path: root/plugins/extraction/
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/extraction/')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/extraction/ b/plugins/extraction/
index ca72f873..8dc512fa 100644
--- a/plugins/extraction/
+++ b/plugins/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 13323 2010-07-24 15:57:30Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 13420 2010-09-16 15:47:08Z letouzey $ i*)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -177,6 +177,10 @@ let mktable autoclean =
let add_mpfiles_content,get_mpfiles_content,clear_mpfiles_content =
mktable false
+let get_mpfiles_content mp =
+ try get_mpfiles_content mp
+ with Not_found -> failwith "get_mpfiles_content"
(*s The list of external modules that will be opened initially *)
let mpfiles_add, mpfiles_mem, mpfiles_list, mpfiles_clear =
@@ -223,11 +227,13 @@ let pop_visible, push_visible, get_visible =
let vis = ref [] in
register_cleanup (fun () -> vis := []);
let pop () =
- let v = List.hd !vis in
- (* we save the 1st-level-content of MPfile for later use *)
- if get_phase () = Impl && modular () && is_modfile
- then add_mpfiles_content v.content;
- vis := !vis
+ match !vis with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | v :: vl ->
+ vis := vl;
+ (* we save the 1st-level-content of MPfile for later use *)
+ if get_phase () = Impl && modular () && is_modfile
+ then add_mpfiles_content v.content
and push mp mps =
vis := { mp = mp; params = mps; content = Hashtbl.create 97 } :: !vis
and get () = !vis
@@ -306,8 +312,8 @@ let rec mp_renaming_fun mp = match mp with
let s = modular_rename Mod (id_of_mbid mbid) in
if not (params_ren_mem mp) then [s]
else let i,_,_ = repr_mbid mbid in [s^"__"^string_of_int i]
- | MPfile _ when not (modular ()) -> assert false (* see [at_toplevel] above *)
| MPfile _ ->
+ assert (modular ()); (* see [at_toplevel] above *)
assert (get_phase () = Pre);
let current_mpfile = (list_last (get_visible ())).mp in
if mp <> current_mpfile then mpfiles_add mp;
@@ -402,27 +408,28 @@ let visible_clash_dbg mp0 ks =
let opened_libraries () =
if not (modular ()) then []
- let used = mpfiles_list () in
- let rec check_elsewhere avoid = function
- | [] -> []
- | mp :: mpl ->
- let clash s = Hashtbl.mem (get_mpfiles_content mp) (Mod,s) in
- if List.exists clash avoid
- then check_elsewhere avoid mpl
- else mp :: check_elsewhere (string_of_modfile mp :: avoid) mpl
+ let used_files = mpfiles_list () in
+ let used_ks = (fun mp -> Mod,string_of_modfile mp) used_files in
+ (* By default, we open all used files. Ambiguities will be resolved later
+ by using qualified names. Nonetheless, we don't open any file A that
+ contains an immediate submodule A.B hiding another file B : otherwise,
+ after such an open, there's no unambiguous way to refer to objects of B. *)
+ let to_open =
+ List.filter
+ (fun mp ->
+ not (List.exists (Hashtbl.mem (get_mpfiles_content mp)) used_ks))
+ used_files
- let opened = check_elsewhere [] used in
mpfiles_clear ();
- List.iter mpfiles_add opened;
- opened
+ List.iter mpfiles_add to_open;
+ mpfiles_list ()
(*s On-the-fly qualification issues for both monolithic or modular extraction. *)
-(* First, a function that factorize the printing of both [global_reference]
- and module names for ocaml. When [k=Mod] then [olab=None], otherwise it
- contains the label of the reference to print.
- [rls] is the string list giving the qualified name, short name at the end.
- Invariant: [List.length rls >= 2], simpler situations are handled elsewhere. *)
+(* [pp_ocaml_gen] below is a function that factorize the printing of both
+ [global_reference] and module names for ocaml. When [k=Mod] then [olab=None],
+ otherwise it contains the label of the reference to print.
+ [rls] is the string list giving the qualified name, short name at the end. *)
(* In Coq, we can qualify [M.t] even if we are inside [M], but in Ocaml we
cannot do that. So, if [t] gets hidden and we need a long name for it,
@@ -471,18 +478,21 @@ let pp_ocaml_bound base rls =
(* [pp_ocaml_extern] : [mp] isn't local, it is defined in another [MPfile]. *)
let pp_ocaml_extern k base rls = match rls with
- | [] | [_] -> assert false
+ | [] -> assert false
| base_s :: rls' ->
- let k's = fstlev_ks k rls' in
- if modular () && (mpfiles_mem base) &&
- (not (mpfiles_clash base k's)) &&
- (not (visible_clash base k's))
- then (* Standard situation of an object in another file: *)
- (* Thanks to the "open" of this file we remove its name *)
+ if (not (modular ())) (* Pseudo qualification with "" *)
+ || (rls' = []) (* Case of a file A.v used as a module later *)
+ || (not (mpfiles_mem base)) (* Module not opened *)
+ || (mpfiles_clash base (fstlev_ks k rls')) (* Conflict in opened files *)
+ || (visible_clash base (fstlev_ks k rls')) (* Local conflict *)
+ then
+ (* We need to fully qualify. Last clash situation is unsupported *)
+ match visible_clash_dbg base (Mod,base_s) with
+ | None -> dottify rls
+ | Some (mp,l) -> error_module_clash base (MPdot (mp,l))
+ else
+ (* Standard situation : object in an opened file *)
dottify rls'
- else match visible_clash_dbg base (Mod,base_s) with
- | None -> dottify rls
- | Some (mp,l) -> error_module_clash base (MPdot (mp,l))
(* [pp_ocaml_gen] : choosing between [pp_ocaml_extern] or [pp_ocaml_extern] *)