp_setcs = lazy (ring_constant "interp_setcs")
+let coq_setspolynomial_simplify =
+ lazy (ring_constant "setspolynomial_simplify")
+let coq_setpolynomial_simplify =
+ lazy (ring_constant "setpolynomial_simplify")
+let coq_setspolynomial_simplify_ok =
+ lazy (ring_constant "setspolynomial_simplify_ok")
+let coq_setpolynomial_simplify_ok =
+ lazy (ring_constant "setpolynomial_simplify_ok")
+(* Ring abstract *)
+let coq_ASPplus = lazy (ring_constant "ASPplus")
+let coq_ASPmult = lazy (ring_constant "ASPmult")
+let coq_ASPvar = lazy (ring_constant "ASPvar")
+let coq_ASP0 = lazy (ring_constant "ASP0")
+let coq_ASP1 = lazy (ring_constant "ASP1")
+let coq_APplus = lazy (ring_constant "APplus")
+let coq_APmult = lazy (ring_constant "APmult")
+let coq_APvar = lazy (ring_constant "APvar")
+let coq_AP0 = lazy (ring_constant "AP0")
+let coq_AP1 = lazy (ring_constant "AP1")
+let coq_APopp = lazy (ring_constant "APopp")
+let coq_interp_asp = lazy (ring_constant "interp_asp")
+let coq_interp_ap = lazy (ring_constant "interp_ap")
+let coq_interp_acs = lazy (ring_constant "interp_acs")
+let coq_interp_sacs = lazy (ring_constant "interp_sacs")
+let coq_aspolynomial_normalize = lazy (ring_constant "aspolynomial_normalize")
+let coq_apolynomial_normalize = lazy (ring_constant "apolynomial_normalize")
+let coq_aspolynomial_normalize_ok =
+ lazy (ring_constant "aspolynomial_normalize_ok")
+let coq_apolynomial_normalize_ok =
+ lazy (ring_constant "apolynomial_normalize_ok")
+(* Logic --> to be found in Coqlib *)
+open Coqlib
+let mkLApp(fc,v) = mkApp(Lazy.force fc, v)
+(*********** Useful types and functions ************)
+module OperSet =
+ Set.Make (struct
+ type t = global_reference
+ let compare = ( : t->t->int)
+ end)
+type morph =
+ { plusm : constr;
+ multm : constr;
+ oppm : constr option;
+ }
+type theory =
+ { th_ring : bool; (* false for a semi-ring *)
+ th_abstract : bool;
+ th_setoid : bool; (* true for a setoid ring *)
+ th_equiv : constr option;
+ th_setoid_th : constr option;
+ th_morph : morph option;
+ th_a : constr; (* e.g. nat *)
+ th_plus : constr;
+ th_mult : constr;
+ th_one : constr;
+ th_zero : constr;
+ th_opp : constr option; (* None if semi-ring *)
+ th_eq : constr;
+ th_t : constr; (* e.g. NatTheory *)
+ th_closed : ConstrSet.t; (* e.g. [S; O] *)
+ (* Must be empty for an abstract ring *)
+ }
+(* Theories are stored in a table which is synchronised with the Reset
+ mechanism. *)
+module Cmap = Map.Make(struct type t = constr let compare = compare end)
+let theories_map = ref Cmap.empty
+let theories_map_add (c,t) = theories_map := Cmap.add c t !theories_map
+let theories_map_find c = Cmap.find c !theories_map
+let theories_map_mem c = Cmap.mem c !theories_map
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "tactic-ring-table"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !theories_map);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun t -> theories_map := t);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> theories_map := Cmap.empty) }
+(* declare a new type of object in the environment, "tactic-ring-theory"
+ The functions theory_to_obj and obj_to_theory do the conversions
+ between theories and environement objects. *)
+let subst_morph subst morph =
+ let plusm' = subst_mps subst morph.plusm in
+ let multm' = subst_mps subst morph.multm in
+ let oppm' = Option.smartmap (subst_mps subst) morph.oppm in
+ if plusm' == morph.plusm
+ && multm' == morph.multm
+ && oppm' == morph.oppm then
+ morph
+ else
+ { plusm = plusm' ;
+ multm = multm' ;
+ oppm = oppm' ;
+ }
+let subst_set subst cset =
+ let same = ref true in
+ let copy_subst c newset =
+ let c' = subst_mps subst c in
+ if not (c' == c) then same := false;
+ ConstrSet.add c' newset
+ in
+ let cset' = ConstrSet.fold copy_subst cset ConstrSet.empty in
+ if !same then cset else cset'
+let subst_theory subst th =
+ let th_equiv' = Option.smartmap (subst_mps subst) th.th_equiv in
+ let th_setoid_th' = Option.smartmap (subst_mps subst) th.th_setoid_th in
+ let th_morph' = Option.smartmap (subst_morph subst) th.th_morph in
+ let th_a' = subst_mps subst th.th_a in
+ let th_plus' = subst_mps subst th.th_plus in
+ let th_mult' = subst_mps subst th.th_mult in
+ let th_one' = subst_mps subst th.th_one in
+ let th_zero' = subst_mps subst th.th_zero in
+ let th_opp' = Option.smartmap (subst_mps subst) th.th_opp in
+ let th_eq' = subst_mps subst th.th_eq in
+ let th_t' = subst_mps subst th.th_t in
+ let th_closed' = subst_set subst th.th_closed in
+ if th_equiv' == th.th_equiv
+ && th_setoid_th' == th.th_setoid_th
+ && th_morph' == th.th_morph
+ && th_a' == th.th_a
+ && th_plus' == th.th_plus
+ && th_mult' == th.th_mult
+ && th_one' == th.th_one
+ && th_zero' == th.th_zero
+ && th_opp' == th.th_opp
+ && th_eq' == th.th_eq
+ && th_t' == th.th_t
+ && th_closed' == th.th_closed
+ then
+ th
+ else
+ { th_ring = th.th_ring ;
+ th_abstract = th.th_abstract ;
+ th_setoid = th.th_setoid ;
+ th_equiv = th_equiv' ;
+ th_setoid_th = th_setoid_th' ;
+ th_morph = th_morph' ;
+ th_a = th_a' ;
+ th_plus = th_plus' ;
+ th_mult = th_mult' ;
+ th_one = th_one' ;
+ th_zero = th_zero' ;
+ th_opp = th_opp' ;
+ th_eq = th_eq' ;
+ th_t = th_t' ;
+ th_closed = th_closed' ;
+ }
+let subst_th (subst,(c,th as obj)) =
+ let c' = subst_mps subst c in
+ let th' = subst_theory subst th in
+ if c' == c && th' == th then obj else
+ (c',th')
+let (theory_to_obj, obj_to_theory) =
+ let cache_th (_,(c, th)) = theories_map_add (c,th) in
+ declare_object {(default_object "tactic-ring-theory") with
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_th o);
+ cache_function = cache_th;
+ subst_function = subst_th;
+ classify_function = (fun x -> Substitute x) }
+(* from the set A, guess the associated theory *)
+(* With this simple solution, the theory to use is automatically guessed *)
+(* But only one theory can be declared for a given Set *)
+let guess_theory a =
+ try
+ theories_map_find a
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "Ring"
+ (str "No Declared Ring Theory for " ++
+ pr_lconstr a ++ fnl () ++
+ str "Use Add [Semi] Ring to declare it")
+(* Looks up an option *)
+let unbox = function
+ | Some w -> w
+ | None -> anomaly "Ring : Not in case of a setoid ring."
+(* Protects the convertibility test against undue exceptions when using it
+ with untyped terms *)
+let safe_pf_conv_x gl c1 c2 = try pf_conv_x gl c1 c2 with _ -> false
+(* Add a Ring or a Semi-Ring to the database after a type verification *)
+let implement_theory env t th args =
+ is_conv env Evd.empty (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty t) (mkLApp (th, args))
+(* (\* The following test checks whether the provided morphism is the default *)
+(* one for the given operation. In principle the test is too strict, since *)
+(* it should possible to provide another proof for the same fact (proof *)
+(* irrelevance). In particular, the error message is be not very explicative. *\) *)
+let states_compatibility_for env plus mult opp morphs =
+ let check op compat = true in
+(* is_conv env Evd.empty (Setoid_replace.default_morphism op).Setoid_replace.lem *)
+(* compat in *)
+ check plus morphs.plusm &&
+ check mult morphs.multm &&
+ (match (opp,morphs.oppm) with
+ None, None -> true
+ | Some opp, Some compat -> check opp compat
+ | _,_ -> assert false)
+let add_theory want_ring want_abstract want_setoid a aequiv asetth amorph aplus amult aone azero aopp aeq t cset =
+ if theories_map_mem a then errorlabstrm "Add Semi Ring"
+ (str "A (Semi-)(Setoid-)Ring Structure is already declared for " ++
+ pr_lconstr a);
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ if (want_ring & want_setoid & (
+ not (implement_theory env t coq_Setoid_Ring_Theory
+ [| a; (unbox aequiv); aplus; amult; aone; azero; (unbox aopp); aeq|])
+ ||
+ not (implement_theory env (unbox asetth) coq_Setoid_Theory
+ [| a; (unbox aequiv) |]) ||
+ not (states_compatibility_for env aplus amult aopp (unbox amorph))
+ )) then
+ errorlabstrm "addring" (str "Not a valid Setoid-Ring theory");
+ if (not want_ring & want_setoid & (
+ not (implement_theory env t coq_Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory
+ [| a; (unbox aequiv); aplus; amult; aone; azero; aeq|]) ||
+ not (implement_theory env (unbox asetth) coq_Setoid_Theory
+ [| a; (unbox aequiv) |]) ||
+ not (states_compatibility_for env aplus amult aopp (unbox amorph))))
+ then
+ errorlabstrm "addring" (str "Not a valid Semi-Setoid-Ring theory");
+ if (want_ring & not want_setoid &
+ not (implement_theory env t coq_Ring_Theory
+ [| a; aplus; amult; aone; azero; (unbox aopp); aeq |])) then
+ errorlabstrm "addring" (str "Not a valid Ring theory");
+ if (not want_ring & not want_setoid &
+ not (implement_theory env t coq_Semi_Ring_Theory
+ [| a; aplus; amult; aone; azero; aeq |])) then
+ errorlabstrm "addring" (str "Not a valid Semi-Ring theory");
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (theory_to_obj
+ (a, { th_ring = want_ring;
+ th_abstract = want_abstract;
+ th_setoid = want_setoid;
+ th_equiv = aequiv;
+ th_setoid_th = asetth;
+ th_morph = amorph;
+ th_a = a;
+ th_plus = aplus;
+ th_mult = amult;
+ th_one = aone;
+ th_zero = azero;
+ th_opp = aopp;
+ th_eq = aeq;
+ th_t = t;
+ th_closed = cset }))
+(******** The tactic itself *********)
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : semi-ring theory (concrete)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_spolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ (* aux creates the spolynom p by a recursive destructuration of c
+ and builds the varmap with side-effects *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c)) with
+ | App (binop,[|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SPplus, [|th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | App (binop,[|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SPmult, [|th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | _ when closed_under th.th_closed c ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SPconst, [|th.th_a; c |])
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar =
+ mkLApp(coq_SPvar, [|th.th_a; (path_of_int !counter) |]) in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = aux lc in
+ let v = btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a in
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkLApp (coq_interp_sp,
+ [|th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_zero; v; p |]),
+ mkLApp (coq_interp_cs,
+ [|th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkLApp (coq_spolynomial_simplify,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_eq; p|])) |]),
+ mkLApp (coq_spolynomial_simplify_ok,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |])))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : ring theory (concrete)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_polynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c)) with
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkLApp(coq_Pplus, [|th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkLApp(coq_Pmult, [|th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ (* The special case of Zminus *)
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|])
+ when safe_pf_conv_x gl c
+ (mkApp (th.th_plus, [|c1; mkApp(unbox th.th_opp, [|c2|])|])) ->
+ mkLApp(coq_Pplus,
+ [|th.th_a; aux c1;
+ mkLApp(coq_Popp, [|th.th_a; aux c2|]) |])
+ | App (unop, [|c1|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl unop (unbox th.th_opp) ->
+ mkLApp(coq_Popp, [|th.th_a; aux c1|])
+ | _ when closed_under th.th_closed c ->
+ mkLApp(coq_Pconst, [|th.th_a; c |])
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar =
+ mkLApp(coq_Pvar, [|th.th_a; (path_of_int !counter) |]) in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = aux lc in
+ let v = (btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a) in
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkLApp(coq_interp_p,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_zero;
+ (unbox th.th_opp); v; p |])),
+ mkLApp(coq_interp_cs,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkLApp(coq_polynomial_simplify,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ (unbox th.th_opp); th.th_eq; p |])) |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_polynomial_simplify_ok,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ (unbox th.th_opp); th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |]))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : semi-ring theory (abstract)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_aspolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ (* aux creates the aspolynom p by a recursive destructuration of c
+ and builds the varmap with side-effects *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c)) with
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkLApp(coq_ASPplus, [| aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkLApp(coq_ASPmult, [| aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | _ when safe_pf_conv_x gl c th.th_zero -> Lazy.force coq_ASP0
+ | _ when safe_pf_conv_x gl c th.th_one -> Lazy.force coq_ASP1
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar = mkLApp(coq_ASPvar, [|(path_of_int !counter) |]) in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = aux lc in
+ let v = btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a in
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkLApp(coq_interp_asp,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero; v; p |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_interp_acs,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkLApp(coq_aspolynomial_normalize,[|p|])) |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_spolynomial_simplify_ok,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |])))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : ring theory (abstract)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_apolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c)) with
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkLApp(coq_APplus, [| aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkLApp(coq_APmult, [| aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ (* The special case of Zminus *)
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|])
+ when safe_pf_conv_x gl c
+ (mkApp(th.th_plus, [|c1; mkApp(unbox th.th_opp,[|c2|]) |])) ->
+ mkLApp(coq_APplus,
+ [|aux c1; mkLApp(coq_APopp,[|aux c2|]) |])
+ | App (unop, [|c1|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl unop (unbox th.th_opp) ->
+ mkLApp(coq_APopp, [| aux c1 |])
+ | _ when safe_pf_conv_x gl c th.th_zero -> Lazy.force coq_AP0
+ | _ when safe_pf_conv_x gl c th.th_one -> Lazy.force coq_AP1
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar =
+ mkLApp(coq_APvar, [| path_of_int !counter |]) in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = aux lc in
+ let v = (btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a) in
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkLApp(coq_interp_ap,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one;
+ th.th_zero; (unbox th.th_opp); v; p |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_interp_sacs,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero; (unbox th.th_opp); v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkLApp(coq_apolynomial_normalize, [|p|])) |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_apolynomial_normalize_ok,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ (unbox th.th_opp); th.th_eq; v; th.th_t; p |])))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : setoid ring theory (concrete)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_setpolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c)) with
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetPplus, [|th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetPmult, [|th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ (* The special case of Zminus *)
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|])
+ when safe_pf_conv_x gl c
+ (mkApp(th.th_plus, [|c1; mkApp(unbox th.th_opp,[|c2|])|])) ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetPplus,
+ [| th.th_a; aux c1;
+ mkLApp(coq_SetPopp, [|th.th_a; aux c2|]) |])
+ | App (unop, [|c1|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl unop (unbox th.th_opp) ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetPopp, [| th.th_a; aux c1 |])
+ | _ when closed_under th.th_closed c ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetPconst, [| th.th_a; c |])
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar =
+ mkLApp(coq_SetPvar, [| th.th_a; path_of_int !counter |]) in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = aux lc in
+ let v = (btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a) in
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkLApp(coq_interp_setp,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_zero;
+ (unbox th.th_opp); v; p |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_interp_setcs,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkLApp(coq_setpolynomial_simplify,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ (unbox th.th_opp); th.th_eq; p |])) |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_setpolynomial_simplify_ok,
+ [| th.th_a; (unbox th.th_equiv); th.th_plus;
+ th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero;(unbox th.th_opp);
+ th.th_eq; (unbox th.th_setoid_th);
+ (unbox th.th_morph).plusm; (unbox th.th_morph).multm;
+ (unbox (unbox th.th_morph).oppm); v; th.th_t; p |])))
+ lp
+ gl : goal sigma
+ th : semi setoid ring theory (concrete)
+ cl : constr list [c1; c2; ...]
+ - a list of tuples [(c1, c'1, c''1, c'1_eq_c''1); ... ]
+ where c'i is convertible with ci and
+ c'i_eq_c''i is a proof of equality of c'i and c''i
+let build_setspolynom gl th lc =
+ let varhash = (Hashtbl.create 17 : (constr, constr) Hashtbl.t) in
+ let varlist = ref ([] : constr list) in (* list of variables *)
+ let counter = ref 1 in (* number of variables created + 1 *)
+ let rec aux c =
+ match (kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c)) with
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_plus ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetSPplus, [|th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | App (binop, [|c1; c2|]) when safe_pf_conv_x gl binop th.th_mult ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetSPmult, [| th.th_a; aux c1; aux c2 |])
+ | _ when closed_under th.th_closed c ->
+ mkLApp(coq_SetSPconst, [| th.th_a; c |])
+ | _ ->
+ try Hashtbl.find varhash c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let newvar =
+ mkLApp(coq_SetSPvar, [|th.th_a; path_of_int !counter |]) in
+ begin
+ incr counter;
+ varlist := c :: !varlist;
+ Hashtbl.add varhash c newvar;
+ newvar
+ end
+ in
+ let lp = aux lc in
+ let v = (btree_of_array (Array.of_list (List.rev !varlist)) th.th_a) in
+ (fun p ->
+ (mkLApp(coq_interp_setsp,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_zero; v; p |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_interp_setcs,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero; v;
+ pf_reduce cbv_betadeltaiota gl
+ (mkLApp(coq_setspolynomial_simplify,
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_plus; th.th_mult;
+ th.th_one; th.th_zero;
+ th.th_eq; p |])) |]),
+ mkLApp(coq_setspolynomial_simplify_ok,
+ [| th.th_a; (unbox th.th_equiv); th.th_plus;
+ th.th_mult; th.th_one; th.th_zero; th.th_eq;
+ (unbox th.th_setoid_th);
+ (unbox th.th_morph).plusm;
+ (unbox th.th_morph).multm; v; th.th_t; p |])))
+ lp
+module SectionPathSet =
+ Set.Make(struct
+ type t = full_path
+ let compare =
+ end)
+(* Avec l'uniformisation des red_kind, on perd ici sur la structure
+ SectionPathSet; peut-être faudra-t-il la déplacer dans Closure *)
+let constants_to_unfold =
+(* List.fold_right SectionPathSet.add *)
+ let transform s =
+ let sp = path_of_string s in
+ let dir, id = repr_path sp in
+ Libnames.encode_con dir id
+ in
+ transform
+ [ "Coq.ring.Ring_normalize.interp_cs";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_normalize.interp_var";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_normalize.interp_vl";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_abstract.interp_acs";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_abstract.interp_sacs";
+ "Coq.quote.Quote.varmap_find";
+ (* anciennement des Local devenus Definition *)
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_normalize.ics_aux";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_normalize.ivl_aux";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_normalize.interp_m";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_abstract.iacs_aux";
+ "Coq.ring.Ring_abstract.isacs_aux";
+ "Coq.ring.Setoid_ring_normalize.interp_cs";
+ "Coq.ring.Setoid_ring_normalize.interp_var";
+ "Coq.ring.Setoid_ring_normalize.interp_vl";
+ "Coq.ring.Setoid_ring_normalize.ics_aux";
+ "Coq.ring.Setoid_ring_normalize.ivl_aux";
+ "Coq.ring.Setoid_ring_normalize.interp_m";
+ ]
+(* SectionPathSet.empty *)
+(* Unfolds the functions interp and find_btree in the term c of goal gl *)
+open RedFlags
+let polynom_unfold_tac =
+ let flags =
+ (mkflags(fBETA::fIOTA::( fCONST constants_to_unfold))) in
+ reduct_in_concl (cbv_norm_flags flags,DEFAULTcast)
+let polynom_unfold_tac_in_term gl =
+ let flags =
+ (mkflags(fBETA::fIOTA::fZETA::( fCONST constants_to_unfold)))
+ in
+ cbv_norm_flags flags (pf_env gl) (project gl)
+(* lc : constr list *)
+(* th : theory associated to t *)
+(* op : clause (None for conclusion or Some id for hypothesis id) *)
+(* gl : goal *)
+(* Does the rewriting c_i -> (interp R RC v (polynomial_simplify p_i))
+ where the ring R, the Ring theory RC, the varmap v and the polynomials p_i
+ are guessed and such that c_i = (interp R RC v p_i) *)
+let raw_polynom th op lc gl =
+ (* first we sort the terms : if t' is a subterm of t it must appear
+ after t in the list. This is to avoid that the normalization of t'
+ modifies t in a non-desired way *)
+ let lc = sort_subterm gl lc in
+ let ltriplets =
+ if th.th_setoid then
+ if th.th_ring
+ then build_setpolynom gl th lc
+ else build_setspolynom gl th lc
+ else
+ if th.th_ring then
+ if th.th_abstract
+ then build_apolynom gl th lc
+ else build_polynom gl th lc
+ else
+ if th.th_abstract
+ then build_aspolynom gl th lc
+ else build_spolynom gl th lc in
+ let polynom_tac =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun ci (c'i, c''i, c'i_eq_c''i) tac ->
+ let c'''i =
+ if !term_quality then polynom_unfold_tac_in_term gl c''i else c''i
+ in
+ if !term_quality && safe_pf_conv_x gl c'''i ci then
+ tac (* convertible terms *)
+ else if th.th_setoid
+ then
+ (tclORELSE
+ (tclORELSE
+ (h_exact c'i_eq_c''i)
+ (h_exact (mkLApp(coq_seq_sym,
+ [| th.th_a; (unbox th.th_equiv);
+ (unbox th.th_setoid_th);
+ c'''i; ci; c'i_eq_c''i |]))))
+ (tclTHENS
+ (tclORELSE
+ (Equality.general_rewrite true
+ Termops.all_occurrences false c'i_eq_c''i)
+ (Equality.general_rewrite false
+ Termops.all_occurrences false c'i_eq_c''i))
+ [tac]))
+ else
+ (tclORELSE
+ (tclORELSE
+ (h_exact c'i_eq_c''i)
+ (h_exact (mkApp(build_coq_eq_sym (),
+ [|th.th_a; c'''i; ci; c'i_eq_c''i |]))))
+ (tclTHENS
+ (elim_type
+ (mkApp(build_coq_eq (), [|th.th_a; c'''i; ci |])))
+ [ tac;
+ h_exact c'i_eq_c''i ]))
+ lc ltriplets polynom_unfold_tac
+ in
+ polynom_tac gl
+let guess_eq_tac th =
+ (tclORELSE reflexivity
+ (tclTHEN
+ polynom_unfold_tac
+ (tclTHEN
+ (* Normalized sums associate on the right *)
+ (tclREPEAT
+ (apply (mkApp(build_coq_f_equal2 (),
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_a; th.th_a;
+ th.th_plus |])))
+ reflexivity))
+ (tclTRY
+ (apply (mkApp(build_coq_f_equal2 (),
+ [| th.th_a; th.th_a; th.th_a;
+ th.th_plus |])))
+ reflexivity)))))
+let guess_equiv_tac th =
+ (tclORELSE (apply (mkLApp(coq_seq_refl,
+ [| th.th_a; (unbox th.th_equiv);
+ (unbox th.th_setoid_th)|])))
+ (tclTHEN
+ polynom_unfold_tac
+ (tclREPEAT
+ (tclORELSE
+ (apply (unbox th.th_morph).plusm)
+ (apply (unbox th.th_morph).multm)))))
+let match_with_equiv c = match (kind_of_term c) with
+ | App (e,a) ->
+ if (List.mem e []) (* (Setoid_replace.equiv_list ())) *)
+ then Some (decompose_app c)
+ else None
+ | _ -> None
+let polynom lc gl =
+ Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"ring";"LegacyRing"];
+ match lc with
+ (* If no argument is given, try to recognize either an equality or
+ a declared relation with arguments c1 ... cn,
+ do "Ring c1 c2 ... cn" and then try to apply the simplification
+ theorems declared for the relation *)
+ | [] ->
+ (try
+ match Hipattern.match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | _,_,Hipattern.PolymorphicLeibnizEq (t,c1,c2) ->
+ let th = guess_theory t in
+ (tclTHEN (raw_polynom th None [c1;c2]) (guess_eq_tac th)) gl
+ | _,_,Hipattern.HeterogenousEq (t1,c1,t2,c2)
+ when safe_pf_conv_x gl t1 t2 ->
+ let th = guess_theory t1 in
+ (tclTHEN (raw_polynom th None [c1;c2]) (guess_eq_tac th)) gl
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ with Hipattern.NoEquationFound | Exit ->
+ (match match_with_equiv (pf_concl gl) with
+ | Some (equiv, c1::args) ->
+ let t = (pf_type_of gl c1) in
+ let th = (guess_theory t) in
+ if List.exists
+ (fun c2 -> not (safe_pf_conv_x gl t (pf_type_of gl c2))) args
+ then
+ errorlabstrm "Ring :"
+ (str" All terms must have the same type");
+ (tclTHEN (raw_polynom th None (c1::args)) (guess_equiv_tac th)) gl
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "polynom :"
+ (str" This goal is not an equality nor a setoid equivalence")))
+ (* Elsewhere, guess the theory, check that all terms have the same type
+ and apply raw_polynom *)
+ | c :: lc' ->
+ let t = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let th = guess_theory t in
+ if List.exists
+ (fun c1 -> not (safe_pf_conv_x gl t (pf_type_of gl c1))) lc'
+ then
+ errorlabstrm "Ring :"
+ (str" All terms must have the same type");
+ (tclTHEN (raw_polynom th None lc) polynom_unfold_tac) gl