path: root/parsing/
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index d5357d86..06f3f381 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11739 2009-01-02 19:33:19Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Util
@@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ let pr_delimiters key strm =
let pr_generalization bk ak c =
let hd, tl =
- match bk with
+ match bk with
| Implicit -> "{", "}"
| Explicit -> "(", ")"
- in (* TODO: syntax Abstraction Kind *)
+ in (* TODO: syntax Abstraction Kind *)
str "`" ++ str hd ++ c ++ str tl
let pr_com_at n =
- if Flags.do_beautify() && n <> 0 then comment n
+ if Flags.do_beautify() && n <> 0 then comment n
else mt()
let pr_with_comments loc pp = pr_located (fun x -> x) (loc,pp)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let pr_optc pr = function
let pr_in_comment pr x = str "(* " ++ pr x ++ str " *)"
-let pr_universe = Univ.pr_uni
+let pr_universe = Univ.pr_uni
let pr_rawsort = function
| RProp Term.Null -> str "Prop"
@@ -124,13 +124,14 @@ let pr_rawsort = function
let pr_id = pr_id
let pr_name = pr_name
let pr_qualid = pr_qualid
+let pr_patvar = pr_id
let pr_expl_args pr (a,expl) =
match expl with
| None -> pr (lapp,L) a
| Some (_,ExplByPos (n,_id)) ->
anomaly("Explicitation by position not implemented")
- | Some (_,ExplByName id) ->
+ | Some (_,ExplByName id) ->
str "(" ++ pr_id id ++ str ":=" ++ pr ltop a ++ str ")"
let pr_opt_type pr = function
@@ -164,16 +165,21 @@ let pr_evar pr n l =
(match l with
| Some l ->
spc () ++ pr_in_comment
- (fun l ->
- str"[" ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr ltop) l) ++ str"]")
+ (fun l ->
+ str"[" ++ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr ltop) l) ++ str"]")
(List.rev l)
| None -> mt()))
let las = lapp
let lpator = 100
+let lpatrec = 0
let rec pr_patt sep inh p =
let (strm,prec) = match p with
+ | CPatRecord (_, l) ->
+ let pp (c, p) =
+ pr_reference c ++ spc() ++ str ":=" ++ pr_patt spc (lpatrec, Any) p in
+ str "{| " ++ prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon pp l ++ str " |}", lpatrec
| CPatAlias (_,p,id) ->
pr_patt mt (las,E) p ++ str " as " ++ pr_id id, las
| CPatCstr (_,c,[]) -> pr_reference c, latom
@@ -200,7 +206,7 @@ let pr_eqn pr (loc,pl,rhs) =
spc() ++ hov 4
(pr_with_comments loc
(str "| " ++
- hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_bar (prlist_with_sep sep_v (pr_patt ltop)) pl
+ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_bar (prlist_with_sep sep_v (pr_patt ltop)) pl
++ str " =>") ++
pr_sep_com spc (pr ltop) rhs))
@@ -213,22 +219,22 @@ let begin_of_binders = function
| b::_ -> begin_of_binder b
| _ -> 0
-let surround_impl k p =
+let surround_impl k p =
match k with
| Explicit -> str"(" ++ p ++ str")"
| Implicit -> str"{" ++ p ++ str"}"
-let surround_binder k p =
+let surround_binder k p =
match k with
| Default b -> hov 1 (surround_impl b p)
- | Generalized (b, b', t) ->
+ | Generalized (b, b', t) ->
hov 1 (surround_impl b' (surround_impl b p))
let surround_implicit k p =
match k with
| Default Explicit -> p
| Default Implicit -> (str"{" ++ p ++ str"}")
- | Generalized (b, b', t) ->
+ | Generalized (b, b', t) ->
surround_impl b' (surround_impl b p)
let pr_binder many pr (nal,k,t) =
@@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ let rec extract_lam_binders = function
let bl,c = extract_lam_binders (CLambdaN(loc,bl,c)) in
LocalRawAssum (nal,bk,t) :: bl, c
| c -> [], c
let split_lambda = function
| CLambdaN (loc,[[na],bk,t],c) -> (na,t,c)
| CLambdaN (loc,([na],bk,t)::bl,c) -> (na,t,CLambdaN(loc,bl,c))
@@ -293,7 +299,7 @@ let rename na na' t c =
| (_,Name id), (_,Name id') -> (na',t,replace_vars_constr_expr [id,id'] c)
| (_,Name id), (_,Anonymous) -> (na,t,c)
| _ -> (na',t,c)
let split_product na' = function
| CArrow (loc,t,c) -> (na',t,c)
| CProdN (loc,[[na],bk,t],c) -> rename na na' t c
@@ -324,7 +330,7 @@ let merge_binders (na1,bk1,ty1) cofun (na2,bk2,ty2) codom =
Constrextern.check_same_type ty1 ty2;
ty2 in
(LocalRawAssum ([na],bk1,ty), codom)
let rec strip_domain bvar cofun c =
match c with
| CArrow(loc,a,b) ->
@@ -401,13 +407,14 @@ let pr_fixdecl pr prd dangling_with_for ((_,id),(n,ro),bl,t,c) =
let annot =
match ro with
CStructRec ->
- if List.length bl > 1 && n <> None then
+ if List.length bl > 1 && n <> None then
spc() ++ str "{struct " ++ pr_id (snd (Option.get n)) ++ str"}"
- else mt()
+ else mt()
| CWfRec c ->
spc () ++ str "{wf " ++ pr lsimple c ++ pr_id (snd (Option.get n)) ++ str"}"
- | CMeasureRec c ->
- spc () ++ str "{measure " ++ pr lsimple c ++ pr_id (snd (Option.get n)) ++ str"}"
+ | CMeasureRec (m,r) ->
+ spc () ++ str "{measure " ++ pr lsimple m ++ pr_id (snd (Option.get n)) ++
+ (match r with None -> mt() | Some r -> str" on " ++ pr lsimple r) ++ str"}"
pr_recursive_decl pr prd dangling_with_for id bl annot t c
@@ -427,11 +434,11 @@ let is_var id = function
| _ -> false
let tm_clash = function
- | (CRef (Ident (_,id)), Some (CApp (_,_,nal)))
+ | (CRef (Ident (_,id)), Some (CApp (_,_,nal)))
when List.exists (function CRef (Ident (_,id')),_ -> id=id' | _ -> false)
-> Some id
- | (CRef (Ident (_,id)), Some (CAppExpl (_,_,nal)))
+ | (CRef (Ident (_,id)), Some (CAppExpl (_,_,nal)))
when List.exists (function CRef (Ident (_,id')) -> id=id' | _ -> false)
-> Some id
@@ -444,7 +451,7 @@ let pr_asin pr (na,indnalopt) =
(match indnalopt with
| None -> mt ()
| Some t -> spc () ++ str "in " ++ pr lsimple t)
let pr_case_item pr (tm,asin) =
hov 0 (pr (lcast,E) tm ++ pr_asin pr asin)
@@ -473,7 +480,7 @@ let pr_appexpl pr f l =
let pr_app pr a l =
hov 2 (
- pr (lapp,L) a ++
+ pr (lapp,L) a ++
prlist (fun a -> spc () ++ pr_expl_args pr a) l)
let pr_forall () =
@@ -486,18 +493,24 @@ let pr_fun () =
let pr_fun_sep = lazy (if !Flags.unicode_syntax then str "," else str " =>")
-let rec pr sep inherited a =
+let pr_dangling_with_for sep pr inherited a =
+ match a with
+ | (CFix (_,_,[_])|CCoFix(_,_,[_])) -> pr sep (latom,E) a
+ | _ -> pr sep inherited a
+let pr pr sep inherited a =
let (strm,prec) = match a with
| CRef r -> pr_reference r, latom
| CFix (_,id,fix) ->
hov 0 (str"fix " ++
- (pr_fixdecl (pr mt) (pr_dangling_with_for mt)) (snd id) fix),
+ (pr_fixdecl (pr mt) (pr_dangling_with_for mt pr)) (snd id) fix),
| CCoFix (_,id,cofix) ->
hov 0 (str "cofix " ++
- (pr_cofixdecl (pr mt) (pr_dangling_with_for mt)) (snd id) cofix),
+ (pr_cofixdecl (pr mt) (pr_dangling_with_for mt pr)) (snd id) cofix),
| CArrow (_,a,b) ->
hov 0 (pr mt (larrow,L) a ++ str " ->" ++
@@ -547,29 +560,29 @@ let rec pr sep inherited a =
let c,l1 = list_sep_last l1 in
assert (snd c = None);
let p = pr_proj (pr mt) pr_app (fst c) f l1 in
- if l2<>[] then
+ if l2<>[] then
p ++ prlist (fun a -> spc () ++ pr_expl_args (pr mt) a) l2, lapp
p, lproj
| CApp (_,(None,a),l) -> pr_app (pr mt) a l, lapp
| CRecord (_,w,l) ->
- let beg =
+ let beg =
match w with
- | None -> spc ()
+ | None -> spc ()
| Some t -> spc () ++ pr spc ltop t ++ spc () ++ str"with" ++ spc ()
- hv 0 (str"{" ++ beg ++
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> spc () ++ str";" ++ spc ())
- (fun ((_,id), c) -> pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str":=" ++ spc () ++ pr spc ltop c)
- l), latom
+ hv 0 (str"{|" ++ beg ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_semicolon
+ (fun (id, c) -> h 1 (pr_reference id ++ spc () ++ str":=" ++ pr spc ltop c)) l
+ ++ str" |}"), latom
| CCases (_,LetPatternStyle,rtntypopt,[c,asin],[(_,[(loc,[p])],b)]) ->
hv 0 (
- str "let '" ++
- hov 0 (pr_patt ltop p ++
- pr_asin (pr_dangling_with_for mt) asin ++
- str " :=" ++ pr spc ltop c ++
- pr_case_type (pr_dangling_with_for mt) rtntypopt ++
+ str "let '" ++
+ hov 0 (pr_patt ltop p ++
+ pr_asin (pr_dangling_with_for mt pr) asin ++
+ str " :=" ++ pr spc ltop c ++
+ pr_case_type (pr_dangling_with_for mt pr) rtntypopt ++
str " in" ++ pr spc ltop b)),
| CCases(_,_,rtntypopt,c,eqns) ->
@@ -577,8 +590,8 @@ let rec pr sep inherited a =
(hv 0 (str "match" ++ brk (1,2) ++
hov 0 (
prlist_with_sep sep_v
- (pr_case_item (pr_dangling_with_for mt)) c
- ++ pr_case_type (pr_dangling_with_for mt) rtntypopt) ++
+ (pr_case_item (pr_dangling_with_for mt pr)) c
+ ++ pr_case_type (pr_dangling_with_for mt pr) rtntypopt) ++
spc () ++ str "with") ++
prlist (pr_eqn (pr mt)) eqns ++ spc() ++ str "end"),
@@ -601,7 +614,7 @@ let rec pr sep inherited a =
hov 0 (str "then" ++ pr (fun () -> brk (1,1)) ltop b1) ++ spc () ++
hov 0 (str "else" ++ pr (fun () -> brk (1,1)) ltop b2)),
| CHole _ -> str "_", latom
| CEvar (_,n,l) -> pr_evar (pr mt) n l, latom
| CPatVar (_,(_,p)) -> str "?" ++ pr_patvar p, latom
@@ -625,12 +638,6 @@ let rec pr sep inherited a =
pr_with_comments loc
(sep() ++ if prec_less prec inherited then strm else surround strm)
-and pr_dangling_with_for sep inherited a =
- match a with
- | (CFix (_,_,[_])|CCoFix(_,_,[_])) -> pr sep (latom,E) a
- | _ -> pr sep inherited a
-let pr = pr mt
let rec strip_context n iscast t =
if n = 0 then
@@ -644,7 +651,7 @@ let rec strip_context n iscast t =
let bl', c = strip_context (n-n') iscast
(if bll=[] then c else CLambdaN (loc,bll,c)) in
- LocalRawAssum (nal,bk,t) :: bl', c
+ LocalRawAssum (nal,bk,t) :: bl', c
| CProdN (loc,(nal,bk,t)::bll,c) ->
let n' = List.length nal in
if n' > n then
@@ -653,12 +660,12 @@ let rec strip_context n iscast t =
let bl', c = strip_context (n-n') iscast
(if bll=[] then c else CProdN (loc,bll,c)) in
- LocalRawAssum (nal,bk,t) :: bl', c
+ LocalRawAssum (nal,bk,t) :: bl', c
| CArrow (loc,t,c) ->
let bl', c = strip_context (n-1) iscast c in
LocalRawAssum ([loc,Anonymous],default_binder_kind,t) :: bl', c
| CCast (_,c,_) -> strip_context n false c
- | CLetIn (_,na,b,c) ->
+ | CLetIn (_,na,b,c) ->
let bl', c = strip_context (n-1) iscast c in
LocalRawDef (na,b) :: bl', c
| _ -> anomaly "strip_context"
@@ -670,6 +677,11 @@ type term_pr = {
pr_lconstr_pattern_expr : constr_pattern_expr -> std_ppcmds
+type precedence = Ppextend.precedence * Ppextend.parenRelation
+let modular_constr_pr = pr
+let rec fix rf x =rf (fix rf) x
+let pr = fix modular_constr_pr mt
let default_term_pr = {
pr_constr_expr = pr lsimple;
pr_lconstr_expr = pr ltop;
@@ -690,16 +702,13 @@ let pr_cases_pattern_expr = pr_patt ltop
let pr_binders = pr_undelimited_binders (pr ltop)
-let pr_with_occurrences_with_trailer pr occs trailer =
+let pr_with_occurrences pr occs =
match occs with
- ((false,[]),c) -> pr c ++ trailer
+ ((false,[]),c) -> pr c
| ((nowhere_except_in,nl),c) ->
hov 1 (pr c ++ spc() ++ str"at " ++
(if nowhere_except_in then mt() else str "- ") ++
- hov 0 (prlist_with_sep spc (pr_or_var int) nl) ++ trailer)
-let pr_with_occurrences pr occs =
- pr_with_occurrences_with_trailer pr occs (mt())
+ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep spc (pr_or_var int) nl))
let pr_red_flag pr r =
(if r.rBeta then pr_arg str "beta" else mt ()) ++
@@ -716,34 +725,34 @@ open Genarg
let pr_metaid id = str"?" ++ pr_id id
-let pr_red_expr (pr_constr,pr_lconstr,pr_ref) = function
+let pr_red_expr (pr_constr,pr_lconstr,pr_ref,pr_pattern) = function
| Red false -> str "red"
| Hnf -> str "hnf"
- | Simpl o -> str "simpl" ++ pr_opt (pr_with_occurrences pr_constr) o
+ | Simpl o -> str "simpl" ++ pr_opt (pr_with_occurrences pr_pattern) o
| Cbv f ->
if f = {rBeta=true;rIota=true;rZeta=true;rDelta=true;rConst=[]} then
str "compute"
hov 1 (str "cbv" ++ pr_red_flag pr_ref f)
- | Lazy f ->
+ | Lazy f ->
hov 1 (str "lazy" ++ pr_red_flag pr_ref f)
| Unfold l ->
hov 1 (str "unfold" ++ spc() ++
- prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr_with_occurrences pr_ref) l)
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr_with_occurrences pr_ref) l)
| Fold l -> hov 1 (str "fold" ++ prlist (pr_arg pr_constr) l)
| Pattern l ->
hov 1 (str "pattern" ++
- pr_arg (prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr_with_occurrences pr_constr)) l)
+ pr_arg (prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr_with_occurrences pr_constr)) l)
| Red true -> error "Shouldn't be accessible from user."
| ExtraRedExpr s -> str s
| CbvVm -> str "vm_compute"
-let rec pr_may_eval test prc prlc pr2 = function
+let rec pr_may_eval test prc prlc pr2 pr3 = function
| ConstrEval (r,c) ->
hov 0
(str "eval" ++ brk (1,1) ++
- pr_red_expr (prc,prlc,pr2) r ++
+ pr_red_expr (prc,prlc,pr2,pr3) r ++
str " in" ++ spc() ++ prc c)
| ConstrContext ((_,id),c) ->
hov 0