path: root/library/
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Diffstat (limited to 'library/')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 5876eedd..26af809e 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -12,14 +12,12 @@ open Errors
open Names
open Libnames
-type path_type = ImplicitPath | ImplicitRootPath | RootPath
(** Load paths. Mapping from physical to logical paths. *)
type t = {
path_physical : CUnix.physical_path;
path_logical : DirPath.t;
- path_type : path_type;
+ path_implicit : bool;
let load_paths = Summary.ref ([] : t list) ~name:"LOADPATHS"
@@ -54,32 +52,35 @@ let remove_load_path dir =
let filter p = not (String.equal p.path_physical dir) in
load_paths := List.filter filter !load_paths
-let add_load_path phys_path path_type coq_path =
+let add_load_path phys_path coq_path ~implicit =
let phys_path = CUnix.canonical_path_name phys_path in
let filter p = String.equal p.path_physical phys_path in
let binding = {
path_logical = coq_path;
path_physical = phys_path;
- path_type = path_type;
+ path_implicit = implicit;
} in
match List.filter filter !load_paths with
| [] ->
load_paths := binding :: !load_paths
- | [p] ->
- let dir = p.path_logical in
- if not (DirPath.equal coq_path dir)
- (* If this is not the default -I . to coqtop *)
- && not
- (String.equal phys_path (CUnix.canonical_path_name Filename.current_dir_name)
- && DirPath.equal coq_path (Nameops.default_root_prefix))
- then
+ | [{ path_logical = old_path; path_implicit = old_implicit }] ->
+ let replace =
+ if DirPath.equal coq_path old_path then
+ implicit <> old_implicit
+ else if DirPath.equal coq_path (Nameops.default_root_prefix)
+ && String.equal phys_path (CUnix.canonical_path_name Filename.current_dir_name) then
+ false (* This is the default "-I ." path, don't override the old path *)
+ else
+ let () =
+ (* Do not warn when overriding the default "-I ." path *)
+ if not (DirPath.equal old_path Nameops.default_root_prefix) then
+ msg_warning
+ (str phys_path ++ strbrk " was previously bound to " ++
+ pr_dirpath old_path ++ strbrk "; it is remapped to " ++
+ pr_dirpath coq_path) in
+ true in
+ if replace then
- (* Assume the user is concerned by library naming *)
- if not (DirPath.equal dir Nameops.default_root_prefix) then
- msg_warning
- (str phys_path ++ strbrk " was previously bound to " ++
- pr_dirpath dir ++ strbrk "; it is remapped to " ++
- pr_dirpath coq_path);
remove_load_path phys_path;
load_paths := binding :: !load_paths;
@@ -89,47 +90,25 @@ let extend_path_with_dirpath p dir =
List.fold_left Filename.concat p
(List.rev_map Id.to_string (DirPath.repr dir))
-let expand_root_path dir =
+let filter_path f =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| p :: l ->
- if p.path_type <> ImplicitPath && is_dirpath_prefix_of p.path_logical dir then
- let suffix = drop_dirpath_prefix p.path_logical dir in
- extend_path_with_dirpath p.path_physical suffix :: aux l
+ if f p.path_logical then (p.path_physical, p.path_logical) :: aux l
else aux l
aux !load_paths
-(* Root p is bound to A.B.C.D and we require file C.D.E.F *)
-(* We may mean A.B.C.D.E.F, or A.B.C.D.C.D.E.F *)
-(* Root p is bound to A.B.C.C and we require file C.C.E.F *)
-(* We may mean A.B.C.C.E.F, or A.B.C.C.C.E.F, or A.B.C.C.C.C.E.F *)
-let intersections d1 d2 =
- let rec aux d1 =
- if DirPath.is_empty d1 then [d2] else
- let rest = aux (snd (chop_dirpath 1 d1)) in
- if is_dirpath_prefix_of d1 d2 then drop_dirpath_prefix d1 d2 :: rest
- else rest in
- aux d1
-let expand p dir =
- let ph = extend_path_with_dirpath p.path_physical dir in
- let log = append_dirpath p.path_logical dir in
- (ph, log)
let expand_path dir =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
- | p :: l ->
- match p.path_type with
- | ImplicitPath -> expand p dir :: aux l
- | ImplicitRootPath ->
- let inters = intersections p.path_logical dir in
- (expand p) inters @ aux l
- | RootPath ->
- if is_dirpath_prefix_of p.path_logical dir then
- expand p (drop_dirpath_prefix p.path_logical dir) :: aux l
- else aux l in
+ | { path_physical = ph; path_logical = lg; path_implicit = implicit } :: l ->
+ match implicit with
+ | true ->
+ (** The path is implicit, so that we only want match the logical suffix *)
+ if is_dirpath_suffix_of dir lg then (ph, lg) :: aux l else aux l
+ | false ->
+ (** Otherwise we must match exactly *)
+ if DirPath.equal dir lg then (ph, lg) :: aux l else aux l
+ in
aux !load_paths