path: root/plugins/micromega/ZMicromega.v
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diff --git a/plugins/micromega/ZMicromega.v b/plugins/micromega/ZMicromega.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import OrderedRing.
+Require Import RingMicromega.
+Require Import ZCoeff.
+Require Import Refl.
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Bool.
+(*Declare ML Module "micromega_plugin".*)
+Ltac flatten_bool :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ [ id : (_ && _)%bool = true |- _ ] => destruct (andb_prop _ _ id); clear id
+ | [ id : (_ || _)%bool = true |- _ ] => destruct (orb_prop _ _ id); clear id
+ end.
+Ltac inv H := inversion H ; try subst ; clear H.
+Require Import EnvRing.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Lemma Zsor : SOR 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z) Zle Zlt.
+ constructor ; intros ; subst ; try (intuition (auto with zarith)).
+ apply Zsth.
+ apply Zth.
+ destruct (Ztrichotomy n m) ; intuition (auto with zarith).
+ apply Zmult_lt_0_compat ; auto.
+Lemma ZSORaddon :
+ SORaddon 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z) Zle (* ring elements *)
+ 0%Z 1%Z Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (* coefficients *)
+ Zeq_bool Zle_bool
+ (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult).
+ constructor.
+ constructor ; intros ; try reflexivity.
+ apply Zeq_bool_eq ; auto.
+ constructor.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros x y.
+ apply Zeq_bool_neq ; auto.
+ apply Zle_bool_imp_le.
+Fixpoint Zeval_expr (env : PolEnv Z) (e: PExpr Z) : Z :=
+ match e with
+ | PEc c => c
+ | PEX x => env x
+ | PEadd e1 e2 => Zeval_expr env e1 + Zeval_expr env e2
+ | PEmul e1 e2 => Zeval_expr env e1 * Zeval_expr env e2
+ | PEpow e1 n => Zpower (Zeval_expr env e1) (Z_of_N n)
+ | PEsub e1 e2 => (Zeval_expr env e1) - (Zeval_expr env e2)
+ | PEopp e => Zopp (Zeval_expr env e)
+ end.
+Definition eval_expr := eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult).
+Lemma ZNpower : forall r n, r ^ Z_of_N n = pow_N 1 Zmult r n.
+ destruct n.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl.
+ unfold Zpower_pos.
+ replace (pow_pos Zmult r p) with (1 * (pow_pos Zmult r p)) by ring.
+ generalize 1.
+ induction p; simpl ; intros ; repeat rewrite IHp ; ring.
+Lemma Zeval_expr_compat : forall env e, Zeval_expr env e = eval_expr env e.
+ induction e ; simpl ; try congruence.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite ZNpower. congruence.
+Definition Zeval_op2 (o : Op2) : Z -> Z -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| OpEq => @eq Z
+| OpNEq => fun x y => ~ x = y
+| OpLe => Zle
+| OpGe => Zge
+| OpLt => Zlt
+| OpGt => Zgt
+Definition Zeval_formula (env : PolEnv Z) (f : Formula Z):=
+ let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
+ (Zeval_op2 op) (Zeval_expr env lhs) (Zeval_expr env rhs).
+Definition Zeval_formula' :=
+ eval_formula Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z) Zle Zlt (fun x => x) (fun x => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult).
+Lemma Zeval_formula_compat : forall env f, Zeval_formula env f <-> Zeval_formula' env f.
+ destruct f ; simpl.
+ rewrite Zeval_expr_compat. rewrite Zeval_expr_compat.
+ unfold eval_expr.
+ generalize (eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env Flhs).
+ generalize ((eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env Frhs)).
+ destruct Fop ; simpl; intros ; intuition (auto with zarith).
+Definition eval_nformula :=
+ eval_nformula 0 Zplus Zmult (@eq Z) Zle Zlt (fun x => x) .
+Definition Zeval_op1 (o : Op1) : Z -> Prop :=
+match o with
+| Equal => fun x : Z => x = 0
+| NonEqual => fun x : Z => x <> 0
+| Strict => fun x : Z => 0 < x
+| NonStrict => fun x : Z => 0 <= x
+Lemma Zeval_nformula_dec : forall env d, (eval_nformula env d) \/ ~ (eval_nformula env d).
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_nformula_dec Zsor).
+Definition ZWitness := Psatz Z.
+Definition ZWeakChecker := check_normalised_formulas 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool Zle_bool.
+Lemma ZWeakChecker_sound : forall (l : list (NFormula Z)) (cm : ZWitness),
+ ZWeakChecker l cm = true ->
+ forall env, make_impl (eval_nformula env) l False.
+ intros l cm H.
+ intro.
+ unfold eval_nformula.
+ apply (checker_nf_sound Zsor ZSORaddon l cm).
+ unfold ZWeakChecker in H.
+ exact H.
+Definition psub := psub Z0 Zplus Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
+Definition padd := padd Z0 Zplus Zeq_bool.
+Definition norm := norm 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool.
+Definition eval_pol := eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x => x).
+Lemma eval_pol_sub : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (psub lhs rhs) = eval_pol env lhs - eval_pol env rhs.
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_pol_sub Zsor ZSORaddon).
+Lemma eval_pol_add : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (padd lhs rhs) = eval_pol env lhs + eval_pol env rhs.
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+Lemma eval_pol_norm : forall env e, eval_expr env e = eval_pol env (norm e) .
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_pol_norm Zsor ZSORaddon).
+Definition xnormalise (t:Formula Z) : list (NFormula Z) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match o with
+ | OpEq =>
+ ((psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::((psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::nil
+ | OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
+ | OpGt => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLt => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpGe => (psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLe => (psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ end.
+Require Import Tauto.
+Definition normalise (t:Formula Z) : cnf (NFormula Z) :=
+ (fun x => x::nil) (xnormalise t).
+Lemma normalise_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval_nformula env) (normalise t) <-> Zeval_formula env t.
+ Opaque padd.
+ unfold normalise, xnormalise ; simpl; intros env t.
+ rewrite Zeval_formula_compat.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o; simpl;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_add;
+ repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; simpl in *;
+ unfold eval_expr;
+ generalize ( eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env lhs);
+ generalize (eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros ; subst;
+ intuition (auto with zarith).
+ Transparent padd.
+Definition xnegate (t:RingMicromega.Formula Z) : list (NFormula Z) :=
+ let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
+ let lhs := norm lhs in
+ let rhs := norm rhs in
+ match o with
+ | OpEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
+ | OpNEq => ((psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::((psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1))),NonStrict)::nil
+ | OpGt => (psub lhs (padd rhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLt => (psub rhs (padd lhs (Pc 1)),NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpGe => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ | OpLe => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
+ end.
+Definition negate (t:RingMicromega.Formula Z) : cnf (NFormula Z) :=
+ (fun x => x::nil) (xnegate t).
+Lemma negate_correct : forall env t, eval_cnf (eval_nformula env) (negate t) <-> ~ Zeval_formula env t.
+ Opaque padd.
+ intros env t.
+ rewrite Zeval_formula_compat.
+ unfold negate, xnegate ; simpl.
+ unfold eval_cnf.
+ destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o; simpl;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub;
+ repeat rewrite eval_pol_add;
+ repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; simpl in *;
+ unfold eval_expr;
+ generalize ( eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env lhs);
+ generalize (eval_pexpr Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (fun x : Z => x)
+ (fun x : BinNat.N => x) (pow_N 1 Zmult) env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros ; subst;
+ intuition (auto with zarith).
+ Transparent padd.
+Definition ZweakTautoChecker (w: list ZWitness) (f : BFormula (Formula Z)) : bool :=
+ @tauto_checker (Formula Z) (NFormula Z) normalise negate ZWitness ZWeakChecker f w.
+(* To get a complete checker, the proof format has to be enriched *)
+Require Import Zdiv.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+Definition ceiling (a b:Z) : Z :=
+ let (q,r) := Zdiv_eucl a b in
+ match r with
+ | Z0 => q
+ | _ => q + 1
+ end.
+Lemma narrow_interval_lower_bound : forall a b x, a > 0 -> a * x >= b -> x >= ceiling b a.
+ unfold ceiling.
+ intros.
+ generalize (Z_div_mod b a H).
+ destruct (Zdiv_eucl b a).
+ intros.
+ destruct H1.
+ destruct H2.
+ subst.
+ destruct (Ztrichotomy z0 0) as [ HH1 | [HH2 | HH3]]; destruct z0 ; try auto with zarith ; try discriminate.
+ assert (HH :x >= z \/ x < z) by (destruct (Ztrichotomy x z) ; auto with zarith).
+ destruct HH ;auto.
+ generalize (Zmult_lt_compat_l _ _ _ H3 H1).
+ auto with zarith.
+ clear H2.
+ assert (HH :x >= z +1 \/ x <= z) by (destruct (Ztrichotomy x z) ; intuition (auto with zarith)).
+ destruct HH ;auto.
+ assert (0 < a) by auto with zarith.
+ generalize (Zmult_lt_0_le_compat_r _ _ _ H2 H1).
+ intros.
+ rewrite Zmult_comm in H4.
+ rewrite (Zmult_comm z) in H4.
+ auto with zarith.
+(** NB: narrow_interval_upper_bound is Zdiv.Zdiv_le_lower_bound *)
+Require Import QArith.
+Inductive ZArithProof : Type :=
+| DoneProof
+| RatProof : ZWitness -> ZArithProof -> ZArithProof
+| CutProof : ZWitness -> ZArithProof -> ZArithProof
+| EnumProof : ZWitness -> ZWitness -> list ZArithProof -> ZArithProof.
+(* n/d <= x -> d*x - n >= 0 *)
+Definition makeLb (v:PExpr Z) (q:Q) : NFormula Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in (PEsub (PEmul (PEc (Zpos d)) v) (PEc n),NonStrict).
+(* x <= n/d -> d * x <= d *)
+Definition makeUb (v:PExpr Z) (q:Q) : NFormula Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in
+ (PEsub (PEc n) (PEmul (PEc (Zpos d)) v), NonStrict).
+Definition qceiling (q:Q) : Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in ceiling n (Zpos d).
+Definition qfloor (q:Q) : Z :=
+ let (n,d) := q in Zdiv n (Zpos d).
+Definition makeLbCut (v:PExprC Z) (q:Q) : NFormula Z :=
+ (PEsub v (PEc (qceiling q)), NonStrict).
+Definition neg_nformula (f : NFormula Z) :=
+ let (e,o) := f in
+ (PEopp (PEadd e (PEc 1%Z)), o).
+Lemma neg_nformula_sound : forall env f, snd f = NonStrict ->( ~ (Zeval_nformula env (neg_nformula f)) <-> Zeval_nformula env f).
+ unfold neg_nformula.
+ destruct f.
+ simpl.
+ intros ; subst ; simpl in *.
+ split; auto with zarith.
+(* In order to compute the 'cut', we need to express a polynomial P as a * Q + b.
+ - b is the constant
+ - a is the gcd of the other coefficient.
+Require Import Znumtheory.
+Definition isZ0 (x:Z) :=
+ match x with
+ | Z0 => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma isZ0_0 : forall x, isZ0 x = true <-> x = 0.
+ destruct x ; simpl ; intuition congruence.
+Lemma isZ0_n0 : forall x, isZ0 x = false <-> x <> 0.
+ destruct x ; simpl ; intuition congruence.
+Definition ZgcdM (x y : Z) := Zmax (Zgcd x y) 1.
+Fixpoint Zgcd_pol (p : PolC Z) : (Z * Z) :=
+ match p with
+ | Pc c => (0,c)
+ | Pinj _ p => Zgcd_pol p
+ | PX p _ q =>
+ let (g1,c1) := Zgcd_pol p in
+ let (g2,c2) := Zgcd_pol q in
+ (ZgcdM (ZgcdM g1 c1) g2 , c2)
+ end.
+(*Eval compute in (Zgcd_pol ((PX (Pc (-2)) 1 (Pc 4)))).*)
+Fixpoint Zdiv_pol (p:PolC Z) (x:Z) : PolC Z :=
+ match p with
+ | Pc c => Pc (Zdiv c x)
+ | Pinj j p => Pinj j (Zdiv_pol p x)
+ | PX p j q => PX (Zdiv_pol p x) j (Zdiv_pol q x)
+ end.
+Inductive Zdivide_pol (x:Z): PolC Z -> Prop :=
+| Zdiv_Pc : forall c, (x | c) -> Zdivide_pol x (Pc c)
+| Zdiv_Pinj : forall p, Zdivide_pol x p -> forall j, Zdivide_pol x (Pinj j p)
+| Zdiv_PX : forall p q, Zdivide_pol x p -> Zdivide_pol x q -> forall j, Zdivide_pol x (PX p j q).
+Lemma Zdiv_pol_correct : forall a p, 0 < a -> Zdivide_pol a p ->
+ forall env, eval_pol env p = a * eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol p a).
+ intros until 2.
+ induction H0.
+ (* Pc *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ apply Zdivide_Zdiv_eq ; auto.
+ (* Pinj *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ apply IHZdivide_pol.
+ (* PX *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ rewrite IHZdivide_pol1.
+ rewrite IHZdivide_pol2.
+ ring.
+Lemma Zgcd_pol_ge : forall p, fst (Zgcd_pol p) >= 0.
+ induction p.
+ simpl. auto with zarith.
+ simpl. auto.
+ simpl.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p1).
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p3).
+ intros.
+ simpl.
+ unfold ZgcdM.
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_pos z1 z2).
+ generalize (Zmax_spec (Zgcd z1 z2) 1).
+ generalize (Zgcd_is_pos (Zmax (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) z).
+ generalize (Zmax_spec (Zgcd (Zmax (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) z) 1).
+ auto with zarith.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_Zdivide : forall p x y, Zdivide_pol x p -> (y | x) -> Zdivide_pol y p.
+ intros.
+ induction H.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zdivide_trans with (1:= H0) ; assumption.
+ constructor. auto.
+ constructor ; auto.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_one : forall p, Zdivide_pol 1 p.
+ induction p ; constructor ; auto.
+ exists c. ring.
+Lemma Zgcd_minus : forall a b c, (a | c - b ) -> (Zgcd a b | c).
+ intros a b c (q,Hq).
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd a b) as [(a',Ha) (b',Hb) _].
+ set (g:=Zgcd a b) in *; clearbody g.
+ exists (q * a' + b').
+ symmetry in Hq. rewrite <- Zeq_plus_swap in Hq.
+ rewrite <- Hq, Hb, Ha. ring.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_sub : forall p a b,
+ 0 < Zgcd a b ->
+ Zdivide_pol a (PsubC Zminus p b) ->
+ Zdivide_pol (Zgcd a b) p.
+ induction p.
+ simpl.
+ intros. inversion H0.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zgcd_minus ; auto.
+ intros.
+ constructor.
+ simpl in H0. inversion H0 ; subst; clear H0.
+ apply IHp ; auto.
+ simpl. intros.
+ inv H0.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_Zdivide with (1:= H3).
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd a b) ; assumption.
+ apply IHp2 ; assumption.
+Lemma Zdivide_pol_sub_0 : forall p a,
+ Zdivide_pol a (PsubC Zminus p 0) ->
+ Zdivide_pol a p.
+ induction p.
+ simpl.
+ intros. inversion H.
+ constructor. replace (c - 0) with c in H1 ; auto with zarith.
+ intros.
+ constructor.
+ simpl in H. inversion H ; subst; clear H.
+ apply IHp ; auto.
+ simpl. intros.
+ inv H.
+ constructor. auto.
+ apply IHp2 ; assumption.
+Lemma Zgcd_pol_div : forall p g c,
+ Zgcd_pol p = (g, c) -> Zdivide_pol g (PsubC Zminus p c).
+ induction p ; simpl.
+ (* Pc *)
+ intros. inv H.
+ constructor.
+ exists 0. now ring.
+ (* Pinj *)
+ intros.
+ constructor. apply IHp ; auto.
+ (* PX *)
+ intros g c.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p1) ; case_eq (Zgcd_pol p3) ; intros.
+ inv H1.
+ unfold ZgcdM at 1.
+ destruct (Zmax_spec (Zgcd (ZgcdM z1 z2) z) 1) as [HH1 | HH1];
+ destruct HH1 as [HH1 HH1'] ; rewrite HH1'.
+ constructor.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_Zdivide with (x:= ZgcdM z1 z2).
+ unfold ZgcdM.
+ destruct (Zmax_spec (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) as [HH2 | HH2].
+ destruct HH2.
+ rewrite H2.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_sub ; auto.
+ auto with zarith.
+ destruct HH2. rewrite H2.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_one.
+ unfold ZgcdM in HH1. unfold ZgcdM.
+ destruct (Zmax_spec (Zgcd z1 z2) 1) as [HH2 | HH2].
+ destruct HH2. rewrite H2 in *.
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd (Zgcd z1 z2) z); auto.
+ destruct HH2. rewrite H2.
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd 1 z); auto.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_Zdivide with (x:= z).
+ apply (IHp2 _ _ H); auto.
+ destruct (Zgcd_is_gcd (ZgcdM z1 z2) z); auto.
+ constructor. apply Zdivide_pol_one.
+ apply Zdivide_pol_one.
+Lemma Zgcd_pol_correct_lt : forall p env g c, Zgcd_pol p = (g,c) -> 0 < g -> eval_pol env p = g * (eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus p c) g)) + c.
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- Zdiv_pol_correct ; auto.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.PsubC_ok Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ unfold eval_pol. ring.
+ (**)
+ apply Zgcd_pol_div ; auto.
+Definition makeCuttingPlane (p : PolC Z) : PolC Z * Z :=
+ let (g,c) := Zgcd_pol p in
+ if Zgt_bool g Z0
+ then (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus p c) g , Zopp (ceiling (Zopp c) g))
+ else (p,Z0).
+Definition genCuttingPlane (f : NFormula Z) : option (PolC Z * Z * Op1) :=
+ let (e,op) := f in
+ match op with
+ | Equal => let (g,c) := Zgcd_pol e in
+ if andb (Zgt_bool g Z0) (andb (Zgt_bool c Z0) (negb (Zeq_bool (Zgcd g c) g)))
+ then None (* inconsistent *)
+ else Some (e, Z0,op) (* It could still be inconsistent -- but not a cut *)
+ | NonEqual => Some (e,Z0,op)
+ | Strict => let (p,c) := makeCuttingPlane (PsubC Zminus e 1) in
+ Some (p,c,NonStrict)
+ | NonStrict => let (p,c) := makeCuttingPlane e in
+ Some (p,c,NonStrict)
+ end.
+Definition nformula_of_cutting_plane (t : PolC Z * Z * Op1) : NFormula Z :=
+ let (e_z, o) := t in
+ let (e,z) := e_z in
+ (padd e (Pc z) , o).
+Definition is_pol_Z0 (p : PolC Z) : bool :=
+ match p with
+ | Pc Z0 => true
+ | _ => false
+ end.
+Lemma is_pol_Z0_eval_pol : forall p, is_pol_Z0 p = true -> forall env, eval_pol env p = 0.
+ unfold is_pol_Z0.
+ destruct p ; try discriminate.
+ destruct z ; try discriminate.
+ reflexivity.
+Definition eval_Psatz : list (NFormula Z) -> ZWitness -> option (NFormula Z) :=
+ eval_Psatz 0 1 Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool Zle_bool.
+Definition check_inconsistent := check_inconsistent 0 Zeq_bool Zle_bool.
+Fixpoint ZChecker (l:list (NFormula Z)) (pf : ZArithProof) {struct pf} : bool :=
+ match pf with
+ | DoneProof => false
+ | RatProof w pf =>
+ match eval_Psatz l w with
+ | None => false
+ | Some f =>
+ if check_inconsistent f then true
+ else ZChecker (f::l) pf
+ end
+ | CutProof w pf =>
+ match eval_Psatz l w with
+ | None => false
+ | Some f =>
+ match genCuttingPlane f with
+ | None => true
+ | Some cp => ZChecker (nformula_of_cutting_plane cp::l) pf
+ end
+ end
+ | EnumProof w1 w2 pf =>
+ match eval_Psatz l w1 , eval_Psatz l w2 with
+ | Some f1 , Some f2 =>
+ match genCuttingPlane f1 , genCuttingPlane f2 with
+ |Some (e1,z1,op1) , Some (e2,z2,op2) =>
+ match op1 , op2 with
+ | NonStrict , NonStrict =>
+ if is_pol_Z0 (padd e1 e2)
+ then
+ (fix label (pfs:list ZArithProof) :=
+ fun lb ub =>
+ match pfs with
+ | nil => if Zgt_bool lb ub then true else false
+ | pf::rsr => andb (ZChecker ((psub e1 (Pc lb), Equal) :: l) pf) (label rsr (Zplus lb 1%Z) ub)
+ end)
+ pf (Zopp z1) z2
+ else false
+ | _ , _ => false
+ end
+ | _ , _ => false
+ end
+ | _ , _ => false
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint bdepth (pf : ZArithProof) : nat :=
+ match pf with
+ | DoneProof => O
+ | RatProof _ p => S (bdepth p)
+ | CutProof _ p => S (bdepth p)
+ | EnumProof _ _ l => S (List.fold_right (fun pf x => Max.max (bdepth pf) x) O l)
+ end.
+Require Import Wf_nat.
+Lemma in_bdepth : forall l a b y, In y l -> ltof ZArithProof bdepth y (EnumProof a b l).
+ induction l.
+ (* nil *)
+ simpl.
+ tauto.
+ (* cons *)
+ simpl.
+ intros.
+ destruct H.
+ subst.
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ generalize ( (fold_right
+ (fun (pf : ZArithProof) (x : nat) => Max.max (bdepth pf) x) 0%nat l)).
+ intros.
+ generalize (bdepth y) ; intros.
+ generalize (Max.max_l n0 n) (Max.max_r n0 n).
+ auto with zarith.
+ generalize (IHl a0 b y H).
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ generalize ( (fold_right (fun (pf : ZArithProof) (x : nat) => Max.max (bdepth pf) x) 0%nat
+ l)).
+ intros.
+ generalize (Max.max_l (bdepth a) n) (Max.max_r (bdepth a) n).
+ auto with zarith.
+Lemma eval_Psatz_sound : forall env w l f',
+ make_conj (eval_nformula env) l ->
+ eval_Psatz l w = Some f' -> eval_nformula env f'.
+ intros.
+ apply (eval_Psatz_Sound Zsor ZSORaddon) with (l:=l) (e:= w) ; auto.
+ apply make_conj_in ; auto.
+Lemma makeCuttingPlane_sound : forall env e e' c,
+ eval_nformula env (e, NonStrict) ->
+ makeCuttingPlane e = (e',c) ->
+ eval_nformula env (nformula_of_cutting_plane (e', c, NonStrict)).
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane.
+ unfold eval_nformula. unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula.
+ unfold eval_op1.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ simpl.
+ (**)
+ unfold makeCuttingPlane in H0.
+ revert H0.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol e) ; intros g c0.
+ generalize (Zgt_cases g 0) ; destruct (Zgt_bool g 0).
+ intros.
+ inv H2.
+ change (RingMicromega.eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x : Z => x)) with eval_pol in *.
+ apply Zgcd_pol_correct_lt with (env:=env) in H1.
+ generalize (narrow_interval_lower_bound g (- c0) (eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus e c0) g)) H0).
+ auto with zarith.
+ auto with zarith.
+ (* g <= 0 *)
+ intros. inv H2. auto with zarith.
+Lemma cutting_plane_sound : forall env f p,
+ eval_nformula env f ->
+ genCuttingPlane f = Some p ->
+ eval_nformula env (nformula_of_cutting_plane p).
+ unfold genCuttingPlane.
+ destruct f as [e op].
+ destruct op.
+ (* Equal *)
+ destruct p as [[e' z] op].
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol e) ; intros g c.
+ destruct (Zgt_bool g 0 && (Zgt_bool c 0 && negb (Zeq_bool (Zgcd g c) g))) ; [discriminate|].
+ intros. inv H1. unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane.
+ unfold eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold eval_op1 in *.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ simpl. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
+ (* NonEqual *)
+ intros.
+ inv H0.
+ unfold eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in *.
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane.
+ unfold eval_op1 in *.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.eval_pol_add Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ simpl. auto with zarith.
+ (* Strict *)
+ destruct p as [[e' z] op].
+ case_eq (makeCuttingPlane (PsubC Zminus e 1)).
+ intros.
+ inv H1.
+ apply makeCuttingPlane_sound with (env:=env) (2:= H).
+ simpl in *.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.PsubC_ok Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ auto with zarith.
+ (* NonStrict *)
+ destruct p as [[e' z] op].
+ case_eq (makeCuttingPlane e).
+ intros.
+ inv H1.
+ apply makeCuttingPlane_sound with (env:=env) (2:= H).
+ assumption.
+Lemma genCuttingPlaneNone : forall env f,
+ genCuttingPlane f = None ->
+ eval_nformula env f -> False.
+ unfold genCuttingPlane.
+ destruct f.
+ destruct o.
+ case_eq (Zgcd_pol p) ; intros g c.
+ case_eq (Zgt_bool g 0 && (Zgt_bool c 0 && negb (Zeq_bool (Zgcd g c) g))).
+ intros.
+ flatten_bool.
+ rewrite negb_true_iff in H5.
+ apply Zeq_bool_neq in H5.
+ contradict H5.
+ rewrite <- Zgt_is_gt_bool in H3.
+ rewrite <- Zgt_is_gt_bool in H.
+ apply Zis_gcd_gcd; auto with zarith.
+ constructor; auto with zarith.
+ change (eval_pol env p = 0) in H2.
+ rewrite Zgcd_pol_correct_lt with (1:= H0) in H2; auto with zarith.
+ set (x:=eval_pol env (Zdiv_pol (PsubC Zminus p c) g)) in *; clearbody x.
+ exists (-x).
+ rewrite <- Zopp_mult_distr_l, Zmult_comm; auto with zarith.
+ (**)
+ discriminate.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct (makeCuttingPlane (PsubC Zminus p 1)) ; discriminate.
+ destruct (makeCuttingPlane p) ; discriminate.
+Lemma ZChecker_sound : forall w l, ZChecker l w = true -> forall env, make_impl (eval_nformula env) l False.
+ induction w using (well_founded_ind (well_founded_ltof _ bdepth)).
+ destruct w as [ | w pf | w pf | w1 w2 pf].
+ (* DoneProof *)
+ simpl. discriminate.
+ (* RatProof *)
+ simpl.
+ intro l. case_eq (eval_Psatz l w) ; [| discriminate].
+ intros f Hf.
+ case_eq (check_inconsistent f).
+ intros.
+ apply (checker_nf_sound Zsor ZSORaddon l w).
+ unfold check_normalised_formulas. unfold eval_Psatz in Hf. rewrite Hf.
+ unfold check_inconsistent in H0. assumption.
+ intros.
+ assert (make_impl (eval_nformula env) (f::l) False).
+ apply H with (2:= H1).
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ auto with arith.
+ destruct f.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H2.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons in H2.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intro.
+ apply H2.
+ split ; auto.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (2:= Hf) ; assumption.
+ (* CutProof *)
+ simpl.
+ intro l.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l w) ; [ | discriminate].
+ intros f' Hlc.
+ case_eq (genCuttingPlane f').
+ intros.
+ assert (make_impl (eval_nformula env) (nformula_of_cutting_plane p::l) False).
+ eapply (H pf) ; auto.
+ unfold ltof.
+ simpl.
+ auto with arith.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H2.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons in H2.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intro.
+ apply H2.
+ split ; auto.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (env:=env) in Hlc.
+ apply cutting_plane_sound with (1:= Hlc) (2:= H0).
+ auto.
+ (* genCuttingPlane = None *)
+ intros.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intros.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (2:= Hlc) in H2.
+ apply genCuttingPlaneNone with (2:= H2) ; auto.
+ (* EnumProof *)
+ intro.
+ simpl.
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l w1) ; [ | discriminate].
+ case_eq (eval_Psatz l w2) ; [ | discriminate].
+ intros f1 Hf1 f2 Hf2.
+ case_eq (genCuttingPlane f2) ; [ | discriminate].
+ destruct p as [ [p1 z1] op1].
+ case_eq (genCuttingPlane f1) ; [ | discriminate].
+ destruct p as [ [p2 z2] op2].
+ case_eq op1 ; case_eq op2 ; try discriminate.
+ case_eq (is_pol_Z0 (padd p1 p2)) ; try discriminate.
+ intros.
+ (* get the bounds of the enum *)
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl.
+ intro.
+ assert (-z1 <= eval_pol env p1 <= z2).
+ split.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (env:=env) in Hf2 ; auto.
+ apply cutting_plane_sound with (1:= Hf2) in H4.
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane in H4.
+ unfold eval_nformula in H4.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in H4.
+ change (RingMicromega.eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x : Z => x)) with eval_pol in H4.
+ unfold eval_op1 in H4.
+ rewrite eval_pol_add in H4. simpl in H4.
+ auto with zarith.
+ (**)
+ apply is_pol_Z0_eval_pol with (env := env) in H0.
+ rewrite eval_pol_add in H0.
+ replace (eval_pol env p1) with (- eval_pol env p2) by omega.
+ apply eval_Psatz_sound with (env:=env) in Hf1 ; auto.
+ apply cutting_plane_sound with (1:= Hf1) in H3.
+ unfold nformula_of_cutting_plane in H3.
+ unfold eval_nformula in H3.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula in H3.
+ change (RingMicromega.eval_pol 0 Zplus Zmult (fun x : Z => x)) with eval_pol in H3.
+ unfold eval_op1 in H3.
+ rewrite eval_pol_add in H3. simpl in H3.
+ omega.
+ revert H5.
+ set (FF := (fix label (pfs : list ZArithProof) (lb ub : Z) {struct pfs} : bool :=
+ match pfs with
+ | nil => if Z_gt_dec lb ub then true else false
+ | pf :: rsr =>
+ (ZChecker ((PsubC Zminus p1 lb, Equal) :: l) pf &&
+ label rsr (lb + 1)%Z ub)%bool
+ end)).
+ intros.
+ assert (HH :forall x, -z1 <= x <= z2 -> exists pr,
+ (In pr pf /\
+ ZChecker ((PsubC Zminus p1 x,Equal) :: l) pr = true)%Z).
+ clear H.
+ clear H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H7.
+ revert H5.
+ generalize (-z1). clear z1. intro z1.
+ revert z1 z2.
+ induction pf;simpl ;intros.
+ generalize (Zgt_cases z1 z2).
+ destruct (Zgt_bool z1 z2).
+ intros.
+ apply False_ind ; omega.
+ discriminate.
+ flatten_bool.
+ assert (HH:(x = z1 \/ z1 +1 <=x)%Z) by omega.
+ destruct HH.
+ subst.
+ exists a ; auto.
+ assert (z1 + 1 <= x <= z2)%Z by omega.
+ destruct (IHpf _ _ H1 _ H3).
+ destruct H4.
+ exists x0 ; split;auto.
+ (*/asser *)
+ destruct (HH _ H7) as [pr [Hin Hcheker]].
+ assert (make_impl (eval_nformula env) ((PsubC Zminus p1 (eval_pol env p1),Equal) :: l) False).
+ apply (H pr);auto.
+ apply in_bdepth ; auto.
+ rewrite <- make_conj_impl in H8.
+ apply H8.
+ rewrite make_conj_cons.
+ split ;auto.
+ unfold eval_nformula.
+ unfold RingMicromega.eval_nformula.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite (RingMicromega.PsubC_ok Zsor ZSORaddon).
+ unfold eval_pol. ring.
+Definition ZTautoChecker (f : BFormula (Formula Z)) (w: list ZArithProof): bool :=
+ @tauto_checker (Formula Z) (NFormula Z) normalise negate ZArithProof ZChecker f w.
+Lemma ZTautoChecker_sound : forall f w, ZTautoChecker f w = true -> forall env, eval_f (Zeval_formula env) f.
+ intros f w.
+ unfold ZTautoChecker.
+ apply (tauto_checker_sound Zeval_formula eval_nformula).
+ apply Zeval_nformula_dec.
+ intros env t.
+ rewrite normalise_correct ; auto.
+ intros env t.
+ rewrite negate_correct ; auto.
+ intros t w0.
+ apply ZChecker_sound.
+Fixpoint xhyps_of_pt (base:nat) (acc : list nat) (pt:ZArithProof) : list nat :=
+ match pt with
+ | DoneProof => acc
+ | RatProof c pt => xhyps_of_pt (S base ) (xhyps_of_psatz base acc c) pt
+ | CutProof c pt => xhyps_of_pt (S base ) (xhyps_of_psatz base acc c) pt
+ | EnumProof c1 c2 l =>
+ let acc := xhyps_of_psatz base (xhyps_of_psatz base acc c2) c1 in
+ List.fold_left (xhyps_of_pt (S base)) l acc
+ end.
+Definition hyps_of_pt (pt : ZArithProof) : list nat := xhyps_of_pt 0 nil pt.
+(*Lemma hyps_of_pt_correct : forall pt l, *)
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+(** To ease bindings from ml code **)
+(*Definition varmap := Quote.varmap.*)
+Definition make_impl := Refl.make_impl.
+Definition make_conj := Refl.make_conj.
+Require VarMap.
+(*Definition varmap_type := VarMap.t Z. *)
+Definition env := PolEnv Z.
+Definition node := @VarMap.Node Z.
+Definition empty := @VarMap.Empty Z.
+Definition leaf := @VarMap.Leaf Z.
+Definition coneMember := ZWitness.
+Definition eval := eval_formula.
+Definition prod_pos_nat := prod positive nat.
+Definition n_of_Z (z:Z) : BinNat.N :=
+ match z with
+ | Z0 => N0
+ | Zpos p => Npos p
+ | Zneg p => N0
+ end.
+(* Local Variables: *)
+(* coding: utf-8 *)
+(* End: *)