path: root/ltac/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ltac/')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ltac/ b/ltac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2514eded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ltac/
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Unicode
+open Pp
+open Printer
+open Util
+module M = CString.Map
+(** [is_profiling] and the profiling info ([stack]) should be synchronized with
+ the document; the rest of the ref cells are either local to individual
+ tactic invocations, or global flags, and need not be synchronized, since no
+ document-level backtracking happens within tactics. We synchronize
+ is_profiling via an option. *)
+let is_profiling = Flags.profile_ltac
+let set_profiling b = is_profiling := b
+let get_profiling () = !is_profiling
+(** LtacProf cannot yet handle backtracking into multi-success tactics.
+ To properly support this, we'd have to somehow recreate our location in the
+ call-stack, and stop/restart the intervening timers. This is tricky and
+ possibly expensive, so instead we currently just emit a warning that
+ profiling results will be off. *)
+let encountered_multi_success_backtracking = ref false
+let warn_profile_backtracking =
+ CWarnings.create ~name:"profile-backtracking" ~category:"ltac"
+ (fun () -> strbrk "Ltac Profiler cannot yet handle backtracking \
+ into multi-success tactics; profiling results may be wildly inaccurate.")
+let warn_encountered_multi_success_backtracking () =
+ if !encountered_multi_success_backtracking then
+ warn_profile_backtracking ()
+let encounter_multi_success_backtracking () =
+ if not !encountered_multi_success_backtracking
+ then begin
+ encountered_multi_success_backtracking := true;
+ warn_encountered_multi_success_backtracking ()
+ end
+(* *************** tree data structure for profiling ****************** *)
+type treenode = {
+ name : M.key;
+ total : float;
+ local : float;
+ ncalls : int;
+ max_total : float;
+ children : treenode M.t
+let empty_treenode name = {
+ name;
+ total = 0.0;
+ local = 0.0;
+ ncalls = 0;
+ max_total = 0.0;
+ children = M.empty;
+let root = "root"
+module Local = Summary.Local
+let stack = Local.ref ~name:"LtacProf-stack" [empty_treenode root]
+let reset_profile_tmp () =
+ Local.(stack := [empty_treenode root]);
+ encountered_multi_success_backtracking := false
+(* ************** XML Serialization ********************* *)
+let rec of_ltacprof_tactic (name, t) =
+ assert (String.equal name;
+ let open Xml_datatype in
+ let total = string_of_float in
+ let local = string_of_float t.local in
+ let ncalls = string_of_int t.ncalls in
+ let max_total = string_of_float t.max_total in
+ let children = of_ltacprof_tactic (M.bindings t.children) in
+ Element ("ltacprof_tactic",
+ [ ("name", name); ("total",total); ("local",local);
+ ("ncalls",ncalls); ("max_total",max_total)],
+ children)
+let of_ltacprof_results t =
+ let open Xml_datatype in
+ assert(String.equal root);
+ let children = of_ltacprof_tactic (M.bindings t.children) in
+ Element ("ltacprof", [("total_time", string_of_float], children)
+let rec to_ltacprof_tactic m xml =
+ let open Xml_datatype in
+ match xml with
+ | Element ("ltacprof_tactic",
+ [("name", name); ("total",total); ("local",local);
+ ("ncalls",ncalls); ("max_total",max_total)], xs) ->
+ let node = {
+ name;
+ total = float_of_string total;
+ local = float_of_string local;
+ ncalls = int_of_string ncalls;
+ max_total = float_of_string max_total;
+ children = List.fold_left to_ltacprof_tactic M.empty xs;
+ } in
+ M.add name node m
+ | _ -> CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "Malformed ltacprof_tactic XML")
+let to_ltacprof_results xml =
+ let open Xml_datatype in
+ match xml with
+ | Element ("ltacprof", [("total_time", t)], xs) ->
+ { name = root;
+ total = float_of_string t;
+ ncalls = 0;
+ max_total = 0.0;
+ local = 0.0;
+ children = List.fold_left to_ltacprof_tactic M.empty xs }
+ | _ -> CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str "Malformed ltacprof XML")
+let feedback_results results =
+ Feedback.(feedback
+ (Custom (Loc.dummy_loc, "ltacprof_results", of_ltacprof_results results)))
+(* ************** pretty printing ************************************* *)
+let format_sec x = (Printf.sprintf "%.3fs" x)
+let format_ratio x = (Printf.sprintf "%.1f%%" (100. *. x))
+let padl n s = ws (max 0 (n - utf8_length s)) ++ str s
+let padr n s = str s ++ ws (max 0 (n - utf8_length s))
+let padr_with c n s =
+ let ulength = utf8_length s in
+ str (utf8_sub s 0 n) ++ str (String.make (max 0 (n - ulength)) c)
+let rec list_iter_is_last f = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | [x] -> [f true x]
+ | x :: xs -> f false x :: list_iter_is_last f xs
+let header =
+ str " tactic local total calls max " ++
+ fnl () ++
+ str "────────────────────────────────────────┴──────┴──────┴───────┴─────────┘" ++
+ fnl ()
+let rec print_node ~filter all_total indent prefix (s, e) =
+ h 0 (
+ padr_with '-' 40 (prefix ^ s ^ " ")
+ ++ padl 7 (format_ratio (e.local /. all_total))
+ ++ padl 7 (format_ratio ( /. all_total))
+ ++ padl 8 (string_of_int e.ncalls)
+ ++ padl 10 (format_sec (e.max_total))
+ ) ++
+ fnl () ++
+ print_table ~filter all_total indent false e.children
+and print_table ~filter all_total indent first_level table =
+ let fold _ n l =
+ let s, total =, in
+ if filter s total then (s, n) :: l else l in
+ let ls = M.fold fold table [] in
+ match ls with
+ | [s, n] when not first_level ->
+ v 0 (print_node ~filter all_total indent (indent ^ "└") (s, n))
+ | _ ->
+ let ls =
+ List.sort (fun (_, { total = s1 }) (_, { total = s2}) ->
+ compare s2 s1) ls in
+ let iter is_last =
+ let sep0 = if first_level then "" else if is_last then " " else " │" in
+ let sep1 = if first_level then "─" else if is_last then " └─" else " ├─" in
+ print_node ~filter all_total (indent ^ sep0) (indent ^ sep1)
+ in
+ prlist (fun pr -> pr) (list_iter_is_last iter ls)
+let to_string ~filter ?(cutoff=0.0) node =
+ let tree = node.children in
+ let all_total = M.fold (fun _ { total } a -> total +. a) node.children 0.0 in
+ let flat_tree =
+ let global = ref M.empty in
+ let find_tactic tname l =
+ try M.find tname !global
+ with Not_found ->
+ let e = empty_treenode tname in
+ global := M.add tname e !global;
+ e in
+ let add_tactic tname stats = global := M.add tname stats !global in
+ let sum_stats add_total
+ { name; total = t1; local = l1; ncalls = n1; max_total = m1 }
+ { total = t2; local = l2; ncalls = n2; max_total = m2 } = {
+ name;
+ total = if add_total then t1 +. t2 else t1;
+ local = l1 +. l2;
+ ncalls = n1 + n2;
+ max_total = if add_total then max m1 m2 else m1;
+ children = M.empty;
+ } in
+ let rec cumulate table =
+ let iter _ ({ name; children } as statistics) =
+ if filter name then begin
+ let stats' = find_tactic name global in
+ add_tactic name (sum_stats true stats' statistics);
+ end;
+ cumulate children
+ in
+ M.iter iter table
+ in
+ cumulate tree;
+ !global
+ in
+ warn_encountered_multi_success_backtracking ();
+ let filter s n = filter s && (all_total <= 0.0 || n /. all_total >= cutoff /. 100.0) in
+ let msg =
+ h 0 (str "total time: " ++ padl 11 (format_sec (all_total))) ++
+ fnl () ++
+ fnl () ++
+ header ++
+ print_table ~filter all_total "" true flat_tree ++
+ fnl () ++
+ header ++
+ print_table ~filter all_total "" true tree
+ in
+ msg
+(* ******************** profiling code ************************************** *)
+let get_child name node =
+ try M.find name node.children
+ with Not_found -> empty_treenode name
+let time () =
+ let times = Unix.times () in
+ times.Unix.tms_utime +. times.Unix.tms_stime
+let string_of_call ck =
+ let s =
+ string_of_ppcmds
+ (match ck with
+ | Tacexpr.LtacNotationCall s -> Pptactic.pr_alias_key s
+ | Tacexpr.LtacNameCall cst -> Pptactic.pr_ltac_constant cst
+ | Tacexpr.LtacVarCall (id, t) -> Nameops.pr_id id
+ | Tacexpr.LtacAtomCall te ->
+ (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env ())
+ (Tacexpr.TacAtom (Loc.ghost, te)))
+ | Tacexpr.LtacConstrInterp (c, _) ->
+ pr_glob_constr_env (Global.env ()) c
+ | Tacexpr.LtacMLCall te ->
+ (Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic (Global.env ())
+ te)
+ ) in
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do if s.[i] = '\n' then s.[i] <- ' ' done;
+ let s = try String.sub s 0 (CString.string_index_from s 0 "(*") with Not_found -> s in
+ CString.strip s
+let rec merge_sub_tree name tree acc =
+ try
+ let t = M.find name acc in
+ let t = {
+ name;
+ total = +.;
+ ncalls = t.ncalls + tree.ncalls;
+ local = t.local +. tree.local;
+ max_total = max t.max_total tree.max_total;
+ children = M.fold merge_sub_tree tree.children t.children;
+ } in
+ M.add name t acc
+ with Not_found -> M.add name tree acc
+let merge_roots ?(disjoint=true) t1 t2 =
+ assert(String.equal;
+ { name =;
+ ncalls = t1.ncalls + t2.ncalls;
+ local = if disjoint then t1.local +. t2.local else t1.local;
+ total = if disjoint then +. else;
+ max_total = if disjoint then max t1.max_total t2.max_total else t1.max_total;
+ children =
+ M.fold merge_sub_tree t2.children t1.children }
+let rec find_in_stack what acc = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | { name } as x :: rest when String.equal name what -> Some(acc, x, rest)
+ | { name } as x :: rest -> find_in_stack what (x :: acc) rest
+let exit_tactic start_time c =
+ let diff = time () -. start_time in
+ match Local.(!stack) with
+ | [] | [_] ->
+ (* oops, our stack is invalid *)
+ encounter_multi_success_backtracking ();
+ reset_profile_tmp ()
+ | node :: (parent :: rest as full_stack) ->
+ let name = string_of_call c in
+ if not (String.equal name then
+ (* oops, our stack is invalid *)
+ encounter_multi_success_backtracking ();
+ let node = { node with
+ total = +. diff;
+ local = node.local +. diff;
+ ncalls = node.ncalls + 1;
+ max_total = max node.max_total diff;
+ } in
+ (* updating the stack *)
+ let parent =
+ match find_in_stack [] full_stack with
+ | None ->
+ (* no rec-call, we graft the subtree *)
+ let parent = { parent with
+ local = parent.local -. diff;
+ children = M.add node parent.children } in
+ Local.(stack := parent :: rest);
+ parent
+ | Some(to_update, self, rest) ->
+ (* we coalesce the rec-call and update the lower stack *)
+ let self = merge_roots ~disjoint:false self node in
+ let updated_stack =
+ List.fold_left (fun s x ->
+ (try M.find (List.hd s).children
+ with Not_found -> x) :: s) (self :: rest) to_update in
+ Local.(stack := updated_stack);
+ List.hd Local.(!stack)
+ in
+ (* Calls are over, we reset the stack and send back data *)
+ if rest == [] && get_profiling () then begin
+ assert(String.equal root;
+ reset_profile_tmp ();
+ feedback_results parent
+ end
+let tclFINALLY tac (finally : unit Proofview.tactic) =
+ let open Proofview.Notations in
+ Proofview.tclIFCATCH
+ tac
+ (fun v -> finally <*> Proofview.tclUNIT v)
+ (fun (exn, info) -> finally <*> Proofview.tclZERO ~info exn)
+let do_profile s call_trace tac =
+ let open Proofview.Notations in
+ Proofview.tclLIFT (Proofview.NonLogical.make (fun () ->
+ if !is_profiling then
+ match call_trace, Local.(!stack) with
+ | (_, c) :: _, parent :: rest ->
+ let name = string_of_call c in
+ let node = get_child name parent in
+ Local.(stack := node :: parent :: rest);
+ Some (time ())
+ | _ :: _, [] -> assert false
+ | _ -> None
+ else None)) >>= function
+ | Some start_time ->
+ tac
+ (Proofview.tclLIFT (Proofview.NonLogical.make (fun () ->
+ (match call_trace with
+ | (_, c) :: _ -> exit_tactic start_time c
+ | [] -> ()))))
+ | None -> tac
+(* ************** Accumulation of data from workers ************************* *)
+let get_local_profiling_results () = List.hd Local.(!stack)
+module SM = Map.Make(Stateid.Self)
+let data = ref SM.empty
+let _ =
+ Feedback.(add_feeder (function
+ | { id = State s; contents = Custom (_, "ltacprof_results", xml) } ->
+ let results = to_ltacprof_results xml in
+ let other_results = (* Multi success can cause this *)
+ try SM.find s !data
+ with Not_found -> empty_treenode root in
+ data := SM.add s (merge_roots results other_results) !data
+ | _ -> ()))
+let reset_profile () =
+ reset_profile_tmp ();
+ data := SM.empty
+(* ******************** *)
+let print_results_filter ~cutoff ~filter =
+ let valid id _ = Stm.state_of_id id <> `Expired in
+ data := SM.filter valid !data;
+ let results =
+ SM.fold (fun _ -> merge_roots ~disjoint:true) !data (empty_treenode root) in
+ let results = merge_roots results Local.(CList.last !stack) in
+ Feedback.msg_notice (to_string ~cutoff ~filter results)
+let print_results ~cutoff =
+ print_results_filter ~cutoff ~filter:(fun _ -> true)
+let print_results_tactic tactic =
+ print_results_filter ~cutoff:!Flags.profile_ltac_cutoff ~filter:(fun s ->
+ String.(equal tactic (sub (s ^ ".") 0 (min (1+length s) (length tactic)))))
+let do_print_results_at_close () =
+ if get_profiling () then print_results ~cutoff:!Flags.profile_ltac_cutoff
+let _ = Declaremods.append_end_library_hook do_print_results_at_close
+let _ =
+ let open Goptions in
+ declare_bool_option
+ { optsync = true;
+ optdepr = false;
+ optname = "Ltac Profiling";
+ optkey = ["Ltac"; "Profiling"];
+ optread = get_profiling;
+ optwrite = set_profiling }