path: root/plugins/field/LegacyField_Tactic.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/field/LegacyField_Tactic.v')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/field/LegacyField_Tactic.v b/plugins/field/LegacyField_Tactic.v
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index 00000000..9c92e38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/field/LegacyField_Tactic.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: LegacyField_Tactic.v 13323 2010-07-24 15:57:30Z herbelin $ *)
+Require Import List.
+Require Import LegacyRing.
+Require Export LegacyField_Compl.
+Require Export LegacyField_Theory.
+(**** Interpretation A --> ExprA ****)
+Ltac get_component a s := eval cbv beta iota delta [a] in (a s).
+Ltac body_of s := eval cbv beta iota delta [s] in s.
+Ltac mem_assoc var lvar :=
+ match constr:lvar with
+ | nil => constr:false
+ | ?X1 :: ?X2 =>
+ match constr:(X1 = var) with
+ | (?X1 = ?X1) => constr:true
+ | _ => mem_assoc var X2
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac number lvar :=
+ let rec number_aux lvar cpt :=
+ match constr:lvar with
+ | (@nil ?X1) => constr:(@nil (prod X1 nat))
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 =>
+ let l2 := number_aux X3 (S cpt) in
+ constr:((X2,cpt) :: l2)
+ end
+ in number_aux lvar 0.
+Ltac build_varlist FT trm :=
+ let rec seek_var lvar trm :=
+ let AT := get_component A FT
+ with AzeroT := get_component Azero FT
+ with AoneT := get_component Aone FT
+ with AplusT := get_component Aplus FT
+ with AmultT := get_component Amult FT
+ with AoppT := get_component Aopp FT
+ with AinvT := get_component Ainv FT in
+ match constr:trm with
+ | AzeroT => lvar
+ | AoneT => lvar
+ | (AplusT ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let l1 := seek_var lvar X1 in
+ seek_var l1 X2
+ | (AmultT ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let l1 := seek_var lvar X1 in
+ seek_var l1 X2
+ | (AoppT ?X1) => seek_var lvar X1
+ | (AinvT ?X1) => seek_var lvar X1
+ | ?X1 =>
+ let res := mem_assoc X1 lvar in
+ match constr:res with
+ | true => lvar
+ | false => constr:(X1 :: lvar)
+ end
+ end in
+ let AT := get_component A FT in
+ let lvar := seek_var (@nil AT) trm in
+ number lvar.
+Ltac assoc elt lst :=
+ match constr:lst with
+ | nil => fail
+ | (?X1,?X2) :: ?X3 =>
+ match constr:(elt = X1) with
+ | (?X1 = ?X1) => constr:X2
+ | _ => assoc elt X3
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac interp_A FT lvar trm :=
+ let AT := get_component A FT
+ with AzeroT := get_component Azero FT
+ with AoneT := get_component Aone FT
+ with AplusT := get_component Aplus FT
+ with AmultT := get_component Amult FT
+ with AoppT := get_component Aopp FT
+ with AinvT := get_component Ainv FT in
+ match constr:trm with
+ | AzeroT => constr:EAzero
+ | AoneT => constr:EAone
+ | (AplusT ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let e1 := interp_A FT lvar X1 with e2 := interp_A FT lvar X2 in
+ constr:(EAplus e1 e2)
+ | (AmultT ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let e1 := interp_A FT lvar X1 with e2 := interp_A FT lvar X2 in
+ constr:(EAmult e1 e2)
+ | (AoppT ?X1) =>
+ let e := interp_A FT lvar X1 in
+ constr:(EAopp e)
+ | (AinvT ?X1) => let e := interp_A FT lvar X1 in
+ constr:(EAinv e)
+ | ?X1 => let idx := assoc X1 lvar in
+ constr:(EAvar idx)
+ end.
+(* Simplification *)
+(**** Generation of the multiplier ****)
+Ltac remove e l :=
+ match constr:l with
+ | nil => l
+ | e :: ?X2 => constr:X2
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 => let nl := remove e X3 in constr:(X2 :: nl)
+ end.
+Ltac union l1 l2 :=
+ match constr:l1 with
+ | nil => l2
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 =>
+ let nl2 := remove X2 l2 in
+ let nl := union X3 nl2 in
+ constr:(X2 :: nl)
+ end.
+Ltac raw_give_mult trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (EAinv ?X1) => constr:(X1 :: nil)
+ | (EAopp ?X1) => raw_give_mult X1
+ | (EAplus ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let l1 := raw_give_mult X1 with l2 := raw_give_mult X2 in
+ union l1 l2
+ | (EAmult ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let l1 := raw_give_mult X1 with l2 := raw_give_mult X2 in
+ eval compute in (app l1 l2)
+ | _ => constr:(@nil ExprA)
+ end.
+Ltac give_mult trm :=
+ let ltrm := raw_give_mult trm in
+ constr:(mult_of_list ltrm).
+(**** Associativity ****)
+Ltac apply_assoc FT lvar trm :=
+ let t := eval compute in (assoc trm) in
+ match constr:(t = trm) with
+ | (?X1 = ?X1) => idtac
+ | _ =>
+ rewrite <- (assoc_correct FT trm); change (assoc trm) with t in |- *
+ end.
+(**** Distribution *****)
+Ltac apply_distrib FT lvar trm :=
+ let t := eval compute in (distrib trm) in
+ match constr:(t = trm) with
+ | (?X1 = ?X1) => idtac
+ | _ =>
+ rewrite <- (distrib_correct FT trm);
+ change (distrib trm) with t in |- *
+ end.
+(**** Multiplication by the inverse product ****)
+Ltac grep_mult := match goal with
+ | id:(interp_ExprA _ _ _ <> _) |- _ => id
+ end.
+Ltac weak_reduce :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [(interp_ExprA ?X1 ?X2 _)] =>
+ cbv beta iota zeta
+ delta [interp_ExprA assoc_2nd eq_nat_dec mult_of_list X1 X2 A Azero
+ Aone Aplus Amult Aopp Ainv] in |- *
+ end.
+Ltac multiply mul :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- (interp_ExprA ?FT ?X2 ?X3 = interp_ExprA ?FT ?X2 ?X4) =>
+ let AzeroT := get_component Azero FT in
+ cut (interp_ExprA FT X2 mul <> AzeroT);
+ [ intro; (let id := grep_mult in apply (mult_eq FT X3 X4 mul X2 id))
+ | weak_reduce;
+ (let AoneT := get_component Aone ltac:(body_of FT)
+ with AmultT := get_component Amult ltac:(body_of FT) in
+ try
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [(AmultT _ AoneT)] => rewrite (AmultT_1r FT)
+ end; clear FT X2) ]
+ end.
+Ltac apply_multiply FT lvar trm :=
+ let t := eval compute in (multiply trm) in
+ match constr:(t = trm) with
+ | (?X1 = ?X1) => idtac
+ | _ =>
+ rewrite <- (multiply_correct FT trm);
+ change (multiply trm) with t in |- *
+ end.
+(**** Permutations and simplification ****)
+Ltac apply_inverse mul FT lvar trm :=
+ let t := eval compute in (inverse_simplif mul trm) in
+ match constr:(t = trm) with
+ | (?X1 = ?X1) => idtac
+ | _ =>
+ rewrite <- (inverse_correct FT trm mul);
+ [ change (inverse_simplif mul trm) with t in |- * | assumption ]
+ end.
+(**** Inverse test ****)
+Ltac strong_fail tac := first [ tac | fail 2 ].
+Ltac inverse_test_aux FT trm :=
+ let AplusT := get_component Aplus FT
+ with AmultT := get_component Amult FT
+ with AoppT := get_component Aopp FT
+ with AinvT := get_component Ainv FT in
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (AinvT _) => fail 1
+ | (AoppT ?X1) =>
+ strong_fail ltac:(inverse_test_aux FT X1; idtac)
+ | (AplusT ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ strong_fail ltac:(inverse_test_aux FT X1; inverse_test_aux FT X2)
+ | (AmultT ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ strong_fail ltac:(inverse_test_aux FT X1; inverse_test_aux FT X2)
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac inverse_test FT :=
+ let AplusT := get_component Aplus FT in
+ match goal with
+ | |- (?X1 = ?X2) => inverse_test_aux FT (AplusT X1 X2)
+ end.
+(**** Field itself ****)
+Ltac apply_simplif sfun :=
+ match goal with
+ | |- (interp_ExprA ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 = interp_ExprA _ _ _) =>
+ sfun X1 X2 X3
+ end;
+ match goal with
+ | |- (interp_ExprA _ _ _ = interp_ExprA ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) =>
+ sfun X1 X2 X3
+ end.
+Ltac unfolds FT :=
+ match get_component Aminus FT with
+ | Some ?X1 => unfold X1 in |- *
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ match get_component Adiv FT with
+ | Some ?X1 => unfold X1 in |- *
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac reduce FT :=
+ let AzeroT := get_component Azero FT
+ with AoneT := get_component Aone FT
+ with AplusT := get_component Aplus FT
+ with AmultT := get_component Amult FT
+ with AoppT := get_component Aopp FT
+ with AinvT := get_component Ainv FT in
+ (cbv beta iota zeta delta -[AzeroT AoneT AplusT AmultT AoppT AinvT] in |- * ||
+ compute in |- *).
+Ltac field_gen_aux FT :=
+ let AplusT := get_component Aplus FT in
+ match goal with
+ | |- (?X1 = ?X2) =>
+ let lvar := build_varlist FT (AplusT X1 X2) in
+ let trm1 := interp_A FT lvar X1 with trm2 := interp_A FT lvar X2 in
+ let mul := give_mult (EAplus trm1 trm2) in
+ cut
+ (let ft := FT in
+ let vm := lvar in interp_ExprA ft vm trm1 = interp_ExprA ft vm trm2);
+ [ compute in |- *; auto
+ | intros ft vm; apply_simplif apply_distrib;
+ apply_simplif apply_assoc; multiply mul;
+ [ apply_simplif apply_multiply;
+ apply_simplif ltac:(apply_inverse mul);
+ (let id := grep_mult in
+ clear id; weak_reduce; clear ft vm; first
+ [ inverse_test FT; legacy ring | field_gen_aux FT ])
+ | idtac ] ]
+ end.
+Ltac field_gen FT :=
+ unfolds FT; (inverse_test FT; legacy ring) || field_gen_aux FT.
+(* Term Simplification *)
+(**** Minus and division expansions ****)
+Ltac init_exp FT trm :=
+ let e :=
+ (match get_component Aminus FT with
+ | Some ?X1 => eval cbv beta delta [X1] in trm
+ | _ => trm
+ end) in
+ match get_component Adiv FT with
+ | Some ?X1 => eval cbv beta delta [X1] in e
+ | _ => e
+ end.
+(**** Inverses simplification ****)
+Ltac simpl_inv trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (EAplus ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let e1 := simpl_inv X1 with e2 := simpl_inv X2 in
+ constr:(EAplus e1 e2)
+ | (EAmult ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let e1 := simpl_inv X1 with e2 := simpl_inv X2 in
+ constr:(EAmult e1 e2)
+ | (EAopp ?X1) => let e := simpl_inv X1 in
+ constr:(EAopp e)
+ | (EAinv ?X1) => SimplInvAux X1
+ | ?X1 => constr:X1
+ end
+ with SimplInvAux trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (EAinv ?X1) => simpl_inv X1
+ | (EAmult ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let e1 := simpl_inv (EAinv X1) with e2 := simpl_inv (EAinv X2) in
+ constr:(EAmult e1 e2)
+ | ?X1 => let e := simpl_inv X1 in
+ constr:(EAinv e)
+ end.
+(**** Monom simplification ****)
+Ltac map_tactic fcn lst :=
+ match constr:lst with
+ | nil => lst
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 =>
+ let r := fcn X2 with t := map_tactic fcn X3 in
+ constr:(r :: t)
+ end.
+Ltac build_monom_aux lst trm :=
+ match constr:lst with
+ | nil => eval compute in (assoc trm)
+ | ?X1 :: ?X2 => build_monom_aux X2 (EAmult trm X1)
+ end.
+Ltac build_monom lnum lden :=
+ let ildn := map_tactic ltac:(fun e => constr:(EAinv e)) lden in
+ let ltot := eval compute in (app lnum ildn) in
+ let trm := build_monom_aux ltot EAone in
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (EAmult _ ?X1) => constr:X1
+ | ?X1 => constr:X1
+ end.
+Ltac simpl_monom_aux lnum lden trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (EAmult (EAinv ?X1) ?X2) =>
+ let mma := mem_assoc X1 lnum in
+ match constr:mma with
+ | true =>
+ let newlnum := remove X1 lnum in
+ simpl_monom_aux newlnum lden X2
+ | false => simpl_monom_aux lnum (X1 :: lden) X2
+ end
+ | (EAmult ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let mma := mem_assoc X1 lden in
+ match constr:mma with
+ | true =>
+ let newlden := remove X1 lden in
+ simpl_monom_aux lnum newlden X2
+ | false => simpl_monom_aux (X1 :: lnum) lden X2
+ end
+ | (EAinv ?X1) =>
+ let mma := mem_assoc X1 lnum in
+ match constr:mma with
+ | true =>
+ let newlnum := remove X1 lnum in
+ build_monom newlnum lden
+ | false => build_monom lnum (X1 :: lden)
+ end
+ | ?X1 =>
+ let mma := mem_assoc X1 lden in
+ match constr:mma with
+ | true =>
+ let newlden := remove X1 lden in
+ build_monom lnum newlden
+ | false => build_monom (X1 :: lnum) lden
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac simpl_monom trm := simpl_monom_aux (@nil ExprA) (@nil ExprA) trm.
+Ltac simpl_all_monomials trm :=
+ match constr:trm with
+ | (EAplus ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ let e1 := simpl_monom X1 with e2 := simpl_all_monomials X2 in
+ constr:(EAplus e1 e2)
+ | ?X1 => simpl_monom X1
+ end.
+(**** Associativity and distribution ****)
+Ltac assoc_distrib trm := eval compute in (assoc (distrib trm)).
+(**** The tactic Field_Term ****)
+Ltac eval_weak_reduce trm :=
+ eval
+ cbv beta iota zeta
+ delta [interp_ExprA assoc_2nd eq_nat_dec mult_of_list A Azero Aone Aplus
+ Amult Aopp Ainv] in trm.
+Ltac field_term FT exp :=
+ let newexp := init_exp FT exp in
+ let lvar := build_varlist FT newexp in
+ let trm := interp_A FT lvar newexp in
+ let tma := eval compute in (assoc trm) in
+ let tsmp :=
+ simpl_all_monomials
+ ltac:(assoc_distrib ltac:(simpl_all_monomials ltac:(simpl_inv tma))) in
+ let trep := eval_weak_reduce (interp_ExprA FT lvar tsmp) in
+ (replace exp with trep; [ legacy ring trep | field_gen FT ]).