path: root/library/
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Diffstat (limited to 'library/')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index ce3d2520..fa71bb2f 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 10982 2008-05-24 14:32:25Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 11282 2008-07-28 11:51:53Z msozeau $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ let add_leaf id obj =
add_entry oname (Leaf obj);
-let add_discharged_leaf id varinfo obj =
+let add_discharged_leaf id obj =
let oname = make_oname id in
- let newobj = rebuild_object (varinfo, obj) in
+ let newobj = rebuild_object obj in
cache_object (oname,newobj);
add_entry oname (Leaf newobj)
@@ -436,11 +436,14 @@ let what_is_opened () = find_entry_p is_something_opened
- the list of variables on which each inductive depends in this section
- the list of substitution to do at section closing
+type binding_kind = Explicit | Implicit
-type abstr_list = Sign.named_context Cmap.t * Sign.named_context KNmap.t
+type variable_info = Names.identifier * binding_kind * Term.constr option * Term.types
+type variable_context = variable_info list
+type abstr_list = variable_context Names.Cmap.t * variable_context Names.KNmap.t
let sectab =
- ref ([] : ((identifier * bool * Term.types option) list * Cooking.work_list * abstr_list) list)
+ ref ([] : ((Names.identifier * binding_kind * Term.types option) list * Cooking.work_list * abstr_list) list)
let add_section () =
sectab := ([],(Cmap.empty,KNmap.empty),(Cmap.empty,KNmap.empty)) :: !sectab
@@ -451,25 +454,34 @@ let add_section_variable id impl keep =
| (vars,repl,abs)::sl -> sectab := ((id,impl,keep)::vars,repl,abs)::sl
let rec extract_hyps = function
- | ((id,impl,keep)::idl,(id',_,_ as d)::hyps) when id=id' -> d :: extract_hyps (idl,hyps)
- | ((id,impl,Some ty)::idl,hyps) -> (id,None,ty) :: extract_hyps (idl,hyps)
+ | ((id,impl,keep)::idl,(id',b,t)::hyps) when id=id' -> (id',impl,b,t) :: extract_hyps (idl,hyps)
+ | ((id,impl,Some ty)::idl,hyps) -> (id,impl,None,ty) :: extract_hyps (idl,hyps)
| (id::idl,hyps) -> extract_hyps (idl,hyps)
| [], _ -> []
+let instance_from_variable_context sign =
+ let rec inst_rec = function
+ | (id,b,None,_) :: sign -> id :: inst_rec sign
+ | _ :: sign -> inst_rec sign
+ | [] -> [] in
+ Array.of_list (inst_rec sign)
+let named_of_variable_context = (fun (id,_,b,t) -> (id,b,t))
let add_section_replacement f g hyps =
match !sectab with
| [] -> ()
| (vars,exps,abs)::sl ->
let sechyps = extract_hyps (vars,hyps) in
- let args = Sign.instance_from_named_context (List.rev sechyps) in
- sectab := (vars,f ( Term.destVar args) exps,g sechyps abs)::sl
+ let args = instance_from_variable_context (List.rev sechyps) in
+ sectab := (vars,f args exps,g sechyps abs)::sl
let add_section_kn kn =
- let f = (fun x (l1,l2) -> (l1,KNmap.add kn x l2)) in
+ let f x (l1,l2) = (l1,Names.KNmap.add kn x l2) in
add_section_replacement f f
let add_section_constant kn =
- let f = (fun x (l1,l2) -> (Cmap.add kn x l1,l2)) in
+ let f x (l1,l2) = (Names.Cmap.add kn x l1,l2) in
add_section_replacement f f
let replacement_context () = pi2 (List.hd !sectab)
@@ -482,13 +494,22 @@ let section_segment_of_constant con =
let section_segment_of_mutual_inductive kn =
KNmap.find kn (snd (pi3 (List.hd !sectab)))
+let rec list_mem_assoc_in_triple x = function
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (a,_,_)::l -> compare a x = 0 or list_mem_assoc_in_triple x l
let section_instance = function
- | VarRef id -> [||]
+ | VarRef id ->
+ if list_mem_assoc_in_triple id (pi1 (List.hd !sectab)) then [||]
+ else raise Not_found
| ConstRef con ->
Cmap.find con (fst (pi2 (List.hd !sectab)))
| IndRef (kn,_) | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) ->
KNmap.find kn (snd (pi2 (List.hd !sectab)))
+let is_in_section ref =
+ try ignore (section_instance ref); true with Not_found -> false
let init_sectab () = sectab := []
let freeze_sectab () = !sectab
let unfreeze_sectab s = sectab := s
@@ -551,10 +572,6 @@ let close_section id =
with Not_found ->
error "no opened section"
- let var_info =
- (fun (x, y, z) -> (x, y, match z with Some _ -> true | None -> false))
- (variables_context ())
- in
let (secdecls,secopening,before) = split_lib oname in
lib_stk := before;
let full_olddir = fst !path_prefix in
@@ -563,7 +580,7 @@ let close_section id =
if !Flags.xml_export then !xml_close_section id;
let newdecls = discharge_item secdecls in
Summary.section_unfreeze_summaries fs;
- List.iter (Option.iter (fun (id,o) -> add_discharged_leaf id var_info o)) newdecls;
+ List.iter (Option.iter (fun (id,o) -> add_discharged_leaf id o)) newdecls;
Cooking.clear_cooking_sharing ();
Nametab.push_dir (Nametab.Until 1) full_olddir (DirClosedSection full_olddir)