path: root/lib/pp.ml4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pp.ml4')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pp.ml4 b/lib/pp.ml4
index 88efc5f2..616302ac 100644
--- a/lib/pp.ml4
+++ b/lib/pp.ml4
@@ -6,17 +6,18 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: pp.ml4 8747 2006-04-27 16:00:49Z courtieu $ *)
+(* $Id: pp.ml4 10803 2008-04-16 09:30:05Z cek $ *)
open Pp_control
(* This should not be used outside of this file. Use
- Options.print_emacs instead. This one is updated when reading
+ Flags.print_emacs instead. This one is updated when reading
command line options. This was the only way to make [Pp] depend on
- an option without creating a circularity: [Options] -> [Util] ->
- [Pp] -> [Options] *)
+ an option without creating a circularity: [Flags. -> [Util] ->
+ [Pp] -> [Flags. *)
let print_emacs = ref false
let make_pp_emacs() = print_emacs:=true
+let make_pp_nonemacs() = print_emacs:=false
(* The different kinds of blocks are:
@@ -129,19 +130,17 @@ let align () = [< 'Ppcmd_print_break (0,0) >]
let int n = str (string_of_int n)
let real r = str (string_of_float r)
let bool b = str (string_of_bool b)
-(* In new syntax only double quote char is escaped by repeating it *)
-let rec escape_string s =
- let rec escape_at s i =
- if i<0 then s
- else if s.[i] == '"' then
- let s' = String.sub s 0 i^"\""^String.sub s i (String.length s - i) in
- escape_at s' (i-1)
- else escape_at s (i-1) in
- escape_at s (String.length s - 1)
-let qstring s = str ("\""^escape_string s^"\"")
-let qs = qstring
+let strbrk s =
+ let rec aux p n =
+ if n < String.length s then
+ if s.[n] = ' ' then
+ if p=n then [< spc (); aux (n+1) (n+1) >]
+ else [< str (String.sub s p (n-p)); spc (); aux (n+1) (n+1) >]
+ else aux p (n+1)
+ else if p=n then [< >] else [< str (String.sub s p (n-p)) >]
+ in aux 0 0
+let ismt s = try let _ = Stream.empty s in true with Stream.Failure -> false
(* boxing commands *)
let h n s = [< 'Ppcmd_box(Pp_hbox n,s) >]
@@ -161,6 +160,41 @@ let tclose () = [< 'Ppcmd_close_tbox >]
let (++) = Stream.iapp
+(* In new syntax only double quote char is escaped by repeating it *)
+let rec escape_string s =
+ let rec escape_at s i =
+ if i<0 then s
+ else if s.[i] == '"' then
+ let s' = String.sub s 0 i^"\""^String.sub s i (String.length s - i) in
+ escape_at s' (i-1)
+ else escape_at s (i-1) in
+ escape_at s (String.length s - 1)
+let qstring s = str ("\""^escape_string s^"\"")
+let qs = qstring
+let quote s = h 0 (str "\"" ++ s ++ str "\"")
+let rec xmlescape ppcmd =
+ let rec escape what withwhat (len, str) =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index str what in
+ let (tlen, tail) =
+ escape what withwhat ((len - pos - 1),
+ (String.sub str (pos + 1) (len - pos - 1)))
+ in
+ (pos + tlen + String.length withwhat, String.sub str 0 pos ^ withwhat ^ tail)
+ with Not_found -> (len, str)
+ in
+ match ppcmd with
+ | Ppcmd_print (len, str) ->
+ Ppcmd_print (escape '"' "&quot;"
+ (escape '<' "&lt;" (escape '&' "&amp;" (len, str))))
+ (* In XML we always print whole content so we can npeek the whole stream *)
+ | Ppcmd_box (x, str) -> Ppcmd_box (x, Stream.of_list
+ ( xmlescape (Stream.npeek max_int str)))
+ | x -> x
(* This flag tells if the last printed comment ends with a newline, to
avoid empty lines *)
let com_eol = ref false
@@ -242,7 +276,7 @@ let pp_dirs ft =
(* pretty print on stdout and stderr *)
let pp_std_dirs = pp_dirs !std_ft
-let pp_err_dirs = pp_dirs err_ft
+let pp_err_dirs = pp_dirs !err_ft
let ppcmds x = Ppdir_ppcmds x
@@ -251,11 +285,13 @@ let emacs_warning_start_string = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
let emacs_warning_end_string = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
let warnstart() =
- if not !print_emacs then str "" else str emacs_warning_start_string
+ if not !print_emacs then mt() else str emacs_warning_start_string
let warnend() =
- if not !print_emacs then str "" else str emacs_warning_end_string
+ if not !print_emacs then mt() else str emacs_warning_end_string
+let warnbody strm =
+ [< warnstart() ; hov 0 (str "Warning: " ++ strm) ; warnend() >]
(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
let pp_with ft strm =
@@ -264,15 +300,17 @@ let pp_with ft strm =
let ppnl_with ft strm =
pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds [< strm ; 'Ppcmd_force_newline >] >]
-let warning_with ft string =
- ppnl_with ft [< warnstart() ; str "Warning: " ; str string ; warnend() >]
+let default_warn_with ft strm = ppnl_with ft (warnbody strm)
+let pp_warn_with = ref default_warn_with
-let warn_with ft pps =
- ppnl_with ft [< warnstart() ; str "Warning: " ; pps ; warnend() >]
+let set_warning_function pp_warn = pp_warn_with := pp_warn
-let pp_flush_with ft =
- Format.pp_print_flush ft
+let warn_with ft strm = !pp_warn_with ft strm
+let warning_with ft string = warn_with ft (str string)
+let pp_flush_with ft = Format.pp_print_flush ft
(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
let msg_with ft strm =
@@ -281,25 +319,23 @@ let msg_with ft strm =
let msgnl_with ft strm =
pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds strm ; 'Ppdir_print_newline >]
-let msg_warning_with ft strm=
- pp_dirs ft [< 'Ppdir_ppcmds [< warnstart() ; str "Warning: "; strm ; warnend() >];
- 'Ppdir_print_newline >]
+let msg_warning_with ft strm =
+ msgnl_with ft (warnbody strm)
(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
-let pp x = pp_with !std_ft x
+let pp x = pp_with !std_ft x
let ppnl x = ppnl_with !std_ft x
-let pperr = pp_with err_ft
-let pperrnl = ppnl_with err_ft
-let message s = ppnl (str s)
-let warning x = warning_with err_ft x
-let warn x = warn_with err_ft x
+let pperr x = pp_with !err_ft x
+let pperrnl x = ppnl_with !err_ft x
+let message s = ppnl (str s)
+let warning x = warning_with !err_ft x
+let warn x = warn_with !err_ft x
let pp_flush x = Format.pp_print_flush !std_ft x
let flush_all() = flush stderr; flush stdout; pp_flush()
(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
let msg x = msg_with !std_ft x
let msgnl x = msgnl_with !std_ft x
-let msgerr = msg_with err_ft
-let msgerrnl = msgnl_with err_ft
-let msg_warning x = msg_warning_with err_ft x
+let msgerr x = msg_with !err_ft x
+let msgerrnl x = msgnl_with !err_ft x
+let msg_warning x = msg_warning_with !err_ft x