path: root/lib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 28eb65c8..a1788f7d 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,56 +6,86 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*** This module implements an "untyped store", in this particular case we
- see it as an extensible record whose fields are left unspecified. ***)
+(** This module implements an "untyped store", in this particular case
+ we see it as an extensible record whose fields are left
+ unspecified. ***)
-(* We give a short implementation of a universal type. This is mostly equivalent
- to what is proposed by module, except that it requires no explicit tag. *)
-module type Universal = sig
- type t
- type 'a etype = {
- put : 'a -> t ;
- get : t -> 'a option
- }
+(** We use a dynamic "name" allocator. But if we needed to serialise
+ stores, we might want something static to avoid troubles with
+ plugins order. *)
- val embed : unit -> 'a etype
+module type T =
-(* We use a dynamic "name" allocator. But if we needed to serialise stores, we
-might want something static to avoid troubles with plugins order. *)
+module type S =
+ type t
+ type 'a field
+ val empty : t
+ val set : t -> 'a field -> 'a -> t
+ val get : t -> 'a field -> 'a option
+ val remove : t -> 'a field -> t
+ val merge : t -> t -> t
+ val field : unit -> 'a field
-let next =
- let count = ref 0 in fun () ->
- let n = !count in
- incr count;
- n
+module Make (M : T) : S =
-type t = Obj.t Util.Intmap.t
+ let next =
+ let count = ref 0 in fun () ->
+ let n = !count in
+ incr count;
+ n
-module Field = struct
- type 'a field = {
- set : 'a -> t -> t ;
- get : t -> 'a option ;
- remove : t -> t
- }
- type 'a t = 'a field
+ type t = Obj.t option array
+ (** Store are represented as arrays. For small values, which is typicial,
+ is slightly quicker than other implementations. *)
+type 'a field = int
+let allocate len : t = Array.make len None
+let empty : t = [||]
-open Field
-let empty = Util.Intmap.empty
-let field () =
- let fid = next () in
- let set a s =
- Util.Intmap.add fid (Obj.repr a) s
- in
- let get s =
- try Some (Obj.obj (Util.Intmap.find fid s))
- with Not_found -> None
- in
- let remove s =
- Util.Intmap.remove fid s
- in
- { set = set ; get = get ; remove = remove }
+let set (s : t) (i : 'a field) (v : 'a) : t =
+ let len = Array.length s in
+ let nlen = if i < len then len else succ i in
+ let () = assert (0 <= i) in
+ let ans = allocate nlen in
+ Array.blit s 0 ans 0 len;
+ Array.unsafe_set ans i (Some (Obj.repr v));
+ ans
+let get (s : t) (i : 'a field) : 'a option =
+ let len = Array.length s in
+ if len <= i then None
+ else Obj.magic (Array.unsafe_get s i)
+let remove (s : t) (i : 'a field) =
+ let len = Array.length s in
+ let () = assert (0 <= i) in
+ let ans = allocate len in
+ Array.blit s 0 ans 0 len;
+ if i < len then Array.unsafe_set ans i None;
+ ans
+let merge (s1 : t) (s2 : t) : t =
+ let len1 = Array.length s1 in
+ let len2 = Array.length s2 in
+ let nlen = if len1 < len2 then len2 else len1 in
+ let ans = allocate nlen in
+ (** Important: No more allocation from here. *)
+ Array.blit s2 0 ans 0 len2;
+ for i = 0 to pred len1 do
+ let v = Array.unsafe_get s1 i in
+ match v with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> Array.unsafe_set ans i v
+ done;
+ ans
+let field () = next ()