path: root/parsing/
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 67492e3e..943a9487 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id$ *)
+(* $Id: 13329 2010-07-26 11:05:39Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -66,41 +66,52 @@ type grammar_constr_prod_item =
type 'a action_env = 'a list * 'a list list
let make_constr_action
- (f : loc -> constr_expr action_env -> constr_expr) pil =
- let rec make (env,envlist as fullenv : constr_expr action_env) = function
+ (f : loc -> constr_notation_substitution -> constr_expr) pil =
+ let rec make (constrs,constrlists,binders as fullsubst) = function
| [] ->
- Gramext.action (fun loc -> f loc fullenv)
+ Gramext.action (fun loc -> f loc fullsubst)
| (GramConstrTerminal _ | GramConstrNonTerminal (_,None)) :: tl ->
(* parse a non-binding item *)
- Gramext.action (fun _ -> make fullenv tl)
+ Gramext.action (fun _ -> make fullsubst tl)
| GramConstrNonTerminal (typ, Some _) :: tl ->
(* parse a binding non-terminal *)
- (match typ with
- | (ETConstr _| ETOther _) ->
- Gramext.action (fun (v:constr_expr) -> make (v :: env, envlist) tl)
- | ETReference ->
- Gramext.action (fun (v:reference) -> make (CRef v :: env, envlist) tl)
- | ETName ->
- Gramext.action (fun (na:name located) ->
- make (constr_expr_of_name na :: env, envlist) tl)
- | ETBigint ->
- Gramext.action (fun (v:Bigint.bigint) ->
- make (CPrim (dummy_loc,Numeral v) :: env, envlist) tl)
- | ETConstrList (_,n) ->
- Gramext.action (fun (v:constr_expr list) -> make (env, v::envlist) tl)
+ (match typ with
+ | (ETConstr _| ETOther _) ->
+ Gramext.action (fun (v:constr_expr) ->
+ make (v :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
+ | ETReference ->
+ Gramext.action (fun (v:reference) ->
+ make (CRef v :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
+ | ETName ->
+ Gramext.action (fun (na:name located) ->
+ make (constr_expr_of_name na :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
+ | ETBigint ->
+ Gramext.action (fun (v:Bigint.bigint) ->
+ make (CPrim(dummy_loc,Numeral v) :: constrs, constrlists, binders) tl)
+ | ETConstrList (_,n) ->
+ Gramext.action (fun (v:constr_expr list) ->
+ make (constrs, v::constrlists, binders) tl)
+ | ETBinder _ | ETBinderList (true,_) ->
+ Gramext.action (fun (v:local_binder list) ->
+ make (constrs, constrlists, v::binders) tl)
+ | ETBinderList (false,_) ->
+ Gramext.action (fun (v:local_binder list list) ->
+ make (constrs, constrlists, List.flatten v::binders) tl)
| ETPattern ->
failwith "Unexpected entry of type cases pattern")
| GramConstrListMark (n,b) :: tl ->
(* Rebuild expansions of ConstrList *)
- let heads,env = list_chop n env in
- if b then make (env,(heads@List.hd envlist) envlist) tl
- else make (env,heads::envlist) tl
+ let heads,constrs = list_chop n constrs in
+ let constrlists =
+ if b then (heads@List.hd constrlists) constrlists
+ else heads::constrlists
+ in make (constrs, constrlists, binders) tl
- make ([],[]) (List.rev pil)
+ make ([],[],[]) (List.rev pil)
let make_cases_pattern_action
- (f : loc -> cases_pattern_expr action_env -> cases_pattern_expr) pil =
- let rec make (env,envlist as fullenv : cases_pattern_expr action_env) = function
+ (f : loc -> cases_pattern_notation_substitution -> cases_pattern_expr) pil =
+ let rec make (env,envlist as fullenv) = function
| [] ->
Gramext.action (fun loc -> f loc fullenv)
| (GramConstrTerminal _ | GramConstrNonTerminal (_,None)) :: tl ->
@@ -123,7 +134,7 @@ let make_cases_pattern_action
| ETConstrList (_,_) ->
Gramext.action (fun (vl:cases_pattern_expr list) ->
make (env, vl :: envlist) tl)
- | (ETPattern | ETOther _) ->
+ | (ETPattern | ETBinderList _ | ETBinder _ | ETOther _) ->
failwith "Unexpected entry of type cases pattern or other")
| GramConstrListMark (n,b) :: tl ->
(* Rebuild expansions of ConstrList *)
@@ -271,7 +282,10 @@ type notation_grammar =
int * Gramext.g_assoc option * notation * grammar_constr_prod_item list list
type all_grammar_command =
- | Notation of (precedence * tolerability list) * notation_grammar
+ | Notation of
+ (precedence * tolerability list) *
+ notation_var_internalization_type list *
+ notation_grammar
| TacticGrammar of
(string * int * grammar_prod_item list *
(dir_path * Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr))
@@ -280,14 +294,16 @@ let (grammar_state : all_grammar_command list ref) = ref []
let extend_grammar gram =
(match gram with
- | Notation (_,a) -> extend_constr_notation a
+ | Notation (_,_,a) -> extend_constr_notation a
| TacticGrammar g -> add_tactic_entry g);
grammar_state := gram :: !grammar_state
let recover_notation_grammar ntn prec =
let l = map_succeed (function
- | Notation (prec',(_,_,ntn',_ as x)) when prec = prec' & ntn = ntn' -> x
- | _ -> failwith "") !grammar_state in
+ | Notation (prec',vars,(_,_,ntn',_ as x)) when prec = prec' & ntn = ntn' ->
+ vars, x
+ | _ ->
+ failwith "") !grammar_state in
assert (List.length l = 1);
List.hd l