path: root/lib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index a19cc65b..a73a5558 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 11350 2008-09-02 15:37:49Z barras $ *)
+(* $Id: 11845 2009-01-22 18:55:08Z letouzey $ *)
open Pp
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ let is_letter c = (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') or (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
let is_digit c = (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
let is_ident_tail c =
is_letter c or is_digit c or c = '\'' or c = '_'
+let is_blank = function
+ | ' ' | '\r' | '\t' | '\n' -> true
+ | _ -> false
(* Strings *)
@@ -73,6 +76,21 @@ let explode s =
let implode sl = String.concat "" sl
+let strip s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ let rec lstrip_rec i =
+ if i < n && is_blank s.[i] then
+ lstrip_rec (i+1)
+ else i
+ in
+ let rec rstrip_rec i =
+ if i >= 0 && is_blank s.[i] then
+ rstrip_rec (i-1)
+ else i
+ in
+ let a = lstrip_rec 0 and b = rstrip_rec (n-1) in
+ String.sub s a (b-a+1)
(* substring searching... *)
(* gdzie = where, co = what *)
@@ -83,6 +101,9 @@ let rec is_sub gdzie gl gi co cl ci =
(is_sub gdzie gl (gi+1) co cl (ci+1)))
let rec raw_str_index i gdzie l c co cl =
+ (* First adapt to ocaml 3.11 new semantics of index_from *)
+ if (i+cl > l) then raise Not_found;
+ (* Then proceed as in ocaml < 3.11 *)
let i' = String.index_from gdzie i c in
if (i'+cl <= l) && (is_sub gdzie l i' co cl 0) then i' else
raw_str_index (i'+1) gdzie l c co cl
@@ -106,19 +127,23 @@ let ordinal n =
(* string parsing *)
-let parse_loadpath s =
+let split_string_at c s =
let len = String.length s in
- let rec decoupe_dirs n =
+ let rec split n =
- let pos = String.index_from s n '/' in
- if pos = n then
- invalid_arg "parse_loadpath: find an empty dir in loadpath";
+ let pos = String.index_from s n c in
let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
- dir :: (decoupe_dirs (succ pos))
+ dir :: split (succ pos)
| Not_found -> [String.sub s n (len-n)]
- if len = 0 then [] else decoupe_dirs 0
+ if len = 0 then [] else split 0
+let parse_loadpath s =
+ let l = split_string_at '/' s in
+ if List.mem "" l then
+ invalid_arg "parse_loadpath: find an empty dir in loadpath";
+ l
module Stringset = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
@@ -239,6 +264,8 @@ let classify_unicode unicode =
| _ ->
begin match unicode with
+ (* utf-8 CJC Symbols and Punctuation *)
+ | x when 0x3008 <= x & x <= 0x3020 -> UnicodeSymbol
(* utf-8 Hiragana U3040-309F and Katakana U30A0-30FF *)
| x when 0x3040 <= x & x <= 0x30FF -> UnicodeLetter
(* utf-8 Unified CJK Ideographs U4E00-9FA5 *)
@@ -304,27 +331,40 @@ let next_utf8 s i =
(* Check the well-formedness of an identifier *)
-let check_ident s =
+let check_initial handle j n s =
+ match classify_unicode n with
+ | UnicodeLetter -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ let c = String.sub s 0 j in
+ handle ("Invalid character '"^c^"' at beginning of identifier \""^s^"\".")
+let check_trailing handle i j n s =
+ match classify_unicode n with
+ | UnicodeLetter | UnicodeIdentPart -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ let c = String.sub s i j in
+ handle ("Invalid character '"^c^"' in identifier \""^s^"\".")
+let check_ident_gen handle s =
let i = ref 0 in
if s <> ".." then try
let j, n = next_utf8 s 0 in
- match classify_unicode n with
- | UnicodeLetter ->
- i := !i + j;
- begin try
- while true do
- let j, n = next_utf8 s !i in
- match classify_unicode n with
- | UnicodeLetter | UnicodeIdentPart -> i := !i + j
- | _ -> error
- ("invalid character "^(String.sub s !i j)^" in identifier "^s)
- done
- with End_of_input -> () end
- | _ -> error (s^": an identifier should start with a letter")
+ check_initial handle j n s;
+ i := !i + j;
+ try
+ while true do
+ let j, n = next_utf8 s !i in
+ check_trailing handle !i j n s;
+ i := !i + j
+ done
+ with End_of_input -> ()
- | End_of_input -> error "The empty string is not an identifier"
- | UnsupportedUtf8 -> error (s^": unsupported character in utf8 sequence")
- | Invalid_argument _ -> error (s^": invalid utf8 sequence")
+ | End_of_input -> error "The empty string is not an identifier."
+ | UnsupportedUtf8 -> error (s^": unsupported character in utf8 sequence.")
+ | Invalid_argument _ -> error (s^": invalid utf8 sequence.")
+let check_ident_soft = check_ident_gen warning
+let check_ident = check_ident_gen error
let lowercase_unicode s unicode =
match unicode land 0x1F000 with
@@ -626,6 +666,10 @@ let rec list_remove_first a = function
| b::l -> b::list_remove_first a l
| [] -> raise Not_found
+let rec list_remove_assoc_in_triple x = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (y,_,_ as z)::l -> if x = y then l else z::list_remove_assoc_in_triple x l
let list_add_set x l = if List.mem x l then l else x::l
let list_eq_set l1 l2 =
@@ -726,13 +770,21 @@ let list_subset l1 l2 =
look l1
-let list_splitby p =
- let rec splitby_loop x y =
+let list_split_at p =
+ let rec split_at_loop x y =
match y with
| [] -> ([],[])
- | (a::l) -> if (p a) then (x,y) else (splitby_loop (x@[a]) l)
+ | (a::l) -> if (p a) then (List.rev x,y) else split_at_loop (a::x) l
+ in
+ split_at_loop []
+let list_split_by p =
+ let rec split_loop = function
+ | [] -> ([],[])
+ | (a::l) ->
+ let (l1,l2) = split_loop l in if (p a) then (a::l1,l2) else (l1,a::l2)
- splitby_loop []
+ split_loop
let rec list_split3 = function
| [] -> ([], [], [])
@@ -859,6 +911,20 @@ let list_cartesians op init ll =
let list_combinations l = list_cartesians (fun x l -> x::l) [] l
+(* Keep only those products that do not return None *)
+let rec list_cartesian_filter op l1 l2 =
+ list_map_append (fun x -> list_map_filter (op x) l2) l1
+(* Keep only those products that do not return None *)
+let rec list_cartesians_filter op init ll =
+ List.fold_right (list_cartesian_filter op) ll [init]
+(* Drop the last element of a list *)
+let rec list_drop_last = function [] -> assert false | hd :: [] -> [] | hd :: tl -> hd :: list_drop_last tl
(* Arrays *)
let array_exists f v =
@@ -902,6 +968,10 @@ let array_for_all4 f v1 v2 v3 v4 =
lv1 = Array.length v4 &&
allrec (pred lv1)
+let array_for_all_i f i v =
+ let rec allrec i n = n = Array.length v || f i v.(n) && allrec (i+1) (n+1) in
+ allrec i 0
let array_hd v =
match Array.length v with
| 0 -> failwith "array_hd"
@@ -1117,15 +1187,15 @@ let array_fold_map2' f v1 v2 e =
let array_distinct v =
+ let visited = Hashtbl.create 23 in
- for i=0 to Array.length v-1 do
- for j=i+1 to Array.length v-1 do
- if v.(i)=v.(j) then raise Exit
- done
- done;
+ Array.iter
+ (fun x ->
+ if Hashtbl.mem visited x then raise Exit
+ else Hashtbl.add visited x x)
+ v;
- with Exit ->
- false
+ with Exit -> false
let array_union_map f a acc =
@@ -1209,11 +1279,13 @@ let rec prlist elem l = match l with
| h::t -> Stream.lapp (fun () -> elem h) (prlist elem t)
(* unlike all other functions below, [prlist] works lazily.
- if a strict behavior is needed, use [prlist_strict] instead. *)
+ if a strict behavior is needed, use [prlist_strict] instead.
+ evaluation is done from left to right. *)
let rec prlist_strict elem l = match l with
| [] -> mt ()
- | h::t -> (elem h)++(prlist_strict elem t)
+ | h::t ->
+ let e = elem h in let r = prlist_strict elem t in e++r
(* [prlist_with_sep sep pr [a ; ... ; c]] outputs
[pr a ++ sep() ++ ... ++ sep() ++ pr c] *)
@@ -1275,7 +1347,7 @@ let prvect_with_sep sep elem v =
let prvect elem v = prvect_with_sep mt elem v
let pr_located pr (loc,x) =
- if Flags.do_translate() && loc<>dummy_loc then
+ if Flags.do_beautify() && loc<>dummy_loc then
let (b,e) = unloc loc in
comment b ++ pr x ++ comment e
else pr x