path: root/library
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library')
30 files changed, 6321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a030284c
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+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:33 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Informal mathematical status of declarations *)
+type locality_flag = (*bool (* local = true; global = false *)*)
+ | Local
+ | Global
+(* Kinds used at parsing time *)
+type theorem_kind =
+ | Theorem
+ | Lemma
+ | Fact
+ | Remark
+type definition_object_kind =
+ | Definition
+ | Coercion
+ | SubClass
+ | CanonicalStructure
+type strength = locality_flag (* For compatibility *)
+type type_as_formula_kind = Definitional | Logical | Conjectural
+(* [assumption_kind]
+ | Local | Global
+ ------------------------------------
+ Definitional | Variable | Parameter
+ Logical | Hypothesis | Axiom
+type assumption_kind = locality_flag * type_as_formula_kind
+type definition_kind = locality_flag * definition_object_kind
+(* Kinds used in proofs *)
+type global_goal_kind =
+ | DefinitionBody
+ | Proof of theorem_kind
+type goal_kind =
+ | IsGlobal of global_goal_kind
+ | IsLocal
+(* Kinds used in library *)
+type local_theorem_kind = LocalStatement
+type 'a mathematical_kind =
+ | IsAssumption of type_as_formula_kind
+ | IsDefinition
+ | IsConjecture
+ | IsProof of 'a
+type global_kind = theorem_kind mathematical_kind
+type local_kind = local_theorem_kind mathematical_kind
+(* Utils *)
+let theorem_kind_of_goal_kind = function
+ | DefinitionBody -> IsDefinition
+ | Proof s -> IsProof s
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:34 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Inductive
+open Indtypes
+open Reduction
+open Type_errors
+open Typeops
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+open Impargs
+open Nametab
+open Safe_typing
+open Decl_kinds
+(* For [DischargeAt (dir,n)], [dir] is the minimum prefix that a
+ construction keeps in its name (if persistent), or the section name
+ beyond which it is discharged (if volatile); the integer [n]
+ (useful only for persistent constructions), is the length of the section
+ part in [dir] *)
+open Nametab
+let strength_min (stre1,stre2) =
+ if stre1 = Local or stre2 = Local then Local else Global
+let string_of_strength = function
+ | Local -> "(local)"
+ | Global -> "(global)"
+(* XML output hooks *)
+let xml_declare_variable = ref (fun sp -> ())
+let xml_declare_constant = ref (fun sp -> ())
+let xml_declare_inductive = ref (fun sp -> ())
+let if_xml f x = if !Options.xml_export then f x else ()
+let set_xml_declare_variable f = xml_declare_variable := if_xml f
+let set_xml_declare_constant f = xml_declare_constant := if_xml f
+let set_xml_declare_inductive f = xml_declare_inductive := if_xml f
+(* Section variables. *)
+type section_variable_entry =
+ | SectionLocalDef of constr * types option * bool (* opacity *)
+ | SectionLocalAssum of types
+type variable_declaration = dir_path * section_variable_entry * local_kind
+type checked_section_variable =
+ | CheckedSectionLocalDef of constr * types * Univ.constraints * bool
+ | CheckedSectionLocalAssum of types * Univ.constraints
+type checked_variable_declaration =
+ dir_path * checked_section_variable * local_kind
+let vartab = ref (Idmap.empty : checked_variable_declaration Idmap.t)
+let _ = Summary.declare_summary "VARIABLE"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !vartab);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> vartab := ft);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> vartab := Idmap.empty);
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+let cache_variable ((sp,_),(id,(p,d,mk))) =
+ (* Constr raisonne sur les noms courts *)
+ if Idmap.mem id !vartab then
+ errorlabstrm "cache_variable" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists");
+ let vd = match d with (* Fails if not well-typed *)
+ | SectionLocalAssum ty ->
+ let cst = Global.push_named_assum (id,ty) in
+ let (_,bd,ty) = Global.lookup_named id in
+ CheckedSectionLocalAssum (ty,cst)
+ | SectionLocalDef (c,t,opaq) ->
+ let cst = Global.push_named_def (id,c,t) in
+ let (_,bd,ty) = Global.lookup_named id in
+ CheckedSectionLocalDef (out_some bd,ty,cst,opaq) in
+ Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) (restrict_path 0 sp) (VarRef id);
+ vartab := Idmap.add id (p,vd,mk) !vartab
+let (in_variable, out_variable) =
+ declare_object { (default_object "VARIABLE") with
+ cache_function = cache_variable;
+ classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose) }
+let declare_variable_common id obj =
+ let oname = add_leaf id (in_variable (id,obj)) in
+ declare_var_implicits id;
+ Symbols.declare_ref_arguments_scope (VarRef id);
+ oname
+(* for initial declaration *)
+let declare_variable id obj =
+ let (sp,kn as oname) = declare_variable_common id obj in
+ !xml_declare_variable oname;
+ Dischargedhypsmap.set_discharged_hyps sp [];
+ oname
+(* when coming from discharge: no xml output *)
+let redeclare_variable id discharged_hyps obj =
+ let oname = declare_variable_common id obj in
+ Dischargedhypsmap.set_discharged_hyps (fst oname) discharged_hyps
+(* Globals: constants and parameters *)
+type constant_declaration = constant_entry * global_kind
+let csttab = ref (Spmap.empty : global_kind Spmap.t)
+let _ = Summary.declare_summary "CONSTANT"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !csttab);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> csttab := ft);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> csttab := Spmap.empty);
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+let cache_constant ((sp,kn),(cdt,kind)) =
+ (if Idmap.mem (basename sp) !vartab then
+ errorlabstrm "cache_constant"
+ (pr_id (basename sp) ++ str " already exists"));
+ (if Nametab.exists_cci sp then
+ let (_,id) = repr_path sp in
+ errorlabstrm "cache_constant" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists"));
+ let _,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in
+ let kn' = Global.add_constant dir (basename sp) cdt in
+ if kn' <> kn then
+ anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match";
+ Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) sp (ConstRef kn);
+ csttab := Spmap.add sp kind !csttab
+(* At load-time, the segment starting from the module name to the discharge *)
+(* section (if Remark or Fact) is needed to access a construction *)
+let load_constant i ((sp,kn),(_,kind)) =
+ (if Nametab.exists_cci sp then
+ let (_,id) = repr_path sp in
+ errorlabstrm "cache_constant" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists"));
+ csttab := Spmap.add sp kind !csttab;
+ Nametab.push (Nametab.Until i) sp (ConstRef kn)
+(* Opening means making the name without its module qualification available *)
+let open_constant i ((sp,kn),_) =
+ Nametab.push (Nametab.Exactly i) sp (ConstRef kn)
+(* Hack to reduce the size of .vo: we keep only what load/open needs *)
+let dummy_constant_entry = ConstantEntry (ParameterEntry mkProp)
+let dummy_constant (ce,mk) = dummy_constant_entry,mk
+let export_constant cst = Some (dummy_constant cst)
+let classify_constant (_,cst) = Substitute (dummy_constant cst)
+let (in_constant, out_constant) =
+ declare_object { (default_object "CONSTANT") with
+ cache_function = cache_constant;
+ load_function = load_constant;
+ open_function = open_constant;
+ classify_function = classify_constant;
+ subst_function = ident_subst_function;
+ export_function = export_constant }
+let hcons_constant_declaration = function
+ | DefinitionEntry ce ->
+ let (hcons1_constr,_) = hcons_constr (hcons_names()) in
+ DefinitionEntry
+ { const_entry_body = hcons1_constr ce.const_entry_body;
+ const_entry_type = option_app hcons1_constr ce.const_entry_type;
+ const_entry_opaque = ce.const_entry_opaque }
+ | cd -> cd
+let declare_constant_common id discharged_hyps (cd,kind) =
+ let (sp,kn as oname) = add_leaf id (in_constant (cd,kind)) in
+ declare_constant_implicits kn;
+ Symbols.declare_ref_arguments_scope (ConstRef kn);
+ Dischargedhypsmap.set_discharged_hyps sp discharged_hyps;
+ oname
+let declare_constant_gen internal id (cd,kind) =
+ let cd = hcons_constant_declaration cd in
+ let oname = declare_constant_common id [] (ConstantEntry cd,kind) in
+ !xml_declare_constant (internal,oname);
+ oname
+let declare_internal_constant = declare_constant_gen true
+let declare_constant = declare_constant_gen false
+(* when coming from discharge *)
+let redeclare_constant id discharged_hyps (cd,kind) =
+ let _ = declare_constant_common id discharged_hyps (GlobalRecipe cd,kind) in
+ ()
+(* Inductives. *)
+let inductive_names sp kn mie =
+ let (dp,_) = repr_path sp in
+ let names, _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (names, n) ind ->
+ let ind_p = (kn,n) in
+ let names, _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (names, p) l ->
+ let sp =
+ Libnames.make_path dp l
+ in
+ ((sp, ConstructRef (ind_p,p)) :: names, p+1))
+ (names, 1) ind.mind_entry_consnames in
+ let sp = Libnames.make_path dp ind.mind_entry_typename
+ in
+ ((sp, IndRef ind_p) :: names, n+1))
+ ([], 0) mie.mind_entry_inds
+ in names
+let check_exists_inductive (sp,_) =
+ (if Idmap.mem (basename sp) !vartab then
+ errorlabstrm "cache_inductive"
+ (pr_id (basename sp) ++ str " already exists"));
+ if Nametab.exists_cci sp then
+ let (_,id) = repr_path sp in
+ errorlabstrm "cache_inductive" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists")
+let cache_inductive ((sp,kn),mie) =
+ let names = inductive_names sp kn mie in
+ List.iter check_exists_inductive names;
+ let _,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in
+ let kn' = Global.add_mind dir (basename sp) mie in
+ if kn' <> kn then
+ anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match";
+ List.iter
+ (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push (Nametab.Until 1) sp ref)
+ names
+let load_inductive i ((sp,kn),mie) =
+ let names = inductive_names sp kn mie in
+ List.iter check_exists_inductive names;
+ List.iter (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push (Nametab.Until i) sp ref) names
+let open_inductive i ((sp,kn),mie) =
+ let names = inductive_names sp kn mie in
+(* List.iter (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push 0 (restrict_path 0 sp) ref) names*)
+ List.iter (fun (sp, ref) -> Nametab.push (Nametab.Exactly i) sp ref) names
+let dummy_one_inductive_entry mie = {
+ mind_entry_params = [];
+ mind_entry_typename = mie.mind_entry_typename;
+ mind_entry_arity = mkProp;
+ mind_entry_consnames = mie.mind_entry_consnames;
+ mind_entry_lc = []
+(* Hack to reduce the size of .vo: we keep only what load/open needs *)
+let dummy_inductive_entry m = {
+ mind_entry_finite = true;
+ mind_entry_inds = dummy_one_inductive_entry m.mind_entry_inds }
+let export_inductive x = Some (dummy_inductive_entry x)
+let (in_inductive, out_inductive) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "INDUCTIVE") with
+ cache_function = cache_inductive;
+ load_function = load_inductive;
+ open_function = open_inductive;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,a) -> Substitute (dummy_inductive_entry a));
+ subst_function = ident_subst_function;
+ export_function = export_inductive }
+let declare_inductive_argument_scopes kn mie =
+ list_iter_i (fun i {mind_entry_consnames=lc} ->
+ Symbols.declare_ref_arguments_scope (IndRef (kn,i));
+ for j=1 to List.length lc do
+ Symbols.declare_ref_arguments_scope (ConstructRef ((kn,i),j));
+ done) mie.mind_entry_inds
+let declare_inductive_common mie =
+ let id = match mie.mind_entry_inds with
+ | ind::_ -> ind.mind_entry_typename
+ | [] -> anomaly "cannot declare an empty list of inductives"
+ in
+ let oname = add_leaf id (in_inductive mie) in
+ declare_mib_implicits (snd oname);
+ declare_inductive_argument_scopes (snd oname) mie;
+ oname
+(* for initial declaration *)
+let declare_mind isrecord mie =
+ let (sp,kn as oname) = declare_inductive_common mie in
+ Dischargedhypsmap.set_discharged_hyps sp [] ;
+ !xml_declare_inductive (isrecord,oname);
+ oname
+(* when coming from discharge: no xml output *)
+let redeclare_inductive discharged_hyps mie =
+ let oname = declare_inductive_common mie in
+ Dischargedhypsmap.set_discharged_hyps (fst oname) discharged_hyps ;
+ oname
+(*s Test and access functions. *)
+let is_constant sp =
+ try let _ = Spmap.find sp !csttab in true with Not_found -> false
+let constant_strength sp = Global
+let constant_kind sp = Spmap.find sp !csttab
+let get_variable id =
+ let (p,x,_) = Idmap.find id !vartab in
+ match x with
+ | CheckedSectionLocalDef (c,ty,cst,opaq) -> (id,Some c,ty)
+ | CheckedSectionLocalAssum (ty,cst) -> (id,None,ty)
+let get_variable_with_constraints id =
+ let (p,x,_) = Idmap.find id !vartab in
+ match x with
+ | CheckedSectionLocalDef (c,ty,cst,opaq) -> ((id,Some c,ty),cst)
+ | CheckedSectionLocalAssum (ty,cst) -> ((id,None,ty),cst)
+let variable_strength _ = Local
+let find_section_variable id =
+ let (p,_,_) = Idmap.find id !vartab in Libnames.make_path p id
+let variable_opacity id =
+ let (_,x,_) = Idmap.find id !vartab in
+ match x with
+ | CheckedSectionLocalDef (c,ty,cst,opaq) -> opaq
+ | CheckedSectionLocalAssum (ty,cst) -> false (* any.. *)
+let variable_kind id =
+ pi3 (Idmap.find id !vartab)
+let clear_proofs sign =
+ (fun (id,c,t as d) -> if variable_opacity id then (id,None,t) else d) sign
+(* Global references. *)
+let first f v =
+ let n = Array.length v in
+ let rec look_for i =
+ if i = n then raise Not_found;
+ try f i v.(i) with Not_found -> look_for (succ i)
+ in
+ look_for 0
+let mind_oper_of_id sp id mib =
+ first
+ (fun tyi mip ->
+ if id = mip.mind_typename then
+ IndRef (sp,tyi)
+ else
+ first
+ (fun cj cid ->
+ if id = cid then
+ ConstructRef ((sp,tyi),succ cj)
+ else raise Not_found)
+ mip.mind_consnames)
+ mib.mind_packets
+let context_of_global_reference = function
+ | VarRef id -> []
+ | ConstRef sp -> (Global.lookup_constant sp).const_hyps
+ | IndRef (sp,_) -> (Global.lookup_mind sp).mind_hyps
+ | ConstructRef ((sp,_),_) -> (Global.lookup_mind sp).mind_hyps
+let last_section_hyps dir =
+ fold_named_context
+ (fun (id,_,_) sec_ids ->
+ try
+ let (p,_,_) = Idmap.find id !vartab in
+ if dir=p then id::sec_ids else sec_ids
+ with Not_found -> sec_ids)
+ (Environ.named_context (Global.env()))
+ ~init:[]
+let is_section_variable = function
+ | VarRef _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let strength_of_global = function
+ | VarRef _ -> Local
+ | IndRef _ | ConstructRef _ | ConstRef _ -> Global
diff --git a/library/declare.mli b/library/declare.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..968be059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/declare.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: declare.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Indtypes
+open Safe_typing
+open Nametab
+open Decl_kinds
+(* This module provides the official functions to declare new variables,
+ parameters, constants and inductive types. Using the following functions
+ will add the entries in the global environment (module [Global]), will
+ register the declarations in the library (module [Lib]) --- so that the
+ reset works properly --- and will fill some global tables such as
+ [Nametab] and [Impargs]. *)
+open Nametab
+(* Declaration of local constructions (Variable/Hypothesis/Local) *)
+type section_variable_entry =
+ | SectionLocalDef of constr * types option * bool (* opacity *)
+ | SectionLocalAssum of types
+type variable_declaration = dir_path * section_variable_entry * local_kind
+val declare_variable : variable -> variable_declaration -> object_name
+(* Declaration from Discharge *)
+val redeclare_variable :
+ variable -> Dischargedhypsmap.discharged_hyps -> variable_declaration -> unit
+(* Declaration of global constructions *)
+(* i.e. Definition/Theorem/Axiom/Parameter/... *)
+type constant_declaration = constant_entry * global_kind
+(* [declare_constant id cd] declares a global declaration
+ (constant/parameter) with name [id] in the current section; it returns
+ the full path of the declaration *)
+val declare_constant : identifier -> constant_declaration -> object_name
+val declare_internal_constant :
+ identifier -> constant_declaration -> object_name
+val redeclare_constant :
+ identifier -> Dischargedhypsmap.discharged_hyps ->
+ Cooking.recipe * global_kind -> unit
+(* [declare_mind me] declares a block of inductive types with
+ their constructors in the current section; it returns the path of
+ the whole block (boolean must be true iff it is a record) *)
+val declare_mind : bool -> mutual_inductive_entry -> object_name
+(* Declaration from Discharge *)
+val redeclare_inductive :
+ Dischargedhypsmap.discharged_hyps -> mutual_inductive_entry -> object_name
+val out_inductive : Libobject.obj -> mutual_inductive_entry
+val strength_min : strength * strength -> strength
+val string_of_strength : strength -> string
+(*s Corresponding test and access functions. *)
+val is_constant : section_path -> bool
+val constant_strength : section_path -> strength
+val constant_kind : section_path -> global_kind
+val out_variable : Libobject.obj -> identifier * variable_declaration
+val get_variable : variable -> named_declaration
+val get_variable_with_constraints :
+ variable -> named_declaration * Univ.constraints
+val variable_strength : variable -> strength
+val variable_kind : variable -> local_kind
+val find_section_variable : variable -> section_path
+val last_section_hyps : dir_path -> identifier list
+val clear_proofs : named_context -> named_context
+(*s Global references *)
+val context_of_global_reference : global_reference -> section_context
+val strength_of_global : global_reference -> strength
+(* hooks for XML output *)
+val set_xml_declare_variable : (object_name -> unit) -> unit
+val set_xml_declare_constant : (bool * object_name -> unit) -> unit
+val set_xml_declare_inductive : (bool * object_name -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b968a432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Libnames
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+open Nametab
+(* modules and components *)
+(* This type is a functional closure of substitutive lib_objects.
+ The first part is a partial substitution (which will be later
+ applied to lib_objects when completed).
+ The second one is a list of bound identifiers which is nonempty
+ only if the objects are owned by a fuctor
+ The third one is the "self" ident of the signature (or structure),
+ which should be substituted in lib_objects with the real name of
+ the module.
+ The fourth one is the segment itself which can contain references
+ to identifiers in the domain of the substitution or in other two
+ parts. These references are invalid in the current scope and
+ therefore must be substitued with valid names before use.
+type substitutive_objects =
+ substitution * mod_bound_id list * mod_self_id * lib_objects
+(* For each module, we store the following things:
+ In modtab_substobjs: substitutive_objects
+ when we will do Module M:=N, the objects of N will be reloaded
+ with M after substitution
+ In modtab_objects: "substituted objects" @ "keep objects"
+ substituted objects -
+ roughly the objects above after the substitution - we need to
+ keep them to call open_object when the module is opened (imported)
+ keep objects -
+ The list of non-substitutive objects - as above, for each of
+ them we will call open_object when the module is opened
+ (Some) Invariants:
+ * If the module is a functor, the two latter lists are empty.
+ * Module objects in substitutive_objects part have empty substituted
+ objects.
+ * Modules which where created with Module M:=mexpr or with
+ Module M:SIG. ... End M. have the keep list empty.
+let modtab_substobjs =
+ ref (MPmap.empty : substitutive_objects MPmap.t)
+let modtab_objects =
+ ref (MPmap.empty : (object_prefix * lib_objects) MPmap.t)
+(* currently started interactive module (if any) - its arguments (if it
+ is a functor) and declared output type *)
+let openmod_info =
+ ref (([],None,None) : mod_bound_id list * module_type_entry option
+ * module_type_body option)
+let _ = Summary.declare_summary "MODULE-INFO"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () ->
+ !modtab_substobjs,
+ !modtab_objects,
+ !openmod_info);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun (sobjs,objs,info) ->
+ modtab_substobjs := sobjs;
+ modtab_objects := objs;
+ openmod_info := info);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () ->
+ modtab_substobjs := MPmap.empty;
+ modtab_objects := MPmap.empty;
+ openmod_info := ([],None,None));
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* auxiliary functions to transform section_path and kernel_name given
+ by Lib into module_path and dir_path needed for modules *)
+let mp_of_kn kn =
+ let mp,sec,l = repr_kn kn in
+ if sec=empty_dirpath then
+ MPdot (mp,l)
+ else
+ anomaly ("Non-empty section in module name!" ^ string_of_kn kn)
+let dir_of_sp sp =
+ let dir,id = repr_path sp in
+ extend_dirpath dir id
+let msid_of_mp = function
+ MPself msid -> msid
+ | _ -> anomaly "'Self' module path expected!"
+let msid_of_prefix (_,(mp,sec)) =
+ if sec=empty_dirpath then
+ msid_of_mp mp
+ else
+ anomaly ("Non-empty section in module name!" ^
+ string_of_mp mp ^ "." ^ string_of_dirpath sec)
+(* This function checks if the type calculated for the module [mp] is
+ a subtype of [sub_mtb]. Uses only the global environment. *)
+let check_subtypes mp sub_mtb =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let mtb = (Environ.lookup_module mp env).mod_type in
+ let _ = Environ.add_constraints
+ (Subtyping.check_subtypes env mtb sub_mtb)
+ in
+ () (* The constraints are checked and forgot immediately! *)
+(* This function registers the visibility of the module and iterates
+ through its components. It is called by plenty module functions *)
+let do_module exists what iter_objects i dir mp substobjs objects =
+ let prefix = (dir,(mp,empty_dirpath)) in
+ let dirinfo = DirModule (dir,(mp,empty_dirpath)) in
+ let vis =
+ if exists then
+ if
+ try Nametab.locate_dir (qualid_of_dirpath dir) = dirinfo
+ with Not_found -> false
+ then
+ Nametab.Exactly i
+ else
+ errorlabstrm (what^"_module")
+ (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " should already exist!")
+ else
+ if Nametab.exists_dir dir then
+ errorlabstrm (what^"_module") (pr_dirpath dir ++ str " already exists")
+ else
+ Nametab.Until i
+ in
+ Nametab.push_dir vis dir dirinfo;
+ modtab_substobjs := MPmap.add mp substobjs !modtab_substobjs;
+ match objects with
+ Some seg ->
+ modtab_objects := MPmap.add mp (prefix,seg) !modtab_objects;
+ iter_objects (i+1) prefix seg
+ | None -> ()
+let conv_names_do_module exists what iter_objects i
+ (sp,kn) substobjs substituted =
+ let dir,mp = dir_of_sp sp, mp_of_kn kn in
+ do_module exists what iter_objects i dir mp substobjs substituted
+(* Interactive modules and module types cannot be recached! cache_mod*
+ functions can be called only once (and "end_mod*" set the flag to
+ false then)
+let cache_module ((sp,kn as oname),(entry,substobjs,substituted)) =
+ let _ = match entry with
+ | None ->
+ anomaly "You must not recache interactive modules!"
+ | Some (me,sub_mte_o) ->
+ let sub_mtb_o = match sub_mte_o with
+ None -> None
+ | Some mte -> Some (Mod_typing.translate_modtype (Global.env()) mte)
+ in
+ let mp = Global.add_module (basename sp) me in
+ if mp <> mp_of_kn kn then
+ anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match";
+ match sub_mtb_o with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some sub_mtb -> check_subtypes mp sub_mtb
+ in
+ conv_names_do_module false "cache" load_objects 1 oname substobjs substituted
+(* TODO: This check is not essential *)
+let check_empty s = function
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some _ ->
+ anomaly ("We should never have full info in " ^ s^"!")
+(* When this function is called the module itself is already in the
+ environment. This function loads its objects only *)
+let load_module i (oname,(entry,substobjs,substituted)) =
+ (* TODO: This check is not essential *)
+ check_empty "load_module" entry;
+ conv_names_do_module false "load" load_objects i oname substobjs substituted
+let open_module i (oname,(entry,substobjs,substituted)) =
+ (* TODO: This check is not essential *)
+ check_empty "open_module" entry;
+ conv_names_do_module true "open" open_objects i oname substobjs substituted
+let subst_substobjs dir mp (subst,mbids,msid,objs) =
+ match mbids with
+ | [] ->
+ let prefix = dir,(mp,empty_dirpath) in
+ Some (subst_objects prefix (add_msid msid mp subst) objs)
+ | _ -> None
+let subst_module ((sp,kn),subst,(entry,substobjs,_)) =
+ check_empty "subst_module" entry;
+ let dir,mp = dir_of_sp sp, mp_of_kn kn in
+ let (sub,mbids,msid,objs) = substobjs in
+ let subst' = join sub subst in
+ (* substitutive_objects get the new substitution *)
+ let substobjs = (subst',mbids,msid,objs) in
+ (* if we are not a functor - calculate substitued.
+ We add "msid |-> mp" to the substitution *)
+ let substituted = subst_substobjs dir mp substobjs
+ in
+ (None,substobjs,substituted)
+let classify_module (_,(_,substobjs,_)) =
+ Substitute (None,substobjs,None)
+let (in_module,out_module) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "MODULE") with
+ cache_function = cache_module;
+ load_function = load_module;
+ open_function = open_module;
+ subst_function = subst_module;
+ classify_function = classify_module;
+ export_function = (fun _ -> anomaly "No modules in sections!") }
+let cache_keep _ = anomaly "This module should not be cached!"
+let load_keep i ((sp,kn),seg) =
+ let mp = mp_of_kn kn in
+ let prefix = dir_of_sp sp, (mp,empty_dirpath) in
+ begin
+ try
+ let prefix',objects = MPmap.find mp !modtab_objects in
+ if prefix' <> prefix then
+ anomaly "Two different modules with the same path!";
+ modtab_objects := MPmap.add mp (prefix,objects@seg) !modtab_objects;
+ with
+ Not_found -> anomaly "Keep objects before substitutive"
+ end;
+ load_objects i prefix seg
+let open_keep i ((sp,kn),seg) =
+ let dirpath,mp = dir_of_sp sp, mp_of_kn kn in
+ open_objects i (dirpath,(mp,empty_dirpath)) seg
+let (in_modkeep,out_modkeep) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "MODULE KEEP OBJECTS") with
+ cache_function = cache_keep;
+ load_function = load_keep;
+ open_function = open_keep;
+ export_function = (fun _ -> anomaly "No modules in sections!") }
+(* we remember objects for a module type. In case of a declaration:
+ Module M:SIG:=...
+ The module M gets its objects from SIG
+let modtypetab =
+ ref (KNmap.empty : substitutive_objects KNmap.t)
+(* currently started interactive module type. We remember its arguments
+ if it is a functor type *)
+let openmodtype_info =
+ ref ([] : mod_bound_id list)
+let _ = Summary.declare_summary "MODTYPE-INFO"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () ->
+ !modtypetab,!openmodtype_info);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft ->
+ modtypetab := fst ft;
+ openmodtype_info := snd ft);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () ->
+ modtypetab := KNmap.empty;
+ openmodtype_info := []);
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = true }
+let cache_modtype ((sp,kn),(entry,modtypeobjs)) =
+ let _ =
+ match entry with
+ | None ->
+ anomaly "You must not recache interactive module types!"
+ | Some mte ->
+ let kn' = Global.add_modtype (basename sp) mte in
+ if kn' <> kn then
+ anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match"
+ in
+ if Nametab.exists_modtype sp then
+ errorlabstrm "cache_modtype"
+ (pr_sp sp ++ str " already exists") ;
+ Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Until 1) sp kn;
+ modtypetab := KNmap.add kn modtypeobjs !modtypetab
+let load_modtype i ((sp,kn),(entry,modtypeobjs)) =
+ check_empty "load_modtype" entry;
+ if Nametab.exists_modtype sp then
+ errorlabstrm "cache_modtype"
+ (pr_sp sp ++ str " already exists") ;
+ Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Until i) sp kn;
+ modtypetab := KNmap.add kn modtypeobjs !modtypetab
+let open_modtype i ((sp,kn),(entry,_)) =
+ check_empty "open_modtype" entry;
+ if
+ try Nametab.locate_modtype (qualid_of_sp sp) <> kn
+ with Not_found -> true
+ then
+ errorlabstrm ("open_modtype")
+ (pr_sp sp ++ str " should already exist!");
+ Nametab.push_modtype (Nametab.Exactly i) sp kn
+let subst_modtype (_,subst,(entry,(subs,mbids,msid,objs))) =
+ check_empty "subst_modtype" entry;
+ (entry,(join subs subst,mbids,msid,objs))
+let classify_modtype (_,(_,substobjs)) =
+ Substitute (None,substobjs)
+let (in_modtype,out_modtype) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "MODULE TYPE") with
+ cache_function = cache_modtype;
+ open_function = open_modtype;
+ load_function = load_modtype;
+ subst_function = subst_modtype;
+ classify_function = classify_modtype;
+ export_function = in_some }
+let replace_module_object id (subst, mbids, msid, lib_stack) modobjs =
+ if mbids<>[] then
+ error "Unexpected functor objects"
+ else
+ let rec replace_id = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (id',obj)::tail when id = id' ->
+ if object_tag obj = "MODULE" then
+ (id, in_module (None,modobjs,None))::tail
+ else error "MODULE expected!"
+ | lobj::tail -> lobj::replace_id tail
+ in
+ (subst, mbids, msid, replace_id lib_stack)
+let abstract_substobjs mbids1 (subst, mbids2, msid, lib_stack) =
+ (subst, mbids1@mbids2, msid, lib_stack)
+let rec get_modtype_substobjs = function
+ MTEident ln -> KNmap.find ln !modtypetab
+ | MTEfunsig (mbid,_,mte) ->
+ let (subst, mbids, msid, objs) = get_modtype_substobjs mte in
+ (subst, mbid::mbids, msid, objs)
+ | MTEwith (mty, With_Definition _) -> get_modtype_substobjs mty
+ | MTEwith (mty, With_Module (id,mp)) ->
+ let substobjs = get_modtype_substobjs mty in
+ let modobjs = MPmap.find mp !modtab_substobjs in
+ replace_module_object id substobjs modobjs
+ | MTEsig (msid,_) ->
+ todo "Anonymous module types"; (empty_subst, [], msid, [])
+(* push names of bound modules (and their components) to Nametab *)
+(* add objects associated to them *)
+let process_module_bindings argids args =
+ let process_arg id (mbid,mty) =
+ let dir = make_dirpath [id] in
+ let mp = MPbound mbid in
+ let substobjs = get_modtype_substobjs mty in
+ let substituted = subst_substobjs dir mp substobjs in
+ do_module false "start" load_objects 1 dir mp substobjs substituted
+ in
+ List.iter2 process_arg argids args
+let replace_module mtb id mb = todo "replace module after with"; mtb
+let rec get_some_body mty env = match mty with
+ MTEident kn -> Environ.lookup_modtype kn env
+ | MTEfunsig _
+ | MTEsig _ -> anomaly "anonymous module types not supported"
+ | MTEwith (mty,With_Definition _) -> get_some_body mty env
+ | MTEwith (mty,With_Module (id,mp)) ->
+ replace_module (get_some_body mty env) id (Environ.lookup_module mp env)
+let intern_args interp_modtype (env,oldargs) (idl,arg) =
+ let lib_dir = Lib.library_dp() in
+ let mbids = (fun (_,id) -> make_mbid lib_dir (string_of_id id)) idl in
+ let mty = interp_modtype env arg in
+ let dirs = (fun (_,id) -> make_dirpath [id]) idl in
+ let mps = (fun mbid -> MPbound mbid) mbids in
+ let substobjs = get_modtype_substobjs mty in
+ let substituted's =
+ List.map2
+ (fun dir mp -> dir, mp, subst_substobjs dir mp substobjs)
+ dirs mps
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (dir, mp, substituted) ->
+ do_module false "interp" load_objects 1 dir mp substobjs substituted)
+ substituted's;
+ let body = Modops.module_body_of_type (get_some_body mty env) in
+ let env =
+ List.fold_left (fun env mp -> Modops.add_module mp body env) env mps
+ in
+ env, (fun mbid -> mbid,mty) mbids :: oldargs
+let start_module interp_modtype id args res_o =
+ let fs = Summary.freeze_summaries () in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let env,arg_entries_revlist =
+ List.fold_left (intern_args interp_modtype) (env,[]) args
+ in
+ let arg_entries = List.concat (List.rev arg_entries_revlist) in
+ let res_entry_o, sub_body_o = match res_o with
+ None -> None, None
+ | Some (res, true) ->
+ Some (interp_modtype env res), None
+ | Some (res, false) ->
+ (* If the module type is non-restricting, we must translate it
+ here to catch errors as early as possible. If it is
+ estricting, the kernel takes care of it. *)
+ let sub_mte =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_t) mte -> MTEfunsig(arg_id,arg_t,mte))
+ arg_entries
+ (interp_modtype env res)
+ in
+ let sub_mtb =
+ Mod_typing.translate_modtype (Global.env()) sub_mte
+ in
+ None, Some sub_mtb
+ in
+ let mp = Global.start_module id arg_entries res_entry_o in
+ let mbids = fst arg_entries in
+ openmod_info:=(mbids,res_entry_o,sub_body_o);
+ let prefix = Lib.start_module id mp fs in
+ Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) (fst prefix) (DirOpenModule prefix);
+ Lib.add_frozen_state ()
+let end_module id =
+ let oldoname,oldprefix,fs,lib_stack = Lib.end_module id in
+ let mp = Global.end_module id in
+ let mbids, res_o, sub_o = !openmod_info in
+ begin match sub_o with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some sub_mtb -> check_subtypes mp sub_mtb
+ end;
+ let substitute, keep, special = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in
+ let dir = fst oldprefix in
+ let msid = msid_of_prefix oldprefix in
+ let substobjs = try
+ match res_o with
+ | None ->
+ empty_subst, mbids, msid, substitute
+ | Some (MTEident ln) ->
+ abstract_substobjs mbids (KNmap.find ln (!modtypetab))
+ | Some (MTEsig (msid,_)) ->
+ todo "Anonymous signatures not supported";
+ empty_subst, mbids, msid, []
+ | Some (MTEwith _ as mty) ->
+ abstract_substobjs mbids (get_modtype_substobjs mty)
+ | Some (MTEfunsig _) ->
+ anomaly "Funsig cannot be here..."
+ with
+ Not_found -> anomaly "Module objects not found..."
+ in
+ (* must be called after get_modtype_substobjs, because of possible
+ dependencies on functor arguments *)
+ Summary.module_unfreeze_summaries fs;
+ let substituted = subst_substobjs dir mp substobjs in
+ let node = in_module (None,substobjs,substituted) in
+ let objects =
+ if keep = [] || mbids <> [] then
+ special@[node] (* no keep objects or we are defining a functor *)
+ else
+ special@[node;in_modkeep keep] (* otherwise *)
+ in
+ let newoname = Lib.add_leaves id objects in
+ if (fst newoname) <> (fst oldoname) then
+ anomaly "Names generated on start_ and end_module do not match";
+ if mp_of_kn (snd newoname) <> mp then
+ anomaly "Kernel and Library names do not match";
+ Lib.add_frozen_state () (* to prevent recaching *)
+let module_objects mp =
+ let prefix,objects = MPmap.find mp !modtab_objects in
+ segment_of_objects prefix objects
+(* libraries *)
+type library_name = dir_path
+(* The first two will form substitutive_objects, the last one is keep *)
+type library_objects =
+ mod_self_id * lib_objects * lib_objects
+(* The library_cache here is needed to avoid recalculations of
+ substituted modules object during "reloading" of libraries *)
+let library_cache = Hashtbl.create 17
+let register_library dir cenv objs digest =
+ let mp = MPfile dir in
+ let prefix = dir, (mp, empty_dirpath) in
+ let substobjs, objects =
+ try
+ ignore(Global.lookup_module mp);
+ (* if it's in the environment, the cached objects should be correct *)
+ Hashtbl.find library_cache dir
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ if mp <> Global.import cenv digest then
+ anomaly "Unexpected disk module name";
+ let msid,substitute,keep = objs in
+ let substobjs = empty_subst, [], msid, substitute in
+ let substituted = subst_substobjs dir mp substobjs in
+ let objects = option_app (fun seg -> seg@keep) substituted in
+ let modobjs = substobjs, objects in
+ Hashtbl.add library_cache dir modobjs;
+ modobjs
+ in
+ do_module false "register_library" load_objects 1 dir mp substobjs objects
+let start_library dir =
+ let mp = Global.start_library dir in
+ openmod_info:=[],None,None;
+ Lib.start_compilation dir mp;
+ Lib.add_frozen_state ()
+let end_library dir =
+ let prefix, lib_stack = Lib.end_compilation dir in
+ let cenv = Global.export dir in
+ let msid = msid_of_prefix prefix in
+ let substitute, keep, _ = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in
+ cenv,(msid,substitute,keep)
+(* implementation of Export M and Import M *)
+let really_import_module mp =
+ let prefix,objects = MPmap.find mp !modtab_objects in
+ open_objects 1 prefix objects
+let cache_import (_,(_,mp)) =
+(* for non-substitutive exports:
+ let mp = Nametab.locate_module (qualid_of_dirpath dir) in *)
+ really_import_module mp
+let classify_import (_,(export,_ as obj)) =
+ if export then Substitute obj else Dispose
+let subst_import (_,subst,(export,mp as obj)) =
+ let mp' = subst_mp subst mp in
+ if mp'==mp then obj else
+ (export,mp')
+let (in_import,out_import) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "IMPORT MODULE") with
+ cache_function = cache_import;
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_import o);
+ subst_function = subst_import;
+ classify_function = classify_import }
+let import_module export mp =
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (export,mp))
+(* module types *)
+let start_modtype interp_modtype id args =
+ let fs = Summary.freeze_summaries () in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let env,arg_entries_revlist =
+ List.fold_left (intern_args interp_modtype) (env,[]) args
+ in
+ let arg_entries = List.concat (List.rev arg_entries_revlist) in
+ let mp = Global.start_modtype id arg_entries in
+ let mbids = fst arg_entries in
+ openmodtype_info := mbids;
+ let prefix = Lib.start_modtype id mp fs in
+ Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) (fst prefix) (DirOpenModtype prefix);
+ Lib.add_frozen_state ()
+let end_modtype id =
+ let oldoname,prefix,fs,lib_stack = Lib.end_modtype id in
+ let ln = Global.end_modtype id in
+ let substitute, _, special = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in
+ let msid = msid_of_prefix prefix in
+ let mbids = !openmodtype_info in
+ Summary.module_unfreeze_summaries fs;
+ let modtypeobjs = empty_subst, mbids, msid, substitute in
+ let oname = Lib.add_leaves id (special@[in_modtype (None, modtypeobjs)]) in
+ if fst oname <> fst oldoname then
+ anomaly
+ "Section paths generated on start_ and end_modtype do not match";
+ if snd oname <> ln then
+ anomaly
+ "Kernel and Library names do not match";
+ Lib.add_frozen_state ()(* to prevent recaching *)
+let declare_modtype interp_modtype id args mty =
+ let fs = Summary.freeze_summaries () in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let env,arg_entries_revlist =
+ List.fold_left (intern_args interp_modtype) (env,[]) args
+ in
+ let arg_entries = List.concat (List.rev arg_entries_revlist) in
+ let base_mty = interp_modtype env mty in
+ let entry =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_t) mte -> MTEfunsig(arg_id,arg_t,mte))
+ arg_entries
+ base_mty
+ in
+ let substobjs = get_modtype_substobjs entry in
+ Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs;
+ ignore (add_leaf id (in_modtype (Some entry, substobjs)))
+let rec get_module_substobjs = function
+ | MEident mp -> MPmap.find mp !modtab_substobjs
+ | MEfunctor (mbid,mty,mexpr) ->
+ let (subst, mbids, msid, objs) =
+ get_module_substobjs mexpr
+ in
+ (subst, mbid::mbids, msid, objs)
+ | MEstruct (msid,_) ->
+ (empty_subst, [], msid, [])
+ | MEapply (mexpr, MEident mp) ->
+ let (subst, mbids, msid, objs) = get_module_substobjs mexpr in
+ (match mbids with
+ | mbid::mbids ->
+ (add_mbid mbid mp subst, mbids, msid, objs)
+ | [] -> match mexpr with
+ | MEident _ | MEstruct _ -> error "Application of a non-functor"
+ | _ -> error "Application of a functor with too few arguments")
+ | MEapply (_,mexpr) ->
+ Modops.error_application_to_not_path mexpr
+let declare_module interp_modtype interp_modexpr id args mty_o mexpr_o =
+ let fs = Summary.freeze_summaries () in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let env,arg_entries_revlist =
+ List.fold_left (intern_args interp_modtype) (env,[]) args
+ in
+ let arg_entries = List.concat (List.rev arg_entries_revlist) in
+ let mty_entry_o, mty_sub_o = match mty_o with
+ None -> None, None
+ | (Some (mty, true)) ->
+ Some (List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_t) mte -> MTEfunsig(arg_id,arg_t,mte))
+ arg_entries
+ (interp_modtype env mty)),
+ None
+ | (Some (mty, false)) ->
+ None,
+ Some (List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_t) mte -> MTEfunsig(arg_id,arg_t,mte))
+ arg_entries
+ (interp_modtype env mty))
+ in
+ let mexpr_entry_o = match mexpr_o with
+ None -> None
+ | Some mexpr ->
+ Some (List.fold_right
+ (fun (mbid,mte) me -> MEfunctor(mbid,mte,me))
+ arg_entries
+ (interp_modexpr env mexpr))
+ in
+ let entry =
+ {mod_entry_type = mty_entry_o;
+ mod_entry_expr = mexpr_entry_o }
+ in
+ let substobjs =
+ match entry with
+ | {mod_entry_type = Some mte} -> get_modtype_substobjs mte
+ | {mod_entry_expr = Some mexpr} -> get_module_substobjs mexpr
+ | _ -> anomaly "declare_module: No type, no body ..."
+ in
+ Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs;
+ let dir,mp = dir_of_sp (Lib.make_path id), mp_of_kn (Lib.make_kn id) in
+ let substituted = subst_substobjs dir mp substobjs in
+ ignore (add_leaf
+ id
+ (in_module (Some (entry, mty_sub_o), substobjs, substituted)))
+(*s Iterators. *)
+let fold_all_segments insec f x =
+ let acc' =
+ MPmap.fold
+ (fun _ (prefix,objects) acc ->
+ let apply_obj acc (id,obj) = f acc (make_oname prefix id) obj in
+ List.fold_left apply_obj acc objects)
+ !modtab_objects x
+ in
+ let rec apply_node acc = function
+ | sp, Leaf o -> f acc sp o
+ | _, ClosedSection (_,_,seg) ->
+ if insec then List.fold_left apply_node acc seg else acc
+ | _ -> acc
+ in
+ List.fold_left apply_node acc' (Lib.contents_after None)
+let iter_all_segments insec f =
+ let _ =
+ MPmap.iter
+ (fun _ (prefix,objects) ->
+ let apply_obj (id,obj) = f (make_oname prefix id) obj in
+ List.iter apply_obj objects)
+ !modtab_objects
+ in
+ let rec apply_node = function
+ | sp, Leaf o -> f sp o
+ | _, ClosedSection (_,_,seg) -> if insec then List.iter apply_node seg
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ List.iter apply_node (Lib.contents_after None)
+let debug_print_modtab _ =
+ let pr_seg = function
+ | [] -> str "[]"
+ | l -> str ("[." ^ string_of_int (List.length l) ^ ".]")
+ in
+ let pr_modinfo mp (prefix,objects) s =
+ s ++ str (string_of_mp mp) ++ (spc ())
+ ++ (pr_seg (segment_of_objects prefix objects))
+ in
+ let modules = MPmap.fold pr_modinfo !modtab_objects (mt ()) in
+ hov 0 modules
diff --git a/library/declaremods.mli b/library/declaremods.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f229da1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/declaremods.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: declaremods.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Entries
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+ (*i*)
+(*s This modules provides official functions to declare modules and
+ module types *)
+(*s Modules *)
+(* [declare_module interp_modtype interp_modexpr id fargs typ expr]
+ declares module [id], with type constructed by [interp_modtype]
+ from functor arguments [fargs] and [typ] and with module body
+ constructed by [interp_modtype] from functor arguments [fargs] and
+ by [interp_modexpr] from [expr]. At least one of [typ], [expr] must
+ be non-empty.
+ The [bool] in [typ] tells if the module must be abstracted [true]
+ with respect to the module type or merely matched without any
+ restriction [false].
+val declare_module :
+ (env -> 'modtype -> module_type_entry) -> (env -> 'modexpr -> module_expr) ->
+ identifier ->
+ (identifier located list * 'modtype) list -> ('modtype * bool) option ->
+ 'modexpr option -> unit
+val start_module : (env -> 'modtype -> module_type_entry) ->
+ identifier ->
+ (identifier located list * 'modtype) list -> ('modtype * bool) option ->
+ unit
+val end_module : identifier -> unit
+(*s Module types *)
+val declare_modtype : (env -> 'modtype -> module_type_entry) ->
+ identifier -> (identifier located list * 'modtype) list -> 'modtype -> unit
+val start_modtype : (env -> 'modtype -> module_type_entry) ->
+ identifier -> (identifier located list * 'modtype) list -> unit
+val end_modtype : identifier -> unit
+(*s Objects of a module. They come in two lists: the substitutive ones
+ and the other *)
+val module_objects : module_path -> library_segment
+(*s Libraries i.e. modules on disk *)
+type library_name = dir_path
+type library_objects
+val register_library :
+ library_name ->
+ Safe_typing.compiled_library -> library_objects -> Digest.t -> unit
+val start_library : library_name -> unit
+val end_library :
+ library_name -> Safe_typing.compiled_library * library_objects
+(* [really_import_module mp] opens the module [mp] (in a Caml sense).
+ It modifies Nametab and performs the "open_object" function for
+ every object of the module. *)
+val really_import_module : module_path -> unit
+(* [import_module export mp] is a synchronous version of
+ [really_import_module]. If [export] is [true], the module is also
+ opened every time the module containing it is. *)
+val import_module : bool -> module_path -> unit
+(*s [fold_all_segments] and [iter_all_segments] iterate over all
+ segments, the modules' segments first and then the current
+ segment. Modules are presented in an arbitrary order. The given
+ function is applied to all leaves (together with their section
+ path). The boolean indicates if we must enter closed sections. *)
+val fold_all_segments : bool -> ('a -> object_name -> obj -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+val iter_all_segments : bool -> (object_name -> obj -> unit) -> unit
+val debug_print_modtab : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(*val debug_print_modtypetab : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds*)
+(* For translator *)
+val process_module_bindings : module_ident list ->
+ (mod_bound_id * module_type_entry) list -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59a01d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Libnames
+open Names
+open Term
+open Reduction
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Inductive
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+open Nametab
+type discharged_hyps = section_path list
+let discharged_hyps_map = ref Spmap.empty
+let cache_discharged_hyps_map (_,(sp,hyps)) =
+ discharged_hyps_map := Spmap.add sp hyps !discharged_hyps_map
+let (in_discharged_hyps_map, _) =
+ declare_object { (default_object "DISCHARGED-HYPS-MAP") with
+ cache_function = cache_discharged_hyps_map;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> cache_discharged_hyps_map);
+ export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
+let set_discharged_hyps sp hyps =
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_discharged_hyps_map (sp,hyps))
+let get_discharged_hyps sp =
+ try
+ Spmap.find sp !discharged_hyps_map
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly ("No discharged hypothesis for object " ^ string_of_path sp)
+(*s Registration as global tables and rollback. *)
+let init () =
+ discharged_hyps_map := Spmap.empty
+let freeze () = !discharged_hyps_map
+let unfreeze dhm = discharged_hyps_map := dhm
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "discharged_hypothesis"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = true }
diff --git a/library/dischargedhypsmap.mli b/library/dischargedhypsmap.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8851e5a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/dischargedhypsmap.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: dischargedhypsmap.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Libnames
+open Term
+open Environ
+open Nametab
+type discharged_hyps = section_path list
+(*s Discharged hypothesis. Here we store the discharged hypothesis of each *)
+(* constant or inductive type declaration. *)
+val set_discharged_hyps : section_path -> discharged_hyps -> unit
+val get_discharged_hyps : section_path -> discharged_hyps
diff --git a/library/doc.tex b/library/doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33af5933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\section*{The Coq library}
+\ocwsection \label{library}
+This chapter describes the \Coq\ library, which is made of two parts:
+ \item a general mechanism to keep a trace of all operations and of
+ the state of the system, with backtrack capabilities;
+ \item a global environment for the CCI, with functions to export and
+ import compiled modules.
+The modules of the library are organized as follows.
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfa9335c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Safe_typing
+open Summary
+(* We introduce here the global environment of the system, and we declare it
+ as a synchronized table. *)
+let global_env = ref empty_environment
+let safe_env () = !global_env
+let env () = env_of_safe_env !global_env
+let _ =
+ declare_summary "Global environment"
+ { freeze_function = (fun () -> !global_env);
+ unfreeze_function = (fun fr -> global_env := fr);
+ init_function = (fun () -> global_env := empty_environment);
+ survive_module = true;
+ survive_section = false }
+(* Then we export the functions of [Typing] on that environment. *)
+let universes () = universes (env())
+let named_context () = named_context (env())
+let push_named_assum a =
+ let (cst,env) = push_named_assum a !global_env in
+ global_env := env;
+ cst
+let push_named_def d =
+ let (cst,env) = push_named_def d !global_env in
+ global_env := env;
+ cst
+(*let add_thing add kn thing =
+ let _,dir,l = repr_kn kn in
+ let kn',newenv = add dir l thing !global_env in
+ if kn = kn' then
+ global_env := newenv
+ else
+ anomaly "Kernel names do not match."
+let add_thing add dir id thing =
+ let kn, newenv = add dir (label_of_id id) thing !global_env in
+ global_env := newenv;
+ kn
+let add_constant = add_thing add_constant
+let add_mind = add_thing add_mind
+let add_modtype = add_thing (fun _ -> add_modtype) ()
+let add_module = add_thing (fun _ -> add_module) ()
+let add_constraints c = global_env := add_constraints c !global_env
+let set_engagement c = global_env := set_engagement c !global_env
+let start_module id params mtyo =
+ let l = label_of_id id in
+ let mp,newenv = start_module l params mtyo !global_env in
+ global_env := newenv;
+ mp
+let end_module id =
+ let l = label_of_id id in
+ let mp,newenv = end_module l !global_env in
+ global_env := newenv;
+ mp
+let start_modtype id params =
+ let l = label_of_id id in
+ let mp,newenv = start_modtype l params !global_env in
+ global_env := newenv;
+ mp
+let end_modtype id =
+ let l = label_of_id id in
+ let kn,newenv = end_modtype l !global_env in
+ global_env := newenv;
+ kn
+let lookup_named id = lookup_named id (env())
+let lookup_constant kn = lookup_constant kn (env())
+let lookup_inductive ind = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (env()) ind
+let lookup_mind kn = lookup_mind kn (env())
+let lookup_module mp = lookup_module mp (env())
+let lookup_modtype kn = lookup_modtype kn (env())
+let start_library dir =
+ let mp,newenv = start_library dir !global_env in
+ global_env := newenv;
+ mp
+let export s = snd (export !global_env s)
+let import cenv digest =
+ let mp,newenv = import cenv digest !global_env in
+ global_env := newenv;
+ mp
+(*s Function to get an environment from the constants part of the global
+ environment and a given context. *)
+let env_of_context hyps =
+ reset_with_named_context hyps (env())
+open Libnames
+let type_of_reference env = function
+ | VarRef id -> let (_,_,t) = Environ.lookup_named id env in t
+ | ConstRef c -> Environ.constant_type env c
+ | IndRef ind -> Inductive.type_of_inductive env ind
+ | ConstructRef cstr -> Inductive.type_of_constructor env cstr
+let type_of_global t = type_of_reference (env ()) t
+(*let get_kn dp l =
+ make_kn (current_modpath !global_env) dp l
diff --git a/library/global.mli b/library/global.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1da5965c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/global.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: global.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Indtypes
+open Safe_typing
+ (*i*)
+(* This module defines the global environment of Coq. The functions
+ below are exactly the same as the ones in [Safe_typing], operating on
+ that global environment. [add_*] functions perform name verification,
+ i.e. check that the name given as argument match those provided by
+ [Safe_typing]. *)
+val safe_env : unit -> safe_environment
+val env : unit -> Environ.env
+val universes : unit -> universes
+val named_context : unit -> Sign.named_context
+(*s Extending env with variables and local definitions *)
+val push_named_assum : (identifier * types) -> Univ.constraints
+val push_named_def : (identifier * constr * types option) -> Univ.constraints
+(*s Adding constants, inductives, modules and module types. All these
+ functions verify that given names match those generated by kernel *)
+val add_constant :
+ dir_path -> identifier -> global_declaration -> kernel_name
+val add_mind :
+ dir_path -> identifier -> mutual_inductive_entry -> kernel_name
+val add_module : identifier -> module_entry -> module_path
+val add_modtype : identifier -> module_type_entry -> kernel_name
+val add_constraints : constraints -> unit
+val set_engagement : Environ.engagement -> unit
+(*s Interactive modules and module types *)
+(* Both [start_*] functions take the [dir_path] argument to create a
+ [mod_self_id]. This should be the name of the compilation unit. *)
+(* [start_*] functions return the [module_path] valid for components
+ of the started module / module type *)
+val start_module :
+ identifier -> (mod_bound_id * module_type_entry) list
+ -> module_type_entry option
+ -> module_path
+val end_module :
+ identifier -> module_path
+val start_modtype :
+ identifier -> (mod_bound_id * module_type_entry) list
+ -> module_path
+val end_modtype :
+ identifier -> kernel_name
+(* Queries *)
+val lookup_named : variable -> named_declaration
+val lookup_constant : constant -> constant_body
+val lookup_inductive : inductive -> mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body
+val lookup_mind : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive_body
+val lookup_module : module_path -> module_body
+val lookup_modtype : kernel_name -> module_type_body
+(* Compiled modules *)
+val start_library : dir_path -> module_path
+val export : dir_path -> compiled_library
+val import : compiled_library -> Digest.t -> module_path
+(*s Function to get an environment from the constants part of the global
+ * environment and a given context. *)
+val type_of_global : Libnames.global_reference -> types
+val env_of_context : Sign.named_context -> Environ.env
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcb4fb79
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+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* This module manages customization parameters at the vernacular level *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Libobject
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Term
+open Nametab
+(* 0- Common things *)
+type option_name =
+ | PrimaryTable of string
+ | SecondaryTable of string * string
+let nickname = function
+ | PrimaryTable s -> s
+ | SecondaryTable (s1,s2) -> s1^" "^s2
+let error_undeclared_key key =
+ error ((nickname key)^": no table or option of this type")
+type value =
+ | BoolValue of bool
+ | IntValue of int option
+ | StringValue of string
+ | IdentValue of global_reference
+(* 1- Tables *)
+class type ['a] table_of_A =
+ method add : 'a -> unit
+ method remove : 'a -> unit
+ method mem : 'a -> unit
+ method print : unit
+module MakeTable =
+ functor
+ (A : sig
+ type t
+ type key
+ val table : (string * key table_of_A) list ref
+ val encode : key -> t
+ val subst : substitution -> t -> t
+ val printer : t -> std_ppcmds
+ val key : option_name
+ val title : string
+ val member_message : t -> bool -> std_ppcmds
+ val synchronous : bool
+ end) ->
+ struct
+ type option_mark =
+ | GOadd
+ | GOrmv
+ let nick = nickname A.key
+ let _ =
+ if List.mem_assoc nick !A.table then
+ error "Sorry, this table name is already used"
+ module MyType = struct type t = A.t let compare = end
+ module MySet = Set.Make(MyType)
+ let t = ref (MySet.empty : MySet.t)
+ let _ =
+ if A.synchronous then
+ let freeze () = !t in
+ let unfreeze c = t := c in
+ let init () = t := MySet.empty in
+ Summary.declare_summary nick
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = true }
+ let (add_option,remove_option) =
+ if A.synchronous then
+ let cache_options (_,(f,p)) = match f with
+ | GOadd -> t := MySet.add p !t
+ | GOrmv -> t := MySet.remove p !t in
+ let load_options i o = if i=1 then cache_options o in
+ let subst_options (_,subst,(f,p as obj)) =
+ let p' = A.subst subst p in
+ if p' == p then obj else
+ (f,p')
+ in
+ let export_options fp = Some fp in
+ let (inGo,outGo) =
+ Libobject.declare_object {(Libobject.default_object nick) with
+ Libobject.load_function = load_options;
+ Libobject.open_function = load_options;
+ Libobject.cache_function = cache_options;
+ Libobject.subst_function = subst_options;
+ Libobject.classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ Libobject.export_function = export_options}
+ in
+ ((fun c -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inGo (GOadd, c))),
+ (fun c -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inGo (GOrmv, c))))
+ else
+ ((fun c -> t := MySet.add c !t),
+ (fun c -> t := MySet.remove c !t))
+ let print_table table_name printer table =
+ msg (str table_name ++
+ (hov 0
+ (if MySet.is_empty table then str "None" ++ fnl ()
+ else MySet.fold
+ (fun a b -> printer a ++ spc () ++ b)
+ table (mt ()) ++ fnl ())))
+ class table_of_A () =
+ object
+ method add x = add_option (A.encode x)
+ method remove x = remove_option (A.encode x)
+ method mem x =
+ let y = A.encode x in
+ let answer = MySet.mem y !t in
+ msg (A.member_message y answer ++ fnl ())
+ method print = print_table A.title A.printer !t
+ end
+ let _ = A.table := (nick,new table_of_A ())::!A.table
+ let active c = MySet.mem c !t
+ let elements () = MySet.elements !t
+ end
+let string_table = ref []
+let get_string_table k = List.assoc (nickname k) !string_table
+module type StringConvertArg =
+ val key : option_name
+ val title : string
+ val member_message : string -> bool -> std_ppcmds
+ val synchronous : bool
+module StringConvert = functor (A : StringConvertArg) ->
+ type t = string
+ type key = string
+ let table = string_table
+ let encode x = x
+ let subst _ x = x
+ let printer = str
+ let key = A.key
+ let title = A.title
+ let member_message = A.member_message
+ let synchronous = A.synchronous
+module MakeStringTable =
+ functor (A : StringConvertArg) -> MakeTable (StringConvert(A))
+let ref_table = ref []
+let get_ref_table k = List.assoc (nickname k) !ref_table
+module type RefConvertArg =
+ type t
+ val encode : reference -> t
+ val subst : substitution -> t -> t
+ val printer : t -> std_ppcmds
+ val key : option_name
+ val title : string
+ val member_message : t -> bool -> std_ppcmds
+ val synchronous : bool
+module RefConvert = functor (A : RefConvertArg) ->
+ type t = A.t
+ type key = reference
+ let table = ref_table
+ let encode = A.encode
+ let subst = A.subst
+ let printer = A.printer
+ let key = A.key
+ let title = A.title
+ let member_message = A.member_message
+ let synchronous = A.synchronous
+module MakeRefTable =
+ functor (A : RefConvertArg) -> MakeTable (RefConvert(A))
+(* 2- Options *)
+type 'a option_sig = {
+ optsync : bool;
+ optname : string;
+ optkey : option_name;
+ optread : unit -> 'a;
+ optwrite : 'a -> unit }
+type option_type = bool * (unit -> value) -> (value -> unit)
+module Key = struct type t = option_name let compare = end
+module OptionMap = Map.Make(Key)
+let value_tab = ref OptionMap.empty
+(* This raises Not_found if option of key [key] is unknown *)
+let get_option key = OptionMap.find key !value_tab
+let check_key key = try
+ let _ = get_option key in
+ error "Sorry, this option name is already used"
+with Not_found ->
+ if List.mem_assoc (nickname key) !string_table
+ or List.mem_assoc (nickname key) !ref_table
+ then error "Sorry, this option name is already used"
+open Summary
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+let declare_option cast uncast
+ { optsync=sync; optname=name; optkey=key; optread=read; optwrite=write } =
+ check_key key;
+ let default = read() in
+ let write = if sync then
+ let (decl_obj,_) =
+ declare_object {(default_object (nickname key)) with
+ cache_function = (fun (_,v) -> write v);
+ classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose)}
+ in
+ let _ = declare_summary (nickname key)
+ {freeze_function = read;
+ unfreeze_function = write;
+ init_function = (fun () -> write default);
+ survive_module = false;
+ survive_section = true}
+ in
+ fun v -> add_anonymous_leaf (decl_obj v)
+ else write
+ in
+ let cread () = cast (read ()) in
+ let cwrite v = write (uncast v) in
+ value_tab := OptionMap.add key (name,(sync,cread,cwrite)) !value_tab;
+ write
+type 'a write_function = 'a -> unit
+let declare_int_option =
+ declare_option
+ (fun v -> IntValue v)
+ (function IntValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly "async_option")
+let declare_bool_option =
+ declare_option
+ (fun v -> BoolValue v)
+ (function BoolValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly "async_option")
+let declare_string_option =
+ declare_option
+ (fun v -> StringValue v)
+ (function StringValue v -> v | _ -> anomaly "async_option")
+(* 3- User accessible commands *)
+(* Setting values of options *)
+let set_option_value check_and_cast key v =
+ let (name,(_,read,write)) =
+ try get_option key
+ with Not_found -> error ("There is no option "^(nickname key)^".")
+ in
+ write (check_and_cast v (read ()))
+let bad_type_error () = error "Bad type of value for this option"
+let set_int_option_value = set_option_value
+ (fun v -> function
+ | (IntValue _) -> IntValue v
+ | _ -> bad_type_error ())
+let set_bool_option_value = set_option_value
+ (fun v -> function
+ | (BoolValue _) -> BoolValue v
+ | _ -> bad_type_error ())
+let set_string_option_value = set_option_value
+ (fun v -> function
+ | (StringValue _) -> StringValue v
+ | _ -> bad_type_error ())
+(* Printing options/tables *)
+let msg_option_value (name,v) =
+ match v with
+ | BoolValue true -> str "true"
+ | BoolValue false -> str "false"
+ | IntValue (Some n) -> int n
+ | IntValue None -> str "undefined"
+ | StringValue s -> str s
+ | IdentValue r -> pr_global_env Idset.empty r
+let print_option_value key =
+ let (name,(_,read,_)) = get_option key in
+ let s = read () in
+ match s with
+ | BoolValue b ->
+ msg (str ("The "^name^" mode is "^(if b then "on" else "off")) ++
+ fnl ())
+ | _ ->
+ msg (str ("Current value of "^name^" is ") ++
+ msg_option_value (name,s) ++ fnl ())
+let print_tables () =
+ msg
+ (str "Synchronous options:" ++ fnl () ++
+ OptionMap.fold
+ (fun key (name,(sync,read,write)) p ->
+ if sync then
+ p ++ str (" "^(nickname key)^": ") ++
+ msg_option_value (name,read()) ++ fnl ()
+ else
+ p)
+ !value_tab (mt ()) ++
+ str "Asynchronous options:" ++ fnl () ++
+ OptionMap.fold
+ (fun key (name,(sync,read,write)) p ->
+ if sync then
+ p
+ else
+ p ++ str (" "^(nickname key)^": ") ++
+ msg_option_value (name,read()) ++ fnl ())
+ !value_tab (mt ()) ++
+ str "Tables:" ++ fnl () ++
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str (" "^nickkey) ++ fnl ())
+ !string_table (mt ()) ++
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (nickkey,_) p -> p ++ str (" "^nickkey) ++ fnl ())
+ !ref_table (mt ()) ++
+ fnl ()
+ )
diff --git a/library/goptions.mli b/library/goptions.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbf5357a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/goptions.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: goptions.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* This module manages customization parameters at the vernacular level *)
+(* Two kinds of things are managed : tables and options value
+ - Tables are created by applying the [MakeTable] functor.
+ - Variables storing options value are created by applying one of the
+ [declare_int_option], [declare_bool_option], ... functions.
+ Each table/option is uniquely identified by a key of type [option_name].
+ There are two kinds of table/option idenfiers: the primary ones
+ (supposed to be more global) and the secondary ones
+ The declaration of a table, say of name [SecondaryTable("Toto","Titi")]
+ automatically makes available the following vernacular commands:
+ Add Toto Titi foo.
+ Remove Toto Titi foo.
+ Print Toto Titi.
+ Test Toto Titi.
+ The declaration of a non boolean option value, say of name
+ [SecondaryTable("Tata","Tutu")], automatically makes available the
+ following vernacular commands:
+ Set Tata Tutu val.
+ Print Table Tata Tutu.
+ If it is the declaration of a boolean value, the following
+ vernacular commands are made available:
+ Set Tata Tutu.
+ Unset Tata Tutu.
+ Print Table Tata Tutu. (* synonym: Test Table Tata Tutu. *)
+ For a primary table, say of name [PrimaryTable("Bidule")], the
+ vernacular commands look like
+ Add Bidule foo.
+ Print Table Bidule foo.
+ Set Bidule foo.
+ ...
+ The created table/option may be declared synchronous or not
+ (synchronous = consistent with the resetting commands) *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Term
+open Nametab
+(*s Things common to tables and options. *)
+(* The type of primary or secondary table/option keys *)
+type option_name =
+ | PrimaryTable of string
+ | SecondaryTable of string * string
+val error_undeclared_key : option_name -> 'a
+(*s Tables. *)
+(* The functor [MakeStringTable] declares a table containing objects
+ of type [string]; the function [member_message] say what to print
+ when invoking the "Test Toto Titi foo." command; at the end [title]
+ is the table name printed when invoking the "Print Toto Titi."
+ command; [active] is roughly the internal version of the vernacular
+ "Test ...": it tells if a given object is in the table; [elements]
+ returns the list of elements of the table *)
+module MakeStringTable :
+ functor
+ (A : sig
+ val key : option_name
+ val title : string
+ val member_message : string -> bool -> std_ppcmds
+ val synchronous : bool
+ end) ->
+ val active : string -> bool
+ val elements : unit -> string list
+(* The functor [MakeRefTable] declares a new table of objects of type
+ [A.t] practically denoted by [reference]; the encoding function
+ [encode : reference -> A.t] is typically a globalization function,
+ possibly with some restriction checks; the function
+ [member_message] say what to print when invoking the "Test Toto
+ Titi foo." command; at the end [title] is the table name printed
+ when invoking the "Print Toto Titi." command; [active] is roughly
+ the internal version of the vernacular "Test ...": it tells if a
+ given object is in the table. *)
+module MakeRefTable :
+ functor
+ (A : sig
+ type t
+ val encode : reference -> t
+ val subst : substitution -> t -> t
+ val printer : t -> std_ppcmds
+ val key : option_name
+ val title : string
+ val member_message : t -> bool -> std_ppcmds
+ val synchronous : bool
+ end) ->
+ sig
+ val active : A.t -> bool
+ val elements : unit -> A.t list
+ end
+(*s Options. *)
+(* These types and function are for declaring a new option of name [key]
+ and access functions [read] and [write]; the parameter [name] is the option name
+ used when printing the option value (command "Print Toto Titi." *)
+type 'a option_sig = {
+ optsync : bool;
+ optname : string;
+ optkey : option_name;
+ optread : unit -> 'a;
+ optwrite : 'a -> unit
+(* When an option is declared synchronous ([optsync] is [true]), the output is
+ a synchronous write function. Otherwise it is [optwrite] *)
+type 'a write_function = 'a -> unit
+val declare_int_option : int option option_sig -> int option write_function
+val declare_bool_option : bool option_sig -> bool write_function
+val declare_string_option: string option_sig -> string write_function
+(*s Special functions supposed to be used only in *)
+val get_string_table :
+ option_name ->
+ < add : string -> unit;
+ remove : string -> unit;
+ mem : string -> unit;
+ print : unit >
+val get_ref_table :
+ option_name ->
+ < add : reference -> unit;
+ remove : reference -> unit;
+ mem : reference -> unit;
+ print : unit >
+val set_int_option_value : option_name -> int option -> unit
+val set_bool_option_value : option_name -> bool -> unit
+val set_string_option_value : option_name -> string -> unit
+val print_option_value : option_name -> unit
+val print_tables : unit -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a9429a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Term
+open Reduction
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Inductive
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+open Nametab
+open Pp
+open Termops
+open Topconstr
+(*s Flags governing the computation of implicit arguments *)
+(* les implicites sont stricts par défaut en v8 *)
+let implicit_args = ref false
+let strict_implicit_args = ref (not !Options.v7)
+let contextual_implicit_args = ref false
+let implicit_args_out = ref false
+let strict_implicit_args_out = ref true
+let contextual_implicit_args_out = ref false
+let make_implicit_args flag =
+ implicit_args := flag;
+ if not !Options.v7_only then implicit_args_out := flag;
+ if !Options.translate_strict_impargs then
+ strict_implicit_args_out := not flag
+let make_strict_implicit_args flag =
+ strict_implicit_args := flag;
+ if not !Options.v7_only then strict_implicit_args_out := flag
+let make_contextual_implicit_args flag =
+ contextual_implicit_args := flag;
+ if not !Options.v7_only then contextual_implicit_args_out := flag
+let is_implicit_args () = !implicit_args
+let is_implicit_args_out () = !implicit_args_out
+let is_strict_implicit_args () = !strict_implicit_args
+let is_contextual_implicit_args () = !contextual_implicit_args
+type implicits_flags = (bool * bool * bool) * (bool * bool * bool)
+let with_implicits ((a,b,c),(d,e,g)) f x =
+ let oa = !implicit_args in
+ let ob = !strict_implicit_args in
+ let oc = !contextual_implicit_args in
+ let od = !implicit_args_out in
+ let oe = !strict_implicit_args_out in
+ let og = !contextual_implicit_args_out in
+ try
+ implicit_args := a;
+ strict_implicit_args := b;
+ contextual_implicit_args := c;
+ implicit_args_out := d;
+ strict_implicit_args_out := e;
+ contextual_implicit_args_out := g;
+ let rslt = f x in
+ implicit_args := oa;
+ strict_implicit_args := ob;
+ contextual_implicit_args := oc;
+ implicit_args_out := od;
+ strict_implicit_args_out := oe;
+ contextual_implicit_args_out := og;
+ rslt
+ with e -> begin
+ implicit_args := oa;
+ strict_implicit_args := ob;
+ contextual_implicit_args := oc;
+ implicit_args_out := od;
+ strict_implicit_args_out := oe;
+ contextual_implicit_args_out := og;
+ raise e
+ end
+(*s Computation of implicit arguments *)
+(* We remember various information about why an argument is (automatically)
+ inferable as implicit
+- [DepRigid] means that the implicit argument can be found by
+ unification along a rigid path (we do not print the arguments of
+ this kind if there is enough arguments to infer them)
+- [DepFlex] means that the implicit argument can be found by unification
+ along a collapsable path only (e.g. as x in (P x) where P is another
+ argument) (we do (defensively) print the arguments of this kind)
+- [DepFlexAndRigid] means that the least argument from which the
+ implicit argument can be inferred is following a collapsable path
+ but there is a greater argument from where the implicit argument is
+ inferable following a rigid path (useful to know how to print a
+ partial application)
+ We also consider arguments inferable from the conclusion but it is
+ operational only if [conclusion_matters] is true.
+type argument_position =
+ | Conclusion
+ | Hyp of int
+type implicit_explanation =
+ | DepRigid of argument_position
+ | DepFlex of argument_position
+ | DepFlexAndRigid of (*flex*) argument_position * (*rig*) argument_position
+ | Manual
+let argument_less = function
+ | Hyp n, Hyp n' -> n<n'
+ | Hyp _, Conclusion -> true
+ | Conclusion, _ -> false
+let update pos rig (na,st) =
+ let e =
+ if rig then
+ match st with
+ | None -> DepRigid pos
+ | Some (DepRigid n as x) ->
+ if argument_less (pos,n) then DepRigid pos else x
+ | Some (DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,rpos) as x) ->
+ if argument_less (pos,fpos) or pos=fpos then DepRigid pos else
+ if argument_less (pos,rpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,pos) else x
+ | Some (DepFlex fpos as x) ->
+ if argument_less (pos,fpos) or pos=fpos then DepRigid pos
+ else DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,pos)
+ | Some Manual -> assert false
+ else
+ match st with
+ | None -> DepFlex pos
+ | Some (DepRigid rpos as x) ->
+ if argument_less (pos,rpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (pos,rpos) else x
+ | Some (DepFlexAndRigid (fpos,rpos) as x) ->
+ if argument_less (pos,fpos) then DepFlexAndRigid (pos,rpos) else x
+ | Some (DepFlex fpos as x) ->
+ if argument_less (pos,fpos) then DepFlex pos else x
+ | Some Manual -> assert false
+ in na, Some e
+(* modified is_rigid_reference with a truncated env *)
+let is_flexible_reference env bound depth f =
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Rel n when n >= bound+depth -> (* inductive type *) false
+ | Rel n when n >= depth -> (* previous argument *) true
+ | Rel n -> (* since local definitions have been expanded *) false
+ | Const kn ->
+ let cb = Environ.lookup_constant kn env in
+ cb.const_body <> None & not cb.const_opaque
+ | Var id ->
+ let (_,value,_) = Environ.lookup_named id env in value <> None
+ | Ind _ | Construct _ -> false
+ | _ -> true
+let push_lift d (e,n) = (push_rel d e,n+1)
+(* Precondition: rels in env are for inductive types only *)
+let add_free_rels_until strict bound env m pos acc =
+ let rec frec rig (env,depth as ed) c =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env c) with
+ | Rel n when (n < bound+depth) & (n >= depth) ->
+ acc.(bound+depth-n-1) <- update pos rig (acc.(bound+depth-n-1))
+ | App (f,_) when rig & is_flexible_reference env bound depth f ->
+ if strict then () else
+ iter_constr_with_full_binders push_lift (frec false) ed c
+ | Case _ when rig ->
+ if strict then () else
+ iter_constr_with_full_binders push_lift (frec false) ed c
+ | _ ->
+ iter_constr_with_full_binders push_lift (frec rig) ed c
+ in
+ frec true (env,1) m; acc
+(* calcule la liste des arguments implicites *)
+let my_concrete_name avoid names t = function
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous, avoid, Anonymous::names
+ | na ->
+ let id = Termops.next_name_not_occuring false na avoid names t in
+ Name id, id::avoid, Name id::names
+let compute_implicits_gen strict contextual env t =
+ let rec aux env avoid n names t =
+ let t = whd_betadeltaiota env t in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Prod (na,a,b) ->
+ let na',avoid' = Termops.concrete_name false avoid names na b in
+ add_free_rels_until strict n env a (Hyp (n+1))
+ (aux (push_rel (na',None,a) env) avoid' (n+1) (na'::names) b)
+ | _ ->
+ let names = List.rev names in
+ let v = (fun na -> na,None) (Array.of_list names) in
+ if contextual then add_free_rels_until strict n env t Conclusion v
+ else v
+ in
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env t) with
+ | Prod (na,a,b) ->
+ let na',avoid = Termops.concrete_name false [] [] na b in
+ let v = aux (push_rel (na',None,a) env) avoid 1 [na'] b in
+ Array.to_list v
+ | _ -> []
+let compute_implicits output env t =
+ let strict =
+ (not output & !strict_implicit_args) or
+ (output & !strict_implicit_args_out) in
+ let contextual =
+ (not output & !contextual_implicit_args) or
+ (output & !contextual_implicit_args_out) in
+ let l = compute_implicits_gen strict contextual env t in
+ (function
+ | (Name id, Some imp) -> Some (id,imp)
+ | (Anonymous, Some _) -> anomaly "Unnamed implicit"
+ | _ -> None) l
+type implicit_status =
+ (* None = Not implicit *)
+ (identifier * implicit_explanation) option
+type implicits_list = implicit_status list
+let is_status_implicit = function
+ | None -> false
+ | _ -> true
+let name_of_implicit = function
+ | None -> anomaly "Not an implicit argument"
+ | Some (id,_) -> id
+(* [in_ctx] means we now the expected type, [n] is the index of the argument *)
+let is_inferable_implicit in_ctx n = function
+ | None -> false
+ | Some (_,DepRigid (Hyp p)) -> n >= p
+ | Some (_,DepFlex (Hyp p)) -> false
+ | Some (_,DepFlexAndRigid (_,Hyp q)) -> n >= q
+ | Some (_,DepRigid Conclusion) -> in_ctx
+ | Some (_,DepFlex Conclusion) -> false
+ | Some (_,DepFlexAndRigid (_,Conclusion)) -> false
+ | Some (_,Manual) -> true
+let positions_of_implicits =
+ let rec aux n = function
+ [] -> []
+ | Some _ :: l -> n :: aux (n+1) l
+ | None :: l -> aux (n+1) l
+ in aux 1
+type strict_flag = bool (* true = strict *)
+type contextual_flag = bool (* true = contextual *)
+type implicits =
+ | Impl_auto of strict_flag * contextual_flag * implicits_list
+ | Impl_manual of implicits_list
+ | No_impl
+let auto_implicits env ty =
+ let impl =
+ if !implicit_args then
+ let l = compute_implicits false env ty in
+ Impl_auto (!strict_implicit_args,!contextual_implicit_args,l)
+ else
+ No_impl in
+ if Options.do_translate () then
+ impl,
+ if !implicit_args_out then
+ (let l = compute_implicits true env ty in
+ Impl_auto (!strict_implicit_args_out,!contextual_implicit_args_out,l))
+ else No_impl
+ else
+ impl, impl
+let list_of_implicits = function
+ | Impl_auto (_,_,l) -> l
+ | Impl_manual l -> l
+ | No_impl -> []
+(*s Constants. *)
+let constants_table = ref KNmap.empty
+let compute_constant_implicits kn =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
+ auto_implicits env (body_of_type cb.const_type)
+let constant_implicits sp =
+ try KNmap.find sp !constants_table with Not_found -> No_impl,No_impl
+(*s Inductives and constructors. Their implicit arguments are stored
+ in an array, indexed by the inductive number, of pairs $(i,v)$ where
+ $i$ are the implicit arguments of the inductive and $v$ the array of
+ implicit arguments of the constructors. *)
+let inductives_table = ref Indmap.empty
+let constructors_table = ref Constrmap.empty
+let compute_mib_implicits kn =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let mib = lookup_mind kn env in
+ let ar =
+ Array.to_list
+ ( (* No need to lift, arities contain no de Bruijn *)
+ (fun mip -> (Name mip.mind_typename, None, mip.mind_user_arity))
+ mib.mind_packets) in
+ let env_ar = push_rel_context ar env in
+ let imps_one_inductive i mip =
+ let ind = (kn,i) in
+ ((IndRef ind,auto_implicits env (body_of_type mip.mind_user_arity)),
+ Array.mapi (fun j c -> (ConstructRef (ind,j+1),auto_implicits env_ar c))
+ mip.mind_user_lc)
+ in
+ Array.mapi imps_one_inductive mib.mind_packets
+let inductive_implicits indp =
+ try Indmap.find indp !inductives_table with Not_found -> No_impl,No_impl
+let constructor_implicits consp =
+ try Constrmap.find consp !constructors_table with Not_found -> No_impl,No_impl
+(*s Variables. *)
+let var_table = ref Idmap.empty
+let compute_var_implicits id =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let (_,_,ty) = lookup_named id env in
+ auto_implicits env ty
+let var_implicits id =
+ try Idmap.find id !var_table with Not_found -> No_impl,No_impl
+(* Caching implicits *)
+let cache_implicits_decl (r,imps) =
+ match r with
+ | VarRef id ->
+ var_table := Idmap.add id imps !var_table
+ | ConstRef kn ->
+ constants_table := KNmap.add kn imps !constants_table
+ | IndRef indp ->
+ inductives_table := Indmap.add indp imps !inductives_table;
+ | ConstructRef consp ->
+ constructors_table := Constrmap.add consp imps !constructors_table
+let cache_implicits (_,l) = List.iter cache_implicits_decl l
+let subst_implicits_decl subst (r,imps as o) =
+ let r' = subst_global subst r in if r==r' then o else (r',imps)
+let subst_implicits (_,subst,l) =
+ list_smartmap (subst_implicits_decl subst) l
+let (in_implicits, _) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "IMPLICITS") with
+ cache_function = cache_implicits;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> cache_implicits);
+ subst_function = subst_implicits;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
+(* Implicits of a global reference. *)
+let compute_global_implicits = function
+ | VarRef id -> compute_var_implicits id
+ | ConstRef kn -> compute_constant_implicits kn
+ | IndRef (kn,i) ->
+ let ((_,imps),_) = (compute_mib_implicits kn).(i) in imps
+ | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) ->
+ let (_,cimps) = (compute_mib_implicits kn).(i) in snd cimps.(j-1)
+let declare_implicits_gen r =
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_implicits [r,compute_global_implicits r])
+let declare_implicits r =
+ with_implicits
+ ((true,!strict_implicit_args,!contextual_implicit_args),
+ (true,!strict_implicit_args_out,!contextual_implicit_args_out))
+ declare_implicits_gen r
+let declare_var_implicits id =
+ if !implicit_args or !implicit_args_out then
+ declare_implicits_gen (VarRef id)
+let declare_constant_implicits kn =
+ if !implicit_args or !implicit_args_out then
+ declare_implicits_gen (ConstRef kn)
+let declare_mib_implicits kn =
+ if !implicit_args or !implicit_args_out then
+ let imps = compute_mib_implicits kn in
+ let imps = array_map_to_list
+ (fun (ind,cstrs) -> ind::(Array.to_list cstrs)) imps in
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_implicits (List.flatten imps))
+let implicits_of_global_gen = function
+ | VarRef id -> var_implicits id
+ | ConstRef sp -> constant_implicits sp
+ | IndRef isp -> inductive_implicits isp
+ | ConstructRef csp -> constructor_implicits csp
+let implicits_of_global r =
+ let (imp_in,imp_out) = implicits_of_global_gen r in
+ list_of_implicits imp_in
+let implicits_of_global_out r =
+ let (imp_in,imp_out) = implicits_of_global_gen r in
+ list_of_implicits imp_out
+(* Declare manual implicits *)
+let check_range n = function
+ | loc,ExplByPos i ->
+ if i<1 or i>n then error ("Bad argument number: "^(string_of_int i))
+ | loc,ExplByName id ->
+let rec list_remove a = function
+ | b::l when a = b -> l
+ | b::l -> b::list_remove a l
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+let set_implicit id imp =
+ Some (id,match imp with None -> Manual | Some imp -> imp)
+let declare_manual_implicits r l =
+ let t = Global.type_of_global r in
+ let autoimps = compute_implicits_gen false true (Global.env()) t in
+ let n = List.length autoimps in
+ if not (list_distinct l) then
+ error ("Some parameters are referred more than once");
+(* List.iter (check_range n) l;*)
+(* let l = List.sort (-) l in*)
+ (* Compare with automatic implicits to recover printing data and names *)
+ let rec merge k l = function
+ | (Name id,imp)::imps ->
+ let l',imp =
+ try list_remove (ExplByPos k) l, set_implicit id imp
+ with Not_found ->
+ try list_remove (ExplByName id) l, set_implicit id imp
+ with Not_found ->
+ l, None in
+ imp :: merge (k+1) l' imps
+ | (Anonymous,imp)::imps ->
+ None :: merge (k+1) l imps
+ | [] when l = [] -> []
+ | _ ->
+ match List.hd l with
+ | ExplByName id ->
+ error ("Wrong or not dependent implicit argument name: "^(string_of_id id))
+ | ExplByPos i ->
+ if i<1 or i>n then
+ error ("Bad implicit argument number: "^(string_of_int i))
+ else
+ errorlabstrm ""
+ (str "Cannot set implicit argument number " ++ int i ++
+ str ": it has no name") in
+ let l = Impl_manual (merge 1 l autoimps) in
+ let (_,oimp_out) = implicits_of_global_gen r in
+ let l = l, if !Options.v7_only then oimp_out else l in
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_implicits [r,l])
+(* Tests if declared implicit *)
+let test = function
+ | No_impl | Impl_manual _ -> false,false,false
+ | Impl_auto (s,c,_) -> true,s,c
+let test_if_implicit find a =
+ try let b,c = find a in test b, test c
+ with Not_found -> (false,false,false),(false,false,false)
+let is_implicit_constant sp =
+ test_if_implicit (KNmap.find sp) !constants_table
+let is_implicit_inductive_definition indp =
+ test_if_implicit (Indmap.find (indp,0)) !inductives_table
+let is_implicit_var id =
+ test_if_implicit (Idmap.find id) !var_table
+(*s Registration as global tables *)
+let init () =
+ constants_table := KNmap.empty;
+ inductives_table := Indmap.empty;
+ constructors_table := Constrmap.empty;
+ var_table := Idmap.empty
+let freeze () =
+ (!constants_table, !inductives_table,
+ !constructors_table, !var_table)
+let unfreeze (ct,it,const,vt) =
+ constants_table := ct;
+ inductives_table := it;
+ constructors_table := const;
+ var_table := vt
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "implicits"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* Remark: flags implicit_args, contextual_implicit_args
+ are synchronized by the general options mechanism - see Vernacentries *)
+let init () =
+ (* strict_implicit_args_out must be not !Options.v7
+ but init is done before parsing *)
+ strict_implicit_args:=not !Options.v7;
+ implicit_args_out:=false;
+ (* strict_implicit_args_out needs to be not !Options.v7 or
+ Options.do_translate() but init is done before parsing *)
+ strict_implicit_args_out:=true;
+ contextual_implicit_args_out:=false
+let freeze () =
+ (!strict_implicit_args,
+ !implicit_args_out,!strict_implicit_args_out,!contextual_implicit_args_out)
+let unfreeze (b,d,e,f) =
+ strict_implicit_args := b;
+ implicit_args_out := d;
+ strict_implicit_args_out := e;
+ contextual_implicit_args_out := f
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "implicits-out-options"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = true }
diff --git a/library/impargs.mli b/library/impargs.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8db04ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/impargs.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: impargs.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Term
+open Environ
+open Nametab
+(*s Implicit arguments. Here we store the implicit arguments. Notice that we
+ are outside the kernel, which knows nothing about implicit arguments. *)
+val make_implicit_args : bool -> unit
+val make_strict_implicit_args : bool -> unit
+val make_contextual_implicit_args : bool -> unit
+val is_implicit_args : unit -> bool
+val is_strict_implicit_args : unit -> bool
+val is_contextual_implicit_args : unit -> bool
+type implicits_flags
+val with_implicits : implicits_flags -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(*s An [implicits_list] is a list of positions telling which arguments
+ of a reference can be automatically infered *)
+type implicit_status
+type implicits_list = implicit_status list
+val is_status_implicit : implicit_status -> bool
+val is_inferable_implicit : bool -> int -> implicit_status -> bool
+val name_of_implicit : implicit_status -> identifier
+val positions_of_implicits : implicits_list -> int list
+(* Computation of the positions of arguments automatically inferable
+ for an object of the given type in the given env *)
+val compute_implicits : bool -> env -> types -> implicits_list
+(*s Computation of implicits (done using the global environment). *)
+val declare_var_implicits : variable -> unit
+val declare_constant_implicits : constant -> unit
+val declare_mib_implicits : mutual_inductive -> unit
+val declare_implicits : global_reference -> unit
+(* Manual declaration of which arguments are expected implicit *)
+val declare_manual_implicits : global_reference ->
+ Topconstr.explicitation list -> unit
+(* Get implicit arguments *)
+val is_implicit_constant : constant -> implicits_flags
+val is_implicit_inductive_definition : mutual_inductive -> implicits_flags
+val is_implicit_var : variable -> implicits_flags
+val implicits_of_global : global_reference -> implicits_list
+(* For translator *)
+val implicits_of_global_out : global_reference -> implicits_list
+val is_implicit_args_out : unit -> bool
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9da6dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Libobject
+open Summary
+type node =
+ | Leaf of obj
+ | CompilingLibrary of object_prefix
+ | OpenedModule of object_prefix * Summary.frozen
+ | OpenedModtype of object_prefix * Summary.frozen
+ | OpenedSection of object_prefix * Summary.frozen
+ (* bool is to tell if the section must be opened automatically *)
+ | ClosedSection of bool * dir_path * library_segment
+ | FrozenState of Summary.frozen
+and library_entry = object_name * node
+and library_segment = library_entry list
+type lib_objects = (identifier * obj) list
+let iter_objects f i prefix =
+ List.iter (fun (id,obj) -> f i (make_oname prefix id, obj))
+let load_objects = iter_objects load_object
+let open_objects = iter_objects open_object
+let subst_objects prefix subst seg =
+ let subst_one = fun (id,obj as node) ->
+ let obj' = subst_object (make_oname prefix id, subst, obj) in
+ if obj' == obj then node else
+ (id, obj')
+ in
+ list_smartmap subst_one seg
+let classify_segment seg =
+ let rec clean ((substl,keepl,anticipl) as acc) = function
+ | (_,CompilingLibrary _) :: _ | [] -> acc
+ | ((sp,kn as oname),Leaf o) as node :: stk ->
+ let id = id_of_label (label kn) in
+ (match classify_object (oname,o) with
+ | Dispose -> clean acc stk
+ | Keep o' ->
+ clean (substl, (id,o')::keepl, anticipl) stk
+ | Substitute o' ->
+ clean ((id,o')::substl, keepl, anticipl) stk
+ | Anticipate o' ->
+ clean (substl, keepl, o'::anticipl) stk)
+ | (oname,ClosedSection _ as item) :: stk -> clean acc stk
+ | (_,OpenedSection _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened sections"
+ | (_,OpenedModule _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened modules"
+ | (_,OpenedModtype _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened module types"
+ | (_,FrozenState _) :: stk -> clean acc stk
+ in
+ clean ([],[],[]) (List.rev seg)
+let segment_of_objects prefix =
+ (fun (id,obj) -> (make_oname prefix id, Leaf obj))
+(* We keep trace of operations in the stack [lib_stk].
+ [path_prefix] is the current path of sections, where sections are stored in
+ ``correct'' order, the oldest coming first in the list. It may seems
+ costly, but in practice there is not so many openings and closings of
+ sections, but on the contrary there are many constructions of section
+ paths based on the library path. *)
+let initial_prefix = default_library,(initial_path,empty_dirpath)
+let lib_stk = ref ([] : library_segment)
+let comp_name = ref None
+let library_dp () =
+ match !comp_name with Some m -> m | None -> default_library
+(* [path_prefix] is a pair of absolute dirpath and a pair of current
+ module path and relative section path *)
+let path_prefix = ref initial_prefix
+let cwd () = fst !path_prefix
+let make_path id = Libnames.make_path (cwd ()) id
+let current_prefix () = snd !path_prefix
+let make_kn id =
+ let mp,dir = current_prefix () in
+ Names.make_kn mp dir (label_of_id id)
+let make_oname id = make_path id, make_kn id
+let sections_depth () =
+ List.length (repr_dirpath (snd (snd !path_prefix)))
+let sections_are_opened () =
+ match repr_dirpath (snd (snd !path_prefix)) with
+ [] -> false
+ | _ -> true
+let recalc_path_prefix () =
+ let rec recalc = function
+ | (sp, OpenedSection (dir,_)) :: _ -> dir
+ | (sp, OpenedModule (dir,_)) :: _ -> dir
+ | (sp, OpenedModtype (dir,_)) :: _ -> dir
+ | (sp, CompilingLibrary dir) :: _ -> dir
+ | _::l -> recalc l
+ | [] -> initial_prefix
+ in
+ path_prefix := recalc !lib_stk
+let pop_path_prefix () =
+ let dir,(mp,sec) = !path_prefix in
+ path_prefix := fst (split_dirpath dir), (mp, fst (split_dirpath sec))
+let find_entry_p p =
+ let rec find = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | ent::l -> if p ent then ent else find l
+ in
+ find !lib_stk
+let find_split_p p =
+ let rec find = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | ent::l -> if p ent then ent,l else find l
+ in
+ find !lib_stk
+let split_lib sp =
+ let rec collect after equal = function
+ | ((sp',_) as hd)::before ->
+ if sp = sp' then collect after (hd::equal) before else after,equal,hd::before
+ | [] -> after,equal,[]
+ in
+ let rec findeq after = function
+ | ((sp',_) as hd)::before ->
+ if sp = sp' then collect after [hd] before else findeq (hd::after) before
+ | [] -> error "no such entry"
+ in
+ findeq [] !lib_stk
+(* Adding operations. *)
+let add_entry sp node =
+ lib_stk := (sp,node) :: !lib_stk
+let anonymous_id =
+ let n = ref 0 in
+ fun () -> incr n; id_of_string ("_" ^ (string_of_int !n))
+let add_anonymous_entry node =
+ let id = anonymous_id () in
+ let name = make_oname id in
+ add_entry name node;
+ name
+let add_absolutely_named_leaf sp obj =
+ cache_object (sp,obj);
+ add_entry sp (Leaf obj)
+let add_leaf id obj =
+ let oname = make_oname id in
+ cache_object (oname,obj);
+ add_entry oname (Leaf obj);
+ oname
+let add_leaves id objs =
+ let oname = make_oname id in
+ let add_obj obj =
+ add_entry oname (Leaf obj);
+ load_object 1 (oname,obj)
+ in
+ List.iter add_obj objs;
+ oname
+let add_anonymous_leaf obj =
+ let id = anonymous_id () in
+ let oname = make_oname id in
+ cache_object (oname,obj);
+ add_entry oname (Leaf obj)
+let add_frozen_state () =
+ let _ = add_anonymous_entry (FrozenState (freeze_summaries())) in ()
+(* Modules. *)
+let is_something_opened = function
+ (_,OpenedSection _) -> true
+ | (_,OpenedModule _) -> true
+ | (_,OpenedModtype _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let export_segment seg =
+ let rec clean acc = function
+ | (_,CompilingLibrary _) :: _ | [] -> acc
+ | (oname,Leaf o) as node :: stk ->
+ (match export_object o with
+ | None -> clean acc stk
+ | Some o' -> clean ((oname,Leaf o') :: acc) stk)
+ | (oname,ClosedSection _ as item) :: stk -> clean (item :: acc) stk
+ | (_,OpenedSection _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened sections"
+ | (_,OpenedModule _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened modules"
+ | (_,OpenedModtype _) :: _ -> error "there are still opened module types"
+ | (_,FrozenState _) :: stk -> clean acc stk
+ in
+ clean [] seg
+let start_module id mp nametab =
+ let dir = extend_dirpath (fst !path_prefix) id in
+ let prefix = dir,(mp,empty_dirpath) in
+ let oname = make_path id, make_kn id in
+ if Nametab.exists_module dir then
+ errorlabstrm "open_module" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists") ;
+ add_entry oname (OpenedModule (prefix,nametab));
+ path_prefix := prefix;
+ prefix
+(* add_frozen_state () must be called in declaremods *)
+let end_module id =
+ let oname,nametab =
+ try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with
+ | oname,OpenedModule (_,nametab) ->
+ let sp = fst oname in
+ let id' = basename sp in
+ if id<>id' then error "this is not the last opened module";
+ oname,nametab
+ | _,OpenedModtype _ ->
+ error "there are some open module types"
+ | _,OpenedSection _ ->
+ error "there are some open sections"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "no opened modules"
+ in
+ let (after,_,before) = split_lib oname in
+ lib_stk := before;
+ let prefix = !path_prefix in
+ recalc_path_prefix ();
+ (* add_frozen_state must be called after processing the module,
+ because we cannot recache interactive modules *)
+ (oname, prefix, nametab,after)
+let start_modtype id mp nametab =
+ let dir = extend_dirpath (fst !path_prefix) id in
+ let prefix = dir,(mp,empty_dirpath) in
+ let sp = make_path id in
+ let name = sp, make_kn id in
+ if Nametab.exists_cci sp then
+ errorlabstrm "open_modtype" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists") ;
+ add_entry name (OpenedModtype (prefix,nametab));
+ path_prefix := prefix;
+ prefix
+let end_modtype id =
+ let sp,nametab =
+ try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with
+ | sp,OpenedModtype (_,nametab) ->
+ let id' = basename (fst sp) in
+ if id<>id' then error "this is not the last opened module";
+ sp,nametab
+ | _,OpenedModule _ ->
+ error "there are some open modules"
+ | _,OpenedSection _ ->
+ error "there are some open sections"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "no opened module types"
+ in
+ let (after,_,before) = split_lib sp in
+ lib_stk := before;
+ let dir = !path_prefix in
+ recalc_path_prefix ();
+ (* add_frozen_state must be called after processing the module type.
+ This is because we cannot recache interactive module types *)
+ (sp,dir,nametab,after)
+let contents_after = function
+ | None -> !lib_stk
+ | Some sp -> let (after,_,_) = split_lib sp in after
+(* Modules. *)
+let check_for_comp_unit () =
+ let is_decl = function (_,FrozenState _) -> false | _ -> true in
+ try
+ let _ = find_entry_p is_decl in
+ error "a module cannot be started after some declarations"
+ with Not_found -> ()
+(* TODO: use check_for_module ? *)
+let start_compilation s mp =
+ if !comp_name <> None then
+ error "compilation unit is already started";
+ if snd (snd (!path_prefix)) <> empty_dirpath then
+ error "some sections are already opened";
+ let prefix = s, (mp, empty_dirpath) in
+ let _ = add_anonymous_entry (CompilingLibrary prefix) in
+ comp_name := Some s;
+ path_prefix := prefix
+let end_compilation dir =
+ let _ =
+ try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with
+ | _, OpenedSection _ -> error "There are some open sections"
+ | _, OpenedModule _ -> error "There are some open modules"
+ | _, OpenedModtype _ -> error "There are some open module types"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ with
+ Not_found -> ()
+ in
+ let module_p =
+ function (_,CompilingLibrary _) -> true | x -> is_something_opened x
+ in
+ let oname =
+ try match find_entry_p module_p with
+ (oname, CompilingLibrary prefix) -> oname
+ | _ -> assert false
+ with
+ Not_found -> anomaly "No module declared"
+ in
+ let _ = match !comp_name with
+ | None -> anomaly "There should be a module name..."
+ | Some m ->
+ if m <> dir then anomaly
+ ("The current open module has name "^ (string_of_dirpath m) ^
+ " and not " ^ (string_of_dirpath m));
+ in
+ let (after,_,before) = split_lib oname in
+ comp_name := None;
+ !path_prefix,after
+(* Returns true if we are inside an opened module type *)
+let is_modtype () =
+ let opened_p = function
+ | _, OpenedModtype _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ try
+ let _ = find_entry_p opened_p in true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+(* Returns true if we are inside an opened module *)
+let is_module () =
+ let opened_p = function
+ | _, OpenedModule _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ try
+ let _ = find_entry_p opened_p in true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+(* Returns the most recent OpenedThing node *)
+let what_is_opened () = find_entry_p is_something_opened
+(* XML output hooks *)
+let xml_open_section = ref (fun id -> ())
+let xml_close_section = ref (fun id -> ())
+let set_xml_open_section f = xml_open_section := f
+let set_xml_close_section f = xml_close_section := f
+(* Sections. *)
+let open_section id =
+ let olddir,(mp,oldsec) = !path_prefix in
+ let dir = extend_dirpath olddir id in
+ let prefix = dir, (mp, extend_dirpath oldsec id) in
+ let name = make_path id, make_kn id (* this makes little sense however *) in
+ if Nametab.exists_section dir then
+ errorlabstrm "open_section" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists");
+ let sum = freeze_summaries() in
+ add_entry name (OpenedSection (prefix, sum));
+ (*Pushed for the lifetime of the section: removed by unfrozing the summary*)
+ Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) dir (DirOpenSection prefix);
+ path_prefix := prefix;
+ if !Options.xml_export then !xml_open_section id;
+ prefix
+(* Restore lib_stk and summaries as before the section opening, and
+ add a ClosedSection object. *)
+let close_section ~export id =
+ let oname,fs =
+ try match find_entry_p is_something_opened with
+ | oname,OpenedSection (_,fs) ->
+ if id <> basename (fst oname) then
+ error "this is not the last opened section";
+ (oname,fs)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "no opened section"
+ in
+ let (after,_,before) = split_lib oname in
+ lib_stk := before;
+ let prefix = !path_prefix in
+ pop_path_prefix ();
+ let closed_sec =
+ ClosedSection (export, (fst prefix), export_segment after)
+ in
+ let name = make_path id, make_kn id in
+ add_entry name closed_sec;
+ if !Options.xml_export then !xml_close_section id;
+ (prefix, after, fs)
+(* Backtracking. *)
+let recache_decl = function
+ | (sp, Leaf o) -> cache_object (sp,o)
+ | _ -> ()
+let recache_context ctx =
+ List.iter recache_decl ctx
+let is_frozen_state = function (_,FrozenState _) -> true | _ -> false
+let reset_to sp =
+ let (_,_,before) = split_lib sp in
+ lib_stk := before;
+ recalc_path_prefix ();
+ let spf = match find_entry_p is_frozen_state with
+ | (sp, FrozenState f) -> unfreeze_summaries f; sp
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let (after,_,_) = split_lib spf in
+ recache_context after
+let reset_name (loc,id) =
+ let (sp,_) =
+ try
+ find_entry_p (fun (sp,_) -> let (_,spi) = repr_path (fst sp) in id = spi)
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"reset_name",pr_id id ++ str ": no such entry")
+ in
+ reset_to sp
+let is_mod_node = function
+ | OpenedModule _ | OpenedModtype _ | OpenedSection _
+ | ClosedSection _ -> true
+ | Leaf o -> let t = object_tag o in t = "MODULE" || t = "MODULE TYPE"
+ | _ -> false
+(* Reset on a module or section name in order to bypass constants with
+ the same name *)
+let reset_mod (loc,id) =
+ let (ent,before) =
+ try
+ find_split_p (fun (sp,node) ->
+ let (_,spi) = repr_path (fst sp) in id = spi
+ && is_mod_node node)
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"reset_mod",pr_id id ++ str ": no such entry")
+ in
+ lib_stk := before;
+ recalc_path_prefix ();
+ let spf = match find_entry_p is_frozen_state with
+ | (sp, FrozenState f) -> unfreeze_summaries f; sp
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let (after,_,_) = split_lib spf in
+ recache_context after
+let point_obj =
+ let (f,_) = declare_object {(default_object "DOT") with
+ classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose)} in
+ f()
+let mark_end_of_command () =
+ match !lib_stk with
+ (_,Leaf o)::_ when object_tag o = "DOT" -> ()
+ | _ -> add_anonymous_leaf point_obj
+let rec back_stk n stk =
+ match stk with
+ (sp,Leaf o)::tail when object_tag o = "DOT" ->
+ if n=0 then sp else back_stk (n-1) tail
+ | _::tail -> back_stk n tail
+ | [] -> error "Reached begin of command history"
+let back n = reset_to (back_stk n !lib_stk)
+(* State and initialization. *)
+type frozen = dir_path option * library_segment
+let freeze () = (!comp_name, !lib_stk)
+let unfreeze (mn,stk) =
+ comp_name := mn;
+ lib_stk := stk;
+ recalc_path_prefix ()
+let init () =
+ lib_stk := [];
+ add_frozen_state ();
+ comp_name := None;
+ path_prefix := initial_prefix;
+ init_summaries()
+(* Initial state. *)
+let initial_state = ref None
+let declare_initial_state () =
+ let name = add_anonymous_entry (FrozenState (freeze_summaries())) in
+ initial_state := Some name
+let reset_initial () =
+ match !initial_state with
+ | None ->
+ error "Resetting to the initial state is possible only interactively"
+ | Some sp ->
+ begin match split_lib sp with
+ | (_,[_,FrozenState fs as hd],before) ->
+ lib_stk := hd::before;
+ recalc_path_prefix ();
+ unfreeze_summaries fs
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+(* Misc *)
+let library_part ref =
+ let sp = Nametab.sp_of_global ref in
+ let dir,_ = repr_path sp in
+ match ref with
+ | VarRef id ->
+ anomaly "TODO";
+ extract_dirpath_prefix (sections_depth ()) (cwd ())
+ | _ ->
+ if is_dirpath_prefix_of dir (cwd ()) then
+ (* Not yet (fully) discharged *)
+ extract_dirpath_prefix (sections_depth ()) (cwd ())
+ else
+ (* Theorem/Lemma outside its outer section of definition *)
+ dir
diff --git a/library/lib.mli b/library/lib.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8981754e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/lib.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: lib.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Libobject
+open Summary
+(*s This module provides a general mechanism to keep a trace of all operations
+ and to backtrack (undo) those operations. It provides also the section
+ mechanism (at a low level; discharge is not known at this step). *)
+type node =
+ | Leaf of obj
+ | CompilingLibrary of object_prefix
+ | OpenedModule of object_prefix * Summary.frozen
+ | OpenedModtype of object_prefix * Summary.frozen
+ | OpenedSection of object_prefix * Summary.frozen
+ | ClosedSection of bool * dir_path * library_segment
+ | FrozenState of Summary.frozen
+and library_segment = (object_name * node) list
+type lib_objects = (identifier * obj) list
+(*s Object iteratation functions. *)
+val open_objects : int -> object_prefix -> lib_objects -> unit
+val load_objects : int -> object_prefix -> lib_objects -> unit
+val subst_objects : object_prefix -> substitution -> lib_objects -> lib_objects
+(* [classify_segment seg] verifies that there are no OpenedThings,
+ clears ClosedSections and FrozenStates and divides Leafs according
+ to their answers to the [classify_object] function in three groups:
+ [Substitute], [Keep], [Anticipate] respectively. The order of each
+ returned list is the same as in the input list. *)
+val classify_segment :
+ library_segment -> lib_objects * lib_objects * obj list
+(* [segment_of_objects prefix objs] forms a list of Leafs *)
+val segment_of_objects :
+ object_prefix -> lib_objects -> library_segment
+(*s Adding operations (which call the [cache] method, and getting the
+ current list of operations (most recent ones coming first). *)
+val add_leaf : identifier -> obj -> object_name
+val add_absolutely_named_leaf : object_name -> obj -> unit
+val add_anonymous_leaf : obj -> unit
+(* this operation adds all objects with the same name and calls load_object
+ for each of them *)
+val add_leaves : identifier -> obj list -> object_name
+val add_frozen_state : unit -> unit
+val mark_end_of_command : unit -> unit
+(*s The function [contents_after] returns the current library segment,
+ starting from a given section path. If not given, the entire segment
+ is returned. *)
+val contents_after : object_name option -> library_segment
+(*s Functions relative to current path *)
+(* User-side names *)
+val cwd : unit -> dir_path
+val make_path : identifier -> section_path
+(* Kernel-side names *)
+val current_prefix : unit -> module_path * dir_path
+val make_kn : identifier -> kernel_name
+(* Are we inside an opened section *)
+val sections_are_opened : unit -> bool
+val sections_depth : unit -> int
+(* Are we inside an opened module type *)
+val is_modtype : unit -> bool
+val is_module : unit -> bool
+(* Returns the most recent OpenedThing node *)
+val what_is_opened : unit -> object_name * node
+(*s Modules and module types *)
+val start_module :
+ module_ident -> module_path -> Summary.frozen -> object_prefix
+val end_module : module_ident
+ -> object_name * object_prefix * Summary.frozen * library_segment
+val start_modtype :
+ module_ident -> module_path -> Summary.frozen -> object_prefix
+val end_modtype : module_ident
+ -> object_name * object_prefix * Summary.frozen * library_segment
+(* Lib.add_frozen_state must be called after each of the above functions *)
+(*s Compilation units *)
+val start_compilation : dir_path -> module_path -> unit
+val end_compilation : dir_path -> object_prefix * library_segment
+(* The function [library_dp] returns the [dir_path] of the current
+ compiling library (or [default_library]) *)
+val library_dp : unit -> dir_path
+(* Extract the library part of a name even if in a section *)
+val library_part : global_reference -> dir_path
+(*s Sections *)
+val open_section : identifier -> object_prefix
+val close_section : export:bool -> identifier ->
+ object_prefix * library_segment * Summary.frozen
+(*s Backtracking (undo). *)
+val reset_to : object_name -> unit
+val reset_name : identifier located -> unit
+val reset_mod : identifier located -> unit
+(* [back n] resets to the place corresponding to the $n$-th call of
+ [mark_end_of_command] (counting backwards) *)
+val back : int -> unit
+(*s We can get and set the state of the operations (used in [States]). *)
+type frozen
+val freeze : unit -> frozen
+val unfreeze : frozen -> unit
+val init : unit -> unit
+val declare_initial_state : unit -> unit
+val reset_initial : unit -> unit
+(* XML output hooks *)
+val set_xml_open_section : (identifier -> unit) -> unit
+val set_xml_close_section : (identifier -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16f5a917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+type global_reference =
+ | VarRef of variable
+ | ConstRef of constant
+ | IndRef of inductive
+ | ConstructRef of constructor
+let subst_global subst ref = match ref with
+ | VarRef _ -> ref
+ | ConstRef kn ->
+ let kn' = subst_kn subst kn in if kn==kn' then ref else
+ ConstRef kn'
+ | IndRef (kn,i) ->
+ let kn' = subst_kn subst kn in if kn==kn' then ref else
+ IndRef(kn',i)
+ | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) ->
+ let kn' = subst_kn subst kn in if kn==kn' then ref else
+ ConstructRef ((kn',i),j)
+let reference_of_constr c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Const sp -> ConstRef sp
+ | Ind ind_sp -> IndRef ind_sp
+ | Construct cstr_cp -> ConstructRef cstr_cp
+ | Var id -> VarRef id
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let constr_of_reference = function
+ | VarRef id -> mkVar id
+ | ConstRef sp -> mkConst sp
+ | ConstructRef sp -> mkConstruct sp
+ | IndRef sp -> mkInd sp
+module RefOrdered =
+ struct
+ type t = global_reference
+ let compare =
+ end
+module Refset = Set.Make(RefOrdered)
+module Refmap = Map.Make(RefOrdered)
+module InductiveOrdered = struct
+ type t = inductive
+ let compare (spx,ix) (spy,iy) =
+ let c = ix - iy in if c = 0 then compare spx spy else c
+module Indmap = Map.Make(InductiveOrdered)
+let inductives_table = ref Indmap.empty
+module ConstructorOrdered = struct
+ type t = constructor
+ let compare (indx,ix) (indy,iy) =
+ let c = ix - iy in if c = 0 then indx indy else c
+module Constrmap = Map.Make(ConstructorOrdered)
+let pr_dirpath sl = (str (string_of_dirpath sl))
+(*s Operations on dirpaths *)
+(* Pop the last n module idents *)
+let extract_dirpath_prefix n dir =
+ make_dirpath (list_skipn n (repr_dirpath dir))
+let dirpath_prefix p = match repr_dirpath p with
+ | [] -> anomaly "dirpath_prefix: empty dirpath"
+ | _::l -> make_dirpath l
+let is_dirpath_prefix_of d1 d2 =
+ list_prefix_of (List.rev (repr_dirpath d1)) (List.rev (repr_dirpath d2))
+(* To know how qualified a name should be to be understood in the current env*)
+let add_dirpath_prefix id d = make_dirpath (repr_dirpath d @ [id])
+let split_dirpath d =
+ let l = repr_dirpath d in (make_dirpath ( l), List.hd l)
+let extend_dirpath p id = make_dirpath (id :: repr_dirpath p)
+let path_of_constructor env ((sp,tyi),ind) =
+ let mib = Environ.lookup_mind sp env in
+ let mip = mib.mind_packets.(tyi) in
+ let (pa,_) = repr_path sp in
+ Names.make_path pa (mip.mind_consnames.(ind-1))
+let path_of_inductive env (sp,tyi) =
+ if tyi = 0 then sp
+ else
+ let mib = Environ.lookup_mind sp env in
+ let mip = mib.mind_packets.(tyi) in
+ let (pa,_) = repr_path sp in
+ Names.make_path pa (mip.mind_typename)
+(* parsing *)
+let parse_dir s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec decoupe_dirs dirs n =
+ if n>=len then dirs else
+ let pos =
+ try
+ String.index_from s n '.'
+ with Not_found -> len
+ in
+ let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
+ decoupe_dirs ((id_of_string dir)::dirs) (pos+1)
+ in
+ decoupe_dirs [] 0
+let dirpath_of_string s =
+ match parse_dir s with
+ [] -> invalid_arg "dirpath_of_string"
+ | dir -> make_dirpath dir
+module Dirset = Set.Make(struct type t = dir_path let compare = compare end)
+module Dirmap = Map.Make(struct type t = dir_path let compare = compare end)
+(*s Section paths are absolute names *)
+type section_path = {
+ dirpath : dir_path ;
+ basename : identifier }
+let make_path pa id = { dirpath = pa; basename = id }
+let repr_path { dirpath = pa; basename = id } = (pa,id)
+(* parsing and printing of section paths *)
+let string_of_path sp =
+ let (sl,id) = repr_path sp in
+ if repr_dirpath sl = [] then string_of_id id
+ else (string_of_dirpath sl) ^ "." ^ (string_of_id id)
+let sp_ord sp1 sp2 =
+ let (p1,id1) = repr_path sp1
+ and (p2,id2) = repr_path sp2 in
+ let p_bit = compare p1 p2 in
+ if p_bit = 0 then id_ord id1 id2 else p_bit
+module SpOrdered =
+ struct
+ type t = section_path
+ let compare = sp_ord
+ end
+module Spset = Set.Make(SpOrdered)
+module Sppred = Predicate.Make(SpOrdered)
+module Spmap = Map.Make(SpOrdered)
+let dirpath sp = let (p,_) = repr_path sp in p
+let basename sp = let (_,id) = repr_path sp in id
+let path_of_string s =
+ try
+ let dir, id = split_dirpath (dirpath_of_string s) in
+ make_path dir id
+ with
+ | Invalid_argument _ -> invalid_arg "path_of_string"
+let pr_sp sp = str (string_of_path sp)
+let restrict_path n sp =
+ let dir, s = repr_path sp in
+ let dir' = list_firstn n (repr_dirpath dir) in
+ make_path (make_dirpath dir') s
+type extended_global_reference =
+ | TrueGlobal of global_reference
+ | SyntacticDef of kernel_name
+let subst_ext subst glref = match glref with
+ | TrueGlobal ref ->
+ let ref' = subst_global subst ref in
+ if ref' == ref then glref else
+ TrueGlobal ref'
+ | SyntacticDef kn ->
+ let kn' = subst_kn subst kn in
+ if kn' == kn then glref else
+ SyntacticDef kn'
+let encode_kn dir id = make_kn (MPfile dir) empty_dirpath (label_of_id id)
+let decode_kn kn =
+ let mp,sec_dir,l = repr_kn kn in
+ match mp,(repr_dirpath sec_dir) with
+ MPfile dir,[] -> (dir,id_of_label l)
+ | _ , [] -> anomaly "MPfile expected!"
+ | _ -> anomaly "Section part should be empty!"
+(*s qualified names *)
+type qualid = section_path
+let make_qualid = make_path
+let repr_qualid = repr_path
+let string_of_qualid = string_of_path
+let pr_qualid = pr_sp
+let qualid_of_string = path_of_string
+let qualid_of_sp sp = sp
+let make_short_qualid id = make_qualid empty_dirpath id
+let qualid_of_dirpath dir =
+ let (l,a) = split_dirpath dir in
+ make_qualid l a
+type object_name = section_path * kernel_name
+type object_prefix = dir_path * (module_path * dir_path)
+let make_oname (dirpath,(mp,dir)) id =
+ make_path dirpath id, make_kn mp dir (label_of_id id)
+(* to this type are mapped dir_path's in the nametab *)
+type global_dir_reference =
+ | DirOpenModule of object_prefix
+ | DirOpenModtype of object_prefix
+ | DirOpenSection of object_prefix
+ | DirModule of object_prefix
+ | DirClosedSection of dir_path
+ (* this won't last long I hope! *)
+(* | ModRef mp ->
+ let mp' = subst_modpath subst mp in if mp==mp' then ref else
+ ModRef mp'
+ | ModTypeRef kn ->
+ let kn' = subst_kernel_name subst kn in if kn==kn' then ref else
+ ModTypeRef kn'
+type reference =
+ | Qualid of qualid located
+ | Ident of identifier located
+let qualid_of_reference = function
+ | Qualid (loc,qid) -> loc, qid
+ | Ident (loc,id) -> loc, make_short_qualid id
+let string_of_reference = function
+ | Qualid (loc,qid) -> string_of_qualid qid
+ | Ident (loc,id) -> string_of_id id
+let pr_reference = function
+ | Qualid (_,qid) -> pr_qualid qid
+ | Ident (_,id) -> pr_id id
+let loc_of_reference = function
+ | Qualid (loc,qid) -> loc
+ | Ident (loc,id) -> loc
diff --git a/library/libnames.mli b/library/libnames.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f05333c
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+++ b/library/libnames.mli
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: libnames.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+(*s Global reference is a kernel side type for all references together *)
+type global_reference =
+ | VarRef of variable
+ | ConstRef of constant
+ | IndRef of inductive
+ | ConstructRef of constructor
+val subst_global : substitution -> global_reference -> global_reference
+(* Turn a global reference into a construction *)
+val constr_of_reference : global_reference -> constr
+(* Turn a construction denoting a global into a reference;
+ raise [Not_found] if not a global *)
+val reference_of_constr : constr -> global_reference
+module Refset : Set.S with type elt = global_reference
+module Refmap : Map.S with type key = global_reference
+module Indmap : Map.S with type key = inductive
+module Constrmap : Map.S with type key = constructor
+(*s Dirpaths *)
+val pr_dirpath : dir_path -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val dirpath_of_string : string -> dir_path
+(* Give the immediate prefix of a [dir_path] *)
+val dirpath_prefix : dir_path -> dir_path
+(* Give the immediate prefix and basename of a [dir_path] *)
+val split_dirpath : dir_path -> dir_path * identifier
+val extend_dirpath : dir_path -> module_ident -> dir_path
+val add_dirpath_prefix : module_ident -> dir_path -> dir_path
+val extract_dirpath_prefix : int -> dir_path -> dir_path
+val is_dirpath_prefix_of : dir_path -> dir_path -> bool
+module Dirset : Set.S with type elt = dir_path
+module Dirmap : Map.S with type key = dir_path
+(*s Section paths are {\em absolute} names *)
+type section_path
+(* Constructors of [section_path] *)
+val make_path : dir_path -> identifier -> section_path
+(* Destructors of [section_path] *)
+val repr_path : section_path -> dir_path * identifier
+val dirpath : section_path -> dir_path
+val basename : section_path -> identifier
+(* Parsing and printing of section path as [""] *)
+val path_of_string : string -> section_path
+val string_of_path : section_path -> string
+val pr_sp : section_path -> std_ppcmds
+module Sppred : Predicate.S with type elt = section_path
+module Spmap : Map.S with type key = section_path
+val restrict_path : int -> section_path -> section_path
+type extended_global_reference =
+ | TrueGlobal of global_reference
+ | SyntacticDef of kernel_name
+val subst_ext :
+ substitution -> extended_global_reference -> extended_global_reference
+(*s Temporary function to brutally form kernel names from section paths *)
+val encode_kn : dir_path -> identifier -> kernel_name
+val decode_kn : kernel_name -> dir_path * identifier
+(*s A [qualid] is a partially qualified ident; it includes fully
+ qualified names (= absolute names) and all intermediate partial
+ qualifications of absolute names, including single identifiers *)
+type qualid
+val make_qualid : dir_path -> identifier -> qualid
+val repr_qualid : qualid -> dir_path * identifier
+val string_of_qualid : qualid -> string
+val pr_qualid : qualid -> std_ppcmds
+val qualid_of_string : string -> qualid
+(* Turns an absolute name into a qualified name denoting the same name *)
+val qualid_of_sp : section_path -> qualid
+val qualid_of_dirpath : dir_path -> qualid
+val make_short_qualid : identifier -> qualid
+(* Both names are passed to objects: a "semantic" kernel_name, which
+ can be substituted and a "syntactic" section_path which can be printed
+type object_name = section_path * kernel_name
+type object_prefix = dir_path * (module_path * dir_path)
+val make_oname : object_prefix -> identifier -> object_name
+(* to this type are mapped dir_path's in the nametab *)
+type global_dir_reference =
+ | DirOpenModule of object_prefix
+ | DirOpenModtype of object_prefix
+ | DirOpenSection of object_prefix
+ | DirModule of object_prefix
+ | DirClosedSection of dir_path
+ (* this won't last long I hope! *)
+type reference =
+ | Qualid of qualid located
+ | Ident of identifier located
+val qualid_of_reference : reference -> qualid located
+val string_of_reference : reference -> string
+val pr_reference : reference -> std_ppcmds
+val loc_of_reference : reference -> loc
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e531e05
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+++ b/library/
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+(* The relax flag is used to make it possible to load files while ignoring
+ failures to incorporate some objects. This can be useful when one
+ wants to work with restricted Coq programs that have only parts of
+ the full capabilities, but may still be able to work correctly for
+ limited purposes. One example is for the graphical interface, that uses
+ such a limite coq process to do only parsing. It loads .vo files, but
+ is only interested in loading the grammar rule definitions. *)
+let relax_flag = ref false;;
+let relax b = relax_flag := b;;
+type 'a substitutivity =
+ Dispose | Substitute of 'a | Keep of 'a | Anticipate of 'a
+type 'a object_declaration = {
+ object_name : string;
+ cache_function : object_name * 'a -> unit;
+ load_function : int -> object_name * 'a -> unit;
+ open_function : int -> object_name * 'a -> unit;
+ classify_function : object_name * 'a -> 'a substitutivity;
+ subst_function : object_name * substitution * 'a -> 'a;
+ export_function : 'a -> 'a option }
+let yell s = anomaly s
+let default_object s = {
+ object_name = s;
+ cache_function = (fun _ -> ());
+ load_function = (fun _ _ -> ());
+ open_function = (fun _ _ -> ());
+ subst_function = (fun _ ->
+ yell ("The object "^s^" does not know how to substitute!"));
+ classify_function = (fun (_,obj) -> Keep obj);
+ export_function = (fun _ -> None)}
+(* The suggested object declaration is the following:
+ declare_object { (default_object "MY OBJECT") with
+ cache_function = fun (sp,a) -> Mytbl.add sp a}
+ and the listed functions are only those which definitions accually
+ differ from the default.
+ This helps introducing new functions in objects.
+let ident_subst_function (_,_,a) = a
+type obj = Dyn.t (* persistent dynamic objects *)
+type dynamic_object_declaration = {
+ dyn_cache_function : object_name * obj -> unit;
+ dyn_load_function : int -> object_name * obj -> unit;
+ dyn_open_function : int -> object_name * obj -> unit;
+ dyn_subst_function : object_name * substitution * obj -> obj;
+ dyn_classify_function : object_name * obj -> obj substitutivity;
+ dyn_export_function : obj -> obj option }
+let object_tag lobj = Dyn.tag lobj
+let cache_tab =
+ (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string,dynamic_object_declaration) Hashtbl.t)
+let declare_object odecl =
+ let na = odecl.object_name in
+ let (infun,outfun) = Dyn.create na in
+ let cacher (oname,lobj) =
+ if Dyn.tag lobj = na then odecl.cache_function (oname,outfun lobj)
+ else anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the cachefun"
+ and loader i (oname,lobj) =
+ if Dyn.tag lobj = na then odecl.load_function i (oname,outfun lobj)
+ else anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the loadfun"
+ and opener i (oname,lobj) =
+ if Dyn.tag lobj = na then odecl.open_function i (oname,outfun lobj)
+ else anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the openfun"
+ and substituter (oname,sub,lobj) =
+ if Dyn.tag lobj = na then
+ infun (odecl.subst_function (oname,sub,outfun lobj))
+ else anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the substfun"
+ and classifier (spopt,lobj) =
+ if Dyn.tag lobj = na then
+ match odecl.classify_function (spopt,outfun lobj) with
+ | Dispose -> Dispose
+ | Substitute obj -> Substitute (infun obj)
+ | Keep obj -> Keep (infun obj)
+ | Anticipate (obj) -> Anticipate (infun obj)
+ else
+ anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the classifyfun"
+ and exporter lobj =
+ if Dyn.tag lobj = na then
+ option_app infun (odecl.export_function (outfun lobj))
+ else
+ anomaly "somehow we got the wrong dynamic object in the exportfun"
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add cache_tab na { dyn_cache_function = cacher;
+ dyn_load_function = loader;
+ dyn_open_function = opener;
+ dyn_subst_function = substituter;
+ dyn_classify_function = classifier;
+ dyn_export_function = exporter };
+ (infun,outfun)
+(* this function describes how the cache, load, open, and export functions
+ are triggered. In relaxed mode, this function just return a meaningless
+ value instead of raising an exception when they fail. *)
+let apply_dyn_fun deflt f lobj =
+ let tag = object_tag lobj in
+ try
+ let dodecl =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find cache_tab tag
+ with Not_found ->
+ if !relax_flag then
+ failwith "local to_apply_dyn_fun"
+ else
+ anomaly
+ ("Cannot find library functions for an object with tag "^tag) in
+ f dodecl
+ with
+ Failure "local to_apply_dyn_fun" -> deflt;;
+let cache_object ((_,lobj) as node) =
+ apply_dyn_fun () (fun d -> d.dyn_cache_function node) lobj
+let load_object i ((_,lobj) as node) =
+ apply_dyn_fun () (fun d -> d.dyn_load_function i node) lobj
+let open_object i ((_,lobj) as node) =
+ apply_dyn_fun () (fun d -> d.dyn_open_function i node) lobj
+let subst_object ((_,_,lobj) as node) =
+ apply_dyn_fun lobj (fun d -> d.dyn_subst_function node) lobj
+let classify_object ((_,lobj) as node) =
+ apply_dyn_fun Dispose (fun d -> d.dyn_classify_function node) lobj
+let export_object lobj =
+ apply_dyn_fun None (fun d -> d.dyn_export_function lobj) lobj
diff --git a/library/libobject.mli b/library/libobject.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a3811e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/libobject.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: libobject.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:35 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Libnames
+(* [Libobject] declares persistent objects, given with methods:
+ * a caching function specifying how to add the object in the current
+ scope;
+ If the object wishes to register its visibility in the Nametab,
+ it should do so for all possible sufixes.
+ * a loading function, specifying what to do when the module
+ containing the object is loaded;
+ If the object wishes to register its visibility in the Nametab,
+ it should do so for all sufixes no shorter then the "int" argument
+ * an opening function, specifying what to do when the module
+ containing the object is opened (imported);
+ If the object wishes to register its visibility in the Nametab,
+ it should do so for the sufix of the length the "int" argument
+ * a classification function, specyfying what to do with the object,
+ when the current module (containing the object) is ended;
+ The possibilities are:
+ Dispose - the object dies at the end of the module
+ Substitue - meaning the object is substitutive and
+ the module name must be updated
+ Keep - the object is not substitutive, but survives module
+ closing
+ Anticipate - this is for objects which have to be explicitely
+ managed by the end_module function (like Require
+ and Read markers)
+ The classification function is also an occasion for a cleanup
+ (if this function returns Keep or Substitute of some object, the
+ cache method is never called for it)
+ * a substitution function, performing the substitution;
+ this function should be declared for substitutive objects
+ only (see obove)
+ * an export function, to enable optional writing of its contents
+ to disk (.vo). This function is also the oportunity to remove
+ redundant information in order to keep .vo size small
+ The export function is a little obsolete and will be removed
+ in the near future...
+type 'a substitutivity =
+ Dispose | Substitute of 'a | Keep of 'a | Anticipate of 'a
+type 'a object_declaration = {
+ object_name : string;
+ cache_function : object_name * 'a -> unit;
+ load_function : int -> object_name * 'a -> unit;
+ open_function : int -> object_name * 'a -> unit;
+ classify_function : object_name * 'a -> 'a substitutivity;
+ subst_function : object_name * substitution * 'a -> 'a;
+ export_function : 'a -> 'a option }
+(* The default object is a "Keep" object with empty methods.
+ Object creators are advised to use the construction
+ [{(default_object "MY_OBJECT") with
+ cache_function = ...
+ }]
+ and specify only these functions which are not empty/meaningless
+val default_object : string -> 'a object_declaration
+(* the identity substitution function *)
+val ident_subst_function : object_name * substitution * 'a -> 'a
+(*s Given an object declaration, the function [declare_object]
+ will hand back two functions, the "injection" and "projection"
+ functions for dynamically typed library-objects. *)
+type obj
+val declare_object :
+ 'a object_declaration -> ('a -> obj) * (obj -> 'a)
+val object_tag : obj -> string
+val cache_object : object_name * obj -> unit
+val load_object : int -> object_name * obj -> unit
+val open_object : int -> object_name * obj -> unit
+val subst_object : object_name * substitution * obj -> obj
+val classify_object : object_name * obj -> obj substitutivity
+val export_object : obj -> obj option
+val relax : bool -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0477a8f3
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+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Safe_typing
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+open Nametab
+open Declaremods
+(*s Load path. Mapping from physical to logical paths etc.*)
+type logical_path = dir_path
+let load_path = ref ([],[] : System.physical_path list * logical_path list)
+let get_load_path () = fst !load_path
+(* Hints to partially detects if two paths refer to the same repertory *)
+let rec remove_path_dot p =
+ let curdir = Filename.concat Filename.current_dir_name "" in (* Unix: "./" *)
+ let n = String.length curdir in
+ if String.length p > n && String.sub p 0 n = curdir then
+ remove_path_dot (String.sub p n (String.length p - n))
+ else
+ p
+let strip_path p =
+ let cwd = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) "" in (* Unix: "`pwd`/" *)
+ let n = String.length cwd in
+ if String.length p > n && String.sub p 0 n = cwd then
+ remove_path_dot (String.sub p n (String.length p - n))
+ else
+ remove_path_dot p
+let canonical_path_name p =
+ let current = Sys.getcwd () in
+ try
+ Sys.chdir p;
+ let p' = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Sys.chdir current;
+ p'
+ with Sys_error _ ->
+ (* We give up to find a canonical name and just simplify it... *)
+ strip_path p
+let find_logical_path phys_dir =
+ let phys_dir = canonical_path_name phys_dir in
+ match list_filter2 (fun p d -> p = phys_dir) !load_path with
+ | _,[dir] -> dir
+ | _,[] -> Nameops.default_root_prefix
+ | _,l -> anomaly ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_dir)
+let remove_path dir =
+ load_path := list_filter2 (fun p d -> p <> dir) !load_path
+let add_load_path_entry (phys_path,coq_path) =
+ let phys_path = canonical_path_name phys_path in
+ match list_filter2 (fun p d -> p = phys_path) !load_path with
+ | _,[dir] ->
+ if coq_path <> dir
+ (* If this is not the default -I . to coqtop *)
+ && not
+ (phys_path = canonical_path_name Filename.current_dir_name
+ && coq_path = Nameops.default_root_prefix)
+ then
+ begin
+ (* Assume the user is concerned by library naming *)
+ if dir <> Nameops.default_root_prefix then
+ (Options.if_verbose warning (phys_path^" was previously bound to "
+ ^(string_of_dirpath dir)
+ ^("\nIt is remapped to "^(string_of_dirpath coq_path)));
+ flush_all ());
+ remove_path phys_path;
+ load_path := (phys_path::fst !load_path, coq_path::snd !load_path)
+ end
+ | _,[] ->
+ load_path := (phys_path :: fst !load_path, coq_path :: snd !load_path)
+ | _ -> anomaly ("Two logical paths are associated to "^phys_path)
+let physical_paths (dp,lp) = dp
+let load_path_of_logical_path dir =
+ fst (list_filter2 (fun p d -> d = dir) !load_path)
+let get_full_load_path () = List.combine (fst !load_path) (snd !load_path)
+(*s Modules on disk contain the following informations (after the magic
+ number, and before the digest). *)
+type compilation_unit_name = dir_path
+type library_disk = {
+ md_name : compilation_unit_name;
+ md_compiled : compiled_library;
+ md_objects : library_objects;
+ md_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Digest.t) list;
+ md_imports : compilation_unit_name list }
+(*s Modules loaded in memory contain the following informations. They are
+ kept in the global table [libraries_table]. *)
+type library_t = {
+ library_name : compilation_unit_name;
+ library_filename : System.physical_path;
+ library_compiled : compiled_library;
+ library_objects : library_objects;
+ library_deps : (compilation_unit_name * Digest.t) list;
+ library_imports : compilation_unit_name list;
+ library_digest : Digest.t }
+module CompilingLibraryOrdered =
+ struct
+ type t = dir_path
+ let compare d1 d2 =
+ (List.rev (repr_dirpath d1)) (List.rev (repr_dirpath d2))
+ end
+module CompilingLibraryMap = Map.Make(CompilingLibraryOrdered)
+(* This is a map from names to libraries *)
+let libraries_table = ref CompilingLibraryMap.empty
+(* These are the _ordered_ lists of loaded, imported and exported libraries *)
+let libraries_loaded_list = ref []
+let libraries_imports_list = ref []
+let libraries_exports_list = ref []
+let freeze () =
+ !libraries_table,
+ !libraries_loaded_list,
+ !libraries_imports_list,
+ !libraries_exports_list
+let unfreeze (mt,mo,mi,me) =
+ libraries_table := mt;
+ libraries_loaded_list := mo;
+ libraries_imports_list := mi;
+ libraries_exports_list := me
+let init () =
+ libraries_table := CompilingLibraryMap.empty;
+ libraries_loaded_list := [];
+ libraries_imports_list := [];
+ libraries_exports_list := []
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "MODULES"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+let find_library s =
+ try
+ CompilingLibraryMap.find s !libraries_table
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Unknown library " ^ (string_of_dirpath s))
+let library_full_filename m = (find_library m).library_filename
+let library_is_loaded dir =
+ try let _ = CompilingLibraryMap.find dir !libraries_table in true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let library_is_opened dir =
+ List.exists (fun m -> m.library_name = dir) !libraries_imports_list
+let library_is_exported dir =
+ List.exists (fun m -> m.library_name = dir) !libraries_exports_list
+let loaded_libraries () =
+ (fun m -> m.library_name) !libraries_loaded_list
+let opened_libraries () =
+ (fun m -> m.library_name) !libraries_imports_list
+ (* If a library is loaded several time, then the first occurrence must
+ be performed first, thus the libraries_loaded_list ... *)
+let register_loaded_library m =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> [m]
+ | m'::_ as l when m'.library_name = m.library_name -> l
+ | m'::l' -> m' :: aux l' in
+ libraries_loaded_list := aux !libraries_loaded_list;
+ libraries_table := CompilingLibraryMap.add m.library_name m !libraries_table
+ (* ... while if a library is imported/exported several time, then
+ only the last occurrence is really needed - though the imported
+ list may differ from the exported list (consider the sequence
+ Export A; Export B; Import A which results in A;B for exports but
+ in B;A for imports) *)
+let rec remember_last_of_each l m =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> [m]
+ | m'::l' when m'.library_name = m.library_name -> remember_last_of_each l' m
+ | m'::l' -> m' :: remember_last_of_each l' m
+let register_open_library export m =
+ libraries_imports_list := remember_last_of_each !libraries_imports_list m;
+ if export then
+ libraries_exports_list := remember_last_of_each !libraries_exports_list m
+(*s Opening libraries *)
+(*s [open_library s] opens a library. The library [s] and all
+ libraries needed by [s] are assumed to be already loaded. When
+ opening [s] we recursively open all the libraries needed by [s]
+ and tagged [exported]. *)
+let eq_lib_name m1 m2 = m1.library_name = m2.library_name
+let open_library export explicit_libs m =
+ if
+ (* Only libraries indirectly to open are not reopen *)
+ (* Libraries explicitly mentionned by the user are always reopen *)
+ List.exists (eq_lib_name m) explicit_libs
+ or not (library_is_opened m.library_name)
+ then begin
+ register_open_library export m;
+ Declaremods.really_import_module (MPfile m.library_name)
+ end
+ else
+ if export then
+ libraries_exports_list := remember_last_of_each !libraries_exports_list m
+let open_libraries export modl =
+ let to_open_list =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l m ->
+ let subimport =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l m -> remember_last_of_each l (find_library m))
+ l m.library_imports
+ in remember_last_of_each subimport m)
+ [] modl in
+ List.iter (open_library export modl) to_open_list
+(* import and export - synchronous operations*)
+let cache_import (_,(dir,export)) =
+ open_libraries export [find_library dir]
+let open_import i (_,(dir,_) as obj) =
+ if i=1 then
+ (* even if the library is already imported, we re-import it *)
+ (* if not (library_is_opened dir) then *)
+ cache_import obj
+let subst_import (_,_,o) = o
+let export_import o = Some o
+let classify_import (_,(_,export as obj)) =
+ if export then Substitute obj else Dispose
+let (in_import, out_import) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "IMPORT LIBRARY") with
+ cache_function = cache_import;
+ open_function = open_import;
+ subst_function = subst_import;
+ classify_function = classify_import }
+(*s Loading from disk to cache (preparation phase) *)
+let vo_magic_number7 = 07992 (* V8.0 final old syntax *)
+let vo_magic_number8 = 08002 (* V8.0 final new syntax *)
+let (raw_extern_library7, raw_intern_library7) =
+ System.raw_extern_intern vo_magic_number7 ".vo"
+let (raw_extern_library8, raw_intern_library8) =
+ System.raw_extern_intern vo_magic_number8 ".vo"
+let raw_intern_library a =
+ if !Options.v7 then
+ try raw_intern_library7 a
+ with System.Bad_magic_number fname ->
+ let _= raw_intern_library8 a in
+ error "Inconsistent compiled files: you probably want to use Coq in new syntax and remove the option -v7 or -translate"
+ else
+ try raw_intern_library8 a
+ with System.Bad_magic_number fname ->
+ let _= raw_intern_library7 a in
+ error "Inconsistent compiled files: you probably want to use Coq in old syntax by setting options -v7 or -translate"
+let raw_extern_library =
+ if !Options.v7 then raw_extern_library7 else raw_extern_library8
+(* cache for loaded libraries *)
+let compunit_cache = ref CompilingLibraryMap.empty
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "MODULES-CACHE"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !compunit_cache);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun cu -> compunit_cache := cu);
+ Summary.init_function =
+ (fun () -> compunit_cache := CompilingLibraryMap.empty);
+ Summary.survive_module = true;
+ Summary.survive_section = true }
+(*s [load_library s] loads the library [s] from the disk, and [find_library s]
+ returns the library of name [s], loading it if necessary.
+ The boolean [doexp] specifies if we open the libraries which are declared
+ exported in the dependencies (it is [true] at the highest level;
+ then same value as for caller is reused in recursive loadings). *)
+exception LibUnmappedDir
+exception LibNotFound
+type library_location = LibLoaded | LibInPath
+let locate_absolute_library dir =
+ (* Look if loaded in current environment *)
+ try
+ let m = CompilingLibraryMap.find dir !libraries_table in
+ (dir, m.library_filename)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Look if in loadpath *)
+ try
+ let pref, base = split_dirpath dir in
+ let loadpath = load_path_of_logical_path pref in
+ if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir;
+ let name = (string_of_id base)^".vo" in
+ let _, file = System.where_in_path loadpath name in
+ (dir, file)
+ with Not_found -> raise LibNotFound
+let with_magic_number_check f a =
+ try f a
+ with System.Bad_magic_number fname ->
+ errorlabstrm "with_magic_number_check"
+ (str"file " ++ str fname ++ spc () ++ str"has bad magic number." ++
+ spc () ++ str"It is corrupted" ++ spc () ++
+ str"or was compiled with another version of Coq.")
+let lighten_library m =
+ if !Options.dont_load_proofs then lighten_library m else m
+let mk_library md f digest = {
+ library_name = md.md_name;
+ library_filename = f;
+ library_compiled = lighten_library md.md_compiled;
+ library_objects = md.md_objects;
+ library_deps = md.md_deps;
+ library_imports = md.md_imports;
+ library_digest = digest }
+let intern_from_file f =
+ let ch = with_magic_number_check raw_intern_library f in
+ let md = System.marshal_in ch in
+ let digest = System.marshal_in ch in
+ close_in ch;
+ mk_library md f digest
+let rec intern_library (dir, f) =
+ try
+ (* Look if in the current logical environment *)
+ CompilingLibraryMap.find dir !libraries_table
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ (* Look if already loaded in cache and consequently its dependencies *)
+ CompilingLibraryMap.find dir !compunit_cache
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* [dir] is an absolute name which matches [f] which must be in loadpath *)
+ let m = intern_from_file f in
+ if dir <> m.library_name then
+ errorlabstrm "load_physical_library"
+ (str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++
+ pr_dirpath m.library_name ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++
+ spc() ++ pr_dirpath dir);
+ intern_and_cache_library dir m
+and intern_and_cache_library dir m =
+ compunit_cache := CompilingLibraryMap.add dir m !compunit_cache;
+ try
+ List.iter (intern_mandatory_library dir) m.library_deps;
+ m
+ with e ->
+ compunit_cache := CompilingLibraryMap.remove dir !compunit_cache;
+ raise e
+and intern_mandatory_library caller (dir,d) =
+ let m = intern_absolute_library_from dir in
+ if d <> m.library_digest then
+ error ("compiled library "^(string_of_dirpath caller)^
+ " makes inconsistent assumptions over library "
+ ^(string_of_dirpath dir))
+and intern_absolute_library_from dir =
+ try
+ intern_library (locate_absolute_library dir)
+ with
+ | LibUnmappedDir ->
+ let prefix, dir = fst (split_dirpath dir), string_of_dirpath dir in
+ errorlabstrm "load_absolute_library_from"
+ (str ("Cannot load "^dir^":") ++ spc () ++
+ str "no physical path bound to" ++ spc () ++ pr_dirpath prefix ++ fnl ())
+ | LibNotFound ->
+ errorlabstrm "load_absolute_library_from"
+ (str"Cannot find library " ++ pr_dirpath dir ++ str" in loadpath")
+ | e -> raise e
+let rec_intern_library mref = let _ = intern_library mref in ()
+let check_library_short_name f dir = function
+ | Some id when id <> snd (split_dirpath dir) ->
+ errorlabstrm "check_library_short_name"
+ (str ("The file " ^ f ^ " contains library") ++ spc () ++
+ pr_dirpath dir ++ spc () ++ str "and not library" ++ spc () ++
+ pr_id id)
+ | _ -> ()
+let rec_intern_by_filename_only id f =
+ let m = intern_from_file f in
+ (* Only the base name is expected to match *)
+ check_library_short_name f m.library_name id;
+ (* We check no other file containing same library is loaded *)
+ try
+ let m' = CompilingLibraryMap.find m.library_name !libraries_table in
+ Options.if_verbose warning
+ ((string_of_dirpath m.library_name)^" is already loaded from file "^
+ m'.library_filename);
+ m.library_name
+ with Not_found ->
+ let m = intern_and_cache_library m.library_name m in
+ m.library_name
+let locate_qualified_library qid =
+ (* Look if loaded in current environment *)
+ try
+ let dir = Nametab.full_name_module qid in
+ (LibLoaded, dir, library_full_filename dir)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Look if in loadpath *)
+ try
+ let dir, base = repr_qualid qid in
+ let loadpath =
+ if repr_dirpath dir = [] then get_load_path ()
+ else
+ (* we assume dir is an absolute dirpath *)
+ load_path_of_logical_path dir
+ in
+ if loadpath = [] then raise LibUnmappedDir;
+ let name = (string_of_id base)^".vo" in
+ let path, file = System.where_in_path loadpath name in
+ (LibInPath, extend_dirpath (find_logical_path path) base, file)
+ with Not_found -> raise LibNotFound
+let rec_intern_qualified_library (loc,qid) =
+ try
+ let (_,dir,f) = locate_qualified_library qid in
+ rec_intern_library (dir,f);
+ dir
+ with
+ | LibUnmappedDir ->
+ let prefix, id = repr_qualid qid in
+ user_err_loc (loc, "rec_intern_qualified_library",
+ str ("Cannot load "^(string_of_id id)^":") ++ spc () ++
+ str "no physical path bound to" ++ spc () ++ pr_dirpath prefix ++
+ fnl ())
+ | LibNotFound ->
+ user_err_loc (loc, "rec_intern_qualified_library",
+ str"Cannot find library " ++ pr_qualid qid ++ str" in loadpath")
+let rec_intern_library_from_file idopt f =
+ (* A name is specified, we have to check it contains library id *)
+ let _, f = System.find_file_in_path (get_load_path ()) (f^".vo") in
+ rec_intern_by_filename_only idopt f
+(*s [require_library] loads and opens a library. This is a synchronized
+ operation. It is performed as follows:
+ preparation phase: (functions require_library* ) the library and its
+ dependencies are read from to disk to the compunit_cache
+ (using intern_* )
+ execution phase: (through add_leaf and cache_require)
+ the library is loaded in the environment and Nametab, the objects are
+ registered etc, using functions from Declaremods (via load_library,
+ which recursively loads its dependencies)
+ The [read_library] operation is very similar, but does not "open"
+ the library
+type library_reference = dir_path list * bool option
+let string_of_library (_,dir,_) = string_of_id (List.hd (repr_dirpath dir))
+let rec load_library dir =
+ try
+ (* Look if loaded in current env (and consequently its dependencies) *)
+ CompilingLibraryMap.find dir !libraries_table
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* [dir] is an absolute name matching [f] which must be in loadpath *)
+ let m =
+ try CompilingLibraryMap.find dir !compunit_cache
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly ((string_of_dirpath dir)^" should be in cache")
+ in
+ List.iter (fun (dir,_) -> ignore (load_library dir)) m.library_deps;
+ Declaremods.register_library
+ m.library_name
+ m.library_compiled
+ m.library_objects
+ m.library_digest;
+ register_loaded_library m;
+ m
+let cache_require (_,(modl,export)) =
+ let ml = list_map_left load_library modl in
+ match export with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some export -> open_libraries export ml
+let load_require _ (_,(modl,_)) =
+ ignore(list_map_left load_library modl)
+ (* keeps the require marker for closed section replay but removes
+ OS dependent fields from .vo files for cross-platform compatibility *)
+let export_require (l,e) = Some (l,e)
+let (in_require, out_require) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "REQUIRE") with
+ cache_function = cache_require;
+ load_function = load_require;
+ export_function = export_require;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Anticipate o) }
+let xml_require = ref (fun d -> ())
+let set_xml_require f = xml_require := f
+let require_library spec qidl export =
+ if sections_are_opened () && Options.verbose () then
+ warning ("Objets of "^(string_of_library modref)^
+ " not surviving sections (e.g. Grammar \nand Hints)\n"^
+ "will be removed at the end of the section");
+ let modrefl = rec_intern_qualified_library qidl in
+ if Lib.is_modtype () || Lib.is_module () then begin
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (modrefl,None));
+ List.iter
+ (fun dir ->
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (dir, export)))
+ modrefl
+ end
+ else
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require (modrefl,Some export));
+ if !Options.xml_export then List.iter !xml_require modrefl;
+ add_frozen_state ()
+let require_library_from_file spec idopt file export =
+ let modref = rec_intern_library_from_file idopt file in
+ if Lib.is_modtype () || Lib.is_module () then begin
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require ([modref],None));
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (modref, export))
+ end
+ else
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require ([modref],Some export));
+ if !Options.xml_export then !xml_require modref;
+ add_frozen_state ()
+(* read = require without opening *)
+let read_library qid =
+ let modref = rec_intern_qualified_library qid in
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require ([modref],None));
+ if !Options.xml_export then !xml_require modref;
+ add_frozen_state ()
+let read_library_from_file f =
+ let _, f = System.find_file_in_path (get_load_path ()) (f^".vo") in
+ let modref = rec_intern_by_filename_only None f in
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require ([modref],None));
+ if !Options.xml_export then !xml_require modref;
+ add_frozen_state ()
+(* called at end of section *)
+let reload_library modrefl =
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require modrefl);
+ add_frozen_state ()
+(* the function called by Vernacentries.vernac_import *)
+let import_library export (loc,qid) =
+ try
+ match Nametab.locate_module qid with
+ MPfile dir ->
+ if Lib.is_modtype () || Lib.is_module () || not export then
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_import (dir, export))
+ else
+ add_anonymous_leaf (in_require ([dir], Some export))
+ | mp ->
+ import_module export mp
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc,"import_library",
+ str ((string_of_qualid qid)^" is not a module"))
+(*s [save_library s] saves the library [m] to the disk. *)
+let start_library f =
+ let _,longf =
+ System.find_file_in_path (get_load_path ()) (f^".v") in
+ let ldir0 = find_logical_path (Filename.dirname longf) in
+ let id = id_of_string (Filename.basename f) in
+ let ldir = extend_dirpath ldir0 id in
+ Declaremods.start_library ldir;
+ ldir,longf
+let current_deps () =
+ (fun m -> (m.library_name, m.library_digest)) !libraries_loaded_list
+let current_reexports () =
+ (fun m -> m.library_name) !libraries_exports_list
+let save_library_to s f =
+ let cenv, seg = Declaremods.end_library s in
+ let md = {
+ md_name = s;
+ md_compiled = cenv;
+ md_objects = seg;
+ md_deps = current_deps ();
+ md_imports = current_reexports () } in
+ let (f',ch) = raw_extern_library f in
+ try
+ System.marshal_out ch md;
+ flush ch;
+ let di = Digest.file f' in
+ System.marshal_out ch di;
+ close_out ch
+ with e -> (warning ("Removed file "^f');close_out ch; Sys.remove f'; raise e)
+(*s Pretty-printing of libraries state. *)
+(* this function is not used... *)
+let fmt_libraries_state () =
+ let opened = opened_libraries ()
+ and loaded = loaded_libraries () in
+ (str "Imported (open) Modules: " ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_spc pr_dirpath opened ++ fnl () ++
+ str "Loaded Modules: " ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_spc pr_dirpath loaded ++ fnl ())
+(*s For tactics/commands requiring vernacular libraries *)
+let check_required_library d =
+ let d' = id_of_string d in
+ let dir = make_dirpath (List.rev d') in
+ if not (library_is_loaded dir) then
+(* Loading silently ...
+ let m, prefix = list_sep_last d' in
+ read_library
+ (dummy_loc,make_qualid (make_dirpath (List.rev prefix)) m)
+(* or failing ...*)
+ error ("Library "^(list_last d)^" has to be required first")
+(*s Display the memory use of a library. *)
+open Printf
+let mem s =
+ let m = find_library s in
+ h 0 (str (sprintf "%dk (cenv = %dk / seg = %dk)"
+ (size_kb m) (size_kb m.library_compiled)
+ (size_kb m.library_objects)))
diff --git a/library/library.mli b/library/library.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18be1671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/library.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: library.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Libobject
+(*s This module is the heart of the library. It provides low level
+ functions to load, open and save libraries. Libraries are saved
+ onto the disk with checksums (obtained with the [Digest] module),
+ which are checked at loading time to prevent inconsistencies
+ between files written at various dates. It also provides a high
+ level function [require] which corresponds to the vernacular
+ command [Require]. *)
+val read_library : qualid located -> unit
+val read_library_from_file : System.physical_path -> unit
+(* [import_library true qid] = [export qid] *)
+val import_library : bool -> qualid located -> unit
+val library_is_loaded : dir_path -> bool
+val library_is_opened : dir_path -> bool
+val loaded_libraries : unit -> dir_path list
+val opened_libraries : unit -> dir_path list
+val fmt_libraries_state : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(*s Require. The command [require_library spec m file export] loads and opens
+ a library [m]. [file] specifies the filename, if not [None]. [spec]
+ specifies to look for a specification ([true]) or for an implementation
+ ([false]), if not [None]. And [export] specifies if the library must be
+ exported. *)
+val require_library :
+ bool option -> qualid located list -> bool -> unit
+val require_library_from_file :
+ bool option -> identifier option -> System.physical_path -> bool -> unit
+val set_xml_require : (dir_path -> unit) -> unit
+(*s [save_library_to s f] saves the current environment as a library [s]
+ in the file [f]. *)
+val start_library : string -> dir_path * string
+val save_library_to : dir_path -> string -> unit
+(* [library_full_filename] returns the full filename of a loaded library. *)
+val library_full_filename : dir_path -> string
+(*s Global load path *)
+type logical_path = dir_path
+val get_load_path : unit -> System.physical_path list
+val get_full_load_path : unit -> (System.physical_path * logical_path) list
+val add_load_path_entry : System.physical_path * logical_path -> unit
+val remove_path : System.physical_path -> unit
+val find_logical_path : System.physical_path -> logical_path
+val load_path_of_logical_path : dir_path -> System.physical_path list
+exception LibUnmappedDir
+exception LibNotFound
+type library_location = LibLoaded | LibInPath
+val locate_qualified_library :
+ qualid -> library_location * dir_path * System.physical_path
+val check_required_library : string list -> unit
+(*s Displays the memory use of a library. *)
+val mem : dir_path -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(* For discharge *)
+type library_reference
+val out_require : Libobject.obj -> library_reference
+val reload_library : library_reference -> unit
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea40aae5
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+(* Identifiers *)
+let pr_id id = str (string_of_id id)
+let wildcard = id_of_string "_"
+(* Utilities *)
+let code_of_0 = Char.code '0'
+let code_of_9 = Char.code '9'
+let cut_ident skip_quote s =
+ let s = string_of_id s in
+ let slen = String.length s in
+ (* [n'] is the position of the first non nullary digit *)
+ let rec numpart n n' =
+ if n = 0 then
+ error
+ ("The string " ^ s ^ " is not an identifier: it contains only digits or _")
+ else
+ let c = Char.code (String.get s (n-1)) in
+ if c = code_of_0 && n <> slen then
+ numpart (n-1) n'
+ else if code_of_0 <= c && c <= code_of_9 then
+ numpart (n-1) (n-1)
+ else if skip_quote & (c = Char.code '\'' || c = Char.code '_') then
+ numpart (n-1) (n-1)
+ else
+ n'
+ in
+ numpart slen slen
+let repr_ident s =
+ let numstart = cut_ident false s in
+ let s = string_of_id s in
+ let slen = String.length s in
+ if numstart = slen then
+ (s, None)
+ else
+ (String.sub s 0 numstart,
+ Some (int_of_string (String.sub s numstart (slen - numstart))))
+let make_ident sa = function
+ | Some n ->
+ let c = Char.code (String.get sa (String.length sa -1)) in
+ let s =
+ if c < code_of_0 or c > code_of_9 then sa ^ (string_of_int n)
+ else sa ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n) in
+ id_of_string s
+ | None -> id_of_string (String.copy sa)
+let root_of_id id =
+ let suffixstart = cut_ident true id in
+ id_of_string (String.sub (string_of_id id) 0 suffixstart)
+(* Rem: semantics is a bit different, if an ident starts with toto00 then
+ after successive renamings it comes to toto09, then it goes on with toto10 *)
+let lift_subscript id =
+ let id = string_of_id id in
+ let len = String.length id in
+ let rec add carrypos =
+ let c = id.[carrypos] in
+ if is_digit c then
+ if c = '9' then begin
+ assert (carrypos>0);
+ add (carrypos-1)
+ end
+ else begin
+ let newid = String.copy id in
+ String.fill newid (carrypos+1) (len-1-carrypos) '0';
+ newid.[carrypos] <- Char.chr (Char.code c + 1);
+ newid
+ end
+ else begin
+ let newid = id^"0" in
+ if carrypos < len-1 then begin
+ String.fill newid (carrypos+1) (len-1-carrypos) '0';
+ newid.[carrypos+1] <- '1'
+ end;
+ newid
+ end
+ in id_of_string (add (len-1))
+let has_subscript id =
+ let id = string_of_id id in
+ is_digit (id.[String.length id - 1])
+let forget_subscript id =
+ let numstart = cut_ident false id in
+ let newid = String.make (numstart+1) '0' in
+ String.blit (string_of_id id) 0 newid 0 numstart;
+ (id_of_string newid)
+let add_suffix id s = id_of_string (string_of_id id ^ s)
+let add_prefix s id = id_of_string (s ^ string_of_id id)
+let atompart_of_id id = fst (repr_ident id)
+(* Fresh names *)
+let lift_ident = lift_subscript
+let next_ident_away id avoid =
+ if List.mem id avoid then
+ let id0 = if not (has_subscript id) then id else
+ (* Ce serait sans doute mieux avec quelque chose inspiré de
+ *** make_ident id (Some 0) *** mais ça brise la compatibilité... *)
+ forget_subscript id in
+ let rec name_rec id =
+ if List.mem id avoid then name_rec (lift_ident id) else id in
+ name_rec id0
+ else id
+let next_ident_away_from id avoid =
+ let rec name_rec id =
+ if List.mem id avoid then name_rec (lift_ident id) else id in
+ name_rec id
+(* Names *)
+let out_name = function
+ | Name id -> id
+ | Anonymous -> anomaly "out_name: expects a defined name"
+let name_fold f na a =
+ match na with
+ | Name id -> f id a
+ | Anonymous -> a
+let name_cons na l =
+ match na with
+ | Anonymous -> l
+ | Name id -> id::l
+let name_app f = function
+ | Name id -> Name (f id)
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous
+let next_name_away_with_default default name l =
+ match name with
+ | Name str -> next_ident_away str l
+ | Anonymous -> next_ident_away (id_of_string default) l
+let next_name_away name l =
+ match name with
+ | Name str -> next_ident_away str l
+ | Anonymous -> id_of_string "_"
+let pr_lab l = str (string_of_label l)
+let default_library = Names.initial_dir (* = ["Top"] *)
+(*s Roots of the space of absolute names *)
+let coq_root = id_of_string "Coq"
+let default_root_prefix = make_dirpath []
+(* Metavariables *)
+let pr_meta =
+let string_of_meta = string_of_int
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b7cecda
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+++ b/library/nameops.mli
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: nameops.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+(* Identifiers and names *)
+val pr_id : identifier -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val wildcard : identifier
+val make_ident : string -> int option -> identifier
+val repr_ident : identifier -> string * int option
+val atompart_of_id : identifier -> string (* remove trailing digits *)
+val root_of_id : identifier -> identifier (* remove trailing digits, ' and _ *)
+val add_suffix : identifier -> string -> identifier
+val add_prefix : string -> identifier -> identifier
+val lift_ident : identifier -> identifier
+val next_ident_away : identifier -> identifier list -> identifier
+val next_ident_away_from : identifier -> identifier list -> identifier
+val next_name_away : name -> identifier list -> identifier
+val next_name_away_with_default :
+ string -> name -> identifier list -> identifier
+val out_name : name -> identifier
+val name_fold : (identifier -> 'a -> 'a) -> name -> 'a -> 'a
+val name_cons : name -> identifier list -> identifier list
+val name_app : (identifier -> identifier) -> name -> name
+val pr_lab : label -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(* some preset paths *)
+val default_library : dir_path
+(* This is the root of the standard library of Coq *)
+val coq_root : module_ident
+(* This is the default root prefix for developments which doesn't
+ mention a root *)
+val default_root_prefix : dir_path
+(* Metavariables *)
+val pr_meta : Term.metavariable -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val string_of_meta : Term.metavariable -> string
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Declarations
+exception GlobalizationError of qualid
+exception GlobalizationConstantError of qualid
+let error_global_not_found_loc loc q =
+ Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (GlobalizationError q)
+let error_global_constant_not_found_loc loc q =
+ Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc (GlobalizationConstantError q)
+let error_global_not_found q = raise (GlobalizationError q)
+(* The visibility can be registered either
+ - for all suffixes not shorter then a given int - when the object
+ is loaded inside a module
+ or
+ - for a precise suffix, when the module containing (the module
+ containing ...) the object is open (imported)
+type visibility = Until of int | Exactly of int
+(* Data structure for nametabs *******************************************)
+(* This module type will be instantiated by [section_path] of [dir_path] *)
+(* The [repr] function is assumed to return the reversed list of idents. *)
+module type UserName = sig
+ type t
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val repr : t -> identifier * module_ident list
+(* A ['a t] is a map from [user_name] to ['a], with possible lookup by
+ partially qualified names of type [qualid]. The mapping of
+ partially qualified names to ['a] is determined by the [visibility]
+ parameter of [push].
+ The [shortest_qualid] function given a user_name Coq.A.B.x, tries
+ to find the shortest among x, B.x, A.B.x and Coq.A.B.x that denotes
+ the same object.
+module type NAMETREE = sig
+ type 'a t
+ type user_name
+ val empty : 'a t
+ val push : visibility -> user_name -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ val locate : qualid -> 'a t -> 'a
+ val find : user_name -> 'a t -> 'a
+ val exists : user_name -> 'a t -> bool
+ val user_name : qualid -> 'a t -> user_name
+ val shortest_qualid : Idset.t -> user_name -> 'a t -> qualid
+ val find_prefixes : qualid -> 'a t -> 'a list
+module Make(U:UserName) : NAMETREE with type user_name = U.t
+ =
+ type user_name = U.t
+ type 'a path_status =
+ Nothing
+ | Relative of user_name * 'a
+ | Absolute of user_name * 'a
+ (* Dictionaries of short names *)
+ type 'a nametree = ('a path_status * 'a nametree ModIdmap.t)
+ type 'a t = 'a nametree Idmap.t
+ let empty = Idmap.empty
+ (* [push_until] is used to register [Until vis] visibility and
+ [push_exactly] to [Exactly vis] and [push_tree] chooses the right one*)
+ let rec push_until uname o level (current,dirmap) = function
+ | modid :: path as dir ->
+ let mc =
+ try ModIdmap.find modid dirmap
+ with Not_found -> (Nothing, ModIdmap.empty)
+ in
+ let this =
+ if level <= 0 then
+ match current with
+ | Absolute (n,_) ->
+ (* This is an absolute name, we must keep it
+ otherwise it may become unaccessible forever *)
+ warning ("Trying to mask the absolute name \""
+ ^ U.to_string n ^ "\"!");
+ current
+ | Nothing
+ | Relative _ -> Relative (uname,o)
+ else current
+ in
+ let ptab' = push_until uname o (level-1) mc path in
+ (this, ModIdmap.add modid ptab' dirmap)
+ | [] ->
+ match current with
+ | Absolute (uname',o') ->
+ if o'=o then begin
+ assert (uname=uname');
+ current, dirmap
+ (* we are putting the same thing for the second time :) *)
+ end
+ else
+ (* This is an absolute name, we must keep it otherwise it may
+ become unaccessible forever *)
+ (* But ours is also absolute! This is an error! *)
+ error ("Cannot mask the absolute name \""
+ ^ U.to_string uname' ^ "\"!")
+ | Nothing
+ | Relative _ -> Absolute (uname,o), dirmap
+let rec push_exactly uname o level (current,dirmap) = function
+ | modid :: path as dir ->
+ let mc =
+ try ModIdmap.find modid dirmap
+ with Not_found -> (Nothing, ModIdmap.empty)
+ in
+ if level = 0 then
+ let this =
+ match current with
+ | Absolute (n,_) ->
+ (* This is an absolute name, we must keep it
+ otherwise it may become unaccessible forever *)
+ warning ("Trying to mask the absolute name \""
+ ^ U.to_string n ^ "\"!");
+ current
+ | Nothing
+ | Relative _ -> Relative (uname,o)
+ in
+ (this, dirmap)
+ else (* not right level *)
+ let ptab' = push_exactly uname o (level-1) mc path in
+ (current, ModIdmap.add modid ptab' dirmap)
+ | [] ->
+ anomaly "Prefix longer than path! Impossible!"
+let push visibility uname o tab =
+ let id,dir = U.repr uname in
+ let ptab =
+ try Idmap.find id tab
+ with Not_found -> (Nothing, ModIdmap.empty)
+ in
+ let ptab' = match visibility with
+ | Until i -> push_until uname o (i-1) ptab dir
+ | Exactly i -> push_exactly uname o (i-1) ptab dir
+ in
+ Idmap.add id ptab' tab
+let rec search (current,modidtab) = function
+ | modid :: path -> search (ModIdmap.find modid modidtab) path
+ | [] -> current
+let find_node qid tab =
+ let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
+ search (Idmap.find id tab) (repr_dirpath dir)
+let locate qid tab =
+ let o = match find_node qid tab with
+ | Absolute (uname,o) | Relative (uname,o) -> o
+ | Nothing -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ o
+let user_name qid tab =
+ let uname = match find_node qid tab with
+ | Absolute (uname,o) | Relative (uname,o) -> uname
+ | Nothing -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ uname
+let find uname tab =
+ let id,l = U.repr uname in
+ match search (Idmap.find id tab) l with
+ Absolute (_,o) -> o
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let exists uname tab =
+ try
+ let _ = find uname tab in
+ true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let shortest_qualid ctx uname tab =
+ let id,dir = U.repr uname in
+ let hidden = Idset.mem id ctx in
+ let rec find_uname pos dir (path,tab) = match path with
+ | Absolute (u,_) | Relative (u,_)
+ when u=uname && not(pos=[] && hidden) -> List.rev pos
+ | _ ->
+ match dir with
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | id::dir -> find_uname (id::pos) dir (ModIdmap.find id tab)
+ in
+ let ptab = Idmap.find id tab in
+ let found_dir = find_uname [] dir ptab in
+ make_qualid (make_dirpath found_dir) id
+let push_node node l =
+ match node with
+ | Absolute (_,o) | Relative (_,o) when not (List.mem o l) -> o::l
+ | _ -> l
+let rec flatten_idmap tab l =
+ ModIdmap.fold (fun _ (current,idtab) l ->
+ flatten_idmap idtab (push_node current l)) tab l
+let rec search_prefixes (current,modidtab) = function
+ | modid :: path -> search_prefixes (ModIdmap.find modid modidtab) path
+ | [] -> List.rev (flatten_idmap modidtab (push_node current []))
+let find_prefixes qid tab =
+ try
+ let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
+ search_prefixes (Idmap.find id tab) (repr_dirpath dir)
+ with Not_found -> []
+(* Global name tables *************************************************)
+module SpTab = Make (struct
+ type t = section_path
+ let to_string = string_of_path
+ let repr sp =
+ let dir,id = repr_path sp in
+ id, (repr_dirpath dir)
+ end)
+type ccitab = extended_global_reference SpTab.t
+let the_ccitab = ref (SpTab.empty : ccitab)
+type kntab = kernel_name SpTab.t
+let the_modtypetab = ref (SpTab.empty : kntab)
+let the_tactictab = ref (SpTab.empty : kntab)
+type objtab = unit SpTab.t
+let the_objtab = ref (SpTab.empty : objtab)
+module DirTab = Make(struct
+ type t = dir_path
+ let to_string = string_of_dirpath
+ let repr dir = match repr_dirpath dir with
+ | [] -> anomaly "Empty dirpath"
+ | id::l -> (id,l)
+ end)
+(* If we have a (closed) module M having a submodule N, than N does not
+ have the entry in [the_dirtab]. *)
+type dirtab = global_dir_reference DirTab.t
+let the_dirtab = ref (DirTab.empty : dirtab)
+(* Reversed name tables ***************************************************)
+(* This table translates extended_global_references back to section paths *)
+module Globrevtab = Map.Make(struct
+ type t=extended_global_reference
+ let compare = compare
+ end)
+type globrevtab = section_path Globrevtab.t
+let the_globrevtab = ref (Globrevtab.empty : globrevtab)
+type mprevtab = dir_path MPmap.t
+let the_modrevtab = ref (MPmap.empty : mprevtab)
+type knrevtab = section_path KNmap.t
+let the_modtyperevtab = ref (KNmap.empty : knrevtab)
+let the_tacticrevtab = ref (KNmap.empty : knrevtab)
+(* Push functions *********************************************************)
+(* This is for permanent constructions (never discharged -- but with
+ possibly limited visibility, i.e. Theorem, Lemma, Definition, Axiom,
+ Parameter but also Remark and Fact) *)
+let push_xref visibility sp xref =
+ the_ccitab := SpTab.push visibility sp xref !the_ccitab;
+ match visibility with
+ | Until _ ->
+ the_globrevtab := Globrevtab.add xref sp !the_globrevtab
+ | _ -> ()
+let push_cci visibility sp ref =
+ push_xref visibility sp (TrueGlobal ref)
+(* This is for Syntactic Definitions *)
+let push_syntactic_definition visibility sp kn =
+ push_xref visibility sp (SyntacticDef kn)
+let push = push_cci
+let push_modtype vis sp kn =
+ the_modtypetab := SpTab.push vis sp kn !the_modtypetab;
+ the_modtyperevtab := KNmap.add kn sp !the_modtyperevtab
+(* This is for tactic definition names *)
+let push_tactic vis sp kn =
+ the_tactictab := SpTab.push vis sp kn !the_tactictab;
+ the_tacticrevtab := KNmap.add kn sp !the_tacticrevtab
+(* This is for dischargeable non-cci objects (removed at the end of the
+ section -- i.e. Hints, Grammar ...) *) (* --> Unused *)
+let push_object visibility sp =
+ the_objtab := SpTab.push visibility sp () !the_objtab
+(* This is to remember absolute Section/Module names and to avoid redundancy *)
+let push_dir vis dir dir_ref =
+ the_dirtab := DirTab.push vis dir dir_ref !the_dirtab;
+ match dir_ref with
+ DirModule (_,(mp,_)) -> the_modrevtab := MPmap.add mp dir !the_modrevtab
+ | _ -> ()
+(* Locate functions *******************************************************)
+(* This should be used when syntactic definitions are allowed *)
+let extended_locate qid = SpTab.locate qid !the_ccitab
+(* This should be used when no syntactic definitions is expected *)
+let locate qid = match extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> ref
+ | SyntacticDef _ -> raise Not_found
+let full_name_cci qid = SpTab.user_name qid !the_ccitab
+let locate_syntactic_definition qid = match extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal _ -> raise Not_found
+ | SyntacticDef kn -> kn
+let locate_modtype qid = SpTab.locate qid !the_modtypetab
+let full_name_modtype qid = SpTab.user_name qid !the_modtypetab
+let locate_obj qid = SpTab.user_name qid !the_objtab
+type ltac_constant = kernel_name
+let locate_tactic qid = SpTab.locate qid !the_tactictab
+let full_name_tactic qid = SpTab.user_name qid !the_tactictab
+let locate_dir qid = DirTab.locate qid !the_dirtab
+let locate_module qid =
+ match locate_dir qid with
+ | DirModule (_,(mp,_)) -> mp
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let full_name_module qid =
+ match locate_dir qid with
+ | DirModule (dir,_) -> dir
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let locate_section qid =
+ match locate_dir qid with
+ | DirOpenSection (dir, _)
+ | DirClosedSection dir -> dir
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let locate_all qid =
+ List.fold_right (fun a l -> match a with TrueGlobal a -> a::l | _ -> l)
+ (SpTab.find_prefixes qid !the_ccitab) []
+let extended_locate_all qid = SpTab.find_prefixes qid !the_ccitab
+(* Derived functions *)
+let locate_constant qid =
+ match extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal (ConstRef kn) -> kn
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let locate_mind qid =
+ match extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal (IndRef (kn,0)) -> kn
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let absolute_reference sp =
+ match SpTab.find sp !the_ccitab with
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> ref
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let locate_in_absolute_module dir id =
+ absolute_reference (make_path dir id)
+let global r =
+ let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference r in
+ try match extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> ref
+ | SyntacticDef _ ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"global",
+ str "Unexpected reference to a syntactic definition: " ++
+ pr_qualid qid)
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+(* Exists functions ********************************************************)
+let exists_cci sp = SpTab.exists sp !the_ccitab
+let exists_dir dir = DirTab.exists dir !the_dirtab
+let exists_section = exists_dir
+let exists_module = exists_dir
+let exists_modtype sp = SpTab.exists sp !the_modtypetab
+let exists_tactic sp = SpTab.exists sp !the_tactictab
+(* Reverse locate functions ***********************************************)
+let sp_of_global ref =
+ match ref with
+ | VarRef id -> make_path empty_dirpath id
+ | _ -> Globrevtab.find (TrueGlobal ref) !the_globrevtab
+let id_of_global ref =
+ let (_,id) = repr_path (sp_of_global ref) in
+ id
+let sp_of_syntactic_definition kn =
+ Globrevtab.find (SyntacticDef kn) !the_globrevtab
+let dir_of_mp mp =
+ MPmap.find mp !the_modrevtab
+(* Shortest qualid functions **********************************************)
+let shortest_qualid_of_global ctx ref =
+ match ref with
+ | VarRef id -> make_qualid empty_dirpath id
+ | _ ->
+ let sp = Globrevtab.find (TrueGlobal ref) !the_globrevtab in
+ SpTab.shortest_qualid ctx sp !the_ccitab
+let shortest_qualid_of_syndef kn =
+ let sp = sp_of_syntactic_definition kn in
+ SpTab.shortest_qualid Idset.empty sp !the_ccitab
+let shortest_qualid_of_module mp =
+ let dir = MPmap.find mp !the_modrevtab in
+ DirTab.shortest_qualid Idset.empty dir !the_dirtab
+let shortest_qualid_of_modtype kn =
+ let sp = KNmap.find kn !the_modtyperevtab in
+ SpTab.shortest_qualid Idset.empty sp !the_modtypetab
+let shortest_qualid_of_tactic kn =
+ let sp = KNmap.find kn !the_tacticrevtab in
+ SpTab.shortest_qualid Idset.empty sp !the_tactictab
+let pr_global_env env ref =
+ (* Il est important de laisser le let-in, car les streams s'évaluent
+ paresseusement : il faut forcer l'évaluation pour capturer
+ l'éventuelle levée d'une exception (le cas échoit dans le debugger) *)
+ let s = string_of_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global env ref) in
+ (str s)
+let global_inductive r =
+ match global r with
+ | IndRef ind -> ind
+ | ref ->
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_reference r,"global_inductive",
+ pr_reference r ++ spc () ++ str "is not an inductive type")
+(* Registration of tables as a global table and rollback *)
+type frozen = ccitab * dirtab * objtab * kntab * kntab
+ * globrevtab * mprevtab * knrevtab * knrevtab
+let init () =
+ the_ccitab := SpTab.empty;
+ the_dirtab := DirTab.empty;
+ the_objtab := SpTab.empty;
+ the_modtypetab := SpTab.empty;
+ the_tactictab := SpTab.empty;
+ the_globrevtab := Globrevtab.empty;
+ the_modrevtab := MPmap.empty;
+ the_modtyperevtab := KNmap.empty;
+ the_tacticrevtab := KNmap.empty
+let freeze () =
+ !the_ccitab,
+ !the_dirtab,
+ !the_objtab,
+ !the_modtypetab,
+ !the_tactictab,
+ !the_globrevtab,
+ !the_modrevtab,
+ !the_modtyperevtab,
+ !the_tacticrevtab
+let unfreeze (ccit,dirt,objt,mtyt,tact,globr,modr,mtyr,tacr) =
+ the_ccitab := ccit;
+ the_dirtab := dirt;
+ the_objtab := objt;
+ the_modtypetab := mtyt;
+ the_tactictab := tact;
+ the_globrevtab := globr;
+ the_modrevtab := modr;
+ the_modtyperevtab := mtyr;
+ the_tacticrevtab := tacr
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "names"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
diff --git a/library/nametab.mli b/library/nametab.mli
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3a0bd670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/nametab.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: nametab.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Libnames
+(*s This module contains the tables for globalization, which
+ associates internal object references to qualified names (qualid). *)
+(* Most functions in this module fall into one of the following categories:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item [push : visibility -> full_user_name -> object_reference -> unit]
+ Registers the [object_reference] to be referred to by the
+ [full_user_name] (and its suffixes according to [visibility]).
+ [full_user_name] can either be a [section_path] or a [dir_path].
+ \item [exists : full_user_name -> bool]
+ Is the [full_user_name] already atributed as an absolute user name
+ of some object?
+ \item [locate : qualid -> object_reference]
+ Finds the object referred to by [qualid] or raises Not_found
+ \item [name_of] : object_reference -> user_name
+ The [user_name] can be for example the shortest non ambiguous [qualid] or
+ the [full_user_name] or [identifier]. Such a function can also have a
+ local context argument.
+exception GlobalizationError of qualid
+exception GlobalizationConstantError of qualid
+(* Raises a globalization error *)
+val error_global_not_found_loc : loc -> qualid -> 'a
+val error_global_not_found : qualid -> 'a
+val error_global_constant_not_found_loc : loc -> qualid -> 'a
+(*s Register visibility of things *)
+(* The visibility can be registered either
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item for all suffixes not shorter then a given int -- when the
+ object is loaded inside a module -- or
+ \item for a precise suffix, when the module containing (the module
+ containing ...) the object is opened (imported)
+ \end{itemize}
+type visibility = Until of int | Exactly of int
+val push : visibility -> section_path -> global_reference -> unit
+val push_syntactic_definition :
+ visibility -> section_path -> kernel_name -> unit
+val push_modtype : visibility -> section_path -> kernel_name -> unit
+val push_dir : visibility -> dir_path -> global_dir_reference -> unit
+val push_object : visibility -> section_path -> unit
+val push_tactic : visibility -> section_path -> kernel_name -> unit
+(*s The following functions perform globalization of qualified names *)
+(* This returns the section path of a constant or fails with [Not_found] *)
+val locate : qualid -> global_reference
+(* This function is used to transform a qualified identifier into a
+ global reference, with a nice error message in case of failure *)
+val global : reference -> global_reference
+(* The same for inductive types *)
+val global_inductive : reference -> inductive
+(* This locates also syntactic definitions *)
+val extended_locate : qualid -> extended_global_reference
+(* This locates all names with a given suffix, if qualid is valid as
+ such, it comes first in the list *)
+val extended_locate_all : qualid -> extended_global_reference list
+(* This locates all global references with a given suffixe *)
+val locate_all : qualid -> global_reference list
+val locate_obj : qualid -> section_path
+val locate_constant : qualid -> constant
+val locate_mind : qualid -> mutual_inductive
+val locate_section : qualid -> dir_path
+val locate_modtype : qualid -> kernel_name
+val locate_syntactic_definition : qualid -> kernel_name
+type ltac_constant = kernel_name
+val locate_tactic : qualid -> ltac_constant
+val locate_dir : qualid -> global_dir_reference
+val locate_module : qualid -> module_path
+(* A variant looking up a [section_path] *)
+val absolute_reference : section_path -> global_reference
+(*s These function tell if the given absolute name is already taken *)
+val exists_cci : section_path -> bool
+val exists_modtype : section_path -> bool
+(* Those three functions are the same *)
+val exists_dir : dir_path -> bool
+val exists_section : dir_path -> bool (* deprecated *)
+val exists_module : dir_path -> bool (* deprecated *)
+(*s These functions turn qualids into full user names: [section_path]s
+ or [dir_path]s *)
+val full_name_modtype : qualid -> section_path
+val full_name_cci : qualid -> section_path
+(* As above but checks that the path found is indeed a module *)
+val full_name_module : qualid -> dir_path
+(*s Reverse lookup -- finding user names corresponding to the given
+ internal name *)
+val sp_of_syntactic_definition : kernel_name -> section_path
+val shortest_qualid_of_global : Idset.t -> global_reference -> qualid
+val shortest_qualid_of_syndef : kernel_name -> qualid
+val shortest_qualid_of_tactic : ltac_constant -> qualid
+val dir_of_mp : module_path -> dir_path
+val sp_of_global : global_reference -> section_path
+val id_of_global : global_reference -> identifier
+(* Printing of global references using names as short as possible *)
+val pr_global_env : Idset.t -> global_reference -> std_ppcmds
+(* The [shortest_qualid] functions given an object with user_name
+ Coq.A.B.x, try to find the shortest among x, B.x, A.B.x and
+ Coq.A.B.x that denotes the same object. *)
+val shortest_qualid_of_module : module_path -> qualid
+val shortest_qualid_of_modtype : kernel_name -> qualid
+type frozen
+val freeze : unit -> frozen
+val unfreeze : frozen -> unit
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a7f1e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open System
+type state = Lib.frozen * Summary.frozen
+let get_state () =
+ (Lib.freeze(), Summary.freeze_summaries())
+let set_state (fl,fs) =
+ Lib.unfreeze fl;
+ Summary.unfreeze_summaries fs
+let state_magic_number = 19764
+let (extern_state,intern_state) =
+ let (raw_extern, raw_intern) = extern_intern state_magic_number ".coq" in
+ (fun s -> raw_extern s (get_state())),
+ (fun s -> set_state (raw_intern (Library.get_load_path ()) s))
+(* Rollback. *)
+let freeze = get_state
+let unfreeze = set_state
+let with_heavy_rollback f x =
+ let st = get_state () in
+ try
+ f x
+ with reraise ->
+ (set_state st; raise reraise)
diff --git a/library/states.mli b/library/states.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70018180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/states.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: states.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*s States of the system. In that module, we provide functions to get
+ and set the state of the whole system. Internally, it is done by
+ freezing the states of both [Lib] and [Summary]. We provide functions
+ to write and restore state to and from a given file. *)
+val intern_state : string -> unit
+val extern_state : string -> unit
+type state
+val freeze : unit -> state
+val unfreeze : state -> unit
+(*s Rollback. [with_heavy_rollback f x] applies [f] to [x] and restores the
+ state of the whole system as it was before the evaluation if an exception
+ is raised. *)
+val with_heavy_rollback : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc88350a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+type 'a summary_declaration = {
+ freeze_function : unit -> 'a;
+ unfreeze_function : 'a -> unit;
+ init_function : unit -> unit;
+ survive_module : bool ;
+ survive_section : bool }
+let summaries =
+ (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string, Dyn.t summary_declaration) Hashtbl.t)
+let internal_declare_summary sumname sdecl =
+ let (infun,outfun) = Dyn.create sumname in
+ let dyn_freeze () = infun (sdecl.freeze_function())
+ and dyn_unfreeze sum = sdecl.unfreeze_function (outfun sum)
+ and dyn_init = sdecl.init_function in
+ let ddecl = {
+ freeze_function = dyn_freeze;
+ unfreeze_function = dyn_unfreeze;
+ init_function = dyn_init;
+ survive_module = sdecl.survive_module;
+ survive_section = sdecl.survive_section }
+ in
+ if Hashtbl.mem summaries sumname then
+ anomalylabstrm "Summary.declare_summary"
+ (str "Cannot declare a summary twice: " ++ str sumname);
+ Hashtbl.add summaries sumname ddecl
+let declare_summary sumname decl =
+ internal_declare_summary (sumname^"-SUMMARY") decl
+type frozen = Dyn.t Stringmap.t
+let freeze_summaries () =
+ let m = ref Stringmap.empty in
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id decl -> m := Stringmap.add id (decl.freeze_function()) !m)
+ summaries;
+ !m
+let unfreeze_some_summaries p fs =
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun id decl ->
+ try
+ if p decl then
+ decl.unfreeze_function (Stringmap.find id fs)
+ with Not_found -> decl.init_function())
+ summaries
+let unfreeze_summaries =
+ unfreeze_some_summaries (fun _ -> true)
+let section_unfreeze_summaries =
+ unfreeze_some_summaries (fun decl -> not decl.survive_section)
+let module_unfreeze_summaries =
+ unfreeze_some_summaries (fun decl -> not decl.survive_module)
+let init_summaries () =
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun _ decl -> decl.init_function()) summaries
diff --git a/library/summary.mli b/library/summary.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e691f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/summary.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: summary.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:36 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* This module registers the declaration of global tables, which will be kept
+ in synchronization during the various backtracks of the system. *)
+type 'a summary_declaration = {
+ freeze_function : unit -> 'a;
+ unfreeze_function : 'a -> unit;
+ init_function : unit -> unit;
+ survive_module : bool; (* should be false is most cases *)
+ survive_section : bool }
+val declare_summary : string -> 'a summary_declaration -> unit
+type frozen
+val freeze_summaries : unit -> frozen
+val unfreeze_summaries : frozen -> unit
+val section_unfreeze_summaries : frozen -> unit
+val module_unfreeze_summaries : frozen -> unit
+val init_summaries : unit -> unit