path: root/lib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index 04b32870..65d1442a 100644
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -6,12 +6,68 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Errors
-open Pp
+module type TParam =
+ type 'a t
+module type PreS =
+type 'a tag
+type t = Dyn : 'a tag * 'a -> t
+val create : string -> 'a tag
+val eq : 'a tag -> 'b tag -> ('a, 'b) CSig.eq option
+val repr : 'a tag -> string
+type any = Any : 'a tag -> any
+val name : string -> any option
+module Map(M : TParam) :
+ type t
+ val empty : t
+ val add : 'a tag -> 'a M.t -> t -> t
+ val remove : 'a tag -> t -> t
+ val find : 'a tag -> t -> 'a M.t
+ val mem : 'a tag -> t -> bool
+ type any = Any : 'a tag * 'a M.t -> any
+ type map = { map : 'a. 'a tag -> 'a M.t -> 'a M.t }
+ val map : map -> t -> t
+ val iter : (any -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val fold : (any -> 'r -> 'r) -> t -> 'r -> 'r
+val dump : unit -> (int * string) list
+module type S =
+ include PreS
+ module Easy : sig
+ val make_dyn : string -> ('a -> t) * (t -> 'a)
+ val inj : 'a -> 'a tag -> t
+ val prj : t -> 'a tag -> 'a option
+ end
+module Make(M : CSig.EmptyS) = struct
+module Self : PreS = struct
(* Dynamics, programmed with DANGER !!! *)
-type t = int * Obj.t
+type 'a tag = int
+type t = Dyn : 'a tag * 'a -> t
+type any = Any : 'a tag -> any
let dyntab = ref (Int.Map.empty : string Int.Map.t)
(** Instead of working with tags as strings, which are costly, we use their
@@ -24,27 +80,69 @@ let create (s : string) =
let () =
if Int.Map.mem hash !dyntab then
let old = Int.Map.find hash !dyntab in
- let msg = str "Dynamic tag collision: " ++ str s ++ str " vs. " ++ str old in
- anomaly ~label:"Dyn.create" msg
+ let () = Printf.eprintf "Dynamic tag collision: %s vs. %s\n%!" s old in
+ assert false
let () = dyntab := Int.Map.add hash s !dyntab in
- let infun v = (hash, Obj.repr v) in
- let outfun (nh, rv) =
- if Int.equal hash nh then Obj.magic rv
- else
- anomaly (str "dyn_out: expected " ++ str s)
- in
- (infun, outfun)
+ hash
-let has_tag (s, _) tag =
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash (tag : string) in
- Int.equal s hash
+let eq : 'a 'b. 'a tag -> 'b tag -> ('a, 'b) CSig.eq option =
+ fun h1 h2 -> if Int.equal h1 h2 then Some (Obj.magic CSig.Refl) else None
-let tag (s,_) =
+let repr s =
try Int.Map.find s !dyntab
with Not_found ->
- anomaly (str "Unknown dynamic tag " ++ int s)
+ let () = Printf.eprintf "Unknown dynamic tag %i\n%!" s in
+ assert false
-let pointer_equal (t1,o1) (t2,o2) = t1 = t2 && o1 == o2
+let name s =
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash s in
+ if Int.Map.mem hash !dyntab then Some (Any hash) else None
let dump () = Int.Map.bindings !dyntab
+module Map(M : TParam) =
+type t = Obj.t M.t Int.Map.t
+let cast : 'a M.t -> 'b M.t = Obj.magic
+let empty = Int.Map.empty
+let add tag v m = Int.Map.add tag (cast v) m
+let remove tag m = Int.Map.remove tag m
+let find tag m = cast (Int.Map.find tag m)
+let mem = Int.Map.mem
+type any = Any : 'a tag * 'a M.t -> any
+type map = { map : 'a. 'a tag -> 'a M.t -> 'a M.t }
+let map f m = Int.Map.mapi m
+let iter f m = Int.Map.iter (fun k v -> f (Any (k, v))) m
+let fold f m accu = Int.Map.fold (fun k v accu -> f (Any (k, v)) accu) m accu
+include Self
+module Easy = struct
+(* now tags are opaque, we can do the trick *)
+let make_dyn (s : string) =
+ (fun (type a) (tag : a tag) ->
+ let infun : (a -> t) = fun x -> Dyn (tag, x) in
+ let outfun : (t -> a) = fun (Dyn (t, x)) ->
+ match eq tag t with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some CSig.Refl -> x
+ in
+ (infun, outfun))
+ (create s)
+let inj x tag = Dyn(tag,x)
+let prj : type a. t -> a tag -> a option =
+ fun (Dyn(tag',x)) tag ->
+ match eq tag tag' with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some CSig.Refl -> Some x