path: root/kernel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
43 files changed, 10445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a635ccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:23 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Term
+open Names
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Esubst
+let stats = ref false
+let share = ref true
+(* Profiling *)
+let beta = ref 0
+let delta = ref 0
+let zeta = ref 0
+let evar = ref 0
+let iota = ref 0
+let prune = ref 0
+let reset () =
+ beta := 0; delta := 0; zeta := 0; evar := 0; iota := 0; prune := 0
+let stop() =
+ msgnl (str "[Reds: beta=" ++ int !beta ++ str" delta=" ++ int !delta ++
+ str" zeta=" ++ int !zeta ++ str" evar=" ++ int !evar ++
+ str" iota=" ++ int !iota ++ str" prune=" ++ int !prune ++ str"]")
+let incr_cnt red cnt =
+ if red then begin
+ if !stats then incr cnt;
+ true
+ end else
+ false
+let with_stats c =
+ if !stats then begin
+ reset();
+ let r = Lazy.force c in
+ stop();
+ r
+ end else
+ Lazy.force c
+type transparent_state = Idpred.t * KNpred.t
+let all_opaque = (Idpred.empty, KNpred.empty)
+let all_transparent = (Idpred.full, KNpred.full)
+module type RedFlagsSig = sig
+ type reds
+ type red_kind
+ val fBETA : red_kind
+ val fDELTA : red_kind
+ val fIOTA : red_kind
+ val fZETA : red_kind
+ val fCONST : constant -> red_kind
+ val fVAR : identifier -> red_kind
+ val no_red : reds
+ val red_add : reds -> red_kind -> reds
+ val red_sub : reds -> red_kind -> reds
+ val red_add_transparent : reds -> transparent_state -> reds
+ val mkflags : red_kind list -> reds
+ val red_set : reds -> red_kind -> bool
+ val red_get_const : reds -> bool * evaluable_global_reference list
+module RedFlags = (struct
+ (* [r_const=(true,cl)] means all constants but those in [cl] *)
+ (* [r_const=(false,cl)] means only those in [cl] *)
+ (* [r_delta=true] just mean [r_const=(true,[])] *)
+ type reds = {
+ r_beta : bool;
+ r_delta : bool;
+ r_const : transparent_state;
+ r_zeta : bool;
+ r_evar : bool;
+ r_iota : bool }
+ type red_kind = BETA | DELTA | IOTA | ZETA
+ | CONST of constant | VAR of identifier
+ let fBETA = BETA
+ let fDELTA = DELTA
+ let fIOTA = IOTA
+ let fZETA = ZETA
+ let fCONST kn = CONST kn
+ let fVAR id = VAR id
+ let no_red = {
+ r_beta = false;
+ r_delta = false;
+ r_const = all_opaque;
+ r_zeta = false;
+ r_evar = false;
+ r_iota = false }
+ let red_add red = function
+ | BETA -> { red with r_beta = true }
+ | DELTA -> { red with r_delta = true; r_const = all_transparent }
+ | CONST kn ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = l1, KNpred.add kn l2 }
+ | IOTA -> { red with r_iota = true }
+ | ZETA -> { red with r_zeta = true }
+ | VAR id ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = Idpred.add id l1, l2 }
+ let red_sub red = function
+ | BETA -> { red with r_beta = false }
+ | DELTA -> { red with r_delta = false }
+ | CONST kn ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = l1, KNpred.remove kn l2 }
+ | IOTA -> { red with r_iota = false }
+ | ZETA -> { red with r_zeta = false }
+ | VAR id ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = Idpred.remove id l1, l2 }
+ let red_add_transparent red tr =
+ { red with r_const = tr }
+ let mkflags = List.fold_left red_add no_red
+ let red_set red = function
+ | BETA -> incr_cnt red.r_beta beta
+ | CONST kn ->
+ let (_,l) = red.r_const in
+ let c = KNpred.mem kn l in
+ incr_cnt c delta
+ | VAR id -> (* En attendant d'avoir des kn pour les Var *)
+ let (l,_) = red.r_const in
+ let c = Idpred.mem id l in
+ incr_cnt c delta
+ | ZETA -> incr_cnt red.r_zeta zeta
+ | IOTA -> incr_cnt red.r_iota iota
+ | DELTA -> (* Used for Rel/Var defined in context *)
+ incr_cnt red.r_delta delta
+ let red_get_const red =
+ let p1,p2 = red.r_const in
+ let (b1,l1) = Idpred.elements p1 in
+ let (b2,l2) = KNpred.elements p2 in
+ if b1=b2 then
+ let l1' = (fun x -> EvalVarRef x) l1 in
+ let l2' = (fun x -> EvalConstRef x) l2 in
+ (b1, l1' @ l2')
+ else error "unrepresentable pair of predicate"
+end : RedFlagsSig)
+open RedFlags
+let betadeltaiota = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fZETA;fIOTA]
+let betadeltaiotanolet = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fIOTA]
+let betaiota = mkflags [fBETA;fIOTA]
+let beta = mkflags [fBETA]
+let betaiotazeta = mkflags [fBETA;fIOTA;fZETA]
+let unfold_red kn =
+ let flag = match kn with
+ | EvalVarRef id -> fVAR id
+ | EvalConstRef kn -> fCONST kn
+ in (* Remove fZETA for finer behaviour ? *)
+ mkflags [fBETA;flag;fIOTA;fZETA]
+(************************* Obsolète
+(* [r_const=(true,cl)] means all constants but those in [cl] *)
+(* [r_const=(false,cl)] means only those in [cl] *)
+type reds = {
+ r_beta : bool;
+ r_const : bool * constant_path list * identifier list;
+ r_zeta : bool;
+ r_evar : bool;
+ r_iota : bool }
+let betadeltaiota_red = {
+ r_beta = true;
+ r_const = true,[],[];
+ r_zeta = true;
+ r_evar = true;
+ r_iota = true }
+let betaiota_red = {
+ r_beta = true;
+ r_const = false,[],[];
+ r_zeta = false;
+ r_evar = false;
+ r_iota = true }
+let beta_red = {
+ r_beta = true;
+ r_const = false,[],[];
+ r_zeta = false;
+ r_evar = false;
+ r_iota = false }
+let no_red = {
+ r_beta = false;
+ r_const = false,[],[];
+ r_zeta = false;
+ r_evar = false;
+ r_iota = false }
+let betaiotazeta_red = {
+ r_beta = true;
+ r_const = false,[],[];
+ r_zeta = true;
+ r_evar = false;
+ r_iota = true }
+let unfold_red kn =
+ let c = match kn with
+ | EvalVarRef id -> false,[],[id]
+ | EvalConstRef kn -> false,[kn],[]
+ in {
+ r_beta = true;
+ r_const = c;
+ r_zeta = true; (* false for finer behaviour ? *)
+ r_evar = false;
+ r_iota = true }
+(* Sets of reduction kinds.
+ Main rule: delta implies all consts (both global (= by
+ kernel_name) and local (= by Rel or Var)), all evars, and zeta (= letin's).
+ Rem: reduction of a Rel/Var bound to a term is Delta, but reduction of
+ a LetIn expression is Letin reduction *)
+type red_kind =
+ | CONST of constant_path list | CONSTBUT of constant_path list
+ | VAR of identifier | VARBUT of identifier
+let rec red_add red = function
+ | BETA -> { red with r_beta = true }
+ | DELTA ->
+ (match red.r_const with
+ | _,_::_,[] | _,[],_::_ -> error "Conflict in the reduction flags"
+ | _ -> { red with r_const = true,[],[]; r_zeta = true; r_evar = true })
+ | CONST cl ->
+ (match red.r_const with
+ | true,_,_ -> error "Conflict in the reduction flags"
+ | _,l1,l2 -> { red with r_const = false, list_union cl l1, l2 })
+ | CONSTBUT cl ->
+ (match red.r_const with
+ | false,_::_,_ | false,_,_::_ ->
+ error "Conflict in the reduction flags"
+ | _,l1,l2 ->
+ { red with r_const = true, list_union cl l1, l2;
+ r_zeta = true; r_evar = true })
+ | IOTA -> { red with r_iota = true }
+ | ZETA -> { red with r_zeta = true }
+ | VAR id ->
+ (match red.r_const with
+ | true,_,_ -> error "Conflict in the reduction flags"
+ | _,l1,l2 -> { red with r_const = false, l1, list_union [id] l2 })
+ | VARBUT cl ->
+ (match red.r_const with
+ | false,_::_,_ | false,_,_::_ ->
+ error "Conflict in the reduction flags"
+ | _,l1,l2 ->
+ { red with r_const = true, l1, list_union [cl] l2;
+ r_zeta = true; r_evar = true })
+let red_delta_set red =
+ let b,_,_ = red.r_const in b
+let red_local_const = red_delta_set
+(* to know if a redex is allowed, only a subset of red_kind is used ... *)
+let red_set red = function
+ | BETA -> incr_cnt red.r_beta beta
+ | CONST [kn] ->
+ let (b,l,_) = red.r_const in
+ let c = List.mem kn l in
+ incr_cnt ((b & not c) or (c & not b)) delta
+ | VAR id -> (* En attendant d'avoir des kn pour les Var *)
+ let (b,_,l) = red.r_const in
+ let c = List.mem id l in
+ incr_cnt ((b & not c) or (c & not b)) delta
+ | ZETA -> incr_cnt red.r_zeta zeta
+ | EVAR -> incr_cnt red.r_zeta evar
+ | IOTA -> incr_cnt red.r_iota iota
+ | DELTA -> red_delta_set red (*Used for Rel/Var defined in context*)
+ (* Not for internal use *)
+ | CONST _ | CONSTBUT _ | VAR _ | VARBUT _ -> failwith "not implemented"
+(* Gives the constant list *)
+let red_get_const red =
+ let b,l1,l2 = red.r_const in
+ let l1' = (fun x -> EvalConstRef x) l1 in
+ let l2' = (fun x -> EvalVarRef x) l2 in
+ b, l1' @ l2'
+fin obsolète **************)
+(* specification of the reduction function *)
+(* Flags of reduction and cache of constants: 'a is a type that may be
+ * mapped to constr. 'a infos implements a cache for constants and
+ * abstractions, storing a representation (of type 'a) of the body of
+ * this constant or abstraction.
+ * * i_tab is the cache table of the results
+ * * i_repr is the function to get the representation from the current
+ * state of the cache and the body of the constant. The result
+ * is stored in the table.
+ * * i_rels = (4,[(1,c);(3,d)]) means there are 4 free rel variables
+ * and only those with index 1 and 3 have bodies which are c and d resp.
+ * * i_vars is the list of _defined_ named variables.
+ *
+ * ref_value_cache searchs in the tab, otherwise uses i_repr to
+ * compute the result and store it in the table. If the constant can't
+ * be unfolded, returns None, but does not store this failure. * This
+ * doesn't take the RESET into account. You mustn't keep such a table
+ * after a Reset. * This type is not exported. Only its two
+ * instantiations (cbv or lazy) are.
+ *)
+type table_key =
+ | ConstKey of constant
+ | VarKey of identifier
+ | FarRelKey of int
+ (* FarRel: index in the rel_context part of _initial_ environment *)
+type 'a infos = {
+ i_flags : reds;
+ i_repr : 'a infos -> constr -> 'a;
+ i_env : env;
+ i_rels : int * (int * constr) list;
+ i_vars : (identifier * constr) list;
+ i_tab : (table_key, 'a) Hashtbl.t }
+let info_flags info = info.i_flags
+let ref_value_cache info ref =
+ try
+ Some (Hashtbl.find info.i_tab ref)
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let body =
+ match ref with
+ | FarRelKey n ->
+ let (s,l) = info.i_rels in lift n (List.assoc (s-n) l)
+ | VarKey id -> List.assoc id info.i_vars
+ | ConstKey cst -> constant_value info.i_env cst
+ in
+ let v = info.i_repr info body in
+ Hashtbl.add info.i_tab ref v;
+ Some v
+ with
+ | Not_found (* List.assoc *)
+ | NotEvaluableConst _ (* Const *)
+ -> None
+let defined_vars flags env =
+(* if red_local_const (snd flags) then*)
+ fold_named_context
+ (fun env (id,b,t) e ->
+ match b with
+ | None -> e
+ | Some body -> (id, body)::e)
+ env ~init:[]
+(* else []*)
+let defined_rels flags env =
+(* if red_local_const (snd flags) then*)
+ fold_rel_context
+ (fun env (id,b,t) (i,subs) ->
+ match b with
+ | None -> (i+1, subs)
+ | Some body -> (i+1, (i,body) :: subs))
+ env ~init:(0,[])
+(* else (0,[])*)
+let rec mind_equiv info kn1 kn2 =
+ kn1 = kn2 ||
+ match (lookup_mind kn1 info.i_env).mind_equiv with
+ Some kn1' -> mind_equiv info kn2 kn1'
+ | None -> match (lookup_mind kn2 info.i_env).mind_equiv with
+ Some kn2' -> mind_equiv info kn2' kn1
+ | None -> false
+let create mk_cl flgs env =
+ { i_flags = flgs;
+ i_repr = mk_cl;
+ i_env = env;
+ i_rels = defined_rels flgs env;
+ i_vars = defined_vars flgs env;
+ i_tab = Hashtbl.create 17 }
+(* The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
+type 'a stack_member =
+ | Zapp of 'a list
+ | Zcase of case_info * 'a * 'a array
+ | Zfix of 'a * 'a stack
+ | Zshift of int
+ | Zupdate of 'a
+and 'a stack = 'a stack_member list
+let empty_stack = []
+let append_stack_list = function
+ | ([],s) -> s
+ | (l1, Zapp l :: s) -> Zapp (l1@l) :: s
+ | (l1, s) -> Zapp l1 :: s
+let append_stack v s = append_stack_list (Array.to_list v, s)
+(* Collapse the shifts in the stack *)
+let zshift n s =
+ match (n,s) with
+ (0,_) -> s
+ | (_,Zshift(k)::s) -> Zshift(n+k)::s
+ | _ -> Zshift(n)::s
+let rec stack_args_size = function
+ | Zapp l::s -> List.length l + stack_args_size s
+ | Zshift(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
+ | Zupdate(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
+ | _ -> 0
+(* When used as an argument stack (only Zapp can appear) *)
+let rec decomp_stack = function
+ | Zapp[v]::s -> Some (v, s)
+ | Zapp(v::l)::s -> Some (v, (Zapp l :: s))
+ | Zapp [] :: s -> decomp_stack s
+ | _ -> None
+let rec decomp_stackn = function
+ | Zapp [] :: s -> decomp_stackn s
+ | Zapp l :: s -> (Array.of_list l, s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let array_of_stack s =
+ let rec stackrec = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Zapp args :: s -> args :: (stackrec s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in Array.of_list (List.concat (stackrec s))
+let rec list_of_stack = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Zapp args :: s -> args @ (list_of_stack s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec app_stack = function
+ | f, [] -> f
+ | f, (Zapp [] :: s) -> app_stack (f, s)
+ | f, (Zapp args :: s) ->
+ app_stack (applist (f, args), s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec stack_assign s p c = match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if p >= q then
+ Zapp args :: stack_assign s (p-q) c
+ else
+ (match list_chop p args with
+ (bef, _::aft) -> Zapp (bef@c::aft) :: s
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> s
+let rec stack_tail p s =
+ if p = 0 then s else
+ match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if p >= q then stack_tail (p-q) s
+ else Zapp (list_skipn p args) :: s
+ | _ -> failwith "stack_tail"
+let rec stack_nth s p = match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if p >= q then stack_nth s (p-q)
+ else List.nth args p
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Lazy reduction: the one used in kernel operations *)
+(* type of shared terms. fconstr and frterm are mutually recursive.
+ * Clone of the constr structure, but completely mutable, and
+ * annotated with reduction state (reducible or not).
+ * - FLIFT is a delayed shift; allows sharing between 2 lifted copies
+ * of a given term.
+ * - FCLOS is a delayed substitution applied to a constr
+ * - FLOCKED is used to erase the content of a reference that must
+ * be updated. This is to allow the garbage collector to work
+ * before the term is computed.
+ *)
+(* Norm means the term is fully normalized and cannot create a redex
+ when substituted
+ Cstr means the term is in head normal form and that it can
+ create a redex when substituted (i.e. constructor, fix, lambda)
+ Whnf means we reached the head normal form and that it cannot
+ create a redex when substituted
+ Red is used for terms that might be reduced
+type red_state = Norm | Cstr | Whnf | Red
+let neutr = function
+ | (Whnf|Norm) -> Whnf
+ | (Red|Cstr) -> Red
+type fconstr = {
+ mutable norm: red_state;
+ mutable term: fterm }
+and fterm =
+ | FRel of int
+ | FAtom of constr (* Metas and Sorts *)
+ | FCast of fconstr * fconstr
+ | FFlex of table_key
+ | FInd of inductive
+ | FConstruct of constructor
+ | FApp of fconstr * fconstr array
+ | FFix of fixpoint * fconstr subs
+ | FCoFix of cofixpoint * fconstr subs
+ | FCases of case_info * fconstr * fconstr * fconstr array
+ | FLambda of int * (name * constr) list * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FProd of name * fconstr * fconstr
+ | FLetIn of name * fconstr * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FEvar of existential_key * fconstr array
+ | FLIFT of int * fconstr
+ | FCLOS of constr * fconstr subs
+let fterm_of v = v.term
+let set_norm v = v.norm <- Norm
+let is_val v = v.norm = Norm
+(* Could issue a warning if no is still Red, pointing out that we loose
+ sharing. *)
+let update v1 (no,t) =
+ if !share then
+ (v1.norm <- no;
+ v1.term <- t;
+ v1)
+ else {norm=no;term=t}
+(* Lifting. Preserves sharing (useful only for cell with norm=Red).
+ lft_fconstr always create a new cell, while lift_fconstr avoids it
+ when the lift is 0. *)
+let rec lft_fconstr n ft =
+ match ft.term with
+ | (FInd _|FConstruct _|FFlex(ConstKey _|VarKey _)|FAtom _) -> ft
+ | FRel i -> {norm=Norm;term=FRel(i+n)}
+ | FLambda(k,tys,f,e) -> {norm=Cstr; term=FLambda(k,tys,f,subs_shft(n,e))}
+ | FFix(fx,e) -> {norm=Cstr; term=FFix(fx,subs_shft(n,e))}
+ | FCoFix(cfx,e) -> {norm=Cstr; term=FCoFix(cfx,subs_shft(n,e))}
+ | FLIFT(k,m) -> lft_fconstr (n+k) m
+ | FLOCKED -> anomaly "lft_constr found locked term"
+ | _ -> {norm=ft.norm; term=FLIFT(n,ft)}
+let lift_fconstr k f =
+ if k=0 then f else lft_fconstr k f
+let lift_fconstr_vect k v =
+ if k=0 then v else (fun f -> lft_fconstr k f) v
+let lift_fconstr_list k l =
+ if k=0 then l else (fun f -> lft_fconstr k f) l
+let clos_rel e i =
+ match expand_rel i e with
+ | Inl(n,mt) -> lift_fconstr n mt
+ | Inr(k,None) -> {norm=Norm; term= FRel k}
+ | Inr(k,Some p) ->
+ lift_fconstr (k-p) {norm=Norm;term=FFlex(FarRelKey p)}
+(* since the head may be reducible, we might introduce lifts of 0 *)
+let compact_stack head stk =
+ let rec strip_rec depth = function
+ | Zshift(k)::s -> strip_rec (depth+k) s
+ | Zupdate(m)::s ->
+ (* Be sure to create a new cell otherwise sharing would be
+ lost by the update operation *)
+ let h' = lft_fconstr depth head in
+ let _ = update m (h'.norm,h'.term) in
+ strip_rec depth s
+ | stk -> zshift depth stk in
+ strip_rec 0 stk
+(* Put an update mark in the stack, only if needed *)
+let zupdate m s =
+ if !share & m.norm = Red
+ then
+ let s' = compact_stack m s in
+ let _ = m.term <- FLOCKED in
+ Zupdate(m)::s'
+ else s
+(* Closure optimization: *)
+let rec compact_constr (lg, subs as s) c k =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ Rel i ->
+ if i < k then c,s else
+ (try mkRel (k + lg - list_index (i-k+1) subs), (lg,subs)
+ with Not_found -> mkRel (k+lg), (lg+1, (i-k+1)::subs))
+ | (Sort _|Var _|Meta _|Ind _|Const _|Construct _) -> c,s
+ | Evar(ev,v) ->
+ let (v',s) = compact_vect s v k in
+ if v==v' then c,s else mkEvar(ev,v'),s
+ | Cast(a,b) ->
+ let (a',s) = compact_constr s a k in
+ let (b',s) = compact_constr s b k in
+ if a==a' && b==b' then c,s else mkCast(a',b'), s
+ | App(f,v) ->
+ let (f',s) = compact_constr s f k in
+ let (v',s) = compact_vect s v k in
+ if f==f' && v==v' then c,s else mkApp(f',v'), s
+ | Lambda(n,a,b) ->
+ let (a',s) = compact_constr s a k in
+ let (b',s) = compact_constr s b (k+1) in
+ if a==a' && b==b' then c,s else mkLambda(n,a',b'), s
+ | Prod(n,a,b) ->
+ let (a',s) = compact_constr s a k in
+ let (b',s) = compact_constr s b (k+1) in
+ if a==a' && b==b' then c,s else mkProd(n,a',b'), s
+ | LetIn(n,a,ty,b) ->
+ let (a',s) = compact_constr s a k in
+ let (ty',s) = compact_constr s ty k in
+ let (b',s) = compact_constr s b (k+1) in
+ if a==a' && ty==ty' && b==b' then c,s else mkLetIn(n,a',ty',b'), s
+ | Fix(fi,(na,ty,bd)) ->
+ let (ty',s) = compact_vect s ty k in
+ let (bd',s) = compact_vect s bd (k+Array.length ty) in
+ if ty==ty' && bd==bd' then c,s else mkFix(fi,(na,ty',bd')), s
+ | CoFix(i,(na,ty,bd)) ->
+ let (ty',s) = compact_vect s ty k in
+ let (bd',s) = compact_vect s bd (k+Array.length ty) in
+ if ty==ty' && bd==bd' then c,s else mkCoFix(i,(na,ty',bd')), s
+ | Case(ci,p,a,br) ->
+ let (p',s) = compact_constr s p k in
+ let (a',s) = compact_constr s a k in
+ let (br',s) = compact_vect s br k in
+ if p==p' && a==a' && br==br' then c,s else mkCase(ci,p',a',br'),s
+and compact_vect s v k = compact_v [] s v k (Array.length v - 1)
+and compact_v acc s v k i =
+ if i < 0 then
+ let v' = Array.of_list acc in
+ if array_for_all2 (==) v v' then v,s else v',s
+ else
+ let (a',s') = compact_constr s v.(i) k in
+ compact_v (a'::acc) s' v k (i-1)
+(* Computes the minimal environment of a closure.
+ Idea: if the subs is not identity, the term will have to be
+ reallocated entirely (to propagate the substitution). So,
+ computing the set of free variables does not change the
+ complexity. *)
+let optimise_closure env c =
+ if is_subs_id env then (env,c) else
+ let (c',(_,s)) = compact_constr (0,[]) c 1 in
+ let env' = List.fold_left
+ (fun subs i -> subs_cons (clos_rel env i, subs)) (ESID 0) s in
+ (env',c')
+let mk_lambda env t =
+(* let (env,t) = optimise_closure env t in*)
+ let (rvars,t') = decompose_lam t in
+ FLambda(List.length rvars, List.rev rvars, t', env)
+let destFLambda clos_fun t =
+ match t.term with
+ FLambda(_,[(na,ty)],b,e) -> (na,clos_fun e ty,clos_fun (subs_lift e) b)
+ | FLambda(n,(na,ty)::tys,b,e) ->
+ (na,clos_fun e ty,{norm=Cstr;term=FLambda(n-1,tys,b,subs_lift e)})
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Optimization: do not enclose variables in a closure.
+ Makes variable access much faster *)
+let mk_clos e t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Rel i -> clos_rel e i
+ | Var x -> { norm = Red; term = FFlex (VarKey x) }
+ | Const c -> { norm = Red; term = FFlex (ConstKey c) }
+ | Meta _ | Sort _ -> { norm = Norm; term = FAtom t }
+ | Ind kn -> { norm = Norm; term = FInd kn }
+ | Construct kn -> { norm = Cstr; term = FConstruct kn }
+ | (CoFix _|Lambda _|Fix _|Prod _|Evar _|App _|Case _|Cast _|LetIn _) ->
+ {norm = Red; term = FCLOS(t,e)}
+let mk_clos_vect env v = (mk_clos env) v
+(* Translate the head constructor of t from constr to fconstr. This
+ function is parameterized by the function to apply on the direct
+ subterms.
+ Could be used insted of mk_clos. *)
+let mk_clos_deep clos_fun env t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | (Rel _|Ind _|Const _|Construct _|Var _|Meta _ | Sort _) ->
+ mk_clos env t
+ | Cast (a,b) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FCast (clos_fun env a, clos_fun env b)}
+ | App (f,v) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FApp (clos_fun env f, (clos_fun env) v) }
+ | Case (ci,p,c,v) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FCases (ci, clos_fun env p, clos_fun env c,
+ (clos_fun env) v) }
+ | Fix fx ->
+ { norm = Cstr; term = FFix (fx, env) }
+ | CoFix cfx ->
+ { norm = Cstr; term = FCoFix(cfx,env) }
+ | Lambda _ ->
+ { norm = Cstr; term = mk_lambda env t }
+ | Prod (n,t,c) ->
+ { norm = Whnf;
+ term = FProd (n, clos_fun env t, clos_fun (subs_lift env) c) }
+ | LetIn (n,b,t,c) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FLetIn (n, clos_fun env b, clos_fun env t, c, env) }
+ | Evar(ev,args) ->
+ { norm = Whnf; term = FEvar(ev, (clos_fun env) args) }
+(* A better mk_clos? *)
+let mk_clos2 = mk_clos_deep mk_clos
+(* The inverse of mk_clos_deep: move back to constr *)
+let rec to_constr constr_fun lfts v =
+ match v.term with
+ | FRel i -> mkRel (reloc_rel i lfts)
+ | FFlex (FarRelKey p) -> mkRel (reloc_rel p lfts)
+ | FFlex (VarKey x) -> mkVar x
+ | FAtom c ->
+ (match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort s -> mkSort s
+ | Meta m -> mkMeta m
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | FCast (a,b) ->
+ mkCast (constr_fun lfts a, constr_fun lfts b)
+ | FFlex (ConstKey op) -> mkConst op
+ | FInd op -> mkInd op
+ | FConstruct op -> mkConstruct op
+ | FCases (ci,p,c,ve) ->
+ mkCase (ci, constr_fun lfts p,
+ constr_fun lfts c,
+ (constr_fun lfts) ve)
+ | FFix ((op,(lna,tys,bds)),e) ->
+ let n = Array.length bds in
+ let ftys = (mk_clos e) tys in
+ let fbds = (mk_clos (subs_liftn n e)) bds in
+ let lfts' = el_liftn n lfts in
+ mkFix (op, (lna, (constr_fun lfts) ftys,
+ (constr_fun lfts') fbds))
+ | FCoFix ((op,(lna,tys,bds)),e) ->
+ let n = Array.length bds in
+ let ftys = (mk_clos e) tys in
+ let fbds = (mk_clos (subs_liftn n e)) bds in
+ let lfts' = el_liftn (Array.length bds) lfts in
+ mkCoFix (op, (lna, (constr_fun lfts) ftys,
+ (constr_fun lfts') fbds))
+ | FApp (f,ve) ->
+ mkApp (constr_fun lfts f,
+ (constr_fun lfts) ve)
+ | FLambda _ ->
+ let (na,ty,bd) = destFLambda mk_clos2 v in
+ mkLambda (na, constr_fun lfts ty,
+ constr_fun (el_lift lfts) bd)
+ | FProd (n,t,c) ->
+ mkProd (n, constr_fun lfts t,
+ constr_fun (el_lift lfts) c)
+ | FLetIn (n,b,t,f,e) ->
+ let fc = mk_clos2 (subs_lift e) f in
+ mkLetIn (n, constr_fun lfts b,
+ constr_fun lfts t,
+ constr_fun (el_lift lfts) fc)
+ | FEvar (ev,args) -> mkEvar(ev, (constr_fun lfts) args)
+ | FLIFT (k,a) -> to_constr constr_fun (el_shft k lfts) a
+ | FCLOS (t,env) ->
+ let fr = mk_clos2 env t in
+ let unfv = update v (fr.norm,fr.term) in
+ to_constr constr_fun lfts unfv
+ | FLOCKED -> (*anomaly "Closure.to_constr: found locked term"*)
+(* This function defines the correspondance between constr and
+ fconstr. When we find a closure whose substitution is the identity,
+ then we directly return the constr to avoid possibly huge
+ reallocation. *)
+let term_of_fconstr =
+ let rec term_of_fconstr_lift lfts v =
+ match v.term with
+ | FCLOS(t,env) when is_subs_id env & is_lift_id lfts -> t
+ | FLambda(_,tys,f,e) when is_subs_id e & is_lift_id lfts ->
+ compose_lam (List.rev tys) f
+ | FFix(fx,e) when is_subs_id e & is_lift_id lfts -> mkFix fx
+ | FCoFix(cfx,e) when is_subs_id e & is_lift_id lfts -> mkCoFix cfx
+ | _ -> to_constr term_of_fconstr_lift lfts v in
+ term_of_fconstr_lift ELID
+(* fstrong applies unfreeze_fun recursively on the (freeze) term and
+ * yields a term. Assumes that the unfreeze_fun never returns a
+ * FCLOS term.
+let rec fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts v =
+ to_constr (fstrong unfreeze_fun) lfts (unfreeze_fun v)
+let rec zip zfun m stk =
+ match stk with
+ | [] -> m
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let args = Array.of_list args in
+ zip zfun {norm=neutr m.norm; term=FApp(m, zfun args)} s
+ | Zcase(ci,p,br)::s ->
+ let t = FCases(ci, zfun p, m, zfun br) in
+ zip zfun {norm=neutr m.norm; term=t} s
+ | Zfix(fx,par)::s ->
+ zip zfun fx (par @ append_stack_list ([m], s))
+ | Zshift(n)::s ->
+ zip zfun (lift_fconstr n m) s
+ | Zupdate(rf)::s ->
+ zip zfun (update rf (m.norm,m.term)) s
+let fapp_stack (m,stk) = zip (fun x -> x) m stk
+(* The assertions in the functions below are granted because they are
+ called only when m is a constructor, a cofix
+ (strip_update_shift_app), a fix (get_nth_arg) or an abstraction
+ (strip_update_shift, through get_arg). *)
+(* optimised for the case where there are no shifts... *)
+let strip_update_shift head stk =
+ assert (head.norm <> Red);
+ let rec strip_rec h depth = function
+ | Zshift(k)::s -> strip_rec (lift_fconstr k h) (depth+k) s
+ | Zupdate(m)::s ->
+ strip_rec (update m (h.norm,h.term)) depth s
+ | stk -> (depth,stk) in
+ strip_rec head 0 stk
+(* optimised for the case where there are no shifts... *)
+let strip_update_shift_app head stk =
+ assert (head.norm <> Red);
+ let rec strip_rec rstk h depth = function
+ | Zshift(k) as e :: s ->
+ strip_rec (e::rstk) (lift_fconstr k h) (depth+k) s
+ | (Zapp args :: s) as stk ->
+ strip_rec (Zapp args :: rstk)
+ {norm=h.norm;term=FApp(h,Array.of_list args)} depth s
+ | Zupdate(m)::s ->
+ strip_rec rstk (update m (h.norm,h.term)) depth s
+ | stk -> (depth,List.rev rstk, stk) in
+ strip_rec [] head 0 stk
+let rec get_nth_arg head n stk =
+ assert (head.norm <> Red);
+ let rec strip_rec rstk h depth n = function
+ | Zshift(k) as e :: s ->
+ strip_rec (e::rstk) (lift_fconstr k h) (depth+k) n s
+ | Zapp args::s' ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if n >= q
+ then
+ strip_rec (Zapp args::rstk)
+ {norm=h.norm;term=FApp(h,Array.of_list args)} depth (n-q) s'
+ else
+ (match list_chop n args with
+ (bef, v::aft) ->
+ let stk' =
+ List.rev (if n = 0 then rstk else (Zapp bef :: rstk)) in
+ (Some (stk', v), append_stack_list (aft,s'))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Zupdate(m)::s ->
+ strip_rec rstk (update m (h.norm,h.term)) depth n s
+ | s -> (None, List.rev rstk @ s) in
+ strip_rec [] head 0 n stk
+(* Beta reduction: look for an applied argument in the stack.
+ Since the encountered update marks are removed, h must be a whnf *)
+let get_arg h stk =
+ let (depth,stk') = strip_update_shift h stk in
+ match decomp_stack stk' with
+ Some (v, s') -> (Some (depth,v), s')
+ | None -> (None, zshift depth stk')
+let rec get_args n tys f e stk =
+ match stk with
+ Zupdate r :: s ->
+ let hd = update r (Cstr,FLambda(n,tys,f,e)) in
+ get_args n tys f e s
+ | Zshift k :: s ->
+ get_args n tys f (subs_shft (k,e)) s
+ | Zapp l :: s ->
+ let na = List.length l in
+ if n == na then
+ let e' = List.fold_left (fun e arg -> subs_cons(arg,e)) e l in
+ (Inl e',s)
+ else if n < na then (* more arguments *)
+ let (args,eargs) = list_chop n l in
+ let e' = List.fold_left (fun e arg -> subs_cons(arg,e)) e args in
+ (Inl e', Zapp eargs :: s)
+ else (* more lambdas *)
+ let (_,etys) = list_chop na tys in
+ let e' = List.fold_left (fun e arg -> subs_cons(arg,e)) e l in
+ get_args (n-na) etys f e' s
+ | _ -> (Inr {norm=Cstr;term=FLambda(n,tys,f,e)}, stk)
+(* Iota reduction: extract the arguments to be passed to the Case
+ branches *)
+let rec reloc_rargs_rec depth stk =
+ match stk with
+ Zapp args :: s ->
+ Zapp (lift_fconstr_list depth args) :: reloc_rargs_rec depth s
+ | Zshift(k)::s -> if k=depth then s else reloc_rargs_rec (depth-k) s
+ | _ -> stk
+let reloc_rargs depth stk =
+ if depth = 0 then stk else reloc_rargs_rec depth stk
+let rec drop_parameters depth n stk =
+ match stk with
+ Zapp args::s ->
+ let q = List.length args in
+ if n > q then drop_parameters depth (n-q) s
+ else if n = q then reloc_rargs depth s
+ else
+ let aft = list_skipn n args in
+ reloc_rargs depth (append_stack_list (aft,s))
+ | Zshift(k)::s -> drop_parameters (depth-k) n s
+ | [] -> assert (n=0); []
+ | _ -> assert false (* we know that n < stack_args_size(stk) *)
+(* Iota reduction: expansion of a fixpoint.
+ * Given a fixpoint and a substitution, returns the corresponding
+ * fixpoint body, and the substitution in which it should be
+ * evaluated: its first variables are the fixpoint bodies
+ *
+ * FCLOS(fix Fi {F0 := T0 .. Fn-1 := Tn-1}, S)
+ * -> (S. FCLOS(F0,S) . ... . FCLOS(Fn-1,S), Ti)
+ *)
+(* does not deal with FLIFT *)
+let contract_fix_vect fix =
+ let (thisbody, make_body, env, nfix) =
+ match fix with
+ | FFix (((reci,i),(_,_,bds as rdcl)),env) ->
+ (bds.(i),
+ (fun j -> { norm = Cstr; term = FFix (((reci,j),rdcl),env) }),
+ env, Array.length bds)
+ | FCoFix ((i,(_,_,bds as rdcl)),env) ->
+ (bds.(i),
+ (fun j -> { norm = Cstr; term = FCoFix ((j,rdcl),env) }),
+ env, Array.length bds)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Closure.contract_fix_vect: not a (co)fixpoint"
+ in
+ let rec subst_bodies_from_i i env =
+ if i = nfix then
+ (env, thisbody)
+ else
+ subst_bodies_from_i (i+1) (subs_cons (make_body i, env))
+ in
+ subst_bodies_from_i 0 env
+(* A machine that inspects the head of a term until it finds an
+ atom or a subterm that may produce a redex (abstraction,
+ constructor, cofix, letin, constant), or a neutral term (product,
+ inductive) *)
+let rec knh m stk =
+ match m.term with
+ | FLIFT(k,a) -> knh a (zshift k stk)
+ | FCLOS(t,e) -> knht e t (zupdate m stk)
+ | FLOCKED -> anomaly "Closure.knh: found lock"
+ | FApp(a,b) -> knh a (append_stack b (zupdate m stk))
+ | FCases(ci,p,t,br) -> knh t (Zcase(ci,p,br)::zupdate m stk)
+ | FFix(((ri,n),(_,_,_)),_) ->
+ (match get_nth_arg m ri.(n) stk with
+ (Some(pars,arg),stk') -> knh arg (Zfix(m,pars)::stk')
+ | (None, stk') -> (m,stk'))
+ | FCast(t,_) -> knh t stk
+(* cases where knh stops *)
+ | (FFlex _|FLetIn _|FConstruct _|FEvar _|
+ FCoFix _|FLambda _|FRel _|FAtom _|FInd _|FProd _) ->
+ (m, stk)
+(* The same for pure terms *)
+and knht e t stk =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App(a,b) ->
+ knht e a (append_stack (mk_clos_vect e b) stk)
+ | Case(ci,p,t,br) ->
+ knht e t (Zcase(ci, mk_clos e p, mk_clos_vect e br)::stk)
+ | Fix _ -> knh (mk_clos2 e t) stk
+ | Cast(a,b) -> knht e a stk
+ | Rel n -> knh (clos_rel e n) stk
+ | (Lambda _|Prod _|Construct _|CoFix _|Ind _|
+ LetIn _|Const _|Var _|Evar _|Meta _|Sort _) ->
+ (mk_clos2 e t, stk)
+(* Computes a normal form from the result of knh. *)
+let rec knr info m stk =
+ match m.term with
+ | FLambda(n,tys,f,e) when red_set info.i_flags fBETA ->
+ (match get_args n tys f e stk with
+ Inl e', s -> knit info e' f s
+ | Inr lam, s -> (lam,s))
+ | FFlex(ConstKey kn) when red_set info.i_flags (fCONST kn) ->
+ (match ref_value_cache info (ConstKey kn) with
+ Some v -> kni info v stk
+ | None -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
+ | FFlex(VarKey id) when red_set info.i_flags (fVAR id) ->
+ (match ref_value_cache info (VarKey id) with
+ Some v -> kni info v stk
+ | None -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
+ | FFlex(FarRelKey k) when red_set info.i_flags fDELTA ->
+ (match ref_value_cache info (FarRelKey k) with
+ Some v -> kni info v stk
+ | None -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
+ | FConstruct(ind,c) when red_set info.i_flags fIOTA ->
+ (match strip_update_shift_app m stk with
+ (depth, args, Zcase(ci,_,br)::s) ->
+ assert (ci.ci_npar>=0);
+ let rargs = drop_parameters depth ci.ci_npar args in
+ kni info br.(c-1) (rargs@s)
+ | (_, cargs, Zfix(fx,par)::s) ->
+ let rarg = fapp_stack(m,cargs) in
+ let stk' = par @ append_stack [|rarg|] s in
+ let (fxe,fxbd) = contract_fix_vect fx.term in
+ knit info fxe fxbd stk'
+ | (_,args,s) -> (m,args@s))
+ | FCoFix _ when red_set info.i_flags fIOTA ->
+ (match strip_update_shift_app m stk with
+ (_, args, ((Zcase _::_) as stk')) ->
+ let (fxe,fxbd) = contract_fix_vect m.term in
+ knit info fxe fxbd (args@stk')
+ | (_,args,s) -> (m,args@s))
+ | FLetIn (_,v,_,bd,e) when red_set info.i_flags fZETA ->
+ knit info (subs_cons(v,e)) bd stk
+ | _ -> (m,stk)
+(* Computes the weak head normal form of a term *)
+and kni info m stk =
+ let (hm,s) = knh m stk in
+ knr info hm s
+and knit info e t stk =
+ let (ht,s) = knht e t stk in
+ knr info ht s
+let kh info v stk = fapp_stack(kni info v stk)
+let rec zip_term zfun m stk =
+ match stk with
+ | [] -> m
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let args = Array.of_list args in
+ zip_term zfun (mkApp(m, zfun args)) s
+ | Zcase(ci,p,br)::s ->
+ let t = mkCase(ci, zfun p, m, zfun br) in
+ zip_term zfun t s
+ | Zfix(fx,par)::s ->
+ let h = mkApp(zip_term zfun (zfun fx) par,[|m|]) in
+ zip_term zfun h s
+ | Zshift(n)::s ->
+ zip_term zfun (lift n m) s
+ | Zupdate(rf)::s ->
+ zip_term zfun m s
+(* Computes the strong normal form of a term.
+ 1- Calls kni
+ 2- tries to rebuild the term. If a closure still has to be computed,
+ calls itself recursively. *)
+let rec kl info m =
+ if is_val m then (incr prune; term_of_fconstr m)
+ else
+ let (nm,s) = kni info m [] in
+ let _ = fapp_stack(nm,s) in (* to unlock Zupdates! *)
+ zip_term (kl info) (norm_head info nm) s
+(* no redex: go up for atoms and already normalized terms, go down
+ otherwise. *)
+and norm_head info m =
+ if is_val m then (incr prune; term_of_fconstr m) else
+ match m.term with
+ | FLambda(n,tys,f,e) ->
+ let (e',rvtys) =
+ List.fold_left (fun (e,ctxt) (na,ty) ->
+ (subs_lift e, (na,kl info (mk_clos e ty))::ctxt))
+ (e,[]) tys in
+ let bd = kl info (mk_clos e' f) in
+ List.fold_left (fun b (na,ty) -> mkLambda(na,ty,b)) bd rvtys
+ | FLetIn(na,a,b,f,e) ->
+ let c = mk_clos (subs_lift e) f in
+ mkLetIn(na, kl info a, kl info b, kl info c)
+ | FProd(na,dom,rng) ->
+ mkProd(na, kl info dom, kl info rng)
+ | FCoFix((n,(na,tys,bds)),e) ->
+ let ftys = (mk_clos e) tys in
+ let fbds =
+ (mk_clos (subs_liftn (Array.length na) e)) bds in
+ mkCoFix(n,(na, (kl info) ftys, (kl info) fbds))
+ | FEvar(i,args) -> mkEvar(i, (kl info) args)
+ | t -> term_of_fconstr m
+(* Initialization and then normalization *)
+(* weak reduction *)
+let whd_val info v =
+ with_stats (lazy (term_of_fconstr (kh info v [])))
+(* strong reduction *)
+let norm_val info v =
+ with_stats (lazy (kl info v))
+let inject = mk_clos (ESID 0)
+let whd_stack infos m stk =
+ let k = kni infos m stk in
+ let _ = fapp_stack k in (* to unlock Zupdates! *)
+ k
+(* cache of constants: the body is computed only when needed. *)
+type clos_infos = fconstr infos
+let create_clos_infos flgs env =
+ create (fun _ -> inject) flgs env
+let unfold_reference = ref_value_cache
diff --git a/kernel/closure.mli b/kernel/closure.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e58b91eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/closure.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: closure.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Term
+open Environ
+open Esubst
+(* Flags for profiling reductions. *)
+val stats : bool ref
+val share : bool ref
+val with_stats: 'a Lazy.t -> 'a
+(*s Delta implies all consts (both global (= by
+ [kernel_name]) and local (= by [Rel] or [Var])), all evars, and letin's.
+ Rem: reduction of a Rel/Var bound to a term is Delta, but reduction of
+ a LetIn expression is Letin reduction *)
+type transparent_state = Idpred.t * KNpred.t
+val all_opaque : transparent_state
+val all_transparent : transparent_state
+(* Sets of reduction kinds. *)
+module type RedFlagsSig = sig
+ type reds
+ type red_kind
+ (* The different kind of reduction *)
+ (* Const/Var means the reference as argument should be unfolded *)
+ (* Constbut/Varbut means all references except the ones as argument
+ of Constbut/Varbut should be unfolded (there may be several such
+ Constbut/Varbut *)
+ val fBETA : red_kind
+ val fDELTA : red_kind
+ val fIOTA : red_kind
+ val fZETA : red_kind
+ val fCONST : constant -> red_kind
+ val fVAR : identifier -> red_kind
+ (* No reduction at all *)
+ val no_red : reds
+ (* Adds a reduction kind to a set *)
+ val red_add : reds -> red_kind -> reds
+ (* Removes a reduction kind to a set *)
+ val red_sub : reds -> red_kind -> reds
+ (* Adds a reduction kind to a set *)
+ val red_add_transparent : reds -> transparent_state -> reds
+ (* Build a reduction set from scratch = iter [red_add] on [no_red] *)
+ val mkflags : red_kind list -> reds
+ (* Tests if a reduction kind is set *)
+ val red_set : reds -> red_kind -> bool
+ (* Gives the constant list *)
+ val red_get_const : reds -> bool * evaluable_global_reference list
+module RedFlags : RedFlagsSig
+open RedFlags
+val beta : reds
+val betaiota : reds
+val betadeltaiota : reds
+val betaiotazeta : reds
+val betadeltaiotanolet : reds
+val unfold_red : evaluable_global_reference -> reds
+type table_key =
+ | ConstKey of constant
+ | VarKey of identifier
+ | FarRelKey of int
+ (* FarRel: index in the [rel_context] part of {\em initial} environment *)
+type 'a infos
+val ref_value_cache: 'a infos -> table_key -> 'a option
+val info_flags: 'a infos -> reds
+val create: ('a infos -> constr -> 'a) -> reds -> env -> 'a infos
+(*s A [stack] is a context of arguments, arguments are pushed by
+ [append_stack] one array at a time but popped with [decomp_stack]
+ one by one *)
+type 'a stack_member =
+ | Zapp of 'a list
+ | Zcase of case_info * 'a * 'a array
+ | Zfix of 'a * 'a stack
+ | Zshift of int
+ | Zupdate of 'a
+and 'a stack = 'a stack_member list
+val empty_stack : 'a stack
+val append_stack : 'a array -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
+val decomp_stack : 'a stack -> ('a * 'a stack) option
+val list_of_stack : 'a stack -> 'a list
+val array_of_stack : 'a stack -> 'a array
+val stack_assign : 'a stack -> int -> 'a -> 'a stack
+val stack_args_size : 'a stack -> int
+val app_stack : constr * constr stack -> constr
+val stack_tail : int -> 'a stack -> 'a stack
+val stack_nth : 'a stack -> int -> 'a
+(*s Lazy reduction. *)
+(* [fconstr] is the type of frozen constr *)
+type fconstr
+(* [fconstr] can be accessed by using the function [fterm_of] and by
+ matching on type [fterm] *)
+type fterm =
+ | FRel of int
+ | FAtom of constr (* Metas and Sorts *)
+ | FCast of fconstr * fconstr
+ | FFlex of table_key
+ | FInd of inductive
+ | FConstruct of constructor
+ | FApp of fconstr * fconstr array
+ | FFix of fixpoint * fconstr subs
+ | FCoFix of cofixpoint * fconstr subs
+ | FCases of case_info * fconstr * fconstr * fconstr array
+ | FLambda of int * (name * constr) list * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FProd of name * fconstr * fconstr
+ | FLetIn of name * fconstr * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FEvar of existential_key * fconstr array
+ | FLIFT of int * fconstr
+ | FCLOS of constr * fconstr subs
+(* To lazy reduce a constr, create a [clos_infos] with
+ [create_clos_infos], inject the term to reduce with [inject]; then use
+ a reduction function *)
+val inject : constr -> fconstr
+val fterm_of : fconstr -> fterm
+val term_of_fconstr : fconstr -> constr
+val destFLambda :
+ (fconstr subs -> constr -> fconstr) -> fconstr -> name * fconstr * fconstr
+(* Global and local constant cache *)
+type clos_infos
+val create_clos_infos : reds -> env -> clos_infos
+(* Reduction function *)
+(* [norm_val] is for strong normalization *)
+val norm_val : clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
+(* [whd_val] is for weak head normalization *)
+val whd_val : clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
+(* [whd_stack] performs weak head normalization in a given stack. It
+ stops whenever a reduction is blocked. *)
+val whd_stack :
+ clos_infos -> fconstr -> fconstr stack -> fconstr * fconstr stack
+(* Conversion auxiliary functions to do step by step normalisation *)
+(* [unfold_reference] unfolds references in a [fconstr] *)
+val unfold_reference : clos_infos -> table_key -> fconstr option
+(* [mind_equiv] checks whether two mutual inductives are intentionally equal *)
+val mind_equiv : clos_infos -> mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive -> bool
+(*i This is for lazy debug *)
+val lift_fconstr : int -> fconstr -> fconstr
+val lift_fconstr_vect : int -> fconstr array -> fconstr array
+val mk_clos : fconstr subs -> constr -> fconstr
+val mk_clos_vect : fconstr subs -> constr array -> fconstr array
+val mk_clos_deep :
+ (fconstr subs -> constr -> fconstr) ->
+ fconstr subs -> constr -> fconstr
+val kni: clos_infos -> fconstr -> fconstr stack -> fconstr * fconstr stack
+val knr: clos_infos -> fconstr -> fconstr stack -> fconstr * fconstr stack
+val kl : clos_infos -> fconstr -> constr
+val to_constr : (lift -> fconstr -> constr) -> lift -> fconstr -> constr
+val optimise_closure : fconstr subs -> constr -> fconstr subs * constr
+(* End of cbn debug section i*)
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dba373ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+open Closure
+(* Opaque constants *)
+let cst_transp = ref KNpred.full
+let set_opaque_const kn = cst_transp := KNpred.remove kn !cst_transp
+let set_transparent_const kn = cst_transp := KNpred.add kn !cst_transp
+let is_opaque_cst kn = not (KNpred.mem kn !cst_transp)
+(* Opaque variables *)
+let var_transp = ref Idpred.full
+let set_opaque_var kn = var_transp := Idpred.remove kn !var_transp
+let set_transparent_var kn = var_transp := Idpred.add kn !var_transp
+let is_opaque_var kn = not (Idpred.mem kn !var_transp)
+(* Opaque reference keys *)
+let is_opaque = function
+ | ConstKey cst -> is_opaque_cst cst
+ | VarKey id -> is_opaque_var id
+ | FarRelKey _ -> false
+(* Unfold the first only if it is not opaque and the second is opaque *)
+let oracle_order k1 k2 = is_opaque k2 & not (is_opaque k1)
+(* summary operations *)
+let init() = (cst_transp := KNpred.full; var_transp := Idpred.full)
+let freeze () = (!var_transp, !cst_transp)
+let unfreeze (vo,co) = (cst_transp := co; var_transp := vo)
diff --git a/kernel/conv_oracle.mli b/kernel/conv_oracle.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77de9b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/conv_oracle.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: conv_oracle.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+open Closure
+(* Order on section paths for unfolding.
+ If [oracle_order kn1 kn2] is true, then unfold kn1 first.
+ Note: the oracle does not introduce incompleteness, it only
+ tries to postpone unfolding of "opaque" constants. *)
+val oracle_order : table_key -> table_key -> bool
+(* Changing the oracle *)
+val set_opaque_const : constant -> unit
+val set_transparent_const : constant -> unit
+val set_opaque_var : identifier -> unit
+val set_transparent_var : identifier -> unit
+val is_opaque_cst : constant -> bool
+val is_opaque_var : identifier -> bool
+(* transparent state summary operations *)
+val init : unit -> unit
+val freeze : unit -> transparent_state
+val unfreeze : transparent_state -> unit
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d69efe3a
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+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+(*s Cooking the constants. *)
+type 'a modification =
+ | DO_ABSTRACT of 'a * constr array
+ | DO_REPLACE of constant_body
+type work_list =
+ (constant * constant modification) list
+ * (inductive * inductive modification) list
+ * (constructor * constructor modification) list
+type recipe = {
+ d_from : constant_body;
+ d_abstract : identifier list;
+ d_modlist : work_list }
+let failure () =
+ anomalylabstrm "generic__modify_opers"
+ (str"An oper which was never supposed to appear has just appeared" ++
+ spc () ++ str"Either this is in system code, and you need to" ++ spc () ++
+ str"report this error," ++ spc () ++
+ str"Or you are using a user-written tactic which calls" ++ spc () ++
+ str"generic__modify_opers, in which case the user-written code" ++
+ spc () ++ str"is broken - this function is an internal system" ++
+ spc () ++ str"for internal system use only")
+let modify_opers replfun (constl,indl,cstrl) =
+ let rec substrec c =
+ let c' = map_constr substrec c in
+ match kind_of_term c' with
+ | Case (ci,p,t,br) ->
+ (try
+ match List.assoc ci.ci_ind indl with
+ | DO_ABSTRACT (ind,abs_vars) ->
+ let n' = Array.length abs_vars + ci.ci_npar in
+ let ci' = { ci with
+ ci_ind = ind;
+ ci_npar = n' } in
+ mkCase (ci',p,t,br)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ with
+ | Not_found -> c')
+ | Ind spi ->
+ (try
+ (match List.assoc spi indl with
+ | NOT_OCCUR -> failure ()
+ | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) ->
+ mkApp (mkInd oper', abs_vars)
+ | DO_REPLACE _ -> assert false)
+ with
+ | Not_found -> c')
+ | Construct spi ->
+ (try
+ (match List.assoc spi cstrl with
+ | NOT_OCCUR -> failure ()
+ | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) ->
+ mkApp (mkConstruct oper', abs_vars)
+ | DO_REPLACE _ -> assert false)
+ with
+ | Not_found -> c')
+ | Const kn ->
+ (try
+ (match List.assoc kn constl with
+ | NOT_OCCUR -> failure ()
+ | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) ->
+ mkApp (mkConst oper', abs_vars)
+ | DO_REPLACE cb -> substrec (replfun (kn,cb)))
+ with
+ | Not_found -> c')
+ | _ -> c'
+ in
+ if (constl,indl,cstrl) = ([],[],[]) then fun x -> x else substrec
+let expmod_constr modlist c =
+ let simpfun =
+ if modlist = ([],[],[]) then fun x -> x else nf_betaiota in
+ let expfun (kn,cb) =
+ if cb.const_opaque then
+ errorlabstrm "expmod_constr"
+ (str"Cannot unfold the value of " ++
+ str(string_of_kn kn) ++ spc () ++
+ str"You cannot declare local lemmas as being opaque" ++ spc () ++
+ str"and then require that theorems which use them" ++ spc () ++
+ str"be transparent");
+ match cb.const_body with
+ | Some body -> Declarations.force body
+ | None -> assert false
+ in
+ let c' = modify_opers expfun modlist c in
+ match kind_of_term c' with
+ | Cast (value,typ) -> mkCast (simpfun value,simpfun typ)
+ | _ -> simpfun c'
+let expmod_type modlist c =
+ type_app (expmod_constr modlist) c
+let abstract_constant ids_to_abs hyps (body,typ) =
+ let abstract_once_typ ((hyps,typ) as sofar) id =
+ match hyps with
+ | (hyp,c,t as decl)::rest when hyp = id ->
+ let typ' = mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn decl typ in
+ (rest, typ')
+ | _ ->
+ sofar
+ in
+ let abstract_once_body ((hyps,body) as sofar) id =
+ match hyps with
+ | (hyp,c,t as decl)::rest when hyp = id ->
+ let body' = mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn decl body in
+ (rest, body')
+ | _ ->
+ sofar
+ in
+ let (_,typ') =
+ List.fold_left abstract_once_typ (hyps,typ) ids_to_abs
+ in
+ let body' = match body with
+ None -> None
+ | Some l_body ->
+ Some (Declarations.from_val
+ (let body = Declarations.force l_body in
+ let (_,body') =
+ List.fold_left abstract_once_body (hyps,body) ids_to_abs
+ in
+ body'))
+ in
+ (body',typ')
+let cook_constant env r =
+ let cb = r.d_from in
+ let typ = expmod_type r.d_modlist cb.const_type in
+ let body =
+ option_app
+ (fun lconstr ->
+ Declarations.from_val
+ (expmod_constr r.d_modlist (Declarations.force lconstr)))
+ cb.const_body
+ in
+ let hyps =
+ Sign.fold_named_context
+ (fun d ctxt ->
+ Sign.add_named_decl
+ (map_named_declaration (expmod_constr r.d_modlist) d)
+ ctxt)
+ cb.const_hyps
+ ~init:empty_named_context in
+ let body,typ = abstract_constant r.d_abstract hyps (body,typ) in
+ (body, typ, cb.const_constraints, cb.const_opaque)
diff --git a/kernel/cooking.mli b/kernel/cooking.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54526e99
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+++ b/kernel/cooking.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: cooking.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Univ
+(*s Cooking the constants. *)
+type 'a modification =
+ | DO_ABSTRACT of 'a * constr array
+ | DO_REPLACE of constant_body
+type work_list =
+ (constant * constant modification) list
+ * (inductive * inductive modification) list
+ * (constructor * constructor modification) list
+type recipe = {
+ d_from : constant_body;
+ d_abstract : identifier list;
+ d_modlist : work_list }
+val cook_constant :
+ env -> recipe -> constr_substituted option * constr * constraints * bool
+(*s Utility functions used in module [Discharge]. *)
+val expmod_constr : work_list -> constr -> constr
+val expmod_type : work_list -> types -> types
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8943b0b5
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+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Sign
+(* This module defines the types of global declarations. This includes
+ global constants/axioms and mutual inductive definitions *)
+(*s Constants (internal representation) (Definition/Axiom) *)
+type subst_internal =
+ | Constr of constr
+ | LazyConstr of substitution * constr
+type constr_substituted = subst_internal ref
+let from_val c = ref (Constr c)
+let force cs = match !cs with
+ Constr c -> c
+ | LazyConstr (subst,c) ->
+ let c' = subst_mps subst c in
+ cs := Constr c';
+ c'
+let subst_constr_subst subst cs = match !cs with
+ Constr c -> ref (LazyConstr (subst,c))
+ | LazyConstr (subst',c) ->
+ let subst'' = join subst' subst in
+ ref (LazyConstr (subst'',c))
+type constant_body = {
+ const_hyps : section_context; (* New: younger hyp at top *)
+ const_body : constr_substituted option;
+ const_type : types;
+ const_constraints : constraints;
+ const_opaque : bool }
+(*s Inductive types (internal representation with redundant
+ information). *)
+type recarg =
+ | Norec
+ | Mrec of int
+ | Imbr of inductive
+let subst_recarg sub r = match r with
+ | Norec | Mrec _ -> r
+ | Imbr (kn,i) -> let kn' = subst_kn sub kn in
+ if kn==kn' then r else Imbr (kn',i)
+type wf_paths = recarg Rtree.t
+let mk_norec = Rtree.mk_node Norec [||]
+let mk_paths r recargs =
+ Rtree.mk_node r
+ ( (fun l -> Rtree.mk_node Norec (Array.of_list l)) recargs)
+let dest_recarg p = fst (Rtree.dest_node p)
+let dest_subterms p =
+ let (_,cstrs) = Rtree.dest_node p in
+ (fun t -> Array.to_list (snd (Rtree.dest_node t))) cstrs
+let recarg_length p j =
+ let (_,cstrs) = Rtree.dest_node p in
+ Array.length (snd (Rtree.dest_node cstrs.(j-1)))
+let subst_wf_paths sub p = Rtree.smartmap (subst_recarg sub) p
+(* [mind_typename] is the name of the inductive; [mind_arity] is
+ the arity generalized over global parameters; [mind_lc] is the list
+ of types of constructors generalized over global parameters and
+ relative to the global context enriched with the arities of the
+ inductives *)
+type one_inductive_body = {
+ mind_typename : identifier;
+ mind_nparams : int;
+ mind_params_ctxt : rel_context;
+ mind_nrealargs : int;
+ mind_nf_arity : types;
+ mind_user_arity : types;
+ mind_sort : sorts;
+ mind_kelim : sorts_family list;
+ mind_consnames : identifier array;
+ mind_nf_lc : types array; (* constrs and arity with pre-expanded ccl *)
+ mind_user_lc : types array;
+ mind_recargs : wf_paths;
+ }
+type mutual_inductive_body = {
+ mind_finite : bool;
+ mind_ntypes : int;
+ mind_hyps : section_context;
+ mind_packets : one_inductive_body array;
+ mind_constraints : constraints;
+ mind_equiv : kernel_name option
+ }
+(* TODO: should be changed to non-coping after Term.subst_mps *)
+let subst_const_body sub cb =
+ { const_body = option_app (subst_constr_subst sub) cb.const_body;
+ const_type = type_app (Term.subst_mps sub) cb.const_type;
+ const_hyps = (assert (cb.const_hyps=[]); []);
+ const_constraints = cb.const_constraints;
+ const_opaque = cb.const_opaque}
+let subst_mind_packet sub mbp =
+ { mind_consnames = mbp.mind_consnames;
+ mind_typename = mbp.mind_typename;
+ mind_nf_lc =
+ array_smartmap (type_app (Term.subst_mps sub)) mbp.mind_nf_lc;
+ mind_nf_arity = type_app (Term.subst_mps sub) mbp.mind_nf_arity;
+ mind_user_lc =
+ array_smartmap (type_app (Term.subst_mps sub)) mbp.mind_user_lc;
+ mind_user_arity = type_app (Term.subst_mps sub) mbp.mind_user_arity;
+ mind_sort = mbp.mind_sort;
+ mind_nrealargs = mbp.mind_nrealargs;
+ mind_kelim = mbp.mind_kelim;
+ mind_nparams = mbp.mind_nparams;
+ mind_params_ctxt =
+ map_rel_context (Term.subst_mps sub) mbp.mind_params_ctxt;
+ mind_recargs = subst_wf_paths sub mbp.mind_recargs (*wf_paths*);
+let subst_mind sub mib =
+ { mind_finite = mib.mind_finite ;
+ mind_ntypes = mib.mind_ntypes ;
+ mind_hyps = (assert (mib.mind_hyps=[]); []) ;
+ mind_packets = array_smartmap (subst_mind_packet sub) mib.mind_packets ;
+ mind_constraints = mib.mind_constraints ;
+ mind_equiv = option_app (subst_kn sub) mib.mind_equiv;
+(*s Modules: signature component specifications, module types, and
+ module declarations *)
+type specification_body =
+ | SPBconst of constant_body
+ | SPBmind of mutual_inductive_body
+ | SPBmodule of module_specification_body
+ | SPBmodtype of module_type_body
+and module_signature_body = (label * specification_body) list
+and module_type_body =
+ | MTBident of kernel_name
+ | MTBfunsig of mod_bound_id * module_type_body * module_type_body
+ | MTBsig of mod_self_id * module_signature_body
+and module_specification_body =
+ { msb_modtype : module_type_body;
+ msb_equiv : module_path option;
+ msb_constraints : constraints }
+type structure_elem_body =
+ | SEBconst of constant_body
+ | SEBmind of mutual_inductive_body
+ | SEBmodule of module_body
+ | SEBmodtype of module_type_body
+and module_structure_body = (label * structure_elem_body) list
+and module_expr_body =
+ | MEBident of module_path
+ | MEBfunctor of mod_bound_id * module_type_body * module_expr_body
+ | MEBstruct of mod_self_id * module_structure_body
+ | MEBapply of module_expr_body * module_expr_body
+ * constraints
+and module_body =
+ { mod_expr : module_expr_body option;
+ mod_user_type : module_type_body option;
+ mod_type : module_type_body;
+ mod_equiv : module_path option;
+ mod_constraints : constraints }
diff --git a/kernel/declarations.mli b/kernel/declarations.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3252ddee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/declarations.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: declarations.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Sign
+(* This module defines the internal representation of global
+ declarations. This includes global constants/axioms, mutual
+ inductive definitions, modules and module types *)
+(*s Constants (Definition/Axiom) *)
+type constr_substituted
+val from_val : constr -> constr_substituted
+val force : constr_substituted -> constr
+type constant_body = {
+ const_hyps : section_context; (* New: younger hyp at top *)
+ const_body : constr_substituted option;
+ const_type : types;
+ const_constraints : constraints;
+ const_opaque : bool }
+val subst_const_body : substitution -> constant_body -> constant_body
+(*s Inductive types (internal representation with redundant
+ information). *)
+type recarg =
+ | Norec
+ | Mrec of int
+ | Imbr of inductive
+val subst_recarg : substitution -> recarg -> recarg
+type wf_paths = recarg Rtree.t
+val mk_norec : wf_paths
+val mk_paths : recarg -> wf_paths list array -> wf_paths
+val dest_recarg : wf_paths -> recarg
+val dest_subterms : wf_paths -> wf_paths list array
+val recarg_length : wf_paths -> int -> int
+val subst_wf_paths : substitution -> wf_paths -> wf_paths
+(* [mind_typename] is the name of the inductive; [mind_arity] is
+ the arity generalized over global parameters; [mind_lc] is the list
+ of types of constructors generalized over global parameters and
+ relative to the global context enriched with the arities of the
+ inductives *)
+type one_inductive_body = {
+ mind_typename : identifier;
+ mind_nparams : int;
+ mind_params_ctxt : rel_context;
+ mind_nrealargs : int;
+ mind_nf_arity : types;
+ mind_user_arity : types;
+ mind_sort : sorts;
+ mind_kelim : sorts_family list;
+ mind_consnames : identifier array;
+ mind_nf_lc : types array; (* constrs and arity with pre-expanded ccl *)
+ mind_user_lc : types array;
+ mind_recargs : wf_paths;
+ }
+type mutual_inductive_body = {
+ mind_finite : bool;
+ mind_ntypes : int;
+ mind_hyps : section_context;
+ mind_packets : one_inductive_body array;
+ mind_constraints : constraints;
+ mind_equiv : kernel_name option;
+ }
+val subst_mind : substitution -> mutual_inductive_body -> mutual_inductive_body
+(*s Modules: signature component specifications, module types, and
+ module declarations *)
+type specification_body =
+ | SPBconst of constant_body
+ | SPBmind of mutual_inductive_body
+ | SPBmodule of module_specification_body
+ | SPBmodtype of module_type_body
+and module_signature_body = (label * specification_body) list
+and module_type_body =
+ | MTBident of kernel_name
+ | MTBfunsig of mod_bound_id * module_type_body * module_type_body
+ | MTBsig of mod_self_id * module_signature_body
+and module_specification_body =
+ { msb_modtype : module_type_body;
+ msb_equiv : module_path option;
+ msb_constraints : constraints }
+ (* type_of(equiv) <: modtype (if given)
+ + substyping of past With_Module mergers *)
+type structure_elem_body =
+ | SEBconst of constant_body
+ | SEBmind of mutual_inductive_body
+ | SEBmodule of module_body
+ | SEBmodtype of module_type_body
+and module_structure_body = (label * structure_elem_body) list
+and module_expr_body =
+ | MEBident of module_path
+ | MEBfunctor of mod_bound_id * module_type_body * module_expr_body
+ | MEBstruct of mod_self_id * module_structure_body
+ | MEBapply of module_expr_body * module_expr_body (* (F A) *)
+ * constraints (* type_of(A) <: input_type_of(F) *)
+and module_body =
+ { mod_expr : module_expr_body option;
+ mod_user_type : module_type_body option;
+ mod_type : module_type_body;
+ mod_equiv : module_path option;
+ mod_constraints : constraints }
+ (* type_of(mod_expr) <: mod_user_type (if given) *)
+ (* if equiv given then constraints are empty *)
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a9fc355
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+++ b/kernel/doc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\section*{The Coq kernel}
+\ocwsection \label{kernel}
+This chapter describes the \Coq\ kernel, which is a type checker for the \CCI.
+The modules of the kernel are organized as follows.
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Sign
+(* This module defines the entry types for global declarations. This
+ information is entered in the environments. This includes global
+ constants/axioms, mutual inductive definitions, modules and module
+ types *)
+(*s Local entries *)
+type local_entry =
+ | LocalDef of constr
+ | LocalAssum of constr
+(*s Declaration of inductive types. *)
+(* Assume the following definition in concrete syntax:
+Inductive I1 [x1:X1;...;xn:Xn] : A1 := c11 : T11 | ... | c1n1 : T1n1
+with Ip [x1:X1;...;xn:Xn] : Ap := cp1 : Tp1 | ... | cpnp : Tpnp.
+then, in $i^{th}$ block, [mind_entry_params] is [[xn:Xn;...;x1:X1]];
+[mind_entry_arity] is [Ai], defined in context [[[x1:X1;...;xn:Xn]];
+[mind_entry_lc] is [Ti1;...;Tini], defined in context [[A'1;...;A'p;x1:X1;...;xn:Xn]] where [A'i] is [Ai] generalized over [[x1:X1;...;xn:Xn]].
+type one_inductive_entry = {
+ mind_entry_params : (identifier * local_entry) list;
+ mind_entry_typename : identifier;
+ mind_entry_arity : constr;
+ mind_entry_consnames : identifier list;
+ mind_entry_lc : constr list }
+type mutual_inductive_entry = {
+ mind_entry_finite : bool;
+ mind_entry_inds : one_inductive_entry list }
+(*s Constants (Definition/Axiom) *)
+type definition_entry = {
+ const_entry_body : constr;
+ const_entry_type : types option;
+ const_entry_opaque : bool }
+type parameter_entry = types
+type constant_entry =
+ | DefinitionEntry of definition_entry
+ | ParameterEntry of parameter_entry
+(*s Modules *)
+type specification_entry =
+ SPEconst of constant_entry
+ | SPEmind of mutual_inductive_entry
+ | SPEmodule of module_entry
+ | SPEmodtype of module_type_entry
+and module_type_entry =
+ MTEident of kernel_name
+ | MTEfunsig of mod_bound_id * module_type_entry * module_type_entry
+ | MTEsig of mod_self_id * module_signature_entry
+ | MTEwith of module_type_entry * with_declaration
+and module_signature_entry = (label * specification_entry) list
+and with_declaration =
+ With_Module of identifier * module_path
+ | With_Definition of identifier * constr
+and module_expr =
+ MEident of module_path
+ | MEfunctor of mod_bound_id * module_type_entry * module_expr
+ | MEstruct of mod_self_id * module_structure
+ | MEapply of module_expr * module_expr
+and module_structure = (label * specification_entry) list
+and module_entry =
+ { mod_entry_type : module_type_entry option;
+ mod_entry_expr : module_expr option}
diff --git a/kernel/entries.mli b/kernel/entries.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..edade51a
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+++ b/kernel/entries.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: entries.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Sign
+(* This module defines the entry types for global declarations. This
+ information is entered in the environments. This includes global
+ constants/axioms, mutual inductive definitions, modules and module
+ types *)
+(*s Local entries *)
+type local_entry =
+ | LocalDef of constr
+ | LocalAssum of constr
+(*s Declaration of inductive types. *)
+(* Assume the following definition in concrete syntax:
+Inductive I1 [x1:X1;...;xn:Xn] : A1 := c11 : T11 | ... | c1n1 : T1n1
+with Ip [x1:X1;...;xn:Xn] : Ap := cp1 : Tp1 | ... | cpnp : Tpnp.
+then, in $i^{th}$ block, [mind_entry_params] is [[xn:Xn;...;x1:X1]];
+[mind_entry_arity] is [Ai], defined in context [[[x1:X1;...;xn:Xn]];
+[mind_entry_lc] is [Ti1;...;Tini], defined in context [[A'1;...;A'p;x1:X1;...;xn:Xn]] where [A'i] is [Ai] generalized over [[x1:X1;...;xn:Xn]].
+type one_inductive_entry = {
+ mind_entry_params : (identifier * local_entry) list;
+ mind_entry_typename : identifier;
+ mind_entry_arity : constr;
+ mind_entry_consnames : identifier list;
+ mind_entry_lc : constr list }
+type mutual_inductive_entry = {
+ mind_entry_finite : bool;
+ mind_entry_inds : one_inductive_entry list }
+(*s Constants (Definition/Axiom) *)
+type definition_entry = {
+ const_entry_body : constr;
+ const_entry_type : types option;
+ const_entry_opaque : bool }
+type parameter_entry = types
+type constant_entry =
+ | DefinitionEntry of definition_entry
+ | ParameterEntry of parameter_entry
+(*s Modules *)
+type specification_entry =
+ SPEconst of constant_entry
+ | SPEmind of mutual_inductive_entry
+ | SPEmodule of module_entry
+ | SPEmodtype of module_type_entry
+and module_type_entry =
+ MTEident of kernel_name
+ | MTEfunsig of mod_bound_id * module_type_entry * module_type_entry
+ | MTEsig of mod_self_id * module_signature_entry
+ | MTEwith of module_type_entry * with_declaration
+and module_signature_entry = (label * specification_entry) list
+and with_declaration =
+ With_Module of identifier * module_path
+ | With_Definition of identifier * constr
+and module_expr =
+ MEident of module_path
+ | MEfunctor of mod_bound_id * module_type_entry * module_expr
+ | MEstruct of mod_self_id * module_structure
+ | MEapply of module_expr * module_expr
+and module_structure = (label * specification_entry) list
+and module_entry =
+ { mod_entry_type : module_type_entry option;
+ mod_entry_expr : module_expr option}
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec3c903d
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+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Sign
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+(* The type of environments. *)
+type checksum = int
+type compilation_unit_name = dir_path * checksum
+type global = Constant | Inductive
+type engagement = ImpredicativeSet
+type globals = {
+ env_constants : constant_body KNmap.t;
+ env_inductives : mutual_inductive_body KNmap.t;
+ env_modules : module_body MPmap.t;
+ env_modtypes : module_type_body KNmap.t }
+type stratification = {
+ env_universes : universes;
+ env_engagement : engagement option
+type env = {
+ env_globals : globals;
+ env_named_context : named_context;
+ env_rel_context : rel_context;
+ env_stratification : stratification }
+let empty_env = {
+ env_globals = {
+ env_constants = KNmap.empty;
+ env_inductives = KNmap.empty;
+ env_modules = MPmap.empty;
+ env_modtypes = KNmap.empty };
+ env_named_context = empty_named_context;
+ env_rel_context = empty_rel_context;
+ env_stratification = {
+ env_universes = initial_universes;
+ env_engagement = None } }
+let engagement env = env.env_stratification.env_engagement
+let universes env = env.env_stratification.env_universes
+let named_context env = env.env_named_context
+let rel_context env = env.env_rel_context
+let empty_context env =
+ env.env_rel_context = empty_rel_context
+ && env.env_named_context = empty_named_context
+(* Rel context *)
+let lookup_rel n env =
+ Sign.lookup_rel n env.env_rel_context
+let evaluable_rel n env =
+ try
+ match lookup_rel n env with
+ (_,Some _,_) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ with Not_found ->
+ false
+let push_rel d env =
+ { env with
+ env_rel_context = add_rel_decl d env.env_rel_context }
+let push_rel_context ctxt x = Sign.fold_rel_context push_rel ctxt ~init:x
+let push_rec_types (lna,typarray,_) env =
+ let ctxt =
+ array_map2_i
+ (fun i na t -> (na, None, type_app (lift i) t)) lna typarray in
+ Array.fold_left (fun e assum -> push_rel assum e) env ctxt
+let reset_rel_context env =
+ { env with
+ env_rel_context = empty_rel_context }
+let fold_rel_context f env ~init =
+ snd (Sign.fold_rel_context
+ (fun d (env,e) -> (push_rel d env, f env d e))
+ (rel_context env) ~init:(reset_rel_context env,init))
+(* Named context *)
+let lookup_named id env =
+ Sign.lookup_named id env.env_named_context
+(* A local const is evaluable if it is defined and not opaque *)
+let evaluable_named id env =
+ try
+ match lookup_named id env with
+ (_,Some _,_) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ with Not_found ->
+ false
+let push_named d env =
+ { env with
+ env_named_context = Sign.add_named_decl d env.env_named_context }
+let reset_context env =
+ { env with
+ env_named_context = empty_named_context;
+ env_rel_context = empty_rel_context }
+let reset_with_named_context ctxt env =
+ { env with
+ env_named_context = ctxt;
+ env_rel_context = empty_rel_context }
+let fold_named_context f env ~init =
+ snd (Sign.fold_named_context
+ (fun d (env,e) -> (push_named d env, f env d e))
+ (named_context env) ~init:(reset_context env,init))
+let fold_named_context_reverse f ~init env =
+ Sign.fold_named_context_reverse f ~init:init (named_context env)
+(* Global constants *)
+let lookup_constant kn env =
+ KNmap.find kn env.env_globals.env_constants
+let add_constant kn cb env =
+ let new_constants = KNmap.add kn cb env.env_globals.env_constants in
+ let new_globals =
+ { env.env_globals with
+ env_constants = new_constants } in
+ { env with env_globals = new_globals }
+(* constant_type gives the type of a constant *)
+let constant_type env kn =
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
+ cb.const_type
+type const_evaluation_result = NoBody | Opaque
+exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result
+let constant_value env kn =
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
+ if cb.const_opaque then raise (NotEvaluableConst Opaque);
+ match cb.const_body with
+ | Some l_body -> Declarations.force l_body
+ | None -> raise (NotEvaluableConst NoBody)
+let constant_opt_value env cst =
+ try Some (constant_value env cst)
+ with NotEvaluableConst _ -> None
+(* A global const is evaluable if it is defined and not opaque *)
+let evaluable_constant cst env =
+ try let _ = constant_value env cst in true
+ with Not_found | NotEvaluableConst _ -> false
+(* Mutual Inductives *)
+let lookup_mind kn env =
+ KNmap.find kn env.env_globals.env_inductives
+let add_mind kn mib env =
+ let new_inds = KNmap.add kn mib env.env_globals.env_inductives in
+ let new_globals =
+ { env.env_globals with
+ env_inductives = new_inds } in
+ { env with env_globals = new_globals }
+(* Universe constraints *)
+let set_universes g env =
+ if env.env_stratification.env_universes == g then env
+ else
+ { env with env_stratification =
+ { env.env_stratification with env_universes = g } }
+let add_constraints c env =
+ if c == Constraint.empty then
+ env
+ else
+ let s = env.env_stratification in
+ { env with env_stratification =
+ { s with env_universes = merge_constraints c s.env_universes } }
+let set_engagement c env = (* Unsafe *)
+ { env with env_stratification =
+ { env.env_stratification with env_engagement = Some c } }
+(* Lookup of section variables *)
+let lookup_constant_variables c env =
+ let cmap = lookup_constant c env in
+ Sign.vars_of_named_context cmap.const_hyps
+let lookup_inductive_variables (kn,i) env =
+ let mis = lookup_mind kn env in
+ Sign.vars_of_named_context mis.mind_hyps
+let lookup_constructor_variables (ind,_) env =
+ lookup_inductive_variables ind env
+(* Returns the list of global variables in a term *)
+let vars_of_global env constr =
+ match kind_of_term constr with
+ Var id -> [id]
+ | Const kn -> lookup_constant_variables kn env
+ | Ind ind -> lookup_inductive_variables ind env
+ | Construct cstr -> lookup_constructor_variables cstr env
+ | _ -> []
+let global_vars_set env constr =
+ let rec filtrec acc c =
+ let vl = vars_of_global env c in
+ let acc = List.fold_right Idset.add vl acc in
+ fold_constr filtrec acc c
+ in
+ filtrec Idset.empty constr
+(* [keep_hyps env ids] keeps the part of the section context of [env] which
+ contains the variables of the set [ids], and recursively the variables
+ contained in the types of the needed variables. *)
+let keep_hyps env needed =
+ let really_needed =
+ Sign.fold_named_context_reverse
+ (fun need (id,copt,t) ->
+ if Idset.mem id need then
+ let globc =
+ match copt with
+ | None -> Idset.empty
+ | Some c -> global_vars_set env c in
+ Idset.union
+ (global_vars_set env t)
+ (Idset.union globc need)
+ else need)
+ ~init:needed
+ (named_context env) in
+ Sign.fold_named_context
+ (fun (id,_,_ as d) nsign ->
+ if Idset.mem id really_needed then add_named_decl d nsign
+ else nsign)
+ (named_context env)
+ ~init:empty_named_context
+(* Modules *)
+let add_modtype ln mtb env =
+ let new_modtypes = KNmap.add ln mtb env.env_globals.env_modtypes in
+ let new_globals =
+ { env.env_globals with
+ env_modtypes = new_modtypes } in
+ { env with env_globals = new_globals }
+let shallow_add_module mp mb env =
+ let new_mods = MPmap.add mp mb env.env_globals.env_modules in
+ let new_globals =
+ { env.env_globals with
+ env_modules = new_mods } in
+ { env with env_globals = new_globals }
+let lookup_module mp env =
+ MPmap.find mp env.env_globals.env_modules
+let lookup_modtype ln env =
+ KNmap.find ln env.env_globals.env_modtypes
+(*s Judgments. *)
+type unsafe_judgment = {
+ uj_val : constr;
+ uj_type : types }
+let make_judge v tj =
+ { uj_val = v;
+ uj_type = tj }
+let j_val j = j.uj_val
+let j_type j = j.uj_type
+type unsafe_type_judgment = {
+ utj_val : constr;
+ utj_type : sorts }
diff --git a/kernel/environ.mli b/kernel/environ.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e54761b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/environ.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: environ.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Sign
+(*s Unsafe environments. We define here a datatype for environments.
+ Since typing is not yet defined, it is not possible to check the
+ informations added in environments, and that is why we speak here
+ of ``unsafe'' environments. *)
+(* Environments have the following components:
+ - a context for de Bruijn variables
+ - a context for section variables and goal assumptions
+ - a context for global constants and axioms
+ - a context for inductive definitions
+ - a set of universe constraints
+ - a flag telling if Set is, can be, or cannot be set impredicative *)
+type env
+val empty_env : env
+val universes : env -> Univ.universes
+val rel_context : env -> rel_context
+val named_context : env -> named_context
+type engagement = ImpredicativeSet
+val engagement : env -> engagement option
+(* is the local context empty *)
+val empty_context : env -> bool
+(*s Context of de Bruijn variables (rel_context) *)
+val push_rel : rel_declaration -> env -> env
+val push_rel_context : rel_context -> env -> env
+val push_rec_types : rec_declaration -> env -> env
+(* Looks up in the context of local vars referred by indice ([rel_context]) *)
+(* raises [Not_found] if the index points out of the context *)
+val lookup_rel : int -> env -> rel_declaration
+val evaluable_rel : int -> env -> bool
+(*s Recurrence on [rel_context] *)
+val fold_rel_context :
+ (env -> rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> env -> init:'a -> 'a
+(* Context of variables (section variables and goal assumptions) *)
+val push_named : named_declaration -> env -> env
+(* Looks up in the context of local vars referred by names ([named_context]) *)
+(* raises [Not_found] if the identifier is not found *)
+val lookup_named : variable -> env -> named_declaration
+val evaluable_named : variable -> env -> bool
+(*s Recurrence on [named_context]: older declarations processed first *)
+val fold_named_context :
+ (env -> named_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> env -> init:'a -> 'a
+(* Recurrence on [named_context] starting from younger decl *)
+val fold_named_context_reverse :
+ ('a -> named_declaration -> 'a) -> init:'a -> env -> 'a
+(* This forgets named and rel contexts *)
+val reset_context : env -> env
+(* This forgets rel context and sets a new named context *)
+val reset_with_named_context : named_context -> env -> env
+(*s Global constants *)
+(*s Add entries to global environment *)
+val add_constant : constant -> constant_body -> env -> env
+(* Looks up in the context of global constant names *)
+(* raises [Not_found] if the required path is not found *)
+val lookup_constant : constant -> env -> constant_body
+val evaluable_constant : constant -> env -> bool
+(*s [constant_value env c] raises [NotEvaluableConst Opaque] if
+ [c] is opaque and [NotEvaluableConst NoBody] if it has no
+ body and [Not_found] if it does not exist in [env] *)
+type const_evaluation_result = NoBody | Opaque
+exception NotEvaluableConst of const_evaluation_result
+val constant_value : env -> constant -> constr
+val constant_type : env -> constant -> types
+val constant_opt_value : env -> constant -> constr option
+(*s Inductive types *)
+val add_mind : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive_body -> env -> env
+(* Looks up in the context of global inductive names *)
+(* raises [Not_found] if the required path is not found *)
+val lookup_mind : mutual_inductive -> env -> mutual_inductive_body
+(*s Modules *)
+val add_modtype : kernel_name -> module_type_body -> env -> env
+(* [shallow_add_module] does not add module components *)
+val shallow_add_module : module_path -> module_body -> env -> env
+val lookup_module : module_path -> env -> module_body
+val lookup_modtype : kernel_name -> env -> module_type_body
+(*s Universe constraints *)
+val set_universes : Univ.universes -> env -> env
+val add_constraints : Univ.constraints -> env -> env
+val set_engagement : engagement -> env -> env
+(* Sets of referred section variables *)
+(* [global_vars_set env c] returns the list of [id]'s occurring as
+ [VAR id] in [c] *)
+val global_vars_set : env -> constr -> Idset.t
+(* the constr must be an atomic construction *)
+val vars_of_global : env -> constr -> identifier list
+val keep_hyps : env -> Idset.t -> section_context
+(*s Unsafe judgments. We introduce here the pre-type of judgments, which is
+ actually only a datatype to store a term with its type and the type of its
+ type. *)
+type unsafe_judgment = {
+ uj_val : constr;
+ uj_type : types }
+val make_judge : constr -> types -> unsafe_judgment
+val j_val : unsafe_judgment -> constr
+val j_type : unsafe_judgment -> types
+type unsafe_type_judgment = {
+ utj_val : constr;
+ utj_type : sorts }
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38db01fc
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@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+(* Lifting *)
+(* Explicit lifts and basic operations *)
+type lift =
+ | ELID
+ | ELSHFT of lift * int (* ELSHFT(l,n) == lift of n, then apply lift l *)
+ | ELLFT of int * lift (* ELLFT(n,l) == apply l to de Bruijn > n *)
+ (* i.e under n binders *)
+(* compose a relocation of magnitude n *)
+let rec el_shft_rec n = function
+ | ELSHFT(el,k) -> el_shft_rec (k+n) el
+ | el -> ELSHFT(el,n)
+let el_shft n el = if n = 0 then el else el_shft_rec n el
+(* cross n binders *)
+let rec el_liftn_rec n = function
+ | ELID -> ELID
+ | ELLFT(k,el) -> el_liftn_rec (n+k) el
+ | el -> ELLFT(n, el)
+let el_liftn n el = if n = 0 then el else el_liftn_rec n el
+let el_lift el = el_liftn_rec 1 el
+(* relocation of de Bruijn n in an explicit lift *)
+let rec reloc_rel n = function
+ | ELID -> n
+ | ELLFT(k,el) ->
+ if n <= k then n else (reloc_rel (n-k) el) + k
+ | ELSHFT(el,k) -> (reloc_rel (n+k) el)
+let rec is_lift_id = function
+ | ELID -> true
+ | ELSHFT(e,n) -> n=0 & is_lift_id e
+ | ELLFT (_,e) -> is_lift_id e
+(* Substitutions *)
+(* (bounded) explicit substitutions of type 'a *)
+type 'a subs =
+ | ESID of int (* ESID(n) = %n END bounded identity *)
+ | CONS of 'a * 'a subs (* CONS(t,S) = (S.t) parallel substitution *)
+ | SHIFT of int * 'a subs (* SHIFT(n,S) = (^n o S) terms in S are relocated *)
+ (* with n vars *)
+ | LIFT of int * 'a subs (* LIFT(n,S) = (%n S) stands for ((^n o S).n...1) *)
+(* operations of subs: collapses constructors when possible.
+ * Needn't be recursive if we always use these functions
+ *)
+let subs_cons(x,s) = CONS(x,s)
+let subs_liftn n = function
+ | ESID p -> ESID (p+n) (* bounded identity lifted extends by p *)
+ | LIFT (p,lenv) -> LIFT (p+n, lenv)
+ | lenv -> LIFT (n,lenv)
+let subs_lift a = subs_liftn 1 a
+let subs_liftn n a = if n = 0 then a else subs_liftn n a
+let subs_shft = function
+ | (0, s) -> s
+ | (n, SHIFT (k,s1)) -> SHIFT (k+n, s1)
+ | (n, s) -> SHIFT (n,s)
+let subs_shft (n,a) = if n = 0 then a else subs_shft(n,a)
+let subs_shift_cons = function
+ (0, s, t) -> CONS(t,s)
+| (k, SHIFT(n,s1), t) -> CONS(t,SHIFT(k+n, s1))
+| (k, s, t) -> CONS(t,SHIFT(k, s));;
+(* Tests whether a substitution is extensionnaly equal to the identity *)
+let rec is_subs_id = function
+ ESID _ -> true
+ | LIFT(_,s) -> is_subs_id s
+ | SHIFT(0,s) -> is_subs_id s
+ | _ -> false
+(* Expands de Bruijn k in the explicit substitution subs
+ * lams accumulates de shifts to perform when retrieving the i-th value
+ * the rules used are the following:
+ *
+ * [id]k --> k
+ * [S.t]1 --> t
+ * [S.t]k --> [S](k-1) if k > 1
+ * [^n o S] k --> [^n]([S]k)
+ * [(%n S)] k --> k if k <= n
+ * [(%n S)] k --> [^n]([S](k-n))
+ *
+ * the result is (Inr (k+lams,p)) when the variable is just relocated
+ * where p is None if the variable points inside subs and Some(k) if the
+ * variable points k bindings beyond subs.
+ *)
+let rec exp_rel lams k subs =
+ match (k,subs) with
+ | (1, CONS (def,_)) -> Inl(lams,def)
+ | (_, CONS (_,l)) -> exp_rel lams (pred k) l
+ | (_, LIFT (n,_)) when k<=n -> Inr(lams+k,None)
+ | (_, LIFT (n,l)) -> exp_rel (n+lams) (k-n) l
+ | (_, SHIFT (n,s)) -> exp_rel (n+lams) k s
+ | (_, ESID n) when k<=n -> Inr(lams+k,None)
+ | (_, ESID n) -> Inr(lams+k,Some (k-n))
+let expand_rel k subs = exp_rel 0 k subs
+let rec comp mk_cl s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ | _, ESID _ -> s1
+ | ESID _, _ -> s2
+ | SHIFT(k,s), _ -> subs_shft(k, comp mk_cl s s2)
+ | _, CONS(x,s') -> CONS(mk_cl(s1,x), comp mk_cl s1 s')
+ | CONS(x,s), SHIFT(k,s') -> comp mk_cl s (subs_shft(k-1, s'))
+ | CONS(x,s), LIFT(k,s') -> CONS(x,comp mk_cl s (subs_liftn (k-1) s'))
+ | LIFT(k,s), SHIFT(k',s') ->
+ if k<k'
+ then subs_shft(k, comp mk_cl s (subs_shft(k'-k, s')))
+ else subs_shft(k', comp mk_cl (subs_liftn (k-k') s) s')
+ | LIFT(k,s), LIFT(k',s') ->
+ if k<k'
+ then subs_liftn k (comp mk_cl s (subs_liftn (k'-k) s'))
+ else subs_liftn k' (comp mk_cl (subs_liftn (k-k') s) s')
diff --git a/kernel/esubst.mli b/kernel/esubst.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b02d747b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/esubst.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: esubst.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(*s Compact representation of explicit relocations. \\
+ [ELSHFT(l,n)] == lift of [n], then apply [lift l].
+ [ELLFT(n,l)] == apply [l] to de Bruijn > [n] i.e under n binders. *)
+type lift =
+ | ELID
+ | ELSHFT of lift * int
+ | ELLFT of int * lift
+val el_shft : int -> lift -> lift
+val el_liftn : int -> lift -> lift
+val el_lift : lift -> lift
+val reloc_rel : int -> lift -> int
+val is_lift_id : lift -> bool
+(*s Explicit substitutions of type ['a]. [ESID n] = %n~END = bounded identity.
+ [CONS(t,S)] = $S.t$ i.e. parallel substitution. [SHIFT(n,S)] =
+ $(\uparrow n~o~S)$ i.e. terms in S are relocated with n vars.
+ [LIFT(n,S)] = $(\%n~S)$ stands for $((\uparrow n~o~S).n...1)$. *)
+type 'a subs =
+ | ESID of int
+ | CONS of 'a * 'a subs
+ | SHIFT of int * 'a subs
+ | LIFT of int * 'a subs
+val subs_cons: 'a * 'a subs -> 'a subs
+val subs_shft: int * 'a subs -> 'a subs
+val subs_lift: 'a subs -> 'a subs
+val subs_liftn: int -> 'a subs -> 'a subs
+val subs_shift_cons: int * 'a subs * 'a -> 'a subs
+val expand_rel: int -> 'a subs -> (int * 'a, int * int option) Util.union
+val is_subs_id: 'a subs -> bool
+val comp : ('a subs * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a subs -> 'a subs -> 'a subs \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88f837aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+open Typeops
+open Entries
+(* [check_constructors_names id s cl] checks that all the constructors names
+ appearing in [l] are not present in the set [s], and returns the new set
+ of names. The name [id] is the name of the current inductive type, used
+ when reporting the error. *)
+(* Various well-formedness check for inductive declarations *)
+type inductive_error =
+ (* These are errors related to inductive constructions in this module *)
+ | NonPos of env * constr * constr
+ | NotEnoughArgs of env * constr * constr
+ | NotConstructor of env * constr * constr
+ | NonPar of env * constr * int * constr * constr
+ | SameNamesTypes of identifier
+ | SameNamesConstructors of identifier * identifier
+ | SameNamesOverlap of identifier list
+ | NotAnArity of identifier
+ | BadEntry
+ (* These are errors related to recursors building in Indrec *)
+ | NotAllowedCaseAnalysis of bool * sorts * inductive
+ | BadInduction of bool * identifier * sorts
+ | NotMutualInScheme
+exception InductiveError of inductive_error
+let check_constructors_names id =
+ let rec check idset = function
+ | [] -> idset
+ | c::cl ->
+ if Idset.mem c idset then
+ raise (InductiveError (SameNamesConstructors (id,c)))
+ else
+ check (Idset.add c idset) cl
+ in
+ check
+(* [mind_check_names mie] checks the names of an inductive types declaration,
+ and raises the corresponding exceptions when two types or two constructors
+ have the same name. *)
+let mind_check_names mie =
+ let rec check indset cstset = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | ind::inds ->
+ let id = ind.mind_entry_typename in
+ let cl = ind.mind_entry_consnames in
+ if Idset.mem id indset then
+ raise (InductiveError (SameNamesTypes id))
+ else
+ let cstset' = check_constructors_names id cstset cl in
+ check (Idset.add id indset) cstset' inds
+ in
+ check Idset.empty Idset.empty mie.mind_entry_inds
+(* The above verification is not necessary from the kernel point of
+ vue since inductive and constructors are not referred to by their
+ name, but only by the name of the inductive packet and an index. *)
+let mind_check_arities env mie =
+ let check_arity id c =
+ if not (is_arity env c) then
+ raise (InductiveError (NotAnArity id))
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun {mind_entry_typename=id; mind_entry_arity=ar} -> check_arity id ar)
+ mie.mind_entry_inds
+(* Typing the arities and constructor types *)
+let is_info_arity env c =
+ match dest_arity env c with
+ | (_,Prop Null) -> false
+ | (_,Prop Pos) -> true
+ | (_,Type _) -> true
+let is_info_type env t =
+ let s = t.utj_type in
+ if s = mk_Set then true
+ else if s = mk_Prop then false
+ else
+ try is_info_arity env t.utj_val
+ with UserError _ -> true
+(* [infos] is a sequence of pair [islogic,issmall] for each type in
+ the product of a constructor or arity *)
+let is_small infos = List.for_all (fun (logic,small) -> small) infos
+let is_logic_constr infos = List.for_all (fun (logic,small) -> logic) infos
+let is_logic_arity infos =
+ List.for_all (fun (logic,small) -> logic || small) infos
+(* An inductive definition is a "unit" if it has only one constructor
+ and that all arguments expected by this constructor are
+ logical, this is the case for equality, conjonction of logical properties
+let is_unit constrsinfos =
+ match constrsinfos with (* One info = One constructor *)
+ | [constrinfos] -> is_logic_constr constrinfos
+ | [] -> (* type without constructors *) true
+ | _ -> false
+let rec infos_and_sort env t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Prod (name,c1,c2) ->
+ let (varj,_) = infer_type env c1 in
+ let env1 = Environ.push_rel (name,None,varj.utj_val) env in
+ let logic = not (is_info_type env varj) in
+ let small = Term.is_small varj.utj_type in
+ (logic,small) :: (infos_and_sort env1 c2)
+ | Cast (c,_) -> infos_and_sort env c
+ | _ -> []
+let small_unit constrsinfos =
+ let issmall = List.for_all is_small constrsinfos
+ and isunit = is_unit constrsinfos in
+ issmall, isunit
+(* This (re)computes informations relevant to extraction and the sort of an
+ arity or type constructor; we do not to recompute universes constraints *)
+(* [smax] is the max of the sorts of the products of the constructor type *)
+let enforce_type_constructor env arsort smax cst =
+ match smax, arsort with
+ | Type uc, Type ua -> enforce_geq ua uc cst
+ | Type uc, Prop Pos when engagement env <> Some ImpredicativeSet ->
+ error "Large non-propositional inductive types must be in Type"
+ | _,_ -> cst
+let type_one_constructor env_ar_par params arsort c =
+ let infos = infos_and_sort env_ar_par c in
+ (* Each constructor is typed-checked here *)
+ let (j,cst) = infer_type env_ar_par c in
+ let full_cstr_type = it_mkProd_or_LetIn j.utj_val params in
+ (* If the arity is at some level Type arsort, then the sort of the
+ constructor must be below arsort; here we consider constructors with the
+ global parameters (which add a priori more constraints on their sort) *)
+ let cst2 = enforce_type_constructor env_ar_par arsort j.utj_type cst in
+ (infos, full_cstr_type, cst2)
+let infer_constructor_packet env_ar params arsort vc =
+ let env_ar_par = push_rel_context params env_ar in
+ let (constrsinfos,jlc,cst) =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun c (infosl,l,cst) ->
+ let (infos,ct,cst') =
+ type_one_constructor env_ar_par params arsort c in
+ (infos::infosl,ct::l, Constraint.union cst cst'))
+ vc
+ ([],[],Constraint.empty) in
+ let vc' = Array.of_list jlc in
+ let issmall,isunit = small_unit constrsinfos in
+ (issmall,isunit,vc', cst)
+(* Type-check an inductive definition. Does not check positivity
+ conditions. *)
+let typecheck_inductive env mie =
+ if mie.mind_entry_inds = [] then anomaly "empty inductive types declaration";
+ (* Check unicity of names *)
+ mind_check_names mie;
+ mind_check_arities env mie;
+ (* We first type params and arity of each inductive definition *)
+ (* This allows to build the environment of arities and to share *)
+ (* the set of constraints *)
+ let cst, arities, rev_params_arity_list =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (cst,arities,l) ind ->
+ (* Params are typed-checked here *)
+ let params = ind.mind_entry_params in
+ let env_params, params, cst1 =
+ infer_local_decls env params in
+ (* Arities (without params) are typed-checked here *)
+ let arity, cst2 =
+ infer_type env_params ind.mind_entry_arity in
+ (* We do not need to generate the universe of full_arity; if
+ later, after the validation of the inductive definition,
+ full_arity is used as argument or subject to cast, an
+ upper universe will be generated *)
+ let id = ind.mind_entry_typename in
+ let full_arity = it_mkProd_or_LetIn arity.utj_val params in
+ Constraint.union cst (Constraint.union cst1 cst2),
+ Sign.add_rel_decl (Name id, None, full_arity) arities,
+ (params, id, full_arity, arity.utj_val)::l)
+ (Constraint.empty,empty_rel_context,[])
+ mie.mind_entry_inds in
+ let env_arities = push_rel_context arities env in
+ let params_arity_list = List.rev rev_params_arity_list in
+ (* Now, we type the constructors (without params) *)
+ let inds,cst =
+ List.fold_right2
+ (fun ind (params,id,full_arity,short_arity) (inds,cst) ->
+ let (_,arsort) = dest_arity env full_arity in
+ let lc = ind.mind_entry_lc in
+ let (issmall,isunit,lc',cst') =
+ infer_constructor_packet env_arities params arsort lc in
+ let consnames = ind.mind_entry_consnames in
+ let ind' = (params,id,full_arity,consnames,issmall,isunit,lc')
+ in
+ (ind'::inds, Constraint.union cst cst'))
+ mie.mind_entry_inds
+ params_arity_list
+ ([],cst) in
+ (env_arities, Array.of_list inds, cst)
+(* Positivity *)
+type ill_formed_ind =
+ | LocalNonPos of int
+ | LocalNotEnoughArgs of int
+ | LocalNotConstructor
+ | LocalNonPar of int * int
+exception IllFormedInd of ill_formed_ind
+(* [mind_extract_params mie] extracts the params from an inductive types
+ declaration, and checks that they are all present (and all the same)
+ for all the given types. *)
+let mind_extract_params = decompose_prod_n_assum
+let explain_ind_err ntyp env0 nbpar c err =
+ let (lpar,c') = mind_extract_params nbpar c in
+ let env = push_rel_context lpar env0 in
+ match err with
+ | LocalNonPos kt ->
+ raise (InductiveError (NonPos (env,c',mkRel (kt+nbpar))))
+ | LocalNotEnoughArgs kt ->
+ raise (InductiveError
+ (NotEnoughArgs (env,c',mkRel (kt+nbpar))))
+ | LocalNotConstructor ->
+ raise (InductiveError
+ (NotConstructor (env,c',mkRel (ntyp+nbpar))))
+ | LocalNonPar (n,l) ->
+ raise (InductiveError
+ (NonPar (env,c',n,mkRel (nbpar-n+1), mkRel (l+nbpar))))
+let failwith_non_pos_vect n ntypes v =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do
+ for k = n to n + ntypes - 1 do
+ if not (noccurn k v.(i)) then raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos (k-n+1)))
+ done
+ done;
+ anomaly "failwith_non_pos_vect: some k in [n;n+ntypes-1] should occur in v"
+(* Check the inductive type is called with the expected parameters *)
+let check_correct_par (env,n,ntypes,_) hyps l largs =
+ let nparams = rel_context_nhyps hyps in
+ let largs = Array.of_list largs in
+ if Array.length largs < nparams then
+ raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNotEnoughArgs l));
+ let (lpar,largs') = array_chop nparams largs in
+ let nhyps = List.length hyps in
+ let rec check k index = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (_,Some _,_)::hyps -> check k (index+1) hyps
+ | _::hyps ->
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env lpar.(k)) with
+ | Rel w when w = index -> check (k-1) (index+1) hyps
+ | _ -> raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPar (k+1,l)))
+ in check (nparams-1) (n-nhyps) hyps;
+ if not (array_for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) largs') then
+ failwith_non_pos_vect n ntypes largs'
+(* This removes global parameters of the inductive types in lc (for
+ nested inductive types only ) *)
+let abstract_mind_lc env ntyps npars lc =
+ if npars = 0 then
+ lc
+ else
+ let make_abs =
+ list_tabulate
+ (function i -> lambda_implicit_lift npars (mkRel (i+1))) ntyps
+ in
+ (substl make_abs) lc
+(* [env] is the typing environment
+ [n] is the dB of the last inductive type
+ [ntypes] is the number of inductive types in the definition
+ (i.e. range of inductives is [n; n+ntypes-1])
+ [lra] is the list of recursive tree of each variable
+ *)
+let ienv_push_var (env, n, ntypes, lra) (x,a,ra) =
+ (push_rel (x,None,a) env, n+1, ntypes, (Norec,ra)::lra)
+let ienv_push_inductive (env, n, ntypes, ra_env) (mi,lpar) =
+ let auxntyp = 1 in
+ let env' =
+ push_rel (Anonymous,None,
+ hnf_prod_applist env (type_of_inductive env mi) lpar) env in
+ let ra_env' =
+ (Imbr mi,Rtree.mk_param 0) ::
+ (fun (r,t) -> (r,Rtree.lift 1 t)) ra_env in
+ (* New index of the inductive types *)
+ let newidx = n + auxntyp in
+ (env', newidx, ntypes, ra_env')
+(* The recursive function that checks positivity and builds the list
+ of recursive arguments *)
+let check_positivity_one (env, _,ntypes,_ as ienv) hyps i indlc =
+ let nparams = rel_context_length hyps in
+ (* check the inductive types occur positively in [c] *)
+ let rec check_pos (env, n, ntypes, ra_env as ienv) c =
+ let x,largs = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | Prod (na,b,d) ->
+ assert (largs = []);
+ if not (noccur_between n ntypes b) then
+ raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos n));
+ check_pos (ienv_push_var ienv (na, b, mk_norec)) d
+ | Rel k ->
+ let (ra,rarg) =
+ try List.nth ra_env (k-1)
+ with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> (Norec,mk_norec) in
+ (match ra with
+ Mrec _ -> check_correct_par ienv hyps (k-n+1) largs
+ | _ ->
+ if not (List.for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) largs)
+ then raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos n)));
+ rarg
+ | Ind ind_kn ->
+ (* If the inductive type being defined appears in a
+ parameter, then we have an imbricated type *)
+ if List.for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) largs then mk_norec
+ else check_positive_imbr ienv (ind_kn, largs)
+ | err ->
+ if noccur_between n ntypes x &&
+ List.for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) largs
+ then mk_norec
+ else raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos n))
+ (* accesses to the environment are not factorised, but does it worth
+ it? *)
+ and check_positive_imbr (env,n,ntypes,ra_env as ienv) (mi, largs) =
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env mi in
+ let auxnpar = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let (lpar,auxlargs) =
+ try list_chop auxnpar largs
+ with Failure _ -> raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos n)) in
+ (* If the inductive appears in the args (non params) then the
+ definition is not positive. *)
+ if not (List.for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) auxlargs) then
+ raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos n));
+ (* We do not deal with imbricated mutual inductive types *)
+ let auxntyp = mib.mind_ntypes in
+ if auxntyp <> 1 then raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos n));
+ (* The nested inductive type with parameters removed *)
+ let auxlcvect = abstract_mind_lc env auxntyp auxnpar mip.mind_nf_lc in
+ (* Extends the environment with a variable corresponding to
+ the inductive def *)
+ let (env',_,_,_ as ienv') = ienv_push_inductive ienv (mi,lpar) in
+ (* Parameters expressed in env' *)
+ let lpar' = (lift auxntyp) lpar in
+ let irecargs =
+ (* fails if the inductive type occurs non positively *)
+ (* when substituted *)
+ (function c ->
+ let c' = hnf_prod_applist env' c lpar' in
+ check_constructors ienv' false c')
+ auxlcvect
+ in
+ (Rtree.mk_rec [|mk_paths (Imbr mi) irecargs|]).(0)
+ (* check the inductive types occur positively in the products of C, if
+ check_head=true, also check the head corresponds to a constructor of
+ the ith type *)
+ and check_constructors ienv check_head c =
+ let rec check_constr_rec (env,n,ntypes,ra_env as ienv) lrec c =
+ let x,largs = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | Prod (na,b,d) ->
+ assert (largs = []);
+ let recarg = check_pos ienv b in
+ let ienv' = ienv_push_var ienv (na,b,mk_norec) in
+ check_constr_rec ienv' (recarg::lrec) d
+ | hd ->
+ if check_head then
+ if hd = Rel (n+ntypes-i-1) then
+ check_correct_par ienv hyps (ntypes-i) largs
+ else
+ raise (IllFormedInd LocalNotConstructor)
+ else
+ if not (List.for_all (noccur_between n ntypes) largs)
+ then raise (IllFormedInd (LocalNonPos n));
+ List.rev lrec
+ in check_constr_rec ienv [] c
+ in
+ mk_paths (Mrec i)
+ (
+ (fun c ->
+ let c = body_of_type c in
+ let sign, rawc = mind_extract_params nparams c in
+ let env' = push_rel_context sign env in
+ try
+ check_constructors ienv true rawc
+ with IllFormedInd err ->
+ explain_ind_err (ntypes-i) env nparams c err)
+ indlc)
+let check_positivity env_ar inds =
+ let ntypes = Array.length inds in
+ let lra_ind =
+ List.rev (list_tabulate (fun j -> (Mrec j, Rtree.mk_param j)) ntypes) in
+ let check_one i (params,_,_,_,_,_,lc) =
+ let nparams = rel_context_length params in
+ let ra_env =
+ list_tabulate (fun _ -> (Norec,mk_norec)) nparams @ lra_ind in
+ let ienv = (env_ar, 1+nparams, ntypes, ra_env) in
+ check_positivity_one ienv params i lc in
+ Rtree.mk_rec (Array.mapi check_one inds)
+(* Build the inductive packet *)
+(* Elimination sorts *)
+let is_recursive = Rtree.is_infinite
+(* let rec one_is_rec rvec =
+ List.exists (function Mrec(i) -> List.mem i listind
+ | Imbr(_,lvec) -> array_exists one_is_rec lvec
+ | Norec -> false) rvec
+ in
+ array_exists one_is_rec
+let all_sorts = [InProp;InSet;InType]
+let impredicative_sorts = [InProp;InSet]
+let logical_sorts = [InProp]
+let allowed_sorts env issmall isunit = function
+ | Type _ -> all_sorts
+ | Prop Pos ->
+ if issmall then all_sorts
+ else impredicative_sorts
+ | Prop Null ->
+(* Added InType which is derivable :when the type is unit and small *)
+(* unit+small types have all elimination
+ In predicative system, the
+ other inductive definitions have only Prop elimination.
+ In impredicative system, large unit type have also Set elimination
+*) if isunit then
+ if issmall then all_sorts
+ else if Environ.engagement env = None
+ then logical_sorts else impredicative_sorts
+ else logical_sorts
+let build_inductive env env_ar finite inds recargs cst =
+ let ntypes = Array.length inds in
+ (* Compute the set of used section variables *)
+ let ids =
+ Array.fold_left
+ (fun acc (_,_,ar,_,_,_,lc) ->
+ Idset.union (Environ.global_vars_set env (body_of_type ar))
+ (Array.fold_left
+ (fun acc c ->
+ Idset.union (global_vars_set env (body_of_type c)) acc)
+ acc
+ lc))
+ Idset.empty inds in
+ let hyps = keep_hyps env ids in
+ (* Check one inductive *)
+ let build_one_packet (params,id,ar,cnames,issmall,isunit,lc) recarg =
+ (* Arity in normal form *)
+ let nparamargs = rel_context_nhyps params in
+ let (ar_sign,ar_sort) = dest_arity env ar in
+ let nf_ar =
+ if isArity (body_of_type ar) then ar
+ else it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort ar_sort) ar_sign in
+ (* Type of constructors in normal form *)
+ let splayed_lc = (dest_prod_assum env_ar) lc in
+ let nf_lc =
+ array_map2 (fun (d,b) c -> it_mkProd_or_LetIn b d) splayed_lc lc in
+ let nf_lc = if nf_lc = lc then lc else nf_lc in
+ (* Elimination sorts *)
+ let isunit = isunit && ntypes = 1 && (not (is_recursive recargs.(0))) in
+ let kelim = allowed_sorts env issmall isunit ar_sort in
+ (* Build the inductive packet *)
+ { mind_typename = id;
+ mind_nparams = nparamargs;
+ mind_params_ctxt = params;
+ mind_user_arity = ar;
+ mind_nf_arity = nf_ar;
+ mind_nrealargs = rel_context_nhyps ar_sign - nparamargs;
+ mind_sort = ar_sort;
+ mind_kelim = kelim;
+ mind_consnames = Array.of_list cnames;
+ mind_user_lc = lc;
+ mind_nf_lc = nf_lc;
+ mind_recargs = recarg;
+ } in
+ let packets = array_map2 build_one_packet inds recargs in
+ (* Build the mutual inductive *)
+ { mind_ntypes = ntypes;
+ mind_finite = finite;
+ mind_hyps = hyps;
+ mind_packets = packets;
+ mind_constraints = cst;
+ mind_equiv = None;
+ }
+let check_inductive env mie =
+ (* First type-check the inductive definition *)
+ let (env_arities, inds, cst) = typecheck_inductive env mie in
+ (* Then check positivity conditions *)
+ let recargs = check_positivity env_arities inds in
+ (* Build the inductive packets *)
+ build_inductive env env_arities mie.mind_entry_finite inds recargs cst
diff --git a/kernel/indtypes.mli b/kernel/indtypes.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5e6d047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/indtypes.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: indtypes.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Typeops
+(*s The different kinds of errors that may result of a malformed inductive
+ definition. *)
+type inductive_error =
+ (* These are errors related to inductive constructions in this module *)
+ | NonPos of env * constr * constr
+ | NotEnoughArgs of env * constr * constr
+ | NotConstructor of env * constr * constr
+ | NonPar of env * constr * int * constr * constr
+ | SameNamesTypes of identifier
+ | SameNamesConstructors of identifier * identifier
+ | SameNamesOverlap of identifier list
+ | NotAnArity of identifier
+ | BadEntry
+ (* These are errors related to recursors building in Indrec *)
+ | NotAllowedCaseAnalysis of bool * sorts * inductive
+ | BadInduction of bool * identifier * sorts
+ | NotMutualInScheme
+exception InductiveError of inductive_error
+(*s The following function does checks on inductive declarations. *)
+val check_inductive :
+ env -> mutual_inductive_entry -> mutual_inductive_body
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07e9b8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+open Type_errors
+(* raise Not_found if not an inductive type *)
+let lookup_mind_specif env (kn,tyi) =
+ let mib = Environ.lookup_mind kn env in
+ if tyi >= Array.length mib.mind_packets then
+ error "Inductive.lookup_mind_specif: invalid inductive index";
+ (mib, mib.mind_packets.(tyi))
+let find_rectype env c =
+ let (t, l) = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Ind ind -> (ind, l)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_inductive env c =
+ let (t, l) = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Ind ind
+ when (fst (lookup_mind_specif env ind)).mind_finite -> (ind, l)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let find_coinductive env c =
+ let (t, l) = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Ind ind
+ when not (fst (lookup_mind_specif env ind)).mind_finite -> (ind, l)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Build the substitution that replaces Rels by the appropriate *)
+(* inductives *)
+let ind_subst mind mib =
+ let ntypes = mib.mind_ntypes in
+ let make_Ik k = mkInd (mind,ntypes-k-1) in
+ list_tabulate make_Ik ntypes
+(* Instantiate inductives in constructor type *)
+let constructor_instantiate mind mib c =
+ let s = ind_subst mind mib in
+ type_app (substl s) c
+(* Instantiate the parameters of the inductive type *)
+(* TODO: verify the arg of LetIn correspond to the value in the
+ signature ? *)
+let instantiate_params t args sign =
+ let fail () =
+ anomaly "instantiate_params: type, ctxt and args mismatch" in
+ let (rem_args, subs, ty) =
+ Sign.fold_rel_context
+ (fun (_,copt,_) (largs,subs,ty) ->
+ match (copt, largs, kind_of_term ty) with
+ | (None, a::args, Prod(_,_,t)) -> (args, a::subs, t)
+ | (Some b,_,LetIn(_,_,_,t)) -> (largs, (substl subs b)::subs, t)
+ | _ -> fail())
+ sign
+ ~init:(args,[],t)
+ in
+ if rem_args <> [] then fail();
+ type_app (substl subs) ty
+let full_inductive_instantiate mip params t =
+ instantiate_params t params mip.mind_params_ctxt
+let full_constructor_instantiate (((mind,_),mib,mip),params) =
+ let inst_ind = constructor_instantiate mind mib in
+ (fun t ->
+ instantiate_params (inst_ind t) params mip.mind_params_ctxt)
+(* Functions to build standard types related to inductive *)
+(* Type of an inductive type *)
+let type_of_inductive env i =
+ let (_,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env i in
+ mip.mind_user_arity
+(* Type of a constructor *)
+let type_of_constructor env cstr =
+ let ind = inductive_of_constructor cstr in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let specif = mip.mind_user_lc in
+ let i = index_of_constructor cstr in
+ let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in
+ if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors in the type";
+ constructor_instantiate (fst ind) mib specif.(i-1)
+let arities_of_specif kn (mib,mip) =
+ let specif = mip.mind_nf_lc in
+ (constructor_instantiate kn mib) specif
+let arities_of_constructors env ind =
+ arities_of_specif (fst ind) (lookup_mind_specif env ind)
+let is_info_arity env c =
+ match dest_arity env c with
+ | (_,Prop Null) -> false
+ | (_,Prop Pos) -> true
+ | (_,Type _) -> true
+let error_elim_expln env kp ki =
+ if is_info_arity env kp && not (is_info_arity env ki) then
+ NonInformativeToInformative
+ else
+ match (kind_of_term kp,kind_of_term ki) with
+ | Sort (Type _), Sort (Prop _) -> StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType
+ | _ -> WrongArity
+(* Type of case predicates *)
+let local_rels ctxt =
+ let (rels,_) =
+ Sign.fold_rel_context_reverse
+ (fun (rels,n) (_,copt,_) ->
+ match copt with
+ None -> (mkRel n :: rels, n+1)
+ | Some _ -> (rels, n+1))
+ ~init:([],1)
+ ctxt
+ in
+ rels
+(* Get type of inductive, with parameters instantiated *)
+let get_arity mip params =
+ let arity = mip.mind_nf_arity in
+ destArity (full_inductive_instantiate mip params arity)
+let build_dependent_inductive ind mip params =
+ let arsign,_ = get_arity mip params in
+ let nrealargs = mip.mind_nrealargs in
+ applist
+ (mkInd ind, ( (lift nrealargs) params)@(local_rels arsign))
+(* This exception is local *)
+exception LocalArity of (constr * constr * arity_error) option
+let is_correct_arity env c pj ind mip params =
+ let kelim = mip.mind_kelim in
+ let arsign,s = get_arity mip params in
+ let nodep_ar = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort s) arsign in
+ let rec srec env pt t u =
+ let pt' = whd_betadeltaiota env pt in
+ let t' = whd_betadeltaiota env t in
+ match kind_of_term pt', kind_of_term t' with
+ | Prod (na1,a1,a2), Prod (_,a1',a2') ->
+ let univ =
+ try conv env a1 a1'
+ with NotConvertible -> raise (LocalArity None) in
+ srec (push_rel (na1,None,a1) env) a2 a2' (Constraint.union u univ)
+ | Prod (_,a1,a2), _ ->
+ let k = whd_betadeltaiota env a2 in
+ let ksort = match kind_of_term k with
+ | Sort s -> family_of_sort s
+ | _ -> raise (LocalArity None) in
+ let dep_ind = build_dependent_inductive ind mip params in
+ let univ =
+ try conv env a1 dep_ind
+ with NotConvertible -> raise (LocalArity None) in
+ if List.exists ((=) ksort) kelim then
+ (true, Constraint.union u univ)
+ else
+ raise (LocalArity (Some(k,t',error_elim_expln env k t')))
+ | k, Prod (_,_,_) ->
+ raise (LocalArity None)
+ | k, ki ->
+ let ksort = match k with
+ | Sort s -> family_of_sort s
+ | _ -> raise (LocalArity None) in
+ if List.exists ((=) ksort) kelim then
+ (false, u)
+ else
+ raise (LocalArity (Some(pt',t',error_elim_expln env pt' t')))
+ in
+ try srec env pj.uj_type nodep_ar Constraint.empty
+ with LocalArity kinds ->
+ let create_sort = function
+ | InProp -> mkProp
+ | InSet -> mkSet
+ | InType -> mkSort type_0 in
+ let listarity = create_sort kelim
+(* let listarity =
+ ( (fun s -> make_arity env true indf (create_sort s)) kelim)
+ @( (fun s -> make_arity env false indf (create_sort s)) kelim)*)
+ in
+ error_elim_arity env ind listarity c pj kinds
+(* Type of case branches *)
+(* [p] is the predicate, [i] is the constructor number (starting from 0),
+ and [cty] is the type of the constructor (params not instantiated) *)
+let build_branches_type ind mib mip params dep p =
+ let build_one_branch i cty =
+ let typi = full_constructor_instantiate ((ind,mib,mip),params) cty in
+ let (args,ccl) = decompose_prod_assum typi in
+ let nargs = rel_context_length args in
+ let (_,allargs) = decompose_app ccl in
+ let (lparams,vargs) = list_chop mip.mind_nparams allargs in
+ let cargs =
+ if dep then
+ let cstr = ith_constructor_of_inductive ind (i+1) in
+ let dep_cstr = applist (mkConstruct cstr,lparams@(local_rels args)) in
+ vargs @ [dep_cstr]
+ else
+ vargs in
+ let base = beta_appvect (lift nargs p) (Array.of_list cargs) in
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn base args in
+ Array.mapi build_one_branch mip.mind_nf_lc
+(* [p] is the predicate, [c] is the match object, [realargs] is the
+ list of real args of the inductive type *)
+let build_case_type dep p c realargs =
+ let args = if dep then realargs@[c] else realargs in
+ beta_appvect p (Array.of_list args)
+let type_case_branches env (ind,largs) pj c =
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let (params,realargs) = list_chop nparams largs in
+ let p = pj.uj_val in
+ let (dep,univ) = is_correct_arity env c pj ind mip params in
+ let lc = build_branches_type ind mib mip params dep p in
+ let ty = build_case_type dep p c realargs in
+ (lc, ty, univ)
+(* Checking the case annotation is relevent *)
+let check_case_info env indsp ci =
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env indsp in
+ if
+ (indsp <> ci.ci_ind) or
+ (mip.mind_nparams <> ci.ci_npar)
+ then raise (TypeError(env,WrongCaseInfo(indsp,ci)))
+(* Guard conditions for fix and cofix-points *)
+(* Check if t is a subterm of Rel n, and gives its specification,
+ assuming lst already gives index of
+ subterms with corresponding specifications of recursive arguments *)
+(* A powerful notion of subterm *)
+(* To each inductive definition corresponds an array describing the
+ structure of recursive arguments for each constructor, we call it
+ the recursive spec of the type (it has type recargs vect). For
+ checking the guard, we start from the decreasing argument (Rel n)
+ with its recursive spec. During checking the guardness condition,
+ we collect patterns variables corresponding to subterms of n, each
+ of them with its recursive spec. They are organised in a list lst
+ of type (int * recargs) list which is sorted with respect to the
+ first argument.
+(* Environment annotated with marks on recursive arguments:
+ it is a triple (env,lst,n) where
+ - env is the typing environment
+ - lst is a mapping from de Bruijn indices to list of recargs
+ (tells which subterms of that variable are recursive)
+ - n is the de Bruijn index of the fixpoint for which we are
+ checking the guard condition.
+ Below are functions to handle such environment.
+ *)
+type size = Large | Strict
+let size_glb s1 s2 =
+ match s1,s2 with
+ Strict, Strict -> Strict
+ | _ -> Large
+type subterm_spec =
+ Subterm of (size * wf_paths)
+ | Dead_code
+ | Not_subterm
+let spec_of_tree t =
+ if t=mk_norec then Not_subterm else Subterm(Strict,t)
+let subterm_spec_glb =
+ let glb2 s1 s2 =
+ match s1,s2 with
+ _, Dead_code -> s1
+ | Dead_code, _ -> s2
+ | Not_subterm, _ -> Not_subterm
+ | _, Not_subterm -> Not_subterm
+ | Subterm (a1,t1), Subterm (a2,t2) ->
+ if t1=t2 then Subterm (size_glb a1 a2, t1)
+ (* branches do not return objects with same spec *)
+ else Not_subterm in
+ Array.fold_left glb2 Dead_code
+type guard_env =
+ { env : env;
+ (* dB of last fixpoint *)
+ rel_min : int;
+ (* inductive of recarg of each fixpoint *)
+ inds : inductive array;
+ (* the recarg information of inductive family *)
+ recvec : wf_paths array;
+ (* dB of variables denoting subterms *)
+ genv : subterm_spec list;
+ }
+let make_renv env minds recarg (kn,tyi) =
+ let mib = Environ.lookup_mind kn env in
+ let mind_recvec =
+ (fun mip -> mip.mind_recargs) mib.mind_packets in
+ { env = env;
+ rel_min = recarg+2;
+ inds = minds;
+ recvec = mind_recvec;
+ genv = [Subterm(Large,mind_recvec.(tyi))] }
+let push_var renv (x,ty,spec) =
+ { renv with
+ env = push_rel (x,None,ty) renv.env;
+ rel_min = renv.rel_min+1;
+ genv = spec:: renv.genv }
+let assign_var_spec renv (i,spec) =
+ { renv with genv = list_assign renv.genv (i-1) spec }
+let push_var_renv renv (x,ty) =
+ push_var renv (x,ty,Not_subterm)
+(* Fetch recursive information about a variable p *)
+let subterm_var p renv =
+ try List.nth renv.genv (p-1)
+ with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> Not_subterm
+(* Add a variable and mark it as strictly smaller with information [spec]. *)
+let add_subterm renv (x,a,spec) =
+ push_var renv (x,a,spec_of_tree spec)
+let push_ctxt_renv renv ctxt =
+ let n = rel_context_length ctxt in
+ { renv with
+ env = push_rel_context ctxt renv.env;
+ rel_min = renv.rel_min+n;
+ genv = iterate (fun ge -> Not_subterm::ge) n renv.genv }
+let push_fix_renv renv (_,v,_ as recdef) =
+ let n = Array.length v in
+ { renv with
+ env = push_rec_types recdef renv.env;
+ rel_min = renv.rel_min+n;
+ genv = iterate (fun ge -> Not_subterm::ge) n renv.genv }
+(* Computing the recursive subterms of a term (propagation of size
+ information through Cases). *)
+ c is a branch of an inductive definition corresponding to the spec
+ lrec. mind_recvec is the recursive spec of the inductive
+ definition of the decreasing argument n.
+ case_branches_specif renv lrec lc will pass the lambdas
+ of c corresponding to pattern variables and collect possibly new
+ subterms variables and returns the bodies of the branches with the
+ correct envs and decreasing args.
+let lookup_subterms env ind =
+ let (_,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ mip.mind_recargs
+(* finds the inductive type of the recursive argument of a fixpoint *)
+let inductive_of_fix env recarg body =
+ let (ctxt,b) = decompose_lam_n_assum recarg body in
+ let env' = push_rel_context ctxt env in
+ let (_,ty,_) = destLambda(whd_betadeltaiota env' b) in
+ let (i,_) = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env' ty) in
+ destInd i
+ subterm_specif env c ind
+ subterm_specif should test if [c] (building objects of inductive
+ type [ind], not necassarily the same as that of the recursive
+ argument) is a subterm of the recursive argument of the fixpoint we
+ are checking and fails with Not_found if not. In case it is, it
+ should send its recursive specification (i.e. on which arguments we
+ are allowed to make recursive calls). This recursive spec should be
+ the same size as the number of constructors of the type of c.
+ Returns:
+ - [Some lc] if [c] is a strict subterm of the rec. arg. (or a Meta)
+ - [None] otherwise
+let rec subterm_specif renv t ind =
+ let f,l = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota renv.env t) in
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Rel k -> subterm_var k renv
+ | Case (ci,_,c,lbr) ->
+ if Array.length lbr = 0 then Dead_code
+ else
+ let lbr_spec = case_branches_specif renv c ci.ci_ind lbr in
+ let stl =
+ (fun (renv',br') -> subterm_specif renv' br' ind)
+ lbr_spec in
+ subterm_spec_glb stl
+ | Fix ((recindxs,i),(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
+(* when proving that the fixpoint f(x)=e is less than n, it is enough
+ to prove that e is less than n assuming f is less than n
+ furthermore when f is applied to a term which is strictly less than
+ n, one may assume that x itself is strictly less than n
+ let nbfix = Array.length typarray in
+ let recargs = lookup_subterms renv.env ind in
+ (* pushing the fixpoints *)
+ let renv' = push_fix_renv renv recdef in
+ let renv' =
+ assign_var_spec renv' (nbfix-i, Subterm(Strict,recargs)) in
+ let decrArg = recindxs.(i) in
+ let theBody = bodies.(i) in
+ let nbOfAbst = decrArg+1 in
+ let sign,strippedBody = decompose_lam_n_assum nbOfAbst theBody in
+ (* pushing the fix parameters *)
+ let renv'' = push_ctxt_renv renv' sign in
+ let renv'' =
+ if List.length l < nbOfAbst then renv''
+ else
+ let decrarg_ind = inductive_of_fix renv''.env decrArg theBody in
+ let theDecrArg = List.nth l decrArg in
+ let arg_spec = subterm_specif renv theDecrArg decrarg_ind in
+ assign_var_spec renv'' (1, arg_spec) in
+ subterm_specif renv'' strippedBody ind
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ assert (l=[]);
+ subterm_specif (push_var_renv renv (x,a)) b ind
+ (* A term with metas is considered OK *)
+ | Meta _ -> Dead_code
+ (* Other terms are not subterms *)
+ | _ -> Not_subterm
+(* Propagation of size information through Cases: if the matched
+ object is a recursive subterm then compute the information
+ associated to its own subterms.
+ Rq: if branch is not eta-long, then the recursive information
+ is not propagated *)
+and case_branches_specif renv c ind lbr =
+ let c_spec = subterm_specif renv c ind in
+ let rec push_branch_args renv lrec c =
+ let c' = strip_outer_cast (whd_betadeltaiota renv.env c) in
+ match lrec, kind_of_term c' with
+ | (ra::lr,Lambda (x,a,b)) ->
+ let renv' = push_var renv (x,a,ra) in
+ push_branch_args renv' lr b
+ | (_,_) -> (renv,c') in
+ match c_spec with
+ Subterm (_,t) ->
+ let sub_spec = ( spec_of_tree) (dest_subterms t) in
+ assert (Array.length sub_spec = Array.length lbr);
+ array_map2 (push_branch_args renv) sub_spec lbr
+ | Dead_code ->
+ let t = dest_subterms (lookup_subterms renv.env ind) in
+ let sub_spec = ( (fun _ -> Dead_code)) t in
+ assert (Array.length sub_spec = Array.length lbr);
+ array_map2 (push_branch_args renv) sub_spec lbr
+ | Not_subterm -> (fun c -> (renv,c)) lbr
+(* Check term c can be applied to one of the mutual fixpoints. *)
+let check_is_subterm renv c ind =
+ match subterm_specif renv c ind with
+ Subterm (Strict,_) | Dead_code -> true
+ | _ -> false
+exception FixGuardError of env * guard_error
+let error_illegal_rec_call renv fx arg =
+ let (_,le_vars,lt_vars) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (i,le,lt) sbt ->
+ match sbt with
+ (Subterm(Strict,_) | Dead_code) -> (i+1, le, i::lt)
+ | (Subterm(Large,_)) -> (i+1, i::le, lt)
+ | _ -> (i+1, le ,lt))
+ (1,[],[]) renv.genv in
+ raise (FixGuardError (renv.env,
+ RecursionOnIllegalTerm(fx,arg,le_vars,lt_vars)))
+let error_partial_apply renv fx =
+ raise (FixGuardError (renv.env,NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall fx))
+(* Check if [def] is a guarded fixpoint body with decreasing arg.
+ given [recpos], the decreasing arguments of each mutually defined
+ fixpoint. *)
+let check_one_fix renv recpos def =
+ let nfi = Array.length recpos in
+ let rec check_rec_call renv t =
+ (* if [t] does not make recursive calls, it is guarded: *)
+ noccur_with_meta renv.rel_min nfi t or
+ (* Rq: why not try and expand some definitions ? *)
+ let f,l = decompose_app (whd_betaiotazeta renv.env t) in
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Rel p ->
+ (* Test if it is a recursive call: *)
+ if renv.rel_min <= p & p < renv.rel_min+nfi then
+ (* the position of the invoked fixpoint: *)
+ let glob = renv.rel_min+nfi-1-p in
+ (* the decreasing arg of the rec call: *)
+ let np = recpos.(glob) in
+ if List.length l <= np then error_partial_apply renv glob;
+ match list_chop np l with
+ (la,(z::lrest)) ->
+ (* Check the decreasing arg is smaller *)
+ if not (check_is_subterm renv z renv.inds.(glob)) then
+ error_illegal_rec_call renv glob z;
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (la@lrest)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* otherwise check the arguments are guarded: *)
+ else List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ | Case (ci,p,c_0,lrest) ->
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (c_0::p::l) &&
+ (* compute the recarg information for the arguments of
+ each branch *)
+ let lbr = case_branches_specif renv c_0 ci.ci_ind lrest in
+ array_for_all (fun (renv',br') -> check_rec_call renv' br') lbr
+ (* Enables to traverse Fixpoint definitions in a more intelligent
+ way, ie, the rule :
+ if - g = Fix g/1 := [y1:T1]...[yp:Tp]e &
+ - f is guarded with respect to the set of pattern variables S
+ in a1 ... am &
+ - f is guarded with respect to the set of pattern variables S
+ in T1 ... Tp &
+ - ap is a sub-term of the formal argument of f &
+ - f is guarded with respect to the set of pattern variables S+{yp}
+ in e
+ then f is guarded with respect to S in (g a1 ... am).
+ Eduardo 7/9/98 *)
+ | Fix ((recindxs,i),(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l &&
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv) typarray &&
+ let nbfix = Array.length typarray in
+ let decrArg = recindxs.(i) in
+ let renv' = push_fix_renv renv recdef in
+ if (List.length l < (decrArg+1)) then
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv') bodies
+ else
+ let ok_vect =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun j body ->
+ if i=j then
+ let decrarg_ind =
+ inductive_of_fix renv'.env decrArg body in
+ let theDecrArg = List.nth l decrArg in
+ let arg_spec =
+ subterm_specif renv theDecrArg decrarg_ind in
+ check_nested_fix_body renv' (decrArg+1) arg_spec body
+ else check_rec_call renv' body)
+ bodies in
+ array_for_all (fun b -> b) ok_vect
+ | Const kn as c ->
+ (try List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ with (FixGuardError _ ) as e ->
+ if evaluable_constant kn renv.env then
+ check_rec_call renv
+ (applist(constant_value renv.env kn, l))
+ else raise e)
+ (* The cases below simply check recursively the condition on the
+ subterms *)
+ | Cast (a,b) ->
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (a::b::l)
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ check_rec_call (push_var_renv renv (x,a)) b &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (a::l)
+ | Prod (x,a,b) ->
+ check_rec_call (push_var_renv renv (x,a)) b &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) (a::l)
+ | CoFix (i,(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv) typarray &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l &&
+ let renv' = push_fix_renv renv recdef in
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv') bodies
+ | Evar (_,la) ->
+ array_for_all (check_rec_call renv) la &&
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ | Meta _ -> true
+ | (App _ | LetIn _) ->
+ anomaly "check_rec_call: should have been reduced"
+ | (Ind _ | Construct _ | Var _ | Sort _) ->
+ List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
+ and check_nested_fix_body renv decr recArgsDecrArg body =
+ if decr = 0 then
+ check_rec_call (assign_var_spec renv (1,recArgsDecrArg)) body
+ else
+ match kind_of_term body with
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ let renv' = push_var_renv renv (x,a) in
+ check_rec_call renv a &&
+ check_nested_fix_body renv' (decr-1) recArgsDecrArg b
+ | _ -> anomaly "Not enough abstractions in fix body"
+ in
+ check_rec_call renv def
+let inductive_of_mutfix env ((nvect,bodynum),(names,types,bodies as recdef)) =
+ let nbfix = Array.length bodies in
+ if nbfix = 0
+ or Array.length nvect <> nbfix
+ or Array.length types <> nbfix
+ or Array.length names <> nbfix
+ or bodynum < 0
+ or bodynum >= nbfix
+ then anomaly "Ill-formed fix term";
+ let fixenv = push_rec_types recdef env in
+ let raise_err i err =
+ error_ill_formed_rec_body fixenv err names i in
+ (* Check the i-th definition with recarg k *)
+ let find_ind i k def =
+ if k < 0 then anomaly "negative recarg position";
+ (* check fi does not appear in the k+1 first abstractions,
+ gives the type of the k+1-eme abstraction (must be an inductive) *)
+ let rec check_occur env n def =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env def) with
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ if noccur_with_meta n nbfix a then
+ let env' = push_rel (x, None, a) env in
+ if n = k+1 then
+ (* get the inductive type of the fixpoint *)
+ let (mind, _) =
+ try find_inductive env a
+ with Not_found -> raise_err i RecursionNotOnInductiveType in
+ (mind, (env', b))
+ else check_occur env' (n+1) b
+ else anomaly "check_one_fix: Bad occurrence of recursive call"
+ | _ -> raise_err i NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody in
+ check_occur fixenv 1 def in
+ (* Do it on every fixpoint *)
+ let rv = array_map2_i find_ind nvect bodies in
+ ( fst rv, snd rv)
+let check_fix env ((nvect,_),(names,_,bodies as recdef) as fix) =
+ let (minds, rdef) = inductive_of_mutfix env fix in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length bodies - 1 do
+ let (fenv,body) = rdef.(i) in
+ let renv = make_renv fenv minds nvect.(i) minds.(i) in
+ try
+ let _ = check_one_fix renv nvect body in ()
+ with FixGuardError (fixenv,err) ->
+ error_ill_formed_rec_body fixenv err names i
+ done
+let cfkey = Profile.declare_profile "check_fix";;
+let check_fix env fix = Profile.profile3 cfkey check_fix env fix;;
+(* Scrape *)
+let rec scrape_mind env kn =
+ match (Environ.lookup_mind kn env).mind_equiv with
+ | None -> kn
+ | Some kn' -> scrape_mind env kn'
+(* Co-fixpoints. *)
+exception CoFixGuardError of env * guard_error
+let anomaly_ill_typed () =
+ anomaly "check_one_cofix: too many arguments applied to constructor"
+let rec codomain_is_coind env c =
+ let b = whd_betadeltaiota env c in
+ match kind_of_term b with
+ | Prod (x,a,b) ->
+ codomain_is_coind (push_rel (x, None, a) env) b
+ | _ ->
+ (try find_coinductive env b
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env, CodomainNotInductiveType b)))
+let check_one_cofix env nbfix def deftype =
+ let rec check_rec_call env alreadygrd n vlra t =
+ if noccur_with_meta n nbfix t then
+ true
+ else
+ let c,args = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env t) in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Meta _ -> true
+ | Rel p when n <= p && p < n+nbfix ->
+ (* recursive call *)
+ if alreadygrd then
+ if List.for_all (noccur_with_meta n nbfix) args then
+ true
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,NestedRecursiveOccurrences))
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,UnguardedRecursiveCall t))
+ | Construct (_,i as cstr_kn) ->
+ let lra =vlra.(i-1) in
+ let mI = inductive_of_constructor cstr_kn in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env mI in
+ let realargs = list_skipn mip.mind_nparams args in
+ let rec process_args_of_constr = function
+ | (t::lr), (rar::lrar) ->
+ if rar = mk_norec then
+ if noccur_with_meta n nbfix t
+ then process_args_of_constr (lr, lrar)
+ else raise (CoFixGuardError
+ (env,RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor t))
+ else
+ let spec = dest_subterms rar in
+ check_rec_call env true n spec t &&
+ process_args_of_constr (lr, lrar)
+ | [],_ -> true
+ | _ -> anomaly_ill_typed ()
+ in process_args_of_constr (realargs, lra)
+ | Lambda (x,a,b) ->
+ assert (args = []);
+ if (noccur_with_meta n nbfix a) then
+ check_rec_call (push_rel (x, None, a) env)
+ alreadygrd (n+1) vlra b
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction a))
+ | CoFix (j,(_,varit,vdefs as recdef)) ->
+ if (List.for_all (noccur_with_meta n nbfix) args)
+ then
+ let nbfix = Array.length vdefs in
+ if (array_for_all (noccur_with_meta n nbfix) varit) then
+ let env' = push_rec_types recdef env in
+ (array_for_all
+ (check_rec_call env' alreadygrd (n+1) vlra) vdefs)
+ &&
+ (List.for_all (check_rec_call env alreadygrd (n+1) vlra) args)
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,RecCallInTypeOfDef c))
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,UnguardedRecursiveCall c))
+ | Case (_,p,tm,vrest) ->
+ if (noccur_with_meta n nbfix p) then
+ if (noccur_with_meta n nbfix tm) then
+ if (List.for_all (noccur_with_meta n nbfix) args) then
+ (array_for_all (check_rec_call env alreadygrd n vlra) vrest)
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,RecCallInCaseFun c))
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,RecCallInCaseArg c))
+ else
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (env,RecCallInCasePred c))
+ | _ -> raise (CoFixGuardError (env,NotGuardedForm t)) in
+ let (mind, _) = codomain_is_coind env deftype in
+ let vlra = lookup_subterms env mind in
+ check_rec_call env false 1 (dest_subterms vlra) def
+(* The function which checks that the whole block of definitions
+ satisfies the guarded condition *)
+let check_cofix env (bodynum,(names,types,bodies as recdef)) =
+ let nbfix = Array.length bodies in
+ for i = 0 to nbfix-1 do
+ let fixenv = push_rec_types recdef env in
+ try
+ let _ = check_one_cofix fixenv nbfix bodies.(i) types.(i)
+ in ()
+ with CoFixGuardError (errenv,err) ->
+ error_ill_formed_rec_body errenv err names i
+ done
diff --git a/kernel/inductive.mli b/kernel/inductive.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad44fa64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/inductive.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: inductive.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:25 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+(*s Extracting an inductive type from a construction *)
+(* [find_m*type env sigma c] coerce [c] to an recursive type (I args).
+ [find_rectype], [find_inductive] and [find_coinductive]
+ respectively accepts any recursive type, only an inductive type and
+ only a coinductive type.
+ They raise [Not_found] if not convertible to a recursive type. *)
+val find_rectype : env -> types -> inductive * constr list
+val find_inductive : env -> types -> inductive * constr list
+val find_coinductive : env -> types -> inductive * constr list
+(*s Fetching information in the environment about an inductive type.
+ Raises [Not_found] if the inductive type is not found. *)
+val lookup_mind_specif :
+ env -> inductive -> mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body
+(*s Functions to build standard types related to inductive *)
+val type_of_inductive : env -> inductive -> types
+(* Return type as quoted by the user *)
+val type_of_constructor : env -> constructor -> types
+(* Return constructor types in normal form *)
+val arities_of_constructors : env -> inductive -> types array
+(* Transforms inductive specification into types (in nf) *)
+val arities_of_specif : mutual_inductive ->
+ mutual_inductive_body * one_inductive_body -> types array
+(* [type_case_branches env (I,args) (p:A) c] computes useful types
+ about the following Cases expression:
+ <p>Cases (c :: (I args)) of end
+ It computes the type of every branch (pattern variables are
+ introduced by products), the type for the whole expression, and
+ the universe constraints generated.
+ *)
+val type_case_branches :
+ env -> inductive * constr list -> unsafe_judgment -> constr
+ -> types array * types * constraints
+(* Check a [case_info] actually correspond to a Case expression on the
+ given inductive type. *)
+val check_case_info : env -> inductive -> case_info -> unit
+(* Find the ultimate inductive in the mind_equiv chain *)
+val scrape_mind : env -> mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive
+(*s Guard conditions for fix and cofix-points. *)
+val check_fix : env -> fixpoint -> unit
+val check_cofix : env -> cofixpoint -> unit
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e8c7001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Environ
+open Term_typing
+open Modops
+open Subtyping
+exception Not_path
+let path_of_mexpr = function
+ | MEident mb -> mb
+ | _ -> raise Not_path
+let rec replace_first p k = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::t when p h -> k::t
+ | h::t -> h::(replace_first p k t)
+let rec list_split_assoc k rev_before = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (k',b)::after when k=k' -> rev_before,b,after
+ | h::tail -> list_split_assoc k (h::rev_before) tail
+let rec list_fold_map2 f e = function
+ | [] -> (e,[],[])
+ | h::t ->
+ let e',h1',h2' = f e h in
+ let e'',t1',t2' = list_fold_map2 f e' t in
+ e'',h1'::t1',h2'::t2'
+let type_modpath env mp =
+ strengthen env (lookup_module mp env).mod_type mp
+let rec translate_modtype env mte =
+ match mte with
+ | MTEident ln -> MTBident ln
+ | MTEfunsig (arg_id,arg_e,body_e) ->
+ let arg_b = translate_modtype env arg_e in
+ let env' =
+ add_module (MPbound arg_id) (module_body_of_type arg_b) env in
+ let body_b = translate_modtype env' body_e in
+ MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_b,body_b)
+ | MTEsig (msid,sig_e) ->
+ let str_b,sig_b = translate_entry_list env msid false sig_e in
+ MTBsig (msid,sig_b)
+ | MTEwith (mte, with_decl) ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ merge_with env mtb with_decl
+and merge_with env mtb with_decl =
+ let msid,sig_b = match (Modops.scrape_modtype env mtb) with
+ | MTBsig(msid,sig_b) -> msid,sig_b
+ | _ -> error_signature_expected mtb
+ in
+ let id = match with_decl with
+ | With_Definition (id,_) | With_Module (id,_) -> id
+ in
+ let l = label_of_id id in
+ try
+ let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc l [] sig_b in
+ let before = List.rev rev_before in
+ let env' = Modops.add_signature (MPself msid) before env in
+ let new_spec = match with_decl with
+ | With_Definition (id,c) ->
+ let cb = match spec with
+ SPBconst cb -> cb
+ | _ -> error_not_a_constant l
+ in
+ begin
+ match cb.const_body with
+ | None ->
+ let (j,cst1) = Typeops.infer env' c in
+ let cst2 =
+ Reduction.conv_leq env' j.uj_type cb.const_type in
+ let cst =
+ Constraint.union
+ (Constraint.union cb.const_constraints cst1)
+ cst2
+ in
+ SPBconst {cb with
+ const_body =
+ Some (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val);
+ const_constraints = cst}
+ | Some b ->
+ let cst1 = Reduction.conv env' c (Declarations.force b) in
+ let cst = Constraint.union cb.const_constraints cst1 in
+ SPBconst {cb with
+ const_body = Some (Declarations.from_val c);
+ const_constraints = cst}
+ end
+(* and what about msid's ????? Don't they clash ? *)
+ | With_Module (id, mp) ->
+ let old = match spec with
+ SPBmodule msb -> msb
+ | _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l)
+ in
+ let mtb = type_modpath env' mp in
+ (* here, using assertions in substitutions,
+ we check that there is no msid bound in mtb *)
+ begin
+ try
+ let _ = subst_modtype (map_msid msid (MPself msid)) mtb in
+ ()
+ with
+ Failure _ -> error_circular_with_module id
+ end;
+ let cst =
+ try check_subtypes env' mtb old.msb_modtype
+ with Failure _ -> error_with_incorrect (label_of_id id) in
+ let equiv =
+ match old.msb_equiv with
+ | None -> Some mp
+ | Some mp' ->
+ check_modpath_equiv env' mp mp';
+ Some mp
+ in
+ let msb =
+ {msb_modtype = mtb;
+ msb_equiv = equiv;
+ msb_constraints = Constraint.union old.msb_constraints cst }
+ in
+ SPBmodule msb
+ in
+ MTBsig(msid, before@(l,new_spec)::after)
+ with
+ Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
+ | Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_with_incorrect l
+and translate_entry_list env msid is_definition sig_e =
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let do_entry env (l,e) =
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
+ match e with
+ | SPEconst ce ->
+ let cb = translate_constant env ce in
+ begin match cb.const_hyps with
+ | (_::_) -> error_local_context (Some l)
+ | [] ->
+ add_constant kn cb env, (l, SEBconst cb), (l, SPBconst cb)
+ end
+ | SPEmind mie ->
+ let mib = translate_mind env mie in
+ begin match mib.mind_hyps with
+ | (_::_) -> error_local_context (Some l)
+ | [] ->
+ add_mind kn mib env, (l, SEBmind mib), (l, SPBmind mib)
+ end
+ | SPEmodule me ->
+ let mb = translate_module env is_definition me in
+ let mspec =
+ { msb_modtype = mb.mod_type;
+ msb_equiv = mb.mod_equiv;
+ msb_constraints = mb.mod_constraints }
+ in
+ let mp' = MPdot (mp,l) in
+ add_module mp' mb env, (l, SEBmodule mb), (l, SPBmodule mspec)
+ | SPEmodtype mte ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ add_modtype kn mtb env, (l, SEBmodtype mtb), (l, SPBmodtype mtb)
+ in
+ let _,str_b,sig_b = list_fold_map2 do_entry env sig_e
+ in
+ str_b,sig_b
+(* if [is_definition=true], [mod_entry_expr] may be any expression.
+ Otherwise it must be a path *)
+and translate_module env is_definition me =
+ match me.mod_entry_expr, me.mod_entry_type with
+ | None, None ->
+ anomaly "Mod_typing.translate_module: empty type and expr in module entry"
+ | None, Some mte ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ { mod_expr = None;
+ mod_user_type = Some mtb;
+ mod_type = mtb;
+ mod_equiv = None;
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty }
+ | Some mexpr, _ ->
+ let meq_o = (* do we have a transparent module ? *)
+ try (* TODO: transparent field in module_entry *)
+ match me.mod_entry_type with
+ | None -> Some (path_of_mexpr mexpr)
+ | Some _ -> None
+ with
+ | Not_path -> None
+ in
+ let meb,mtb1 =
+ if is_definition then
+ translate_mexpr env mexpr
+ else
+ let mp =
+ try
+ path_of_mexpr mexpr
+ with
+ | Not_path -> error_declaration_not_path mexpr
+ in
+ MEBident mp, type_modpath env mp
+ in
+ let mtb, mod_user_type, cst =
+ match me.mod_entry_type with
+ | None -> mtb1, None, Constraint.empty
+ | Some mte ->
+ let mtb2 = translate_modtype env mte in
+ let cst =
+ try check_subtypes env mtb1 mtb2
+ with Failure _ -> error "not subtype" in
+ mtb2, Some mtb2, cst
+ in
+ { mod_type = mtb;
+ mod_user_type = mod_user_type;
+ mod_expr = Some meb;
+ mod_equiv = meq_o;
+ mod_constraints = cst }
+(* translate_mexpr : env -> module_expr -> module_expr_body * module_type_body *)
+and translate_mexpr env mexpr = match mexpr with
+ | MEident mp ->
+ MEBident mp,
+ type_modpath env mp
+ | MEfunctor (arg_id, arg_e, body_expr) ->
+ let arg_b = translate_modtype env arg_e in
+ let env' = add_module (MPbound arg_id) (module_body_of_type arg_b) env in
+ let (body_b,body_tb) = translate_mexpr env' body_expr in
+ MEBfunctor (arg_id, arg_b, body_b),
+ MTBfunsig (arg_id, arg_b, body_tb)
+ | MEapply (fexpr,mexpr) ->
+ let feb,ftb = translate_mexpr env fexpr in
+ let ftb = scrape_modtype env ftb in
+ let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor ftb in
+ let meb,mtb = translate_mexpr env mexpr in
+ let cst =
+ try check_subtypes env mtb farg_b
+ with Failure _ ->
+ error "" in
+ let mp =
+ try
+ path_of_mexpr mexpr
+ with
+ | Not_path -> error_application_to_not_path mexpr
+ (* place for nondep_supertype *)
+ in
+ MEBapply(feb,meb,cst),
+ subst_modtype (map_mbid farg_id mp) fbody_b
+ | MEstruct (msid,structure) ->
+ let structure,signature = translate_entry_list env msid true structure in
+ MEBstruct (msid,structure),
+ MTBsig (msid,signature)
+(* is_definition is true - me.mod_entry_expr may be any expression *)
+let translate_module env me = translate_module env true me
+let rec add_module_expr_constraints env = function
+ | MEBident _ -> env
+ | MEBfunctor (_,mtb,meb) ->
+ add_module_expr_constraints (add_modtype_constraints env mtb) meb
+ | MEBstruct (_,mod_struct_body) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (l,item) -> add_struct_elem_constraints env item)
+ env
+ mod_struct_body
+ | MEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst) ->
+ Environ.add_constraints cst
+ (add_module_expr_constraints
+ (add_module_expr_constraints env meb1)
+ meb2)
+and add_struct_elem_constraints env = function
+ | SEBconst cb -> Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints env
+ | SEBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env
+ | SEBmodule mb -> add_module_constraints env mb
+ | SEBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb
+and add_module_constraints env mb =
+ (* if there is a body, the mb.mod_type is either inferred from the
+ body and hence uninteresting or equal to the non-empty
+ user_mod_type *)
+ let env = match mb.mod_expr with
+ | None -> add_modtype_constraints env mb.mod_type
+ | Some meb -> add_module_expr_constraints env meb
+ in
+ let env = match mb.mod_user_type with
+ | None -> env
+ | Some mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb
+ in
+ Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env
+and add_modtype_constraints env = function
+ | MTBident _ -> env
+ | MTBfunsig (_,mtb1,mtb2) ->
+ add_modtype_constraints
+ (add_modtype_constraints env mtb1)
+ mtb2
+ | MTBsig (_,mod_sig_body) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (l,item) -> add_sig_elem_constraints env item)
+ env
+ mod_sig_body
+and add_sig_elem_constraints env = function
+ | SPBconst cb -> Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints env
+ | SPBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env
+ | SPBmodule {msb_modtype=mtb; msb_constraints=cst} ->
+ add_modtype_constraints (Environ.add_constraints cst env) mtb
+ | SPBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb
diff --git a/kernel/mod_typing.mli b/kernel/mod_typing.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ea98bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/mod_typing.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: mod_typing.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Entries
+val translate_modtype : env -> module_type_entry -> module_type_body
+val translate_module : env -> module_entry -> module_body
+val add_modtype_constraints : env -> module_type_body -> env
+val add_module_constraints : env -> module_body -> env
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84845af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Entries
+let error_existing_label l =
+ error ("The label "^string_of_label l^" is already declared")
+let error_declaration_not_path _ = error "Declaration is not a path"
+let error_application_to_not_path _ = error "Application to not path"
+let error_not_a_functor _ = error "Application of not a functor"
+let error_incompatible_modtypes _ _ = error "Incompatible module types"
+let error_not_equal _ _ = error "Not equal modules"
+let error_not_match l _ = error ("Signature components for label "^string_of_label l^" do not match")
+let error_no_such_label l = error ("No such label "^string_of_label l)
+let error_incompatible_labels l l' =
+ error ("Opening and closing labels are not the same: "
+ ^string_of_label l^" <> "^string_of_label l'^" !")
+let error_result_must_be_signature mtb =
+ error "The result module type must be a signature"
+let error_signature_expected mtb =
+ error "Signature expected"
+let error_no_module_to_end _ =
+ error "No open module to end"
+let error_no_modtype_to_end _ =
+ error "No open module type to end"
+let error_not_a_modtype_loc loc s =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str ("\""^s^"\" is not a module type"))
+let error_not_a_module_loc loc s =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str ("\""^s^"\" is not a module"))
+let error_not_a_module s = error_not_a_module_loc dummy_loc s
+let error_not_a_constant l =
+ error ("\""^(string_of_label l)^"\" is not a constant")
+let error_with_incorrect l =
+ error ("Incorrect constraint for label \""^(string_of_label l)^"\"")
+let error_local_context lo =
+ match lo with
+ None ->
+ error ("The local context is not empty.")
+ | (Some l) ->
+ error ("The local context of the component "^
+ (string_of_label l)^" is not empty")
+let error_circular_with_module l =
+ error ("The construction \"with Module "^(string_of_id l)^":=...\" is about to create\na circular module type. Their resolution is not implemented yet.\nIf you really need that feature, please report.")
+let rec scrape_modtype env = function
+ | MTBident kn -> scrape_modtype env (lookup_modtype kn env)
+ | mtb -> mtb
+(* the constraints are not important here *)
+let module_body_of_spec msb =
+ { mod_type = msb.msb_modtype;
+ mod_equiv = msb.msb_equiv;
+ mod_expr = None;
+ mod_user_type = None;
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty}
+let module_body_of_type mtb =
+ { mod_type = mtb;
+ mod_equiv = None;
+ mod_expr = None;
+ mod_user_type = None;
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty}
+(* the constraints are not important here *)
+let module_spec_of_body mb =
+ { msb_modtype = mb.mod_type;
+ msb_equiv = mb.mod_equiv;
+ msb_constraints = Constraint.empty}
+let destr_functor = function
+ | MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_t,body_t) -> (arg_id,arg_t,body_t)
+ | mtb -> error_not_a_functor mtb
+let rec check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 =
+ if mp1=mp2 then () else
+ let mb1 = lookup_module mp1 env in
+ match mb1.mod_equiv with
+ | None ->
+ let mb2 = lookup_module mp2 env in
+ (match mb2.mod_equiv with
+ | None -> error_not_equal mp1 mp2
+ | Some mp2' -> check_modpath_equiv env mp2' mp1)
+ | Some mp1' -> check_modpath_equiv env mp2 mp1'
+let rec subst_modtype sub = function
+ | MTBident ln -> MTBident (subst_kn sub ln)
+ | MTBfunsig (arg_id, arg_b, body_b) ->
+ if occur_mbid arg_id sub then failwith "capture";
+ MTBfunsig (arg_id,
+ subst_modtype sub arg_b,
+ subst_modtype sub body_b)
+ | MTBsig (sid1, msb) ->
+ if occur_msid sid1 sub then failwith "capture";
+ MTBsig (sid1, subst_signature sub msb)
+and subst_signature sub sign =
+ let subst_body = function
+ SPBconst cb ->
+ SPBconst (subst_const_body sub cb)
+ | SPBmind mib ->
+ SPBmind (subst_mind sub mib)
+ | SPBmodule mb ->
+ SPBmodule (subst_module sub mb)
+ | SPBmodtype mtb ->
+ SPBmodtype (subst_modtype sub mtb)
+ in
+ (fun (l,b) -> (l,subst_body b)) sign
+and subst_module sub mb =
+ let mtb' = subst_modtype sub mb.msb_modtype in
+ let mpo' = option_smartmap (subst_mp sub) mb.msb_equiv in
+ if mtb'==mb.msb_modtype && mpo'==mb.msb_equiv then mb else
+ { msb_modtype=mtb';
+ msb_equiv=mpo';
+ msb_constraints=mb.msb_constraints}
+let subst_signature_msid msid mp =
+ subst_signature (map_msid msid mp)
+(* we assume that the substitution of "mp" into "msid" is already done
+(or unnecessary) *)
+let rec add_signature mp sign env =
+ let add_one env (l,elem) =
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
+ match elem with
+ | SPBconst cb -> Environ.add_constant kn cb env
+ | SPBmind mib -> Environ.add_mind kn mib env
+ | SPBmodule mb ->
+ add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) (module_body_of_spec mb) env
+ (* adds components as well *)
+ | SPBmodtype mtb -> Environ.add_modtype kn mtb env
+ in
+ List.fold_left add_one env sign
+and add_module mp mb env =
+ let env = Environ.shallow_add_module mp mb env in
+ match scrape_modtype env mb.mod_type with
+ | MTBident _ -> anomaly "scrape_modtype does not work!"
+ | MTBsig (msid,sign) ->
+ add_signature mp (subst_signature_msid msid mp sign) env
+ | MTBfunsig _ -> env
+let strengthen_const env mp l cb =
+ match cb.const_opaque, cb.const_body with
+ | false, Some _ -> cb
+ | true, Some _
+ | _, None ->
+ let const = mkConst (make_kn mp empty_dirpath l) in
+ let const_subs = Some (Declarations.from_val const) in
+ {cb with
+ const_body = const_subs;
+ const_opaque = false
+ }
+let strengthen_mind env mp l mib = match mib.mind_equiv with
+ | Some _ -> mib
+ | None -> {mib with mind_equiv = Some (make_kn mp empty_dirpath l)}
+let rec strengthen_mtb env mp mtb = match scrape_modtype env mtb with
+ | MTBident _ -> anomaly "scrape_modtype does not work!"
+ | MTBfunsig _ -> mtb
+ | MTBsig (msid,sign) -> MTBsig (msid,strengthen_sig env msid sign mp)
+and strengthen_mod env mp msb =
+ { msb_modtype = strengthen_mtb env mp msb.msb_modtype;
+ msb_equiv = begin match msb.msb_equiv with
+ | Some _ -> msb.msb_equiv
+ | None -> Some mp
+ end ;
+ msb_constraints = msb.msb_constraints; }
+and strengthen_sig env msid sign mp = match sign with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (l,SPBconst cb) :: rest ->
+ let item' = l,SPBconst (strengthen_const env mp l cb) in
+ let rest' = strengthen_sig env msid rest mp in
+ item'::rest'
+ | (l,SPBmind mib) :: rest ->
+ let item' = l,SPBmind (strengthen_mind env mp l mib) in
+ let rest' = strengthen_sig env msid rest mp in
+ item'::rest'
+ | (l,SPBmodule mb) :: rest ->
+ let mp' = MPdot (mp,l) in
+ let item' = l,SPBmodule (strengthen_mod env mp' mb) in
+ let env' = add_module
+ (MPdot (MPself msid,l))
+ (module_body_of_spec mb)
+ env
+ in
+ let rest' = strengthen_sig env' msid rest mp in
+ item'::rest'
+ | (l,SPBmodtype mty as item) :: rest ->
+ let env' = add_modtype
+ (make_kn (MPself msid) empty_dirpath l)
+ mty
+ env
+ in
+ let rest' = strengthen_sig env' msid rest mp in
+ item::rest'
+let strengthen env mtb mp = strengthen_mtb env mp mtb
diff --git a/kernel/modops.mli b/kernel/modops.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5433fa3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/modops.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: modops.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Environ
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+(* Various operations on modules and module types *)
+(* recursively unfold MTBdent module types *)
+val scrape_modtype : env -> module_type_body -> module_type_body
+(* make the environment entry out of type *)
+val module_body_of_type : module_type_body -> module_body
+val module_body_of_spec : module_specification_body -> module_body
+val module_spec_of_body : module_body -> module_specification_body
+val destr_functor :
+ module_type_body -> mod_bound_id * module_type_body * module_type_body
+val subst_modtype : substitution -> module_type_body -> module_type_body
+val subst_signature_msid :
+ mod_self_id -> module_path ->
+ module_signature_body -> module_signature_body
+(* [add_signature mp sign env] assumes that the substitution [msid]
+ \mapsto [mp] has already been performed (or is not necessary, like
+ when [mp = MPself msid]) *)
+val add_signature :
+ module_path -> module_signature_body -> env -> env
+(* adds a module and its components, but not the constraints *)
+val add_module :
+ module_path -> module_body -> env -> env
+val check_modpath_equiv : env -> module_path -> module_path -> unit
+val strengthen : env -> module_type_body -> module_path -> module_type_body
+val error_existing_label : label -> 'a
+val error_declaration_not_path : module_expr -> 'a
+val error_application_to_not_path : module_expr -> 'a
+val error_not_a_functor : module_expr -> 'a
+val error_incompatible_modtypes :
+ module_type_body -> module_type_body -> 'a
+val error_not_equal : module_path -> module_path -> 'a
+val error_not_match : label -> specification_body -> 'a
+val error_incompatible_labels : label -> label -> 'a
+val error_no_such_label : label -> 'a
+val error_result_must_be_signature : module_type_body -> 'a
+val error_signature_expected : module_type_body -> 'a
+val error_no_module_to_end : unit -> 'a
+val error_no_modtype_to_end : unit -> 'a
+val error_not_a_modtype_loc : loc -> string -> 'a
+val error_not_a_module_loc : loc -> string -> 'a
+val error_not_a_module : string -> 'a
+val error_not_a_constant : label -> 'a
+val error_with_incorrect : label -> 'a
+val error_local_context : label option -> 'a
+val error_circular_with_module : identifier -> 'a
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df3a012f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+(*s Identifiers *)
+type identifier = string
+let id_ord =
+let id_of_string s = String.copy s
+let map_ident id =
+ if Options.do_translate() then
+ match id with
+ "fix" -> "Fix"
+ | _ -> id
+ else id
+let string_of_id id = String.copy (map_ident id)
+(* Hash-consing of identifier *)
+module Hident = Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = string
+ type u = string -> string
+ let hash_sub hstr id = hstr id
+ let equal id1 id2 = id1 == id2
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+module IdOrdered =
+ struct
+ type t = identifier
+ let compare = id_ord
+ end
+module Idset = Set.Make(IdOrdered)
+module Idmap = Map.Make(IdOrdered)
+module Idpred = Predicate.Make(IdOrdered)
+(* Names *)
+type name = Name of identifier | Anonymous
+(* Dirpaths are lists of module identifiers. The actual representation
+ is reversed to optimise sharing: Coq.A.B is ["B";"A";"Coq"] *)
+type module_ident = identifier
+type dir_path = module_ident list
+module ModIdOrdered =
+ struct
+ type t = identifier
+ let compare =
+ end
+module ModIdmap = Map.Make(ModIdOrdered)
+let make_dirpath x = x
+let repr_dirpath x = x
+let empty_dirpath = []
+let string_of_dirpath = function
+ | [] -> "<empty>"
+ | sl ->
+ String.concat "." ( string_of_id (List.rev sl))
+let u_number = ref 0
+type uniq_ident = int * string * dir_path
+let make_uid dir s = incr u_number;(!u_number,String.copy s,dir)
+let string_of_uid (i,s,p) =
+ "<"(*^string_of_dirpath p ^"#"^*) ^ s ^"#"^ string_of_int i^">"
+module Umap = Map.Make(struct
+ type t = uniq_ident
+ let compare =
+ end)
+type mod_self_id = uniq_ident
+let make_msid = make_uid
+let debug_string_of_msid = string_of_uid
+let id_of_msid (_,s,_) = s
+type mod_bound_id = uniq_ident
+let make_mbid = make_uid
+let debug_string_of_mbid = string_of_uid
+let id_of_mbid (_,s,_) = s
+type label = string
+let mk_label l = l
+let string_of_label l = l
+let id_of_label l = l
+let label_of_id id = id
+module Labset = Idset
+module Labmap = Idmap
+type module_path =
+ | MPfile of dir_path
+ | MPbound of mod_bound_id
+ | MPself of mod_self_id
+ | MPdot of module_path * label
+let rec string_of_mp = function
+ | MPfile sl -> string_of_dirpath sl
+ | MPbound uid -> string_of_uid uid
+ | MPself uid -> string_of_uid uid
+ | MPdot (mp,l) -> string_of_mp mp ^ "." ^ string_of_label l
+(* we compare labels first if both are MPdots *)
+let rec mp_ord mp1 mp2 = match (mp1,mp2) with
+ MPdot(mp1,l1), MPdot(mp2,l2) ->
+ let c = l1 l2 in
+ if c<>0 then
+ c
+ else
+ mp_ord mp1 mp2
+ | _,_ -> mp1 mp2
+module MPord = struct
+ type t = module_path
+ let compare = mp_ord
+module MPset = Set.Make(MPord)
+module MPmap = Map.Make(MPord)
+(* this is correct under the condition that bound and struct
+ identifiers can never be identical (i.e. get the same stamp)! *)
+type substitution = module_path Umap.t
+let empty_subst = Umap.empty
+let add_msid = Umap.add
+let add_mbid = Umap.add
+let map_msid msid mp = add_msid msid mp empty_subst
+let map_mbid mbid mp = add_msid mbid mp empty_subst
+let list_contents sub =
+ let one_pair uid mp l =
+ (string_of_uid uid, string_of_mp mp)::l
+ in
+ Umap.fold one_pair sub []
+let debug_string_of_subst sub =
+ let l = (fun (s1,s2) -> s1^"|->"^s2) (list_contents sub) in
+ "{" ^ String.concat "; " l ^ "}"
+let debug_pr_subst sub =
+ let l = list_contents sub in
+ let f (s1,s2) = hov 2 (str s1 ++ spc () ++ str "|-> " ++ str s2)
+ in
+ str "{" ++ hov 2 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma f l) ++ str "}"
+let rec subst_mp sub mp = (* 's like subst *)
+ match mp with
+ | MPself sid ->
+ (try Umap.find sid sub with Not_found -> mp)
+ | MPbound bid ->
+ (try Umap.find bid sub with Not_found -> mp)
+ | MPdot (mp1,l) ->
+ let mp1' = subst_mp sub mp1 in
+ if mp1==mp1' then
+ mp
+ else
+ MPdot (mp1',l)
+ | _ -> mp
+let join subst1 subst2 =
+ let subst = (subst_mp subst2) subst1 in
+ Umap.fold Umap.add subst2 subst
+let rec occur_in_path uid = function
+ | MPself sid -> sid = uid
+ | MPbound bid -> bid = uid
+ | MPdot (mp1,_) -> occur_in_path uid mp1
+ | _ -> false
+let occur_uid uid sub =
+ let check_one uid' mp =
+ if uid = uid' || occur_in_path uid mp then raise Exit
+ in
+ try
+ Umap.iter check_one sub;
+ false
+ with Exit -> true
+let occur_msid = occur_uid
+let occur_mbid = occur_uid
+(* Kernel names *)
+type kernel_name = module_path * dir_path * label
+let make_kn mp dir l = (mp,dir,l)
+let repr_kn kn = kn
+let modpath kn =
+ let mp,_,_ = repr_kn kn in mp
+let label kn =
+ let _,_,l = repr_kn kn in l
+let string_of_kn (mp,dir,l) =
+ string_of_mp mp ^ "#" ^ string_of_dirpath dir ^ "#" ^ string_of_label l
+let pr_kn kn = str (string_of_kn kn)
+let subst_kn sub (mp,dir,l as kn) =
+ let mp' = subst_mp sub mp in
+ if mp==mp' then kn else (mp',dir,l)
+let kn_ord kn1 kn2 =
+ let mp1,dir1,l1 = kn1 in
+ let mp2,dir2,l2 = kn2 in
+ let c = l1 l2 in
+ if c <> 0 then
+ c
+ else
+ let c = dir1 dir2 in
+ if c<>0 then
+ c
+ else
+ mp1 mp2
+module KNord = struct
+ type t = kernel_name
+ let compare =kn_ord
+module KNmap = Map.Make(KNord)
+module KNpred = Predicate.Make(KNord)
+module KNset = Set.Make(KNord)
+let default_module_name = id_of_string "If you see this, it's a bug"
+let initial_dir = make_dirpath [default_module_name]
+let initial_msid = (make_msid initial_dir "If you see this, it's a bug")
+let initial_path = MPself initial_msid
+type variable = identifier
+type constant = kernel_name
+type mutual_inductive = kernel_name
+type inductive = mutual_inductive * int
+type constructor = inductive * int
+let ith_mutual_inductive (kn,_) i = (kn,i)
+let ith_constructor_of_inductive ind i = (ind,i)
+let inductive_of_constructor (ind,i) = ind
+let index_of_constructor (ind,i) = i
+(* Better to have it here that in closure, since used in grammar.cma *)
+type evaluable_global_reference =
+ | EvalVarRef of identifier
+ | EvalConstRef of constant
+(* Hash-consing of name objects *)
+module Hname = Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = name
+ type u = identifier -> identifier
+ let hash_sub hident = function
+ | Name id -> Name (hident id)
+ | n -> n
+ let equal n1 n2 =
+ match (n1,n2) with
+ | (Name id1, Name id2) -> id1 == id2
+ | (Anonymous,Anonymous) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+module Hdir = Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = dir_path
+ type u = identifier -> identifier
+ let hash_sub hident d = hident d
+ let rec equal d1 d2 = match (d1,d2) with
+ | [],[] -> true
+ | id1::d1,id2::d2 -> id1 == id2 & equal d1 d2
+ | _ -> false
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+module Huniqid = Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = uniq_ident
+ type u = (string -> string) * (dir_path -> dir_path)
+ let hash_sub (hstr,hdir) (n,s,dir) = (n,hstr s,hdir dir)
+ let equal (n1,s1,dir1) (n2,s2,dir2) = n1 = n2 & s1 = s2 & dir1 == dir2
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+module Hmod = Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = module_path
+ type u = (dir_path -> dir_path) * (uniq_ident -> uniq_ident) *
+ (string -> string)
+ let rec hash_sub (hdir,huniqid,hstr as hfuns) = function
+ | MPfile dir -> MPfile (hdir dir)
+ | MPbound m -> MPbound (huniqid m)
+ | MPself m -> MPself (huniqid m)
+ | MPdot (md,l) -> MPdot (hash_sub hfuns md, hstr l)
+ let rec equal d1 d2 = match (d1,d2) with
+ | MPfile dir1, MPfile dir2 -> dir1 == dir2
+ | MPbound m1, MPbound m2 -> m1 == m2
+ | MPself m1, MPself m2 -> m1 == m2
+ | MPdot (mod1,l1), MPdot (mod2,l2) -> equal mod1 mod2 & l1 = l2
+ | _ -> false
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+module Hkn = Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = kernel_name
+ type u = (module_path -> module_path)
+ * (dir_path -> dir_path) * (string -> string)
+ let hash_sub (hmod,hdir,hstr) (md,dir,l) = (hmod md, hdir dir, hstr l)
+ let equal (mod1,dir1,l1) (mod2,dir2,l2) =
+ mod1 == mod2 && dir1 == dir2 && l1 == l2
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let hcons_names () =
+ let hstring = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hashcons.Hstring.f () in
+ let hident = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hident.f hstring in
+ let hname = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hname.f hident in
+ let hdir = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hdir.f hident in
+ let huniqid = Hashcons.simple_hcons Huniqid.f (hstring,hdir) in
+ let hmod = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hmod.f (hdir,huniqid,hstring) in
+ let hkn = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hkn.f (hmod,hdir,hstring) in
+ (hkn,hdir,hname,hident,hstring)
diff --git a/kernel/names.mli b/kernel/names.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07c19841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/names.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: names.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*s Identifiers *)
+type identifier
+type name = Name of identifier | Anonymous
+(* Parsing and printing of identifiers *)
+val string_of_id : identifier -> string
+val id_of_string : string -> identifier
+val id_ord : identifier -> identifier -> int
+(* Identifiers sets and maps *)
+module Idset : Set.S with type elt = identifier
+module Idpred : Predicate.S with type elt = identifier
+module Idmap : Map.S with type key = identifier
+(*s Directory paths = section names paths *)
+type module_ident = identifier
+module ModIdmap : Map.S with type key = module_ident
+type dir_path
+(* Inner modules idents on top of list (to improve sharing).
+ For instance: A.B.C is ["C";"B";"A"] *)
+val make_dirpath : module_ident list -> dir_path
+val repr_dirpath : dir_path -> module_ident list
+val empty_dirpath : dir_path
+(* Printing of directory paths as ["coq_root.module.submodule"] *)
+val string_of_dirpath : dir_path -> string
+(*s Unique identifier to be used as "self" in structures and
+ signatures - invisible for users *)
+type mod_self_id
+(* The first argument is a file name - to prevent conflict between
+ different files *)
+val make_msid : dir_path -> string -> mod_self_id
+val id_of_msid : mod_self_id -> identifier
+val debug_string_of_msid : mod_self_id -> string
+(*s Unique names for bound modules *)
+type mod_bound_id
+val make_mbid : dir_path -> string -> mod_bound_id
+val id_of_mbid : mod_bound_id -> identifier
+val debug_string_of_mbid : mod_bound_id -> string
+(*s Names of structure elements *)
+type label
+val mk_label : string -> label
+val string_of_label : label -> string
+val label_of_id : identifier -> label
+val id_of_label : label -> identifier
+module Labset : Set.S with type elt = label
+module Labmap : Map.S with type key = label
+(*s The module part of the kernel name *)
+type module_path =
+ | MPfile of dir_path
+ | MPbound of mod_bound_id
+ | MPself of mod_self_id
+ | MPdot of module_path * label
+(*i | MPapply of module_path * module_path in the future (maybe) i*)
+val string_of_mp : module_path -> string
+module MPset : Set.S with type elt = module_path
+module MPmap : Map.S with type key = module_path
+(*s Substitutions *)
+type substitution
+val empty_subst : substitution
+val add_msid :
+ mod_self_id -> module_path -> substitution -> substitution
+val add_mbid :
+ mod_bound_id -> module_path -> substitution -> substitution
+val map_msid : mod_self_id -> module_path -> substitution
+val map_mbid : mod_bound_id -> module_path -> substitution
+(* sequential composition:
+ [substitute (join sub1 sub2) t = substitute sub2 (substitute sub1 t)]
+val join : substitution -> substitution -> substitution
+(*i debugging *)
+val debug_string_of_subst : substitution -> string
+val debug_pr_subst : substitution -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(* [subst_mp sub mp] guarantees that whenever the result of the
+ substitution is structutally equal [mp], it is equal by pointers
+ as well [==] *)
+val subst_mp :
+ substitution -> module_path -> module_path
+(* [occur_*id id sub] returns true iff [id] occurs in [sub]
+ on either side *)
+val occur_msid : mod_self_id -> substitution -> bool
+val occur_mbid : mod_bound_id -> substitution -> bool
+(* Name of the toplevel structure *)
+val initial_msid : mod_self_id
+val initial_path : module_path (* [= MPself initial_msid] *)
+(* Initial "seed" of the unique identifier generator *)
+val initial_dir : dir_path
+(*s The absolute names of objects seen by kernel *)
+type kernel_name
+(* Constructor and destructor *)
+val make_kn : module_path -> dir_path -> label -> kernel_name
+val repr_kn : kernel_name -> module_path * dir_path * label
+val modpath : kernel_name -> module_path
+val label : kernel_name -> label
+val string_of_kn : kernel_name -> string
+val pr_kn : kernel_name -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val subst_kn : substitution -> kernel_name -> kernel_name
+module KNset : Set.S with type elt = kernel_name
+module KNpred : Predicate.S with type elt = kernel_name
+module KNmap : Map.S with type key = kernel_name
+(*s Specific paths for declarations *)
+type variable = identifier
+type constant = kernel_name
+type mutual_inductive = kernel_name
+(* Beware: first inductive has index 0 *)
+type inductive = mutual_inductive * int
+(* Beware: first constructor has index 1 *)
+type constructor = inductive * int
+val ith_mutual_inductive : inductive -> int -> inductive
+val ith_constructor_of_inductive : inductive -> int -> constructor
+val inductive_of_constructor : constructor -> inductive
+val index_of_constructor : constructor -> int
+(* Better to have it here that in Closure, since required in grammar.cma *)
+type evaluable_global_reference =
+ | EvalVarRef of identifier
+ | EvalConstRef of constant
+(* Hash-consing *)
+val hcons_names : unit ->
+ (kernel_name -> kernel_name) * (dir_path -> dir_path) *
+ (name -> name) * (identifier -> identifier) * (string -> string)
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5428a40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Univ
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Closure
+open Esubst
+let rec is_empty_stack = function
+ [] -> true
+ | Zupdate _::s -> is_empty_stack s
+ | Zshift _::s -> is_empty_stack s
+ | _ -> false
+(* Compute the lift to be performed on a term placed in a given stack *)
+let el_stack el stk =
+ let n =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun i z ->
+ match z with
+ Zshift n -> i+n
+ | _ -> i)
+ 0
+ stk in
+ el_shft n el
+let compare_stack_shape stk1 stk2 =
+ let rec compare_rec bal stk1 stk2 =
+ match (stk1,stk2) with
+ ([],[]) -> bal=0
+ | ((Zupdate _|Zshift _)::s1, _) -> compare_rec bal s1 stk2
+ | (_, (Zupdate _|Zshift _)::s2) -> compare_rec bal stk1 s2
+ | (Zapp l1::s1, _) -> compare_rec (bal+List.length l1) s1 stk2
+ | (_, Zapp l2::s2) -> compare_rec (bal-List.length l2) stk1 s2
+ | (Zcase(c1,_,_)::s1, Zcase(c2,_,_)::s2) ->
+ bal=0 (* && c1.ci_ind = c2.ci_ind *) && compare_rec 0 s1 s2
+ | (Zfix(_,a1)::s1, Zfix(_,a2)::s2) ->
+ bal=0 && compare_rec 0 a1 a2 && compare_rec 0 s1 s2
+ | (_,_) -> false in
+ compare_rec 0 stk1 stk2
+let pure_stack lfts stk =
+ let rec pure_rec lfts stk =
+ match stk with
+ [] -> (lfts,[])
+ | zi::s ->
+ (match (zi,pure_rec lfts s) with
+ (Zupdate _,lpstk) -> lpstk
+ | (Zshift n,(l,pstk)) -> (el_shft n l, pstk)
+ | (Zapp a1,(l,Zapp a2::pstk)) ->
+ (l,Zapp ( (fun t -> (l,t)) a1 @ a2)::pstk)
+ | (Zapp a, (l,pstk)) ->
+ (l,Zapp ( (fun t -> (l,t)) a)::pstk)
+ | (Zfix(fx,a),(l,pstk)) ->
+ let (lfx,pa) = pure_rec l a in
+ (l, Zfix((lfx,fx),pa)::pstk)
+ | (Zcase(ci,p,br),(l,pstk)) ->
+ (l,Zcase(ci,(l,p), (fun t -> (l,t)) br)::pstk)) in
+ snd (pure_rec lfts stk)
+(* Reduction Functions *)
+let nf_betaiota t =
+ norm_val (create_clos_infos betaiota empty_env) (inject t)
+let whd_betaiotazeta env x =
+ match kind_of_term x with
+ | (Sort _|Var _|Meta _|Evar _|Const _|Ind _|Construct _|
+ Prod _|Lambda _|Fix _|CoFix _) -> x
+ | _ -> whd_val (create_clos_infos betaiotazeta env) (inject x)
+let whd_betadeltaiota env t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | (Sort _|Meta _|Evar _|Ind _|Construct _|
+ Prod _|Lambda _|Fix _|CoFix _) -> t
+ | _ -> whd_val (create_clos_infos betadeltaiota env) (inject t)
+let whd_betadeltaiota_nolet env t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | (Sort _|Meta _|Evar _|Ind _|Construct _|
+ Prod _|Lambda _|Fix _|CoFix _|LetIn _) -> t
+ | _ -> whd_val (create_clos_infos betadeltaiotanolet env) (inject t)
+(* Beta *)
+let beta_appvect c v =
+ let rec stacklam env t stack =
+ match (decomp_stack stack,kind_of_term t) with
+ | Some (h,stacktl), Lambda (_,_,c) -> stacklam (h::env) c stacktl
+ | _ -> app_stack (substl env t, stack) in
+ stacklam [] c (append_stack v empty_stack)
+(* Conversion *)
+(* Conversion utility functions *)
+type 'a conversion_function = env -> 'a -> 'a -> Univ.constraints
+exception NotConvertible
+exception NotConvertibleVect of int
+let compare_stacks f fmind lft1 stk1 lft2 stk2 cuniv =
+ let rec cmp_rec pstk1 pstk2 cuniv =
+ match (pstk1,pstk2) with
+ | (z1::s1, z2::s2) ->
+ let c1 = cmp_rec s1 s2 cuniv in
+ (match (z1,z2) with
+ | (Zapp a1,Zapp a2) -> List.fold_right2 f a1 a2 c1
+ | (Zfix(fx1,a1),Zfix(fx2,a2)) ->
+ let c2 = f fx1 fx2 c1 in
+ cmp_rec a1 a2 c2
+ | (Zcase(ci1,p1,br1),Zcase(ci2,p2,br2)) ->
+ if not (fmind ci1.ci_ind ci2.ci_ind) then
+ raise NotConvertible;
+ let c2 = f p1 p2 c1 in
+ array_fold_right2 f br1 br2 c2
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> cuniv in
+ if compare_stack_shape stk1 stk2 then
+ cmp_rec (pure_stack lft1 stk1) (pure_stack lft2 stk2) cuniv
+ else raise NotConvertible
+(* Convertibility of sorts *)
+type conv_pb =
+ | CONV
+let sort_cmp pb s0 s1 cuniv =
+ match (s0,s1) with
+ | (Prop c1, Prop c2) -> if c1 = c2 then cuniv else raise NotConvertible
+ | (Prop c1, Type u) ->
+ (match pb with
+ CUMUL -> cuniv
+ | _ -> raise NotConvertible)
+ | (Type u1, Type u2) ->
+ (match pb with
+ | CONV -> enforce_eq u1 u2 cuniv
+ | CUMUL -> enforce_geq u2 u1 cuniv)
+ | (_, _) -> raise NotConvertible
+let conv_sort env s0 s1 = sort_cmp CONV s0 s1 Constraint.empty
+let conv_sort_leq env s0 s1 = sort_cmp CUMUL s0 s1 Constraint.empty
+(* Conversion between [lft1]term1 and [lft2]term2 *)
+let rec ccnv cv_pb infos lft1 lft2 term1 term2 cuniv =
+ Util.check_for_interrupt ();
+ eqappr cv_pb infos
+ (lft1, whd_stack infos term1 [])
+ (lft2, whd_stack infos term2 [])
+ cuniv
+(* Conversion between [lft1](hd1 v1) and [lft2](hd2 v2) *)
+and eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 appr2 cuniv =
+ let (lft1,(hd1,v1)) = appr1 in
+ let (lft2,(hd2,v2)) = appr2 in
+ let el1 = el_stack lft1 v1 in
+ let el2 = el_stack lft2 v2 in
+ match (fterm_of hd1, fterm_of hd2) with
+ (* case of leaves *)
+ | (FAtom a1, FAtom a2) ->
+ (match kind_of_term a1, kind_of_term a2 with
+ | (Sort s1, Sort s2) ->
+ assert (is_empty_stack v1 && is_empty_stack v2);
+ sort_cmp cv_pb s1 s2 cuniv
+ | (Meta n, Meta m) ->
+ if n=m
+ then convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ | _ -> raise NotConvertible)
+ | (FEvar (ev1,args1), FEvar (ev2,args2)) ->
+ if ev1=ev2 then
+ let u1 = convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv in
+ convert_vect infos el1 el2 args1 args2 u1
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ (* 2 index known to be bound to no constant *)
+ | (FRel n, FRel m) ->
+ if reloc_rel n el1 = reloc_rel m el2
+ then convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ (* 2 constants, 2 local defined vars or 2 defined rels *)
+ | (FFlex fl1, FFlex fl2) ->
+ (try (* try first intensional equality *)
+ if fl1 = fl2
+ then convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ with NotConvertible ->
+ (* else the oracle tells which constant is to be expanded *)
+ let (app1,app2) =
+ if Conv_oracle.oracle_order fl1 fl2 then
+ match unfold_reference infos fl1 with
+ | Some def1 -> ((lft1, whd_stack infos def1 v1), appr2)
+ | None ->
+ (match unfold_reference infos fl2 with
+ | Some def2 -> (appr1, (lft2, whd_stack infos def2 v2))
+ | None -> raise NotConvertible)
+ else
+ match unfold_reference infos fl2 with
+ | Some def2 -> (appr1, (lft2, whd_stack infos def2 v2))
+ | None ->
+ (match unfold_reference infos fl1 with
+ | Some def1 -> ((lft1, whd_stack infos def1 v1), appr2)
+ | None -> raise NotConvertible) in
+ eqappr cv_pb infos app1 app2 cuniv)
+ (* only one constant, defined var or defined rel *)
+ | (FFlex fl1, _) ->
+ (match unfold_reference infos fl1 with
+ | Some def1 ->
+ eqappr cv_pb infos (lft1, whd_stack infos def1 v1) appr2 cuniv
+ | None -> raise NotConvertible)
+ | (_, FFlex fl2) ->
+ (match unfold_reference infos fl2 with
+ | Some def2 ->
+ eqappr cv_pb infos appr1 (lft2, whd_stack infos def2 v2) cuniv
+ | None -> raise NotConvertible)
+ (* other constructors *)
+ | (FLambda _, FLambda _) ->
+ let (_,ty1,bd1) = destFLambda mk_clos hd1 in
+ let (_,ty2,bd2) = destFLambda mk_clos hd2 in
+ let u1 = ccnv CONV infos el1 el2 ty1 ty2 cuniv in
+ ccnv CONV infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2) bd1 bd2 u1
+ | (FProd (_,c1,c2), FProd (_,c'1,c'2)) ->
+ assert (is_empty_stack v1 && is_empty_stack v2);
+ (* Luo's system *)
+ let u1 = ccnv CONV infos el1 el2 c1 c'1 cuniv in
+ ccnv cv_pb infos (el_lift el1) (el_lift el2) c2 c'2 u1
+ (* Inductive types: MutInd MutConstruct Fix Cofix *)
+ | (FInd (kn1,i1), FInd (kn2,i2)) ->
+ if i1 = i2 && mind_equiv infos kn1 kn2
+ then
+ convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ | (FConstruct ((kn1,i1),j1), FConstruct ((kn2,i2),j2)) ->
+ if i1 = i2 && j1 = j2 && mind_equiv infos kn1 kn2
+ then
+ convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ | (FFix ((op1,(_,tys1,cl1)),e1), FFix((op2,(_,tys2,cl2)),e2)) ->
+ if op1 = op2
+ then
+ let n = Array.length cl1 in
+ let fty1 = (mk_clos e1) tys1 in
+ let fty2 = (mk_clos e2) tys2 in
+ let fcl1 = (mk_clos (subs_liftn n e1)) cl1 in
+ let fcl2 = (mk_clos (subs_liftn n e2)) cl2 in
+ let u1 = convert_vect infos el1 el2 fty1 fty2 cuniv in
+ let u2 =
+ convert_vect infos
+ (el_liftn n el1) (el_liftn n el2) fcl1 fcl2 u1 in
+ convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 u2
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ | (FCoFix ((op1,(_,tys1,cl1)),e1), FCoFix((op2,(_,tys2,cl2)),e2)) ->
+ if op1 = op2
+ then
+ let n = Array.length cl1 in
+ let fty1 = (mk_clos e1) tys1 in
+ let fty2 = (mk_clos e2) tys2 in
+ let fcl1 = (mk_clos (subs_liftn n e1)) cl1 in
+ let fcl2 = (mk_clos (subs_liftn n e2)) cl2 in
+ let u1 = convert_vect infos el1 el2 fty1 fty2 cuniv in
+ let u2 =
+ convert_vect infos
+ (el_liftn n el1) (el_liftn n el2) fcl1 fcl2 u1 in
+ convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 u2
+ else raise NotConvertible
+ | ( (FLetIn _, _) | (_, FLetIn _) | (FCases _,_) | (_,FCases _)
+ | (FApp _,_) | (_,FApp _) | (FCLOS _, _) | (_,FCLOS _)
+ | (FLIFT _, _) | (_,FLIFT _) | (FLOCKED,_) | (_,FLOCKED)) ->
+ anomaly "Unexpected term returned by fhnf"
+ | _ -> raise NotConvertible
+and convert_stacks infos lft1 lft2 stk1 stk2 cuniv =
+ compare_stacks
+ (fun (l1,t1) (l2,t2) c -> ccnv CONV infos l1 l2 t1 t2 c)
+ (fun (mind1,i1) (mind2,i2) -> i1=i2 && mind_equiv infos mind1 mind2)
+ lft1 stk1 lft2 stk2 cuniv
+and convert_vect infos lft1 lft2 v1 v2 cuniv =
+ let lv1 = Array.length v1 in
+ let lv2 = Array.length v2 in
+ if lv1 = lv2
+ then
+ let rec fold n univ =
+ if n >= lv1 then univ
+ else
+ let u1 = ccnv CONV infos lft1 lft2 v1.(n) v2.(n) univ in
+ fold (n+1) u1 in
+ fold 0 cuniv
+ else raise NotConvertible
+let fconv cv_pb env t1 t2 =
+ if eq_constr t1 t2 then
+ Constraint.empty
+ else
+ let infos = create_clos_infos betaiotazeta env in
+ ccnv cv_pb infos ELID ELID (inject t1) (inject t2)
+ Constraint.empty
+let conv = fconv CONV
+let conv_leq = fconv CUMUL
+let conv_leq_vecti env v1 v2 =
+ array_fold_left2_i
+ (fun i c t1 t2 ->
+ let c' =
+ try conv_leq env t1 t2
+ with NotConvertible -> raise (NotConvertibleVect i) in
+ Constraint.union c c')
+ Constraint.empty
+ v1
+ v2
+let convleqkey = Profile.declare_profile "Kernel_reduction.conv_leq";;
+let conv_leq env t1 t2 =
+ Profile.profile4 convleqkey conv_leq env t1 t2;;
+let convkey = Profile.declare_profile "Kernel_reduction.conv";;
+let conv env t1 t2 =
+ Profile.profile4 convleqkey conv env t1 t2;;
+(* Special-Purpose Reduction *)
+(* pseudo-reduction rule:
+ * [hnf_prod_app env s (Prod(_,B)) N --> B[N]
+ * with an HNF on the first argument to produce a product.
+ * if this does not work, then we use the string S as part of our
+ * error message. *)
+let hnf_prod_app env t n =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env t) with
+ | Prod (_,_,b) -> subst1 n b
+ | _ -> anomaly "hnf_prod_app: Need a product"
+let hnf_prod_applist env t nl =
+ List.fold_left (hnf_prod_app env) t nl
+(* Dealing with arities *)
+let dest_prod env =
+ let rec decrec env m c =
+ let t = whd_betadeltaiota env c in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Prod (n,a,c0) ->
+ let d = (n,None,a) in
+ decrec (push_rel d env) (Sign.add_rel_decl d m) c0
+ | _ -> m,t
+ in
+ decrec env Sign.empty_rel_context
+(* The same but preserving lets *)
+let dest_prod_assum env =
+ let rec prodec_rec env l ty =
+ let rty = whd_betadeltaiota_nolet env ty in
+ match kind_of_term rty with
+ | Prod (x,t,c) ->
+ let d = (x,None,t) in
+ prodec_rec (push_rel d env) (Sign.add_rel_decl d l) c
+ | LetIn (x,b,t,c) ->
+ let d = (x,Some b,t) in
+ prodec_rec (push_rel d env) (Sign.add_rel_decl d l) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> prodec_rec env l c
+ | _ -> l,rty
+ in
+ prodec_rec env Sign.empty_rel_context
+let dest_arity env c =
+ let l, c = dest_prod env c in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort s -> l,s
+ | _ -> error "not an arity"
+let is_arity env c =
+ try
+ let _ = dest_arity env c in
+ true
+ with UserError _ -> false
diff --git a/kernel/reduction.mli b/kernel/reduction.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c516ea70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/reduction.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: reduction.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Term
+open Environ
+(*s Reduction functions *)
+val whd_betaiotazeta : env -> constr -> constr
+val whd_betadeltaiota : env -> constr -> constr
+val whd_betadeltaiota_nolet : env -> constr -> constr
+val nf_betaiota : constr -> constr
+(*s conversion functions *)
+exception NotConvertible
+exception NotConvertibleVect of int
+type 'a conversion_function = env -> 'a -> 'a -> Univ.constraints
+val conv_sort : sorts conversion_function
+val conv_sort_leq : sorts conversion_function
+val conv : types conversion_function
+val conv_leq : types conversion_function
+val conv_leq_vecti : types array conversion_function
+(* Builds an application node, reducing beta redexes it may produce. *)
+val beta_appvect : constr -> constr array -> constr
+(* Pseudo-reduction rule Prod(x,A,B) a --> B[x\a] *)
+val hnf_prod_applist : env -> types -> constr list -> types
+(*s Recognizing products and arities modulo reduction *)
+val dest_prod : env -> types -> Sign.rel_context * types
+val dest_prod_assum : env -> types -> Sign.rel_context * types
+val dest_arity : env -> types -> Sign.arity
+val is_arity : env -> types -> bool
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f180599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Reduction
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Typeops
+open Type_errors
+open Indtypes
+open Term_typing
+open Modops
+open Subtyping
+open Mod_typing
+type modvariant =
+ | NONE
+ | SIG of (* funsig params *) (mod_bound_id * module_type_body) list
+ | STRUCT of (* functor params *) (mod_bound_id * module_type_body) list
+ * (* optional result type *) module_type_body option
+ | LIBRARY of dir_path
+type module_info =
+ { msid : mod_self_id;
+ modpath : module_path;
+ seed : dir_path; (* the "seed" of unique identifier generator *)
+ label : label;
+ variant : modvariant}
+let check_label l labset =
+ if Labset.mem l labset then error_existing_label l
+type library_info = dir_path * Digest.t
+type safe_environment =
+ { old : safe_environment;
+ env : env;
+ modinfo : module_info;
+ labset : Labset.t;
+ revsign : module_signature_body;
+ revstruct : module_structure_body;
+ imports : library_info list;
+ loads : (module_path * module_body) list }
+ { old = senv.old;
+ env = ;
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = ;
+ revsign = ;
+ imports = senv.imports ;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* a small hack to avoid variants and an unused case in all functions *)
+let rec empty_environment =
+ { old = empty_environment;
+ env = empty_env;
+ modinfo = {
+ msid = initial_msid;
+ modpath = initial_path;
+ seed = initial_dir;
+ label = mk_label "_";
+ variant = NONE};
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = [];
+ loads = [] }
+let env_of_safe_env senv = senv.env
+let env_of_senv = env_of_safe_env
+(* Insertion of section variables. They are now typed before being
+ added to the environment. *)
+(* Same as push_named, but check that the variable is not already
+ there. Should *not* be done in Environ because tactics add temporary
+ hypothesis many many times, and the check performed here would
+ cost too much. *)
+let safe_push_named (id,_,_ as d) env =
+ let _ =
+ try
+ let _ = lookup_named id env in
+ error ("identifier "^string_of_id id^" already defined")
+ with Not_found -> () in
+ Environ.push_named d env
+let push_named_def (id,b,topt) senv =
+ let (c,typ,cst) = translate_local_def senv.env (b,topt) in
+ let env' = add_constraints cst senv.env in
+ let env'' = safe_push_named (id,Some c,typ) env' in
+ (cst, {senv with env=env''})
+let push_named_assum (id,t) senv =
+ let (t,cst) = translate_local_assum senv.env t in
+ let env' = add_constraints cst senv.env in
+ let env'' = safe_push_named (id,None,t) env' in
+ (cst, {senv with env=env''})
+(* Insertion of constants and parameters in environment. *)
+type global_declaration =
+ | ConstantEntry of constant_entry
+ | GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe
+let hcons_constant_body cb =
+ let body = match cb.const_body with
+ None -> None
+ | Some l_constr -> let constr = Declarations.force l_constr in
+ Some (Declarations.from_val (hcons1_constr constr))
+ in
+ { cb with
+ const_body = body;
+ const_type = hcons1_constr cb.const_type }
+let add_constant dir l decl senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let cb = match decl with
+ ConstantEntry ce -> translate_constant senv.env ce
+ | GlobalRecipe r ->
+ let cb = translate_recipe senv.env r in
+ if dir = empty_dirpath then hcons_constant_body cb else cb
+ in
+(* let cb = if dir = empty_dirpath then hcons_constant_body cb else cb in*)
+ let env' = Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints senv.env in
+ let kn = make_kn senv.modinfo.modpath dir l in
+ let env'' = Environ.add_constant kn cb env' in
+ kn, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env'';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBconst cb)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBconst cb)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* Insertion of inductive types. *)
+let add_mind dir l mie senv =
+ if mie.mind_entry_inds = [] then
+ anomaly "empty inductive types declaration";
+ (* this test is repeated by translate_mind *)
+ let id = (List.nth mie.mind_entry_inds 0).mind_entry_typename in
+ if l <> label_of_id id then
+ anomaly ("the label of inductive packet and its first inductive"^
+ " type do not match");
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ (* TODO: when we will allow reorderings we will have to verify
+ all labels *)
+ let mib = translate_mind senv.env mie in
+ let env' = Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints senv.env in
+ let kn = make_kn senv.modinfo.modpath dir l in
+ let env'' = Environ.add_mind kn mib env' in
+ kn, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env'';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset; (* TODO: the same as above *)
+ revsign = (l,SPBmind mib)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmind mib)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* Insertion of module types *)
+let add_modtype l mte senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let mtb = translate_modtype senv.env mte in
+ let env' = add_modtype_constraints senv.env mtb in
+ let kn = make_kn senv.modinfo.modpath empty_dirpath l in
+ let env'' = Environ.add_modtype kn mtb env' in
+ kn, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env'';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodtype mtb)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodtype mtb)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* full_add_module adds module with universes and constraints *)
+let full_add_module mp mb env =
+ let env = add_module_constraints env mb in
+ let env = Modops.add_module mp mb env in
+ env
+(* Insertion of modules *)
+let add_module l me senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let mb = translate_module senv.env me in
+ let mspec = module_spec_of_body mb in
+ let mp = MPdot(senv.modinfo.modpath, l) in
+ let env' = full_add_module mp mb senv.env in
+ mp, { old = senv.old;
+ env = env';
+ modinfo = senv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l senv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodule mspec)::senv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodule mb)::senv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads }
+(* Interactive modules *)
+let start_module l params result senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let rec trans_params env = function
+ | [] -> env,[]
+ | (mbid,mte)::rest ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ let env =
+ full_add_module (MPbound mbid) (module_body_of_type mtb) env
+ in
+ let env,transrest = trans_params env rest in
+ env, (mbid,mtb)::transrest
+ in
+ let env,params_body = trans_params senv.env params in
+ let check_sig mtb = match scrape_modtype env mtb with
+ | MTBsig _ -> ()
+ | MTBfunsig _ -> error_result_must_be_signature mtb
+ | _ -> anomaly "start_module: modtype not scraped"
+ in
+ let result_body = option_app (translate_modtype env) result in
+ ignore (option_app check_sig result_body);
+ let msid = make_msid senv.modinfo.seed (string_of_label l) in
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let modinfo = { msid = msid;
+ modpath = mp;
+ seed = senv.modinfo.seed;
+ label = l;
+ variant = STRUCT(params_body,result_body) }
+ in
+ mp, { old = senv;
+ env = env;
+ modinfo = modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = [] }
+let end_module l senv =
+ let oldsenv = senv.old in
+ let modinfo = senv.modinfo in
+ let params, restype =
+ match modinfo.variant with
+ | NONE | LIBRARY _ | SIG _ -> error_no_module_to_end ()
+ | STRUCT(params,restype) -> (params,restype)
+ in
+ if l <> modinfo.label then error_incompatible_labels l modinfo.label;
+ if not (empty_context senv.env) then error_local_context None;
+ let functorize_type =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_b) mtb -> MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_b,mtb))
+ params
+ in
+ let auto_tb = MTBsig (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revsign) in
+ let mtb, mod_user_type, cst =
+ match restype with
+ | None -> functorize_type auto_tb, None, Constraint.empty
+ | Some res_tb ->
+ let cst = check_subtypes senv.env auto_tb res_tb in
+ let mtb = functorize_type res_tb in
+ mtb, Some mtb, cst
+ in
+ let mexpr =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_b) mtb -> MEBfunctor (arg_id,arg_b,mtb))
+ params
+ (MEBstruct (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revstruct))
+ in
+ let mb =
+ { mod_expr = Some mexpr;
+ mod_user_type = mod_user_type;
+ mod_type = mtb;
+ mod_equiv = None;
+ mod_constraints = cst }
+ in
+ let mspec =
+ { msb_modtype = mtb;
+ msb_equiv = None;
+ msb_constraints = Constraint.empty }
+ in
+ let mp = MPdot (oldsenv.modinfo.modpath, l) in
+ let newenv = oldsenv.env in
+ let newenv =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (mp,mb) -> full_add_module mp mb env)
+ newenv
+ senv.loads
+ in
+ let newenv =
+ full_add_module mp mb newenv
+ in
+ mp, { old = oldsenv.old;
+ env = newenv;
+ modinfo = oldsenv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l oldsenv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodule mspec)::oldsenv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodule mb)::oldsenv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads@oldsenv.loads }
+(* Interactive module types *)
+let start_modtype l params senv =
+ check_label l senv.labset;
+ let rec trans_params env = function
+ | [] -> env,[]
+ | (mbid,mte)::rest ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ let env =
+ full_add_module (MPbound mbid) (module_body_of_type mtb) env
+ in
+ let env,transrest = trans_params env rest in
+ env, (mbid,mtb)::transrest
+ in
+ let env,params_body = trans_params senv.env params in
+ let msid = make_msid senv.modinfo.seed (string_of_label l) in
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let modinfo = { msid = msid;
+ modpath = mp;
+ seed = senv.modinfo.seed;
+ label = l;
+ variant = SIG params_body }
+ in
+ mp, { old = senv;
+ env = env;
+ modinfo = modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = [] }
+let end_modtype l senv =
+ let oldsenv = senv.old in
+ let modinfo = senv.modinfo in
+ let params =
+ match modinfo.variant with
+ | LIBRARY _ | NONE | STRUCT _ -> error_no_modtype_to_end ()
+ | SIG params -> params
+ in
+ if l <> modinfo.label then error_incompatible_labels l modinfo.label;
+ if not (empty_context senv.env) then error_local_context None;
+ let res_tb = MTBsig (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revsign) in
+ let mtb =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (arg_id,arg_b) mtb -> MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_b,mtb))
+ params
+ res_tb
+ in
+ let kn = make_kn oldsenv.modinfo.modpath empty_dirpath l in
+ let newenv = oldsenv.env in
+ let newenv =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (mp,mb) -> full_add_module mp mb env)
+ newenv
+ senv.loads
+ in
+ let newenv =
+ add_modtype_constraints newenv mtb
+ in
+ let newenv =
+ Environ.add_modtype kn mtb newenv
+ in
+ kn, { old = oldsenv.old;
+ env = newenv;
+ modinfo = oldsenv.modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.add l oldsenv.labset;
+ revsign = (l,SPBmodtype mtb)::oldsenv.revsign;
+ revstruct = (l,SEBmodtype mtb)::oldsenv.revstruct;
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = senv.loads@oldsenv.loads }
+let current_modpath senv = senv.modinfo.modpath
+let current_msid senv = senv.modinfo.msid
+let add_constraints cst senv =
+ {senv with env = Environ.add_constraints cst senv.env}
+(* Check that the engagement expected by a library matches the initial one *)
+let check_engagement env c =
+ match Environ.engagement env, c with
+ | Some ImpredicativeSet, Some ImpredicativeSet -> ()
+ | _, None -> ()
+ | _, Some ImpredicativeSet ->
+ error "Needs option -impredicative-set"
+let set_engagement c senv =
+ {senv with env = Environ.set_engagement c senv.env}
+(* Libraries = Compiled modules *)
+type compiled_library =
+ dir_path * module_body * library_info list * engagement option
+(* We check that only initial state Require's were performed before
+ [start_library] was called *)
+let start_library dir senv =
+ if not (senv.revsign = [] &&
+ senv.modinfo.msid = initial_msid &&
+ senv.modinfo.variant = NONE)
+ then
+ anomaly "Safe_typing.start_library: environment should be empty";
+ let dir_path,l =
+ match (repr_dirpath dir) with
+ [] -> anomaly "Empty dirpath in Safe_typing.start_library"
+ | hd::tl ->
+ make_dirpath tl, label_of_id hd
+ in
+ let msid = make_msid dir_path (string_of_label l) in
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let modinfo = { msid = msid;
+ modpath = mp;
+ seed = dir;
+ label = l;
+ variant = LIBRARY dir }
+ in
+ mp, { old = senv;
+ env = senv.env;
+ modinfo = modinfo;
+ labset = Labset.empty;
+ revsign = [];
+ revstruct = [];
+ imports = senv.imports;
+ loads = [] }
+let export senv dir =
+ let modinfo = senv.modinfo in
+ begin
+ match modinfo.variant with
+ | LIBRARY dp ->
+ if dir <> dp then
+ anomaly "We are not exporting the right library!"
+ | _ ->
+ anomaly "We are not exporting the library"
+ end;
+ (*if senv.modinfo.params <> [] || senv.modinfo.restype <> None then
+ (* error_export_simple *) (); *)
+ let mb =
+ { mod_expr = Some (MEBstruct (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revstruct));
+ mod_type = MTBsig (modinfo.msid, List.rev senv.revsign);
+ mod_user_type = None;
+ mod_equiv = None;
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty }
+ in
+ modinfo.msid, (dir,mb,senv.imports,engagement senv.env)
+let check_imports senv needed =
+ let imports = senv.imports in
+ let check (id,stamp) =
+ try
+ let actual_stamp = List.assoc id imports in
+ if stamp <> actual_stamp then
+ error ("Inconsistent assumptions over module " ^(string_of_dirpath id))
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Reference to unknown module " ^ (string_of_dirpath id))
+ in
+ List.iter check needed
+(* we have an inefficiency: Since loaded files are added to the
+environment every time a module is closed, their components are
+calculated many times. Thic could be avoided in several ways:
+1 - for each file create a dummy environment containing only this
+file's components, merge this environment with the global
+environment, and store for the future (instead of just its type)
+2 - create "persistent modules" environment table in Environ add put
+loaded by side-effect once and for all (like it is done in OCaml).
+Would this be correct with respect to undo's and stuff ?
+let import (dp,mb,depends,engmt) digest senv =
+ check_imports senv depends;
+ check_engagement senv.env engmt;
+ let mp = MPfile dp in
+ let env = senv.env in
+ mp, { senv with
+ env = full_add_module mp mb env;
+ imports = (dp,digest)::senv.imports;
+ loads = (mp,mb)::senv.loads }
+(** Remove the body of opaque constants in modules *)
+let rec lighten_module mb =
+ { mb with
+ mod_expr = option_app lighten_modexpr mb.mod_expr;
+ mod_type = lighten_modtype mb.mod_type;
+ mod_user_type = option_app lighten_modtype mb.mod_user_type }
+and lighten_modtype = function
+ | MTBident kn as x -> x
+ | MTBfunsig (mbid,mtb1,mtb2) ->
+ MTBfunsig (mbid, lighten_modtype mtb1, lighten_modtype mtb2)
+ | MTBsig (msid,sign) -> MTBsig (msid, lighten_sig sign)
+and lighten_modspec ms =
+ { ms with msb_modtype = lighten_modtype ms.msb_modtype }
+and lighten_sig sign =
+ let lighten_spec (l,spec) = (l,match spec with
+ | SPBconst ({const_opaque=true} as x) -> SPBconst {x with const_body=None}
+ | (SPBconst _ | SPBmind _) as x -> x
+ | SPBmodule m -> SPBmodule (lighten_modspec m)
+ | SPBmodtype m -> SPBmodtype (lighten_modtype m))
+ in
+ lighten_spec sign
+and lighten_struct struc =
+ let lighten_body (l,body) = (l,match body with
+ | SEBconst ({const_opaque=true} as x) -> SEBconst {x with const_body=None}
+ | (SEBconst _ | SEBmind _) as x -> x
+ | SEBmodule m -> SEBmodule (lighten_module m)
+ | SEBmodtype m -> SEBmodtype (lighten_modtype m))
+ in
+ lighten_body struc
+and lighten_modexpr = function
+ | MEBfunctor (mbid,mty,mexpr) ->
+ MEBfunctor (mbid,lighten_modtype mty,lighten_modexpr mexpr)
+ | MEBident mp as x -> x
+ | MEBstruct (msid, struc) ->
+ MEBstruct (msid, lighten_struct struc)
+ | MEBapply (mexpr,marg,u) ->
+ MEBapply (lighten_modexpr mexpr,lighten_modexpr marg,u)
+let lighten_library (dp,mb,depends,s) = (dp,lighten_module mb,depends,s)
+type judgment = unsafe_judgment
+let j_val j = j.uj_val
+let j_type j = j.uj_type
+let safe_infer senv = infer (env_of_senv senv)
+let typing senv = Typeops.typing (env_of_senv senv)
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.mli b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84b98984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: safe_typing.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+(*s Safe environments. Since we are now able to type terms, we can
+ define an abstract type of safe environments, where objects are
+ typed before being added.
+ We also add [open_structure] and [close_section], [close_module] to
+ provide functionnality for sections and interactive modules
+type safe_environment
+val env_of_safe_env : safe_environment -> Environ.env
+val empty_environment : safe_environment
+(* Adding and removing local declarations (Local or Variables) *)
+val push_named_assum :
+ identifier * types -> safe_environment ->
+ Univ.constraints * safe_environment
+val push_named_def :
+ identifier * constr * types option -> safe_environment ->
+ Univ.constraints * safe_environment
+(* Adding global axioms or definitions *)
+type global_declaration =
+ | ConstantEntry of constant_entry
+ | GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe
+val add_constant :
+ dir_path -> label -> global_declaration -> safe_environment ->
+ kernel_name * safe_environment
+(* Adding an inductive type *)
+val add_mind :
+ dir_path -> label -> mutual_inductive_entry -> safe_environment ->
+ mutual_inductive * safe_environment
+(* Adding a module *)
+val add_module :
+ label -> module_entry -> safe_environment
+ -> module_path * safe_environment
+(* Adding a module type *)
+val add_modtype :
+ label -> module_type_entry -> safe_environment
+ -> kernel_name * safe_environment
+(* Adding universe constraints *)
+val add_constraints :
+ Univ.constraints -> safe_environment -> safe_environment
+(* Settin the strongly constructive or classical logical engagement *)
+val set_engagement : Environ.engagement -> safe_environment -> safe_environment
+(*s Interactive module functions *)
+val start_module :
+ label -> (mod_bound_id * module_type_entry) list
+ -> module_type_entry option
+ -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment
+val end_module :
+ label -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment
+val start_modtype :
+ label -> (mod_bound_id * module_type_entry) list
+ -> safe_environment -> module_path * safe_environment
+val end_modtype :
+ label -> safe_environment -> kernel_name * safe_environment
+val current_modpath : safe_environment -> module_path
+val current_msid : safe_environment -> mod_self_id
+(* Loading and saving compilation units *)
+(* exporting and importing modules *)
+type compiled_library
+val start_library : dir_path -> safe_environment
+ -> module_path * safe_environment
+val export : safe_environment -> dir_path
+ -> mod_self_id * compiled_library
+val import : compiled_library -> Digest.t -> safe_environment
+ -> module_path * safe_environment
+(* Remove the body of opaque constants *)
+val lighten_library : compiled_library -> compiled_library
+(*s Typing judgments *)
+type judgment
+val j_val : judgment -> constr
+val j_type : judgment -> constr
+(* Safe typing of a term returning a typing judgment and universe
+ constraints to be added to the environment for the judgment to
+ hold. It is guaranteed that the constraints are satisfiable
+ *)
+val safe_infer : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment * Univ.constraints
+val typing : safe_environment -> constr -> judgment
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4b2a2ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+open Util
+open Term
+(*s Signatures of named hypotheses. Used for section variables and
+ goal assumptions. *)
+type named_context = named_declaration list
+let empty_named_context = []
+let add_named_decl d sign = d::sign
+let rec lookup_named id = function
+ | (id',_,_ as decl) :: _ when id=id' -> decl
+ | _ :: sign -> lookup_named id sign
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+let named_context_length = List.length
+let vars_of_named_context = (fun (id,_,_) -> id)
+let instance_from_named_context sign =
+ let rec inst_rec = function
+ | (id,None,_) :: sign -> mkVar id :: inst_rec sign
+ | _ :: sign -> inst_rec sign
+ | [] -> [] in
+ Array.of_list (inst_rec sign)
+let fold_named_context f l ~init = List.fold_right f l init
+let fold_named_context_reverse f ~init l = List.fold_left f init l
+(*s Signatures of ordered section variables *)
+type section_context = named_context
+(*s Signatures of ordered optionally named variables, intended to be
+ accessed by de Bruijn indices (to represent bound variables) *)
+type rel_declaration = name * constr option * types
+type rel_context = rel_declaration list
+let empty_rel_context = []
+let add_rel_decl d ctxt = d::ctxt
+let lookup_rel n sign =
+ let rec lookrec = function
+ | (1, decl :: _) -> decl
+ | (n, _ :: sign) -> lookrec (n-1,sign)
+ | (_, []) -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ lookrec (n,sign)
+let rel_context_length = List.length
+let rel_context_nhyps hyps =
+ let rec nhyps acc = function
+ | [] -> acc
+ | (_,None,_)::hyps -> nhyps (1+acc) hyps
+ | (_,Some _,_)::hyps -> nhyps acc hyps in
+ nhyps 0 hyps
+let fold_rel_context f l ~init:x = List.fold_right f l x
+let fold_rel_context_reverse f ~init:x l = List.fold_left f x l
+let map_rel_context f l =
+ let map_decl (n, body_o, typ as decl) =
+ let body_o' = option_smartmap f body_o in
+ let typ' = f typ in
+ if body_o' == body_o && typ' == typ then decl else
+ (n, body_o', typ')
+ in
+ list_smartmap map_decl l
+(* Push named declarations on top of a rel context *)
+(* Bizarre. Should be avoided. *)
+let push_named_to_rel_context hyps ctxt =
+ let rec push = function
+ | (id,b,t) :: l ->
+ let s, hyps = push l in
+ let d = (Name id, option_app (subst_vars s) b, type_app (subst_vars s) t) in
+ id::s, d::hyps
+ | [] -> [],[] in
+ let s, hyps = push hyps in
+ let rec subst = function
+ | d :: l ->
+ let n, ctxt = subst l in
+ (n+1), (map_rel_declaration (substn_vars n s) d)::ctxt
+ | [] -> 1, hyps in
+ snd (subst ctxt)
+(* Term constructors *)
+let it_mkProd_or_LetIn = List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkProd_or_LetIn d c)
+let it_mkLambda_or_LetIn = List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkLambda_or_LetIn d c)
+(* Term destructors *)
+type arity = rel_context * sorts
+(* Decompose an arity (i.e. a product of the form (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)s
+ with s a sort) into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],s) *)
+let destArity =
+ let rec prodec_rec l c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,None,t)::l) c
+ | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,Some b,t)::l) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> prodec_rec l c
+ | Sort s -> l,s
+ | _ -> anomaly "destArity: not an arity"
+ in
+ prodec_rec []
+let mkArity (sign,s) = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort s) sign
+let rec isArity c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (_,_,c) -> isArity c
+ | LetIn (_,b,_,c) -> isArity (subst1 b c)
+ | Cast (c,_) -> isArity c
+ | Sort _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(* Transforms a product term (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)T into the pair
+ ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T), where T is not a product *)
+let decompose_prod_assum =
+ let rec prodec_rec l c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,None,t) l) c
+ | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,Some b,t) l) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> prodec_rec l c
+ | _ -> l,c
+ in
+ prodec_rec empty_rel_context
+(* Transforms a lambda term [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]T into the pair
+ ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T), where T is not a lambda *)
+let decompose_lam_assum =
+ let rec lamdec_rec l c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,None,t) l) c
+ | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,Some b,t) l) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> lamdec_rec l c
+ | _ -> l,c
+ in
+ lamdec_rec empty_rel_context
+(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a product term (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)T
+ into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T) *)
+let decompose_prod_n_assum n =
+ if n < 0 then
+ error "decompose_prod_n_assum: integer parameter must be positive";
+ let rec prodec_rec l n c =
+ if n=0 then l,c
+ else match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,None,t) l) (n-1) c
+ | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> prodec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,Some b,t) l) (n-1) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> prodec_rec l n c
+ | c -> error "decompose_prod_n_assum: not enough assumptions"
+ in
+ prodec_rec empty_rel_context n
+(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a lambda term [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]T
+ into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T) *)
+let decompose_lam_n_assum n =
+ if n < 0 then
+ error "decompose_lam_n_assum: integer parameter must be positive";
+ let rec lamdec_rec l n c =
+ if n=0 then l,c
+ else match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,None,t) l) (n-1) c
+ | LetIn (x,b,t,c) -> lamdec_rec (add_rel_decl (x,Some b,t) l) (n-1) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> lamdec_rec l n c
+ | c -> error "decompose_lam_n_assum: not enough abstractions"
+ in
+ lamdec_rec empty_rel_context n
diff --git a/kernel/sign.mli b/kernel/sign.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f0549cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/sign.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: sign.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+(*s Signatures of ordered named declarations *)
+type named_context = named_declaration list
+type section_context = named_context
+val empty_named_context : named_context
+val add_named_decl : named_declaration -> named_context -> named_context
+val vars_of_named_context : named_context -> identifier list
+val lookup_named : identifier -> named_context -> named_declaration
+(* number of declarations *)
+val named_context_length : named_context -> int
+(*s Recurrence on [named_context]: older declarations processed first *)
+val fold_named_context :
+ (named_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> named_context -> init:'a -> 'a
+(* newer declarations first *)
+val fold_named_context_reverse :
+ ('a -> named_declaration -> 'a) -> init:'a -> named_context -> 'a
+(*s Section-related auxiliary functions *)
+val instance_from_named_context : named_context -> constr array
+(*s Signatures of ordered optionally named variables, intended to be
+ accessed by de Bruijn indices *)
+(* In [rel_context], more recent declaration is on top *)
+type rel_context = rel_declaration list
+val empty_rel_context : rel_context
+val add_rel_decl : rel_declaration -> rel_context -> rel_context
+val lookup_rel : int -> rel_context -> rel_declaration
+val rel_context_length : rel_context -> int
+val rel_context_nhyps : rel_context -> int
+val push_named_to_rel_context : named_context -> rel_context -> rel_context
+(*s Recurrence on [rel_context]: older declarations processed first *)
+val fold_rel_context :
+ (rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> rel_context -> init:'a -> 'a
+(* newer declarations first *)
+val fold_rel_context_reverse :
+ ('a -> rel_declaration -> 'a) -> init:'a -> rel_context -> 'a
+(*s Map function of [rel_context] *)
+val map_rel_context : (constr -> constr) -> rel_context -> rel_context
+(*s Term constructors *)
+val it_mkLambda_or_LetIn : constr -> rel_context -> constr
+val it_mkProd_or_LetIn : types -> rel_context -> types
+(*s Term destructors *)
+(* Destructs a term of the form $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)s$ into the pair *)
+type arity = rel_context * sorts
+val destArity : types -> arity
+val mkArity : arity -> types
+val isArity : types -> bool
+(* Transforms a product term $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)T$ including letins
+ into the pair $([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$, where $T$ is not a
+ product nor a let. *)
+val decompose_prod_assum : types -> rel_context * types
+(* Transforms a lambda term $[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]T$ including letins
+ into the pair $([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$, where $T$ is not a
+ lambda nor a let. *)
+val decompose_lam_assum : constr -> rel_context * constr
+(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a product term
+ $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)T$
+ into the pair $([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T)$. *)
+val decompose_prod_n_assum : int -> types -> rel_context * types
+(* Given a positive integer $n$, transforms a lambda term
+ $[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]T$ into the pair $([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$ *)
+val decompose_lam_n_assum : int -> constr -> rel_context * constr
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..825ae8fa
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+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+open Inductive
+open Modops
+(* This local type is used to subtype a constant with a constructor or
+ an inductive type. It can also be useful to allow reorderings in
+ inductive types *)
+type namedobject =
+ | Constant of constant_body
+ | Mind of mutual_inductive_body
+ | IndType of inductive * mutual_inductive_body
+ | IndConstr of constructor * mutual_inductive_body
+ | Module of module_specification_body
+ | Modtype of module_type_body
+(* adds above information about one mutual inductive: all types and
+ constructors *)
+let add_nameobjects_of_mib ln mib map =
+ let add_nameobjects_of_one j oib map =
+ let ip = (ln,j) in
+ let map =
+ array_fold_right_i
+ (fun i id map -> Idmap.add id (IndConstr ((ip,i), mib)) map)
+ oib.mind_consnames
+ map
+ in
+ Idmap.add oib.mind_typename (IndType (ip, mib)) map
+ in
+ array_fold_right_i add_nameobjects_of_one mib.mind_packets map
+(* creates namedobject map for the whole signature *)
+let make_label_map msid list =
+ let add_one (l,e) map =
+ let obj =
+ match e with
+ | SPBconst cb -> Constant cb
+ | SPBmind mib -> Mind mib
+ | SPBmodule mb -> Module mb
+ | SPBmodtype mtb -> Modtype mtb
+ in
+(* let map = match obj with
+ | Mind mib ->
+ add_nameobjects_of_mib (make_ln (MPself msid) l) mib map
+ | _ -> map
+ in *)
+ Labmap.add l obj map
+ in
+ List.fold_right add_one list Labmap.empty
+let check_conv_error error cst f env a1 a2 =
+ try
+ Constraint.union cst (f env a1 a2)
+ with
+ NotConvertible -> error ()
+(* for now we do not allow reorderings *)
+let check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2 =
+ let kn = make_kn (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l in
+ let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in
+ let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in
+ let mib1 =
+ match info1 with
+ | Mind mib -> mib
+ (* | IndType (_,mib) -> mib we will enable this later*)
+ | _ -> error ()
+ in
+ let check_packet cst p1 p2 =
+ let check f = if f p1 <> f p2 then error () in
+ check (fun p -> p.mind_consnames);
+ check (fun p -> p.mind_typename);
+ (* nf_lc later *)
+ (* nf_arity later *)
+ (* user_lc ignored *)
+ (* user_arity ignored *)
+ let cst = check_conv cst conv_sort env p1.mind_sort p2.mind_sort in
+ check (fun p -> p.mind_nrealargs);
+ (* kelim ignored *)
+ (* listrec ignored *)
+ (* finite done *)
+ (* nparams done *)
+ (* params_ctxt done *)
+ let cst = check_conv cst conv env p1.mind_nf_arity p2.mind_nf_arity in
+ cst
+ in
+ let check_cons_types i cst p1 p2 =
+ array_fold_left2
+ (fun cst t1 t2 -> check_conv cst conv env t1 t2)
+ cst
+ (arities_of_specif kn (mib1,p1))
+ (arities_of_specif kn (mib2,p2))
+ in
+ let check f = if f mib1 <> f mib2 then error () in
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_finite);
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_ntypes);
+ assert (mib1.mind_hyps=[] && mib2.mind_hyps=[]);
+ assert (Array.length mib1.mind_packets >= 1
+ && Array.length mib2.mind_packets >= 1);
+ (* TODO: we should allow renaming of parameters at least ! *)
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_nparams);
+ check (fun mib -> mib.mind_packets.(0).mind_params_ctxt);
+ begin
+ match mib2.mind_equiv with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some kn2' ->
+ let kn2 = scrape_mind env kn2' in
+ let kn1 = match mib1.mind_equiv with
+ None -> kn
+ | Some kn1' -> scrape_mind env kn1'
+ in
+ if kn1 <> kn2 then error ()
+ end;
+ (* we first check simple things *)
+ let cst =
+ array_fold_left2 check_packet cst mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets
+ in
+ (* and constructor types in the end *)
+ let cst =
+ array_fold_left2_i check_cons_types cst mib1.mind_packets mib2.mind_packets
+ in
+ cst
+let check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 =
+ let error () = error_not_match l spec2 in
+ let check_conv cst f = check_conv_error error cst f in
+ let cb1 =
+ match info1 with
+ | Constant cb -> cb
+ | _ -> error ()
+ in
+ assert (cb1.const_hyps=[] && cb2.const_hyps=[]) ;
+ (*Start by checking types*)
+ let cst = check_conv cst conv_leq env cb1.const_type cb2.const_type in
+ match cb2.const_body with
+ | None -> cst
+ | Some lc2 ->
+ let c2 = Declarations.force lc2 in
+ let c1 = match cb1.const_body with
+ | Some lc1 -> Declarations.force lc1
+ | None -> mkConst (make_kn (MPself msid1) empty_dirpath l)
+ in
+ check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
+let rec check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2 =
+ let mp = (MPdot(MPself msid1,l)) in
+ let mty1 = strengthen env msb1.msb_modtype mp in
+ let cst = check_modtypes cst env mty1 msb2.msb_modtype false in
+ begin
+ match msb1.msb_equiv, msb2.msb_equiv with
+ | _, None -> ()
+ | None, Some mp2 ->
+ check_modpath_equiv env mp mp2
+ | Some mp1, Some mp2 ->
+ check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2
+ end;
+ cst
+and check_signatures cst env' (msid1,sig1) (msid2,sig2') =
+ let mp1 = MPself msid1 in
+ let env = add_signature mp1 sig1 env' in
+ let sig2 = subst_signature_msid msid2 mp1 sig2' in
+ let map1 = make_label_map msid1 sig1 in
+ let check_one_body cst (l,spec2) =
+ let info1 =
+ try
+ Labmap.find l map1
+ with
+ Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
+ in
+ match spec2 with
+ | SPBconst cb2 ->
+ check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2
+ | SPBmind mib2 ->
+ check_inductive cst env msid1 l info1 mib2 spec2
+ | SPBmodule msb2 ->
+ let msb1 =
+ match info1 with
+ | Module msb -> msb
+ | _ -> error_not_match l spec2
+ in
+ check_modules cst env msid1 l msb1 msb2
+ | SPBmodtype mtb2 ->
+ let mtb1 =
+ match info1 with
+ | Modtype mtb -> mtb
+ | _ -> error_not_match l spec2
+ in
+ check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 true
+ in
+ List.fold_left check_one_body cst sig2
+and check_modtypes cst env mtb1 mtb2 equiv =
+ if mtb1==mtb2 then (); (* just in case :) *)
+ let mtb1' = scrape_modtype env mtb1 in
+ let mtb2' = scrape_modtype env mtb2 in
+ if mtb1'==mtb2' then ();
+ match mtb1', mtb2' with
+ | MTBsig (msid1,list1),
+ MTBsig (msid2,list2) ->
+ let cst = check_signatures cst env (msid1,list1) (msid2,list2) in
+ if equiv then
+ check_signatures cst env (msid2,list2) (msid1,list1)
+ else
+ cst
+ | MTBfunsig (arg_id1,arg_t1,body_t1),
+ MTBfunsig (arg_id2,arg_t2,body_t2) ->
+ let cst = check_modtypes cst env arg_t2 arg_t1 equiv in
+ (* contravariant *)
+ let env' =
+ add_module (MPbound arg_id2) (module_body_of_type arg_t2) env
+ in
+ let body_t1' =
+ subst_modtype
+ (map_mbid arg_id1 (MPbound arg_id2))
+ body_t1
+ in
+ check_modtypes cst env' body_t1' body_t2 equiv
+ | MTBident _ , _ -> anomaly "Subtyping: scrape failed"
+ | _ , MTBident _ -> anomaly "Subtyping: scrape failed"
+ | _ , _ -> error_incompatible_modtypes mtb1 mtb2
+let check_subtypes env sup super =
+ check_modtypes Constraint.empty env sup super false
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af09dafc
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+++ b/kernel/subtyping.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: subtyping.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Univ
+open Declarations
+open Environ
+val check_subtypes : env -> module_type_body -> module_type_body -> constraints
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30e73e4f
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+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,1186 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* This module instanciates the structure of generic deBruijn terms to Coq *)
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Esubst
+(* Coq abstract syntax with deBruijn variables; 'a is the type of sorts *)
+type existential_key = int
+type metavariable = int
+(* This defines Cases annotations *)
+type pattern_source = DefaultPat of int | RegularPat
+type case_style = LetStyle | IfStyle | MatchStyle | RegularStyle
+type case_printing =
+ { ind_nargs : int; (* number of real args of the inductive type *)
+ style : case_style;
+ source : pattern_source array }
+type case_info =
+ { ci_ind : inductive;
+ ci_npar : int;
+ ci_pp_info : case_printing (* not interpreted by the kernel *)
+ }
+(* Sorts. *)
+type contents = Pos | Null
+type sorts =
+ | Prop of contents (* proposition types *)
+ | Type of universe
+let mk_Set = Prop Pos
+let mk_Prop = Prop Null
+type sorts_family = InProp | InSet | InType
+let family_of_sort = function
+ | Prop Null -> InProp
+ | Prop Pos -> InSet
+ | Type _ -> InType
+(* Constructions as implemented *)
+(* [constr array] is an instance matching definitional [named_context] in
+ the same order (i.e. last argument first) *)
+type 'constr pexistential = existential_key * 'constr array
+type ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration =
+ name array * 'types array * 'constr array
+type ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint =
+ (int array * int) * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration
+type ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint =
+ int * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration
+(* [Var] is used for named variables and [Rel] for variables as
+ de Bruijn indices. *)
+type ('constr, 'types) kind_of_term =
+ | Rel of int
+ | Var of identifier
+ | Meta of metavariable
+ | Evar of 'constr pexistential
+ | Sort of sorts
+ | Cast of 'constr * 'types
+ | Prod of name * 'types * 'types
+ | Lambda of name * 'types * 'constr
+ | LetIn of name * 'constr * 'types * 'constr
+ | App of 'constr * 'constr array
+ | Const of constant
+ | Ind of inductive
+ | Construct of constructor
+ | Case of case_info * 'constr * 'constr * 'constr array
+ | Fix of ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint
+ | CoFix of ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint
+(* Experimental *)
+type ('constr, 'types) kind_of_type =
+ | SortType of sorts
+ | CastType of 'types * 'types
+ | ProdType of name * 'types * 'types
+ | LetInType of name * 'constr * 'types * 'types
+ | AtomicType of 'constr * 'constr array
+let kind_of_type = function
+ | Sort s -> SortType s
+ | Cast (c,t) -> CastType (c, t)
+ | Prod (na,t,c) -> ProdType (na, t, c)
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> LetInType (na, b, t, c)
+ | App (c,l) -> AtomicType (c, l)
+ | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Evar _ | Const _ | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ | Ind _ as c)
+ -> AtomicType (c,[||])
+ | (Lambda _ | Construct _) -> failwith "Not a type"
+(* constr is the fixpoint of the previous type. Requires option
+ -rectypes of the Caml compiler to be set *)
+type constr = (constr,constr) kind_of_term
+type existential = existential_key * constr array
+type rec_declaration = name array * constr array * constr array
+type fixpoint = (int array * int) * rec_declaration
+type cofixpoint = int * rec_declaration
+(* hash-consing functions *)
+let comp_term t1 t2 =
+ match t1, t2 with
+ | Rel n1, Rel n2 -> n1 = n2
+ | Meta m1, Meta m2 -> m1 == m2
+ | Var id1, Var id2 -> id1 == id2
+ | Sort s1, Sort s2 -> s1 == s2
+ | Cast (c1,t1), Cast (c2,t2) -> c1 == c2 & t1 == t2
+ | Prod (n1,t1,c1), Prod (n2,t2,c2) -> n1 == n2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
+ | Lambda (n1,t1,c1), Lambda (n2,t2,c2) -> n1 == n2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
+ | LetIn (n1,b1,t1,c1), LetIn (n2,b2,t2,c2) ->
+ n1 == n2 & b1 == b2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
+ | App (c1,l1), App (c2,l2) -> c1 == c2 & array_for_all2 (==) l1 l2
+ | Evar (e1,l1), Evar (e2,l2) -> e1 = e2 & array_for_all2 (==) l1 l2
+ | Const c1, Const c2 -> c1 == c2
+ | Ind (sp1,i1), Ind (sp2,i2) -> sp1 == sp2 & i1 = i2
+ | Construct ((sp1,i1),j1), Construct ((sp2,i2),j2) ->
+ sp1 == sp2 & i1 = i2 & j1 = j2
+ | Case (ci1,p1,c1,bl1), Case (ci2,p2,c2,bl2) ->
+ ci1 == ci2 & p1 == p2 & c1 == c2 & array_for_all2 (==) bl1 bl2
+ | Fix (ln1,(lna1,tl1,bl1)), Fix (ln2,(lna2,tl2,bl2)) ->
+ ln1 = ln2
+ & array_for_all2 (==) lna1 lna2
+ & array_for_all2 (==) tl1 tl2
+ & array_for_all2 (==) bl1 bl2
+ | CoFix(ln1,(lna1,tl1,bl1)), CoFix(ln2,(lna2,tl2,bl2)) ->
+ ln1 = ln2
+ & array_for_all2 (==) lna1 lna2
+ & array_for_all2 (==) tl1 tl2
+ & array_for_all2 (==) bl1 bl2
+ | _ -> false
+let hash_term (sh_rec,(sh_sort,sh_kn,sh_na,sh_id)) t =
+ match t with
+ | Rel _ -> t
+ | Meta x -> Meta x
+ | Var x -> Var (sh_id x)
+ | Sort s -> Sort (sh_sort s)
+ | Cast (c,t) -> Cast (sh_rec c, sh_rec t)
+ | Prod (na,t,c) -> Prod (sh_na na, sh_rec t, sh_rec c)
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) -> Lambda (sh_na na, sh_rec t, sh_rec c)
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> LetIn (sh_na na, sh_rec b, sh_rec t, sh_rec c)
+ | App (c,l) -> App (sh_rec c, sh_rec l)
+ | Evar (e,l) -> Evar (e, sh_rec l)
+ | Const c -> Const (sh_kn c)
+ | Ind (kn,i) -> Ind (sh_kn kn,i)
+ | Construct ((kn,i),j) -> Construct ((sh_kn kn,i),j)
+ | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> (* TO DO: extract ind_kn *)
+ Case (ci, sh_rec p, sh_rec c, sh_rec bl)
+ | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ Fix (ln,( sh_na lna,
+ sh_rec tl,
+ sh_rec bl))
+ | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ CoFix (ln,( sh_na lna,
+ sh_rec tl,
+ sh_rec bl))
+module Hconstr =
+ Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = constr
+ type u = (constr -> constr) *
+ ((sorts -> sorts) * (kernel_name -> kernel_name)
+ * (name -> name) * (identifier -> identifier))
+ let hash_sub = hash_term
+ let equal = comp_term
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let hcons_term (hsorts,hkn,hname,hident) =
+ Hashcons.recursive_hcons Hconstr.f (hsorts,hkn,hname,hident)
+(* Constructs a DeBrujin index with number n *)
+let rels =
+ [|Rel 1;Rel 2;Rel 3;Rel 4;Rel 5;Rel 6;Rel 7; Rel 8;
+ Rel 9;Rel 10;Rel 11;Rel 12;Rel 13;Rel 14;Rel 15; Rel 16|]
+let mkRel n = if 0<n & n<=16 then rels.(n-1) else Rel n
+(* Constructs an existential variable named "?n" *)
+let mkMeta n = Meta n
+(* Constructs a Variable named id *)
+let mkVar id = Var id
+(* Construct a type *)
+let mkSort s = Sort s
+(* Constructs the term t1::t2, i.e. the term t1 casted with the type t2 *)
+(* (that means t2 is declared as the type of t1) *)
+let mkCast (t1,t2) =
+ match t1 with
+ | Cast (t,_) -> Cast (t,t2)
+ | _ -> Cast (t1,t2)
+(* Constructs the product (x:t1)t2 *)
+let mkProd (x,t1,t2) = Prod (x,t1,t2)
+(* Constructs the abstraction [x:t1]t2 *)
+let mkLambda (x,t1,t2) = Lambda (x,t1,t2)
+(* Constructs [x=c_1:t]c_2 *)
+let mkLetIn (x,c1,t,c2) = LetIn (x,c1,t,c2)
+(* If lt = [t1; ...; tn], constructs the application (t1 ... tn) *)
+(* We ensure applicative terms have at least one argument and the
+ function is not itself an applicative term *)
+let mkApp (f, a) =
+ if a=[||] then f else
+ match f with
+ | App (g, cl) -> App (g, Array.append cl a)
+ | _ -> App (f, a)
+(* Constructs a constant *)
+(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
+let mkConst c = Const c
+(* Constructs an existential variable *)
+let mkEvar e = Evar e
+(* Constructs the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn *)
+(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
+let mkInd m = Ind m
+(* Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the
+ block named kn. The array of terms correspond to the variables
+ introduced in the section *)
+let mkConstruct c = Construct c
+(* Constructs the term <p>Case c of c1 | c2 .. | cn end *)
+let mkCase (ci, p, c, ac) = Case (ci, p, c, ac)
+let mkFix fix = Fix fix
+let mkCoFix cofix = CoFix cofix
+let kind_of_term c = c
+(* kind_of_term = constructions as seen by the user *)
+(* User view of [constr]. For [App], it is ensured there is at
+ least one argument and the function is not itself an applicative
+ term *)
+let kind_of_term = kind_of_term
+(* En vue d'un kind_of_type : constr -> hnftype ??? *)
+type hnftype =
+ | HnfSort of sorts
+ | HnfProd of name * constr * constr
+ | HnfAtom of constr
+ | HnfInd of inductive * constr array
+(* Non primitive term destructors *)
+(* Destructor operations : partial functions
+ Raise invalid_arg "dest*" if the const has not the expected form *)
+(* Destructs a DeBrujin index *)
+let destRel c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel n -> n
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destRel"
+(* Destructs an existential variable *)
+let destMeta c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Meta n -> n
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destMeta"
+let isMeta c = match kind_of_term c with Meta _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Destructs a variable *)
+let destVar c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id -> id
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destVar"
+(* Destructs a type *)
+let isSort c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort s -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let destSort c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort s -> s
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destSort"
+let rec isprop c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort (Prop _) -> true
+ | Cast (c,_) -> isprop c
+ | _ -> false
+let rec is_Prop c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort (Prop Null) -> true
+ | Cast (c,_) -> is_Prop c
+ | _ -> false
+let rec is_Set c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort (Prop Pos) -> true
+ | Cast (c,_) -> is_Set c
+ | _ -> false
+let rec is_Type c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Sort (Type _) -> true
+ | Cast (c,_) -> is_Type c
+ | _ -> false
+let isType = function
+ | Type _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_small = function
+ | Prop _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let iskind c = isprop c or is_Type c
+let same_kind c1 c2 = (isprop c1 & isprop c2) or (is_Type c1 & is_Type c2)
+(* Tests if an evar *)
+let isEvar c = match kind_of_term c with Evar _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Destructs a casted term *)
+let destCast c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Cast (t1, t2) -> (t1,t2)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destCast"
+let isCast c = match kind_of_term c with Cast (_,_) -> true | _ -> false
+(* Tests if a de Bruijn index *)
+let isRel c = match kind_of_term c with Rel _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Tests if a variable *)
+let isVar c = match kind_of_term c with Var _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Tests if an inductive *)
+let isInd c = match kind_of_term c with Ind _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Destructs the product (x:t1)t2 *)
+let destProd c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (x,t1,t2) -> (x,t1,t2)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destProd"
+(* Destructs the abstraction [x:t1]t2 *)
+let destLambda c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda (x,t1,t2) -> (x,t1,t2)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destLambda"
+(* Destructs the let [x:=b:t1]t2 *)
+let destLetIn c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | LetIn (x,b,t1,t2) -> (x,b,t1,t2)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destProd"
+(* Destructs an application *)
+let destApplication c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (f,a) -> (f, a)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destApplication"
+let isApp c = match kind_of_term c with App _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Destructs a constant *)
+let destConst c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Const kn -> kn
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destConst"
+let isConst c = match kind_of_term c with Const _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Destructs an existential variable *)
+let destEvar c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (kn, a as r) -> r
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destEvar"
+let num_of_evar c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (n, _) -> n
+ | _ -> anomaly "num_of_evar called with bad args"
+(* Destructs a (co)inductive type named kn *)
+let destInd c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind (kn, a as r) -> r
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destInd"
+(* Destructs a constructor *)
+let destConstruct c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Construct (kn, a as r) -> r
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "dest"
+let isConstruct c = match kind_of_term c with
+ Construct _ -> true | _ -> false
+(* Destructs a term <p>Case c of lc1 | lc2 .. | lcn end *)
+let destCase c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Case (ci,p,c,v) -> (ci,p,c,v)
+ | _ -> anomaly "destCase"
+let destFix c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Fix fix -> fix
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destFix"
+let destCoFix c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | CoFix cofix -> cofix
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "destCoFix"
+(* Flattening and unflattening of embedded applications and casts *)
+(* flattens application lists *)
+let rec collapse_appl c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (f,cl) ->
+ let rec collapse_rec f cl2 = match kind_of_term f with
+ | App (g,cl1) -> collapse_rec g (Array.append cl1 cl2)
+ | Cast (c,_) when isApp c -> collapse_rec c cl2
+ | _ -> if cl2 = [||] then f else mkApp (f,cl2)
+ in
+ collapse_rec f cl
+ | _ -> c
+let rec decompose_app c =
+ match kind_of_term (collapse_appl c) with
+ | App (f,cl) -> (f, Array.to_list cl)
+ | Cast (c,t) -> decompose_app c
+ | _ -> (c,[])
+(* strips head casts and flattens head applications *)
+let rec strip_head_cast c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (f,cl) ->
+ let rec collapse_rec f cl2 = match kind_of_term f with
+ | App (g,cl1) -> collapse_rec g (Array.append cl1 cl2)
+ | Cast (c,_) -> collapse_rec c cl2
+ | _ -> if cl2 = [||] then f else mkApp (f,cl2)
+ in
+ collapse_rec f cl
+ | Cast (c,t) -> strip_head_cast c
+ | _ -> c
+(* Functions to recur through subterms *)
+(* [fold_constr f acc c] folds [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]
+ starting from [acc] and proceeding from left to right according to
+ the usual representation of the constructions; it is not recursive *)
+let fold_constr f acc c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _
+ | Construct _) -> acc
+ | Cast (c,t) -> f (f acc c) t
+ | Prod (_,t,c) -> f (f acc t) c
+ | Lambda (_,t,c) -> f (f acc t) c
+ | LetIn (_,b,t,c) -> f (f (f acc b) t) c
+ | App (c,l) -> Array.fold_left f (f acc c) l
+ | Evar (_,l) -> Array.fold_left f acc l
+ | Case (_,p,c,bl) -> Array.fold_left f (f (f acc p) c) bl
+ | Fix (_,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let fd = array_map3 (fun na t b -> (na,t,b)) lna tl bl in
+ Array.fold_left (fun acc (na,t,b) -> f (f acc t) b) acc fd
+ | CoFix (_,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let fd = array_map3 (fun na t b -> (na,t,b)) lna tl bl in
+ Array.fold_left (fun acc (na,t,b) -> f (f acc t) b) acc fd
+(* [iter_constr f c] iters [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it is
+ not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is
+ not specified *)
+let iter_constr f c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _
+ | Construct _) -> ()
+ | Cast (c,t) -> f c; f t
+ | Prod (_,t,c) -> f t; f c
+ | Lambda (_,t,c) -> f t; f c
+ | LetIn (_,b,t,c) -> f b; f t; f c
+ | App (c,l) -> f c; Array.iter f l
+ | Evar (_,l) -> Array.iter f l
+ | Case (_,p,c,bl) -> f p; f c; Array.iter f bl
+ | Fix (_,(_,tl,bl)) -> Array.iter f tl; Array.iter f bl
+ | CoFix (_,(_,tl,bl)) -> Array.iter f tl; Array.iter f bl
+(* [iter_constr_with_binders g f n c] iters [f n] on the immediate
+ subterms of [c]; it carries an extra data [n] (typically a lift
+ index) which is processed by [g] (which typically add 1 to [n]) at
+ each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which
+ subterms are processed is not specified *)
+let iter_constr_with_binders g f n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _
+ | Construct _) -> ()
+ | Cast (c,t) -> f n c; f n t
+ | Prod (_,t,c) -> f n t; f (g n) c
+ | Lambda (_,t,c) -> f n t; f (g n) c
+ | LetIn (_,b,t,c) -> f n b; f n t; f (g n) c
+ | App (c,l) -> f n c; Array.iter (f n) l
+ | Evar (_,l) -> Array.iter (f n) l
+ | Case (_,p,c,bl) -> f n p; f n c; Array.iter (f n) bl
+ | Fix (_,(_,tl,bl)) ->
+ Array.iter (f n) tl;
+ Array.iter (f (iterate g (Array.length tl) n)) bl
+ | CoFix (_,(_,tl,bl)) ->
+ Array.iter (f n) tl;
+ Array.iter (f (iterate g (Array.length tl) n)) bl
+(* [map_constr f c] maps [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it is
+ not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is
+ not specified *)
+let map_constr f c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _
+ | Construct _) -> c
+ | Cast (c,t) -> mkCast (f c, f t)
+ | Prod (na,t,c) -> mkProd (na, f t, f c)
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) -> mkLambda (na, f t, f c)
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> mkLetIn (na, f b, f t, f c)
+ | App (c,l) -> mkApp (f c, f l)
+ | Evar (e,l) -> mkEvar (e, f l)
+ | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> mkCase (ci, f p, f c, f bl)
+ | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ mkFix (ln,(lna, f tl, f bl))
+ | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ mkCoFix (ln,(lna, f tl, f bl))
+(* [map_constr_with_binders g f n c] maps [f n] on the immediate
+ subterms of [c]; it carries an extra data [n] (typically a lift
+ index) which is processed by [g] (which typically add 1 to [n]) at
+ each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which
+ subterms are processed is not specified *)
+let map_constr_with_binders g f l c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | (Rel _ | Meta _ | Var _ | Sort _ | Const _ | Ind _
+ | Construct _) -> c
+ | Cast (c,t) -> mkCast (f l c, f l t)
+ | Prod (na,t,c) -> mkProd (na, f l t, f (g l) c)
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) -> mkLambda (na, f l t, f (g l) c)
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> mkLetIn (na, f l b, f l t, f (g l) c)
+ | App (c,al) -> mkApp (f l c, (f l) al)
+ | Evar (e,al) -> mkEvar (e, (f l) al)
+ | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> mkCase (ci, f l p, f l c, (f l) bl)
+ | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let l' = iterate g (Array.length tl) l in
+ mkFix (ln,(lna, (f l) tl, (f l') bl))
+ | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let l' = iterate g (Array.length tl) l in
+ mkCoFix (ln,(lna, (f l) tl, (f l') bl))
+(* [compare_constr f c1 c2] compare [c1] and [c2] using [f] to compare
+ the immediate subterms of [c1] of [c2] if needed; Cast's,
+ application associativity, binders name and Cases annotations are
+ not taken into account *)
+let compare_constr f t1 t2 =
+ match kind_of_term t1, kind_of_term t2 with
+ | Rel n1, Rel n2 -> n1 = n2
+ | Meta m1, Meta m2 -> m1 = m2
+ | Var id1, Var id2 -> id1 = id2
+ | Sort s1, Sort s2 -> s1 = s2
+ | Cast (c1,_), _ -> f c1 t2
+ | _, Cast (c2,_) -> f t1 c2
+ | Prod (_,t1,c1), Prod (_,t2,c2) -> f t1 t2 & f c1 c2
+ | Lambda (_,t1,c1), Lambda (_,t2,c2) -> f t1 t2 & f c1 c2
+ | LetIn (_,b1,t1,c1), LetIn (_,b2,t2,c2) -> f b1 b2 & f t1 t2 & f c1 c2
+ | App (c1,l1), App (c2,l2) ->
+ if Array.length l1 = Array.length l2 then
+ f c1 c2 & array_for_all2 f l1 l2
+ else
+ let (h1,l1) = decompose_app t1 in
+ let (h2,l2) = decompose_app t2 in
+ if List.length l1 = List.length l2 then
+ f h1 h2 & List.for_all2 f l1 l2
+ else false
+ | Evar (e1,l1), Evar (e2,l2) -> e1 = e2 & array_for_all2 f l1 l2
+ | Const c1, Const c2 -> c1 = c2
+ | Ind c1, Ind c2 -> c1 = c2
+ | Construct c1, Construct c2 -> c1 = c2
+ | Case (_,p1,c1,bl1), Case (_,p2,c2,bl2) ->
+ f p1 p2 & f c1 c2 & array_for_all2 f bl1 bl2
+ | Fix (ln1,(_,tl1,bl1)), Fix (ln2,(_,tl2,bl2)) ->
+ ln1 = ln2 & array_for_all2 f tl1 tl2 & array_for_all2 f bl1 bl2
+ | CoFix(ln1,(_,tl1,bl1)), CoFix(ln2,(_,tl2,bl2)) ->
+ ln1 = ln2 & array_for_all2 f tl1 tl2 & array_for_all2 f bl1 bl2
+ | _ -> false
+(* Type of assumptions *)
+type types = constr
+let type_app f tt = f tt
+let body_of_type ty = ty
+type named_declaration = identifier * constr option * types
+type rel_declaration = name * constr option * types
+let map_named_declaration f (id, v, ty) = (id, option_app f v, f ty)
+let map_rel_declaration = map_named_declaration
+(* Functions for dealing with constr terms *)
+(* Occurring *)
+exception LocalOccur
+(* (closedn n M) raises FreeVar if a variable of height greater than n
+ occurs in M, returns () otherwise *)
+let closedn =
+ let rec closed_rec n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel m -> if m>n then raise LocalOccur
+ | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ closed_rec n c
+ in
+ closed_rec
+(* [closed0 M] is true iff [M] is a (deBruijn) closed term *)
+let closed0 term =
+ try closedn 0 term; true with LocalOccur -> false
+(* (noccurn n M) returns true iff (Rel n) does NOT occur in term M *)
+let noccurn n term =
+ let rec occur_rec n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel m -> if m = n then raise LocalOccur
+ | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c
+ in
+ try occur_rec n term; true with LocalOccur -> false
+(* (noccur_between n m M) returns true iff (Rel p) does NOT occur in term M
+ for n <= p < n+m *)
+let noccur_between n m term =
+ let rec occur_rec n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel(p) -> if n<=p && p<n+m then raise LocalOccur
+ | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c
+ in
+ try occur_rec n term; true with LocalOccur -> false
+(* Checking function for terms containing existential variables.
+ The function [noccur_with_meta] considers the fact that
+ each existential variable (as well as each isevar)
+ in the term appears applied to its local context,
+ which may contain the CoFix variables. These occurrences of CoFix variables
+ are not considered *)
+let noccur_with_meta n m term =
+ let rec occur_rec n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel p -> if n<=p & p<n+m then raise LocalOccur
+ | App(f,cl) ->
+ (match kind_of_term f with
+ | Cast (c,_) when isMeta c -> ()
+ | Meta _ -> ()
+ | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c)
+ | Evar (_, _) -> ()
+ | _ -> iter_constr_with_binders succ occur_rec n c
+ in
+ try (occur_rec n term; true) with LocalOccur -> false
+(* Lifting *)
+(* The generic lifting function *)
+let rec exliftn el c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel i -> mkRel(reloc_rel i el)
+ | _ -> map_constr_with_binders el_lift exliftn el c
+(* Lifting the binding depth across k bindings *)
+let liftn k n =
+ match el_liftn (pred n) (el_shft k ELID) with
+ | ELID -> (fun c -> c)
+ | el -> exliftn el
+let lift k = liftn k 1
+(* Substituting *)
+(* (subst1 M c) substitutes M for Rel(1) in c
+ we generalise it to (substl [M1,...,Mn] c) which substitutes in parallel
+ M1,...,Mn for respectively Rel(1),...,Rel(n) in c *)
+(* 1st : general case *)
+type info = Closed | Open | Unknown
+type 'a substituend = { mutable sinfo: info; sit: 'a }
+let rec lift_substituend depth s =
+ match s.sinfo with
+ | Closed -> s.sit
+ | Open -> lift depth s.sit
+ | Unknown ->
+ s.sinfo <- if closed0 s.sit then Closed else Open;
+ lift_substituend depth s
+let make_substituend c = { sinfo=Unknown; sit=c }
+let substn_many lamv n =
+ let lv = Array.length lamv in
+ let rec substrec depth c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel k ->
+ if k<=depth then
+ c
+ else if k-depth <= lv then
+ lift_substituend depth lamv.(k-depth-1)
+ else
+ mkRel (k-lv)
+ | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ substrec depth c
+ in
+ substrec n
+let substkey = Profile.declare_profile "substn_many";;
+let substn_many lamv n c = Profile.profile3 substkey substn_many lamv n c;;
+let substnl laml k =
+ substn_many ( make_substituend (Array.of_list laml)) k
+let substl laml =
+ substn_many ( make_substituend (Array.of_list laml)) 0
+let subst1 lam = substl [lam]
+let substl_decl laml (id,bodyopt,typ as d) =
+ match bodyopt with
+ | None -> (id,None,substl laml typ)
+ | Some body -> (id, Some (substl laml body), type_app (substl laml) typ)
+let subst1_decl lam = substl_decl [lam]
+(* (thin_val sigma) removes identity substitutions from sigma *)
+let rec thin_val = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (((id,{ sit = v }) as s)::tl) when isVar v ->
+ if id = destVar v then thin_val tl else s::(thin_val tl)
+ | h::tl -> h::(thin_val tl)
+(* (replace_vars sigma M) applies substitution sigma to term M *)
+let replace_vars var_alist =
+ let var_alist =
+ (fun (str,c) -> (str,make_substituend c)) var_alist in
+ let var_alist = thin_val var_alist in
+ let rec substrec n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var x ->
+ (try lift_substituend n (List.assoc x var_alist)
+ with Not_found -> c)
+ | _ -> map_constr_with_binders succ substrec n c
+ in
+ if var_alist = [] then (function x -> x) else substrec 0
+let repvarkey = Profile.declare_profile "replace_vars";;
+let replace_vars vl c = Profile.profile2 repvarkey replace_vars vl c ;;
+(* (subst_var str t) substitute (VAR str) by (Rel 1) in t *)
+let subst_var str = replace_vars [(str, mkRel 1)]
+(* (subst_vars [id1;...;idn] t) substitute (VAR idj) by (Rel j) in t *)
+let substn_vars p vars =
+ let _,subst =
+ List.fold_left (fun (n,l) var -> ((n+1),(var,mkRel n)::l)) (p,[]) vars
+ in replace_vars (List.rev subst)
+let subst_vars = substn_vars 1
+map_kn : (kernel_name -> kernel_name) -> constr -> constr
+This should be rewritten to prevent duplication of constr's when not
+For now, it uses map_constr and is rather ineffective
+let rec map_kn f c =
+ let func = map_kn f in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Const kn ->
+ mkConst (f kn)
+ | Ind (kn,i) ->
+ mkInd (f kn,i)
+ | Construct ((kn,i),j) ->
+ mkConstruct ((f kn,i),j)
+ | Case (ci,p,c,l) ->
+ let ci' = { ci with ci_ind = let (kn,i) = ci.ci_ind in f kn, i } in
+ mkCase (ci', func p, func c, array_smartmap func l)
+ | _ -> map_constr func c
+let subst_mps sub =
+ map_kn (subst_kn sub)
+(* Term constructors *)
+(* Constructs a DeBrujin index with number n *)
+let mkRel = mkRel
+(* Constructs an existential variable named "?n" *)
+let mkMeta = mkMeta
+(* Constructs a Variable named id *)
+let mkVar = mkVar
+(* Construct a type *)
+let mkProp = mkSort mk_Prop
+let mkSet = mkSort mk_Set
+let mkType u = mkSort (Type u)
+let mkSort = function
+ | Prop Null -> mkProp (* Easy sharing *)
+ | Prop Pos -> mkSet
+ | s -> mkSort s
+let prop = mk_Prop
+and spec = mk_Set
+and type_0 = Type prop_univ
+(* Constructs the term t1::t2, i.e. the term t1 casted with the type t2 *)
+(* (that means t2 is declared as the type of t1) *)
+let mkCast = mkCast
+(* Constructs the product (x:t1)t2 *)
+let mkProd = mkProd
+let mkNamedProd id typ c = mkProd (Name id, typ, subst_var id c)
+let mkProd_string s t c = mkProd (Name (id_of_string s), t, c)
+(* Constructs the abstraction [x:t1]t2 *)
+let mkLambda = mkLambda
+let mkNamedLambda id typ c = mkLambda (Name id, typ, subst_var id c)
+let mkLambda_string s t c = mkLambda (Name (id_of_string s), t, c)
+(* Constructs [x=c_1:t]c_2 *)
+let mkLetIn = mkLetIn
+let mkNamedLetIn id c1 t c2 = mkLetIn (Name id, c1, t, subst_var id c2)
+(* Constructs either [(x:t)c] or [[x=b:t]c] *)
+let mkProd_or_LetIn (na,body,t) c =
+ match body with
+ | None -> mkProd (na, t, c)
+ | Some b -> mkLetIn (na, b, t, c)
+let mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (id,body,t) c =
+ match body with
+ | None -> mkNamedProd id t c
+ | Some b -> mkNamedLetIn id b t c
+(* Constructs either [[x:t]c] or [[x=b:t]c] *)
+let mkLambda_or_LetIn (na,body,t) c =
+ match body with
+ | None -> mkLambda (na, t, c)
+ | Some b -> mkLetIn (na, b, t, c)
+let mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn (id,body,t) c =
+ match body with
+ | None -> mkNamedLambda id t c
+ | Some b -> mkNamedLetIn id b t c
+(* Constructs either [(x:t)c] or [c] where [x] is replaced by [b] *)
+let mkProd_wo_LetIn (na,body,t) c =
+ match body with
+ | None -> mkProd (na, t, c)
+ | Some b -> subst1 b c
+let mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn (id,body,t) c =
+ match body with
+ | None -> mkNamedProd id t c
+ | Some b -> subst1 b (subst_var id c)
+(* non-dependent product t1 -> t2 *)
+let mkArrow t1 t2 = mkProd (Anonymous, t1, t2)
+(* If lt = [t1; ...; tn], constructs the application (t1 ... tn) *)
+(* We ensure applicative terms have at most one arguments and the
+ function is not itself an applicative term *)
+let mkApp = mkApp
+let mkAppA v =
+ let l = Array.length v in
+ if l=0 then anomaly "mkAppA received an empty array"
+ else mkApp (v.(0), Array.sub v 1 (Array.length v -1))
+(* Constructs a constant *)
+(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
+let mkConst = mkConst
+(* Constructs an existential variable *)
+let mkEvar = mkEvar
+(* Constructs the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn *)
+(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
+let mkInd = mkInd
+(* Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the
+ block named kn. The array of terms correspond to the variables
+ introduced in the section *)
+let mkConstruct = mkConstruct
+(* Constructs the term <p>Case c of c1 | c2 .. | cn end *)
+let mkCase = mkCase
+let mkCaseL (ci, p, c, ac) = mkCase (ci, p, c, Array.of_list ac)
+(* If recindxs = [|i1,|]
+ funnames = [|f1,...fn|]
+ typarray = [|t1,|]
+ bodies = [|b1,|]
+ then
+ mkFix ((recindxs,i),(funnames,typarray,bodies))
+ constructs the ith function of the block
+ Fixpoint f1 [ctx1] : t1 := b1
+ with f2 [ctx2] : t2 := b2
+ ...
+ with fn [ctxn] : tn := bn.
+ where the lenght of the jth context is ij.
+let mkFix = mkFix
+(* If funnames = [|f1,...fn|]
+ typarray = [|t1,|]
+ bodies = [|b1,|]
+ then
+ mkCoFix (i,(funnames,typsarray,bodies))
+ constructs the ith function of the block
+ CoFixpoint f1 : t1 := b1
+ with f2 : t2 := b2
+ ...
+ with fn : tn := bn.
+let mkCoFix = mkCoFix
+(* Construct an implicit *)
+let implicit_sort = Type (make_univ(make_dirpath[id_of_string"implicit"],0))
+let mkImplicit = mkSort implicit_sort
+let rec strip_outer_cast c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Cast (c,_) -> strip_outer_cast c
+ | _ -> c
+(* Fonction spéciale qui laisse les cast clés sous les Fix ou les Case *)
+let under_outer_cast f c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Cast (b,t) -> mkCast (f b,f t)
+ | _ -> f c
+let rec under_casts f c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Cast (c,t) -> mkCast (under_casts f c, t)
+ | _ -> f c
+(* Other term constructors *)
+let abs_implicit c = mkLambda (Anonymous, mkImplicit, c)
+let lambda_implicit a = mkLambda (Name(id_of_string"y"), mkImplicit, a)
+let lambda_implicit_lift n a = iterate lambda_implicit n (lift n a)
+(* prodn n [xn:Tn;..;x1:T1;Gamma] b = (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)b *)
+let prodn n env b =
+ let rec prodrec = function
+ | (0, env, b) -> b
+ | (n, ((v,t)::l), b) -> prodrec (n-1, l, mkProd (v,t,b))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ prodrec (n,env,b)
+(* compose_prod [xn:Tn;..;x1:T1] b = (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)b *)
+let compose_prod l b = prodn (List.length l) l b
+(* lamn n [xn:Tn;..;x1:T1;Gamma] b = [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]b *)
+let lamn n env b =
+ let rec lamrec = function
+ | (0, env, b) -> b
+ | (n, ((v,t)::l), b) -> lamrec (n-1, l, mkLambda (v,t,b))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ lamrec (n,env,b)
+(* compose_lam [xn:Tn;..;x1:T1] b = [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]b *)
+let compose_lam l b = lamn (List.length l) l b
+let applist (f,l) = mkApp (f, Array.of_list l)
+let applistc f l = mkApp (f, Array.of_list l)
+let appvect = mkApp
+let appvectc f l = mkApp (f,l)
+(* to_lambda n (x1:T1)...(xn:Tn)T =
+ * [x1:T1]...[xn:Tn]T *)
+let rec to_lambda n prod =
+ if n = 0 then
+ prod
+ else
+ match kind_of_term prod with
+ | Prod (na,ty,bd) -> mkLambda (na,ty,to_lambda (n-1) bd)
+ | Cast (c,_) -> to_lambda n c
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "to_lambda" (mt ())
+let rec to_prod n lam =
+ if n=0 then
+ lam
+ else
+ match kind_of_term lam with
+ | Lambda (na,ty,bd) -> mkProd (na,ty,to_prod (n-1) bd)
+ | Cast (c,_) -> to_prod n c
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "to_prod" (mt ())
+(* pseudo-reduction rule:
+ * [prod_app s (Prod(_,B)) N --> B[N]
+ * with an strip_outer_cast on the first argument to produce a product *)
+let prod_app t n =
+ match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast t) with
+ | Prod (_,_,b) -> subst1 n b
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "prod_app"
+ (str"Needed a product, but didn't find one" ++ fnl ())
+(* prod_appvect T [| a1 ; ... ; an |] -> (T a1 ... an) *)
+let prod_appvect t nL = Array.fold_left prod_app t nL
+(* prod_applist T [ a1 ; ... ; an ] -> (T a1 ... an) *)
+let prod_applist t nL = List.fold_left prod_app t nL
+(* Other term destructors *)
+(* Transforms a product term (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)T into the pair
+ ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T), where T is not a product *)
+let decompose_prod =
+ let rec prodec_rec l c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,t)::l) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> prodec_rec l c
+ | _ -> l,c
+ in
+ prodec_rec []
+(* Transforms a lambda term [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]T into the pair
+ ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T), where T is not a lambda *)
+let decompose_lam =
+ let rec lamdec_rec l c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec ((x,t)::l) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> lamdec_rec l c
+ | _ -> l,c
+ in
+ lamdec_rec []
+(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a product term (x1:T1)..(xn:Tn)T
+ into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T) *)
+let decompose_prod_n n =
+ if n < 0 then error "decompose_prod_n: integer parameter must be positive";
+ let rec prodec_rec l n c =
+ if n=0 then l,c
+ else match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (x,t,c) -> prodec_rec ((x,t)::l) (n-1) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> prodec_rec l n c
+ | _ -> error "decompose_prod_n: not enough products"
+ in
+ prodec_rec [] n
+(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a lambda term [x1:T1]..[xn:Tn]T
+ into the pair ([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T) *)
+let decompose_lam_n n =
+ if n < 0 then error "decompose_lam_n: integer parameter must be positive";
+ let rec lamdec_rec l n c =
+ if n=0 then l,c
+ else match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda (x,t,c) -> lamdec_rec ((x,t)::l) (n-1) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> lamdec_rec l n c
+ | _ -> error "decompose_lam_n: not enough abstractions"
+ in
+ lamdec_rec [] n
+(* (nb_lam [na1:T1]...[nan:Tan]c) where c is not an abstraction
+ * gives n (casts are ignored) *)
+let nb_lam =
+ let rec nbrec n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda (_,_,c) -> nbrec (n+1) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> nbrec n c
+ | _ -> n
+ in
+ nbrec 0
+(* similar to nb_lam, but gives the number of products instead *)
+let nb_prod =
+ let rec nbrec n c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (_,_,c) -> nbrec (n+1) c
+ | Cast (c,_) -> nbrec n c
+ | _ -> n
+ in
+ nbrec 0
+(* Rem: end of import from old module Generic *)
+(* alpha conversion functions *)
+(* alpha conversion : ignore print names and casts *)
+let rec eq_constr m n =
+ (m==n) or
+ compare_constr eq_constr m n
+let eq_constr m n = eq_constr m n (* to avoid tracing a recursive fun *)
+(* hash-consing *)
+module Htype =
+ Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = types
+ type u = (constr -> constr) * (sorts -> sorts)
+ let hash_sub (hc,hs) j = {body=hc j.body; typ=hs j.typ}
+ let equal j1 j2 = j1.body==j2.body & j1.typ==j2.typ
+ let hash_sub (hc,hs) j = hc j
+ let equal j1 j2 = j1==j2
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+module Hsorts =
+ Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = sorts
+ type u = universe -> universe
+ let hash_sub huniv = function
+ Prop c -> Prop c
+ | Type u -> Type (huniv u)
+ let equal s1 s2 =
+ match (s1,s2) with
+ (Prop c1, Prop c2) -> c1=c2
+ | (Type u1, Type u2) -> u1 == u2
+ |_ -> false
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let hsort = Hsorts.f
+let hcons_constr (hkn,hdir,hname,hident,hstr) =
+ let hsortscci = Hashcons.simple_hcons hsort hcons1_univ in
+ let hcci = hcons_term (hsortscci,hkn,hname,hident) in
+ let htcci = Hashcons.simple_hcons Htype.f (hcci,hsortscci) in
+ (hcci,htcci)
+let (hcons1_constr, hcons1_types) = hcons_constr (hcons_names())
diff --git a/kernel/term.mli b/kernel/term.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5e5c081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/term.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: term.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+(*s The sorts of CCI. *)
+type contents = Pos | Null
+type sorts =
+ | Prop of contents (* Prop and Set *)
+ | Type of Univ.universe (* Type *)
+val mk_Set : sorts
+val mk_Prop : sorts
+val type_0 : sorts
+(*s The sorts family of CCI. *)
+type sorts_family = InProp | InSet | InType
+val family_of_sort : sorts -> sorts_family
+(*s Useful types *)
+(*s Existential variables *)
+type existential_key = int
+(*s Existential variables *)
+type metavariable = int
+(*s Case annotation *)
+type pattern_source = DefaultPat of int | RegularPat
+type case_style = LetStyle | IfStyle | MatchStyle | RegularStyle
+type case_printing =
+ { ind_nargs : int; (* number of real args of the inductive type *)
+ style : case_style;
+ source : pattern_source array }
+(* the integer is the number of real args, needed for reduction *)
+type case_info =
+ { ci_ind : inductive;
+ ci_npar : int;
+ ci_pp_info : case_printing (* not interpreted by the kernel *)
+ }
+(* The type of constructions *)
+type constr
+(* [eq_constr a b] is true if [a] equals [b] modulo alpha, casts,
+ and application grouping *)
+val eq_constr : constr -> constr -> bool
+(* [types] is the same as [constr] but is intended to be used where a
+ {\em type} in CCI sense is expected (Rem:plurial form since [type] is a
+ reserved ML keyword) *)
+type types = constr
+(*s Functions about [types] *)
+val type_app : (constr -> constr) -> types -> types
+val body_of_type : types -> constr
+(*s Functions for dealing with constr terms.
+ The following functions are intended to simplify and to uniform the
+ manipulation of terms. Some of these functions may be overlapped with
+ previous ones. *)
+(*s Term constructors. *)
+(* Constructs a DeBrujin index (DB indices begin at 1) *)
+val mkRel : int -> constr
+(* Constructs a Variable *)
+val mkVar : identifier -> constr
+(* Constructs an patvar named "?n" *)
+val mkMeta : metavariable -> constr
+(* Constructs an existential variable *)
+type existential = existential_key * constr array
+val mkEvar : existential -> constr
+(* Construct a sort *)
+val mkSort : sorts -> types
+val mkProp : types
+val mkSet : types
+val mkType : Univ.universe -> types
+(* Constructs the term [t1::t2], i.e. the term $t_1$ casted with the
+ type $t_2$ (that means t2 is declared as the type of t1). *)
+val mkCast : constr * types -> constr
+(* Constructs the product [(x:t1)t2] *)
+val mkProd : name * types * types -> types
+val mkNamedProd : identifier -> types -> types -> types
+(* non-dependant product $t_1 \rightarrow t_2$, an alias for
+ [(_:t1)t2]. Beware $t_2$ is NOT lifted.
+ Eg: A |- A->A is built by [(mkArrow (mkRel 0) (mkRel 1))] *)
+val mkArrow : types -> types -> constr
+(* Constructs the abstraction $[x:t_1]t_2$ *)
+val mkLambda : name * types * constr -> constr
+val mkNamedLambda : identifier -> types -> constr -> constr
+(* Constructs the product [let x = t1 : t2 in t3] *)
+val mkLetIn : name * constr * types * constr -> constr
+val mkNamedLetIn : identifier -> constr -> types -> constr -> constr
+(* [mkApp (f,[| t_1; ...; t_n |]] constructs the application
+ $(f~t_1~\dots~t_n)$. *)
+val mkApp : constr * constr array -> constr
+(* Constructs a constant *)
+(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
+val mkConst : constant -> constr
+(* Inductive types *)
+(* Constructs the ith (co)inductive type of the block named kn *)
+(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
+val mkInd : inductive -> constr
+(* Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the
+ block named kn. The array of terms correspond to the variables
+ introduced in the section *)
+val mkConstruct : constructor -> constr
+(* Constructs the term <p>Case c of c1 | c2 .. | cn end *)
+val mkCase : case_info * constr * constr * constr array -> constr
+(* If [recindxs = [|i1,|]]
+ [funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]]
+ [typarray = [|t1,|]]
+ [bodies = [|b1,|]]
+ then [ mkFix ((recindxs,i), funnames, typarray, bodies) ]
+ constructs the $i$th function of the block (counting from 0)
+ [Fixpoint f1 [ctx1] = b1
+ with f2 [ctx2] = b2
+ ...
+ with fn [ctxn] = bn.]
+ \noindent where the length of the $j$th context is $ij$.
+type rec_declaration = name array * types array * constr array
+type fixpoint = (int array * int) * rec_declaration
+val mkFix : fixpoint -> constr
+(* If [funnames = [|f1,.....fn|]]
+ [typarray = [|t1,|]]
+ [bodies = [b1,]] \par\noindent
+ then [mkCoFix (i, (typsarray, funnames, bodies))]
+ constructs the ith function of the block
+ [CoFixpoint f1 = b1
+ with f2 = b2
+ ...
+ with fn = bn.]
+ *)
+type cofixpoint = int * rec_declaration
+val mkCoFix : cofixpoint -> constr
+(*s Concrete type for making pattern-matching. *)
+(* [constr array] is an instance matching definitional [named_context] in
+ the same order (i.e. last argument first) *)
+type 'constr pexistential = existential_key * 'constr array
+type ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration =
+ name array * 'types array * 'constr array
+type ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint =
+ (int array * int) * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration
+type ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint =
+ int * ('constr, 'types) prec_declaration
+type ('constr, 'types) kind_of_term =
+ | Rel of int
+ | Var of identifier
+ | Meta of metavariable
+ | Evar of 'constr pexistential
+ | Sort of sorts
+ | Cast of 'constr * 'types
+ | Prod of name * 'types * 'types
+ | Lambda of name * 'types * 'constr
+ | LetIn of name * 'constr * 'types * 'constr
+ | App of 'constr * 'constr array
+ | Const of constant
+ | Ind of inductive
+ | Construct of constructor
+ | Case of case_info * 'constr * 'constr * 'constr array
+ | Fix of ('constr, 'types) pfixpoint
+ | CoFix of ('constr, 'types) pcofixpoint
+(* User view of [constr]. For [App], it is ensured there is at
+ least one argument and the function is not itself an applicative
+ term *)
+val kind_of_term : constr -> (constr, types) kind_of_term
+(* Experimental *)
+type ('constr, 'types) kind_of_type =
+ | SortType of sorts
+ | CastType of 'types * 'types
+ | ProdType of name * 'types * 'types
+ | LetInType of name * 'constr * 'types * 'types
+ | AtomicType of 'constr * 'constr array
+val kind_of_type : types -> (constr, types) kind_of_type
+(*s Simple term case analysis. *)
+val isRel : constr -> bool
+val isVar : constr -> bool
+val isInd : constr -> bool
+val isEvar : constr -> bool
+val isMeta : constr -> bool
+val isSort : constr -> bool
+val isCast : constr -> bool
+val isApp : constr -> bool
+val isConst : constr -> bool
+val isConstruct : constr -> bool
+val is_Prop : constr -> bool
+val is_Set : constr -> bool
+val isprop : constr -> bool
+val is_Type : constr -> bool
+val iskind : constr -> bool
+val is_small : sorts -> bool
+(*s Term destructors.
+ Destructor operations are partial functions and
+ raise [invalid_arg "dest*"] if the term has not the expected form. *)
+(* Destructs a DeBrujin index *)
+val destRel : constr -> int
+(* Destructs an existential variable *)
+val destMeta : constr -> metavariable
+(* Destructs a variable *)
+val destVar : constr -> identifier
+(* Destructs a sort. [is_Prop] recognizes the sort \textsf{Prop}, whether
+ [isprop] recognizes both \textsf{Prop} and \textsf{Set}. *)
+val destSort : constr -> sorts
+(* Destructs a casted term *)
+val destCast : constr -> constr * types
+(* Destructs the product $(x:t_1)t_2$ *)
+val destProd : types -> name * types * types
+(* Destructs the abstraction $[x:t_1]t_2$ *)
+val destLambda : constr -> name * types * constr
+(* Destructs the let $[x:=b:t_1]t_2$ *)
+val destLetIn : constr -> name * constr * types * constr
+(* Destructs an application *)
+val destApplication : constr -> constr * constr array
+(* ... removing casts *)
+val decompose_app : constr -> constr * constr list
+(* Destructs a constant *)
+val destConst : constr -> constant
+(* Destructs an existential variable *)
+val destEvar : constr -> existential
+(* Destructs a (co)inductive type *)
+val destInd : constr -> inductive
+(* Destructs a constructor *)
+val destConstruct : constr -> constructor
+(* Destructs a term <p>Case c of lc1 | lc2 .. | lcn end *)
+val destCase : constr -> case_info * constr * constr * constr array
+(* Destructs the $i$th function of the block
+ $\mathit{Fixpoint} ~ f_1 ~ [ctx_1] = b_1
+ \mathit{with} ~ f_2 ~ [ctx_2] = b_2
+ \dots
+ \mathit{with} ~ f_n ~ [ctx_n] = b_n$,
+ where the lenght of the $j$th context is $ij$.
+val destFix : constr -> fixpoint
+val destCoFix : constr -> cofixpoint
+(*s A {\em declaration} has the form (name,body,type). It is either an
+ {\em assumption} if [body=None] or a {\em definition} if
+ [body=Some actualbody]. It is referred by {\em name} if [na] is an
+ identifier or by {\em relative index} if [na] is not an identifier
+ (in the latter case, [na] is of type [name] but just for printing
+ purpose *)
+type named_declaration = identifier * constr option * types
+type rel_declaration = name * constr option * types
+val map_named_declaration :
+ (constr -> constr) -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
+val map_rel_declaration :
+ (constr -> constr) -> rel_declaration -> rel_declaration
+(* Constructs either [(x:t)c] or [[x=b:t]c] *)
+val mkProd_or_LetIn : rel_declaration -> types -> types
+val mkNamedProd_or_LetIn : named_declaration -> types -> types
+val mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn : named_declaration -> types -> types
+(* Constructs either [[x:t]c] or [[x=b:t]c] *)
+val mkLambda_or_LetIn : rel_declaration -> constr -> constr
+val mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn : named_declaration -> constr -> constr
+(*s Other term constructors. *)
+val abs_implicit : constr -> constr
+val lambda_implicit : constr -> constr
+val lambda_implicit_lift : int -> constr -> constr
+(* [applist (f,args)] and co work as [mkApp] *)
+val applist : constr * constr list -> constr
+val applistc : constr -> constr list -> constr
+val appvect : constr * constr array -> constr
+val appvectc : constr -> constr array -> constr
+(* [prodn n l b] = $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)b$
+ where $l = [(x_n,T_n);\dots;(x_1,T_1);Gamma]$ *)
+val prodn : int -> (name * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+(* [compose_prod l b] = $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)b$
+ where $l = [(x_n,T_n);\dots;(x_1,T_1)]$.
+ Inverse of [decompose_prod]. *)
+val compose_prod : (name * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+(* [lamn n l b] = $[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]b$
+ where $l = [(x_n,T_n);\dots;(x_1,T_1);Gamma]$ *)
+val lamn : int -> (name * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+(* [compose_lam l b] = $[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]b$
+ where $l = [(x_n,T_n);\dots;(x_1,T_1)]$.
+ Inverse of [decompose_lam] *)
+val compose_lam : (name * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+(* [to_lambda n l]
+ = $[x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]T$
+ where $l = (x_1:T_1)...(x_n:T_n)T$ *)
+val to_lambda : int -> constr -> constr
+(* [to_prod n l]
+ = $(x_1:T_1)...(x_n:T_n)T$
+ where $l = [x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]T$ *)
+val to_prod : int -> constr -> constr
+(* pseudo-reduction rule *)
+(* [prod_appvect] $(x1:B1;...;xn:Bn)B \rightarrow B[]$ *)
+val prod_appvect : constr -> constr array -> constr
+val prod_applist : constr -> constr list -> constr
+(*s Other term destructors. *)
+(* Transforms a product term $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)T$ into the pair
+ $([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$, where $T$ is not a product.
+ It includes also local definitions *)
+val decompose_prod : constr -> (name*constr) list * constr
+(* Transforms a lambda term $[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]T$ into the pair
+ $([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$, where $T$ is not a lambda. *)
+val decompose_lam : constr -> (name*constr) list * constr
+(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a product term
+ $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)T$
+ into the pair $([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T)$. *)
+val decompose_prod_n : int -> constr -> (name * constr) list * constr
+(* Given a positive integer $n$, transforms a lambda term
+ $[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]T$ into the pair $([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$ *)
+val decompose_lam_n : int -> constr -> (name * constr) list * constr
+(* [nb_lam] $[x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]c$ where $c$ is not an abstraction
+ gives $n$ (casts are ignored) *)
+val nb_lam : constr -> int
+(* similar to [nb_lam], but gives the number of products instead *)
+val nb_prod : constr -> int
+(* flattens application lists *)
+val collapse_appl : constr -> constr
+(* Removes recursively the casts around a term i.e.
+ [strip_outer_cast] (Cast (Cast ... (Cast c, t) ... ))] is [c]. *)
+val strip_outer_cast : constr -> constr
+(* Apply a function letting Casted types in place *)
+val under_casts : (constr -> constr) -> constr -> constr
+(*s Occur checks *)
+(* [closed0 M] is true iff [M] is a (deBruijn) closed term *)
+val closed0 : constr -> bool
+(* [noccurn n M] returns true iff [Rel n] does NOT occur in term [M] *)
+val noccurn : int -> constr -> bool
+(* [noccur_between n m M] returns true iff [Rel p] does NOT occur in term [M]
+ for n <= p < n+m *)
+val noccur_between : int -> int -> constr -> bool
+(* Checking function for terms containing existential- or
+ meta-variables. The function [noccur_with_meta] considers only
+ meta-variable applied to some terms (intented to be its local
+ context) (for existential variables, it is necessarily the case) *)
+val noccur_with_meta : int -> int -> constr -> bool
+(*s Relocation and substitution *)
+(* [exliftn el c] lifts [c] with lifting [el] *)
+val exliftn : Esubst.lift -> constr -> constr
+(* [liftn n k c] lifts by [n] indexes above [k] in [c] *)
+val liftn : int -> int -> constr -> constr
+(* [lift n c] lifts by [n] the positive indexes in [c] *)
+val lift : int -> constr -> constr
+(* [substnl [a1;...;an] k c] substitutes in parallel [a1],...,[an]
+ for respectively [Rel(k+1)],...,[Rel(k+n)] in [c]; it relocates
+ accordingly indexes in [a1],...,[an] *)
+val substnl : constr list -> int -> constr -> constr
+val substl : constr list -> constr -> constr
+val subst1 : constr -> constr -> constr
+val substl_decl : constr list -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
+val subst1_decl : constr -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
+val replace_vars : (identifier * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+val subst_var : identifier -> constr -> constr
+(* [subst_vars [id1;...;idn] t] substitute [VAR idj] by [Rel j] in [t]
+ if two names are identical, the one of least indice is keeped *)
+val subst_vars : identifier list -> constr -> constr
+(* [substn_vars n [id1;...;idn] t] substitute [VAR idj] by [Rel j+n-1] in [t]
+ if two names are identical, the one of least indice is keeped *)
+val substn_vars : int -> identifier list -> constr -> constr
+(* [subst_mps sub c] performs the substitution [sub] on all kernel
+ names appearing in [c] *)
+val subst_mps : substitution -> constr -> constr
+(*s Functionals working on the immediate subterm of a construction *)
+(* [fold_constr f acc c] folds [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]
+ starting from [acc] and proceeding from left to right according to
+ the usual representation of the constructions; it is not recursive *)
+val fold_constr : ('a -> constr -> 'a) -> 'a -> constr -> 'a
+(* [map_constr f c] maps [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it is
+ not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is
+ not specified *)
+val map_constr : (constr -> constr) -> constr -> constr
+(* [map_constr_with_binders g f n c] maps [f n] on the immediate
+ subterms of [c]; it carries an extra data [n] (typically a lift
+ index) which is processed by [g] (which typically add 1 to [n]) at
+ each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which
+ subterms are processed is not specified *)
+val map_constr_with_binders :
+ ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> constr) -> 'a -> constr -> constr
+(* [iter_constr f c] iters [f] on the immediate subterms of [c]; it is
+ not recursive and the order with which subterms are processed is
+ not specified *)
+val iter_constr : (constr -> unit) -> constr -> unit
+(* [iter_constr_with_binders g f n c] iters [f n] on the immediate
+ subterms of [c]; it carries an extra data [n] (typically a lift
+ index) which is processed by [g] (which typically add 1 to [n]) at
+ each binder traversal; it is not recursive and the order with which
+ subterms are processed is not specified *)
+val iter_constr_with_binders :
+ ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr -> unit) -> 'a -> constr -> unit
+(* [compare_constr f c1 c2] compare [c1] and [c2] using [f] to compare
+ the immediate subterms of [c1] of [c2] if needed; Cast's, binders
+ name and Cases annotations are not taken into account *)
+val compare_constr : (constr -> constr -> bool) -> constr -> constr -> bool
+val hcons_constr:
+ (kernel_name -> kernel_name) *
+ (dir_path -> dir_path) *
+ (name -> name) *
+ (identifier -> identifier) *
+ (string -> string)
+ ->
+ (constr -> constr) *
+ (types -> types)
+val hcons1_constr : constr -> constr
+val hcons1_types : types -> types
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:27 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Reduction
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Type_errors
+open Indtypes
+open Typeops
+let constrain_type env j cst1 = function
+ | None -> j.uj_type, cst1
+ | Some t ->
+ let (tj,cst2) = infer_type env t in
+ let cst3 =
+ try conv_leq env j.uj_type tj.utj_val
+ with NotConvertible -> error_actual_type env j tj.utj_val in
+ let typ =
+ if t = tj.utj_val then t else
+ (error "Kernel built a type different from its input\n";
+ flush stdout; tj.utj_val) in
+ typ, Constraint.union (Constraint.union cst1 cst2) cst3
+let translate_local_def env (b,topt) =
+ let (j,cst) = infer env b in
+ let (typ,cst) = constrain_type env j cst topt in
+ (j.uj_val,typ,cst)
+let translate_local_assum env t =
+ let (j,cst) = infer env t in
+ let t = Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j in
+ (t,cst)
+(* Same as push_named, but check that the variable is not already
+ there. Should *not* be done in Environ because tactics add temporary
+ hypothesis many many times, and the check performed here would
+ cost too much. *)
+let safe_push_named (id,_,_ as d) env =
+ let _ =
+ try
+ let _ = lookup_named id env in
+ error ("identifier "^string_of_id id^" already defined")
+ with Not_found -> () in
+ push_named d env
+let push_named_def = push_rel_or_named_def safe_push_named
+let push_rel_def = push_rel_or_named_def push_rel
+let push_rel_or_named_assum push (id,t) env =
+ let (j,cst) = safe_infer env t in
+ let t = Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j in
+ let env' = add_constraints cst env in
+ let env'' = push (id,None,t) env' in
+ (cst,env'')
+let push_named_assum = push_rel_or_named_assum push_named
+let push_rel_assum d env = snd (push_rel_or_named_assum push_rel d env)
+let push_rels_with_univ vars env =
+ List.fold_left (fun env nvar -> push_rel_assum nvar env) env vars
+(* Insertion of constants and parameters in environment. *)
+let infer_declaration env dcl =
+ match dcl with
+ | DefinitionEntry c ->
+ let (j,cst) = infer env c.const_entry_body in
+ let (typ,cst) = constrain_type env j cst c.const_entry_type in
+ Some (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val), typ, cst, c.const_entry_opaque
+ | ParameterEntry t ->
+ let (j,cst) = infer env t in
+ None, Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j, cst, false
+let build_constant_declaration env (body,typ,cst,op) =
+ let ids = match body with
+ | None -> global_vars_set env typ
+ | Some b ->
+ Idset.union
+ (global_vars_set env (Declarations.force b))
+ (global_vars_set env typ)
+ in
+ let hyps = keep_hyps env ids in
+ { const_body = body;
+ const_type = typ;
+ const_hyps = hyps;
+ const_constraints = cst;
+ const_opaque = op }
+(*s Global and local constant declaration. *)
+let translate_constant env ce =
+ build_constant_declaration env (infer_declaration env ce)
+let translate_recipe env r =
+ build_constant_declaration env (Cooking.cook_constant env r)
+(* Insertion of inductive types. *)
+let translate_mind env mie = check_inductive env mie
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: term_typing.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:27 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Univ
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Typeops
+val translate_local_def : env -> constr * types option ->
+ constr * types * Univ.constraints
+val translate_local_assum : env -> types ->
+ types * Univ.constraints
+val translate_constant : env -> constant_entry -> constant_body
+val translate_mind :
+ env -> mutual_inductive_entry -> mutual_inductive_body
+val translate_recipe :
+ env -> Cooking.recipe -> constant_body
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:27 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+(* Type errors. *)
+type guard_error =
+ (* Fixpoints *)
+ | NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody
+ | RecursionNotOnInductiveType
+ | RecursionOnIllegalTerm of int * constr * int list * int list
+ | NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall of int
+ (* CoFixpoints *)
+ | CodomainNotInductiveType of constr
+ | NestedRecursiveOccurrences
+ | UnguardedRecursiveCall of constr
+ | RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction of constr
+ | RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor of constr
+ | RecCallInTypeOfDef of constr
+ | RecCallInCaseFun of constr
+ | RecCallInCaseArg of constr
+ | RecCallInCasePred of constr
+ | NotGuardedForm of constr
+type arity_error =
+ | NonInformativeToInformative
+ | StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType
+ | WrongArity
+type type_error =
+ | UnboundRel of int
+ | UnboundVar of variable
+ | NotAType of unsafe_judgment
+ | BadAssumption of unsafe_judgment
+ | ReferenceVariables of constr
+ | ElimArity of inductive * types list * constr * unsafe_judgment
+ * (constr * constr * arity_error) option
+ | CaseNotInductive of unsafe_judgment
+ | WrongCaseInfo of inductive * case_info
+ | NumberBranches of unsafe_judgment * int
+ | IllFormedBranch of constr * int * constr * constr
+ | Generalization of (name * types) * unsafe_judgment
+ | ActualType of unsafe_judgment * types
+ | CantApplyBadType of
+ (int * constr * constr) * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment array
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional of unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment array
+ | IllFormedRecBody of guard_error * name array * int
+ | IllTypedRecBody of
+ int * name array * unsafe_judgment array * types array
+exception TypeError of env * type_error
+let nfj {uj_val=c;uj_type=ct} =
+ {uj_val=c;uj_type=nf_betaiota ct}
+let error_unbound_rel env n =
+ raise (TypeError (env, UnboundRel n))
+let error_unbound_var env v =
+ raise (TypeError (env, UnboundVar v))
+let error_not_type env j =
+ raise (TypeError (env, NotAType j))
+let error_assumption env j =
+ raise (TypeError (env, BadAssumption j))
+let error_reference_variables env id =
+ raise (TypeError (env, ReferenceVariables id))
+let error_elim_arity env ind aritylst c pj okinds =
+ raise (TypeError (env, ElimArity (ind,aritylst,c,pj,okinds)))
+let error_case_not_inductive env j =
+ raise (TypeError (env, CaseNotInductive j))
+let error_number_branches env cj expn =
+ raise (TypeError (env, NumberBranches (nfj cj,expn)))
+let error_ill_formed_branch env c i actty expty =
+ raise (TypeError (env,
+ IllFormedBranch (c,i,nf_betaiota actty, nf_betaiota expty)))
+let error_generalization env nvar c =
+ raise (TypeError (env, Generalization (nvar,c)))
+let error_actual_type env j expty =
+ raise (TypeError (env, ActualType (j,expty)))
+let error_cant_apply_not_functional env rator randl =
+ raise (TypeError (env, CantApplyNonFunctional (rator,randl)))
+let error_cant_apply_bad_type env t rator randl =
+ raise(TypeError (env, CantApplyBadType (t,rator,randl)))
+let error_ill_formed_rec_body env why lna i =
+ raise (TypeError (env, IllFormedRecBody (why,lna,i)))
+let error_ill_typed_rec_body env i lna vdefj vargs =
+ raise (TypeError (env, IllTypedRecBody (i,lna,vdefj,vargs)))
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index 00000000..2e8a7138
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: type_errors.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:27 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Environ
+(* Type errors. \label{typeerrors} *)
+(*i Rem: NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody should only occur with "/i" Fix
+ notation i*)
+type guard_error =
+ (* Fixpoints *)
+ | NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody
+ | RecursionNotOnInductiveType
+ | RecursionOnIllegalTerm of int * constr * int list * int list
+ | NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall of int
+ (* CoFixpoints *)
+ | CodomainNotInductiveType of constr
+ | NestedRecursiveOccurrences
+ | UnguardedRecursiveCall of constr
+ | RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction of constr
+ | RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor of constr
+ | RecCallInTypeOfDef of constr
+ | RecCallInCaseFun of constr
+ | RecCallInCaseArg of constr
+ | RecCallInCasePred of constr
+ | NotGuardedForm of constr
+type arity_error =
+ | NonInformativeToInformative
+ | StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType
+ | WrongArity
+type type_error =
+ | UnboundRel of int
+ | UnboundVar of variable
+ | NotAType of unsafe_judgment
+ | BadAssumption of unsafe_judgment
+ | ReferenceVariables of constr
+ | ElimArity of inductive * types list * constr * unsafe_judgment
+ * (constr * constr * arity_error) option
+ | CaseNotInductive of unsafe_judgment
+ | WrongCaseInfo of inductive * case_info
+ | NumberBranches of unsafe_judgment * int
+ | IllFormedBranch of constr * int * constr * constr
+ | Generalization of (name * types) * unsafe_judgment
+ | ActualType of unsafe_judgment * types
+ | CantApplyBadType of
+ (int * constr * constr) * unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment array
+ | CantApplyNonFunctional of unsafe_judgment * unsafe_judgment array
+ | IllFormedRecBody of guard_error * name array * int
+ | IllTypedRecBody of
+ int * name array * unsafe_judgment array * types array
+exception TypeError of env * type_error
+val error_unbound_rel : env -> int -> 'a
+val error_unbound_var : env -> variable -> 'a
+val error_not_type : env -> unsafe_judgment -> 'a
+val error_assumption : env -> unsafe_judgment -> 'a
+val error_reference_variables : env -> constr -> 'a
+val error_elim_arity :
+ env -> inductive -> types list -> constr
+ -> unsafe_judgment -> (constr * constr * arity_error) option -> 'a
+val error_case_not_inductive : env -> unsafe_judgment -> 'a
+val error_number_branches : env -> unsafe_judgment -> int -> 'a
+val error_ill_formed_branch : env -> constr -> int -> constr -> constr -> 'a
+val error_generalization : env -> name * types -> unsafe_judgment -> 'a
+val error_actual_type : env -> unsafe_judgment -> types -> 'a
+val error_cant_apply_not_functional :
+ env -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment array -> 'a
+val error_cant_apply_bad_type :
+ env -> int * constr * constr ->
+ unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment array -> 'a
+val error_ill_formed_rec_body :
+ env -> guard_error -> name array -> int -> 'a
+val error_ill_typed_rec_body :
+ env -> int -> name array -> unsafe_judgment array -> types array -> 'a
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index 00000000..66b2e24d
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:28 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Entries
+open Reduction
+open Inductive
+open Type_errors
+(* This should be a type (a priori without intension to be an assumption) *)
+let type_judgment env j =
+ match kind_of_term(whd_betadeltaiota env (body_of_type j.uj_type)) with
+ | Sort s -> {utj_val = j.uj_val; utj_type = s }
+ | _ -> error_not_type env j
+(* This should be a type intended to be assumed. The error message is *)
+(* not as useful as for [type_judgment]. *)
+let assumption_of_judgment env j =
+ try (type_judgment env j).utj_val
+ with TypeError _ ->
+ error_assumption env j
+let aojkey = Profile.declare_profile "assumption_of_judgment";;
+let assumption_of_judgment env j
+ = Profile.profile2 aojkey assumption_of_judgment env j;;
+(* Incremental typing rules: builds a typing judgement given the *)
+(* judgements for the subterms. *)
+(*s Type of sorts *)
+(* Prop and Set *)
+let judge_of_prop =
+ { uj_val = body_of_type mkProp;
+ uj_type = mkSort type_0 }
+let judge_of_set =
+ { uj_val = body_of_type mkSet;
+ uj_type = mkSort type_0 }
+let judge_of_prop_contents = function
+ | Null -> judge_of_prop
+ | Pos -> judge_of_set
+(* Type of Type(i). *)
+let judge_of_type u =
+ let uu = super u in
+ { uj_val = body_of_type (mkType u);
+ uj_type = mkType uu }
+(*s Type of a de Bruijn index. *)
+let judge_of_relative env n =
+ try
+ let (_,_,typ) = lookup_rel n env in
+ { uj_val = mkRel n;
+ uj_type = type_app (lift n) typ }
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_unbound_rel env n
+let relativekey = Profile.declare_profile "judge_of_relative";;
+let judge_of_relative env n =
+ Profile.profile2 relativekey judge_of_relative env n;;
+(* Type of variables *)
+let judge_of_variable env id =
+ try
+ let (_,_,ty) = lookup_named id env in
+ make_judge (mkVar id) ty
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_unbound_var env id
+(* Management of context of variables. *)
+(* Checks if a context of variable can be instanciated by the
+ variables of the current env *)
+(* TODO: check order? *)
+let rec check_hyps_inclusion env sign =
+ let env_sign = named_context env in
+ Sign.fold_named_context
+ (fun (id,_,ty1) () ->
+ let (_,_,ty2) = Sign.lookup_named id env_sign in
+ if not (eq_constr ty2 ty1) then
+ error "types do not match")
+ sign
+ ~init:()
+let check_args env c hyps =
+ let hyps' = named_context env in
+ try check_hyps_inclusion env hyps
+ with UserError _ | Not_found ->
+ error_reference_variables env c
+(* Checks if the given context of variables [hyps] is included in the
+ current context of [env]. *)
+let check_hyps id env hyps =
+ let hyps' = named_context env in
+ if not (hyps_inclusion env hyps hyps') then
+ error_reference_variables env id
+(* Instantiation of terms on real arguments. *)
+(* Type of constants *)
+let judge_of_constant env cst =
+ let constr = mkConst cst in
+ let _ =
+ let ce = lookup_constant cst env in
+ check_args env constr ce.const_hyps in
+ make_judge constr (constant_type env cst)
+let tockey = Profile.declare_profile "type_of_constant";;
+let type_of_constant env c
+ = Profile.profile3 tockey type_of_constant env c;;
+(* Type of a lambda-abstraction. *)
+(* [judge_of_abstraction env name var j] implements the rule
+ env, name:typ |- j.uj_val:j.uj_type env, |- (name:typ)j.uj_type : s
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ env |- [name:typ]j.uj_val : (name:typ)j.uj_type
+ Since all products are defined in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions
+ and no upper constraint exists on the sort $s$, we don't need to compute $s$
+let judge_of_abstraction env name var j =
+ { uj_val = mkLambda (name, var.utj_val, j.uj_val);
+ uj_type = mkProd (name, var.utj_val, j.uj_type) }
+(* Type of let-in. *)
+let judge_of_letin env name defj typj j =
+ { uj_val = mkLetIn (name, defj.uj_val, typj.utj_val, j.uj_val) ;
+ uj_type = type_app (subst1 defj.uj_val) j.uj_type }
+(* Type of an application. *)
+let judge_of_apply env funj argjv =
+ let rec apply_rec n typ cst = function
+ | [] ->
+ { uj_val = mkApp (j_val funj, j_val argjv);
+ uj_type = typ },
+ cst
+ | hj::restjl ->
+ (match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env typ) with
+ | Prod (_,c1,c2) ->
+ (try
+ let c = conv_leq env hj.uj_type c1 in
+ let cst' = Constraint.union cst c in
+ apply_rec (n+1) (subst1 hj.uj_val c2) cst' restjl
+ with NotConvertible ->
+ error_cant_apply_bad_type env
+ (n,c1, hj.uj_type)
+ funj argjv)
+ | _ ->
+ error_cant_apply_not_functional env funj argjv)
+ in
+ apply_rec 1
+ funj.uj_type
+ Constraint.empty
+ (Array.to_list argjv)
+(* Type of product *)
+let sort_of_product env domsort rangsort =
+ match (domsort, rangsort) with
+ (* Product rule (s,Prop,Prop) *)
+ | (_, Prop Null) -> rangsort
+ (* Product rule (Prop/Set,Set,Set) *)
+ | (Prop _, Prop Pos) -> rangsort
+ (* Product rule (Type,Set,?) *)
+ | (Type u1, Prop Pos) ->
+ if engagement env = Some ImpredicativeSet then
+ (* Rule is (Type,Set,Set) in the Set-impredicative calculus *)
+ rangsort
+ else
+ (* Rule is (Type_i,Set,Type_i) in the Set-predicative calculus *)
+ domsort
+ (* Product rule (Prop,Type_i,Type_i) *)
+ | (Prop _, Type _) -> rangsort
+ (* Product rule (Type_i,Type_i,Type_i) *)
+ | (Type u1, Type u2) -> Type (sup u1 u2)
+(* [judge_of_product env name (typ1,s1) (typ2,s2)] implements the rule
+ env |- typ1:s1 env, name:typ1 |- typ2 : s2
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ s' >= (s1,s2), env |- (name:typ)j.uj_val : s'
+ where j.uj_type is convertible to a sort s2
+let judge_of_product env name t1 t2 =
+ let s = sort_of_product env t1.utj_type t2.utj_type in
+ { uj_val = mkProd (name, t1.utj_val, t2.utj_val);
+ uj_type = mkSort s }
+(* Type of a type cast *)
+(* [judge_of_cast env (c,typ1) (typ2,s)] implements the rule
+ env |- c:typ1 env |- typ2:s env |- typ1 <= typ2
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ env |- c:typ2
+let judge_of_cast env cj tj =
+ let expected_type = tj.utj_val in
+ try
+ let cst = conv_leq env cj.uj_type expected_type in
+ { uj_val = mkCast (j_val cj, expected_type);
+ uj_type = expected_type },
+ cst
+ with NotConvertible ->
+ error_actual_type env cj expected_type
+(* Inductive types. *)
+let judge_of_inductive env i =
+ let constr = mkInd i in
+ let _ =
+ let (kn,_) = i in
+ let mib = lookup_mind kn env in
+ check_args env constr mib.mind_hyps in
+ make_judge constr (type_of_inductive env i)
+let toikey = Profile.declare_profile "judge_of_inductive";;
+let judge_of_inductive env i
+ = Profile.profile2 toikey judge_of_inductive env i;;
+(* Constructors. *)
+let judge_of_constructor env c =
+ let constr = mkConstruct c in
+ let _ =
+ let ((kn,_),_) = c in
+ let mib = lookup_mind kn env in
+ check_args env constr mib.mind_hyps in
+ make_judge constr (type_of_constructor env c)
+let tockey = Profile.declare_profile "judge_of_constructor";;
+let judge_of_constructor env cstr
+ = Profile.profile2 tockey judge_of_constructor env cstr;;
+(* Case. *)
+let check_branch_types env cj (lft,explft) =
+ try conv_leq_vecti env lft explft
+ with
+ NotConvertibleVect i ->
+ error_ill_formed_branch env cj.uj_val i lft.(i) explft.(i)
+ | Invalid_argument _ ->
+ error_number_branches env cj (Array.length explft)
+let judge_of_case env ci pj cj lfj =
+ let indspec =
+ try find_rectype env cj.uj_type
+ with Not_found -> error_case_not_inductive env cj in
+ let _ = check_case_info env (fst indspec) ci in
+ let (bty,rslty,univ) =
+ type_case_branches env indspec pj cj.uj_val in
+ let (_,kind) = dest_arity env pj.uj_type in
+ let lft = j_type lfj in
+ let univ' = check_branch_types env cj (lft,bty) in
+ ({ uj_val = mkCase (ci, (*nf_betaiota*) pj.uj_val, cj.uj_val,
+ j_val lfj);
+ uj_type = rslty },
+ Constraint.union univ univ')
+let tocasekey = Profile.declare_profile "judge_of_case";;
+let judge_of_case env ci pj cj lfj
+ = Profile.profile6 tocasekey judge_of_case env ci pj cj lfj;;
+(* Fixpoints. *)
+(* Checks the type of a general (co)fixpoint, i.e. without checking *)
+(* the specific guard condition. *)
+let type_fixpoint env lna lar vdefj =
+ let lt = Array.length vdefj in
+ assert (Array.length lar = lt);
+ try
+ conv_leq_vecti env
+ ( (fun j -> body_of_type j.uj_type) vdefj)
+ ( (fun ty -> lift lt ty) lar)
+ with NotConvertibleVect i ->
+ error_ill_typed_rec_body env i lna vdefj lar
+(* This combinator adds the universe constraints both in the local
+ graph and in the universes of the environment. This is to ensure
+ that the infered local graph is satisfiable. *)
+let univ_combinator (cst,univ) (j,c') =
+ (j,(Constraint.union cst c', merge_constraints c' univ))
+(* The typing machine. *)
+ (* ATTENTION : faudra faire le typage du contexte des Const,
+ Ind et Constructsi un jour cela devient des constructions
+ arbitraires et non plus des variables *)
+let rec execute env cstr cu =
+ match kind_of_term cstr with
+ (* Atomic terms *)
+ | Sort (Prop c) ->
+ (judge_of_prop_contents c, cu)
+ | Sort (Type u) ->
+ (judge_of_type u, cu)
+ | Rel n ->
+ (judge_of_relative env n, cu)
+ | Var id ->
+ (judge_of_variable env id, cu)
+ | Const c ->
+ (judge_of_constant env c, cu)
+ (* Lambda calculus operators *)
+ | App (f,args) ->
+ let (j,cu1) = execute env f cu in
+ let (jl,cu2) = execute_array env args cu1 in
+ univ_combinator cu2
+ (judge_of_apply env j jl)
+ | Lambda (name,c1,c2) ->
+ let (varj,cu1) = execute_type env c1 cu in
+ let env1 = push_rel (name,None,varj.utj_val) env in
+ let (j',cu2) = execute env1 c2 cu1 in
+ (judge_of_abstraction env name varj j', cu2)
+ | Prod (name,c1,c2) ->
+ let (varj,cu1) = execute_type env c1 cu in
+ let env1 = push_rel (name,None,varj.utj_val) env in
+ let (varj',cu2) = execute_type env1 c2 cu1 in
+ (judge_of_product env name varj varj', cu2)
+ | LetIn (name,c1,c2,c3) ->
+ let (j1,cu1) = execute env c1 cu in
+ let (j2,cu2) = execute_type env c2 cu1 in
+ let (_,cu3) = univ_combinator cu2 (judge_of_cast env j1 j2) in
+ let env1 = push_rel (name,Some j1.uj_val,j2.utj_val) env in
+ let (j',cu4) = execute env1 c3 cu3 in
+ (judge_of_letin env name j1 j2 j', cu4)
+ | Cast (c,t) ->
+ let (cj,cu1) = execute env c cu in
+ let (tj,cu2) = execute_type env t cu1 in
+ univ_combinator cu2
+ (judge_of_cast env cj tj)
+ (* Inductive types *)
+ | Ind ind ->
+ (judge_of_inductive env ind, cu)
+ | Construct c ->
+ (judge_of_constructor env c, cu)
+ | Case (ci,p,c,lf) ->
+ let (cj,cu1) = execute env c cu in
+ let (pj,cu2) = execute env p cu1 in
+ let (lfj,cu3) = execute_array env lf cu2 in
+ univ_combinator cu3
+ (judge_of_case env ci pj cj lfj)
+ | Fix ((vn,i as vni),recdef) ->
+ let ((fix_ty,recdef'),cu1) = execute_recdef env recdef i cu in
+ let fix = (vni,recdef') in
+ check_fix env fix;
+ (make_judge (mkFix fix) fix_ty, cu1)
+ | CoFix (i,recdef) ->
+ let ((fix_ty,recdef'),cu1) = execute_recdef env recdef i cu in
+ let cofix = (i,recdef') in
+ check_cofix env cofix;
+ (make_judge (mkCoFix cofix) fix_ty, cu1)
+ (* Partial proofs: unsupported by the kernel *)
+ | Meta _ ->
+ anomaly "the kernel does not support metavariables"
+ | Evar _ ->
+ anomaly "the kernel does not support existential variables"
+and execute_type env constr cu =
+ let (j,cu1) = execute env constr cu in
+ (type_judgment env j, cu1)
+and execute_recdef env (names,lar,vdef) i cu =
+ let (larj,cu1) = execute_array env lar cu in
+ let lara = (assumption_of_judgment env) larj in
+ let env1 = push_rec_types (names,lara,vdef) env in
+ let (vdefj,cu2) = execute_array env1 vdef cu1 in
+ let vdefv = j_val vdefj in
+ let cst = type_fixpoint env1 names lara vdefj in
+ univ_combinator cu2
+ ((lara.(i),(names,lara,vdefv)),cst)
+and execute_array env v cu =
+ let (jl,cu1) = execute_list env (Array.to_list v) cu in
+ (Array.of_list jl, cu1)
+and execute_list env l cu =
+ match l with
+ | [] ->
+ ([], cu)
+ | c::r ->
+ let (j,cu1) = execute env c cu in
+ let (jr,cu2) = execute_list env r cu1 in
+ (j::jr, cu2)
+(* Derived functions *)
+let infer env constr =
+ let (j,(cst,_)) =
+ execute env constr (Constraint.empty, universes env) in
+ let j = if j.uj_val = constr then { j with uj_val = constr } else
+ (error "Kernel built a body different from its input\n";
+ flush stdout; j) in
+ (j, cst)
+let infer_type env constr =
+ let (j,(cst,_)) =
+ execute_type env constr (Constraint.empty, universes env) in
+ (j, cst)
+let infer_v env cv =
+ let (jv,(cst,_)) =
+ execute_array env cv (Constraint.empty, universes env) in
+ (jv, cst)
+(* Typing of several terms. *)
+let infer_local_decl env id = function
+ | LocalDef c ->
+ let (j,cst) = infer env c in
+ (Name id, Some j.uj_val, j.uj_type), cst
+ | LocalAssum c ->
+ let (j,cst) = infer env c in
+ (Name id, None, assumption_of_judgment env j), cst
+let infer_local_decls env decls =
+ let rec inferec env = function
+ | (id, d) :: l ->
+ let env, l, cst1 = inferec env l in
+ let d, cst2 = infer_local_decl env id d in
+ push_rel d env, add_rel_decl d l, Constraint.union cst1 cst2
+ | [] -> env, empty_rel_context, Constraint.empty in
+ inferec env decls
+(* Exported typing functions *)
+let typing env c =
+ let (j,cst) = infer env c in
+ let _ = add_constraints cst env in
+ j
diff --git a/kernel/typeops.mli b/kernel/typeops.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffe9d861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/typeops.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: typeops.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:28 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Environ
+open Entries
+(*s Typing functions (not yet tagged as safe) *)
+val infer : env -> constr -> unsafe_judgment * constraints
+val infer_v : env -> constr array -> unsafe_judgment array * constraints
+val infer_type : env -> types -> unsafe_type_judgment * constraints
+val infer_local_decls :
+ env -> (identifier * local_entry) list
+ -> env * Sign.rel_context * constraints
+(*s Basic operations of the typing machine. *)
+(* If [j] is the judgement $c:t$, then [assumption_of_judgement env j]
+ returns the type $c$, checking that $t$ is a sort. *)
+val assumption_of_judgment : env -> unsafe_judgment -> types
+val type_judgment : env -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment
+(*s Type of sorts. *)
+val judge_of_prop_contents : contents -> unsafe_judgment
+val judge_of_type : universe -> unsafe_judgment
+(*s Type of a bound variable. *)
+val judge_of_relative : env -> int -> unsafe_judgment
+(*s Type of variables *)
+val judge_of_variable : env -> variable -> unsafe_judgment
+(*s type of a constant *)
+val judge_of_constant : env -> constant -> unsafe_judgment
+(*s Type of application. *)
+val judge_of_apply :
+ env -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment array
+ -> unsafe_judgment * constraints
+(*s Type of an abstraction. *)
+val judge_of_abstraction :
+ env -> name -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_judgment
+ -> unsafe_judgment
+(*s Type of a product. *)
+val judge_of_product :
+ env -> name -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment
+ -> unsafe_judgment
+(* s Type of a let in. *)
+val judge_of_letin :
+ env -> name -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment -> unsafe_judgment
+ -> unsafe_judgment
+(*s Type of a cast. *)
+val judge_of_cast :
+ env -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_type_judgment
+ -> unsafe_judgment * constraints
+(*s Inductive types. *)
+val judge_of_inductive : env -> inductive -> unsafe_judgment
+val judge_of_constructor : env -> constructor -> unsafe_judgment
+(*s Type of Cases. *)
+val judge_of_case : env -> case_info
+ -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment -> unsafe_judgment array
+ -> unsafe_judgment * constraints
+(* Typecheck general fixpoint (not checking guard conditions) *)
+val type_fixpoint : env -> name array -> types array
+ -> unsafe_judgment array -> constraints
+(* Kernel safe typing but applicable to partial proofs *)
+val typing : env -> constr -> unsafe_judgment
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d46609c8
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+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:28 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Universes are stratified by a partial ordering $\ge$.
+ Let $\~{}$ be the associated equivalence. We also have a strict ordering
+ $>$ between equivalence classes, and we maintain that $>$ is acyclic,
+ and contained in $\ge$ in the sense that $[U]>[V]$ implies $U\ge V$.
+ At every moment, we have a finite number of universes, and we
+ maintain the ordering in the presence of assertions $U>V$ and $U\ge V$.
+ The equivalence $\~{}$ is represented by a tree structure, as in the
+ union-find algorithm. The assertions $>$ and $\ge$ are represented by
+ adjacency lists *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+type universe_level =
+ { u_mod : Names.dir_path;
+ u_num : int }
+type universe =
+ | Variable of universe_level
+ | Max of universe_level list * universe_level list
+module UniverseOrdered = struct
+ type t = universe_level
+ let compare =
+let string_of_univ_level u =
+ Names.string_of_dirpath u.u_mod^"."^string_of_int u.u_num
+let make_univ (m,n) = Variable { u_mod=m; u_num=n }
+let string_of_univ = function
+ | Variable u -> string_of_univ_level u
+ | Max (gel,gtl) ->
+ "max("^
+ (String.concat ","
+ (( string_of_univ_level gel)@
+ ( (fun u -> "("^(string_of_univ_level u)^")+1") gtl)))^")"
+let pr_uni_level u = str (string_of_univ_level u)
+let pr_uni = function
+ | Variable u ->
+ pr_uni_level u
+ | Max (gel,gtl) ->
+ str "max(" ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_uni_level gel ++
+ if gel <> [] & gtl <> [] then pr_coma () else mt () ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma
+ (fun x -> str "(" ++ pr_uni_level x ++ str ")+1") gtl ++
+ str ")"
+(* Returns a fresh universe, juste above u. Does not create new universes
+ for Type_0 (the sort of Prop and Set).
+ Used to type the sort u. *)
+let super = function
+ | Variable u ->
+ Max ([],[u])
+ | Max _ ->
+ anomaly ("Cannot take the successor of a non variable universes:\n"^
+ "you are probably typing a type already known to be the type\n"^
+ "of a user-provided term; if you really need this, please report")
+(* returns the least upper bound of universes u and v. If they are not
+ constrained, then a new universe is created.
+ Used to type the products. *)
+let sup u v =
+ match u,v with
+ | Variable u, Variable v -> Max ((if u = v then [u] else [u;v]),[])
+ | Variable u, Max (gel,gtl) -> Max (list_add_set u gel,gtl)
+ | Max (gel,gtl), Variable v -> Max (list_add_set v gel,gtl)
+ | Max (gel,gtl), Max (gel',gtl') ->
+ Max (list_union gel gel',list_union gtl gtl')
+(* Comparison on this type is pointer equality *)
+type canonical_arc =
+ { univ: universe_level; gt: universe_level list; ge: universe_level list }
+let terminal u = {univ=u; gt=[]; ge=[]}
+(* A universe is either an alias for another one, or a canonical one,
+ for which we know the universes that are smaller *)
+type univ_entry =
+ Canonical of canonical_arc
+ | Equiv of universe_level * universe_level
+module UniverseMap = Map.Make(UniverseOrdered)
+type universes = univ_entry UniverseMap.t
+let enter_equiv_arc u v g =
+ UniverseMap.add u (Equiv(u,v)) g
+let enter_arc ca g =
+ UniverseMap.add ca.univ (Canonical ca) g
+let declare_univ u g =
+ if not (UniverseMap.mem u g) then
+ enter_arc (terminal u) g
+ else
+ g
+(* When typing Prop and Set, there is no constraint on the level,
+ hence the definition of prop_univ *)
+let initial_universes = UniverseMap.empty
+let prop_univ = Max ([],[])
+(* Every universe has a unique canonical arc representative *)
+(* repr : universes -> universe -> canonical_arc *)
+(* canonical representative : we follow the Equiv links *)
+let repr g u =
+ let rec repr_rec u =
+ let a =
+ try UniverseMap.find u g
+ with Not_found -> anomalylabstrm "Univ.repr"
+ (str"Universe " ++ pr_uni_level u ++ str" undefined")
+ in
+ match a with
+ | Equiv(_,v) -> repr_rec v
+ | Canonical arc -> arc
+ in
+ repr_rec u
+let can g = (repr g)
+(* transitive closure : we follow the Greater links *)
+(* collect : canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list * canonical_arc list *)
+(* collect u = (V,W) iff V={v canonical | u>v} W={w canonical | u>=w}-V *)
+(* i.e. collect does the transitive closure of what is known about u *)
+let collect g arcu =
+ let rec coll_rec gt ge = function
+ | [],[] -> (gt, list_subtractq ge gt)
+ | arcv::gt', ge' ->
+ if List.memq arcv gt then
+ coll_rec gt ge (gt',ge')
+ else
+ coll_rec (arcv::gt) ge ((can g (',ge')
+ | [], arcw::ge' ->
+ if (List.memq arcw gt) or (List.memq arcw ge) then
+ coll_rec gt ge ([],ge')
+ else
+ coll_rec gt (arcw::ge) (can g, (can g')
+ in
+ coll_rec [] [] ([],[arcu])
+(* reprgeq : canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list *)
+(* All canonical arcv such that arcu>=arcc with arcv#arcu *)
+let reprgeq g arcu =
+ let rec searchrec w = function
+ | [] -> w
+ | v :: vl ->
+ let arcv = repr g v in
+ if List.memq arcv w || arcu==arcv then
+ searchrec w vl
+ else
+ searchrec (arcv :: w) vl
+ in
+ searchrec []
+(* between : universe -> canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list *)
+(* between u v = {w|u>=w>=v, w canonical} *)
+(* between is the most costly operation *)
+let between g u arcv =
+ (* good are all w | u >= w >= v *)
+ (* bad are all w | u >= w ~>= v *)
+ (* find good and bad nodes in {w | u >= w} *)
+ (* explore b u = (b or "u is good") *)
+ let rec explore ((good, bad, b) as input) arcu =
+ if List.memq arcu good then
+ (good, bad, true) (* b or true *)
+ else if List.memq arcu bad then
+ input (* (good, bad, b or false) *)
+ else
+ let childs = reprgeq g arcu in
+ (* are any children of u good ? *)
+ let good, bad, b_childs =
+ List.fold_left explore (good, bad, false) childs
+ in
+ if b_childs then
+ arcu::good, bad, true (* b or true *)
+ else
+ good, arcu::bad, b (* b or false *)
+ in
+ let good,_,_ = explore ([arcv],[],false) (repr g u) in
+ good
+(* We assume compare(u,v) = GE with v canonical (see compare below).
+ In this case List.hd(between g u v) = repr u
+ Otherwise, between g u v = []
+ *)
+type order = EQ | GT | GE | NGE
+(* compare : universe -> universe -> order *)
+let compare g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u
+ and arcv = repr g v in
+ if arcu==arcv then
+ EQ
+ else
+ let (gt,geq) = collect g arcu in
+ if List.memq arcv gt then
+ GT
+ else if List.memq arcv geq then
+ GE
+ else
+(* Invariants : compare(u,v) = EQ <=> compare(v,u) = EQ
+ compare(u,v) = GT or GE => compare(v,u) = NGE
+ compare(u,v) = NGE => compare(v,u) = NGE or GE or GT
+ Adding u>=v is consistent iff compare(v,u) # GT
+ and then it is redundant iff compare(u,v) # NGE
+ Adding u>v is consistent iff compare(v,u) = NGE
+ and then it is redundant iff compare(u,v) = GT *)
+(* setgt : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* forces u > v *)
+let setgt g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ enter_arc {arcu with} g
+(* checks that non-redondant *)
+let setgt_if g u v = match compare g u v with
+ | GT -> g
+ | _ -> setgt g u v
+(* setgeq : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* forces u >= v *)
+let setgeq g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ enter_arc {arcu with} g
+(* checks that non-redondant *)
+let setgeq_if g u v = match compare g u v with
+ | NGE -> setgeq g u v
+ | _ -> g
+(* merge : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* we assume compare(u,v) = GE *)
+(* merge u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *)
+let merge g u v =
+ match between g u (repr g v) with
+ | arcu::v -> (* arcu is chosen as canonical and all others (v) are *)
+ (* redirected to it *)
+ let redirect (g,w,w') arcv =
+ let g' = enter_equiv_arc arcv.univ arcu.univ g in
+ (g',list_unionq w,')
+ in
+ let (g',w,w') = List.fold_left redirect (g,[],[]) v in
+ let g'' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgt_if g arcu.univ) g' w in
+ let g''' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgeq_if g arcu.univ) g'' w' in
+ g'''
+ | [] -> anomaly "Univ.between"
+(* merge_disc : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* we assume compare(u,v) = compare(v,u) = NGE *)
+(* merge_disc u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *)
+let merge_disc g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ let arcv = repr g v in
+ let g' = enter_equiv_arc arcv.univ arcu.univ g in
+ let g'' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgt_if g arcu.univ) g' in
+ let g''' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgeq_if g arcu.univ) g'' in
+ g'''
+(* Universe inconsistency: error raised when trying to enforce a relation
+ that would create a cycle in the graph of universes. *)
+exception UniverseInconsistency
+let error_inconsistency () = raise UniverseInconsistency
+(* enforcegeq : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* enforcegeq u v will force u>=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_geq u v g =
+ let g = declare_univ u g in
+ let g = declare_univ v g in
+ match compare g u v with
+ | NGE ->
+ (match compare g v u with
+ | GT -> error_inconsistency()
+ | GE -> merge g v u
+ | NGE -> setgeq g u v
+ | EQ -> anomaly "")
+ | _ -> g
+(* enforceq : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* enforceq u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_eq u v g =
+ let g = declare_univ u g in
+ let g = declare_univ v g in
+ match compare g u v with
+ | EQ -> g
+ | GT -> error_inconsistency()
+ | GE -> merge g u v
+ | NGE ->
+ (match compare g v u with
+ | GT -> error_inconsistency()
+ | GE -> merge g v u
+ | NGE -> merge_disc g u v
+ | EQ -> anomaly "")
+(* enforcegt u v will force u>v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_gt u v g =
+ let g = declare_univ u g in
+ let g = declare_univ v g in
+ match compare g u v with
+ | GT -> g
+ | GE -> setgt g u v
+ | EQ -> error_inconsistency()
+ | NGE ->
+ (match compare g v u with
+ | NGE -> setgt g u v
+ | _ -> error_inconsistency())
+let enforce_univ_relation g = function
+ | Equiv (u,v) -> enforce_univ_eq u v g
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=gt; ge=ge} ->
+ let g' = List.fold_right (enforce_univ_gt u) gt g in
+ List.fold_right (enforce_univ_geq u) ge g'
+(* Merging 2 universe graphs *)
+let merge_universes sp u1 u2 =
+ UniverseMap.fold (fun _ a g -> enforce_univ_relation g a) u1 u2
+(* Constraints and sets of consrtaints. *)
+type constraint_type = Gt | Geq | Eq
+type univ_constraint = universe_level * constraint_type * universe_level
+let enforce_constraint cst g =
+ match cst with
+ | (u,Gt,v) -> enforce_univ_gt u v g
+ | (u,Geq,v) -> enforce_univ_geq u v g
+ | (u,Eq,v) -> enforce_univ_eq u v g
+module Constraint = Set.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = univ_constraint
+ let compare =
+ end)
+type constraints = Constraint.t
+type constraint_function =
+ universe -> universe -> constraints -> constraints
+let enforce_gt u v c = Constraint.add (u,Gt,v) c
+let enforce_geq u v c =
+ match u with
+ | Variable u -> (match v with
+ | Variable v -> Constraint.add (u,Geq,v) c
+ | Max (l1, l2) ->
+ let d = List.fold_right (fun v -> Constraint.add (u,Geq,v)) l1 c in
+ List.fold_right (fun v -> Constraint.add (u,Gt,v)) l2 d)
+ | Max _ -> anomaly "A universe bound can only be a variable"
+let enforce_eq u v c =
+ match (u,v) with
+ | Variable u, Variable v -> Constraint.add (u,Eq,v) c
+ | _ -> anomaly "A universe comparison can only happen between variables"
+let merge_constraints c g =
+ Constraint.fold enforce_constraint c g
+(* Pretty-printing *)
+let num_universes g =
+ UniverseMap.fold (fun _ _ -> succ) g 0
+let num_edges g =
+ let reln_len = function
+ | Equiv _ -> 1
+ | Canonical {gt=gt;ge=ge} -> List.length gt + List.length ge
+ in
+ UniverseMap.fold (fun _ a n -> n + (reln_len a)) g 0
+let pr_arc = function
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=[]; ge=[]} ->
+ mt ()
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=gt; ge=ge} ->
+ pr_uni_level u ++ str " " ++
+ v 0
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun v -> str "> " ++ pr_uni_level v) gt ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun v -> str ">= " ++ pr_uni_level v) ge) ++
+ fnl ()
+ | Equiv (u,v) ->
+ pr_uni_level u ++ str " = " ++ pr_uni_level v ++ fnl ()
+let pr_universes g =
+ let graph = UniverseMap.fold (fun k a l -> (k,a)::l) g [] in
+ prlist (function (_,a) -> pr_arc a) graph
+(* Dumping constrains to a file *)
+let dump_universes output g =
+ let dump_arc _ = function
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=gt; ge=ge} ->
+ let u_str = string_of_univ_level u in
+ List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ Printf.fprintf output "%s > %s ;\n" u_str
+ (string_of_univ_level v))
+ gt;
+ List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ Printf.fprintf output "%s >= %s ;\n" u_str
+ (string_of_univ_level v))
+ ge
+ | Equiv (u,v) ->
+ Printf.fprintf output "%s = %s ;\n"
+ (string_of_univ_level u) (string_of_univ_level v)
+ in
+ UniverseMap.iter dump_arc g
+module Huniv =
+ Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = universe
+ type u = Names.dir_path -> Names.dir_path
+ let hash_aux hdir u = { u with u_mod=hdir u.u_mod }
+ let hash_sub hdir = function
+ | Variable u -> Variable (hash_aux hdir u)
+ | Max (gel,gtl) ->
+ Max ( (hash_aux hdir) gel, (hash_aux hdir) gtl)
+ let equal u v =
+ match u, v with
+ | Variable u, Variable v -> u == v
+ | Max (gel,gtl), Max (gel',gtl') ->
+ (List.for_all2 (==) gel gel') && (List.for_all2 (==) gtl gtl')
+ | _ -> false
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let hcons1_univ u =
+ let _,hdir,_,_,_ = Names.hcons_names() in
+ Hashcons.simple_hcons Huniv.f hdir u
diff --git a/kernel/univ.mli b/kernel/univ.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e15971eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/univ.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: univ.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:28 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Universes. *)
+type universe
+val prop_univ : universe
+val make_univ : Names.dir_path * int -> universe
+(* The type of a universe *)
+val super : universe -> universe
+(* The max of 2 universes *)
+val sup : universe -> universe -> universe
+(*s Graphs of universes. *)
+type universes
+(* The empty graph of universes *)
+val initial_universes : universes
+(*s Constraints. *)
+module Constraint : Set.S
+type constraints = Constraint.t
+type constraint_function = universe -> universe -> constraints -> constraints
+val enforce_geq : constraint_function
+val enforce_eq : constraint_function
+(*s Merge of constraints in a universes graph.
+ The function [merge_constraints] merges a set of constraints in a given
+ universes graph. It raises the exception [UniverseInconsistency] if the
+ constraints are not satisfiable. *)
+exception UniverseInconsistency
+val merge_constraints : constraints -> universes -> universes
+(*s Pretty-printing of universes. *)
+val pr_uni : universe -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pr_universes : universes -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val string_of_univ : universe -> string
+(*s Dumping to a file *)
+val dump_universes : out_channel -> universes -> unit
+val hcons1_univ : universe -> universe