path: root/library/
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Diffstat (limited to 'library/')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 273ddb55..04ee14fb 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -14,20 +14,19 @@
(* Initial author: Arnaud Spiwack
Module-traversing code: Pierre Letouzey *)
+open Pp
+open Errors
open Util
open Names
-open Sign
-open Univ
open Term
open Declarations
open Mod_subst
-let cst_ord k1 k2 = kn_ord (canonical_con k1) (canonical_con k2)
type context_object =
- | Variable of identifier (* A section variable or a Let definition *)
+ | Variable of Id.t (* A section variable or a Let definition *)
| Axiom of constant (* An axiom or a constant. *)
| Opaque of constant (* An opaque constant. *)
+ | Transparent of constant
(* Defines a set of [assumption] *)
module OrderedContextObject =
@@ -35,13 +34,17 @@ struct
type t = context_object
let compare x y =
match x , y with
- | Variable i1 , Variable i2 -> id_ord i1 i2
- | Axiom k1 , Axiom k2 -> cst_ord k1 k2
- | Opaque k1 , Opaque k2 -> cst_ord k1 k2
- | Variable _ , Axiom _ -> -1
+ | Variable i1 , Variable i2 -> i1 i2
+ | Axiom k1 , Axiom k2 -> con_ord k1 k2
+ | Opaque k1 , Opaque k2 -> con_ord k1 k2
+ | Transparent k1 , Transparent k2 -> con_ord k1 k2
| Axiom _ , Variable _ -> 1
- | Opaque _ , _ -> -1
- | _, Opaque _ -> 1
+ | Opaque _ , Variable _
+ | Opaque _ , Axiom _ -> 1
+ | Transparent _ , Variable _
+ | Transparent _ , Axiom _
+ | Transparent _ , Opaque _ -> 1
+ | _ , _ -> -1
module ContextObjectSet = Set.Make (OrderedContextObject)
@@ -56,14 +59,31 @@ let modcache = ref (MPmap.empty : structure_body MPmap.t)
let rec search_mod_label lab = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
- | (l,SFBmodule mb) :: _ when l = lab -> mb
+ | (l, SFBmodule mb) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> mb
| _ :: fields -> search_mod_label lab fields
let rec search_cst_label lab = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
- | (l,SFBconst cb) :: _ when l = lab -> cb
+ | (l, SFBconst cb) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> cb
| _ :: fields -> search_cst_label lab fields
+(* TODO: using [empty_delta_resolver] below is probably slightly incorrect. But:
+ a) I don't see currently what should be used instead
+ b) this shouldn't be critical for Print Assumption. At worse some
+ constants will have a canonical name which is non-canonical,
+ leading to failures in [Global.lookup_constant], but our own
+ [lookup_constant] should work.
+let rec fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args = function
+ |NoFunctor a -> f subs mp0 args a
+ |MoreFunctor (mbid,_,e) ->
+ match args with
+ | [] -> assert false (* we should only encounter applied functors *)
+ | mpa :: args ->
+ let subs = add_mbid mbid mpa empty_delta_resolver (*TODO*) subs in
+ fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args e
let rec lookup_module_in_impl mp =
try Global.lookup_module mp
with Not_found ->
@@ -87,46 +107,32 @@ and fields_of_mp mp =
let mb = lookup_module_in_impl mp in
let fields,inner_mp,subs = fields_of_mb empty_subst mb [] in
let subs =
- if inner_mp = mp then subs
+ if mp_eq inner_mp mp then subs
else add_mp inner_mp mp mb.mod_delta subs
- Modops.subst_signature subs fields
+ Modops.subst_structure subs fields
-and fields_of_mb subs mb args =
- let seb = match mb.mod_expr with
- | None -> mb.mod_type (* cf. Declare Module *)
- | Some seb -> seb
- in
- fields_of_seb subs mb.mod_mp seb args
+and fields_of_mb subs mb args = match mb.mod_expr with
+ |Algebraic expr -> fields_of_expression subs mb.mod_mp args expr
+ |Struct sign -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args sign
+ |Abstract|FullStruct -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args mb.mod_type
-(* TODO: using [empty_delta_resolver] below in [fields_of_seb]
- is probably slightly incorrect. But:
- a) I don't see currently what should be used instead
- b) this shouldn't be critical for Print Assumption. At worse some
- constants will have a canonical name which is non-canonical,
- leading to failures in [Global.lookup_constant], but our own
- [lookup_constant] should work.
+(** The Abstract case above corresponds to [Declare Module] *)
-and fields_of_seb subs mp0 seb args = match seb with
- | SEBstruct l ->
- assert (args = []);
- l, mp0, subs
- | SEBident mp ->
+and fields_of_signature x =
+ fields_of_functor
+ (fun subs mp0 args struc ->
+ assert (List.is_empty args);
+ (struc, mp0, subs)) x
+and fields_of_expr subs mp0 args = function
+ |MEident mp ->
let mb = lookup_module_in_impl (subst_mp subs mp) in
fields_of_mb subs mb args
- | SEBapply (seb1,seb2,_) ->
- (match seb2 with
- | SEBident mp2 -> fields_of_seb subs mp0 seb1 (mp2::args)
- | _ -> assert false) (* only legal application is to module names *)
- | SEBfunctor (mbid,mtb,seb) ->
- (match args with
- | [] -> assert false (* we should only encounter applied functors *)
- | mpa :: args ->
- let subs = add_mbid mbid mpa empty_delta_resolver subs in
- fields_of_seb subs mp0 seb args)
- | SEBwith _ -> assert false (* should not appear in a mod_expr
- or mod_type field *)
+ |MEapply (me1,mp2) -> fields_of_expr subs mp0 (mp2::args) me1
+ |MEwith _ -> assert false (* no 'with' in [mod_expr] *)
+and fields_of_expression x = fields_of_functor fields_of_expr x
let lookup_constant_in_impl cst fallback =
@@ -143,16 +149,16 @@ let lookup_constant_in_impl cst fallback =
- The label has not been found in the structure. This is an error *)
match fallback with
| Some cb -> cb
- | None -> anomaly ("Print Assumption: unknown constant "^string_of_con cst)
+ | None -> anomaly (str "Print Assumption: unknown constant " ++ pr_con cst)
let lookup_constant cst =
let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in
- if constant_has_body cb then cb
+ if Declareops.constant_has_body cb then cb
else lookup_constant_in_impl cst (Some cb)
with Not_found -> lookup_constant_in_impl cst None
-let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) st (* t *) =
+let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) ?(add_transparent=false) st (* t *) =
modcache := MPmap.empty;
let (idts,knst) = st in
(* Infix definition for chaining function that accumulate
@@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) st (* t *) =
a "Let" definition, in the former it is an assumption of [t],
in the latter is must be unfolded like a Const.
The other cases are straightforward recursion.
- Calls to the environment are memoized, thus avoiding to explore
+ Calls to the environment are memoized, thus avoiding exploration of
the DAG of the environment as if it was a tree (can cause
exponential behavior and prevent the algorithm from terminating
in reasonable time). [s] is a set of [context_object], representing
@@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) st (* t *) =
| Case (_,e1,e2,e_array) -> (iter e1)**(iter e2)**(iter_array e_array)
| Fix (_,(_, e1_array, e2_array)) | CoFix (_,(_,e1_array, e2_array)) ->
(iter_array e1_array) ** (iter_array e2_array)
- | Const kn -> do_memoize_kn kn
+ | Const (kn,_) -> do_memoize_kn kn
| _ -> identity2 (* closed atomic types + rel *)
and iter_array a = Array.fold_right (fun e f -> (iter e)**f) a identity2
in iter t s acc
@@ -216,23 +222,23 @@ let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) st (* t *) =
and add_kn kn s acc =
let cb = lookup_constant kn in
let do_type cst =
- let ctype =
- match cb.Declarations.const_type with
- | PolymorphicArity (ctx,a) -> mkArity (ctx, Type a.poly_level)
- | NonPolymorphicType t -> t
- in
+ let ctype = Global.type_of_global_unsafe (Globnames.ConstRef kn) in
(s,ContextObjectMap.add cst ctype acc)
let (s,acc) =
- if add_opaque && Declarations.constant_has_body cb
- && (Declarations.is_opaque cb || not (Cpred.mem kn knst))
- then
- do_type (Opaque kn)
- else (s,acc)
+ if Declareops.constant_has_body cb then
+ if Declareops.is_opaque cb || not (Cpred.mem kn knst) then
+ (** it is opaque *)
+ if add_opaque then do_type (Opaque kn)
+ else (s, acc)
+ else
+ if add_transparent then do_type (Transparent kn)
+ else (s, acc)
+ else (s, acc)
- match Declarations.body_of_constant cb with
+ match Global.body_of_constant_body cb with
| None -> do_type (Axiom kn)
- | Some body -> do_constr (Declarations.force body) s acc
+ | Some body -> do_constr body s acc
and do_memoize_kn kn =
try_and_go (Axiom kn) (add_kn kn)